With Others
Table of Contents Stud ies ...... ... . . . . . . .. . . . Events .. .... ... .. .. . .. . .... Profi les . .. .. ....... . . .. .. . . Jocks .... . .. .............. Records .... . . . . . .. ... .... .
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In an Individual Style
(above left) Dennis Salciccioli finishes industrial art assignment. (above right) Theresa Franckiewicz practices typing skills. (below left) Diet fads can be over. done. (below right) Nora Greenlee finds individual expression in drawing .
(above left) Kathy Kostielney and Darlene Long prepare project for fashion show. (above right) Ken Loudermilk relaxes because he can't write lessons with temporary handicap. (below left) Steve Umlauf trains in jewelry mak ing. (below right) Mrs. Ulainee Lythgoe aids students in reading.
(above left) Juniors Terri Dunn and Linda Cham¡ berlain prepare to throw the winning dummy into the fire. (center right) After being pulled into the mud, lisa Ballard and Angela Agnets still have a smile of good sportsmanship. (below left) On his knees, Rick Tate pulls for the class of 'SO. (below right) After much speculation as to the location of the bonfire site, the annual event still took place behind the football field.
(above left) The winning float entered by the Senior Class . (center left) Sophomores show enthusiasm in eresenting their first float. (above right) Senior court representatives Michelle Brynaert and Kelly Vandervort share homecoming spotlight with 1977 Queen Barb Belica. (below left) A well built junior float deserves much credit for their second place finish . (below right) Spirit engulfs students in flam ing victory.
We Create Our Own Entertainment
Hmol!; .0.\11 :\:( ,
(opposite page: above left) Couples dressed in their best attire enjoy the dance after homecoming victory. (above right) Member of sophomore court, Laura Le Gault; dances with her escort Brent Settlemore . (below left) Homecoming Queen Barb Belica sheds tear of joy after announcement. (below right) Homecoming court poses for picture (I·r) Laurie Stennett, Lamya Kory, Kelly Van Dervort, Barb Belica, Michelle Brynaert, Laura Le Gault. Carolyn Schultz. (above left) Juniors give final pull for victory. (above right) L.H.S. Band rides Herbie to victory with 1st place club honors. (mid· die left) Senior Mike Haas, Chris Chowning and Mike Hair rumble in the mud . (center right) It was the highest attendance of a crowd for the home· coming game. (below) L.H.S. band marches on for the mighty blue.
(above left) Announcing the Jr. powder puff girls is Coach Palll Zimnie. (above center) Senior excitement is shown after their first touch down. (above right) Running the ball for a 1 st down is Junior Carrie Pool. (center left) The senior Powder puff team cheers on their teammates at the pep assembly. (center right) Lori Stennett tries to break around left end Diane Winn. (lower right) Powder puff girls gather at yearbook assembly to raise team spirit.
'Nubes' Wins Again
left) Tina DiCecco discusses next play with coach Ron Neubauer. left) Senior Class cheerleaders Tony Braconollich, John Hrit, Dave and AI Nettler enthusiastically cheer on their players. (center right) puffers raise team spirit at assembly. (lower left) Senior Tammy Paul pitches oulto Kitty Halley as Sharon Dier blocks. Senior Julie Redhead takes advantage of blocks from Sharon Halley to score the seniors' second touchdown.
Camp Provides Responsible Experiences
(opposite page, above left) Sixth grade girls work on a group banner during arts and crafts hour. (above right) An evening activity for the campers and counselors was to build a bonfire to sing around . (center left) Fossil hunting proved to be one of the week's most successful activities. (center right) Thursday night the sixth graders entertained each other with original skits. (below) Lamphere Outdoor Education participants take time out to pose for a
group picture. (this page, above left) As sixth grade campers arrive at Cedar Lake camp, they begin the difficult task of unloading luggage and equipment. (above right and below left) The beautiful scenery was one of the outstanding points of the trip. (below right) Camp counselor Ann Bachle helps a camper get ready for skit night.
Seovec Offers Practical Programs
Appliance Repair Architectural Drafting Auto Body Repair Auto Mechanics Building Services Building Trades Cosmetology Data Processing Dental Office Assisting Electronics Technology Engineering Drafting Fashion Design and Tailoring Floral Design and Sales
Food Services Greenhouse Management and Landscaping Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Hydraulics and Pneumatics Machine Shop Medical Office Modern Printing Processes Nurses Aide / Orderly Optical Mechanics Radio¡Television Repair Recreation Vehicle Repair Welding
(above right) Senior Cherly Nicosia gets advice from her teacher in Commercial Arts class. (below left) Pam Lixey uses her advanced skills in Cosmetology on customer. (below right) Displaying their Florist skills are seniors Michelle King and Vickie Fisk.
(above left) Looking up a book number in the library is Junior Bob Ander son. (above right) The library provides a place for quiet study as shown by Carrie Huzarski. (below left) Checking over past due book slips is Janet Stri ler. (below right) The library is fun as well as productive as shown by Karen Wehner.
(above left) Chris Wardrop concentrates on his office machines assignment. (above right) John Kwasaborski corrects a mistake on one of his data cards. (center) Tony McCarthy begins the first step of writing a program in his Computer Programing class . (below left) Sandy Dier and Doris Lachowski practice letter writing in their typewriting class. (below right) Adding the totals of an assignment in her office machines class is Sophomore Sue Weber. (opposite page) (above left) Listening to the tape cassette then typing the words is a technique shown by Lynn Klebba. (above right) Sophomore Debbie Davis practices her typing skills in hope for more words per minute. (center) Mr . Ron Neubauer reflects concern over his Computer wire board for "For Tran." (below left) Sue Deguire completes her Data Processing project . (below right) Cheryl Naey¡ aert edits print-out for her Data processing course.
More Staff and Courses needed
Industrial Arts Stresses Skills, Performance (above left) North Central Evaluater Joseph Eddings discusses with depart ¡ ment chairman Bob Chandler, and Senior Rick Boris about the possibility of offering more trade classes to Lamphere students. (above right) Architectural drawers Mark Mustonene and Rick Romer work on plans for their future house. (below left) Junior Robert Tabb works on the woodshop project . (below right) Bob Chandler explains to his class the safety and the u se of a metal lathe .
(above left) Senior John Crampton puts final touches on his shop project. (above right) Junior Tom Labrie works on his assignment on the lathe. (cen ¡ ter right) Senior Scott Junkin brings out the best of his work in Engineering . (below left) Junior Dwayne Marchio works on a final draft in Techni cal 2.
Coed Gym Initiated
(above left) Sophomore Usa NollI bounces on the trampoline as her class¡ mates await their turn. (above right) Exhibiting his technique in the long jump is senior Dave Lee. left) Gym teacher Gary Bandelean and a Corps go over the testing rules, (below representative from the right) A sophomore gym class listens to what is on the agenda for the hour, (opposite page) (above left) A of girls in their gym class participate in a volleyball game, (above Tom Russ and Glenn Rithaler long jump, (below left) The standing long wait in line for a test In jump seemed to be one senior Evanoff's better qualities, (below right) Disco dancing is one of many different things to do in gym class as shown by Lori Hill. Darlene Paczas and Allison Bates,
Students Express Creative Talents In Art (above left) Dawn Lundin looks on as Nancy Glaza attempts to finish jewelry project. (above right) Painting pottery is part of the work in art class, shown by sophomore Tammy Hoeglund. (below left) Giving last minute tou ch ups to his clay project. is Senior Mike Kozlowski. (below right) Sophomore Madry Nowak works on a class project.
(above left) Art teacher Tom Gennette the process of working with clay on the potter's wheel. (above right) Gennette was tragically injured in a winter car accident. Many well wishes were sent by concerned and students. Mr, Gennette is now well on the road to a full recovery, Mr, Mandt, substitute teacher, who also works al Kimball High Schoo! in Adult Education. (below right) Senior, Sue Tanski, works on one of her stili
life drawings. (below left) Ms. Shirly Behnan and a North Central visitor dis¡ cuss the proper procedure for using the anvil.
Foreign Language (above left) One of the famous sites that the students saw was the Eiffel Tower. (center left) The Seine River was a major part of the scenery from the hotel room. (center right) A few of the students rest for a minute before continuing their tour. (below left) The entire group paused for a few minutes from their tour to pose for a group picture. (below right) Another highlight of the France trip was the Arc of Tri¡ umph. (opposite page) (above right) rJlary Gauranskas and Mario Limon look on as Manon Kavesky translates the Spanish paragraph. (center left) Roland Stirneman concen¡ trates on an upcoming Spanish Final. (center right) Joanna Logann enjoys a soda in her Spanish class. (below left) Mrs. Alan delights in the fact that students are being involved in Foreign Studies. (below right) Ryding reads in preparation for writing a Editors Note: Pictures courtesy of Jody Marasus.
(above left) Band members march in formation during half -t ime perform  ance . (above rig ht) Drum major. senior Mark Forget starts band members off with the tradit ional blow of the whistle . (center left) Allen Russek leads choir in opening song_ (below right) Not only does Allen Russek d irec t. but he also participates in the horn section of jazz band . (opposite page) (above left) Lead ing the concert band and c hoir in a song is Director Allen Ru sse k. (above right) Playing the flutes are Juniors Sue Marotte and Senior Sue Dzieniszewski . (below left) Part of the horn section includes Juniors Bre nda Braisted. Doris Romas and Senior Kevin Foster . (below right) Terry Dunn and Trena McClellan sing the soprano section during w inter concert.
Musical Sounds Enrich Program
by John Gearhart
The band has proven themselves both in the marching field and concert stage. Their performance during homecoming under the direction of Mr. William Price produced a fine half¡ time show and a prize winning float. The performance at the Christmas, midwinter and spring concerts illustrated improved musical quality under the direction of Mr. Alan Russek. Out standing individuals qualifying for the state solo and Ensemble Festival were Craig Ryding, Patty Ellis, Ruth Simpson and Karen Blavatt.
Home Econom (above right) Senior Lisa Ballard participates with younger friends at a Child Developement Easter Party. (center left) Lynn Bibin shows off her own creation made in her foods class. (center right) Mrs. Davis, Home Economics instructor, assists junior Lee Ann Ferkel in preparing a meal. (below left) Even college bound students such as Patty and Jean Malo¡ ney need a course in cooking if intend to survive life on campus. (below right) Cindy and her four year old friend, enjoy themselves at the Easter Party, given by the Child Developement class.
Counseling (left) Counselor Ruby Coram assists new students, the Collier Brothers with their schedules . (center left) In the guidance offi ce there is literature to direct and prepare Lamphere students for college. (center right) Wayne Pri路 cer, SEOVEC coordinator, discusses vocational programs with Bill DiGuilio and Mr. John Sterrit1, who worked on the philosophy and objectives com路 mit1ee. (below left) Dr. Parker looks over statistics for a North Central Com路 munity Report. (below right) Counselors keep career guides handy for stu路 dents who need aid in research job descriptions and requirements.
From Lecture to Experiments
Academic Prowess Encouraged Here (above left) "Anatomy and Genetics" students, Rose Springer and Srikala Yedayally begin the task of dissecting and memorizing the fetal pig . (above right) Sophomore Biology student, Charlie McDonald, waits for his assignment. (below left) Practical lab experiments are common, as illustrated by Junior Stuart Kallio. (below right) Juniors Jim Crampton and Jim McCabe test temper¡ atures in their Chemistry class .
(above left) Watching for the outcome of their experiment are Seniors Kevin Foster and Tony Bliss . (above right) Senior Mindy Ebaugh experiments on an Anatomy and Genetics project . (below left) Learning the usage of the bal¡ ance is Junior Lori Hall . (below right) Science teacher, Mr. Miller goes over hi s attendan ce sheets .
(above left) Junior Elaine Doxen works on one of her class assignments. (above center) Working on Algebra is Sophomore Sandy Seefeldt. (above right) Mrs. Judy Fioroni explains the final exam to Liz Pecklo. (center left) New to the Math program this year, Don Weiserski helps students Ed Rousseau and David Niel son on Algebra I problems. (center right) Teacher of the year candidate, Mr. William Leddy helps Junior Sandy Bisch with an Algebra II assignment. (below right) Ms. Joy Heine calculates some of her student's final grades.
he Number Counts (above lell) "Just ask me. I know the answer," quips Jeff Sehi. (center lell) Mr. Ron Bass assists junior Mike Stewart with a problem in Algebra. right) Working on a class assignment is John Finazzo and Mark (below left) Junior Ed Ruosseau helps sophomore Derrick Adams on an Algebra problem. (below right) Greg Engel and Kirstie Gasco help each other finish their work.
Social Studies Offers Variety
(above left) Dan Eckel reads American History research materials for class report. (above right) Mr. Raymond Lucas, Sociology instructor, prepares mate¡ rials for upcoming classes. (below left) Ms. Debra Darland was a student teacher for Mr. Mike Elder of the Social Studies department, tutors Alan Van Story and Patrice Tye. (below right) Mr. Elder's World Geography class listens and takes notes on his lecture .
(above left) Chairperson, Ross Cardew, lectures his class on several forms of government. (above right) Juniors Diane Fuller and Cathy Gamble coop eratively prepare report for their World History class. (below right) Jeff Linska and Dave Sienkiewicz study and discuss methods used in advanced Psychology techniques. (below left) Laura Burgess researches materials to be used in her Michigan History course.
(above right) Library skills are an important part in Exposition and Research class as shown by junior Jim McCabe. (center left) A few of the students attending Stratford were (I·r) Julie Redhead, Lori Center, Sheila Cameron, Beth Shepley, and Srikala Yedavally. (center right) Junior Jim Crampton looks for information from a library book in his English class. (below left) Students enjoyed the play "As You Like It," at the Stratford Fes· tival Theatre. (below right) Preparing for a test in her Exposition and Research class is junior Cricket Cra· vens.
Stratford Trip Attracts Students (above left) Robert Golaszewski previews record review for Rampage. (above center) Senior Robin Neilson receives award for best news-feature story. (above right) Mr. Smith comments on tenth annual thank¡you dinner for journalism students before presenting the rest of the awards. (below
left) Kathy Lazenby, Karen Cardona, Sandi Russ work on yearbook layouts.
(below right) Tom Kain, Lon Halley and yearbook photographer Randy DutÂ
ton, look over the new Mamiya press camera.
Ski Club (above lett) Ski Club member, Dan Berriman enjoys a run down the slope. (above right) LHS Skiers can relax and have fun in a snowy atmosphere. (below left) juniors Holly Walquist and Cheryl Lixey are ready to challenge the slopes . (below right) Lamphere ski enthusiasts enjoyed many nights out in the cold doing what they like best, skiing .
(above left) Patly Duggan lights her candle off the candle of service. (above right) Secretary Duane Diegel explains the service, leadership, character and scholarship candles . (below left) Senior inductees recite the honor's pledge. (center right) The N.H.S. officers listen as great speaker, Mrs. Katherine Daggy talks about the importance of an education . (below right) President Gary Krat¡ keiwicz welcomes the inductees and their parents .
N.H.S. Academic
We Honor You
Detroit Association of
Phi Beta Kappa
David Carrig
Gary Kralkiewicz
Beth Ann Shepley
Eric Pertulla
Daniel Fidler
Julie Redhead
Duane Diegel
Jill Riley
John Hrit
Ann Bachle
Penny Bankert
Mark McCafferty
Koslakis Bis
Wayne MacKenzie
National Merit Scholarship
Letter of Commendation
Beth Ann Shepley
Finalists Gary Kratkiewlcz
julie Redhead
All A's 77·78 School Year
Daniel Fidler
Gary Kratkiewicz
2nd Place V.F.W. Voice of Democracy Speech Contest Cindy Geralds Junior Science and Humanities Symposium Ann Bachle Gary Kralkiewicz Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen of Lamphere Cindy Geralds
Tony Bliss David Carrig Patrick Dengate Duane Diegel Lee Ann Digon David Duncanson Melinda Ebaugh Daniel Fidler Kevin Foster John Garlicki Douglas Geere Cynthia Geralds Paul Hemming John Hrit Kevin Hurlahe Kenneth Jones Mark Kalugar Gary Kratkiewlcz Wayne MacKenzie Jean Maloney Phillip Maness Melissa McBride Mark McCafferty Akbert Nettler Thomas Palmer Elizabeth Peklo Eric Perttula Phyllis Plecha Julie Redhead Amiee Reedy Jill Riley Nancy Sell Beth Ann Shepley Cynthia Smith James Summerville Rn<;prn""r'V Springer Monica Sllrnn<onn Mark Szczotlka Mark Szejbach Sri kala Yedavally Thomas Zbikowski Wayne State University Merit Scholarship David Carrig Daniel Fidler
Outstanding Arts Work Award
Elizabeth Peko Kevin Adams Teresa Grunenwald Douglas Geere Kathleen Mallon Nancy Sell Janice Paduchowski Stacey Clarke Rosemary Springer Pamela Goodvich Nina Stamus Lynn Zink Senior Scholarships Nancy Gibson Kathy Francuch Scholarship Gary Kralkiewicz Fred Thorin Scholarship Mark McCafferty Abe Wein Scholarship Amiee Reedy Milan Bryant SchOlarship Mark Dietrick Scholarship John Hrit PTA Gus Bis Kathy Mallon PTA AI Nettler PTA Dave Carrig PTA Dan Fidler PTA Wayne MacKenzie PTA Rose Springer PTA Senior Service Award Outstanding Service Award Teacher of the Year
John Hril Cindy Geralds Mrs. Jean Candy
He's Quite a
Additional awards presented to Gary Kratkiew icz during the year include the following .. 4 yr. Scholarship for Northern Michigan Univer· sity 4 yr_ Rackham Undergraduate SchOlarship at the Univ. of Michigan
Top 10%
Wayne MacKenzie Jr. Women Club Scholarship Nina Slamus Michigan State University Award of Academic Excellence David Carrig Daniel Fidler Gary Kralkiewicz University of Michigan Regents Alumni Scholars David Carrig John Hril Gary Kratkiewlcz University of Detroit ,Trustees' Incentive Award David University Detroit Michigan State University Merit Scholarship Julie Redhead State of Mich. Competitive Scholarship Program Kevin Adams Ann Bachle Gerard Battersby Barbara Belica
David Carrig Gary Kratkiewicz Beth Shepley Eric Perttula Daniel Fidler Julie Redhead
Katherine Tuck Scholarship for use at Har UniverSity. Massachusetts Institute of Technology of Washington University 3rd pI. Youth Citizenship Award from Soroptom ist InternatIOnal of Royal Oak 3rd pI. As Clawson-Troy Elks Most Valuable Stu· dent in Scholarship and Leadership
Jill Duane John Hril Ann Marie 8achle Kostakis Bis Penny Bankert Mark McCafferty Wayne MacKenzie Karen Gentilmi Albert NetHer Melissa McBride Kevin Foster Aimee Reedy Venus Loudermilk Monica Stimpson Pamela Lixey Patricia Fisher Angela Agents Lori Junttl
Jr. Engineering Technological Society Award for Outstanding Performance in the National neering Aplitude Search by virtue of placed in the top 10% of those tested in 1978 Distin
1st year tuition from the thru the Honorary Freshman arship Fund
Michigan Legislative Merit Award 4 yr. Chancellor'S Honorary Scholarship for Washington University in St. Louis 4 yr. Rode-Hulman Scholarship for Rose-Hul man Institute of Technology
"You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown!" (above left) In all of the six performances, Glenn Henderson kept his enthusiasm about his role as Charlie Brown. (above right) Starring in "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" were, Glenn Henderson as Charlie Brown, Joey Neal as Schroder, and Lee Ann Digon as Snoopy. (below left) Taking time out from rehearsal are cast members Tammy Hoeglund as Linus, Sharon Simpson as Lucy, and Allison Bates as Patti. (below right) The band members also played part in "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown." (opposite page) (above right)"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" technical crew, were from left: Lynn Joslyn, Direc tor Joe Kash, Lynnette Miller, Lesa Eickholt, Bob Dupell, and Phil Sabatini. (center left) Lucy, shows her younger brother Linus, who is boss in a scene from the 1978 Musical "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown." (center right) Before the play is to begin, cast members make sure props are in order. (below left) Working the light controls are Juniors Bob Dupell and Phil Dier. (below right) Band members work just as hard as cast members during rehearsals.
The Docto~
15 OUT
(above left) Debbie Tack supports the sophomore class during Spirit Week assembly. (above center) The Junior Class mascot joins in the spirit with Mar· cia Oja. Cindy Larzlere. Dawn Loudermilk and Lamya Kory . (above right) Senior Pam Lixey picks up a first place with hula· hoop tricks . (below left) Juniors bunny hop for 50's Day. (below center) Tom Brynaert competes for the sopho· mores in the scooter race. a new event for 78. (below right) Spirit Week involves staff at assembly (I·r) Ms . Candy. Mr. Sheridan. Ms. Nobel. Ms. Pen· nington. Newly appointed. Curriculum director Dr. Fritz Esch. Mr. Wesierski and Mr. Smith .
Spirit Week! Yeh! (above left) Sharon Dier, Sandi Russ, Tammy Peterson, Diane Pesta sup¡ port their classes on farmer day. (center left) Balloons and cheers promote spirit with Seniors Linda Marchesi, Debbie Koan, Cheryl Naeyaerl. (center right) Sharon Simpson and Curt Pool display fifties dance talents during lunch. (below left) Cathy Gilbert, Lamya Kory, Marcia Oja illustrate the closeness felt by the Junior Class. (below right) The race is on between Jun¡ ior Robin Postoian and Senior Lori Pesamoska.
(above left) Susan Caulkins and Chris Hatfield periorm "the bump" during the dance. (upper center) Boogieing with friends has always been a part of Battle of Bands. (upper right) Senior John Francuch and junior LOri Stennett are "twisting the night away." (center left) "Nytro" band members jam to one of the songs that led them on their way to a first place spot in the "Battle of the Bands" competition. (center right) Spectators sil in bleacher's to get a better view of the band. (below right) Students gather around the stage to get a closer look at "Nytro."
Variety ounts (above left) The Alma College Band presents their Scottish cultural history to the Lamphere Students. (center left) The line dance is a new thing as the sophomores display. (center right) "I enjoyed the Mime Ensemble Panto mimesmines. I thought they were the best assembly of the year," stated sophomore Karen Cardona. (below left) Besides assemblies, the Major Events Committee also dances. (below right) Props were a big act. part of the "Mime
We Honor Our Academic Winners
(opposite page) (above right) The 1978 Honors Students receive applause from the audience. (center left) Senior Liz Peklo presents Mindy Ebaugh with an award. (center left) Steve Bently receives an award from Duane Die gel at the Honors Convocation. (below left) Dave Carrig, one of the three winners of the Michigan Regents Alumni Scholars, is recognized as Co Valedictorian by Mr. George Jesko. (below right) Mr. Dave Hadden presents
senior Cindy Geralds with a trophy for the Three Year School Service award . (above left) 1978-79 President of N.H.S. is Victoria Lim. (above right) Mar· tha Zbikowski, who won an award for Literature, presents a certificate to senior Mike Murto. (below left) Receiving an award from Srikala Yedavally for band is sophomore Bill Gray. (below right) Principal Dave Hadden pres· ents Nancy Gibson with an award .
Fashion With Flair (above right) Junior Lamya Kory models spring fashions supplied by Korvettes. (above left) Big attractions in a small way were Kristina Gilbertson and Jennifer Russell. (below left) Flower arrangement brightened the show. (below right) Dancers from Cass Tech High S~hool entertained fashion show patrons.
(above left) Tom Alexander and Delonou s Elswi ch model the latest styles for a spring wedding. (above right) Steve Kalnasy models a tuxedo from Presi ¡ dential formal wear . (center right) Junior Mary Hines jumps into spring fashions as a model. (below left) Mrs. Leutz works with Doreen Elwert, Penny Smith, and fashion show co¡ordinator, Sue Hasse.
(above left) Jody Marasus does an excellent job playing piano for the Senior Variety show . (center right) Crew members also played a big part in the Senior Variety show. (about right) Monica Stimp· son, lisa Ballard and Nadine Scartozze become Boogie Woogie Bugle Boys for the evening. (below right) The 1978 show members take a minute from dress rehearsal to pose for a picture . (opposite page) (above left) Cindy Geralds and LeAnn Diggon show off their singing talents for the audience. (center left) Paul Hemming gets it in the face by Kathy Mallon in their skit, "I'm Herbert ." (above right) Mr. AI Coulter does his "Big Bopper" skit to the well known song of "Great Balls of Fire ." (Below left) "The Bums" Sue Haase, Phyllis Pie· cha , Joan Wilgus, perform their song, "Side by Side." (below right) John Francuch and Jim Som· merville perform for audience.
Senioritis '78
(above left) Varsity cheerleader Wendy Sowinski shows enthusiasm for touch· down . (above middle) Junior Robin Postoian does routine to the band music during halftime. (above right) J.V. basketball cheerleaders do a "back·break· ing" mount to say "Watch Out." (middle left) J.V. football cheerleaders show ability to mount. (1 st row I·r) Debbie Barnett. Tammy McDonald. Debbie Hamp· ton . (2nd row I·r) Carrie Reedy. Pati Benskey. Denise Doughman. Pat Hart. (middle right) J.V. and varsity cheerleaders get together for a night of home· coming. (below right) Varsity cheerleaders mount during time·out at Lam· phere·Eisenhower game.
(above left) Wendy Sowinski and Cathy Gilbert look through the award win · ning yearbook after the game . (center) J.V. Cheerleaders " Rut Tut" Cindy Novey, Carolyn Shultz, Denise Doughman, Chris Wernet, Laurie Geralds. (above right) Pom Pon waits anxiously for the beat that will start their rou · tine . (I ·r) Denise Clark, Athena Kortesis . (below left) Gay Gillesby cheers for another Lamphere vi ctory . (below right) Michelle Sennett dances to the beat of the music during halftime.
(above left) Home Economics teacher Mrs. Margaret Leutze shows her stu¡ dents work to an admirer. (above center) A second place award is given to one of the many fine displays of art. (above right) Many spectators came to see such art creations as these. (center left) Seniors Barb Belica and Ann Christoff display art objects that can be won in the art raffle. (center right) Wayne Mac¡ Kenzie. recipient of a $100.00 scholarship. poses with his first place sculpture. (below right) Some of the many clay products were exhibited in the student art show.
Razz-ma-tazz! (above left) The community beauty pageant brings in entries from the city council to the adult education director. (center left) P.U. players take on the challenge of raising scholarship money for Lamphere students. (above right) The life-guard and the beach of the 1920's come together to sing. (below left) Strolling through the early years and the good old days. (below right) "Razz¡ma -tazz and all that jazz, " razzel dazzeled them through ¡out the show.
¡ Group Celeb orenslc
(above left) Coach Scott McCarthy, assistant coach Audrey Tomeo and Senior members of the Forensics team show off their beer mugs. (above right) Scott McCarthy congratulates Senior Beth Shepley for being top speaker of the year. (below left) Junior Martha Zibkowski receives her medal lor her lirst place in informative speaking. right) Junior Dave Jordan gets medal for third place in humorous Editor'S note: Photos by Kathy McCarthy
Our hanks (above left) Mrs. Jean Schick assists us in guidance office. (above
Fran Taylor serves us in attendance and patching up minor injuries.
right) Mrs. Lois Fields keeps activity accounts in order. (center left) Sue
Achrem, PBX operator, and Mrs. Joanne Sliwka, athletic discuss lat¡
est news. (center right) Mrs. Betty Barrow, cafeteria manager, up lunch¡
eon menu. (below left) Mrs. Lavon Wellman is our "Gal Friday" and listening
ear for our concerns.
Co-op Banquet
(above left) An active co-op leader was senior Rick Boris. (above right) Mr.
Bob Dowling, DECA coordinator, presents the four year committee report to
the school board. (belO'N left) Pat Conway and wife Louise join in the cele
bration for the working student. (center right) Every year Lamphere Indus
trial Art students place in statewide competition and their work is displayed
at the Michigan State Fair.
(opposite page) (above left) Terry Manns and her boss enjoy the Co-Op Ban
quet dinner held at the Warren Chateau. (above right) Mr. Gary Henderson,
T. and I. Coordinator, and Mike Glomski mark attendance records. (below lef1) Co·op coordinator Mrs. Gloria Muhlada and Mr_ Gary Henderson are present at banquet to honor students. (below right) Venus Loudermilk chats with Kim Borowski and her boss.
Journalism Efforts Rewarded (above left) Receiving an award from Miss Nobel for outstanding achieve ment is junior Rose Falta . Sam Slis, Taylor Publishing Company representa tive gave Kathy Lazenby the Outstanding Yearbooker Award. (below left) Senior Brian King receives an award from Nancy Nobel for his copy writing . (below right) Best News Story from M.I.P.A. is awarded to junior Mike Mas cotto (above right) Mr. Smith receives news staff "thank·you." (opposite page) (above right) Mr. Dave Smith presents Lori Juntti with an
award for Best newspaper student of the year, as sen ior Tony Braconovich awarded outstanding achievement looks on . (center left) Receiving her award for outstanding service to the Newspaper Staff is Ann Knaggs_ (below left) "Nan" thanks her "photogs" for their special gift wrapped in gold (borrowed gold napkins from the Stephenson Club l ). (center left) Guest speaker at the Stephenson Club for the Publications Banquet was lack Burns, disc jockey from WABX.
(above left) Coach Terry Zuzinilac presents Eric Pertulla with trophy and team picture. (above center) Wrestling coach Pete McKenzie proudly shows off his Oakland "A" champs. (above right) John Harris is awarded for his contrib路 utions in track. (center left) Friends and relatives were present as well as the athletes. (center right) Teamonship was illustrated all year by the football play路 ers. (below right) Co路Captain Dave Moran receives awards and trophy for var路 sity wrestling from JV coach Mike Koffman .
Sports Banquets (above left) Buster Sunde, most valuable player for boys sports, displays trophies and certificates for M.V.P. of baseball and basketball, he received. (center left) M.V.P.'s for boys sports are Paul Fontano, basketball; John Harris, cross country; AI Nettier, tennis; Bill Haas, golf; Jeff Schwed!, swim¡ ming; Eric Pertulla, track; Jack Romeo, football; Dave Moran, wrestling; Buster Sunde, basketball and baseball. (center right) Friends and family were at the sports banquet to help congratulate the athletes. (below left) Sophomore Paul Fontano leads the way through the food line at the '78 Sports Banquet, held at the San Marino Club. (below right) Coach Herzig congratulates basketball players on their fine job done on the court.
(above left) Coaches enjoy conversation before the buffet dinner. (above right) Third year swimmers Nancy Gibson and Cindy Oparka shared high honors. (below left) Friends Julie Redhead and Beth Sheply share spirit of the evening. (below right) Students thank Miss Ann Pennington for her enthusiasm, hard work, and coaching support of the girls tennis, volleyball and softball. (opposite page) (above left) Sophomore Kathy Werp receives a medal from Coach Chuck Tomajian for breaking the league record in two mile . (above right) M.V.P.'s Deidre Gasco, Sue Caulkins, Nancy Gibson and Vickie Simp son, show off their awards. (below left) Cathy Palmer, Cindy Larzelere, Karen Belling and Rochell Lundin pose before Dinner. (below right) Half season sof1ball coach Mrs. Debbie Chartier explains the irony of the season .
Teacher of the Year was Mrs. Jean Candy who shared the nominations with AI Coulter, Dean Covert, Bill Leddy and Richard Yaroch.
North Cent
Administration ncourages
Dave Hadden Principal
James McCann Assistant Principal
George Jesko Assistant Principal Athletic Director
William Di Giulio
Vocational Director
Clerical Staff Offers Assistan Teach rs mploy Varying Philosophies Lavon Wellman Suzanne Achrem
Eleanor Crandall Lois Fields
Barbara Rettig Gene Schick
Joanne Sliwka Fran Taylor
Donna Wolschiager
Paul Zimme
Mary Alan Gary Bandelean Ron Bass Shirley Behnan
John Blaney Janet Brown Jean B. Candy Ross Cardew
Robert Chandler Patrick M. Conway Ruby Coram Allen Drew Coulter
Dean Covert Renee Crowe Robert A. Crowe Kathleen Davis
Andre J. Deseck Nancy DeTizio Robert A. Dowling Lyn Draughon
Sharon A. Dronsejko James Elder Janice Frame judith Fiorani
John Gatz Thomas Gennette Carole Green Fraces W. Hamlin
Leo Aaron Hampton Linda L. Harris Joy M. Heine Gary Henderson
Jon Holland Don Hufzinger Joseph L. Kash Alex Kish
William Leddy Margaret Leutze Raymond E. Lucas Ulainee Lythgoe
John S. Mansfield Scott McCa rthy Louis Miller Gloria M. Muhlada
Ronald H. Neubauer Nancy Ann Nobel Kenneth Parker Robert Pears
Will iam Price Wayne Pricer Rudy E. Regenold Alan Russek
Virginia Rende Shelton Robert Sheridan David E. Smith John Sterr;t
Sandra Stewart Donald A. Wes ierski Carl Yaroch Richard Yaroch
Janet Weber
Karen Allmacher
We'll Remember, Chris If a friend is a present you give yourself, our Chris was an entire Christmas gift list to all who knew her. Whether involved in homecoming or looking towards a career in social work, her smile radiated an inner strength of concern for a fellow human being with a willingness to help those who needed it. We will always carry this lesson of the heart with us in her memory. Editor's note : Chris, who lost her life in a medical bat1le, December 21, 1977, also appears on page 94 with her class .
Seniors Plunge In Individually! (above left) Gerry Kubik and his roots. (center right) Liz Pecklo, Rose Springer and Lee Ann Diggon back the blue and white. (lower left) Senior class officers work together for a successful year . (I·r) Mark Murray - Vice President, Sharon Dier - Secretary, John Hrit - President. Tony Braconovich - Histo· rian, Julie Redhead - Treasurer. (lower right) Doug Arndt celebrates his sen· ior year with gusto.
Kevin Adams Angela Agents Mark Allen Penny Atkins
Mark Austin Lynn Ayers Ann Mane Bachle Lisa Ballard
Howard Balmer Penny Bankert Penny Bashakes Gerald Battersby
Charlotte Behr Dan Belluni Keith Bianchini Tracy Bilan
Cheryl Bilbo Kathleen Birach Kostakis Bis Anthony Bliss
David Bohlen Michael Boren Kim Borowski Robert Boughton
Kimberly Boynton Anthony Bracanovich Cheryl Brachel Julie Breckenridge
Theresa Brogan Diane Brombach Krisanne Brown Michael Brynaert
Michelle Brynaert Mark Buckner Teresa Burdette Robert Burgess
Terry Burgess Jean Bush Kevin Butler Kevin Calhoun
Jeffery Cardinell David Carrig Sandra Carter Patrick Cavacece
Susan Cavacece Edward Chaplinsky Christopher Chowning Ann Christoff
Donna Cirilli
Sheryl Clancy
Kathie Clark
Stacey Clarke
David Cochran
Kimberly Collett
Kenneth Collis
Judy Combs
William Comfort Richard Coudurier Dora Cowie Kimberly Cox
John Crampton Craig Cunningham Susan De Guire Patrick Dengate
Janita Denny James Di Giovanni Christina Dicecco Duane Diegel
Sharon Dier Lee Ann Judy Dave Duncanson
Paul Dupell Craig Duprey Suzanne Dzieniszewski Milinda Ebaulgh
Patricia Ellis Jennifer Engle Donna Eskew Robert Esslinger
Steven Evanoff Sandra Evans Jackie Fair Lisa Farmer
Pamela Fellencer Susan Ferguson Daniel Fidler Patricia Fisher
Vikki Fisk Vicki Fletcher Mark Forget Kevin Foster
John Francuch Rhonda Fraley Steve Gable Thomas Galloway
(above left) Seniors Kevin Butler relaxes before class starts. (above right) Sen· ior Jill Riley displays office abilities, while working on class schedules. (below left) Dave Lee studies his geometry assignment. (below right) "Bench warm ing, " a hobby at Lamphere, is displayed by seniors Randy Dutton, Pete Bryn aert, Chris Chowning and headless Mark Pereny.
(above left) John Francuch and Sandy Sutton find that friendship and work ¡ ing together can prove to be victorious. (above right) Sharing memories with underclassman friends is Tammy Paul. (lower left) Concentrating his efforts to the future JeH Soltis works intently. (middle left) Thinking to him¡ self Jerry Battersby makes his choices .
John Garlicki Deirdre Gasco Edward Gates Douglas Geere
Karen Gentilini Michael George Cynthia Geralds Nancy Gibson
Sherry Gilbertson NancyGlaza Michael Glomski Pamela Goodvich
Kimberly Gose Philip Green Teresa Grunenwald Kevin Gruse
Susan Haase Michael Hair Kathleen Halley Loren Halley
Elizabeth Hamilton Sharon Hampton Sharon Hawley Martin Hayden
Lisa Henley Shari Hocking Harold Howard John Hrit
Kevin Hurlahe Darryl Hudson Timothy Hutchinson Laura Iwinski
Bryan JankowskI Richard Jaseck Chris Jenson Geraldine Jeske
Penelope Johnstone James Jones Kenneth Jones Mickey Jones
Sheila Jorrey Kimberly Judkins Scott Junkin Lori Juntti
Thomas Kaill William Kallio Mark Kalugar Mark Kammer
Saad Karroma Dale Kaye Brian King Michelle King
Kathy Klapatch Debra Koan Steven Koch Christine Kolich
Catherine Kovacs Gary Kratkiewicz Gerald Kubik David Kuczborski
Mark Larzelere Kathleen Lazenby Karen Lehr Pamela Lixey
Venus Loudermilk Christopher Louwaert Kathryn Lundin Wayne Mac Kenzie
Thomas Madak Kathleen Mallon Jean Maloney Phillip Maness
Terry Manns Jody Marasus linda Marchesi Laura Marecki
Michael Marion Kathleen Mayberry Melissa McBride Mark McCafferty
Trena McClellian Genece McElvain Kathleen McKissick Gorden Middler
Diane Miller David Moran Victoria Morrow Maureen Mullaney
Mark Murray Michael Murto Cheryl Naeyaert Albert Nettler
Colleen Nichols Cherly Nicosia David Nielsen Robin Nielsen
Cindy Fletcher Jean Nowak Mark Noel
Joyce Noffsinger Mark Pereny Lisa Ziegeler
Angela Agents was on AII¡A honor roll.
Curt Pool studies American Revolution on independent study,
Mark Nowosad Michael Nowosad Lynn Oja Louise Okraglewski
Dennis Olejniczak Cynthia Oparka Michael Orlowsky Kevin Osak
Gerald Osantowski Mary Beth Osantowski Wallace Owens Janice Paduchowski
Thomas Palmer Margaret Parsons Tamra Paul Laura Pawloski
Elizabeth Peklo Thomas Pelkey Pamela Perry Lori Pesamoska
Jeffery Pesci Nancy Peters Antoinett Pietrzak Georgina Pillon
Ann Pitzer Jeffery Plamp Phyllis Plecha Curtis Pool
Karen Porzadek Lori Potrzuski Sheryl Powers Rena Prezioso
Rona Prezioso Cynthia Puckett Jeffery Quiggle Cris Rambeau
Edgar Raschke Julie Redhead Aimee Reedy Rochelle Richards
Christine Richter Jill Riley Lorna Rinehart Jack Romeo
Betty Rothmund Debra Sakosky Dennis Salciccioli Warren Sanders
Nadine Scartozzi Michael Schirle Steven Schmidt Jeffrey Schwedt
Jeffrey Sehi Nancy Sell Ronald Semenko Beth Ann Shepley
Karen Sienk'lewicz E rnest Simms Vickie Simpson Richard Skaarud
Beverly Smigelski Cynthia Smith Gregory Smith Penny Smith
Rhonda Smith Robert Smith James Sommerville Patrrcla Spangler
Carolyn Speare ~~~emary Springer , oy St, John Nrna Stamus
Michael Stetanovski Cherrie Steigerwald Jeffery Stiefel Monica Stimpson
Mark Stoller Barbara Storer Janet Striler Donna Summers
Bjerene Sunda Donita Sutherland Sandra Sutton Michael Swarich
Mark Szejbach Thomas Szuminski James Tamm Susan Tanski
Steven Tatarek Terry Talyor Janet Thomas Karen Thompson
Kevin Thompson Paula Tomeo George Trussler David Truszkowski
Jerry Tucker Scott Turkington Steven Umlauf Kelly Ann Van Dervort
Steven Va rney Kerry Viers Lynn Villan Dale Vodden
Denise Wade Michael Wantalla Mark Wasil Joan Wilgus
DianneWinn Rodney Wolter MieWong Mark Wood
Charles Woodward Diana Wright Sri kala Yedavally Tom Zibikowski
Lisa Ziegeler Michael Zimmerman Lynn Zink Joseph Zugaj
(above left) Senior class sponsor Ron Neubauer and wife, Marilyn, help take pictures and chaper¡ one the Prom. (above right) Voted cutest couple in senior mock elections were Dennis Salciccioli and Karen Gentil ini. (center right) The mellow music provides romantic moments for the co uples. (below rig ht) Prom couples await the main course of the even ing dinner. (oppos ite page) (above left) Prom couples boogie with "Family Portrait." (center left) Prom¡goers enjoy after dinner conversation. (above right) Junior class sponsor, Mike Elder, announces the sen ior class theme, "The Long and Winding Road ." (below left) Karen Cooley, Mark Kalugar, Debbie Barnett and Greg Smith enjoy the music of the evening . (below right) Senior yearbook staffers Michelle Brynaert and Tom Kain pose for a picture.
10 1
(above left) Canoe enthusiasts take a break along the bank of the river. (above right) Dave Truszkowski and Gerry Kubik drift along the steady flowing river. (center right) The food on the boat was enjoyed by everyone including Cheryl Nicosia, Robin Niel¡ sen, Terri Manns, and Monica Stimpson. (below right) The scenery was one of the highl ights of the cruise.
(above left) LHS students soak up the sun in sunny Florida. (center left) Students spent spring vacation sightseeing in various vacation spots. (center right) Seniors stayed together when partying at night. (below left) Tourists enjoyed the beauti fully warm climate. (below right) Seniors pose in their swimsuits for the camera.
(above left) Tammy Paul and Melissa McBride listen to Atma Mater song. (above right) Band perlorms " MuSic lor a Ceremony." (below left) We congratulate each other. (center right) Tassel switch pres路 ents uS as offiCial graduates. (below righ1) Class of '78 leaves Ford Auditorium to the strains of " First Suite in E Flat.'路 (opposite page) (above left) " Whew! That was close' " comments graduate Pete Brynaerl. (center left) Boy路Girl arrangement alter路 nates blue and white school colors. (below left) The class stands for the National Anthem. (above right) Reverend Ronald Retzlaff from Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church and Senator Bill Huffman lis len to speeches. (below right) Mark Pereny receives diploma from Mr. Borngesser, school board president.
(above left) Cheryl Nicosia takes her turn in the spirit week activities by anend ing the '50's dance. (above center) Dale Voden enjoys lunch in the cafeteria. (above right) Kim Borowski relaxes at the Senior Dinner. (below left) Listening to instructions to Friday nights party is Brian King. (right center) A.V. techni cian Paul Zimnie shows seniors what they were like at the Senior Dinner. (below right) Mike Nowasad smiles for the camera . (opposite page) (above left) Sandy Sutton congratulates Barb Belica as she is crowned Queen of Homecoming 78. (center left) Angela Agents is presented with her diploma. (below left) Seniors Ann Bachle and Stacey Clarke wait for yearbook receipts to be filled out and handed back. (below right) Craig Duprey dumps his photographer buddy .
Individually We rewUp in Many Ways
(above left) Patty West asks for the help of a friend on an assignment. (above center) Juniors Pat Morsz and Cathy Palmer wait for the bell to ring. (above right) Bob Beard lines up for a winning putt. (center left) Watching the half time performance are Sue McGough, Vanda Gianelli and Karen Wehner. (cen ter right) The Junior class looks on as the winter sports teams are announced. (below right) Juniors anticipate the outcome of sp irit week activities.
For Second Time
(above left) Junior John Gearhart jams at fifties dance. (above right) Junior class officers were (I-r) Monica Perisi, Gay Gillesby, Lamya Kory, Cathy Gil bert, Lori Stennett. (below left) Brenda Culpepper illustrates the enthu siams that helped win the Spirit Jug for the Junior class two years in a row . (below right) Steve Ribushofski and James Hall share experiment results in Biology class.
Jrs. Win Trophy
Dan Adams Brian Allen Debbie Alios Debbie Alred Sue Alter Gail Amick Jim Anderson
Rob Anderson Terri Andersen Kevin Andrews Terry Ankawi Mike Antkiewicz Gary Armstrong Bonnie Arnold
Lynn Artman Karen Ayers Carolyn Bach Carol Ballard Helene Bashakes Dean Batzdorfer Bob Beard
Mark Beaudoin Connie Beeman Dan Belanger Jim Bell John Bell Mark Bell Karen Belling
Steve Bentley John Berlin Dan Berriman Mike Bertucci Lori Bibin Lynn Bibin Sandy Bisch
Tracie Bishop Loretta Blankenbeckler Jim Blauvelt Cheryl Boren Linda Bracanovich Brenda Braisted Margie Brenton
Debbie Burgess Jim Burke Dan Busler Pat Cagle Mary Cameron Sheila Cameron Ed Carson
Sue Caulkins Ann Cavacece LOri Center Linda Chamberlain Paul Chowning Denise Clark Randy Clayton
Monty Cogswel l Shari Colombo Karen Cooley Jim Crampton Christine Cravens Dave Cremen Mark Crittenden
Brenda Culpepper Alan Davis Dan Detrick Brent Diegel Ph il Dier Kirk Donahoe Randy Doten
Elaine Doxen Jody Dreffs Patricia Duggan Tony Dunlop Terry Dunn Bob Dupell Dawn Duprey
Eric Dyer Laura Earl Cindy Easton Dan Eckel Leslie Ecker Erik Eggen Mary Kay Eichburg
Mike Ennis Rose Falta Leanne Ferkel Jim Ferrell Michelle Forgione Dave Fraley Theresa Franckiewicz
Diane Frank Diane Fuller Jim Furicchia Annette Gajeski Cathy Gamble Vickie Garney Kirstie Gasco
Dave Gauronskas John Gearhart Vanda Giannetti Cathy Gilbert Brian Gilchrist Gay Gillesby Gary Grabill
David Gra in Karyn Graves Cindy Greenly William Haas Dana Hackel Carrie Haddad Janice Hagaman
Ken Hall Lori Hall Dave Halterman Joy Hambright Lisa Hammerle John Harris Sue Hart
Jeff Hartley Chris Hatfield Paul Hemming Bob Henneman Dave Herbert Pat Herman Gerald Heusted
Mark Hickerson Brad Hobbs Karen Holub La rry Hoskins Romona Howard Gary Howe Lori Irwin
Kathy Jankowski Mark Jankowski Jill Johe Jeff Johnson Brad Jones Linda Jones Valerie Jones
Dave Jordan Ara Kallibjian Stuart Kallio Karen Kidder Ann Knaggs Tom Kohler Linda Koncagul
Lamya Kory Athena Kourtesis Cindy Kozlowski Brian Kratkiewicz Nancy Kubit Jean Kwapis Patty Kwapisz
John Kwasiborski Tom Labrie Julie Lambert Dawn Lancing Cindy Larzelere Dawn Lawson Mike Lawson
Tracey Lawson Doug LeGault Mark Lenart Dawn Levitt Laurie Lewandowski Rosemary Lewis Martin Lillystone
Victoria Li m Jeff Linska Cheryl Lixey Tonya Loftis Lillian Lorenzi Dawn Loudermilk Rochelle Lundin
Richard Lunsford Dwayne Marchio Laura Marlowe Sue Marotte Adam Marston Shannon Martin Nick Martines
Mike Mascott Kathy Mazzenga Jim McCabe Tony McCarthy Bob McConnell Kelii McCoy Michelle McFall
Sue McGough Bruce McGregor Darren Mcinnes Brenda McKissick Dan McMillan Louise McNulty Steve Mentzer
Sue Messing Deanna Michalski Gail Middler Bob Mihalick Connie Miller Corrine Miller John Miller
Mary Milner Lura Misener Sam Mona William Moore Pat Moran Pat Mrosz John Mueller
Ben Mundy Deborah Murawski Diane Murphy Mike Murphy Randy Murphy Mark Mustonen Joey Neal
Sandy Nelligan Greg Nowak Cheryl O'Connell Marcia Oja Linda O'Quinn Steve Otwell Beverly Overcashier
Larry Paczkowski Cathy Palmer Li nda Palonka Marty Peklo Chris Penz Barb Perchan Monica Perisi
Frank Persichino Diane Pesta Debbie Pfund Mary Pietraszewski Pat Pisauro Fred Podvin Jenny Poland
Vyn Polmanteer Jeanne Pool Carrie Poole Cindy Porzandek Cheryl Pounds Nancy Radawiec Steve Ribushofski
Marlene Richter Steve Rognlie Doris Romas Rick Romer Ed Rousseau Bart Rowe Dale Ruggs
Linda Karol Sagan Brian Salvati Michelle Schafnitz
Terry Schaner Heidi Schroll Chuck Shumate Sam Shuro! Cindy Schweyer Karen Simmons Denise Simpson
Ruth Simpson Vince Skaarud Karen Smiley Cindy Smith Curt Smith Mary Smith Rob Smith
Dave Soper Sharol South Sowinski Steve S!elrl","'IC:K Larry Starzyk Lon Stennett Mike Stewart
Todd Stewart Gloria Suliin Linda Sweitzer Laura Sylvester Steve Szuminski Rob Tabb Therese Tamm
Mary Taylor Mike Thomas Ron Thompson Beth Thousand Carol Tomeo Curt Tucker Diana Tussing
Jeff Tuttle Mike Upchurch Jim Vaughn Angela Ventimiglia Holly Walquist Laura Walton Jerry Wardlaw
Mike Watt Gail Webster Karen Wehner Patti West Kathy Wharfield Judy Weiczorek Derrick Wood
Maureen Yombor Martha Zbikowski RobZegler Tina Zugaj
(above right) Juniors Mary Kay Eichburg and Deanna Michalski read over a story for an English assignment. (above left) Linda Bracanovich reads instruc tions for the next step of the Chemistry experiment. (below left) Beginning clay project is Junior Rob Vaillancourt. (below right) Chris Hatfield and Bob Seger fan John Berlin look through the 1977 yearbook.
(above left) Diana Tussing and Sue Caulkins look through their 1977 year¡ book. (above right) Junior class members wait patiently for the band to end their break and begin the music again. (center right) Juniors cheer at the pep assembly for a first place victory. (below left) Studying for a govern ¡ ment test can be relaxing as shown by Brent Diegel.
(above left) Juniors Sue Alter and Rob Smith dance to the music of "Air", at the Homecoming Dance. (above right) With the combined efforts of Jim Crampton and Darren Mcinnes (not shown) the juniors placed first in the Tricycle Race. (center right) Dressed for the occasion of the "Fifties Dance" is Junior Cindy Kozlowski. (below left) Junior Dave Jordan concentrates on a class assignment.
(opposite page) (above left) Sandy Russ and Pat Moran distribute year books. (above right) Surprised by the camera is Junior Jean Kwapis. (below left) Junior Rosemary Lewis gives real effort on her assignment. (below right) Waiting to pay for lunch is junior Martin Russell . (above left) Brad Hobbs goes to take the orange from Karen Belling for the Juniors 2nd place in the orange pass. (above right) Laney Bashakes begins her government assignment. (below right) Jason Simms starts the first step of a coil pot. (below left) Enjoying a good joke is Tony Dunlop, Stewart Kal lio, and Tom Lee.
(above left) Herm Mustonen inquires about the techniques of archery. (above right) Juniors Victo· ria Lim, Joy Hambright, and Julie Lambert work together on a classroom assignment (center right) The Yearbook photographer sneaks a shot of Carol Tomeo and Brenda Culpepper. (below right) Year book Staffers Gloria Suliin and Rose Falta check the of each individual on the class "",,,,,,,r\c••a page) (above left) Junior Lena uses typing skills to type a report. (center leU) Mary Kay Eichburg and Bracanovich design and create junior posters for a Week victory. (above right) Lamya Kory and Gilbert repre of 1979 sent the spirit of success in the (below left) Junior J 1m Burke finds the library the perfect place for finishing an assignment. (below right) Junior Brenda Braisted looks over pamphlets from various colleges to deCide for her future school years.
(abol/e left) Sophomores Paul Fontana and Debbie McCarthy perform the style which won the sophomores first place in "Pass the Orange Contest." Pom Pon member Patrice Tye cheerfully performs her routine. (abol/e Sophomores laurie Geralds and Debbie Barnett "bump" to the music of ershock". (abol/e) Bill Belica concentrates on his classroom assignment. (mid足 dle) The Class of "80" gets into the music of "Rock Around the Clock" per足 formed by the band at the Week Assembly. (right) Sophomore class offi足 cers were (left to right) Anderson, Secretary; Cindy Upchurch, Trea足 surer; Laura Le Gault, Vice President; Carolyn Shultz, PreSident; and Darlene Paczas, Historian.
(left) Sophomore s, Kelly Sudy and Kevin McClellan give a good effort in the three legged race during the Spirit Week assembly. (center left) A dance proves to be a fun -filled night for the sophomores. (center right) Sopho mores Robin Moen and Carrie Huzarski anxiously wait for the Spirit Week Assembly to begin . (below right) Donna Amick and Janet LaFleur enjoy each other's company during lunchbreak. (below left) Sophomores are introduced to the spirit week assembly and initiated into high school hap penings.
Phillip Achrem Derrick Adams Kerry Adams Laura Agents Laura Allen Donna Amick Kathleen Anderson
Lorraine Anderson Sue Ashcraft Randy Atkins Lynn Bachle
Mark Bachle
Kim Badarak
Aaron Badgley
Shelby Baker Edward Barnes Debbie Barnett Michael Barnett Allison Bates Mary Bayer Tim Belanger
Bill Belica Patty Benskey Jennifer Bette Bob Bibin
Dan Birach
Mike Bisch
Ted Bland
Karen Blavatt Sue Bliss Bob Bogan Renee Bondar Richard Briskey David Brisson Dennis Brisson
Paul Brown Tom Brynaert Marcia Buggert Sue Bunch David Bunkosky John Burdette Janet Burgess
Laura Burgess Sue Buza Jean Calhoun Edward Camen Donato Capoccia Karen Cardona Kevin Carmichael
Kevin Caunt Vivian Cepuran Ann Cesare Tom Chaplinsky Carolyn Clark Linda Clark John Collier
Kathy Collis Elizabeth Cook Jim Cooper Beth Corl Gary Cox Pat Coyle Jackie Crafton
Randy Cnsp Brien Cummings Aimee Cunningham Tom Danko Debbie Davis Richard Dearment Chris Demark
Mark Dengate Anthony Dicecco John Dicecco Renee Diegel Sandy Dier Sandra Dillard Geno Ditrapini
Karen Doolin Denise Doughman Sheila Drake Laura Duke Dan Dupius Gerald Eggart Beth Eggert
Brian Eichhorn Lesa Eickholdt Sue Ellis Andy Eisenheimer Doreen Elwart Patricia England Greg Engel
Gary Escobar Scott Evans Colleen Farrell Murry Fettes Barb Filipek John Finazzo Diana Fisher
Elizabeth Fisher Frank Fleming Paul Fontana Diana Forgione Bryan Foster Dale Frick Maureen Fry
Marina Furicchia Dave Ga lIoway Ryan Gasco Mary Gauronskas Laurie Geralds Lorraine Gilmore Bill Gittens
Greg Gose DorwinGray Nora Greenlee Lisa Greenly Greg Gruse Patty Gulecki Barb Hamblin
Mary Hamilton Debbie Hampton Valerie Haranczak Ann Harris Doug Harrison Patricia Hart Litsa Hatsios
Kristie Haynes John Hefferon Brian Heiler Glenn Henderson Butch Herman Deanna Hignite Lorraine Hill
Diana Hocking Tamara Hoeglund Cindy Holtzman Gary Hughes PatriCia Hunt Carrie Huzarski Jeff Irwin
Peggy Jenkins John Jeske Tom Johe Kim Johns Mark Johnson Tina Jonas Jim Jones
Lynn Joslyn Randy Kadykowski Theresa Kamradt Nancy Karpinen Steve Kassak Manon Kavesky Theresa King
Lynn Klebba Lauri Kohler Kns Kolevar Linda Kortright Kathy Koslielney Pete Kourtesis Larry Krysto!
Robert Kulis JefJ Laberge Doris LachOWSki Bob Lackey Janet La Fluer Dan Laudicina Troy Lawlcki
Tom Lee La ura LeGaul t Mario Limon Joanna Logan Beverly Long Olimpia Lupulesku Ed Ma cFarlane
Maureen Mallon Lisa Maness Iman Manni Gary May Nancy Mazzenga Debbie McCarthy Kevin McC lellan
Charles McDonald Tammie McDonald Colleen McGrath Tracy McGraw Holly McGregor Don McKee Mike McLeese
Charles McNa lly Claudia Mesaeh Patty Messing Lynn Miller Scott Misener Dia na Mitchell John Moats
Robin Moen Donna Moldenhauer Joe Moore Janet Morehead Susan Morrison Laur ie Moschino Dennis Munger
Brian Murawski Jell Murphy Paul Murray Walter Mychalyk Mike Naeyae rt Chuck Nicholas Robert Nic hola s
Norman Nichols Paul Niel sen Li sa NoIII Ed Novak Cindy Novey Denise Nowak Kim Nowosad
PaulOlsztyn Dean Oparka Sandy Orloff Kevin Oswald BillOvercash ier Darlene Paczas Gerry Pa czkowski
Helena Palazzola Lisa Pantano Stephanie Papp Paul Patonis Frank Pelino Kenneth Pelkey Lisa Perttula
Glenn Peters Kevin Pomeroy Richard Porzadek Kim Proefke Arthur Puckett Carrie Reedy Debbie Retzlaff
Janet Richards Ken Richter Phillip Riedy Dwayne Riley Kim Risko Glenn Ritthaler Matthew Roache
Robin Robbins Nancy Rodriguez John Roge Linda Ross David Roth Debbie Roznowski Tom Russ
Philip Sabatini Joel Savela Brian Schmidt Carolyn Schultz Charles Schumaker Pam Schwandt Sandy Seefeldt
Judy Seggie Michelle Sennett Kim Sharp Robbie Shelton Glenn Shepley Thad Sheppard Mark Sholtis
Tim Shumate Sharon Simpson Gareth Smith Kathy Smith Steve Smith John Sommerville Cathy Speare
Dennee Spears Becky Sprigg John Springer Dawn SI. John Robert Stafford Ken Starks William Steensma
Dave Stema Frank Storer Kelly Sudy Ray Surratt Maria Sweitzer Patty Sylvester Sandy Sypniewski
Debbie Tack Richard Tate Denise Taylor Pam Thomas Renee Thomas John T rendel Mary True
Joe Trussler Patrice Tye Cindy Upchurch Bill VanDyke Alan VanStory Mike Wade Dave Walker
Pam Walker Bill Walsh Julie Warnez Sue Weber John Wehrly Kristine Wernet Kathy Werp
Paul Wesierski Todd White Cindy Williams Linda Winward Charles Wood Kipling Woodward Maria Woznicki
Darlene Wright Sandra Wright Mike Wrubel Valerie Wrubel Dave Youngblood Tom Zugaj
Driver's Education
~RI'tK' K
(above left) Mr. Ron Bass explains the rules of the range to a student. (above right) Sophomore Roland Stirneman expresses how he feels about early morn· ing driver's education courses. (below left) Picking up cones after range is jun· ior Dave Jordon . (below right) Students show enthusiasm for driver's educa· tion.
(above left) Sophomore Greg Engel shows skill and concentration while shaping a pot on the potter 's wheel. (above right) The camera catches Sue Bunch punching keys on the executive typewriter during her office machines class. (center right) Sophomores, Paul Brown and Laura Agents "rock-n-roll" at the 50's Day Dance, ending the Spirit Week festivities . (below left) Jerry Paczkowski displays his creation, a ceramic pot. which won first place in the ceramic section.
(above left) Kim Nowosad and Tina Jonas concentrate on their classroom assignment (above Dan Capoccia, Mike Wade, and Gary take time out from their work and for the camera. Sophomore Tom waits patiently a library assistant out book. (below The class of '80 gave a real effort in the sack race, finishing last against place Juniors and the second place Seniors.
(above left) Sophomore Carolyn Clark performs in a Jazz Band concert. (above center) Sophs study for finals. (above right) Sophomores get involved with child development classes. (below left) Chris Dentry sits still for the camera. (center right) Carrie Huzarski prepares herself for an important test . (below right) Sophomores talk under the lunch-time music.
A Super, Too! (opposite (above left) Shelby Baker cheerfully goes about her bus! in the Office. (below left) Paul Fontana catches up on the news. (right) Janet Richards listens to a lecture given by one of her teach ers.
(above lel1) Sophomores Bill Belica and AI VanStory take part in Fifties Day dress up. (center left) Relaxing a moment from their gym class are Claudia Mesaeh, Pam Walker, and Kim Proefke. (center right) Manone Kavesky proofreads an essay report . (below left) Kevin Pomeroy and Brian Cum mings study their workbooks for class discussion. (below right) Janet More head prepares herself for a final exam.
(above left) Coaches wait for awards presentation to begin . (center left) Coaches Ken Sizlowitz, Pat McDaniels, Ed Hoover, and Bob Sheridan enjoy the sports banquet held at the San Marino Club. (below left) Coaches Mike Elder, Joel Kessler, Pete McKenzie, and George Jesko think football is the greatest game in the world. (above right) Ann Pennington awards Sue Caul¡ kins with certificate for softball. (center right) Senior Deidre Gasco is awarded by her diving coach Ed Hoover, as swimming coach Janice Frame and teammates watch.
Girls Tennis Team Grows
(above right) Junior Cindy Larzelere returns a volley. (above left) Doubles player Tammy Paul shows versatility at the net. (middle left) Third year varsity letter winner Mindy Ebaugh warms up before her match . (below left) Senior lee Ann Digon returns her doubles opponent serve. (below right) First year players Victoria lim and Debbie McCarthy show promise for the future. (opposite page) (above left) Singles player Viv Cepuran reaches for a forehand return . (above right) Sopho more Sandy Seefeldt serves to her opponent. (below left) Sen  ior Kathy Crowe and Sophomore Sandy Seefeldt warm up before their matches.
In Numbers and Enthusiasm
by Ann Pennington, coach The girls tennis team underwent another year in the proc ess of building_ This was the first year a cut had to be made, which meant the interest is getting larger. The girls do a good job_ We lost a few heartbreaks to schools that are basically on our own levels _We also lost to schools who live in communities where tennis is a way of life_ We really can't expect to compete with teams of such caliber. Even though our win-loss record isn't the greatest, the experience is still of great value to the girls_They know what being on a team is all about: to support each other in a com mon cause and represent our school.
Three-Year Girls' Swim Peaks
The girls swim m's third r of existence yet, with a second finish proved to be the in the league and at the meet. Coach Frame stated, " tough to single out any in a year all the records were broken once." Cindy Oparka and Maureen Yombor the first to collect over 200 individual points. Consistency from Deirdre Gasco's precision diving, took to her third regional competition, where she finished in the state and broke the league .. e,..,r.........
In Individual Performance Record
(above left) Senior Deidre Gasco practices on the trampoline before the regional meet . (above right) Sophomore Laurie Kohler gained experience to replace graduating swimmers . (below left) Junior Cr icket Cravens bursts out of the water in the butterfly. (opposite page) (above right) Junior Mau¡ reen Yomber shows versatility swimming the butterfly. She also holds the 500 and the 200 yard freestyle record . (below left) Nancy Gibson gets the edge with an explosive start. (below right) First year diver, Rene Bondar, practices her layout while assistant coach Ed Hoover looks on .
Girls' Basketball Season Offered Challenge
(above right) Senior Sharon Dier sets up fast break as Vickie Simpson looks on. (left) Senior Kathy Laz¡ enby beats opponent for lay¡up. (below right) "Lori Center 's intimidating reach stopped another shot," observed Kathy Lazenby.
The girl's basketball team ended its season by outshooting four straight opponents before dropping their final game to Detroit Finney. A repeat performance from Vickie Simpson leading in the scoring department won her an all-league honor¡ able mention, along with Junior Lori Center. First year varsity player, Julie Lambert, led the rebounders, ripping down an average of sixteen a game. The Rams finished 2 and 9 in league competition and 7 and 12 overall.
(above left) Forwards Sharon Dier and Lori Center dominate the boards. (above right) Second year coach, Bob Sheridan shouts instructions as team members watch action. (below left) Sophomore Kelly Sudy shows great hope. (below right) Leading scorer Vickie Simpson showed all season how her exceptional speed left her to shoot undefeated.
Experience Increases in Game Play Under first year coach, Jim Schram the girls had a learning
season being trained as good athletes. The team was very
small and inexperienced in a quickly growing program of girls
high school sports. "Even though we lost every game, we
always had a lot of effort high spirits, and a blast by just being
together." Commented team member Sue Weber.
(above left) Sophomore, Cindy Williams gains possession of the ball as Rams
move into position . (above right) Laura Burgess goes high for a jump as team¡
mate Sue Weber awaits the tip. (below left) Sue Weber shoots off a screen by
teammate Colleen McGrath. (center) Colleen McGrath has control over the ball
and her opponent. (below right) Junior Martha Zbikowski towers above her
opponent .
Volleyball Games Improve By Coach Heather Pero
The J.V. Volleyball Team had an outstanding year. We lost our first game of the season to a strong warren Cousino team. However, that sparked us to win nine consecutive games before our second loss to Chippewa Valley. The only other losses were to Mt. Clemens and Lake Orion, leaving us with an overall record of 12-4. Our league record was 10-2, giving us a very respectable second place. Everyone worked hard for all those wins. We saw many improvements throughout the season and many fun and exciting times. (above left) Sophomore Renee Bondar keeps volley going with a " dink" . (above right) Laura Burgess receives a short serve. (below left) Linda Kort¡ right sets up Lynn Bachle for an attempted kill. (below right) Sophomores Colleen McGrath and Linda Kortright make an effort to stop Clawson 's offense.
(above left) "Setter"Mary Milner who sat out the end of the season with an injury, played a big part in early wins. (above center) Co-captain Sharon Dier's consistent serve " aced out" many opponents . (above right) First year varsity player, Joy Hambright showed improvement during season. (below left) Strong back court play by all, was important to the Ram' s success as shown by co-cap tain Kathy Lazenby. (center right) Junior Lori Center receives ball as teammate Julie Lambert is ready to back her up. (below right) Power player Cindy Oparka demonstrated the " kill" many times during play. (opposite page) (above left) Lamphere Rams show excitement after defeating rival Clawson in first game. (below left) First year player Sue Caulkins and Kathy Lazenby put out extra effort to stop Eisenhower's attack. (below right) Junior Karen Cooley receives a short volley.
iris' Volleyball By Coach Ann Pennington
The 1978 Varsity Volleyball Team had a fantastic season! We our first game to the 1977 State Champs. War ren Cousino, however, came back with a strong season com piling a record of 26-3 overall and 11-0 We were invited to play in the Fraser Tournament where we lost only one game, placing 3rd. We were the first team in the league to ever win the Oakland "Au Title and Tournament in the first female athlete same year. Sharon Dier was to receive "All State" Honors.
(above left) Senior Deidre Gasco shows the style that gained her a 14th place in Regional Competition. (above center) Senior Linda Marchesi mounts the uneven bars. (above right) Team mascot "grover" keeps a smile on face as he watches a meet. (below left) Sophomore Patl Bens· key improved wilh every meet and shows promise for next year according to coach Debbie Clauser. (below right) First year coach Debbie Clauser evalu· ales a new beam routine. (opposite page) (above left) Deidre Gasco concen· !rates during her periormance on the uneven bars. (center) Senior Cindy Geralds periorms to "The Way We Were." (below left) Pati Benskey shows poise in the beginning of her routine. (below right) Senior Beth Shepley shows good form in meet opening.
Gymnastics Builds Poise By Beth Shepley Coming away from a rather mediocre four and seven last year, the mem bers of the girl's gymnastics team, were determined to improve their team's standing. Because of the excellent coaching of Debbie Clauser and her many new techniques, the performances of all the gymnasts were improved upon and many new talents were discovered. Although a young and relatively inexperienced group, the "78" team was lucky to have a solid background of key, three year veterans, including outstanding gymnasts Dierdre Gasco and Julie Redhead. While more than half the team consisted of graduating seniors, the gymnastics team is a team of the future. Many of the remaining juniors and sophomores are talented, hardworking gymnasts who will continue to represent Lamphere on next year's team. Although the team went on to complete the season with a record, once again, of only four and seven, each individual gained invaluable experience from this year's competition.
(above left) Sophomore Cindy Williams attempts to throw out a Romeo player. (above center) Junior Cathy Palmer keeps her eye peeled for the right pitch. (above right) Senior Cathy Crowe throws out a runner at third. (center left) Cindy Williams scoops up a wild pitch. (center right) Colleen McGrath takes a late throw at second. (below) Bonnie Arnold has a chance to drive in another R.B.1. with Colleen McGrath on third.
(opposite page) (above left) Sophomore Cindy Williams beats the throw home.
(center left) Pitcher Sue Caulkins practices before start of game. (center right)
Team Cheers players during a rally. (below left) Cathy Crowe scores a run
against Eisenhower. (below right) Cindy Williams tags out Eisenhower player at
the plate.
Softball Sparkles the 1978 Softball team ended its season with a 14-1 record lost our first game after a strong hitting periormance In the bul later found out thaI we were credited with a win because ;n"I;";hl,, girl playing on the Berkley team. At mid-point in the season, 1-',..,nlnnllnn took over for former coach Debbie Chartier, due to medi cal reasons. lost nearly every game. everyone put out a good effort and exceptionally well in some very close games. We kept our team not once lost confidence in ourselves, as well as In our teammates. had the chance to gel 10 know each other and to improve our skills. We had a 101 of fun being together and on the leam can tell you that il is true. "It doesn't matter if you Win or it's how you play the game."
Mr. Bill Leddy Is Sponsor
Intramurals Involves Everyone
Junior Chris Hatfield shows versatility, taking part in such intramural activities as ping¡ pong and floor hockey. At left Dave Bunkosky looks over an impor1ant game of ping¡pong. Below, Intramural athletes look hot and tired after a morning of floor hockey.
Golfers Place Second by Dave Galloway
The golf team with the assistance of returning coach Ken Sizlowitz started out by winning their first eight meets. They ended up with an 11 ·3 non· league record and a 9·2 league record. The team finished second in the Oakland "A" stand· ings. Coach Sizlowitz remarked, "This year's team was the best we ever had, but next year 's will even be better!" Except for senior Tom Galloway, the rest of the team will be returning.
(above right) Sophomore Paul Fontana builds up his form and confidence for the upcoming meet. (below left) Junior Jim Blauvelt concentrates on hi s putt while still thinking about the meet. (below right) Captain Bill Haa s, jun· ior, launches his drive towards the first green.
(above left) Sophomore Kevin Carmichael thinks about the upcoming meet with Romeo. (above right) Sophomore Dave Galloway lines up his first shot on a par three hole. (center right) Senior Tom Galloway waits for green to clear for his shot. (below right) Junior Larry Paczkowski warms up before the opening match .
Varsity Football Finishes Third
(above left) Senior fullback, Duane Diegel proudly escorts his parents on their special night. (above right) First year coach, Joel Kessler, assists Veteran Coach, George Jesko, in discussing play strategy with quarterback John Fox. (below left) Senior running back Jim Tamm drives ahead for needed yardage. (below right) The mighty defense is diggin' in to hold Royal Oak Kimball to min imum yardage in goal line situation .
(above left) Players and coaches huddle together to discuss team effort for preparation of this week's game. (above right) Defenders attempt to out· guess running ball career. (middle right) Junior Gary Howe has football ready for quick delivery, as Rams push forward. (below left) Senior co·cap· tain Dave Moran tackles opponent in lineback play.
Football System Taught
By: Mike Elder, Head Coach
We accomplished our primary goals, which were to teach the players our varsity football system and to provide as much on the field experience as possible. We lost to Madison J.V. early in the season by playing as much below our ability; fortunately we drew them in the play offs and were able to redeem ourselves by beating them. (above right) Coaches Mike Elder and Pete McKenzie define strategy for next play with Dwayne Riley. (above left) Butch Herman dives over defender for short yardage. (below left) Sophomore Jim Cooper gets plenty of time from his offensive line to look for an open receiver. (below right) Quarterback Scott Mis¡ ner puts a block on defender Greg Gose breaks through the line.
(tef1) Paul Fontana leads last break for an easy two (above center) Jim Cooper drives hard through the Kimball defense. right) High oil the ground, Gary Armstrong puts up a rebound for two points. (center left) New coach John Herzig e)(plains new strategy lor next quarter. (below Sophomore Dan Capoccia puts out an effort to get possession of the at the start of the game. (below left) Ed Barnes puts up a shot over the Knight's defense.
Individuals Strive for Success
By Buster Sunde
The Lamphere High basketball season was filled with many trifles under new coach Jack Doss, The team got off to a start, winning their first two games. But the Rams fell to Eisen hower on an. undisputed call. Many team members say that that game was the turning point of the season. The team's record was 10-10, an even 500 season; not a great record, but one to be respected. Friends of mine say that our team was one of the best 500 basketball clubs around. The team '01"01""'1'1 support from the school spectators, and next year things should be looking up,
(opposite page) (above left) Seniors JeH Stiefel and Mark Kalugar tangle with Kimball play ers for loose ball. (above right) Junior Bill Haas shoots over Kimball defend ers . (below left) Leading scorer, Buster Sunde averaged 15.6 points a game (below center) Sharp shooter Mark Kalugar led the team in ·shoot ing per· centage with 58%. (below right) Seni or forward Rich Coudurier led the rebounders hauling down an average of 8.5 a game. (above left) Sen ior Wayne Mc Kenzie drives by opponents for two points . (above right) Ri ch Coudurier shows versatility all season . (below right) Junior Brent Diegel takes advantage of the opportunity to shoot. (below left) Senior Mark Kalu gar drives the basel ine.
Aquatic Competitors Rally
(above left) Veteran coach Bob Sheridan checks times of swimmers. (above right) Ernie Simms executes an inward dive layout position. (lower right) Pete Kourtesis finishes his last lap of the 200 medley relay. (lower left) Pat Moran spots water executing back flip layout pOSition. Moran spots water executing back flip layout position . (opposite page, above right) Senior swimmers pose for camera. Mike Murto, Jeff Schwed!, Jeff Pesci, Greg Smith . (above left) Senior Mike Murto paces himself in 500 Freestyle. (below left) Mike Wuntulla pulls hard for victory in 200 1M. (below right) Gun starts race for first place.
(above left) John Fox prepares himself for his upcoming match. (above center) \ John Fox rides his 155 pound opponent in hope for a win. (above right) Senior Jeff Sehi shows a smile as the referee raises his arm in another ram victory. (center left) Randy Dutton displays his best in hope for a place to enter the State meet. (center right) Dave Moran keeps hold and the lead with his oppo nent at the Regional Meet. (lower right) A needed win is encouraged by coach Pete McKenzie to Andy Elsenheiner.
AC Cham (above left) Sophomore Bill Gittens aggressively wrestles his opponent. (center left) Rick Romer begins to put a move on his opponent in hope jor a pin. (center right) Trying to put his opponent in the splits is 132 pound Randy Dutton. (lower left) Trying to put his opponent on his back, Dave Moran pulls a three quarter nelson. (lower right) Junior Dan Berriman works for a takedown against his opponent.
J.V. Baseball Pitches Well
(above left) The J.V. Rams discuss strategy on how to take the game from their Utica opponents. (above right) Sophomore j.v. player, Mike Naeyaret keeps his on the ball in search of a hit. (below left) Pitcher, Jeff Alderson attempts to a "stnke" for an oul. (below right) Coach Chris. j.v. baseball coach. wraps up catcher, Chris Hatiield's knee before game.
(abo\le left) Sophomore Ed Chaplinsky warms up before facing a Utica pitcher. (abo\le right) Doug LeGault comes in to score as teammate, Jefl Alderson waits anxiously. (below left) Keeping score is Mike Naeyaret, as Varsity candidate, Ke\lin McClellan concentrates on game. (below right) Bill Steensma races to third base to beat out the throw from left field.
Baseball Scores!
(above left) Senior Chris Jensen takes his pre¡game warm up. (above right) Brad Hobbs connects for another hit. Assistant coach shouts encouragements to left) Jim "",mnnp,vil!lp gets a lead 011 first. (opposite page) (above left) "Good " Wayne McKenzie takes a low pitcher Frank Persichino takes all pitch, (above right) Keeping an eye on he can get on first base, (below left) Waiting for the right pitch to his teammate from third is Rick Miller, (below center) Junior back in time to eliminate a pick off attempt (below right) Senior keeps an eye on the runner at first en route to a victory.
Boy's Tennis Excels
(above left) Coach Joel Kessler presents Dwayne Marchio with certificate for tennis. (above right) Mr. George Jesko and Coach Mike Koffman present tennis captain AI Nettler with a trophy and team picture. (below left) Tennis team lines up after receiving awards for recognition. (below right) 1978 Boys Tennis team poses for the yearbook photographer.
All-Sport Oakland A Champs
Sports Dominate L.H.S. Activities (above left) Deanna Hignite excelled in girls' swimming. (above right) The shoe says it all! (below left) Mary Milner illustrates the enthusiasm the girls had for volleyball. (below right) Paul Chowning strokes for victory. even though all swimming events were scheduled outside of our building . It seems there was no water in the pool to swim in!
Track Fields Opponents (above left) Sophomore Ken Starks concentrates on staying up as long as possible. (above right) Varsity letterman Greg Gose stretches to clear the high jump bar. (below left) Junior Dan Berriman gives all he has for one last throw. (below right) Seniors Mark Murray and Duane Diegle finish second and fourth respectively. (opposite page) (above right) Sophomore Greg Gose leads and wins going
over the last hurdle. (center left) Sophomores Ken Starks and Dave Young¡ blood hand off the baton successfully. (center right) Mike Wantulia leads at the halfway point with teammate Ryan Gasco close behind. (below left) Sophomore Mario limon shows good form throwing the discus. (below right) Eric Pertulia, who finished second in the 440 and the 880 at the Oak¡ land "A" meet, outruns track runners from Eisenhower.
MICHIGAN 48071 TELEPHONE(313)566'6380
1978 Class Officers President Vice President. Treasurer Historian
, .... ,John Hrit . ,Mark Murray , .. Sharon Dier .. , . Julie Redhead . Anthony Bracanovich
Class Colors: Ught blue and dark blue Class Mascot: Pooh Bear Class Flower: Yellow Rose Class Song: The Long and Winding Road Mr, Ronald Neubauer Class of '78 Class Motto: Yes, there are two paths you can go by - but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on,
HJ •
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Norman Hedges
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28244 John R. Madison Hgts. Richard Butler Owner
Susie's Pan
1800 E. 12 Mile Rd. 25021 Dequindre 400 E. 14 Mile Rd.
Kevin Adams Ann Bachle Tony Bliss David Carrig Stacey Clarke Rich Coudurier Kathy Crowe Pat Dengate Duane Diegel Sharon Dier Mindy Ebaugh
Dan Fidler Kevin Foster Doug Geere Cindy Geralds Teresa Grunenwald John Hrit Gary Kratkiewicz Pam lizey Wayne MacKenzie Terry Manns Melissa McBride
Dave Moran AI Nettler Margaret Parsons Elizabeth Peklo Eric Perttula Julie Redhead Jill Riley Beth Shepley Rose Springer George Trussler Srikala Yedavally
President . . . Robert Borngesser (above left)
Vice 路 President .. . Alton L. Brown (below right, right end)
Secretary . .. Lawrence E. Kanous (below left)
Treasurer .. . Anthony J. Perisi (above right, second from
left) Trustee. 路 Barbara Hulyk (right center) Trustee. 路 Robert E. Sell (below right, second from left) Trustee. 路 Edmund J. Tatarek (below right, center)
"Always Helping You to Look Best" 28834 John R. Madison L18-1477
~"I.' NUN.'
29600 Stephenson Highway Madison Heights
GERALD'S FLORIST 29097 Dequindre at 12 Mile Rd. Madison MI
Bernard Plummer 398-2322
Funeral Home 31145 John R St.. Madison Heights, Mich. 48071
375 W. 12 Mile Rd. Madison Heights, MI 548-1229
INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Alan, Mary: SA Wayne State University. MA Wayne State University Bandelean, Gary: B.S. Bowling Green State University. M.Ed. Bowling Green University Bass, Ron: 8.S, Central Michigan University. MA Wayne State University Behnan, Shirley Ann: BAU, of M. Blaney, John: BA Western Michigan University, MAT, Wayne State University Brown, Janet: A. B. University of Superieur de Langue Candy, Jean: B.S. Syracuse University. MA Columbia University Cardew, Ross: BA Oakland University Chandler, Robert 8.S. Wayne State University. M E. State University Conway, B,S. Central Michigan University Coram, Ruby: B.S, West Virginia University. MA Marshall University Coulter, Allen: BA Wayne Stale University Covert, Dean: B,S. Bowling Green State University. M.S. UniverSity Crowe, Renee: A.8. State University Michigan Crowe, Robert: B.BA University. B,B.E.D. Eastern Michigan MA Mary Grove College B.S. Central Michigan Davis, University. MA Michigan State Deseck, Andre J,: G.S. Wayne State. M.S. Central Michigan University DeTizio, Nancy: B.A. University of Michigan. Certification in Special Es. University of Michigan DIGuilio, William Dowling, Robert: A,B.S. Delta College. B.S. Western Michigan University MA Western Michigan E.D. Specialists Wayne State University. Wayne State
UniverSity Draughon, Lyn: B.S. Principia College, MA Michigan State University, Dronsejko, Sharon: B.S. Western Michigan University. M.S. University of Rhode Island. Elder, Mike: BA Central Michigan University. BA Oakland University Fiorani, Frame, B.S. Central Michigan University Gatz, John: B.S, Michigan State University. Wayne State Gennette, J.: B.S. w.ayne State University Green, Carole: B.S Michigan State University Hadden, Dave: BA Adrian College. MA Wayne State University. Ed, Specialist Wayne State University Hamlin, Frances: B.S. University of Maine. M.A. Oakland University Harris, Linda: B.S. Northern Michigan University. MA Wayne State University Heine, Joy: B.S. Ursuline College. M.E. Louisiana State University Henderson, B.S. Central Michigan University. Wayne State University Holland, Jon: B.S. Eastern Michigan University Hufzinger, Don: B.S. Bowling Green State University. MA Central Michigan University jesKa, George: B.S. University of Nebraska. M.S. Eastern Michigan University Kash, Joe: B.S. Stale of Notre Leddy, Bill: SA Leutze, Margaret: M.A. Wayne State University. Special Ed. M.R. Wayne State Lucas, Ray: BA Michigan State University. MAT. Michigan State University Lythgoe, Ulanee Mandt, William: B.S, Eastern Michigan University. MA University of Michigan Mansfield, John: B.S. Wayne State University. M.A. Wayne State University. M.S.L.S. Wayne State University
McCann, Jim: BA Eastern Michigan University. MA University of Michigan. Ed. Specialist University of Michigan McCarthy, Scott: B.S. Wayne State UniverSity Miller, Louis: B.S. Michigan State University. M.S. Michigan State University. A.A.
Northwestern Michigan University
Muhlada, Gloria: B.S. Western Michigan University. M.B.E. Eastern Michigan University Neubauer, Ron: A.B. Colorado State. M.Ed. Wayne State University. Ed. Specialist Wayne State University Nobel, Nancy Ann: A.B. Central Michigan University, MA Oakland University Parker, Kenneth: B.S. University of Illinois. M.S. University of Illinois. Ed.D. Michigan Stale Pears, B.S. Ferris. MA Eastern MiChigan University Pennington, Ann: B.S. Western Michigan University Wayne: A.B. Fort University of Regenold, Rudy: A.B. Wayne State University. M.Ed. Wayne State University Russek, Alan Shelton, Virginia: BA University of Michigan. Certificate: Wayne State University Sheridan, Robert: B,S. Tarkio College. MA Central Michigan University Smith, Dave: B.S. Wayne State University Sterritt, John Stewart, Sandra Wesierski, Donald A.: B.S. Kearney State College. M.S. University of MissiSSippi Wrubel, Betty: B.S. Ed. Central Michigan University Yaroch, Carl: B.S. Central Michigan University. M.A, Wayne State University Yaroch, Richard: B.S. Central Michigan 191 University. M. S" University of Michigan
16601 E. Thir1een Mile Rd.
Fraser Michigan
William Kain Jr.
~. _ -
" I:C ,:.
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Lamphere Federation of Teachers Pres. - Robert Crowe Vice Pres . Secondary - Tom Ensley Vice Pres. Elementary - Hazel Lewis Political Avtion Chairperson - Rosemary Vasseur M.F.T. Representative - Fred Olds Grievance Team - Robert Crowe, Tom Ensley, Robyn Springer Secretary - Elke Schroeter Treasurer - Careene Craft
mr. dunns' hGir fashions JOI-lN v'lHITCOMB CENTER 31682 JOHN R. BElWEEN '36 , .. MILE ROAD MADISON HEIGHTS. MICHIGAN 41071
Congratulations to the Seniors
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Co-chairpersons Advisors
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mx , 1IlII],1llIII
For the Record Wrestling: (1 st row I-r) Randy Kadykowski, Bryan Fos ter, Bart Rowe, Tom Russ, Ryan Gasca, Dean Smith. (2nd row I·r) Randy Dutton, Andy Elsenheimer, Jeff Sehi, Bill Gittens, Rick Romer, John Harris, Steve Zuzindlak. (3rd row I·r) Coach Mike Kaufman, John Fox, Steve Ribushofski, Tom Brynart, Dave Moran, Bill Belica, Dan Berriman, Chris Chowning, Mark Mustonen, Coach Pete MacKenzie.
Varsity Basketball: (1st row I·r) Buster Sundae, Wayne McKenzie. (2nd row I·r) Dwayne Marchio, Ed Carson, Mark Kalugar, Bill Haas, Kevin Adams, Tom Palmer, Jack Doss, Rich Cour· idier, Kevin Stiefel, Gary Howe, Brian Krat· kiewicz, Brent Digel, John Hrit.
Junior Varsity Basketball: (1 st I·r) Paul Fontana, Gary Armstrong. (2nd row I·r) Ed Barnes, Jeff Irwin, Charle McDonald, Jim Blauvelt, Coach Herzig, Ken Hall, Jim Cooper, Kevin McClellan.
Cross Country (1st row I-r) Ryan Gasco, John Harris, Kathy Werp, Jim Bell. (2nd row I·r) Ben Mundy, Kevin Adams, Dave Car rig, Ron Thompson, Paul Chowning, Dan Eckel, Coach Chuck Toumajian.
(1st row I-r) Jim Sommerville, Brad Hobb, John Fox, ['rank Persichino, Jim Tamm, Duane Diegel, Dale Ruggs, Mark Pereny, John Hrit, Brian Kratkiewich. (2nd row I-r) Jim Anderson, Erick Eggen, Wayne Mac Kenzie, Kevin Calhoun, Mike Stewart, Jeff Linska, Steve Ribushofski, Matt Hedges, Mark Kalugar, Dave Fraley. (3rd row I-r) Coach Mike Elder, Rick Miller, Kevin Hurlahe, Jack Romeo, Pete Brynaert, Dave Moran, Mike Shirle, Gary Kratkiewicz, Gary Howe, Buster Sunde, Orlin Yonkee. (4th row I-r) Coach Joel Kessler, Tom Zbikowski, Jay Johnson, Micky Jones, Chris Rambeau, Dan Berriman, Bill Belica, Coach George Jesko.
Varsity Football
(1st row I-r) Bart Rowe, Bill Steensma, Pat Corbett, Greg Gose, Dave Youngblood, Mark Sholtis, Mike Law son, Tad Sheppard, Paul Brown. (2nd row I-r) Randy Kadykowski, Jeff Alderson, Tom Johe, Duane Riley, Ken Richter, Jim Cooper, Butch Herman, Mark Musto nene, Tom Brynaert_ (3rd row I-r) Paul Neilson, Steve Kassak, Aaron Badgley, Ron Hillman, Scott Misener, Tom Zugaj, John Hefferon, Jim Vaughn, Dave Gau ronskas.
Junior Varsity
NHS Members Were:
Senior Members
Junior Members
Kevin Adams Ann Bachle Tony Bliss David Carrig Stacey Clarke Richard Courderior Crowe
Terri Anderson Tracie Bishop Steve Bentley Brenda Bralsted Lori Center Karen Cooley Pat Duggan Annette Gajeski Gay Gillesby Dave Jordan Karen Kidder Cindy Kozliowski Brian Kratkiewicz Jean Pat Rosemary Lewis Victoria Lim Lixey Dwayne Marchio Deborah Murawski Marcia Martin Chris Penz Craig Rydlng Wendy Sowinski Lori Stennett li nda Sweitzer Stephen Szominski Diana Tussing Holly Walquist Martha Zbikowski
Dan KeVin Foster Douglas Geere Teres Grunenenwald John Hrit Gary Kratkiewicz Pam Lixey Wayne MacKenzie Terry Manns Melissa McBride Dave Moran Albert Nettler Margaret Parsons Liz Peklo Erik Perttula Julie Redhead Jill Beth
Congratulations Nancy and the best 01 luck. We love you. Mom and Dad I can't think of a class that's been greater, I wish you well and I'll catch later! P.S. Don't get too sweaty! Double your pleasure, Double your fun, put up with two Brynaerts of one! Good Luck, Michael and Michelle Love, Mom and Dad Behnan Congratulations to the class 01 "78." Good Luck l Page·One·Book·Shoppe, 27637 John R., Madison Heights, Tom Gennelte and Shirley Behnan to the Senior Class from the Art Dep1. Mr. Leddy Class of "78"! Lyihgoe Don Parke, Realtor 500 S. Rochester Rd., Troy Bakery and Pizza 518 S. Rochester Rd., Troy Congratulations, Nancy from the Peters Family Congratulations from the Pereny Family
Big AI
Girls Tennis (1 st row I·r) Kathy Crowe, Sandy Seefeldt, Liz Peklo, Cindy Larzelere, Victoria Lim, Mindy Ebaugh, Debbie McCarthy. (2nd row I·r) Lynda Chamberlain, Patricia Ellis, Lee Ann Digon, Vivian Cepuran, Kathy Maz· zenga, Diane Forgione, Rose Springer, Tammy Paul, Coach, Ann Pennington.
Golf (1st row I·r) Paul Fontana, Bob Beard, Kevin Carmichael. (2nd row I·r) Larry Paczowski, Jim Blauvelt, Bill Haas, Coach Ken Sizlow· itz.
Gymnastics: (1 st row I·r) Linda Marchesi, Dana Laws, Monica Perisi, Beth Sheply. (2nd row I·r) Cindy Geralds, Julie Redhead. (3rd row I·r) Dana Hackle, Patricia Benski.
LvMt.iI· Clhan~_n
lin racie Bishop
.ncla Bracon~id\
!ony Braconavlclt
Renee Linda Rzeszutek Steve Schmidt Vincent Skaarud Sherrl Trask Karen Ayers Mike Boren Cheryl Brachel Susan Ferguson Nancy Glaza Rick Miller Georgina Pillon Vyn Polmanteer
T&I Co-Op Angela Agents Bruce McGregor TomKain Mike Murphy Mark Noel Mark Nowosad Robert Smith Walley Owens Brain Allen
Sheila Cameron SlIe Caulkins Lori Center OonnaCirllli Shari Colombo Karen Cooley Duane Diegel Sharon Dier Rhonda Fraley Diedre Gasco Ryan Gasco C"yGer ie Oefal V aGianebt '"Kathy Gilbert Gay Gillesby Fred Gearhard Glenn Henderson John Hrit Peggy Jenkins Ken Jones Kim Johns Lamya Kory Cindy Kozlowski Dana Laws Laura Legault Tammie McDonald Sue McGough Claudia Mesaeh Donna Moldenhaur Maureen Mullaney Mark Murray Joey Neal Cindy Novey Mary Beth Osantowski Darlene Paczas Monica Perisi Mark Pereny Lore Pesamoska Kim Proefki Nancy Radawiec Jill Riley Carolyn Schultz
Denise Patrick JimCra Kathy Crowe John Dicecco Tony DIcecco Kirk Donahue Denise Doughman Elaine Doxen Sue Dzieniszewski John Garlicki Mike George Nancy Gibson Gay Gillesby Lon Hall Lon Halley Carrie Huzarski ThomasJohe OaveJordan Are Kallibjlan Tim ) Knight Larry Krysloff Mlheuwson Johnlentze IleveLewln I Jean Licari Cheryl Uxey Roc Ie Lundi" Kath' lion Jody Mafasus Kelh y
De' Nowak Martin Peklo Phil Riedy Joel Savela Sandy Seefeldt Glenn Shepley Tad Sheppard Karen Simmons Mark Szejbach Holly Walquist - President John (Linc) Wehrly - Vice President KriSline Wernet Valerie Wrubel David Youngblood Ed Macrarlane Dan Fidler Li sa Henley John Hefferon - Treasurer Elizabeth Peklo Wally Mychacak
Varsity Cheerleaders \ (1 st row I-r) Kelli McCoy, Helene Bashakes. (2nd row I-r) Cindy Larzelere, Lisa Ziegler, Dawn Lawson, Dawn Lundin, Rochelle Lun din.
Junior Varsity Cheerleaders: (1 st row I-r) Carolyn Schultz, Kristine Wer net, Cindy Novey. (2nd row I-r) Debbie McCarthy, Patricia Hart, Laurie Geralds.
Porn Pon (1 st row I-r) Carol Ballard. (2nd row I-r) Sue Bunch, Sherri Trask. (3rd row I-r) Pat Tye, Holly Walquist, Robin Postoian. (4th row I·r) Allison Bates, Shannon Martin, Cheryl Lixey, Denise Clarke. (5th row I-r) Michelle Sennett, Sue Dzieniszewski, Karen Sim mons, Athena Kourtesis, Chris Penz.
Track: (1st row, I-r) Randy Kadykowski, Mario Limon, Dave Youngblood, Link Wehrly, Dan Belluni, John Harris, Steve Tatakek, Greg Gose, (2nd row, lor) Keith Oparka, Dan Eckel, Gary May, Dwayne Riley, Duane Diegel, Brian Kratkiewicz, Marty Pecklo, Charlie McDonald, Mark Murray, (3rd row, lor) Coach Mike Koffman, AI Van Story, Dave Carrig, Eric Pertula, Ron Thompson, Mike Wantulla, Paul Nielson, Dan Berriman, Gary Krat足 kiewicz, Chris Chowning, assistant coach Terry Zuzin足 dilak_
Tennis: (1st row, I-r) Bill Walsh, Dwayne Marclo, Craig Ryding, Mike Witkowski, Mike George, (2nd row, I-r) John Crampton, AI Nettler, Ken Hall, Dan Fidler, Dave Boh足 len, coach Chuck Tomajian _
Baseball: (1st row, I-r) Kevin McClellan, Mike Stefanovski, Brent Diegel. Wayne MacKenzie, Frank Perschino, Brad Hobbs, Jeff Linska, (2nd row, lor) Coach Gary Wilczn足 ski, Mark Pereny, Gary Howe, Bustre Sunde, Ken Jones, Kevin Adams, Rick Miller, Chris Jensen, John Hrit, coach Pat McDaniel.
st row, I·r) Bonnie Arnold, Robbie Shelton, Jenny Karen Cardona, Kathy Palmer, Cindy Williams, (2nd row, I·r) Kathy Lazenby, Kim Sharp, Laura Bur· Colleen McGrath, Vivian Cepuran, Sharon Dier, Johns, Sue Caulkins, Tammy Paul, Coach Ann
J.V. Baseball: (1st row, Kevin McClellan, John Finazzo, Chris Hat, field, Bill Mike Naeyaert, (2nd row, I·r) Coach Tucker, Paul Fontana, Marty Russell, Jeff Alder· son, Tom Chaplinskl, Doug LeGault, Ken Richter.
Art Club in Chicago Kevin Gruse, Mike EnniS, Martha Zbikowski, Dave Fra· Cheryl Lixey, Cindy Kozlowski, Fred
Sophumores Achrem, Ph ill ip 132 . Adams , Derrick 132, 37 Adams, Kerry 132 Agents , Laura 132, 139 Alderson, Jeffrey 209, 177 Allen, Laura 132 Amick, Donna 132, 131, 25 Anderson , Kathleen 132 Anderson , Lorraine 132, 130 Ashcraft, Suzanne 133, 132 Atkins, Randy 132 Bachle, Lynn 132, 153 Ba chle, Mark 132 Badarak, Kim 132 Badgley, Aaron 132 Baker, Shelby 132 Barnes, Edward 132, 202, 169 Barnett, Debra 132, 60, 130,101 Barnett, Mic hael 132 Bates, Allison 132, 203, 24,49 Bayer, Mary 132 . Belanger, Timothy 132 Bel ica, Will iam 132, 130, 202 Benskey, Patr i~ia 132, 60, 156,205 Bette, Jennifer 132, 209 Bibin, Robert 132 Birach, Daniel 132 Bi sch, Michael 132 Bland, Teddy 132 Blavatt, KarenJ 32 Bli ss, Susan 132 Bogan, Robert 132 Bondar, Renee 132, 148, 149, 153 ¡ Briskey, Richard 132 Brisson, David 132 Brisson, Dennis Bristow, Donald Brown, Paul 132, 139 Brynaert, Thomas 132, 50, 202, 138 Brza ck, Charles Buggert, Marci a 132 Bunch, Susan 132, 203, 139 Bunkosky, David 132, 160 Burdette, John 132 Burgess, ~anet 132 Burgess, Laura 132, 152, 153, 39,209 Buza, Suzanne 132 Calhoun, Jean 132 Camen, Edward 132 Cameron, Keith Capoccia, Donato 132, 169,138 Cardona, Karen 209,40 Carmichael, Kevin 132, 165, 205 Caunt. Kevin 132 Cepuran, Vivian 132, 147, 205, 209 Cesare, Ann 132 Chaplinsky, Th omas 132, 209 Clark, Carolyn 132 Clark, Linda 132 Collier, John 132, 33 Collis, Katherine 133 Cook, Elizabeth 133, 25 Cooper, Jimmie 133, 168, 202, 169
Corl , Bethany 133 Cox; Gary 133 Coyle, Patrick 133 Crafton, Jacquelyn 133 Crisp, Randal 133 Crittenden, Kimber lee Cummings, Brien 133,143 Cunningham, Aimee 133 Danko, Tom 133 Davis, Debra 133, 20 De Arment, Ri chard 133 Demark, Christoph 133 Dengate, Mark 133 Dicecco, Anthony 133 Dicecco, John 133 Diegel, Renee 133 Dier, Sandra 133, 20 Dillard, Sandra 133 Doolin, Karen 133 Doughman, Denise 133, 60, 61 Downs, Larry Drake, Sheila 133 Duke, Laura 133 Dupius, Daniel 133 Edgerton, Daniel Eggart, Gerald 133 Eggert, Beth 133 Eichhorn, Brian 133 Eickholdt, Lesa 48, 133 Ellis, Sue 133 Elsenheimer, Andrew 133, 174,202 Elwart Doreen 133, 57 Engel, Gregory 133, 37 , 139 England, Patricia 133, 32 Escobar, Gary 133 Evans, Scott 133 Farrell, Colleen 133 Ferguson, Connie Fettes, Murry 133 Filipek, Barbara 133 Finazzo, John 133, 209, 37 Fisher, Diana 133 Fisher, Elizabeth 133 Fleming, Frank 133 Fontana, Paul 133, 164, 130,205,202,169, 71 , 209 Forgione, Diane 133, 205 Foster, Bryan 133, 202 Frick, Dale 133 Fry, Maureen 133 Furicchia, Marina 133 Galloway, David 133, 165 Garner, Frank Gasco, Ryan 133, 163, 203, 202,162,182 Gauronskas, Mary 133,29 Geralds, Laurie 133, 61, 130, 203 Gilbert, Martin Gilmore, Lorraine 133 Gittens, William 133, 175, 202 Gose, Gregory 134, 168, 208, 183, 182 Gray, Dorwin 134, 55 Greenlee, Nora 134, 4 Greenly, Lisa 134 Gruse, Gregory 134 Gulecki, Patrice 134 Hamblin, Barbara 134 Hamilton, Mary 134 Hampton, Deborah 134, 10,60 Haranczak, Valerie 134, 25 Harris, Ann 134 Harrison, Douglas 134 Hart, Patricia 134, 60, 203 Hash, Karen Hatsios, Litsa Hayden, Sarah Haynes, Kristie 134 Hefferon, John 134
Heiter, Brian 134 Henderson, Glenn 134, 94 Herman, Eugene 134, 168 Hignite, Deanna 134, 181 Hill, Lorraine 134, 24 Hocking, Diana 134 Hoeglund, Tamara 134, 26, 49 Holtzman , Cynthia 134 Hoogewerf, Christoph Howard, Margaret Howard, Ramona Hughes, Gary 134, 138 Hunt. Patric ia 134 Huzarski, Carrie 134, 131, 40, 19 Irwin, Jeffrey 134, 202 Jarnowski, Mark Ja seck, Keith Jenkins, Peggy 134 Jeske, John 134 Johe, Thomas 134 Johns, Kim 134,209 Johnson, Mark 134 Jonas, Ernestine Jonas, Tina 134, 25, 138 Jones, James Joslyn, Dalynn 134,48 Kadykowski, Randal 134, 202, 208 Kalnasy, Steven 57 Kamradt, Theresa 134 Karpinen , Nancy 134 Kassak, Stephen 134 Kavesky, Manon 134, 40, 29, 143 King , Theresa 134 Klebba , Lynn 134,20 Kn ight, Kimberly Kohler, Laurie 134, 149 Kolevar, Kris 134 Kortright. Linda 134, 153 Kostielney, Kathleen 134,
5 Kourtesis, Peter 134 Krystof, Larry 134 Kulis, Robert 134 Laberge, Jeffrey 134 Lachowski, Doris 134, 20 Lackey, Robert Jr. 134 Lafleur, Janet 134, 131 Laud icina, Dan 134 Lawicki, Troy 134 Lawler, Timothy Le Gault. Laura 135, 10, 130 Le Page, Brian Lee, Thomas 135, 127 Limon, Apolonio 135, 208, 29, 182 LDgan, Joanna 135, 29 Long, Beverly 135 Long, Edward Lupulesku, Olimpia 135 MacFarlane, Edward 135 Mallon, Maureen 135 Maness, Lisa 135 Manni, Iman 135 May, Gary 135, 288 Mazzenga, Nancy 135 McCarthy, Deborah 135, 146, 130,203,205 McClellan, Kevin 135, 131 , 202, 208,209 McDonald, Charles 135, 34, 202, 208 McDonald, Tammie 135, 60 McGrath, Colleen 135, 152, 153,158, 209 McGraw, Tracy 135 McGregor, Holly 135 McKee, Donald 135 McLeese, Michael 135 McMillan, Daniel McNally, Charles 135
Mesaeh, Claudia 135,25, 143 Messing, Patricia 135 Miller, Lynnette 135, 48 Misener, Scott 135, 168 Mitchell, Diana 135 Moats, John 135 Moen, Robin 135, 131 Moldenhauer, Donna 135, 25 Moore, Joseph 135 Morehead, Janet 135, 143 Morrison, Susan 135 Morrow, Diana 25 Moschino, Laurie 135 Munday, Lisa Munger, Dennis 135 Murawski, Brian 135 Murphy, Jeffrey 135 Murray, Paul 135 Mychalyk, Walter 135 Naeyaert, Michael 135, 209, 177 Nicholas, Robert 135 Nichols, Norman 135 Nielsen, Paul 135,208 Nolff, Lisa 135, 25 Novak, Edward 135 Novey, Cynthia 135, 61, 203,25 Nowak, Denise 135 Nowak, Mary 135, 26 Nowosad, Kim 135, 138 Olsztyn, Paul 135 Opar\<a, Dean 135, 208 Orloff, Sandra 135 Oswald, Kevin 135 Overcashier, William 135 Paavo, Edward Paczas, Darlene 135, 130, 25,24 Paczkowski, Gerald 135, 139 Palazzola , Helena 136 Pantano, Lisa 136 Papp, Stephanie 136 Patonis, Paul 136 Pelino, Frank 136 Pelkey, Kenneth 136 Perttula, Lisa 136, 25 Peters, Glenn 136 Pomeroy, Kevin 136, 143 Porzadek, Richard 136 Prasiloski, Andrew Proefke, Kimberly 136,
Pu ckett, Arthur 136 Reedy, Carrie 136, 60 Retzlaff, Debra 136 Richards, Janet 136
Richardson, Joseph
Richter, Kenneth 136, 209
Rihal, Pardeep
Riedy, Phillip 136 Riley, Dwayne 136, 168,
208 Risko, Kimberley 136 Ritthaler, Glenn 136, 24 Roache, Matthew 136 Robbins, Robin 136 Rodriguez, Nancy 136 Roge, John 136 Ross, Linda 136 Roth, David 136 Roznowski, Debra 136 Russ, Thomas 136, 202, 24 Sabatini, Philip 136,48
Savela, Joel 136
Sawick i, Laura Schmidt. Brian 136 Schultz, Carolyn 136, 10, 61,130,203 Schumaker, Charles 136 Schwandt, Pamela 136 Seefeldt, Sandra 136, 147, 205, 36
Seggie, Judith 136 Sennett, Michelle 136, 61, 203 Settle, Michael Sharp, Kimberly 139,209 Shelton, Robbie 136 Shepley, Glenn 136 Sheppard, Thad 136 Sholtis, Mark 136 Shumate, Timothy 136 Simpson, Sharon 136,51, 49
Smith, Gareth 136
Smith, Kathryn 136 Smith, Robert Smith, Steven 136 Sommerville, John 136 Speare, Cathy 136 Spears, Den ee 136 Sprigg, Rebecca 136 Springer, John 136 SI. John, Dawn 136 Stafford, Robert 136 Starks, Kenneth 136, 183 Steen sma, William 136 Stema, David 137 Stiefel, Janice Stirneman, Roland 138 Storer, Frank 137 Strong, Jacquelin Sudy, Kelly 137,151,131 Surratt, Raymond 137 Sweitzer, Maria 137 Sylvester, Patricia 137 Sypniewski, Sandra 137 Ta ck, Deborah 137,50 Tate, Richard 137, 8 Taylor, Denise 137 Thomas, Pamela 137 Thomas, Renee 137 Thousand, Bruce Trendel, John 137 Trojan, James True, Mary 137 Trus sler, Joseph 137 Tye, Patric e 137, 130, 203,38 Upchurch, Cindy 137, 130 Van Dyke, William 137 Van Story, Alan 137,38 Wade, Michael 137, 138 Walker, David 137 Walker, Pamela 137 Walsh, William 137 Warnez, Julie 137 Weber, Suzanne 137, 152 Wehrly, John 137 Wernet, Kri stine 137, 61 Werp, Kathl een 137, 163, 202 Wesierski , Paul 137 White, Todd 137 Williams, Cynthia 137, 152 Winward, Linda 137 Wolfcale, Laura Wood, Charles 137 Woodward, Kipling 137 Wozni cki , Maria 137 Wright, Darlene 137 Wright, Sandra 137 Wrubel, Michael 137 Wrubel, Valerie 137 Yagley, David Youngblood, David 137 Ziegeler, Michael Zugaj, Thomas 137 Zuzindlak, Steven OTHERS
Hatsios, Tammy 15
Mazzenga, Linda 15
Dalling, Larry 14
Senko, Kenny 14
Marasus, Amy 14
Brogan, Chris 14
Adams, Theresa 14
Tucker, Jerry 97
Colombo, Shari 117
Cooley, Karen 117, 154,
Corbett, Pat
Crampton, James 117, 34,
Christine 117,
Daniel 116
Thomas 57
Allen, Brian 116
Deborah 116
Alter, 116, 125
Amick, 116
Andersen, Terri
Anderson, Deborah
Anderson, James 116, 209
Anderson, Robert 116, 19
Andrews, Kevin 116
Antkiewicl, Michael 116
Armstrong, Gary 116, 202,
Arnold, Bonnie 116, 158,
Arnone, Kelly
Lynn 116
Ayers, 116
Bach, Carolyn 116
Ballard, Carol 116, 203
Bashakes, Helene 116,
Batzdorier, Dean 116
Robert 116,114,
Hartley, Jeffery 118
Hatfield, Christoph 118,
Hayden. Martin 38
Hemming, Paul 118, 59
Henneman, Robert 118
Herbert, David 118
Patricia 118
Gerald 118
Mark 118
Marotte, Suzanne 119, 31
Marston, Adam 119
Martin. Shannon 119,203
Martines, Nick 119
Mascott, Michael 119,2,
Mazzenga, Kathleen 119,
James 119,34,
Rognlie, Steven 120
Romas, Doris 120, 31
Romernair, Richard 120,
nOLJSSt;au, Edward 120,
Irwin, 118
Jankowski, Kathryn 118
Johe, Jill 118
Tammy Johnson.
Jones, 118
Jones, Valerie 18
Jordan, David 118. 125,
Ara 118,25
Kallio, Stuart 118, 34, 127
Karen 118
Kilburn, Ferrlen
Ann 118,68
Linda 118
1 10,114,
Beaudoin, Mark 116
Beauregard, Lawrence
Beeman, Connie 116
116, 202,
Bentley, Steven 116,55
Berlin, John 116, 122
Berriman, Daniel 116,
Bertucci, Giorgio 116
Bibin, Lori 116
Bibin, 116, 32
Kozlowski, Frank
Kratkiewicz, Brian 118,
Nancy 118
Jean 118, 126
"",,,,'O'L. Patricia 118, 125
KW,aSII)or:sKL John 118, 20
Labrie, Thomas 118, 23
Julie Ann 118.
Mlhalick, 119
Miller, Connie 119
Miller, Corrine 119
Miller. David
Miller, John 119
Milner, 119, 154
Mona, 119
Moore, William 119
Moran, Patrick 11 126
11 114
Mundy, "A"'''IT\\n
Murphy, Diane 119
Murphy, Michael 119
Murphy, Randall
Mustonene, Mark 119,22,
Neal, Joey 119,49
Nelligan, Sandra 119
Nowak, Gregory 119
OConnell, Cheryl 119
Marcia 119.50,51
lvPrr""h't>r Beverly 119
Karen 120, 203
Simpson, Ruth 120
Vincent 120
120, 125
David 120
Sowinski, Wendy 120, 60,
Lawson, Dawn 118, 205
Lawson. Michael 118
Tracey 118
Douglas 118, 209
Aw"nrinu.,,,i,, Laurie 118
I'/n"AIY,,, n/
Clark, 116, 61, 203
Clendennin, Cay
Cogswell, Monly 117
Hall, Lon 118, 35
Hambnght, Joy 118, 154,
Lisa 118
118, 163,
Tonya 119
Long, 5
Lorenzi, Lillian 119
Dawn 119,50
Kenneth 5
Tamara 51
"'''7P\o\'''K' Mary 120
Polmanteer, Vyn 120
Porzandek, Cynthia 120
Postoian, Robin 60, 51,
Thousand. Beth 121
Carol 121, 128
Curt 121
Diana 121. 123
121 Lena 129
Vaillancourt, Robert 122
Vaughn, James 121
Ventimiglia, Angela 121
Walquist, Holly 121, 203,
Walton, Laura 121
Wardlaw. 121
Wardrop, 20
Watt, Michal 121
Weber, .Ja\-uut;1II 19
Patricia 121, 114
Katherine 121
Judith 121
Williamson, Robert
2J I
Wood, Wrobel.
Adams, Kevin 163,203, Agents. Angela Allen, Mark 82 Arndt. 81, 92, 99 Austin, 82 Lynn 82 Ann Marie 15,188,
Beaudoin, Melinda 82 Behr, 7,10,92, 98, Belluni. Dan Bianchini, Bilan, Bilbo, Birach, 82 Bis, Kostakis 82 Black, Jeffery 92 Bliss, Anthony 188. 82. 35 Bohlen, David 82 Bondar, Robin 92 Boren, Michael 82 Boris, Richard 92 Borowski, Kim Boughton, Robert Boynton, Kimberly Bracanovich, Anthony 13, 81
Brynaert, Peter 83, 86 Buckner, Mark 83 Teresa
Combs, Judy 84 Comfort, William 84, 25 CQ()liclge, June 92 Richard 88, 84, 202,1 ,170 Cowie, Dora 84 Cox, Charles 92 Cox, Kimberly 84 Crampton, John 84, 23 Crowe, Kathleen 188, 147, 92,205 Cummings. John 92 Cunnmgham, Craig 84 De Guire, Susan 84 Dengate. Patrick 188, 84 Denny, Janita 84 Di Giovanni, James 84, 161 Dicecco, Christina 13. 84 Diegel. Duane 44, 188.84, 166,55.183 Dier, Sharon 188, 1 151. 84,81,51,150.1 209 Digon, Lee Ann 146,84, 81, 205, 49, 59 Judy 84 Duke, 92 Duncanson, 84 Dupell, Paul 85 Duprey, Craig 85 Dut1on, Randy 3, 175, 174. 92,86,202 Dzieniszewski, Suzanne 85,31,203 Melinda 188, 146, 205,55 Edwards, Jeffrey 92 Ellis. Patricia 85, 205 Engel, Jennifer 85 Eskew, Donna 85 Esslinger, Robert 85 Evanoff, Steven 85,24 Evans, Sandra 85 Fair, Jackie 85 Farmer, Lisa 85 Fellencen. Pamela 85 Ferguson, Susan 85 Fidler, Daniel 188,85 Finch, Sharon 92 Fisher, Patricia 85 Vikki 85 Cynthia Vicki 85, Kevin 188, 85, 31, Fox, John 8,166,174,92, 202 Fraley, Rhonda 85 Francuch, John 85, 87, 59 Gable, Steven 85 Galloway, Thomas 165, 85 Garltcki, John 88 Gasco, Deirdre 88, 156, 149,148,98 Gates, Edward 88 Geere, Douglas 188, 88 Gentilini, Karen 88, 100 George, Michael 3, 88 Geralds, Cynthia 188. 88. 156,205,59,126 Gibson, Nancy 2, 88, 148 Gilbertson, Sherry 88 Glaza, Nancy 88, 26 Glomski, Michael 88 Goodvich, Pamela 88 Kimberly 88 Timothy 92 88 Pamela 92 Grunenwald, Teresa 188, 88 Gruse, Kevin 88 Haas, Michael 11, 92
Kevin 89 Timothy 89 Iwinski, Laura 89 Jaseck, Richard 89 Chris 89 Jeske, 89 Johnstone. Penelope 89 Jones, James 89 Jones, Kenneth 89 Jones, Mickey 89 Sheila 89 lTr,,,n'<nn
Kain, Kallio, William Mark 1 ,70, Kammer, Mark 89 Karroma, Saad 90 Kawdalaft, Hanan 92 Kaye, Dale 90 King, Brian King, Michelle 90 92 Koan, 90,51 Koch, Steven 90 Kolich, Christine 90 Catherine 90 Michael 26 ,,,!L,;.,,,,,;r Gary 44, 188, Kubik, Gerald 90, 81,104 Kuczborski. David 90 Timothy 92 Mark 90 l~lCnn".s 92 51,
1 Madak, Thomas 90 Mallon, Kathleen 59 Maloney, Jean 90, Phillip 90 188,91 104 91, 91,156, 51, Marecki, Laura 91 Marion, Michael 91 M~vh~>rrv Kathleen 91 188,91 "~I""'~'''- .... Mark 91 91,31 91 Kathleen 91 Michalski, 92
Middler, Gordon 91 Miller, Diane 91 Miller, Rick 92, 178 Moran, David 8, 91, 167,175,174, 70 Morrow, Victoria 91 Mullaney, Maureen 91 Mullins, Debra 92 MurraY,Mark91,81,183 Murto, Michael 91 Naeyaert, Cheryl 91, 51 Netller, Albert 188, 13,91. 71 Nichols Nicosia, Cheryl 91 Nielsen, David 13,91,36, 103,104 Nielsen, Robin 91, 99, 104 Noel, Mark 92 Noffsinger, Joyce 92 Nowak, Jean 92 Nowosad, Mark 93 Nowosad, Michael 93 o Mara. Linda 92 Oia, Lynn 93 Olejniczak, Dennis 93 Oparka, Cynthia 93, 148, 154 Orlowsky, Michael 93 Osak, Kevin 93 Osantowski, Mary Beth 93 Oss, Jerome 92 Owens, Wallace 93 Paduchowski, Janice 93 Palmer, Thomas 202 Parsons, Margaret 93 Paul, Tamra 13, 146, 87,205,209 Pawloski, Laura 93 Peklo, Elizabeth 188, 93, 81,205,36,55 Pelkey, Thomas 93 Pereny, Mark 86 Perry, Pamela Perttula, Eric 188, 162, 182 Pesamoska, Lori 93, 51 Pesci, Jeffrey 93 Peters, Nancy 93 Pietrzak, Antoinet1 93 Pi Pi Plamp, Jellery 94 Plecha, Phyllis 94,59 POOl, Curtis 94, 92, 51 Karen 94 Lori 94 Powers, 94 Prezioso, Rena 94 Prezioso, Rona 94 Puckett, Cynthia 94 Quiggle, Jeffrey 94 Rambeau, Cris 94 Redhead, Julie 188, 13, 94,81,205 Reedy, Aimee 94 Ricci, Renee 92 Richards, Rochelle 94 Richter, Christine 94, 80 Riley, Jill 188, 94,86 Rinehart, Lorna 94, 98 Rodriguez, Christoph 92 Romeo, Jack 8, 94, 161 Rook, Kimberly 92 Rothmund, Betty 94 Russell, James 92 Russell, James 92 Sakosky, Debra 94 Salciccioli, Dennis 4, 94, 100 Sanders, Warren 94 Scartozzi, Nadine 95, 58 Schirle, Michael 95 Schmidt, Steven 95 Schwedt. Jeffrey 95
Jeffrey 95, 174,202, Seil, Nancy 95 Ronald 95, 161 92 Ann 188, David 39 Sienkiewicz, Karen 95, 98 Simms, Ernest 95 Vickie 151,95,
Michael Mark Mark 96 Thomas 96 Keith Tamm, James 8, 96,166 Tanski, Susan 96, 27 Tatarek, Steven 3, 96 Terry 96 Janet 96 1 h(),,,,,,nc()n Karen 96 Tomeo, 96 Trussler, George 188,96 rUSZKOWSIIl, David 96 97
97 Varney, Steven 97 Dale 97 Viers, 97 Villani, Lynn 97 Wade, Denise 97 Wantulla, Michael 97, 162 Wasil, Mark 97 Webb, James 92 Joan 97, 59 12,97 Winn, Wadden Wolter, Rodney 97 Wong, Mei 97 Wood, Mark 97 Woodward, Charles 97 Wright, Diana 97 Wrubel. Michael 92 Yedavally, Srikala 188,97, 34 Young, Ann 92 Lbliko....'skt. Tom 97 203 97
Class of 1978
Best Wishes, Grads
Lynn and Sam
25950 Five Mile Road Detroit, Michigan 48239
Yearbook Team
Michelle Brynaert Karen Cardona Kimberly Cox Craig Duprey Randy Dutton Rose Falta John Francuch Cindy Geralds Teresa Grunenwald Lon Halley Tom Kain Brian King Kathy Lazenby Rick Miller Patrick Moran Monica Perisi Renee Ricci Greg Smith Patricia Spangler Gloria Suliin Sandra Russ Yearbook Advisor: Nancy Ann Nobel Happy Tenth Year, Nanl Book Outline: Ann Bachle, Stacey Clarke Cover Design: Patrick Dengate Division Lettering: Susan Tanski Photographers at Large: Bob Bibin, Senior Cruise Goers, Ed Chapiinsky, John Sterritt Group Lists: Holly Walquist Commercial Art: Cheryl Nicosia
Publisher: Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas; Covina, California; Hollywood, Florida. Senior Portraits: Craine Studios of Detroit Photography Representatives: AI Horst. Ben Craine Underclassman Photography: Bob Allen of Delmar Cover: Original art work; embossed leather End Sheets: #20 Dark Green, 50% screened spot color Matte stock; printer's type; Smyth sewed binding rounded and backed .