Beta Breeze Beta Zeta
University of Maine
JAN 15 1963 Fall, 1962
Pledging Program Brings Success The fact that pledging was路 a genuine success this year may be largely attributed to the effectiveness of our pledging program, through which the men were taught the ideals and responsibilities which would be required of them as Lambda Chi brothers. Our pledging program has also been largely responsible for several house improvements, namely, construction of new tables for the game room, building a wood box in which to store fire-place wood, and complete renovation of the washroom.
Most Recent View of the House
Report From The High Alpha
Founder's Day VVeekend Planned
The Lambda Chi's came back to campus this fall with a high level of achievement to maintain.
There are no accomplishments more worthy than the birth of ideals which have the qualities to inspire men to finer activities and bind them together in a noble cause. We celebrate Founder's Day as the birthday of our Fraternity's ritualistic teachings rather than the actual founding of the Fraternity, which occurred on November 2, 1909. The achievements of the second national assembly held in Boston, Massachusetts, on March 22, 1913, are annually celebrated on Founder's Day. It has been traditional here at Beta Zeta to hold a Founder's Day banquet for our alumni. This celebration not only affords us the opportlJ4ity to observe .the anniversary of the 2founding of our fraternity, but it also is a time when the alumni ties can be strengthened. This 路year Lambda Chi Alpha is celebrating its 50th anniversary. We at Beta Zeta are making an increased effort for a successful Founder's Day celebration. We .are planning on im Alumni Weekend rather than a Sun'* '路'
The 1961-62 school year was one of the most successful in our history, and we are well aware of the work it will take to stay on top. We were first on campus in scholarship last semester and rather than rest on our laurels, we have increased our emphasis on scholarship. The twenty-man pledge class, which we initiated in October, is proving itself to be a dedicated group of Lambda Chi's, and I am certain that they will carry on the Lambda Chi reputation as a leading house on . campus. The two greatest problems which we face right now are alumni relations and housing. Action is being taken to improve ourselves in both of these areas. The small corps of loyal Lambda Chi's who make up the officers of
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On October 28 of this year we held formal initiation for twenty sophomores: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Hank Schmelzer-822 Bruce Bayuk-823 Charles Little-824 Albert Sargent-825 David Brooks-826 Edward Leavitt-827 John J akubowycz-828 Fred Hussey-829 Thomas Coonly-830 John Welch-831 Stan Clarke-832 Jack Holmes-833 路 William Swetland-834 John Folley-835 Rod Cross-836 Richard Larrabee-837 Gemge White-838 Douglas Merrifield-839 Richard Kennedy-840 Richard N olan-841
We have been associated with these new brothers since last spring and feel that they have much to contribute to Beta Zeta. These men are now taking a vigorous part in our activities, and we are sure that they will uphold the well-known Lambda Chi traditions.