MID ULSTER PRIDE IT’S HAPPENING THIS YEAR. WHILE OUTSIDE PROTESTERS SANG ‘STAND UP, STAND UP FOR JESUS’, INSIDE THE ROYAL HOTEL, COOKSTOWN, THE MID ULSTER PRIDE COMMITTEE DANCED TO ‘BRING ME A HIGHER LOVE’, STARTING THE OFFICIAL LAUNCH OF ‘MID ULSTER PRIDE’. Drag queen compere Alexis Cox kept the ‘craic mighty’, as a packed venue heard from the excited Mid Ulster Pride Committee. Chairperson Jonathan Campbell talked about his own journey as a gay man from Dungannon, the background to the initiative and how he believes the Mid Ulster Pride Committee is ‘changing the world together’. Vice Chairperson Rev Andrew Rawding announced a conference on 1st April in the Glenavon Hotel, Cookstown, entitled ‘Blessed are the Queer’. He told the Courier: ‘We need to listen to LGBT voices, particularly from a faith background and affirm them with unconditional love’. A keynote speaker at the conference will be Professor Laurence Kirkpatrick who was sacked from Union Theological College because of his support for samesex relationships. Queer Heritage Officer Molly Farrell launched the dates of two LGBT film screenings in Dungannon and Cookstown during ‘LGBT History Month’ in February. Well-Being and Happiness Officer Louise Taylor emphasised the importance of creating belonging, supporting families, and the need for whole community support and ‘straight’ allies. Treasurer Elise Hughes thanked the representatives from LGBT support organisations for all they had already done in Mid Ulster and spoke about the importance of collaboration. Then to the sound of Diana Ross singing ‘I’m coming out’, Mid Ulster Pride was officially launched by the Chair of Mid Ulster District Council, Cllr Martin Kearney: As Chair Of Mid Ulster District Council I am hugely privileged and honoured to officially launch Mid Ulster Pride. I wish it huge success. This is going to be a truly inspirational day for our rural community and I hereby now launch Mid Ulster Pride, by announcing that the first ever rural Pride will take place here, in Cookstown, on SATURDAY 13th JUNE 2020! One of the special guest at the launch was the PSNI Superintendent Patricia Foy who was attending on behalf of the Chief Constable. Ciara O’Neill, a trained counsellor from the Rainbow Project, told the Courier: ‘I couldn’t not come. This is my backyard. I love it. And I appreciate all the work Mid Ulster Pride is doing. They’re amazing.’