Destination Zambia 2016–17

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In association with:

Tourism Council of Zambia (TCZ) 55/56 Mulungushi International Conference Centre PO Box 36561, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 291 788 Cell: +260 977 704 059 Office Tel/Fax: +260 211 290 436 Email: Email:

Zambia Tourism Agency First Floor, Petroda House, Great East Road, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 229 087/90 Fax: +260 211 225 174 Email:

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The list of properties in this publication is not exhaustive and these have been chosen for inclusion by the publisher and not by the Tourism Council of Zambia or its associated members. The publisher expects to add to the list of properties in coming issues and welcomes proposals and suggestions for future inclusion.


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ISSN 1752-721X © 2016 Land & Marine Publications Ltd


















am delighted and honoured to present the Foreword of the Eighth Edition of ‘Destination Zambia’ – especially now, at a time when so many positive developments have been achieved for the Zambian tourism sector.

As if these were not enough, Destination Zambia also

• Birthplace of the mighty Zambezi River, up in the

stands tall as one of the most peaceful and disease-free

Kalene Hills of north-western Zambia

countries in Africa. • Home to some of the most breathtaking lakes and Whether you are looking for the safari of a lifetime,

wetlands with a profusion of birds and abundant

adrenalin-filled adventure, cultural encounters or an


Destination Zambia today stands out like a new and

exciting place for your next big conference, Zambia is

refreshing bloom revealed to a global tourism market

ready to dazzle you.

• Pristine wildlife areas reminiscent of Africa untouched.

which has become hungrier to explore new destinations. It is therefore not surprising that Zambia is enjoying increasing popularity in all segments of the


You have to be here to explore our rich and diverse cultural heritage, reflected in over 30 colourful traditional

global tourism market, including business visitors,

An intimate interaction with the Zambian people will

ceremonies occurring annually in different parts of the

conference delegates, safari and leisure tourists, nature

make you understand why Zambians are among the

country. To experience these ceremonies is to be a privi-

lovers, adventure tourists, sportsmen, religious groups

friendliest and most welcoming in Africa. A browse

leged witness to the tradition, rhythm and beat of Africa.

and volunteers.

through the pages of this edition of ‘Destination Zambia’

The growing propensity by all Zambian tourism

will leave you with the feeling that Zambia is truly a gem

Whatever your preference, Zambia has something for

that has so much to offer in one destination:

you. Come, let’s explore Zambia together. Come on in

industry stakeholders to work together on key

to a truly superb destination.

issues affecting the industry has generated

• Home of the mighty Victoria Falls, one of the seven

unprecedented landmark developments in quality

natural wonders of the world

Felix S. Chaila Chief Executive Officer

accommodation, visa facilitation and other tourism services and infrastructure befitting a world-class

• Land of the legendary walking safari, Africa’s best

Zambia Tourism Agency

tourist destination.

on-foot wildlife experience

(formerly Zambia Tourism Board)







ambia, home of the Victoria Falls (Mosioa-Tunya), is one of Africa’s truly great destinations – one with so much to offer.

Zambia is a land of culture where you will find genuine

opportunities to visit popular parks such as South

tribal ceremonies – not those just performed for the

and North Luangwa and Lower Zambezi. Some

benefit of foreign tourists. Here, visitors get to see

lodges do stay open all year, but bush camps are

the real thing. The best-known and arguably most

almost all closed. Kafue is a notable exception. By

The country has an area of 752,000 sq km, yet its popula-

colourful of these is Kuomboka – a 300-year old

the same token, this green season can also be a

tion is only 15.5 million (2015 estimate). This means vast

ceremonial moving of the Lozi king to higher ground

perfect time to visit since rates are highly attractive

areas of untouched or almost untouched wilderness.

in a barge and can take place any time between

and the birdlife is prolific.

It also means uncongested roads and airports and a

March and April. But others often pay homage to their

capital city where driving is still a pleasure. About a third

ancestral spirits.

of Zambia is set aside as either national parks (of which there are 20) or contiguous game management areas.

Then there’s Livingstone, the destination of choice for Africa’s thrill-seekers. Livingstone has so much

The list of these ceremonies and cultural festivals

to see and do that there are enough activities to

(there is one almost every month) can be found

keep everyone fully occupied for several days. From

As a nation, Zambia comprises many tribal groups.

on the Zambia Tourism website. There are some

helicopter and microlight flights over the Victoria Falls

There are over 72 Bantu languages and dialects, of

45 of these ceremonies, held virtually across the

to white water rafting and death-defying bungee

which seven have official status. Of these, Bemba

whole nation and involving many tribes. Although

jumping, this is no place for the faint-hearted. For

(used in the Copperbelt and in some other areas) and

some ceremonies are permanantly held on the last

those, however, who want to enjoy the falls but don’t

Nyanja (spoken chiefly in Lusaka) are the most widely

Saturday of the month, most are not undertaken on

want to be scared witless, there are more leisurely

understood. The other five are Lozi, Tonga, Kaonde,

any fixed dates, so it can be tricky to coincide a visit to

options: a sundowner cruise on the Zambezi River,

Luvale and Lunda. But English, which is spoken and

view. But it’s well worth the effort.

perhaps, or an elegant dinner on board the Royal

understood to an extraordinarily high standard, is the official language. It is used for business and as the primary medium of education.

Livingstone Express.


The fact remains that May to November is the main

Quite simply, Zambia is blessed with some of Africa’s

time for those choosing Zambia to view wildlife.

Zambia is fast developing and the evidence of this can

very best national parks. This is true in terms of their

It is also true that Zambia’s greatest spectacle, the

be found in its vastly improving infrastructure, with

management and in regard to the impressive densities

Victoria Falls, is similarly influenced by seasonal

new or upgraded airports, new shopping malls,

of animal populations, but also in terms of the quality

rains that swell the River Zambezi as its flows to the

of accommodation (either lodges or bush camps),

Indian Ocean.

new or better roads and new sports stadiums.

the unrivalled knowledge of local safari guides and This has also resulted in higher living

the genuine commitment shown by everyone in the

What many visitors take home from Zambia is the

standards for its well educated populace in a

hospitality sector.

memory of its people – those who provided the

country that has produced or is associated

warmest of warm welcomes and went out of their way Broadly speaking (there are many exceptions),

for no personal gain and only with a desire to help. And

mist and author Dambisa Moyo, the

Zambia’s game parks are seasonal in nature. Heavy

it’s all done without effort and with the broadest smiles

footballer Robert Earnshaw, the singer

summer rains from December to March can restrict

you will see anywhere. This, truly, is Africa at its best.

with such notable people as the econo-

Emeli Sandé and the boxers (among many) Esther Phiri and Catherine Phiri.


National Parks



ambia has 20 national parks and a further 36 mostly contiguous game management areas (GMAs) as well as a bird sanctuary.

Of the 20 parks, only nine are, in effect, fully developed in terms of tourism. There are opportunities to visit the remaining 11 on a mostly self-drive basis, but facilities are rudimentary. Taken together, the national parks and GMAs cover 232,000 sq km – roughly equivalent to the size of Romania or about 40 per cent of Zambia’s total land area. All parks are under the ultimate control of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW), under the Ministry of Tourism and Arts. Nevertheless, a limited number of reserves are managed independently by trusts, in conjunction with the DNPW, on a day-to-day basis. The DNPW aims to integrate wildlife policy with economic, environmental and social policies to ensure an effective contribution to sustainable national development. The department is committed to promoting integrated and participatory approaches to wildlife resource management, especially in the GMAs, to reduce the conflict of interests between humans and wildlife. Zambia’s tourism is nature-based and most of the country’s biodiversity is contained within this extensive wildlife estate, which accounts for about 80 per cent of Zambia’s tourism activities. There are a few exceptions during the rainy season, but most national parks are accessible all year round. Parks with rivers and air strips can be accessing by water or by air. There is a truly excellent selection of lodges and bush camps both inside and outside the main national parks.

Bird sanctuary


In 2015 the Zambia Wildlife Authority took control of the Chembe Bird Sanctuary in Kalulushi with the aim of restoring the area to its former beauty and developing it as a tourist attraction.

most popular wildlife destination, and rightly so. South

The sanctuary is being fenced and restocked with both birds and animals and there are long-term plans to build lodges at Chembe.

highest concentration of hippo and crocodile. South


Luangwa has large herds of elephant and buffalo, but also very high predator densities. It is home to the endemic Thornicroft’s giraffe subspecies. The Luangwa River, a tributary of the Zambezi, supports Zambia’s Luangwa pioneered close-to-nature walking safaris and visitors enjoy excellent game viewing and accommodation of the highest quality in and around the park.

National Parks NORTH LUANGWA NATIONAL PARK: Perhaps the

excellent wilderness adventure with a high diversity

Zambia where white rhino once occurred naturally.

country’s most pristine and best-kept wildlife area, it is

of plant and animal species. The park is home to 158

Today, giraffe and tsessebe are found there.

the only national park in Zambia where all the Big Five

mammal species and 481 bird species. This untamed

are still found. Terraced by the Muchinga Escarpment

Africa adventure park can be reached by road, air and


in the upper areas and the Luangwa Valley in the lower

even by water.

mighty Victoria Falls, a Unesco World Heritage Site.

part, this park is almost untouched by man. North

Located within the municipal boundary of Livingstone

Luangwa is currently the only national park in Zambia

NYIKA NATIONAL PARK: Located on the Nyika

town, the park is an example of an urban conservation

with a small black rhino population. There are just a few

Plateau on the Zambia-Malawi border, it is part of

area. In addition to the falls, the park is good for game

seasonal bush camps and visitors tend to fly in and out

a transfrontier conservation area (TFCA) managed

viewing. It one of two parks in Zambia with a popula-

of the park.

by Zambia and Malawi. The park has a spectacular

tion of white rhino. Visitors can also view elephant,

montane ecosystem that offers a first-rate tourism

buffalo, wildebeest, kudu and zebra. Accommodation,

experience with incomparable scenery.

on the banks of the Zambezi, is of the highest quality.

LUKUSUZI NATIONAL PARK: Located in a mineralrich part of Lundazi in eastern Zambia. Although it has a lot of potential, this park has not fully developed into

LOCHINVAR NATIONAL PARK: This small yet very


a popular tourist destination; but its proximity to the

rich area on the Kafue Flats is a paradise for bird-

Flats ecosystem and a paradise for birdwatchers. Along

richer Luangwa Valley wildlife areas gives it the status

watchers. Officially recognised as an Important Bird

with Lochinvar National Park, it is officially recognised

of an alternative destination, especially as an exit from

Area, the park offers many opportunities to view both

as an Important Bird Area.

the valley. Lukusuzi offers rare sightings of spectacular

resident and migratory birds. The park is also home

antelope species like the roan and sable.

to the endemic Kafue lechwe. Historical and cultural


features include the Gwisho hot springs, the drumming

easy getaway from Lusaka. The area is believed to

rocks and Lochinvar House.

contain Africa’s highest density of impala. Catch-and-

LUAMBE NATIONAL PARK: One of the few national parks being co-managed by the DNPW and private

release fishing is available on the Zambezi.

partners. This small park is home to one of the biggest


known packs of wild dogs and is also popular for its

Kalabo District in the Barotse Plains. The area has

LUSAKA NATIONAL PARK: Zambia’s newest national

hippo population. It has one tourist lodge offering

a large population of wildebeest and zebra and

park is located 15 km south-east of Lusaka. After Mosi-

comfortable accommodation.

visitors can view the annual wildebeest migration

oa-Tunya, this is the second reserve to be established

from the lower, flooded areas to the upper, dry

in an urban environment. Easily accessible by road, the

NSUMBU NATIONAL PARK: Located on the banks

lands. The DNPW co-manages the park with private

park has a spectacular landscape and a good wildlife

of Lake Tanganyika, the area offers excellent water-


habitat and provides peaceful sightseeing and relaxa-

based tourism opportunities. Nsumbu is renowned for

tion for all groups. It one of two parks in Zambia with a

its high puku population and for sitatunga watching


population of white rhino. The park is located next to

in Nkamba Bay. For many years Nsumbu has hosted

Kavango and Zambezi (KAZA) transfrontier conserva-

Zambia’s first public-established Multi-Economic Zone

Zambia’s annual fishing competition involving tigerfish,

tion area, the park is thought to be the only area in

Facility (MFEZ) - the Lusaka South MFEZ.

giant catfish and Nile perch. The Nkamba Bay Lodge offers good quality lakeside accommodation. LAVUSHI MANDA NATIONAL PARK: Located in Mpika District, the park is a mosaic of thick miombo woodland and patches of grassland and offers an exciting bush experience. The DNPW co-manages the park with private partners and involves the local community. KASANKA NATIONAL PARK: Located at the southern end of the Bangweulu flood plains, the park is popular for the annual bat migration (October to December). In addition, Kasanka offers sightings of the shoebill stock and sitatunga. The park is co-managed by DNPW and private partners. KAFUE NATIONAL PARK: By far the oldest and largest of Zambia’s national parks, Kafue offers an


Location Zambia TANZANIA Lake Tanganyika

AFRICA Mweru Wantipa National Park

Nsumbu National Park

Lake Mweru

Lusenga Plain National Park


KAWAMBWA Isangano National Park


Nyika Plateau National Park

Lake Bangweulu

MPIKA Lavushi Manda National Park


Luambe National Park


Kasanka National Park


West Lunga National Park



South Luangwa National Park




Kafue National Park

Lukusuzi National Park






Liuwa Plain National Park

North Luangwa National Park





Blue Lagoon National Park

Lochinvar National Park

LUSAKA Lusaka National Park




SIAVONGA Siavonga & Kariba Dam

Ngonye Falls

m zi be

Lake Kariba


Sioma Ngwezi National Park

Lower Zambezi National Park

ve r



Victoria Falls

Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park




Lusaka and Regions


Useful Information

ACTIVITIES: Shopping Malls, Kabwata Cultural Village, Chilenje House 394, museums and art galleries AIRPORTS: Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (formerly known as Lusaka International Airport (LUN) BEST TIME TO VISIT: All year round MAJOR ATTRACTIONS: Soweto Market, The Anglican Cathedral, Henry Tayali Gallery, Munda Wanga Environmental Park and the Lusaka National Museum


Lusaka and Regions


usaka is one of Africa’s most delightful cities. Broad, leafy avenues grace its centre; and despite a growing number of cars on its roads, getting around remains easy and trouble-free – as is travelling to and from Kenneth Kaunda International Airport.

Ridgeway and the Radisson Blu – as well as a broad

In terms of what to see and do, there is a choice of

range of popular mid-range chains including Protea,

alternatives to visiting the shopping malls. There’s the

Best Western and Cresta.

Lusaka National Museum on Independence Avenue; and there is the Sunday Crafts Market in the car park at

What’s more, Lusaka has more than its fair share of

Arcades, with lots of locally made items on display and

good places to eat, with an eclectic range of cuisine

friendly vendors who will enjoy haggling over prices.

that includes Italian, Indian, Chinese, plus any number An elevation of around 1,300 metres above sea

of popular steakhouses serving locally and organically

Beyond the city boundary, the DNPW-run Munda

level provides a pleasant year-round climate; and

reared beef, as well as the usual selection of chain

Wanga Environmental Park, with its botanical garden,

except in the warm and wet months of January and

restaurants commonly found across southern Africa.

makes a great family day out. Alternatively, just a

February, Lusaka enjoys crisp blue skies and agreeable

There is also a tempting array of Zambian comfort

40-minute trip north-east of the city lies Chaminuka,


foods to try.

a lodge with a rather good restaurant and a property that boasts its own well-stocked game reserve. In more

This is a metropolitan area of some 1.8 million people,


or less the opposite direction, Lilayi Lodge offers some-

is increasingly sophisticated and affluent. Yet Lusaka

Now to the shopping. It’s not so long ago that the city

wildlife park. There is also the new Lusaka National Park

continues to offer a traditional and hearty Zambian

lacked even the most rudimentary of shopping malls.

just oustide the city. While the Kalimba Reptile Park is

welcome to all visitors. It’s a place where good accom-

Now, Lusaka has four fine malls that would grace any

home to menacing-looking giant Nile crocodiles and

modation, great food and attentive service are all part

African city: Arcades and Manda Hill, both on the Great

a variety of other scaly creatures;. Visitors can also go

of the appeal.

East Road; Levy Junction, on Sadzu Road and East

fishing in the lakes or enjoy a barbecue.

but somehow feels a lot smaller; and it’s a city that

thing broadly similar in terms of eating out in a private

Park Mall on Great East Road, next to the University of In fact, Lusaka is blessed with several top-class and

Zambia. As well as several other malls in the city, these

So Lusaka is certainly worth a stopover, even for those

internationally recognised hotels – such as the

impressive shopping sites have all the top retail brands

eager to head out to see Zambia’s amazing wildlife and

InterContinental, the Taj Pamodzi, the Southern Sun

from South Africa and elsewhere.

its magnificent natural beauty.

Best Western PLUS Lusaka Grand Hotel Plot No 8018a, Great East Road, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 239 666 Email:

Best Western PLUS Lusaka Grand Hotel is located within the cultural melting pot of the bustling capital of Lusaka close to the CBD and shopping malls. Each of the hotel’s 92 guest rooms, consisting of standard and executive rooms and Junior Suites, is air conditioned and offers an in-room hospitality tray, free Wi-Fi, electronic safe, DStv and 24-hour room service. There is also free parking, an outdoor swimming pool, free use of the business centre and free access to an off-site gym. The restaurant offers a complimentary breakfast and an international à la carte menu including Indian and Chinese cuisine. Light meals, drinks and cocktails are offered at the bar or at the pool deck. There are also three conference venues and a ballroom.

CHAMINUKA PO Box 35370, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 213 303/5, 254 140/6 Fax: +260 211 254 190 Email: Originally established in the 1970s as a private retreat, Chaminuka is a luxurious 30-suite lodge. Set in the heart of Zambia’s largest private nature reserve, with 4,000 hectares of untouched land, the reserve boasts a wealth of over 300 species of birds and some 70 species of wildlife. Inspired by an African village, each of the air conditioned suites is decorated in a fusion of contemporary and traditional themes and comes with an en-suite bathroom.

The lodge offers an array of activities including morning and afternoon game drives, bush walks, horseback safaris, fishing, a tour of the cheese factory, tennis and snooker. There is also a pool, a Jacuzzi and a sauna.

CHRISMAR LUSAKA PO Box 31407, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 253 036 Fax: +260 211 252 569 Email: Chrismar Hotel offers double, twin, and deluxe executive rooms. All rooms are air conditioned with en-suite bathroom, Jacuzzi tub and shower, tea and coffee facilities and multi-choice TV. There is a beautiful swimming pool in a tranquil garden setting. The hotel offers a bar lounge and the Cattleman’s Grill, an outdoor à la carte restaurant braai, resembling a typical game lodge eatery. A combination of brass, oakwood and granite

complement the decor in this stylish, modern restaurant with its own bar and entertainment television. The brasserie is situated in the hotel building and offers a superb menu to suit the most discerning of diners.




10247 Great East Road, Munali PO Box 38929, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 290 770 Fax: +260 211 292 049 Email:

Plot 9965, Makanta Close Off Makishi Road Private Bag E891, Box 655, Postnet Manda Hill, Lusaka Tel : +260 211 221 060 Cell: +260 976 221 060 Email:

Located within easy reach of the city centre, Cresta Golfview Hotel is located next to the Chainama Golf Club, close to Lusaka Airport.

enabled and have tea/coffee making facilities.

Golfview is ideal for business or relaxation and offers well appointed rooms as well as a tropical themed swimming pool and a popular restaurant (serving both Western and Zambian cuisine) and bar. The hotel has 78 air conditioned bedrooms. All rooms are Wi-Fi

There is an adjoining convention centre offering four fully equipped conference facilities and two executive boardrooms plus a full service business centre. Manda Hill and Arcades shopping centres are just five minutes’ drive from the hotel.

Flintstones Backpackers is in the heart of Lusaka, conveniently located close to shopping malls, bus and train services, banks and craft markets. There is capacity for 30 dorm spaces, double, twin and en-suite rooms. There is a seating area while waiting for meals and also a fully stocked bar with a pool table and



Dunduza Chisidza Crescent, Longacres PO Box 30815, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 213 004 Fax: +260 211 251 760 Email:

Plot 173-A, Kansangula Road Lusaka Tel: +260 211 296 666 Email:

The Garden House Hotel is located on mumbwa road, just a five-minute drive from the city centre. The hotel has 70 self-contained rooms equipped with modern showers and baths. The hotel grounds are large and secure with the ability to accommodate many campers.

Conferences, seminars and weddings are the Garden House Hotel’s speciality. It offers a unique food menu and a well stocked bar. Wi-Fi from the terraces and bar is free.

The Golden Peacock Hotel is located in the Roma area of Lusaka next to the Arcades Shopping Mall. The Golden Peacock was designed as a five-star hotel with all kinds facilities including guest rooms, Chinese/ Western restaurants, conference rooms, gym, swimming pool, multi-function room and bar. There are 146 guest rooms, including 46 senior single rooms, 91 senior standard rooms, six Chinese-style deluxe suites and three presidential suites.

a dartboard for relaxing after a long day. Other facilities include internet access, satellite TV, laundry services, ample parking with 24-hour security, travel advice, airport transfers and a 24-hour check-in service. The Manda Hill and Arcades shopping centres are just five minutes’ drive from the hotel.

The large restaurant incorporates three different designs: a Western-style dining room, a Chinese dining room and a luxury catering dining room.

Jewel of Africa

Fine jewellery using Zambian gems and skills Established 20 years ago, Jewel of Africa is an exclusive jewellery manufacturer based in Lusaka. The company exports its jewellery all over the world and has a fine reputation. Jewel of Africa uses ethically sourced gems, cut to perfection in order to achieve optimum brilliance. Its lead designer, Rashmi Sharma, designs each piece with particular attention to colour, shape and size. Contrary to common practice, Jewel of Africa designs its jewellery around the gem instead of cutting a gem for a ready-made piece of jewellery. The jewellery is hand-made in Zambia by Zambians. Jewel of Africa aims to recruit dedicated men and women, including people with physical disabilities, who can learn from the masters. The company aims to achieve a constant transfer of skills and seeks to encourage more Zambians to create objects of beauty with their hands. Some of the company’s skilled jewellers are master craftsmen who have been making jewellery for over 20 years. As a family business, Jewel of Africa puts emphasis on team work. Its jewellers and their formidable skills are as precious to the company as the exquisite gemstones it produces for its customers. Jewel of Africa regards each customer as exclusive and offers her the opportunity to design her own jewellery with a wide selection of unique gems.




PO Box 32201, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 250 000 Email:

Kafue Road, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 278 747 Fax: +260 211 251 760 Email: gardengroup,

Situated in the diplomatic and government area of Lusaka and close to the commercial centre, InterContinental Lusaka offers an ideal five-star location for international travellers.

The Kafue Road Garden Hotel is located in Lusaka just off the Kafue Road opposite the Castle Shopping Centre.

There is a choice of Lusaka’s leading restaurants within the hotel. The newly opened Trattoria Pizzeria offers authentic Italian cuisine. The hotel also has a large health club and a 24-hour business centre. There are nine

meeting rooms suitable for a range of events, from large conferences to private business meetings. The largest room has a capacity of 700 in reception style and the smallest can accommodate 20 people in banquet style. The hotel can also lay claim to the largest conference room and ballroom in Lusaka.

It is an ideal location for both the business traveller and the conferencing/workshop sector with facilities for up to 120 people available. Set in attractive gardens, the hotel boasts 22 spacious en-suite rooms all with DStv.



PO Box 30093, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 840 435; 840 436 Cell: 0971 002 010

PO Box FW02, 61 Munali Road, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 840 292 / 93 Cell: +260 979 935 588 Fax: +260 211 224 075 Email:

Lilayi offers 10 spacious deluxe and two family thatched chalets, all with luxurious bathrooms. The deluxe chalets have folding glass doors opening onto a wooden-decked veranda. Family chalets consist of two bedrooms, each en-suite, and a furnished lounge. Amenities include LED satellite television, wireless internet connection, a bar fridge and a tea and coffee station. The restaurant and bar/lounge area has a veranda and sundowner deck overlooking the pool. The restaurant offers a blend of African

and contemporary cuisine. For corporate clients there is a modern air conditioned boardroom accommodating up to 16 people. Game drives and bush walks are available and a visit to the Elephant Orphanage Project is recommended.

Only 15 minutes from Kenneth Kaunda International Airport and close to Chainama Golf Club, Longview Lodge offers a choice of twin, single and double rooms. All are en-suite and air conditioned and equipped with DStv, direct-dial telephone and minibar. Laundry and parking facilities are available and there is 24-hour security. The lodge has a cosy restaurant serving a broad range of meals, including traditional



Cairo Road PO Box 30044, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 229 049 Email:

PO Box 37157, Lusaka 10101 Tel: +260 211 292 629

The Lusaka Hotel, established in 1926, has the distinction of being the city’s oldest. It is situated in the central business district with easy access to shops. There are 80 air conditioned rooms, all with en-suite facilities, telephone, TV and mosquito protection. The hotel has indoor and outdoor restaurants as well as a lounge and bar. Il Bambino Restaurant caters for up to 80 diners and

serves Continental and traditional Zambian cuisine, while the poolside restaurant, The Terrace, can seat up to 50 people. The Terrace offers a coffee shop menu as well as serving grilled dishes. The hotel also offers an outside catering service for up to 250 people.

Mulungushi Village is ideal for long or short-term stays in Lusaka. Located in the leafy suburbs of Lusaka, this tranquil 45 hectare private estate has villas and apartments for long or short-term rental as well as a hotel and resort with conference facilities. Mulungushi Village is just 7 km from the city centre and provides a secure and friendly environment for residents. The village has 89 furnished four-bedroom villas, 16 furnished apartments and seven hotel rooms as well as a conference room for seminars, workshops,



Dunduza Chisidza Crescent, Longacres PO Box 30815, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 251 734 Fax: +260 211 251 760 Email: gardengroup@zamtelzm

609 Central Street, Chudleigh, Lusaka Tel: +260 (0) 211 290 544; 295 411 Cell: +260 (0) 955 750 356; 977 521 123

The Ndeke Hotel, situated at Longacres, can fairly claim to be Lusaka’s leading family hotel. It boasts 40 double en-suite bedrooms, two family rooms and four singles, all with television and telephones. Meals are varied, with à la carte and two buffet lunches throughout the week. The open-air courtyard atmosphere is a pleasant feature with an elegant bar, a


terraced extension to the restaurant and an avocado tree by the swimming pool. The hotel also provides conference facilities in quiet and comfortable surroundings. The Ndeke Hotel is part of the Garden Group of Hotels.

Palmwood Lodge in Lusaka is an extensive property with beautifully landscaped gardens and lush, manicured lawns. It caters for the business traveller, tourists and families, while also being the perfect venue for events such as corporate functions and family gatherings. Accommodation includes a main lodge, cottage and various motel style units cleverly spaced out around the lodge grounds. The main lodge houses the reception area and a variety of rooms, including doubles and executive doubles.

The stylish restaurant provides both à la carte and buffet options and the well stocked bar spreads into a spacious veranda offering a great relaxation venue as well as DStv and a pool table.

Zambian dishes. There is a swimming pool, free wireless internet connection, 24-hour room service and special meal requests. Longview has conference facilities for up to 30 people and a 20-seat boardroom with overhead projectors, flip charts, DVD, VCR and TV.

weddings, receptions and parties. Other facilities include a restaurant with a lounge and bar, two tennis courts, two squash courts and a swimming pool.

Access to the executive lounge, various boardrooms and the main conference hall is also from the lodge, which is near the restaurant, bar and pool. The secluded swimming pool is near the restaurant and bar.

Lusaka and Regions

Nomad's Court

Off Alick Nkhata Road PO Box 34474, Lusaka Tel: +260 955 958 112/3 Email:

Plot No. 9708 off Central Street Chudleigh Tel: +260 211 294324 / 294327; 294329 Cell: 0955 958111/2

Nomad’s Court offers a stylish place to stay in Lusaka, with 60 open-plan, self-catering apartments. These one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments can accommodate up to five people at no extra cost. Each of the apartments is named after a country, with colour, decor and furnishings all chosen to reflect the identity of that country. So there is a ‘nomadic’ theme to the apartments with a strong eye for detail. In addition, Nomad’s Court has a conferencing facility hosting up to 55 delegates. The venue has well thought-out packages and comes with high-quality amenities as standard. For maximum flexibility, the venue can be booked for half a day or multiple days. Other facilities at Nomad’s Court include climate control, well equipped kitchens, an on-site restaurant for breakfast, free internet access, satellite TV, a daily maid service and a swimming pool. There is ample parking with 24-hour security. Airport transfers are available.



c/o PO Box 282, Private Bag E10, Lusaka Tel: +260 966 432 700 Email:

Cairo Road, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 238 360 Fax: +260 211 238 317 Email:

Pioneer Lodge & Camp, Lusaka, is set within 25 acres of miombo woodland. The property is surprisingly good for birds. At the centre of Pioneer is the open thatched bar/restaurant or Chitenge. This is the place to exchange tales of adventure with fellow travellers. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served here. Only 14 km from the airport and the Arcades and Manda Hill shopping malls, Pioneer is an oasis out of town, the ideal place to stay at the beginning,

in between or at the end of a safari. All eight of the en-suite chalets have verandas with lovely woodland views. They are just a minute’s walk from the main camp and offer a high level of privacy.


It is ideally situated within the vibrant and bustling Arcades Shopping and Entertainment Complex, with a range of upmarket shops, lively bars, excellent restaurants, a cinema, a

The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner and the bar is open until 10 pm daily.

Conference facilities comprise two boardrooms and two conference rooms seating 40 delegates each or combined to seat 80. Free wireless internet access is available throughout the hotel.


Arcades Shopping & Entertainment Complex Lusaka Tel: +260 211 254 664 Protea Hotel Lusaka offers 100 spacious bedrooms, a restaurant, a bar, a splash pool and two conference venues accommodating 40 delegates each or combined to seat 100 as well as free wireless internet access throughout the hotel.

Protea Hotel Cairo Road is located in Lusaka’s central business district only 30 km from the international airport. It offers 75 spacious rooms with air conditioning, tea/coffee facilities, electronic safes and electronic door locks, telephone and DStv.

Plot 1887, Kamaila Road, Chisamba Tel: +260 211 212 843 Fax: +260 211 212 853 Email:

casino and a night club on its doorstep. Located only 500 metres from the University of Zambia and opposite the Mulungushi International Conference Centre, the hotel offers a convenient venue for both business and leisure travellers.

Located just 35 minutes from the centre of Lusaka and set in a 2,500 acre private game reserve, Protea Hotel Safari Lodge offers superb facilities for the holiday and business traveller Designed to capture the safari feel, its gum pole and thatch structures blend naturally into the surrounding environment, yet it offers all the best facilities available in any city centre venue.

A world-class conference centre with full audiovisual and communication facilities for up to 80 delegates is available as well as free wireless internet access. The friendly staff ensure that a stay at Protea Hotel Safari Lodge will be memorable in every aspect.


Lusaka and Regions

Radisson Blu Hotel Lusaka 19029 Great East Road, Private Bag E10, Box 382, Arcades, Lusaka Tel.: +260 211 368 900 Fax: +260 211 368 949 Email:

Set in the heart of the city’s business district, next to the Mulungushi International Conference Centre, the five-star Radisson Blu Hotel Lusaka is the nearest international hotel to the airport. The hotel has 142 air conditioned guest rooms and suites. There are seven superior rooms with a private deck leading to the outdoor pool.

SANDY’S CREATIONS LODGE 31/32 Farm 4300, Kafue Road PO Box 350143, Chilanga, Lusaka Telephone: +260 966916259 / +260 211847965 Email: Sandy’s Creations offers delightful accommodation with 32 exquisite double chalet rooms and 11 modern self-catering family suites. All rooms have air conditioning, minibar fridge, satellite TV, safe, tea and coffee facilities, private bathroom, room service, laundry and free Wi-Fi. All rooms are built around the beautifully landscaped gardens on a pristine 20 acre site. Chalet rooms offer fine views of the big lagoon-

shaped swimming pool. On-site facilities include modern conference venues, restaurant and bar, wellness spa, travel agent and a variety of shops and businesses. Guests are spoilt for choice with tasty food and drink. Why not enjoy a sizzling grilled steak at the lodge restaurant or a healthy energising smoothie at the Mint Lounge Cafe?

Seven air conditioned event rooms provide an ideal venue for meetings and conferences. The spacious ballroom can accommodate up to 260 guests. Specialist staff are on hand to help organise events. The Filini Restaurant serves delicious European cuisine. There is also an all-day buffet, with the option of private dining, and the Filini Bar. Guests can relax at the outdoor swimming pool or enjoy an invigorating workout at the Pace Health Club, free to hotel guests.

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Southern Sun Ridgeway

Corner Church Road & Independence Avenue PO Box 30666, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 251 666 Fax: +260 211 253 529 Email:

Southern Sun Ridgeway is ideally located just 4 km from the city centre and 27 km from the airport. Business and leisure travellers are equally welcome. The hotel has 155 tastefully decorated rooms, all with air conditioning, en-suite bathroom with bath and shower, radio and telephone, internet connection, colour TV and tea/coffee facilities. Non-smoking rooms are available as well as rooms designed for paraplegics. The Musuku Restaurant has a scenic view and alfresco dining on the terrace is a popular choice. The bar is the perfect setting for a casual lunch or pre-dinner drink. The hotel also contains shops, a South African Airways office, a bureau de change, a Proflight office and a Barclays Bank outlet. For business travellers, the hotel has secretarial services and conference rooms for groups of between eight and 200 people. The Banqueting Room can accommodate up to 150 people for workshops, seminars and functions. Full support services for conference and banqueting functions. Guests can enjoy a refreshing dip in the outdoor pool or a workout in the modern gym.


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TAJ PAMODZI HOTEL Church Road, PO Box 35450, Lusaka 10101 Tel: +260 211 254 455 Fax: +260 211 250 995; 254 005 Email:

Corner Church Road/Kabelenga Road PO Box 30297, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 372 000; +260 211 372 050 Fax: +260 211 372 020 Email: Stayeasy is a budget hotel recently built in the Levy Junction Shopping Mall. Accommodation consists of 130 standard single and twin rooms All rooms are fully air conditioned and have satellite TV offering 15 channels plus tea- and coffee facilities, a work desk with a lamp, a safety deposit box and a hairdryer. An iron and ironing board are available on request.

The hotel has a bar, an outdoor swimming pool, and a boardroom facility for up to 15 people, complete with standard equipment The colourful and vibrant restaurant serves breakfast daily and there is a good selection of local restaurants for lunch and dinner.

Among its other facilities, the hotel has five meeting rooms, including a boardroom that can accommodate between 25 and 600 people.

to a wide selection of dishes and refreshing drinks. Taj offers a distinctive dining experience that explores the nuances of the finest Indian and international cuisines.

From the casual all-day coffee shop to formal fine dining, guests can look forward

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TWANGALE PARK Plot PP, Mukwa Drive, Eureka Park Lilayi, Lusaka Tel: +260 962 489 097 Email: Twangale offers serenity and luxury in Lusaka, just a short drive from shopping malls and the Central Business District. This charming hotel offers excellent accommodation, with suites, executive rooms and deluxe rooms available for guests. Each room is elegantly designed, with amenities needed to make sure every guest has a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

Set in the heart of Lusaka’s business district, the luxurious Taj Pamodzi Hotel offers spacious comfort and modern amenities. Accommodation consists of 193 elegant and centrally air conditioned rooms and suites.

The restaurant offers a mouth-watering menu, with a wide variety of dishes and the well-stocked bar is the best place to unwind after a busy day. Twangale is equipped to host a variety of meetings and events, including weddings and corporate events.

Zambezi Jewels

Shop 52, East Park Mall, Great East Road, Lusaka, Zambia Tel: +260 978 227 095, +260 955 777 095 Email:

Exclusive and stylish jewellery hand-crafted in Zambia The Lusaka-based company Zambezi Jewels offers an elegant designer collection of exquisitely hand-crafted jewellery and other articles in precious metal studded with dazzling precious and semi-precious gemstones. Customers can indulge in the passion of Zambezi Jewels, the mystique and tradition of hand-crafted African jewellery, the adventure of romancing the stone and the grandeur of Africa. Some of the pieces made by Zambezi Jewels incorporate birthstones, which are believed by some to have special properties such as healing and good fortune. Traditionally, it was believed that each of the 12 birthstones must be worn strictly according to the birth date of the wearer for the special properties to have any effect. Today, however, they are usually worn simply as pieces of jewellery for their own particular colour and reflective properties.


Livingstone and Western Provinces


ACTIVITIES: River Cruise on the Zambezi, riverboarding, white water rafting, canoeing, horse riding trails, abseiling, golf course, bungee jumping, kayaking, game safaris, microlighting or helicopter flights, elephant-back safaris and lion walks AIRPORTS: Daily flights to Harry Mwanga International Airport from Lusaka and Johannesburg BEST TIME TO VISIT: All year round MAJOR ATTRACTIONS: Victoria Falls (one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World), Livingstone Museum, Livingstone Island, Devils Pool and the railway museum

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s there is a more complete destination in Africa than Livingstone? It seems unlikely.

Livingstone and Western Provinces BUNGEE JUMPING: Not for the faint-heartened, this leap from the middle of the Victoria Falls Bridge is one of the world’s most spectacular bungee jumps at 111 metres.

Dominated by the magnificent Victoria Falls, the world’s largest curtain of water and one of Africa’s


greatest natural wonders, here is a destination that

enough, with speeds of 180 km reached during a 55

just keeps giving – especially for those seeking thrills

metre drop.

and spills. WHITE WATER RAFTING: Another of Livingstone’s So while everyone wants to see the Mosi-oa-Tunya

adrenalin-fuelled experiences, without which no trip to


(as the falls are known locally), there are more than

Livingstone is complete.

real ‘up close’ interaction with seemingly dangerous wildlife.

enough activities to keep visitors fully occupied for many days thereafter. In fact, there in an inexhaust-

RIVER BOARDING: There’s a choice of body boarding

ible list. So, in no particular order, here are some of the

and surfing.

white-knuckle to the leisurely:

THE ROYAL LIVINGSTONE EXPRESS: Fine dining and incomparable service on board a vintage train make

activities and ‘must do’ experiences, ranging from the KAYAKING: White water at its best and a challenge

for a truly memorable experience.

for intermediate and advanced paddlers – even those HELICOPTER RIDE: An unforgettable experience

who want to take on the infamous Rapid 11.

ABSEILING: Over 50 metres down a sheer cliff face.

for those who would like to see the falls from the air. Longer flights swoop down into the Batoka Gorge. MICROLIGHT FLIGHT: Using the same airstrip as the

JET BOATING: Ranks with white water rafting for thrills

RAILWAY MUSEUM: A collection of vintage locomo-

without getting quite as wet. This is a 700 hp jet boat

tives and rolling stock harking back to the days of

seating 22 people and reaching speeds of up to 100 kph.

steam trains in Zambia.

helicopters, this is a more ‘seat of the pants’ and slightly less expensive way to see the falls. Choose from 15 or

A DIP IN DEVIL’S POOL: Swim out to Livingstone

CYCLING: Multi-day tours from Livingstone or just a

30 minute flights.

Island and get close to the edge. The photograph

fun day out. Take your pick.

on this page says it all. If you suffer from vertigo, then SUNDOWNER CRUISE: After a day of hectic activity,

forget it.

FISHING: The hunt for Zambezi’s fierce tigerfish is a real challenge for anglers.

there is no finer way to enjoy an evening in style on the Zambezi than a trip on the ‘Lady Livingstone’, ‘African

THE LIVINGSTONE MUSEUM: Well presented and

Queen’, ‘Lion King’, ‘Makumbi’ or ‘Taonga’.

hugely informative. Worth two hours of anyone’s time.

REPTILE PARK: If you like crocodiles and snakes, this is the place for you. There is also an impressive choice of accommodation to suit all tastes and budgets, from elegant hotels in and around town to the many camps and lodges located nearby. Going upriver on the Zambian side of the Zambezi and through Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park, the banks are dotted with a fine collection of high-end properties, from the Avani Victoria Falls Resort to the seven-room Islands of Siankaba some 40 km away.

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Oriental theme

Growing Chinese interest in Livingstone as a destination has seen the creation of hotels such as the Oriental Swan, Golden Chopstick and warm harbour, giving the town a fresh dimension in terms of the type of accommodation available.


Livingstone and Western Provinces AVANI VICTORIA FALLS RESORT


PO Box 60151, Livingstone Tel: +260 978 777 044/5/6/7 Email:

PO Box 61160, Livingstone Tel: +260 213 327 452 Email:

The Zambezi Sun, located on the edge of the eastern cataract of the Victoria Falls, reflects the richness and diversity of Zambia’s heritage and captures the very soul of Africa – unpretentious, fun and welcoming.

Situated half an hour from Victoria Falls and Livingstone, Chundukwa River Lodge is a nature lovers’ retreat; a bush-style boutique property that blends naturally into the riverine forest. Each eco-style chalet is built on stilts over the water and comes with en-suite bathroom and commanding views of the Zambezi.

With its warm, earthy architecture, inspired by a walled African village, and simple finishes highlighted in bright mosaics and fabrics as well as intoxicating Zambian artworks and accessories, the Zambezi Sun is set to turn

any stay into a memorable experience. There is free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel. Lunch is served alfresco at a poolside grill, while the indoor buffet restaurant serves breakfast and dinner. In addition to relaxing by the pool or sipping a cocktail, guests can enjoy a day full of activities.

A stay at Chundukwa River Lodge offers the peace and tranquillity that come from waking up each morning to azure-blue skies and a



Box 4035, Sichango Road Livingstone Tel: +260 213 323 141 Email:

216 Mosi O Tunya Road, Box 61170, Livingstone Tel: +260 213 323 432; +260 972 250 154 Email:

Chrismar Hotel Livingstone is on the border of the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Game Park. The hotel offers an opportunity for its guests to experience affordable luxury accommodation in a world-class environment.

Fawlty Towers Lodge has 24 rooms including deluxe suites, standard twin/ double en-suite rooms, family rooms and dormitory accommodation. It is centrally located, conveniently just over the road from a shopping centre; but behind its walls remains secluded and away from the busy town.

This four-star hotel has 99 rooms, all with air conditioning, Jacuzzi tubs, wireless internet access and TV.

pool bar or take pleasure in a delicious à la carte meal at the Cattleman’s Grill Restaurant.

The lodge has a relaxed atmosphere, with lush green private gardens shaded by mango trees, a crystal-clear swimming

Guests can enjoy a hearty breakfast in the Brasserie Restaurant, sip a cocktail in the sunken


the lodge organises a variety of tours and adventure activities throughout Livingstone. Other facilities include free internet access, a restaurant providing tasty Zambian and foreign dishes, an executive minibar, a swimming pool and conference facilities.

Livingstone Backpackers is a family-run hostel with a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. It caters for the traveller’s needs, whether taking advantage of all the high-adrenalin activities Livingstone has to offer or relaxing by the pool with an ice-cold beer. Situated in the heart of Livingstone town, it is only five minutes’ walk from the bus station and close to shops, markets, the museum, bars


MARAMBA RIVER LODGE PO Box 60957, Livingstone Tel: +260 213 324 189 Email:

Mambova Rapids Lodge, located on the banks of the Mambova Rapids, on the Upper Zambezi, has a distinctly Zambian bush feel.

Open all year round and ideal for large groups, the lodge accommodates 32 people in


The in-house activity centre, where over 20 local activities can be booked, guarantees to offer the best deals in town and to beat any other lodge or booking centre. In addition, there are free shuttles to the Victoria Falls every day.

PO Box 60629, Livingstone Tel: +260 213 324 730 Email:

PO Box 60988, Livingstone Tel: +260 966 289 005 Email:

Only 72 km from Livingstone and 12 km from the Kazungula border post, the lodge faces Ilombe Island, with its excellent opportunities for birdwatching and game viewing.

pool and its own bar and restaurant.


Plot no: 205/206, Lusaka Road PO Box 60886, Livingstone Tel: +260 213 322 096 Fax: +260 213 322 096 Cell: +260 955 780330; 977 881567 Email: Limbo Lodge is a great place to stay for guests looking to experience all that Livingstone has to offer. The name Limbo, meaning ‘village’, describes the atmosphere and general layout of the lodge. There are several thatched chalets, with a spacious central gathering area. Accommodation consists of 10 unique ethnicstyle chalets, each with en-suite bathroom. Located just 15 minutes from the Victoria Falls,

river running by. It’s a perfect way to discover Victoria Falls, to see rare and endangered white rhino up close or to take advantage of the many adventure activities that this adventure capital has to offer. Chundukwa is also a paradise for bird lovers, with over 100 species recorded so far in and around the lodge.

and the airport, as well as the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park and the majestic Victoria Falls. Facilities include a crystal-clear swimming pool, climbing wall, hot tub and self-catering kitchen. Accommodation is available in dorms, double rooms, double en suites and campsite. All rooms are equipped with fans and mosquito nets.

Maramba River Lodge is located in Mosi-oaTunya National Park on a bluff overlooking the river, just 4 km from the Victoria Falls. thatched chalets equipped with mosquito nets. Everything is on hand for a perfect self-catering holiday. Camping facilities are available for guests and their staff.

The safari tents offer en-suite bathrooms and mosquito nets, all under thatch. All the rustic, thatched chalets have creative mukwa and wrought-iron fittings, en-suite tiled bathrooms, mosquito proofing with treated nets, ceiling fans, internal safe and views over the Maramba River or floodlit waterhole.

Maramba also caters for traditional camping, with lawns for pitching tents, two ablution blocks, picnic tables and barbecue stands. Maramba Riverside Restaurant and Bar has tiled and wooden decking right on the river and offers a full à la carte menu.

Livingstone and Western Provinces MATAMANENE


c/o Norman Carr Safaris PO Box 100, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 015 Fax: +260 216 245 025 Email:

Lukulu, c/o PO Box 35256, Lusaka Cell: +260 967 101 421 (Zambia) Cell: +27 (0)82 253 1814 (SA) Email:

Matamanene Camp has recently undergone refurbishment. Located in Liuwa Plain National Park, it is often described as a photographer’s dream. Guests can see thousands of animals in the second-largest wildebeest migration on earth. The four simple yet comfortable tents are set in a small island of trees in the heart of the park. The raised tents offer twin or double

Nestled in Zambia’s Western Province Barotseland, near Lukulu, in the midst of waterberry trees, Matoya Fishing Lodge offers six thatched chalets which comfortably accommodate 12 people, a spacious dining area, lounge, swimming pool and a wooden deck that extends out onto the Zambezi River. Each chalet enjoys its own breathtaking view of the upper Zambezi. Rooms are air

beds, en-suite bathroom and hot running water. The chitenje (large central area) includes a small library and comfortable seating area, bar and dining area. The campfire is the perfect place to swap stories under the African night sky.


The buildings are made of rammed earth walls and thatched roofs surrounded by a natural bird-filled canopy of thickets, trees and grasses. There are four spacious chalets containing a large en-suite bedroom, a private

The lodge offers a variety of local as well as international cuisine. Fishing is undertaken on customised 17 ft glass fibre boats. The fleet of five boats, powered by 60 hp four-stroke motors, can accommodate two fly fishermen or three lure anglers, accompanied by a guide.


PO Box 60129, Livingstone Tel: +21 3 327211 Cell: +260 965 715 442 Email: Afro-centric in design, the Munga Eco-Lodge has many innovative features for the culture enthusiast and the environmentally conscious tourist. It is strategically located halfway between the Livingstone City Centre and the Victoria Falls.

conditioned and luxuriously furnished.

Plot 2110 Mosi-oa-Tunya Road, Livingstone Tel: +260 213 324 630 Fax: +260 213 324 640 Email:

courtyard and an outdoor lounge. Meals include local, international and fusion cuisine. There is also a library, a gift shop and a bar. The biological swimming pool is a major attraction. Wi-Fi and internet services are also available.

Protea Hotel Livingstone, situated only 10 minutes from the Victoria Falls and next to the Falls Park Shopping Complex, offers 80 deluxe rooms with air conditioning, tea/ coffee-making facilities, electronic safes and electronic door locks, telephone and DStv. A restaurant, bar and swimming pool are available, as well as conference facilities including two venues accommodating 40

delegates each or combined to seat 100. The hotel also offers free wireless internet access. Nearby leisure activities include bungee jumping, white water rafting, fishing, helicopter rides, golf, game viewing, gorge swing, a crocodile park, restaurants, shopping and much more.

PUMULANI LIVINGSTONE 281 Mosi-oa-Tunya Road, Livingstone Tel: +260 213 320 981 Email: Pumulani Livingstone or Pumula (which in various Bantu dialects means to rest, to sleep, to take it easy, to relax) is centrally located on the Mosi-oa-Tunya Road and is just 130 metres from the centre of Livingstone and 9 km north-east of the Victoria Falls. Its en-suite double, twin and single rooms offer luxury accommodation that caters for business travellers and tourists. Pumulani Livingstone is close to all of Livingstone’s main amenities and activities and Livingstone International

Airport is only a 15-minute drive away. Other facilities include Wi-Fi internet, tea/coffee-making facilities plus airport transfers and shuttle services

ROYAL CHUNDU LUXURY ZAMBEZI LODGES Livingstone Tel: +260-213-327-060 Email: Situated 30km upstream from the mighty Victoria Falls, Royal Chundu is the only lodge along the Zambezi, not to share its waterways with any other operators. Guests can enjoy 15km of river exclusivity. Royal Chundu is also the first Relais & Chateaux property in Zambia and it consists of two lodges: River Lodge (10 suites) on the mainland of Zambia, and Island Lodge (4 suites) which is set on a private island in the middle of the Zambezi. Royal Chundu is the proud winner

of the World Travel Awards “Best Safari Lodge in Zambia” Award for the past five years in a row. Each suite is beautifully furnished with bright, colourful decor, mosquito nets, air-con and fans. Both lodges have restaurants, inside and outside lounges, deck-dining, boma dining, bar areas, swimming pools all looking out over the river.


Livingstone and Western Provinces SANCTUARY SUSSI & CHUMA c/o Sanctuary Retreats Atlas House, 31 Harley Street, 2194, South Africa Tel: +27 11 438 4650 Email: The 12 luxury tree houses and two private chuma family houses of Sanctuary Sussi & Chuma are built into the living canopy of giant ebony trees lining the bank of the Zambezi. With its location in the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park, peace and tranquillity reign supreme and the riverbank teems with birdlife. Each room is equipped with en-suite facilities plus air conditioning, overhead fans, minibar, tea/

coffee facilities, mosquito nets and hairdryers. The main building features a spectacular raised bar/lounge, indoor and outdoor dining area, wine cellar and deck. An infinity pool with deck is on the edge of the Zambezi and a spectacular sundowner deck is a perfect venue for relaxing.

STANLEY SAFARI LODGE c/o Robin Pope Safaris PO Box 80, Mfuwe Tel: +265 (0)179 5483/4491 Email: Set on a hill bordering the Mosi-oaTunya National Park and overlooking unspoilt bush, Stanley Safari Lodge is only 3 km from the Victoria Falls. The views are splendid: the spray of the falls in the distance, the mighty Zambezi River and on top of that yet another beautiful African sunset. From either the main garden, the infinity pool or from the privacy of one’s room, the views

are unmatched. The 10 uniquely designed chalets are constructed of teak and local stone and consist of open-fronted or more colonialstyle brick and tiled rooms which are closed. Stanley Safari Lodge is an elegant and luxurious getaway.

The Royal Livingstone Hotel

The Royal Livingstone Hotel at Victoria Falls Mosi-oa-Tunya Road, Livingstone, Zambia Tel: +260 978 777044 /45 / 46 / 47 Email:;

Celebrating Africa’s majesty in style The Royal Livingstone Hotel at Victoria Falls is more than a bucket-list destination – it’s a unique experience that will continue to replay itself in your heart and mind for years to come. Situated on the banks of the mighty Zambezi River and overlooking the thundering Victoria Falls, The Royal Livingstone Hotel offers guests five-star accommodation in an unrivalled African setting. When David Livingstone discovered the falls in 1855, he could not have known that, over a century later, they would frame the backdrop to the unsurpassed luxury that epitomises The Royal Livingstone Hotel. As part of Sun International’s exclusive SunLux Collection, The Royal Livingstone has been consistently recognised by TripAdvisor, having been awarded both a Certificate of Excellence and an induction into the travel review giant’s Hall of Fame. These accolades come as no surprise. In addition to its enviable position overlooking one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the hotel has been designed to recreate the luxury and excitement of David Livingstone’s era. If you’re seeking romance and adventure in Zambia, then come and explore all The Royal Livingstone


Hotel has to offer. Enjoy personalised treatments at the Royal Spa or disappear into the pages of a book from the celebrated Livingstone Collection at the library. Foodies will love the hotel’s famous Traditional High Tea as well as the once-in-a-lifetime culinary experience aboard The Royal Livingstone Express. Explore the mighty Zambezi River on a boat ride or sundowner cruise, and get a bird’s-eye view of the Victoria Falls on a helicopter flip. Swim at the edge of the world in Devil’s Pool, or get within whisper distance of Africa’s abundant herds at the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park. Discover Zambia in luxurious comfort at The Royal Livingstone Hotel. Book your five-star getaway today and relive the romance and nostalgia of a bygone era.

Livingstone and Western Provinces TAITA FALCON LODGE


PO Box 60012, Livingstone Tel: +260 213 321 850 (Booking Office); +260 213 327 046 (Lodge) Email: Taita Falcon Lodge is perched 230 metres above the Zambezi on the edge of the Batoka Gorge and 11 km from the Victoria Falls. Owner-run, it prides itself on personal service for each and every guest. With only seven chalets, the lodge offers an intimate stay or an exclusive venue for smaller groups. Each spacious chalet has its own private garden and outdoor shower. The indigenous gardens are blended with ‘bush zen’ sand gardens at the lodge entrance and

PO Box 60052, Riverside Drive Off Sichango Road, Livingstone Tel: +260 213 324 601-10 Fax: +260 213 324 615 Email:

chalet exteriors and a ‘green theme’ around the swimming pool. There is a boma where in winter ‘braais’ are hosted around an open fire. The large viewing deck and adjacent lounge play host to meals and pre-dinner drinks, with expansive views downstream and miles beyond.

David Livingstone Safari Lodge & Spa is an exclusive five-star lodge with top-class facilities. Guests can see the spray from Victoria Falls. The lodge has 77 air conditioned en-suite rooms including five signature suites. All rooms have a private balcony overlooking the Zambezi River. The lodge has an infinity pool overlooking the river; a spa and gym; and a bar and restaurant with fine views and superb catering.



c/o Postnet 631, Private Bag E891, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 260 279 Email:

PO Box 60469, Livingstone Tel: +260 213 327 457 Cell: +270 725 174 880 Email:

The Islands of Siankaba lodge is a forest retreat with seven secluded chalets, each with a view of the Zambezi River. All of this is located on two untouched islands in the middle of the Zambezi between the Victoria Falls and Botswana’s Chobe National Park.

The River Club is a charming oasis on Zambia’s mighty Zambezi River, situated 18 km upstream from the town of Livingstone and the renowned Victoria Falls – a World Heritage Site and one of the seven Natural Wonders of the World.

The Islands of Siankaba has been developed as a five-star lodge, sleeping just 14 guests. The two islands are linked by a suspension bridge leading to an overhead walkway in

the tree canopy. Activities include guided birding and tree walks on the main island’s nature trail, sunset river cruises and dugout canoe trips. The lodge has also developed a reputation for excellent food and wines.

All 11 spacious and privately located suites overlook the river and pods of hippo in the Zambezi National Park. An ideal destination for families with children, the lodge

The lodge is ideal for individual travellers, families and honeymoon couples; while business guests have access to the new on-site Victoria Falls Conference Centre. The conference centre has modern facilities and a Bedouin-tented patio area overlooking a waterhole in Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park.

provides spacious family accommodation and extensive gardens to explore. A host of activities await young and old, on the property as well as around the Victoria Falls. Guests can stay either under an all-inclusive rate or on a dinner, bed and breakfast basis.


Livingstone and Western Provinces TOKA LEYA CAMP


c/o Wilderness Safaris, Post Net 118 P Bag E835, Lusaka Tel: +260 977 70952

Private Bag 31, Livingstone Tel: +260 213 327 450 Email:

Overlooking the mighty Zambezi River and some of its islands, Toka Leya Camp is situated in the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park. 12 spacious en-suite safari-style tents (including three family tents) with expansive decks soak up the dramatic views and active wildlife. Wooden walkways snake between the units and main area, limiting our footprint on this pristine area.

Tongabezi Safari Lodge is located on the banks of the Zambezi River, just upstream from the Victoria Falls. Most of the rooms are open-fronted and the decor is African, with attractive fabrics and fittings.

served on the sundeck, the pool deck and dining room all overlooking the Zambezi.

The camp’s dining, lounge and bar areas offer ample space for relaxation and are complemented by an infinity pool, with meals



All rooms have views over the Zambezi. The cliff-side swimming pool overlooks the river. Boat trips are available, including sundowner cruises, canoeing and fishing trips as well as excursions to the nearby Victoria Falls.

WATERBERRY LODGE PO Box 61294, Livingstone Tel/Fax: +260 213 327 455 UK & Europe: +44 (0)1379 873 474 Email:

PO Box 60407, Sichango Road, Livingstone Tel: +260 213 320 606 -08/ +260 968 320 606 Email: The Victoria Falls Waterfront is beautifully situated on the banks of the Zambezi River, with views of the spray from Victoria Falls in the distance. The Lodge offers a range of different accommodation consisting of a large, shady campsite, the adventure village (permanent tents) and comfortable en-suite chalets, some of which are river facing. The very popular restaurant and bar have fabulous river views and Pepinno’s

The lodge can accommodate up to 22 guests in five river cottages, four open-fronted houses and one enclosed cliff-top house. There is also a garden cottage, which is perfect for families.

Waterberry Lodge, just 30 minutes from Livingstone International Airport, in a secluded setting on the banks of the Zambezi River. delicious wood –fired pizza’s are the best in the area. There are two swimming pools on site, plus a shop, a bar, a restaurant, an internet café, Wi-Fi connection, TV lounge and a large activity centre.

Guests can relax on the sundeck, in the viewing lounge or round the pool and enjoy sunset cruises, alfresco meals and barbecues cooked under the stars. Hippo and elephant are frequent visitors and there is a wild variety of birdlife.

En-suite accommodation is available in double, twin or family lodges. River Farm House caters for private groups offering a chef, boat and household staff.

Lower Zambezi National Park


f you’re looking for nature in its purest form – but also top-class accommodation and a thoughtfully managed ecosystem – then Lower Zambezi National Park (LZNP) ticks all the boxes and a few more besides.

Zambezi ecosystem. A handful of well appointed and

Useful Information

banks of the Zambezi, both inside the park and in the

ACTIVITIES: Fishing, game viewing and birdwatching, sundowner cruises, canoeing and walking safaris

adjacent Chiawa GMA. This is an area without mains

AIRSTRIPS: Royal, Jeki

cleverly located camps and lodges occasionally dot the

electricity or water and devoid of cell phone reception, thus adding to its air of remoteness.

In short, this is one of Africa’s finest parks; yet it’s only a comparatively short hop from Lusaka.


Here is a mid-sized national park covering 4,092 sq km

In terms of wildlife, densities are high; and there are

with the mighty and mesmerising River Zambezi flowing

opportunities to view game from a canoe while

along its southern edge, while on the opposite bank lies

getting up close to hippo and crocodile. So expect to

Zimbabwe’s equally impressive Mana Pools National Park.

see elephant in numbers, drinking and bathing in the

The two parks ensure the pristine nature of this particular

Zambezi, as well as lion, leopard and even the odd

stretch of the river. To the north, the Zambezi escarpment

pangolin (scaly anteater).

adds a further geographically unique feature.

Wildlife found in this area: Elephant, lion, buffalo, hippo, waterbuck, kudu, zebra and crocodile, impala and warthog, hyena, porcupine, civet, genet and honey badger BIRDLIFE: Fish eagle, red-winged pratincole, crested guinea fowl, black eagle and quelea MAJOR ATTRACTIONS: Lower Zambezi National Park BEST TIME TO VISIT: June to September (however, fishing is at its best in September-October)

The park’s strictly managed ‘catch and release’ tigerfish The park is also ringed by three game management

policy has insured that stocks remain high; as a result,

areas (GMAs), Rufunsa, Luano and Chiawa, which act as

many come to the park for its superb fishing as much

a buffer zone. Together, it adds up to nearly 14,500 sq

as for its wildlife viewing.

km of wildlife habitat. No trip to Zambia is really complete with taking time Conservation Lower Zambezi manages a team of

to visit LZNP. It provides an opportunity to enjoy the

scouts, funds many patrols and assists the Department

unique nature of the park and to experience a more

of National Parks and Wildlife with its work in the Lower

water-based safari in an untouched wilderness.


Lower Zambezi AMANZI CAMP Box 46, P/Bag E981, Manda Hill, Mushika Lower Zambezi National Park Tel: +260 211 291 791 Email: Anabezi’s sister Camp Amanzi opened in 2015 for travellers who prefer a more rustic feel. Amanzi Camp is situated right on the banks of the Ngwenya channel. The name Amanzi means ‘water’ in the Tonga language and draws inspiration from the site’s intimate position on the Zambezi. The camp consists of four tents, each on a raised teak deck. The tents have an indoor shower and bathroom as well as a private sitting area and balcony overlooking the river.

The camp is intimate yet private, with the tents generously spaced and connected with a raised walkway to the main area. Two of the tents are configured to function as a family tent, making it perfect for small groups and families wanting to share the experience. The main area has a pool that shares the bank with the river and is surrounded by a teak sundeck.

ANABEZI LUXURY TENTED CAMP Box 46, P/Bag E981, Manda Hill, Mushika Lower Zambezi National Park Tel: +260 211 291 791 Email: Anabezi River Lodge is a 20-bed camp on the Zambezi River in Lower Zambezi National Park. The lodge sits on a ridge overlooking the Zambezi and the Mushika River flood plain. The vibrant game population is constantly visible from the camp. Owing to its remote position in the national park, the lodge is the epitome of an African bush experience. There are 10 spacious luxury tents, connected by raised

wooden walkways with the dining area and the game viewing deck. This makes it safer to walk between the accommodation units and communal areas. There is a large swimming pool offset from the game viewing deck and a fire pit where guests can sit under the stars.

BAINES’ RIVER CAMP Lower Zambezi Valley Tel: +27 33 342 7498 Email: Here, guests can experience one of Africa’s last remaining true wilderness areas in style. It’s only 40 minutes by air from Lusaka to this intimate safari camp in the game-rich and unfenced Lower Zambezi Valley. An alternative to tented accommodation, each of its eight individual suites and the private two-bedroom family cottage are elegantly decorated, with uninterrupted views over the Zambezi River. There is a choice of land and water-based safari activities, and the camp’s dedicated team


It occupies a magnificent location on the banks of the Zambezi River, under a grove of evergreen mahogany trees, in the heart of Zambia’s Lower Zambezi National Park. Accommodation is in safari tents on wooden


Complemented by sumptuous cuisine, Baines’ River Camp defines Zambian luxury safari without the fuss.


PO Box 30972, Lusaka 10101 Tel:+260 211 261 588 Fax: +260 211 262 683 Email: Owned and operated by the Cumings family, this Best in Africa award-winning camp and guiding team lives up to its reputation for imaginative delivery and consistently high standards in all aspects.

will plan your days to suit your preferences.

c/o PO Box CA 102 Castle Post Office, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 841 051/841 052 Email:

decks, with king-sized beds swathed in mosquito nets and Egyptian cotton linens. A thatched lounge/bar area with upper and lower viewing decks and lots of furniture is complemented by a dining room overlooking the Zambezi.

Set beneath a canopy of winter thorns at the confluence of the Zambezi and Chongwe rivers, this award-winning camp is a family owned and run business dedicated to providing a dream safari experience combined with high standards of hospitality. Accommodation is in large, well appointed safari tents under thatch, with luxury open-air bathrooms. Each tent sleeps two people, in twin or double beds.

All fittings are made from natural materials found near the lodge. The private Chongwe River House, just 1 km away, is a unique private property. Open-fronted and with ferro walls, it has space to accommodate up to eight guests.



PO Box 38837, Lusaka Tel: +260 977 755 720 Skype: kanyemba Email:

c/o PO Box CA 102 Castle Post Office, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 841 051/841 052 Email:

Nestled on the banks of the Zambezi River only two and a half hours from Lusaka, lies Kanyemba Lodge. This discreetly located lodge comprises six air conditioned stone and thatch rondavels and a thatched family unit of three suites with a modern en-suite bathroom, a walk-in wardrobe and a large private veranda looking on to the Zambezi.

Part of the Chongwe Safaris group, Kasaka is a classically appointed family-oriented tented camp offering outstanding experiences in breathtakingly beautiful surroundings.

The restaurant and bar also overlook the river and provide a spacious communal

area, while upstairs, guests can relax and enjoy the extensive library and lounge. Each evening, guests are treated to Kanyemba’s award-winning Italian fare, with the freshest of home-grown ingredients. Kanyemba also owns and operates a small, intimate bush camp on its privately owned Kanyemba Island.


All chalets have spectacular views and are furnished with Rhodesian teak and top quality bedding. The impressive lodge bar has perhaps the best view of the Zambezi. With a wide range of activities on offer, guests are spoilt for choice. Alternatively, guests can simply relax

Families and groups can stay in the Hippo Pod, a private two-bedroom unit that comes with its own pool, private dining and private activities.

25110 Malabanyika, Lower Zambezi, Chiawa Tel: +260 966 76 9379 Email:

at one of the two swimming pools. Kiambi, meaning ‘first’, is situated on the Kafue River. Kiambi Safari Lodge offers both road and boat transfers from Lusaka to anywhere on the Lower Zambezi.


Mount Hermon Safari Cottages offer an exclusive, romantic getaway for those looking for a secluded site along the Kafue River in the Lower Zambezi game management area. Guests can treat themselves to a celebrity style vacation and make the most of the surrounding 28 acres of enclosed, prime virgin land with a beautiful private riverfront, campsite, playground, several trails and a swimming pool.

MVUU LODGE Cell: +27 (0)79 524 8709 Email:

Tel: +260 211 231 466 The lodge is nestled less than 10 km from the Lower Zambezi National Park in an indigenous area just waiting to be experienced. Frequent visits from the surrounding wild animals give Munyemeshi River Lodge a unique edge on other properties. The luxurious self-catering chalets are spread along the banks of the Zambezi River, each with a beautiful view. The en-suite chalets have access to fully equipped

the ‘tame side’ surrounded by lush green lawn.


PO Box 360073, Kafue Tel: +260 966 655 878; 977 876 003; 977 186 106 Email: The choice of accommodation here ranges from eight spacious tented chalets on raised wooden platforms with en-suite bathrooms, fans, bar fridges and private verandas to newer chalets that are air conditioned.

Just a few kilometres from the national park, Kasaka has eight classic tents with an enviable position along the river. Four are situated on the ‘wild side’ of camp, tucked away in a natural bush environment and accessed via a raised wooden walkway. The other four are situated on

kitchens with hot water, gas stoves, freezers and cutlery. Guests can join the Munyemeshi team on guided tours for an unforgettable journey through the African jungle.

Superbly set on the banks of the mighty Zambezi River, Mvuu Lodge (meaning ‘place of the hippo’) is rugged, yet gentle, comfortable yet one with nature. Only 18 km from the Lower Zambezi National Park, the lodge offers activities to suit everyone’s needs, including game drives by boat or vehicle, sundowner cruises, environmental awareness walks, canoe safaris, fishing (for tigerfish), birding, photography, star gazing and, of course, total relaxation.

tents. The seven campsites are situated close to the lodges and are nestled in thick bush under a canopy of indigenous trees.

There are seven luxury en-suite fixed tents and three comfortable self-catering fixed



c/o Postnet 498, Private Bag E891, Manda Hill, Lusaka Tel: +260 977 114 073 Email:

c/o PO Box 30972, Lusaka 10101 Tel +260 211 261 588 Fax: +260 211 262 683 Email:

Deep in the heart of the Lower Zambezi National Park lies Mwambashi River Lodge. It accommodates 18 guests in large safari tents built on raised wooden decks with en-suite facilities. All tents have private balconies with views over the river. Mwambashi is renowned not only for its fabulous location but also for its friendly service. There is always something special on offer at Mwambashi, whether it’s a bush dinner, sundowners on the river or a day

Owned and operated by the Cumings family, Old Mondoro is a beautiful, intimate and private safari camp in a spectacular and remote location. of exhilarating game viewing, canoeing the delightful channels or landing a first tigerfish. Activities include day and night game drives in open 4x4s, boating and fishing on the river and channels, guided walking and birdwatching. All are accompanied by guides.

Situated deep inside the park in lovely walking country with great game viewing, Old Mondoro is a back-to-the-bush experience with opportunities for elephant, leopard and seasonal wild dog sightings.

game drives, walks, canoe trips and game viewing by boat. A canvas and reed lounge area, or sitenje, with timber decks overlooks a maze of islands in the Zambezi River.

The camp’s three professional guides offer a full range of activities such as day and night




c/o Post.Net Box E017 P/Bag 283, Crossroads, Lusaka Tel: +260 976 579 155 Email:

Cell: +260 979 587 822 Email:;

Located alongside its renowned sister camp, Sausage Tree Camp, Potato Bush Camp offers spectacular views over the Zambezi River. Built around raised timber boardwalks to extend the season, this child-friendly camp offers a range of game viewing activities including game drives (day and night), walking safaris, canoeing, boating and fishing. The camp accommodates 10 guests in four spacious safari-style tents, each

serviced by a personal muchinda (butler) and with its own private plunge pool. The open-plan dining, bar and lounge area looks onto the fire pit positioned on the river edge and is the only part of the camp where you actually ‘touch the ground’.

Royal Zambezi Lodge c/o P Bag CH42, Chelston, Lusaka Tel: +260 979 486 618 Tel/Fax: +260 211 840 682 Email:

The five-star Royal Zambezi Lodge, on the banks of the majestic Zambezi River, offers world-class fishing, unrivalled game viewing, magnificent sunset river cruises, professionally guided canoeing trips and one of the only spas in Zambia. The lodge’s professional guides and well trained staff are local to the area and love to share their passion for the Zambezi Valley. The Royal Zambezi Lodge has earned an international reputation for its excellent fishing opportunities, especially for tigerfish. Resident experts are on hand to take guests on fishing excursions and are happy to introduce novices to the excitement of the sport. Another way to experience the Zambezi is to drift silently down the river in a canoe, exploring the hyacinth-studded channels and enjoying a close-up view of elephant, buffalo, hippo and birds.

Redcliff Zambezi Lodge extends to about 100 hectares with 1.5 km of river frontage. The lodge can accommodate up to 16 guests. Four tent-roofed chalets (each with two beds) and two family chalets (each with four beds) are furnished with beautiful indigenous teak. Each chalet has large, comfortable beds and en-suite facilities, including shower, toilet, hot and cold running water. The camp is built safely above the high-flood level. A swimming pool is part of the comfortable surroundings.

SAUSAGE TREE CAMP c/o Post.Net Box E017 P/Bag 283, Crossroads, Lusaka Tel: +260 976 579 155 Email: Voted Best Location in Africa 2016 and celebrating its 20th anniversary, Sausage Tree Camp is set in a prime location in the heart of the Lower Zambezi National Park. This exclusive camp offers private guiding with a range of game viewing activities including game drives (day and night), walking safaris, canoeing, boating and fishing. It accommodates 16 guests in eight spacious Bedouin-style tents, each serviced by a

The newly built open-plan dining, bar and lounge area sits on the edge of the Zambezi next to the 25 metre infinity swimming pool – the perfect place to watch the sun go down.

TSIKA ISLAND CAMP c/o PO Box CA 102 Castle Post Office, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 841 051/841 052 Email: Set in the middle of the Zambezi River, Tsika Island is 30 to 35 km upstream from Chongwe between Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe and the village of Mugurameno in Zambia. The camp is situated on the south side of the island, which has a mixture of Albida groves and reeded channels, with a sandy plain to the north. Tsika Island has three simple chalets, allowing a maximum of six guests. The camp has open ferro structures under village thatch, complementing


personal muchinda (butler) and with private open-air bathrooms and a ‘loo with a view’.

the island bush experience. The prime activity at Tsika is a full-day canoe safari along the Zambezi. There are no predators on the island.

Luangwa Valley


he Luangwa ecosystem comprises some of Zambia’s best and most popular national parks.

Set between the eastern escarpment of the Luangwa Valley and the broad waters of the Luangwa River (a tributary of the Zambezi), the ecosystem’s four parks can rightly claim to enjoy some of Africa’s highest animal densities, all in a perfect viewing environment. Of the four parks, the 9,059 sq km South Luangwa National Park is easily the best known and most visited and is very much the jewel in Zambia’s wildlife crown. The park is served by its own international airport at Mfuwe, about 40 minutes from the main gate. South Luangwa is considered by many to be Africa’s finest game park and it’s certainly one of the world’s great animal sanctuaries.

Relative sizes of the four parks



Luangwa Valley Just outside the Mfuwe Gate and within the park itself

The much more remote but no less beautiful North

there is a collection of about 40 lodges and bush

Luangwa National Park offers a similar landscape

camps as well as camping opportunities. Generally,

but includes rhino and great sightings of Cookson’s

those camps located inside and just outside the park

wildebeest. The 4,636 sq km park has just four seasonal

are seasonal (opening roughly May to November) but

bush camps and was previously closed to visitors for

some lodges are open all year round.

three decades. Like its sister park to the south, this is ideal terrain for walking safaris and is famed for its large

South Luangwa pioneered the first walking safaris and

herds of buffalo.

these ‘up close’ encounters remain one of the park’s chief attractions. Many visitors realise that spotting the Small Five* or its local equivalent can be just as absorbing as ticking off the more obvious Big Five.

RESTOCKING The other two parks in the valley are the 254 sq km Luambe, on the east bank of the Luangwa River, and

The Luangwa Valley is home to several endemic or

the much larger and harder-to-reach Lukusuzi. Luambe

nearly endemic subspecies such as Thornicroft’s

has just one four-tent lodge, so visitors effectively have

giraffe, Crawshay’s zebra and Cookson’s wildebeest

the park to themselves. Lukusuzi is rarely visited and

plus one of the highest frequencies of leopard

only then by the adventurous. The park requires invest-

sightings anywhere. There is also no shortage of lion,

ment in facilities and some restocking before more

plus impressive pods of noisy hippo in the Luangwa

mainstream visitors can begin to appreciate it.

River. There are over 400 recorded bird species, too, including many raptors and waterbirds.

By comparison with many other African destinations, park fees here are surprisingly modest – just US$ 25 per

The dry season starts in April. As it continues, water

person per day for non-residents in South Luangwa,

becomes ever scarcer and wildlife of all kinds is drawn

US$ 20 in North Luangwa and only US$ 5 in Luambe

closer to the Luangwa River. Creatures who live in the

and Lukusuzi. These fees represent excellent value for

river, such as hippo and crocodile, also become more

money, especially when set against the quality of the

concentrated as the Luangwa slows to a trickle. This,

game viewing on offer.

and the lack of overly thick bush, makes it easy to spot the animals – at least until the November rains come

* Small Five (semi officially): elephant shrew, leopard

and restore a sense of order to the park.

tortoise, antlion, rhinoceros beetle and buffalo weaver


Useful Information

ACTIVITIES: Walking safaris, birdwatching (400 of Zambia’s 732 species are found here), photographic safaris AIRPORTS/AIRSTRIPS: Daily flights to South Luangwa (Mfuwe) from Lusaka all year. North Luangwa is more difficult but there are airstrips open for charter traffic BEST TIME TO VISIT: April to October (South Luangwa) with some properties open year-round, June to October (North Luangwa: access in rainy season virtually impossible) WILDLIFE FOUND IN THIS AREA: Elephant, buffalo, lion, caracal, wild dog, serval and side-striped jackal and good leopard densities plus many others MAJOR ATTRACTIONS: Thornicroft’s giraffe and Cookson’s wildebeest (both unique to Luangwa Valley), Luangwa River



PO Box 91, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 041 Cell: +260 978 770 055 Email:

c/o Shiwa Safaris Ltd PO Box 1, Shiwa Ng’andu Tel: +260 976 970 444

Bilimungwe is a trail camp nestled in a riverine forest along the picturesque banks of the Luangwa River. Set in a remote and unspoilt area, the camp is an ideal base for walking safaris. The camp is made up of four reed and thatch chalets, all with en-suite shower, toilet and double vanities. The chalets are situated on the edge of the bush and are regularly visited by wildlife. The chalets have either king-sized or queen-sized double

Buffalo is a seasonal bush camp in North Luangwa National Park – one of Africa’s last unspoilt wilderness areas. beds with large mosquito nets and an individual rechargeable lighting system. The rustic dining area and fully stocked bar are constructed on raised decking with views of Bilimungwe’s permanent waterhole and abundant game.

The camp is open from early June until early November. The recommended stay is from three to five nights. It is situated some 100 km off the Great North Road, but is also accessible by air. There is an airstrip just 12 km from the camp. The camp comprises five en-suite guest chalets. Three of the chalets are built on stilts,



PO Box 91, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 041 Cell: +260 978 77 00 55 Email:

c/o Remote Africa Safaris Ltd PO Box 5, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 185 Email:

Chamilandu Camp offers comfort, class and beauty in one of the Luangwa Valley’s prime remote river locations, yielding a diversity of wildlife and attracting abundant wildlife.

Chikoko Tree Camp, together with Crocodile River Camp, make up the Chikoko Trails: Remote Africa Safaris’ small and exclusive ‘walking only’ camps in South Luangwa National Park. Located beside the seasonal Chikoko Channel, the three thatched en-suite chalets are elevated 3 metres above ground level. Topped by reed matting, providing shelter from the sun, and open-fronted, the chalets offer a vantage point to observe the area and its game and birdlife.

Chamilandu takes a maximum of only six guests in unique tree-house chalets that are elegantly designed with a blend of modern classic decor. They provide a bird’s-eye view over the Luangwa River and the Nchindeni

Hills. Walking safaris are a constant mix of awe and information, excitement and inspiration. Catering for all safari tastes, the camp offers morning walks and combinations of day and night game drives.



PO Box 91, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 041 Cell: +260 978 770 055 Email:

c/o Norman Carr Safaris PO Box 100, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 015 Fax: +260 216 245 025 Email:

Chindeni Camp lies on the apex of a permanent oxbow lagoon, offset by the Nchendeni Hills. Raised on wooden decking, Chindeni’s four en-suite tented chalets are sheltered by a shady ebony grove.

Back in the 1970s, the old Chinzombo Camp was the green-season base for Norman Carr and it has now been given a new lease of life.

Each chalet has its own private raised veranda with views over the resident game and the serene yet breathtaking tranquillity of the lush and wide lagoon. This is an ideal spot for both the avid and intrepid

game spotter and more sedentary visitors who want to observe nature and lazily watch the abundance of game that parades before them. With accommodation for eight guests, this secluded camp provides the perfect location for the ultimate bush experience.

The camp is super-luxurious but retains its bush feel, with grass and canvas walls and spacious living areas that melt into the surroundings of the beautiful, tranquil site. The camp is set in 60 acres of private land with Luangwa River frontage. Gigantic, ancient shade



Tel: +260 2162 46074 Cell: +260 977 175 172 Email:

c/o Remote Africa Safaris Ltd PO Box 5, Mfuwe Email:

Croc Valley Camp is aimed at the budget traveller as well as offering a self-catering and full-board experience. The camp is set in an oasis of calm on the bank of the Luangwa River.

Crocodile River Camp stands on an old river bank overlooking a large and usually dry oxbow lagoon. Nestled among massive ebony trees, the three chalets are built entirely of natural materials. Both Crocodile River Camp and Chikoko Tree Camp provide the full support of a chef, general camp staff, some of the most experienced walking guides in the valley and an armed scout. All luggage and supplies are carried into and out of camp by porters. Both of these small bush camps have excellent

The camp fits effortlessly into the surrounding riverine habitat with wonderful views. It is not uncommon to see elephants crossing the river and strolling through the camp on a regular basis. Between safaris, in the midday heat, the hippo-friendly swimming pool

provides the perfect place to relax and cool off. The bar is always open and serves ice-cold drinks throughout the day. In addition there is a campsite which caters for campers and overland trucks with parking areas, fireplaces, power points, hot showers and ablutions.

overlooking the Mwaleshi River. The area is predominately for walking safaris, but the camp offers limited game and night drives. Walks normally last four to five hours and are conducted by highly experienced guides and accompanied by an armed ZAWA scout.

Guests are poled across the Luangwa River by boat, and from there all activities are on foot. Porters carry in luggage and supplies and Chikoko Tree camp is fully staffed with a highly experienced walking guide, armed National Parks scout, chef and other general camp staff.

trees offer peace and tranquillity for guests staying in any one of the six delightful villas. One villa is a family suite with two bedrooms and two bathrooms – perfect for families or small groups. Each villa has its own private pool, cooled sleeping areas and impressive bathroom.

game densities and offer guests a great opportunity to experience the bush on foot in isolated and natural surroundings. Combine a stay with other Remote Africa Safaris camps for the ultimate safari experience. Seasonal operating dates are 1 June to 31 October.


Luangwa Valley FLATDOGS CAMP


PO Box 125, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 038 Email:

c/o Kafunta Safaris PO Box 83, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 046 Email:

Flatdogs Camp is an excellent and affordable owner-managed safari camp overlooking the Luangwa River and South Luangwa National Park.

This small, personalised camp lies under a grove of mahogany trees on the Luangwa River.

There is a range of exciting and differently styled accommodation to suit all needs: the Jackalberry Treehouse or the tented River House for adventurous families or friends travelling together; the cool stone-and-thatch chalet rooms, ideal for first-time travellers; and the spacious safari tents with views of the river or lagoon.

Guests can see elephant, hippo, giraffe, bushbuck, puku and banded mongoose.

Island Bush Camp offers rustic accommodation in reed huts, with individual hot showers and running water.

area in the park’s southern section. Exclusive walking safaris are the main activity.

There are fascinating game drives and walking safaris led by outstanding naturalist guides.

Each stilted chalet, with open frontage, has a private veranda overlooking the river.

The whole camp is reconstructed each year and is open from June to October.

Just two hours’ drive south of Kafunta, the camp is located in a very remote game-rich

KAFUNTA RIVER LODGE PO Box 83, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 046 Email: Kafunta River Lodge is set in a riverside forest on the bank of the Luangwa River overlooking South Luangwa National Park. Accommodation consists of eight chalets and two luxury suites of the highest standard. Built on wooden platforms under a thatched roof, the mahogany floors and walls give a natural beauty to the luxurious interiors. Central to the chalets is a bar and dining area. Built around a semi-evergreen wild mango tree and thatched in the



PO Box 57, Mfuwe Email:

c/o Norman Carr Safaris PO Box 100, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 015; 216 246 025 Email:

Kaingo Camp and Mwamba Bush Camp are the creations of the Shenton family, which has a proud history of three generations of wildlife conservation in southern Africa. Kaingo Camp consists of six brick-and-thatch chalets with en-suite facilities and soaring skylights to the stars. Each chalet has an outdoor bathtub and a private deck overlooking the magnificent Luangwa River. A special feature of Kaingo is the unique individual decks built out over the river in front of each chalet. The trademark of Shenton Safaris is the ingenious

Guests can be sure of excellent game viewing and birdwatching from the lodge. The lodge also offers a superb infinity pool, a natural hot tub and an inviting spa.

Kakuli is a seasonal camp on the confluence of the Luwi and Luangwa rivers. network of photographic hides offering exhilarating opportunities for close-up views of hippo, elephant and other wildlife. Visits to these hides are part of the three daily game viewing activities offered by the camp.

There are four spacious tents and one two-bedroom family tent under shady thatched roofs, each with an open-air bathroom. All of the tents overlook the river, with beautiful views up and down this hippo-packed stretch of river.


KUYENDA CAMP PO Box 91, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 041 Cell: +260 978 77 00 55 Email:

Kapamba Camp is situated in a prime location at a picturesque spot, about 6 km up the Kapamba River, where guests can experience unforgettable sundowners while dipping their feet in the shallows. Each of the camp’s four chalets is individually designed to offer beautiful views of the river. The open-fronted style ensures that guests can enjoy uninterrupted game viewing from the privacy of their own room. Overlooking the Kapamba River, the well

Kuyenda Camp is nestled among shady trees on the bank of the Manzi River and is open from June to November. This camp is the ideal base from which to experience the continual unfolding of Africa’s dramatic wilderness at close range.

positioned deck offers an ideal viewing point for the abundant wildlife that comes to drink at the river and is the focal point of the camp. Walking safaris from the Kapamba are exceptional, with numerous trails following the course of the river.

This area of the park is renowned for its great game viewing and guests will usually divide their time between walking and driving.

There is a lovely chitenge overlooking the grazing lawn that leads down to the rivers.

PO Box 91, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 041 Cell: +260 978 77 00 55 Email:


traditional style, it offers panoramic views over the river and the national park.

Accommodation is in four authentic thatched rondavels. Each chalet contains a large spacious double bed or twin beds, mosquito netting and en-suite ‘open to the sky’ facilities

including shower, toilet and wash basin. The central dining area, lounge and bar overlook a grassy plain with abundant wildlife where the drama of wild Africa is the stage. Run by renowned safari guide Phil Berry, Kuyenda carries the essence of the old Africa now lost.

Luangwa Valley LION CAMP


Box 95, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 024 Email:

c/o Robin Pope Safaris PO Box 80, Mfuwe Tel: +265 (0)179 5483/4491 Email:

Lion Camp, overlooking Lion Lagoon, is one of the few privileged lodges to be situated deep inside the South Luangwa National Park. A maximum of 18 guests can be accommodated in nine canvas-and-thatch chalets, which are raised on stilts. Each chalet features a private balcony, stylish interior and en-suite bathroom with shower and toilet; 220 volt inverter power is also available in each. A system of lighted boardwalks links the chalets to the heart of the lodge, where a central boma with a fireplace is

surrounded by the library, a small curio shop, thatched seating areas and the bar. There is also a lower viewing deck and an infinity swimming pool. Experienced and knowledgeable guides lead game drives and walking safaris.

Luangwa Bush Camping is an exclusive experience with Robin Pope Safaris, walking with the best of guides, dipping deeper into the bush from the fixed camps by camping out for a couple of nights, with dinner and stories around the fire and simple but delicious food. There are stand-up tents, mattresses on the ground, sheets and blankets, wash basin, shared 60 litre bucket shower, bush loo, full bar and food service. It is a fully



PO Box 60616, Livingstone Tel: +260 973 105 189 Email:

c/o Robin Pope Safaris PO Box 80, Mfuwe Tel: +265 (0)179 5483/4491 Email:

Luangwa North Camp is located on the bank of the Luangwa River within the North Luangwa National Park. It offers five bungalows, each with a terrace overlooking the river. All buildings are constructed two and a half metres above the ground, and are connected by footbridges, allowing visitors to fully enjoy the lodge’s services and its views in total safety. The English-speaking guides are assisted by experienced local scouts and trackers. The lodge has an enormous terrace of more than 300 square metres and

views over the Luangwa River, where guests can see buffalo, hippo, elephant and even lion. Lunch is served in the shade of the restaurant, with its exceptional views, while candle-lit suppers are accompanied by the sounds of the African night.

Luangwa River Camp is a 10-bed camp situated opposite the Luangwa Wafwa in the Upper Lupande GMA. It has all the creature comforts of a five-star camp, yet with all the intimacy, tailored activities and flexible mealtimes to be expected from a bush camp. It is like nothing else on offer in the Luangwa Valley. The camp is unique with its decor of locally crafted and hand-made details. The main area is elevated by between 1 metre and



c/o Robin Pope Safaris PO Box 80, Mfuwe, Zambia Tel: +265 (0)179 5483/4491 Email:

c/o Norman Carr Safaris PO Box 100, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 015 Email:

Designed by Neil Rocher, Luangwa Safari House is an extraordinary private house for up to eight guests, comprising four large en-suite bedrooms situated about 1 km from Nkwali Camp. The house is built in traditional style from weathered leadwood and faced with locally cut stone.

Luwi Bushcamp is a seasonal camp nestled under huge mahogany trees on the banks of a permanent lagoon.

The property is set on the edge of a seasonal lagoon with a backdrop of the Chindeni Hills. The game, including elephant and giraffe, use the area to feed and water throughout

the day. Inside, the house is much more contemporary and has a very individual feel. The house has its own swimming pool and guests are provided with private vehicles, guides and an armed scout for walking safaris.

Accommodation is in five chalets made of grass and thatch with polished mud floors. A small thatch provides shade over the bar area. Daytime meals are served in the shade of the trees with a view of the grassy plain that normally attracts an abundance of wildlife.



PO Box 126, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246073, +260 974595838 Email:

c/o Norman Carr Safaris PO Box 100, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 015; 216 246 025 Email:

Marula Lodge is located right next to the main entrance of the South Luangwa National Park. The lodge’s comfortable, affordable chalets provide the perfect haven for a Zambian safari getaway.

Mchenja, meaning ‘the ebony tree’, is set beneath a magnificent grove of these trees on the bank of the Luangwa River.

On the outer perimeter of the camp, each chalet has just enough seclusion to make guests feel at home between busy game viewing drives. There is a lovely swimming pool and backpackers are catered for in furnished

riverside tents. At the hub of the camp are the lounge, dining room and bar. Experienced chefs cater to all tastes, whether from the daily menu or the full-board fare, using fresh local produce and plenty of imagination.

The camp comprises five stylishly designed tents, one of which is a two-bedroomed family tent, each under its own thatched roof and each with private en-suite shower and bathroom facilities and inside bath. There is a small pool allowing guests to seek cool refuge during the heat of the day.

serviced camp (except laundry). The walking is in one of the most lagoon rich areas of the Luangwa and hence the game is superb.

3 metres on wooden decks, affording great views to the park and river. The swimming pool is sunk into the deck on two levels, with a waterfall adjoining the two pools (one for swimming and the other for seating).

There is a large lagoon next to the camp teeming with hippo and crocodile. This permanent water source attracts game from far and wide, making the camp area constantly busy with animals.

Mchenja is the perfect destination to complete a walking safari that has combined stays at a number of camps. Alternatively, guests seeking a more luxury and pampering may choose to combine a longer stay here, either walking or driving.


Luangwa Valley MFUWE LODGE


PO Box 91, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 041 Cell: +260 978 770 055 Email:

c/o Robin Pope Safaris PO Box 80, Mfuwe Tel: +265 (0) 179 5483/4491 Email:

Mfuwe Lodge is 3 km from the main gate of the South Luangwa National Park and just a 45-minute transfer from Mfuwe International Airport. Each of the 18 thatched chalets overlooks one of the lodge’s two lagoons, which attract abundant game activity by day and night. Guests can enjoy early morning and evening game drives, plus delicious dinners, perhaps eaten by candlelight under the African stars while listening to lions coughing in the distance. Guests can also pamper themselves with a choice of treatments in the Bush Spa.

The RPS Mobile Walking Safaris have long been known as the best wilderness experience of South Luangwa. Day and night-time safaris with an experienced and knowledgeable guide are provided daily. Mfuwe Lodge stays open during the Green Season. The lodge is best known for the elephants that walk through reception each year from October to December, making their way to the wild mango tree in the courtyard.


Verandas on each chalet overlook the lagoon for safe and close-up viewing of birds and wildlife. There is an open-air dining area with barbecue facilities, a swimming pool, lounge platforms and massage facilities.

Mwaleshi Camp is an enigmatic walking camp that accommodates six guests within North Luangwa National Park. Situated on a scenic bend of the Mwaleshi River, 10 km from the Luangwa confluence, this is a place of peace and simplicity, contrasted with great wildlife action. The excitement of watching hyenas hunting puku in front of camp, or observing herds of buffalo and Cookson’s wildebeest on foot, are some of the great experiences of Mwaleshi Camp. A day trip to the Mwaleshi



PO Box 57, Mfuwe Email:

c/o Robin Pope Safaris PO Box 80, Mfuwe Tel: +265 (0)179 5483/4491 Email:

Kaingo Camp and Mwamba Bush Camp are the creations of the Shenton family, which has a proud history of three generations of wildlife conservation in southern Africa. Mwamba Bush Camp is a three-hour bushwalk or 20-minute drive from Kaingo. It takes six guests in three reed-and-thatch chalets, designed with two soaring skylights providing an experience sleeping under the stars. The bungalows have huge outdoor en-suite bathrooms with flush toilets and hot bucket showers. Lighting is solar-powered and the


Meals of a high standard are served under the open sky. A final night at Tena Tena or Nsefu completes the safari.


Mushroom Lodge and Presidential House is located inside South Luangwa National Park.

Facilities include two showers, outside and inside, per chalet, plus a bath and separate toilet.

The shower is under a tree and the toilet is a bush loo with a wooden throne.

c/o Remote Africa Safaris Ltd PO Box 5, Mfuwe Email:

PO Box 25, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 116 Email:

The lodge has six double chalets built on the edge of the lagoon in a grove of African ebony trees. Each en-suite chalet comes with either twin or double bed options, a spacious lounge and a minibar.

After a night at Nkwali, the party, with a maximum of six guests, drives to the north of the park where they will walk for five days, covering about 10 km a day, following the Mupamadzi River. The fully serviced mobile camp is extremely comfortable and well equipped with walk-in tents and full bedding.

absence of generator noise means nothing interferes with the morning chorus or the midnight howls of the hyena. The bush-style dining and bar area is set under the shade of ebony trees entwined with python vines.

Nkwali Camp is located on Robin Pope’s private land overlooking the Luangwa River and the National Park. There is accommodation for 12 guests in cool and spacious en-suite chalets made of thatch and woven bamboo and all with excellent views of the river. Elephants often cross the river and guests can observe them from the large thatched bar and lounge area on the main terrace. The area is also renowned for leopard and giraffe sightings.

Falls upstream of the camp has been rated by one travel writer as a top highlight in Zambia. Combine a visit here with the other camps in the Remote Africa portfolio and create a truly unique and unforgettable safari. Seasonal operating dates are 15 June to 31 October.

The thatched dining room sits in a parkland of large riverine trees and is located quite close to a waterhole that often attracts game during breakfast. Activities from camp are focused on walking, game drives and night drives.

Luangwa Valley NSEFU


c/o Robin Pope Safaris, PO Box 80, Mfuwe Tel: +265 (0)179 5483/4491 Email:

c/o Norman Carr Safaris PO Box 100, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 015 Email:

Nsefu was Zambia’s first photographic safari camp and, today, is still one of only two camps in the game-rich Nsefu Sector, South Luangwa.

Nsolo is a romantic thatched camp situated on a bend in the Luwi sand river just three hours’ safari walk from Luwi Bushcamp.

Nsefu accommodates 12 guests in the original rondavels, which have been extended and also offer spacious en-suite bathrooms. Each room has a clear view of the river.

The camp lies in the heart of the undeveloped Nsefu sector and so offers remoteness and seclusion.

The bar, tucked in beside a huge extinct termite mound, overlooks a waterhole that is popular with game, especially leopard.

Accommodation consists of five individually designed chalets each on raised wooden decks with high thatched roofs and private verandas. Animals frequent a waterhole in the riverbed in front of the camp, often resulting in exciting viewing from the comfort of one’s



Plot 3126, Great East Road, Chipata Tel: +260 216 222 905 Email:

c/o Robin Pope Safaris PO Box 80, Mfuwe Tel: +265 (0) 179 5483/4491 Email:

Protea Hotel Chipata is located on the outskirts of Chipata town, three hours’ drive from South Luangwa National Park and only 130 km from Lilongwe. Ideal for both leisure and business travellers, the hotel offers 40 bedrooms with air conditioning, tea and coffee facilities, electronic safes and electronic door locks, telephone and DStv. A restaurant with an outside terrace area, bar and swimming pool are available as well as

conference facilities for up to 100 delegates providing a superb environment for conferences, seminars, workshops, corporate functions, cocktail parties and product launches. The hotel also offers free wireless internet access.

Set apart from the camp and on the bank of the Luangwa River, Robin’s House has fine views of the river and the animals that come to drink. There are two large bedrooms (a double and a triple), each with its own bathroom, and a central sitting room and dining room. A


c/o Sanctuary Retreats Atlas House, 31 Harley Street, 2194, South Africa Tel: +27 11 438 4650 Email:

c/o Sanctuary Retreats Atlas House, 31 Harley Street, 2194, South Africa Tel: +27 11 438 4650 Email:

Accommodation consists of 10 air conditioned rooms with en-suite bathroom, which

Nsolo is one of Luangwa’s more historical camps. It was sited by Norman Carr in 1987. Nsolo means ‘honey guide’ in the local language.

Robin’s House lies on the edge of Nkwali Camp. This private luxury house is ideal for families, honeymooners and guests looking for privacy.


Formerly a private presidential retreat, Sanctuary Chichele Presidential Lodge occupies a hilltop location in the heart of the national park. It offers a stylish country house atmosphere with discreet service, outstanding cuisine and second-to-none game viewing.

own deck or from the central chitenje that houses the bar and small camp library.

houses a bath and shower. The rooms enjoy panoramic views of the plains. The lodge also features an interconnecting room, perfect for families. Other facilities include a swimming pool and curio shop. All meals are à la carte, with a good selection of dishes.

Named after the elusive puku that inhabits the flood plain in front of the camp, Sanctuary Puku Ridge Camp is landscaped into a secluded ridge overlooking the flood plain. This is a small and intimate 14-bed camp with seven spacious canvas safari tents, all offering splendid views of the flood plains below. Each has a teak veranda with shady pergola, a lavish bathroom



c/o Remote Africa Safaris Ltd PO Box 5, Mfuwe Email:

c/o Robin Pope Safaris PO Box 80, Mfuwe Tel: +265 (0) 179 5483/4491 Email:

Tafika Camp is an authentic bush camp offering warm hospitality and a superior safari experience with amazing game viewing. Located just outside the Nsefu sector of South Luangwa National Park, Tafika is the home and base camp of John and Carol Coppinger’s owner-run company, Remote Africa Safaris. With six spacious chalets (including one family chalet), all built from natural materials, Tafika can accommodate a maximum of 14 guests. Built round the trunks of sausage trees, these

Situated in the Nsefu Sector, Tena Tena sits under a thick grove of mahogany trees. On a double-tiered river bank, each room enjoys its own private view over the Luangwa River. The six-tented bush camp remains true to its sense of being a ‘temporary home’; the rooms are spacious but cosy. The tents are on the top of the two-tiered river bank hidden under the lush canopy, set between leadwood poles. Each tent is adapted to its specific location to

thatched chalets all have en-suite facilities with the showers open to the stars. Guests can enjoy walking safaris, day and night game drives and unique mountain biking and camp hides. Combine a stay with other Remote Africa properties for the ultimate safari experience.

private kitchen and chef, along with a valet, ensure that meals can be served where and when guests like. To enhance the exclusive experience, guests also have a private guide and safari vehicle for game viewing.

with bath and indoor and outdoor shower with views over the floodplains. All meals are table d’hôte, with a wide selection of dishes and served outdoors whenever possible, often around the campfire. There is a full range of game drives in the national park in 4x4 vehicles.

maximise privacy, with gorgeous views across the river. The camp is entirely solar powered, (with back-up generator). There is a variety of ways to appreciate the wildlife, from exciting walking safaris to day and night game drives. Meanwhile, for a cultural experience, a visit to the Kawaza Village is not to be missed.




Plot 589, PO Box 35, Mfuwe Tel: +260 (0) 216 246 247 Email:

PO Box 2, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 020 Cell: +260 (0)977 600 556 Email:

Thornicroft Lodge is a small independent lodge run by people who adore wildlife and care about the environment. The lodge is set in a beautiful location on the bank of Luangwa River, home to wallowing hippos and bathing elephants, and makes the most of its wonderful surroundings without compromising on comfort. While here, guests can explore the untamed wilderness of South Luangwa with unforgettable dawn, sunset and night drives in open 4x4s with some of Africa’s best safari guides. The

main lodge is a spacious thatched semi-circle of sophisticated comfort. It’s an open-plan area that houses the dining area, indoor braai, lounge and bar. Accommodation is in one of the river-view chalets or lagoon-view tents.

Track & Trail River Camp is a privately owned lodge located in a breathtaking spot on the bank of the Luangwa River, overlooking South Luangwa National Park and just five minutes from the main entrance. The owner-run lodge specialises in photo safaris and offers morning and night game drives and walking safaris with professional wildlife photographers and safari guides. The main lodge, facilities (which include an elevated swimming pool, spa and gym) and



PO Box 53, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 026 Email:

PO Box 91, Mfuwe Tel: +260 216 246 041 Cell: +260 978 770 055 Email:

Wildlife Camp offers affordable packages, with rustic en-suite chalets, a secluded tented camp, a bush camp for overnight walking safaris and a campsite, all situated on the bank of the Luangwa. This owner-run camp is situated on land owned by the Wildlife & Environmental Society of Zambia, with 60 per cent of all accommodation and camping proceeds being donated to the education of Zambian children. There are nine chalets, all with a veranda where guest can relax and watch the wildlife. The


accommodation are scattered along the river frontage. The lodge offers nine chalets: four double storey en-suite chalets with private balconies and river views; three chalets on the river front with private verandas; and two elevated and secluded chalets, ideal for romantic getaways.

Zungulila Bushcamp’s four tented chalets, situated on raised platforms with thatched roofs, overlook a plain alongside the Kapamba River. tented camp, with five en-suite tents, is located beyond the campsite. The bush camp has four twin tents and is located on the peninsula of the game management area. It offers guests the chance to experience an overnight walking safari.

Zungulila is a charming camp that embodies the essence of old Africa and a bygone era, but with all the modern amenities – hot and cold running water, solar lighting and individual plunge pools on each veranda. Big herds of buffalo and elephant and predators

and prey alike come to the plain, making it tempting just to stay in camp; but morning walking safaris or game drives and afternoon or evening game drives are always on offer.

Kafue National Park


Useful Information

ACTIVITIES: Superb fishing, game drives, walking safaris and bird watching AIRSTRIPS: Light aircraft airstrips at Ngoma, Chunga and Hippo camps and at Busanga Plains BEST TIME TO VISIT: Dry season – April to October and green season WILDLIFE FOUND IN THIS AREA: Lion, leopard, cheetah, wild dog, side-striped jackal, elephant, buffalo, roan, sable and various mongoose. Kafue River for hippo, crocodiles and water monitors. BIRDLIFE: Over 400 species have been recorded, these include: wattled crane, Lady Ross’s turaco and Pel’s fishing owl FISH: Bream, barbel and pike MAJOR ATTRACTIONS: Nanzhila and Busanga Plains, Lunga, Lufupa and Kafue Rivers

The last words of Karen Blixen, writer of ‘Out of Africa’, were: “If there were one more thing I could do, it would be to go on safari once again.” You can fulfil that same ambition at Kafue National Park, one of the world’s best wilderness areas. It’s remote with spectacular rivers, vast open plains, woodland, silence, birds and wildlife. And, best of all, it’s surprisingly nearby.


afue National Park is a unique area. What makes it so special is partly its sheer size. Kafue is Africa’s second-biggest national park, with many different habitats and a huge variety of mammals and birds.

Kafue is also Zambia’s biggest and oldest national park, easily accessed from both Lusaka and Livingstone. Best of all, it is an untouched wilderness. Mass tourism does not exist here and the bush is still pure and unexplored. This is how a real safari should be: game viewing with a rich diversity of wildlife in a setting of beautiful and unspoilt landscapes.


Kafue The park has lots to offer, yet relatively few people visit

The acclaimed documentary ‘Swamp Lions’, broad-

The Nanzhila Plains in the south of the park are seldom

this Zambian treasure. Kafue is close to Lusaka and

cast on the National Geographic Channel, was filmed

visited, but deserve exploring. They consist of grass

Livingstone, and many camps can be reached by good

exclusively on the Busanga Plains. It is no surprise that

plains with large quantities of game and spectacular

roads in three to four hours.

‘Getaway’ magazine mentioned Busanga as one of

bird viewing.

the top 10 secret gems of Africa. As a result of flooding, Kafue National Park is named after the Kafue River,

the plains are seasonal and only small safari camps

which runs for over 250 km through the park. It enters

operate in this area during the dry period.

the park in the north-east and forms Lake Itezhi-Tezhi in the south. The lake has a beautiful dam with large

The Kafue River itself has spectacular riverine forests

herds of wildlife on its shores. The park’s other rivers

on its banks. It flows throughout the year. The Kafue

are the Lunga and the Lufupa, both of which feed into

is a wide, slow-flowing river of over 300 metres in

the Kafue.

several areas and is sometimes broken by clusters of small islands interspersed by faster-flowing water. The


river attracts a wide variety of animals and birds and

The landscape in the northern and eastern parts of the

and fishing trips are a ‘must’ for guests visiting the river.

park is dominated by the rivers and the lake and most

Most safari lodges and camps are located on the river.

is filled with hippos and large crocodiles. Boat cruises

of the safari camps are located around them. The Kafue flows into the lake, where the Itezhi-Tezhi In the northern part of the park are the Busanga

Dam is, which is Zambia’s second-largest dam after

Plains, an extensive flood plain that dries after the

Kariba. The lake covers an area of 370 sq km and offers

rainy season, attracting huge numbers of game and a

opportunities for boating and fishing. The shores vary

tremendous variety of birdlife. A famous landmark is

from grassy plains to rocky bays. The plains around the

the huge fig tree in the middle of the plains.

lake attract a diverse range of animals and birds.



c/o Wilderness Safaris Post Net 118, P Bag E835, Lusaka Tel:+260 977 740 363 Email:

Kafue National Park Tel: +260 (0)974 424 013 Email: www.mukambi.safariscom

Busanga Bush Camp lies in the heart of the Busanga Plains, a vast mosaic of expansive grassy seasonal flood plains that extend to the horizon. When the mist rises off the flood plains as they dry up in winter, lovely sunrises and sunsets are experienced here, while the flood plains and dambos teem with wildlife and birds.

Fig Tree Bush Camp breaks the mould of the traditional safari. Guests can enjoy all the intimate facets of a classic bush camp, but with a fresh and exciting approach.

each with a veranda to take in the sweeping views. The lounge and bar area is under canvas with an uninterrupted view out over the plains.

Hidden on a tree island of sycamore fig trees, the camp has four well appointed en-suite tents,

Guests can stay in one of the four safari tents raised on platforms. Each tent overlooks the lagoon and has a private view of the plains behind. Each tent has an en-suite bathroom and personal veranda.



Kafue National Park Cell: +260 977 774520 (Debbie) Email:

c/o PO Box 160, P/Bag E891, Post.Net Manda Hill, Lusaka Tel: +27 110 83 971 Email:

Hippo Lodge is situated on the Kafue River and provides two types of accommodation: thatched chalets or luxury safari tents with open-air en-suite stone bathrooms. All accommodation is provided with hot water from wood-fired boilers.

Set in an area of pristine wilderness, KaingU Safari Lodge offers a magnificent safari experience in the heart of the African bush, with top-quality cuisine and luxurious tents.

Gourmet bush cuisine is prepared by a trained chef and served in an open dining room overlooking the river. There is a fully stocked bar as well as a swimming pool.


Guests can enjoy game drives, walks and fishing activities or simply relax by the pool. The main attraction is natural hot spring. There is an airstrip lies less than 2 km from the lodge.

KaingU is a small and intimate camp with six tented chalets and one family safari house. KaingU offers a unique stay for travellers who want to experience the unspoilt wilderness, meet the warm-hearted people of Zambia and enjoy the wildlife undisturbed.

Fig Tree Camp is named after the majestic fig tree under which guests dine, relax and unwind. The camp advocates responsible tourism and aims to use materials which are environmentally friendly without compromising on guest comfort. The camp is powered by solar energy.

The 22,440 sq km Kafue National Park is one of the last true wilderness areas. Activities include game drives in the park, boating (a special highlight on this unique stretch of river), game and nature walks, out-ofcamp dining, canoeing and fishing.



PO Box 29, 10101, Itezhi Tezhi Email:

Tel: +27 824 165 894 Fax: +27 12 993 2095 Email:

Konkamoya Lodge is located on the banks of Lake Itezhi-Tezhi in the south of Kafue National Park. Konkamoya (meaning ‘follow the wind’) consists of five luxurious tents furnished in colonial style, ensuring a highly personal experience for a maximum of 15 guests. Game viewing is undertaken in either an open vehicle, by foot or by boat and is an ideal location for game watchers, birders and anglers.

Guests are taken out around the lake shores for fishing, for a sundowner or even on camping excursions to the company’s other fly camps within the park. Access to the lodge is via the Ngoma airstrip.

Leopard Lodge is a family-run, secluded elegant game lodge, located on the banks of the Kafue River in a game-managed area of Kafue National Park. The lodge is known for its excellent game viewing, with elephant, lion and leopard often seen around the property. Wildlife viewing is done either in a game drive vehicle, on foot, in a canoe, from a boat or from the lodge’s deck that extends over the Kafue River.



c/o Wilderness Safaris, Post Net 118 P Bag E835, Lusaka Tel: +260 97 774 0363 Email:

Tel: + 263 4 861286 Cell: +263 783 137 783, +263 772 261 831 Email:

Lufupa Tented Camp is situated in the northern sector of Kafue National Park, near the confluence of the Lufupa and Kafue rivers.

Mawimbi Bush Camp is situated on the bank of the beautiful Kafue River in the Kafue National Park in Western Zambia. The camp is four hours’ drive from Lusaka and features three large luxury canvas tents. Each has its own en-suite bathroom consisting of ecological toilets, a wash basin and a bucket shower that is supplied with hot water on demand. All rooms are mosquito proofed, with two beds in the main area of the tent with a covered entrance veranda overlooking the river for perfect game viewing and relaxing. The tent

The camp comprises nine en-suite Meru-style tented units each with a wooden deck. A central area, complete with a boma, fireplace, dining area and small plunge pool, lies on the edge of the broad Kafue River. Activities (at extra cost) include day and night nature

drives exploring prime game viewing areas adjoining the Lufupa Channel. Boat trips reveal the hippo population of the area complemented by a constant array of colourful waterbirds, reptiles and lush riverine vegetation. Guided walks are also on offer.



c/o Kafue Camps & Safaris, Mumbwa Tel: +260 972 179 266 Email:


Mayukuyuku Bush Camp is just 8 km from the tarmac road for easy all-year-round access, even with a two-wheel-drive vehicle. It is situated right on the Kafue River, with spectacular views. There are four en-suite tents under thatched roofs with open-to-the-stars bathrooms, private veranda and hammock overlooking the river. Accommodation is either full board or ‘all inclusive’ with activities and park fees included. As Mayukuyuku (meaning ‘water hitting rocks’) is so small, wildlife often passes right though the

camp. Guides are highly trained in all aspects. There is also a small campsite a short distance from the main camp. This camp is situated right in the park, not in the game managed area. There is no single supplement.

McBrides’ Camp is located in one of the last true wilderness areas of Zambia, at the confluence of the Mushingashi and Kafue rivers. Cleverly built around established wildlife paths, the camp is regularly visited by animals such as elephant, hippo and lion. The camp managers, Chris and Charlotte McBride, have spent many years in the bush and are passionate about wildlife. Chris has written several distinguished books about lions. The camp specialises in walking safaris and river trips by boat. Chris and Charlotte

The lodge consists of six well appointed luxury chalets which are individually sited to ensure privacy. Leopard Lodge is committed to responsible tourism and conservation of the environment, while creating opportunities for local people and businesses.

is tastefully furnished with all basic necessities and decorated in subtle African themes. The Kafue River is perfect for canoeing, which is the main activity offered. Wilderness game walks and drives in the Kafue National Park are also organised each day and are a ‘must’ for all lovers of the African bush.

accompany guests and share their knowledge of the flora and fauna. Accommodation consists of eight private thatched two-person chalets with en-suite bathrooms. Each chalet has a unique view, either of the river or the bush.

MU-FUNGATA SAFARI LODGE c/o 24 Mwapona Road Woodlands Ext, Lusaka Tel: +260 977 600 538 Email: Puku Pan Safari Lodge is located on the Kafue River. All eight cottages are built along the river and have en-suite bathrooms, riverfront verandas with electricity and separate shower and/or bath, toilet and hot water. The bar and dining areas also overlook the river, providing spectacular views from a sheltered viewing area with comfortable seats. There is also a campsite with shower and toilet

block and a viewing deck, which has been constructed downriver from the lodge. A family cottage for two couples plus children is available. The lodge offers opportunities for game viewing (on foot, by vehicle or by boat), birding and fishing on the Kafue River.




Kafue National Park Tel: +260 (0)974 424 013 Email: www.mukambi.safariscom

Kafue National Park Tel: +260 (0)974 424 013 Email:

Mukambi Plains Camp is small-scale, luxurious, remote and accessible for only four months each year.

Located centrally in Kafue National Park, Mukambi Safari Lodge is right on the bank of the Kafue River. Viewing decks, accommodation and swimming pool overlook the river.

The camp has four big safari tents with en-suite open-air bathrooms. Each tent has breathtaking views over the Busanga Plains. This is how a safari is meant to be. Accommodating a maximum of eight guests, the camp is small-scale with an eye for detail and is able to give visitors the attention

they need. The staff at the camp are ready to show guests the Busanga Plains. Karen Blixen said: “If there was one thing I could do again, it would be to go on safari.” Guests can be one of the privileged to experience the unique remoteness of Mukambi Plains Camp.


An easy and casual atmosphere with the flexibility of a small lodge makes the days varied and exciting. There are game drives, boat and fishing trips along with walking safaris on which guests are likely to see elephant, lion, leopard, cheetah, puku, hippo and many other

Kafue National Park Tel: +267 721 23 002 Email:

Musekese Camp, home of the owner-run and guided Jeffery & McKeith Safaris, will move to its new site in 2016. The new site is set in a spectacular area of the park known to those lucky enough to visit it as ‘Eden’.

Nanzhila Plains Safari Camp is the most southerly lodge in Kafue National Park and accommodates just 12 guests. There are three well appointed thatched cottages and three Meru-style safari tents, all with en-suite facilities.

home to prolific wildlife densities (arguably the best in the Kafue), all in plain view of camp. The camp itself comprises just four well appointed safari tents, complete with comfortable and locally sourced furnishings. Small, extra touches plus expert guiding ensure Musekese is quite unlike any other camp in the Kafue.


Accommodation at New Kalala consists of 13 chalets, a campsite and conference facilities. New Kalala offers privacy as well as lavish hospitality, good service and first-rate game viewing. Mountain rabbits and monkeys are among the animals seen regularly at New Kalala.


The main lodge is a raised grass structure (insaka) with a teak deck and comprises a lounge, dining area, bar and veranda shaded by a jackalberry tree.

The Nanzhila area is host to a variety of plains game and is also home to roaming packs of wild dog and leopard. Nanzhila is also a birders’ paradise. Out of the 500 bird species recorded in the park, the majority are found in the south, including the black-cheeked lovebird, which is endemic to the region.


Kafue National Park Tel: +260 213 263 179; 290 914 Fax: +260 211 290 162 Email: Email:

New Kalala Camp has a wonderful setting on 50 acres of rocky terrain in Kafue National Park bordering the Kafue River and overlooking Lake Itezhi-Tezhi.

Mukambi is affordable, open all year round and can be easily reached. Transfers can be arranged.


c/o Jeffery & McKeith Safaris PO Box 32056, Lusaka Tel: +260 97 62 15426 Email:

The new site will build on the splendour of its surroundings, nestled within a large stand of mature riverine trees, providing perfect shade for a cold afternoon drink. The ancient trees preside over a permanent water-fed dambo,

mammals. The park also hosts a wonderful variety of birds. Together with good food and friendly staff, the comfortable accommodation will make any stay unforgettable.

c/o Wilderness Safaris, Post Net 118 P Bag E835, Lusaka Tel: +260 977 403 63 Email:

The restaurant has a private veranda facing the lake, allowing guests to witness some of the most beautiful sunsets in the world. New Kalala offers a perfect getaway for world travellers, adventure tourists and local people looking to escape the bustle of city life.

Located on a tree island in the centre of the breathtaking Busanga Plains is stylish Shumba Camp. Its six luxury tented units are spacious, en-suite with both indoor and outdoor showers, and all raised on wooden platforms with spectacular views of the surrounding plains. The bar and dining area is shaded by spectacular fig trees and boasts magnificent vistas over the open wildlife-rich plains. The camp’s main deck is a perfect place to star

gaze or relax after your evening meal. The area is a magnet for a wealth of plains game, followed by lion, wild dog and cheetah.

Lake Kariba


s a landlocked nation, it may come as a surprise that Zambia has its own seaside resort. Yet Siavonga, a town that has grown up on the shore of Lake Kariba, can rightly claim to be such a resort. In fact, it’s a delightful beachfront riviera some 1,300 km from the Indian Ocean.

Useful Information

ACTIVITIES: Houseboats, leisure and sports fishing, visit to the Batonga cultural village, water sports, boating opportunities BEST TIME TO VISIT: All year round WILDLIFE FOUND IN THIS AREA: Tiger fish and bream MAJOR ATTRACTIONS: Kariba Dam Wall spectacular views, stunning sunsets and the crocodile farm

town is now very much on the radar of foreign visitors to Zambia, many of whom are including a trip to Lake Kariba in their itineraries. As befits its resort status, Siavonga has a choice of good quality but mostly mid-range hotels and lodges perched on the lake shore. These properties have their own beaches and offer water-based activities. Some

Lake Kariba is the world’s largest man-made body of

also have camping options. In terms of wildlife, there are Nile crocodiles and hippos

water by volume, measuring 223 km from end to end


aplenty, plus a range of waterbird species to spot. Keen

nations generating hydro-electric power from the

A further alternative is to book a stylish and luxurious

tigerfish that feed off the lake’s massive shoals of tiny

Kariba Dam.

houseboat, often sleeping six or eight guests. These

sardine-like kapenta. Unfortunately, due to the preva-

and 40 km across at its widest point. The lake is shared by Zambia and neighbouring Zimbabwe, with both

anglers come to Siavonga to catch the hard-fighting

houseboats come with a full crew, with the staff having

lence of crocs and hippos, swimming in the lake is not

Located less than three hours’ drive from Lusaka,

responsibility for cooking and cleaning. Rather than


Siavonga has become the perfect weekend getaway,

just being moored in Siavonga, these houseboats are

short-break destination or ‘away from it all’ conference

propelled, so that guests can cruise and go fishing in

And, of course, a trip to the spectacular 128 metre high

retreat. Popular with nationals and residents alike, the

the lake.

dam wall is a highlight of any visit to the area.




PO Box 630162, Choma Tel: +260 97 666 752 Email:

PO Box 1, Siavonga Tel: +260 211 511 168 Cell: +260 978 869 126 Email:

Chikanka is a privately owned 600 acre island located about 10 km south-west of Chete Island and 8 km from the mainland. The lodge is made up of three twin-bedded chalets, each equipped with flush toilets and hot and cold water, mosquito nets and battery-powered lights There are good selfcatering facilities including a fully equipped kitchen and the services of a full-time cook, plus a fridge, freezer, gas stove and braai.

There is also a large thatched dining room, a sundeck and a small swimming pool. A rowing boat and two-man canoes are provided for fishing trips in the bay and around the island. Other activities include birdwatching.

Eagles Rest Resort is situated on the shores of Lake Kariba and close to Siavonga. Set in four hectares, the resort is nestled in a secluded wooded area on the shores of the lake with beach frontage and magnificent views of the Matusodona Mountains. All chalets are fully mosquito proofed and air conditioned. The restaurant offers breakfast, lunch and dinner, while the swimming pool has a shady patio. There is a thatched bar on the beach where



Siavonga Tel: +260 211 511 249 Cell: +260 97 777 0480 Email:

PO Box 5, Siavonga Tel: +260 211 511 148 Email:

Lake Kariba Inns sits on a hillside overlooking Lake Kariba and offers 50 rooms comprising seven villas, 15 executive rooms and 28 standard rooms. Each has DStv and split air conditioning. Well known as a conference destination, Lake Kariba Inns offers four state-of-the-art conference rooms, all set in well established and tranquil gardens. The hotel has a fully equipped business centre with Wi-Fi.

The Terrace restaurant serves home-cooked meals including freshly caught bream, but also locally reared beef, lamb and pork. The hotel owns a variety of boats for hire for trips up the lake for fishing, floating facilities, and pedal boats for cruising around the bay.

All 50 en-suite rooms are air conditioned and have a patio or balcony overlooking the lake. All rooms offer one king or two double beds, accommodate a maximum of three guests and have refrigerators. The restaurant, bar and pool all have excellent views. There is an outdoor swimming pool and 24-hour internet connection.


LEISURE BAY LODGE Siavonga Tel: +260 978 731 623, +260 211 511 136 Email:

Situated on the shores of Lake Kariba, Lakeview Lodge offers affordable and comfortable bed and breakfast accommodation close to the village of Sinazongwe.

The recently refurbished Leisure Bay Lodge at Siavonga is located on the shore of Lake Kariba.

The pool and dining area at Lakeview Lodge provide a wonderful setting in which to

relax and enjoy spectacular sunrises, watch the crocodiles glide slowly past and take in the natural beauty of Lake Kariba. The lodge is an ideal base for fishing or for trips to Chikanka Island (see separate listing). Sunset cruises can also be arranged.

The property’s 20 double en-suite rooms are all fitted with air conditioning and DStv. The lodge provides a comfortable scenario for seminars, workshops, a weekend getaway or a longer holiday.

VILLAGE POINT LODGE Lotri Bay, PO Box 135, Siavonga Tel: +260 979 278 676 Tel: +264 812 139 660 Tel: +264 965 423 188 Email:

The Breezes restaurant offers fine cuisine in an elegant setting. The Fisherman’s Folly cocktail bar is a great place to meet friends.


The cruiser ‘Manchinchi’ provides guests with a variety of options to enjoy the lake.

The hotel also offer a beach, swimming pool, restaurant, beach site, boat cruises, a boat house and jet skiing.

Guests can take a canoe out on the lake for spectacular sunsets or visit the dam wall.


The swimming pool overlooks the lake and there are conference facilities for up to 60 people and up to a 100 for banqueting, cocktails and receptions.

All three conference rooms are also fully air conditioned and seating arrangements for up to 300 delegates are optimised for maximum sound and visual input.

Spacious conference facilities are available, while the sparkling pool overlooks the lake.

Plot 283, Sinadambwe Road PO Box 115, Siavonga Tel: +260 211 511 283 or 511 218 Email: Manchinchi Bay Lodge is located on a secluded peninsula in Siavonga. It offers 30 fully air conditioned double rooms, all en-suite, equipped with bar fridges and satellite TV. All rooms have private verandas providing both privacy and superb lake views.

Eagles Rest is also the home of the 20 metre houseboat ‘Bateleur’, which sleeps up to 12 and has a crew of four.

Lake Safari Lodge is situated on Lake Kariba and is the ideal location for holidays, workshops, conferences and seminars.

Lakeview Lodge, Sinazongwe Tel: +260 97 666 7752 Email:

The lodge is set in well established gardens and comprises three five-sleeper chalets, all overlooking the Lake. Lakeview Lodge also offers camping facilities.

guests can relax with a beer. There is also a campsite situated among the trees complete with hot and cold showers and toilets.

Village Point is a small and wonderfully simple eco-style property set off the beaten track in 20 hectares at Lotri Bay, about 40 km by road along the shore of Lake Kariba from Siavonga. Built in 2005 by the late Jamie Hope, the lodge offers a variety of accommodation for up to 16 guests, ranging from four stylish two-storey luxury chalets with beautiful lake and mountain views to an eco-village with bush shower.

The lodge is mainly self-catering, but full board can be arranged in advance. Camping is allowed and tents can be hired from the lodge. Guests can enjoy the many species of birdlife, bush walks and fishing. The lodge also provides a special non-commercial Tonga village tour.

Northern and Central Provinces


s two of Zambia’s most remote areas, the Northern and Central Provinces are still awaiting discovery. Both areas remain completely untouched by mainstream tourism, with only the adventurous undertaking the long but worthwhile drive from Lusaka. (There are also flights from Lusaka to Kasama.)

one-tenth of Zambia’s total land area and Central

For visitors to Northern Province, this is an even more

Province a further eighth. Neither province has many

‘off the beaten track’ destination. Its principal attrac-

paved roads and there is little in the way of accommo-

tion is the 2,000 sq km Nsumbu National Park on the

dation or fully developed tourist facilities.

western shore of Lake Tanganyika. The park is home to elephant, hippo, puku, roan, sable antelope, eland,

Yet despite their apparent remoteness, there are some

warthog and bushbuck. Sitatunga can also be found

spectacular hidden gems that are well worth seeking

in the Kampasa rainforest. Like many of Zambia’s more

out. For example, Zambia’s first privately run game

isolated parks, Nsumbu is slowly recovering as a wildlife

Together, the two provinces cover some 177,000 sq km,

reserve, the 390 sq km Kasanka National Park, is located

reserve and animal numbers are growing again.

with Northern Province representing approximately

in Central Province. Many animal and bird species are

Nsumbu hopes to regain its former position as one of

resident in the park including the semi-aquatic sitat-

Africa’s top game-viewing areas.

Useful Information

unga, blue monkey, wattled crane and Ross’s lourie. Due to the lack predator competition, leopards are

Nsumbu is the location for the Zambia National Fishing

ACTIVITIES: Hobie cat sailing, island boat trips and fishing

frequently sighted. There are also two species of otter,

Competition, held jointly each year at Nkamba Lodge

caracal and serval as well as the honey badger and

(the only property inside the national park) and Ndole

BEST TIME TO VISIT: All year round; for game viewing, May to October

several types of mongoose.

Bay Lodge.

WILDLIFE: Shoebill, black lechwe, sitatunga, Lichtenstein’s hartebeest, reedbuck, waterbuck and Sharpe’s grysbok


The lake also attracts sub-aqua enthusiasts and has

Managed by the Kasanka Trust, the park and the

waters, colourful fish and amazing topography of Lake

associated Bangweulu Wetlands represent one of

Tanganyika come together to make this an underwater

Africa’s most spectacular wildlife areas. Over 100,000

paradise. There are also Lakes Mweru and Nabeul plus

near-endemic and specially adapted black lechwe live

various wetland areas; and impressive waterfalls such

in these wetlands. Bangweulu is also one of the best

as Lumangwe, Kabwelume, Kalambo and Chishimba.

MAJOR ATTRACTIONS: Lake Bangweulu, Kasanka National Park, Kalambo Falls and Lake Tanganyika

Zambia’s only PADI dive centre. The crystal-clear

places in Africa to view shoebills. Getting to northern Zambia can be difficult. It’s Above all, Kasanka is known for its unique bat migra-

possible to drive, but it’s a long way from Lusaka and

tion. Each year, from October to December, several

it can take 12 hours to reach the provincial capital,

million straw-coloured bats come to Kasanka to roost

Kasama – a distance of 855 km. The Zambian airline

and to feast on its ripening wild fruit. This is believed

Proflight operates scheduled flights from Lusaka to

to be the highest-density mammalian biomass on

Kasama. Alternatively, visitors can charter a light aircraft

the planet and the largest migration of any species

and use the upgraded Kasaba Bay Airport in Nsumbu


National Park.


Northern and Central Provinces ISANGA BAY LODGE


Private Bag 12, Mpulunugu Email: Tel: +260 966 646 991; 0973 472 317 Email: Isanga Bay Lodge is a place to relax and enjoy the spectacular views over the vast ocean-like Lake Tanganyika and savour the delights of the calm waters while swimming, snorkelling, kayaking or fishing. In terms of accommodation, there are three chalets located on the beach and three rondavels set in the lodge gardens with fine views of the lake. In total the lodge sleeps just 20 people. All guest rooms have

c/o Shiwa Safaris Ltd, PO Box 1, Shiwa Ng’andu Tel: +260 976 970 444

en-suite bathrooms with hot showers. Isanga Bay Lodge is situated 18 km from Mpulungu. The boat trip from Mpulungu to the lodge takes about 30 minutes in good weather. The lodge is also accessible by road from Mbala using 4x4 vehicles.

Kapishya is a secluded six-chalet lodge with 12 beds (families can be accommodated four to a room). The main attraction of Kapishya is its natural sulphur-free hot springs. The property is situated on the estate of Shiwa Ngandu (The Africa House) and is set on the bank of the Mansha River. Kapishya has a bar and a restaurant. The lodge has 220 volt electricity available 24 hours a day.



c/o Kasanka Trust Ltd PO Box 850073, Serenje Email:

Mpika Cell: 097 8198198 (SMS more reliable) Email:

Luwombwa Lodge is located on the banks of the Luwombwa River in the western half of Kasanka National Park.

Located on the plateau 30 km west of the Luangwa Valley in Mutinondo Province, Mutinondo Wilderness is ideal for people who love peace and tranquillity in the bush. The area consists of 10,000 hectares of privately owned land encompassing pristine miombo woodland, granite inselbergs, crystal-clear rivers to swim in and drink from and picturesque waterfalls and dambos. The lodge has four chalets, bar and dining facilities. Each building has is unique with its own view and character: two standard

Overlooking the meandering waterway, fringed with evergreen forest, the en-suite chalets can accommodate up to five people.

Canoes and motorboats can be also be hired with guides from here.

With a dining area and fully equipped kitchen, guests can sample cuisine prepared by the Kasanka chefs, or simply bring their own food to be prepared by the team.



Cell: +260 961 124 917 Tel: +260 977 711 434 Email:

Shiwa Ngandu Estates PO Box 1, Mpika Tel: +260 973 311 246

Nestled among lush tropical vegetation, Ndole Bay Lodge offers visitors a singular African experience on the shore of a unique lake.

Shiwa Ng’andu is an English-style mansion house built in remote central Zambia by an eccentric Englishman, Sir Stewart Gore Brown, and depicted in the book ‘The Africa House’ by Christina Lamb.

Situated just outside Nsumbu National Park, the lodge allows access to an untamed wilderness while still having the freedom of a private beach safe to swim from. The lodge is built entirely from natural materials with thatched roofs. All rooms are discreetly situated within the riparian vegetation opening onto an exclusive beach.

The central thatched area serves as a dining and bar area and there is a fully stocked bar with competitive prices and a large pool for cool dips between serious relaxation.

Sir Stewart died in 1967. Shiwa then fell into disrepair. But in 1999 it was bought by his grandson and returned to its former glory. Shiwa House accommodates four to five couples. All rooms have en-suite bathrooms and are simple with original hardwood furnishings



c/o Kasanka Trust Ltd PO Box 850073, Serenje Email:

c/o Kasanka Trust Ltd PO Box 850073, Serenje Email:

With panoramic views over the swamps, Shoebill Island Camp takes its name from the rare and enigmatic shoebill stork that can be seen in the area.

Wasa Lodge lies on the edge of Lake Wasa in the eastern half of Kasanka National Park, just 12 km from the park entrance at the tarmac road. It is ideally suited for visiting the hide at Fibwe (just 15 minutes’ drive or two hours’ walk away) and has fine views. Puku, hippo and sometimes sitatunga can be seen from the lodge.

Managed by the Kasanka Trust, the camp offers accommodation in safari tents under thatch roofs and reed cottages; each with two beds, an en-suite shower and flush toilet. There is also a campsite here for those who prefer a real bush experience.


Boating can be arranged in banana boats or dugout canoes, taking guests deep into the swamps in pursuit of the elusive shoebill. Contact the team at Kasanka to find out the best times to visit.

The lodge also has a central hub that houses a bar, dining room, reception and veranda overlooking the lake.

There are various activities available at Kapishya and on the estate including river floats, game drives, visits to the manor house, horse-riding and bird walks. The property also welcomes selfcaterers and campers.

chalets, and a spacious family chalet. There is also an adjacent campsite set on the edge of a wooded rocky outcrop, and a self-catering camp on the Mutinondo River, 11 km away with one grass-walled chalet and campsite.

and paintings. Fireplaces are lit every night and the atmosphere at Shiwa is unique. The food is good, simple and wholesome and the beautiful gardens are kept in their former glory.

All of the intimate chalets have en-suite bathrooms and are thatched in a traditional style.



he Copperbelt is made up of five distinct towns: Ndola, Kitwe, Chingola, Luanshya and Mufulira. Depending, of course, on fluctuating global commodity prices, the Copperbelt can generate over 80 per cent of Zambia’s wealth.

best known as the home of the truly remarkable

International Trade Fair, which attracted well over

Nchanga Golf Course, which opened in 1942. By

100,000 visitors in 2015. Ndola is home to the Copper-

the late 1970s the course was rated 14th best in the

belt Museum, with many fascinating exhibits relating

world outside the United States, but it subsequently

to the region’s mining sector.

fell into decline. The owner, Konkola Copper Mines, has made an effort in recent years to restore this truly

The Dag Hammarskjöld Memorial and museum, just

great course and its clubhouse to their former glory.

10 km from Ndola, mark the place where the then

By its very nature, the Copperbelt is Zambia’s industrial

Nchanga Golf Club hosts the 2016 Zambia Open Golf

United Nations Secretary General tragically died in a

heartland. It attracts few international tourists and


plane crash in 1961. A library (in Kitwe) and Ndola’s old

accommodation is geared largely to business visitors.

football stadium were also named after him. About 60 km from Chingola is the Chimfunshi Wildlife

These visitors have easy access to the area by way

Orphanage, providing a home for over 130 chimpan-

Another local attraction is Lake Chilengwa, 16 km east

of Ndola’s Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International

zees. Despite the primate not being indigenous to

of Ndola, a sunken body of water in the limestone with

Airport. Various airlines operate direct flights to Ndola

Zambia, Chimfunshi is one of the world’s oldest and

cliffs over 30 metres high.

including Zambia’s Proflight, Kenya Airways, South

best-run chimpanzee reserves.

African Airways and Ethiopian Airlines.

Kitwe is Zambia’s second-largest city. Like Ndola, it has Ndola is the best of the Copperbelt towns for

new shopping malls, with Copper Hill, Freedom Park

Arguably the most picturesque of the five towns is

shopping; the new Jacaranda Mall is a particular attrac-

and Mukuba providing evidence of Kitwe’s growing

Chingola, with its old-style shops. Chingola is perhaps

tion. And each year Ndola hosts the popular Zambia


Useful Information

ACTIVITIES: Nchanga Golf Course (Chingola) and copper mine visits AIRPORTS: Daily services with Proflight from Lusaka to Ndola and Solwezi. International flights to Addis Ababa, Nairobi and Johannesburg BEST TIME TO VISIT: All year round. WILDLIFE: There are no national parks in the area MAJOR ATTRACTIONS: Copperbelt Museum (Ndola), Lake Chilengwa, Dag Hammerskjöld Memorial, Chembe Bird Sanctuary, Lake Kashiba Nsobe Camp and Chimfunshi Chimpanzee Sanctuary




22 Frazer Crescent, Riverside PO Box 22165, Kitwe Tel: +260 212 229 748 · Fax: +260 212 230 557 Cell: 096 784 895; 780 320

Obote Avenue PO Box 21800, Kitwe Tel: +260 212 222 444 · Cell: 0977-817023 Fax: +260 212 225 036 Email:

Eagle Guest House is a family owned and run property in Kitwe hosted by Modi and Peter Jackson. It is set in a quiet crescent within easy reach of all the major attractions.

Breakfast and dinner are prepared specifically for the individual preferences of guests.

Each guest room is tastefully furnished and fully screened against mosquitos, with Posturepedic mattresses and satellite TV.

The hotel provides 24-hour room service, fully secured car parking, a casino, a swimming pool and Wi-Fi in all guest rooms.

Facilities include a swimming pool, a spacious lounge and veranda area, a bar and internet.

The hotel consists of 76 en-suite rooms


Situated along the Ndola-Kitwe highway, five minutes’ drive from Kitwe’s central business district, the hotel overlooks lush green countryside and the Kafue River.


Set in 16 acres, Mukuba Hotel is a ranchstyle retreat 10 minutes from of Ndola city centre and just 4 km from the airport. Guest rooms provide a peaceful environment, with double, twin, suite and family options available.

Known as the ‘Gem of the Copperbelt’, the hotel has a charm and quality that keep guests returning time and again.

designed to provide comfort and convenience.

Each room comes with flat-screen TV and tea and coffee facilities. Wireless internet is available at no extra cost.

Throughout the grounds a resident herd of impala wander, which charm and entertain guests. In terms of accommodation, there are 52 well appointed rooms that have been

The Chondwe Restaurant seats 120 people and is famous for its sumptuous gourmet meals. The hotel also has excellent conference facilities.



26/28 Mpezeni Avenue, Kitwe Tel: +260 212 224 266/277 Fax: +260 212 230 389 Email:;

Plot 1857, Kabundi Road, Chingola Tel: +260 212 312 810 Fax: +260 212 313 510 Email:

Originally a beautiful colonial house, Mukwa Lodge is situated just two minutes drive from the centre of Kitwe and 45 minutes from Ndola International Airport. Although the lodge is close to the centre of the city, the sound of traffic is almost non-existent and it is a secure haven of peace and tranquillity. The lodge offers luxury accommodation and a fully licensed restaurant for

visitors or business executives. There are 13 luxury suites available, either opening onto the indigenous garden or overlooking the swimming pool. Each suite has an en-suite bathroom.



Protea Hotel Chingola has 40 air conditioned rooms with tea and coffee facilities, electronic safes and electronic door locks, telephone and DStv. The excellent restaurant offers a selection of local and international cuisine, with alfresco dining on the covered terrace and the hotel’s split-level bar is the perfect place for a relaxed get-together. Free wireless internet access available. Conference and banqueting facilities are

20 Pamo Road, Parklands, PO Box 21058, Kitwe Tel: +260 212 222 168 · Fax: +260 212 226 477 Cell: +260 955 782 778 Email: Sherbourne is a collection of properties in Kitwe offering a wide range of lodging options, including self-contained rooms, family flats and corporate apartments. The main guesthouse, annexe and flats are conveniently situated in the suburb of Parklands, a beautiful residential neighbourhood just 10 minutes’ walk from Kitwe town centre. The apartments are located in Nkana West, five minutes’ drive from Kitwe town centre.

including a presidential suite, two luxury suites, two executive suites and one honeymoon suite. There are smoking and non-smoking rooms and rooms for guests with disabilities. In terms of fine dining, the Isle of Skye restaurant serves food throughout the day. For drinks, try the Highlander Bar or the Caledonia Bar.

Ndola Tel: +260 212 651 000/2/3 Email:

Plot Y 842, Ndola Dual Carriage Way PO Box 23125, Kitwe Tel: +260 212 251 134; 212 251 136 Email: Opened in 2011, the Moba Hotel & Convention Centre is a contemporary hotel with a sense of warmth and friendliness.

Hotel Edinburgh was built and opened for business in 1960, just before Zambia’s independence. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s it ranked among the highest placed in southern Africa for its design and quality of service.

The properties are aimed at guests looking for a place to rejuvenate in a secluded and relaxed environment. Guests can start their day with a complimentary full English breakfast. Lunch and dinner are available from the delectable restaurant and fully stocked bar. All rooms are air conditioned with free Wi-Fi, digital satellite TV and 24-hour security.

The Sportsman’s Bar at the Presidential Pavilion serves drinks and offers a range of games.

available for up to 120 delegates, while the gardens make an ideal venue for weddings, private functions and events. Sport and leisure activities include swimming and the nearby championship golf course at Nchanga.







The official publication of

in association with

Tourism Council of Zambia (TCZ) 55/56 Mulungushi International Conference Centre PO Box 36561, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 291 788 Cell: +260 977 704 059 Office Tel/Fax: +260 211 290 436 Email: Email:

Zambia Tourism Agency First Floor, Petroda House, Great East Road, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 229 087/90 Fax: +260 211 225 174 Email:


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