LaMissTenn District Crawfish Tales Volume VI Issue VII

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LaMissTenn District

Crawfish Tales The Official District Newsletter of the

Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee District of

Key Club International

Volume VI Issue VII

Table of Contents: Greetings from the Board...................................................................................................................3 Service Project Ideas.........................................................................................................................4 District Convention........................................................................................................................5&6 International Convention...................................................................................................................7 Application for the 2021-2022 District Officers & Important & Upcoming Events...................................8 Outstanding Club...............................................................................................................................9

2020-2021 Key Club LaMissTenn District Board:

Jannie Madison Tarifa~Secretary Lieutenant Governors : Division 3 - Viggy Karthik~ Division 4a - An Division 8a - Abigail Division 9 - Josie Division 11 - Laura Divsion 12 - Hunter Division 13a - Shelby Division 13b - Davis Lagarde~ Division 14a - Michelle Division 14b - Emily Jackie Lin ~ Bulletin Adult committee: Jean Benoit ~ Anthony Simmons ~ Jennifer White ~ John Magness

Greetings from the Board: Dear LaMissTenn, Wow! It is hard to fathom that we are gearing towards the end of the service year. I am so pleased to see the progress we have made together as a district. Although serving our communities this year has called for an abundance of safety precautions, it taught us to become adaptable to these unique situations. As we reflect on the 2020-21 Key Club term, I want you to realize the tasks made possible, ironically, thanks to Covid-19. We need to optimize the “good” that can come within the “bad”. For instance, I was able to begin my term immediately after elections. In April, I met the newly-elected Lieutenant Governors and proposed strategic plans with the help of the executives nearly a month and a half early because we did not have to wait to meet in-person (usually in June). Not to mention, we were able to keep the majority of the district funds and conserve this money for the following Key Club year when things hopefully take a turn for the better. Most importantly, persevering through the pandemic while simultaneously continuing to serve has allowed for us to plan an exciting virtual District Convention (DCON) for all members, advisers, and anyone who has access to the internet and is interested in servant-leadership. For the first time in Key Club history, DCON is free of charge as there will be no necessary travel and room expenses! With that being said, I will be thrilled to see everyone on March 19-21 in “Cyber Space” for the LaMissTenn 78th annual District Convention!!! With excitement and care, District Governor Jannie Dear my fellow LaMissTenn Key Clubbers, I really have enjoyed working with all of you throughout this service year! Although it did not begin how we had imagined, I am proud to say that we did not cease to serve. With all of your hard work, the LaMissTenn District, during this time of the pandemic, has continued to serve those in their community. Whether it was helping needy children or providing for those affected by the hurricanes, all of you have made large impacts in your communities this year! For this, I thank you, and I also thank you for giving me the honor to serve you this year as your LaMissTenn District SecretaryTreasurer! I wish all of you luck in your future endeavors and I challenge you whether that be continuing in high school or attending college that you continue to serve those in your homes, schools, and communities! With love, Madison Tarifa


Service Project Ideas:

The Governor's Mask Project:

All funds raised will go directly to United Way of Southeast Louisiana. By buying a mask, you are helping raise money for United Way of Southeast Louisiana. United Way is a non-profit organization that helps children and the community. This fundraisers deadline is March 10th, so be sure to order your masks before then! You can purchase the masks here: 167780&utm_campaign=fr_organizer_email&utm_content=governors-project2210&utm_medium=social&utm_source=copy-link

Card Writing:

Make or buy greeting cards for kids at your local children's hospital for any holiday or occasion. Send signed greeting cards to club members who encounter health challenges, life hardships, milestone birthdays or Kiwanis anniversary dates, etc. Ask members to gather “thinking of you” greeting cards and sign notes of encouragement for distribution to elderly residents of local assisted living homes.

Join the March of Dimes:

March of Dimes is a United States nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of mothers and babies. You can find more information here: &&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=mfb2021&utm_content=brand&scode=mfb202 1_google&gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=CjwKCAiAsaOBBhA4EiwAo0_AnEiH2BQ8Wud6PMtbXfIx02TeNHEqsvtcuQ -bB2k6Gz44NmqmKaqx1hoC-ZcQAvD_BwE

Volunteer in your community: Ask members to bring in new, gently-used, stuffed animals to your club meeting so they may be donated to health clinics in your community. Switch up your club meeting spot, and ask members to meet at a local Goodwill or similar store to shop for books to be donated to local school libraries. Ask your club members to collect coloring books for kids at the local Boys & Girls Club.


District Convention: Theme: Cyberspace Who: All Key Club members of the LaMissTenn District When: March 22-24, 2021 How will it occur: Virtual (contact your lieutenant governor for more information) Why should you attend: DCON is an amazing experience. Not only can you elect your new District leaders, you can also celebrate this past service year with other Key Clubber from our district. For more information, visit

Reasons why you should attend DCON:

The best thing about Key Club workshops is there’s one for just about any topic. Whether you’re searching for new fundraising ideas or need tips about applying for scholarships, there’s going to be something for you. It’s common knowledge that some of the best friends you’ll make in high school will be Key Club members, and not necessarily ones only from your own school. The more you get involved in Key Club, the more friends you’ll make around the state, region, country and world. And the best part? Your new friends share the same servant-leadership mindset as you. Your district convention is one of the best places to start building those friendships. If you haven’t been to a Key Club event outside of the ones your club hosts, your district convention will be an eye-opening experience. Meeting other area high school students who enjoy community service and support Key Club’s mission is a chance you shouldn’t pass up. It’s hard to explain, but after attending a district convention, you will get it. So, what’s guaranteed? Lots of fun, fellowship and celebration! The greatest thing about attending district convention is that it isn’t just for club officers. Any Key Club member are welcome! *Important note* Each club should elect two members to represent them in the House of Delegates. These delegates will cast their club’s vote for District Governor, District Secretary/Treasurer, endorsing candidates for International Office, and any proposed amendments to the Lamisstenn Key Club Bylaws.


District Convention:

The link below is a document that consist of various types of information ranging from registrations to competitions and much more regarding district convention. usp=drive_web DCON registration link here: Delegate registration link here: NQ/viewform?usp=sf_link.

Mr. Anthony's Personal Statement:

Out with the old and in with the new? A globe made of crystal dropping in Times Square? For a good portion of the world, the end of a year is a chance to get rid of the old bad stuff and hope the new stuff is better - but not if you belong to Key Club. If you are a part of the largest student led service organization in the world, the end of a service year is an opportunity to celebrate a job well done and plan for an even greater year of service. This is the focus of the Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee District Convention. At DCON you will have the opportunity to celebrate the impact your club and other clubs in the District have had on their communities. You will have the opportunity to learn more about yourself and Key Club. You will have the opportunity to congratulate your fellow leaders and select your leaders for next year. And oh, did I mention the opportunity for fun? Well that opportunity is there for you too! So join your fellow key clubbers at DCON. Celebrate, Learn, Plan, and ENJOY! Register now and be there March 19-21.


International Convention: Join Key Clubbers from around the world at KCI's annual International Convention (ICON)! At ICON 2021, you'll have the once in a lifetime opportunity to meet members from all 33 districts of Key Club, attend workshops and seminars, elect the new International Board, and hear from amazing guest speakers and alumni. This year, the four-day convention will take place in sunny Orlando, Florida from July 7-11th! We invite you to join us at Key Club's largest celebration of service and leadership. See you there! ICON 2021 is still an in-person event until further notice.

For more information, you can go to the Key Club International Convention website at: We are closely monitoring COVID-19 and will make any announcements regarding the convention in the future!***

International Convention will be held in Orlando, Florida on July 7-11.


Applications for the 2021-2022 District Officers:

LaMissTenn District Webmaster application here: usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword

LaMissTenn District Bulletin Editor application here: usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword

LaMissTenn District Secretary-Treasurer application here: usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword

LaMissTenn District Governor application here: usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword

Officer Election Worksheet:

Important & Upcoming Events: Now - April ~ District Quarterly Service Project (theme is awareness of others) March 19-21 ~ DCON or District Convention July 7-11 ~ ICON or International Convention *Reminder* -Key Club International Bylaws require clubs to elect new officers by the end of February. Please try to elect your club officers for next year before District Convention, if possible.


Outstanding Club: The Outstanding Club of the month is Baton Rouge Magnet High School from Division 8A! The title of their service project is Krewe of Key! Students made Mardi Gras Floats for teachers. Teachers have been impacted especially hard this year because of COVID-19 and this was a way of showing their gratitude! Each teacher received a hand-decorated float that included a water bottle, chips, candy, an apple, Mardi Gras themed items, and more. It was an overall cool and creative service project! Here are a few teacher responses: “What an awesome idea!!! Made my day! Thanks, Key Club!” ~ Susan Rachal-Atkinson “The floats are awesome! What a clever idea. Thank you so much.” ~ Carol Price "Thanks for all your support! It’s a wonderful treat!” ~ Rebecca Acosta


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