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Tell us how you met, were you single for a long time before you started dating?

We met on a well known dating app, exchanged a growl and chatted for a few months on it before exchanging numbers and meeting up. John was single for 2 years and I was single for upwards of 6 months.

How long after you started dating did it take to pop the question, was it an immediate yes, and who asked who?

9 years we’d been dating for, John asked me in a secluded 100 year old cottage in Co. Fermanagh as part of a weekend getaway with some of our close friends. I had no idea he was going to propose. Absolutely it was an immediate yes.

Tell us about your BIG DAY , location, amount of guests etc.

Big day was in the Ballymac Hotel in Stoneyford, with a beautiful Humanist ceremony, 103 guests. Day was stunning, from start to finish which was nearly 4am on Sunday morning. Solid worry and anxiety on the lead up was completely unwarranted and just melted away as the day and ceremony began.

What about the food and drink?

Peppered chicken and beef stroganoff was the order of the day followed by biscoff cheesecake and pavlova to finish. Drinks flowed, and the manager commented as we were leaving the next day that we, “the guests were big spenders” so that kept them happy.

Were there any hiccups or did all go to plan?

Our guitarist busted their hand a few days prior to the wedding but a friend of his saved the day, not all heroes wear capes, definitely. But apart from that, it all went according to plan.

Have you been on or are you going on honeymoon?

Going to Sitges in Catalonia for a week very soon.

In your day to day lives what do you do for work, what interests do you share and have that are different ?

I work in finance and John works in Recruitment, both for separate law firms. We spend a lot of time together, we do a lot of things together, we are both besties too, definitely. We read, we cycle, and love to socialise with friends and family too. I am a bit of a geek, John calls himself a Playstaton Widow when a new game comes out.

Do you do everything together in terms of socialising, travel ?

Yes, pretty much. Part of our vows that we had written ourselves, separately, commented on the fact that we are both best friends for each other. We didn’t know we had written this as part of our vows to each other so it was really nice.

Have you a family, is this something on the plan for you?

Oh heck no, no family and none on the horizon. Maybe a four legged fur baby soon…….

Tell us who made your day possible in terms of rings, flowers, photographer, cars etc Joseph Rea for the rings, Epic Photography and of course the Ballymac Hotel. We didn’t do flowers or cars, they weren’t needed. Tom Morrow Menswear for our suits, their shop has absolutely everything and Bogart Menswear for the groom’s suits.

Has anything changed since you said “I Do”?

We both have agreed that the ceremony has definitely made us closer, we are both still on a high from it all and we will use this as a springboard to continue to love each other and to build our foundation for our future as best friends and also as husband and husband, best feeling in the world.

Anything we may have missed that you may want to add/mention?

Just enjoy the day, It fly’s by. Any LGBT+ couples that are thinking of tying the knot, to go for it, show the world our out and proud love.

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