April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
CROSS & CRESCENT E s t 1 9 3 2 - l a m b dac h i . o r g
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F ea t ur e A r t ic l e T h e Un i ve r s i t y o f Texas - Au s t i n : How A l u m n i Re l at i o n s h i ps S h ape d U s
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
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Publisher: Bill Farkas
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Editor: Taylor Grayson Managing Editor: Tad Lichtenauer
I am very excited to be working as the new editor of the Cross & Crescent. As a recent journalism graduate from Indiana University, I have served in many reporting positions. I look forward to how I can continue to grow in my communication skills, while also telling compelling stories from chapters across the country and Canada.
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In this issue, we share in the success of the Alpha-Mu chapter at the University of Texas-Austin. Over the course of several years, the chapter has grown from only 24 members with no housing fund or chapter savings, to a flourishing 118 members in 2016 and a recipient of the Lambda Chi Alpha Phoenix Award for overall chapter improvement. We also pay tribute to the memory of the oldest living member of Theta Kappa Nu fraternity, who recently passed away at the age of 106. Lambda Chi Alpha merged with Theta Kappa Nu in 1939, Spencer Yancey an influential member of this historical fraternity. Finally, it is with heavy hearts that we mourn the loss of undergraduate Peter Hart from the University of Michigan as a fraternity. Throughout the rest of the issue, you will find inspirational stories from our chapters and the wonderful things they continue to achieve, from raising 60,000 pounds of food for a local food bank to being elected as the first High Alpha of a new colony. It has been a pleasure serving as editor so far, and I look forward to many more Cross & Crescent issues, filled with accomplishments from our wonderful brotherhood. As always, please remember to check lambdachi.cc for the latest updates on what is going on in Lambda Chi Alpha. If you would like to see every article as it is published, please feel free to sign up to receive email alerts on lambdachi.cc. If you have a story which you would like to share, please email editor@lambdachi.org. We hope that all brothers have a strong end to the semester! Best wishes, Taylor Grayson, Editor, Cross & Crescent Magazine
Cross & Crescent Magazine est. 1915
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Content for consideration should be submitted by the 15th of the month. Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity 11711 N Pennsylvania St. Suite 250 Carmel, IN 46032 (317)872-8000 editor@lambdachi.org
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
Lambda Chi Alpha Gets Social by Taylor Grayson
The University of Texas- Austin: How Alumni Relationships Shaped Us by Taylor Grayson
Making a Difference, Pound for Pound by Taylor Grayson
Presidential Experience by Taylor Grayson
From the Ashes by Taylor Grayson
Oldest Member of Theta Kappa Nu Dies at age 106 by Taylor Grayson
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
LAMBDA CHI ALPHA GETS SOCIAL @lambdaChiAlphaIHQ We are always eager to see the interesting and wonderful things our brothers are doing across the country and Canada! Here are some examples of how members of Lambda Chi are giving back to their community, enjoying brotherhood and upholding the values of our fraternity:
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXASAUSTIN: HOW ALUMNI RELATIONSHIPS SHAPED US In the fall of 2010, the Alpha-Mu chapter at the University of Texas-Austin could barely call themselves a fraternity. b y : N e i l S t a n g l e i n a n d Ta y l o r G r a y s o n
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
With no housing fund or chapter savings and only 24 members, the men found it hard to focus on other aspects, such as academics and philanthropy. What they needed was a designated leader, an accomplished Lambda Chi brother whom they could model themselves after — a guide on their journey to become a thriving chapter. Enter current High Pi, Kevin Farrell. “I became the chapter advisor in September 2010,” said Farrell (Alpha-Mu Zeta, Texas). “The Lambda Chi educational leadership consultant gave our chapter a ‘Below Average’ rating and we only met three out of 11 operating standards.” Under Farrell’s leadership, the chapter began making changes in operating standards, recruitment, philanthropy and community service, and alumni engagement. It was Farrell’s vision that encouraged Alpha-Mu to recruit more members – having more members meant more consistency and stronger brotherhood. The recruiting process began to change – moving from a culture of “we like being small” to seeing the benefit of having more men in the organization. It is the responsibility of the High Delta to create the positive energy surrounding recruitment and to motivate members. The chapter uses Lambda Chi Alpha’s Seven Core Values in recruitment by digging deeper – associating actions of recruits to what they did in high school or if they were involved in sports – to an actual value. “The most important factor in motivating the chapter’s drive for excellence is that they proactively recruit individuals who have already demonstrated that mindset,” stated John Brechin (AlphaMu Zeta, Texas) and member of the Alumni Advisory Board. Membership went from 24 in the spring 2010 to 118 in fall 2016 by instilling the Seven Core Values through their fraternity education system, as just one example. In essence, the men of Alpha-Mu wished to attract men who would make them stronger throughout their rebuilding process. As the chapter continued to make strides in the areas of chapter operations and recruitment, they started focusing on their alumni involvement and engagement as well. Currently, Alpha-Mu Zeta boasts six years maintaining the same High Pi, 20 members on their Alumni Advisory Board and 18 alumni speakers annually. Alpha-Mu’s current High Alpha, Dylan Scott, remarked “…
it doesn’t just stop with you. You turn around and take a connection that you had and you make it easier for someone else to get their foot in the door.” These connections are made by inviting alumni to speak at each chapter meeting. The Alumni Speaker Core Values Series has been an integral part of the success story that is Alpha-Mu Zeta. Started in 2014, this series brings in nine speakers each semester. Alumni share their real-world experiences using the Seven Core Values. A consistent, time-efficient block is reserved at each chapter meeting with a standing invitation extended to the over 2,200 Alpha-Mu alumni and any local area alumni. According to Brechin, topics range from light-hearted experiences to the emotionally moving, presented by alumni, both old and new, from backgrounds which span across all industries, professions, education, public service and faithbased institutions. “What results is an education and connection far greater than anyone ever contemplated between the chapter members
Membership has skyrocketed in the past few years for Alpha-Mu.
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
and each speaker, which becomes a tremendous opportunity to positively impact each other’s future,” stated Brechin. Chase Browndorf, 2017 High Beta for Alpha-Mu, says the speaker series resonates with all members for an array of reasons. The older members benefit from making connections for future careers, while the younger members see the dedication of alumni who are taking time out of their busy lives to spend with the chapter. Through the Alumni Speaker Core Values Series, Alpha-Mu has benefitted from listening to speakers, both local and outside the area. In addition to former chapter alumni, non-Alpha Mu members also speak to the chapter and help undergraduate members learn about new ideas and opportunities. Josh Lodolo, CEO and president of the Educational Foundation (Beta-Rho, California State – Northridge), spoke as part of the Alumni Speaker Core Values Series, and worked with the chapter during his time in development for the University of Texas. Lodolo presented topics, such as recruitment workshops, and still checks in with Browndorf even after moving to Indianapolis. Alumni from Texas Christian, Hanover and Baylor
have also spoken to or worked with the chapter. Through alumni and student involvement, Alpha-Mu became exposed to the General Fraternity and saw the benefit of where partnerships can lead them. For instance, Browndorf just finished his term on the Student Advisory Council. Browndorf enjoyed getting to know other members of the Student Advisory Committee, and it did not take them long to realize that they all have one thing in common – Ritual. Regardless of chapter or background, they would always have that in common. Serving on the Student Advisory Committee had a lasting impact on Browndorf. “It definitely reinforced the idea that Lambda Chi Alpha isn’t for four years, but for life. You can be involved at the international level and not just at the chapter level,” he said. Because of his time on the Student Advisory Committee, Browndorf is excited to continue his involvement with Lambda Chi Alpha after he graduates. The chapter continued to utilize and see the beneficial relationship with the General Fraternity by applying for
With increased membership, the chapter can focus on academics and philanthropy.
Leadership has become a key aspect of the chapter’s success.
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
Alpha-Mu hopes to continue their forward progress.
leadership scholarships to attend the 2016 General Assembly and Stead Leadership Seminar in Miami. Six Alpha-Mu delegates attended as a result of four scholarships from the Educational Foundation. Jeremy Shahan, 2016 Alpha-Mu High Alpha, said the support from the Educational Foundation made it sound more interesting and enticing for men to attend, rather than paying for it themselves. He stated that in the past, they sometimes had trouble sending guys because of academic coursework or jobs. Scholarships created more enthusiasm and participation in the event. As current High Alpha, Dylan Scott enjoyed meeting the hundreds of other brothers and sharing stories about similar problems or issues while attending the summer conference. He thought it was beneficial to discuss problems that similar-sized chapters faced to see how to better lead his chapter. Scott thinks it would be greatly beneficial if more members were able to attend events like General Assembly and leadership seminars through scholarships because those brothers inspire other brothers to attend. “It’s good for members to see where rules come from, and people being a part of it, makes things a lot easier,” Scott remarked. Brechin attributes alumni as the greatest asset in the
fraternity’s success. Their skills, knowledge, and expertise are all valued by the fraternity. They provide tremendous value by just interacting with the chapter – strengthening real world skills, providing high quality mentoring relationships, and offering a network of expertise and important contacts. “We encourage alumni to better sustain that connection after graduation, through simple initiatives that range from the Alumni Speaker Series on Core Values, to officer advising, to career coaching,” Brechin concluded. It is through alumni support, hard work from the chapter and a partnership with the General Fraternity that AlphaMu rose from the ashes to receive the 2012 Lambda Chi Alpha Phoenix Award winner for improvement, followed by receiving the 2015 Grand High Alpha award, the highest award given by Lambda Chi Alpha.
Scott thinks it would be greatly beneficial if more members were able to attend events like General Assembly and leadership seminars through scholarships because those brothers inspire other brothers to attend.
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
MAKING A DIFFERENCE, POUND FOR POUND Located in the heart of Fayetteville, Ark., LifeSource International does not look like much from the outside. b y Ta y l o r G r a y s o n
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1 S T O R Y A modest, brick building, it could easily be lost in the hustle and bustle of the shops around it. However, the phrase on the sign above the door assures it is a force to be reckoned with: “Strengthening Families, Building Communities.” Studies have shown that 1 in 4 people go hungry in Northwest Arkansas and the area ranks number one in food insecurity in the state. For almost 15 years, LifeSource has been a beacon of hope for the people of Fayetteville, allowing members of the community to escape the facts and figures. First and foremost, LifeSource serves as a food pantry, but extends its ability to strengthen families by offering a clothing closet, after- school programs, adult education, and family and marital counseling. For Executive Director Jimmie Conduff, a happy family is maintained by much more than food. “We know that filling the need of food and clothing, it’s a need but sometimes that doesn’t solve the problem,” said Conduff. “That’s why we do a little bit of everything else.” But the need for food remains a constant for LifeSource. Enter Lambda Chi Alpha of the University of Arkansas. For eight years, Lambda Chi has maintained a special relationship with LifeSource, helping to supply half of the organization’s food. This year alone, brothers helped raise 60,000 pounds of food, while a few years ago, brothers donated over 100,000 pounds. Current chapter President Zach Hartnedy explained that the members of Lambda Chi feel the profound effects partnering with LifeSource every year. “It’s easy for us to see the benefits of it when they feed so much of Northwest Arkansas as a whole and we are able to help out with almost half of their food every year,” said Hartnedy. To raise this staggering amount of food year after year, University of Arkansas brothers host one of the largest Watermelon Bust events across the country. Sororities on campus compete against each other in different events to earn points. These points come from watermelon tosses, a volleyball tournament and raising cans, which generates the most points.
Just some of the 60,000 pounds of food raised by Lambda Chi Alpha for LifeSource The winning sorority is awarded an all-expenses-paid function with Lambda Chi. “It’s a really unique event, it’s funny and it’s fun,” said Conduff. “I got to go to one about two years ago and they asked me to help judge one of the events. It was really cool because I haven’t been able to see that part of it.” But while brothers and sorority members are out having a good time at the event, there is always the underlying feeling of helping those in need. “It’s an incredibly humbling experience, what we do to have fun and to help out really has that much of an impact on other people,” said Hartnedy. “We preach that fraternities aren’t everything you see on the news, but we do good and to see that so firsthand has been incredible for me.” Watermelon Bust allows brothers to help from their home base, but they can also be found volunteering their time at LifeSource. In addition to continuing their efforts to donate food, Lambda Chi has become involved with after-school programs.
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
The Gamma Chi chapter recently received an award for LifeSource’s Donor of the Year. Members of the fraternity joined those whom they have helped at a lunch banquet where many thank yous were received and tears were shed when Lambda Chi’s efforts were acknowledged. “It’s given me eyes to see how much of our community is in need,” sad Beyer. “We live in a great area, but just to see how much giving time and resources can affect the lives of others is really cool and something I will remember for the rest of my life, not just college.” As Hartnedy and the rest of his brothers look forward to many years of serving LifeSource and planning bigger and better events, the core of their mission will remain feeding families in need and ultimately changing lives. “I want to say thank you to Lambda Chi,” said Conduff. “They are feeding the kids and the whole family. That is huge.” Many competitions are held during Watermelon Bust to earn points, one of which is the famous watermelon toss. “They [Lambda Chi] came during our after-school program, which is volunteer-based,” said Conduff. “Several of the guys have come through the years and asked if they could do a Christmas party and buy all of the kids in the after-school program gifts.” The Christmas party has now become a staple for Lambda Chi, with brothers buying and wrapping gifts for about 40 children this year. Former chapter President Alpha Nick Beyer insists that the connection brothers form with not only the children, but all people affected by LifeSource helps shape them far beyond their college years. “There is no better way to grow as a man than to serve other people,” said Beyer. “In college, time is probably our biggest investment and if guys can continue to be faithful in investing time, they are going to grow a lot more as men and individuals which will benefit them for the rest of their lives.”
As Hartnedy and the rest of his brothers look forward to many years of serving LifeSource and planning bigger and better events, the core of their mission will remain feeding families in need and ultimately changing lives.
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
A PRESIDENTIAL EXPERIENCE Washington D.C. was never on Houston Baptist University junior Bryan Brody’s mind. He was just a kid from Texas through and through, having grown up in Dallas. b y Ta y l o r G r a y s o n
S T O R Y But when the business management major attended a speech given by former presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, a spark of interest started growing in Brody. An extensive and grueling application process followed, all to gain a coveted spot in the Washington D.C. internship program. When the results finally came back, Brody had finished on top: out of 125 applicants, he was one of the chosen six. A grand new experience in the nation’s capital was just around the corner. Brody was placed with Congressman Pete Olson, representing the 22nd district of Texas. It could have been easy for Brody to become the coffee delivery boy or everyone’s favorite printer mechanic, but that was not the case in Olson’s office. “A lot of offices’ interns are the people that go get the coffee or do the grunt work,” said Brody, “but honestly in Congressman Olson’s office, each and every member of his staff, including the congressman himself, made me really feel like I was making a difference in the office and in the lives of people living in the 22nd district of Texas.” In an office where interns were an integral part of daily operations, Brody found himself thrown right into the fire. He was tasked with everything from drafting constituent correspondence to attending briefings. The crowning achievement of the internship, though, came when he was one of the few in the office focused on aiding in the relief efforts in Houston after major flooding.
A presidential experience Brody was charged with communicating with organizations, such as the Red Cross, to create help for those in need following the tragedy. Through the internship, Brody was able to take many lessons home with him to Texas, but none more important than the power of tuning in. “I saw so much when I was there, obviously the natural Republican/Democrat differences, but people unwilling to listen to the other side, hear what the other side has to say, and really working to make a good difference,” said Brody. “I think the most important thing I would take away is that fact of getting back to the roots of working together as a group to try to make a difference.” So when the time came to choose the first High Alpha of the new Lambda Chi colony on Houston Baptist’s campus, all signs pointed to Brody. At first, Brody was hesitant. After all, he is captain of the soccer team, involved heavily in student government, while also trying to stay on top of his classes. But after seeing what he was capable of with his experience in D.C.,
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
BRODY FORMALLY ACCEPTED THE OFFER OF HIGH ALPHA ON FEB. Brody with Congressman Pete Olson Brody was sure he had what it took to lead the men of this budding chapter. “With this well-established fraternity coming to a school that’s so on the rise, I think that it’s important that we get the right leaders in place and the right people,” said Brody, “not just myself, but the people around me that are going to be working with me to make a difference on campus and in the community and in Houston.” Brody formally accepted the offer of High Alpha on Feb. 22 and among other goals he has for the new men of the Houston Baptist colony, one is simple: rise to be the best group on campus. “I really want to make an organization that has a lasting impact that I can hopefully lay the groundwork for, something going forward that is bigger than myself, bigger than any single person of HBU [Houston Baptist University] and really become a prominent organization on campus that people see as the elite guys,” said Brody. Although it will be a long road ahead for Brody and his
With the help of ELC, Dylan Bateman, Brody officially accepted the position of High Alpha with Lambda Chi. brothers, he is confident that the experience gained in D.C., along with a resilient work ethic, will propel the colony to the top. “We are very fortunate to have Bryan as our first High Alpha here at HBU,” said Dylan Bateman, Educational Leadership Consultant. “He is forward-thinking, very wellspoken, and a great leader. We have no doubts that Bryan will represent Lambda Chi Alpha in a positive way.”
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
FROM THE ASHES The pain is fresh and raw, like an open wound not yet treated. How could this have happened to us, the men of Lambda Chi Alpha keep asking themselves. Why us? Why now? b y Ta y l o r G r a y s o n
S T O R Y It was a crisp November day, 2012 in Maine when the brothers of the Beta chapter received the horrific news that three of their members–three brothers who had been everyone’s friends–had passed away in a freak plane crash. The three men (High Alpha David Cheney, High Kappa Marcelo Rugini, and William “BJ” Hannigan) were pillars of an organization that was in the process of regrowth, taken too soon from the men they had called family. How could this have happened to us? But what could have been the end of a chapter finally blooming after many years of uncertainty, was the fire the men needed to push on and make themselves even better. So the question changes- How can we move forward, as our fallen brothers would have wanted us to? An engineering student at the University of Maine, Perkins now manages his own firm. At the forefront of this transformation stands one man, a guiding force and steady rock: High Pi, Tom Perkins.
Amid the large pine trees stands a modest fraternity house. Wearing decades of brotherhood events, fitted with green shutters and a white coat of paint, the Beta chapter house has served as home for hundreds of men who pass through its doors, including Tom Perkins.
An engineering student at the University of Maine, Perkins now manages his own firm. Perkins first came to the University of Maine as a freshman transfer student in 1992 and when introduced to Lambda Chi, was hooked from the beginning, enticed by the endless opportunities of brotherhood. “Maine is really at the end of the road, it’s hours from the next chapter, so we are really out by ourselves out there,” said Perkins. “Even though we are the Beta chapter and one of the oldest chapters in the fraternity, a lot of our traditions were really ours to create.” Through his years in the house, Perkins served as High Kappa and High Beta and fell in love with the idea of a bond for life. But the Beta chapter was far from perfect. After a series of disciplinary issues, the chapter was in the process of recolonizing when Perkins joined and trying to mend relationships with the alumni base. “We made a pact that when we graduate, we were going to be involved and support this chapter and make things better,” said Perkins. With the help of his brothers, that is exactly what he did.
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
The challenge seemed simple: get organized so that the chapter could operate. First step–create an eager alumni association willing to help the chapter. Following graduation, Perkins immediately ran as president of the association to ensure his dedication to the fraternity could continue. Starting with creating family events and an annual Founder’s Day dinner every March, the association began their journey on a road to the promise land of success. Perkins served in this role until the birth of his children and, needing to take a step back, relinquished his title, settling for a spot on the board of alumni.
Perkins decided to step down from his role as president of the alumni association when he started his family, which ultimately led him to his current position as High Pi. While he was still involved on the outskirts, aiding with efforts to raise 40,000 dollars to refurbish the old fraternity house, he was still yearning for more. The chapter was now thriving and the men within it were very much invested in making the most out of their experience. This opened the door to Perkins to explore the role of High Pi, a position he has held ever since. “I want to focus on the undergraduates so the High Pi role is really one I’ve served in for several years now and it’s so rewarding,” said Perkins. “I get to have conversations with guys about chapter issues, about personal issues, be a mentor and help them through some very tough life decisions.”
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
Perkins remains steadfast as a leader and advisor for his chapter, looking ever forward to the future. The chapter has grown from the 20-30 man chapter of Perkin’s time to almost 70. For the first time ever in the fall semester of 2016, the men met all operating standards as put forth by their ELC. “The chapter has put their own little spin on things, because it’s different guys and a different generation,” said Perkins. “The concepts are sort of timeless, and it’s neat to look back on that.” As a nod to his time in the chapter, Perkins strives to enhance the fraternity education program and make sure the spirit of the chapter remains strong with new blood, all the while maintaining the personal touch. For the men that Perkins interacts with, his hope is to instill the same comradery he felt years ago.
“This is not just a blip in your college experience, this is a decision that will, if you want it to, enrich the rest of your life,” said Perkins. The Beta chapter is almost unrecognizable from the broken men they were that fateful day in November when three friends were lost. It could have been so easy for the chapter to fizzle or implode, says Perkins, but the chapter rallied and moved forward. The recipient of the 2014 Phoenix Award, the brothers of Lambda Chi have been able to embrace the true meaning of this award in their relentless journey onward: against all odds and through the most unimaginable tragedy, Perkins and his chapter have picked up the pieces, rising again from the ashes.
The Beta chapter received the Phoenix Award for positive strides in overall chapter operations.
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
OLDEST MEMBER OF THETA KAPPA NU DIES AT AGE 106 When asked what kind of legacy Spencer Yancey will leave behind, anyone will tell you how he touched the lives of so many around him. b y Ta y l o r G r a y s o n
S T O R Y Yancey passed away Monday, Jan. 9, at the age of 106. He was the last surviving brother of Theta Kappa Nu. As the history of Lambda Chi Alpha will show, the two fraternities (Lambda Chi and Theta Kappa Nu) merged with one another in 1939 to save Theta Kappa Nu from financial devastation and expand the reach of Lambda Chi. A simple farm boy from Hunnewell, Missouri, Yancey was a proud member of Theta Kappa Nu and held several offices during his time at Culver-Stockton College. Following his college years, Yancey worked in a variety of roles, including five years operating as Lieutenant of Army Engineers and sales manager for PPG Industries for 24 years. Though Yancey retired at the age of 65, his fiery spirit would not keep him immobile for too long. Between traveling with his wife, Charlotte, and volunteering for various organizations, Yancey worked with the Central Bank and Trust for six years as the marketing officer. When he was away from work, Yancey and Charlotte were avid members of their church, where their pastor, Mike Snell, first met the larger-than-life brother. “He very intentionally introduced himself,” said Snell. “In my bio, it said that I was from Culver-Stockton and then when we spoke, we immediately found out that we were also in that Lambda Chi line, so that just gave us a special bond.” From that first introduction, Yancey and Snell’s bond grew.
Snell remembers Yancey as the kind of person who never wore a frown, always looking on the bright side of life. “He tried to push himself to do everything he was capable of,” said Snell. “Obviously if you are 106 and still doing water aerobics, you aren’t content to sit down and die, and he wasn’t.” After his wife passed, Yancey threw himself into his work volunteering with other senior citizens and donating both time and money to his church. Snell recounts this generosity in the form of Yancey paying the way for several Lambda Chi members from his alma mater to go on mission trips organized through Project Berea, a missionary organization formed by Snell in 2005. “He felt very blessed to have the money he did and he certainly wasn’t a miser with it,” said Snell. No matter what he was doing in life, though, Yancey was always available to lend a helping hand, embodying the core values of what it means to be a Lambda Chi. “You can take the saying ‘Every man a man’ and I think that he really lived those words,” said Snell. “He led when he needed to lead and followed when he needed to follow. He didn’t just support with words, he did it with action.” The memorial service was held for Yancey on Jan. 21 where his friends, family and community remembered a man who was the best example of all a common man can be.
Yancey was very devoted to his church and his community.
Yancey’s senior yearbook memoir, 1932
Yancey was rarely seen without a smile on his face.
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
FIGHTING BACK AGAINST FOOD INSECURITY For most college students, food insecurity is not a thought that typically surfaces. b y Ta y l o r G r a y s o n
S T O R Y The next meal is guaranteed for the majority, whether through meal points or a home-cooked meal. The reality, though, is that many students experience food insecurity across the country. To aid in the fight nationwide, Southeast Missouri State University will open the Redhawk Food Pantry in mid-March. Though the food bank is a campus-wide initiative, it has been heavily influenced by the men of Lambda Chi. Dr. Charles McAllister, Vice Provost and High Pi of the Delta Phi chapter, wanted his members to become involved in this project, following a survey showing 15 percent of students on the Southeast Missouri State campus have an inadequate food supply at least four times during the semester. To set the project in motion, McAllister devised a Funding for Results proposal for the project which resulted in a threeyear grant of $15,000. This money was used to cover the food bank’s initial start-up cost. The involvement then shifted to the undergraduates: how the chapter could help, from donating money to offering help unloading goods, and more importantly, how brothers could assist in the food-raising process. High Theta, Joseph Foster, says his chapter is starting the process by donating a certain amount of food. From there, Foster is sure that his chapter will be able to spread awareness about food insecurity across campus. “It’s something that’s constantly around us that we aren’t even really thinking about it or having to worry about, where we are getting our meal from because a lot of us probably have
a meal plan or we cook at home,” said Foster. The main idea Foster hopes his fellow brothers take away from the Redhawk Food Pantry is that their efforts will benefit students just like them, trying to better themselves and become important cogs in the machine that is society. “I think the biggest thing that this is doing besides sustaining students’ hunger and helping them become better students and part of the community is raising awareness that it’s…not only people in America but people going to college,” said Foster. The Redhawk Food Pantry is currently in the middle of a food drive, which will end on March 3. The pantry is officially set to open following the conclusion, though it will not be fully up and running until the fall semester. While the focus will center around feeding students in need, the addition of hygiene products and even formal apparel is on the horizon. Foster hopes his chapter will become involved on a regular or biweekly basis while continuing to support the pantry’s efforts to end food insecurity once and for all at Southeast Missouri State. “We are not just a bunch of frat boys,” said Foster, “We are actually more like fraternity gentlemen who are trying to better ourselves, and not only ourselves, but the community we live in.”
Food Pantry to Open at Southeast Missouri State University With Help of Lambda Chi Members
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
PROFESSOR RESEARCHES WHAT MOTIVATES THE BEHAVIORS OF LAMBDA CHI MEMBERS It’s an age-old question: what factors motivate us to behave as we do? While the answer can elude b y Ta y l o r G r a y s o n
S T O R Y researchers and become more complicated than at the start, bright men and women across the country have dedicated themselves to the science of behavior. One such researcher is Dr. Rodney Roosevelt of Indiana University-Southeast. Roosevelt, a brother of the Eastern Illinois chapter, has dedicated himself to understanding how cognitive and emotional responses play off each other to produce a social behavior. Lately, that focus has been aimed at Lambda Chi Alpha members. During his presentation at the Neville Advisor’s College (Feb. 9-12), Roosevelt explained his approach towards understanding what motivates the average fraternity man’s behaviors. “What we are doing, as it relates to fraternity, is kind of multi-layered,” said Roosevelt. “Layer one is the LAMP Survey; its intention is to monitor behaviors from year to year: did the level of drinking stay the same or differ, what are the trends, and what are our attitudes on drinking.” Along with the results from the LAMP Survey, which goes out to chapters each year, Roosevelt looked at the outcome of a survey that was given to chapters two years prior.
In this survey, incoming members were asked a series of questions that focused on one behavioral measure: aspirations. Simply put, aspirations are why an individual wants something; is it good and wholesome for them or do they want something for the fame and bling of it. After two years, Roosevelt revisited this survey this past semester to see how the members who had participated were faring in their new fraternity life. Surprisingly, Roosevelt found that 30% of members who took the survey were not affiliated with Lambda Chi anymore, which suggested they wanted a fraternity experience for the wrong reasons. From this survey and the results of the annual LAMP Survey, Roosevelt and his team could then pinpoint what made a member successful, or who would become a risk to the fraternity, combining aspirations with the level of drinking. These findings could then be used to build better recruitment approaches. Roosevelt also looks at the social structure of chapters to figure out how to recruit and maintain the best men possible. “Chapters change in terms of their behaviors in a heartbeat,” said Roosevelt. “We need to understand why that happens because we might be able to prevent that from happening. So, what I think is going on is there is a critical balance among the key players.” One such way that Roosevelt is trying to figure out the dynamics of a chapter is studying exclusion versus inclusion. It is Roosevelt’s theory that the behavior of a chapter can
Roosevelt (second from right), along with other Lambda Chi alumni, at the 56th General Assembly.
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
change, and even introduce hazing, when members feel excluded. A recent experiment, which was featured at the 2017 Neville Advisor’s College, takes a simple ball toss game to illustrate a chapter’s dynamic. In the experiment, the participant’s heart rate and facial expressions are monitored as they throw a ball on the computer screen to three other cartoon characters. The participant quickly catches onto the fact that he is not being thrown the ball, which affects his heart rate and stress response. With fraternity members playing the game, an aggression task follows, which determines how that man deals with exclusion. “People who are high in cortisol response, stress hormone, respond by being really nice in an aggression task that follows,” said Roosevelt. “They don’t know that they are in an aggression test, but people who are high in cortisol response feel really low in aggression. What we think is they are trying to do mending behaviors.” Some members can interpret the exclusion as a social status threat. This then plays into why hazing becomes prevalent in
Special Assistant to the CEO, Brandan Bonds, tries his hand at the ball toss experiment.
some chapters: if certain members who might be power players in the chapter feel socially threatened, they will take it out on someone else, namely other members of the chapter. So, what is the importance of all this scientific data? According to Roosevelt, a lot. “The reason this is important is it’s foolhardy and the mistake that fraternities have made for a hundred years now, to try and solve problems without understanding what’s actually going on,” says Roosevelt. “It’s great to say this is social exclusion that we are dealing with, but until we can prove any of these changes throughout the brain, we can’t say for sure. If this is true, we at least know what we have to work on; so if fear of social exclusion is really the problem, we need to be very mindfully educating and training guys to get wingmen.” The concept of a “wingman” might sound somewhat silly, but it might just be the key to end the fear of social exclusion, therefore putting an end to hazing and unlocking the door to understanding behavior patterns of a chapter. Roosevelt and his team will continue their research, and hopefully one day, the dynamic of a fraternity will become crystal clear. For more information on Roosevelt’s work, click here.
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
BANDING TOGETHER BEHIND A BROTHER IN NEED Ryan Olmsted, like any other member of his chapter at Oregon State University, was more than excited to have a place to call home and friends to call brothers. b y Ta y l o r G r a y s o n
S T O R Y Though he was a junior when he joined, Olmsted was able to move into the chapter house right away, due to his upperclassmen standing. From there, Olmsted became a crucial part of the fraternity, a guy everyone loved and respected. “It was cool that he was able to jump into the house full force, living in here,” said Andrew Brewington, High Rho. “He actually lived right down the hall from me, so I got to see him all the time.” As Olmsted settled into fraternity life and it came time to scatter for the holidays over winter break, he started to feel strange. Olmsted was admitted to the ICU shortly before Christmas as doctors performed numerous tests to pinpoint what might be wrong. Finally, the diagnosis was in. Olmsted was suffering from Guillain-Barré syndrome, a very rare autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks the nervous system. When Brewington and other brothers heard what was going on, all thoughts of winter term initiation left their minds. Their main focus now was banding together behind a brother in need. The brothers wasted no time in setting up shifts in which they could visit Olmsted at the hospital. According to Brewington, much of Olmsted’s time in the hospital was consumed with lab tests, but not much else.
After the brothers’ first visit to the hospital, the house raised $170 in about 10 minutes for video games to help lift Olmsted’s spirits. “It was really great to see how the house came together to make sure that he was getting through his winter break OK,” said Brewington. In the following weeks, Brewington and his brothers did their best to learn what Olmsted was going through. Though not much is known about the disorder, it takes months of physical therapy for a patient to reach a full recovery, usually anywhere from 6-12 months. However, Olmsted has shown great progress and is on track for a 3-4 month recovery with intense physical therapy. To help aid the financial burden of the physical therapy, the Oregon State chapter started a GoFundMe page, aiming to raise between $3,000 and $5,000 for medical expenses. So far, a total of $2,277 have been raised and the outpour of support has been overwhelming. Other Greek organizations have donated and even chapters around the nation, such as the Miami University chapter, have pitched in for Olmsted’s recovery.“It gives you a lot of pride and makes you feel very included in this Greek community when we have ladies from sororities sending donations or nationally, like Miami University,” said Brewington. “It’s just really cool to realize that being part of Greek life isn’t just a club, it’s a family.” In the meantime, the Oregon State chapter is continuing to collect donations and counting down the days until their brother can come home. To make a donation for Ryan Olmsted’s medical expenses, please click here.
Banding together behind a brother in need
Olmsted’s brothers have been nothing but supportive during his recovery.
Olmsted was asked to “take the jump”
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
FORMER ELC SPOTLIGHT: WALLY JENKINS A Michigan football game may not seem like the setting for a sentimental reunion between brothers and former coworkers, b y Ta y l o r G r a y s o n
S T O R Y but among the noise and pageantry, the game transforms into a stroll down memory lane. Twenty-nine years have passed since Wally Jenkins (on staff 1988-1995) attended his first Michigan football game as an ELC for Lambda Chi. But during those annual Michigan games, surrounded by friends who shared his experience, it becomes like yesterday when he joined staff. A graduate of the University of New Hampshire, Jenkins began his ELC path by attending a Leadership Seminar shortly after initiation. From there, Jenkins became more familiar with the inner workings of international headquarters and eagerly joined the Student Advisory Council (SAC), representing the Northeast Conclave. Though Jenkins was heavily involved with his chapter, his choice to pursue the ELC lifestyle came as somewhat of a surprise. “We were far from an award-winning chapter,” said Jenkins. “We had a solid chapter and strong membership in a lot of ways. I think what benefitted me was coming in from that perspective, because it was easier for me to go to a chapter that was struggling or didn’t always fall in line…and be able to relate to them and their line of thinking.” Equipped with this experience, Jenkins set off across the country to help chapters much like his. With each chapter stop, he gained more insight, which then transformed into
printed packets full of ideas. These packets were then passed along to every officer of a chapter, acting as a roadmap for the chapter after Jenkins left. While Jenkins perfected his methods, the thrill of traveling across the country kept him on his toes, never allowing even one moment of boredom. “I think when I was done traveling for the fraternity, I had visited all 49 states in the Contiguous United States,” Jenkins said. “To be able to look at a map today and be able to see a state and point to where I’ve been in each state, for someone who grew up in the East, it’s pretty cool.” Jenkins assures his experience was more than just fun and games, though. As an ELC, he learned more about himself than he ever could have imagined. “I developed a tremendous amount of self-confidence and life skills that I never would have gotten in any other place,” he said. “It helped me to be able to work independently, as well as part of a team.” Now, Jenkins owns the Office Pride Commercial Cleaning Services operation in Pittsburgh, a business he was introduced to by one of his ELC roommates. Jenkins has also owned several other small businesses, worked for Lambda Chi Alpha headquarters in a variety of roles, and served as the executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh. With all his positions, one fact remains constant: the skills learned through his ELC journey have helped to shape his professional life. To soon-to-be graduating brothers who may be considering applying for an ELC position, Jenkins offers the following advice: “If you can make the ELC job happen, you really should go for it. Opportunities like this one don’t come along very often, if ever. And if you have this type of experience available to you again, you likely won’t be at a stage in your life when you can take the plunge.” “I can guarantee you that you will gain personally and professionally, while giving back to an organization that has incredible meaning for you.”
Wally Jenkins
Jenkins still keeps in touch with former ELCs who served on staff with him.
Jenkins (right) with other ELCs, including Lambda Chi Alpha CEO Bill
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN BROTHERS GATHER TO MOURN THE LOSS OF PETER HART A Members of the Sigma Zeta chapter at the University of Michigan held a candlelight vigil March 7 to honor their brother, Peter Hart, who took his own life at the end of February.
the time they had with Hart and remember him for the crucial part of Lambda Chi Alpha that he was. “Peter was a genuine and amiable brother who accepted people for who they were and was always more than willing to listen and provide support to whomever needed it,” stated Greene on his Facebook page. “He always knew the perfect joke to interject in a conversation, and he was continuously open to sharing his experiences and opinions about the world. He was a true brother and an amazing student who truly cared for his friends and community.” If you or someone close to you needs help or counseling, please call the National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
b y Ta y l o r G r a y s o n
S T O R Y As hundreds gathered on the lawn of the chapter house, memories were shared about the bright young man and the joy he brought the fraternity. High Alpha Daniel Greene (who was also Hart’s big brother) addressed the group in remembrance of Hart. “Peter Hart will always be loved, will always be missed,” said Greene, to the group and the Michigan Daily. “But as his big, as his president, as his friend, most importantly, as his brother, I ask you to continue his legacy in challenging yourself to be slightly more honest with the world; to be slightly more open-minded.” In addition to Lambda Chi Alpha brothers, members of other Greek organizations across campus joined the vigil to show their support. “I think it’s affecting us really hard since a lot of…guys deal with depression, so we all just want to let everyone know that you can always talk to someone,” said Michael Wysong, member of Kappa Sigma fraternity, to the Michigan Daily. As brothers mourn the loss of Hart and try to make sense of the horrible tragedy, Greene reminds his members to celebrate
image courtesy of Michigan Daily
Friends and brothers gathered to remember Peter Hart (Photo credit, The Michigan Daily).
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
OREGON STATE BROTHERS SURPASS 1 MILLION POUNDS OF FOOD RAISED The man’s coat was the type of orange that only a traffic cone could pull off: flashy and even a little gaudy, with a large beaver on the back. b y Ta y l o r G r a y s o n
S T O R Y But to him, a man from an area where homelessness was ever present, the jacket was much more than a donation. It was a sign that someone cared. Who was behind the orange coat donation, you might ask? The same group of brothers dedicated to the cause of providing for their community — members of the Alpha-Lambda chapter at Oregon State University. While one crucial part of the fraternity experience comes from serving others, it was not until 2007 that Alpha-Lambda found the right fit for them in Community Outreach, Inc. The organization’s mission statement reads “Helping People Help Themselves Since 1971”, but in 2007, it was they who needed some help. After advertising on Facebook and searching for groups to help them fundraise, the Oregon State brothers decided, on a whim, to see how they could help. The bond that formed between service organization and fraternity was unimaginable. Since that decision to partner with Community Outreach, Inc., the Alpha-Lambda chapter has provided 81,000 dollars and 1.1 million pounds of food, along with other donations, such as our beloved orange coat. To all employees of Community Outreach, Inc., the overwhelming support from Lambda Chi has been crucial in the success of the organization.
image courtesy of Michigan Daily “This is one of our most important relationships for our agency and provides a vital link between students at OSU [Oregon State University] and our agency,” said Chris Quaka, Development Director at Community Outreach, Inc. “We are proud to work with Lambda Chi and appreciate their values and how this chapter is a standard of excellence on campus and in our local community.” Recently, the chapter hosted a day of service called “Can You Dash”(Feb. 17-18) to benefit Community Outreach, Inc. Brothers invited all sororities on campus to go door to door asking for cash, canned food, and clothing donations. High Theta, Pattrick Gregson, stated that chapter members always wanted to host a winter philanthropy event, but what set this project apart was the goal of educating participants in addition to fundraising. “I was more interested in something that would educate people about what Community Outreach is, because I wanted people to understand exactly what they were giving to,” said Gregson.
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Quaka helped the chapter achieve this initiative by coming to the house the day before the event to provide information about Community Outreach, Inc. and how the chapter fit into their mission. “Can You Dash” yielded 2500 dollars in cash donations, just over 1000 cans of food, and 1100 articles of clothing and helped push the chapter over the 1 million pounds of food mark. To recognize all of the brothers’ efforts, Quaka awarded the chapter the “One Million Pounds of Food” award as a small token of gratitude. Gregson, along with other members, could not have been happier about the award, but recognized that in the end, their work in the community was far more rewarding than any plaque. “It’s a really cool award to receive, but more importantly, it’s something that I know everyone in the house appreciates because we will all go and do the canned food drives at the local grocery stores, two to three times a week,” said Gregson. “We will volunteer in events that support Community Outreach…so we seriously, as a brotherhood, are putting in so much work and so much effort…so it’s nice to see what exactly we have been doing is actually making a difference.” Gregson assures that the bond will continue to evolve, though. During the rest of the school year, he has challenged members to reach 100,000 dollars donated to Community Outreach, Inc., in honor of the chapter’s centennial year. The junior also hopes to continue educating his brothers on their impact in the community. “It’s really important to understand as a chapter that there is this insecurity in the community and I think everyone in the house is starting to get that,” said Gregson. “Everyone is getting behind Community Outreach and feeling empowered and feeling like they are making a difference.” To learn more about Community Outreach, Inc. and their efforts, click here.
Friends and brothers gathered to remember Peter Hart (Photo credit, The Michigan Daily).
Alpha-Lambda hopes to involve more organizations, such as sororities, in Community Outreach, Inc.’s mission through shareable links, known as Network for Good.
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
BENEFITING YOUR CHAPTER THROUGH A DESIGNATED FUND WITH THE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION Contributions made directly to a chapter is a great way for alumni to contribute to support their Zeta and help them reach their highest potential. However, the fact that these gifts are not tax-deductible sometimes prevents increased gifts. By Neil Stanglein, Director of Annual Giving & Communications Programs, Educational Foundation
S T O R Y Fortunately, the Lambda Chi Alpha Educational Foundation allows individual chapters to establish a fund that allows alumni, friends, and even parents of current members to support a specific Zeta. This is a great way to help advance your own chapter, while also supporting the overall mission of Lambda Chi Alpha. The Foundation administers two types of chapter funds. The first is designated to support scholarships, leadership, and other educational opportunities for members from a chapter. These are often used to cover the registration fees of the Stead Leadership Seminar and the High Alpha Summit, while also used to fund direct scholarships to members, both for merit and financial need. These funds are endowed and permanently invested so the fund will grow over time.
Members from Iowa State and Alpha-Tau Zeta House Corporation: from left to right are: Todd Ziebell, President; Alpha-Tau Zeta House Corporation, Students Ryan Bodda, Ryan Morton, and Devin Prasad; and Steve Lubahn, Treasurer, Alpha-Tau Zeta House Corporation The second is a housing fund, which can cover educational expenses related to constructing and operating a chapter house. Unlike the first type of fund, housing funds are not permanently endowed, but instead drawn down as needed. One example of a housing fund is Chi Zeta, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “The biggest reason we used the Educational Foundation is that it is the vehicle that allowed us to take advantage of Federal tax-deductibility for our donors,” said Dave Dutton, a member of Chi-Zeta Housing Corporation. “We were able to attract more donors and larger donations as a result of taxdeductibility.” To date, they have raised two million dollars with an overall goal of 2,150,000 dollars. Chi-Zeta will host its new chapter house dedication the weekend of September 8-9, 2017.
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Another example is that of Alpha-Tau Zeta at Iowa State University. The chapter has a fund established for sending members to Stead Leadership Seminar, fully funded through this effort. “We would not be able to send guys without the scholarship,” stated Steve Lubahn, Alpha-Tau Zeta’s Housing Corporation Treasurer. This is just another example of how having a designated fund for your chapter can help alleviate some financial burdens from the chapter and make a lasting impression on the future of your Zeta. “We don’t have to worry about our scholarship...the Educational Foundation just sends us a statement,” exclaimed Lubahn. The Foundation manages more than 40 chapter funds and over 9,000,000 dollars in assets. In 2016 alone, more than 1,000,000 dollars in grants and scholarships were awarded through chapter funds. An individual, alumni association, or any group of members interested in securing the future of their Zeta can start a chapter fund. The minimum required to kick start the effort is 20,000 dollars, and the Foundation has resources to help. For more information about chapter funds, or if you are interested in creating one for your Zeta, please contact Teresa Carlson, tcarlson@lambdachi.org.
The University of Illinois-Champaigne has utilized a housing grant campaign.
April 2017 - lambdachi.org - Quarterly Issue #1
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