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Innovations for the baking industry
Health Ingredients Europe (HiE) 2018 took place in Frankfurt at the end of November and highlighted new ingredient innovations for food and beverages. Many new health ingredients were highlighted with applications for the baking industry.
+Every other year, Health Ingredients Europe meets in Frankfurt, Germany to highlight new ingredient innovations for the food and beverage industry. If you missed the show, below are the highlights of the ingredients and applications for the baking industry. The ingredients fell into several categories including: whey protein, sports nutrition, gut health, cholesterol reduction, immune health, probiotics, fibers and sugar reduction, and hemp.
Whey Protein
Adding whey protein concentrates (WPC) to baked goods has been a challenge in the past. Typically, WPC 80 (80% protein) powders absorb four times their weight in water and can cause the dough and finished product to be dry. This can lead to challenges in processing and handling of dough. Two companies were presenting whey protein applications specifically for the baking industry.
Arla was showcasing a brand-new whey protein called Nutrilac® that can be used to formulate high protein biscuits, which still have softness and pleasant texture. Three big challenges of high-protein products are the processing efficiency, eating quality and product appearance. This new whey maintains good process ability of dough without crumbling or oiling out. It also has a pleasant taste and is optimized for dough handling. Typically, when handling dough with 20% protein content the dough would be dry, but this dough is soft and the whey protein can be exchanged with flour.
Another problem with adding milk proteins in a baked application is the increase in lactose content, which can lead to burning in the oven. Nutrilac ® avoids this because processing removes lactose, and only contains a minimum amount of lactose.
Arla offers Nutrilac ® varieties that can be incorporated into sweet or savory biscuits. At HiE they showed biscuits with 20% protein content in both sweet and savory biscuits that fit the EU high-protein claim without a hard texture or unpleasant taste or appearance. The biscuits they were showcasing were golden brown with low water activity for a long lasting crispy biscuit. Arla was also offering a new whey protein powder solution for protein bars including: Lacprodan ® TexturePro, Lacprodan ® SoftBar and Nutrilac ® PB-8420. These whey ingredients improve the texture and softness of the protein bar throughout shelf-life and can extend the texture shelf-life of protein bars.
Volac was highlighting Volactive® whey protein and specifically Velicious ™ , which is a heat- and acid-stable whey protein. This whey protein gels and is creamier than standard whey protein powders. Velicious ™ does not dry out products like most WPC80 (whey protein concentrate at 80%) powders because it absorbs less water since it only absorbs its weight in water. Volactive ® were sampling cookies, brownies and protein bars that were very soft and chewy with high protein content.
Sport Nutrition
Beneo was highlighting ingredients for the growing sports nutrition industry. One ingredient was Palatinose ™ . Derived from beet sugar, isomaltulose, it provides full carbohydrate energy with a low blood glucose response, resulting in a low glycemic effect. It also provides a sustained energy supply by improving fat oxidation during physical activity. It is also noncariogenic, meaning it is tooth-friendly. The isomalt and isomaltulose ingredients have recognized health claims by the European Commission as well as the dental health claim by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Gut Health
Consumers are becoming more aware of their bodies and how the food they eat affects their health. After consuming bread and baked products many people feel bloated and have found cutting out bread and gluten products has reduced symptoms. 20% of consumers avoid bread to feel better in their stomachs. Gluten may not be the only cause of this digestive irritation. FODMAPs are Fermentable Olgiosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols, which are short chain carbohydrates such as fructose, lactose and sugar alcohols that can cause digestive distress, such as bloating, stomach pain and gas production. Fructan is an oligosaccharide that is the main FODMAP in bread. Two companies were highlighting ingredients that claim to either reduce or have reduced FODMAP content.
Fazer Mills was showcasing their patented LOFO ™ Improver which is the first low-FODMAP enzyme solution for baking that reduces the fructan content of by more than 50%. This clean label enzyme based improver is labeled as wheat flour, maltodextrin. This enzyme is called fructnanase and originates from Fazer’s natural rye sourdough and its lactobacilli. General application is to add 1–3% of the flour weight to the recipe and bake as normal. This enzyme breaks down the fructan of wheat and rye into easier to digest pieces while baking without affecting taste or other key properties of the finished product.
GoodMills Innovation was highlighting three products at HiE including several ancient grains and strains of wheat that naturally have lower FODMAP content. One was 2ab Wheat, which is an ancient grain that contains significantly lower FODMAP levels and none of the difficult to digest Dgluten found in modern wheat varieties. This is ideal for wheat-sensitive customers who currently rely on gluten-free baked goods. In contrast to many gluten-free baked goods, 2ab Wheat has properties that produce a soft, lush crumb with excellent sensory properties without needing to be combined with standard wheat or other baking additives.
Another ancient grain GoodMills Innovation was highlighting was RutinX, which is a grain-based ingredient derived from Tartary Buckwheat. With a mild buckwheat taste profile, RutinX supports carbohydrate metabolism with high concentrations of rutin and zinc. Tartary Buckwheat has 100x higher rutin level than common buckwheat. Rutin also ensures that beneficial microorganisms multiply in the digestive tract. Rutin has as strong bitter flavor, but it is important as it is an antioxidant bioflavonoid that can regulate blood glucose and lower blood pressure. With use of their patented fermentation process, GoodMills Innovation significantly reduces the bitter substances in Tartary Buckwheat, while also improving the bioavailability of ingredients.
Functionally, it can be added to a variety of baked goods and other foods. GoodMills Innovation recommends adding about 5% to a recipe and adjusting the amount of water.
The last ingredient that GoodMills Innovation introduced was WHITE GOLD®, which is an ultra-finely ground whole grain concentrate of High MAC (microbiota accessible carbohy drate) wheat fiber. MACs contribute to intestinal flora diversity because of the micronisation of the High MAC fiber that is ground finely, is more bioavailable to gut bacteria, and is an ideal prebiotic for baked goods. It has a fine structure, light color, and mild, slightly sweet flavor. Due to this sweet flavor, it also enables a slight sugar reduction in sweet baked goods.
Cholesterol Reduction
Several other health claims were also being showcased, highlighting ingredients used for health claims including heart health, cholesterol reduction and maintenance, gut health/ increased fecal bulk, as well as reduced glycemic response. Oat beta glucan has four health claims authorized in the EU. Oat beta glucans were highlighted by two companies, Fazer and Naturex. When oat beta glucans are consumed at three grams per day it can reduce cholesterol. To use the label claim at least 1 gram of β-glucan per serving in EU (or 0.75 g in the USA).
Naturex mentioned this cholesterol reduction in the body works because the beta glucans gel and encapsulate the cholesterol. Sweoat ® Bran offers a variety of concentrations from 9 to 28% β-glucan content. Consuming one scoop (or 11 grams) of the Sweoat ® Bran BG28 (28%) would be the equivalent of eating three bowls of oat cereal. Naturex also offers three lines of ingredients from oat including: bran, flour and oil. They utilize a unique process to fractionate Swedish oat kernels into oat bran rich in β-glucan in a way to preserve the natural structure of the high molecular weight of the oat β-glucan. The beta glucan offers functionality in addition to its health benefits, including gelling properties that increase viscosity and moisture content, therefore increasing shelf life. It can also be used to help stabilize fillings of some baked goods because of its water binding properties.
Fazer Aurora Oat Beta Glucan 20 uses a patented natural dry fractionation process to deliver a pure, nutrient-rich product with neutral-tasting end products. It is made with Finnish oats and is also rich in soluble fiber and plant protein. It has a high concentration so it is easy to apply in the manufacturing process, since less is required to be added to support the health claims.
Immune Health
Kerry Ingredients was showcasing Wellmune ® , which has been clinically proven to help strengthen the immune system. Wellmune ® is a yeast beta 1,3/1,6 glucan which is extracted from the cell wall of a proprietary strain of baker’s yeast using a proprietary process. Highly purified, Wellmune is naturally gluten-free. This baker’s yeast beta glucan has been linked to a dozen peer-reviewed, published clinical trials that show improved immune health. These studies have shown that Wellmune ® strengthens general immune health across a variety of ages and lifestyles. A recently published study has shown that it can reduce severity and impact of upper respiratory tract infection symptoms associated with intense exercise. Wellmune ® is easy to incorporate into baked goods as only 250 mg is added per serving.
Kerry Ingredients was also highlighting Ganeden BC30 (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086). GanedenBC30 is a patented, spore-based probiotic. Unlike most other probiotics, it is highly stable and remains viable throughout manufacturing and baking processes because it is in this spore-form. This spore-based probiotic also has a better survival rate through the low pH of the stomach. The efficacy of Ganeden BC30 is backed with over 25 peer-reviewed, published studies which have shown Ganeden BC30 supports the digestive and immune systems as well as protein utilization. It is shelf-stable for up to 3 years in dry mixes, cookies, biscuits, and other baked goods with low moisture content.
Fibers were everywhere with a variety of sources and variety of applications. Expect additional discussion around fibers to be coming in a future article, but for now below are two companies that were utilizing fibers for sugar reduction.
Several companies were highlighting fiber applications for sugar reduction. Cambridge Commodities Ltd., Cambridge/UK, was offering IMOfibre ™ (Isomalto-ogliosaccharide) for the baking industry, which retains moisture with 50–60% the sweetness of sugar. This fiber can be combined half and half with sugar for sugar reduction. It is a cassava tapioca starch, which is a soluble fiber that gels when it is hydrated. It also has prebiotic effects because it is non-digestible.
ADM was showcasing Fibersol ® , which is the purest fiber on the market with 90% fiber content. It can also decrease sugar and calorie content of a finished product. The Fibersol ® can also replace the mouthfeel and body of sugar. At 30% sugar reduction, the flavor of the product might need to be optimized, but also might not require another sweetener. At 10–15% fiber addition and sugar reduction, it is not noticeable and flavors do not need to be replaced in the product. This fiber is made from maize and labelled as maize dextrin or maltodextrin. In biscuits, it can be replaced one to one with sugar with minor tweaks to the recipe. ADM offers the whole tool box to offer a solution for reformulating the flavor profile while reducing sugar content.
The legality of industrial hemp productions varies worldwide, with only 23 countries globally commercially producing industrial hemp, and only 3 countries piloting or researching it. Hemp has a long history with fibers, first being spun into usable fiber 10,000 years ago. Hemp also has many applications including paper, textiles, biofuel, biodegradable plastics, clothing, and food. With the legality of hemp often being confused with THC-containing strains (aka marijuana), utilizing hemp has been somewhat taboo. Presently, the legality of marijuana and industrial hemp is beginning to change. This can be seen with a greater number of countries and many states in the USA with pro-industrial hemp legislation, the taboo around of the use of hemp has decreased and many companies were increasing their offerings of hemp-based ingredients. Many companies were advertising hemp as a new offering. Hemp was offered in various forms including: flour, protein, oil and fiber. For good reason, hemp seems to be increasing in popularity as a valuable source of nutrition and for its sustainability as one of the most versatile and fastest growing plants on the planet.