16 minute read
Results Day

For Year 13 students departing Bolton School this summer, Results Day saw a return to something approaching ‘normal’ after a unique and very different Sixth Form experience.
The past two years have seen them continue their education through lockdowns, across distance learning, and back in the classroom in year group bubbles.
Last summer, Girls’ Division students were not able to celebrate their A Level successes in school, but this year they were back for a ‘nearly normal’ Results Day! The Class of 2021 received their results in traditional style from form tutors in the Great Hall. This was a wonderful opportunity for them to celebrate everything that they have achieved through hard work and perseverance with friends, family and teachers alike.
Acting Headmistress Lynne Kyle said: ‘I am delighted with this year’s A Level examination results. The girls have worked hard and navigated an uncertain year with resilience and determination. I am confident that the vast majority of the pupils will be delighted today.
‘They also have much to be grateful for and are fortunate to have been guided by such dedicated staff during their Sixth Form years.’
The overwhelming majority of students have achieved or exceeded the entry criteria for their first choice of University course. Among them were Shreya Kamath, who has benefitted from an Arkwright Scholarship during her Sixth Form years, and achieved four A*s; she goes on to study Electrical and Informational Engineering at Imperial College London. Similarly, Sophie Hann also heads to Imperial to read Physics having achieved straight A*s. Passionate horse rider Olivia Stubbs achieved four A*s and will go forward to study Maths and Computer Science at Durham University, where she hopes to continue riding and eventing; she is currently looking forward to taking part in the Pony Club National Championships in Dressage and Showjumping next week. Katherine Baker and Head Girl Sarah Walker both gained places at the University of Oxford to study Classics and Law with French respectively.
Charlotte Hughes is going onto a Degree Apprenticeship after achieving three A* grades: her apprenticeship is in accountancy with professional services at PWC.
An outstanding 89% of students achieved facilitating grades of at least ABB, offering them access to the top universities. Over three quarters (77.8%) of grades awarded in the Girls’ Division this year were A* or A, of which 40.4% are A*. 93% of girls received at least one A* or A and more than half (65%) received 3 As or better. A fantastic 94.3% of grades were between A* and B and the pass rate for the cohort of 75 was 100%.

It has been a highly unusual Sixth Form experience for those Year 13 students departing Bolton School this summer.
Their educational journey has continued through lockdowns, across distance learning and back in the classroom in year group bubbles, and Results Day this year was a final celebration of all they have achieved through hard work and perseverance.
Staff welcomed the Class of 2021 back into school for a ‘nearly normal’ Results Day to round out their time at Bolton School. Students collected their results from form tutors in the Great Hall and enjoyed celebrating everyone’s A Level successes in the Riley Sixth Form Centre and outdoors.
Headmaster Philip Britton said: ‘It is such a joy to celebrate with the boys this morning as they receive their results and make plans for the next steps in their life beyond Bolton School. They had essentially one normal term of Sixth Form life before the pandemic. Throughout that time, they have kept motivated, worked from home and, when in school, fully engaged with all we can do. They have acted in filmed plays, recorded for online concerts, spoken at Zoom assemblies and played matches within school when they could not play other schools. The spirit they have shown in enjoying what can be rather than moaning about what could not happen has been exceptional.
‘Although the public reports were that exams were cancelled, actually assembling the basket of evidence probably involved more sustained preparation and assessment than the normal exam process and certainly in more difficult circumstances. That the results are terrific this morning and allow students to move on to their next steps is all about their tenacity and the professionalism and determination of their teachers.
‘It is not a day for trying to compare results with previous years, because this year, like last, is not like any other year. We must remember that this last few years have disrupted education more than any event since the Second World War. Trying to imagine things would be normal and comparable is wrong – of course things are not normal. But what is just as usual is that the Bolton School boys have been adaptable and determined, just as they always are.’
Four of the school’s athletes will be travelling to the US for their studies after securing sports scholarships: Alfie Yearsley and Tom Simpson will begin their university careers this September, with Luca WilliamsDenton and Jensen Myerscough deferring their places to 2022. Thomas Yates, who is a member of the seven-years-undefeated senior Water Polo team, has earned a spot at Durham University to study Chemistry; and Piers SkeelsCaldwell, the captain of the Rugby First XI who jointly raised £5,000 for Cancer Research UK earlier this year, will go on to read German and Business at Leeds. He ran his ‘24 miles in 24 hours’ charity fundraiser alongside his friend and First XI teammate Daniel Bentham, who also achieved the grades needed to secure his university place.
Hamzah Chariwala and Thomas Higham both achieved 5 A* grades, including the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification): Hamzah goes on to read Design Engineering at Imperial; while Thomas will study Maths at Warwick University.
Three boys head to Oxbridge places: Jude Ashcroft to study Classics at Cambridge, Thomas Britton to read History at Oxford and Jack Danson to study MFL at Oxford. 70% of students in the Boys’ Division achieved at least ABB grades, which allows access to the top universities. Almost two thirds (62.6%) of grades awarded this year were A* or A, of which 25.2% are A*, and 84.9% of grades were between A* and B. The pass rate for the cohort of 110 was 100%.
Burnley College A-Level Results Day
By Joel Newman and Emily Walker

Burnley College hosted a fantastic celebration to congratulate their incredible students.
Their highest achievers, all obtaining 3 A*’s congregated at 8:30 ready to receive their outstanding results, with confetti canons, a breakfast buffet and decorations to celebrate their accolade of receiving such results despite the struggles that covid presented, including distance learning.
The students insisted that the colleges monumental support played a huge role in their success. Upon speaking to the students it became apparent that these results had unlocked a vast array of opportunities with students progressing to universities such as Oxford, Newcastle and York where they were going to further demonstrate the spectrum of talent at the college with studies ranging from creative arts such as theatre, to other competitive subjects such as Law Midwifery and Computer Science.
The results that followed throughout the morning were again superlative with most obtaining A’s and A*’s opening expansive pathways with students heading to Leeds and Manchester where they would be studying sports, teaching and English language, others were taking a gap year with incredible experience opportunities and some already had obtained employment in their desired fields such as healthcare.
Some students spoke of how their studies had differed from what they were expecting due to covid. One student spoke about how they were looking forward to theatre and performing in groups but due to distancing they couldn’t really work together and so in order to have the performing experience they were able to perform monologues and physical theatre/expressionism. Others spoke about the change in subjects such as physical education saying that they were able to focus on theory, but the sentiment the college had been integral in the foundations of making the work enjoyable was unanimous.
This event was a true celebration of the students achievements and the pride that was evident from teachers and family demonstrated the support that inevitably helped students reach this incredible goal. Well done to all at Burnley College.

Rossall School
Students Achieve Over Two Thirds A / A* Grades at A-Level

Above: Rossall School Twins - Max and Jess Watson, Stephan and Theirry Bilby, Lily and Joey Warwick
A Lancashire-based independent school is celebrating another year of outstanding A-Level results, with over two thirds of results gained being in the A / A* bracket.
Rossall School, Fleetwood, is known for being a centre of academic excellence, and this year’s A-Level results have further reinforced this. This outstanding set of A-Level results follows swiftly on the heels of a recordbreaking year for students pursuing the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at the School. The fantastic results achieved by all Upper Sixth students at Rossall confirm its place as a regional leader within the north west. Many students are now preparing for the next steps in their education, from accepting positions at some of the country’s top universities to going overseas for international qualifications. From almost a third of all academic departments, students achieved nothing less than an A grade, including English Literature, Geography, German, Spanish, Chinese, Music, and Theatre Studies. A huge number of students achieved a clean sweep of A / A*s this summer and, whilst there is much to celebrate as a school, it’s the individual success stories that mean so much to staff, parents, and pupils. Worthy of particular mention, are three of Rossall’s four sets of twins: Jess and Max Watson, Ed and Will Robinson, and Joey and Lily Warwick amassed a staggering 12A*s and 9As between them. Stephan and Thierry Bilby, Rossall’s fourth set of twins, are excitedly looking forward to beginning their RAF careers.
60% of Rossall students off to Russell Group or top 20 universities to study everything from Medicine to Architecture
This cohort of students has secured university places at some of the most prestigious institutions in the UK and overseas. Rossall anticipates that over 60% of sixth form students will be attending Russell Group or top 20 universities, whilst a number have been awarded full sports scholarships to top institutions in the USA. Students are progressing to Imperial College London, King’s College London, University of Bristol, University of Warwick, University of Leeds, University of Manchester, and Durham University, pursuing subjects as diverse as Medicine, Economics, Politics, Computer Science, English, Architecture, and Chemistry. No fewer than four students will be taking up places to study Medicine. Erin Bradbury, Will Jackson, and Sam Currie will be taking up places at Queen’s University, Belfast, the University of Leicester, and the University of East Anglia respectively. Student, Nino Abesadze, has been awarded a 100% scholarship to read Medicine at the prestigious Charles University, Prague.
Rossall’s Golf Academy (currently ranked Number 1 in England) graduates go on to study with State University Scholarships
Taking up full scholarships in the United States are golfers Kieran Hogarth and Lydia Cryer. Kieran will be heading to Chicago State University whilst Lydia has been awarded a highly competitive scholarship to study at Indiana University, Bloomington. Rossall is a school with a global outlook and this is reflected in students’ destinations which are increasingly international. Along with the Czech Republic and the United States, students will be studying in locations including Dubai, Spain, Germany, and the Netherlands. Whilst the vast majority of students who leave Rossall will take up places at top universities, students are increasingly exploring alternative options. Georgia Bowling will be taking up a place on Mercedes Benz’s highly competitive Financial Services Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship Scheme.
Visit Rossall Sixth Form today!
Book a visit to Rossall Sixth Form and enjoy a private tour of the School’s extensive facilities. Contact admissions@ rossall.org.uk or phone 01253 774201.

Above: Lily and Joey Warwick Above: Will and Ed Robinson with Family

Rossall School
Another year of excellent GCSE results for Rossall pupils

Above: From L to R - Jessica Sanderson, Grace Lewis, Constance Lupton, Alice Christy, Suzanne Wrigley and Alicia Anandappa
Rossall School teachers and pupils have much cause to celebrate following another year of exceptional achievement.
Over 55 per cent of all entries awarded this summer were a grade 7 or above, with an astounding fifth of all grades achieving the coveted grade 9.
Enrichment through Ancient Greek, Business Studies and Mandarin
Art, Latin as well as Rossall’s enrichment subjects Ancient Greek, Business Studies and Mandarin are all celebrating 100 per cent of their grades being 7 – 9. Furthermore, almost all subjects, including the core English, Maths and Science, had over half of their entries at grade 7 or above. During this most difficult of years, Rossallians have excelled in every regard. Given the importance of examination experience and the need to ensure the best possible preparation for Sixth Form courses, Rossall School once again ran its own internal Rossall GCSE Diploma examinations. These rigorous assessments were designed to fully replicate the experience of preparing for and sitting public examinations. The results of these are standalone achievements are a testament to the hard work and determination of Rossall pupils but this year also formed an important part of the final grades that each pupil was awarded.
A-Level, International Baccalaureate and BTEC
At Rossall school, unlike other independent schools, pupils can pursue a number of pathways. Students will now go on to study A-Level, International Baccalaureate and BTEC Qualifications at Rossall Sixth Form, which will help them to progress towards careers in Medicine, Astrophysics, Sports Management and Professional Sports careers, to name a few. A significant proportion of the cohort achieved nothing less than a grade 7 this summer. Alice Christy achieved a superb nine grade 9s one grade 8 and an A* in her Higher Project Qualification which was a detailed study of gender identity.
Rossall School is one of the only schools in the country to have its own Astronomy Centre and Planetarium
Kai Wagner’s 12 GCSEs, all at grade 7 or above, are a testament to his intellectual curiosity and determination to make the most of academic opportunities available on and off timetable. Amongst his many grade 8s and 9s, Kai is perhaps most proud of his grade 7 in Astronomy GCSE, a notoriously challenging subject offered in only a handful of UK schools that prepares pupils successfully for academically rigorous courses in theoretical physics.
Elite Football Programme for boys & girls in partnership with Fleetwood Town FC
Sherman Wong joined Rossall school from Hong Kong at the start of Year 11. Alongside his significant commitment to football through the Rossall Football programme throughout the year, he has also achieved a strong set of GCSE grades in nine subjects. Sherman will be taking up BTEC Sport at Rossall in combination with Business Studies A-level and the EPQ qualification. He will be following in the footsteps of our outgoing Upper Sixth BTEC Sport students the likes of Kieran Hogarth and David Jones Barroso, who have secured places at Chicago State University on a scholarship, and Bath University to study Sports Management and Coaching BSc respectively.
Scholarships and bursaries are available for outstanding students.
The School offers a number of scholarships and bursaries for pupils entering Year 7, 9 and 12 and welcomes enquiries from potential applicants throughout the year. If you would like to find out more about Rossall School, then please contact admissions@rossall.org.uk or phone 01253 774201.

Stonyhurst College A Level and IB Results

Stonyhurst is delighted to release its A Level and IB results for 2021.
The Stonyhurst College standard was flying high on results day to celebrate the achievements of the class of 2021.
• 100% Diploma Programme pass rate compared to a world average of 85% (IBO, 2020) • Our top scorer achieved 45 points (out of a maximum of 45 points) placing them in the top 0.5% of candidates worldwide and equivalent to 4A* at A Level • 71% of pupils achieved 36 or more points equivalent to 3As at A Level
• A third of pupils achieved more than 40 points, placing them in the top 4%of candidates worldwide • An average point score of 37.8, compared with the typical worldwide average of 31.3 (IBO, 2020) • 100% pass rate for our IB Career-related Programme pupils
• 99% pass rate • 55% of all candidates received all A*- A
John Browne, Headmaster of Stonyhurst, said: “Many congratulations to all Rhetoric pupils on their achievements. Our young people, wonderfully supported by their staff and families, have done all that was asked of them and they have risen to the challenges magnificently. There are many stories of extraordinary endeavour and determination behind these amazing grades. The global diversity of university destinations and breadth of subjects to be studied demonstrate the ambition of our Stonyhurst students, now proud to call themselves OS. This has been a year of unprecedented challenge and these fine young people provide hope and inspiration for the future.”
Offers have been secured at a range of top UK Russell Group universities and prestigious universities worldwide including: Bristol (UK), Cardiff (UK); Courtauld Institute of Art (UK); Durham (UK); ESADE (Spain); ETH Zurich (Switzerland); Exeter (UK); Edinburgh (UK); IE University (Spain); Imperial College London (UK); Kings College London (UK); ICADE (Spain); Leeds (UK); London School of Economics (UK); Liverpool (UK); Loughborough (UK); Maastricht (Netherlands); Manchester (UK); Newcastle (UK); Reading (UK); Royal Northern College of Music (UK); St Andrews (UK); Sophia University (Japan); University College London (UK); University of St Gallen (Switzerland); Warwick (UK).
Courses include: Architecture; Art; Biomedical Science; Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Chemistry; Computer Science; Criminology; Dentistry; Economics; Engineering; English; History of Art; International Management; Law; Liberal Arts; Marine Biology; Material Science and Engineering; Mathematics; Medicine; Music; Politics and International Relations; Politics, Philosophy and Economics; Philosophy; Physiotherapy; Psychology; Statistics, Economics and Finance.

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