Premier pastries Delivered to your doorstep The Nigerian love of a meat pie is well known but online venture The Pastry Corner Bakery is opening up Lagosians to an unchartered variety of sweet and savoury treats – all freshly baked and beautifully boxed for next-day delivery. Mark Edwards speaks to co-founder Natalie Okotie-Eboh.
ooking back on my life I can’t recall a moment when food wasn’t part
venture in Lagos that provides customers with mouth-watering
of it,” says Natalie Okotie-Eboh.
gourmet pastries delivered to
“My mother owned a restau-
their door. Lucky Lagosians can
rant and I would watch with
choose from a regularly updated
intrigue how her meals and
range of cakes, cookies, toasted
pastries had the ability to magi-
sandwiches, pies and breads.
cally put a smile on anyone’s face. I started cooking at a very early age, enjoying experimenting with spices and herbs to create a very unique taste. Aged nine or 10, I would grind different spices with a grinding stone rather than a spice grinder because I wanted to make my pepper soup taste more traditional and local.”
“We bake everything in house. Our customers are able to order from 10am to 8am the following day and have freshly made pastries delivered to them within 12 hours,” says Okotie-Eboh.
‘Everything fresh’ “We have a policy in our kitchen ‘nothing stale, everything fresh’.
With food as her lifelong
We bake all our customers’
“soulmate”, as she puts it, it
orders fresh. Nothing is carried
was no surprise that the English
over to the next day. We start
literature graduate would carve
baking by 5am mainly because
a career in cooking and one that
most of our pastries are prepped
retains the family connection and
a day before to make the next
her scrupulousness in sourcing
day easy for us.”
and using the best ingredients.
Pastry Corner Bakery, an online
The food looks as good as it
The 28-year-old is the head
tastes – check out The Pastry
chef and, along with her two
Corner Bakery’s Facebook page
sisters, the co-founder of the
for a host of gooey, oozing
SISTER ACT Natalie Okotieeboh (centre) with Hillary and Anne-Marie SWEET TREATS Cookies to choose from