LHS Yearbook - 2010

Page 1


I­ W W :I: U)


Saadoon. Mark 49, 84

Saadoon, Mular 49

Sa bah, Sarah 49

Sadi k, Lavina 7 1, 11 [

Sadi k. Marmina 71

Sadik, Mayhar 49

Saeed, Maryam 49

Salas, Selena 39

Salim , Deena 45. 49. 51

Samuels, Chelsea 7 1

Sanchez. lonna 35. 39, 42

Sandor. Madison 12, 35, 39

SfUlds. Alay na 49

Savela, Stephen 86

Schley, Ali sha 59, 89, 126

Schlicker, Michelle 59, 6 1, 147

Schneider, Gary 15,23,7 1, 99, 162, 163, 167

Schram, Judy 75

Schwandt, Chelsea 13, 14,27,59, 106,130, 13 1

Scruggs, Christopher 49, 124

Seemann . Jordan 55, 59

Seewald, Joshua 49

Semergian, Lynette 39

Sernos, Cou rtney 4, 12,39

Seymour, Jared 4, 24, 25, 55, 59, 61,104,105,168

Seymour, Jess ica 24 , 25 , 27, 71

Shapic, Alec 6, 49, 102, 103

Sharer, Elizabetb 39, 135

Sharpe, Jasmine 39, 171

Sheh u, Kris 7 1

Shepherd, Lucas 59, 93

Shcpherd , Mariah 49, 115

Shuman, Shayna49, 100, 11 2, 168

Si ba, Maher 7 1

Sicken , G~orgc 75

Silk, Kayla 59

Silver. Katelyn 35

Smith, Gordon 75

Tamas, Cristinela 39

T ansk i. Joshua 64. 71

Techow, Adam 59, 155, 167

Templ eton, Nathan 5, 49 , 113

Terry , Austen 39

Terry, Steven 71 . 81. 93

Thomas , Kathy 7 1

Thom pson , Blakc 39

Thompson, Chelsea 39

Th ompson, Marcus 39

Thompson, Marshall 65, 71 ,156, 167

Thorpe , Katelyn 59, 63,118

TinkJ c. Jacob 71

Tobia, Fadi 59, 145, 163, 167

Toma, Jjm 75

Toma. Joh n 49

Toma, Karlee n 49

Toma, Kelvin 71, 93,148,162,163.167

Toma, Sarah 59

Tom as, Marwa 59

Torres. Ja.o,;onfilip 59. 94

Trnbucchi, Samuel 39

Tran. Kuong 39

Tratar, Michael 39

Tra vis, Marcu s 5, 59,62, 115,123, 170,171 Treppa. James 39

Tripp, Brian 49, 121, 145 , 164

Tripp, Megan 71. III

Tro mbley, Alisha 59

Tyldes ley, Paige 35, 39

Tyson , Shar.niqua 49

Warrick , Ashley 49,127 , 150

Watson, Jordan 49

Wealhers, Ani sa35,40, 141,1 60, 161

Weaver, Brook 40

Weidenhamer, Nicole 4. 71. 134, 135, 171

Welch, Emily 40

Wellman, Al yson 6, 9, 59

Welsh , Kevin 49, 124

Wenceslao. Adrjel40. 41

Wesley, Jak e 55, 59, 63, 156

Westergaard. Dan ielle 23. 71. 17 1

Whisnan t, Ashley 14,71 ,73.13 0.1 66

Wh; snam , Katlyn 29,40, 87,1 19, t21 , 132, 166

While. M ark 28, 49

Whitehead. Jordan 40, 165

Whit.lateh, Dillon 4, 71, 172

Wild , Tyler 30, 40, 41, 99

Wilkinson, Trina 55,59,62, 109, 120

Williams, Troy 40, 124

Willis, Anita 49

Willis, Chenelle 59

Will yard, Michael 40

Wilson . Rajanee 49

Wink c. Griffin 59 . 155

Winlcr.-., Li sa 75

Wim"", Adam 12, 27,59,61, 149, 152, 167

Winlers. Michael 59

Wittbrodl. KaLrin a 7 1. 170

Wolfe, Kathleen 27, 71,8 1 Wolynski, Jene 75

Wood, Joshua 5, 26 ,65, 72, 73,8 1,87, 107, 112,168 Wood . Juslin 49

Wrobleski, Kr;sty n 9, I 1,59.63 , 75, 95, 109, 138, 139

Wurm, Jennifer 72



Uhlmann, Jami e 75

Underwood, David 59

Underwood, Kayla 19,7 I

Yaple, William 5, 59, 102

Ya.smin, Rezwa na 59

Yolchanna. Mern a 49

Youhana, Joly ana 49

Yo unes, Edmond 55, 59,85, 168

You ng, Shane 72

Yousif. Alexandra 60

Yousif. Donna 49

Y ou~if, Emm anuel 40

Yousif, Merna 49

You sif, Nadia 49

You sif, Nadine 49

You.sif, Rafid 49

Yousif. Roben 40

Yousif. Samer 60

You sif, Shawn49 . 5 1, 52,145,164 Youssif, Az.iz 4, 49. 86. 87

Youssif, Riyam 40

Yung, Andy 60, 94

Yung , Kevin 12,65,72,73


Smith , Audrey 49

Smi th, Benjamin 59, 155

Smith , Bri anna 39

Smith, Colin 39

Smith, Darin 39,43, 11 3

Smith, Do nald 59, 96, 97

Smith, Evan 7 1

Smith, Jalee l 39

Smith, Kadey 39, 127, 150

Smitll,Campbell, Megan 5, 30, 31. 7 1, 73, 84, 17 1

Sno\ler, Alyssa 49

Snyder, Diana 39

Sol iman , Marina 7 1

Soliman. Mi na 39

Soma. Leven 49

Som a, Ste ven 49

Somer.;. Joshua 39, 124, 125

Spanos, Christ ,an 59, 98, 99, 100

~: I:g~:~: ~T"5~~g: 5~ Stahl. Kim 75

Slanton. Kam eron 49,84

Stedm an. Corey 75

Sleensma, Tyler 59

Stephenson. Mark 75

Steud le. Brittany 59

Stewan. Brooke 97

Stoddard, JcsicaJ yn 11 , 12,24,25. 26,49, 53,127, 149,

150, 171

Stoewsand , Jenna 32, 71, 8 1, 106,159

Stone , Jordan 7 1

Strawska, Stephan ie 10, 14, 65 ,71, 73, 85,101 , 102, 107.

11 8,129,130, 13 1,170.172

Strazimiri. Dari o 71. tOl

Su mmers. Kadejah 39, 42

Summers. Po rsc ha 59, 88

Swanson, Julie 12.44. 45 .49.17 1

Swanson. Katelynn 59. 120

Swca f1;, Krista 9

Szmyd, Monica 9, 12,4 5,49,53, 130,13 1,149 SZlajer, Kali 39

S7.lujcr. Tra vi~ 59, 96 , 97


Vacanle, Nicholas 7 1. 96, 97

Val lus, Adam 75

Van Dyke , Travis 59. 89,152, 167

Vanwormer, Kayla 45 , 49

Vaughn. Mackenzie 18,7 1, 84,99

Ve lasquez. Cameron 14.59, 100, 136, 137

Versele, Meghan 6, 9. 12,23,45, 49,5 3,89, 140

Versele, Stepha n 49 , 143, J44

Vu , Sophia 49, 99

w Wagner, A lexander 39

Wagner, Nicholas 39

Wainz, Zoey 75

Walaini s. Jim 75

Walatkic wicz, Caleb 39

Wallace. Amanda 59. 92, 166

Wallace, Joshua 39

Wallace, KIlald 18,35,39,93, 124

Walsh, Jackson 59

Walsh . Katherine 12, 35, 40, 151

Wands, Lauren 49, 11 9, 138 . 139

Ward , Taylor 59

z Zoll , Brandon72,148, 156, 157, 166

Zynda, Alexander 60, 11 6, 137

I'm A/50 011 Paqe,,, Thousands-ef-pi.ctures¡are publj ~hcd in this book and not all of them arc indexed. Usc Ihi.s sJ?ac:c 10 rc~ord the page .numbers where you find yoursel f.



Ed Okuniewski , Principal Ken Milch, Assistant Principal Russ KcKenzie, Athletic Director Gina Kinczkowsi, Laura Petrik, and Malissa Herceg , Office Staff

........." -'lHI"

Tlie Lamyliere Scfwofs Boara of 1:aucation 2009/2010 Seated: 1Vitriam J. Vixon - Secretary, 'Brcu[ Lyon - 'President, Vavid''B, Crawfon;{ - Yice·'Presid'ent Standing: 'Pau[Cavanaugfi - 'irustee, 'ierrie V . Junkin - 'irustee, Viane 'E. 'Backfius - 'ireasurer, 'Ro6ert 'T. 'Bumgesser - 'irustee Congratulations to the Class of 2010! We wish you continued success in the future. The Lamphere School Board



As the baby of the family, one would

think that life would be easiest for you.

Your strength and courage allowed you to

overcome very difficult life experiences that

no child should have to endure. We have faith in

you. We wholeheartedly believe that with self

discipline and your unwavering determination,

you will surpass your goals and make all

your dreams come true.


Mom, Dad, Christopher, Ashlee, Jeanna

Luigi & Giuseppe






Let the


Lewis, I H9 - :!nu piul:e StIlle Champ

ophmore Ashton Lyon

Kyle Lyon, Chn~uan Culverley, L un. <Jilt! ean K\IInr~[...1

Lauren Bating

State Cha DS! From academics to sports, Lamphere students are taking the state by storm

Team ,\puil(l: JOllathan AAvinl' - 4th W()rlu


and AlIlt'ler


The Academic Games Team had

an incredible State tournament this

year. They took home three State

championships for the first time in

Lamphere history ~ Team Zeus

look I st in Equations which is

THE most difficult championship

there is: figure that. Eric Chung

won the very prestigious Layman

Allen Top Senior Player award for

this seasoll.

Tt:.llU/..eu, Ju"h \\'O()() Jared C:}lnour. rr:mg L..un [n<.' hl1l1~ , "lid M.,:ojul IINllo - hI &jum")11 \\ II "r.Hlf. ~IIJ \\ "rt~ C~IJ Ill'~ Pn~>u~",Kll1. ,led {In-~ol

TCOIIIII'<"cidlln" UlnlUmJ Yl>unc, . \k~JII !JUIT. Anwll P."eI A hi " Rn~. "nil ell';, DWIlk - I I \\ ",Ill ( "IId 1I""."u"'~ M~lIliun Pro!1tl u .miliJ.


it Fresh With

Freslun.en BasketOO1l

"Basketball is like photography, if you don't focus all you have is the negative."-Dan Frisby Left: Kendal Beeler, Michael Boddy, Jesus Garcia. Adam Knox, Raymon McCreary , Angelo Raona. Ca leb Walakiewicz, Jordan Whitehead

Above: Zakary LaFrance heads in front of an opponent to set up the play for defense.


"One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team."-Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Top: Michael Middleton, Jay Junkin , Brian Trip Middle:Kenny Degraaf, Zaid Ray, Chris Fettes Abraham Balowi, Jesse Junkin, Dominic Raona, Shawn Yousif, Jordan Watson Bottom: Awss Daniel, Mina Abd

Right: Zaid Ray and Dominic Raona have a squat and a quick chat before checking in at the score post to get on the court.


Fluis Alia - Senior What was the funniest part of the season for you? "Girls at the away games and messing around with coach." Nick Hilliard - Senior What is the one thjng you will always remember after your season comes to an end? "Winning my first playoff game against clawson at their place." Devonte Little - Senior Who did you look up to on the team and why? "Ryan Horvath, he is a pure shooter and a quiet scorer." Omar Balawi - Senior What was the best part of the season for you 'l "Having fun during practice and joking around with everyone."

Gary Schneider - Senior What was the highlight of the season for you? "Senior night, I felt like I played great and left everything on the court."




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Mitch Kozlowski takes charge and slows the pace of the game by setting up the offense,

BASHETBALL The Lamphere Varsity Basketball Team started off the season strong winning 5 of their first 7 games in league play. After winning 3 straight the Lamphere Rams had high expectations on how they would end their season and possibly win leagues for the first time in school history, but despite all the high expectations the Lamphere Rams went on a season slump and ended the year how no one had expected. As the season progressed the team began to improve their communication with each game and they built their teamwork. Kelvin Toma was awarded MVP for the year and also made 1st Team for MAC Silver. Ryan Horvath made 2nd Team and Mitch Kozlowski and Nick Hilliard


Sterling Hgts Marysville Mott New Haven Clawson Lakeview Warren Wds Marine City Center Line Clintondale Lake Shore Madison Center Line Clintondale Lake Shore Lakeview Hamtramck Country Day

45 68 30 74 55 48 56 59 62 78 45 55 74 53 80 70 83 26

60 50 43 64 70 37 70 53 57 65 67 72 85 57 79 75 78 79

made an Honorable Mention. Kelvin Toma broke the school record for most points in a single game with 43. Wow! That's an impressive record that'll be sure to stand for a long time. It was a mixed season punctuated with individual and team accomplishments.

Where do you plan on playing basketball after Lamphere? "U ofM Flint

then transfer out,"

Below: Bringing height and some serious ability to the team is Dean Davis who watches as his shot is successful for 2 points.

On the last game of the season, some of the players were thinking ahead to next year, but for the seniors this would the game that marked the end of the journey and their high school ball career. They ended the season strong on Senior Night, beating the Hamtramck Cosmos 83-78.

II ~and; In Iter a pep talk from tbe coach. tbe nd ~y tbeir battle cry!

Ra~inAdion Ra~

put: tbeir hand; in tbe middle

Lind;ey L~e see~ to be in a bit of a bind able to receive ber pa~.

~ ~be look~

for a teamrnate

ake it to JV the hoop. BaQ(etbalf Girf~

The.N girl~

goroo tnay ~y that


girl~' ba~Qtbali i~n't:

tQatn IQd a

pmtty ~ooth ~Qa~on with mom wirY-; than I~~. All t0gQthf!r. thf! tQatn only Icd about: fiVQ


Qxciting a~ ~ but: our Lady Ratn~ provQd with thf!ir




pacQd gatr\Q~. that



jUct ta:Q a look thf! ~corQ card! Good going Lady



With a tQatn likQ thi~. thf!y am likQly to go far in thf! futum. WhQthQr it:'~ thf! coach or jUct thf! pIClyQr~. thi~ tQatn i~ going to takQ thf! ball to thf!


gcore Card Opponent QOjaI Oai<

33 27 8ÂĽ.;t Detroit 26 lincoln 28 Fitzgerald 23 Madiwn 22 ~arper Wd<;. 44 Ricrmond 28 31 Mott Clintondale Centerline 27 Clawson 13 New~aven 32 ~t:hlake 27 !;:t:erling ~ts. 32 Clint:ondale 10 Cent:er line 32 10 Clawson Mott: 32 Qeahdrn



32 36 31 49 28 36 49 36 30 45 35 45 35 43 22 50 43 37 24

and fact

'The bed part of


~ Wlnf"'jng

the gatr.e!; and hanging oot.: -QacreJ ~

can do whatQvQr ~ can do but: thQy do it with ctylQ. The La..r-I.. .!::j Kdli rL-...... d ,1"-1' I~ azz t::U I

thf!ir farY-; with thf!ir tnad ~mz. Trey playQd WQII t0gQthf!r and thf!ir ~c~~ i~ thf! envy of thf! var~ity tQatn.

"Free throws) free throws) free throws." The girls had a wonderful season, even if they didn't win all of their games. But this season was not about that, "It was more about the team than individual success; we focused more on the fun than winning," said junior Stephanie Orloski. Team building was the heart of practices - even when everybody was dripping with sweat­ there would be smiles on every face as a joke was cracked or somebody stumbled on her way to the locker room. Going to Coney Island after games was always a great bonding experience too. But there is one thing we cannot forget: free throws. These were used as a huge strategy this year, because as we all know, free throws can WIn games.

Top: 54 Brittany Hawking, 20 Anne Marie Makowski, Stephanie Orloski, 40 Shannon Bush, 12 Jenna Stoewsand Middle: 34 Tonisha Baetiong, 32 Megan Riley, 52 Erin Box, Mr. Martin, Mike Kobus, Dan Wrobleski, Maria Kozlowski, 42 Lindsey Riley, 50 Kristyn Wrobleski, 22 Lauren Edwards Captains: 24 Lauren Barlog, 10 Cara Harm

ayMOREP What was the highlight of your season? Senior night against Bishop Foley. We won 6-0 and it was our last home game.

Joshua Johe, 06



What will you miss about your season?

1. Freshman Nicholas Koppitch lines up at the faceoff circle waiting for the puck to drop. 2. The referee is looking upon the team as they celebrate a goal. 3. Junior Robert Easterbrook keeps his head up as he caries the puck up the ice. 4. Senior John Honto is backchecking after the play. 5. Senior Brandon Zoll pins the opponent up against the boards.

Our games against Warren Mott and Bishop Foley because they were always good games. John Honto, 19 What are you looking forward to in the next few seasons? Senior year and playing to win.

Ryan Roman, 18 What do you think about your coach? He was very organized and dedicated. He always wants to win.

Dean Clark, 20



Uarsity Hockey Team Photo Alex Howard, Jake Wesley. Brandon Zoll. Jeremy Ross. Michael Cavanaugh. Alex Zynda Dean Clark, Robert Easterbrook, Jonathan Alexander. Coach Jake McMillan, Coach Kevin Smith, Coach Bertalini, Marshall Thompson, Gregory Cannon, Andrew Moats Zachary Jedro, Ryan Roman, Brandon Ruble, Ryan Clark, Ryan Jaskulka, John Honto, Joshua Johe, Nicholas Koppitch, Jason Antonie


Varsi Ryan Jaskulka, 08

The varsity hockey team has had its ups and downs with a fair share of both wins and losses during their season. "This season was mostly about improving on our own play and concentrating on working as a team . It was a tough season , but that's just how the games went,"Says senior Josh Jo'he. The team ended the season with a 4-20 record and a 1-6 record in their division. The Rams played through injuries and rough times throughout the season . Junior Jake Wesley suffered

John Alexander, 04 "You gotta risk it to get the biscuit. " Ryan Jaskulka, 08

Jeremy Ross, 10

Zachary Jedro, 30

from a broken ankle in the Royal Oak Tournament in January. This sidelined the defenceman for the rest of the season. Sophomore Ryan Jaskulka suffered from a torn ligament in his left shoulder from accidently running into the goal post in practice just a month before the season ended, sidelining him for the rest of the season . Despite all of the injuries, the team managed to pull through and and end the season with a great district game against Saint Clair. The varsity hockey team learned from their mistakes and made the most out of the season .

Joshua Johe, 06


Sophomore Jason Antonie falls to his knees

to Ilee the pucll out of the net

Adam Winters, Junior

Ryan Roman, Freshman

Jenna Buza,


What motivates you?

What motivates you?

What motivates you?

What motivates you?

I love dancing to the music. It really hypes me up.

Trying to improve my team and helping them improve, and I love beating my own time.

I look up to the coachs, and I absolutely love hockey.

Who do you look up to on the team?

Who's your favorite professional sports team?

The source of my motivation is my determination to be great at whatever I try to do.

Do you see yourself trying out again next year?

Yes, I loved dancing this year and it's a great experience.

The captains. They're some of the nicest and most hard working people I know.

The Red Wings .

What's your favorite team quote?

Keep the dream alive!


Do you have what it ta es to be a Lamphere Girls Swimme ?

"For my first time diving on th team, I thought it was fun. I love the feeling of flipping through the air. It feels like I'n flying." - Megan Riley "I am always Lauren's designated counter." - Jordan Rhines "I love the rush and fast pace when I swim. I love the team; we always have fun, no matter what." - Erin Miles

Fadi Tobia - Junior If you could have anyone in the world come to watch you play soccer, who would it be and why? "My father because he's an amazing soccer player who loves the game and I want to make him proud by showing him how well I play."

Brian Tripp - Sophomore What is your favorite part of the game and why ? "Crunch time. When it comes down to the wire, I love being out on the field."

Aaron Bowdich - Freshman Prove that you're a soccer fan. "I've played soccer for as long as I can remember. I would go outside in the cold and play my favorite sport. When it's too cold to go outside, I'll watch it on TV and see the teams duke it out."

Rayman McCreary - Freshman Share a soccer tip. "If I could offer one piece of advice it would be: don't talk trash to other players or the ref. It will only cause you trouble."

Marko Ibrahim - Freshman If you could change one rule of the game what would you change and why? "There should be 12 people that start off the game not 11. That way everyone will get a chance to play in the game."


Roseville Cranbrook Warren Mott I Warren Woods Center Line South Lake Lake Shore Warren Woods Country Day Lutheran Center Line South Lake

Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Home Away Away Home Home

4 0 1 3 1 6

4 5

0 2 4 5

0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 7 2 0 0



Total: 8-2-2


The junior varsity dominated their first match. Beating Roseville 4-0 inspired Ram pride that did not desert the hearts of the players for the rest of the season; even though they lost their next two matches. It was this pride that led these boys to winning more than half of their matches. Suffering a heartbreaking loss and having to fight hard for two ties only created a determination to obtain a season as close to perfection as possible. Determined, and holding onto a steadfast pride, the team blew out the season with two huge victories over South Lake and Center Line and c the ideal season.

THE TEAM Top Row: Coach, Salah Putres, Joe Akl, Brian Tripp, Shawn Yousif, Justin Wood, Coach. Middle Row: Mina Abd, Rafid Yousif, Raymon McCreary, Fadi Tobia, Faris Dawood, John Toma, Danes Khalil. Bottom Row: Marko Ibrahim, Nicholas Henning, Aaron Bowdich, Samer Yousif, Stephan Versele, Michael Boddy. Not Pictured: Jesus Garcia

Top Left: Sophmore Stephan Versele hustles to get the ball.

Bottom Left: Junior Salah Putres gets himself ready for the game.

Top Right: Sophmore Shawn Yousif shows of hi! mad soccer skillz.

What do you think

about coach Uh'lman? Marianne Carney: She is the best coach ever!

Who do you look up to on the team and why? Anisa Weathers: Erin Box, because she is always striding to do her best and she never gives up.

What was your favorite memory this year? Chelsea Austin: When we went half way to U of M for the tournament and turned around because it was canceled.

LEFT: Sarah Ormsby gets some air as she spikes the ball over the net. TOP LEFT: Shannon Paavo keeps her focus as she sets herself to set the ball for her Michaela to spike over the next for another Lamphere point. TOP RIGHT: #22, Sarah Ormsby and #25, Michaela Louis, give their opponent the stare down as the await the next play.

TOP: Coach Uhlmann, Sarah Ormsby, Nina Maodus, Anisa Weathers, Marianne Carney, Chelsea Austin, Meghan Versele BOTTOM: Shannon Paavo, Erika Burger, Michelle Paavo, Michaela Louis, Christine Ello

The junior varsity girls volleyball did exceHent this year. Their overall record, was 21-3-2. However, they finished their League undefeated with a record of 1 0-0. The players of the year are Sarah Ormsby and Michelle Paavo. Sarah Ormsby was the most improved player. She told us she got to be the most improved player by going to conditioning all summer long. If she couldn't make

it to the conditioning, she conditioned on her own. She always tried her hardest too. Michelle Paavo: "We had a great season and we went undefeated this year. I worked real1ly hard and became the most outstanding player of the year. We worked hard as a team and we got along great. We always got along and that helped us to do good in our games."

SCORE CARD 13-2-2 Hazel Park New Haven Madison Clawson Centerline Lincoln Parkway Christian Clitondale Luteran North Fitzgerald Mount Clemons Royal Oak Fordson Anchor Bay Westland Divine Child Berkley

Win Win Win Win Win Win Win Win Win Win Win Loss Win Loss Tie Tie Win RIGHT: Nina Maodus is focused on this play. The ball is about to come to her and it will be up to her to set the ball up to another teammate to spike it right back over the net.

TOP: Meghan Versele is about to hit the ball as it comes towards her over the net. RIGHT: Lady Rams are in position and ready to bump set and spike the ball over the net back to the other team's side. TOP RIGHT: The girls are calling a play and setting up for the play to begin.

Varsity Boys Tennis "Great balls of fire!" Vince exclaimed as he Mandarino, heard that the Lamphere Rams Varsity Boys Tennis team won the MAC (Macomb Area Conference) Silver Division for tennis. Together, this year's Boys team brought home the first division title since 2005.

record in division play and 8-4 overall. Senior Eric Chung was the league Most Valuable Player and






Our boys had an unbelievably perfect season under the guidance of Coach Brian White, 5-0 garnering a

also won the number one singles flight in the MAC Silver Tournament. The Rams took second in the place

Tournament, only one point behind St. Clair Shores South Lake. Alex Zynda, a junior who played number three singles, was also first in his flight, as were Michael Bush and Jason Paavo, senior partners for the first doubles slot. Thanks to their working together flawlessly as a team, as peers, and as brothers, Lamphere's Varsity Boys Tennis team played their way an through ideal season.

East Detroit Royal Oak Center Line Mt. Clemens Ferndale Clawson South Lake Utica Fitzgerald Warren Woods Tower 5 3 Berkley 2 6 Hazel Park 6 2 us


Holding their game balls for the upcoming match , the boys take a breather before playing Ferndale. Mike Bush and Jason Paavo show a little leadership by giving a pep talk to calm everybody's nerves .

Abbie leham - 9th


" My favorite memory

was the fun times we

had at practice."

Cryetal Deguzman-9th


"Next year I'm excited

for the memories and

all the bonding I'll have

with the team." Lauren Pereny - 10th grade " I'm going to miss all the girls and having fun together".

Lauren Plumb-10th grade " I love all the girls, we're like sisters. Even though we fought, I wouldn't of changed a thing."

Haley Fl5her-lOth grade "My favorite thing about the season was learning the competition routine and getting 1st place at both competitions."


McKenzie Rowe, Coach Heather McFarline, Haley Fisher, Lauren

Hamelink, Natalie Griffin, Katelyn Whisnant, lauren Pereny, Crystal

Deguzman, Abbie Isham, And Lauren Plumb.


Season Overview TheJV Dance team went to UDA Camp in the summer. Alot oftime and hard work at practice went in to prepare for the upcoming football games. Again the girls joined the varsit;y dance team to perform at the spirit week pep rally and basketball games. These girls learned that a good performance is not a given, it comes with dedication and hard work. All of that work payed off in the end, they placed 1st at both Spirit Shine and Universit;y of Michigan competitions. GreatJob Girls!

Megan Burr What are you going to miss the most about the dance team?

• Iam going to miss all the girls. and sense offamily that Ihave on the team. Ilove all the girls and will miss all ofthem so much:

DVle More TiWlell,AgaiVlII!

Coach KMra Hurrkett, Amandd Wdlldce Ashley Whisnant, Emily Griswold, M ol~ Kosnak,

Megan Burr, Emily DeRubeis, Stephdnie Strawska, Brittany Kopich, Amanda Kassab,

Callie Koppen, Kdsie Quinn, Hdnndh Mdjlik, Chelsed Schwdndt, dnd Monicd Szmyd (Not Pictured).

Lady Rams continually demonstrate the skill, determination , competitive edge, focus, and power it takes to be champions, and they do it with grace and style. Not too long ago, girls weren't granted equal opportunity to participate in sports. An educational amendment, Title 9, passed in 1972, made it illegal for any organization to discriminate against athletes on the basis of their gender, among other things. That basically means that if a school doesn't offer a girl's team, then any girl who wishes to play on that sport, like wrestling or football, has the same right as anyone else to try out for the team. It also means that a girl's ­ sports team has to be equally funded. Sports are where we as people find out what we're made of and • push our limits and is why we're grateful for the opportunity to play. This page is a tribute to all our young women who keep the spirit alive. We've come a long way! Girls rule!

• •

..- . •

• ••

• •

From being part of a state champion hockey team two years running, to traveling to Italy to perform their danc€ Lamphere girls shine



















"When my opponent slid under the net onto my side of the court to return the ball. " -Eric Chung

"Winning 4 meets when we haven't in the past." -Alivia Lehto


Th Funniesl Momenl

"Immitating the band, pretending to play their lstuments, twirling a flag with the colorguard, mocking he cheerleaders and dancing to "All the single ladies" on their sound track."


"When Stacia and Morrisa would start dancing when the coach was not watching." -Lindsey Riley

The Fall S

Many things have changed in the last ten years. President Clinton's home is now occupied by Barack Obama, you could fill up your gas tank for $1.25 a gallon and the Play Station 2, not the PS3, was the must­ have holiday gift. It was also the last time the Lamphere varsity football team won a game in the MHSAA playoffs. "The funniest moment was making up songs in the mat room that made no sense at all." -Kristyn Wrobleski Ten years of frustration has turned to jubilation as the Rams crushed the Detroit Douglass Hurricanes 27-0 on Saturday, October 31 at Renaissance High School in the Detroit, in Division 4 playoff action, giving Lamphere their first playoff win since 1999 when they beat Inkster.

PACT is a club for anyone interested in their own academic success, helping to create and promote a positive image for African Americans, and helping fellow members by supporting their goals. "In the beginning of the year, group members get together in a circle and share one academic goal and one personal goal that they have set for themselves. We then ask the other members who will help this person in accomplishing his/her goal, to which they all respond 'I will'. We have mandatory tutoring on Wednesdays in my room and all members also take part in a book club where we select and read books that deal with African American issues such as : PACT, Push, Letters to a Young Brother, and Letters to a Young Sister." said club

sponsor Mrs. Guzynski. "In PACT, we promote leadership and community involvement," adds Mrs. Gilmore, the other club sponsor, who continues to explain that the group held a canned food drive this year which was successful in collecting over 2,000 food items. The club invited NHS members from our rival school, Madison High, to deliver the food the Pontiac Grace Center of Hope where they stocked shelves and cooked and served lunch to mission residents. An accomplishment that earned a front page story in the Madison Park News. The club's service was also acknowledged at a city council meeting. Pact also is in charge of the Black History Month school wide presentation which shares the groups talents and culture with the school.

Prett _ .&-_ A frustrated fashion designer, Nick Luce, becomes depressed because his creations weren't coming together. In a daydream, the mannequins, who are each wearing a different design, come to life and elegantly dance around. A very surprised designer lifts a few of the ladies in joy that his creations have come to life. The winterguard team performed the act several times at different schools throughout the area. Even though they didn't take first place, the petiormances were a delight to put together and watch . "You could see the enjoyment and fun they were having on their faces," said Jessica Morris. A special thanks to Mr. Luce who took these amazing pictures.

Above: Megan Smith-Campbell is pretty in pink as she preforms her part in the production .


Left: Admiring one of his creations come to life, Nice Luce sweeps Julie Swanson off her feet.


Looking fierce and beautiful. Briann Bundshuh strikes a pose, howing o¡ her designer's creation. Th performance is reminiscence of th myth of Pygmalion, a sculptor wh falls in love with his creation an prays to the goddess Aphrodite t bring it to life.

The name of the game is basketball. The goal is to make a basket. The trick? Making a robot do it.

Senior Christopher Danik has had command of the team for four years, a true charging Ram.

We had a slow start, but finally scoring the , bonus ball brought a rush of excitement and pride that made ' me remember why I joined the team, but also reminded me this would be my last time feeling like that.

Blaring music, with the constant sounds of ratchets and shouts of "bandaids!" permeates the air. Everyone jumps at the sound of the buzzer as the round of robots battering and tipping each other over ends . Boys rush forward to carry the massive bots on and off the playing field as their opponents are busy repairing damaged pneumatic tubes. This is a

This dorky yet shiny helmet is a sign of being the human player, and something that Nick Gettel is proud to wear. To the left, Rebecca, robotics alumn, joyously runites with Ashley Rose.

typicall robotics competition, and so was the Championship Tournament. This was the pivotal event, the moment that everything was within reach; the scissorjack had been perfected by Christian Calverley and the bot could finally score. As the bot rapidly inched towards him, Nick threw the bonus ball into the bot's hamper, and the machine raced to the basket, scoring the three points that proved we are the Battering Rams.

about how the competition is going is a rare OCCUlTence, so Marissa Evans and Quinn Smith make the most out of it as they listen to veteran members.

"Are all the cubes in that game? What about the timer and flub ball?" This is just some of the dialogue everybody hears during ritualistic preparations for upcoming Saturday competitions and the Super Tournament. Counting all the games . and stuffing them into Ziploc bags is crucial - when there are not enough games at a tournament, play is delayed even longer than it usually is after Head Judge Mathis asks, "Is there any reason we can't begin?" The rituals are all the same, whether the team is preparing for a monthly competition or the state tournament, except for which games are packed. Equations, a straightforward mathematical game played with multicolored cubes is always brought, but Wff N' Proof, a nonsensical game . of symbolic logic, and On-Sets, a cube

Jon Jackson is definitely amused by Josh's mistakenly called flub, or statement that there is a blatantly obvious solution.


game that uses colors, cards, and multiple operations, are two games expressly brought to the Crown Plaza Hotel. And Propaganda can't be forgotten - as Coach Cragg's favorite game there are practices dedicated to simulating the real thing, with Eric Chung or the coaches reading from a binder of questions and joyous celebrations when a player scores the maximum amount of points, or shuts down a table. World Card, a themed trivia game with a round of Current Events, is the team's baby after both senior and junior players have won the traveling trophies for keeps. However, none of the accomplishments this team has made, nor the team itself, would have ever been possible without the dedication of Coaches Holstein and Cragg, who are in the constant presence of reverse-pickpockets.

Playoffs are a new thing this year ­ they will help decide who is put onto what team for the state tournament.

The team this year is significantly smaller than it has been recently, but that makes them no less ferocious in their drive to become champions.

Megan Burr eagerly pauses her game to show off her smile.

Lots of controversy over solutions occurs at every competition, especially where Anant Patel and Eric Chung are concerned.

Co-op gives me the opportunity to o t my credits and help me ompare my educational choices nd my career choice '. It - Brad Leonard



LHS students that work together with elementary

"I get to meet kids and help them with their reading levels; it feels great knowing that they go up because of me,"-Melissa Kwasiborski says about her accomplishments.

"I like being able to be a role model to the younger students," Jessica Goode says about being in experiential learning.

"My job helps me work with people, especially for the career I'm going for; it gets you ready for the real world." -Erin Box

"Co-Op helps me prepare for the home health care job I plan on doing once I get out of high schoo\."­ Megan Tripp


And work experience

Employers like to hire Co-Op students because students are earning course credit in addition to a pay check; so Co-Op students tend to be very responsible employees. "I feel I'm good for my job because it's like my second nature; I'm very comfortable," says Danielle Blaylock. "Co­ Op allows students to see how their classroom instruction links

"co-op is a good way to earn credit for doing my job."­ Danielle Blaylock At her job at a car dealership. "My job is making a good experience in the office and the real worJd ."-says Elena Gherasim of Co-Op and how it prepares her for her future .


to the world of work and their future career options. Students' Co-Op positions are related to a course they're taking at Lamphere and their expressed career pathway of interest," Mrs. Alexander says on what Co-Op can do for you. "I get people skills from my job; it helps me with my career choice to be a teacher," adds Megan Burr.

"We're back and better than ever!" says Mr. Sicken about the return of our notorious Link Crew. There are always the students who are new to the district and have no idea how Lamphere works . There are always the students who do not have an experienced high school student to ask questions of and there are always the students who would get hopelessly lost without a walk through, or who need that extra push to pull up grades or who would ball up and roll down into a dark pit of loneliness. Link Crew is here to help those students. This bundle of dedicated and selfless upperclassmen are here to insure the successful transition of freshmen into the high school setting. With summertime training seminars and

the sweaty effort from our Link Crew sponsors, Mr. Sicken, Mrs. Wainz Mrs. Schley and Mr. Olson, Lamphere has the best Link Crew team in the North Farmington Link Crew Conference. The team was very exuberant in the activities that they participated in . The upperclassmen came back from the conference with a new and fully loaded arsenal of tools tricks and traditions to perfect the ideal skills of the team, insuring that this year will be better then ever!

Nicholas Luce "Being a Link Crew member is being a role model for the fre shmen and helping them achieve the highest level of education smoo thly."

I think the program has helped out the fresh man a lot this year. I think that this has been a success fu I year and I'm reall y glad to be a part of it l " - Mrs. Schley

It is always a drag to wake up for school, but the dedicated members of NHS wake up a half an hour early every Thursday for a meeting. It was at these meetings that Eric Chung's Three Initiatives: Investing funds, Improving community, and Increasing awareness - were brought to life. At these meetings, intrinsically motivated students volunteered to operate a tables in the lunch room to sell Breast Cancer awareness apparel and Hershey Kisses for Valentine's Day. It was also in the wee hours of the day that students who excel in particular subject areas pledged their time to tutor

others through Grade Aid, Lamphere's first ever perr to peer tutoring program. Also, as the golden rays of sunlight began to stream through the library, minds were aflutter as plans for the first Gold Rush Tournament were finalized. Most of the funds raised through all the activities were used for important causes, like in a shopping spree for Families in Need or put towards Relay for Life, the American Cancer Association's twenty - four hour event that kicks off the beginning of summer.

Pesident: Eric Chung Treasurer: Siobhan Mckinney Vice President: Hannah Patel Historian: Stephanie Strawska Secretary: Ashley Rose Sergeant at Arms: Chris Danik

On the grass: Taking a break from running around trying to steal pieces of foam noodles for Gold Rush, just one new opportunity NHS has created. Going on a shopping spree for toys may sound selfish, but these students did it for Families in Need - not to mention their help at the canned food drive.


What happens when the recycle bin in your third hour classroom becomes full of paper? Earth Smart will sneak around during Silent Reading to empty it! This club is the driving force behind Lamphere's "green factor" and works hard to keep the schools paper recycled; no matter the season, these trooping members are deterred neither by snow nor rain nor heat but traipse through it all to pour paper into the hulking dumpster in the parking lot on Thirteen Mile Road.

Discussing ideas for T­ shirts is just as important as keeping the school"s paper recycled. Eddie and Jenna have a long Silent Reading ahead of them - they have to fill that empty bin.

There is always a moment of awkward silence before, magically . assembled carolers start singing simultaneously.

Llama Rama is what this group is most famous for, but this year selling adorable buttons with llama faces on them was put on hold. Instead, Interact members manned change jugs in the cafeteria for a week as they joined the cause to raise relief funds for the earthquake in Haiti - the disaster that grabbed everybody's attention and hearts. This group is also responsible for hosting the annual Ice Cream Social, that welcomes new students to our school.



Chelsea Austin

Yvonne Millar

"The aspi rations of being a good band. Working hard so we are the best we can be gets me out of bed early and to practice on time."

"The anticipation of being with friends and the excitement of getting better, but it doesn't hurt that my alarm clock is blaring in my ear at 5am."

'Tve lived with these people for four years; we1re like a family and I look forward to being with them, supporting them, and succeeding."

The drumline found themselves in a duel to the death with the cOlorguard. After a short lived victory for the drummers, the color­ guard was resurrected and came back with a vengeance. Once the drumline was defeated, the band had succumbed to the power of the vampires. There was one lone survivor, Drum major Emily

Griswold. She was afraid and ran to Nicholas for protection, unaware that he was a vampire too. She was surrounded in a matter of seconds and was quickly killed by Nicholas. The color guard then ran her off the field . "The band didn't need to win 1st at states to have one of the coolest shows this year," says Haley Fisher.


Lamphere's show this year was titled "Midnight," in which the colorguard acted as vampires. Drum major, Nicholas Luce, was bitten and turned into a vampire right as the show began. To the band's dismay, trumpet so,loist Maajid Nazrulla was lured by the power of the guard. After lVIaajid was lured in, the rest of the band had no chance.

..~ ­


Jordan Rizer



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Physical Education "Gym motivates you to go play and have fun exercising. "


lectives help students relieve hot air from their stressful classes and pressured grades.

- Jalen Rudd, 12

- Tyler Wild

"Students that take art have the opportunity to explore their creative side and experiment with a variety of mediums." - Mrs. Lohmeir on her art classes.

"In photography, it' as if you can see things behind the lens that nobody else can see." Shakira Porter

TV Productions "TV production provides an introduction to the creation, production and editing of high-quality television how. We e plor aU genres of television, advertising, marketing, and script writing w ith emphasis on tea m work." - Mr.Wool yon TV Productions

"I like the freedom we get in class to e press our per onality." - Lionel Culpepper.

"We never have any homework!"

"It's intense." - Jason Paavo, after a game of dodgeball in gym.

i .-~-

_ ~-

Good friends Tony Kuci and Kelvin Toma work together in the hallway .

Mrs. Gilmore is doing what she does best: helping her students.

What is English without discussion , research presentations, writing, and a lot of hard work? By the way, despite popular belief, hard work is actually good for you . 93

Inspiring young minds one book at a time. This is the subject in which you can truly find yourself. Sure, there are the dreaded five paragraph essays, and the even longer ten page research paper for the juniors, but there are also Mrs. Guzynski's "Tone Speed-Dating" and Mrs. Gilmore's fishbowls. English may be one of the most dreaded subjects, but in those projects everyone thinks to be asinine, you engaging your imagination with that of an author to explore what it means to be human. Every reader's experience is truly unique. There is a power in story to enrich, engage, inspire, ignite, enlighten and connect us all. And everyone has a story to tell.

Below: Amanda Wallace and Heidi Loginow are working in the library.

Why do you enjoy teaching English class?­ ~


I love writing, literature , and reading . I want my students to have the opportunity to love those things too. -Mrs.Gimore

I enjoy teaching English because it's the only subject where you can learn about yourself. -Ms. Schley

I love english because I love to read. It seems

just like a natural fit. I love the "ahha" moment a student gets. -Mr. Toma

You Are Albert Einstein! You are extremely smart and like to learn. You are a very happy person and love to make people laugh. You are outgoing and crazy. People can describe you as forgetful.

you Are Rosa Parks! You are a very powerful person and have a lot of dfgntty. You are not afraid to stick up for yourself. You are very nice loving. and caring. If you have a goal, you go for It and never give up.

Prettiest Eyes IInllthe winner is... Kayla Unllerwooll anll Kellin Denmark

Mock Elections I Class Thespians: Brad Leonard & Gabby Davis Class Flirt: Kevin Denmark & Alyssa Baroli I Most Gullible: Fluis Alia & Sarah Novak I Class Kanye (Most Interruptive) : Shane Dutton & Vivian Habeeb I Drama King/Queen: Shane Dutton & Vivian Habeeb I Shyest: Matt Honto & Khushbu Patel I Class Clown: Mike Bush & Raleigh Macintosh Class Skipper: Ryan Clark & Mackenzie Vaughn I Gossip Girl/Guy: Dan Mason & Vivian Habeeb I Best Smile: Ben Kinczkowski & Dani Jonesl


Most Likely to Be Married More Than Once : D-Lo & Brooke Stuartl

Mr. Vallus

Not Pictured MaryEllen Bell

Ross Cardew

Adam Wooley

Mrs. Wainz

Mr. Walainis

Mrs. Winlers

Mrs. Wolyns.k.i

Mr. Wrobel


Mrs. Karl


Mrs. Kinczkowski

Mr. King

Ms. Liu

Mrs. Lohmeier

Mr. Mackni s

Joshua Wood

Jennifer Wurm

Shane Young

Kevin Yung

Brandon ZolJ

Colleen McFall

Kaliegh Mcintosh

Siobhan McKinney

Marcus Meade

Michael Meade


Hanna Hanna

Samantha Henning

Michael Herndon

Jesse Herrera

Megan Hershock

Nicholas Hillard

Matthew Honto

Wai Huang

Angelique Hubbard

Demontez Humphries

Amanda [sa

Shelby Iverson

Brian Koehler

Sean Komrska

Brittany Kopich

Toni Kuci

Ryan Kumle

Olivia Kunert


Christopher Ervasti

Jeffrey Evans

Valerie F achou

Emily Fosmore

Nicholas Galles

John Gearhart

Elena Gherasim

Jessica Geist

Jessica Goode

Vivian Habeeb

Jinnan Haji

Brittany Hall


The end of a decade and the end of an era. The perfect 10 class prepares to leave Lamphere and enter the real world.

Jennifer Bair

Omar Balawi

Maryam Banyameen

Lauren Barlog

Alyssa Baroli

Eddison Bautista

Stacia Brundage

Nikolai Buluran

Brianna Bundshuh

Christopher Burch

Megan Burr

Michael Bush


presidenT of The senior closs of


I wish everybody The

besT of luck Never gi ve up, and never leT anyone STOp you from ochieving you dreams '

- Olivia Kunen

lAtter four years of people guiding us, we are now on our own. I From pencils, notebooks, ACTs, and teachers pushing us to do our best, I we're moving into a world of college or jobs, professors or bosses. I People we've been friends with since kindergarten will now be going their separate ways.• But no matter where life takes us, I no matter what choices we make, one thing will always unite us: I We are the Rams, class of 2010! What could be more perfect? 64

Kyle Raymond Sara Rector Jordan Rhines Lindsey Riley Megan Riley Charles Robinson Jeremy Ross

Steven Rostron Alisha Schley Michelle Schlicker Chelsea Schwandt Jordan Seemann Jared Seymour Luke Shepherd

Kayla Silk Benjamin Smith Donald Smith Christian Spanos Jesse St. Louis Tyler Steensma Brdtany Steudle Porscha Summers Katelynn Swanson Travis Sztajer Adam Techow Katelyn Thorpe Fadi Tobia Sarah Toma

Marwa Tomas Jasonfilip Torres Marcus Travis Alisha Trombley David Underwood Travis Van Dyke Cameron Velasquez

Amanda Wallace Jackson Walsh Taylor Ward Alyson Wellman Jake Wesley Trina Wilkinson Chenelle Willis

Griffin Winke Adam Winters Michael Winters Kristyn Wrobleski William Yaple Rezwana Yasmin Edmond Younes

Sean Lalonde

Travis Lawler

Stephen Lee

Alivia Lehto Kelly Lentini Jackson Lewis Kevin Liner

Brittany Lockaby Travis Locke Heidi Loginow Cardell Louis Nicholas Luce Brittney Lynch Leigh Lyons

Katie Macdonald Matthew Magri Hannah Majzlik Juanita Manriquez Alexander Maodus Karla Maradiaga Marisa Marcinkowski Rickey Marsee Zachary Marsh Mohammed Masnoon Peter McAlpine Nicole Messina Trevor Mier Erin Miles

Kevin Morgan Courtney Myers Sean Nash Andrew Neisz Joshua Nunn Diana Oraha Stephanie Orloski

Sabryna Ozias Sammantha Parker Anant Patel Sapan Patel Joshua Pemberton Matthew Peterson Rebecca Pieper

Scott Poole Salah Putres Leonela Qafa Abdur Rahman Shahriar Rahman Dominic Raona Zaid Ray

Apa Danica Flores Alexis Forbes Kevin Forgash Allyse Franks Matthew Gaertner Jordan Gaines Roshaunda Gardner

Jason Geist

Maessam Ghanim

Angela Gordon

Dayana Gorgees

Joshua Grams

Nicolas Graves

Emily Griswold

Losian Habib Michael Hanley Merana Hanna Cara Harm Austin Heisler John Heisler Rileah Holdreith Janie Hong Ryan Horvath Amanda Hreha Stephen Huffman Jasmine Hughes Suraya Islam Jonathan Jackson

Zachary Jedro Alex Jenkins Jeremy Joanis Joshua Joanis Christopher Jones Jesse Junkin Sally Kaji

Amanda Kassab Christian Keener Sandra Khemoro Jennifer Kilbourn Kristen Kirkwood Marissa Knorp Mansour Konja

Callie Koppen

Molly Kosnak

Cybil Kotsonis

Mitchell Kozlowski

Katlyn Krysiak

Eric Kwasiborski

Amanda Lagrange

Keriah Abd Joe Akl John Alexander Ylli Alia Courtney Allison Danielle Armstrong Amber Arwine

Jared Austin Kyle Austin Rand Azzo Brandon Backhus Tonisha Baetiong Jacob Baldwin Nicholas Barrett

Angelo Bato Stephanie Bentley Peter Betto Heather Borngesser Alyssa Bowdich Amanda Briskey Nicholas Budnik Shannon Bush Christian Calverley Cynaira Canaday Gregory Cannon Michael Cavanaugh Dezirae Chalmers Jacqueline Chapman

Jia Chen Daniel Clavier Anthony Clemons Jerry Conner Courtney Cook Kyle Corn Jacob Coudneys

Lionel Culpepper Kara Cunningham Jude Davis Faith Dentry Emily Derubeis Anthony Dicarlo Rebecca Dykzeul

Kasey Eason Robert Easterbrook Lauren Edwards Danielle Ellis Alison Estigoy Gregory Fettes Julian Fischer

Jasmine Hughes Bril1l1ev lynch aleHis forbes

Josh Grams

Megan Rilew

The juniors this year show pride and



everything they do. I'm happy to

be a part of

this class l

-lila Hores


I am ... athletic - Rob Mendyka

I am ... chill - Meghan Versele

I am ...


- Jesi Stoddard

I am ... dancer - Lauren Pereny

I am ... flexible - Monica Szmyd

Thomas Roache Sade' Robinson Derrick Ryan Mark Saadoon Mular Saadoon Sarah Sabah Mayhar Sadik

Maryam Saeed Deena Salim Alayna Sands Christopher Scruggs Joshua Seewald Alec Shapic Mariah Shepherd

Shayna Shuman Audrey Smith Alyssa Snover Leven Soma Steven Soma Kameron Stanton Jesicalyn Stoddard Julie Swanson Monica Szmyd Nathan Templeton John Toma Karleen T oma Brian Tripp Sharniqua Tyson

Kayla Vanwormer Meghan Versele Stephan Versele Sophia Vu Lauren Wands Ashley Warrick Jordan Watson

Kevin Welsh Mark White Anita Willis Rajanee Wilson Justin Wood Merna Yokhanna Jolyana Youhana

Donna Yousif Merna Yousif Nadia Yousif Nadine Yousif Rafid Yousif Shawn Yousif Aziz Youssif

Richard Kilbourn Mina Kobreel Brian Krebaum Juela Kuci Andrew Lambiris Breiana Langowski Jesse Lassila

Steven Lear Jaclyn Lecznar Dylan Lenander Kristyn Luks Binh Luong Johnathon Luptak Ashton Lyon

Nina Maodus Pashke Marku Jacqueline Mazur Alyx McGowan Courtney McLatchie Rob Mendyka Kelsey Meyer Michael Middleton Chelsea Miller Constance Miller-Geiger Justin Miscischia Rebekah Mitton Matthew Moffatt Jeremiah Moore

Ashley Morrow Olivia Mousa Samantha Nagy Merna Najar Adam O'connor Dany Oraha Michelle Paavo

Gregory Peeples Hope Pena Lauren Pereny Moren Petros Ardelia Phillpotts Lauren Plumb Mark Poniewierski

Shakira Porter Anjeel Putres Arenina Qafa Didar Rahman Ashley Redman Nicholas Reynolds Joey Rice

Catherine Francees Konrad Fredlund Andi Gago Cody Gearhart Colin Gemmell Nicholas Gettel Sora Ghanim

Sally Ghazi Derek Gildenpfennig Atheena Gorgees Fady Gozaef Chelsea Green Carli Grieve Thomas Griffin

Jewel Haji Stephanie Hall Lauren Hamelink Brianna Hanley Ramy Hanna Waad Hanna Ricky Haranczak Salar Hasan Sarah Hayden Nicholas Henning Elizabeth Hensley Samantha Hensley Jacob Hermes Shahad Hermiz

Anthony Hewgley Kristiana Hila Alex Howard Kyle Hughes Jeremy Hunacek Sevan Hurmiz Silver Hurmiz

Bree Hurst Sonia Islam Carlee Issa Zenarra James Russell Jarvis Ryan Jaskulka Olivia Jenkins

Jesse Jones Shawn Joyce Jay Junkin Lawrence Karoumy Brandon Keating Danes Khalil Dany Khalil


Mina Abd Rani Abed Ramy Abud Elias Ziyad AI Obaidi Sara Alabasi Andrew Alisa Laili Alomari

Nicholelte Anoff Amanda Antoine Jason Antonie Dany Arbo Jacob Augustine Chelsea Austin Doresha Austin

Jenna Badgley Abrahem Balawi Darien Bentley Shauna Bommarito James Bullock Eric Burr Jenna Buza Caleigh Carlesimo Marianne Carney Taylor Chandler Tahmim Chowdhury Roderick Clark Bennett Clayton Skip Conner

Paige Cooper Kyle Cormier Jeffrey Cronk Stephen D'arca Dado Dabo Awss Daniel Megan Danko

Addma Dawood Faris Dawood Kenneth Degraaf Amanda Doane Megan Duberg Glen Duncan Michael Elias

Jacob Esbri Vanna Fachou Rami Faraj Rita Faraj Christopher Fettes Haley Fisher Abigail Fosmore


"We have a wide variety of personalities that combine to make a better schooL "

.James Bullock


This year has been bigger then words can describe. Not only are we experiencing our last year as underclassmen ,lsome of us are finally realizing that high school isn't just a cake walk. It takes a lot of hard work and determination to pass and move on to the next grade. After this year, our careers are already half-way over and we will be faced with the last half. So let's embrace it and make it the best ever. 44


How does Itleel going lrom being top dog to underclassman?

"It's a big change, takes a little while to get use to. " Jenny Betlej What do you like most about high school?

Which Do YOU ....,., I. -I deflnbly like high echooI betlW than middle school, GVW'd ..

"The sports are better than they were in middle school"


2. -High 8ChoaIha.1ot men going em than middle ~ ...I0Il Ie good. but rm not .... WhICh J'ID

bett8r.­ 3. -. .... high ............. a lot

mare fun than I thout d be. 4. -. IDled mlddle.:hOol belter, so far. I don' IInoW WhJ •Juet do. • 5. High 8Ch00f ......... 11ove my

What do you like least about high school?

''There is more homework in high

school than in middle school. "

IHChers Mel • ...,. . . ~ It beeIer.-

rrIenda. so

Tessa Graves

\11 ,*1 \ '"~ ( :)



What do you like bener, high school or middle school?

I like high school better, you get more freedom and

Caitlin Gleason

I like high school better than middle school. he teachers are harder though, but overall I ke it better. I'm excited to move forward." Brenna Costello

"I like high school so much more than middle

school. It was a big change, but it will be

worth it."

- Ashley Elliot.

r Be ter or For Worse

Ryan Roman

As the 2009/2010 school year moves on, the class of 2013 is getting a taste of what high school is all about: the harder classes, the school spirit, and the people . It's all quite an adjustment. Some students say it's better, while others think it is much harder than middle school. Still, the majority of "I'm not sure if I like high school or middle school better.. The classes are harder, and the teachers are stricter, but the people are better. " -Diana Isa

Raymon McCreary

freshmen like high school better than middle school. Who can blame them? There is always something going on and there are groups and activities throughout the year for every type of person. High school is an opportunity for students to express themselves and find out who they really are. It offers much insight into the future and what lies ahead after the graduation. High school is a great experience, and it flies by and is over before you know it.

I like being the Freshman class president because I like to work with people. There is a lot to get into in high school, and it makes the year better.


ladelah SumlDB

I like being the Freshmen class vice president because I like being behind the scenes. I like being able to make things happen. You get to do a lot more, and make more decisions than you would in middle school.

Katherine Walsh Anisa Weathers Brook Weaver Emily Welch Adriel Wenceslao Katlyn Whisnat Jordan Whitehead

Tyler Wild Troy Williams Michael Willyard Emmanuel Yousif Robert Yousif Riyam Youssif

Anthony Persinger Chelsey Phipps Kristina Prater Elizabeth Rais Valentine Ralph Angelo Raona Steven Razoki

Evan Reich Erin Rice Ryan Roman Justin Ross Kristina Rostron Mckenzie Rowe Erinn Roy

Brandon Ruble Selena Salas Jonna Sanchez Madison Sandor Lynette Semergian Courtney Semos Elizabeth Sharer Jasmine Sharpe Katelyn Silver Brianna Smith Colin Smith Darin Smith Jaleel Smith Kailey Smith

Diana Snyder Mina Soliman Joshua Somers Cameron St.Louis Kadejah Summers Kali Sztajer Cristinela Tamas

Austen Terry Blake Thompson Chelsea Thompson Marcus Thompson Samuel Trabucchi Kuong Tran Michael Tratar

James Treppa Paige Tyldesley Alexander Wagner Nicholas Wagner Caleb Walatkiewicz Joshua Wallace Khalil Wallace

Zakary LaFrance

Derek Lambiris

Jake Landis

Brittany Langowski

Jacqulyn Lee

Kyle Liner

Michaela Louis

Ryan Lunsford Brendan Lyle Lindsay Lyle Alexander Mach Kelsey Madigan Vince Mandarino Carlos Maradiaga

Nicole Marsh Grace Martin Sierra McAllister Shelby McCallum Skylar McCaw Brandon McCoy Raymon McCreary Stephanie McGinnis Marina McNeil Zachary Minnick John Moats Julia Mohan Maria Morey Alexander Mototolea

Jacob Mowry Richard Muncy Kaitlin Murdock Jacob Myszenski Melanie Najar Jessie Nguyen Danielle Nicholson

Kendall Ochoa Sara Ormsby Christian Paavo Shannon Paavo Robert Parke Hannah Parker Dhruv Patel

Karan Patel Ryan Patras Brittany Paulus Cody Pawlaczyk Robert Pemberton Alivia Pena Dyllen Perry

Austyn Eicholtz Ashley Elliott Christine Ello Soreal Emmanoull Kirsten Eriksson Brittaney Ernest Rima Esho

Marissa Evans Emrah Fajkovic Mina Farhood Andrew Fisher Brittany Fithian Daniel Gaertner Jesus Garcia

Sarah Gemmell Caitlin Gleason Marina Gorgees Andrew Gorman Erica Grable Jacob Grams Tessa Graves Natalie Griffin Amber Grogan Nidia Guri Chris Hamana Tiffani Haught Alexis Hilson Kiah Hughes

Tayler Hurchanik Marko Ibrahim Diana Isa Abbie Isham Kristina Ishaq Nusrat Jahan Jan Jameel AI Najjar

Raghda Jerjies Rachel Jones Hayley Kadlec Nicholas Karam Taylor Kelly Haroot Khachador Fadi Khalil

Tyler King Adam Knox Madeline Komrska Kayla Kopke Nicholas Koppitch Brandon Kurta Alexander Lafrance

Sarmad Abdelmutaleb Ranin Abed Abdulkader AI Obaidi Alma Alagic Amra Alijagic Alexander Allen Fadi Arbo

Miciah Atkinson Andrew Bato Jordan Beaman Kendell Beeler Katelyn Bennett Connor Bentley Erika Berger

Zackery Berry Zachary Boardman Michael Boddy Victoria Borngesser Flavius Bortas Aaron Bowdich William Briskey Heather Britt Kenneth Brock Austin Brown Jason Brown Thomas Brzustewicz Cassie Burt Austin Canter

Jesse Carpenter David Cham mas Blake Chandler Mutasim Chowdhury Alyssa Clack Dean Clark Melissa Clendennin

Shana Code Alexander Cole Laura Collopy Brenna Costello Marissa Cox Sandra Daniel Reese Davis

Ranya Dawood Crystal Deguzman Patrick Dei Bradley Denmark Y Do Shelbi Dzieniszewski Samantha Egolf

freshman class of 2013 is so cool! I LOVE

representing them I"


ou cannot help but to I'ook at is cornucopia of school spirit!

An all-out green Stacia Brundage has a good ,laugh after passing the orange to her fellow senior during this hilarious event.

Jessica Goode watches over everybody ei: se, looking for a good strategy during Twister.

Day after day, lunch is just another daily ritual we endure during the exciting days here at Lamphere . But one week out of every year, lunch time is an intensifying competition between classes. Spirt Week turn the ordinary lunch room experience into an all out battlefield . Students compete against one another in ridiculous games that embarrass contestants, but have the bystanders rolling with laughter. Twister has students crisscrossed in an attempt to topple their opponents. In the orange pass, students pass an orange only using their necks! Musical chairs can make even the weakest student top of the food chain if they can beat a senior to the last chair. It's anybody's guess what'li happen during these fast paced games.

Twister is never a dull moment. This year, seniors took first after triumphantly beating all of the underclassmen.

A famous looking group of people watch over all the lunchtime craziness.

A tidal wave of blue watches over Tyler Wild as he races to be the first butt in the chair.

1. Rockin it out Heather Borngesser and Alex Maodus get down .

5. The new 'Nsync? So how many schools can say that their teachers could be in a band?

2 Spirit d Sopho flores Cheer on their class mates during the events at the Spirit assembly.

3. Plunger man Rowing his way to the finish line, is Marcus Mead.

4. Captain Sparkles Jackson Lewis strikes a pose in his shiny cape. Real men are not afraid to wear pink.

6. New to the Spirit games These freshmen are off to a great start, learning all of Lamphere's spirit traditions.

7. Superheroes Demontez Humphries makes a mad dash to win the seniors another game.

8. Shout Celebrating their lip sync debut: Erin Rice and Rachel Jones


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"Our senior lip sync was pretty much the best. Nobody could compare to our dancin' skills . Boo yaa suckers! This is Benja Boy spittin da truff. Holla atcha boy!" Up 9ifc is I:he main foc:us of !:he gpiril: AsserrbIy. lI:'s where evertj dass has I:he opporl:unil:tj 1:0 sl:eall:he compel:il:ion. K!:JOU win lip SifC. !:JOUr prel:l:tj rruch guaranl:eed 1:0 win gpiril: week and for I:he dass of The Perfecl: 10 I:hal: was no lie. n recenl: hisl:ortj no ore has ever won lip SifC evertj ~r. ..unl:rr now. The dass of 2010 has been dominal:ing lip SlJ'C for 4 ~rs now and I:his ~r I:hetj did nol: disappoint:.

c:0= o c



Sports dre not the only competition in our school.

pirit weeks past have been

known to have crowd surfing, trash talking, and tons o f scredming .

Ever t:;ince the beginning oJ Gpirit week ctudentt:; have gone all out. People I'natj <:;ay Ie9.; it:; more but Gpirit week it:; a whole another ctory. Thit:; year the week ctarted out with Lamphere colort:;. l3!ue ard white'<:; tre ~ the more the better. Going down the hallt:; tJX1 could t:;ee WrneGne with their face painted blue or hair t:;pra~ white. Tuet:;claJ wat:; cowl:Qlfarrner ~ f-lallwayt:; were filled with flannel. pigta~t:; . or even ctick hort:;et:;. Wednet:;claJ Wa<:; t:;Uppg;ed to be one oJ the bect d~: CrÂĽ!J hair and Clat:;h dCI!J. In t:;pirit weekt:; pact. people that participate looked at:; if they t:;hould be locked up. Nothing ever rnatchet:;...EVER! Gadly it wat:; canceled ciJe to a t:;nowday but itt:; ctill known Âť Megan Smith-Campbell at:; a Larnp.here tradition.


wa<:; Camer/Celebrit~ d~. There were doctor<:;. pro <:;port<:; player<:; and even Lady Gaga! r' r i tr 'd carne to <:;chooI decked out head to toe Gaga di<:;co dick. wig and all. Now who could forget J:rida~. cdor block da~ and <:;pirit a<:;<:;ernbl~! ~very dudent wore their da<::<:; color. Green for seni~. pili< for .Lnior!:. )f' and purple for the fresrmen. People were all decked out for J:riday.

You could practically hear the anticipation in everyone'<:; voice<:;. Thi<:; year'<:; a<:;<:;ernbly wa<:; going to be epic.

I The best

Spirit week live ever had.



dl th£1j

had LilJ£~~

The Unofficial, Unnece~f­ Long-Awaited sequel to Romeo&: Juliet Where for art thou, sequel? This year the Drama Club performed a second installment of the most famous love story ever told. This shocking & hilarious "what-if" tale starts off in the Montague Tomb where Juliet awakes before Romeo poisons himself. Upon realizing they are both alive, the Capulets and Montagues settle their differences after agreeing to let Romeo and Juliet wed. During wedding preparations, Romeo is forced by Prince Escalas to not see Juliet until the day of the wedding. Romeo therefore asks of his cousin Benvolio to deliver messages between them. Little does he know that Benvolio and Juliet are seeing each other in secret. At the wedding, this secret is revealed as Juliet breaks up with Romeo because he is too clingy. Juliet then mentions that there is "Someone Else" forcing Benvolio to confess to Romeo and both families. But Romeo is no saint after telling Juliet the night they met he was looking for Juliet's friend, Rosaline. And the story ends with yet another shocking ending; Romeo & Juliet break up.

hear the reactions of the crowd; we knew we were doing a goodjob-­ instant gra tification. I love the experience of getting to create a character." - Rebekah Mitton

original cast and you don't want to mess up but at the same time your excited and enjoy doing it." - Jared Seymour




Jesi Stoddard plays an overly emotional nurse. She loves Juliet like the daughter she didn't have and doesn't want to see her grow up.

Danlelle Westergaard T Swift: You Belong Wltb Me

Gary Schneider

New Boyz: New GII'I Ozzy 0: Bark at tbe Moon

Travis Lawler Apa Flores

Owl City: fireflies

Andrew Fisher

Droplllck Murphy: Boys on fbe Docks

Brandon Ruble

Tbe Beatles: Let It Be

Rob Mendyka

KISS: Rock'" Roll All Nlte

lauren Pereny The Jonas Bros: Please Be Mine

Mrs. Bell Mr. Brasch

Jolin Lennon: Imagine

Blue Oyster Cult: Don't Fear the Reaper

The Dther


Teachers aren't always prim and proper; sometimes they let loose and show their wild side

During the spirit week teacher lip sync, Mr. Sicken demands the attention of the class as Dewey from School ofRock.


Make friends with people from different ehnic backgrounds to prepare yourself for life. -Marcus Meade


now to slArvlve tnls place we callscnool Every year, more and more students enter our school and struggle to find their classes, avoid certain hallways, and learn what teacher won't let you talk in class. These students face life or death decisions on who to be friends with and where to sit at lunch. Well, worry no more! Here you will find answers to these and other burning questions. This guide will steer you to the best high school year imaginable. Thanks to this survival guide, you'll be loved by everyone, teachers and students. Following this survival guide will work wonders. You'll be invited to the hottest parties, find the perfect date--you might even be the first choice if someone has an extra ticket to a concert. So get out your note pad and take notes, because this is going to help make your school year a perfect ten!

Learn to keep some of your


Don It get wrapped up in

opinions to yourself. It will


what people think about

definitely keep the peace.


you. You only go to high


school once, LIVE IT UP!

-Gabrielle Davis



Shane Dutton

In 10 years I plan on being/having/doing... in my life. I want to be a

famous model.

I want to be a video game designer.

I'd like to be married, with kids, living in Colorado. I want to graduate from Henry Ford, be working on mputers, and be married.

Gabrielle Davis and Alec Shapic dance it out to stay warm during the second half of the game.

Rain. ~now. or blaring wind can't: keep t~~ fa~ away. Thi~ ~r'~ I-tornecorning garne wa~ fmed with ~pirit. It rained the ~ntir~ night and wa~ only 45 OOgr~. but: ~v~yo~ toughed it out. Paren~ and dudent~ dayed to watch their Rarn~ crearn gouth Lak~ 35-0. People carne with ~ig~ and ruddled under urnbre"a~ to keep dry. No rnatt~r what. you can't: keep t~e Rarn~ down!

The coIorgJard girl~ keep il: Wliley. even I:hoJgh il:'~ dark and rai~

Nol: 1:00 enl:ru;ed 1:0 be P\3!ing in I:he rain. gteven Ro~l:ron and Valentine Ralph dill duck il: oul: to cheer our R~ 1:0 victory.

"Wirring the game wa~ great. bul: ~eeing

old frienOC I:hal: I gra<Lal:ed with reall!:j made the nighl: ~pecial.' !;aid Mr~. Guz#i.

The ct.adiutn wa~ an ocean of and ponch~ the enl:ire nigh!:. utnbrell~


Even on the sidelines, the Rams keep a sharp eye on the game and are ready to get into the action.

Take him out! The defensive line keeps South Lake at bay.

It takes more than a

diving tackle from the South Lake defense to take our Rams down!

Nick Hilliard doing his best to keep his defensive line strong.

What is your idea ofa perfect summer vacation? Brandon Ruble, 9

many David Archuleta concerts .

Kristyn Wrobleski, 11


Sandra AJisa , 12

Ashton Lyon, 10

"Sophmore year has been easier than last year. I'm more comfortable this year and my grades have improved because of it. " • Justin Miscischia


0r yedr: the ending of your high school life dnd the beginning

of your

future. Graduation is

This years ' Juniors have been trained

what we all look forward to . Getting out and

to the max to take on the ACT, with

moving on to either getting a job or going to

classes and teachers pushing them to

college. There are many decisions to be made,

do their best. Even with the prep, in

but now they are truly yours to make.

the end, it's how they use thdt information to better themselves dnd

"I'm excited to move on but, once I get out and leave, it's over, and I'm going to miss everyone. The idea of leaving and not seeing everyone is a lil~e overwhelming. I will still see my dose hiends because I'll be around for college and I will never lose contact with them." - Dani Jones

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