Los Angeles Magazine - Top Doctors 2022

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A top L.A. neurosurgeon shares how he finesses procedures where the outcome is brutally binary: success or death

Life on the Edge



this nineteen-year- old with a time bomb in his head. Scheduled as the seventh patient in my Friday clinic, he brought notes from the two neurosurgeons who had already seen him. An

artery in his brain was dangerously malformed and at risk of exploding due to an aneurysm, a spot where the blood vessel is stretched thin and, like a balloon, in danger of bursting. With each heartbeat, a pressure wave rippled out from his heart and risked tearing the artery. With each heartbeat, he was gripped with fear.

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Dr. Rahul Jandial, MD, PhD, is a brain surgeon and neuroscientist at City of Hope Medical Center. “Good hands aren’t enough; you need nerve.”

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N T H E L O C K E R R O O M , I change into fresh scrubs alongside people with two-year technical degrees, college degrees, medical degrees, and people who have never been to university. When I was a medical student, the tattoo on my right forearm often led me to be confused for a member of the turnover crew—the caretakers who mop up the blood from the floors and machines before the instruments for the next case can be brought into the operating theater. I never minded as long I could get my chance center stage to help the patients having surgery. Before entering the operating theater, across a thick red line, you have to don a hairnet and then wash your hands and forearms. The patient is on a ventilator. The final step in the presurgery ritual is the timeout; all hospitals in the U.S. must do this before we can start making the incision.


His name was Richard. If the vessel ruptured, his heart would send a pulsing cascade of blood into the skull, irritating the surface of the brain and damaging its cells. At the same time, the part of his brain the artery was supposed to supply with oxygen-rich blood would be starved. A rupture carries a 40 percent chance of death, so no surprise that he was terrified. The good news is that surgery for these cases usually goes smoothly. I explained to Richard that the risk of leaving the aneurysm untreated was higher than the risk of surgery: both could cause devastating brain injury to his language function or death. This is heavy news at any age but unimaginably intense for someone just beginning their adult life. Richard chose to have me perform the surgery in June, giving him the summer to recuperate. The operation he needed is established in surgical lore for being technically challenging; most neurosurgeons won’t even take it on. It has the most extreme range of outcomes: on one end, the patient is cured; on the other, the patient dies. When I perform any surgery, not only the difficult cases, I stick to a ritual. Eliminating extraneous variables allows me to focus. The ritual has been refined over the years to give me the best chance to excel. During the surgery, I’ll be standing and leaning in awkward positions throughout the day, so the night before, I go to the gym. No hard lifting, just light work before I go into battle the next day. The patients arrive at 5 a.m., well before sunrise, for a 7:30 surgery. The nurses come in at around 6:45 to get the room set up. Surgeons and anesthesiologists turn up at 7:00. I park in my usual spot; it’s not reserved for me, but, at that hour, it’s rarely taken. I walk to the area where my patients usually wait, Station 6. (On the day of Richard’s surgery, he was checked in, changed into a hospital gown that ties at the back, and had an IV put in one arm.) It must be unnerving for patients to see so many strangers before that big moment, a surgery that could well determine how their lives from that point play out. I like to think that the sight of others who have signed up for something crazy—to be cut open—reassures them that they are in a safe space, despite it being stuffed to the brim with tools that would look horrific in any other context.

The timeout is run by a nurse, and we all have to stand still for ten seconds while the patient’s name is read out, along with the terms of consent and the name of the planned operation. Then the anesthesiologist, surgeon, and surgical nurse must all say, “Agree.” It’s like the safety check when you sit in the emergency aisle on an airplane. Only when everyone has uttered their audible consent can surgery begin. For this operation on Richard, in particular, everything had to be done in a rhythm; unnecessary urgency leads to mistakes. I shaved his head and doused it with an orange sterilizing liquid called Betadine. A technician placed electrodes on his head to monitor brain waves—another safety net. The anesthesiologist had ample blood in the room. Now it was my turn. The clock read 8:15. The aneurysm was in the middle cerebral artery, a deep and vital vessel that divides into dozens of offshoots as it moves toward the top of the brain’s canopy. To find the middle cerebral artery, I had to separate the frontal lobe from the temporal lobe by opening the Sylvian fissure that holds them together. This treacherous valley was my planned pathway to the target artery. I parted the iridescent membranes and slid between the brain lobes, ensuring no violation to the brain tissue. The clock now read 9:15. The wall of the aneurysmal dome was thin enough for the whorls of blood flowing with each heartbeat to be visible. My own heart beat fast, but my elevated heart rate wasn’t a sign of anxiety or panic. I was calm. My focus was unfettered. Being cool under pressure doesn’t mean your body hasn’t responded to the situation, that you’re somehow immune to the circumstances. I knew the stakes. Having a fast heart rate is part of the exhilaration in a situation like this. The key and critical maneuver is to place a small, springloaded titanium clip at the base of the aneurysm. All this happens so deep inside the skull that only one person—the surgeon— can work. With the titanium clip at the tip of my eight-inch forceps, I was now ready to squeeze it into position with my trigger finger and thumb and deliver it to the target. The clip prevents blood from flowing into the aneurysm, eliminating the risk of it bursting. Until it was in place, the aneurysm posed a threat to the patient. I moved slowly, gently releasing the jaws of the clip around the base of the bulge ballooning from the blood vessel. The clip was almost closed around the base when the aneurysm exploded. The artery violently sprayed blood from the tear. Torrential bleeding welled out of the patient’s skull. The clock read 9:45. No simulated crash landing can fully prepare you. No imagining of a crisis can truly ready you. It’s not just about knowing what the maneuvers are; the hardest part is being

steady enough to pull them off. The gushing blood obscured what I could see. The low-blood-pressure alert caught the anesthesiologist’s attention. I looked at her and said, “Give blood.” While other organs can last for hours without blood, the brain needs to be irrigated so desperately even minutes of drought wilt its tissue, causing a stroke. When we’re under pressure and our actions have real consequences, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. In 1979, during the partial core meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania, operators were disoriented by all the alarms. Facing the threat of catastrophe, they didn’t know which alarms were the most pressing and which could be ignored. There is a name for this: alarm overload. More alarms are received than can be addressed. Under pressure to perform, our brains, too, can become overwhelmed by a surfeit of signals. To respond quickly and effectively in a crisis, we need a way to bring order to the external alarms, to find focus by ignoring emotional distractors. Evolution has supplied us with a way to do just that. For a long time, the basal ganglia were thought to be associated solely with the control of movement. Now, this paired cluster of neurons in the emotional brain has been shown to be involved in sensory control as well as something that has been dubbed “active interference.” Instead of shining a spotlight on what is important, our brains actively filter out what is deemed unimportant. When you are being inundated with stimuli, the basal ganglia filter what should be let through. Devoting too much attention to the irrelevant would exhaust your fuel supply because the brain is such an energy glutton. It makes up only 2 percent of body weight but demands 20 percent of your energy. Neural efficiency matters. Oddly, neural activity is lower in experts, whether it’s professional rifle shooters or memory champions. They don’t dial up the focus, they dial down the distraction and stress. This neural efficiency is the real talent of experts under pressure. The ability to be vigilant is not an achievement—it is built in. The ability to ignore, however, must be cultivated. I’d never seen a ruptured aneurysm, but I knew what I could do. Right now, I needed to place several clamps to rebuild the torn wall of the artery. But each time I tried, I failed. Six attempts at various maneuvers got me nowhere. The clock read 10:45. I persisted but failed again and again. The clock now read 11:50. The patient had received 15 pints, and the empty blood bags lay on the floor. At this point, all his own blood had escaped, replaced by that of strangers. In over two hours, I’d made no progress. My mind was definitely full—too full— almost seeping out of my skull with the weight of what was upon me. Opening the dam was the only way to repair the


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dam. But let the deluge run too long, and the blood volume would drop to a point where the heart failed. So between my attempts to repair the torn artery, I’d pause. Then the anesthesiologist would try to replenish the blood volume, which we call “tanking up,” before I tried once again to complete the necessary maneuver. In those gaps of time when the anesthesiologist was tanking up the patient after every failed effort, my own brain struggled to keep surging adrenaline in its place. I could feel those chemicals being released from my reptilian brain, signaling danger, activating rapid breathing, redirecting blood flow. Panic was creeping in at the edges and needed to be held at bay. This internal conflict— thought versus emotion—was running through me, and I had to find the balance that would let me perform the operation effectively. Most surgeons don’t go into surgery where the stakes are extremely high. Most surgeries aren’t lifethreatening. This one was about to be. These maneuvers can be performed only a few times before your window closes and there is the possibility you will be facing the thing that strikes terror in surgeons—intraoperative death, the patient going cold on the operating table. What would I say to his family? Who could I call to help? But I knew these were false passages. These distracting thoughts were competing with and exhausting my attention. Remember: focus is not about heightened attention, it’s about better suppression of distraction. The prefrontal cortex, where this is all processed, would be overwhelmed with inputs if we weren’t able to filter out distractions. But that filter easily becomes porous when emotion is added to the mix. When the patient was being given another transfusion, I had a few minutes, a small window, before I had to get back to repairing the dam under high flow. My forceps held a piece of dense cloth—a patty— to prevent the brisk egress of blood from a critical vessel ten inches deep in Richard’s skull. With the bleeding temporarily stemmed, and while more blood was being squeezed in, I used the time to steady my breathing. In situations like this, I don’t breathe more deeply, I breathe more slowly. Three seconds in; three seconds out. No sudden inhalation of panic, and no quick dumping of air with mouth agape. I find it’s easier to pace my breathing by inhaling and exhaling through my nose. With this measured breathing, I am taking advantage of human physiology. Meditative breathing can moderate the electrical activity in our brain. This has been proven by research done on patients with epilepsy. Electrodes were surgically inserted under the skull and onto the surface of the brain in order to locate the epicenter of the seizures. In the hospital for a period of time, a group of patients participated in various thinking experiments, one of which

was meditative breathing. Direct intracranial measurements demonstrated that breathing patterns, by changing the electricity in the brain, can steer it toward anxiety or toward calm. Meditative breathing keeps us from slipping into an adaptive state—hyperventilation—that served us well in the distant past when we had to run from immediate threat. Danger and breathing are intimately linked. When we sense looming danger, the brain sends signals and readies the lungs and diaphragm. When you flee from a threat, your muscles go into a higher gear, and the muscle cells churn out metabolic waste, the most critical of which is a gas—carbon dioxide. We hyperventilate when we’re facing danger in order to speed up the gas exchange in our lungs. But if your muscles are not pumping but your brain is still sending signals to breathe faster, you are blowing off too much carbon dioxide, and this can leave an inadequate amount in your blood. This creates a problem of its own, especially if you’re in the middle of surgery with a young man’s life at stake. Hyperventilation exacerbates fright and leaves you jittery, twitchy, off your game just when you need to be focused. That’s why controlling your breathing is step one of crisis management. Learning to control your breathing is the most powerful weapon you have to strengthen your emotional regulation and, in turn, improve your performance. It’s better not to wait for the moment of crisis to turn to this safety valve. When it’s a daily habit, it’s easier to deploy it effectively when you need it. Early in my training, I noticed that experienced surgeons used a strip of tape to seal their surgical mask to the bridge of their nose. They also put one on either cheek, just below the eyes. In brain surgery, you wear surgical loupes—glasses with jewelers lenses that give three times magnification—and the tape prevents these lenses from fogging up, especially when, under pressure to perform, your breathing becomes fast and heavy. I used to do this too, but now I don’t. When my field of view fogs from my breath, that tells me I’m doing something wrong, and so I control my breath, its rate and its depth. Get that cadence right or performance will suffer, as will the patient. Standing over Richard, my breathing again under control, my thinking cleared, I was down to my last option, my final maneuver. I asked the anesthesiologist to administer adenosine, a drug that would temporarily stop Richard’s heart from beating, flatlining him but also creating a zerobloodflow state so that I could see the base of the spewing arterial bubble where the clip needed to be applied. On the monitor to my left, a readout from the electrodes on Richard’s scalp showed his dancing brain waves. On the monitor to my right, the reading of the EKG electrodes on


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“Remember, focus is not about heightened attention; it’s about better suppression of distraction,” says Dr. Jandial, shown here after a procedure.


his chest indicated his heart rhythm. That moment when Richard’s heart was no longer beating but his brain was not yet starved of blood was the loneliest place I’d ever been. But it gave me one shot, one clear view, to repair the aneurysm. I prepared and placed three clips in a quick sequence to reconstitute the vessel wall. I watched as the blood surged back through the vessel. Fortunately, it held. The heart was chemically restarted, and Richard’s brain waves never stopped dancing. The clock read 12:50.


O M E S U R G E R I E S pose incredible technical challenges, putting the skills of even the best surgeon to the ultimate test. Other times, unprecedented and unforeseen crises arise, rearing up like aliens, throwing up a level of complexity that you won’t find in any textbook and that you wouldn’t see again if you performed the surgery a thousand more times. These rare cases require crisis management in the way Houdini performed crisis management, locked in a straitjacket and dumped in a tank of water. The clock is ticking, and the surgeon needs to act with clarity, precision, and skill. All the while, the stakes could not be higher. In such situations, it is vital to hold back the creeping edges of panic that will erode your ability to make the most effective decisions and to deploy the most effective tactics.

After surgery, Richard was kept asleep on machines in the ICU to give his brain time to heal; there is inevitably swelling after such invasive surgery. When I gradually woke him after a week, he was fine, both physically and mentally, and grateful that he was all there. He took a few months off to regain his full strength and then went back to college. These days, patients with the deadliest diseases seek me out. I’m grateful for this; it’s how I make a difference to the world, using my skills to change lives in a way that others won’t or can’t. It may seem strange, but I don’t dread the moments like the ones during Richard’s surgery. They’re where I give my best. They’re when I’m at my best. True performance is always performance under pressure, when the result really matters. Good hands are not enough—you need nerve. For me, flow in surgery has an element of rapture. Only high stakes can give you this unique and rare experience. This is followed immediately by relief, when a dangerous maneuver has been successfully completed, and then a calm that can be experienced only after the eruption of all the ammunition, all the brain chemicals—a deep calm, a euphoria of sorts. Excerpted from Life on a Knife’s Edge by Dr. Rahul Jandial. Copyright 2021 by Dr. Rahul Jandial. Used by permission of Penguin Life, an imprint of Penguin Books. L A M AG . C O M 7 7



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Dr. Diana Chavkin is a double board certified reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI) specialist who is committed to helping people build families. Having struggled with her own infertility, Dr. Chavkin knows the value of a compassionate, transparent, and effective medical team. She specializes in diminished ovarian reserve; unexplained, tubal, and malefactor infertility; PCOS; egg/embryo freezing; and recurrent pregnancy loss. She works with cancer patients, singles, same-sex couples, and those seeking third-party reproduction. Dr. Chavkin offers a compassionate approach that is holistic and individualized to each patient. She is an outspoken advocate who has developed worldrenowned fertility programs in New York and Los Angeles and has empowered thousands of individuals through fertility treatment and fertility preservation. A highly experienced hysteroscopic surgeon, she also treats uterine septa, polyps, and fibroids. Board Certifications Reproductive endocrinology and infertility obstetrics and gynecology Education • Undergraduate: Barnard College, Columbia University • Medical School: New York University School of Medicine • Residency: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania • Fellowship: Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Awards Top Doctors Los Angeles (Los Angeles magazine), Southern California Super Doctors (Los Angeles Times), Southern California Rising Stars, Phi Beta Kappa Magna Cum Laude

HRC Fertility 11500 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 504 West Los Angeles, CA 90064 313.481.0881 TeamChavkin@havingbabies.com havingbabies.com 9 0 L A M AG . C O M



After graduating from the University of California at Berkeley with a bachelor of arts in molecular and cell biology, Dr. Jacqueline Ho, went on to the University of California at Irvine School of Medicine, where she earned her doctor of medicine. She completed her residency training in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California at San Francisco. She also completed a fellowship in reproductive endocrinology and infertility at the Keck School of Medicine, where she served as a clinical instructor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Board Certifications Reproductive endocrinology and infertility obstetrics and gynecology Education • Undergraduate: University of California, Berkeley • Graduate School: University of Southern California • Medical School: University of California, Irvine • Residency: Obstetrics and gynecology, University of California, San Francisco • Fellowship: Reproductive endocrinology and infertility, University of Southern California Awards • American Society for Reproductive Medicine – Mental Health Professional Group Prize Paper – “Factors affecting family building in cancer survivors” • Pacific Coast Reproductive Society Excellence In-Training Research Award – “Oocyte cryopreservation is as effective as embryo cryopreservation in achieving live births” • Pacific Coast Reproductive Society In-Training Scholarship Award • North American Menopause Society Medical Resident In-Training Award • UC Irvine Chapter Junior Alpha Omega Alpha • Association of Pathology Chairs Honor Society member • UC Irvine Basic Science Certificate of Excellence • Department of Molecular and Cell Biology honors program • California Alumni Association Scholarship in Leadership

HRC Fertility 55 South Lake Avenue, 9th Floor Pasadena 626.440.9161 hoivf@havingbabies.com havingbabies.com L A M AG . C O M 91



MD, FACOG, MBA HRC Fertility

Dr. Bradford Kolb specializes in the care of complex fertility problems at HRC Fertility Pasadena and is internationally known for his expertise in reproductive matters. He is one of the largest providers of egg donation and surrogacy services in the United States, with patients traveling from around the world to HRC Fertility Pasadena to see him. His practice is known for helping to develop and implement cutting-edge technologies in the genetic screening of embryos, the development of new laboratory technologies, and the development of highly efficient treatment. In addition to his high success rates, patients are also impressed with his warm bedside manner, compassion, and dedication. Dr. Kolb is committed to the reproductive rights for all intended parents and is actively engaged in improving access to care and affordability of fertility care. He is also leading one of the most advanced efforts to bring artificial intelligence and machine learning to reproductive medicine to discover a new generation of advances in fertility medicine. Education University of California, Irvine (undergraduate and medical school), Northwestern University (residency), University of Southern California (fellowship), and UCLA Anderson School of Management (business) Board Certifications Reproductive endocrinology and infertility, obstetrics and gynecology Awards Southern California Super Doctors, Los Angeles Times; Los Angeles magazine Super Doctors; Top Doc, Inland Empire Magazine; Top Doc, Los Angeles magazine; Pasadena magazine Top Doctors Award; Resolve – Excellence Award, Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology National Teaching Award

HRC Fertility 55 South Lake Avenue, 9th Floor Pasadena 626.440.9161 GriseldaM@havingbabies.com havingbabies.com 92 L A M AG . C O M



Dr. Molly Quinn received her medical degree from David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and did her specialty and subspecialty training at University of California San Francisco (UCSF). She specializes in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Her research interests include optimizing pregnancy outcomes subsequent to assisted reproduction, the role of the reproductive laboratory in improving in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes, and the long-term safety of IVF and related treatments. Board Certifications • Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology • Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (SREI), Chair Resident and Medical Student Education Committee • American Society for Reproductive Medicine, member Education • Undergraduate: Stanford University • Medical School: David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles • Internship/residency: Obstetrics and gynecology, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, University of California San Francisco • Fellowship: Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Fellowship Training, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology, University of California San Francisco • Advanced training: Clinical Research (ATCR) Certificate Program, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatics, University of California San Francisco; Clinical Research/ Reproductive Scientist Training Program (CREST) ASRM/NICHD/DUKE Awards • 2021 – Top Doctors, Los Angeles magazine • 2020, 2021 – Super Doctors Southern California Rising Star • 2019 – Obstetrics and Gynecology: Top 10% Peer Reviewer • 2017 – Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology Prize Paper • 2017 – University of California San Francisco Medical Student Teaching Award • 2017 – Pacific Coast Reproductive Society In-Training Travel Grant

HRC Fertility 55 South Lake Avenue, 9th Floor Pasadena 626.440.9161 quinnivf@havingbabies.com havingbabies.com L A M AG . C O M 93



Dr. David Tourgeman graduated medical school from the University of Southern California in 1994. He completed his residency in obstetrics and gynecology in 1998 and his fellowship in the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility in 2001 at the USC, Los Angeles County Women’s and Children’s Hospital. After his fellowship, Dr. Tourgeman stayed at USC as faculty and became an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology in the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. After teaching for four years, Dr. Tourgeman began working with HRC Fertility (then Huntington Reproductive Center) in 2005. Dr. Tourgeman currently sees patients in HRC’s Encino and West Los Angeles offices. Board Certifications Reproductive endocrinology and infertility obstetrics and gynecology Education • Undergraduate: University of California, Santa Barbara • Medical School: University of Southern California • Residency: Obstetrics and gynecology University of Southern California, Los Angeles County Women’s & Children’s Hospital • Fellowship: Reproductive endocrinology and infertility, University of Southern California, Los Angeles County Women’s & Children’s Hospital Awards • Wyeth-Ayest Award of the Pacific Coast Reproductive SocietyEMD Serono In-Training Award for the Pacific Coast Reproductive SocietyOrtho- Mcneil Poster Award Obstetrical and Gynecological Assembly of Southern California • EMD Serono In-Training Award for the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society • Fellow Award, co-author Pacific Coast Reproductive Society HRC Fertility 15503 Ventura Boulevard, suite 200 Encino, CA 91436 818.788.7288

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11500 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 504 West Los Angeles, CA 90064 313.481.0881 TeamTourgeman@havingbabies.com havingbabies.com



HRC Fertility

Dr. John Wilcox has been part of HRC family since 1996 and became a partner in 1988. He maintains a large clinical practice in Pasadena and is recognized for his meticulous approach and the high pregnancy rates that are achieved with his treatment protocols, experienced team of nurses and embryologists, and partnerships with patients for successful outcomes. Dr. Wilcox has received numerous awards including the IAHCP Leading Physicians of the World Award, Top Docs Los Angeles, America’s Top Obstetricians and Gynecologists awards, and resident teaching and research awards including Searle Pharmaceutical Outstanding Teacher Award and Ortho Pharmaceutical Uwe Goebelsmann M.D. Memorial Resident Research Award. Additionally, Dr. Wilcox has consulted for numerous companies including Ferring Pharmaceutical, Merck, and Columbia Laboratories. Education University of California, San Diego (undergraduate); University of Southern California, Los Angeles (medical school); obstetrics and gynecology University of Southern California Los Angeles County Women’s & Children’s Hospital (residency); reproductive endocrinology and infertility University of Southern California, Los Angeles County Women’s and Children’s Hospital (fellowship) Board Certifications Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital Affiliations Glendale Adventist Medical Center, Huntington Hospital Medical Center, San Gabriel Valley Medical Center Awards America’s Top Obstetrician and Gynecologists Award, IAHCP Leading Physicians of the World Award, Los Angeles magazine Top Doctors Award, Pasadena magazine Top Doctors Award, Ortho Pharmaceutical Uwe Goebelsmann M.D. Memorial Resident Research Award, Soarle Pharmaceutical Outstanding Teacher Award

HRC Fertility 55 South Lake Avenue, 9th Floor Pasadena 626.440.9161 wilcoxivf@havingbabies.com havingbabies.com L A M AG . C O M 95



Diabetic foot ulcers Venous leg wounds Arterial ulcers Pressure sores Charcot foot deformity Trauma wounds Lacerations and skin tears Skin grafting/flaps

• • • •

Radiation injuries Hidradenitis Pilonidal cysts Hand and wrist injuries

Cancer Resection and Reconstruction • Skin cancer • Breast cancer • Colorectal cancer

Wound Institute of America and Under Pressure Hyperbarics were founded by Dr. Som Kohanzadeh and Dr. David A. Pougatsch, two internationally recognized wound care and reconstructive surgeons, with the purpose of providing advanced wound care in the Greater Los Angeles area. We use advanced biological tissues, expert surgical techniques, along with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), to heal the most difficult wounds from head to toe in the most efficient manner using cutting-edge medical advancements.

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Cosmetic Procedures

• • • • • •

Breast augmentation and lift Face/neck lift Mommy makeover Tummy tuck Brazilian butt lift Liposuction and body contouring • Fat grafting • Nonsurgical rejuvenation

250 N. Robertson Blvd. Suite 106 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310.919.4179 woundinstitute.com underpressure.com drsom.com


Our Team Som Kohanzadeh, MD, is a double-board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon and general surgeon specializing in reconstructive and aesthetic procedures throughout the body. He has devoted himself to the treatment of cancer and reconstructive surgery, with a particular focus on breast. Dr. Som completed his training in general surgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and his fellowship in plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is a native of Southern California and is proud to combine the art of plastic surgery with modern advancements of science and technology. Additionally, Dr. Som and his team provide full cosmetic services including nonsurgical treatments such as IV and stem cell therapy to more extensive mommy makeovers, along with body contouring and Brazilian butt lifts.

David A. Pougatsch, DPM is board certified by the American Board of Podiatric Medicine with an added qualification in wound care and amputation prevention. He completed his podiatric surgical residency at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and a fellowship in advanced wound care, limb salvage, and foot and ankle reconstructive surgery at Western University of Health Sciences. Dr. Pougatsch is a foremost expert in treating wounds due to diabetes, venous disease (leg swelling), arterial disease (lack of circulation), and traumatic and pressure injuries, as well as complex foot and ankle reconstructive surgery. Originally from Los Angeles, “Dr. P” is proud to take care of the Southern California community and beyond by healing complex wounds in a difficult patient population.

Nicole Garrett, CHT has a background in commercial diving and dive medicine. As a former diver medic, Nicole is a certified hyperbaric technician (CHT) who started her career operating UC San Diego’s hyperbaric chambers, treating everything from crush injuries and decompression illness to diabetic wounds and effects of radiation for cancer treatments. She then went on to participate in the large traumatic brain injury study for the US Department of Defense. Over her career she has assisted in opening several hundred hospital-based hyperbaric facilities across the country, along with the installation and maintenance of their hyperbaric chambers. Nicole teaches the Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Society’s board certified training course for the physicians and staff and is highly regarded in her field and frequently called upon for consulting at centers across the county and worldwide.

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CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICAL GROUP OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Cardiovascular Medical Group (CVMG) of Southern California provides comprehensive care to patients in a state-of-the-art facility where all testing can be accomplished in one location in a personalized and friendly environment. The 11 physicians and allied health providers have broad subspeciality experience with training from top institutions, including Harvard, MIT, UCSF, Stanford, Columbia, Mayo Clinic, UCLA, USC, Emory, and others. Patients experience cutting-edge technologies such as augmented-intelligencepowered cardiac computed tomography, positron emission tomographic nuclear cardiology tests, advanced echocardiograms, vascular imaging, and state-of-the-art informatics with home biometrics transmitted directly to the patient’s chart and smartphone. CVMG physicians provide hospital care and advanced invasive treatments at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center—one of the top hospitals in the nation for cardiology and heart surgery—or coordinate care through affiliate relationships throughout the region or country to achieve the best results. The affiliated nonprofit research arm—the Cardiovascular Research Foundation of Southern California—offers the most advanced new treatments and technologies, including pioneering imaging equipment and a national demonstration and teaching 9 8 L A M AG . C O M

center. The foundation has many milestones, including being among the first to use gene-silencing drugs to prevent and treat heart disease; first to design roboticsbased technology in invasive cardiac electrophysiology; first personal and portable electrocardiogram device; first to demonstrate resolution of coronary plaque with cardiac CT; superior cardiac stents; and many new treatments and approaches to heart disease. All these emerging advances are available to patients of CVMG. • Ronald P. Karlsberg, MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCCT, FACP | Cardiology, Concierge Medicine (2022 Los Angeles Magazine Top Doctor) • Satinder J.S. Bhatia, MD, FACC, FCCP | Cardiology, Internal Medicine (Top Doctor 2022, California Super Doctor 2022) • Eli S. Gang, MD, FACC, FAHA, FHRS | Cardiology, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology

• Carlos Quesada, MD, MPH, FACC, FSCAI, RPVI | Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Concierge Medicine (upon request) • Robert M. Rose, MD, FACC | Cardiology, Internal Medicine • Bruce A. Samuels, MD, FACC | Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology, Coronary Physiology Research • Madan Sharma, MD, FACC | Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology (California Super Doctor 2022) • Charles D. Swerdlow, MD, FACC, FAHA, FHRS | Cardiology, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology

To book your appointment, call 310.278.3400 or email at appointment@cvmg.com

• Phillip Levine, MD, FACC, FAHA, FRCP(C) | Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Hospital Consultation • Allan S. Lew, MD, MPH, FACC | Cardiology • William J. Mandel, MD, FACC, FAHA, FHRS | Cardiology, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology

414 North Camden Drive, Suite 1100 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310.278.3400 Office Hours: 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (M-F)




Dr. Anna Guanche is a board-certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon specializing in cosmetic procedures that have minimal downtime and excellent results. In practice for 17 years and founder of Bella Skin Institute in Calabasas, she cares for all types of skin conditions, with a special emphasis in the areas of cosmetic dermatology and laser surgery. She teaches and mentors residents and medical students. She was a member of the dermatology teaching staff at UCLA Medical Center for 13 years. Dr. Guanche is a perfectionist who strives to listen and understand the patient’s specific goals and concerns, and provide them with positive results. Dr. Guanche has performed more than 40,000 injectable procedures. She can literally sculpt a face with her needle, using injectables. Dr. Guanche and her Derm Dream Team approach their work with absolute joy and enthusiasm. Follow Dr. Guanche @annaguanchemd on Instagram to view her portfolio of procedures.

Bella Skin Institute 23622 Calabasas Road, Suite 339 Calabasas, CA 91302 9675 Brighton Way, Suite 410 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 ph 818.225.0117 fx 818.225.0127 bellaskininstitute.com

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JEFFREY KRONSON, MD, FACS Vascular and Endovascular Surgery

Dr. Jeffrey Kronson is a board-certified vascular and endovascular surgeon with 22 years of professional experience. He received his vascular training at Rush University Medical Center, endovascular training at Stanford Medical Center, and completed his general surgery residency at Keck USC Medical Center. Based out of Arcadia, Dr. Kronson provides a full range of vascular and endovascular solutions for patients, including treatment of carotid disease, aneurysms, chronic limb ischemia, dialysis access, and chronic venous insufficiency. Dr. Kronson’s primary focus is on the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency and its complications, most commonly varicose veins and lymphedema, using laser and chemical modalities. He has performed over 7,000 vein ablation procedures and takes 10 0 L A M AG . C O M

great pride in helping people live their lives with less pain, less self-consciousness, and more confidence. Patients frequently comment how Dr. Kronson’s interventions have “changed their life.” They particularly appreciate Dr. Kronson’s professionalism and kind bedside manner, from educating patients about their medical condition to working together in setting treatment plans. His dedicated staff goes above and beyond to create a warm family atmosphere. Dr. Kronson’s impeccable results, patient satisfaction, and pursuit of honest, compassionate care have garnered attention by industry leaders in the world of chronic venous insufficiency treatment. His practice has been selected as a training center, educating doctors on techniques to achieve the highest levels of excellence.

Dr. Kronson is originally from Winnipeg, Canada. He and his wife reside near Pasadena with their three children. He is a die-hard hockey and baseball fan and enjoys supporting his family in all their interests and endeavors.

We strive to obtain the best possible outcomes for our patients, treating each and every one of them like a member of our own family. 301 West Huntington Drive, Suite 519 Arcadia, CA 91007 Office 626.254.2287 Fax 626.254.2289 drkronson@jeffkronsonmd.com jeffkronsonmd.com


Left to Right: Jeffrey Jeng, MD, MPH; Nicholas Fuller, MD; Daniel Loder, MD; Chad Heng, MD

INTERVENTIONAL PAIN DOCTORS Interventional Pain Doctors was founded with the goal of providing expert diagnosis, comprehensive pain relief, and restoration of function to people struggling with pain and injuries. Our doctors provide the highest-quality sports, orthopedic, spine and regenerative medicine treatments. We utilize cutting-edge technology and have expertise across diverse pain conditions and treatment modalities. Daniel Loder, MD

Dr. Daniel Loder is a double board-certified spine and orthopedic pain specialist. He has dedicated his medical career to improving the health and lives of others. He is a personable, expert diagnostician focused on having his patients return to the activities they love using nonsurgical and cutting-edge therapies. A thorough evaluation of each patient's unique symptoms and conditions leads him to the most successful and comprehensive treatment plan. He treats sports injuries, accidents, and pain associated with everyday life.

Nicholas Fuller, MD

Dr. Nicholas Fuller is a double board-certified spine and orthopedic pain specialist. He specializes in diagnosing pain and helping patients manage their pain. He has been practicing medicine since 1995. His goal for every patient is to improve his or her level of function and quality of life with an intelligent plan. Dr. Fuller’s training and level of experience makes him one of the most qualified physicians in America. He is a Master Instructor in the Spine Intervention Society.

Jeffrey Jeng, MD, MPH

Dr. Jeffrey Jeng is a double board-certified spine and orthopedic pain specialist focused on helping patients regain function and return to the activities they love. He specializes in the latest innovative techniques for nonsurgical spine and orthopedics, regenerative medicine (PRP), and IV infusions as part of his approach to comprehensive pain management. Dr. Jeng believes in a multimodal, multidisciplinary approach to the unique pain presentation of each individual.

Chad Heng, MD

Dr. Chad Heng is a double board-certified spine and orthopedic pain specialist dedicated to treating pain and restoring function for his patients. Dr. Heng’s clinical efforts are directed at the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic spinal pain and musculoskeletal injuries. He specializes in the latest minimally invasive, nonsurgical techniques including injections, ablations, regenerative medicine and spinal cord and nerve stimulation.

Medical offices are located in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Westlake Village, and La Cañada Flintridge. Book your appointment at ipaindocs.com, call 310.448.3459, or email info@ipaindocs.com. L A M AG . C O M 10 1



It should be no surprise by now, year after year, to see Dr. Harout Khanjian be featured among L.A.'s finest docs. As the founder of California Eye Center, Dr. Khanjian is considered one of Los Angeles's leading physicians in the field of eye care. He and his team are dedicated to quality eye care using the latest techniques, technology and research-based approach while treating every patient who walks through the door like family. Dr. Khanjian's state-of-the-art, newly renovated clinics located in Van Nuys and Glendale are the most exceptional and innovative eye care centers serving patients throughout Southern California and beyond. Since 2014, Dr. Khanjian has served as an adjunct clinical preceptor for Western University, College of Optometry, and has been awarded “Excellence in Teaching” 2014 through 2019. He has authored numerous publications in various fields, particularly glaucoma, and presented at multiple national conferences. He is constantly sought out for his expertise and wide ranging knowledge in even the most complex cases, and serves as a consultant for notable ophthalmic pharmaceutical companies. Patients continually travel from across the world to seek his medical care and problem-solving advice prior to making any vision related decisions. Since 2008, Dr. Khanjian has hosted his own weekly live television program on the USArmenia Worldwide Television Network, maintaining and growing his large following in the community. This live program focuses on educating and enriching the community about various eye conditions, diseases and disorders and their links with the human body. Through his outreach, Dr. Khanjian provides a valuable community service to educate the public on the importance of ongoing vision care. You can catch him live every Monday 7 to 7:30 p.m. on the USATV television network. Giving back to the community is one of California Eye Center’s founding principles. For over a decade, Dr. Khanjian has shown unwavering, selfless dedication to the community by providing compassionate, pro bono services and by partnering with charities geared toward uplifting poverty-stricken orphans and families in the most destitute areas of the world. Dr. Khanjian has proudly been featured in Pasadena's Top Docs for 2018 and 2019, an honor that is particularly special because he has called Pasadena home for over 35 years.

California Eye Center Optometry

Dr. Khanjian enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters, international travel, and teaching.

1030 South Glendale Avenue, Suite 401, Glendale, CA 91205 747.800.2020 | caleyecenter.com

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14624 Sherman Way, Suite 204, Van Nuys, CA 91405 818.780.2020



Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Just developed and perfected, Dr. Moelleken now offers the LBAM, a breast augmentation technique using his trademarked LiveFill. Fundamentally different from fat injection or transfer, the LBAM is for subtle augmentation of the breasts in women not wishing to have synthetic breast implants. The LBAM joins many of Dr. Moelleken’s other innovations like Live Fill, Ultrashort Incision Cheek Lift, the 360 Face Lift, the Hybrid Tummy Tuck, and numerous other trademarked procedures for obtaining a more natural appearance … without the classic signs of surgery. For those patients wishing to have minimally invasive procedures, Cloud Med Spa Beverly Hills is a minimally invasive extension of his surgical practice. In Cloud Med Beverly Hills, Dr. Moelleken’s team has created a unique, comfortable, and serene environment for patients. A variety of non-surgical solutions include state of the art lasers and radio frequency-based technologies, Platelet rich Plasma (PRP) for face and hair loss, along with an extensive offer on treatments for skin rejuvenation, body contouring and skin resurfacing. Dr. Moelleken’s work has been published in numerous medical journals and has been presented nationally and internationally. He is also very active in charity work through his own About Face Surgical Foundation, as well as in other foundations that serve veterans and the LGBTQ community. Dr. Moelleken has offices in Beverly Hills and Santa Barbara. He trained at Harvard, Yale, UCSF, and UCLA, where he is an associate clinical professor of surgery in the Division of Plastic Surgery. When not working in his private practice or teaching UCLA Plastic Surgery residents, you can find Dr. Moelleken cycling in the mountains or spending time with his wife, kids, and their three dogs.

Brent R. W. Moelleken, MD, FACS 120 South Spalding Drive, Suite 110 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 310.273.1001 drbrent.com @drbrentmoelleken L A M AG . C O M 103



Dr Isabelle Soh is one of the leading primary care physicians in Beverly Hills and the greater Los Angeles area. Since finishing her residency through the UC Davis Family Medicine Network in 2015, Dr. Soh has been practicing at Cedars Sinai—one of the top hospitals and health systems in the United States. She is one of the Tier 1 Leads of the Primary Care Department, which is the equivalent of chief of the department. Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, Dr. Soh is fondly known as a modern-day Doogie Howser. She was accelerated two years during primary school and graduated high school with numerous accolades, including getting first place/highest score in biology and being awarded a prize from the Australian government for being among the top students in the country. She then went straight to medical school at the tender age of 16 and completed a six-year undergraduate program at the prestigious University of New South Wales. Dr. Soh combines her keen intellect with a deep love and care for her patients. She strives to make a true connection and establish an ongoing therapeutic relationship focused on helping each and every patient achieve the best health that they can. She also makes herself readily available via online patient messaging and telehealth visits to meet patients where they are, and improve access and convenience. She teaches internal medicine residents outpatient medicine and is a Clinical Assistant Professor. Her focus is on women’s health, how to leverage telemedicine, and also how to prepare to practice after residency. She weaves in pearls about operations, billing, and working with different health plans into her clinical teaching. Dr. Soh has a passion for public health, health policy, and improving the health care system, which led to her completing a Masters of Public Health at UCLA in 2020. Her excellent performance resulted in Dr. Soh’s induction into Upsilon Phi Delta honor society, which is the national academic honor society for health care administration. She is a young and upcoming leader and is very actively involved in health care operations and committees and is also on the Board of Directors for Cedars Sinai Medical Group. 104 L A M AG . C O M

Cedars Sinai Medical Group 8767 Wilshire Boulevard, Floor 3 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310.248.7077 sohmd.com



Cornea, Cataract & Refractive Surgery

Dr. Suhas Tuli is a board certified ophthalmologist fellowship trained in corneal and refractive surgery. She specializes in LASIK surgery, small incision no-stitch cataract surgery with advanced technology intraocular lenses, astigmatism management, and corneal transplant surgery including Descemets Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSEK). Dr. Tuli performs all types of ocular surface reconstruction, including pterygium excisions, and performs full thickness corneal transplants such as PKP. She is experienced in medical and surgical Glaucoma treatment, and performs interventional Glaucoma surgeries including Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) and Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS). Dr. Tuli has extensive experience diagnosing and treating infectious and inflammatory conditions of the cornea, conjunctiva and sclera, as well as managing posterior vitreous detachment and other retinal diseases. Dr. Tuli completed a fellowship in corneal and refractive surgery at the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University. Following her ophthalmology residency, she completed a second fellowship in cornea and refractive surgery at the Doheny Eye Institute at the University of Southern California. Dr. Tuli has served as the Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology at Providence St Joseph, and is a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. She enjoys speaking at ophthalmology conferences, and has published extensively in peer-reviewed ophthalmology journals. In her spare time, she likes to dance, and enjoys gardening and cooking with her husband and daughter.

Tuli Eye Care Center 2601 West Alameda Avenue, Suite 206 Burbank, CA 91505 818.845.2015 TuliEye.com L A M AG . C O M 105


AKASH BAJAJ, MD, MPH Interventional Pain Management and Regenerative Medicine Dr. Bajaj completed his undergraduate studies at UCSD, graduating summa cum laude, and is a member of the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa and Golden Key Honor societies. He then went on to simultaneously earn his M.D. and a master’s degree in public health (MPH) from New York Medical College. He was also a first responder for the 9/11 attacks in New York City. After this experience, he served a residency in anesthesiology at UCLA Medical Center. While at UCLA, he pioneered the development of audio and visual distractions during O.R. anesthesia as a novel adjunct to administering anesthesia, and alleviating acute painful states. Choosing then to sub-specialize in pain medicine, he completed an Interventional Pain Medicine fellowship at the prestigious University of California San Francisco (UCSF), selected as one of only five fellows. He has almost two decades of experience and continues to stay on top of the most cutting-edge techniques available. He has a strong focus in regenerative medicine of spine and orthopedic injuries. This includes techniques involving PRP (platelet rich plasma) and stem cells. He is a recognized leader in his field, and his lectures have been heard and seen nationally on CBS Radio, The Doctors, ABC7 news in Los Angeles, UCLA, and UCSF, among others. Dr. Bajaj is triple board certified in anesthesia, pain management and anti-aging medicine. This unique and extremely rare combination of education and experience contributes to his excellent outcomes and results that matter. Remedy Pain Solutions 13160 Mindanao Way, Suite 300 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

1200 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 202 Manhattan Beach, Ca 90266

310.482.6906 info@remedypainsolutions.com Thinkrps.com

BRIAN MEKELBURG, MD Dermatology Since starting his dermatology practice over 30 years ago, Dr. Brian Mekelburg has risen to the top of his specialty. A board-certified dermatologist in Los Angeles, he is a graduate of Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston and completed a residency in internal medicine at UCLA-Harbor General Hospital prior to his residency in dermatology at the UCLA-Wadsworth VA combined program. Having trained at institutions with strong academic and surgical programs, Dr. Mekelburg is comfortable in the exam room with both complex and routine cases, as well as the surgery suite with cancer and cosmetics. He has a strong aesthetic sense and is a master in the use of Botox, Dysport and fillers. His practice is comprehensive in the field of medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology. He has created a strong ancillary staff, who are adept at individualizing patient care. He was an assistant clinical professor of medicine at UCLA’s Department of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, for 14 years. He also served as a clinical chief of dermatology at Cedars Sinai Medical Center for four years. He remains on staff as a consultant at Cedar Sinai Medical Center. Dr. Mekelburg is a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology and American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Though he does have a long list of celebrity patients, he regards all of his patients as stars. Cedars-Sinai Medical Towers 8631 West 3rd Street, Suite 1035E Los Angeles, CA 90048 310.659.9075 toplosangelesdermatologist.com

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GRANT D. SHIFFLETT, MD Spinal Surgery Dr. Grant Shifflett is a board-certified, fellowship trained spinal surgeon specializing in minimally invasive and microscopic surgery. Dr. Shifflett is known as a national leader in cervical and lumbar artificial disc replacement and has treated patients from 32 states and seven countries. Dr. Shifflett has trained at some of the most prestigious institutions in the world including the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, Rush University in Chicago, and Keio University in Tokyo. He has published numerous articles and has authored two textbook chapters on minimally invasive spine surgery. Dr. Shifflett has received multiple research grants and his work has been presented throughout the United States and internationally in six countries. His clinical expertise has earned him coveted positions teaching fellow surgeons how to perform artificial disc replacements and other minimally invasive spine surgeries. An avid golfer and sports enthusiast, Dr. Shifflett has a keen interest in return to sport. He has served as a team physician for the Association of Volleyball Professionals and for the Celebrity Ryder Cup in Monaco. In his free time, Dr. Shifflett enjoys trying to get his wife and two young daughters to play golf with him. “I strive to make surgical decisions and employ surgical techniques that get people back to doing the things they are passionate about.”

DISC Sports and Spine Center 4551 Glencoe Avenue, Suite 145, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 3501 Jamboree Road, Suite 1250, Newport Beach, CA 92660 310.574.0400 | shifflettspine.com

STEPHANIE TRAN, MD Family Medicine, HIV, Gender Affirming Care Dr. Stephanie Tran is a dual board certified family medicine and HIV physician practicing in Beverly Hills. She is renowned for her expertise in LGBTQIA + and gender-affirming care with the Cedars Sinai Transgender Surgery and Health Program. She is a modern day alchemist providing cutting-edge treatments and stateof-the-art innovations to treat chronic disease with an integrative approach. A highly influential author and clinician, she is a trailblazer with a dynamic approach to hormonal therapeutics. Patients praise her affable rapport, compassion, and knowledge base. She offers a signature lifestyle medicine experience unparalleled in primary care. She holds numerous accolades for inclusive care, including The Standing Ovation Award for Commitment to Quality Care and Service. She is currently one of the most sought out doctors by top physicians, captains of industry, HNW, and celebrities alike.

8767 Wilshire Boulevard, Floor 2 Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Follow me on Instagram @drstephanietran


Cedars Sinai Medical Group

8820 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310.423.4945 stephanietranmd.com

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AMIR VOKSHOOR, MD, FAANS Neurosurgery Dr. Amir Vokshoor is a board certified neurosurgeon specializing in minimalistic spine surgery. With over 20 years of dedicated experience, he continues to champion the latest techniques in surgical robotics and mastery of artificial disc replacements, in cervical and lumbar areas. Using a combination of microsurgical expertise and empathetic care, Dr. Vokshoor advocates for a comprehensive and integrative approach to personalized recovery for patients. He is the founder of Institute of Neuro Innovation, a nonprofit organization uniting research, technology, and education in order to optimize brain health and expedite neurological recovery. "The personalized approach from our staff along with surgical precision deployed in the care and recovery of each patient is the hallmark of our practice. To see a patient heal from a nerve or cord injury is my highest reward as a physician." - Amir Vokshoor M.D.

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Saint John's Cancer Institute Spine Surgery Chief, Providence Saint John's Health Center

Pacific Spine Institute / Neurosurgical Spine Group

2811 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 850, Santa Monica, CA, 90403 2001 Santa Monica Boulevard, 760W, Santa Monica, CA 90404 7320 Woodlake Avenue, Suite 215, West Hills, CA 91307 800.899.0101 drvokshoor.com | inifoundation.org | neurovella.com | nsg-la.com

“ Everything was always very tidy. Then my family noticed how disorganized I had become.” —Theresa, living with Alzheimer’s

When something feels different, it could be Alzheimer’s. Now is the time to talk. Visit

alz.org/ourstories to learn more

108 L A M AG . C O M

From left: Yao Wang, MD, David B. Samimi, MD, Steven C. Dresner, MD, Michael A. Burnstine, MD, Christopher C. Lo, MD

yesthetica is the largest oculofacial surgery practice in Southern California whose practice is devoted to eyelid and facial surgery. Patients benefit from results that are natural in appearance, safe for the eyes, and provide a refreshed look. The world class Eyesthetica doctors have not only been chosen to train doctors in the art of oculoplastic surgery but are the first choice for doctors personally undergoing eyelid surgery. “We are honored to receive this recognition from LA Magazine,” said Dr. Michael A. Burnstine, Eyesthetica co-founder and partner. “Prior to surgery, each patient receives a personalized treatment plan tailored to their individual goals, taking into consideration the patient’s unique anatomy, gender, and ethnicity to achieve their desired result.”



KEY FACTS INCLUDE: • 70 years of combined experience in cosmetic and complex reconstructive surgery • The Eyesthetica doctors revise other surgeons’ complications • The oculofacial surgery training programs at Eyesthetica and USC are coveted “The entire Eyesthetica team is devoted to exceeding our patients’ expectations. Total patient satisfaction is our top priority,” said partner Dr. David B. Samimi. Our friendly, multilingual staff will make you feel at home at any of our conveniently located offices. More importantly, when you walk into Eyesthetica, you can rest easy knowing that your eyes and face are in the best possible hands.

For more healing stories please scan:

For more information, please visit their website at www.eyesthetica.com or call the office at 213-234-1000. Service available in English / 中文/ 한국어 / Español / Հայերեն / русский.

Encino 5363 Balboa Blvd. Suite 246 Encino, CA 91316

Irvine 4980 Barranca Pkwy. Suite 190 Irvine, CA 92604

Pasadena 625 S Fair Oaks Ave. Suite 265 Pasadena, CA 91105

Santa Monica 2121 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 301 Santa Monica, CA 90403

Torrance 3400 Lomita Blvd. Suite 401 Torrance, CA 90505

Valencia 28212 Kelly Johnson Pkwy. Suite 239 Santa Clarita, CA 91355

HUNTINGTON ORTHOPEDIC INSTITUTE Pasadena’s Most Advanced Orthopedic & Spine Institute Regenerative Medicine & Plastic Surgery


Hand Elbow & Shoulder Foot & Ankle, Sports Spine Surgery Scoliosis Fracture Care L to R:

Vahe Panossian, MD; Thomas Ackerson, MD; George Tang, MD; Alice Yoon, PA

L to R:

Mort Rizvi, MD; Mark J. Jo, MD; Walter Burnham, MD

Pain Management Arthritis Physical Therapy MRI

Todd Borenstein, MD

Bradley Curtis Johnson, MD







n these times of pandemic insecurity, with mask-on/mask-off confusion and potential new viral variants lurking behind every cough and sneeze, choosing the right doctor matters more than ever. Uncle Cletus, the one with two priors, may swear by his proctologist, but is that really the best way to probe? You can try your luck via social-media crowdsourcing and gamble with your health. Or you can take the word of doctors who’ve nominated their peers. That’s what Los Angeles did—or rather,

we relied on Professional Research Services, a company that surveyed practicing physicians throughout Los Angeles County for their recommendations. Nominees were then vetted through the California Medical Board to ensure they’re licensed and in good standing. Names were also run by the Department of Consumer Affairs for complaints. Those with a clean bill of health made our annual Top Doctors list. Sorry, Uncle Cletus, your doc did not make the cut.



ADDICTION MEDICINE Itai Danovitch Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-2600 Keith Heinzerling Pacific Neuroscience Institute Santa Monica 310-582-7640 Matthew A. Torrington Matthew A. Torrington, M.D. Culver City 310-425-2472

ADOLESCENT MEDICINE Martin M. Anderson UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-0867

Melinda Braskett Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2501 Manish Butte UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-0867 Reyneiro Castro Huntington Asthma & Allergy Center Pasadena 626-793-6680 Joseph Church Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2501 Jonathan Corren Jonathan Corren M.D. and Associates West L.A. 310-312-5050 LanAnh Do Allergy Asthma Care Center Inc. Sawtelle 310-393-1550

Johanna Olson-Kennedy Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2153 Michele Roland Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2153 Diane Tanaka Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2153

ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Saraleen Benouni Allergy Asthma Care Center Inc. Sawtelle 310-393-1550 Varaz Bozoghlanian Allergy Asthma Care Center Inc. Sawtelle 310-393-1550 112 L A M A G . C O M

Marion Johnson Downtown West Allergy and Asthma Westlake 213-300-2102 Rita Kachru UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-481-4646 Alan Khadavi Allergy and Asthma Care of Los Angeles Beverly Hills 310-282-8822 Marc J. Meth Century City Allergy Century City 310-438-5411 Stuart Y. Min Min Allergy & Asthma Center Alhambra 626-346-7653



Dimiter Arnaudov Keck School of Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Elizabeth Arena Surgery Group L.A. Beverly Grove 310-289-1518

Andrew J. Costandi Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2262

Shahbaz Farnad Miracle Mile Medical Group Mid Wilshire 323-433-7744 Christian A. Koch Huntington Hospital Pasadena 626-397-5000

Asif Rafi Allergy, Asthma, & Sinus Institute Sawtelle 424-256-2984 Danica J. Schulte Southern California Allergy Encino 818-990-9155

Edna Ma 90210 Surgery Medical Center Beverly Hills 310-651-2050

Joseph Shapiro Allergy and Asthma Institute Studio City 818-769-5998

David Mahjoubi Ketamine Healing Clinic of Los Angeles Westwood 424-278-4241

Interventional Pain Management and Regenerative Medicine

Lee Sheinkopf Allergy Asthma Care Center Inc. Sawtelle 310-393-1550

Rebecca Margolis Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-5591

REMEDY PAIN SOLUTIONS 13160 Mindanao Way, Ste. 300, Marina Del Rey 310-482-6906 Thinkrps.com

Caroline Chen Spagnola Kaiser Permanente Gardena 833-574-2273

Jonathan D. Maskin Huntington Hospital Pasadena 626-397-5000

Raffi Tachdjian Raffi Tachdjian, M.D. Inc. Santa Monica 310-998-0060

Marla Matar Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2262

Flora A. Vardanian AllergyDox Burbank 818-561-4533

Puja Roy Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center: Deepak Dugar, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-276-1703

Robert Eitches Tower Allergy Beverly Grove 310-657-4600


Kevin Farnam Adult & Children Allergy Asthma Center Pasadena 626-793-2246 Ronald Ferdman Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2501 Maria I. Garcia-Lloret UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-0867 Brian K. Greenberg The Pediatric Group of Southern California Agoura Hills 818-735-5555

Karl von Tiehl Bowtie Allergy Specialists San Marino 626-460-6038 Cindy Xi Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Michelle Yasharpour Dr. Michelle Yasharpour Beverly Hills 424-625-4824

Jennifer Baker UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-2144

Andres Falabella Huntington Hospital Pasadena 626-397-5012

Yuan-Feng (Carl) Lo Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2262

Marvin Belzer Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2153 Claudia Borzutzky Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2153

Sherwin R. Hariri Beverly Hills Allergy Beverly Hills 424-322-9712

Gary Scott Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2262 Michael J. Sullivan City of Hope Duarte 626-256-4673 Ava Chomee Yoon Kaiser Permanente Bellflower 833-574-2273

Stephen F. Sener USC Verdugo Hills Hospital Boyle Heights 323-865-9910 Jeannie Shen UCLA Health Pasadena 626-356-3167 Lesley Taylor City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Alicia M. Terando Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

MICHAEL A. BURNSTINE, MD Oculofacial Plastic and Orbital Surgeon EYESTHETICA • Pasadena • Valencia 213-234-1000 contactus@ eyesthetica.com Eyesthetica.com

Alice P. Chung Cedars-Sinai West Hollywood 310-423-9331 Catherine M. Dang Cedars-Sinai West Hollywood 310-423-9331 Kristi Funk Pink Lotus Breast Center Beverly Hills 888-800-7522 Dennis R. Holmes Dennis R. Holmes, M.D., F.A.C.S. Westlake 800-203-5515 Veronica C. Jones City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Laura Kruper City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Amy M. Kusske UCLA Health Santa Monica 424-259-8791 Maria E. Nelson Keck Medicine of USC Glendale (800) USC-CARE Amy Polverini City of Hope South Pasadena 844-444-4673 Katharine Schulz-Costello City of Hope South Pasadena 844-444-4673

Carlie Thompson UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-2144

CARDIAC SURGERY Abbas Ardehali UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-8232 Craig J. Baker Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Reshma M. Biniwale UCLA Health Westwood 310-267-7667 Robbin G. Cohen Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Fardad Esmailian Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-3851 Fernando Fleischman Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Cynthia Herrington Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4148 Danny Ramzy Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-3851 Richard J. Shemin UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-8232 Vaughn A. Starnes Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4148 Alfredo Trento Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-3851

CARDIOLOGY Arnold S. Baas UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-8816 Arash Bereliani Beverly Hills Institute for Cardiology & Preventive Medicine Beverly Hills 310-550-8000 Michael Broukhim Pacific Heart Institute Santa Monica 310-829-7678 Eric Buch UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-2235 Steven Burstein PIH Health Westlake 213-977-0419 Kirk Y. Chang Kirk Y. Chang, M.D. Inc. Beverly Grove 310-659-4026 Nikhil Daga Foothill Cardiology Medical Group Inc. Pasadena 626-793-4139 Azhil (Alex) Durairaj Foothill Cardiology Medical Group, Inc. Pasadena 626-793-4139 Yaron Elad Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-248-8245 Shervin Eshaghian Beverly Hills Cardiology Century City 310-858-6500 David Filsoof Beverly Hills Cardiovascular Beverly Grove 310-424-5750 Antreas Hindoyan Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Hsin Yi Grace Huang Hsin Yi Grace Huang, M.D. Arcadia 626-576-1800 Sam Kalioundji Kal Heart Cardiovascular Specialists Northridge 818-477-2337 Ronald P. Karlsberg Cardiovascular Medical Group of Southern California Beverly Hills 310-278-3400

Ilan Kedan Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3496

Karol E. Watson UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-8811

Raj Khandwalla Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3496

Eric H. Yang UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9011

Michelle M. Kittleson Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-248-8300

Payam R. Yashar Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-556-2020

Ray V. Matthews Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Andreas Mauer Southern California Heart Specialists Pasadena 626-793-1227 Guy S. Mayeda PIH Health Westlake 213-977-0419 John McKenzie Heartbeat Cardiovascular Medical Group Glendale 818-243-9600 Ali Nsair UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9011 Leigh C. Reardon UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9011 R. Fernando Roth Foothill Cardiology Medical Group Inc. Pasadena 626-793-4139 Jay N. Schapira Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-659-2030 Michael D. Share Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-248-8245 Amir Solhpour Glendale Heart Institute Glendale 818-242-4191 Rigved V. Tadwalkar Providence - Pacific Heart Institute Santa Monica 310-829-7678 Mark K. Urman COR Medical Group Inc. Beverly Grove 310-659-0715 Cory A. Waldman Cory A. Waldman, M.D. Beverly Hills 424-239-1499

Kristal B.Y. Young Southern California Heart Specialists Pasadena 626-793-1227 Raymond Zimmer Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3496

COLON AND RECTAL SURGERY Moshe Barnajian Surgery Group L.A. Beverly Grove 310-861-7493 Liza M. Capiendo Los Angeles Colon & Rectal Surgical Associates Beverly Hills 310-627-2349 Kyle Graham Cologne Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Marjun Duldulao Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Babak (Bobby) Eghbalieh Southern California Multi-Specialty Center Sherman Oaks 818-900-6480 Eiman Firoozmand Los Angeles Colon & Rectal Surgical Associates Beverly Hills 310-627-2349 Phillip R. Fleshner Cedars-Sinai West Hollywood 310-289-9224 Wesley R. Heartfield PIH Health Westlake 213-977-0294 Christine Hsieh Keck Medicine of USC Pasadena (800) USC-CARE Andreas M. Kaiser City of Hope Duarte 626-256-4673

Howard S. Kaufman Huntington Colorectal Surgeons Pasadena 626-397-5896

Daryl Banta Huntington Pulmonary Medical Group Pasadena 626-486-0181

Kevork Kazanjian UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7788

Brooke Chandrasoma Huntington Pulmonary Medical Group Pasadena 626-486-0181

Mary Kwaan UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-319-4080 Lily Lau Lai City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Sang W. Lee Keck Medicine of USC Glendale (800) USC-CARE

Ching-Fei Chang Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Sucha Kim PIH Health Westlake 213-977-4979

Kurt A. Melstrom City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Beth A. Moore California Colorectal Surgeons Beverly Hills 310-854-3580 Zuri A. Murrell Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-854-3580 Yosef Nasseri Surgery Group L.A. Beverly Grove 310-861-7493 Joongho Shin Keck Medicine of USC La Cañada Flintridge (800) USC-CARE Robert Yavrouian Surgical Multispecialties Medical Group Boyle Heights 323-264-2633 Karen Zaghiyan Karen Zaghiyan, M.D. West Hollywood 310-289-9224


Tisha S. Wang UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-8061

DERMATOLOGY Rachel Abuav Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3300 Ohara Aivaz Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3300 Haleh Bakshandeh Haleh Bakshandeh, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-274-7623

Anne Y. Lin UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7788 David Magner David Magner, M.D., F.A.C.S. Beverly Hills 310-421-4292

C. Andrew Schroeder C. Andrew Schroeder, M.D., F.C.C.P. Beverly Hills 310-734-4594

R. Sonia Batra Batra Dermatology Santa Monica 310-829-9099 DIANA CHAVKIN, MD, FACOG Reproductive Endocrinology/ Infertility HRC FERTILITY 11500 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 504 West Los Angeles 313-481-0881 TeamChavkin@ havingbabies.com havingbabies.com

Michael S. Levine Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-248-8299 Dan I. Naim The Beverly Hills Lung and Sleep Institute Beverly Hills 310-691-1138 Ashkan Naraghi The Beverly Hills Lung and Sleep Institute Beverly Hills 310-691-1138 David G. Ng Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-424-5480

Daniel Behroozan Dermatology Institute of Southern California Santa Monica 310-904-0615 Neda Black Comprehensive Dermatology Center of Pasadena Pasadena 626-793-7790 Joanna Chan California Skin Institute Arcadia 626-446-8809 Lisa Chipps Moy Fincher Chipps Beverly Hills 310-274-5372 Melvin Chiu Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Shanthi Colaço Shanthi M.D. Rancho Park 323-421-4747

Scott S. Oh UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-8061

Ashley B. Crew Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Ayman Saad Huntington Pulmonary Medical Group Pasadena 626-486-0181

Janice L. DaVolio Huntington Dermatology Medical Group Inc. Pasadena 626-449-9992

Curtis C. Sather Optum Specialty Care Pasadena 626-304-4400

David Denenholz Pasadena Premier Dermatology Pasadena 626-449-4207

Nada M Elbuluk Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Binh T. Ngo Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Nima Gharavi Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3300

Jasmine O. Obioha Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3300

Pedram Ghasr Castle Dermatology Institute Tarzana 818-344-3378 Alan W. Heller Heller Dermatology & Aesthetic Surgery Long Beach 562-498-2459 Misha M. Heller Heller Dermatology & Aesthetic Surgery Long Beach 562-498-2459 Jenny C. Hu Keck Medicine of USC Downtown L.A. (800) USC-CARE Alex Khadavi Dermatology & Laser Medical Center of Encino & Thousand Oaks Encino 818-528-2500 Christine Choi Kim Heather J. Roberts, M.D., A Medical Corporation Sawtelle 310-477-4727

David Peng Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Susan M. Rabizadeh Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3300 David Rahimi Forever Young Inc. Beverly Grove 323-653-7700 Heather J. Roberts Heather J. Roberts, M.D., A Medical Corporation Sawtelle 310-477-4727 Parrish Sadeghi Pure Dermatology and Skin Surgery Center Santa Monica 310-954-9501 Adriana N. Schmidt Santa Monica Dermatology Group Santa Monica 310-829-4484

Leonard H. Kim LKMD Dermatology Century City 310-289-0009 Peter L. Kopelson The Kopelson Clinic Beverly Hills 310-271-7400 Tanya Kormeili Derm & Rejuvenation Institute Santa Monica 310-526-8301 Minnelly Luu Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4191

STEVEN C. DRESNER, MD Oculofacial Plastic and Orbital Surgeon EYESTHETICA • Santa Monica 213-234-1000 contactus@ eyesthetica.com Eyesthetica.com

Paul J. McAndrews Dr. Paul McAndrews, M.D. Pasadena 626-405-1155

Karen Sherwood Children’s Hospital Los Angeles La Cañada Flintridge 818-790-6726

Brian P. Mekelburg Brian P. Mekelburg, M.D., F.A.A.D. Beverly Grove 310-659-9075

Soheil Simzar Advanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Care Santa Clarita 661-254-3686

Badri Modi City of Hope Duarte 626-256-4673

Teresa Soriano UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-6911 L A M A G . C O M 11 3


Stefani R. Takahashi Keck Medicine of USC La Cañada Flintridge (800) USC-CARE Allison K. Truong Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3300 Yen Tun Wang Metropolis Dermatology Downtown L.A. 213-319-3339 Scott D. Worswick Keck Medicine of USC Downtown L.A. (800) USC-CARE

DEVELOPMENTAL BEHAVIORAL PEDIATRICS Irene Koolwijk UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-0867

Keith E. Blackwell UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-6688

Martin L. Hopp Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-657-7704

Henry H. Chen Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-1220

Kevin Hur Keck Medicine of USC Arcadia (800) USC-CARE

Dinesh K. Chhetri UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-6688 Alen N. Cohen Southern California Sinus Institute West Hills 818-888-7878 Marc Cohen Marc Cohen, M.D. Tarzana 818-609-0600 Karan Dhir Dr. Dhir Facial Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills 310-579-2051 Debra Don Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2145 Elisabeth D. Ference Keck Medicine of USC Glendale (800) USC-CARE

Larry Yin Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2110

EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT Elliot Abemayor UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-6688 Behrad Brad Aynehchi Westside Head & Neck Culver City 310-742-8447 Anca Barbu Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-1220 Steven A. Battaglia Huntington Ear Nose Throat Head & Neck Specialists Pasadena 626-796-6164 11 4 L A M A G . C O M

Michael Johns III Keck Medicine of USC Downtown L.A. (800) USC-CARE Robert S. Kang City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Niels C. Kokot Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Daniel Injung Kwon Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Matthew Lee Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-1220 Gene C. Liu Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-1220

Josh Mandelberg Griesbach, Batra and Mandelberg Sawtelle 310-996-8990 Douglas Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-3327

Akira Ishiyama UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-6688

Ellie Maghami City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 JACQUELINE HO, MD, FACOG Reproductive Endocrinology/ Infertility HRC FERTILITY 55 S. Lake Ave., 9th Floor, Pasadena 626-440-9161 hoivf@ havingbabies.com havingbabies.com

Jon Mallen-St. Clair Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-1220 Alexander Markarian Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Thomas J. Gernon City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673

Omid B. Mehdizadeh Pacific Neuroscience Institute Brentwood 310-477-5558

Gabriel Gomez Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2145

Roxana Moayer Keck Medicine of USC Beverly Hills (800) USC-CARE

Reena Gupta Center for Vocal Health Beverly Hills 310-736-4272

Ali R. Namazie SoCal ENT Encino 818-986-5500

Allen Ho Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-1220

Ronen Nazarian Osborne Head & Neck Institute Beverly Grove 310-657-0123

Karla O’Dell Keck Medicine of USC Downtown L.A. (800) USC-CARE

Arthur Wu Beverly Hills Sinus Institute Beverly Grove 310-423-1220

David A. Tashman USC Verdugo Hills Hospital Glendale 323-226-6667

John S. Oghalai Keck Medicine of USC Downtown L.A. (800) USC-CARE

Mani H. Zadeh Los Angeles Sinus Institute Century City 888-361-2173

Sam S. Torbati Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-8780

Benjamin Rafii Beach Cities ENTS Torrance 310-540-2111 Alexis Korostoff Rieber Huntington Ear Nose Throat Head & Neck Specialists Pasadena 626-796-6164 Vanessa S. Rothholtz Pacific Coast Ear, Nose & Throat Beverly Hills 310-926-1573 Nina L. Shapiro UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-6688 Jahangir Sharifi L.A. Sinus & Allergy Specialists Boyle Heights 323-226-0022 Nima Shemirani EOS Rejuvenation Beverly Hills 310-896-4205 Uttam K. Sinha Keck Medicine of USC Downtown L.A. (800) USC-CARE Maie A. St. John UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-6688 Jeffrey D. Suh UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-6688 Mark S. Swanson Keck Medicine of USC Downtown L.A. (800) USC-CARE Ben Talei Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery Beverly Hills 310-288-0641 Dorothy Wang Westside Head & Neck Culver City 310-361-5439 Bozena B. Wrobel Keck Medicine of USC Glendale (800) USC-CARE

David M. Ulick Huntington Hospital Pasadena 626-397-5111 Veronica Vasquez-Montez Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

STEPHANIE TRAN, MD Family medicine CEDARS SINAI MEDICAL GROUP 8767 Wilshire Blvd., Fl 2, Beverly Hills 8820 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills 310-423-4945 stephanietranmd.com IG @drstephanietran

Soroush Zaghi The Breathe Institute Westwood 313-579-9710 ext. 0 Richard Zoumalan Richard Zoumalan, M.D., F.A.C.S. Beverly Hills 310-278-1900

EMERGENCY MEDICINE Christine Cho Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2109 Carl R. Chudnofsky USC Verdugo Hills Hospital Boyle Heights 323-226-6675 Frank C. Day UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-2111 Brandon L. Lew Huntington Hospital Pasadena 626-397-5111 Lynne B. McCullough UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-2111 Ameer Mody Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2109 Sanjeev K. Seth Providence St. John’s Health Center Santa Monica 310-829-5511

ENDOCRINOLOGY, DIABETES, AND METABOLISM Shadi Abdelnour Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3228 David E. Aftergood Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-659-8824 Trevor E. Angell Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Braden G. Barnett Keck Medicine of USC Downtown L.A. (800) USC-CARE Michael A. Bush Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-652-3870 John David Carmichael Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Jennifer I. Chang Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena 626-397-8323 Dianne S. Cheung UCLA Health Torrance 310-542-6333 Pejman Cohan Pacific Neuroscience Institute Santa Monica 310-582-7640 Matthew J. Freeby UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-828-1050 Mitchell Geffner Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4606

Jordan Geller Geller Endocrinology Century City 310-277-1812 Neil J. Goldberg Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3228 Michael D. Harris Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3330 Anthony P. Heaney UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-828-1050 Sarah S. Kim UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-828-1050 Reza Nazemi Reza Nazemi, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-652-4743 Caroline T. Nguyen Keck Medicine of USC Downtown L.A. (800) USC-CARE Anne L. Peters Keck Medicine of USC Beverly Hills 800-872-2273 Wendy L. Sacks Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-3870 Yang Shen Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena 626-397-8323 Peter A. Singer Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Stephanie Smooke Praw UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-7922 Mahtab Sohrevardi Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena 626-397-8323 Conrad J. Tseng Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-652-3000 Hussein Naji Yassine Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

FAMILY MEDICINE Maya S. Benitez Cedars-Sinai Marina del Rey 424-315-2458

Megan E. Chen Santa Monica Family Physicians Santa Monica 310-829-8908 Lawrence D. Dardick UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-656-1702

Rebecca Young Live Well Family Medicine Center of Naples Long Beach 562-434-7777


David B. Thordarson Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-9778 Mark A. Weissman Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-6017

Jamie A. Elson Westside Internal Medicine Santa Monica 310-264-0765

Bob Baravarian University Foot & Ankle Institute Santa Monica 424-238-1042

Syamak Yamini Syamak Yamini, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S. Westwood 818-659-6594

Lichuan Fang UCLA Health Woodland Hills 818-610-0292

Timothy P. Charlton Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-9998


Katherine Gibson Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Jason A. Hove UCLA Health Redondo Beach 310-937-8555 Carolyn L. Kaloostian Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Bernard J. Katz UCLA Health Pacific Palisades 310-459-2363 Nupur Kumar Kumar Medical PC Westlake 213-977-0187 Laura Mosqueda Keck Medicine of USC Pasadena (800) USC-CARE Jehni S. Robinson Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Colleen Marie Ryan Cedars-Sinai Culver City 310-248-7120 Manali Shendrikar Santa Monica Family Physicians Santa Monica 310-829-8948 Nicole Shweiri Optum Long Beach 562-420-1338 Denise K. Sur UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-319-4700 Stephanie Tran Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-423-4945

Braden Criswell Rissler Orthopaedic Group Pasadena 626-797-2002 Alexis E. Dixon Alexis E. Dixon, M.D. Marina del Rey 310-437-7922 Thomas G. Harris Congress Orthopaedic Associates Pasadena 626-795-8051 Brian K. Hong Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Kenneth S. Jung Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute Westchester 310-665-7200 David Pougatsch Wound Institute of America Beverly Hills 310-919-4179 Jonathan R. Saluta Los Angeles Orthopaedic Center Westlake 213-482-2992 Nelson F. Soohoo UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-319-1234 David J. Soomekh Foot & Ankle Specialty Group Beverly Hills 310-651-2366 Eric Wan Tan Keck Medicine of USC Glendale (800) USC-CARE Benjamin Tehrani Kings Point Foot & Ankle Specialists Historic SouthCentral 323-843-3668

Benjamin Basseri Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-652-4472

Trilokesh Kidambi City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Jeffrey R. Lewis Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-248-8200 James L. Lin City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Glenn Littenberg inSite Digestive Health Care Pasadena 626-449-9920 Marc D. Makhani L.A. Digestive Health and Wellness Beverly Grove 310-657-5244

Ihab Beblawi inSite Digestive Health Care Pasadena 626-793-7114 Peyton P. Berookim Gastroenterology Institute of Southern California Beverly Hills 310-271-1122 James L. Buxbaum Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Derek Cheng Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-248-8200 Kalman Edelman inSite Digestive Health Care Pasadena 626-793-7114 Marc A. Edelstein Beverly Hills Gastroenterology Beverly Hills 310-659-1300 Pedram Enayati Gastroenterology Associates of Beverly Hills Beverly Grove 310-858-2224 Terri Getzug UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-6279 Kevin Ghassemi UCLA Health Westwood 310-208-5400 Wendy Ho UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-6279 Gregory E. Idos City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673

Ara Sahakian Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Jenny S. Sauk UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-6279 Edward J. Share Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-652-4472 Gobind N. Sharma Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-248-8200 Omid A. Shaye Gastroenterology Associates of Beverly Hills Beverly Grove 310-858-2224 Sarah Sheibani Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

RONALD KARLSBERG, MD Cardiovascular and Preventive Medicine, Advanced Cardiac Imaging, Concierge Medicine CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICAL GROUP

414 N. Camden Dr., Ste. 1100, Beverly Hills 310-278-3400 cvmg.com

Shahab Mehdizadeh Beverly Hills Digestive Care Beverly Hills 310-246-4100 Richard E. Nickowitz inSite Digestive Health Care Pasadena 626-793-7114 Ari Nowain Center for GI Health: Ari Nowain, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-657-4444 Vikas K. Pabby UCLA Health North Hollywood 818-843-9038 David M. Padua Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-248-8200 Jonathan S. Pourmorady Jonathan S Pourmorady, M.D. Beverly Grove 310-507-9937 Peter M. Rosenberg inSite Digestive Health Care Pasadena 626-793-7114

Waleed W. Shindy inSite Digestive Health Care Pasadena 626-449-9920 Sassan Soltani inSite Digestive Health Care Pasadena 626-793-7114 Theodore N. Stein Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-248-8200 Carey B. Strom Tower Digestive Health Medical Group Beverly Grove 310-550-0400 Leo Treyzon Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-652-4472 David P. Yamini David P. Yamini, M.D. Santa Monica 310-285-3005 Julie Yang inSite Digestive Health Care Pasadena 626-793-7114

GENERAL SURGERY Brendan J. Carroll Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-854-0151

Adrian B. Dobrowolsky Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Timothy Donahue UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7788 Asok Doraiswamy L.A. - Surgical Arcadia 626-600-2094 Erik P. Dutson UCLA Health Valencia 661-219-2643 Babak (Bobby) Eghbalieh Southern California Multi-Specialty Center Sherman Oaks 818-900-6480 David E. Fermelia Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-248-6663 Wesley R. Heartfield PIH Health Westlake 213-977-0294 Oscar J. Hines UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7788 Darryl T. Hiyama UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7788 Neel R. Joshi Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-0289

Daniel R. Marcus Daniel Marcus, M.D. Marina del Rey 310-305-1813 Vahe Melkonyan Adventist Health Sherman Oaks 626-449-9922 Laleh Melstrom City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Brent Moelleken Brent Moelleken, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-919-1060 I. Benjamin Paz City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Wes J. Powell Wes J. Powell, M.D. Inc. Pasadena 626-449-0694 Hector C. Ramos Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Kamran Samakar Keck Medicine of USC Glendale (800) USC-CARE Daniel Shouhed Danny Shouhed, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-890-5834 Nojan Toomari Toomari Surgery Encino 818-570-1845

Faisal Khan Surgical Multispecialties Medical Group Boyle Heights 323-264-2633 Sepehr Lalezari Lalezari Surgical Westlake 213-545-1656 Troy M. LaMar Troy M. LaMar, M.D. Inc. Arcadia 626-445-0600 Aaron Lewis City of Hope South Pasadena 877-998-7546

David C. Chen UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-319-4080

John C. Lipham Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Jason Cohen Surgery Group L.A. Beverly Grove 310-861-7493

David J. Lourié David J. Lourié, M.D. Pasadena 626-793-7955

Som Kohanzadeh, MD, FACS, FACCWS Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery WOUND INSTITUTE OF AMERICA 250 N. Robertson Blvd., Ste. 106, Beverly Hills 310-975-9017 doctorsom@gmail. com drsom.com

Shirin Towfigh Beverly Hills Hernia Center Beverly Hills 310-358-5020 Gregory K. Tsushima Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-0289 L A M A G . C O M 115


GENETICS Ora K. Gordon Providence - Roy & Patricia Disney Family Cancer Center Burbank 818-748-4748 Deborah Krakow UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274 Timothy J. Maarup Kaiser Permanente Downey 833-574-2273 Julian A. Martinez UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7700 Linda Randolph Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2178

Allison M. Mays Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3511

Paul S. Lin Dr. Paul Lin, M.D. Pasadena 626-867-6700

Laura Mosqueda Keck Medicine of USC Pasadena (800) USC-CARE

Wei-Chien Michael Lin City of Hope Mission Hills 818-660-4700

David B. Reuben UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-8272 Sonja L. Rosen Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3511 Elizabeth J. Whiteman Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3511

GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY Joshua G. Cohen UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274 Thanh H. Dellinger City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673

Pedro A. Sanchez Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-9914 Derek A. Wong UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-0867

GERIATRIC MEDICINE Erin A. Cook UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-319-4371 Arman Hekmati Innovative Medical Associates, Inc. Beverly Hills 310-281-4999 Carolyn L. Kaloostian Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Brandon K. Koretz UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-8272 116 L A M A G . C O M

Ramin Mirhashemi GYN L.A. Torrance 310-375-8446 Huyen Q. Pham Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Bobbie J. Rimel Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-1126 Lorna RodriguezRodriguez City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Lynda D. Roman Keck Medicine of USC Pasadena (800) USC-CARE Ritu Salani UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274

Bianca E. Russell UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-0867 Sulagna C. Saitta UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-0867

Sanaz Memarzadeh UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274

BRADFORD KOLB, MD, FACOG, MBA Reproductive Endocrinology/ Infertility HRC FERTILITY 55 S. Lake Ave., 9th Floor, Pasadena 626-440-9161 GriseldaM@ havingbabies.com havingbabies.com

Ernest S. Han City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Beth Karlan UCLA Health Beverly Hills 310-794-3639 Stephen J. Lee City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Scott E. Lentz Kaiser Permanente East Hollywood 833-574-2273 Andrew J. Li Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-5246

Eijean Wu Gyn Oncology Specialists East Hollywood 323-473-5499 Annie A. Yessaian Keck Medicine of USC Pasadena (800) USC-CARE Mae Zakhour UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274

HAND SURGERY Kodi K. Azari UCLA Health Westwood 310-319-1234 Prosper Benhaim UCLA Health Westwood 310-319-1234 Annette Billings Los Angeles Orthopaedic Center Westlake 213-482-2992 Vanessa Gabrovsky Cuéllar Vanessa Gabrovsky Cuéllar, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-256-4363

Ryan J. DellaMaggiora Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-5900 Matthew J. Enna Golden State Bone & Joint Clinic Beverly Hills 310-858-3880 Douglas M. Freedman Douglas M. Freedman, M.D. Santa Monica 310-828-2042

Eugene Y. Tsai Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-5900

HEMATOLOGY Steven H. Applebaum UCLA Health Pasadena 626-396-2999

Stuart H. Kuschner Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-5900 Rachel E. Lefebvre Keck Medicine of USC Glendale (800) USC-CARE Nina Lightdale-Miric Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2142 Erin Meisel Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2141 M. Ramin Modabber Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute Santa Monica 310-829-2663 Luke Thomas Nicholson Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Mort Rizvi Huntington Orthopedics Pasadena 626-795-0282 Steven S. Shin Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute Beverly Grove 310-423-4566 Milan Stevanovic Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Alan C. Sull Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute Santa Monica 310-829-2663

Kevin S. Scher Cedars-Sinai - Tower Hematology Oncology Medical Group Beverly Hills 310-888-8680 Lasika C. Seneviratne USC Verdugo Hills Hospital Westlake 213-977-1214

Alidad Ghiassi Ghiassi Hand Surgery Brentwood 310-824-1262 David A. Kulber Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-5900

Michael H. Rosove UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-4955

JEFFREY KRONSON, MD, FACS Vascular & Endovascular Surgery KRONSON MEDICAL CORPORATION (KMC) 301 W. Huntington Dr., Ste. 519, Arcadia 626-254-2287 (o) 626-254-2289 (f) jeffkronsonmd.com

Noam Z. Drazin Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3343 Shahrooz Eshaghian Cedars-Sinai Century City 310-229-3555 David M. Hoffman Cedars-Sinai - Tower Hematology Oncology Medical Group Beverly Hills 310-888-8680 Howard A. Liebman Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Philomena F. McAndrew Cedars-Sinai - Tower Hematology Oncology Medical Group Beverly Hills 310-888-8680 Mark V. McNamara Keck Medicine of USC Pasadena (800) USC-CARE Casey L. O’Connell Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Caroline Piatek Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center Boyle Heights 800-872-2273

Marina Vaysburd Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3297 Christina Haeyoung Yeon City of Hope South Pasadena 877-998-7546

HOSPICE AND PALLIATIVE MEDICINE Gitanjli Arora Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2109 Ilanit Brook Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-3854

HOSPITAL MEDICINE Michael Lazarus UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9111

INFECTIOUS DISEASE Emily Blodget Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Benjamin E. Bluen Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-358-2300 Margrit E. Carlson UCLA Health Pico-Robertson 310-557-2273 Annabelle M. De St. Maurice UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-0867 Randy B. Feldman Comprehensive Care ID Medical Group Beverly Grove 310-855-1960 Cyril R. Gaultier Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-358-2300 Melvin Khaw Cedars-Sinai Encino 818-990-1067

Sorin Buga City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673

Alexander Kim Southern California Infectious Disease Westlake 213-461-0059

Christine Glaser City of Hope Duarte 626-256-4673

Jason B. Kirk Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-855-1960

Daniel M. Karlin UCLA Health Westwood 424-259-7009

Raphael J. Landovitz UCLA Health Pico-Robertson 310-557-2273

Marwa Wagih Kilani Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Mission Hills 818-365-8051

David G. Man Huntington Hospital - Infectious Disease Consultants Pasadena 626-793-6133

Debra Lotstein Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-7142

Eric Milefchik Torrance Memorial Torrance 310-784-6954

Peter G. Phung UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-6909 Sunita Puri Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Neha D. Nanda Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Paul H. Nieberg Paul H. Nieberg, M.D. Pasadena 626-304-0782

Joseph Nussbaum Southern California Infectious Disease Westlake 213-461-0059 Howard E. Pitchon Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-657-3719 Suman M. Radhakrishna Southern California Infectious Disease Westlake 213-461-0059 Kimberly A. Shriner Huntington Hospital Pasadena 626-993-1990 Isabelle Y. Soh Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-248-7077 Richard T. Sokolov Jr. Richard T. Sokolov, M.D. Mid Wilshire 310-358-5530 Christopher N. Tymchuk UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-481-4242 Daniel Z. Uslan UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-7663 Tara Vijayan UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-7663 Darren Wong Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Rachel Zabner Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-358-2300 Phillip C. Zakowski Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-358-2300

INTERNAL MEDICINE Ehsan Ali Beverly Hills Primary Doctor Beverly Hills 310-504-3977 Wafaa Alrashid Wafaa Alrashid, M.D. Pasadena 626-449-4438

Stephanie K. Bui UCLA Health Brentwood 310-208-7777

David M. Kayne Cedars-Sinai Encino 818-990-1067

Eva Poon Eva Poon, M.D. Pasadena 626-508-3388

Patrick Y. Yao UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-8000

Julia A. Cassetta Keck Medicine of USC La Cañada Flintridge (800) USC-CARE

Joshua Khalili UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-207-0117

Rubencio Quintana Dr. Rubencio Quintana, M.D., F.A.C.P. Beverly Hills 310-659-5500

Jennifer Y. Yeung UCLA Health Brentwood 310-208-7777

Aaron Chiang Aaron Chiang, M.D. Century City 310-620-1888 Annapoorna R. Chirra UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-9830 Eric J. Curcio UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-315-8900 David T. Dang David T. Dang, M.D. Inc. Pasadena 626-344-0640

Kenneth S. Kleinman Kenneth S. Kleinman, M.D. Tarzana 818-300-0081 David Lalezari Dr. David Lalezari, M.D. Mid Wilshire 323-938-9999 John T. Liu John Liu, M.D. Westlake 213-481-9828

John Enayati Century Wellness Center Century City 310-551-1711 Jeremy Fine Dr. Jeremy Fine, M.D. Century City 310-556-8898 Samuel I. Fink Samuel I. Fink, M.D. Inc. Tarzana 818-609-0700 Christopher R. Fitzgerald Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-248-7188 Alan Frischer Frischer Medical Group Downey 562-806-0874 Peter C. Galier Premier Health Partners of Santa Monica Santa Monica 310-395-7471 Mark Ghalili Regenerative Medicine L.A. West Hollywood 310-295-9403 Bianca Grigorian Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena 626-792-3141

John B. Andrews Cedars-Sinai Santa Monica 310-385-6008

Arek A. Jibilian Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Benjamin J. Ansell UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-4881

David Y. Kawashiri Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3466

David Ramin David Ramin, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-276-7575 Jon C. Rasak Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-2977 Daniel L. Rowady Dr. Daniel L. Rowady Pasadena 626-345-6880 Joshua D. Sapkin Keck Medicine of USC Downtown L.A. (800) USC-CARE Daniel J. Stone Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3526

CHARLOTTA LA VIA, MD Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery LA VIA PLASTIC SURGERY 2001 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 1180-W Santa Monica 310-829-5550 charlottalavia.com

Dorothy H. Lowe Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-659-7000 Sasan Massachi Sasan Massachi, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-553-3013 Sharon E. Orrange Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center University Park (800) USC-CARE Adrian G. Ostrzega Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-6031 Joseph J. Pachorek Joseph J. Pachorek, M.D. Pasadena 626-795-4223 James E. Pacino Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Eric Sue The Sue Medical Group Century City 310-556-1800 Ronald Sue The Sue Medical Group Century City 310-556-2244 Ara Thomassian Cedars-Sinai - Valley Internal Medicine and Nephrology North Hollywood 818-487-0040 Claire T Tilem Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena 626-792-3141 Jeff Toll Jeff Toll, M.D. Century City 310-504-1231 Mabel Vasquez Keck Medicine of USC Downtown L.A. (800) USC-CARE Carrie L. Ward Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Neil S. Wenger UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-6232 Shadi Yaghoubian Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-402-0548

MATERNAL AND FETAL MEDICINE Yalda Afshar UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274 Paola Aghajanian Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-9999 Clifford J. Bochner Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-657-3601 Tania F. Esakoff Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-9999 Michael Fassett Kaiser Permanente Mid City 833-574-2273 Esther Friedrich Kaiser Permanente East Hollywood 833-574-2273 Kimberly D. Gregory Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-9999 Rachel Gutkin Pacific Perinatal Center Torrance 310-944-9094 Christina Han UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-899-7500 Carla Janzen UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274 Deborah Krakow UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274 Lydia K. Lee UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274 Richard H. Lee Keck Medicine of USC Burbank (800) USC-CARE Aisling M. Murphy UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-899-7500 Tina A. Nguyen UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274

Joseph G. Ouzounian Keck Medicine of USC Glendale (800) USC-CARE Lawrence David Platt Center for Fetal Medicine & Women’s Ultrasound Carthay Circle 323-857-1952 Steve Rad Los Angeles Fetal & Maternal Care Center Beverly Grove 888-614-7668 Rashmi R. Rao UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274 Esther Schmuel Comprehensive Maternal-Fetal Medicine Center Tarzana 818-345-2455 Neil S. Silverman Center for Fetal Medicine & Women’s Ultrasound Carthay Circle 323-857-1952 Khalil Tabsh Maternal & Fetal Medicine Center of Southern California Inc. Santa Monica 310-829-8664 John Williams Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-9999

Philippe Friedlich Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-5939 Maria Rosario Timbol Maun Kaiser Permanente Mid City 833-574-2273 Jamie W. Powers Huntington Hospital Pasadena 626-397-3826 Aaron J. Reitman Kaiser Permanente East Hollywood 833-574-2273

NEPHROLOGY Behnoud Beroukhim Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-8661 Wendy W. Cheng Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-657-9841 Stuart Friedman Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-8661 Larry Froch Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-8661 Earl M. Gordon Pacific Medical and Nephrology Santa Monica 310-453-4599

NEONATAL AND PERINATAL MEDICINE Bimal P. Agrawal Huntington Hospital Pasadena 626-397-3826 Kara L. Calkins UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-2111 Rachel Chapman Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-5939

CHRISTOPHER C. LO, MD Oculofacial Plastic and Orbital Surgeon EYESTHETICA • Santa Monica • Pasadena • Torrance • Irvine 213-234-1000 contactus@ eyesthetica.com Eyesthetica.com

Hannaise C. Cruz Kaiser Permanente Mid City 833-574-2273

Huma S. Hasnain UCLA Health Torrance 310-542-6333

Stephanie Dekom Kaiser Permanente Mid City 833-574-2273

Reza Khorsan UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-8277

Sherin U. Devaskar UCLA Health Westwood 310-481-7545

Kenneth S. Kleinman Kenneth S. Kleinman, M.D. Tarzana 818-300-0081 L A M A G . C O M 117


Ravi Sharad Lakdawala Tower Nephrology Medical Group Beverly Hills 310-652-9162 Luani Lee Premier Nephrology Medical Group Downtown L.A. 213-748-1414 Michael S. Linsey Huntington Hospital - Pasadena Nephrology Pasadena 626-577-1675 Ilian O. Marquez Arroyo Nephrology Associates Pasadena 626-794-7075 David N. Matsumura Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-8661

Danny Benmoshe Danny Benmoshe, M.D. Sawtelle 310-688-8800 Jeff M. Bronstein UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-1195 William G. Buxton Pacific Neuroscience Institute Santa Monica 310-582-7641 Marisa Chang Neurological Associates - The Interventional Group Santa Monica 310-829-5968 Frances Elaine Chow Keck Medicine of USC La Cañada Flintridge (800) USC-CARE William Chow Dr. William Chow Neurology Beverly Grove 310-659-4986 Helena Chang Chui Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Anjay Rastogi UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-5225 Leon Rovner Premier Nephrology Medical Group Downtown L.A. 213-748-1414 Samy Sharobeem Samy Sharobeem, M.D. Inc. Beverly Hills 310-203-0222 Ashok Sunderraj Arroyo Nephrology Associates Pasadena 626-794-7075

NEUROLOGY Peter-Brian Andersson Neurology Consulting Inc. Tarzana 818-287-8018 118 L A M A G . C O M

Geoffrey P. Colby UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-5111

Arun Ramachandran Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-385-6016

Aaron Cutler Inland Neurosurgery Institute Pomona 909-450-0369

Jeffrey L. Saver UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9111

Lisa Anne Feldman City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673

Colin Stokol Colin Stokol, M.D. Beverly Grove 310-855-5999

Igor Fineman Raymond Neurosurgery and Spine Pasadena 626-535-0552

Steven N. Sykes Cedars-Sinai Santa Monica 424-314-7810 Nicholas R. Szumski Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-385-6016 Ravi Vakani Cedars-Sinai Marina del Rey 424-314-6080 Shilpa Wali Kaiser Permanente Panorama City 833-574-2273


Ann E. Moore Huntington Hospital - Pasadena Nephrology Pasadena 626-577-1675 Mitra K. Nadim Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Artin Minaeian Axon Neurology Glendale 818-265-2245

Sean Armin Brain and Spine Center of Southern CA Valley Village 424-276-6253

DANIEL LODER, MD Spine and Orthopedic Pain Specialists INTERVENTIONAL PAIN DOCTORS 8436 W. 3rd St., Ste. 800, Los Angeles 310-448-3459 office.loder@ ipaindocs.com ipaindocs.com

Lisa G. Cook The Los Angeles Headache Center Century City 310-277-9534 Ilan J. Danan Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute Westchester 310-665-7200 Jonathan Eskenazi Neurological Institute of Los Angeles Beverly Grove 310-933-4590 James C. Ha Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-385-6016

Behnam Badie City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Garni Barkhoudarian Pacific Neuroscience Institute Santa Monica 310-582-7450 Marvin Bergsneider UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-5111 Keith L. Black Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-7900

Steven L. Giannotta Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Nestor R. Gonzalez Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-0783 Langston T. Holly UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-319-3475 Patrick C. Hsieh Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Daniel F. Kelly Pacific Neuroscience Institute Santa Monica 310-582-7450 Deven Khosla Achieve Brain & Spine Santa Monica 310-710-1919 Won Kim UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-5111 Todd Lanman Lanman Spinal Neurosurgery Beverly Hills 310-385-7766 Linda M. Liau UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-5111

Mike Y. Chen City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673

John C. Liu Keck Medicine of USC Beverly Hills (800) USC-CARE

Thomas C. Chen Keck Medicine of USC La Cañada Flintridge (800) USC-CARE

William J. Mack Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Ray M. Chu Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-248-6693

Luke Macyszyn UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-319-3475

Jasvinder S. Nangiana Providence Medical Institute - Mission Hills Mission Hills 818-361-0917 Moksha Ranasinghe Southern California Brain & Spine Surgery Montebello 213-369-4583

Johannes Czernin UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9111

Valerie P. Myers Huntington OBGYN Pasadena 626-449-6223

Hossein Jadvar Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Erica D. Oberman UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274

Heidi R. Wassef Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE


BRIAN P. MEKELBURG, MD Dermatology BRIAN P. MEKELBURG, MD 8631 W. 3rd St., Ste. 1035E Los Angeles 310-659-9075 toplosangelesdermatologist.com

Ian B. Ross Ian B. Ross, M.D. Pasadena 626-793-8194 Walavan Sivakumar Pacific Neuroscience Institute Torrance 424-212-5361 Amir Vokshoor Amir Vokshoor, M.D. Santa Monica 800-899-0101 Anthony C. Wang UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-5111 Gabriel Zada Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

NUCLEAR MEDICINE Shahram Bonyadlou Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Patrick M. Colletti Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Peter Stephen Conti Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights 323-442-3858

Laila A. Al-Marayati Keck Medicine of USC Glendale (800) USC-CARE Shamsah Amersi Shamsah Amersi, M.D. Santa Monica 310-264-5600 Peyman Banooni Peyman Banooni, M.D. Beverly Hills 424-281-7790 Rebecca Brown Rodeo Drive Women’s Health Center Beverly Hills 310-432-6640 Mark A. Dwight PIH Health Physicians Westlake 213-977-4190 Della J. Fong Fair Oaks Women’s Health Pasadena 626-304-2626 Jennifer J. Israel Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE David Seil Kim Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-385-3380 James A. Macer Huntington OBGYN Pasadena 626-449-6223 Erin Meschter Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-1224 Evelyn N. Mitchell Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights 323-409-3416 Michael S. Mitri Fair Oaks Women’s Health Pasadena 626-304-2626

Alyssa M. Quimby Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-1224 Jeannine Rahimian UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274 Ramneek Rana UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-899-7500 Radhika D. Rible UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274 Valentina M. Rodriguez UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274 Taaly Silberstein Taaly Silberstein, M.D Tarzana 818-996-3200 Deepjot K. Singh Deepjot K. Singh, M.D. Torrance 310-373-7900 Karyn M. Solky Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-967-4324 Aparna Sridhar UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274 Frances Y. Teng The Alessandro OBGYN Pasadena 626-440-9190 Timothy Tsui Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-6600 Sara Beth Twogood Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-1224 Hadar Waldman Hadar Waldman, M.D. Westwood 310-556-1427 Sarah K. Yamaguchi DTLA Gynecology Westlake 213-476-1600 Mya R. Zapata UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274

OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE Glen John Apramian St. George’s Medical Clinic Pasadena 626-440-0097

ONCOLOGY Steven H. Applebaum UCLA Health Pasadena 626-396-2999 Ani Balmanoukian Cedars-Sinai - The Angeles Clinic and Research Institute Sawtelle 310-582-7900

Syma Iqbal Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Irene Morae Kang Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Daniel Kim City of Hope South Pasadena 877-998-7546 Heinz-Josef Lenz Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Vincent Chung City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673

Min Janice Lu Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Alexandra Drakaki UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-829-5471

Aashini K. Master UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-998-4747

Noam Z. Drazin Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3343 Anthony B. El-Khoueiry Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Shahrooz Eshaghian Cedars-Sinai Century City 310-229-3555 Marwan G. Fakih City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 John A. Glaspy UCLA Health Porter Ranch 818-271-2500 Jason Ho Metropolitan Hematology Oncology Medical Group Inc. Westlake 213-877-6252 David M. Hoffman Cedars-Sinai - Tower Hematology Oncology Medical Group Beverly Hills 310-888-8680 Sara A. Hurvitz UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-998-4747 Gino Kim In Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Philomena F. McAndrew Cedars-Sinai - Tower Hematology Oncology Medical Group Beverly Hills 310-888-8680 Mark V. McNamara Keck Medicine of USC Pasadena (800) USC-CARE Youram Nassir Cancer Care Institute Mid Wilshire 323-930-2324 Jorge J. Nieva Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Niki Patel City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Lawrence D. Piro Cedars-Sinai - The Angeles Clinic and Research Institute Sawtelle 310-582-7900 David I. Quinn Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Kevin S. Scher Cedars-Sinai - Tower Hematology Oncology Medical Group Beverly Hills 310-888-8680

Lasika C. Seneviratne USC Verdugo Hills Hospital Westlake 213-977-1214

David S. Boyer Retina-Vitreous Associates Medical Group Westlake 213-483-8810

Ravi M. Shankar PIH Health Whittier 562-789-5480

Michael A. Burnstine Eyesthetic, Inc. Pasadena 626-662-7661

Dennis J. Slamon UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-998-4747 Marina Vaysburd Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3297 Henry Wang Keck Medicine of USC Arcadia (800) USC-CARE

Candy K. Chan Milestones Retina Eye Care South Pasadena 626-507-5655 Jessica R. Chang Keck Medicine of USC - USC Roski Eye Institute Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

David Aizuss Ophthalmology Associates of the Valley Encino 747-227-7412

Kerry Assil Assil Eye Institute of Los Angeles Beverly Hills 310-651-2300 Gavin G. Bahadur UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-829-0160 John D. Bartlett UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-5000 Sahar Bedrood Acuity Eye Group & Retina Institute Pasadena Pasadena 626-269-5348 Jesse Berry Keck Medicine of USC - USC Roski Eye Institute Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Benjamin B. Bert UCLA Health Pasadena 626-817-4747 Mark Borchert Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2347 Brian Boxer Wachler Boxer Wachler Vision Institute Beverly Hills 310-860-1900

Uday Devgan Devgan Eye Surgery Sawtelle 800-337-1969 Justin Dredge Colvard-Kandavel Eye Center Encino 818-906-2929 Steven C. Dresner Eyesthetica Inc. Santa Monica 310-362-2289 Calvin T. Eng Garfield Medical Center Monterey Park 626-289-8260 Kimberly K. Gokoffski Keck Medicine of USC - USC Roski Eye Institute Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE


Tarek Alasil Acuity Eye Group & Retina Institute - Los Angeles Westlake 213-413-7301

Luke Deitz Wright Center Beverly Grove 310-652-6420

BRENT MOELLEKEN, MD, FACS Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery BRENT R. W. MOELLEKEN, MD, FACS

120 S. Spalding Dr., Ste. 110, Beverly Hills 310-273-1001 drbrent.com

Tom S. Chang Acuity Eye Group & Retina Institute Arcadia Arcadia 626-574-0009 Brian Chen Acuity Eye Group & Retina Institute Lincoln Heights Lincoln Heights 323-221-6186 Vikas Chopra UCLA Health Arcadia 626-254-9010 D. Michael Colvard Colvard-Kandavel Eye Center Encino 818-906-2929 Michael J. Davis Acuity Eye Group & Retina Institute Downey Downey 562-862-6200 Pouya N. Dayani Retina-Vitreous Associates Medical Group Westlake 213-483-8810

Kweku Grant-Acquah Acuity Eye Group & Retina Institute Westchester Westchester 310-673-2020 Melinda Hakim Dr. Melinda Hakim Beverly Hills 310-657-3030 J. Martin Heur Keck Medicine of USC - USC Roski Eye Institute Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Jeffrey Huang Diamond Vision Institute Alhambra 626-799-2075 Jennifer S. Huang Southland Eye Surgeons Monterey Park 626-289-8260 Renu V. Jivrajka M/S Surgery Center LLC Whittier 562-690-8097 Arbi Khemichian Huntington Hospital Pasadena 626-796-5325 Monica Ralli Khitri UCLA Health Pasadena 626-817-4747 Mark Kramar Ophthalmology Associates of the Valley Encino 747-227-7412

Howard R. Krauss Pacific Neuroscience Institute Santa Monica 310-582-7640 Maziar Lalezary Doctor Retina Beverly Hills 310-571-5026 Linda A. Lam Keck Medicine of USC - USC Roski Eye Institute Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Marcos Lemor Marcos Lemor, M.D. East L.A. 323-262-3333 Christopher C. Lo Eyesthetica Inc. Downtown L.A. 213-770-6304 Kenneth L. Lu UCLA Health Arcadia 626-254-9010 Jonathan I. Macy Macy Eye Center Beverly Grove 310-861-3764 Michael P. Miller Michael P. Miller, M.D. Pasadena 626-585-8700 Audrey Mok Eye Treatment Center Long Beach 562-988-8668

Srinivas R. Sadda UCLA Health Arcadia 626-254-9010 Alfredo A. Sadun UCLA Health Pasadena 626-817-4747 David B. Samimi Eyesthetica Inc. Encino 213-318-3037 Irene F. Sasaki Eye Treatment Center Long Beach 562-988-8668 Aaron Savar Eyes by Savar Beverly Hills 310-276-9800 Neda Shamie Maloney-Shamie Vision Institute Westwood 310-882-6365 Avneet K. Sodhi Gaur Assil Eye Institute of Los Angeles Beverly Hills 310-651-2300 Alice Song Dr. Song Vision Pasadena 626-844-9393 Julia Song Dr. Song Vision Pasadena 626-844-9393

Andrew A. Moshfeghi Keck Medicine of USC- USC Roski Eye Institute Pasadena (800) USC-CARE Annie Nguyen Keck Medicine of USC - USC Roski Eye Institute Boyle Heights 323-442-6335 Vicky C. Pai Huntington Hospital Pasadena 626-796-5325 Vivek Ravindra Patel Keck Medicine of USC - USC Roski Eye Institute Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE David Richardson David Richardson, M.D. San Marino 626-289-7856 Daniel B. Rootman UCLA Health Pasadena 626-817-4747

NEAL K. PATEL, DPM, DABPM Podiatric Medicine, Wound Care and Amputation Prevention WOUND INSTITUTE OF AMERICA 250 N. Robertson Blvd., Ste. 106, Beverly Hills 310-919-4179 npatel@ woundinstitute.com woundinstitute.com

Abraham E. Soroudi Soroudi Vision Lasik & Eye Centers West L.A. 310-474-2010 Brian C. Toy Keck Medicine of USC - USC Roski Eye Institute Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Irena Tsui UCLA Health Arcadia 626-254-9010 L A M A G . C O M 119


Daniel C. Allison Daniel C. Allison, M.D., F.A.C.S. Beverly Grove 310-600-7176

Raymond J. Hah Keck Medicine of USC Glendale (800) USC-CARE

Alen A. Nourian Dr. Alen A. Nourian, M.D. Encino 805-416-1777

Gabriel Barnard California Pain Medicine Center Santa Monica 310-264-7246

Arash Lavian Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute Santa Monica 310-829-2663

Lindsay Andras Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2142

Michael G. Hannon Hannon Orthopedics Beverly Hills 310-362-3099

Daniel A. Oakes Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Beny Charchian The Joint and Spine Institute Beverly Hills 310-274-1500

Daniel Loder Beverly Hills Pain Management Beverly Grove 310-860-3049

Suhas Tuli Tuli Eye Care Center Burbank 818-845-2015

Nicholas M. Bernthal UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-319-1234

Reid Wainess Acuity Eye Group & Retina Institute Arcadia Arcadia 626-574-0009

Richard Bowen UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-319-1234

Peter Ho Win Win Retina Arcadia 626-447-7008 Benjamin Y. Xu Keck Medicine of USC - USC Roski Eye Institute Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Michael C. Yang Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3450 Steven J. Yoon Specialty Eye Care Glendale 818-265-7777 Sandy X. Zhang-Nunes Keck Medicine of USC - USC Roski Eye Institute Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

OPTOMETRY Gloria B. Chiu Keck Medicine of USC - USC Roski Eye Institute Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Kambiz Silani Beverly Hills Optometry Beverly Hills 310-659-2020 Lernik Torossian Keck Medicine of USC - USC Roski Eye Institute Boyle Heights 323-442-6335 Kosol Vipapan Eye Place Optometry Pasadena 626-792-9979

ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Sonu Ahluwalia Sonu Ahluwalia, M.D., F.A.C.S. Century City 310-430-1310 12 0 L A M A G . C O M

Keith R. Brookenthal The Adolescent & Children’s Orthopedic Surgeon Encino 818-789-9449 Walter Burnham Huntington Orthopedics Pasadena 626-795-0282 Alexander Christ Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

George F. (Rick) Hatch Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Nathanael D. Heckmann Nathanael D. Heckmann, M.D. Boyle Heights 323-442-8018

Christos D. Photopoulos Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute Westchester 310-665-7200

Kevork N. Hindoyan Congress Orthopaedic Associates Pasadena 626-795-8051

Jonathan R. Saluta Los Angeles Orthopaedic Center Westlake 213-482-2992

Mark J. Jo Huntington Orthopedics Pasadena 626-795-0282 Bradley Curtis Johnson Huntington Orthopedics Pasadena 626-795-0282 Kristofer J. Jones Kristofer J. Jones, M.D. Torrance 310-319-1234

David A. Pougatsch, DPM, FACCWS Podiatric Medicine, Wound Care and Amputation Prevention WOUND INSTITUTE OF AMERICA 250 N. Robertson Blvd., Ste. 106, Beverly Hills 310-919-4179 dp@woundinstitute. com woundinstitute.com

Alexis E. Dixon Alexis E. Dixon, M.D. Marina del Rey 310-437-7922 J. Dominic Femino City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Jonathan Frank Jonathan Frank, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-247-0466 David B. Golden Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3326 Rachel Goldstein Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2142

Vahe Panossian Huntington Orthopedics Pasadena 626-795-0282

Robert Kay Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2142 Sanjay Khurana L.A. Spine and Orthopedic Institute Marina del Rey 310-437-7925 Sang Do Kim SK Spine Beverly Grove 310-248-8511 Robert C. Klapper Cedars-Sinai West Hollywood 310-659-6889 Jay R. Lieberman Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Rojeh Melikian Rojeh Melikian, M.D. Sawtelle 310-426-8206 Luke Thomas Nicholson Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Marc A. Samson Los Angeles Orthopaedic Center Westlake 213-482-2992

Edward K. Pang Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-248-7358 Sanjog S. Pangarkar Kaiser Permanente Panorama City 833-574-2273 MOLLY QUINN, MD, FACOG Reproductive Endocrinology/ Infertility HRC FERTILITY 55 S. Lake Ave., 9th Floor, Pasadena 626-440-9161 quinnivf@ havingbabies.com havingbabies.com

Grant D. Shifflett Grant D. Shifflett, M.D. Marina del Rey 949-216-0480

Andrew J. Costandi Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2262

Tae Shin Los Angeles Orthopaedic Center Westlake 213-482-2992

Ilan J. Danan Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute Westchester 310-665-7200

David L. Skaggs Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-6665

Joseph Enayati Beverly Hills Advanced Pain & Spine Pico-Robertson 310-651-6937

Carlos A. Uquillas Shriners for Children Medical Center Pasadena 626-389-9300 Suketu B. Vaishnav Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-6026 Alexander E. Weber Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Andrew B. Weiss Andrew B. Weiss, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-652-1800 Erik N. Zeegen UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-319-1234

PAIN MEDICINE Akash Bajaj Remedy Pain Solutions Marina del Rey 310-482-6906

Shahbaz Farnad Miracle Mile Medical Group Mid Wilshire 323-433-7744 Hilary J. Fausett Hilary J. Fausett, M.D. Pasadena 626-440-5900 Nicholas S. Fuller Interventional Pain Doctors Beverly Hills 310-854-0283 Evish Kamrava The Spine Institute Center for Spinal Restoration Santa Monica 310-828-7757 Eugene Kim Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-7686 Faisal Lalani Pain & Healing Institute Beverly Hills 310-856-9488

Ajay Patel Ajay Patel, M.D. Downey 562-869-3585 Shawn Roofian Integrated Pain Management Beverly Hills 310-926-4922 Nadiv Y. Samimi Pain & Healing Institute Beverly Hills 310-856-9488 Joseph C. Tu Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3530 Payam Vahedifar Nuvo Spine and Sports Institute & Ortho Regenerative Center Encino 818-986-0200

PATHOLOGY Manju Aron Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Bonnie L. Balzer Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-6623 Sarah M. Dry UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9111 Bruce Pawel Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4756 Nick Shillingford Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-5778

William Dean Wallace Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Larry Wang Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2426 Linan Wang Huntington Hospital Pasadena 626-397-8616 Mikako Warren Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2069 Shengmei Zhou Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-6189

PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY Joseph Ahdoot Pacific Pediatric Cardiology Medical Group Inc. Pasadena 626-796-9259 Juan C. Alejos UCLA Health Westwood 310-267-7667 Sarah Badran Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4635 Lennis Burke Pacific Pediatric Cardiology Medical Group Inc. Pasadena 626-796-9259 Timothy W. Casarez Pediatric Cardiology Medical Associates of Southern California Encino 818-784-6269 Elizabeth R. De Oliveira Pacific Pediatric Cardiology Medical Group Inc. Pasadena 626-796-9259 Jon Detterich Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2461

Wonwoo Shon Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-6623

David A. Ferry Pediatric Cardiology Medical Associates of Southern California Encino 818-784-6269

Harry V. Vinters UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-2631

Ruchira Garg Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-1153

Georgios A. Hartas Children’s Heart Clinic Glendale 818-839-7101 Brandy Hattendorf Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2461 Allison Hill Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2461 Paul K. Kantor Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2461 Grace Kung Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2461 Daniel S. Levi UCLA Health Westwood 310-267-7667

Evan M. Zahn Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-1153

Ronald W. Cotliar UCLA Health Santa Monica 424-259-8570


Meagan Hughes Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4191

Fernando Beltramo Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2262 Elizabeth Bragg Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-5591 Yonca Bulut UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9111 Sylvia Del Castillo Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2557

Sonia Kamath Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4191 Minnelly Luu Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4191

Gilberto Bultron Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Gregory S. Perens UCLA Health Westwood 310-267-7667

Clement Cheung Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4606

Jay Pruetz Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2461

Andranik Madikians UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-2631

Leigh C. Reardon UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9011

John W. Marcum Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2557

Mark S. Sklansky UCLA Health Westwood 310-267-7667 Jennifer Su Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2461 Jacqueline Szmuszkovicz Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2461 Pierre Wong Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2461 John Wood Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-5470

Christopher Newth Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2557 Jose Pineda Soto Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2557 Patrick Ross Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2262

PEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY Carol Cheng UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-917-3376

Ron J. Bahar Ron J. Bahar, M.D. Encino 818-905-6600


Robinder Khemani Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2557

Barry Markovitz Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2557


Vrinda Bhardwaj Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2181

Juliana Austin Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4606

Gary M. Satou UCLA Health Westwood 310-267-7667

Bahareh M. Schweiger Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-7779

Karen Sherwood Children’s Hospital Los Angeles La Cañada Flintridge 818-790-6726

Myke D. Federman UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9111

Jondavid Menteer Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2461

Jennifer Raymond Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4606

Harvey K. Chiu UCLA Health Calabasas 818-592-2320 Lynda K. Fisher Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4606 Mitchell Geffner Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4606 David Geller Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Santa Monica 310-820-8608 Suparna Jain Tenth Street Pediatric Medical Group Santa Monica 310-458-1714 Steven D. Mittelman UCLA Health Calabasas 818-592-2320

Rohit Kohli Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2181

David Freyer Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4624

Jeffrey Bender Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2509

Hillel Naon Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2181

Thomas C. Hofstra Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4624

Annabelle De St. Maurice UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-0867

Roy Nattiv Children’s Gastroenterology MCSG Torrance 562-933-6730

Julie Jaffray Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4624

Paul A. Krogstad UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9111

Shreena Patel Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2181 Shervin Rabizadeh Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-7100 Elaheh Vahabnezhad UCLA Health Santa Monica 424-259-8570 Robert S. Venick UCLA Health Los Angeles 310-825-0867

DAVID B. SAMIMI, MD Oculofacial Plastic and Orbital Surgeon EYESTHETICA • Santa Monica • Encino 213-234-1000 contactus@ eyesthetica.com Eyesthetica.com

Brynie Slome Collins Brynie Slome Collins, M.D. Encino 818-905-6600 Harry Cynamon Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2181 Susan Pacini Edelstein Beverly Hills Gastroenterology Beverly Hills 310-659-1300

Ardath Yamaga Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2181 George Yanni Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2181

Rima Jubran Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4624

Kanokporn Mongkolrattanothai Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2509

Fataneh Majlessipour Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-4423

Michael Neely Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2509

Ashley Margol Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4624

Pia Pannaraj Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2509

Leo Mascarenhas Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4624

Mark B. Salzman Kaiser Permanente Mid City 323-857-2000

Theodore B. Moore UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9111 Michael Pulsipher Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4624

David A. Ziring Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-7100

Nathan J. Robison Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4624


Rachana Shah Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4624

Thomas Coates Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4624 Tom Davidson Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4624

Pablito Nagpala Memorial Care Long Beach 562-595-0166

Tanaz Farzan Danialifar Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Santa Monica 310-820-8608

Christopher C. Denton Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4624

Cedric Ng Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena 626-397-8323

Rula Harb Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2181

Noah C. Federman UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-5225

Saranya Veluswamy Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4624 Alan S. Wayne Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2121

PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE Grace M. Aldrovandi UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9111

Nava Yeganeh UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9111

PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY Carl Grushkin Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2102

GRANT SHIFFLETT, MD Spinal Surgery DISC SPORTS AND SPINE CENTER 4551 Glencoe Ave., Ste. 145, Marina Del Rey 3501 Jamboree Rd., Ste. 1250 Newport Beach 310-574-0400 shifflettspine.com

Kevin V. Lemley Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2102 Gary Lerner Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2102 L A M A G . C O M 121


Rachel Lestz Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2102 Dechu P. Puliyanda Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-4747

PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY Nicole H. Cobo Memorial Care Adult & Child Neurology Medical Associates Long Beach 562-490-3580 Jay Desai Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2471

PEDIATRIC NEUROSURGERY Peter A. Chiarelli Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2169 Eisha Anne Christian Kaiser Permanente East Hollywood 833-574-2273 Jason Chu Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2169 Moise Danielpour Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-8061 Susan Durham Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2169 Aria Fallah UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-5111 Mark Krieger Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2169

Eugenia Ho Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2471 Quyen Luc Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2471 Wendy Mitchell Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2471 Arthur Partikian Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2471 Leigh Maria Ramos-Platt Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2471 Tena Rosser Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2471 Kiarash Sadrieh Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2471 Yana J. Tavyev Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-7779 12 2 L A M A G . C O M

Julienne Jacobson Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-3500 Bradley Peterson Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-660-2450 Scott Sweet Scott Sweet, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-247-1517

PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY Manvi Bansal Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2387 Lara Bishay Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2287 Roberta Kato Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2287 Thomas Keens Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2287 Iris Perez Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2287

ISABELLE SOH, MD, MPH Primary Care CEDARS SINAI MEDICAL GROUP 8767 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Floor Beverly Hills 310-248-7077 sohmd.com

Anthony C. Wang UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-5111

Mindy Ross UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-0867 Muhammad M. Saeed Kaiser Permanente East Hollywood 833-574-2273 Sally Ward Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2287

PEDIATRICS PEDIATRIC PSYCHIATRY Katrine J. Enrile Claremont University Student Health Services - Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services Claremont 909-621-8202 Robert Holloway Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Beverly Grove 310-403-7878

Monica Asnani Miracle Mile Pediatrics Beverly Grove 323-484-2245 Eyal Ben-Isaac Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2122 Adrian E. Castro Huntington Health Physicians Descanso Pediatrics La Cañada Flintridge 818-790-5583

Kristin B. Chapman Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena Pediatrics Pasadena 626-449-7350 Yee-Jean Chou Huntington Health Physicians Descanso Pediatrics La Cañada Flintridge 818-790-5583 Diala Faddoul Huntington Health Physicians Descanso Pediatrics La Cañada Flintridge 818-790-5538 Kirsten J. Gardner Huntington Health Physicians Descanso Pediatrics La Cañada Flintridge 818-790-5583 Sandra S. Gildersleeve Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena Pediatrics Pasadena 626-449-7350 Inessa Grinberg Beverly Hills Pediatrics Beverly Hills 310-854-0770 Jayme E. Heath UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-829-9935 Nareen Hindoyan Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena Pediatrics Pasadena 626-449-7350 Candice C. Ho UCLA Health Mar Vista 310-231-9150 Carlos F. Lerner UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-0867 Fasha Liley Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-669-2110 Karen S. Lin UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-829-9935 June C. Liu UCLA Health Mar Vista 310-231-9150

Gregory S. Lizer Huntington Health Physicians Descanso Pediatrics La Cañada Flintridge 818-790-5583 Stephanie Mackanic Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena Pediatrics Pasadena 626-449-7350

Hand, Elbow & Shoulder, Foot & Ankle, Sports, Spine Surgery, Scoliosis, Fracture Care, Pain Management, Addiction Medicine, Arthritis, Physical Therapy, MRI HUNTINGTON ORTHOPEDIC INSTITUTE

39 Congress St. Pasadena 626.795.0282


837 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena 626-795-0284 huntingtonorthopedics. com

Shakeh A. Mazmanian Huntington Health Physicians Descanso Pediatrics La Cañada Flintridge 818-790-5583 Mary Ellen McCormick Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena Pediatrics Pasadena 626-449-7350 Young Nam-Choi UCLA Health Mar Vista 310-231-9150 Petra (Micky) Obradovic Lakeside Community Healthcare Burbank 818-557-7278 Pamela J. Phillips Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3345 John G. Rodarte Huntington Health Physicians Descanso Pediatrics La Cañada Flintridge 818-790-5583 Ann B. Sahakian Huntington Health Physicians Descanso Pediatrics La Cañada Flintridge 818-790-5583

Sarah Salamon Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena Pediatrics Pasadena 626-449-7350 Michelle Thompson Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2122 Rungsima Vayupakparnonde Lakeside Community Healthcare Burbank 818-557-7278 Stephanie J. Whang Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena Pediatrics Pasadena 626-449-7350 Angela Zurabyan Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena Pediatrics Pasadena 626-449-7350

PEDIATRIC SLEEP MEDICINE Alfonso J. Padilla UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-449-0939 Iris Perez Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2287 Sally Ward Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2287

PEDIATRIC SURGERY Dean Anselmo Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-5193 David Bliss Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2276 Steve C. Chen Beverly Hills Pediatric Surgery Beverly Hills 310-598-7738 Daniel A. Deugarte UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-2429

Christopher Gayer Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-4974 Tracy Grikscheit Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-5901 Howard Chung-Hao Jen UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-2429 Eugene S. Kim Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-8332 Steven L Lee UCLA Health Torrance 310-373-4303 Nam X. Nguyen Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-7662 Shant Shekherdimian UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-2429 Cathy Shin Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2322 James E. Stein Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 626-795-7177 Veronica F. Sullins UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-2429 Ashley Walther Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-8412 Kasper Wang Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2338

PEDIATRIC UROLOGY Andy Chang Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2247 Roger De Filippo Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2247

Andrew L. Freedman Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-4700

Steven Sampson The Orthohealing Center West L.A. 310-453-5404

Daniel Gould Marina Plastic Surgery Marina del Rey 310-307-3629

Sheila S. Nazarian Nazarian Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills 310-773-3039

Amir Tahernia Amir Tahernia, M.D., F.A.C.S. Beverly Hills 310-614-9701

Paul Kokorowski Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2247

Kavitha Swaminathan Cedars-Sinai Century City 310-423-6400 Mauro Zappaterra Dr. Mauro Zappaterra Pasadena 626-403-6200

Michael K. Newman Michael K. Newman, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-859-0010

Mark C. Tan City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673

Steven E. Lerman UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7700

Jeffrey Hammoudeh Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2154 Lisa L. Jewell South Bay Plastic Surgeons Torrance 310-784-0644

Jay S. Orringer Jay S. Orringer, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-273-1663

Jeff Jumaily Dr. Jeff Jumaily Mid Wilshire 310-285-0929

Martin O’Toole Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery Pasadena 626-671-1756

Jennifer S. Singer UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7700 Scott Sparks Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2247 Evalynn Vasquez Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2247

PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION Danielle Aufiero The Orthohealing Center West L.A. 310-453-5404 Beny Charchian The Joint and Spine Institute Beverly Hills 310-274-1500 David S. Cheng Keck Medicine of USC La Cañada Flintridge (800) USC-CARE Marc Darrow Darrow Stem Cell Institute Brentwood 310-231-7000 Jae H. Jung UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-319-3475 Ryan H. Kotton Kotton, M.D. Beverly Grove 310-935-4065 Norman A. Linder California Hand Surgery & Orthopedic Specialist Medical Clinical Inc. Beverly Hills 310-657-2202 Edward K. Pang Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-248-7358 Adam H Saby UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-6771

PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY James S. Andersen City of Hope Duarte 626-256-4673

A.J. Khalil A.J. Khalil, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-385-8601

Regina Y. Baker Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Kelly Killeen Cassileth Plastic Surgery & Skin Care Beverly Hills 310-299-8242

Whitney A. Burrell South Bay Plastic Surgeons Torrance 310-784-0644

Betty Kim Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-6090

Joseph N. Carey Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Som Kohanzadeh Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-289-1518

Jeffrey C. Chang City of Hope Duarte 626-256-4673

David A. Kulber Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-5900

Michael W. Chu Kaiser Permanente Mid City 833-574-2273

Charlotta La Via La Via Plastic Surgery Santa Monica 310-829-5550

Andrew L. Da Lio UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-5510 Karan Dhir Dr. Dhir Facial Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills 310-579-2051 Deepak Raj Dugar Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty Center: Deepak Dugar, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-276-1703 Jaco H. Festekjian UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-5510 Joubin Gabbay Gabbay Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills 310-388-9383 Samuel Golpanian Dr. Samuel Golpanian, M.D. Beverly Hills 424-383-8111

Andre Panossian Andre Panossian, M.D. Pasadena 626-765-6885

Justine C. Lee UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-5510 Lily Lee Lily Lee, M.D. Pasadena 626-817-0818 Wai-Yee Li City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Christopher C. Lo Eyesthetica Inc. Downtown L.A. 213-770-6304 William Magee Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2154 Bernard L. Markowitz Bernard L. Markowitz, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-205-5557

STEPHANIE TRAN, MD Transgender Health CEDARS SINAI MEDICAL GROUP 8767 Wilshire Blvd., Fl 2, Beverly Hills 8820 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills 310-423-4945 stephanietranmd.com IG @drstephanietran

Ketan M. Patel Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Jason Roostaeian UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-8827 Jeffrey Rosenberg Jeffrey Rosenberg, M.D., F.A.C.S. Westlake 213-977-0257 David B. Samimi Eyesthetica Inc. Encino 213-318-3037 Nima Shemirani EOS Rejuvenation Beverly Hills 310-896-4205 Leslie H. Stevens The Lasky Clinic Beverly Hills 424-738-0767

Christopher Tiner Christopher Tiner, M.D. Pasadena 626-657-2010 Mark Urata Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2154 Andrew Vardanian UCLA Health Burbank 310-825-5510

Pegah Samouhi Tower Podiatry The Foot & Ankle Surgical Institute West Hollywood 310-423-6637 Alan M. Singer UCLA Health Westlake Village 805-494-6920 David J. Soomekh Foot & Ankle Specialty Group Beverly Hills 310-651-2366 Jonathan Tavakoli Home Foot Care Inc. Valley Village 818-452-9902

Dev Wali Dev Wali, M.D. Claremont 909-624-4440

Benjamin Tehrani Kings Point Foot & Ankle Specialists Historic SouthCentral 323-843-3668

Caroline Yao Line Plastic Surgery Center Koreatown 213-383-3322

Mark A. Weissman Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-6017

Hootan Zandifar Derm & Rejuvenation Institute Santa Monica 310-526-8301

Tamer B. Younan Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-6017

Christopher Zoumalan Christopher Zoumalan, M.D., F.A.C.S. Beverly Hills 310-620-1286

PODIATRY Bob Baravarian University Foot & Ankle Institute Santa Monica 424-238-1042 Claire E. Futenma Claire E. Futenma, D.P.M. Pasadena 626-788-6651 Arash R. Hassid SoCal Foot & Ankle Doctors Santa Monica 424-273-4243 Jason Khadavi TRU Foot and Ankle Encino 424-377-0441 Neal Patel Wound Institute of America Beverly Hills 310-919-4179 David Pougatsch Wound Institute of America Beverly Hills 310-919-4179

PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Mike Carragher Carragher Method, Dr. Mike Carragher Beverly Grove 323-874-9355 Mark Ghalili Regenerative Medicine L.A. West Hollywood 310-295-9403 Gary London Gary London, M.D. West Hollywood 310-270-4500 Jill Stocker Dr. Jill E. Stocker, D.O., P.C. Beverly Grove 310-729-2767

PSYCHIATRY Michael J. Gitlin UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9989 John Jimenez More Ways Than One Eagle Rock 323-999-7599 Aaron Kaufman UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9989

Catherine Scott More Ways Than One Eagle Rock 323-999-7599 Steven Siegel Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

RADIATION ONCOLOGY Arya Amini City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Leslie Ballas Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Albert J. Chang UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9775 Eric Chang Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Helen Chen City of Hope South Pasadena 877-998-7546 Robert K. Chin UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9775 Ari (Arash) Gabayan Beverly Hills Cancer Center Beverly Hills 877-320-5131 Adam Arebi Garsa Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Scott Glaser City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 John V. Hegde UCLA Health Santa Monica 424-259-8777 Jennifer C. Ho Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Mitchell R. Kamrava Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-1858 Tania B. Kaprealian UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9775 Amar U. Kishan UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9775 L A M A G . C O M 12 3


Susan A. McCloskey UCLA Health Santa Monica 424-259-8777 Amin J. Mirhadi Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-5212 Ann C. Raldow UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9775 Sagus Sampath City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Michael L. Steinberg UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-9775 Kenneth Wong Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2417

Vinay A. Duddalwar Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Navid Eghbalieh Southern California Multi-Specialty Center Sherman Oaks 818-900-6480 John L. Go Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Fariba Goodarzian Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2411 Rachael E. Gordon Mink Radiologic Imaging Beverly Hills 310-358-2100 Cheryl H. Hoffman UCLA Health Manhattan Beach 310-802-0200 Paul E. Kim Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Jason Ye Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Stella K. Yoo Keck Medicine of USC East Hollywood (800) USC-CARE Zachary S. Zumsteg Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-2523

Saro Manoukian City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Pareen A. Mehta Cedars-Sinai - The Angeles Clinic and Research Institute Sawtelle 310-582-7900 Marvin Nelson Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-660-2450 Suzanne L. Palmer Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Vishal N. Patel Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Anandh Rajamohan Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Noriko Salamon UCLA Health Westwood 310-301-6800 Benita Tamrazi Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2411

SUHAS TULI, MD Cornea, Cataract and Refractive Surgery

TULI EYE CARE CENTER 2601 W. Alameda Ave., Ste. 206, Burbank 818-845-2015 TuliEye.com

RADIOLOGY Jay Acharya Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Kevin G. King Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Omid Bendavid RadNet Imaging Centers Beverly Hills 310-385-7747

Linda Hovanessian Larsen Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

William D. Boswell City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673

Sandy C. Lee Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Phillip M. Cheng Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Leah M. Lin Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

12 4 L A M A G . C O M

C. Jason Liu Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Juan P. Villablanca UCLA Health Westwood 310-481-7545 Anil Wadhwani Renaissance Imaging Medical Associates Northridge 818-435-1400 Alison G. Wilcox Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY / INFERTILITY Alin L. Akopians Southern California Reproductive Center Beverly Hills 310-736-2079 Zain A. Al-Safi UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274 Carolyn Alexander Southern California Reproductive Center Beverly Hills 310-736-2079

Gayane Ambartsumyan Reproductive Partners Medical Group Inc. Redondo Beach 310-318-3010 Kelly Baek California Fertility Partners Sawtelle 310-828-4008

Thomas J. Kim RMA Southern California Sawtelle 424-293-8841 Bradford A. Kolb HRC Fertility Pasadena 877-577-5070

Marsha Baker Kaiser Permanente East Hollywood 833-574-2273 Aykut Bayrak L.A. IVF Clinic Century City 310-286-2800 Kristin Bendikson Keck Medicine of USC Westlake (800) USC-CARE Kathleen M. Brennan UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274 Meredith Brower Kindbody Santa Monica 323-410-1291 Wendy Y. Chang Southern California Reproductive Center Beverly Hills 310-736-2079 Diana Chavkin HRC Fertility Sawtelle 866-472-4483 Karine Chung California Fertility Partners Sawtelle 310-828-4008 Hal C. Danzer Southern California Reproductive Center Beverly Hills 310-736-2079 Catherine DeUgarte CMD Fertility Westwood 310-873-1800 Shahin Ghadir Southern California Reproductive Center Beverly Hills 310-736-2079

Mousa Shamonki Fertility & Surgical Associates of California Santa Monica 310-453-8500

Benjamin Kretzmann Center for Rheumatology Beverly Grove 310-659-7878

Mark W. Surrey Southern California Reproductive Center Beverly Hills 310-736-2079

Katherine Marzan Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2119

John G. Wilcox HRC Fertility Pasadena 877-577-5070

Gopika D. Miller Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3357


2811 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 850, Santa Monica NEUROSURGICAL SPINE GROUP

7320 Woodlake Ave., Ste. 215, West Hills 800-899-0101 drvokshoor.com neurovella.com

Lindsay L. Kroener UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7274 Matthew Macer Macer Fertility Center Rolling Hills Estates 310-853-6216

Daniel G. Arkfeld Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Thanda Aung UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-2448 Shirin Bagheri Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3298 Susan A. Baker Susan A. Baker, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-274-7770 Dahlia T. Carr Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-659-5905

Richard Marrs California Fertility Partners Sawtelle 310-828-4008

Stratos Christianakis Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Sam Najmabadi Center for Reproductive Health & Gynecology Beverly Hills 424-369-7761

Soha Dolatabadi Soha Dolatabadi, M.D. Westlake 213-266-8200

Richard J. Paulson Keck Medicine of USC Westlake (800) USC-CARE Molly Quinn HRC Fertility Pasadena 626-440-9161 Guy Ringler California Fertility Partners Sawtelle 310-828-4008

Jacqueline Ho Keck Medicine of USC Westlake (800) USC-CARE

Ingrid Rodi Pacific Fertility Center of Los Angeles Westwood 310-586-3455

Andy Huang Reproductive Partners Medical Group Inc. Redondo Beach 310-318-3010

Gregory F. Rosen Reproductive Partners Medical Group Inc. Redondo Beach 310-318-3010

Glenn R. Ehresmann Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Jennifer M. Grossman UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-2448 Arash A. Horizon Center for Rheumatology Beverly Grove 310-659-7878

Anne V. Quismorio Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena 626-397-8323 Daphne ScaramangasPlumley Attune Health Beverly Hills 310-652-0010 Shuntaro Shinada Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Lillian Szydlo Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-3298 Mihaela Taylor UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-2448 Swamy R. Venuturupalli Attune Health Beverly Hills 310-652-0010 Elizabeth R. Volkmann UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-2448 Daniel J. Wallace Attune Health Beverly Hills 310-652-0920 Darice Yang Huntington Health Physicians Pasadena 626-397-8323


Dmitry Karayev Center For Rheumatology Beverly Grove 310-659-7878

Roy Artal Wolfe, Wachtel, Artal, M.D.s Beverly Grove 310-657-3792

Tanaz A. Kermani UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-582-6350

Alon Y. Avidan UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-1195

Jennifer King UCLA Health Westwood 310-825-2448

Ravi S. Aysola UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-449-0939

Kevin G. Chan City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673

Raj Dasgupta Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Joshua C. Scott Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute Tarzana 424-314-7784

Anthony W. Kim Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Vincent Grbach Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Carlos A. Uquillas Shriners for Children Medical Center Pasadena 626-389-9300

Jae Y. Kim City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673

Amanda Chao-Yu Chi Kaiser Permanente Mid City 833-574-2273

Eric J. Kezirian Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Curtis VandenBerg Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2142

Jay M. Lee UCLA Health Westwood 310-267-9099

Seth A. Cohen City of Hope Glendora 844-444-4673

Dan I. Naim Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-691-1138

Daniel V. Vigil UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-319-4700

Daniel S. Oh Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Sia Daneshmand Keck Medicine of USC Beverly Hills (800) USC-CARE

Daniel Norman Santa Monica Sleep Disorders Center Brentwood 424-309-1372

Alexander E. Weber Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Dan J. Raz City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673

Premal Desai Tower Urology Beverly Grove 310-854-9898

Ashish Patel Huntington Pulmonary Medical Group Pasadena 626-486-0181

Tracy Zaslow Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2142

Arun Ramachandran Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-385-6016

SPORTS MEDICINE Bianca Edison Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2142 Neal S. Elattrache Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute Westchester 310-665-7151 Seth C. Gamradt Gamradt Orthopaedics Boyle Heights 323-442-5739 Joshua Goldman UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-319-4700 Kristofer J. Jones Kristofer J. Jones, M.D. Torrance 310-319-1234 Ryan Kelln Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2142 Byron Patterson Primary Care Sports Medicine Tarzana 818-501-7276 Marc A. Samson Los Angeles Orthopaedic Center Westlake 213-482-2992

THORACIC SURGERY Scott M. Atay Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Robert B. Cameron UCLA Health Westwood 310-267-9099 Michael Yuechia Chang Kaiser Permanente East Hollywood 833-574-2273 Robbin G. Cohen Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Elizabeth Ashleigh David Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Loretta Erhunmwunsee City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Clark B. Fuller Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-434-2640 Ali Gheissari Advanced Cardiothoracic Surgery Medical Group Westlake 213-483-1055 Taryne A. Imai Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-2640

Harmik J. Soukiasian Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-2640 Jane Yanagawa UCLA Health Westwood 310-267-9099

TRANSGENDER HEALTH Maurice M. Garcia Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 800-CEDARS-1 Johanna Olson-Kennedy Children’s Hospital Los Angeles East Hollywood 323-361-2153 Stephanie Tran Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-423-4945 Carl A. Violano Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-423-4366 Amy K. Weimer UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-315-8900

UROLOGY Jennifer T. Anger Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-2992 Monish Aron Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Daniel I. Brison Providence Facey Medical Group Porter Ranch 818-403-2470

Andrew J. Hung Keck Medicine of USC Pasadena (800) USC-CARE David Y. Josephson Tower Urology Beverly Grove 310-854-9898 Eric L. Kau Keck Medicine of USC Arcadia (800) USC-CARE

Reproductive Endocrinology/ Infertility HRC FERTILITY 55 S. Lake Ave., 9th Floor, Pasadena 626-440-9161 wilcoxivf@ havingbabies.com havingbabies.com

Leo R. Doumanian Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Kamyar Y. Ebrahimi Star Urology Glendale 818-246-3300 Karyn S. Eilber Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-2992 Gerhard J. Fuchs Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Inderbir S. Gill Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE David A. Ginsberg Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Justin Houman Tower Urology Beverly Grove 310-854-9898

Roger W. Satterthwaite City of Hope Pasadena 844-444-4673


Ramin Khalili Huntington Urology Specialists Pasadena 626-544-0300

Gary R. Duckwiler UCLA Health Westwood 310-481-7545

Dennis H. Kim Dennis H. Kim, M.D. Beverly Hills 310-278-1594

Navid Eghbalieh Southern California Multi-Specialty Center Sherman Oaks 818-900-6480

Howard H. Kim Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-385-2992


Larissa V. Rodriguez Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Hyung L. Kim Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-4700 John Kowalczyk Urology Group of Southern California Westlake 213-977-1176 Evgeniy Kreydin Keck Medicine of USC Glendale (800) USC-CARE Clayton S. Lau City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673 Mark S. Litwin UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7700 Sameer Malhotra Advanced Urology Medical Offices Westchester 310-670-9119 Jesse N. Mills UCLA Health Santa Monica 310-794-7700

Sammy Eghbalieh Southern California Multi-Specialty Center Sherman Oaks 818-900-6480 Terrence J. Fitzgibbons FItzgibbons Vein Center Westlake 213-482-8346 Hugh A. Gelabert UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-6294 Bruce L. Gewertz Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-5884

Marc L. Friedman Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 800-CEDARS-1

NavYash Gupta Cedars-Sinai Beverly Hills 310-423-7040

Antoinette S. Gomes UCLA Health Westwood 310-481-7545

Sugku M. Han Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Jonathan Kessler City of Hope Duarte 800-826-4673

Jeffrey Kronson Jeffrey Kronson, M.D., F.A.C.S. Arcadia 626-254-2287

Edward W. Lee UCLA Health Westwood 310-481-7545

Rameen Moridzadeh Vascular Surgery Associates Beverly Grove 310-652-8132

Justin McWilliams UCLA Health Westwood 310-481-7545 John M. Moriarty UCLA Health Westwood 310-481-7545 Dipak Ranparia Los Angeles Vascular Center Inglewood 310-674-9300

Christopher S. Ng Tower Urology Beverly Grove 310-854-9898

Stuart T. Schroff Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE

Mayank Patel Skyline Urology Tarzana 818-776-0660

Babak Yaghmai Huntington Hospital Pasadena 626-397-5139

Jacob Rajfer UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7700


Robert E. Reiter UCLA Health Westwood 310-794-7700

Ali Azizzadeh Cedars-Sinai Beverly Grove 310-423-5400

Ryan Abdul-Haqq Vascular Surgery Associates Beverly Grove 310-652-8132

Christian Ochoa Keck Medicine of USC Glendale (800) USC-CARE David A. Rigberg UCLA Health Westwood 310-206-6294 Vincent L. Rowe Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE Allan Tulloch Vascular Surgery Associates Beverly Grove 310-652-8132 Willis Wagner Vascular Surgery Associates Beverly Grove 310-652-8132 Fred A. Weaver Keck Medicine of USC Boyle Heights (800) USC-CARE L A M A G . C O M 12 5

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