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You may have heard the term or concept “New Earth” being discussed if you frequent any form of spiritual practice or maybe from that one Woo Woo friend, who carries a rose quartz crystal in their underwear to meet their soulmate.
The notion of a new earth is grounded in the belief that humanity is undergoing a collective shift in consciousness towards a higher state of awareness and unity. This shift involves a transformation in how individuals perceive themselves, others, and the world around them. This process involves letting go of ego-driven desires and embracing qualities such as love, acceptance, and gratitude. The vision of new earth is one of a world where people live in harmony with all, guided by principles of compassion, cooperation, and respect for all life.
Though how can this be achieved in a world that often seeks to categorise and define us within rigid boundaries.
The term Two-Spirit predates the arrival of European settlers in the Americas. Indigenous people who identify as Two-Spirited are revered and esteemed in their communities for embodying both masculine and feminine spirits. They often assume roles as healers, medicine practitioners, and visionaries, playing integral roles in their culture. This reverence stems from their unique ability to perceive the world through both masculine and feminine perspectives.
The Native American belief holds that certain individuals embody the spirits of both masculine and feminine energies, expressing them seamlessly as if possessing dual spirits within a single body. Within Native American tradition, love and sexuality are not morally graded; individuals are evaluated based on their contributions to the tribe and their character. Two-Spirit individuals are highly esteemed in Native America, with families including them being considered fortunate. Native Americans associate Two-Spirit individuals with high intellectual abilities, artistic talents and deep compassion. Colonisation had a devastating effect on Two-Spirit individuals as heteronormative roles were forced upon them.
In the book “Journey of Souls” by Michael Newton, he describes how individuals that identify as queer have a more advanced soul. He states that if a soul chooses to be queer in this life; they have deliberately chosen to exist in a society that would be prejudiced against them, in a society with rigid gender role stereotypes. These brave individuals must rise above any public abuse in order to find self-esteem and selfidentity.
Over the past four or five years I have frequented many different spiritual circles and have struggled to be my full expression in the fear of being rejected or shunned. These are my own internal wounds that I take full ownership and responsibility for. I am learning and navigating through these shadow aspects; bringing compassion and forgiveness to these parts of myself.
However, within such a small spiritual community it can be difficult to fully express when we have so-called leaders or mentors in the community making comments such as “just let boys be boys” or sharing some batshit article that drinking tap water can make you gay . In Northern Ireland we have already lived through years of oppression, pain and social conditioning and this attitude from so-called leaders is creating more of a separation in a community which claims “all of you are welcome” and “this is a safe space”.
When it comes to human sexuality and identity within the context of “New Earth” consciousness, there are several key themes that we need to consider:
• Embracing, accepting and celebrating diversity in all its forms, including sexual orientation and gender identity. Encouraging and honouring the full spectrum of human expression without judgement or discrimination.
• Breaking down traditional binary constructs in favour of more fluid and expansive understandings; recognising that individuals exist on a continuum rather than fitting neatly into rigid categories.
• Equality, liberation and advocating for the rights and dignity of LGBTQIA+ individuals and challenging systems of oppression and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
• Sacred sexuality as an integral part of human experience with a greater emphasis on approaching sexuality with reverence, mindfulness, and respect for oneself and others.
• Reclaiming personal power and embracing authenticity.
Ultimately, the goal is to cultivate greater awareness, compassion, and harmony both within ourselves and in our relationships with others and the world around us. Integrating, harmonising and taking responsibility for our experiences, allowing us to move towards a more holistic understanding of self; embracing one’s unique combination of masculine and feminine energies, regardless of biological sex, gender, orientation or societal expectations. Love is not about possession, it’s about appreciation. Cherish the heart that beats with yours, for it is a melody that resonates through eternity.
Paul McAllister- Aho Wellness IG: aho_wellness
Facebook: aho.wellness.belfast
Email: wellness.aho@gmail.com