Credits Daniel May Operations Director Paulinedaniel@gnimag.comFitzpatrick Sales Executive Tony Day ThanksDesign to... Blue / Lucy Spraggan / Eli Matthewson / Qya Cristal / Cherrie On Top / Micky Murray / Connor Mills / Carl Connielingus / Tailor Maid / Martin Murray / Anthony Coole / Gavyn Andrews / Gary Campion / Gourmet Boys / XAND / Lisa Forde / Dr Mottram / City Hotel Derry / Santaria / Inverted Pole Academy / Mikko Rasila / OLIO / Transatlanticent / The Rainbow Project / Action For Children / The MAC/ Tree Of Hearts / GOH Belfast / Galgorm / Jeff Dorta / Halestorm PR / LK Communications / GingerBread Agency / Project Publicity / Mediaworks / Secret Hevan / Ben Nelson / Bedbible GNI MAG is published by: Romeo &,13PublicationsJulianLtd.UnionStreetBT12JF@gnimagsubmissionstoGNIMAGaremade on the basis of permission to publish the submission in GNI MAG and it’s licensed editions worldwide. In the case of picture selection, the editors decision is final. Any materials sent is at the owners risk and although every care is taken neither Romeo & Julian Publications Ltd or it’s agents shall be liable for loss or damage. We take great care to make sure all elements of GNI MAG are accu rate. However we accept no liability for misprints that appear in this magazine. You should seek professional advice prior to following any advice offered in this publication. Any opinions expressed are those of the writers and not those of GNI MAG or Romeo & Julian Publications Ltd. Romeo & Julian Publications Ltd 2022

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are back, and OMG don’t they look great. They are treating us with so much, not only have they released new singles which are bangers, their new album ‘Heart and Soul’ is out on 28th October and it doesn’t stop there, they are also em barking on tour. We chat about all that and plenty more...

Whose music are you listening to atm?
Duncan: I’m really into Harry Styles at the min ute. I think his new album is amazing and I just really love him as an artist. Not only do I think he is an incredible vocalist, but actually everything that he is doing and what he has done - he is just being himself and he is not allowing anyone to label him or put him in a box, which I think is what everybody loves to do. If he wants to wear a dress, let him wear a dress - it doesn’t mean that he is gay. He just wants to express himself how he wants to express himself and I just think “Fair play to you mate”. He is a really great artist and his album is fantastic.
What do you feel in terms of the bands dynamic, has the band changed personally, collectively, have you evolved or is everything just as it always was?
It is all go for you guys, recently we’ve heard new music, your 6th studio album is out next month and you are heading on tour.
Looking back to 1990 would you ever have im agined that you would still be doing it 20+ years later ?
Duncan: I don’t think we even knew back then that we would even last 20 years. I think to be with a band for over two decades is a massive testament to ourselves as people - for example (a) putting up with each other for so long and (b) to be able to enjoy still being on stage singing songs that we made 22 years ago and still actually enjoy ing them. I don’t know how many times we have sung ‘All Rise’ in our lives but I reckon it is about a million by now - and I am happy and still not over it. I still really enjoy performing.

Your Single “Haven’t Found You Yet” has been so well received with over 1 million views on YouTube alone. It is such a banger, familiar and fresh, I get Jonas Bros and Shawn Mendes Vibes when I listen. Was that the style you were actually going for?
Anthony: No, we actually wanted to go for an actual old school blues sound. We wanted to go to
“So I thought now I am kind of out and proud in my own skin I just I would take a little bit of the cabaret act that I have been doing in London and base it around vari ous Prides. Obvious ly people don’t know me for doing a bit of drag unless they have seen me in musicals and I think some peo ple were maybe taken aback seeing me in that way.“
Anthony: You could say it is as it was in terms of friendships, but I think mind, body and soul wise, no. Everything has changed, everything has shifted. Back then we had no children it was just us four boys on the road - we had no responsibili ties in that sense. I think now everything we do is purely to support our kids and our families, so that is what has changed in that sense.
And on that subject who would you like to work with either personally or as Blue?
Duncan: I’ve had the opportunity to do a cabaret show in London thanks to my mate Denise Van Outen. She invited me down to be a regular host and what they wanted to do was a little bit of Rocky Horror style drag. So I got up with my corset, wig and make-up and I’d do a little bit of Rocky Horror and this year I got asked to do loads of Pride up and down the country on my own. So I thought now I am kind of out and proud in my own skin I just I would take a little bit of the cabaret act that I have been doing in London and base it around various Prides. Obviously people don’t know me for doing a bit of drag unless they have seen me in musicals and I think some people were maybe taken aback seeing me in that way. I just think some people like to see you in one
Anthony: I am hopefully going to be doing this all of the time. It is really good and everything is ‘on a plate’ for you, excuse the pun, and you don’t even have to think about it, you just do it. I am going to be doing it again, but it is something that you can’t keep doing for the whole year because you would end up not having much of a life. It is a great way of trying to tune down and feel confident.
I seen you were away in Cyrus the other week, had you a good time and many holiday dramas?
You have been busy performing at various pride events though I must ask about the hate you got online after sharing a video after Blackpool Pride. How do you deal with haters and trolls?
Anthony: The thing is it is very Blue. We tried to go back to our original album back in the days, and that is what we wanted to do. I think with ‘We haven’t found you yet’, we had a really great radio hit with that and we have got some really great ballads on the album which people are really going to love. As a band we are very fortunate because we are all singers. There is not a weak link when it comes to vocals in Blue and it is so lovely actually putting out our vocals down in the studio again and listening to the blend that we have managed to hone over the years. Putting our voices back together again, it was just like magic. It was so lovely to be able to go back into the studio with the boys and feel that magic vibe and chemistry again.
I was going to express myself in a community that I felt safe in and there was a lot of people who just didn’t like it. I just had to call it out because I have a voice but I felt that it was important to say something. Sometimes you just have to stand up for yourself so that is what I did.
Blue back in the day but make it quite modern.
Duncan: When I saw Ant after he had done it he looked absolutely incredible and the response that he got from other people was absolutely amazing. He started getting more attention than anybody else!
People are still entering the competition and we are still waiting to find out who’s wedding we are going to. We are going to be doing a bit of Blue, a bit of Steps, a little mega mix of everything.
Anthony: I had a great time. You see the thing is because I can speak Cypriot I didn’t have much drama. The only thing was my little girl had a bad ear infection for the last two days so we had to rush her to A&E, but they were absolutely bril liant and really helped her. No dramas at all, we flew with Jet2 and it was all fine and dandy.
Duncan: No, I mean we did think about doing a collaboration, there was one song that we were go ing to add somebody to but we just thought at the end of the day to just keep it Blue. We don’t have to prove anything, we can hold a record between the four of us and actually when you break down a song - you’ve got a verse, a bridge, a second verse and a middle 8 - I mean we always compliment each other and have our own section and that is what we have always done. There has never ever been a time when one of us always sings everything, we have always shared out the vocals evenly with every song that we do.
Everyone is talking about Eurovision at the minute with it being held in the U.K next year, do you have a view on which city should host ? And also do you plan on attending?
Have you got a favourite song on the album?
thing and if you don’t fit into a certain box people freak out and they don’t like it. There was a few people calling me out saying it was disgusting and normally I never say anything but it just got to the point where I had to. I just thought being a gay guy I had to say something especially in an event like Pride where it is supposed to be a safe space to go to or for anybody in the LGBT+ community to be able to express themselves in that way and that is what I was doing.
Anthony: Apart from ‘Haven’t Found You Yet’ which I think set the bar, I like ‘This Could Be Love’ which is a really nice rock/ballad and the mid tempo is lovely. ‘Heart And Soul’ is also a great little dance tune - something that we weren’t known for back in the day but we tried it and to be honest it works quite well. It has been 2 and a half years in the making and we can’t wait for people to hear it now.
Duncan: Oh my goodness I would have to say Andrea Bocellii. He is very left field. I would love
I seen ads on insta about you and Claire Richards performing at someone’s wedding. Tell our readers about this?
In the past you have collaborated with so many big names either in the production process or with them on the song. Are there any collaborations on this album?
The new album is due out on 28th October though it can be pre ordered now. What can you tell us about it? Will it be a sound Blue fans know or have you tried anything new?
So it’s not long until your 20th Anniversary Tour, INTERVIEW BLUE GNI MAG [10]
Back in February you shared some pics and an nounced using Muscle Food to help get you in shape, do you still follow a plan and would you recommend the service to people?
Duncan: Yeah, we formed a super group called ‘Strictly Wed’ and it came about because myself and Claire got an opportunity to work together on a musical called ‘The War Of The Worlds’. We played husband and wife and ended up singing a 17 minute montage on stage every night and it was great to sing with her because I love her voice and it was a great opportunity for me. From that we made the super group and decided to perform for somebody’s wedding. We have got that coming up in September which will be fun and I am really looking forward to it.
Anthony: It would be great if it could be held in the UK. At the time, it was the most hardest work we have ever done, at that time it was 10 years of Blue, and we never worked so hard in all of our lives. It was one of the hardest schedules - we nev er slept! We had party’s, press conferences, inter views, I mean we seen more country than Phileas Fogg! It was absolutely mental but amazing at the same time. If anyone wants to do it I would encourage them to just go for it, it is a really good opportunity and we had the best time ever.
to do the classical route with him. We have had an opportunity recently to work with an incredible classical pianist called Havassi. He might not be too well known with your readers but he is actually from Hungary and he is absolutely incredible. We were invited to his concert in Budapest and the geezer is just so incredibly talented. Going to his concert just all gave us that classical ‘Wow’ we would just all love to step into that world.
tickets are already on Sale, anywhere in particu lar you are looking forward to visiting?
Anthony: I just think growing up with our music. You see the fans now, they have got children and they are bringing their kids to gigs, it’s always the same faces. The thing is, the Blue fans they have always supported us and they are very special to us.
That’s such a difficult one. I like both! Ok, I come from a musical theatre background but I also do like doing a concert with the boys, so I am really torn. That’s a 50/50 for me.
Duncan: It happens to me all of the bloody time! My thing is, I used to forget the words and it is actually quite embarrassing. I just get memory blank and I have said to Anthony “I don’t know the first word”, he will have to sing me the first couple of words and then I will remember, but literally at that point I don’t even know what I am actually thinking.
Nudist Beach or Covered by the Pool?
Hands or feet?
Head over to to pre order their album and also purchases tickets to their tour
Weights or Cardio? Weights.
Anthony: There are places that we haven’t been to as a band before playing an actual concert such as Aberdeen. I am looking forward to perform ing at the O2 personally because we have never performed there as our own concert.
I think 20 years on, so many people have came out, there is a lot more embrace for people now, it is a lot more accepted and it is easier to come out nowadays. If you look at the last 10 years, we have grown so much in the community and hopefully in another 10 years people won’t even feel the need to come out because it will just be like it doesn’t matter. Who cares if you like a guy or girl, it doesn’t matter and it shouldn’t matter. I think that stigma will slowly go away and just become Inormality.thinkthe community that gets the hardest battle at the moment is the Trans community and I re ally hope - for Trans people especially - that they get a much easier time, because sadly there is a lot of transphobia in the world and it is really toxic. I have got quite a few Trans friends and I have seen how transphobia has really affected them and I just hope that things can move a lot quicker and people can support them more.
Everyone always says they have the best fans, what makes Blues Fans the ultimate?
something on your bucket list that you want to see, do or achieve?
Anthony: Oooh, that’s a good one. Do you know what I am going to sound really boring! I just want to be working and happy. I want to maintain a positive, mental attitude - you throw it out to the universe and you hopefully get something back. During lockdown I was always a bit of a ‘Negative Norman’, but I think if we can come out of Covid then we can do anything. You are going to have good and bad days but we just have to stay positive. I am so happy that we have got a second bite of the cherry and we can make some good memories and good music.
And just for fun...
Oh, I would have to go with the nudist beach. I’m not necessarily saying that I am going to be get ting my bits out, but there is always something to look at when you are laying there. And why not?
Duncan: All of us in the world were affected by Covid. We are a band that does a lot of gigging around the world and actually we were in Bali doing a concert in the beginning of Covid, and we had to cancel our gigs in Vietnam and we got stranded in Bali for a few weeks because we couldn’t get home. When we did get home we went into lockdown, so it was really tough. It was hard for people working in the arts, we weren’t able to work, travel or perform gigs so it was
When gearing up for a tour do you need to rehearse much or is it muscle memory with the moves and stuff?
Duncan: We have to have a couple of weeks of rehearsals. Over the years you go into autopilot, so you get a bit complacent. But I think when we are doing a tour we have to be on our ‘A Game’ and we want to make it the best show possible. We are in the rehearsal studio and cracking the whip to make it one of the best tours ever!
Concert or Theatre?
Do you foresee a day when people won’t have to explain their sexuality?
Final Anthony,Questiontellus
The last few years has been a bit of a shit show with Covid, Ukraine War and now the cost of living crisis and monkey pox - have you been effected?
Any plans for a gig in Belfast or Dublin?
Anthony: Yes, we did in September but obviously it got moved because we had to do the album, but definitely next year. But listen, Liverpool is only across the water, get yourselves over there!
Duncan: It’s sad that you have to ask that question really. Basically 20 years ago I was really frightened to come out because it wasn’t really talked about, it wasn’t really in the media, I was scared because I didn’t know what the reaction would be.
Lets Play a wee game - Would you rather, Duncan?
Read or Write?
Do you ever get a complete mind plank?
Write - I hate reading.
I’m not a feet person - I don’t get what this foot festish is with people. No, no, no. HANDS.
a tough couple of years - but it was tough for everybody. Thankfully now we are able to get back to doing what we do best.
Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.
You can follow me on social media: Twitter Facebook@micky_murrayMickyMurray – Alliance Party I nstagram @micky.p.murray
Northern Ireland has such a Centrebuskersmusicallycommunityrichoftalentedpeople,fromtheintheCitytobandslikeSnowPatrolandStiffLittleFingers,whohavegainedworldwidesuccess,NorthernIrelandreallydoespunchaboveitsweightwhenitcomestomusicaltalent.
Just because we didn’t reach the short list doesn’t mean it’s over for Northern Ireland’s Eurovision celebrations, we’re still keen for Belfast to be involved and to celebrate Eurovision coming to the UK, it would be a missed opportunity not to. There has been so much local support, and even previous Ireland winners got behind the campaign for Belfast to host the competition, so we know that Eurovision fans here want to be involved and want to take part in one way or another.
I’d love to see us hold some sort of open air live streaming of the competition final, just like we had planned if we were going to be the hosts. Not only would it be great to hold such an event, it would also allow Ukrainian refugees the chance to celebrate an event which should have taken place in their home country, in the country they now call Ashome.disappointed
as I am that we didn’t get shortlisted, I’m happy for those who did. The situation in Ukraine is dire, and Ukraine must be at the forefront of the competition. Ukrainian refugees who have come to seek a safe place to live in the UK need to be brought on board and included in the celebrations, wherever it may be I’
firmly backing Glasgow to be the host city of Eurovision 2023!
does punch above its weight when it comes to musical talent.
Cllrs Seamus De Foite and Anthony Flynn I was one of those working within Belfast City Council to try and secure support for the bid. I submitted a proposal at our last City Growth & Regeneration committee asking for support to submit a full bid, if we were shortlisted. The proposal was endorsed by the committee and we were looking forward to getting our working group formed and engaging with NI Ministers to support the bid, and then we found out that we didn’t get shortlisted, which was frustrating to say the least.
Northern Ireland has such a rich community of musically talented people, from the buskers in the City Centre to bands like Snow Patrol and Stiff Little Fingers, who have gained worldwide success, Northern Ireland really
If you have any ideas on how you’d like to see us mark the occasion, feel free to let me know!
This month, I was hoping to be writing about the excitement of Belfast being shortlisted as a possible host city for Eurovision 2023, airing on the side of caution I waited for the shortlisting to be released before submitting, and as you’ll all probably already be aware, we didn’t make the shortlisting.
A little bit about how bidding for Eurovision works. Each hopeful city submits an expression of interest, in which they have to prove that they have the means to host the competition, such as tourist accommodation, experience of similar events, and of course, a suitable venue. Twenty cities from around the UK submitted expressions of interest, with only seven making the shortlist. Once the shortlist is published then those cities continue with a full bid to be submitted in
We had a vision of what Belfast could deliver on, hosting the competition in the SSE Arena, tying in Titanic Slipways as a fan zone, taking advantage of all our outside music venues like Custom House Square and Ormeau Park to hold open air concerts and stream the live competition, allowing the city to really open up and live the excitement that is Eurovision.
Some people said Belfast making a bid was a joke, others said that we wouldn’t be able to pull it off, but most people have been supportive of the campaign and were thrilled with the idea of the possibility of Eurovision coming to our little part of the world. We definitely could’ve pulled it off.


Adam McFarland – Instagram: Orlaigh Cosgrove – Instagram: orlaigh_xox
Mollie Browne – Instagram:
So, how’s everyone’s heads after Belfast Pride? I’m not going to lie it was my first time heading up and of course being there actually walking in the Parade with Omagh Pride filled me with so much joy, and well as it say’s on the tin, Pride. Even though as I’m writing this column my body is fully proving that I am no longer a young early twenties person where the weekend stint wouldn’t phase me (seriously when did these knee’s start hurting after nights out) I would gladly say it was one of the best weekends, meeting so many people and making so many new and amazing friends.
I wanted to take this issues column to talk about an event that ran before and throughout the pride weekend, UsFolk Illustration Agency’s “The Big Queer Art Show”, so a few weeks back a friend had tagged me in the submission post, now I’m always proud of the work I produce and if I don’t like something I would never put it out in the world, being the massive Virgo I am, I like my work to be as perfect in my opinion as I can make it but I had never thought I would be as I said when asking friends should I submit something “like gallery good”. After a little persuasion though I submitted a piece I hadn’t had ready to release in my own previous collections and just figured that would be it and I wouldn’t even hear back and if I did it would be a solid “thank you, but also, no”.
So instead of this issues tranquil tips I wanted to share some of the names of just some Northern Irish Queer artists, were really blessed to have such a vibrant and rich representation of artists from so many different walks and viewpoints and if you ever get a chance to see their work do!
Clive McFarland – Instagram: clivemcf
Melvin Carroll – Instagram: melcarroll_usfolk
Matthew Moore – Instagram: nineglensart
The show itself was just everything you could ever want to see, everyone’s pieces were so unique and expressive, from mixed media
Sam Long – Instagram: samlongstudio
Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.
Weeks later I received an email, and not only was I not laughed out the building, but my piece was accepted! I was so over the moon this being the first time my work would be displayed in a public setting, now not being from Belfast and it probably being the only city/town in Northern Ireland I’ve yet to live in, to me my first art show “in the big smoke” really meant something big for me. I seen then a few of the people’s work I have admired (and told them so in many annoying messages) would be included too it filled me with so much excitement to be able to see them in person, see their amazing work but to be perfectly honest so much anxiety too that my work and lil old me would be there too.

So the show itself started on Friday 22nd of July at 2 Royal Avenue, again my lack of knowledge of Belfast minus Union Street’s bars is vague at best and it having never occurred to me to google the building to see what it looked like I had just assumed the show would be some cute ‘lil gallery space, but as I was walking closer and closer to the city centre from where we’d parked the anxiety and excitement started to really build up, at this point I would like to thank whoever invented oversized tees, especially the ones with them “wizard sleeves” as I have lovingly called them as I was nervous sweating, and it wasn’t until I had gotten to the actual building and seen just how central the show was that I just couldn’t actually believe how amazing and terrifying this was. Making a beeline for the bathroom first to do the sacred hair check and to stand awkwardly armpits under the hand dryer just in case, I went into the room, firstly it’s such a beautiful space the dome is stunning, and everything was so light and beautiful.
Atholl Easton – Instagram: atholleastonart
entries to breath taking portraits, it was one of the few art show’s I’d been too that really allowed the artists to fully have control on how they submitted their work and how they were trying to present themselves. It’s that funny thing with art show’s you never really can judge how long you’re going to be there but ended up going round a few times at least just to take in all the amazing work on display. UsFolk really did an amazing job of curating such different and individual artists and it worked so well all of us being able to express a Queer identity it really was amazing to see. On a personal note (I mean it’s my column it should be somewhat personal) making connections and actually meeting some of the amazing artists, illustrators and print makers I had been in contact with for years yet had never had the opportunity to meet in real life was a really special feeling and once I was able to get past my usual nervous small talk I had such a blast learning and sharing experiences in common. I can’t thank Usfolk enough for what was an amazing show and the fact it was their first since covid restrictions shows the level of organisation and professionalism they exude! Also, just to do the business thing, the print which was showcased at the show is currently available on my website
Jamie Beard – Instagram: jamiebeardillustration
Piotr Albrecht – Instagram: piotrpechoon
Connor Mills


Not so far! But that’s a good thing.
Do you think with how the world is today with social media, trolling etc there will be even more pressure on those entering the competition?
I knew I was going to write this song for a couple of years. I knew what I wanted it to sound like and the lyrical content. Normally my writing is very adhoc, so this was a different style for me.
I’ve Listened repeatedly bk to bk, it is so addictive, the chorus reminds me of something and it’s doing my head in that I can’t think what it is lol - has anyone else said that ?
So this marks 10 years on from X-Factor and funny enough X-Factor is due to return, do you think there is still a place and what for this type of talent show?
I hope to see far less, actually. I think there is a lot of pressure for ITV to do better to look after contestants.
I have. I actually recently started speaking to one of the friends that line was inspired by.
Heya Lucy, how are ya, how has your summer been?
OMG! I love the new song “Everything Changes” It really brings you on such a journey and it is so relatable. For our readers who haven’t heard it yet tell them what it’s about...
It’s been great, the weather has been wonderful and I’ve been in a great space.
I love the falsetto part on “Friends” , tell us about the creation for you, are you one of these people who writes a song in like 15 minutes or is it a thought out process?
LUCY Spraggan
Have you been asked to do any shows like Strictly or the Jungle etc, and if not is there one reality show you would jump at the chance to do? I’d love to do celebrity SAS!
Everyone remembers Lucy from X-Factor though you may have to double take as her physical and mental appearance and outlook have changed dramatically. We chat about new music after 10 years in the public eye, being nominated for a British LGBT Award, her new single ‘Everything Changes’ and plans for 2023 and beyond.

We last chatted during lockdown and pre your 30th bday, you said you hoped to get away to Vegasdid the trip happen? and how did you spend your birthday?
We didn’t do Vegas, the lockdown was still pend ing in the end. Instead I had a huge festival called Spragfest, we had a live band playing karaoke for the guests, a huge water inflatable course and sock wrestling championships. It was amazing.
You mention missing friends, have you tried to rekindle any relationships or is that not an option due to personal and lifestyle changes?
The song is about the contrast of life and how it all changes whether we recognise it or not. It samples my song Beer Fear, which is the first song the general public were introduced to.
I do. Working class people and people from poorer areas, the north of England primarily, don’t have a leg up into this industry. We don’t go to Brit school, our parents aren’t famous. Kids that are from single parent families often have less opportunity. As much as I don’t agree with some of it’s traditional dynamics I do believe it is a platform for the working class.
Fashion is an opportunity to let people know more about you. I have always loved suits, since I was little. To embrace suits and wear them in my own way means a lot to me.

My album and book are out 2023 and I feel like there is going to be a LOT happening alongside them.
Visit for more information on her tour, music and to hear/purchase her latest single which is out now.
Lately you’ve been killing it in sexy sports wear and amazing suits - I loved your look at the British LGBT Awards -you slayed with that 2 piece and pink boobtube. Tell us what Fashion means to you?
I am in the best place I’ve ever been. This is a constant journey, it always will be. There are so many catalysts that affect how we function as humans and I’m lucky to say my circumstances are very kindly aligned right now.
I have been scrolling through your insta, I have to say you are looking so fit and healthy, do you still train daily?
GNI MAG [18]
So apart from the new single you are also planning a tour, can you tell us where is planned and if you’ll be in either Belfast or Dublin ?
I train five times a week. I love training.
I will be in both for touring and I’ve been recording my whole album in Dublin!
What is next on the cards?
It’s no secret you have shared your struggles with moderation in general, where are you mentally, physically and spiritually now?


would be two men staying in their small sleep out to the hippies at the hot springs who told us that saunas can cure covid. We did something new, and we got to know all sorts of people.
You’ve done a number of shows with strong LGBT+ themes before (The Year of Magical F*cking, An In convenient Poof), what is Daddy Short-Legs about? This show is all about coming to terms with your self and accepting who you are, and sees my own journey to do that mirrored in the journey of my father. I thought I was entering my ‘daddy’ era, but he really beat me to it. Ten years after I came out to my father he flipped the script on me by com ing out to me, and just as I felt like I was settling into my own queer identity I realised not only that I wasn’t the only gay in the family village, but that my own journey towards coming out really is quite minuscule compared to what my own father has gone through. The show is about coming to under stand who my Dad is, about both of us letting our guards down and learning that it is never too late to discover more about yourself.
Who do you think needs to see this show, and why? Truly this show is for anyone who has seen their relationship with their parents shift. I think as we get older, we all begin to realise they are real people with flaws and hopes and everything their children have, not just the people who hand out pocket money and tell you to go to bed. Also, it’s packed with jokes - so if you like jokes... this show is for you!
You work across lots of different platforms (live, ra dio, tv, writing), but a solo show gives you a chance to dig into a story or theme for a full hour. What was the jumping off point for Daddy Short-Legs?
Underbelly George Square (The Wee Coo) 8.50pm, 3-29 August (not 17)
Eli Matthewson: Daddy Short Legs
The show obviously has a strong LGBTQ+ story. Is there a part of that story that’s uniquely Kiwi as well?
This show was written all throughout a period where I wasn’t just in New Zealand, but I legally was not allowed to leave. Weirdly enough I was the voice of our post-lockdown tourism campaign “Do Something New New Zealand” for a few months until they swapped me out for some one more famous. In our glorious, covid-free but isolated-from-the-world 2021 we were all encouraged to get out and really explore the parts of the country we hadn’t been to yet. My boyfriend and I took the opportunity to go all up the West Coast of the South Island, walk the amazing Abel Tasman walk and re-connect with my hometown of Christchurch. A lot of this show follows that trip, from the Air Bnb hosts who did not realise it
When I started doing stand-up in New Zealand there weren’t really any visible gay men doing it, so I was able to stand out early and got some awe some opportunities, but they did sometimes come with a bit of a price. There were times where it felt like I needed to bring just enough ‘gay’ to a show to prove they had diversity, while never being ‘too gay’ as it might put off a straight audience. Almost every piece of feedback I got early on was never about my joke craft or my performance style, it was always about the quantity of gay content I was delivering and whether it was too much or not enough. All through my twenties I was also dealing with my own internalised homophobia, I was brought up in the church, was fully Chrizzo until I was around fifteen, and the overhang of that coupled with the expectations from these early gigs had me feeling pretty lost. Only really now in my thirties do I feel fully comfortable in my queer identity, no longer counting gay jokes but just embracing who I am in all elements.
You’ve mentioned that working in the entertain ment industry you’re asked to ‘turn up’ or ‘turn down’ the gay – can you elaborate?
How has your relationship with your father changed over the course of your writing the show? Ever since Dad came out it has definitely brought us closer, not just because we suddenly have more in common but because there is less of a barrier between us. For most of my life we haven’t had a lot of deeply personal chats, but since sharing such a massive thing my Dad has really opened up more. He’s also ended up doing a woman’s magazine shoot with me and appearing with me in one of my video packages of Dancing With The Stars - I don’t think he ever saw that coming.
When I started writing this show I was actually aiming to write one without any gay jokes. I want ed to prove once and for all that my gag-writing and my stand-up ability was just the same as any one else in the industry and hit back at the people that belittle gay comedians for talking about their sexuality too much. The events of my life however came in fast to change that plan, and I’ve ended up with a show that is more gay than ever, but in a completely different way than I ever thought it would be.
certain stories differ from the truth (they don’t!) he is a huge fan.
How has your father responded to your show? He loved it. He came to watch it super early when it was still in a pretty loose form and has been back to see it twice more since then. Luckily my Dad is like me in that he doesn’t mind a bit of attention. He has encouraged all his friends to see the show and even though he thinks my version of
I think people are really struck by the unique nature of the story, but most often I have just had feedback that the show is a lot of fun. Just because it covers deeply personal stuff, that doesn’t mean it can’t feel light and be funny all the way through. Even though there’s been a massive shift in my life and my family, I still wanted to talk about it in a way that put the funny first. So, while the show does get deep and real, it never gets heavy.
Booking Link:
You’ve performed a season of Daddy Short-Legs in NZ already. What do you hear from audiences who’ve seen the show?
Given it’s a very personal topic for people in the sto ries, how did you go about writing a comedy show? I write the most non-sensical notes in my phone app and then slowly piece it together over time. Ideally as soon as I think of a joke, I want to do it onstage as soon as possible, and if it is about someone close to me I try and tell the joke or story to them early in its creation. I definitely am not the type of comedian to just sit down and type out the whole show, I figure out the best ways to tell stories onstage, trying new lines, weeding out the less impactful ones and honing it with every season. I’ll be coming to the UK having performed this show dozens of times all over New Zealand, so you’ll be getting the best version.
For more info and queries, contact Toarts@rainbow-project.orgfindoutmoreabout the SAM’S EDEN project email thomas@ Tothemaclive.comfindoutmore about upcoming events and book a space, visit

*EDEN referring to Derek Jarman’s Prospect Cottage Garden that was under threat in 2020. This site in
Printed by queer collective Shy Bairns the current issue #ONE is available though Catalyst Arts (Belfast), Good Press (UK), and PINK (Manchester).
Thomas said, “I am thrilled to have been

As part of this, there’s a feast of arty activities for anyone who identifies as queer / LGBTQIA+ to get involved with, whether they have prior experience of art or not, the aim to get people exploring possibilities, discovering what they’re into or not, and having fun. Workshops so far have included exploring memories through food, life drawing, haircuts, exploring language, photography walking tours and getting together for Late Night Art at the MAC.
*SAM after Samuel Morris Steward (1909 - 1993) also known as Phil Andros, Phil Sparrow and many other pseudonyms, he was a poet novelist and university profession who left the world of academia to become a tattoo artist and pornographer.
want to be part of the publication or just want to enjoy some queer culture, come along to our upcoming SAM’s EDEN workshops. They are open to anybody who feels they’ll get something out of these sessions. You can dip into one or you can attend them all - it’s up to you. And they’re all free.
More about SAM’S EDEN Conceived as a response to the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, SAM’S EDEN was an ‘exhibition in printed matter!’ This now artefact of queer creative practice in 2020/21 brought together a range of artists and writers and forged new collaborations through digital platforms.
Artist Thomas Wells is leading this project which invites you to help create the 2nd edition of queer arts publication SAM’S EDEN. Thomas created and curated the first edition of SAM’S EDEN in 2020, featuring contemporary visual art, writing and activism. SAM’S main ambition is to highlight emerging creative individuals and groups within the LGBTQIA+ community. This is an opportunity to be part of the 2nd issue by submitting your own work or curating the work of others, or just coming along to the free workshops and having fun.
The MAC’s partnership with The Rainbow Project, Northern Ireland’s largest charity for LGBTQIA+ people and their families, aims to provide space and resources for LGBTQ+ people to harness their creativity and find community through art.

commissioned in 2022 by the MAC in partnership with The Rainbow Project to create SAM’S EDEN 2. This project will seek new collaboration between The Rainbow Project particpant groups and a number of artists from Belfast and create content for a new edition. No previous art experience is necessary as a series of workshops over the next year will allow participants to explore and play.

Dungeness is the former home and garden of artist, filmmaker and activist Derek Jarman (1942 -1994)
The theme of this edition is ’sensory overload’. Fed up of queer voices being pushed to the fringes or being overwhelmed by being spoken about and for, this edition hopes to encounter the LGBTQIA+ community through the

Thomas#SaveProspectCottageWellsisaqueer artist with a particular interest in socially engaged practice. Originally from Manchester, they have been based in Belfast since 2017. They work as a member of the 2021 Turner Prize winning collective Array, as a programmer for the National Museums of NI, and as an independent curator. www.
The motivation for this publication was to look at unrepresented voices / invisible voices in queer history* in the museums and galleries of Northern Ireland. As well as the commissioned works, SAM’S EDEN saw the creation of the LGBTQ Steering Panel in collaboration with Reimagine, Remake, DesignedReplay.and
MUECKRON November20-July29 Free to visit Our proudlygalleriessupported by: With thanks to our funders: Ron Mueck, Youth, 2009 Courtesy the artist © Ron Mueck. Photo the National Gallery, London

Was film a big part of your life growing up? No. I grew up in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, about 100 miles south of St. Louis; right on the Mississippi River. Both my parents were religious. Church every Sunday plus I attended Sunday School and Wednesday Choir Practice. I was protected from the ‘evils of The World’. I wasn’t even allowed to watch Disney princess movies because it was seen as a gateway to ‘unholy thoughts’.
It is true! Since age three, I was heavily involved in the church. After leaving home and coming out, I left religion for a while to see what else the world had to offer. Recently, I’ve been getting back in touch with my more spiritual self. My Grandmother passed away last year and I’ve opened my mind and heart to the idea of allowing her to “share her energy” with me; especially before I’m about to perform. Before every scene in A Lasting First Impression, I would say a quick prayer, and ask my great-grandma and God to give me guidance and strength.
The production was filmed in Albany and upstate New York, something Qya Cristal admits having concerns over, at least initially. “I’m so used to Provincetown, Massachusetts, where I live, I had no idea how I would be received in traditional America,” they laugh. “I put my best foot forward and came at the experience with the utmost positivity.”
I believe so. With the recent popularity of shows like RuPaul’s Drag Race, I find that many queens are being
How does being a person of color impact the LGBTQ experience?
Crazy right?
looked at as serious actors, singers, dancers, and allaround entertainers. Of course, we’ll always have those pockets of society that frown upon the art, but I’m so glad that we’re making it clear that we exist, and we’re not going anywhere.
Is it true that you said a little prayer to your Grandmother before filming every scene?
“We had several great discussions with Qya believing Naomi should not be played as an on-the-nose ‘typical sassy black Drag Queen.’ I agreed. We worked together to develop the persona of Naomi because the most important thing was that Qya embody and become Naomi in the most natural and authentic way so that the character was not forced or unreal.”
Luckily, I was a 90’s kid, so I found diversity and inclusion on Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and even The Disney Channel. I loved shows like Hey Arnold, Cousin Skeeter, and That’s So Raven. They had a way of explaining difficult subjects like death, racism, classism, sexism, misogyny, eating and mental disorders, in a way that was smart and entertaining. They also taught me that I, too, could be successful if I worked hard.
That is sad!
For his part, Gaunt echoes the sentiment. “Qya was a delight to work with on set. Despite their relative lack of film acting experience, Qya was able to pick things up incredibly fast.
In A Lasting First Impression, Charleigh is desperate for the approval from her family. Can you relate? Absolutely. For years I wanted nothing more than to prove to Mom and Dad that I could make it on my own without any help. I wanted to show them that I could be gay and successful and, more than anything, I wanted them to be proud of the child they raised. I wanted them to know that they raised a responsible, morally sound, and gracious person.
We spoke with Qya Crystal from their home in Provincetown...
I believe a lot of cisgender heterosexual men are terrified that their idea of what’s normal will never be the same again. Their desire to Make America Great Again is inherently rooted in sexism, racism, and misogyny, which, for whatever reason, they cannot see as problematic. I’m particularly concerned with the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade as it is obvious to all that they will be coming for LGBTQ rights next!
The depth of the film, and the fact that it depicts drag queens as three-dimensional characters, is important. “So many films portray drag queens as funny clowns to laugh along with but in A Lasting First Impression, we’re human,” Cristal reflects. “We’re depicted as characters that have lives, complications, triumphs, and
There are experiences that I’m going through that I’ve had to accept others will fundamentally not understand. Many of my LGBTQ friends haven’t felt the fear of getting pulled over by the cops. Many of my black friends have never felt the objectification that comes along with being a drag performer.
We are seeing an increase in legislation targeting LGBTQ folks, particularly the trans community. Your thoughts?
I hope audiences walk away from A Lasting First Impression with the inspiration to keep an open mind and heart. You truly never know what someone else is going through at any particular moment in their life. Try to listen and understand the people you love and tell them that you love them. We never know how much time we have together on this plane of existence.
While Mantle plays a cabaret performer, mourning over the loss of her deceased brother, Cristal takes on the role of Mantle’s friend, Naomi. “The story dives deep into who the characters are, their relationships with each other, and how each strives to cope with loss,” Cristal explains.
How so?
How do you identify today?
I have to ask… your thoughts on Mattel introducing the Laverne Cox Barbie doll?
Being black in America is an experience unto itself. Being gay and black is its own unique experience. Being gay, black, and a drag entertainer, is like the ultimate evolution.
I think the best description of me is non-binary. I love living life on the spectrum and having the freedom to dress literally however I want. But honestly, I don’t mind which pronoun people choose to use. But, if you call me “Sir” while I’m in full drag, after knowing how long it took for me to transform myself into this beautiful creature, I will NOT be having it! (Laughs)
They credit director Chris Gaunt with making the experience a happy one. “The great thing about working with Chris Gaunt and crew was their willingness to listen to feedback about how I felt a line should be delivered in order to deliver the most authentic portrayal of Naomi.”
Has the world become more tolerant and accepting of the drag community?
Final thoughts?
Queer actor Qya Cristal makes their lead acting debut in A Lasting First Impression, a film starring RuPaul’s Drag Race’s Kelly Mantle.
we can integrate drag culture into film and TV, the better it will be for our society as a whole. Drag performers are not some strange ‘other’, we work in your communities, live in your neighborhoods, and can coexist peacefully.”
How did your family react to your coming out as queer? Whew, well, that wasn’t easy. I came out to my parents at 21, after having been at Berklee College of Music for a couple years, and, well, it ended with me leaving college and not looking back. It’s been ten years now and I haven’t been home since. Fortunately, I’ve found my tribe in Provincetown, MA, and I’ve been able to reconnect with my parents and let them know that it wasn’t ‘just a phase’ and that they didn’t ‘fail as parents’. In fact, the lessons they taught me about respecting myself, as well as others, are ingrained into the core of who I am as a person, and I will forever be grateful for that.
By Ben Nelson
I AM OBSESSED!!! I give credit where credit is due. Barbie has been on the forefront of empowering girls and young women to strive to be whatever they want to be, because it is possible with hard work and determination. I can’t even count the amount of jobs Barbie has had over her more than sixty years on this Earth. Especially after Mattel had their new introduction of Barbies which included dolls of all shapes, sizes, and races, plus the sheer number of celebrities that have been turned into the iconic doll, I had a feeling this wouldn’t be far behind. I’m so proud of Ms. Cox for her accomplishment and look forward to the future of Barbie and Mattel products.
My first gig back was on the 24th July with DFIU events and Victoria Scone in Union Street. I was really nervous about how my knee would hold up. Not missing out on the coincidence of performing with someone who had a very similar injury that resulted in them leaving Drag Race UK early I struck up a conversation about our injuries and healing. It turns out I was very lucky and my injury could have been a lot worse. Victoria had torn her ACL, which took a lot longer to heal than my knee injury and she was out of work for a lot longer than my 7 weeks. The Afternoon tea performance was great, Victoria was very funny and sung live to various tracks including Queen and even had a scone eating contest as a game which resulted in a lot of dry mouths!

Flashback to my performance In Cruz 101 in May, everything was great, the performance went without a hitch and all tricks were landed without issue, even later in the night my knee didn’t give me any bother, but the next morning I woke and I couldn’t walk or put pressure on my left knee. I initially thought that I’d twisted my knee whilst performing but alas the prognosis was a lot worse, I’d only went and severely Victoria sconed myself tearing my MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament).
I followed the advice of the amazing physiotherapist that gave me a number of exercises to do at home as well as weekly deep massages that were very uncomfortable and I am very happy to say that as of the end of July I was back performing, albeit carefully.
Tailor maid here with your dose of drag dramatics. I’m here to update you on what’s been happening in my wee corner of the world. The past 2 months have been a struggle to be honest. But in order to get you up to date I need to rewind back to the end of May to give you some context.

Whilst I was writing my last Column for GNI Magazine I was actually sitting on the sofa in my house with an ice pack on my left knee feeling very sorry for myself but confident that I would be up and about in a matter of hours bouncing around stages doing drop splits, flips and tricks. I had a busy few months coming up with performances and Pride that I was really looking forward to and just wanted to be back to my normal self.
I can still remember standing in the physiotherapist’s clinic and them telling me that I would be out of action for 6-16 weeks and that I couldn’t dance, perform or wear heels and that I needed physiotherapy to ensure the tear would heal properly. In that moment I felt numb, I haven’t ever had an injury in my adult life that prevented me from doing anything I wanted, but I am very aware of how these sort of injuries can affect you if you don’t let them
Disaster STRIKES
It wasn’t a nice time at all; not only was my body ‘failing me’ but my mind was jumping on board and making me feel worse. Thinking about it now, having something like this happen is a stark reminder of how fragile we are performers, it doesn’t take much to create a major setback.
Looking back at Pride, and celebrating a year of Tailor performing in Belfast.
thought of not performing or having
Victoria Scone
to cancel gigs was devastating to me, but that’s what I reluctantly had to do, I had to cancel 6 performance nights that I had booked in June and early July. Everyone was very understanding about my situation, but I couldn’t help getting in my head about it and over thinking what other people would be thinking about me having to cancel gigs. I was very isolated in my own thoughts which really wasn’t a nice place to be in.

Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.
2 DAYS after the Victoria Scone show seen the launch of Belfast Pride with an awards ceremony at Belfast City Hall. Both DFIU and BPerfect were both up for awards for Best Night Out and Employer of the Year respectively. It was great to be there representing both Businesses I work with alongside all my fellow drag artists and performers on the scene. We didn’t clinch the prizes but being nominated was an amazing
Pride Saturday itself was mental, I don’t know why I thought it would be any different, we hadn’t had a parade in 3 years and this year promised to be bigger and better than ever with a record number of floats and expected attendees and it did not disappoint, I attended the BPerfect mega store Pride breakfast then loaded onto our float for our trip around the town. It was actually my first Pride Parade in Belfast in Years. My mum and dad came down and watched the parade, which is the first time both my parents have seen me in drag at a Pride Parade EVER!
I’m looking forward to seeing what the next year brings…..
was mentally busy with both Bperfect and prepping for Pride Saturday. I had rehearsals for the Libertine Group performance for the main stage, as well as going over plans for hosting the Bperfect parade entry, I even managed to squeeze in making my own rainbow fur coat with my mum the night before pride Saturday which was a special memory, although I didn’t get to bed until nearly 5am, with fur absolutely everywhere.
All in all a successful first gig back and not a split in sight. #SUCcESS!
Hopefully no more tearing and definitely no more tears…..
also find Tailor Maid on Instagram @totally.tailor Bookings on instagram or via email or call/message 07540533943
Pride Saturday was very special for me as it marked one year of Tailor Performing in Belfast, so much has happened, so many amazing moments, performing on the main stage with the drag artists I have worked with for most of the year was an amazing experience.
SUMMER OF 2022 - Recap
Movies, Music & Me
Then there was Gaga..OMG!! Blew us away more than we expected and woke us up to live our lives to the absolute max. What an Artist, what a Performer and what a Show. Totally phenomonal!! We also got to do a few routines outisde the Stad de France as a DJ was banging out Gaga tunes after the concert. That was so surreal but yet so fabulous haha a performer will perform when the music hits right, it’s just facts lol
Two of my recent favs are Conleath Kane and James Aaron. Two completely different artists and styles of music, but they’re my guilty pleasures right now. You can check all Artists out on Spotify and YouTube (inc. other streaming platforms).
All I can say for this moment is - AN ABSOLUTE DREAM COME TRUE!! For many years at Pride I have always admired and longed to be on the main stage, but instead I was always the drunk on-looker, “just dreaming”. Something I had given up on for many years and it finally came true this year, this also shows that belief in yourself coupled with hard work and determination = your dream come true. Thank you to everyone who was there and supported, we’ll definitely be back next year :) :) #loveislove

1st up - Ecelctic Love
Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.
Upcoming events and projects
Socials - Facebook - Carl Connielingus Instagram - carlconnie_lingus Tik Tok - @cclingus1
Honestly, I don’t even know where to start because so many crazy things have happened these past few months. Let me start off by saying, I have learned thee biggest lessons in life, post covid, because everything is just different now. Even down to the very human race and our behaviours lol you all Knowe what I mean. But now to the good stuff..
Then..Belfast Pride 2022
When I tell you I was inspired, I mean I was INSPIRED!! I got to see my absolute Idol on my Birthday weekend and it was honestly the best Birthday I’ve ever had. My missus Hayley and my bestie from School (Wee Laura) came with me, and to see Alanis live after all these years..just blew my mind wide open. Discovering her at 15 (in 1994), I genuinley NEVER EVER thought that I would get to see someone like Alanis in that way. It opened my eyes and mind in so many ways and it’ll just never leave me, plus I haven’t stopped listening to her again from then, and that’s fine by me :) :)
Carl ConnieLingus
Hello all of my beautiful Lil’ Lingus Lovers, how has the Summer faired you lot so far?? Can I just say that I have been so blessed this Summer, both because I’ve had some of the most testing times, but also some of the best experiences of my life to date. Strap-in, let me take you for a ride and I’ll fill you in hehe (see what I done there?? Lol) COLUMN CARL CONNIELINGUS GNI MAG [28]
That’s my time up again with you beautiful creatures and I do hope you enjoyed the ride lol who knows what I’ll be up to over the next few months, you just have to come see me again next time. Sending love & Light to you all.
Peace, Harmony and all things Delicious Free the nipple Love, Carl ConnieLingus :) :)
Since I’m scaling back for college again in September, I will continue my Dragaoke night at Gallaher’s, any Harland & Poof events and some possible Halloween & Christmas bookings.

One more BIG thing before that though, and that’s Drag Fest Ireland. This is gonna be some show and the lineup is absolutely INSANE lol originally to be held at The Waterfront in Belfast but it has now been recolated to The National Stadium in Dublin on Friday 26th August.
Next up - My 39th Birthday & Alanis Morissette (Live in Glasgow)
Oh guys what an experience, and one I will never forget. From performing as Carl early that afternoon to hundreds of people, to then dance in front of thousands of people later that day with Trisha as Gaga and my beaut Hayley and our new fill in Dancer, Ross. So much time and work went into the performance and it shows on stage..the best part of the month of May.
The ultimate BANGER - Hayley’s 26th Birthday & Lady Gaga (Live in Paris)
I have been trying to check out new artists, far and local. Most notably here in Belfast is Gary Duffy and you guys should really check out his music and show some support. Also guys, check out my girlfriend’s band Paper Tigers, who you can find on Spotify and YouTube.
That’s right, little old me and little young Haylbops got to go to Paris for 5 days and what a fantastic time away we had. Hayley and her Mum know 2 very talented Twins called Sam & Didi that live there and they were so kind to meet up with us and really look after us over a few days, whilst also having the best time and celebrating Hayley with their family and friends. We could definitley feel the love <3 <3
5 Weavershill Square Belfast BT14 8QU Socials: forkyescbd1 Thewww.forkyescbd.com5%ofallordersmadeusingthiscodewillbedonatedtoRainbowProject


I believe everyone has the right to protest, and I don’t think we use that right enough in todays society, I also fully understand drag is not to everyone’s liking and taste but what I don’t understand is why people have such an issue with an actor doing the job they were hired to do, with parents making the decision to book and attend these events and how the message has got so twisted that this event is anything other that an event for kids to hear some kids stories.
been called horrible things for years but a very com mon trope is to call us Groomers and Paedophiles, I see this as nothing more than plain old fashioned homophobia, and is not a good look in 2022.
is a drag character I created and she is called Miss Cherrie Ontop. In 2009 I received my HIV Diagnosis and due to this I went through 2 years of not wanting or feeling able to be on stage so created cherrie to get me back on stage. In a way you could say Cherrie saved my mental health and in turn saved me. Cherrie became a regular appearance on the Belfast cabaret and gay bar circuit working in Cabaret Supperclub and Maverick Bar. The amazing thing about having ownership of a character I have created is she can be or do anything, much more than I as Matthew have ever felt com fortable to do.
Over the past few weeks I have been hired to play the part Pinocchio the little wooden puppet in a shopping centre and reading stories to kids in lots of makeup, a wig, leggings and a full costume. It’s magical and exciting for the kids and evokes the same reaction from kids as when they are in front of Cherrie, wonder and joy. Not one protester but put me in a dress and Boom!
To say the Drag Storytime event was a success would be a massive understatement! The kids loved it, their grown ups loved it and we 3 drag queens had a blast! We played games, sang songs and read stories. These events have been regular work for me for the past 6 years and have gone by with out a hitch, even virtually over lockdown.
A lot of people have stated that Drag is not suitable Childrens entertainment, because drag is inherently sexual in nature.
There are bad apples in every job, community and society around the world, but that does not mean that every apple is bad. Same applies to drag performers, If you look for news stories you will find them as you will in every sector of society and some of the stories areThe actions are nothing to do with these people being drag acts and they should be fully held to account. These few individuals are not representative of the drag community, any more than a teacher who commits a sexual offence is reflective of all teacher.
These events have got twisted and sexualised by people who have seldomly or never attended these events. They make ignorant and Illinformed sweeping statements to create fear and uncertainty.
The events that I am hired to do for kids is for kids so I (as the intelligent human I believe I am) am able to tailor the event to my audience (0-12) so nothing about this event will be sexual, I dress modestly and colourfully (as bright as possible) with lot of sparkle. We sing songs about Peter rabbit and the wheels on the bus, we play games and we read CHILDRENS BOOKS. The books I choose to read at my events are about celebrating difference. I grew up feeling different, feeling like something was wrong with me and turns out I am different but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! I am so proud of my differ ences and they make me me. I want kids to know the magic of living life authentically and the freedom of being true to you!
You don’t have to like it, you don’t have to book it, you don’t have to attended it, you don’t have to bring your children to it, you also don’t have to spoil it for others, you don’t have to spread mistruths, you don’t have to harass the drag performer hired to do the job, you don’t have to send threats and ‘un-alive yourself’ mes sages to them, these are all choices that can be made instead of making someone go through the onslaught that I and many Queer performers have endured for simply doing their job!
I don’t see any difference between these jobs, they are both Matthew hired to play a character and read Childrens stories to Children and for me it’s as simple as that, it’s a job that I happen to find very fulfilling. The stats on reading in the uk and Ireland are worrying but understandable. I was a kid who was intimidated by reading and it felt like a chore until I was shown the magic that books can be by wonderful storytellers. I have learnt that ‘reading is FUNDA MENTAL’ and also I have a skill for story telling and I am delighted that I get to share that with kids and their grown ups at these events.
Live the life you are meant to in all its glory, stand tall and proud in your differences and raise people up. Try these things and you will see the joy that life really can be.
I fully agree, the drag that lots of people are familiar with is the Gay Bar/Club drag. Clubs and bars are 18+ venues and these events would NOT be suitable for kids! Many queens are sexual in nature and tone during these shows and that is celebrated and rightly so but again it is not for kids.
About 6 years ago I was to hired to do a drag Storytelling event an East Belfast library as part of the Eastside Arts Festival with two amazing Drag Queens, Lady Portia and Onya Becks. I was nervous about it, for no other reason than ‘was I gonna be good enough for these kids?’. This was not my first time at the rodeo, I was a holiday entertainer… think red coats on a very tight budget wearing snot green coats in the north of England. I loved running the kids club and doing shows for kids … they are much less judgey than the grownups! I am not a parent so I don’t know what it’s like having the responsibility of a human life in all it’s Facets in my hands but I am lucky enough to be an uncle many, many times over! I am the cool and fun ‘guncle’, even if I do say so myself. I have a way of clicking with kids, maybe because I am still such a big kid at heart.
So imagine my surprise when 5 july 2022, an event that I have been hired to do gets advertised and people start to say under the post that this event is ‘Sick’, that I am a ‘Groomer’, I am a ‘sexual deviant’, ‘time these deviants were put down’, the only reason a grown man in a dress would want to read to kids is because he is a ‘ Paedophile‘, to mention some exam ples. All of these things being said about me because I was doing a job I was hired to do. Gay people have
Follow me on instagram @cherriontopbelfast FEATURE CHERRIE ONTOP GNI MAG [31]
I am going to state again, I am an actor, an entertainer and also I am a fairly intelligent person. I am able to distinguish between what is suitable for a childrens audience, a family audience, an 18+ audience and an elderly audience.
I am Matthew Cavan and I stand proud in myself and along with every other queer person who is using their talents and skills to make this world a more in clusive space for every child, I celebrate my differences in all its forms and I can’t wait to celebrate every child and grown up that attends a drag storytime event and the uniqueness that they bring. Fitting in, standing out or going under the radar… all are equal, all are valid and all will be welcome.
Ever since I can remember I have wanted to be an actor, I worked hard at my dreams and I am now an actor. As actors, we do many different types of jobs ie: theatre, movies, voice overs, advertisements, teaching, facilitating, hosting, entertaining, tour guiding and AnotherSTORYTELLING.partofmycareer


Our fostering assessment process is thorough and robust. Read on to find out how this benefits the children we support and you.
4. Sessions with a social worker to explore your strengths as well as areas you need support and development
Making a difference
David said, “The whole process enables people to un derstand why there’s such a need for more foster car ers. It also shows how worthwhile and valuable it is for them to want to become a foster carer.
“The reward of seeing the stability brought into a child’s life is fantastic. Fostering is about inviting these young people to be a part of your family. It’s about cre ating stability that will give a child a chance to move forward in life. The process is not for the faint-hearted, but it offers a real sense of value to what you could achieve by becoming a foster carer.”
If you have space in your life – and your heart – to offer a child or young person a safe and loving home, we would love to hear from you. Call 028 9046 0500, email or visit
2. Training to develop the skills to foster
While the process can be time intensive – taking roughly six to nine months to complete – it’s vital. David explained, “We’re recruiting people to look after the most vulnerable young people in our soci ety. The need for us to be robust in what we do and take our time to make sure it's done right is crucial.
There are currently 3,564 children in care in North ern Ireland*. A 6% increase since the beginning of the pandemic. The rising need means there’s never been a more vital time to enquire and make fos tering your next venture. But with a high demand for more foster carers, you may question the length of application and a thorough assessment process. Here, Northern Ireland Fostering Team Leader David discusses why such a comprehensive process is essential.
The assessment process also allows applicants to appreciate the value of fostering.
an agency. You need to be open and honest, but it can be a very therapeutic, cathartic process. People learn an awful lot through it.”
3. A period of assessment to explore your suit ability
1. Visits to your home
When a child can’t stay with their family, that has an effect on them. Our goal is to provide a home that is safe and stable for them to go to.”
What do you expect from applicants during the assessment process?
About the process
“It’s also about building relationships. When you become a foster carer, you build a relationship with your fostering social worker. But also, with us as

In Northern Ireland the fostering assessment is a combination of virtual and face-to-face sessions. It can be broken down into several stages:
What are the benefits of such a thorough process?
How it works
“What we're hoping is that people can reflect upon their upbringing and discuss how their life expe riences shaped the person they are today,” David tells us.
The assessment is, as David says, “a learning pro cess”. It’s about getting to know carers and their families and exploring their combined skills and experiences. It’s also an opportunity for them to learn more about themselves.
Start your fostering journey today: 028 9046 0500 Everydifferentfamily’s But the one thing they should have in common is love. Registered charity nos. 1097940/SC038092. Company no. 4764232. © Action for Children 2021.1655.

If you are a regular reader you will know that over the past 6 months, I have been trying out several of the latest home beauty technology from Currentbody in the bid to try lose 15 years off my **cough** 40 years (whispered) **cough**.

How to lose 15 years THE RESULTS
By Gary Campion
I have been using this for 25minutes every other day for the past 6 months and I can honestly say that my hair feels and looks in better condition that before I started. There has been a great improvement to the front of my hairline with plenty of new growth, the results start ed to really show after 3 months but have continued to improve in the subsequent months. See the photos below of the helmet in use, before, 3 month and 6-month results.

Spotlight Teeth Whitening Strips and Spotlight Teeth Whitening Pen
consensus from the 20 people asked was that I looked between 28 and 34…not quite the 15 years I aimed for, but I am hap py shaving off 12 years just by using these easily affordable and accessible devices and products.

• iGrow Laser Hair Rejuve nation System
The Overall Results
Throughout various events at Pride either I or one of my friends asked people that did not know me what age they thought I was. The general
• Spotlight Teeth Whiten ing Pen
CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask
Before6Weeks FEATURE FIFTEEN YEARS YOUNGER THE RESULTS GNI MAG [37] Before3Months6Months 3 MonthsBefore 6 Months
If you have been following my journey and would like to know more about the products and to get your hands on them check out at:
Prior to using these products over an 8-week period my teeth were what I would call a creamy off-white colour, I am not a smoker or a tea, coffee or red wine drinker but like with everyone over time your teeth do gradually stain/ become dull. I used the teeth whiten ing strips every day for 14 days and then started using the whitening pen for the weeks following to maintain the results. As you will see from the result pics below, I have come up about 6 shade to bring a nat ural whiteness back to my teeth. I like my results to look natural with most things in life, so these two products did just the job.

few months I have had many compliments and questions as to what I was using as my skin is looking so fresh…..for every one that has asked here is the answer!!
• CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask
iGrow Laser Hair Rejuvenation System
To lose the 15years I have been using 2 pieces of equipment and 2 dental products:

I have been using this mask for 10 minutes everyday and accord ing to my partner I look like Hannibal Lecter when I use it but needs must if I wanted to lose the 15years. Prior to use I had quite inset smile lines around my eye area and slightly dullish skin texture. I found using the mask easy and the results really did start to show after 2-3 months, the mask does produce lovely glowing healthy skin. Over the past
• Spotlight Teeth Whiten ing Strips
Tell the person you speak to if you have had close contact with someone who has or might have IMPORTANTmonkeypox.-Phone first!
In response, the NHS has requested that a smallpox vaccine Imvanex/Jynneos, which is shown to be effective against monkeypox, will be offered to men considered to be at higher risk of exposure to the virus. There is a limited supply of the vaccine so at present it is being offered to individuals with the highest risk of exposure to monkeypox, e.g. due to having multiple sexual partners or participating in group sex.
Individuals who could be at risk of Monkeypox must have access to accurate infor mation to inform decision-making, including decisions about sex. This article aims to answer some of the common questions.
mission of the infection within – but not exclusive to – gay, bisexual and other MSM.
Leo Lardie, sexual health officer for the Rainbow Project is giving GNI readers the facts about monkeypox and the vaccine, to make sure clients are aware of symptoms and where to get support.
Do not go to a GUM clinic or other healthcare facility without phoning first. Stay at home and avoid close contact with other people until you’ve been told what to do.
Further symptoms include a new rash or ulcers/nodules which can affect any part of the body (genital, anal, oral/mouth), or anal symptoms (bleeding, pain.
Other additional information regarding Monkeypox
As with any infectious disease, the risk assessment and eligibility remain under con stant review and may change according to circumstances.
The Public Health Agency advise that initial symptoms of monkeypox include fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, swollen lymph nodes, chills and exhaustion.
Please contact Leo Lardie by phone (028 90 319 030), text (079 04 864 861) or e-mail ( for more details or to book a rapid HIV & Syph ilis test.
numbers rise, so too has the confusion about the virus, how it spreads and who is currently at high risk for becoming infected. Some of the language and misin formation out there stigmatising gay and bi men and the Rainbow Project is deeply concerned by comments across social media and in the local media surrounding the recent cases in Northern Ireland. Stigmatising language casts blame, it is never appropriate and in fact, may discourage individuals from seeking treatment.
If you are concerned that you have developed some of these symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who may have monkeypox – What should you do?
But individuals must get the vaccine if it is offered to them. GUM clinics will be identifying those eligible and inviting them in turn, so there is no need to phone the clinic.
You should phone your local GUM clinic or healthcare provider immediately for further assessment.
Leo Lardie said: “We recognise that there is a higher prevalence amongst our com munity, hence why we have been working with the Public Health Agency to make sure that appropriate information gets out to the wider LGBTQIA+ Community to make sure they are aware of the symptoms, and when and where to get support. Monkeypox is spread through close contact, which does not require sexual contact. But focusing on types of sexual relationships is stigmatising, counterproductive and sensationalising an important health message.”
So, what does Monkeypox look and feel like?
What support can you get from the Rainbow Project?
Sexual health is important to any individual. Looking after your sexual health is just as important as looking after your own mental or physical health. We provide free, confidential and non-judgemental advice around sexual health. Should you have any queries and don’t wish to have them answered over the phone then email us directly at provide rapid HIV & syphilis testing which is avail able at our Belfast and Foyle centres Monday to Thursday 10 AM-5 PM by ap pointment only.
Why do I have to wait for my vaccination against monkeypox?
The Public Health Agency has produced a leaflet which outlines the situation around the vaccine. This leaflet can be found on their website - www. WhydoIhavetowait
Protecting you from monkeypox – this leaflet is for those people being offered the smallpox vaccine to protect against monkeypox and can be found here www. pha. Tosite/Protectingyoufrommonkeypoxfindoutmoreaboutmonkeypox see
Topoxread the latest news from UKHSA see
The rash changes and goes through different stages – it can look like chickenpox or syphilis, before finally forming a scab which later falls off.
Although anyone can catch monkeypox, the latest data shows higher levels of trans
The Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland has started the roll-out of the vac cine programme across all Health and Social Care Trust areas to those assessed as being most at risk and is working with partners across the UK to arrange for the supply of further vaccines over the coming weeks. There is a limited supply of the vaccine so, initially, one dose is being offered to those at highest risk. As more vaccine supplies become available, more people will be offered the first dose of the vaccine.
Monkeypox isn’t new, nor does it solely affect gay and bisexual men. Monkeypox can affect anyone regardless of sexuality. However in the current outbreak of monkeypox, in the UK and across the world, the majority of the cases have been in gay and bi
The Bridezilla - it’s every bridesmaid’s nightmare. And regardless of how well you think you know your bestie, you can never predict how the pressure of planning a wedding will make them feel and act. But your role as bridesmaid is not just to plan her the best hen party of all time, but to be there for the bride-to-be during the stressful wedding planning moments and of course, walk beside them on their big day. So, how do you deal with a Bridezilla?LisaForde,
wedding expert and founder of leading stationery favourites Tree of Hearts, is on hand with her top tips.
“Whether it’s your sister childhoodorbestie,weknow
Plan something away from wedding planning Maybe it’s worth planning a day out to distract the bride-to-be from her wedding planning duties and remind you of the bestie she once was. Maybe invite the rest of the bridal party but explain it is a wedding-planning free zone. Let her take her hair down and relax.
you want what’s best for your bride-to-be and for her to have her dream wedding, but it can often be really tricky being a bridesmaid,” Lisa explains. “Of course, you have your own life at the end of the day, which understandably doesn’t revolve around this upcoming wedding, but you’ve been given and accepted a very important role and need to accordinglyacttopreventanymajorfriendshipfallouts!”

Don’t take it personally It’s not you - it’s her! Sometimes wedding planning brings out the worst in people, the bride may snap and bark orders, and it’s easy to get offended and wonder if you’ve done something wrong. Try not to get upset about it, it’s almost certainly not your fault, and probably not you the bride-to-be is mad at.
If it’s all getting too much and impacting your own life and mental health, don’t be afraid to remove yourself from the situation. You need to give your reasons and be clear so they are able to understand. It might be an emotional conversation, but try to remain confident in your decision and remember why you have made it.
Keep calm and carry on In true British style, you need to stay calm and carry on. Be patient with your bride - even if you want to strangle her and try to give her the benefit of the doubt when she’s having a Bridezilla moment.
Talk to her Wedding planning is an incredibly stressful time, and stress can make people behave in ways they normally wouldn’t. If your bestie strays toward the bridezilla territory, maybe consider letting her know, she may not even realise that she’s turning nasty.
What to do when your BFF becomes a BRIDEZILLA
Step away…

GNI MAG [41] Jupiter & Lo Adult Store 27 Gresham Street, Belfast. BT1 1JL . 028 90 314 Lets Go Mental for Pentyl Pentyl is far STRONGER and has an effect over your full body, rather than just your head – the effects are much LONGER LASTING These are extremely powerful aromas are the STRONGEST ON THE MARKET - available from Jupiter & Lo Belfast If you want to find the widest range of other brands like Amsterdam, Bears Own, DV8, FF, Fist, Jungle Juice, Liquid Gold Poppers, Prowler, Rush, Titus, TNT, Tom Taylor, Xtreme and many others! then head over to Jupiter & Lo

7. Every dancer has a ballerina and a male danseur alterego with their own stage names – look out for Jacques D’Aniels, Holly Dey-Abroad and Minnie Van Driver
10. A night out at The Trocks has been described as ‘one of the most entertaining shows on planet Earth’
2. Over the years they have performed in 651 cities in more than 41 countries on 130 worldwide tours
3. In 2019 they racked up nearly 62,000 miles on tour. Multiply that by the number of dancers and they could have sent a dancer to the moon and back twice!
8. They have two degrees of separation from Gonzo the Great, Rudolf Nureyev and the Queen. They have danced with Miss Piggy, Kermit and the Russian superstar on TV and met Prince Charles after taking part in the Royal Variety Performance
9. They’ve performed their signature work, The Dying Swan, over 3500 times

The Trocks are at Grand Opera House, Belfast on Friday 28 & Saturday 29 October. Tickets: 028 9024 1919 / www.goh. /
1. The Trocks don’t come from Monte Carlo at all. They’re from New York where they started life in the Meatpacking District as a downtown drag act in 1974
4. The company’s 16 dancers come from China, Cuba, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the USA
5. The Trocks head off on tour with 60 costumes, 80 pairs of earrings and 110 sets of false eyelashes
6. It takes each Trock 90 minutes to put on their make-up - and 60 minutes to take it all off again
mamma-mia.comTUE 8 - SAT 26 NOVEMBER LITTLESTAR©


“The only part of a wedding you have to do is the official wording of the vows if you want to make it legal, everything else after that is up for “Everythingpersonalisation.from the first dance and cutting of the cake to the bouquet toss can be changed to suit your personality and budget, so be creative and have some fun with it. You never know you might just create a new LGBTQ+ wedding tradition that other couples enjoy for years to Lisacome.”has pulled together six top tips for those planning a same-sex wedding:
The traditional speech line-up goes: father of the bride, groom and best man. But more and more couples are mixing this up in the 21st century - you can have as many or as few speeches by different members of the wedding party as you like.
Combining parties can be a lot more fun too. You’re getting married to your other half so they’re probably the person you most love to party with anyway!
The general rule when planning any wedding is to put yourself and your partner first - try to block out the noise coming from family members or friends and instead focus on what you want and what you enjoy.
Want a pizza van instead of a three-course wedding breakfast? Do it! Want to set off fireworks as you share your first kiss as a married couple? Do it!
You could either mesh the two names together to create a completely new name that’s special and unique to you, double-barrel your names or just keep your own names to mark your individuality.
What about a joint couple speech at your same sex weddings if you’re both feeling brave enough to do some public speaking?
Lisa Forde, wedding expert and founder of stationery favourites Tree of Hearts, said: “A wedding is all about celebrating your special love for one another so if anything that is deemed a ‘wedding tradition’ that doesn’t make sense to you or feels outdated then you can simply ignore it.
If you’ve not called anyone your ‘best man’ or ‘maid of honour’ then you’ll have to make sure someone is arranging your hen or stag do, likewise when it comes to speeches.
Wedding planning can be a minefield - there’s so many traditions to consider, lots of family members to please and certain etiquette around the events of the day.
Embrace the rainbow
In typical wedding traditions, the bride takes the groom’s surname, and although many modern hetrosexual couples are choosing to go against this ‘rule’ in today’s world, the question of who takes whose name after the big day is one to consider when planning your nuptials.
Do what makes you happy
I’m a wedding expert - here’s seven things to consider when planning a same-sex wedding
Walking down the aisle
The well-known, traditional wedding party goes – bride, groom, best man, maid of honour, ushers and bridesmaids. These are really gender specific roles and they don’t really represent a lot of marriages in 2022.
Combine celebrationspre-weddingyour
If white isn’t your colour or seems a little bit conservative to you then have fun with colours instead. Go as bright and bold as you fancy with your outfits and wear what you feel comfortable with. The same goes for your wedding decor - at same-sex weddings it can be fun to go with a rainbow theme as a symbol of LGBTQ+ pride too.
But what happens when there’s no rulebook? Same-sex weddings are fairly new in the UK, having only become legal n 2014, so for LGBTQ+ couples planning their big day, it’s about doing what feels right for you as a couple.
A lot of same-sex weddings have a mixture of male and female attendants instead. Without
If you have a lot of friends and family in common and mix in similar social circles, you might want to combine your ‘stag’ or ‘hen’ dos to avoid inviting the same people to two events.
the classic labels though you’ll need to make sure everyone in your party knows what is expected of them.
If you can’t decide who will walk down the aisle and who will wait at the top, or simply don’t like the idea of sticking to this tradition, then don’t. There are plenty of other options including walking down the aisle together, walking down the aisle one at a time with a parent or friend to “give you away” (give you support) or neither of you walking down the aisle and just being there in the ceremony room to greet everyone on your guest list.
Regardless of who talks, remember to ask your wedding party to keep them short and entertaining so they don’t go on for too long and you don’t bore your guests.
Changing your name
Get weddinggenderedtraditionalaroundroles
The speeches
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Road to the Runway
more than mannequins: they are daughters, friends, and partners in love, with stories that deserve to be heard.
Road to the Runway, Here-TV’s new docu-series premiering Friday, August 5, examines the roles that gender, race, socio-economic status, and familial approval play in the lives of young, beautiful women charting their course toward fashion’s latest frontier: the transgender supermodel. The series profiles the twenty hopefuls competing in this year’s annual Slay Model search. Cameras follow the women to their hometowns to uncover their roots: the environments they were reared in and the circumstances that helped shape them into the beautiful, statuesque, fashionable young women they are today. Executive produced by GLAAD-award winner, Cecilio Asuncion and Phil Anthony, RD Alba and produced by Emmy-award winner David Millbern, Paul Colichman, Stephen P. Jarchow and John Mongiardo, Road to the Runway is an important reminder that these Trans models are
It was evident culturally, as well. Ayden Yee is a
Transgender Fashion Models Navigate Their Individual Paths to Stardom on Here-TV’s Road to the Runway

Chicago, Atlanta, Boston, and Florida. In Azle, TX, viewers meet Mylla James who comes from a highly conservative family, yet they support their daughter, joining her at photo shoots and even traveling with her to model opportunities in Los Angeles. “Most home towns we visit on Road to the Runway are not in areas people would consider progressive,” Slay Model founder Cecilio Asun cion reflects. “It’s interesting that in many of the cases, we often find with parents that when it comes to loving their daughters, politics takes a back seat.”
Among the cities visited in Road to the Runway are
Still, their anguish could prove an advantage in the harrowing world of fashion. “Courage builds resiliency and that kind of tenacity is key to surviving the inev itable pitfalls on the Road to the Runway,” Asuncion contends. “The model life is not an easy one. It is filled with unforgiving scrutinization and unavoidable rejection. It’s not for the faint of heart.”
Sadly, not all of the women are so lucky. “The reality
“The sky is the limit for these young women,” Asuncion sums up. “From how I see it, it is my job to lead and develop the girl from hopeful to working model. The supermodel part is up to the individual. She must have the passion and drive to go the extra distance.”
“As is often the case in model competitions, the real challenge is an internal one,” Asuncion says. “It used to be that women reshaped themselves to fit the industry standard; striving to match the idealized version of a Barbie doll. Today’s fashion industry wants to see the real, unfiltered woman beneath the lashes and

The urge for diversity even accounts for why the show was picked up by the network. “At Here-TV, diversity and inclusion remain the central focus of our program ing strategy,” says Emmy-winning actor and producer David Millbern. “Producing Road to the Runway gives us the opportunity to honor and explore the lives of these extraordinary trans women, many of whom are also women of color. Their bravery inspires us.”
is a majority of our models have struggled their whole lives with living as their authentic true selves,” Asuncion continues. “They live in a world where simply walking out of the house takes incredible courage.”
It takes more than beauty to be a bookable model. It takes determination, grit, and a visceral understanding that the woman is a model first, and Trans second.
15-year-old track star who ranks second in her state of Wisconsin. She is of Chinese descent, a culture where sons are traditionally deemed as more valuable. Cam eras show the Yee family embracing Ayden for who she is; something Asuncion, an Asian American, found es pecially moving. “It is powerful to witness models who enjoy the support of their families back home. They present as confident and secure. They’re armed with the knowledge that no matter what happens in the model search, they will be ok because they are loved.”
The winning model of this year’s annual Slay Model search earns a spot in a M·A·C Campaign, a trip to London to shoot a Carmen Liu Lingerie campaign, a Colors of Love ring and a social media campaign from Faberge’, shoes from Lidia Talavera, and a year contract with Slay Model Management.
Hyundai, Harper’s Bazaar, Vogue Germany, Macy’s, Biore’, Eva Mendes for NY and Co., and Savage X Fenty. They have appeared on TV in POSE, Law and Order: SVU, Project Runway, and Netflix’s Next in Fashion. The agency’s first-signed and most recognized supermodel, Arisce Wanzer, who appears in Road to the Runway, has been featured on TV shows like MTV’s Ex on the Beach, and in campaigns for Marco Marco, Opening Ceremony, Truvada, AT&T,
not selling Transness. “It is a fashion model agency and we are selling a young woman’s capability to represent a brand or a designer.”
Road to the Runway available now on Here-TV
GNI MAG [49]
Lululemon and Lucky Jeans.
models have in their favor today –unlike any other time in history – is that clients are looking for diversity and representation. Slay Model Management models have appeared in M·A·Ccampaigns forCosmetics,
He makes it clear to the hopefuls in Road to the Runway that his agency, Slay Model Management, is

website for more information on PrEP: or NHSCT HIV prevention Available at your Sexual Health Clinics in: BALLYMENA Braid Valley Site Cushendall Road BT43 Ballymena6HL COLERAINE Causeway Hospital 4 Newbridge Road BT52 Coleraine1HS MAGHERAFELT Mid Ulster Hospital 59 Hospital Road BT45 Magherafelt5EX Tel: 07384 820 826 • E-mail:
Please visit these

NHSCT HIV prevention Available at your Sexual Health Clinics in: BALLYMENA Braid Valley Site Cushendall Road BT43 Ballymena6HL COLERAINE Causeway Hospital 4 Newbridge Road BT52 Coleraine1HS MAGHERAFELT Mid Ulster Hospital 59 Hospital Road BT45 Magherafelt5EX Tel: 07384 820 826 • E-mail:
points: PrEP is highly effective.
are different ways to take PrEP - taking a pill every day is an option but there are other ways too. Remember to have a sexual health screen every 3 months Please call or text us if you have any problems

Bronzer SWOP TO Body shop does some great tints in glass jars, and Charlotte Tilbury does powder refillables too
Bread SWOP TO Etsy has loads of lovely linen bread bags so try asking your local bakery to slice naked loaves & then freeze them. Or I’ve recently discovered just how easy bread is to
SWOP TO Ditch the dryer and go for the natural look
Washing up liquid SWOP TO Refillable washing up liquid from your local refill Dishwashershoptablets
SWOP TO Ecozone Ultra All-in-One dishwasher tablets come in a cardboard box and with a soluble outer, so no more nasty plastic Rinsewrappersaid
Plastic or paper produce bags SWOP TO Mesh fruit & veg bags, which are super satisfying to use, and re-use
Shaving foam SWOP TO Shaving foam in a tin + wooden shaving brush. My husband can’t believe how well the soap lathers, and it seems to last
SWOP TO Fit Pit is my current favourite, although Earth Conscious is brilliant too if you prefer a stick. These really do work, which isn’t always the case with eco deodor ants
SWOP TO We have this
Period SWOP TO I mix and match solutions according to where I am in my cycle. My go-to’s now include a menstrual cup, washable panty liners, and period knickers such as Thinx
Cotton buds SWOP TO Bamboo cotton buds in a cardboard box
razor SWOP TO Either a safety razor or a reusable razor with disposable heads
me how much beautiful packaging ends up in the bin when you buy a bottle of perfume, not to mention the bottle itself. Finding Eden Perfumes in Brighton — which matches to your existing perfume, is vegan, natural and comes in refillable bottles — has been a real breakthrough, not to mention money saver
SWOP TO Our local bakery doesn’t sell bagels so I make my own then freeze them. I love the Montreal bagel Pancakesrecipes
Lipstick SWOP TO I absolutely love Charlotte Tilbury’s refillable range, perfect for those Zoom calls!
Toner SWOP TO I used to spend a fortune on toner, but discovered a real ly simple recipe that takes 1 minute to make and my skin is in its best condi tion ever. You just need a cup of water, 2 tbsps. of apple cider vinegar, 5 drops of tea tree oil, 2 drops of frankincense and1 drop of rosemary
Toothbrush SWOP TO Bamboo toothbrushes, Matana is my fave. Or if you have an electric toothbrush, you could try bamboo replacement heads
Toilet paper SWOP TO Who Gives A Crap do great zero waste toilet paper, plus they donate 50% of their profits to help build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing world. A brilliant company
Moisturiser SWOP TO So many choices of gorgeous moisturisers in glass jars/tins. My current faves are this one and this one. In the past
SWOP TO Refillable rinse aid from your local refill shop
Body lotion SWOP TO Metal tins to the rescue once again, we love this one and this Deodorantone
Perfume SWOP TO It’s always upset
SWOP TO Compostable
couple of years I’ve also got into face serums which have great results and last forever too
After lots of experimentation with making my own; using bar shampoos & conditioners; and asking for refills at our local organic hair salon I’ve settled on Awake Organics which is
SWOP TO Toothpaste in a glass jar. We love Ben & Anna’s whitening toothpaste, Noice and Truthpaste for the kids
Dental floss SWOP TO Refillable dental floss in a glass jar
Wipes SWOP TO We invested in some reusable wipes when our kids were born and they’re still going strong 8 years later. You can also buy, or make, cute wipesspecifically for makeup removal if you prefer
Hair conditioning SWOP TO This vegan hair oil is super nourishing and doesn’t make your hair greasy
Dish brush SWOP TO Wooden dish Washingbrushup sponges/pan scourers
SWOP TO Coconut scrub pads & metal Clothsscourers
Shower gel SWOP TO Bar soap, which I’d long resisted, convinced that soap dries your skin. I couldn’t have been more wrong! There’s been so much progress in soap recently, there’s no way we’d go back now. This bulk, all natural soap selection has lasted us a couple of Shampooyears&conditioner
brush SWOP TO Wood & metal bottle brush
Dishwasher salt SWOP TO Waitrose do dishwasher salts in a cardboard box, and so do Finish. Or you might be able to get this from your local refill shop too
Washing powder SWOP TO I ex perimented with soapnuts, but ended up sticking with washing powder in a cardboard box. Powder is much more cost effective than liquid because you’re not paying for all the water
Cleaning sprays SWOP TO You should be able to get most of your cleaning products from your local refill shop. Or you can make your own with baking soda, vinegar & lemons. Alternatively checkout Spruce and Everdrop who do great zero-waste eco Kitchenrangestowel
SWOP TO We don’t use kitchen towel any more and use sponges, tea towels or muslin cloths
bags SWOP TO Tote bags & fold-away pocket bags
SWOP TO I make my own American style pancakes using this recipe as a breakfast treat for the kids. They can be frozen and re-heated at a later Croissantsdate
etc SWOP TO Lidl do fabulous loose croissants, pain au chocolats etc so we buy in bulk, pop them in the freezer and heat them up
Mascara SWOP TO Refillable mascara by Zao is fab
SWOP TO My husband took up cycling recently and this creamin a metal tin has worked wonders I’m told
Plastic comb SWOP TO Wooden hair Hairdryercomb
Vitamins SWOP TO As we’ve drastically reduced our meat & fish consumption we’ve decided to take vitamin supplements. We love Vegums which do multi-vitamins, Omega 3 and iron gummies in a cardboard box with a home compostable cellulose wrapper. They’re a *big* hit with the Newkids!
Baking paper SWOP TO Eco baking paper, and I have it on my to-do list to look into silicone baking sheets
Clingfilm SWOP TO Beeswax wraps or recycled tin foil
Fruit & veg SWOP TO We get ours from Riverford Organic, and they have a brilliant Zero Waste Box. Also check out your local greengrocer or corner store to see if they sell loose. Growing your own is also a fun and waste-free option too
Cooking chocolate, baking powder, cocoa powder, sugar, dried fruits etc SWOP TO From the refill shop
sandwiches SWOP TO We use the Keep Leaf Sandwich Wrap for homemade sandwiches, and carry a thin cloth bag for sandwiches/bagels bought from the counter
SWOP TO Take your con tainers to the local deli or supermarket
Herbs, spices & oils SWOP TO From the refill shop, or in glass con tainers from the supermarket
Fruit juices SWOP TO Milk & More also offer orange juice in a glass bottle which they re-use again and again,
nifty gadget in the salad drawer of the fridge which makes salad and veggies last much, much longer. I use a Nutri bullet to whizz up any sad looking fruit & veggies into a smoothie. Food scraps go into our countertop compost bin. And of course the OLIO app is a lifesaver for giving away anything extra we’ve got!
which are then picked up on your next delivery and re-used over & over again
Milk & cream SWOP TO Go old-school and get a doorstep delivery from Milk & More in glass bottles,
Yoghurt SWOP TO I invested in a yoghurt maker and now make Greek yoghurt every week, which saves soooo many plastic yoghurt tubs. It just takes 10 minutes and you can buy the cul ture online. If you want a really thick yoghurt, strain it through a muslin cloth. It tastes great with chopped up fruit/ seeds/nuts plus homemade
& sorbets SWOP TO There are quite a few recipes that don’t require an ice-cream maker and they’re surprisingly easy to make, plus you can get your cream in glass jars from Milk & More. We’ve found that Ben & Jerry’s packaging seems to be the least bad of the bought ice creams
Chocolate SWOP TO Lindt is my absolute favourite and you can get it in cardboard & foil bars at a steep discount vs retail from their online shop. Tony’s Chocolony and Divine are other great options too
Biscuits SWOP TO Batch cook Anzac biscuits, or cookies, and then freeze
clothes SWOP TO Buy 2nd hand, or end-of-line. If we’re buying new we try to buy from sustainable brands such as Nu-in and BAM
Hummus SWOP TO Homemade hummus takes 10 mins and is the *best*. You can also freeze it for later use, so we make large batches when we have the Eggstime
gan Sweet Box which can be ordered online and delivers in cardboard boxes & baking paper. The sweets are anoth er level — the best we’ve ever tasted!
Socks & underwear SWOP TO Bamboo all the way. Boody are great
SWOP TO Refillable water bottle. Or if you’re travelling overseas, you might want to get a water purifying bottle such as the Grayl which has saved us a mountain of plastic and money
Cereals SWOP TO Pimhill’s organic muesli in paper bags is the *best* muesli I’ve ever had! We also buy organic Weetabix in cardboard and paper. Porridge oats can be found in the refill shop or in cardboard boxes from the supermarket
Plastic cutlery SWOP TO Travel cutlery set made of bamboo or metal
Lentils, beans, pulses, rice SWOP TO All available from the refill shops. You can save a fortune as they’re *so* much cheaper dried than in cans
SWOP TO You can also make your own crisps using vegetable peelings, some salt, oil and a hot oven. However we tend to substitute crisps with home made popcorn, made in the wok with a bit of hot oil and popping corn from the refill shop. You can then sprinkle salt/ sugar etc and pop it in a container for a portable, eco snack
Tea & coffee SWOP TO Moving to loose leaf tea has been a revelation! No more expensive plastic-free tea bags. Instead you can buy leaves loose and then mix & match to make whatever flavours you’d like. Liquorice & peppermint is my favourite, and I use a little washable tea-bag , using each mix twice. For the coffee lovers, you can also buy your beans whole and then grind them at home.
Coffee cup SWOP TO Re-usable coffee cup, or thermos flask
Pasta SWOP TO From the refill shop, or we sometimes make it at home with a pasta machine and then freeze it for later
Granola SWOP TO Homemade granola is super simple, delicious and much cheaper than store bought, plus without all the plastic. I love the Deli ciously Ella recipe in her Plant Based
SWOP TO More and more local shops allow you to take your own egg boxes with you so you’re not having to constantly recycle them. Or if you live in a village/the countryside, see if there’s a local egg shop near you
Meat SWOP TO Take your con tainers to the local deli, butcher or
Cereal bars SWOP TO I Batch cook homemade flapjacks, freeze them and then and take out whenever we need a snack on the go
SWOP TO Take your containers to the local fishmonger or supermar ket. Or you can see if there’s a mobile fishmonger near you as they seem to be making a bit of a comeback
Sweets SWOP TO We struggled with this one for a long time so were *thrilled* to recently discover The Ve
Paper serviettes SWOP TO Cloth
Fizzy drinks SWOP TO We were really lucky to get a Sodastream for our wedding and so lots of experimen tation with fizzy drinks has ensued
Slippers SWOP TO 100% wool or sheepskin so they’ll decompose naturally when you’re done. I get mine from PlasticEtsy.bottle



InstagramCredits: @theunderdogdm & @malonedanny

My collection pays homage to Northern Ireland’s past. Copper, green and blue tones nod to traditional Irish locks within the Emerald Isle. I drew inspiration from soft and sharp contrasting lines representing soft movement towards peace from the sharp lines of segregation. Yellow speaks for the industrial construction completed by Harlem & Wolfe with red acknowledging our troubled and destructive past. I played with 70s inspired clothing when the troubles were present and added a futuristic twist to highlight the change in attitude, encouraging a peaceful future.
This is my new collection This year .
This year I’m back in the finals in London for wella trend vision second year in a row .Last year I took home silver which is biggest hairdressing achievement and meant alot to me , lets go get gold and il be representing Macc hair which is locat ed on Royal avenue Belfast , where you can find me and get booked in

Hair: Danny Malone. Makeup: Shannon McMahon Photographs: Lee Mitchell Styled: Ruthie Caldwell
The photo to the right was me winning silver last year Clothes by celebrity stylist colin horgan

Spaniels are country dogs. They are full of energy and always ready to spring across a field. This, combined with their incredible sense of smell and intelligence, amounts to the Springer Spaniel being an ideal hunting dog. A day full of exercise and honest work is perfect for this breed.
Dogs are more than just pets. Canines are intel ligent animals that work alongside people in the workplace. To find out more about the benefits of working with dogs, we’ve spoken to Lynne Fisher, Marketing and Sales Support Manager at Cliverton, a leading provider of animal business insurance. “Dogs have been an integral part of our society for thousands of years. A selection of our four-leg ged friends can also be trained as working dogs, from Labrador Retrievers to Cocker Spaniels and German Shepherds. These breeds have excellent instincts, an acute sense of smell, and enjoy being active in the professional field.
In Devon and Cornwall, the police department has started training three German Shepherd puppies. To become the next Sherlock Bones, brothers Baxter, Rex, and Jax will attend a specialised developmental programme. They may be small and fluffy now, but
for their ruff-ing good jobs, Cliv erton have collated a list of the hard-working dog breeds. Which do you think will make the cut? Police dogs – German Shepherds
companions. The tradition of hunting with Spaniels dates back to the 19th century when the Duke of Norfolk began breeding ‘Norfolk Spaniels’. Even today, this breed of dog is used while hunting in the wild, whether this is for environmental purposes or Springersport.
So which breed is most likely to pass with flying colours and be the best service dog? The answer is simple: Labrador Retrievers. These dogs will go above and beyond to impress and please their own ers, and they are also a very intelligent breed. This means that Labrador Retrievers are easy to train and eager to become the perfect service dog.
Security dogs are useful for a number of reasons. First of all, Rottweilers can be used as a means of home security. They are also utilised for professional use. A business might organise an event, for exam ple, and seek multiple security options, such as dogs and personnel.
Dogs are invaluable to the police service. Once trained, police dogs use their impressive senses to help find vulnerable people and active criminals. This breed has all of the necessary character traits to succeed in the forces, from an outstanding work ethic to intelligence.
Security dogs – Rottweilers
in time they will grow up to be the perfect police dogs.
These are just a handful of the many hard-working dogs out there. Border Collies, for example, are the perfect farm dogs, herding sheep like professional pups. Which dogs do you think will benefit your business?
“Here at Cliverton, we understand the important role dogs play in our personal and professional lives. Our security insurance provides a number of covers from public liability to wrongful arrest, enabling professionals within the security industry to confidently work alongside dogs in a variety of
Hunting dogs – Springer Spaniels Spaniels are rooted in history as the ideal hunting

German Shepherds may be the ideal police dog, but what about Rottweilers? Also previously known in German as a Rottweiler Metzgerhund, these dogs share multiple characteristics with their popular cousins. This breed is all about endurance, intelli gence, and strength. This means they make great security dogs.
Service dogs can be trained to help with a number of medical scenarios, from identifying seizures to improving mobility and guiding those with visual impairments. Assistance Dogs UK, a company that oversees the training of service dogs, has coupled over 7,000 dogs with their humans. On average, however, only 50 to 60 per cent of all service dogs actually complete their training.
Service dogs – Labrador Retriever
Shop of Unexpected Things Unit D2, Portview Trade Centre, 310 Newtownards Road, Belfast. BT4 1HE 07746 76 60 15 We supply original one-off decorative pieces, covering all genres from a constantly evolving stock from all parts of Europe. Our beautiful (and sometimes bonkers) collection can be seen at our Newtownards Road shop (beside Banana Block ). Should you be looking for (or want to sell) a unique, interesting or decorative piece - pop in and say Hello! opening hours Please check our website/ social media for updates socialdandylionshopdandy_lion_shopmedia find us Unit D2, Portview Trade Centre, 310 Newtownards Road, Belfast. BT4 1HE say 07746hello7660 seasonal shop 5 Eglinton Street, Portrush, Co Antrim. BT56 8DX

Mermaids is a UK charity supporting trans, non-bi nary and gender diverse children and young people, their families, and the professionals involved in their care. We provide a number of support services, including a helpline, web chat, local groups, residen tial weekends and more. On 1 April 2022, Sail NI ceased delivery and began an exciting new project expanding Mermaids’ work in Northern Ireland.
living in a time when trans rights and lives are seen as fodder for discussion and debate, so now more than ever it is crucial that we are visible and vocal on behalf of trans, non-binary and gender diverse children and young people and their families living in Northern Ireland.
Popular ‘Out on the Roof’ fundraiser returns in 2022 as ‘Out at the Market’, highlighting diversity for
‘Out on the Roof’ initiative, now in its fifth year and with a refreshed name ‘Out at the Market’, is a summer networking and fundraising event for diversity-conscious businesses celebrating the significant contribution the LGBT+ community makes to Northern Ireland economy and raising much-needed funds for two local charities who sup port the LGBT+ community in Northern Ireland. The event has grown year on year and is sponsored by Allen & Overy, CME Group, Danske Bank, Pinsent Masons and Santander with further ‘Cor porate Friend’ support from Barclays, Citi Group, Instil, MCS Group, Rapid7, Signifyd and Treliant. ‘Out on the Roof’ has raised £65K to support the work of LGBT+ projects since its launch in 2016. This year, two local charities, Mermaids NI and The Rainbow Project are set to receive £10,840 towards their work, as proceeds of ‘Out at the Market’ benefit both organisations in improving the lives of LGBT+ people in Northern Ireland.
John O’Doherty, Director at The Rainbow Project says: “The Rainbow Project is delighted once again to be a beneficiary of Out at the Market and would like to thank the organisers, sponsors and everyone who attended. The funds raised through this event will help our organisation deliver front-line services to LGBT+ people across Northern Ireland – ser vices that literally save lives. We would also like to thank these businesses for their commitment to
Project works to improve the physical, mental & emotional health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender people in Northern Ireland. (
The new Mermaids Northern Ireland service has a growing staff team of locally based service providers. The team combines years of lived experience of Sail families with the expert knowledge and vibrant crea tivity of the existing Mermaids team, providing a robust and sustainable model of support, opportuni ties, fresh leadership, and positive change across the trans sector in Northern Ireland.
Nicola Doran, Director of Mermaids’ Northern Ireland Service, commented: “It is so amazing and affirming to be named by the wonderful partners of this fantastic event as a joint beneficiary again in

“Being included in this event sends a powerful message to trans, non-binary and gender diverse young people that they will be seen, heard, safe and supported in all areas of their lives – including at
equality, diversity, and inclusion. This commitment contributes to a happy and productive workforce and helps in attracting global talent to Northern Ireland as well as ensuring LGBTQIA+ people can bring their full selves to an open and inclusive workplace.
Many Northern Ireland companies acknowledge that diversity and inclusion is a key components of their business offering and improve the attraction and retention of staff, with a diverse workforce helping to promote creativity, boost engagement and help foster stronger client relationships. ‘Out at the Market’ is an important occasion that encourages the business sector to help evolve a Northern Ireland that is both equal and inclusive. The event was held at Common Market with guests including the Deputy Lord Mayor of Belfast, Coun cillor Michelle Kelly and local MLAs and MPs. Attendees were treated to top-class entertainment, Absolut cocktails, canapés, and a raffle for a range of fantastic local prizes.
For more information on what we do and how to get involved, please get in touch: info@mermaidsuk. or

Bedbible’s expert Isabelle Uren, said: “Mis sionary is a timeless classic for a reason.
“‘Kneeling spoons’ is also perfect for clit fo cused fun. Both partners are kneeling, and the receiving partner has their back to the giving
partner, similar to the spooning position. The giving partner can then reach around to stim ulate their partner's clitoris with their fingers or a vibrator. The receiving partner can also rock back and forth, grinding their clitoris against their partner's hand.”
Sex is much more than just P-in-V action, and for the women loving women community, it’s an even broader spectrum.
Joining in on the conversation are the experts at Bedbible. They’ve put together a hot list of sex positions and body-loving tips that are perfect for WLW who are ready to up their game in the bedroom.
The expert added: “Instead of one partner be ing on top, both partners lie on their sides, facing opposite directions with their legs open, so they can perform oral sex on each other, using their lips and tongue to stimulate the whole vulva.”
But what about those who are all about the clit?
Choose whose words you surround yourself with both in real life and online. Unfollow ing social media accounts that perpetuated fatphobia and following accounts that inspire body positivity or body neutrality.
Spooning is also suggested if you don’t feel like being on show. This intimate position is fantastic for breast and clitoral stimulation either manually or with a vibrator or for pen etration with a strap-on.
time naked when you are alone can also help you feel more comfortable when you are with a partner. Perhaps a naked dance to your favorite feel-good song!
Sexpert reveals ways to level-up lesbian loving.
“The receiving partner can relax and focus on the sensations, and is great for manual clitoral stimulation, oral sex, or pentrative sex with fingers or a dildo, depending on what both partners feel comfortable with.”
Throw on some sexy lingerie to help you feel confident. You don't have to take it off when you have sex if you don't want to. Sometimes keeping it on can be even sexier than taking it Spendingoff.
Some extra tips to help you feel more com fortable in your body:
Isabelle said: “To create fulfilling sexual ex periences, regardless of gender or orientation, and enjoy the whole wonderful range of sexu al experiences, we must be able to communi cate clearly and openly with our sexual part ners and create a safe environment based on mutual respect.”
Isabelle said: “Facesitting has the receiving partner’s knees on either side of their part ner's face while their partner performs oral sex and uses their hands to caress their part ner's thighs and butt.
Unfortunately, heteronormative sex ed leaves out a huge community of people who may want to be more informed, or simply want new ways to have mind-bendingly good sex.

ject from the traditional societal imagery of mascu linity and how men are often portrayed and viewed in society and media. The men in my images tend to be soft, sensitive, sensual and poetic, possessing a dream-like quality and they quite willingly po sition themselves to be looked at. Sometimes the figures are visibly distressed, disappointed, heart broken and fragile—all qualities and emotions strongly part of one’s life and growth and the kind of masculinity I want to portray and make space for through my work.
Thetions.dark, intense images and the characters in my photographs are almost abstract mental landscapes that interact with each other as well as with the viewer. I wanted to create an intimate space around and inside the photographs that is sexual without being explicit—lingering, sensual and sometimes suggestive.
Often my love for cinema comes across in my work and my photographs are like still images from a movie. A single frame short story from an every day scene. With, and through my models, I tell stories of my life and past experiences, actual and imaginary. Sometimes I rewrite my personal his tory and show and shoot scenarios that I wish had Ihappened.lovespending
time and exchanging experiences with my models and often their stories become in extricably intertwined with mine. Some of the men in my photographs are ex-lovers or past acquaint ances, some are new friends or long-time collabora tors, all equally important and much loved. Getting ready and setting up my shoots is a way to connect with people in a totally non- judgmental way and I believe my artistic practice is the highest form of trust I have experienced in my life. I am forever grateful to these beautiful men that have allowed me to project my dreams and fears onto them and let me make visible what matters the most to me.
My images are nude studies that detach their sub
Mikko Rasila
I do black and white photography. My main media and focus of my work is male nudes. The photo graphic series IL ADORE is a personal journey into self, masculinity and sexuality. Being a gay man and an artist I feel compelled to share my person al growth story and communicate my experiences through my work.

What it feels like to be seen, loved, looked at and marvelled at, accepted or rejected and left alone in this world. What’s it like to feel unrequited love, unfulfilled desire and despair or fleeting moments of complete happiness. I’m always and utterly in trigued by the most basic of the basic human emo
As is often in life, personal themes crisscross the social level. For my part, I want to take part in public debate on how to build a more equal society where everyone, regardless of sexuality or gender, is welcome and can be themselves without fear. I be lieve that all of us have the right to our own private space, identity and sexuality without the interfer ence of outside www.mikkorasila.compowers.


ART MIKKO RASILA GNI MAG [67]’mSailaDigitalAnonymousJack,reachouttomeviainstagram




SECRET HEVAN is more than just a business to us. It is about nudging the world towards acceptance, inclusion and equality for the trans community, one garment at a time!”
Transgender people are one of the most marginalised groups of society that have some specific clothing needs that are not met by the mainstream retailers, and this was evident in Summer!s own experience of finding limited options for her trans child. “My daughter was frustrated at the lack of options of un derwear for trans girls. For my daughter, and many other transgender individuals all over the world, having the right func tional garments available is extremely important. They use clothing to express and convey their identity especially when access to medical interventions
shared that the plan is to create a collection of garments that serve the individuals across the gender spectrum. She has launched her first line of design in April with three specially designed boxers for transgender and non-binary individuals.

to hear the story of the brand and to meet her daughter!
I’m wearing them for my period as they are super discreet. I was so shocked with how much liquid they could hold! These are such a comfortable pair of boxers, the material is so soft and they fit like a glove. I would even wear them if I wasn’t on my period. I love the confidence they have given me during a time where bot tom dysphoria is at its peak. I just want to say how much I love your business and what you do for us! The story of your business is also so so heartwarming and I can tell how much you love the
Inspired by her transgender child!s bravery and confidence, a Surrey-based mum, Summer, has decided to leave her role in HR in order to develop and launch her own “SECRET HEVAN” brand of innovative underwear specif ically designed for trans people. Some of the designs are truly unique, like the world’s first combination PERIOD and PACKING boxers for trans men. Working alone, she has had to learn everything about running a clothing business, from design & manufacturing to marketing. She also contributes a pro portion of her profits towards her own campaign to provide free underwear to trans people in need.
• 2-in-1 Reusable Period + Packing Boxers • 2-in-1 Stand to Pee + Packing Boxers, and • Everyday Packing Boxers They are currently working on shaping underwear for trans girls with a view to developing a swimwear line as well. Summer and her family recently ran a stall at the London Pride event and was met with an overwhelming amount of positivity from visitors. People also loved
is not possible or limited.” Clothing is one of the most crucial ways of helping reduce dysphoria and in this regard is seen as a necessity, rather than a luxury. One of her products is reusable period packing boxers - this is the first under wear of its kind ever made for trans men and gender-diverse people who were AFAB. Summer feels it is extremely important to fill the gap in the market, because products like this validate the trans people’ needs in clothing and make them feel seen. Summer further explains that Secret Hevan period packing boxers are not only to make some trans folks!s lives easier and safer but also to challenge the stereotypical notion that periods are a female thing. “I hope the period boxers can be a positive reminder to everyone that it is normal for people to be trans/queer/non-binary and have periods, and it does not change who they are. There should be no period shame but period equality for all.” she said. One of her posts about those period packing boxers received over 20K views and thousands of likes overnight on TikTok with people commenting: “life-changing product” and “so happy to see this is a thing!”
Summer was invited by Stonewall re cently to share her story and experience as part of the Take Pride celebration.
“My daughter is always so confident and happy. She deserves the chance to lead her life the way she wants to. So do all other trans people. Making Secret Hevan gender-affirming products avail able and accessible, I am hoping those people who have spent their entire lives feeling alienated can finally feel free, valid, and safe out in the world.” Sum mer said “I think fashion has a big im portant role to play. At this moment in time, creating the right clothing for trans people will be more than just another style for a new season, it is a symbol of recognition and actual empowerment.
Reviews are staring to come in as well which are extremely positive: “I forget

You see I had sort of gone off hooking up anyway as at my age I just can’t be arsed frankly and again I think of another line from Shirley Valentine (probably my favourite film of all time) where she says “I think sex is like supermarkets, just a lot of pushing and shoving and you still come out with very little at the end”. Then fuckin’ Monkey Pox hit and I thought to myself “There is no fucking way I’m hooking up with anyone and risking looking like a half-cooked popadom!”. And so my Dyson Blowmate 2021 as I call it has done a marvellous job at servicing my dinkle for the past twelve months and frankly once all this pandemic business is over if I find a man who can do better than a machine anytime I want without any drama whatsoever and with no need for reciproca tion I’ll fuckin’ marry him in an
aside I have become a bit of a germophobe these days sadly. I haven’t had Corona (apart from the beer with a slice of lime in the top) as far as I know and I really do not want it or indeed Monkey Pox and so I stay clear of Grindr, Recon and all the other so-called ‘dating’ apps. Don’t get me wrong I do check out guys on the daily and very much enjoy the sight of a fit builder or scally lad in his trackies with his white socks and questionable sexual
I’m not sure what the average number of sexual partners is but I’m pretty sure my number is higher than most. Just a few years ago before the world was sent hurtling back into the fuckin’ dark ages by Corona Virus and the shit storm that’s happening in the United States now I could easily meet two to three guys in a day. I don’t particularly like the word ‘slut’ but if you were to look up the word in a dictionary I’m pret
Publiccations Ltd.
Those hedonistic days seem
I love men. I love their scent. I love their muscles. I love their beards. I love their long, strong legs. I’ve fucked quite a few wom en in my time but each time I explored vagatarianism I couldn’t stop craving a foot-long hot dog with extra mayonnaise. I used to go to gay saunas so often that it would have been cheaper to buy a season ticket. It was, in the im mortal words of Shirley Valentine, ‘sex for breakfast, sex for lunch, sex for tea and sex for supper’. I was indeed on ‘The F Plan’.
far behind me now. I last had a hookup in December and it’s now August. Can you relate? Thank goodness I had the foresight to invest in a Universal Fleshlight Launch which was expensive at a whopping £175 (the Flesh Light was an additional £80 on top of that!) but is it quite simply the best £255 I have ever spent in my entire life!
Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian
Who knows how long all this is going to go on and if we'll ever get back to being our natu rally slutty selves again? Perhaps this will be a wake-up call to gay men to be more of an ethical slut and to treat ourselves and each other better. As for me, I shall leave you with the words of the wonderful Katherine Ryan which very much apply to me right now as my only way of getting laid these days is if I crawl up a chick en’s butt and xandwest2022@gmail.comwait.
He replies with the usual single word such as “Into”, “Pics” or just “Where U?” and you are immediately put off by the lack of warmth, grammar and sensitivity but you’re drunk and he looks cute so you ask for the address and blindly set forth on another sexual adventure hoping this one knows how to give decent head and an hour later it’s all over and you are making your way home wondering why you didn’t just have a wank and go to sleep. Nope, neither can I!
orientation. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from running my own personal wankatorium for 5 years it’s that men whether gay, straight or all shades in-between all want blowjobs. But my fear is invariably greater than the horn and I push the loneliness to one side and pop home to power up the Dyson.
Can you remember when hooking up was something you did without really thinking about it? Those times late at night when you are feeling horny and switch on Grindr to see if there is anyone locally who you haven’t slept with. You send a short, sexy, and seduc tive message hoping he doesn’t really care that your photos are two years out of date, you have a different hairstyle, you’ve gained a few pounds (ok stone) in the meantime and your last HIV test was, well, it was a while ago but you’re usually a top who enjoys a spot of fisting anyway and most of the guys you’ve fucked recently are positive and undetectable and you’re sure you still have a few prep pills in a drawer somewhere next to a bottle of poppers that still have some kick to them.
ty sure you’d find a photo of yours truly above it. Sex for me was like picking up a cheeseburger at Mc Donalds. Quick, easy and usually something I’d regret putting in my mouth as soon as I’d finished. But I had a blast.
And don’t even get me started on sex outdoors. I fuckin’ love it. Es pecially in a warm climate when there is a nudist beach nearby and you can get shit-faced on the beach, have a fuck in the nearby sand dunes then enjoy a spliff and a naked swim afterwards to wash off the jizz and lube. There is something so visceral and prim itive about sex outside with men. You can meet the most polite, well-spoken, delicate little flower in a bar who wouldn’t say boo to a goose but once you get that little sausage thief into the woods he becomes a cock hungry beast who will fuck you in half. I do love a power bottom, don’t you? It’s great as you can just lie back and they do all the work unless they are the demanding type who wants it in every position in the karma sutra and you’re thinking to yourself “I didn’t sign up for a Bikram Yoga session I just wanted to get my end away FFS!”
11.15pm- Time for bed.
12pm- 1pm - I get to train!
8.30 pm - Home!!
Finally home for a well earned sit down and hope fully a nice dinner that has been made for ya if you are lucky. If you are unlucky you will be making your own which will take you all the way to 9pm onwards. Yikes!
Here comes the first client of the day, we usually
@anto_coolsCoachquestions!Anto. on instagram
Yes we really do get up at the crack of dawn when most others are snoozing away. Most gyms open around 6am and you better believe there will be clients fighting for this very popular time of day to train before they start their working day. But before all that Coffee!
1pm- 3pm - Lunch and nap time!
9-10pm- Planning tomorrow.
Teeth brushed, face washed, time for bed. Thank the heavens for that!
5am - Do it all over again. (Is it Friday yet?)
5 am- Time to wake up.
Yes, pretty much in that order. I have given myself a very specific timeframe in the morning to get freshened up, eat brekkie (usually a bowl of porridge) and enough time to brew a coffee which will be my life energy for getting through a busy morning. Oh and with those of you with pets, the ol’ doggo needs a quick walk and a pat on the head all before leaving for the day.
6am- First client.
10pm- 11.15pm- Me time!
3pm-8pm - Clients, clients and more clients.
So I have been in this game now for just over 5 years and I have learned quite a bit along the way. Being my own boss was something I dreamed of for many years but the prospect of it scared me because there was so much I didn’t know when it came to managing your own business. I have always had enthusiasm for fitness in general and take great pride in how much I have learned over the years with my own fitness journey. This enthusiasm naturally led to me deciding to take the plunge and get my qualification as a personal trainer so I could share the knowledge I gained over the years with others.
I always thought it would be a doddle being a PT, but oh how wrong was. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes in a day in the life of a per sonal trainer and I am here to shed some light on it for those who want to know with a breakdown of a typical day for me.
definitely need to become an avid multitasker to free up your evenings. The way I get around this is to do all my planning for the next day during my rest periods in my own session. (Big brain energy.) So if you see me typing away on my phone as I train, I’m definitely not doomscrolling on the socials… well maybe just a bit. Guilty!
So there you go! A glimpse into the life of a PT and how their day unfolds. Its not all about standing around in your tightest t-shirt trying to impress everyone with your hard earned gains but more about what happens behind the scenes when not in the gym also. Don’t get me wrong, I still absolutely love what I do and wouldn’t change it for the world! And its not everyday that looks like this thankfully, you will get quieter times through out the year when your client list fluctuates which can be a welcome relief to the madness of the busier times. But as they say, make hay when the sun shines and have a great time whilst doing it! Which reminds me, I need to book a holiday soon.
Drive home like a crazy person trying not to break the speed limit and for a quick lunch. A 30 mins snooze on the sofa works wonders if you can grab it and essential if in your thirties for surviving the rest of the day. Dog gets a quick walk and some attention so she doesn’t fall out with me. Before I know it, i’m hopping in the car again and making my way back into the gym for the late afternoon/ evening shift.
5.10 - 5.40am- Shower/ Breakfast/ Coffee.
7am-12pm - Clients, Clients, Clients.
Finally I have made it to the best time of my day, the time I can collapse into a heap on the sofa and watch some mindless tv until I am ready to hit the hay.
This is usually where I will squeeze in my own workout if I’m not already feeling the pace too much of that early rise.
Happy training and as always I am here if you ever need to reach out with your fitness related
discuss how tired we both are with it being so early but some banter quickly gets you going for the day. (By now the coffee should be taking effect also to jolt me awake.)
Yes there are days when I have made It all the way to this time of the evening and I have not yet planned what I am doing with all my clients tomorrow. This is something I try to avoid at all costs as you definitely need some downtime before doing it all over again the next day. So you will

world, I am still confident I can fight discrimination against the community.
Martin Murray
Unfortunately, I must start by announcing the sad news that I have had to resign from my role as Chair of Aeracha Uladh GAC. It was a thrilling experience growing such a successful group, getting the GAA to walk in Pride, being nominated for three pride Awards including Activist of the Year and getting the LGBTQ community so directly involved in health and fitness.
The IRFU recently released their new rules banning trans people from playing Rugby. The LGBTQ community and LGBTQ Rugby community specifically have voiced that they will continue to fight this ban and we will all continue to support them. As I have mentioned, the GAA are also looking at their rules and my fear is that after recent events that GAA and LGFA may ban trans players.
The GAA could be a leader in the sports world and the science is there to support them bringing in gender equality so only time will tell.
I hope Frontrunners can grow to the numbers of Aeracha Uladh GAC and I believe it can. We have already been contacted by members from Frontrunners across the globe including Cork Frontrunners and Dublin Frontrunners.
If this does happen, I will be immediately withdrawing my membership of the GAA and LGFA and fight this with everything I have. As I have mentioned to the GAA already, they have a special opportunity being that the GAA is an Irish owned Association so unlike Irish Rugby it doesn’t have to deal with the political landscape of matching rules of other countries rules.
Please note, this column is the opinion of the columinst and not that of GNI or Romeo & Julian Publiccations Ltd.
Although I am no longer the Chair of Aeracha Uladh GAC, I have spoken to the GAA and LGFA so I can continue the discussions and relationships I have built over the last year. They are aware of the work I have done to grow GAA in the LGBTQ community, and I hope this relationship is enough to continue my work for trans equality. Though I would have loved to be the first trans chair of a GAA team in the

After developing the team for several months and launching it with international support, I decided to bring in a committee because I was having to turn away interviews as I did not have the time to attend them all and I didn’t want to miss opportunities that would be of benefit to the team. I encouraged the media to speak to more of the team and we did a brilliant group interview talking about our common goal of making the GAA a truly inclusive space.
grew out of the association of several individual Front Runner clubs throughout the world. It began in 1974 as a jogging class at Lavender U, a gay experimental college in San Francisco started by Jack Baker and Gardner Pond. Promoting more than just athletic training, the club provided a social atmosphere that attracted people to the group. Later that year Patricia Nell Warren published ‘The Front Runner’ which is a romantic novel about a gay runner who has a relationship with his coach and who represents the U.S. at the Olympics.
me some more time to develop the scene a little more. On August 20th I launched Sporting Pride’s 6 week LGBTQ Inclusive Rowing course in collaboration with Belfast Boat Club. We were delighted to fly the trans pride flag on our boats on our first session celebrating Belfast Trans Pride. The following week on August 27th I organized our first meet up of a new club I have organized called ‘Belfast InternationalFrontrunners.’FrontRunners
Queen’s University Belfast has reached out to me to put together a trans awareness course for some of their staff and Ulster University have reached out to invite me to speak to students who will be going into physical education to talk about the importance of Diversity in sports. GAA and Belong To have also arranged for me to record a video on diversity in sports so I am excited to see the importance of diversity growing in mainstream spaces.
During this time, I had to make some difficult decisions including declining some collaborations due to organizations that had a history or reputation that where anti LGBTQ or a danger to the community. As the committee grew, differences of opinions came into it and my values no longer matched with the values of the current committee so for the growth of the team I have stepped away from the committee but will remain a player and will continue to work with the team to support their

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Inverted is an open and inclusive studio for anyone who wants to try something new. We are proud to be a gay owned business and hope to foster an environment that is welcoming and supportive. The pole world in general is an in credibly diverse and accepting community, who always seek to uplift each other and celebrate each other’s achievements.
his pole journey in 2014, learning from the crème de la creme in the Liver pool club scene. This was the best decision he ever made and he became hooked on the craft completely. Shortly after, he joined the Liverpool Pole Society committee, organising and performing in various shows and events. Steven moved to Belfast in 2016 and continued to develop his skills. Shortly after he began to teach his own classes and has helped hundreds of students to become fierce pole dancers them
In order to book a class we have a handy app called Gymcatch where you can find us or online at
up the courage to enter his first competition in 2017, Steven became the Men’s All Ireland Pole Dance Champion and discov ered a new love for performing. He regularly performs in various international cabaret and burlesque shows and was headhunted amongst the top talent in Ireland to compete on Virgin Media’s “The Big Deal”.
The idea of having our own studio was some thing that we flirted with for a while but it just never seemed to be the right time or the right place and finding a space to accommodate such a specific activity in Belfast was challenging to say the least! During the lockdowns we had time to focus and plan on what opening a studio would actually look like, after a few setbacks we found our home at Blackstaff Mill and it felt like it was meant to be. We are sur rounded by an incredibly supportive hub of var ious small local businesses and artists and we’ve even had some of them sign up for classes! Putting together a studio was a lot of work but thankfully we had the guidance and advice of other local studio owners namely El Fegan and Katrina Lennon to point us in the right direc tion. There isn’t a manual for running a pole dance studio which is why we are trying to take as much feedback from students with regards to what kind of classes they want, what would make it more enjoyable and what we can do to help them achieve their goals.
Cailin has a strong dance background. As previous president of the Queen’s University Dance society he led multiple dance troops to victory in various competitions includ ing NICMAC, Ulster Dance and Fitness Championships and multiple Inter University
stone we are hoping to achieve is to host our very own competition. Ireland is home to some incredible Pole dancers including a few world champions and we would love to create a new platform for artists to flaunt their skills and demonstrate their creativity.
We offer adult classes from complete begin ner all the way to elite level pole, alongside specific classes for choreography and soon we plan on introducing specialised flexibility and conditioning classes for anyone who wants to improve those areas. We are also running monthly workshops with specific focuses such as contemporary style dancing and floorwork. In order to make sure each student is receiving plenty of personalised attention we keep our classes small and you can find us in the studio every weekday evening and Saturday mornings. You can find us on instagram Facebook and TikTok @invertedpoleacademy
for a new challenge, Cailin discovered pole dance in 2018 and continued to excel. His background and determination served him well and he began to compete at an elite level just one year later, taking 3rd place and Best Entertainer at the 2019 All Ireland Pole Dance Championships. Shortly after, Cai lin began to teach his own classes and obtained his professional certifications as a pole dance instructor. After a short hiatus from competing and performing, Cailin took 2nd place in the 2022 championships.
Has there been much interest?, how do you foresee the next year or so panning out?
What brought you to opening Inverted Pole Academy , how the process of getting a studio together has gone?,
Pole dancing has been getting a lot of traction recently, appearing on national talent shows, being featured in music videos from Lil Nas X and FKA Twigs and there is even a push for it to be included in the Olympics so it’s definitely growing in popularity.
What different classes do you offer and are they for everyone?
We would love to reach a point where we can expand but one step at a time! Another mile
We are incredibly grateful to have had lots of interest in classes before even opening and over this next year we are excited to introduce peo ple to the wonderful world of Pole and be able to share our passion with everyone. Something that many people don’t realise is how much of a full body workout Pole is as well, without real ising you are engaging so many muscle groups and improving your cardiovascular fitness and flexibility so we are excited to help people improve their health in a new and somewhat unconventional way.
Inverted Pole Academy was founded by Cailin Hogg and Steven Dyer, let’s find out a little about
Our goal in setting up Inverted is to create a studio that works with its students to ensure that they are enjoying every second they spend with us while encouraging them to reach their fullest potential.
Backed by award-winning local chefs, pro ducers and food experts, this year’s Armagh Food and Cider Weekend, featuring two unique and bespoke market events, is des tined to be Northern Ireland’s biggest food and harvest celebration.
From artisan markets, tasting menus, ban quets and cider tours to fiery cooking demos and foraging, the Orchard County promises an unrivalled gastronomic line-up for food and drink lovers that will embolden its culi nary reputation.
There are also plenty of Food and Cider tours lined up over the weekend at a range of big-name venues, including Armagh Robinson Library, Milford House, Elmfield Estate, Kinnego Bushcraft Centre and Blend & Batch.
Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough, Cllr Paul Greenfield,
Richhill’s Groucho’s on the Square will host a late lunch tasting menu with ciders while The Vault and the new Fifth Quarter Restaurant in Banbridge will offer a range of events including Tipsy Tea, beef tasting menus and a delectable wine cheese and charcuterie get-together.
Armagh Cider Company will wake up the taste buds with a ‘Taste of Artisan Armagh’ event where its dedicated team will share its journey to award-winning success, offering its crisp, refreshing range of ciders, juices and mixers with a range of tantalising small plates. It will also host this year’s Murder Mystery event, an enjoyable evening of dining and investigating the historic, wicked crime of murder under the apple tree on the picturesque grounds of Armagh Cider
“Supporting and championing our outstand ing and award-winning culinary prowess, we look forward to warmly welcoming everyone back to Northern Ireland’s official Food Heartland to enjoy an outstanding programme of activity and to enjoy the best food, culinary talent and warm atmosphere as the harvest gets under way.”
“Insaid:a city and region famous for the quality of its food ingredients, its Bramley apples, its history, heritage and culture, this annual event is a weekend worth celebrating and I’m delighted to mark its full return for 2022.
In Markethill, at the edge of Gosford Park, the On the Hoof team, which specialises in outdoor woodfire cookery, will share its expertise as part of a Woodland Supper over two evenings, and there’s even a ‘Birdsong and Breakfast’ event early on Sunday morn ing so you can get up with the larks…

Experience the Orchard County’s finest food, drink and unique experiences in a four-day harvest
In stunning, historical locations and amidst the county’s lush apple-laden orchards and parklands, Northern Ireland’s official Food Heartland has more than 30 standout events planned from 8-11 September which celebrate the best food, history and culture of the Cathedral City and its surroundings at harvest time.
Weekend is back this September with a rich, flavoursome menu of unique events specially cultivated to deliver a memorable experience worth sharing with friends and family.
Award-winning Blackwell House in Ban bridge will welcome visitors to its Pudding Club on the Saturday, celebrating a special line-up of delicious homemade fruity treats and drinks, followed by a decadent, luxury Sunday Afternoon Tea to ease your way through the Orchard weekend.
Crannagael House – where the Armagh apple story all began – is a big feature in this year’s programme. Award winning 4 Vicars team Gareth Reid and his wife Kasia will deliver a sumptuous vegetarian tasting menu at the historic location, as well as the chance to savour a delicious farm-to-fork lunch and a Fur and Feathers Game Banquet in the stunning Georgian surroundings across the
immersive Food Heartland experience, visitors can take in a six-hour Artisan Market, Balsamic & Cideries coach tour of the borough to enjoy a wide range of award-winning foodie destinations and sa vour the best food and drink this remarkable destination has to offer.
DRINK IT IN! Armagh Food & Cider Weekend returns from 8-11 September
weekend, the McKeever family at the Long Meadow Cider Company will also host a series of special events including a Wine V Cider evening and a ‘Flash Fiction’ event for new and experienced writers.

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions out there and one that many of us experience throughout our teenage years. Although it usually clears up as we grow, for some it can be difficult to keep under control. If you won the skincare lottery as a teen and were lucky enough to have great skin, you may not be off the hook just yet as adult acne is more common than you think - 12% of women and 3% of men over the age of 25 still suffer from acne.
The main culprit that causes acne flare ups is oil. When hormone levels rise, so too does our oil production, which explains why acne peaks when puberty hits. Another common cause is those both ersome blackheads or whiteheads which form when pores become blocked with dead skin cells. Bacteria

What is acne and who is typically affected?
So, what causes acne exactly?
Spot the difference TO BANISH ACNE FOR GOOD
The TikTok era is officially upon us – and the viral video platform is awash with “how to” tutorials, product reviews, and influencer recommendations for hairstyles, makeup and skincare. Certainly TikTok is often the first place to find the latest makeup trends, and this season, content across the app is all about the “clean girl” aesthetic (known more traditionally as the “no-makeup makeup” look) - and we love it! Many have jumped on board the trend by swapping their full coverage base for a natural glowy skin tint, but for others with skin complaints, it can be very difficult to part with our protective foundation and let our own skin shine through. Acne in particular is a common complaint preventing many of us from feeling confident enough to “go naked” and ditch the heavy makeup. It’s time to finally take control, embrace those beautiful freckles and banish acne for good.

About the Author

5. Healthy At-Home Skincare Regime: Of course, the key to keeping acne under control starts at home with a consistent skincare routine using products tailored specifically to your skin type. By thoroughly cleansing, reducing the number of oils in your skin care, gently exfoliating to remove dead skin cells and drenching your skin in a high SPF you can achieve healthy, acne free skin giving you that radiant glow all year round. IMAGE Skincare is a professional, clin ical brand used by the skin experts at Galgorm’s Skin Clinic as it prioritises science over fads and results over trends. With targeted products for acne sufferers, Dr Mottram recommends trying the IMAGE Clear Cell Clarifying Gel Cleanser [£36.50] and the IMAGE Prevention Daily Ultimate Moisturiser + 50 SPF Moisturiser [£45.00] available to purchase from
living on the skin can rapidly multiply in those blocked poses leading to redness, swelling and painful inflamed spots. Prevention is always better than cure – remember to Howexfoliate!totreat acne
Dr Andrew Mottram is resident aesthetics practition er and clinical expert at The Skin Clinic at Galgorm – one of Northern Ireland’s leading, premier skincare and beauty clinics. He has more than 20 years’ experi ence working in dermatology and for the NHS. For more information or to book a consultation with Dr. Mottram, please visit
2. Medical Grade Microdermabrasion & Peel
If you’ve suffered firsthand from acne, you’ll know all too well that flare ups can range from being a little irritating to physically painful and worst-case scenario can result in scarring. For others, it can also cause emotional and psychological stress, especially when you don’t want to spend hours in the morning applying makeup to cover up a break out. The great news is acne is treatable! Even if you’ve had no luck with over-the-counter treatments, there are other options. Dr. Andrew Mottram, resident aesthetics practitioner and clinical expert at The Skin Clinic at Galgorm takes us through his top tips:
Flex MD: This is a medically CE certified device for the treatment of acne, psoriasis and wound healing. This device uses a combination of
1. Medical Grade Peels: Superficial and medium grade peels are an excellent treat ment for acne prone skin. They promote exfoliation of the uppermost layer of the skin, allowing healthier cells at the surface of your skin to glow. Salicylic acid used in the peel unclogs blocked pores by breaking down oils –and it’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. A series of peels is recommended for optimum results.
specific wavelengths of light which can provide great improvements where other treatments have failed. Using very narrow band wavelengths to heal the skin, it essentially reverses the damage caused by the sun’s harmful UV rays – great for turning back the clock and achieving that youthful glow!
the Galgorm shop -
3. Dermapen Microneedling: This medical grade device is not only great for active acne but also amazing for even the most severe acne scarring. Numbing cream is applied to the skin for comfort –most clients say it’s like an electric toothbrush on the skin. This is a great treatment for reducing active acne, rosacea, thread veins, uneven pigmentation and even severe scarring. It involves very little down time and produces outstanding results after a course of just four
Combination: Take your treatment up a notch by adding microdermabrasion to your medical grade peel. Serum is infused into the skin, then a gentle suction and exfoliation removes dirt and much of the skin’s dead cells which significantly enhances the effectiveness of the treatment.

Don’t be tempted to buy everything you need for your holiday brand-new. As the saying goes, the most climate-friendly fashion is the outfit you already have in your wardrobe. The same goes for buckets and spades, towels and everything else you might need. If there are some items you want but don’t have - like inflatables for the kids or camping equipment, consider trying to source them second hand or borrow them from a library of things or the OLIO app.
When you’re choosing your holiday, consider where you’re going to travel to and how you’ll get there. The average carbon footprint in the UK is over 10 tonnes per person per year, and we need to get this down to 2.5 tonnes by 2030 for global heating to remain within 1.5 degrees. Unfortunately, one of the most carbon intensive things we can do is hop on a plane. A return flight to Rome is 1/4 tonne, to New York is 1 tonne and to Perth is 3 tonnes. This is in

The pandemic scuppered international travel for many of us, and understandably the nation is looking for ward to getting away for a change of scenery. However, with the climate crisis a growing consideration for everyone, even when we’re away, OLIO’s co-founder Tessa Clarke shares her top tips for holidaying as sustainably as possible.
FEATURE GUILT FREE TRAVEL GNI MAG [86] go, make sure that you share any food you have in the house that you won’t be able to use. If you can’t give it to a family member or a neighbour, consider sharing it on the OLIO app, which is easy to use and the majority of food listings are requested in less than half an hour. Ensuring that food gets eaten instead of binned before your holiday is an easy way to cut your own carbon footprint. The same goes for when you leave your holiday to return home. If you have a self-ca
Take the climate guilt out of your summer holiday with our top travel tips
tering apartment or AirBnB - you can share any leftover food like olive oil, jams, cheese or fresh fruit on the OLIO app to be collected anywhere in the world!
Take reusable water bottles with you! Most coun tries in the EU have safe drinking water, so you can fill up in your apartment or hotel which is better for the environment and your pocket. If the country you’re travelling to doesn’t have fresh drinking water, it’s still better to take a reusable bottle, and fill up from a larger one each day rather than buying multiple small bottles of water. It’s estimated that around 8m metric tonnes of plastic ends up in the sea, and it takes 450 years for every plastic bottle to decompose - let’s not be part of the problem. I really recommend the Grayl water bottle which filters pretty much everything from any fresh water source, and I estimate it’s saved at least 500 plastic bottles since i bought it.
contrast to going vegan for a year which saves 0.8 tonnes. So that flight you’re thinking of taking… why not check out a train or ferry instead? Suncream is a must-have for all of us. Consider buying coral-friendly suncream before you go so that the harmful chemicals do not bleach the sea’s precious reef builders! There are many more eco-friendly brands than there used to be, including high street
TRAVEL Torremolinos

By Gavyn Andrews
As a couple we booked a package deal this summer with EasyJet Holidays ex Belfast International Airport which would include flights, checked in luggage, Hotel Bed & Breakfast stay plus we up graded to a private return airport transfers. The to tal package for two cost us just over £600 including holiday insurances. As for Covid-19 we just needed to prove we had been at least double vaccinated and the NHS app provided us with digital certificates. Torremolinos both the town and its legendary beaches have had a thoroughly modern makeover, and now attract many discerning Spanish, together with international, tourists. Torremolinos has long been a popular gay holiday destination and has the largest gay scene of the Spanish Costas
As we all know travel restarted after Covid 19 in 2022 and EasyJet like many airlines is dealing with staffing issues but I have to say that the airport check in and subsequent early morning flight to Malaga Airport in the Costa Del Sol went very smoothly indeed. The arrival process was simply us having to show the digital covid certificate along side passport control checks. In the arrivals hall we were greeted by a handsome blond man and shown to our private airport transfer to our hotel which was the 4 Star Melia Torremolinos.
My family always avoided wanting to go on holidays to mainland Spain and always opted for the Spanish Balearic islands of Ibiza, Majorca and Menorca or the Canary Islands of Lanzarote, Ten erife and Gran Canaria. In fact it was those very same family holidays that made me want to become an overseas tour operator holiday representative back in 1998 when I took my first job overseas. Many of you know doubt already know that I have been in tourism for over 20 years and I have either worked or been on holiday to many of the key tourist places around the world, but somehow still managed to never going to one of the Spanish Costas and so this trip is a first for me.
A Costa with a Rainbow Heart It might just surprise you too …

I was shocked by the journey to the hotel to see how quiet the resort was and to find out how close the resort actually was to the airport. I swear we must have been in the taxi no more than 15 minutes when we arrived at the beautiful hotel entrance. Once we had settled into the hotel we decided to have a quick walk around the hotel and get our bearings as to where the hotel was in relation to the gay nightlife, town or resort centre.
Oddly the weather wasn’t the best so we ended up simply grabbing some drinks and eating at a local
beach restaurant just down from the hotel on our first night.
and the mass package tourism onslaught which followed Spain’s liberation in the late 1970’s. It’s such a short trip from the UK and Ireland I would now highly recommend it as a LGBTQ destina tion for both short and long stays or a destination which could be combined with other resorts such as Benidorm, Sitges and or Barcelona.
As you can see the scene will offer pretty much something for everyone and like anywhere I have been before in Spain they always offer a good friendly welcome. As a couple we both felt this re sort was safe and friendly for us to be ourselves fully and enjoy everything we could. We will defiantly return in the future and would like to try the resort during Pride. I like the fact that the resort offers you the mix of Gay only beach spaces like Eden beach and then excellent accommodation options so close or within walking distance to the heart of gay scene. Ps maybe see you soon .
Rituals hotels is a property which is located directly above us on the hill top I mentioned to you before and is in the heart of the main gay area. We personally never ventured into it but our Grinder and Scruff apps where going wild highlighting the amount of Gay men up for meeting staying particularly in that property. Of course we had a good look online and pasted it on our way to the gay scene itself and I have to say it appeared to be a great spot if you wanted to both stay in an LG BTQ property and be handy for likeminded singles or couples to enjoy your holiday with.
The Melia hotel is situated directly on the beach and allows you to enjoy unrivalled pool views and elegance from its two roof top Pools and bars. It backs up onto a steep cliff which actually has steps which lead you right to the Gay Bars, Clubs shops and Gay Sauna. The hotel itself is made up of two blocks which surround the outdoor pool and leads down to the hotels Gym and wellness centre.
in the Gay fetish store BOXER trying on lots of clothes and fetish gear like jocks, T Shirts, Shorts and leather harness. All of which you can of course then showcase in the clubs or sauna later if you wish. Boxer often sponsors many of the key gay events in the resort helping market key internation al events like the local Pride each year.
Torremolinos has been a popular gay destination from the very start of the tourism industry here in the late 1950’s, surviving both Franco’s dictatorship

do anything mad during are stay but tried a good mix of the local bars and clubs. I would highly recommend a visit to the following venues. Aqua Club Torremolinos offers, Pub disco and gay sauna. It has a large terrace and cruising area. We found it to be one of the busiest venues with a massive mix from twinks to hairy bears. Men’s Bar, is very much leather and fetish and well in Spain I have to say it defo was a turn on for me Lots of muscled dark hairy tanned fit men running about in a mix of full leather and jean combinations. Overall I loved the places vibe and drinks promotions run alongside key weekly events. Other places you may wish to try including, Centuryon, Parthenon and Vida bars.
As eager as we were to engage in all day drinking with likeminded people we found out that many of the key LGBTQ bars and cafes don’t actually open up to much later in the day. Due to this we found ourselves taking long walks into Malaga itself and over the next few days heading in the opposite direction walking further down the beach into Benalmade na. Thankfully The Melia hotel is just up from Gay beach El Gato Torremolinos, located in front of the popular El Gato Lounge and EDEN Beach club. You will definably not miss it as you walk along the seafront with its Rain bow flags blowing in the beach winds and the handsome men dressed in speedos or less topping up tans and getting acquainted with likeminded tourists all in front of your eyes.
By Gavyn Andrews
Sun beds and shades are available for hire and the El Gato Lounge offers a great range of food (from tapas to burgers) and drinks all day long. Eden Beach Club is a key resort hot spot which lies just down from our hotel and allows you to chill, drink, eat and socialise in a very open and friendly environment my partner and I decided this was a good spot to spend some me time each afternoon. Now we don’t exactly have beach ready bodies but the clientele during are stayed welcomed us with open arms and we found the Eden beach Club vibe exciting and enjoyable as well as overall affordable. If you love to shop I can safely say that you have lots of options both down on the seafront prom enades and then with more high-end retail stores in town and respective resort centres. As a couple we always try and get some sort of local Christmas gift each year. I also ended up spending a fortune
The scene itself is not just the preserve of the visiting gay tourists and this is especially so at weekends, when it gets very busy with a young local crowd from all around the Costa del Sol and nearby
The gay scene and nightlife is focused in and around La Nogalera, an open-air, shopping com plex in the very centre of town. As is quite typical in Spain, the result is a jumbled up mix of family restaurants, local shops, Gay Bars and Dance Clubs all side by side.
Founder Reuben is proud to use ethically sourced cocoa beans, and it’s real chocolate inside those pretty pink bags and boxes, making the drinks creamier, richer and more luxurious than those made with cocoa powder.
Try pouring some salted caramel cream liqueur all over a bowl of the “Chocolate Salted Caramel” gelato for a rich and decadent indulgence.
Latte” is the purest form of gelato, using top quality dairy products to create a clean, creamy taste, just perfect with a large dash of Pedro Ximenez
Carolyn Stewart’s Jamaican Patties
Althoughsherry!wefound it difficult to pick a favourite, the “Pistachio” which has a subtle nuttiness and a silky smooth texture, was an absolute triumph. It would work brilliantly as an Affogato with a shot of hot espresso.
Moon Gelato
The Patties and her other fantastic Caribbean-influenced products, which are abundant with chilli infusions of vegetables and fruits to tingle your tastebuds and add a fragrant spiciness to any dish, are currently available at various delis in Belfast and the surrounding areas.

With such an produced products on our doorstep, in this issue we thought we’d introduce you to our top five favourite foodie finds.
Mushrooms which we gently sautéed in garlic and olive oil, and served on toasted sourdough for a simple rustic lunchtime treat. And with a bit of T.L.C., the kit will often yield a second crop. Creamy Mushroom Risotto, anyone?
We had the pleasure of meeting up recently with the fabulous Carolyn Stewart to try her Jamaican Patties; the latest in local, high quality, artisan products made in Belfast by Carolyn and the Totally Hot NI company.
abundance of great quality, locally
Hotties Chocolate, a new hot chocolate company based in Northern Ireland, is on a mission to make the world’s best hot chocolate while spreading love one mug at a time.
We also loved the “Mascarpone and Orange” flavour; light, fresh and subtly citrusy, which would be even more perfect accompanied by a glass of Tokaji, a deliciously sweet dessert wine from Hungary.
We’re totally over the moon about Moon Gelato’s full range of fabulous #moonies.flavours
Locally made in Moira by chef Aaron Heasley, inspired by his studies at Carpigiani Gelato University in Bologna, and using genuine artisanal techniques, these wonderful gelati are available at the Moira Hatch, at Common Market and at Trade Market in Belfast.
“Turn up the Flavour” with Carolyn Stewart’s Jamaican Patties!
Hotties come in a variety of different flavour options, from Milk Chocolate to S’mores, and Salted Caramel to Dark Orange (which is also suitable for vegans). And why not be a little bit naughty, and make your Hottie boozy? We added a shot of rum to the Dark Orange Hottie. Delicious!
Hearty Growers was launched in 2021 by husband and wife team Terry and Judy, and much like Born & Bred founder Linzi, their passion projects turned into businesses which have grown and thrived. With Terry’s enthusiasm for gourmet growing, & Linzi’s love of cooking, Hearty Growers & Born & Bred were a match made in mushroom heaven. And so, the Hearty Growers x Born & Bred Mushroom Grow Kit was born!
Our kit contained rich Oyster Mushroom Spawn, and within a couple of weeks of daily watering, we had a bumper crop of impressive Pink Oyster
Hearty Growers Mushrooms
Hotties Chocolate isn’t just a comforting hot drink, but a way of connecting with others; for sharing on nights in with friends and family, sipping over a cheeky chat, a treat on a random weeknight, or just a tasty alternative to tea or coffee. Hotties would also make a thoughtful gift for someone special who deserves a little pampering.
We had great fun pairing our favourite flavours with a little tipple, so here are a few suggestions to make your Moon Gelato a thoroughly grown-up Theexperience!“FiorDi
Hotties Chocolate
These delicious buttery pastry-filled patties are packed with either a choice of spiced meat, chicken or vegetable filling. We loved them as a light lunch with salad & slaw, and they would be incredible served with some of Carolyn’s award-winning, spicy and fruity, Chilli Pickles.
This amazing locally produced cheese selection is startlingly good. Many vegan “cheeses” are flabby, bland and tasteless, but this product is a terrific alternative to dairy-based cheese. We’ve tried the “Cashew Blue” infused with spirulina, “24-Karat”: a cheddar-style cheese with turmeric and chives, and “Blackheart” inspired by Morbier and infused with smoke and activated charcoal, and we thoroughly enjoyed them all. We also bought the “Barbarella” mozzarella with which we created a Vegan Margherita Pizza. But our favourite has to be the awardwinning “Cashew & Pepe” zingy with the warmth of cracked black pepper. As founder and creator Anto recently said, “This little triangle of yumminess has gone and got itself a whole star!!” And very well deserved
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MushroomsGrowersHeartyPattiesJamaicianStewartsCarolynNourish Good Food Artisan CulturedPlant-BasedCheeseHottiesChocolate FOOD THE GOURMET BOYS GNI MAG [91]

Moon Gelato

Nourish Good Food Artisan Plant-Based Cultured Cheese

If you have any requests for restaurant recommendations send us a message and we’ll get right back to you.
Cinema: Out Now
Cinemas: Friday 02 September
The Invitation

Starring: Neil Patrick Harris
Uncoupled is an American romantic comedy television series created and written by Darren Star and Jeffrey Richman. The series follows a newly single gay Man hattanite navigating the dating scene for the first time in 17 years after getting abruptly dumped by his long-term partner. As he adjusts to being single in his 40s, he discov ers that the gay dating environment has changed while he was in a relationship , and he rapidly realizes that in order to not be single forever, he must take action.

After the death of her mother and having no other known relatives, Evie (Nathalie Emmanuel) takes a DNA test... and discovers a long-lost cousin she never knew she had. Invited by her newfound family to a lavish wedding in the English countryside, she’s at first seduced by the sexy aristocrat host but is soon thrust into a nightmare of survival as she uncovers twisted secrets in her family’s history and the unsettling intentions behind their sinful generosity.
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The Forgiven
Speeding through the Moroccan desert to attend an old friend’s lavish weekend party, wealthy Londoners David and Jo Henninger are involved in a tragic accident with a local teenage boy. Arriving late at the grand villa with the debauched party raging, the couple attempts to cover up the incident with the collusion of the local police. But when the boy’s father arrives seeking justice, the stage is set for a tension-filled culture clash in which David and Jo must come to terms with their fateful act and its shattering consequences.

Black Adam
This American period sports comedy drama television series iis an adaptation of the 1992 film of the same name with new characters and story lines, about the formation of a World War II era women’s professional baseball team. The series, set in 1943, centers the formation of the Rockford Peaches, a women’s team in the nascent All-American Girls Professional Baseball League

Forever Cinema: Friday 11 November
A League of their Own
Disney+: Streaming Now Series inspired by the true crime bestseller by Jon Krakauer, which follows the events that led to the 1984 murder of Brenda Wright Lafferty and her baby daugh ter in a suburb of the Salt Lake Valley, Utah. As Detective Jeb Pyre investigates events that transpired within the Lafferty family, he uncovers buried truths about the origins of the LDS religion - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Action-adventure “Black Adam.”The first-ever feature film to explore the story of the DC Super Hero comes to the big screen under the direction of Jaume Collet-Serra (“Jungle Cruise”). Nearly 5,000 years after he was be stowed with the almighty powers of the ancient gods-and imprisoned just as quickly-Black Adam (Johnson) is freed from his earthly tomb, ready to unleash his unique form of justice on the modern world.
Cinema: Friday 21 October
Keene is sentenced to 10 years in a minimum security prison without parole, he cuts a deal with the FBI to enter maximum-security prison for the criminally insane and befriend a suspected serial killer, Larry Hall (Paul Walter Hauser). Keene’s job is to elicit a confession from Hall in order to slam the door on Hall’s appeal and find the buried bodies of as many as eighteen women. But is Hall a serial killer? Or a serial confessor?
Amazon Prime: Streaming Now Starring: Will Graham, Abbi Jacobson, Chanté Adams and D’Arcy Carden,

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Black Panther: Wakanda
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AppleTv: Streaming Now
Starring: Taron Egerton Paul, Ray Liotta and Walter AfterHauserJimmy
In Marvel Studios’ “Black Panther: Wakanda Forev er,” Queen Ramonda, Shuri, M’Baku, Okoye, and the Dora Milaje, fight to protect their nation from inter vening world powers in the wake of King T’Challa’s death. As the Wakandans strive to embrace their next chapter, the heroes must band together with the help of War Dog Nakia and Everett Ross (Martin Freeman) and forge a new path for the kingdom of Wakanda.

Black Bird
Under the Banner of Heaven


I’d obviously passed by this impressive looking hotel many many times before, it’s position right on the river is enviable. As we arrived at the hotel for our stay, the first thing I’m going to point out is some thing pretty obvious, but something pretty important for someone from here that’s travelling by car - there is an on-site carpark! Now this doesn’t sound like much, but I’ve stayed so many places where the “handy” carpark is an NCP jobbie about five streets away. But no, the carpark here is literally under the hotel - and it’s FREE!!! Anyway, carpark excitement over with, myself and my guest made our way up to the Ackreception.itwarms
I have to admit that I’m a fan of Derry / Londonderry / Stroke City / The Maiden City, or whatever else you are inclined to call it. I try to visit a few times a year to take in the history, the nightlife, and some of the local craic. On this trip at the start of the summer, as the nights were beginning to stretch out, I decided to make The City Hotel the place I’d rest my head instead of sofa surfing with a mate.

7th floor! Firstly let me point out that it’s child free on this floor - that is like music to my ears. A floor filled with executive rooms and suits - all named after local landmarks (I was given Guildhall). Even the corridor on this floor is gorgeous. All of the doors look like pristine old front doors - complete with door knockers - you can imagine the restraint it took not to knock them when I arrived back at my room later that night after a few vodkas!
To finish; this is a great hotel that I’d personally recommend whether you’re crashing for one night like I did, or even for a longer stay. It’s stylish yet comfortable and literally located in the city centre. The food is great and the bar is super craic. The staff are all very friendly and helpful. Book at www.

my heart to go to a hotel with a bit of life about the reception area. Gone are the days when entering a hotel should be like going to the dentist where everyone can hear what you’re saying. At the City Hotel there is a big, impressive, modern recep tion which is all open to the vibrant bar and leads onto the restaurant - all open but brilliantly zoned so you know exactly where you are. The lady on reception who checked be in was absolutely delightful - courteous, friendly and knowledgeable. She gave me some brief instructions on dinner and breakfast etc and sent me on my merry way to my room on the 7th
The room itself was beautiful. Like actually beautiful. The bed was massive, and comfortable. The furniture and decor was all very modern with a classic/tradi tional twist - very, very stylish and high end in it’s feel. Lovely fabrics and great artwork. And to top it all off, there was a view out over the water - my personal favourite kind of view.
I’d booked in for dinner for my guest and myself in the hotel restaurant. The food was very tasty and beautifully presented. As expected the service was second to none. There was a great choice on the menu, and the choices were good wholesome choices - not over fancy just for the sake of it.
We headed out to a few bars in town before heading back to the hotel bar for a night-cap. When we returned the place was pure buzzing! There was a live band on in the reception area which overspilled to the bar. The place was bunged with people dancing in the foyer - it was amazing. Needless to say our nightcap ended up being a few more than just the one.

Oh before I go any further it’s worth noting the food is a delightful menu of small plates which are all unique. 15 dishes in total to tickle anyone’s taste buds and they surely did just that, we decided to order the following 6 dishes and share.
influence of my guest my cousin Claire.
Now onto the grub, our readers will know I love to eat, so it will be no surprise to hear I already knew days before what I wanted to try, having read the menu multiple times on their website lol, even after arrival that only deviated slightly due to the
WOW the place is beautiful, ambient lighting with a rustic homely feel, the kind of place ideal for chilling in after a long day at work with no pretentious airs or graces which is another tick. Santeria aren’t trying to be something they aren’t, they really know who their punters are, that has to be 3 more easy points.
As the Oliver song is entitled “Food Glorious Food” that is my how i will describe what we enjoyed this evening.
Next up was the Chicken Wings, and not just your typical offering they were interestingly fermented in maple butter hot sauce, they had just the right amount of heat and as one would hope both crispy & juicy, we fought over the last wing - I won lol.
So on to our experience, first of all preconceived notions I had were out the window on arrival, with being 4.30pm on a Thursday I expected to be having a quiet dining experience though thankfully the place was bustling both inside and out, what a pleasure! In my opinion there is nothing worse than the sound of silence and hearing people near you sip and slurp, so that’s 3 points already for the Inatmosphere.termsofdecor,
little less for me though that is personal preference, it came with a sauce I was really intrigued with, smoked bone marrow and tiny crispy shallots, it was very tasty. The spuds were so crispy, we cleared the lot, dunking them into the yummy spicy sauces.
19 Fountain Street, Belfast Review by Daniel May
And finally, not that we needed more food, the Steak and Spuds were brought to the table, I wish I was a mind reader I bet others were calling us gorbs lol. Anyways the steak was a Flat Iron cut, I loved the level of charring, it could have been done a
The Chef/s really knew their stuff, there was no salt/pepper etc on the tables and there was no need for them either as every single dish was seasoned to perfection - Bravo, so food has to get 4 points. Which means yes that’s 10 points in total from me to Santeria lol, im messing with the whole points thing btw.
“Santeria is an intimate city centre venue for cock tails, coffee and everything in between. Sister bar of Voodoo Belfast, the venue’s name draws inspiration from an ancient Afro-Caribbean faith.

Taco’s soon followed, they have 2 to choose from, Shroom suitable for Vegans and Chicken. The first used Oyster Mushrooms which I adored. I loved the texture, they oddly tore apart like
Focusing on classic and contemporary cocktails, we are friendly and laid back throughout the day and come alive at night with DJ’s and live music. San teria strips away rigid formality, focusing on quality drinks, warm service and relaxed, casual ambiance”.
Thanks so much to the Owner, Manager Paige and Staff for their generosity and great service.
You simply must check out Santeria they open 7 days a week for drinks and food is served Wednes day - Sunday 12noon - 8pm
It is impossible for me to pick a favourite especially as we only tried less than 1/2 of the dishes, that can only mean 1 thing! A 2nd visit is a must. On my return I think I’ll give the Squid and Crispy Cauliflower a go and of course I’ll get a few of the dishes I now know I like.
Being lovers of anything pickled (bar eggs, boke!) we simply had to try the Frickles - these were sliced dill pickles in a super crispy Beer batter. They were actually the first dish to the table, we had to hold back from finishing them prior to the rest of the food arriving.
In terms of location you couldn’t get any closer to the city centre as Santeria is a stonesthrow from City Hall on Fountain Street though in terms of food taste and unique menu we were so far removed from Northern Ireland though before we jump into all that, here is a short bio about the establishment
eating protein, both were dressed the same, served in black corn wraps filled with tequila hot sauce, frijoles & pico de Gallo. Nom Nom!