Diabetes is one of the most common diseases that have quadrupled from 1980 according to World Health Organization. Diabetes is a chronic disease which is either caused due to genetics or poor eating habits or if your body failed to produce enough insulin. However, if the diabetic patient is taking medications and following a strict diet along with physical exercises then it can be controlled lifelong without any complications.
The number one cause of diabetes mellitus or simply known as diabetes is genetics. If it runs in the family then regular blood tests help to check the sugar levels and detect early if there are any abnormal levels. Other causes may be if your body produces less amount of insulin or if you have high carb diet and processed food with less or no physical activity.
TYPES OF DIABETES Basically, diabetes is divided into three types namely Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes mellitus. However, out of these three, the gestational diabetes occurs only to few women particularly during the pregnancy time like in their third trimester. Post-delivery the patient will not have any diabetes, but the doctors recommend to get a periodic blood tests to check the sugar levels as they may be slightly at higher risk to develop a type 1 or type 2 diabetes in future than the other women.
Type 1diabetes mostly occurs in young kids and adolescent though it may develop in adults too. This is also known as insulin dependent type of diabetes where the patient needs to take insulin to maintain a normal blood sugar level.
TYPE 2 DIABETES Mostly Type 2 diabetes show very few symptoms thus diligent care should be taken if you have any of the following symptoms like tingling sensations in your feet or hand, abnormal weight loss or gain, urge to urinate often, long time to heal cuts or vision problems. Your doctor will order the appropriate blood tests and put on medication according to your sugar level and in some cases he may advise to take insulin injection as well. For original source visit here: https://drlalpathlabs.wordpress.com/2019/03/28/types-of-diabetes/