Nordic MSc Environmental Changes at Higher Latitudes (EnCHiL) Bjarni Diรฐrik Sigurรฐsson
Isabel C Barrio
Forsagan = 20 ár
NECC 2003 – 2010
Samstarf um meistara- og doktorsnám í umhverfisfræðum
Norrænt öndvegissetur um loftslagstengdar vistkerfisrannsóknir * doktorsnemar IS, SE, FI, DK * MS og PhD kúrsar
Hvílir á gömlum merg! 2002
2004 2006 Grænland
Joint MSc in Atmospheric:Biospheric Studies • Joint MSc Lund / Helsinki • Sameiginlegir MS-kúrsar fyrir nemendur milli 15 háskóla. • Ferðapeningar til að komast á kúrsa. • Þjálfun háskólakennara
2016-2018: Breytingar á náttúru og samfélögum norðurslóða ABS byrjar með Arctic kúrsa í Grænlandi:Íslandi Grænland:IS 2016
Grænland:IS 2018
Grænland:IS 2016
Grænland:IS 2018
EnCHiL NM fékk styrk frá Norðurlandaráði 2019-2023 Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
AUI Íslenskir námsmenn komast í nám í umhverfisfræðum í sterkustu háskólum á því sviði á Norðurlöndum! … og við tökum á móti þeim!
UH EMU Aarhus
Það eru 105 meistara- og doktorsnemar í námi við LbhÍ
Nám á meistarastigi: EnCHiL NM Skipulagsfræði MS GRÓ-LRT (Landgræðsluskóli Sþ) Rannsóknamiðað MS nám NU, BÚV, HEST, SKÓG, LAND
Alþjóðlegur master og “hands-on” reynsla í þremur löndum í þéttum nemendahópi!
Kennt á ensku • 6-8 byrja á IS* • 5-6 byrja í FI • 5-6 byrja í SE MAX: 20 á ári Allur hópurinn saman á Hvanneyri í eitt misseri.
Nordic MSc Environmental Changes at Higher Latitudes (EnCHiL) Bjarni Diรฐrik Sigurรฐsson
Isabel C Barrio
What is EnCHiL? • Joint Nordic Master programme • Two-year MSc degree programme (120 ECTS) • High quality multidisciplinary research-based education in Earth and Environmental Sciences • New MSc programme that builds on the long term collaboration between EnCHiL partners
Why EnCHiL? • High latitude ecosystems and societies are changing fast, so there is a growing need for experts with multidisciplinary training in environmental sciences • To better understand the effects of changes in nature and society at high latitudes, it is critical to identify the processes underlying these changes • The EnCHiL programme will present the student with different natural, physical, biological and social processes operating at high latitudes, and how they interact to shape arctic environments
What does EnCHiL offer? • Unique hands-on experience to address environmental issues at higher latitudes • Multidisciplinary environment that provides opportunities to work with the wide EnCHiL network of international experts • Teaching focuses on thinking and learning, and training of critical and analytical skills
The EnCHiL programme • Three entry points to the programme • One mandatory mobility period of at least one semester: Greenland and Iceland • Joint courses and specialized courses research-based thesis (30 ECTS) ecosystem landscape region
Join EnCHiL If you are interested in understanding and developing skills for addressing the changes that are happening at higher latitudes, then EnCHiL is for you.
Apply before April 15, 2020 at
Apr 15
• CV • Motivation letter: stating academic background, interests within the EnCHiL programme, entry point of preference and career goals • Transcripts of your BSc (electronic and hard copy) • Scanned copy of your passport • Proof of English proficiency (for Icelandic students 20 credits of English in upper secondary education)
Apr 15
PROGRAMME FEES (Icelandic students) • AUI:LU à 37,500 kr per year • AUI:UH à ~61,000 kr per year (student fee at UH is 103 EUR)
Apply before April 15, 2020 at
The EnCHiL basic programme structure Mandatory mobility
Fall 2
Spring 2
AUI:x x
Fall 1 15 ECTS 15 ECTS 15 ECTS
Free mobility + MS thesis
15:15 ECTS on-line and campus courses.
Iceland spring 1 25 ECTS
30 ECTS campus and field courses in IS/GL.
Own courses EnCHiL field/online courses Courses and/or thesis work
Possible to take courses / thesis topic at associated universities UH: Two tracks for AUI students LU: Three tracks for AUI students
Autumn 1
Iceland-Greenland spring 2021
AUI students => UH in Autumn 2 2nd Autumn for IS
UH-1 Physical
UH-2 Ecological
ATM 301 Atmospheric and Earth Sciences today (5)
FYS 2031 xxxxxxx of meterology (5)
ATM347 Boundary Layer Physics I (5)
ATM 301 Atmospheric and Earth Sciences today (5)
ATM357 Atmospheric Radiation (5) FOR-208 Basics of Biometerology (3-5?)
FYS2034 Basic of climatology (2) FOR-208 Basics of Biometerology (3-5)
FOR-228 Biogeochemical cycles and forest management interactions (5)
Total ECTS
ECGS-031 Arctic climate change (5)
ECGS-031 Arctic climate change (5)
ATM309 Analysis of atmospher-surface interactions and feedback (5 p)
ATM309 Analysis of atmospher-surface interactions and feedback (5 p) 30
AUI students => Lund in Autumn 2 2nd Autumn for IS
-1 GIS skills
2 – fluxes and modelling 3
NGE-A11 GIS I (15 p)
NGE-N16 Biosphereatmoshpere interaction (15 p)
EGEN13 Programming for Application (15 p)
NGE-A12 GIS advanced (15 NGE17 Global 15 ECTS MS-thesis p) Ecosystem Dynamics (15 p)