Radio play rubric

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Radio Play Rubric Exemplary (4)

Sound Effects


Class Work

Great (3)

Sound effects are realistic, well timed, and essential to the play’s success.

Sound effects are only somewhat realistic, well timed, and essential to the play’s success.

Plot has a distinct beginning, middle, and end.

Plot has a recognizable beginning, middle, and end.

Good (2)

Fair (1)

Sound effects are used but not an important feature of the play. They are somewhat unrealistic and do not further the play’s success.

Sound effects are not used or unrecognizable and do not contribute to the play’s success.

Plot does not present a Plot has little to know clear beginning, middle, evidence of Intentional structure. and end.

No errors in spelling. Grammar, Some errors in punctuation, dialogue spelling, Grammar, structure is varied and punctuation. interesting. Formatting Attempt made in required is correct. style. Few errors in The final script is formatting. The printed. final script is printed. 10 or more Phrasal 10 or 8 phrasal verbs were used. verbs were used.

Many grammar mistakes, Riddled with errors or cannot read play spelling, punctuation errors/missing elements. because of grammar The final script is hand mistakes, spelling errors, punctuation written. interfere with 5 phrasal verbs were comprehension. There is used. no final script. 5 or less phrasal verbs were used.

Students actively give Students give some ideas for making the ideas for making the story and dialogue. story and dialogue.

Students give a few ideas Students give very few for making the story and ideas or none ideas for dialogue. the story and dialogue.

Students participate Students participate in Students do not actively in group or on several times in group participate much in the his/her own to finish or on his/her own to making of the story and the story and dialogue. finish the story and dialogue. dialogue

Students do not participate at all in the making of the story and dialogue.

Play was entertaining, held listeners’ attention, and smoothly incorporated sound effects and transitions.


1 or less errors were made in the performance of the script. Pronunciation is fluid and allows a clear understanding of the play. All group members were invested in their role and demonstrated their ability to work cohesively before the presentation day and during the final performance.

Play was entertaining, held listener’s attention, and incorporated sound effects and commercials at the appropriate times. 2 or less errors were made, but group continued the performance. Pronunciation is fluid and allows a clear understanding of the play.

Play was somewhat entertaining, didn’t consistently capture the listener’s attention, and poorly timed sound effects and transitions.

Play was not very entertaining, didn’t capture the listener’s attention, and failed to integrate sound effects or transitions.

3 or less errors were made that impacted the performance quality. Pronunciation is not fluid and made difficult to understand the play.

More than 5 errors were made that negatively impacted the performance quality. Pronunciation is not fluid and does not allow a clear understanding of the play.

Group members did not take responsibility for their individual roles All group or showed resistance members working together seemed invested before the presentation in the project and day and during the worked well together final performance. before the day of the presentation and during the final performance.

Group members did not take responsibility for their individual roles or refused to work with others.

Names:__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Comments:

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