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New Bakery Innovation Centre in Bangalore
+Spooner Vicars opened the first full-size Bakery Innovation Centre in India. The Bangalore factory, which has been producing equipment for almost 10 years, now boasts a dedicated hygienic testing space fitted out with the new VORTEX™ mixer and 1.2m wide APEX 400 ™ laminating and sheeting line complete with a 3-zone hybrid oven 28m long. The grand opening ceremony was attended by major Indian biscuit producers as well as a strong international contingent including visitors from China, Canada, Egypt, USA, Philippines, New Zealand, UK, Spain, UAE, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Sweden.
The new testing centre will be used by both national and international biscuit manufacturers for recipe and new product development, ingredient substitution trials, training and seminars, as well as being a showcase for Spooner Vicars ongoing launch of state of the art biscuit production equipment such as the VORTEX™ mixer and the APEX 400™ laminating and sheeting line. +++