Beta Breeze Beta Zeta
University of Maine
JAN 15 1963 Fall, 1962
Pledging Program Brings Success The fact that pledging was路 a genuine success this year may be largely attributed to the effectiveness of our pledging program, through which the men were taught the ideals and responsibilities which would be required of them as Lambda Chi brothers. Our pledging program has also been largely responsible for several house improvements, namely, construction of new tables for the game room, building a wood box in which to store fire-place wood, and complete renovation of the washroom.
Most Recent View of the House
Report From The High Alpha
Founder's Day VVeekend Planned
The Lambda Chi's came back to campus this fall with a high level of achievement to maintain.
There are no accomplishments more worthy than the birth of ideals which have the qualities to inspire men to finer activities and bind them together in a noble cause. We celebrate Founder's Day as the birthday of our Fraternity's ritualistic teachings rather than the actual founding of the Fraternity, which occurred on November 2, 1909. The achievements of the second national assembly held in Boston, Massachusetts, on March 22, 1913, are annually celebrated on Founder's Day. It has been traditional here at Beta Zeta to hold a Founder's Day banquet for our alumni. This celebration not only affords us the opportlJ4ity to observe .the anniversary of the 2founding of our fraternity, but it also is a time when the alumni ties can be strengthened. This 路year Lambda Chi Alpha is celebrating its 50th anniversary. We at Beta Zeta are making an increased effort for a successful Founder's Day celebration. We .are planning on im Alumni Weekend rather than a Sun'* '路'
The 1961-62 school year was one of the most successful in our history, and we are well aware of the work it will take to stay on top. We were first on campus in scholarship last semester and rather than rest on our laurels, we have increased our emphasis on scholarship. The twenty-man pledge class, which we initiated in October, is proving itself to be a dedicated group of Lambda Chi's, and I am certain that they will carry on the Lambda Chi reputation as a leading house on . campus. The two greatest problems which we face right now are alumni relations and housing. Action is being taken to improve ourselves in both of these areas. The small corps of loyal Lambda Chi's who make up the officers of
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On October 28 of this year we held formal initiation for twenty sophomores: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Hank Schmelzer-822 Bruce Bayuk-823 Charles Little-824 Albert Sargent-825 David Brooks-826 Edward Leavitt-827 John J akubowycz-828 Fred Hussey-829 Thomas Coonly-830 John Welch-831 Stan Clarke-832 Jack Holmes-833 路 William Swetland-834 John Folley-835 Rod Cross-836 Richard Larrabee-837 Gemge White-838 Douglas Merrifield-839 Richard Kennedy-840 Richard N olan-841
We have been associated with these new brothers since last spring and feel that they have much to contribute to Beta Zeta. These men are now taking a vigorous part in our activities, and we are sure that they will uphold the well-known Lambda Chi traditions.
Beta Breeze
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House Officers Kinsey Fearon Allan Ingraham Stephen Fernald Judson Keller Tom Edge Roger Lowell Bruce Buckley Larry Emery Larry Emery Ken Beal Keith Burden
Social Activities
High Alpha High Beta High Gamma High Tau High Kappa High Delta High Epsilon Correspondent Parliamentarian House Manager Steward
Rushing Program Our rushing program this year differs from the system used in past years. The rushing of freshmen started six weeks after the opening of school and continues throughout the semester. As before, freshmen can not. be officially pledged until the second week of the second semester. This new rushing program gives the freshmen a better chance to see the fraternities, and it gives us a better chance to pick the best men in the freshman -elass..--------- -- 路 - -- - We are rushing at present and expect to pledge fine men who will maintain our status as one of the best fraternities on the "Maine" campus.
HIGH ALPHA Continued from Page 1 the house corporation have been invaluable in offering help and advice to us. Presently, a committee is studying the possibilities of renovating our house and adding on to it. Our problem of improving alumni relations is primarily one of communications, and we feel that an increased number of Beta Breezes along with providing more information for the Cross and the Crescent will be a big step in the right direction. We are looking forward to seeing all of you for the Founder's Day celebration. If there are any questions concerning conditions or activities at Beta Zeta, I will welcome your letters and do my best to answer them individually. Yours in ZAX, KINsEY "Doc" FEARON High Alpha
This fall Beta Zeta has had a full social schedule. We opened the social calendar on Homecoming weekend with a jam session after the game, followed by a buffet supper. Later in the evening we had a regular party during which the alumni contributed much to the convivial atmosphere. Our fall house party was held on November 2nd and thee "&ignets", a campus group, provided musical notes for the dancing. Mr. and Mrs. George W adlin were our guests and chaperones at the party. The following evening (Saturday) a spaghetti dinner was served by the newly formed "Sweethearts' Club", after which dancing and singing continued well into the evening. We are anticipating with pleasure our major house parties during the spring semester. These will include a "Gay Nineties Party", a Toga Party, and the Spring House Party. In the meantime we shall enjoy social gettogethers on weekends.
New Cook This fall we were heartily- wel路 corned back to campus by the tasty meals of our new cook, Chuck Perkins. Chuck is not only an .asset to Beta Zeta as an outstanding cook, but since he is young and not long married, he and his wife are frequently present at our parties. Chuck is a good man to have in any kitchen and we hope to ben~fit from his services for a long time.
Fall 196.2
Campus Activities Beta Zeta is well represented in the student offices this year by Bud French ably administering as Senate President and Hank Schmelzer holding down the job of Sophomore Class President. Among the Sophomore Owls, the non-academic honor society which helps during Freshman orientation in the fall and contributes to various campus activities during the year, are Bruce Bayuk, John Jakubowycz, and Hank Schmelzer. The Pershing Rifles, national military honors organization, has on its staff Cadet Lieutenant Rod Cross, pledge trainer, and Al Sargent, finance and supply officer. Other Beta Zeta representatives are Cadet Sergeant Jack Holmes, platoon sergeant, and Geo路rge White, staff assistant, who are headed for staff positions in the coming year. Ken Beal and Al Sargent are among the top shooters on the Varsity Rifle Team, as shown by their performance in the recent win over Bowdoin College. Defeated by a slim margin in the playoffs, we did not qualify for the finals in intramural football, but we are looking forward to a good basketball season with a promising team. Recently organized with "Ma's" help, the Beta Zeta Sweethearts' Club will be helping out during the year in preparations for路 parties, and in general add "the woman's touch" around the house.
House Mother Beta Zeta is proud of its new house mother, Mrs. June Harris from Ellsworth, Maine. Mrs. Harris came to us following the death of our former house mother, Mrs. Harrington. Not only is Mrs. Harris a fine mother to her "boys", but she still enjoys participating in outside activities with other house mothers. "Ma" displayed her skill with a needle and thread by helping us make ceremonial robes for formal initiations. She has proven herself an able and friendly chaperone, and an indispensable part of Beta Zeta life.
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Beta路 Breeze
Alumni Relations Need Strengthening It is our opinion that Beta Zeta is a very strong chapter in every aspect except that of Alumni relations. Throughout past years the relationship between the actives and the alumni has deteriorated. We realize that this is entirely our fault. We have recently spent many hours bringing alumni addresses up to date. This year is probably the first time that many of you have heard from us in years. For this we apologize and ask that you give us a chance to show you that Beta Zeta is still a chapter of which its alumni should be proud. At a meeting of the Beta Zeta corporation which was held during Homecoming Weekend, a committee of two actives (Judson Keller and Kinsey Fearon) and two alumni (Ronald Bishop and David Byron) was set up to help strengthen our alumni bonds. I am sure you will hear from this committee in the near future, and I urge you to give them your full cooperation. First I would like to pay tribute to a couple of alumni who we, the brothers of Beta Zeta, feel have contributed tremendously to our Chapter's success this year. These Alumni, Brother Ron Bishop and Brother George Wadlin, have faithfully attended our regular meetings and have presented suggestions that have aided us in running our fraternity as a cohesive unit with closely knit bonds. Brother Bishop also serves Beta Zeta as president of the corporation which is responsible for many recent improvements inside the house. Brother W adlin has generously offered his services as a chap-
FOUNDER'S DAY Continued frbm Page 1 , o day banquet. The exact weekend is not definite yet, but you will be informed of the date. Founder's Day is a day of rededicating yourself to your fraternity and its ideals. We are looking forward to an enjoyable and worthwhile weekend.
Betas Win Interfraternity Scholarship Trophy erone for our house parties. Since chaperones are very hard to come by, this is very important in upholding our reputation as the top social fraternity on campus. We the brothers of Beta Zeta deeply appreciate the services extended by Brother Bishop and Brother W adlin. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to those of you who answered our letters in request of Alumni information for the Beta Breeze. It was through your response that the following was made possible. ', 1920's AND BEFORE Brother Gordon Brewster left school in '1918 to serve in World War I. During the past year he has had contact with alumni John Williams, Maynard Rollins, and Horace Bracy. He. has done much to )help路 educa" tional facilities ,at th_e University of
Maine since he became state senator. 1940's In reply to our letter to the alumni this fall, we received a nice letter from Brother D. R. Cowan who is employed by the American Can Company of Canada. Originally in the class of '44, Brother Cowan graduated in December of 1943 due to the accelerated graduation date as a result of the war. Brother Cowan served as house steward while in the fraternity. During his stay at the University, Uncle Sam seized the fraternity house for military use. According to Brother Cowan a small group of Betas moved to a house on North Main Street in Orono and maintained their close relationship for the duration of their college years.
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Beta Breeze
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Alumni Continued from Page 3 1950's Brother Richard Newdick who replied to our request from the alumni is norw a pai't-time speech teacher and is working for his Ph.D. at Purdue, Indiana. Brother N ewdick has had contact with various alumni in the past year. Included are his own brothers, Bob and Bill, who were members of Beta Zeta. Last year Brother N ewdick met alumnus Brother George Shaw ('54) who is a sales manager for Wiedemann Baldwin Machine Company in Chicago. On his way to Maine last August, he came in contact with Harold Emes who resides in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. As man路 ager of a furniture company, Brother Newdick has also had correspondence with Cliff Card, Punk Track, Ed Lewis, and Charlie Barrett. Bmther Newdick has also expended his efforts to Lambda Chi chapters in West Virginia, where he was an instructor for three years, and now he associates with the Lambda Chi's at Pu.rdue. Brother Richard N ewdick served as High Gamma of Beta Zeta in 1952 and graduated in 1954. Brother Bill Ruff replied to our request and we find that he has had contact with Milton Christie and
From: LAMBDA CHI ALPHA College Avenue University of Maine Orono, Maine
Fall 1962
Jerry PaQag,alus during the last year. Brother'垄 Christie is married and is working for Knox Woolens in Camden, Maine. Brother Panagalus is also married and he is working in Manchester, Conn. Brother Ruff is employed by an insurance company in Concord, New Hampshire. He and his wife have a daughter, Julianne. Brother Ruff graduated with the class of '56 and served as Social Chairman while in the house. Brother H. W. "Windy" Perkins, class of '51, recently renewed acquaintances with the active Betas when he visited the house while returning from a hunting trip to Deblois, Maine. Brother Perkins and his party of five bagged five deer which was not a bad average for the hunting trip. Brother Perkins and his wife plan to visit the Maine campus again in the near future.
OTHER ALUMNI REPLYING Ralph Blanchard 1913, Earle Ferren 1920, Andrew Adams 19-21, Harold Blackwood 1923, W. H. Wellington 1923, Mele Miles 1923, George Lord 1924, Ken Woodbury 1924, C. S. Collins 1925, Russel Snow 1926, Carl Bischoff 1926, Oscar Wyman 1926, John Wight 1933, Robert Ohler, M.D. 1937, Millard Boss 1943, J. E. Colcord 1944, J. Robert Cameron 1940, William Bronsdt 1943 .( accelerated), Stu Cowell 1951, Irvin. Carson 1951, Harold Buck 1952, Ronald Bishop 1953, Bill Meyer 1954, H. Victor McG'otfuick 路 1950, Abbott Mosher 1955, Richard Nevers 1956, Milton Christi. 路1956, Ross Wym~n 1957, Paul Meyor 1958, Terry Roberts 1958, Sal Garro 1960, John Schue 1960 (dismissed), Leo Moraurk 1960, Frank Banks 1960, Jeff LaCroix 1962 (dismissed-attending Cornell), Raymond Scheppach 1962, David Fall 1962.
If your mailing address below 1s incorrect, please return the correct address to Beta Zeta.
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