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Girls To Learn Positive Habits For Life
Earlier in the school year, a new set of good habits for life were launched during a special assembly for all pupils at Hesketh House, Bolton School’s Junior Girls’ School. The eight tenets - or ‘Hesketh House Habits’ as they will be known - will infuse all learning and will serve the girls both in school and throughout their lives.
Deputy Head Mrs Holt employed a number of pupils in an interactive assembly as she introduced the Year 3 to Year 6 girls to the key characteristics aimed at encouraging good habits of behaviour. She spoke of the importance of Curiosity and girls’ need to ask questions as they strive to develop their knowledge and thinking. She commended girls for their already highly developed Creativity across all subjects and told them how this will be developed even further. She explained the meaning of the word Compassion, explaining how we need to connect with the world around us and show empathy and understanding. She cited the example of Phoebe in Year 4 who, over the summer, had given 12 inches of her own hair in order that a wig could be made for someone who needed it. Another important habit, she told the Year 3 to 6 girls, was Collaboration: the ability to value teamwork and understand the importance of working effectively with others. She also advised how it is important to demonstrate a determined approach through Commitment and to welcome Challenge, both in lessons and in extra-curricular activities. A critical habit too, she stated, is Communication – something that the girls having been working hard on in recent months through their adoption of an Oracy Project. Lastly, but possibly the most important habit of all, she said, was Celebration as without a sense of triumph and fun, the very best learning cannot take place.
Headteacher Mrs Laverick said: “We will be reinforcing the new Hesketh Habits across all areas of the girls’ learning. Our curriculum promotes creativity, curiosity and challenge and our extra-curricular programme encourages collaboration and commitment. Our pupils show compassion in their amazing charity work and we regularly celebrate the achievements of our pupil and encourage them to grow their talents. By identifying these key areas and looking at them in increasing detail with the girls as the year progresses, we can build on the wonderful things happening already and recognise where we can all develop even further. Hopefully our Hesketh House Habits will be key building blocks supporting our pupils in all aspects of their education and beyond.
“The girls will be regularly reminded about these key characteristics by their teachers and through posters around the School. They will also be encouraged to collect stickers and to fill out a sticker sheet as they seek to exhibit each habit.”