Hanko Port Handbook 2009-11

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P O R T H AN D B OOK 2009-11

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" Ê " Ê ",/ contents *

Hanko Port Handbook 2009-11 was published by:

land&MARINE Land & Marine Publications Ltd 1 Kings Court, Newcomen Way, Severalls Business Park, Colchester, Essex, CO4 9RA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1206 752902 Fax: +44 (0)1206 842958 E-mail: publishing@landmarine.com Website: www.landmarine.com The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor nor of any other organisation associated with this publication. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions. ISSN 1467-7911




Prime location for first-rate services


Commercial crossroads with excellent connections


Smooth operations add to port’s good image

10 Frequent links provide ideal route for cargo streams 12 Paper giants favour Hanko for expert handling 14 First choice for Finnish car imports 16 Unitised traffic gets red carpet treatment in Hanko 18 Great location for industry, tourism and a wonderful lifestyle 22 Location Hanko 25 Port details

© 2009 Land & Marine Publications Ltd

28 Company profiles 31 Directory

" Ê " Ê ",/ foreword *

It is hard to improve on a tried-and-tested formula – but the Port of Hanko is aiming to do just that. For the shipping community of northern Europe, our port offers a number of key advantages that have remained constant over the years. Hanko is almost guaranteed to be ice-free all year round. It is the closest Finnish port to Continental Europe. There are first-class road and rail links from Hanko to the hinterland and beyond. These all remain unchanged. However, the services we offer have evolved over time and have changed according to demand. As always, we have developed them to suit the needs of our customers. We have focused on providing tailor-made services that are both flexible and efficient. We know your business changes, so we change with you. At the heart of the Port of Hanko’s services is our wide range of liner connections to Continental Europe and the south that are so vital to the economy of the region and of Finland. We are immensely proud of our trailer and semi-trailer handling services and this is the key to our ongoing success. Our other main areas of expertise are paper handling and car handling, and these continue to go from strength to strength. In spite of the overall poor economic situation in the world today, we are positive about the future and, in co-operation with our partners, we are preparing to meet the forthcoming economic recovery in readiness for growth. This is being done by putting in place the necessary infrastructure and investment to enable our customers to carry out their business efficiently and cost-effectively. We welcome your interest and your business and hope you find something of interest in the pages of this port handbook. The Port of Hanko is at your service.

Paavo O. Lyytikäinen Port Director

" ĂŠ " ĂŠ ",/ Prime location for first-rate services *


he Port of Hanko is the closest Finnish port to Continental Europe. This strategic location, which

virtually guarantees ice-free berths all year round, has allowed the port to set up specialised facilities and services for its principal cargo streams. By providing choice and flexibility, and ensuring that the customer always comes first, the port has paved the way for a continuous growth in cost-effective services and handling expertise.

P ositi v e outlook The Port of Hanko has tailored its infrastructure to meet the day-to-day needs of its customers. The driving factors have been increased reliability, faster services and more cost-effective options for customers. The port is not afraid to invest in developing facilities to match the needs of its clients.

S m o o th

in termodal connect ions Each year, the Port of Hanko receives over 1,600 vessel calls and handles about 3.5 million tonnes of cargo. Following a readjustment of services in 2008, volumes are on the rise once more in all the main cargo streams, driven by first-rate intermodal connections with Finland and beyond – despite the global economic recession in 2009 which also affected the Port of Hanko.

There are many reasons why the Port of Hanko is thriving. Year-round ice-free access to deepwater berths is a crucial element in this success. Ultimately, however, the deciding factor is the port’s strategy of providing flexibility, a smooth operation and the best possible level of service.

Ê " Ê / , " *


The main cargo sectors in the Port of Hanko are car imports, paper exports and unitised loads such as trailers, semi-trailers and containers. A range of timely shipping services to Baltic and other European ports, combined with state-of-the art traffic handling in the port, allows cargo to flow to and from Hanko in a smooth and seamless operation.

" Ê " Ê ",/ Commercial crossroads with excellent connections *


he best place for cargo is on the move, not stuck in a port. This is the guiding principle behind the Port of Hanko. Here, cargo is

always moving. The reason? Ample deepwater berths, conscientious and speedy stevedores, uncongested roads and fast, efficient rail links. In short, Hanko is the perfect interface between Continental Europe, the rest of Finland and beyond.

Road, rail

and sea

Ê " Ê / , " *

Hanko provides unrivalled sea links to Continental Europe with over 30 services a week carrying paper, unitised loads, cars and other cargoes. A key advantage is that sailing schedules are timed to provide a next-day service, allowing producers to get their goods quickly to market, often in less than 24 hours.

C o n n ected

T he eas y wa y All the main quays in the Port of Hanko’s are rail linked, with wagons being loaded directly from trackside warehouses. Most paper exports arrive at the port by rail and many imported new cars are transported inland by rail. Freight destined for the Baltic States and Russia can pass over the border without transloading because these countries share a common rail gauge.

Within five minutes of leaving the port, trucks will be on the edge of town. Within 90 minutes, using the uncongested and recently updated Route 25 and Route 51, they will be in Helsinki. The E18 trans-European highway also gives access to St Petersburg in 10 hours and Moscow in 48 hours. To the north of Hanko, Turku is about two hours away.

Close to the Continent

Relia ble

" Ê " Ê ",/ Smooth operations add to port’s good image *


ltimately, the reputation and success of any port depends on the skill and expertise of

its stevedores and shoreside workers. Fortunately, customers of the Port of Hanko can rely on generations of expertise and professionalism as well as ongoing investment in new facilities and equipment. Hanko’s stevedores provide a reliable link in the chain, ensuring that the port retains its excellent image.

Hangö Stevedoring has been around almost as long as the port. Established in 1912, it is a multi-service company involved in cargo handling, Customs clearance, freight forwarding and warehousing. Its facilities include 59,000 square metres of modern warehousing, 350,000 square metres of open storage and an extensive fleet of cranes, fork-lift trucks, reach stackers, terminal tractors and other equipment. With its 200 trained and well motivated staff, the company has achieved a high standard of service, day in, day out. www.hangostevedoring.fi

H an g ö S te v e d orin g

Stevedores Stevena is relatively new to Hanko – though part of one of Finland’s biggest logistics companies. The company began operations in Hanko in 2004 and now handles a range of new cars and trailers. It has added an element of competition to port operations for the first time in 100 years. www.stevena.fi


Ê " Ê / , " *

In Hanko, as everywhere, security is vital. Both the port authority and the terminal operators have gone to a lot of trouble to provide a highly secure environment for operators and customers. Port areas are fenced, floodlit and patrolled by security guards and surveillance cameras. These precautions are necessary and wise considering the high value of much of the cargo crossing the quays of Hanko.

" Ê " Ê ",/ Frequent links provide ideal route for cargo streams *



he Port of Hanko’s highly evolved infrastructure includes an impressive number of liner services

providing a vital link between producers in Finland and markets in Continental Europe – and vice versa. The market for ro-ro transport to and from Finland is the second-largest in the Baltic region. Hanko is a key interface between manufacturers in the southern Baltic and markets in Finland and Russia.

S can d lines Scandlines has operated scheduled cargo services between Hanko and the company’s hub in Rostock since October 2007 using two sisterships of 2,170 lane metres each. There are four sailings a week in each direction to serve the supply chain in Finland and Germany for northbound and southbound cargoes and for those heading eastwards towards Russia. www.scandlines.de




Various other liner services and car carriers call at the Port of Hanko, too, linking the western corner of Finland with Baltic and European ports. The combined ro-ro, sto-ro and car carrying capacity of Hanko’s liner services adds up to an annual total of over 3.5 million tonnes of cargo, providing a vital link in Finland’s logistics supply chain.

Ê " Ê / , *" Transfennica

The shipping company Transfennica operates fast services on fixed schedules between Hanko and Antwerp, Gdynia, Lübeck, Paldiski and Tilbury. Its fleet of advanced multipurpose ro-ro and con-ro vessels provides some of the fastest transit times between Finland and Continental Europe. Service speeds in excess of 20 knots are combined with schedules designed to get the goods to market overnight, thus providing importers and exporters through Hanko with a distinct competitive advantage. www.transfennica.com

" Ê " Ê ",/ Paper giants favour Hanko for expert handling *



apermaking is one of the mainstays of the Finnish economy. Paper and paper products made in Finland are exported worldwide for

a wide range of uses. In Hanko, paper handling is big business and the port goes to a lot of trouble to ensure that Finnish paper is handled


ice-free Ê " Ê / , " * © Jukka Male

© Jukka Male

with care and efficiency, reaching its end-user totally free of damage.

More than 800,000 tonnes of paper passes through Hanko each year from mills right across Finland. The reason is simple: Hanko can virtually guarantee an all-year-round service. While many ports in Finland rely on icebreakers, Hanko is able to conduct normal vessel operations through all but the most extreme winters.


M - R eal

© Jukka Male

© Jukka Male

M-Real is Europe’s leading supplier of office, magazine and printing paper. The company ships most of its exports through Hanko because of the port’s reliability and expertise. This traffic accounts for 90 per cent of the port’s paper throughout. Its commitment to the port is underlined by the fact that Hangö Stevedoring is a wholly owned subsidiary of M-Real. In addition Sappi is emerging as a new force in Finnish paper exports, having bought two of M-Real’s factories.

Hangö Stevedoring handles the lion’s share of paper exports at its facilities inside the port. It operates four large warehouses with a total area of 59,000 square metres. They provide secure storage for paper awaiting shipment. Each warehouse is rail linked to allow the special 100 tonne capacity Simn-t wagons to be discharged in all weathers. Operations continue 24 hours a day, all year round. www.hangostevedoring.fi

Expert handling

G a te w ay f o r p a pe r



" Ê " Ê ",/ choice for Finnish car imports First *


ore new cars are imported through the Port of Hanko than anywhere else in Finland. There is

an almost continuous flow of cars being discharged from vessels, moved to storage areas, processed for onward delivery and then transported by road or rail to sales centres throughout Finland or farther afield to Russia and other Baltic countries. Volumes have grown steadily, year on year, with almost half a million new cars being handled by Hanko in 2008.

E x tensi v e facilities Extensive facilities are available for storing cars both in storage areas near the outer Harbour and on the outskirts of Hanko. And there are PDI services to check damage, carry out repairs, fit extra components and take care of tax details and documents as well as bringing cars up to Finnish standards for the domestic market.

Specialised Most cars are transported inland from Hanko by road. There is a wide range of experienced and specialised companies offering this kind of service. Although road haulage is a more flexible option for importers, some cars – especially those destined for foreign markets – are transported from Hanko by train using wagons with high-sided nets to protect the vehicles in transit.



The key advantage of using the port facilities of Hanko is its cost-effective location. Hanko is the closest Finnish port to Continental Europe and it costs less than trucking overland from central Europe. In addition, the region has developed some of the most extensive and professional car handling services in Europe including secure areas, modern pre-delivery inspection (PDI) centres and excellent transport services.


Largest importer

Ê " Ê / , " * Expertise

Freight ferries and large car carriers are handled in the Western Harbour, while small shortsea car carriers can discharge at the Freeport of Finland in the Outer Harbour. Specially trained drivers are used to take the cars from the vessel to the ‘first point of rest’ ready for processing and distribution.

" ĂŠ " ĂŠ ",/ Unitised traffic gets red carpet treatment in Hanko *



very day, large volumes of unitised traffic such as trailers, semi-trailers and containers pass through

the port gates of Hanko. Although the port has targeted trailer traffic only since 1995, it has become one of the mainstays of its throughput. Today, Hanko handles over 160,000 units a year, playing a key role in the Finnish economy in terms of imports and exports to and from Continental Europe.

Hanko was one of the first ports in Europe to install a computerised automatic security gate system. It allows fast and easy access to the port for pre-booked trailers as well as confirmation of vessel booking, allocation of parking slots and photographic scanning for damage. Each truck is checked in automatically using optical number plate recognition. The time and cost savings offered by this system are a key factor in the continuing growth of this sector in Hanko.

S ecurit y a priorit y F le x i ble se r v i ces


On-time deliveries Most services from Hanko provide overnight delivery to major ports in Germany and other key destinations using fast, modern vessels. These late-night departures allow on-time delivery of time-sensitive cargoes to markets in Continental Europe and, in the other direction, from Europe to Finland. For unitised traffic customers, this ability to meet their tight schedules is one of Hanko’s biggest advantages.

Ê " Unitised Ê / , " * expertise Unitised traffic in Hanko is largely semi-trailers – unaccompanied road trailers – and this traffic has seen the biggest growth in recent years. In addition, however, Hanko has the expertise and flexibility to deal with accompanied trailers, while containers are carried as weatherdeck cargo on many of the ro-ro and con-ro services. Each year, the port handles about 80,000 semi-trailers, 40,000 trucks and trailers and a container throughput of about 40,000 teu.


" ĂŠ " ĂŠ ",/ Great location for industry, tourism and a wonderful lifestyle *


hile the port provides a focus for the economy of Hanko, it sits comfortably

alongside two other flourishing sectors: industry and tourism. The town came to prominence in the 18th century as industrial companies began to set up shop in the region. This process really gathered pace when the port was opened in 1873 in response to the need for a year-round, largely ice-free facility in Finland.

Located at the most southerly point in Finland, Hanko enjoys a balmy summer climate that has attracted visitors for generations. With its profusion of outdoor activities and wildlife, Hanko has been a popular summer destination for centuries and was a celebrated spa town in its heyday. Today, Finland’s largest marina is to be found in Hanko, which is home to an annual yachting regatta as well as a range of cultural events and historical attractions. Hanko was also the departure point for many Finns who emigrated to Australia, Canada and the USA to start a new life.

T he su n n y s o uth Fa scin ating hi s to ry



Ultimately, living and working in Hanko is a singular experience. Its clean and healthy environment, combined with the facilities of a summer tourist destination, also attracts visitors from far and wide in the summer months. Meanwhile, the distinctive character of Hanko, with its elegant villas overlooking the bay, its quiet, tree-lined streets, its sandy beaches and its sheltered coves, offers a quiet and relaxed but ultimately industrious way of life.



Industrial diversity

Ê " Ê / , " *

for tourism

Hanko has a diverse and vibrant industrial sector that embraces a wide range of manufacturing activities. They include sausage skins, chemicals, explosives, fibre-optic cables, pharmaceuticals, steel products and saunas as well as construction and engineering. This diversity – unique in Finland – has led to a skilled and versatile workforce as well as generating traffic in significant volumes for the port.



22 Location Hanko 25 Port Details COMPANY PROFILES 28 Hangö Stevedoring 28 Hans Langh 28 Liljefors 29 Scandlines 29 Transfennica 29 Victor Ek 29 Vartioimisliike P. Heinonen Oy 31 Directory


" Ê " Ê ",/ location hanko *







OH 1


OH 2












" Ê " Ê ",/ DETAILS PORT *


Outer Harbour

Covered storage

Two ro-ro berths (OH1 and OH2) of 170 and 180 metres length with 7.2 and 6.8 metres depth alongside.

• Warehouse T1*: 16,000 square metres

Basin has a depth of not less than 7.2 metres overall. Outer Harbour has 21,000 square metres of covered storage and 600,000 square metres of hard surfaced open storage.

• Warehouse T3*: 10,000 square metres

• Warehouse T2*: 5,000 square metres

• Warehouse T4*: 18,000 square metres • Old English Warehouse: 3,500 square metres

Western Harbour • Ro-ro berth No 1 (deepwater quay) is 245 metres long with 13.0 metres depth alongside. Roro ramp and 40 tonne multipurpose crane.

• Old Butter Warehouse: 2,850 square metres • Operated by Hangö Stevedoring Ab

• Ro-ro berth No 2 is 230 metres long with 9.0 metres depth alongside. Ro-ro ramp. • Ro-ro berth No 3 is 280 metres long with 9.0 metres depth alongside. Ro-ro ramp.

Open storage • Next to berths Nos 1 and 4: 47,000 square metres • Next to berth No 2: 12,000 square metres • Ro-ro berth No 4 is 165 metres long with 9.0 metres depth alongside. Ro-ro ramp. • Ro-ro berth No 5 is 300 metres long with 7.8 metres depth alongside. Ro-ro ramp. • The Western Harbour has a total of 120 metres of other berths with 6.8 metres depth alongside. Basin (outside deepwater quay) has an overall depth of not less than 13.0 metres.

• Next to berth No 3: 29,000 square metres • Elsewhere in Western Harbour: 60,000 square metres.

Earlier Trawler Harbour Quay length of 170 metres with 4.6 metres depth alongside. Basin has a depth of not less than 5.6 metres overall. Earlier Trawler Harbour has 2,000 square metres of open storage.

" Ê " Ê *",/



Largest vessel

Helsinki-Vantaa International Airport is 150 km from Hanko (about 90 minutes by road).

The maximum size of vessel that can be accommodated is 250 metres loa and 13.0 metres draught.

Anchorage Available inshore of Gustavsvärn Lighthouse.

Approach The Western Harbour is approached by a channel, 6 nautical miles in length with 13.0 metres depth, and the Outer Harbour by a channel with 7.2 metres depth.

Lloyd’s sub-agent Lars Krogius Shipping Ltd Laulukuja 4 FIN-00420 Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)9 474 311 Fax: +358 (0)9 479 900 Email: average.finland@krogius.com

Location Bunkers Fuel is delivered by truck and available at quayside.

Hanko is Finland’s southernmost port: 59°49’N and 22°57’E.


Medical aid

Handling and storage facilities available in Outer and Western harbours.

Hanko City Hospital, Esplanaadi, Hanko. Tel: +358 (0)19 2203 555.



Documents required: ship’s register, crew list, passenger list, manifests, bills of lading, provisions list, health certificate.

Pilotage is compulsory. Pilot boards 9.6 km from harbour entrance outside Russarö Island. Notification required 24 hours before ETA via Helsinki VTS on VHF Channels 13/67.

Fresh water Available at all berths, 24 hours a day.



Hangö Stevedoring Oy Hangö Stevedoring Ab has been providing cargo handling services in the Port of Hanko since 1912. Today, the company is a wholly owned subsidiary of M-Real, which uses Hanko as its main loading port. Hangö Stevedoring provides cargo handling and support services throughout the port area including Customs clearance, freight forwarding and warehousing.

Hans Langh

Hans Langh Industrial & Ship Cleaning Services has its head office in Piikkiö, near Turku. The company’s team of skilled workers uses the latest equipment to tackle all kinds of cleaning work – both routine maintenance and emergency clean-ups – in Finland and worldwide. The company also has a fully equipped facility at Blohm & Voss Repair in Hamburg to serve its customers in Germany.

The company handles large quantities of unitised traffic – especially trucks and semi-trailers – as well as paper, imported cars and other cargo.

Hans Langh provides an efficient ship cleaning service. Mobile units allow work to be carried out in a shipyard or harbour or even while the vessel is under way.

Hangö Stevedoring employs over 200 trained personnel and owns and operates a comprehensive fleet of cargo handling equipment.

One of the company’s special areas is engine room cleaning work of all kinds – especially the cleaning of bilges using its own developed and patented system. Mobile teams can be summoned at short notice to perform special clean-up tasks after an accident or leakage.

In 2008 the company acquired a Liebherr LHM-400 mobile crane which has increased its lo-lo handling capacity and presents new possibilities in project cargo handling. There is ample space for cargo with 350,000 square metres of open storage and 59,000 square metres of modern warehousing.


High pressure washing equipment, hot water and special cleaning agents are used to remove substances like bitumen, grease, oil, pitch, rust and old paint, even from the most difficult and inaccessible surfaces. Hans Langh is internationally recognised as one of the leading providers of cleaning services and services to reduce subsequent damage after engine room flooding or an engine room fire. These services also include conservation work for engines and machinery.



Oy Axel Liljefors Ab Ltd is a familyowned firm of ship chandlers based in Hanko. The company was established in 1900 in Helsinki as a provisions wholesaler supplying foreign embassies. After the Second World War, the company began supplying bonded stores to ships, which led to the expansion into Hanko. Today, Axel Liljefors delivers supplies to clients’ vessels in all the main ports of Finland. The company has a flexible approach, going out of its way to meet the needs of individual customers and to fulfil special requests. Axel Liljefors offers a comprehensive range of ship supplies covering every kind of engine, deck, pantry and cabin requirement. The company also sells to embassies and restaurants across Finland. An example of the Axel Liljefors approach was its decision to import wine in bulk and market it to restaurants and state-owned stores as well as to ships as its own Hanko brand. About 30,000 bottles were sold in 2005.





Scandlines GmbH is one of Europe’s largest ferry companies, established in 1998 by a merger of the largest national ferry companies in Denmark and Germany. Its core area is the triangle between Denmark, Germany and Sweden, where it has the densest route network of any ferry company.

Transfennica Ltd, located in Helsinki and with its head office in Amsterdam, operates a network of liner shipping services between the main ports of southern Finland and key destinations in Europe. To meet the requirements of different customers, the company has offices in the main ports abroad.

In 2007 Scandlines started operating to Hanko and currently offers four departures per week using the sister ships ‘Aurora’ and ‘Merchant’, which have a load capacity of 2,170 lane metres and cabin space for up to 12 drivers. Both vessels have been awarded the highest Finnish ice class.

Transfennica operates a fleet of modern ice-strengthened ro-ro vessels of different sizes and with varying service speeds in excess of 20 knots.

Scandlines’ prime mission is to offer both private individuals and transport companies a competitive, efficient and enjoyable transportation of passengers and goods. Furthermore Scandlines’ activities include catering service, retail sales of goods in restaurants and shops on board and in shorebased shops.

• Lübeck, Germany – seven times a week

Scandlines operates 17 ferries on eight own routes between 11 ports in the Baltic Sea. In 2008, the company transported more than 17.3 million passengers, four million cars, one million lorries, 84,000 railway wagons and 68,000 coaches. Scandlines GmbH, based in Rostock, is the parent group comprising the affiliated companies Scandlines Deutschland GmbH and Scandlines Danmark A/S. Its head offices are in Rostock and Copenhagen.


The company is the leading ferry operator in Hanko with 15 sailings a week:

• Paldiski, Estonia – three times a week • Antwerp, Belgium – three times a week • Tilbury, UK – once a week • Gdynia, Poland – once a week. All these services are operated by ro-ro vessels carrying all kinds of general cargo including sto-ro, containers, trailers, rolltrailers, mobile cargoes and project cargoes as well as IMDG classified goods and temperature controlled units.


Victor Ek

Oy Victor Ek AB is a family owned transport company established in Helsinki in 1885 as a liner and forwarding agency. In the years that followed it diversified into shipowning, air freight, international and European removal services, chartering, ships clearance, warehousing, packaging, transport and distribution. The company’s Hanko office was opened in 1888. The Victor Ek Group of companies includes Victor Ek, Fennoscandia Chartering, Transcontainer and Shipek. All companies are certified according to ISO quality standards. In Hanko, Victor Ek is involved in forwarding, warehousing and port agency, representing a number of liner services and car carriers. During its more than 120 years of existence, Victor Ek has built a reputation as a well established and reliable partner in its field. The company has long-term relationships with various shipowners and memberships in the leading international transport organisations that guarantee flexible, professional and reliable services for its customers all over the world.


Vartioimisliike P. Heinonen Oy Vartioimisliike P. Heinonen Oy was founded in Hanko in 1980 to provide security services for two industrial companies. Founded on the extensive experience of its personnel, it has grown to become the leading security company in Hanko, providing services for industry, ports, shops and individuals. The company has more than 30 employees. All staff are trained in private security law and each guard has undergone specialist training. The company provides security services for two ports in Hanko under the ISPS regulations. As well as undertaking local and regional monitoring and surveillance, the company operates 24-hour central alarm services for industrial premises, offices, shops, villas and private homes. These are planned and installed by a partner company, LU-Lukituspalvelu. Vartioimisliike P. Heinonen’s central alarm ensures a reliable and rapid response to illegal entry. The company also offers a reception service with duties including transfer of keys, receiving guests and maintaining visitor logs.


" Ê " Ê ",/ directory * Authorities/official bodies Port of Hanko Western Port, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 220 3803 Fax: +358 (0)19 220 3802 E-mail: port@hanko.fi www.portofhanko.fi

Finnish Maritime Administration


Levator Oy

Seviway Oy (cars)

Oy Mannerin Konepaja Ab

Koppnäs, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 248 1181 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 3850

Metsäläntie 2, 00620, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)9 777 2130 Fax: +358 (0)9 777 2133 E-mail: seviway.oy@dlc.fi

PL 3, 10901 Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 222 001 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 2000 E-mail: laskutus@manner.fi


Printal Oy (aluminium packaging)

Liebherr (cranes) Pakkasraitti 8, 04360, Tuusula Tel:+358 (0) 836 6030 Fax:+358 (0) 8366 0310 E-mail: jarmo.alppovuori@liebherr.com

PO Box 171, 00181, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)204 481 Fax: +358 (0)204 484 355

Crane hire

Customs Office

Freeport 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)2 074 30 650 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 5911 E-mail: gate@freeport.fi

Western Harbour, 10900 Hanko Tel: +358 (0)204 926600

Finn Pilot (State Pilotage Enterprise)

Freeport of Finland Ltd

Nostokonepalvelu Oy

Kansakoulukuja 3, 00101 Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)207 54 611 Fax: +358 (0)207 54 6100 www.finnpilot.fi

Ursusvuorenk 1, 20360, Turku Tel: +358 (0)2 4808 0400 Fax: +358 (0)2 4808 0401 E-mail: nosto@nostokonepalvelu.fi

Finpro Marketing Ltd


PL 358, 00181, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)204 695 1 Fax: +358 (0)204 695 220 E-mail: info@finpromarketing.fi www.finpromarketing.fi

Hanko City Tourist Office

DHL express Tullimiehentie 10, 01530, Vantaa Tel:+358 (0)20 5333 Fax: +358 (0)20 533 2520 www.dhl.fi

Raatihuoneentori 5, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 220 3411 Fax: +358 (0)19 220 3261 E-mail: tourist.office@hanko.fi www. hanko.fi

Hangö Stevedoring Oy Ab

Hansea DC LTD

Hanko Terminals Oy Ab

Raatihuoneentori 5, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 220 3410 Fax: +358 (0)19 220 3261 E-mail: tourist.office@hanko.fi

Sahakatu 5, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 248 1050 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 1080

Suomen Kuorma-Autoliitto

Mannerheimintie 160 B, 00271, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)9 5845 7320 Fax: +358 (0)9 5845 7330 E-mail: sales@railtrans.fi

Nuijamiestentie 7, 04400, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)9 478 999 Fax: +358 (0)9 587 8520

Banks Nordea Rahoitus Oy Nihtisillantie 3 G, 00020, Espoo Tel: +358 (0)9 1651 Fax: +358 (0)9 1658 9140


PO Box 26, 10901, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 221 9201 Fax: +358 (0)19 221 9219 E-mail: office@hangostevedoring.fi

Railtrans Oy Ltd

Victor Ek Oy Ab PO Box 10, 10901, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 266 6600 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 5821

Electrical installation Hangon Sähkö

PO Box 1, 00048, Fortum Tel: +358 (0) 104 511 Fax: +358 (0) 104 524 447

Lähteentie 4, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)207 939 700 Fax: +358 (0)207 939 719 Email: hango.elektriska@hangonsahko.fi www.hangonsahko.fi

Shell Oy



Neilikkatie 17, Tikkurila, PL 16, 01301, Vantaa Tel: +358 (0)204 431 Fax: +358 (0)204 432 299

Construction Sandö Betong (Cement) Vestervik 10900 Hanko Tel: +358 (0) 207 433 220 Fax: +358 (0) 207 433 221

Terramare Oy (construction) PO Box 14, 00441 Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)9 613 621 Fax: +358 (0)9 613 62700 www.terramare.fi

YIT Industria (construction) PO Box 36, 00621, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)204 33111 Fax: +358 (0) 204 333 700

Crane fabrication KCI-Konecranes PO Box 661, 05804, Hyvinkää Tel: +358 (0)20 427 11 Fax: +358 (0)20 427 4599

Farocon Oy Freeport, 10900 Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 248 2212 Fax. +358 (0) 19 248 2216 Email: farocon@farocon.fi www.farocon.fi

Hangö Stevedoring Oy Ab

PO Box 960, 00101, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)9 413 678 Fax: +358 (0)9 4136 7999

Uuttera Oy Vapaasatama, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)20 751 9800 Fax: +358 (0)20 751 9808 E-mail: office@uuttera.fi

Victor Ek Oy Ab PO Box 10, 10901, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 266 6600 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 5821 E-mail: vek.hanko@victorek.com

Freeport Freeport of Finland Ltd Vapaasatama, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)20 743 0652 E-mail: jukka.ryky@freeport.fi

Hotels Motel Silversand Källvägen, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 248 7540 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 7625 Email: info@silversand.fi www.silversand.fi

Importers Aro-Yhtymä Oy Vapaasatama, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)20 547 7611 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 4800

Inchcape Motors Finland Oy Vetokuja 1, 01610, Vantaa Tel: +358 (0)207 704 200 Fax: +358 (0)207 704 205

Motortrans Oy Moottorikatu 2, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 280 880 Fax: +358 (0)19 280 8833 Email: motortrans@motortrans.fi

Industry Forcit Oy Ab (explosives) Forcitintie 37, PO Box 19, 10901, Hanko Tel: +358 (0) 20 7440 400 Fax: +358 (0)20 7440 225 Email: forcit@forcit.fi www.forcit.fi

Ovako Steel Koverharintie 303, 10820, Lappohja Tel: +358 (0)19 2211 Fax: +358 (0)19 221 4150 www.ovako.com

Genencor International (chemicals)

PO Box 26, 10901, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 221 9201 Fax: +358 (0)19 221 9219 E-mail: office@hangostevedoring.fi

PO Box 34, 10901, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 28041 Fax: +358 (0)19 280 4307 E-mail: tkvarnstrom@genencor.com

Avelon Group

M-real Oy (papermakers)

Vapaasatama, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)10 545 033 Fax: +358 (0)10 545 4860

Jit-Trans PL 93, 92101, Raah Tel: +358 (0)8 849 3909 Fax: +358 (0)8 263 923 E-mail: jit@rautaruukki.com

OS-Agency Oy Ltd Hämeentie 33, 00500, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)9 622 0890 Fax: +358 (0)9 6220 8925

Revontulentie 6, 02020 Metsä Tel: +358 (0)104 611 Fax:+358 (0)465 4553 E-mail: info@m-real.com www.m-real.com

Sappi FI-08800, Kirkniemi Tel: +358 (0)10 464 2999 Fax: +358 (0) 10 464 42 461

Orion-Yhtymä Fermion PL 50, 10901 Hanko Tel: +358 (0)104 28311 Fax: +358 (0)104 283 223

PL 51, Lähteentie 13-15, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 2202215 Fax: +358 (0)19 220 2202

Ruukki Oy (steel tubes) Satamatie 56, 10820, Lappohja Tel: +358 (0)19 268 7100 Fax: +358 (0)20 5927 256 www.rukki.fi

Saunatec Oy Ltd (sauna equipment) PL 15, 10901 Hanko Tel: +358 (0)207 560 300 Fax: +358 (0)207 560 310

UPM Kymmene Oy Eteläesplanaadi 2, PL 380, 00101, Helsinki Tel:+358(0)20 15 111 Fax: +358 (0)204 15110

Viskoteepak PO Box 18, 10901, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)40 8303 318 Fax: +358 (0)19 224 4218

Inspection Nosturi Lloyds Oy Nallekuja 2, 01900, Nurmijärvi Tel:+ 358 (0) 9 548 4144 Fax: +358 (0) 9 544 110 E-mail: nosturiexpertit@nosturiexportti.fi

Suomen IP Tekniikka Oy (underwater) Nuijamiestentie 5 B, 00400, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)207 502 600 Fax: +358 (0)207 502 601

Insurance If Insurance Raatihuoneentori, 10600, Ekenäs/Tammisaari Tel: +358 (0)105 125 553 Fax: +358 (0)105 120 230

Pre-delivery inspection (PDI) Aro-Yhtymä Oy Vapaasatama, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)20 547 7611 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 4800

Motortrans Oy (cars) Moottorikatu 2, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 280 880 Fax: +358 (0)19 280 8833 www.motortrans.fi

Toyota Logistics Services Finland Oy PO Box 46, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 221 900 Fax: +358 (0)19 221 901

Uuttera Oy Vapaasatama, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)20 751 9800 Fax: +358 (0)20 751 9808 E-mail: uuttera@uuttera.fi

Assistor Oy Ab (cars) Vapaasatama, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)105 692 955 Fax: +358 (0)105 692 987

Planning consultants EP-logistics Nuijamiestentie 5, 00400 Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)9 134 4531 Fax: +358 (0)9 1344 5300

Ins. TSTO. Pitkälä Oy Äuritie 8 D, 01510, Vantaa Tel: +358 (0)10 832 2200 Fax: +358 (0)9 8254 6330


" Ê " Ê *",/ Shiprepair

Tug operators

Hangö Mekaniska Ab

Alfons Håkans Oy Ab

Gunnarsinrannantie 28, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 248 7891 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 4712

Slottsgatan 36C, 20100, Turku Tel: +358 (0)2 515 500 Fax: +358 (0)2 251 5873 E-mail: office.turku@alfonshakans.fi www.alfonshakans.fi

Pöyry Plc

Hangö Stevedoring Oy Ab

PO Box 4, Jaakonkatu 3, FI-01621 Vantaa Tel. +358 (0)10 3311 Fax +358 (0)10 332 3400 E-mail: jarmo.suominen@poyry.com www.poyry.com

PO Box 26, 10901, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 221 9201 Fax: +358 (0)19 221 9219 E-mail: office@hangostevedoring.fi

Suunnittelukeskus Oy

Salmisaarenkatu 1, 00180, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)10 577 5700 Fax: +358 (0)10 577 5775

Ship supplies

Unifeeder Oy Ltd

Esplanaadi 134, 10901, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 248 6030 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 2301 E-mail: office@liljefors.fi www.liljefors.fi

PO Box 68, 00521, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)10 409 5000 Fax: +358 (0)10 409 5001 www.suunnittelukeskus@fi

Rail freight VR Cargo Oy Pitkäkatu, 10900 Hanko Tel: +358 (0)307 26806 Fax: +358 (0)307 26899

Removals Victor Ek Oy Ab PO Box 10, 10901, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 266 6600 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 5821 E-mail: vek.hanko@victorek.com www.victorek.com

Salvage Alfons Håkans Oy Ab Linnankatu 36 C, 20100, Turku Tel: +358 (0)2 515 500 Fax: +358 (0)2 251 5873 E-mail: office.turku@alfonshakans.fi www.alfonshakans.fi

Security Sydbevakning Ab/ Etelävartiointi Oy PO Box 11, 10301 Karis Tel: +358 (0)19 233 888 Fax: +358 (0)19 233 999 E-mail: sydbevakning@sydbevakning.fi www.etelavartiointi.fi

Vartioimisliike P. Heinonen Oy Aarniometsänkatu 17-23 F, 10900 Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 248 6802 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 6803 E-mail: office@vartioimisliikeheinonen.fi www.vartioimisliikeheinonen.fi

Services L&T Oy (waste disposal) Insinööritie, 10600, Tammisaari Tel:+ 358 (0)10 636 182 Fax: +358 (0)10 636 5200

Martti Poutiainen Oy (waste disposal) Mestarinkuja 2, 10960, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 248 5559 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 5577

Pur-ait Oy (security fencing) Lyhtytie 24, 00740, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)9 350 9400 Fax: +358 (0)9 350 94040

Ship cleaning services Hans Langh Oy Alaskartano, 21500 Piikkiö Tel: +358 (0)2 477 9400 Fax: +358 (0)2 472 6553 E-mail: cleaning@langh.fi www.hanslangh.fi

Shipping agents Crystal Pool Oy Mechelininkatu 1A, 00180, Helsinki Tel:+358(0)20 486 5010 Fax: +358 (0)204 865 011

FIMAG (shipping agents) Pasilankatu 2, PL 124, 00241, Helsinki Tel:+358 (0)9 148 3070 Fax: +358 (0)9 145 737

Team Lines Oy

Henry Fordin katu 5F, 00150 Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)961 308 6 Fax: +358 (0)961 308 425 E-mail: book-hel@unifeeder.com www.unifeeder.com

Victor Ek Oy Ab PO Box 10, 10901, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 266 6600 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 5821 E-mail: vek.hanko@victorek.com

Ship charter Bror Husell Chartering Västra Esplanadgaten 8, 22100, Mariehamn Tel: +358 (0)18 16766 Fax: +358 (0)18 12786

Transfennica Oy Eteläranta 12, 00130, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)9 13262 Fax: +358 (0)9 652 377 www.transfennica.com E-mail: info.general@transfennica.fi

Shipowners E.H. Harms GmbH & Co (Shipowners) Am Markt 1 PF 105040, 28195, Bremen, Germany Tel: +49 (0)421 899 500 Fax: +49 (0)421 899 5161

Nordic Ferry Center Itämerenkatu 21, 00180, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)9 2510 200 Fax: +358 (0)9 2510 2022

Godby Shipping Ab Södragatan 13, AX-22100 Mariehamn, Åland Tel: +358 (0)18 528 282 Fax: +358 (0)18 528 281

Hans Langh Oy Alaskartano, 21500 Piikkiö Tel: +358 (0)2 477 9400 Fax: +358 (0)2 472 6553 www.hanslangh.fi

Rederi Ab Engship Linnankatu 33 B, 20100, Turku Tel: +358 (0)2 512 5500 Fax: +358 (0)2 250 2087 www.engship.fi

scandlines deutschland GmbH Hochhaus am Fährhafen 18119 Rostock, Germany Tel: +49 381 54 35 827 Fax: +49 381 54 35 839 www.scandlines.de

Transfennica Ltd Eteläranta 12, FIN-00130 Helsinki Tel: +358 9 132 62 Fax: +358 9 652 377 www.transfennica.com E-mail: info.general@transfennica.com

UECC As PO Box 265, 4891, Grimstad Norway Tel: +47 3725 1100 Fax: +47 3725 1133

Birka cargo PO Box 175, 22101, Mariehamn Tel: +358 (0)18 280 50 Fax: +358 (0)18 23223 E-mail: info@birkacargo.com

Wallenius Wilhelmsen Salomonkatu 17 A, 00100, Helsinki Tel:+358(0)30 391 81 Fax: +358 (0)9 8567 2590

Axel Liljefors Oy Ab

Stevedoring Hangö Stevedoring Oy Ab

Warehousing Farocon Oy Freeport, 10900 Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 248 2212 Fax. +358 (0)19 248 2216 Email: farocon@farocon.fi www.farocon.fi

Hangö Stevedoring Oy Ab

Länsisatama, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 221 922 Fax: +358 (0)19 221 9219 E-mail: office@hangostevedoring.fi www.hangostevedoring.fi

PO Box 26, 10901, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 221 9201 Fax: +358 (0)19 221 9219 E-mail: office@hangostevedoring.fi

Stevena Oy

Sahakatu 5, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 248 1050 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 1080

Kukolantie, 21100 Naantali Tel: +358 (0) 2 469 0000 Fax: +358 (0)2 433 8340 E-mail: stevena.info@stevena.fi www.stevena.fi

Transport DHL Express (Finland) Tullimiehentie 10, 01530, Vantaa Tel:+358(0)20 5333 Fax: +358 (0)20 533 2520 www.dhl.fi

Hangö Stevedoring Oy Ab PO Box 26, 10901, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 221 9201 Fax: +358 (0)19 221 9219 E-mail: office@hangostevedoring.fi

Hanko Terminals Oy Ab Sahakatu 5, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 248 1050 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 1080

Lillbacka Global Oy VanhaTalvitie 11C, 00580, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)10 217 8812 Fax: +358 (0)10 217 8807

Kuljetus K. Grahn Transport Oy Ab Gesällgatan 1, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 264 0400 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 1546 E-mail: grahn.transport@co.inet.fi

Kuljetus T Niinivirta (transport) Juustokivenkatu 1, 29200, Harjavalta Tel: +358 (0)2 674 2552 Fax: +358 (0)2 674 2527

Kühne & Nagel Oy Ltd Tikkurilantie 141, 01510 Vantaa Tel:+358(0)20 161 1611 Fax:+358(0)20 161 1619

Ky Per Wickman KB Ahjokuja 2, 10900, Hanko Tel:+358 (0)19 212 9500 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 5673 E-mail: peter.wickman@pp.inet.fi

Hanko Logistics Ahjokuja 2, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 212 9500 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 5673

Railtrans Oy Ltd Lapinlahdenkatu 1 C, 00180, Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)9 5845 7320 Fax: +358 (0)9 5845 7330

Transport L. Pihlapuro Oy Ahjokuja 2, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 212 9500 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 56 79

Hanko Terminals Oy Ab

Freeport of Finland Ltd Vapaasatama, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)207 430 650 E-mail: gate@freeport.fi

Uuttera Oy Vapaasatama, 10900, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)20 751 9800 Fax: +358 (0)20 751 9808 E-mail: office@uuttera.fi

Victor Ek Oy Ab PO Box 10, 10901, Hanko Tel: +358 (0)19 266 6600 Fax: +358 (0)19 248 5821 www.victorek.fi

Website design HDI Nordic Oy Kirvuntie 22, 02140, Espoo Tel: +358 (0)10 387 8280 E-mail: info@hdin.fi

Others Autobon Oy Ab (cars) Mäkiturvantie 3, 01511, Vantaa Tel: +358 (0)105 697 41 Fax: +358 (0)105 697 290

BASF Oy (chemicals) Tammasaarenskatu 3 C, 00180 Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)9 615 981 Fax: +358 (0)9 6159 8250

CCC Industry Oy (IT-company) Välskärintie 2 B, 23500, Uusikaupunki Tel:+358 (0)2 4627500 Fax: +358 (0)2 462 7509

Stora Enso Magazine Paper Ltd (paper makers) Summa Mill, 49420, Hamina Tel: +358 (0)204 6127 Fax: +358 (0)204 625 626

Helkama Auto Oy (cars) Lautamiehentie 3, 02770, Espoo Tel: +358 (0)9 85 981 Fax: +358 (0)9 805 7546

Valtatie Oy (construction) PO Box 93, 00701 Helsinki Tel: +358 (0)9 350 8400 Fax: +358 (0)9 350 84099 E-mail: valtatie@valtatie.fi

Tschudi Logistics Huolintakatu 5, 20200, Turku Tel: +358 (0)25 172 200 Fax: +358 (0)25 172 207 E-mail: finland@tschudilogistics.com

Yourway Oy Huolintakatu 5, 20200 Turku Tel: +358 (0)2 517 2200 Fax: +358 (0)2 517 2207 www.yourway.fi E-mail: yourway@yourway.fi

Port of Hanko Western Harbour - 10900 *",/ĂŠ" ĂŠ " Hanko - Finland Tel: +358 19 220 3803 Fax: +358 19 220 3802 Email: port@hanko.fi www.portofhanko.fi

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