3 minute read
Your First Steps To Freedom... All Shapes and Sizes Solutions
From The Disruptive Health Coach
Sick of the war with your body and daily battles with food? Sick of hating your body and yourself? Take your first steps to Freedom!
Carol May, a lady who does not look anywhere near the years on her birth certificate, realised she was hitting a mid-life crisis when her husband left and her life fell apart. She felt abandoned, unhappy, she became homeless & bankrupt and like most of us, turned to food for comfort.
She decided to have therapy and learned how to release her Anger, Resentment and feelings of Abandonment. She learned to let go of her negative thinking & how to live in the moment. As a result, her body released 44 lbs of weight it no longer needed to carry around, without dieting!
As a chronic dieter for 5 decades this led her to research WHY dieting doesn’t work and how we can rebalance our weight without the tyranny of dieting.
Carol is the anti-dieting Disruptive Health Coach who will release you from Dieting Prison! She teaches a Health At Every Size Approach (oka HAES). She shows her clients why dieting doesn’t work for them and what to do instead to rebalance their weight and more importantly, how to become truly healthy and never worry about food, their weight or their eating every again! In her words BMI stands for Bullshit Misleading Inaccurate...
There has been a scienctific study that says that women with a BMI of 25 – 35 are the healthiest people in the world and will live the longest... not what we are used to being told!
17 years ago, Carol was a counsellor for the Lighterlife Diet Plan, but realised it didn’t work on a permanent basis. As soon as her clients started to eat ‘normally’ again they would put all the weight back on again, despite all the counselling which was part of the programme.
That’s when she trained in Eating Disorders and began to learn why even that programme didn’t work!
Carol’s clients are usually midlife chronic yoyo dieters, always emotional eaters, and sometimes binge Eaters, who are AFRAID TO NOT DIET but she teaches them how to let go of dieting, reconnect with their body and their emotions, and to live a life of total FREEDOM around food and in their beautiful body; for some this is the first time they have ever really lived life, having put living on hold until they were thinner…
Carol is also a Nutritionist and Home Economist, so cooking meals from fresh ingredients is an essential part of all her programmes; plus Mindful and Intuitive Eating ie. Eating what your body wants, when it wants it, in the quantity it wants imn order to feel satiated and satisfied. There is never any food you cannot eat, or any need to feel guilty about eating it either! However, you may CHOOSE not to eat certain foods when your body says it’s not what it wants OR you realise that they are upsetting your digestion, giving you a migraine, or worse…
She also helps her clients to look at Cravings in a different way which will help them cope with them in the moment.
Working with Carol you will achieve a stable weight long term, possibly for the first time in your life, although it may not be the weight you think you want to be or have been told you ‘need’ to be by a medical professional. Her clients lose between 12 and 44lbs in 3 months without dieting.
Carrying extra fat is so much more than having eaten too much and modern science is helping to debunk all the dieting propaganda being spouted by dieting companies and show that there are many causes! So please, stop shaming yourself and others - change doesn’t happen when we feel guilt and shame!
If you’d like to learn how to rebalance your weight, love your body and be healthy without dieting, contact Carol: N 07884 435554 | E carolmay54@live.co.uk www. thedisruptivehealthcoach.com