Mini project 1

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1.INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1 2.OBJECTIVES……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4 3.THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK………………………………………………………………………………………....5 4. DESIGN OF A TASK-BASED PROJECT ………………………………………………………………………………8 5.REFLEXION……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9 6.CONCLUSIONS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 7.REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13 8.APPENDIX

2 1.Introduction During recent years, thanks to globalization, the English language has acquired relevance. In the case of Chile, there have been many changes through the last years in order to promote the learning of this language. The purpose behind those changes is that Chilean students will be able, at the end of high school, to communicate effectively in English. Despite all of this good intentions, this improvement project has not been effective. According to the report published by the English Proficiency Index (EF English Proficiency or EF EPI) of the institution Education First; which measures grammar, vocabulary, reading and listening comprehension through exams; Chile ranks # 42 in the world ranking of the English domain, obtaining a low level qualification in the language domain. As the communications manager of EF Chile points out, "Not only does it play against the issue of not knowing the language, but also the embarrassment that it means for many to make mistakes against other people" (JosĂŠ TomĂĄs de Larraechea, communications manager of EF Chile, 2014) who also mentions that the weakest area of the country is spoken language. ("International study places Chile among countries with low English proficiency - LA TERCERA", 2017) In the same way, the last English SIMCE of 2014 reaffirms this truth about our English proficiency as Chileans. There might be many factors why this has happened, however, always we have to come back to what happens in the classroom. No matter what the new MINEDUC policies are, the future of our students in terms of English proficiency will always fall into our hands as teachers. Is over this vision we understand that looking for more effective methods to teach the language is something vital to the future accomplishment of the MINEDUC goal of making Chile a bilingual country. Consequently, the Task Based Method studied during this semester becomes a practical tool to the accomplishment of this country project related to L2.

3 Therefore, in this work it will be presented the results of a class project where the Task Based Method was applied. In the Objectives chapter we explain what we were looking for at the moment of applying the method and the project in the class. Then, in the theoretical framework we clarify some basic terms and concepts which will be mentioned in this work. In the same way, we briefly explain the history of this method. Later, in the methodological chapter, it will be explained how the work was designed and finally, in the last chapter will be explained the conclusions after working with this method.

2. Objectives

4 1. Apply the task based method in a class project. 2. Evaluate the efficiency of the method in the context of a class project. 3. Integrate the assessment principles and methods into a class project.

Theoretical Framework

The purpose of this chapter is to provide proper definitions and an historical background regarding The Task Based Method which this project was developed over.


The theoretical part consists of four main chapters. Firstly, it is a chapter called Terms and definitions. Secondly, there is a chapter dealing with Approaches and Methods for Foreign Language Teaching. Thirdly, it is focus on Assessment. Next chapter is dedicated to Task Based Method used for a class project.

3.1Terms and definitions

This chapter is included in the work to provide proper definition about the concepts which are included in this short investigation

3.2Communicative Competence It is necessary to deepen the conceptualization of the communicative competence since its development is the main objective of the teaching of a foreign language.

Communicative competence it refers to: “the accomplished repertoire of speech acts, to take part in speech events, and to evaluate their accomplishment by others.� (Hymes 1972) In other words, it makes reference to the necessary linguistic knowledge that a speaker needs to interact and communicate effectively in a given situation.

Likewise, another key concept to deepen are Approach and Teaching Method. We will define an Approach as the underlying theory and the set of beliefs about the nature of language and its learning. (Nunan, 2003) These prescribe what materials and activities should be used, teaching methods, as they should be applied and also the role of the teacher in this process. Likewise, from the perspective of the students, the separate methods are established in the type of approach taken and what will be their role as an L2 learner in the classroom 3.3 Approaches and teaching methods history

6 In order to provide a clearer understanding of how the Task Based method originated, in this wok I have included a brief history of the different approaches and its methods.

We can divide the history of the approaches and methods into two stages: first, the Stage 1: Modern Language Teaching in Europe (1750–1920) and then the Stage 2: English Language Teaching beyond and within Europe (1920–2000+)

3.4. Stage 1: Modern Language Teaching in Europe (1750–1920)

3.5 Stage 2:


It was during The Communicative Period where the Task-based Language Teaching was born. From around 1970 the focus of language teaching started changed again. Now the purpose was not only acquire skills, but link them to the “real world�. In other words, learners using the language for meaningful purposes. Basically, the tasks prepares the students with the skills necessary, both productive and receptive, for communication in real life contexts outside the classroom. The umbrella under which the Task-based language teaching was born is the Communicative Approach. This was a product of sociolinguistics in the 1970s and its focus was the communicative competence. The aim was make you understood socially. In my opinion, this is the approach which is still used in most schools and is the theoretical background over which the English teaching policies and goals have been created. Finally, it is important to know there are newest approaches and methods being used today. One of those is the principled eclecticism which in from my point of view has started a new stage in ESL/EFL classes.

8 3. Design of a task based project and the evaluation of its contents with an alternative assessment (including the use of a rubric).

The first step of this process (planning) was about finding the necessity the students had regarding English skills. Therefore, through class observation I noticed the most noticeable need was oral skill. Then, by the teacher’s advice I worked with the phrasal verbs. I introduced the concept through a class where they had a first contact with the phrasal verbs. They were given a list of phrasal verbs in order to learn them and work with them. The second step (action) was the realization of a class project where they could apply in a real life context the lexical items studied. In this case, I chose to work with a radio play which would enabled them to work in teams and produce written as well oral English. They would work during three classes on the writing of a script. In this process I would check their work through a checklist. The third step (assessment) was to create an appropriate assessment tool, in this case I elaborated a holistic rubric to assess their work. The last step was the post-work assessment in order to know how much of the phrasal verbs they were able to use in a not rehearsal context. In this case, I created an activity with a Pilates ball in order to confirm this. They had to pass the ball among them, speaking out a phrasal verb.

4.Reflection of an assessment activity or test considering the 5 principles of assessment


9 The activity was a radio play written by the students. The purpose was assessing speaking, writing, and reading while also applying phrasal verbs already studied in previous classes. The students had to write in groups a radio play script through 3 classes. The student teacher would be a monitor of the work during those classes. The activity would start May 4th. Interpret At the beginning the activity looked attractive to them, however, I noticed they did not fully understand it. After a guide teacher recommendation, I brought examples for them to know what to do. This because the several explanations I gave them were not enough to clarify the activity. The student’s response at first was of confusion because although they had done something similar in another subject, they confused this with a play. Some of them actually asked me to create a play instead. Afterward, when they listened to and watched the examples, they were motivated, but due to an extracurricular activity with the cuartos medios we lost one key class where they would have started working on the scripts. The following class they were unmotivated and focus on studying for another test. In order to create pressure to work, I created a checklist to assess class work which did not help to motivate them either. In addition to all of this, there were many schedule changes because the students were absent due to school activities. This ended in a delayed in the date of the final presentation which ended being scheduled the same day it would be my supervision. At the end, the processes took more than three weeks which not only affected me as a student guide teacher but also their process. In retrospective, I failed in starting with the example and also being clear in the necessity of working each class in the script. I think I considered this would be a quick and easy way to assess many things at the same time but ended being a complicated task for most of them. Plus, I was not able to motivate them appropriately. Regarding practicality, at first, this activity looked perfect, because it would have required quite a little time of preparation and few resources as well from my perspective. Unfortunately, the school activities with the students prevented it. At the end, I consider this aspect of assessment was not achieved or apply for the activity. It took much more time than I considered at first, so valuable time and resources were lost in the process.

10 In respect to reliability, after applying this activity for the second time, now with a different group of students, I have concluded this aspect of assessment might be highly compromised. The reason is that the student related reliability is affected by this kind of activity. I saw it with both groups, but especially with this one. This kind of activity can not be done in one single class, therefore, the attitude and disposition towards work from the students will vary from class to class. In consequence, this will affect the outcome of the work, the learning process as well and quite probably their final mark. For instance, one of the students worked for all the classes, but the day of the presentation, he left the school claiming to be sick. Here evidently this aspect of the assessment of compromised and ended in that the student did not finish the process. On the other hand, the intra-rater reliability is also affected. The teacher not only is influenced by his/her opinion over the students but also is influenced by the length of the process and the way is done. No matter how many times I have heard that there are techniques to avoid this, teachers are humans with opinions and perceptions about other people (in this case the students). This perceptions and judgments related their students will affect the way he/she grades them. In relation to this, my guide teacher told me that as a teacher I should be always fair, but I think that is not possible. No matter how much you try, at some degree, you will not. Therefore, in relation to this activity, this factor is something to consider thoughtfully before applying it with the students. As for, inter-rater reliability this is was not affected, because of both of us, the guide teacher and I, had the same opinion regarding the final scores and the previous process. Now in relation to validity I consider applies to the activity, this was valid because the task was in relation to their previous knowledge and according to their English level. Face validity varied through the process though, but at the end, the washback changed this and the end. I explained each of them why they were graded that way which helps them to conclude the process understanding their weaknesses and strengths at the moment of facing a task like this. Only one student looked disappointed and frustrated with the final mark. Her perceptions of her own work were not realistic and this influenced her attitude. Finally, concerning authenticity, it seems to me that this task was authentic because it connected the students with their real world. They could write about anything and despite they wrote fantastic stories, nevertheless those stories had a strong connection to their reality and teenager world.

11 In conclusion, I consider this task is viable while considering the previous factors mentioned and supported by a well-constructed rubric. In general, I think there was a learning process, but the aim of applying and using phrasal verbs was not achieved as I will explain in my project inform.

Alternatives/ evaluation

Afterward, I think in the future I will establish first the work expectations and consequences in case of not achieving it. Also, I will pay attention to the rubric construction and to the time required. Finally, I will start giving examples to teach how to before assuming the students will understand easily what they have to do.

3. Conclusions Regarding the radio play itself the conclusions are good. I think most of them were able to use the phrasal in this context. However after the activity was done, during the Pilates ball activity I noticed, most of them were unable to remember no more than three phrasal verbs. This might be because they are used to be told what to do, the previous work had

12 been a scheduled one and they had time to think and look for the words in the list they had been given previously. The problems appear when they want to produce English or in this case, just remember a phrasal verb in a different context. They are also used to more formal contexts like tests where they are assess. Thinking about this, I think maybe the method is not the right one for the purpose of teaching them vocabulary. I understand the idea is they construct their learning, but in this case, it was too temporal. Probably in a few months they will not remember anything of this. I would tried another kind of method to teach them vocabulary. Despite this, I think activities like the one they developed, can improve their communicative ability. It gives them the opportunity to test themselves and take risks in a controlled environment to then, do it in the real world outside the classroom. From this perspective, I think this activity was a success.

6. References

1. Hymes, Dell H. (1972). “On communicative competence�. In Pride, J.B.; Holmes, J. Sociolinguistics: selected readings.

13 2. Estudio internacional sitúa a Chile entre los países con bajo dominio del idioma inglés - LA TERCERA. (2017). La Tercera. Retrieved 12 June 2017, from 3. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English language teaching. USA: McGraw-Hill Company.


Radio Play Rubric


Exemplary (4) Sound effects are realistic, well timed, and essential to the play’s success.

Sound effects are only somewhat realistic, well timed, and essential to the play’s success.

Plot has a distinct beginning, middle, and end.

Plot has a recognizable beginning, middle, and end.

Sound Effects


Class Work

Great (3)

No errors in spelling. Grammar, Some errors in punctuation, dialogue spelling, Grammar, structure is varied and punctuation. interesting. Formatting Attempt made in required is correct. style. Few errors in The final script is formatting. The printed. final script is printed. Students actively give Students give some ideas for making the ideas for making the story and dialogue. story and dialogue.

Good (2)

Fair (1)

Sound effects are used but not an important feature of the play. They are somewhat unrealistic and do not further the play’s success.

Sound effects are not used or unrecognizable and do not contribute to the play’s success.

Plot does not present a Plot has little to know clear beginning, middle, evidence of and end. Intentional structure. Many grammar mistakes, Riddled with errors or spelling, punctuation errors/missing elements. cannot read play because of grammar The final script is hand mistakes, spelling errors, punctuation written. interfere with 5 phrasal verbs were comprehension. There is no final script. used. Students give a few ideas Students give very few for making the story and ideas or none ideas for dialogue. the story and dialogue.

Students participate Students participate in Students do not actively in group or on several times in group participate much in the his/her own to finish or on his/her own to making of the story and the story and dialogue.finish the story and dialogue. dialogue

Students do not participate at all in the making of the story and dialogue.


Play was entertaining, held listeners’ attention, and smoothly incorporated sound effects and transitions.


Play was entertaining, held listener’s attention, and incorporated sound effects and commercials at the appropriate times.

1 or less errors were made in the performance of the script. Pronunciation is fluid and allows a 2 or less errors clear understanding were made, but of the play. group continued the performance. Pronunciation is fluid and allows a clear All group members understanding of were invested in the play. their role and demonstrated their ability to work All group cohesively before members the presentation day seemed invested

Play was somewhat

Play was not very

entertaining, didn’t consistently capture the listener’s attention, and poorly timed sound effects and transitions.

entertaining, didn’t capture the listener’s attention, and failed to integrate sound effects or transitions.

3 or less errors were made that impacted the performance quality. Pronunciation is not fluid and made difficult to understand the play.

Group members did not take responsibility for their individual roles or showed resistance working together before the presentation

More than 5 errors were made that negatively impacted the performance quality. Pronunciation is not fluid and does not allow a clear understanding of the play.

Group members did not take responsibility for their individual roles or refused to

Names:___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________



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