This is Botswana 2016

Page 1

Hospitality & Tourism Association of Botswana

THIS IS 2016/17

This is Botswana

an official publication of

Hospitality & Tourism Association of Botswana

Contents 3

Chairman’s Foreword

27 Airlink


CEO’s Foreword

29 Gaborone Electronics

Industry leader in laundry and catering


The role of HATAB

Sunbeam Hotel


50 years



Private Bag 00423, Gaborone, Botswana Tel: +267 395 7144, Fax: +267 390 3201 Email:

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Land & Marine Publications Ltd 1 Kings Court, Newcomen Way Severalls Business Park, Colchester, Essex, CO4 9RA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1206 752902 Fax: +44 (0)1206 842958 E-mail: Printed by: Buxton Press The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor nor of any other organisation associated with this publication. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions. ©2016 Land & Marine Publications Ltd ISSN 1754-4793

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A milestone for Botswana and for HATAB A sure sign of excellence Encouraging quality in Botswana’s hospitality and tourism industry The miracle country Rainmaking stories told through dance

10 Visit Botswana

Super safaris, fabulous festivals – and lovely ladies

12 Okavango Delta

What makes the Okavango Delta so special?

Features 15 Desert & Delta Safaris

Unrivalled choice of luxury safari experiences

17 Air Shakawe / IAS Aviation Academy

Flying school offers world-standard training

19 Chobe Game Lodge

Prime riverside location with unique safaris

Independent airline offers key South Africa links

Spacious modern hotel offers a smile of welcome

31 SKL Camps

Top-notch camping in four prime locations


Efficient booking and wide range of vehicles

33 Maun Lodge

Riverside location with major conference facilities

Mack Air

Reliable charter flights in Botswana and beyond

34 Air Botswana

National airline plays its part in economic growth

35 Location Botswana

HATAB Members 36 Members Index 37 Listings Index 38 Camps & Lodges

21 Masa Square Hotel

Luxury accommodation in the capital

48 Hotel Sector

Chobe Marina Lodge

51 Conservation & Wildlife Management

A charming lodge in an ideal location

23 Peermont

52 Mobile Sector

25 Vivo Energy Botswana

60 Services

Three ways The Grand Palm takes care of business travellers Vivo Energy donates to the conservation sector

58 Tour Operators 63 Air Charter & Airline Sector 1

Chairman’s foreword

A milestone for Botswana and for HATAB


e warmly welcome you to the

The tourism sector has the potential to

10th issue of This Is Botswana,

contribute positively to growth and job

the annual publication of the

creation in the country.

Hospitality and Tourism Association of Botswana (HATAB).


This year marks an important milestone in

As Botswana celebrates 50 years of

our journey as a nation as we celebrate the

independence , we take pride in the fact

50th anniversary of our independence. The

that members of HATAB contribute over

success of Botswana over the past years

70 per cent to the growth of the nation’s

has been based largely on diamonds; but

tourism industry . It is through HATAB that

as the sale of diamonds has taken a dip in

the Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and

recent times, so tourism has become more

Tourism was established; and after some

important to our economy.

time the same members lobbied the government to set up the Botswana Tourism Board,

The tourism sector is currently the second-

now the Botswana Tourism Organisation.

largest contributor to the national economy.

Dr Thapelo Matsheka

The sector grew steadily after independence

Join us as we celebrate 50 years of independ-

Chairman, Hospitality & Tourism

in 1966 and has been on the rise since.

ence. Botswana: our pride, your destination.

Association of Botswana


CEO Foreword

A sure sign of excellence


ATAB is a non-profit organisation representing many sectors of the tourism industry including

Benefits of being a HATAB member

camps, lodges, hotels, mobile safaris,


tour operators, services, conservation





and tourism. HATAB aims to ensure that

Training programmes

all visitors, from both within and outside

Special rates.

and wildlife management, air charter and airlines and self-catering apartments. The organisation’s mission is to promote and encourage excellence in hospitality

Botswana, can expect a consistently high standard of service from the entire

There is more demand for engagement

hospitality and tourism industry.

with HATAB both in public and private sector organisations. HATAB is working


In the year 2015/16 we have seen an increase

with different development partners both

in the HATAB membership. The organisation

locally and internationally to see how the

has 275 members contributing over 70 per

tourism industry can transform Botswana’s

Chief Executive, Hospitality & Tourism

cent of tourism value to Botswana.


Association of Botswana

Lily Rakorong

The Role of HATAB Hospitality & Tourism Association of Botswana

Encouraging quality in Botswana’s hospitality and tourism industry


he Hospitality & Tourism Associa-

HATAB was formed in 1982 and the voluntary

tion of Botswana (HATAB) exists

membership now includes more than 40 per

to promote, encourage and police

cent of all registered and operating tourism

excellence in hospitality and tourism in

enterprises in the country. These members

Botswana. It is HATAB’s role to ensure

benefit in many ways. Through HATAB,

that all visitors, both from within and

members can police themselves; have a voice

outside Botswana, enjoy consistently

that lobbies the government and other key

high standards of service from the entire

stakeholders; and have the opportunity to

hospitality and tourism industry.

create an environment for hospitality and tourism enterprises to thrive and prosper.

The association is an umbrella organisation which was privately established and funded in order to represent all sectors of the


industry and act as the governing body for

To keep members informed, the association

all its members. In the interests of excellent

publishes a quarterly review and holds an

service, HATAB provides and enforces codes

annual general meeting where the chairman

of conduct for its members. It also promotes

reviews the developments of the past year

the industry through consistent communi-

and considers what the future holds. On a

cation with tourists, local people and the

day-to-day basis, the affairs of the associa-

media. HATAB is a non-profit organisation

tion are run by a secretariat under a chief

and owes its existence to the fact that the

executive who reports to the executive

component of that industry. It is the

members recognise the importance of high

committee. This committee is made up of

association’s vision that all visitors should

standards at every level in the industry.

12 men and women, each elected from a

return home delighted with the experience

different HATAB sector.

of Botswana’s people, hotels and restaurants, camps and safari lodges, buses and

Together these sectors virtually make up

aeroplanes, taxis and trains, and of our vast

the entire industry: hotels, restaurants, air

natural resources.

services, air charter, mobile safaris, lodges and camps, tour operators, travel agencies,

Visitors should be so impressed with the way

and hunting concessions. HATAB works

private enterprises are managing

closely with the private enterprises of the

their share of those resources that they wish

industry and the Ministry of Tourism, to unite

to return, and can confidently

the two with the same vision for the future.

recommend the country to their friends.

It also has a special interest in the concept of

Only in this way will the industry grow,

community based tourism ventures.

and will Botswana rise to be the internationally preferred destination for

Tourism is a critical contributor to Botswana’s

business and leisure tourism that it has

economy, and HATAB is an important

the potential to be.


50 years

The miracle country Botswana celebrates its 50-year rise to good fortune


n 1964 the British government

president of the Republic of Botswana,

to Botswana. The cartoon shows a malnour-

accepted one of the more daring

described the independence proposal as

ished and sickly child being left by a British

proposals from an African nation

having been “very brave or very foolish”. Sir

general in a small, dry patch of land with

when representatives of the Bechuana-

Ketumile, who took over in 1980 after the

lions and snakes lurking and ready to

land Protectorate travelled to the UK to

sad death of the first president, Sir Seretse

devour the defenceless child. The cartoonist

seek independence from their colonial

Khama, summed it up that way when he

depicted the British as being heartless and


used the phrase as the title of his memoirs,

unsympathetic to leave such a vulnerable

‘Very Brave or Very Foolish? Memoirs of an

child in the middle of nowhere.

Eventually, with reluctance, the proposal

African Democrat’.

was accepted and Botswana celebrated

In 1965, a year before Botswana gained its

its independence on 30 September 1966

In the book, which was published in 2006

independence, it was one of the world’s

and ceased to be called the Bechuanaland

at the time of Botswana’s 40th anniversary,

poorest nations. It had no tarred roads and no


Sir Ketumile used a cartoon from the British

health or education facilities and 70 per cent

magazine ‘Punch’ dating from 3 August

of the country was covered by desert without

Decades later, one of the nation’s founding

1966 to illustrate what some people thought

oil or any other minerals. That is why it was

fathers, Sir Ketumile Masire, second

about the handing over of independence

deemed ‘very brave or very foolish’ for this group of Africans to be presenting a proposal to be left alone to govern themselves.

History In the 1960s black people in southern Africa were still a source of free labour. They dug gold in Gauteng mines, built railways to Rhodesia and express roads in Johannesburg for white people. In Botswana, black men and women decided to build the country from scratch. In 1966, when the Union Jack was lowered and the Botswana flag was raised, the country had fewer than 10 km of tarred road. Fifty years later, however, the small child has grown to be the most admired in the whole © Herb Klein /

continent of African. The lurking lions that


were about to have it for lunch are now the country’s main tourist attraction and one of its largest sources of revenue. Botswana has been called ‘a model of democracy’ because of its stability and consistent

record of uninterrupted and peaceful elec-

From being one of the world’s poorest

tions. The country has never suffered political

nations – with a GDP per capita of about US$

unrest despite being a front-line state during

70 per year in the late 1960s – Botswana has

political turmoil in the region.

transformed itself into one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. The nation

Natural resources

has enjoyed a sustained economic growth,

Botswana has successfully avoided the

as it gears up for its 50th anniversary of

African scourge of ‘resource curse’. The

independence, Botswana can boast a GDP

diamonds that were miraculously discovered

per capita of US$ 18,825 per year.

mainly from minerals and tourism. Today,

after independence have been used efficiently for development, bringing benefits

In September, with 2 million Batswana

to the whole nation – in contrast with other

shouting the national motto, ‘Pula’ (‘Let

places in Africa where such natural resources

there be rain’), there are many reasons for

have led to conflict.

this miracle country to celebrate.

© Dereje /



Š Kate Holt/AusAID via Wikimedia Commons

Rainmaking stories told through dance



ance is about more than just

Christian churches (an African adaptation of

entertainment in Botswana. Here,

Christian beliefs) in their colourful gowns,

dancing is a vehicle that can trans-

bearing the crucifix, perform the dance

port people to an ethereal place where

known as ‘Dihosana’ to plead for rain. It is a

they can imagine meeting the gods and

desperate scene in which pleading for rain is

conversing with them.

a confused act between traditional African beliefs and modern foreign beliefs. But still

Dancing can help ease the ailments of the

the rains will not come.

weak and ill. So in times of trouble as well as happiness the people of Botswana lose

So after some intense dances that yield no

themselves in various dances, because

rain, the lead dancer, wearing a leopard

dancing is actually story-telling here.

skin to indicate he is the chief, approaches the traditional rainmaker and begs him to

That’s why, on this 50th anniversary

ask the gods to make it rain. The rainmaker

of independence, the Mophato Dance

throws the bones and orders the chief to

Theatre in Gaborone has brought to life a

go and ask his people to dance. The chief

great Botswana story of rainmaking with

obeys the traditional rainmaker’s instruc-

an amazing production entitled ‘Pula’

tions and heads to the village, where the

(meaning ‘rain’).

dancing continues.

‘Pula’ is choreographed by Andrew Kola and

Fever pitch

had its debut at this year’s Maitisong Arts Festival in April. It has been described by

The dancing reaches fever pitch – beautifully

art critics and the local media as Botswana’s

enacted by the dancers in the Mophato

greatest theatre production. Based on a

Theatre production. At one point they

remarkable story of rainmaking, ‘Pula’ is an

appear to be in a genuine trance and it is no

authentic Botswana tale that has captivated

longer a work of art but a real-life ritual of

lovers of national culture. It’s the story of a

begging for rain. And that’s when the ‘rains’

relationship between people and rain in a

pour down on stage in the form of sorghum,

harsh desert climate; the story of how the

the staple crop of Botswana.

people survived by learning to make it rain. The tale is told through amazing dances,

After the sorghum ‘shower’ there is more

exciting poetry and haunting music.

dancing as the performers enact the story of what happens after the much-awaited rains.

Legend of Botswana

There are jubilant dances and charming

The play recounts a legend of Botswana’s

all depicted in a beautiful and traditional

traditional rainmakers, who were overshad-


household chores such as fetching water,

owed by Christianity. It was a sacred skill that allowed the Batswana to find comfort

The show also depicts the delighted wild

in the arid desert conditions. People trusted

animals rejoicing after the long-awaited

the rainmakers, who had this hallowed

rains. This impressive cultural production

ability to charm the clouds and quench the

closes with a spectacular presentation

desert’s thirst.

of traditional dances from all the regions of Botswana. This dance parade at the

The play begins during a bad drought

close makes ‘Pula’ the complete one-hour

when the rains are refusing to come and

package for anyone seeking to experience a

‘new age’ rainmakers from the African

Botswana traditional dance.


Visit Botswana

Super safaris and fabulous festivals


otswana offers the best wilderness experience in Africa. The country is mainly about huge landscapes and deep

cultural experiences. Wild animals roam freely in its natural habitat. Be awed by the Okavango Delta (the world’s largest intact delta) and the wildlife-rich Chobe Game Reserve or visit the huge Central Kgalagadi Game Reserve or experience the isolation and vastness of the Makgadikgadi Pan.

Sunset and landscapes

Game drives


Mokoro trips

Boat cruises

Cultural tours

The landscape of

Botswana offers the

There are great

Relax and explore the

Explore the great

For an unforgettable

Botswana is over 70 per

chance to view wildlife

opportunities for bird-

shallow hippo water-

Botswana rivers

bush experience, walk

cent desert and mostly

from an open safari

watching, especially in

ways in a traditional

– the Chobe, the

with traditional trackers

flat. The sky is huge and

vehicle accompanied by

the Okavango Delta and

mokoro (dugout

Thamalakane in Maun

who use their ancient

pretty. Wait for sunset or

a trained guide. Game

Chobe. Botswana has

canoe). With the sound

and the Okavango on

knowledge of the

sunrise for the amazing

drivers are best in the

over 650 bird species, of

of birdsong and the

the delta panhandle –


changes in hue that

early morning, late after-

which 75 per cent can

serenity of the river,

by motor boat.

give visitors so much

noon and evening. Some

be found in one area.

a mokoro trip has


parks offer night game

been described as the

drives. Most animals

ultimate experience in

are active after dark, so


night drives can yield awesome sightings.


Events guide Orange Letlhafula

Miss Botswana

April, Gaborone

July, Gaborone

In a traditional Setswana culture, after good

In addition to its beautiful scenery, Botswana

rains and crop yields, farmers would stage an

is famous for its beautiful women. This

event called Letlhafula to celebrate the good

country of just 2 million people has taken

harvest in song and dance. Now hosted

the crown at global pageants such Miss

by Botswana Craft in Gaborone, this event

Universe and Nokia Face of Africa. So

samples the food and drink of Botswana

when Botswana chooses its Miss World

together with entertainment by traditional

candidate at the annual Miss Botswana

music artists.

beauty pageant, it’s a sight to behold. It’s not

Toyota Kalahari Botswana 1,000 km Desert Race June, Jwaneng Every winter, drivers converge on the Kgalagadi desert to compete in this off-road championship. The two-day event sees dozens of drivers raising the Kgalagadi dust as thousands of fans cheer them on. The fans make the event feel like a carnival as they camp overnight at spectator points and hold night vigils, drinking and talking motor sport. Bonfires are lit to keep everyone warm in the cold desert night.

President Day Celebrations July, Gaborone This is the best opportunity to enjoy Botswana’s arts and culture without travelling far. It’s a president’s initiative that brings arts groups from all corners of Botswana to compete in traditional dances, poetry, choral music, drama and other art forms.

Elephant experiences


Learn about the

Drive yourself into the

elephants in the delta

wilderness in a 4x4

by getting up close

vehicle and experience

to the Abu herd in

Botswana. Self-drive

the Okavango Delta.

vehicles are allowed in

There’s an opportunity

the game parks, but do

to ride these gentle

not pick anything or

giants – a truly amazing

leave anything except


your footprints.

After regional competitions, the performers gather in Gaborone for the week-long finale festival that matches all the regional champions in Gaborone. The president awards the winning groups on the finale night.

Maitisong Festival April, Gaborone This month-long international arts festival grows every year, with music, theatre and public lectures. It involves a series of events at Gaborone venues, mostly at Maitisong in Maruapula, in a festival with a large interna-

just about the beautiful contests strutting their stuff on the ramp; it’s also about the gorgeous audience.

Dithubaruba Cultural Festival August, Molepolole Dithubaruba is a festival that celebrates the culture of Bakwena. Held at Ko Ntsweng, where the Kwena royal remains lie, it showcases history, culture, song, dance and poetry.

Khawa Dune Challenge August, Khawa The village of Khawa lies deep in the Kgalagadi desert amid the huge scenic sand dunes that gave organisers the idea of hosting an annual motorcycle race. If quad bikes are not your idea of fun then you could just attend this event for its people. There is a free cultural show; and since the beautiful people of Kgalagadi know how to host visitors, you will love your stay in this remote part of Botswana.

Domboshaba Festival September, Domboshaba Every year Bakalanga converge on the scarred ruins of Domboshaba, near Masunga, for a cultural festival showcasing their unique songs and dance (as well as appeasing their gods). The programme is conducted in Sekalaka, offering visitors a chance to learn their language.

tional following.


Okavango Delta

What makes the Okavango so special?


any superlatives have been

breathtaking view from the window of a

you with a feeling of wonder and a sudden

used to describe the Okavango

small plane of the great plains, picturesque

rush of excitement when you see those first

Delta, but one thing is clear:

islands and snaking river channels and the

wild animals.

everyone agrees it’s a wonderland. So

sight of wild animals fanning out from the

what’s the best way to experience and

runway as you descend to the airstrip near

enjoy the amazing Okavango?

your camp. It’s that humbling view that

Game drive

leaves you speechless and staring in wonder

Or perhaps it’s the experience of stepping

Many would agree that the experience

the first time you see it. Or perhaps you’ve

on board that game drive vehicle on a cold

begins as soon as you arrive. It’s that

seen it many times before, but it still affects

winter morning and heading for your first


safari drive. In the Okavango you don’t have to search far to see wild animals. That’s because you are in the wilderness; and, thanks to excellent wilderness management by the Botswana tourism authorities, the Okavango can offer visitors a sense of exclusivity during game drives. There is none of the ‘traffic congestion’ with safari vehicles circling like vultures that you might encounter in some of the tourism hot spots. In fact, humans are pretty scarce in the Okavango Delta. That’s why it remains one of the world’s true undeveloped wildernesses. There’s the chance to experience the most extraordinary sights. It could be a big pride of lions resting and yawning after a long night of hunting; or the sight of a cool and elusive leopard looking almost as if it could be hugged and stroked like a big domestic cat.

Predators There’s the amazing experience of watching predators in action. It can be traumatising to see wild dogs rip open a live antelope and eat chunks of it while the animal still runs for its life until it finally succumbs to its wounds; but it’s an amazing sight to witness. A predator kill is among the top experiences that can easily be achieved in the Okavango Delta. Some believe the best experience of the

listen to the soothing bird calls and admire

It could be those kings of the jungle, the

Okavango Delta is to be found among the

the beautiful water lilies that decorate these

lions, out on a hunt and later having to fan

large bird population that the area contains.

risky pathways.

out the opportunistic and fearless spotted

The delta is a birdwatchers’ paradise, with

hyenas that want a piece of the lions’ kill.

some 600 bird species (of which about 500

Other first-rate adventure experiences

are regularly occurring).

are available in the Okavango Delta, too, including elephant-back safaris and horse

However, many people believe that the


ultimate adventure experience in the Okavango Delta is to glide in a mokoro (small

However, the feeling of just being in the

dugout canoe) through the hippo pathways.

Okavango is an incomparable experience in

It’s the closest you can get to the wilderness.

itself. The surprising luxuries of the five-star

What makes the mokoro trip such a unique

camps in the Okavango Delta, together with

experience is the knowledge that those

the excellent people who work in these

quietly flowing waterways could produce

establishments out in the wilderness, will

a lurking crocodile any minute, even as you

leave many visitors with lasting memories.


Desert & Delta Safaris

Unrivalled choice of luxury safari experiences


esert & Delta Safaris, established in 1982, owns and operates eight luxury lodges in Botswana

Camp Moremi Moremi Game Reserve

and Namibia. Along with personalised

Nestled on the edge of the Xakanaxa

service, these lodges offer a diverse

Lagoon, this camp offers land and water-

safari experience involving spectacular

based activities in an area known for its

encounters with some of nature’s biggest

spectacular game viewing. Custom safari


tents, as well as a new family unit, are set on raised decks.

Camp Okavango Nxaragha Island – Okavango Delta

Camp Xakanaxa Moremi Game Reserve

This beautiful and newly rebuilt camp, with

Chobe Game Lodge Chobe National Park

its elevated walkways and luxury suites,

Camp Xakanaxa is on the banks of the Khwai

offers the best water wilderness experi-

River near Xakanaxa Lagoon. It is one of

Chobe Game Lodge, on

ence of the true Okavango Delta. Explore

the few safari camps to offer an authentic

the banks of the Chobe

the waterways by boat or mokoro and the

year-round land and water safari experience

River, is the only lodge

surrounding islands on foot.

in the Okavango Delta.

within the national park. The lodge has an

Xugana Island Lodge

Savute Safari Lodge

Xugana Lagoon – Okavango Delta

Savute Region – Chobe National Park

all-female team of guides. Guests have an opportunity to explore one of the richest wildlife destinations in Africa on land

A true delta experience on a spectacular

The lodge overlooks the Savute Channel

or water. Award-winning initiatives and

permanent water site. Explore the islands

in an area known as one of the key wildlife

eco-tourism certification include the launch

of the delta on walking safaris, glide quietly

destinations in Africa. The exciting game

of Africa’s first quiet, emission-free electric

across the floodplains in a mokoro or visit

drive activities are complemented by safari

game drive vehicles and boats.

hippo-filled lagoons by boat.

suites with expansive decks.

Leroo La Tau Makgadikgadi Pans National Park Located on the banks of the Boteti River with spectacular views, this is home to the largest animal migration in Botswana (from April to December) and combines perfectly with the Moremi, Okavango and Chobe areas for the ultimate safari experience.

Chobe Savanna Lodge Eastern Caprivi, Namibia Overlooking the flood plains of Chobe National Park’s Puku Flats, the lodge is set in a savanna environment of sweeping vistas on the northern bank of the Chobe River.


IAS Aviation Academy

Flying school offers world-standard training


he IAS Aviation Academy is

IAS has a large fleet of old and new genera-

a wholly citizen-owned pilot

tion aircraft ranging from single-engine

training institution based at Sir

to multi-engine complex aircraft and

Seretse Khama International Airport in

comprising the following types: Cessna 172,


Piper Cherokee 180, Piper Tomahawk, Sling 2, Sling 4, Piper Arrow II and Beechcraft

IAS is approved by the Civil Aviation

Baron 55. The academy also has the coun-

Efforts are being focused on making IAS a

Authority of Botswana, accredited by the

try’s first and only FNPT II simulator.

fully fledged aviation academy with many

Botswana Training Authority and is recognised by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) under its Trainair Plus programme.

more courses in aviation such as aircraft


maintenance, aviation management

Those who run the IAS Aviation Academy

come and experience training in a safety

and cabin crew. Students are invited to

know that Botswana does not exist in a

orientated environment in a beautiful and

IAS is also working towards ISO 9001:2008

bubble, so it trains aspiring pilots with an

friendly country.


emphasis on safety, resilience and discipline to partake in this global need. Piloting is a

For more information contact:

The academy, which opened in late 2013, is

nomadic and challenging career by design

Tel: (+267) 391 0930

the first (and still the only) CAAB-approved

and the academy trains its students with a


pilot training institution in Botswana to offer

view to international participation.

commercial pilot licence training with multiengine, instrument and instructor ratings. In March 2016 it graduated the first 15 pilots to be trained in Botswana. Their tests were conducted by international flight examiners. As a sign of continued progress, IAS will produce an estimated 30 more pilots before the end of 2016.


Chobe Game Lodge

Prime riverside location with unique safaris


et on the banks of the Chobe River,

Guests can explore this amazing

the all-inclusive five-star Chobe

region by boat and in 4x4 game-

Game Lodge is the only permanent

drive vehicles. Mid-morning and

lodge in the magnificent Chobe National

sunset boat cruises in small and

Park. Here, guests have an opportunity

manoeuvrable flat-based skimmers

to explore one of the richest wildlife

are ideal for wildlife photography.

destinations in Africa and enjoy the warm

Game drives in the park are under-

and personable atmosphere for which

taken in 4x4 open safari vehicles.

the lodge is renowned. The newly renovated lodge creates a sense

Total luxury

of grandeur with its elegant Moorish-

Chobe Game Lodge has 42 beautifully

salon and spa, conference facilities and a

inspired architecture, featuring high arches

decorated and spacious river-view rooms, one

fully equipped gym.

and barrel-vault ceilings. The lodge offers

family room and four luxury private suites.

sensational views, with over 200 metres of

The suites come with a private plunge pool, a

deck and boardwalks hugging the river and

large dining terrace and a spacious lounge.

Responsible tourism Chobe Game Lodge has won multiple

national park. It has secluded terraces and bars where guests can relax and take in the

The lodge has a range of dining areas

awards for its world-class ecotourism

sights and sounds of Africa.

including a riverside boma, a main restau-

initiatives. It is the first property in Africa

rant, a boardwalk and a deck as well as

to set about converting its safari vehicles

various private dining locations.

and boats to electric power. The boats are

Chobe is famous for its healthy population

propelled by solar energy and half of the

of predators; the highest concentration of elephant in Africa; and huge herds of buffalo,

Other facilities include high-speed Wi-Fi, a

game-drive vehicles are already converted

sable antelope and other game.

swimming pool, a billiards room, a beauty

to electric power. With emission-free and exceptionally quiet wildlife experiences guided by the only all-female guiding team in Africa, Chobe Game Lodge is setting new standards for the world’s safari industry.


Masa Square Hotel

Luxury accommodation in the capital


asa Square Hotel is a luxury

arrival, high-speed Wi-Fi, an array of African

tourists in Gaborone, and also appeals

business hotel that strives to

teas, coffees and local fruit in your bedroom

to local diners looking for anything

redefine the hospitality experi-

and the reassurance that the 24/7 guest

from a quick bite to a gourmet meal.

ence for travellers in Botswana. Located in

service team is always one button away.

Masa Square Hotel is managed by AHA

the heart of Gaborone’s new CBD, the hotel

Hotels and Lodges. AHA also manages

is designed to ensure guests become fully

With 152 comfortable rooms and 30 apart-

Chobe Marina Lodge, a leading estab-

connected in the city while being able to

ment suites spread over seven floors, as well

lishment located in the Chobe area.

enjoy a little indulgence during their stay.

as a restaurant and café, rooftop swimming pool and events space, Masa Square Hotel

The hotel is situated in one of the two

is committed to establishing luxury in the

iconic Masa Square towers and is uniquely

hospitality sector. The hotel also offers

positioned to raise the standards of service,

clients use of a fully equipped gym at the

cuisine and convenience – a mandate it

renowned Absolut Gaborone, seven flexibly

has lived up to since opening its doors to

designed meeting rooms with multimedia

customers in June 2012.

equipment, and conference facilities accommodating up to 200 people.

Guests can enjoy a number of outstanding features at Masa Square Hotel, including:

Masa Square Hotel has established itself as

arrival concierge, next day’s shirt pressed on

the preferred choice for business and leisure

Charming lodge in an ideal location


Chobe Marina Lodge

hobe Marina Lodge can be found

The charming thatched accommodation

Dining at Chobe Marina

within close proximity to Kasane,

has every modern amenity to offer guests

Lodge is all about good,

Chobe National Park, Victoria Falls,

a relaxing stay. Visitors can choose from

well-presented food and

the Caprivi Strip and the Okavango Delta,

various accommodation options including

excellent service to match.

making it the perfect choice for sight-

standard studios, studio suites, luxury suites

The Commissioners

seers and tourists.

and the ultimate honeymoon suites.

restaurant is an elegant and attractive eatery that allows for intimate

The lodge, which is part of the Aha Group, boasts warm, personal service and a choice of 66 well-designed and comfortable rooms.

Luxury suites

and comfortable dining, while providing

All rooms include a large en-suite bathroom,

carte and table d’hôte menu, created by the

mosquito net, TV with satellite channels,

experienced chef and his team, are available.

air conditioning, in-room safe, hairdryer,

The Mokoros restaurant serves delicious

tea and coffee making facilities, a minibar

English or Continental breakfasts as well as

fridge stocked on request, a telephone and

light lunches and casual meals.

beautiful views across the river. Both an à la

a ceiling fan. The luxury and studio suites also comprise a lounge area, while the

And once you’re full, the pool and riverside

honeymoon suites feature a downstairs area,

bars at Chobe Marina Lodge are perfect for

four-poster beds, an upstairs area with a

watching the sunset while cooling off with a

lounge and a large screen TV.

long, cold drink.



Three ways The Grand Palm takes care of business travellers The bed and boardroom

The voyager lifestyle

The traveller’s wellness

eel at home with first-class

When you choose to do business at The

At The Grand Palm, fitness routines and

accommodation at the luxurious

Grand Palm Hotel Casino and Convention

overall physical wellness need not be

Peermont Walmont hotel, with 188


Resort, hours of long-haul travels, days

neglected because of travelling. The hotel

elegant rooms and suites and amenities

away from home and intense meetings are

offers gym facilities, an Olympic-sized

tailored to the business traveller; while

made easier with intimate dining options

pool, volleyball court and tennis courts

the exclusive 67-room Peermont Mondior

and interesting cuisine experiences. The

surrounded by manicured lawns and the

Gaborone is a hotel perfectly suited

beautifully appointed Beef Baron Grill and

beautiful African bushveld. For guests who

to executive business travellers and

Rib Room specialises in prime Botswana beef

need to de-stress, re-energise and transform

premium leisure travellers.

cuts, while the Bai Sheng restaurant offers

body, mind and soul, the Camelot Spa at The

the finest in Asian cuisine. Mokolwane Bistro

Grand Palm offers a range of spa treatments

The Grand Palm Resort also features the cosy

is a contemporary African chic restaurant

and therapies.

three-star select-service Peermont Metcourt

serving a delectable

Inn, with 149 modern rooms styled for both

international buffet.

convenience and comfort. Peermont also hosts a second three-star, select-service

On a starry night, guests

Peermont Metcourt Francistown, which is

can experience Botswana

an ideal for stopover tourists and overnight

in the natural surroundings

business travellers.

of the Boma or The Fig Tree, an open, thatched pool

The Grand Palm Resort is also home to the

bar serving delicious light

Gaborone International Convention Centre

meals and cocktails. The

(GICC), which offers world-class conference

Kalahari Bar is the favoured

and banqueting facilities for up to 1,800

rendezvous for groups to

delegates, high-speed internet services and

relax and catch up on the

a business centre.

day’s activities.


Vivo Energy Botswana

Vivo Energy donates to conservation sector


n Vivo Energy Botswana’s ongoing

with conservation partners such as the

and fund-raising. He said the funding of

effort to contribute to the conserva-

Department of Wildlife, the Tshole Trust and

this project to the amount of BWP 30,000

tion of the environment, a portion of

the Botswana Conservation Society.

“could not go unnoticed”. Vivo Energy’s

proceeds from the sale of its Shell maps

instant endeavours and cooperation were

and Shell books has been donated by the

Vivo Energy has many partnerships with

highly noticeable in this game reserve and

company to the Department of Wildlife in

the tourism sector and is establishing

the region at large, said Mr Blackbeard. “We

Maun. The Shell maps and books document

a conservation fund to continue to aid

are very pleased with Vivo’s profound and

various areas of conservation, and the

various organisations such as the Kalahari

prompt response,” he said. He praised the

company aims to help build facilities in

Conservation Society and Birdlife Botswana,

company’s “outstanding aspirations” within

Moremi National Park with the proceeds.

which conserve the land that sustains many

the sustainable environmental education

varieties of life.

enterprise and in tourism as a whole.


Vivo Energy has partnered up with a number

maps and books have been created to give

The company’s collaborative efforts go a

and each year it takes part in various

Vivo Energy Botswana is committed to upholding and promoting environmental protection and sustainability. The Shell

of conservation organisations in Botswana

tourists, both local and international, infor-

long way in providing for and conserving

campaigns. Vivo Energy is also the secretary

mation about and directions to all of

the environment we live in. The Regional

of the Tshole Trust Board, highlighting the

Botswana’s major tourist and conservation

Director of Wildlife in Maun, Timothy

commitment of Vivo Energy to keeping the

areas. Vivo Energy Botswana works closely

Blackbeard, applauded Vivo Energy’s efforts

environment green.



Independent airline offers key South Africa links


A Airlink Ltd, a privately owned

than 1 million passengers on some

carrier based in Johannesburg,

35,000 flights.

has created South Africa’s first

feeder network, linking smaller towns,

The company operates a fleet of Jetstream

Kasane is close to Africa’s Four Corners,

regional centres and hubs throughout

41 aircraft, Embraer ERJ-135 jet aircraft and

where four countries almost meet:

South Africa.

BAe RJ85 aircraft.

Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The town lies on the south bank of the


Chobe River, which forms the border with

Botswana it operates daily flights from

The opening of its Kasane service in 2013

Nearby, a second border post serves the

Johannesburg to Maun, Kasane and

was seen as a significant milestone for

road into Zimbabwe, which runs 70 km east


the region’s tourism industry. As well as

to Victoria Falls.

The airline operates to 35 destinations in nine African countries; and in the case of

the extreme tip of Namibia’s Caprivi Strip.

complementing the services of the national Airlink is believed to be the largest

carrier, Air Botswana, this new Airlink service

The African safari experience is marketed

independent regional airline in southern

opened up additional source markets to

globally. Botswana, Chobe and Zimbabwe

Africa, linking more passengers to smaller

the internationally renowned destination of

feature a unique game-viewing experience.

towns, cities and regional centres than any

Chobe. The airline uses one of its fleet of 12

other local airline. Each year it carries more

ERJ-135 regional jets on its Kasane service.

Growth Airlink believes that its global connectivity and wide marketing reach will contribute to growth. The company looks forward to playing a role in the expansion of this market, which it believes will benefit all stakeholders in the tourism sector. Airlink has an alliance with South African Airways (SAA), allowing passengers to enjoy convenient connections with SAA, its Star Alliance Partner airlines and other carriers throughout southern Africa and the world.


Gaborone Electronics

Industry leader in laundry and catering


aborone Electronics, trading

The company has established its presence in

Among the brands it

as GE Laundry & Catering, is a

the Botswana market as one of the leading

represents are Speed

specialised contracting company

suppliers of industrial laundry and catering

Queen, Girbau, Ipso,


Unimac, Capdan,

established in 1993 that provides stateof-the-art solutions in various fields.

Hallde, Cambro, BCE, Gaborone Electronics is the sole authorised

Anvil, Scotsman,

agent since 1998 for LEAD Laundry &

Fuel Gas, Just Refrigeration, Franke, ZIP,

Catering (Pty) Ltd, one of the largest laundry

SinkMaster, MacAdams, Vulcan Catering,

and catering equipment importers in the

Ventpro, Fagor, Tullis and Ansul.

southern hemisphere. The company’s services include the supply and

Industry leader

maintenance of laundry equipment, catering

As the industry leader in Botswana,

freezer rooms, butchery equipment, bakery

the company has been appointed as

equipment, kitchen smalls, cutlery and crockery.

equipment, refrigeration equipment, cold/

an authorised distributor and warranty centre by various brands in the laundry,

In addition, the company also provides its

catering, refrigeration, bakery and butchery

clients with CAD designs and Turnkey Site



Spacious modern hotel offers a smile of welcome


ocated in Mogoditshane, about 7

Accommodation consists of standard

km from Gaborone, the Sunbeam

single rooms with double bed and

Hotel is a wholly owned citizen

minibar; classical king/executive rooms

resort enterprise.

Sunbeam Hotel

with king-sized bed and minibar; classical standard suite with double

Between 2004 and 2008 the property

bed and minibar; and sharing deluxe

underwent a transformation, physically and

rooms with two single beds. Individual

administratively, from a commercial guest

rooms come with telephone, TV, free

house into the present-day luxurious ‘tower

wireless internet access, electronic

viewer’ housed in a three-storey building

locked doors, electronic cash safes,

with an upstairs bar and balcony.

minibars, coffee tables, individual bathrooms and refreshment trays.

Friendly staff Known as ‘The place of smile’ in acknowl-

Guest amenities include the Snag Restaurant and on-site bar.

edgment of its friendly staff, the Sunbeam Hotel has 23 modern air conditioned rooms

The hotel offers a range of conference

hire as well as an outside catering team

plus a spacious reception room, a terrace

facilities including a conference package,

who can provide morning tea, full English

balcony and a restaurant.

conference hire, projector hire and balcony

breakfast, lunch, dinner and afternoon tea.


Top-notch camping in four prime locations


SKL Camps

he SKL group operates four camps

Khwai (North Gate), just outside the

with four different experiences,

Moremi Game Reserve, offers 10

allowing its guests to enjoy some

self-sufficient campsites, each with

of the best camping Botswana has to offer.

a direct water supply and cooking area. The flood plains of the Khwai

Each of the four main camp areas is within a

River are home to a wide variety of

major game reserve.

animals and birds.

Savuti, on the Savuti Channel in the Chobe

Linyanti, in Chobe National Park,

National Park, offers excellent game activi-

is known for healthy populations

ties and an abundance of birdlife and wildlife

of predators, particularly lion and

including elephants and honey badgers.

hyena. There are five campsites with clean

resident population of rhino. There are nine

and modern facilities.


Great migration

Each SKL campsite has its own water stand

a fireplace

Kumaga, in Makgadikgadi National Park, is

camp areas has an ablution block with solar

and a water

known for its great migration of wildebeest

lights, hot and cold running showers and


and zebra. It also has flamingos and a

flushing toilets.

Savuti has 14 campsites, each with a braai stand,

pipe and braai area, while each of the four

Efficient booking and wide range of vehicles



vis Botswana is the only car

offices conveniently located at the airports

customers to choose the car or other vehicle

rental company represented

in Francistown, Maun and Kasane in order to

that best suits their needs. There is something

throughout Botswana, where

accommodate clients as they arrive.

to suit everyone, with vehicles ranging from

Avis has been operating since 1974. The company has its head office is in the commercial centre of Gaborone, with other

economical five-door hatchbacks to luxury


saloons. For the leisure traveller, the range

Bookings and reservations are made simple

vehicles. The 4x4 vehicles are equipped with

with a fast and easy-to-use online booking

long-range fuel tanks. All vehicles are well

system. For instant confirmations and

maintained and regularly serviced.

includes multi-seat minibuses as well as 4x4

bookings, Avis Botswana is connected to the international Avis Wizard computer network,

The comprehensive Avis one-way rental

which gives the company a significant

system means that vehicles can be dropped

technological edge on its competitors.

off in South Africa or Windhoek in Namibia

Alternatively, customers can call a branch and

for an arranged fee.

speak to a team member, who can answer any questions and offer helpful travel advice.

Avis is ideally positioned to cater for all sectors of the travel market and has the

The Avis fleet comprises a variety of

infrastructure to provide the best possible

late-model passenger vehicles, allowing

service to clients.


Maun Lodge

Riverside location with major conference facilities


aun Lodge is on the doorstep

The hotel has 140 rooms to cater for both

access are avail-

of the Okavango Delta on the

tourists and business people. There are

able. There are

banks of the Thamalakane

five different styles of accommodation:

various confer-

River, only 2.5 km from Maun town centre

riverfront rooms (featuring two presidential

ence packages

and 4 km from the airport.

rooms), executive suites, executive rooms,

that include

standard rooms and chalets. All rooms are air


conditioned with en-suite bathroom, tea and

and catering.

coffee facilities, satellite TV and Wi-Fi. The Boma, with


its thatched roof, provides the perfect mix

Maun Lodge has one of the largest confer-

ranges from local dishes to light snacks

ence facilities in Ngamiland with seating for

and international favourites. Buffets and

500 delegates. There is also a restaurant and

carveries are a speciality.

of indoor and outdoor dining. The menu

bar for private dining events. Conference facilities include an overhead projector, a

The Riverview Bar, with fine views of the

multimedia projector, large pull-out screens,

Thamalakane River, is an ideal place to

flip charts, a television with DVD player and

unwind. Live music is regularly provided by a

a PA system. Secretarial services and internet

local musician.

Reliable charter flights in Botswana and beyond


Mack Air

he fixed-wing charter company

Operating from Maun International Airport,

are throughout Botswana and neigh-

Mack Air has been providing

its services include:

bouring countries, reaching as far as

reliable air services in northern

Botswana for over 20 years.

Johannesburg, Victoria Falls, Vilanculos • Game lodge and camp transfers for tourists

and Windhoek.

• Private and business charter


• Scenic flights over the Okavango Delta

Mack Air was established in 1994 by Stuart and Lara Mackay, both of whom had worked

• Supply runs to and from game lodges.

in the Okavango for a number of years before setting up the company. The opera-

Mack Air operates 19 aircraft and employs more

tion began with just one Cessna 206. By 1998

than 50 people. Its versatile fleet allows the

there was a small team of pilots undertaking

company to schedule the appropriate aircraft

daily flights.

type for the requirements of each customer. Over the years, Mack Air has built a reputaThe company is based in Maun, gateway to

tion for reliable, efficient and personable

the Okavango Delta, and its destinations

service with an emphasis on safety.


Air Botswana

National airline plays its part in economic growth


ir Botswana is the country’s state-

Gaborone with Kasane, the entry point to

Passengers arriving in Johannesburg on

owned national flag carrier, with

Chobe National Park, bordering Namibia.

long-haul flights can easily transfer to Air

its head office in Gaborone. The

The airline further serves the key regional

Botswana for onward daily direct flights to

airline operates scheduled domestic and

destinations of Johannesburg, Cape Town,

Maun, Botswana’s premier tourism destination.

regional flights from its main base at Sir

Harare and Lusaka.

They can also connect to Gaborone with a

Seretse Khama International Airport to

wide choice of flights each day. Air Botswana


provides direct jet services several times a

its responsibility towards the nation and

Air Botswana’s schedule pays close atten-

an easy connection to and from Kasane as well.

the facilitation of economic growth. As a

tion to the needs of business travellers and

The airline also offers a range of competitive air

result, the airline has put in place conven-

is designed to fully support the tourism

fares throughout its route network.

ient connections linking Africa’s business

industry. Paramount to this support is

and tourism centres.

the airline’s relentless focus on schedule

All these destinations are served by a fleet of

integrity. Air Botswana has worked hard

aircraft that includes one ATR 72-500, three

Domestically, Air Botswana provides daily

to achieve a consistently high On-Time-

ATR 42-500 and one leased Bombardier CRJ.

links from Gaborone to Francistown, the

Performance (OTP) record of over 90 per

Air Botswana is committed to providing

nation’s second city, as well as daily flights

cent, above the industry average, which

world-class services to travellers looking

to Maun, the gateway to the world-famous

the airline has continued to achieve so far

to experience Botswana’s outstanding and

Okavango Delta. The airline also connects

in 2016.

unique natural attractions.

destinations across southern Africa. As the national carrier, Air Botswana is mindful of


week between Cape Town and Gaborone, with

a Cu


Kalomo mo






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National Parks Forest Reserves


Members Index Haina Kalahari Lodge......................................................... 41 Helicopter Horizons............................................................63

Hospitality & Tourism Association of Botswana &Beyond Explorer Expeditions......................................52 &Beyond Nxabega Okavango Tented Camp....................................................................38 &Beyond Sandibe Okavango Safari Lodge......................................................................38 &Beyond Xaranna Okavango Delta Camp.......................................................................38 &Beyond Xudum Okavango Delta Lodge...................................................................................38

A Abu Camp...............................................................................38 Africa Under Canvas............................................................52 Africa Voyages.......................................................................52 African Bush Camps ...........................................................52 African Excursions................................................................52 African Horseback Safaris.................................................52 Afro Trek................................................................................... 53 Air Botswana..........................................................................63 Air Shakawe............................................................................63 Airlink........................................................................................63 Airport Hotel..........................................................................48 AON Botswana......................................................................60 Armando Travel and Tours ..............................................58 Audi Camp..............................................................................38 Avani Gaborone Hotel.......................................................48 Avis Botswana........................................................................60

B Belmond Eagle Island Camp ..........................................38 Belmond Khwai River Lodge ..........................................38 Belmond Safaris ................................................................... 53 Belmond Savute Elephant Camp .................................38 Bonazazi Border Lodge.....................................................38 Botswana Development Corporation.......................................................................60 Botswana Footprints..........................................................58 Botswana Wildlife Management Association........................................................................ 51 Bush Ridge.............................................................................. 53 Bush Ways Safaris................................................................. 53 Bushlife Safaris...................................................................... 53 Bushtracks Safaris................................................................ 53

C Camel’s Inn Lodge...............................................................39 Camp Kalahari ......................................................................39 Camp Linyati .........................................................................39 Camp Moremi........................................................................39 Camp Okavango...................................................................39 Camp Savuti ..........................................................................39 Camp Xakanaxa....................................................................39 Capricorn Safaris................................................................... 53 Capture Africa........................................................................ 53 Centenary Travel and Tours ............................................58 Chitabe Camp & Chitable Lediba..................................39


Chobe Elephant Camp.......................................................40 Chobe Game Lodge............................................................40 Chobe Marina Lodge..........................................................40 Chobe Safari Lodge.............................................................40 Cloudseed Botswana..........................................................60 Cresta Bosele Hotel.............................................................48 Cresta Botsalo Hotel...........................................................48 Cresta Jwaneng Hotel........................................................48 Cresta Lodge..........................................................................48 Cresta Mahalapye.................................................................48 Cresta Marang Gardens.....................................................48 Cresta Mowana Safari Resort & Spa.............................48 Cresta President Hotel.......................................................48 Cresta Riley’s Hotel..............................................................49 Cresta Thapama Hotel.......................................................49 Crombic Safaris .................................................................... 53

D Deception Valley Lodge....................................................40 Delta Rain................................................................................ 53 Delta Sure Safaris.................................................................54 Desert & Delta Safaris.........................................................54 Destination South................................................................ 51 Dreams Safaris.......................................................................54 Drifters Adventure Tours...................................................54 Drumbeat Safaris..................................................................54 Duba Expedition Camp.....................................................40 Duma Tau Camp...................................................................40 Dwayne Tours and Safaris ...............................................58

E Earth Ark Safaris....................................................................54 Easy Escape Travel & Tours...............................................58 Edo’s Camp.............................................................................40 Elephant Trails Safari...........................................................54 Endeavour Safaris.................................................................54 Ethiopian Airlines ................................................................63 Executive Catering...............................................................64

F Fairground Holdings...........................................................60 Flight Connect ......................................................................58 Flying Mission Services......................................................63

G Gaborone Electronics.........................................................60 Game Trails..............................................................................54 Get Up & Go Safaris.............................................................54 Getaway Tours & Safaris....................................................58 Ghoha Hills Savuti Lodge..................................................40 Golden Africa.........................................................................58 Gunn’s Camp..........................................................................40 Gweta Lodge.......................................................................... 41


I IAS Aviation Academy .......................................................60 Imperial Car Rental..............................................................60 Indaba Lodge.........................................................................49 Island Mobile Safaris .......................................................... 55 Island Safari Lodge.............................................................. 41

J Jacana Camp.......................................................................... 41 Jack’s Camp............................................................................ 41 Jao Camp................................................................................. 41 John Chase Safaris............................................................... 55 Jump Street Chalets............................................................ 41

K Kagisong Hotel & Conference Centre..........................49 Kalahari Air Services............................................................63 Kalahari Tours........................................................................ 55 Kalahari Plains Camp.......................................................... 42 Kalahari Skies......................................................................... 55 Kanana Camp......................................................................... 41 Karibu Safaris......................................................................... 55 Kazuma Trails......................................................................... 55 Ker & Downey........................................................................ 41 Kessa’s Chalets ...................................................................... 42 Kgori Safaris ........................................................................... 55 Khuduga Botswana.............................................................58 Kings Pool Camp.................................................................. 42 Kitso Safaris............................................................................. 55 Kubu Lodge............................................................................ 42 Kwa Nokeng Lodge............................................................. 42 Kwalape Safari Lodge.........................................................43 Kwara Camp...........................................................................43 Kwetsani Camp.....................................................................43

L Lagoon Camp........................................................................43 Landscape Solutions..........................................................60 Lape Lodge.............................................................................49 Lebala Camp..........................................................................43 Leroo La Tau...........................................................................43 Letaka Safaris......................................................................... 55 Letsgeo .................................................................................... 61 Lewis Safaris........................................................................... 55 Liquid Giraffe ........................................................................ 59 Little Kwara.............................................................................43 Little Vumbura Camp.........................................................43 Local Enterprise Authority .............................................. 61

M Mack Air....................................................................................63 Majestic Five Hotel .............................................................49 Major Blue Air........................................................................63 Mambo Travel and Tours .................................................. 59 Mankwe Bush Lodge..........................................................43 Masa Square Hotel...............................................................49 Mashatu Lodge.....................................................................43

Masson Safaris.......................................................................56 Maun Lodge...........................................................................49 Mogotlho Safari Lodge......................................................44 Mokolodi Wildlife Foundation........................................ 51 Mombo & Little Mombo Camps....................................44 Mopiri Camp .........................................................................44 Moremi Air Safaris................................................................64 Motheo Apartments...........................................................50 Mothernations Travel & Tours......................................... 59 Motor Vehicle Accident Fund.......................................... 61 MRI Botswana........................................................................ 61 Muchenje Safari Lodge......................................................44

Savute Safari Lodge ...........................................................45 Savuti Camp...........................................................................46 Seba Camp..............................................................................46 Sedia Riverside Hotel..........................................................50 Selinda Camp.........................................................................46 Shinde Camp..........................................................................46 SKL Group................................................................................56 Somarelang Tikologo......................................................... 51 Southern Cross Safaris ......................................................57 Sunbeam Hotel.....................................................................50 Sunrise Travel & Tours......................................................... 59 Swampland Safari Trails.....................................................57



Nata Lodge.............................................................................44 Ngamiland Adventure Safaris......................................... 59 Nxai Pan...................................................................................44 Nxamaseri Island Lodge....................................................44

Tati River Lodge.................................................................... 47 Tau Pan Lodge....................................................................... 47 Thamalakane River Lodge................................................ 47 The Booking Company...................................................... 59 The Botswana Society ....................................................... 51 The Fitzwilliam Partnership.............................................62 Thebe River Safaris..............................................................57 Tholo Camp............................................................................ 47 Tholo Safaris...........................................................................57 Town Lodge Gaborone...................................................... 51 Transjoe Travel ...................................................................... 59 Travelodge.............................................................................. 51

O Oasis Motel.............................................................................50 Okavango Air Rescue.........................................................64 Okavango Horse Safaris....................................................56 Okuti Camp.............................................................................44

P Pangolin Photo Safari......................................................... 61 Peermont Metcourt Inn.....................................................50 Peermont Metcourt Lodge..............................................50 Peermont Mondior Summit............................................50 Peermont Walmont Hotel................................................50 Pelo Camp...............................................................................44 Penduka Safaris.....................................................................56 Phakalane Golf Estate Hotel Resort..............................50 Phokoje Bush Lodge...........................................................44 Planet Baobab.......................................................................45 Planet Okavango..................................................................56 Planet Wilderness Safaris..................................................56 Pom Pom Camp....................................................................45 Pony Transport...................................................................... 61 Pride of Africa Safaris..........................................................56 Puku Safaris............................................................................ 59

R Regent Select Hotel ...........................................................50 Roger Dugmore Safaris.....................................................56 Royal Tree Lodge..................................................................45

S Safari & Guide Services......................................................56 Safari Air...................................................................................64 Safari Destinations............................................................... 59 Safari Life Africa....................................................................56 Safari Specialists .................................................................. 59 San Camp................................................................................45 Sanctuary Baines’ Camp....................................................45 Sanctuary Chief’s Camp....................................................45 Sanctuary Chobe Chilwero..............................................45 Sanctuary Stanley’s Camp................................................45 Sango Safari Camp..............................................................45 SATIB Africa Botswana.......................................................62

Tubu Tree & Little Tubu Camps...................................... 47 Tuli Safari Lodge................................................................... 47

U Ulinda Safari Trails................................................................57 Uncharted Africa .................................................................57 Unlimited Tours & Safaris..................................................57

V Veld Ventures Safaris .........................................................57 Vincent Excellent Tours ....................................................62 Vivo Energy ............................................................................62 Vumbura Plains Camp........................................................ 47

W Wilderness Air........................................................................64 Wilderness Dawning...........................................................57 Wilderness Safaris Explorations.....................................57

X Xigera Camp........................................................................... 47 Xugana Island Lodge.......................................................... 47

Z Zarafa Camp........................................................................... 47

Listings Index Sector


Camps & Lodges


Hotel Sector


Conservation & Wildlife Management


Mobile Sector


Tour Operators




Air Charter & Airline Sector


Star Grading System In general, grades awarded and supplied by the Botswana Tourism Organisation. The Botswana Star Grading System is used to differentiate the various quality levels of establishments, it provides judgements on the amenities, facilities and services of particular properties in a way that enables travellers to choose the quality of accommodation they want. The system applies objectivity obtained from the grading standards and subjectivity obtained from the grading criteria.


Camps & Lodges &Beyond Nxabega Okavango Tented Camp

&Beyond Sandibe Okavango Safari Lodge

Private Bag 34, Maun Tel: +267 686 1979 • Fax: +267 686 1972 Email: •

Private Bag 34, Maun Tel: +267 686 1979 • Fax: +267 686 1972 Email: •

&Beyond is one of the world’s leading experiential travel companies, designing personalised luxury tours in a number of countries. The company also owns and operates 35 extraordinary safari lodges and camps in Africa and India. Nxabega Okavango Tented Camp is ideally positioned to explore the magnificence of the Okavango Delta. Merging the simplicity of canvas with the utmost elegance, nine tented suites create an experience that is rugged yet luxurious, blending the remoteness of the breathtaking setting with utter comfort and style.

&Beyond is one of the world’s leading luxury travel companies, designing personalised tours in various countries. The company owns and operates 35 extraordinary safari lodges and camps in Africa and India. Sandibe Okavango Safari Lodge features breathtaking architecture, a modern style that blends perfectly with the environment and 12 elegantly elevated suites that feature magnificent Delta views as well as private plunge pools and cosy fireplaces. The kitchen creates delicious meals, while a massage parlour offers a selection of massages. The lodge is situated in a private wildlife concession next to the Moremi Game Reserve and offers exceptional game viewing.

&Beyond Xaranna Okavango Delta Camp

&Beyond Xudum Okavango Delta Lodge

Private Bag 34, Maun Tel: +267 686 1979 • Fax: +267 686 1972 Email: •

Private Bag 34, Maun Tel: +267 686 1979 • Fax: +267 686 1972 Email: •

&Beyond is one of the world’s leading experiential travel companies, designing personalised luxury tours in a number of countries. The company also owns and operates 35 extraordinary safari lodges and camps in Africa and India. Xaranna Okavango Delta Camp enjoys its own delta island within a 25,000 hectare wildlife concession. Xaranna is a camp with nine en-suite safari tents. All with sweeping views across the channels. Each tent has a sala, plunge pool, indoor and alfresco shower. The dining area features shady verandas leading out to a boma, where candlelit dinners are served. Guests experience walking safaris, game drives and mokoro excursions.

Xudum Okavango Delta Lodge lies within an exclusive 25,000 hectare wildlife concession. There are nine split-level safari suites featuring large bathtubs and an alfresco shower, a plunge pool and a rooftop look-out with magnificent Delta views. The guest areas have panoramic views of the surrounding wilderness from decks, while the signature &Beyond interactive kitchen bustles with activity.

Abu Camp

Audi Camp

Private Bag 14, Maun Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email:

PO Box 21439, Maun Tel: +267 686 0599 • Fax: +267 686 5388 Email:

Abu Camp provides guests with the opportunity to interact with African elephants, be part of an elephant herd and begin to understand the lifestyle of this largest of land mammals. Set in a riverine forest, Abu Camp consists of six unique en-suite tents, each with its own deck overlooking the lagoon. The camp comprises a lounge and dining tent, a well stocked library and a study. There is also a gym for those feeling energetic. Sundowners around a traditional campfire are followed by five-star meals complemented by a selection of award-winning wines.

Audi Camp is located 12 km north of Maun on the road to the Moremi Game Reserve. It is situated on the banks of the Thamalakane River, the southernmost tributary of the Okavango Delta. Accommodation is in en-suite tents on raised wooden decking overlooking the river. There are also many shaded camping areas, some with power points. A range of activities can be organised including mokoro tours to the Okavango and catered vehicle safaris to Moremi Game Reserve, Chobe National Park, Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Nxai Pan, Makgadikgadi National Park, Tsodilo Hills and other destinations in Botswana.

Belmond Eagle Island Lodge

Belmond Khwai River Lodge

PO Box 100, Maun Tel: +267 686 0302 Fax: +267 686 0153 Email:

PO Box 100, Maun Tel: +267 686 0302 • Fax: +267 686 0153 Email: •

Belmond Eagle Island Lodge has reopened, unveiling a sleek new look after an almost total rebuild. Highlights include oversized beds with Delta views, outdoor decks, private plunge pools, outdoor showers and walk-in wardrobes. The lodge offers motorboat safaris, barge cruises, mekoro safaris (a local canoe), fishing, and air safaris by helicopter.

Belmond Savute Elephant Camp PO Box 100, Maun Tel: +267 686 0302 • Fax: +267 686 0153 Email address:

Found in the Savute region of Chobe National Park, the camp is a spectacular base from which to explore the area. The lodge is a 50-minute flight by light aircraft from Maun and has an open-air boma where guests can enjoy a traditional dining experience. All tents, public areas and the swimming pool overlook the nearby Savute Channel. Game viewing activities include morning and afternoon game drives in open safari vehicles. The 12 luxury en-suite tents with viewing decks have comfortable outdoor loungers, dressing rooms, air conditioning and outdoor showers.


An exceptional location on the edge of the Khwai River floodplains in the Moremi Wildlife Reserve makes Khwai a regular host to elephant, buffalo, lion, leopard, cheetah and wild dogs. The lodge is a 25-minute flight from Maun and has a hide overlooking the floodplains, a swimming pool, a private spa and a gym. Activities include game drives in open safari vehicles and guided safari walks. The 14 luxury en-suite tents and one suite are all raised on platforms, offering fine views, and each tent has a minibar, air conditioning and a four-poster bed with mosquito netting.

Bonazazi Border Lodge PO Box 53, Kasan Tel: +267 625 2999 Fax: +267 625 2999

Bonazazi Border Lodge is owned and run locally, making it a home away from home. The lodge prides itself on offering a very personalised and exclusive African experience in the Chobe area. The name Bonzazi is derived from the location of the lodge by the border of four southern African countries, namely: Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The rooms are equipped with first-rate amenities to ensure that guests enjoy their time without any inconvenience.

Camps & Lodges Camel’s Inn Lodge PO Box 1176, Mogoditshane Tel: +267 316 7005 Fax: +267 318 4274 Email:

Camel’s Inn Lodge has the utmost classic African design. The magnificent traditionally thatched lodge, uniquely built on alluring flat rock scenery, is perfectly situated 10 km away from Gaborone in a village called Mmopane. It is a wholly citizen-owned company which commenced in 2004 as restaurant but has since grown to become a two star lodge.

Camp Kalahari PO Box 173, Francistown Tel: +267 241 2277 • Fax +267 241 3458 Email:

Camp Kalahari nestles among the acacias and Mokolwane palms of Brown Hyaena Island on the edge of the Makgadikgadi Salt Pans. This is a relaxed, family-friendly camp, ideal for those seeking adventure without sacrificing comfort or style. The camp is an eclectic mix of original African furniture and textiles paired with campaign-style furniture and colonial antiques. All 11 traditional safari tents are en-suite and fitted out with rich textiles, Moroccan kilims and four-poster beds. Guests can interact with remarkably friendly habituated meerkats, walk with bushmen buides and go on game drives to experience unique desert wildlife as well as birding and night drives.

Camp Linyati

Camp Moremi

PO Box 1860, Maun Tel: +267 686 5365 Fax: +267 686 5367 Email:

PO Box 310, Maun Tel: +267 686 1243 Fax: +267 686 1791 Email:

Nestled in an uncrowded corner of Chobe National Park lies the small and exclusive Camp Linyati. Built along the Caprivi River, the camp has five meru tents each offering a magnificent view of the surroundings. The rustic en-suite tents – including one tent that is romantically kitted out for a honeymoon couple – create the perfect camp for visitors who prefer privacy. Game often grazes happily around the camp, allowing guests to view animals up close. Activities available include game drives and boat cruises.

Camp Moremi consists of 11 tents and one family room with an en-suite bathroom comprising a shower, vanity and toilet, plus a second bathroom with shower, vanity and toilet. Guests of Moremi can enjoy the luxurious seclusion of East African-style safari tents, each set on a raised teak deck and featuring an en-suite bathroom. Accommodating a maximum of 24 guests, Camp Moremi ensures exclusivity and privacy in a tranquil environment.

Camp Okavango

Camp Savuti

PO Box 310, Maun Tel: +267 686 1243 Fax: +267 686 1791 Email:

PO Box 1860, Maun Tel: +267 686 5365 Fax: +267 686 5367 Email:

Camp Okavango accommodates just 24 guests. The camp comprises 11 intimate safari suites and one family suite, consisting of two bedrooms each with an en-suite bathroom. Every suite has been built on individual raised wooden platforms, set beneath the thick Okavango Delta vegetation. The en-suite bathrooms have double vanities, double shower and a separate water closet. The stack-away sliding doors open onto a private open-air viewing deck.

Camp Savuti epitomises the Botswana safari experience. From abundant game viewing to authentic tented accommodation, this is the traditional way to spend time in one of Africa’s most superb wildlife regions. Located along the Savuti Channel, Camp Savuti is a small, intimate camp comprising five meru tents built on silts and facing the river channel. The camp features a bar, main lounge, eating area, air con, an en-suite bathroom in each unit, an outdoor shower and a private balcony. Guests can also go on game drives.

Camp Xakanaxa

Chitabe Camp & Chitabe Lediba Camps

PO Box 310, Maun Tel: +267 686 1243 Fax: +267 686 1791 Email:

The camp accommodates 24 guests in 12 spacious canvas, classic Meru-style tents. Each luxury safari tent comes with an en-suite shower, hand basin and toilet facilities. Situated around the fringe of the lagoon, all 12 tents have a private viewing deck with comfortable loungers and excellent views. Camp Xakanaxa is one of the few camps in Botswana which still offers the essence of a classic tented camp.

Private Bag 14, Maun • Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email: •

Chitabe and Chitabe Lediba are situated in the south-east of the Okavango Delta. Chitabe Camp consists of eight spacious en-suite rooms built on elevated wooden decks. The central part of camp includes a thatched dining area and lounge, while the pool provides a cool sanctuary. Chitabe Lediba comprises five canvas tented rooms (including two family), built on raised decks with luxurious interiors and en-suite bathrooms. A dining area, lounge and pool all have glorious views over the surrounding floodplains. Activities include day and night game drives in open 4x4 vehicles, nature walks (depending on guide availability) and birding through an array of habitats. Owing to its location on the periphery of the delta, Chitabe offers exciting year-round game viewing.


Camps & Lodges Chobe Elephant Camp

Chobe Game Lodge

Private Bag 342, Maun Tel: +267 686 3763 • Fax: +267 680 0937 Email: •

PO Box 32, Kasane Tel: +267 625 0340 • Fax: +267 625 0280 Email:

Situated on a rocky ridge overlooking the Chobe River Floodplains, the camp allows guests to explore the wild surroundings and provides a stunning viewpoint onto one of Botswana’s prime destinations. Entirely built from red Kalahari sands, this eco-friendly lodge can accommodate up to 24 guests in 10 twin/double chalets and one family unit. All rooms are en-suite with both indoor and outdoor showers and have private verandas. The lodge also boasts a large open-plan main area featuring cosy couches, bar, dining area and reading corner, as well as a swimming pool with viewing deck onto a private water hole. A variety of activities include viewing the spectacular wildlife from safari vehicles or by boat on the Chobe River, as well as excursions to the nearby village. This newly developed lodge offers a wide range of experiences to its guests.

Situated 100 km west of Victoria Falls overlooking the Chobe River and the Caprivi floodplains, the iconic Chobe Game Lodge is the only permanent safari lodge within Chobe National Park. The lodge accommodates up to 94 guests. Every room is river-facing with en-suite bathrooms. In addition, there are four exclusive suites with their own plunge pools and separate lounges. Other facilities include a conference room seating up to 90 people, broadband internet, a cigar bar overlooking the river, a swimming pool and a riverside boma. Game drives, game viewing by boat, sunset cruises and after-dinner stargazing are offered. Chobe Game Lodge is the first loge to be awarded full eco grading.

Chobe Marina Lodge

Chobe Safari Lodge

Plot 21306, President Drive, Kasane Tel: +267 625 2221 • Fax: +267 625 2224 Email:

PO Box 10, Kasane Tel: +267 625 0336 • Fax: +267 625 0437 Email:

Chobe Marina Lodge is surrounded by natural beauty: the Chobe River, Chobe National Park, Kasane Forest Reserve, the Caprivi Strip and the Zambezi River are all close to the lodge. Accommodation at Chobe Marina Lodge consists of 66 air conditioned rooms, each with TV, minibar and daily housekeeping. A variety of luxurious rooms is available including standard suites, studio suites, luxury suites and honeymoon suites. Chobe National Park is just 10 minutes from Chobe Marina Lodge. Alternatively there are river boat cruises to the park. Other activities include a sightseeing cruise to Sedudu island, fishing and birdwatching. The lodge features a swimming pool and the Commissioners à la carte restaurant. It also has a conference venue and conference equipment.

Chobe Safari Lodge is located on the doorstep of Chobe National Park and offers luxury accommodation, camping facilities, river boat cruises, game drives and fishing trips. It is 3 km from Kasane International Airport and 80 km from Victoria Falls. Accommodation consists of luxurious twin-bed river rooms, individually decorated safari rooms, thatched rondavels and the Chobe Safari Lodge campsite. Other activities and facilities include fishing, Victoria Falls day trips, swimming pool, beauty salon, internet café, river bar, restaurant and airport transfers. The Sedudu Sunset Bar overlooks Sedudu Island and is a perfect venue from which to view the magnificent African sunset while enjoying the sights and sounds of nature.

Deception Valley Lodge

Duba Expedition Camp

Private Bag 114, Maun Email:

Great Plains Conservation Tel: +267 6864 001 • +267 6864 043 Email:

Discover an oasis in central Kalahari. This is Deception Valley Lodge, where guests can relax in total luxury. The main complex has a dining room, lounge and bar area. From the deck, guests can view activities at the nearby waterhole. A swimming pool, curio shop and small library also form part of the complex. Accommodation consists of eight private units, each consisting of a twin-bedroom, lounge and Victorian-style bathroom with an outside shower. Each unit has a deck with views over the Kalahari bush. Activities include game drives in an open four-wheel-drive vehicle or on foot with San guides.

In the remotest reaches of the Okavango Delta lies Duba Plains. One of the delta’s most remote camps, Duba Plains is on the Kwedi Reserve, a tree-filled island in a private 30,000 hectare concession famed for lion prides and buffalo herds. Accommodation is made up of six tents with solar powered in-room showers, outside showers and a veranda overlooking the floodplain. The thatch-roofed lounge, dining room and bar areas are raised on platforms and all provide a beautiful view. There is a variety of activities available including day and night game drives and boating, especially adapted for photographers.

Duma Tau Camp

Edo’s Camp

Private Bag 14, Maun Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email:

PO Box 110, Ghanzi Tel: +267 7212 0399 Email:

Rebuilt in 2012 and totally solar-powered, Duma Tau is a 10-room tented camp (two family rooms) overlooking a large hippo-filled lagoon. The canvas tents are stylish and spacious with canvas walls, en-suite bathroom facilities and a veranda overlooking the lagoon. The dining room, pub, lounge and swimming pool also look over the lagoon. A wonderful star deck floats out on the lagoon. Wildlife viewing is the primary activity, with day and night game drives, walks, boating (levels permitting) and various platforms and hides.

Edo’s Camp is located in a 60,000 hectare private game conservancy in the Kalahari. It can accommodate 12 guests in four large meru-style tents with en-suite bathrooms and in two stone chalets. Each tent and chalet has its own private veranda with gorgeous views of a rocky waterhole. The setting around the camp is delightful and the presence of animals drinking at the waterhole makes it even more outstanding. Edo’s Camp offers a wide range of exciting and interesting activities. A visit to the nearby D’Kar San Village or to Edo’s Camp’s sister organisation’s Paolo Zanichellis Children’s Home, make for unforgettable cultural tourism moments. Tourists are also offered adventure through the tracking of rhinos by car with San guides.

Ghoha Hills Savuti Lodge

Gunn’s Camp

PO Box 259, Gaborone Tel: + 27 63 613 9144 Email:

Private Bag 033, Maun Tel: +267 686 0023 Fax: +267 686 0040 Email:

Ghoha Hills Savuti Lodge is a luxurious, eco-friendly tented camp in Chobe National Park. Comprising nine luxury tented rooms and two luxury family tented rooms, Ghoha Hills Savuti Lodge can cater for up to 26 guests. All rooms are en-suite, including a shower with a view over Chobe National Park, as well as a ceiling fan, a viewing deck and mosquito nets. The lodge itself offers unparalleled views over the savannah and the waterhole at the foot of the hill. The lodge is self-sustaining, with an emphasis on eco-sensitivity and looking after the environment.


Overlooking the legendary Chief’s Island and bordering the Moremi Game Reserve, Gunn’s Camp is one of the last few remaining luxury, vintage safari camps. This small and intimate camp has six large, vintage-style safari tents, each with its own private lounge and veranda. All tents are discreetly set within the densely treed island, thus ensuring privacy and tranquillity. The accommodation area is connected to the main camp via a raised wooden walkway across the wetlands. Guests have access to the elevated bar, lounge, dining room and swimming pool.

Camps & Lodges Gweta Lodge

Haina Kalahari Lodge

PO Box 124, Gweta Tel: +267 621 2220 Fax: +267 621 2458 Email:

Private Bag BO 48, Maun Tel: +267 683 0238 / 9 • Skype: hainares Email: •

Set in the village of Gweta, 200 km from Maun and 100 km from Nata, Gweta Lodge is a gateway to the pans and a rare oasis in the desert. Set around a pool, the lodge offers a restaurant, a relaxing lounge, excellent accommodation options and a range of activities and safaris to suite people of all ages. The lodge offers opportunities for game viewing using several locations and camps in the area. Based within easy reach of the Makgadikgadi Pans, the lodge is ideally situated to take advantage of a gateway into the heart of the wilderness. It offers a vast range of excursions, activities and opportunities to guests and local communities.

Haina Kalahari Lodge is situated in the Central Kalahari Private Game Reserve. This classic African lodge, close to the ancient Mecca of the Bushmen that inhabited the area about 6,000 years ago, has a relaxed and informal ambience. Guests are accommodated in solar-powered luxury and superior tents, on raised private decks with en-suite bathrooms. The lodge allows guests opportunity and flexibility on how they would like to spend their day, with many activities on offer. Morning, afternoon and night drives are offered on the 11,000 hectare private game reserve, along with stargazing and quad bike safaris. Alternatively, take a journey with the resident San people, who will share an authentic and traditional bushman experience. For those who want time out, a visit to the Kalahari Spa is a must.

Island Safari Lodge

Jacana Camp

PO Box 116, Maun Tel: +267 686 0300 Fax: +267 686 2932 Email:

Private Bag 019, Maun Tel +267 686 3777 • Fax +267 686 4881 Email: /

Island Safari Lodge was conceptualised and built by Tony Graham in 1973 and the spirit and character that defined it back then still exists today. For over 30 years the lodge has maintained its legendary status and character in Maun. While the lodge maintains a decade of charm, guests can enjoy modern standards and friendly service. The meandering Thamalakane River forms a picturesque pastoral vista for guests in the lodge’s 12 chalets, each nestled under a lofty canopy of ancient trees.

Jacana Camp, west of the Moremi Game Reserve, is an authentic camp situated on a small island. Jacana offers boating and game drives on the Jao floodplains. Catch and release fishing is also offered. Elephant are regularly in the area and birdlife is abundant. Enthusiasts can spot Pel’s fishing owl, rosy throated longclaw, pygmy goose and slaty egret. Accommodation consists of five en-suite tents (including one family room) on raised platforms with views over the lagoon. The main dining area is an elevated deck including a cosy pub and lounge, a large viewing deck, an open area to sit around the fire and a small plunge pool.

Jack’s Camp

Jao Camp

PO Box 173, Francistown Tel: +267 241 2277 • Fax: +267 241 3458 Email:

Private Bag 019, Maun Tel: +267 686 3777 Fax: +267 686 4881 Email: /

Jack’s Camp is an oasis of style and comfort in the middle of Botswana’s Kalahari Desert. This 1940s-style tented safari camp features a museum, a shop, a drinks tent and a pool. Spectacular vistas, creative surprises, expert guiding, old-world safari styling and superb cuisine all come together to create an experience that is completely different from any other. Activities on offer all year round include: interacting with meerkats, walking with bushmen guides, game drives to experience the unique desert wildlife, Chapman’s baobab (one of the oldest and largest trees in Africa), birdwatching and night drives.

Jao Camp is located on a remote island in a private concession west of Moremi Game Reserve. Jao has nine large luxurious en-suite tents (including one family room), each individually handcrafted and built on raised decks with a sala offering views over the floodplains. The camp features a wine cellar, a curio shop, a spa and a gym. In addition to the dining room and lounge with pub area, a boma invites dining under the stars. Activities include mekoro, game drives, boating, fishing and birding. Herds of red lechwe can be seen as well as lion, elephant, buffalo, zebra, hippo, crocodile and the shy sitatunga.

Jump Street Chalets

Kalahari Plains Camp

PO Box 21931 Boseja, Maun Tel: +267 686 4688 Email: •

Private Bag 14, Maun Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email:

Accommodation at Jump Street Chalets consists of 10 rooms that are configured as twin or double, modern chalet with a traditional African touch in decor. All rooms are air conditioned with en-suite toilet and shower and come with DSTV and a tea and coffee self-service station. Located just 15 minutes from Maun International Airport, it is ideal for business or leisure. Jump Street is the perfect springboard for venturing into the wilds of the Okavango Delta, a Moremi day trip or a safari expedition further afield. The Linyanti bar and restaurant overlooks the pool area and offers a wide range of international cuisine as well as traditional local flavours.

Kalahari Plains Camp is perfectly situated overlooking an immense pan with each of its eight en-suite canvas units having a rooftop deck to sleep out under the stars. The main area consists of a lounge, a dining area, a swimming pool and a deck area. The tents and main area are all raised off the ground to take in the sweeping views across the Kalahari. Activities include game drives and short educational walks on the camp periphery hosted by bushmen. Kalahari Plains is entirely solar-powered and with its water-saving initiatives holds the top ecotourism certification.

Kanana Camp

Ker & Downey

PO Box 27, Maun Tel: + 267 7577 5300 • Fax: +267 686 1282 Email:

PO Box 27, Maun Tel: +267 686 0375 • Fax: +267 686 1282 Email: •

A hidden jewel on the Xudum River, Kanana is located south-west of the Okavango Delta. The area encompasses a necklace of islands dotted with palms, figs, ebony and knobthorn and is home to a myriad birds, plants and animals. The annual floods transform parts of this concession into a true water paradise, offering guests the best of both worlds. At certain times of the year guests can experience magnificent game sightings during drives as well as the unique experience of exploring the delta’s beautiful waterways by boat. Visitors can enjoy the experience of water visibly rising around the camp’s raised decks.

Ker & Downey Botswana is a name that is associated with exclusive yet timehonoured safari experiences. Over five decades it has developed into one of Botswana’s most esteemed safari operators, representing luxury service and personal attention to detail. Ker & Downey Botswana is committed to providing guests with the highest quality wildlife and adventure safari experience, while preserving the delicate environment and natural beauty of Botswana. The company constantly strives to maintain standards of excellence within the industry while fostering economic and social development of the local communities and Botswana as a whole. With a variety of Ker & Downey camps to choose from, travellers are spoilt for choice.


Camps & Lodges Kessa’s Chalets

Kings Pool Camp

PO Box 38, Maun Tel: +267 684 0411/ 7385 2245 Email:

Private Bag 14, Maun Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email:

Kessa’s Chalets offer bed and breakfast and related hospitality services. The guest house comprises 10 modern air conditioned thatched chalet rooms, each with a bar fridge, digital television, study table and tea and coffee facilities. Kessa’s Chalets is in an exclusive area – quiet and peaceful and surrounded by beautiful Mophane trees, but within the local community, giving it a homely atmosphere. Kessa’s Chalets arrange tailor-made safari tours for guests to Moremi Game Reserve and boat cruises on Thamalakane River as well as a visit to the Okavango Delta.

This luxurious and stylish camp overlooks the Kings Pool Lagoon and Linyanti River system. Nine rooms (including one family unit) boast a large en-suite bedroom and lounge, folding doors leading to a veranda with private plunge pool and a thatched sala for guests to soak up the views. The lounge and dining areas are set on expansive decks for evening dining under the stars. An open-sided thatched gym is available. Activities include day and night game drives, walks and elegant boat cruises along the Linyanti River on Kings Pool’s colonial barge. In the dry season, guests can spend their siesta watching animals drink at two hides, with one on the edge of the camp and the other underground.

Kubu Lodge

Kwa Nokeng Lodge

PO Box 43, Kasane Tel: +267 625 0312 Fax: +267 625 1092 Email:

PO Box 23, Sherwood Tel: +267 491 5908 • Fax +267 491 5928 Email:

The privately owned Kubu Lodge stretches across 30 hectares on the banks of the Chobe River. The 11 fully serviced, en-suite chalets are found beneath the trees and on stilts. Kubu has a bar, a curio shop, reading lounge and a swimming pool by the river. It also offers three-hour game drives in Chobe National Park or boat cruises along the Chobe/Zambezi Rivers, allowing visitors to see a variety of game and wonderful birdlife. Also on offer are day trips to Victoria Falls or visits to a working crocodile farm and the nearby wildlife centre.


Situated on the banks of the Limpopo River, Kwa Nokeng Lodge is an ideal stopover for tourists travelling to and from the north. Furthermore, being just four hours from Gauteng makes it the perfect family weekend getaway, offering a variety of activities for all. Catering for local and international tourists, Kwa Nokeng Lodge offers a range of accommodation to make anyone’s stay memorable. Buffet meals are served around a crackling fire or on the deck under the branches of a nyala berry tree, with a spectacular view of the Limpopo. There are self-catering units for families who prefer to do their own thing as they unwind and relax. Guided tours of the vast Makgadikgadi Pans are also available from the camp.

Camps & Lodges Kwalape Safari Lodge

Kwara Camp

PO Box 504, RO 82, Kazangula, Kasane Tel: +267 625 1181 • Fax: +267 625 1161 Email:

PO Box 550, Maun Tel: +267 686 1449 • Fax: +267 686 1457 Email:

Kwalape Safari Lodge is situated on an eight hectare plot next to the village of Kazangula and offers a variety of facilities for guests to enjoy and to make their stay as comfortable as possible. Facilities include a variety of accommodation options to cater for different travel requirements and styles. For guests requiring luxury and comfort there are chalets and executive rooms. Guests travelling on a budget can choose from comfortable safari tents; or for the more adventurous there are camping sites. Kwalape also offers a spacious dining area, the Bush Bar and Boma, a pool, a conference centre for meetings or functions, an activity centre and a curio shop in the reception area.

Kwara is situated on the edge of the Okavango Delta and shares a common boundary with the Moremi Game Reserve. Owing to the its location, Kwara is able to offer power boating, mokoro trips, walks and game drives all year round. In addition, Kwara is in a large private concession, enabling game drives to operate both off road and at night. The camp consists of eight luxury tents accommodating 16 guests. There is one honeymoon suite. The camp setting is a tall treed island on the edge of the Okavango Delta. Most of the tents are raised on teak decks to afford views over the surrounding plains and lagoon with the resident hippos.

Kwetsani Camp

Lagoon Camp

Private Bag 14, Maun • Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email:

PO Box 550, Maun Tel: +267 686 1449 • Fax: +267 686 1457 Email: •

Kwetsani Camp, one of the most remote camps in the Okavango, is situated on an island heavily wooded with palm, mangosteen and fig trees. It is a luxurious camp raised on decks high under the canopy of trees. Five beautifully furnished ‘tree house’ rooms, each with en-suite bathroom and viewing deck, provide guests with open, airy accommodation. The dining room, lounge and pub area looks out over a floodplain often dotted with plains game. Guests can watch animals from the deck, plunge pool or the privacy of their room. Kwetsani offers excellent land and water activities dependent on annual flood levels. Guests can view wildlife by mekoro, explore lagoons by boat or experience game drives on the Jao floodplains or Hunda island. Lion, leopard, elephant, zebra, red lechwe, hippo and crocodile are all found here.

Kwando Lagoon is situated in the extensive 232,000 hectare Kwando wilderness. It comprises eight spacious purpose-designed tents with views over the lagoon. In the dry season, the lagoon offers a fauna experience unmatched in Africa. Each tent comprises a bedroom area with en-suite bathroom. The bathroom has a double basin set and a flush loo. The tents are furnished in the best teak furniture that Zimbabwean master craftsmen can create. The cool interiors are produced by a canvas flysheet under shade cloth, which are also set under massive ebony and marula trees with shady lawns. A plunge pool is available to cool off during the long summer days. The resident hippos entertain the guests as they sit on the decks in front of their tents.

Lebala Camp

Leroo La Tau

PO Box 550, Maun Tel: +267 686 1449 • Fax: +267 686 1457 Email:

Private Bag 310, Maun Tel: +267 686 1243 • Fax: +267 686 1791 Email:

Hidden in the south of the extensive Kwando wilderness, Lebala comprises eight luxurious tents on decks. Each comprises a bedroom area, bathroom including a Victorian ball-and-claw bath tub and double basin, outside shower and side entrance to preserve privacy. Lebala is the Tswana word for wide-open plains and each tent has extensive views over African plains and wetlands that comprise part of the Kwando-Linyanti flood plain system. This system is an intricate labyrinth of waterways, reed beds, islands, floodplains, bush, scrub and trees. Guests arrive and amble over a winding seasonal waterway, using an elevated walkway, into the peaceful lounge and bar area under thatch.

Leroo La Tau rises majestically above the bed of the Boteti River, which stretches across the western border of the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park. The park, populated by up to 30,000 zebra and wildebeest, closely accompanied by predators, offers guests the chance to experience the exhilaration of seeing large concentrations. With 12 thatched chalets – each with en-suite bathroom – a dining room in the main lodge, a reading lounge, a bar area, wooden decks and a plunge pool, guests can immerse themselves in the wildlife experience.

Little Kwara

Little Vumbura Camp

PO Box 550, Maun Tel: +267 686 1449 • Fax: +267 686 1457 Email:

Private Bag 14, Maun Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email: •

Little Kwara is situated on the edge of the permanent waters of the Okavango Delta. The five-tent camp is consistent with the Kwando Safaris promise of ‘Intimate Camps in Private Areas with Personal Service – Vintage Africa’. The camp is hidden among trees. Access is by air via the Kwara airstrip. While the camp shares its name with the well known 16-bed Kwara Camp, also operated by Kwando Safaris, Little Kwara is a completely separate camp from Kwara. The tents are spacious and are elevated into the tree canopy on wooden decks, each with its own private veranda. Each tent has its own en-suite facilities comprising bathroom with bath and an inside/outside shower. This is an ideal camp for exclusive use by small groups and families.

Little Vumbura is a small camp hidden on a pretty island surrounded by the floodplains and deep, clear channels for which the Okavango Delta is famed. Mokoro, boating, game drives and walks enable guests to enjoy the plentiful habitat and its wildlife. Shaded by a canopy of an ancient Okavango forest, Little Vumbura has six en-suite tents (including one family room). The lounge, dining area, plunge pool, viewing deck and star deck overlook the channels and floodplains. Being on an island, Little Vumbura can offer its guests year-round water-based activities, exploring the channels of the Okavango, as well as consistently good year-round wildlife viewing.

Mankwe Bush Lodge

Mashatu Lodge

Private Bag 146, Maun Tel: +267 686 5788 • Fax: +267 686 5787 Email:

PO Box 26, Lentswe le Moriti Tel: +267 264 5321 Email:

To stay at Mankwe Bush Lodge is like staying inside a game park as the animals move around freely and there are no fences between the reserves and the campsite. From the campsites, the Moremi Game Reserve, the Chobe National Park and the Khwai River can easily be visited. Safari options include the seven-day Trans-Okavango Delta and Moremi Adventure, the seven-day Okavango Delta Wilderness Experience and the 10-day Delta and Chobe Adventure. Guests may wish to stay in camp and enjoy the serenity, but game drives can be undertaken and Mankwe Bush Lodge also operates the Mboma boat station in the Moremi Game Reserve. For the experience of a lifetime, a boat or mokoro can be hired for an overnight stay on an island in the Okavango Delta.

Mashatu is unquestionably the prime adventure safari destination for energetic travellers and multi-generational families. With five diverse ways to experience Africa’s wildlife (vehicle, mountain bike, walking, horse safaris and photographic underground hides), Mashatu offers excellent predator and elephant viewing complemented by a wide diversity of plains game and desert species not seen in many other parts of Botswana. Mashatu appeals to the traveller who seeks an active and intimate safari.


Camps & Lodges Mogotlho Safari Lodge

Mombo & Little Mombo Camps

PO Box HA 144 HAK, Maun Tel: +267 686 0968 Email:

Private Bag 14, Maun • Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email: •

Nestled within a camel thorn forest, overlooking the Khwai River which joins the Moremi Game Reserve, sits the Mogotlho Safari Lodge. Khwai is renowned worldwide for its large concentration of big game in particular buffalo, hippo and elephant. It is not unusual to see many different types of wildlife from your own deck and the lodge’s large patio. As a year-round destination for wildlife, predators such as leopard and lion are also very active in the area and around the lodge, making the area one of the most prolific in Botswana for viewing wildlife.

Mombo Camp, located in the Mombo concession on the northern tip of Chief’s Island, is built under shady trees and overlooks a floodplain teeming with wildlife. Accommodation comprises nine spacious tents at Mombo and three tents at Little Mombo. The tent interiors are elegantly furnished and are ideal for watching passing game. Bathrooms are en-suite with indoor and outdoor showers. There is a boma for traditional dinners, a main living and dining area, a small library and a plunge pool. Concentrations of game often gather in front of the camp and guests may view a variety of animals from the veranda. Little Mombo is an extension of, and shares the same island and style with, the larger Mombo Camp, matching its high standards. Little Mombo also has its own dining room, kitchen, lounge and plunge pool.

Mopiri Camp

Muchenje Safari Lodge

Tel: +267 7747 9188 Email:

Private Bag K31, Kasane Tel: +27 72 170 8879 • Fax: +267 620 0016 Email: •

Seven spacious en-suite tents are set on the banks of the Weboro Lagoon, offering panoramic views. Long, winding boardwalks between the main area and the tents offer guests privacy and the opportunity to stretch their legs and explore the island. The tents are light and airy and have separate bathrooms with large rain showers, twin sinks and WC. The bathrooms are connected to the rooms by a short corridor, making the most of the view over the lagoon. The main area has a large dining room with a separate lounge area. There is a substantial deck overlooking the lagoon with hidden seating areas and a fire pit, perfect for stargazing. The swimming pool has views over the flood plain.

Situated on the western side of Chobe National Park, Muchenje is the only lodge in this area and offers unique and prolific game experiences. With wonderful panoramic views, the central lodge is the heart of Muchenje. Guests can relax on the look-out platform and enjoy the homely atmosphere. The main lodge features a dining area, bar, reception and library, while the swimming pool is built among natural rock formations. Muchenje accommodates 20 guests in intimate exclusivity. The 10 twin-bedded thatched chalets, all with en-suite facilities, are sited on the escarpment edge with unique views. The lodge offers diverse safari activities to be found in the Chobe area including game drives, cultural excursions, walking safaris and a river cruise.

Nata Lodge

Nxai Pan

PO Box 10, Francistown Tel: +267 620 0070 • Fax: +267 620 0071 Email: •

PO Box 550, Maun Tel: +267 686 1449 • Fax: +267 686 1457 Email: •

Nata Lodge is ideally situated close to the entrance of the Nata Bird Sanctuary, just off the main road and 10 km south of Nata Village. The lodge offers 22 luxury air conditioned chalets with en-suites, 10 custom-designed Meru tents set on wooden decks, two family chalets and a chalet for physically challenged guests. There is also a camping site. The indoor restaurant has an open-air patio serving Continental and English breakfasts, lunches and dinner. Menus vary between home-style cooking, traditional African buffets and braais. The bar area overlooks the swimming pool and offers ice-cold refreshments. Activities include exploring the Nata Bird Sanctuary in open 4x4 safari vehicles.

Nxai Pan is known for its huge springbok population and, during the rains, gemsbok, elephant and zebra migrate to the region. Zebra come in their thousands to drop their young at Nxai Pan. Large herds of giraffe can be seen with up to 30 in a group. These large herds of zebra, springbok and wildebeest attract many predators including lion, cheetah, jackal and hyena as well as wild dog and leopard. At times, rhino have also been sighted. Also to be seen are the eland, greater kudu and red hartebeest. The eight environmentally adapted rooms are all solar-powered and one of these is a family room. No night drives or off road driving are permitted in Nxai Pan National Park, a very ecologically sensitive area.

Nxamaseri Island Lodge

Okuti Camp

Private Bag 23, Maun Tel: +267 713 26619 Email:

PO Box 27, Maun Tel: +267 7577 5300 • Fax: +267 686 1282 Email:

Nxamaseri Island Lodge, situated in the permanent waters of the Okavango, is among the oldest camps in the delta, established in 1984. En-suite chalets are secluded in indigenous forest with private decks overlooking the water. Nxamaseri is a birdwatching and fishing paradise, specialising in boating and mokoro trips. Nxamaseri is close to the magical Tsodilo Hills and offers day trips to view the hills’ ancient San paintings.

Okuti Camp is built amid the wilderness of one of Botswana’s prime game viewing regions. This delightful camp lies alongside the Maunachira River, which flows through Xakanaxa Lagoon within the world-renowned Moremi Game Reserve. Here, guests can experience unhindered views from specially designed safari vehicles. Moremi Game Reserve is rich in wildlife and its consistent year-round game viewing makes it ideal for first-time visitors to Botswana. Guests can also explore the Okavango Delta by motor boat and the area’s open lagoons and winding channels make it a birdwatchers’ paradise, with herons and storks in the breeding season.

Pelo Camp

Phokoje Bush Lodge


Private Bag 14, Maun • Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email:

The word pelo means ‘heart’ – a fitting name because, from the air, the island on which Pelo Camp is situated is heart-shaped. It also lies deep in the heart of the Okavango Delta. The camp is completely eco-friendly, with solar power providing all energy requirements. The main area comprises a tented dining area and lounge situated under impressive wild date palms, jackalberry and Natal mahogany trees, with a spacious deck overlooking the waterways. There is also a swimming pool, an outdoor boma area and a raised platform built onto an old anthill. Small and intimate, the five spacious guest tents have en-suite bathrooms and a veranda with outdoor shower. Activities focus on mokoro (traditional dugout canoe) excursions in the open, shallow floodplains as well as boating and island walks.


PO Box 414, Selebi-Phikwe Tel: +267 260 1596 • Fax: +267 260 1586 Email:

Phokoje Bush Lodge provides an ideal tranquil setting to relax in the bushveld. It offers superb accommodation in utterly peaceful surroundings, friendly warm service and exquisite cuisine, all of which will ensure a memorable stay. For the ultimate bass fishing experience, the famous Letsibogo Dam, close to the lodge, offers fun, tailor-made bass fishing packages. It’s an experience where passion and patience will be rewarded. Phokoje Bush Lodge is the perfect halfway stop for those en route to Maun, Chobe and the Okavango. By road it is about five and a half hours’ drive from Johannesburg and 5 km from the town centre.

Camps & Lodges Planet Baobab


Pom Pom Camp

PO Box 173, Francistown Tel: +267 241 2277 • Fax: +267 241 3458 Email:

Private Bag 33, Maun Tel: +267 686 4436 • Fax: +267 686 0040 Email:

Situated close to the village of Gweta, 290 km from Francistown and 200 km from Maun, this family-friendly camp accepts children of all ages. Planet Baobab combines style with comfort while remaining true to its African inspiration. Accommodation provides different options at all price levels, with traditionally styled, beautifully painted Kalanga huts with en-suite bathrooms or the shady campsite. The Africantastic ‘shebeen’ style central mess features a tasty bar menu; and when it’s hot, guests can cool off in the biggest pool in the Kalahari. Activities on offer all year round include: guided bush walks; traditional cattle post and village visits; friendly habituated meerkats; and historical baobabs.

In the heart of the Okavango Delta, within the Matsebe concession area, Pom Pom Camp is a 25-minute scenic flight over Okavango Delta from Maun. Surrounded by miles of reeds, the camp overlooks a lagoon and is nestled under shady trees. In the lagoon, hippo frolic and guests can explore the area in a mokoro, providing a unique means of viewing wildlife. The camp has nine luxury safari tents with en-suite showers and flush toilets. In the main thatched building there is a cosy bar, lounge and restaurant, serving imaginative meals prepared by safari chefs. Activities available include game drives, night drives, mokoro excursions, boat cruises, game walks and fishing.

Royal Tree Lodge

San Camp

PO Box 250088, Maun Tel: +267 680 0757 Email:

PO Box 173, Francistown Tel: +267 241 2277 • Fax: +267 241 3458 Email:

The Royal Tree Lodge is a small lodge ideally situated away from the bustle of Maun, the gateway to the Okavango Delta. The lodge itself is set on a 200-hectare wildlife estate along the Thalamakane River, 20 minutes’ drive from the town centre. A number of wildlife species have been introduced to the area including giraffe, eland and kudu. The main thatched lounge, bar and dining room is spacious, stylishly furnished and opens onto a large teak deck. Guest accommodation consists of 10 well appointed luxurious tents and two honeymoon chalets. Activities include the marked walking trails, horse riding and day trips to the Moremi Game Reserve.

San Camp, deep in the Kalahari, is one of the most romantic and intimate camps in Africa. The camp’s classic six white tents stand on the edge of the endless Makgadikgadi Salt Pans. The central dining tent houses a small library and natural history museum filled with fascinating artefacts from the area. There is also a yoga and meditation tent for guests wanting to enjoy the space and serenity of the area. San Camp operates during the dry season from 16 April to 15 October. Activities on offer at San Camp include: interacting with meerkats, game drives, Chapman’s baobab – one of the oldest and biggest trees in Africa – birdwatching, night drives and quad biking across the pans.

Sanctuary Baines’ Camp

Sanctuary Chief’s Camp

Private Bag 45, Maun Tel: +27 11 438 4650 Email:

Private Bag 45, Maun Tel: +27 11 438 4650 Email:

Sanctuary Baines’ Camp is located on the Boro River in the 260,000 acre private concession NG32, neighbouring the Moremi Game Reserve. The camp has five suites set on elevated platforms with decks offering views over the Boro River. The suites feature en-suite facilities and a private viewing deck. The four-poster beds are fully mobile, giving guests the option of sleeping under the stars. There is a swimming pool and the area is superb for viewing animals and bird species, which guests can explore in open-sided 4x4 vehicles, in a mokoro or motor boat, or on foot. The unique and educational elephant interaction is available at an additional cost.

Newly rebuilt Sanctuary Chief’s Camp is situated in the Mombo Concession of Moremi Game Reserve, known as the predator capital of Africa. The area is also home to the Big Five. The camp is situated on Chief’s Island in the ‘seasonal delta’. There are 10 luxury bush pavilions and each guest room has its own private pool with en-suite facilities including an indoor and outdoor shower. The new Geoffrey Kent luxury suite can sleep four to six guests. The main deck area offers expansive views over the floodplain. Relaxing spa treatments are available, offering a great way to relax after an afternoon game drive.

Sanctuary Chobe Chilwero

Sanctuary Stanley’s Camp

Private Bag 45, Maun Tel: +27 11 438 4650 Email:

Private Bag 45, Maun Tel: +27 11 438 4650 Email:

Sanctuary Chobe Chilwero borders Chobe National Park, the second-largest national park in Botswana, covering an area of 10,566 sq km. The lodge sits above the Chobe River and offers panoramic views across the islands and flood plains as far as Namibia. Sanctuary Chobe Chilwero has 15 air conditioned cottages with en-suite bathroom, indoor and outdoor showers, private garden, sala, minibar and in-room safe. The area is home to the largest concentration of elephants in Africa as well as an abundance of hippo, buffalo, antelope and lion. The full-service spa offers a range of treatments and rituals of the highest quality to relax.

Set on the southern tip of Chief’s Island, Sanctuary Stanley’s Camp borders the southern section of the Moremi Game Reserve. This private concession is located in seasonal delta. The floodwaters arrive around June. The area is home to a wide variety of big game including elephant, giraffe, hippo, lion, leopard and wild dog. Sanctuary Stanley’s Camp consists of eight safari tents raised on decking. Each offers en-suite facilities. The main building is also raised on decking and offers expansive views over the surrounding floodplains. The unique and educational elephant interaction is also available at an additional cost.

Sango Safari Camp

Savute Safari Lodge

Private Bag 342, Maun • Tel: +267 686 3763 • Fax: +267 680 0937 Email: •

Private Bag 310, Maun Tel: +267 686 1243 • Fax: +267 686 1791 Email:

Sango Safari Camp is on the edge of the Moremi Game Reserve, near the traditional village of Khwai. Shaded by trees and overlooking the Khwai River, it offers guests a perfect base from which to explore the wildlife and culture of this unique habitat. Sango is designed in the style of a classic tented safari camp, providing accommodation for 12 guests in six en-suite meru tents. With its open-air bucket showers, hand-crafted furnishings and classic styling, the camp aims to recreate the atmosphere of days gone by, blending the rustic with the luxurious. Animals roam freely through this vast unfenced wilderness. The camp offers a range of wildlife activities including open vehicle game drives, guided bush walks, cultural walks and night drives.


To ensure a private and relaxing environment, Savute Safari Lodge accommodates just 24 guests in 11 thatched chalets and one family room consisting of double bedrooms, built from local timber. The chalets, which have been elegantly furnished in calm neutral tones to blend with the natural environment, feature expansive private decks, a combined bedroom and lounge area and en-suite facilities Savute Safari Lodge is located on the banks of the Savute Channel, an area renowned for its population of bull elephant and for the unique interaction of the resident predator species.


Camps & Lodges

Savuti Camp

Seba Camp

Private Bag 14, Maun • Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email:

Private Bag 14, Maun • Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email:

Savuti Camp is located in a private concession outside Chobe National Park on the banks of the Savute Channel. In 2008 the waters returned and Savuti Camp now has front-row seats to view the abundant game that has congregated and adapted in its wake. The site of the camp is about 17 km downstream from the Zibadianja Lagoon, the source of the channel. Accommodation comprises seven large en-suite raised canvas and thatch rooms facing the Savute Channel. The camp features a thatched dining area, a plunge pool and a large viewing area with a fire pit extending out onto raised wooden decks towards the new waters that flow past the camp. Activities on offer are day and night game drives and nature walks with a guide (depending on qualified guide availability).

Set in a forest of hardwood trees and overlooking a perennial lagoon with prolific birdlife and visiting pods of hippo, Seba Camp has eight raised, spacious tents, each with en-suite bathrooms and private deck. Each tent celebrates a different tribe of Botswana through vibrant decor. The dining area, lounge-library and pool are all set on raised decks with spectacular views. Seba Camp is ideal for families, with two suites that can accommodate groups of varying sizes – each with a children’s swimming pool and sandpit. The camp is named after Seba, one of the elephants historically released from nearby Abu Camp; the word means ‘whisper’. Activities include day and night game drives all year round, while during winter, mokoro rides, motor boat excursions and fishing are popular.

Selinda Camp

Shinde Camp

Great Plains Conservation Tel: +267 6864 001 • +267 6864 043 Email:

PO Box 27, Maun Tel: +267 7577 5300 • Fax: +267 686 1282 Email: •

Selinda Camp is located in the Selinda Reserve, a private wildlife concession of some 300,000 acres in northern Botswana. Selinda Camp is a small, luxury tented camp situated on the banks of the eastern Selinda Spillway, a waterway that links Botswana’s Okavango Delta with the Linyanti and Kwando rivers and floodplains. The camp is raised off the ground and offers views over the floodplains and open savannas, broken only by attractive palm islands. Guests can sit on their verandas and gaze over the floodplains of the Selinda, enjoying the passing wildlife. Activities include game drives, fishing, nature walks and boating along the Selinda Spillway.


Nestled on a palm island in the northern Okavango Delta, Shinde is an intimate camp located on the edge of Shinde Lagoon, which teems with animal and birdlife. The camp’s main area comprises a multi-tiered dining room and lounge which is set under canvas under the shade of ebony and mangosteen trees. Thanks to its location, Shinde can offer both water and land activities all year round. Motor boats or mokoro provide a chance to experience the species found in the aquatic habitat of the Okavango Delta. Game drives are conducted by a personal guide in comfortable vehicles. For the more adventurous, guided walks are also available, while fishing enthusiasts will enjoy catching a variety of species such as tilapia and tigerfish.

Camps & Lodges Tati River Lodge

Tau Pan Lodge

Private Bag F333, Francistown Tel: +267 240 6000 Fax: +267 240 6080 Email:

PO Box 550, Maun Tel: +267 686 1449 • Fax: +267 686 1457 Email:

Tati River Lodge is a picturesque three-star traditional country lodge and conference centre conveniently situated 8 km from the centre of Francistown, away from the hubbub. Located on the outskirts of Francistown on the Tati River banks, this tranquil venue with its individual ambience is ideal for conferences, weddings, special functions and product launches. Tati River Lodge boasts a homely restaurant and an English pub scenically situated with a large African terrace.

After the summer rains, the Central Kalahari Game Reserve is completely transformed as the blue sky fills with huge clouds and the plains and pans burst with sweet grasses. The CKGR is a sight to behold as it receives animals such as springbok, gemsbok and wildebeest in their thousands. Predators abound, with plentiful lion – especially the famous Kalahari black-maned lion – cheetah, leopard and jackal. Brown hyena and wild dog are also found in the area. The eight environmentally adapted rooms are all solar-powered and one of these rooms is a family room. The Tau Pan is in a national park, a very ecologically sensitive area, and for this reason no night drives or offroad driving are permitted.

Thamalakane River Lodge

Tholo Camp

PO Box 888, Maun Tel: +267 680 0217 / 76 315 207 Email:

PO Box 6, Ghanzi Tel: +267 72124000 Email:

Thamalakane River Lodge is ideally located an easy 20-minute drive from Maun and en route to the famous Moremi Game Reserve. It is a secluded haven of tranquillity nestled in a grove of mature riverine trees on a bank of the Thamalakane river. Character en-suite stone chalets, some with private splash pools, are positioned overlooking the river. The widely acclaimed restaurant serves à la carte meals from an ever-changing menu. Lounging poolside, bird-spotting and reading are favourite activities around the lodge, which is perfectly positioned to explore some of Botswana’s ‘must see’ attractions. Thamalakane also offers facilities for conferencing.

Tholo Camp has three spacious stone-thatched cottages with en-suite bathrooms and three large Meru tents under thatched roofs with wooden doors and en-suite bathrooms. Each luxurious room is equipped with minibar, coffee station, in-room safe, hairdryer, fan and a private veranda with exquisite views of the waterhole. Tholo Camp can accommodate 12 guests at a time. Tholo Camp has an eco-friendly swimming pool on a raised platform, hidden between the trees and overlooking the hippo pool. Enjoy the camp’s open lounge and bar area, set on the edge of the hippo pool. At night guests can experience the magnificent starry night skies of the Kalahari from around the campfire.

Tubu Tree & Little Tubu Camps

Tuli Safari Lodge

Private Bag 14, Maun Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email:

Tubu Tree lies on the western side of the isolated Hunda Island. Elevated walkways through the canopy link the camp’s eight secluded tents on raised platforms. Each tent has a private front deck, en-suite bathroom and an outdoor shower. A family unit is also available. The main dining, bar and lounge areas are raised on platforms while the pool deck below includes uninterrupted views. Sister Camp, Little Tubu, has three traditional-style tents, all with en-suite bathroom facilities and private decks. The elevated dining, bar and pool decks are shaded by a riverine tree canopy and overlook a seasonal riverbed.

Lentswe Le Moriti, Northern Tuli Game Reserve, PO Box 83 Tel: +267 264 5303 • Fax: +267 264 5344 Email: •

Tuli Safari Lodge is a hidden gem in the south-east corner of Botswana. Just an hour’s flight, or a straightforward drive, from Johannesburg puts this special part of Botswana within easy reach. Tuli fits well as part of a southern African itinerary or as a stand-alone destination. The Northern Tuli Game Reserve is a majestic wilderness with wonderful wildlife and beautiful landscapes. The lodge offers guests a relaxing retreat with classic tented luxury. Varied activities include game drives, bush walks, night drives, hides (including the option to sleep out in a hide), meaningful community visits and an excursion to the confluence of the Limpopo and Shashe rivers, where three countries (Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe) meet opposite the Mapungubwe World Heritage Site. Tuli offers a timeless safari with style and soul.

Vumbura Plains Camp

Xigera Camp

Private Bag 14, Maun Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email:

Private Bag 14, Maun Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email:

Vumbura Plains is a luxury camp situated in the northern Okavango Delta comprising two separate camps, each with its own raised dining, lounge and bar area tucked beneath a canopy of indigenous trees. The main area, furnished with soft sofas and interesting art, lays emphasis on relaxation. The 14 rooms, raised off the ground, are unique in contemporary design. Each suite has a large, comfortable bedroom, sunken lounge with cushions, en-suite facilities, an outdoor shower, private deck and plunge pool. Two family suites are also available with private decks linking the two separate rooms. Vumbura Plains offers both land and water activities, principally game viewing in varied habitats in open vehicles, mekoros and boats, providing an excellent all-round experience.

Xigera Camp, totally solar-powered, lies in the heart of the Okavango Delta in the Moremi Game Reserve. Year-round water promotes mokoro trips and boating, while walks and game drives are also available. Nestled in a magnificent riverine forest, Xigera has 10 en-suite tented rooms (including one family room) all built on decks, offering views of the floodplain and lagoon. Meals and drinks are enjoyed overlooking a flowing channel or under the stars in a boma. Xigera is a delight for birdwatchers, with Pel’s fishing owl, African skimmer, wattled crane and a host of eagles, vultures, raptors and kingfishers to be seen. It offers an abundance of game and possible sightings of the rare aquatic sitatunga.

Xugana Island Lodge

Zarafa Camp

Private Bag 310, Maun Tel: +267 686 1243 • Fax: +267 686 1791 Email:

Great Plains Conservation Tel: +267 6864 001 +267 6864 043 Email:

Xugana Island Lodge accommodates 16 guests in private chalets with en-suite facilities and private viewing decks situated on the shaded fringe of the island. The lounge, bar and dining areas are set back under the ebony and African mangosteen tree canopy in open-sided thatched structures. The swimming pool is a perfect place to relax. Xugana Island Lodge’s open boma and alfresco dining area lead onto on large and spacious deck overlooking the Xugana Lagoon. Guests can explore the delta by motor boat or mokoro or take walks on surrounding islands. Birdwatching opportunities are outstanding and fishing for bream and tigerfish on a catch-and-release basis is also offered.

Xugana Island Lodge is situated on a private concession and takes full advantage of this magnificent site. An expansive deck and alfresco dining area overlook the vast, pristine body of water that makes up the permanent Okavango Delta. The lounge, bar and dining areas are set back under the ebony and African mangosteen tree canopy in open-sided thatched structures, while the swimming pool is located within the mature gardens in the centre of the island.


Hotel Sector Airport Hotel Private Bag 151, Maun Tel: +267 686 5454 Fax: +267 686 4540 Email:

Avani Gaborone Hotel & Casino


Chuma Drive, Gaborone Tel:+267 361 6000 Email: •

Airport Hotel is situated right by Maun International Airport. Its accommodation consists of executive rooms and standard rooms, all air conditioned, with satellite television and bar fridge. The hotel has state-of-the-art conference facilities and an à la carte alfresco restaurant. Complimentary Wi-Fi is available in all the rooms and throughout the hotel.

Find just the right blend of hospitality, business, and leisure at Avani Gaborone Hotel & Casino. Set in the vibrant city centre of Botswana’s capital, it’s never been easier to work, rest, and play in style in the heart of Africa. Consider a stay at one of the most luxurious hotels in Gaborone and have the perfect start or finish to a great African adventure with all the details that matter, done well. The hotel comprises 196 rooms (including standard rooms, superior rooms, suites and presidential suites), two restaurants, a pool and bar, tennis court, fitness centre, beauty salon and conference facilities.

Cresta Bosele Hotel

Cresta Botsalo Hotel

PO Box 177, Selebi-Phikwe Tel: +267 261 0675 • Fax: +267 261 1083 Email: •

PO Box 35, Palapye Tel: +267 492 0245 • Fax: +267 492 0587 Email: •

The Cresta Bosele Hotel is set in the dynamic location of Selebi-Phikwe at the gateway to the Tuli area, famous for its abundant wildlife. Serving the needs of business traveller and tourists, the hotel has 51 air conditioned rooms with en-suite bathroom, radio, TV and direct-dial telephone. The Phakalane Conference Room seats 100 delegates, while the Peolwane Conference Room seats about 50 people. A range of equipment is available. Guests can go for a relaxing swim, sip a cocktail at the pool bar or enjoy the town’s 18-hole golf course. The Bosele Grill offers both à la carte and table d’hôte menus for lunch and dinner, while the Palm Terrace offers a menu of light meals and snacks throughout the day.

In the hot, dry expanse between Gaborone and Francistown lies the town of Palapye, where the cool welcoming Cresta Botsalo Hotel can be found. A major commercial town, Palapye has rich historical roots. The Cresta Botsalo Hotel has 49 air conditioned rooms, all with radio, TV, video channel and direct-dial telephone. For conferencing and banqueting, the Morula Room can accommodate 150 people and has a range of equipment. Other facilities include a swimming pool and darts. The Savuti Grill offers Continental and full English breakfasts as well as an à la carte menu for lunch, plus the Metsing Bar. Guests can enjoy a cocktail at the poolside or explore the history of the Bangwato tribe and the resting place of their king, Sir Seretse Khama.

Cresta Jwaneng Hotel

Cresta Lodge

PO Box 442, Jwaneng Tel: +267 588 1090 • Fax: +267 588 1052 Email:

Private Bag 00126, Gaborone Tel: +267 397 5375 • Fax: +267 390 0635 Email:

Cresta Jwaneng Hotel is located along the Trans Kalahari Highway. The town of Jwaneng is home to the world’s richest diamond mine. The hotel offers a perfect balance between business and pleasure, with adequate conference facilities, affluent accommodation and superb cuisine. Coupled to this are its friendly staff, who will make any stay at the Cresta Jwaneng an unforgettable experience. The hotel has 65 air conditioned rooms with en-suite bathrooms. Rooms come with tea and coffee making facilities and satellite television. The hotel has a restaurant and bar and a swimming pool and it also offers conference facilities. Wi-Fi internet access is available.

Whether you’re visiting for business or pleasure, the Cresta Lodge has everything for a comfortable and cost-effective stay. The lodge has 159 air conditioned rooms, each with en-suite bathroom, DSTV and direct telephone. Cresta Lodge is 2 km from the city centre and 5 km from Gaborone Game Park and there are nature trails winding their way from the lodge to the Gaborone Dam. Guests can enjoy a drink and superb cuisine in the Chatters Restaurant and Cocktail Bar. The lodge offers a carpeted and air cooled marquee with a capacity for 200 in conference. This also makes an ideal venue for weddings, exhibitions and cocktail parties. The lodge provides secretarial services, laundry and dry cleaning as well as daily transport services.

Cresta Mahalapye

Cresta Marang Gardens

Private Bag 003, Mahalapye Tel: +267 471 9000 • Fax: +267 471 1440 Email:

PO Box 807, Francistown Tel: +267 241 3991 • Fax: +267 241 2130 Email: •

Cresta Mahalapye is located in the Central District of Mahalapye, 180 km from Gaborone, on the highway to Francistown. There are 64 rooms including presidential suites and junior suites. Cresta Mahalapye is popular for major local, regional and international conferences thanks to its state-of-the-art meeting and banqueting facilities. In addition to the several indoor meeting rooms, Cresta Mahalapye’s open terrace on the first floor is ideal for private functions including corporate cocktail parties and outdoor weddings. Mahalapye is known as the headquarters of Botswana Railways. This quaint town, with its warm and welcoming local people, offers more that a convenient stopover for those travelling to and from Gaborone.

Cresta Mowana Safari Resort & Spa PO Box 266, Kasane • Tel: +267 625 0300 • Fax: +267 625 0301 Email: •

The Mowana Safari Resort & Spa was built around a baobab tree said to be over 800 years old. In this tranquil setting, guests can experience true comfort, superb accommodation, fine cuisine and personal service. The 114 en-suite, air conditioned rooms and presidential suite have been tastefully decorated to complement the natural ambience. The well stocked wellness centre and spa offers a wide range of services and products to pamper and indulge – the ultimate in personal relaxation and rejuvenation. Serondela Restaurant offers cuisine inspired by the flavours of Africa. The Savuti Bar and conference facilities are also available. Activities include a nine-hole golf course, the wellness centre, tennis, swimming, tigerfishing, birdwatching and game drives.


The Cresta Marang Gardens occupies the most beautiful natural hotel location in Botswana, just 4 km outside Francistown on the banks of the Tati River. It’s the perfect setting for business or leisure, with 58 comfortable air conditioned rooms, all with satellite television, tea and coffee making facilities, same-day laundry service and dry cleaning. The restaurant is used by both residents and visitors, while the Fox & Hound Cocktail Bar is set in the heart of the hotel and the Tati River pool bar is a popular watering hole. Conference facilities include several rooms for meetings of between 15 and 120 people. Other facilities include a courtesy bus, camping facilities, a casino and a gift shop.

Cresta President Hotel PO Box 200, Gaborone Tel: +267 395 3631 • Fax: +267 395 1840 Email: •

The central location of the Cresta President Hotel offers the ideal base to explore the capital of Botswana, including the government enclave, the National Museum and Art Gallery and the State House all within a threemile radius. Ideal for tourists and business travellers, the hotel has 80 air conditioned rooms with en-suite bath and shower, television, direct-dial telephone and room service. The Cresta President offers conference facilities easily adaptable for social occasions. The Terrace Restaurant seats up to 140 guests and offers a full menu throughout the day. In addition there is the Pula Le Thebe Bar, open until late every day. Conference facilities include the Boiketlo Boardroom, with a capacity for 60 people, and the Brigadier Room, which can accommodate 120 people.

Hotel Sector Cresta Riley’s Hotel

Cresta Thapama Hotel

PO Box 1, Maun Tel: +267 686 0320 • Fax: +267 686 0580 Email: •

Private Bag 31, Francistown Tel: +267 241 3872 • Fax: +267 241 3766 Email: •

Located on the banks of the Thamalakane River, Riley’s is surrounded by landscaped gardens and is an excellent venue for both tourists and business guests. Accommodation comprises 51 air conditioned bedrooms, all en-suite with satellite TV, direct-dial telephone and tea and coffee making facilities. Riley’s Grill, which seats up to 50 guests, offers Continental and full English buffet breakfasts and an à la carte menu for lunch and dinner. The conference room accommodates up to 120 delegates and audiovisual equipment is available. Maun is the gateway to the Okavango Delta and tours and safaris can be arranged to the delta and national parks.

Cresta Thapama Hotel is located in Francistown, Botswana’s second-largest commercial centre. In order to satisfy the constant flow of tourists and business executives, it offers 96 air conditioned rooms with en-suite bathroom, television, video channel and direct-dial telephone. The Ivory Grill is the perfect place to relax in the evening, seating up to 110 guests and offering à la carte and buffet menus for lunch and dinner. In addition, the Lenaka Bar and the pool bar offer light meals and snacks. The fully equipped conference facilities are among the finest in Botswana. They can be adapted for private use as a banqueting or wedding venue. The Mokolane Room has a capacity for 100 people while the Francis Room can accommodate 80 people. The rooms can be combined. Dereje /

E&E Boutique Guest House Private Bag 330, Bontleng, Gaborone Tel: +267 391 7623 • Fax: +267 391 7624 Email:

E&E believes in creating a distinct, memorable and extraordinary experience for its guests. By focusing relentlessly on its customers, employees and culture, E&E Boutique has become an exceptional place to stay. The guest house aims to provide bespoke, luxurious rooms and complement them with beautiful grounds, premium amenities and the finest cuisine, as well as reflecting the culture of Gaborone. The staff make sure everybody is treated individually, that each stay is unique and every need is catered for. What’s right for a tourist desiring to unwind and relax in this beautiful country for a few weeks, is very different to a businessman staying for a night ahead of an important meeting. E&E blends international standards with local roots.

Indaba Lodge

Kagisong Hotel & Conference Centre

Private Bag RW 001, Plot 61916, Tlokweng Road, Gaborone Tel: +267 399 9500 • Fax: +267 399 9501 Email:

The luxury 84 bed-roomed Indaba Lodge in Gaborone is a select service hotel providing affordable, quality accommodation for the growing business and leisure travel sector. It is conveniently located on the Tlokweng Road with easy access to Riverwalk Mall, the nearby Fairground Corporate Business Hub and the University of Botswana. The Indaba Lodge consists of 84 luxury en-suite bedrooms with separate bath and shower. There is ample parking including secure underground parking, a ladies’ bar and tranquil pool deck, an executive boardroom seating up to 16 people with state-of-the-art equipment, a residents-only gym and free Wi-Fi. Airport transfers are provided.

PO Box 288, Mogoditshane Tel: +267 393 2417 • Fax: +267 393 2417 Email:

The Kagisong Centre has 19 chalets including single, double or three-bed rooms. In-house laundry services are available and day and long-term stay rates can be arranged. Transport to and from the airport is also available. Other facilities offered include a bar and restaurant, which has a capacity of 150 people and provides mouth-watering meals prepared with pride and dedication. Use of Kagisong Hotel & Conference Centre benefits projects of Kagisano Society (the only women’s shelter in Botswana) and the Botswana Council of Churches (a programme for street children in Old Naledi).

Lape Lodge

Majestic Five Hotel

PO Box 402006, Gaborone Tel: +267 317 0397 Fax: +267 317 0397 Email:

A1 Highway, Palapye Tel: +267 492 1222 • Fax: +267 492 1229 Email: •

Lape Lodge epitomises the traditional comfort and friendly service of Botswana. The lodge comprises self-contained, clean rooms with various amenities to make each guest’s stay as relaxing as possible. Whether you are travelling for business or pleasure, this small lodge offers purse-friendly accommodation in the capital. Guests can choose from one of 20 rooms for a peaceful night’s sleep.

The Majestic Five Hotel is a new hotel offering tasteful accommodation and conference facilities. It has a wide selection of luxurious rooms including executive, family, honeymoon, presidential and superior suites. The deluxe rooms are standard en-suite bedrooms consisting of a combined shower and bath. Bedrooms are more than spacious enough for two people and include all the necessary amenities. The hotel’s main restaurant, The Grill, is a quick service restaurant offering hot and cold Continental breakfast and an extensive buffet carvery for lunch and dinner, as well as a limited à la carte menu. The restaurant is a chic and contemporary dining space in which to enjoy out-of-this-world dishes. The neighbouring bar offers a stylish setting for champagne and cocktails.

Masa Square Hotel

Maun Lodge


PO Box 553, ABG Sebele, Gaborone Tel: +267 315 9954 Email: •

Plot 549, Boseja Ward, PO Box 376, Maun Tel: +267 686 3939 • Fax: +267 686 3969 Email: •

Masa Square Hotel redefines the hospitality experience of business travellers in Africa. Privately owned and managed by Aha Hotels and Lodges, Masa Square is uniquely positioned to ensure guests have a wonderful experience each time they stay. The hotel is located in Gaborone’s new central business district in one of two towers in the iconic Masa Square, poised to be the country’s ultimate work, shop, play and stay centre. The Don Carlos Restaurant offers Mediterranean-inspired cuisine with a local twist using the freshest ingredients from the region; while Carlito’s Café serves hot beverages at breakfast to enjoy in the lounge or to take away throughout the day. Absolut and Elyx Lounge are rooftop poolside lounges, unique to Gaborone. Guests are invited to escape from the heat, take in the views and enjoy a refreshing poolside drink or light bite to eat.

Maun Lodge is situated on the doorstep of the Okavango Delta on the banks of the Thamalakane River just 2.5 km from Maun town centre and 4 km from the airport. With various dining options, including the popular Boma restaurant, and with modern conference facilities that can seat up to 500 delegates, Maun Lodge has become a gateway to the Okavango Delta. The 140-room lodge caters to individual needs by offering five accommodation options: riverfront rooms (including two presidential rooms), executive suites, executive rooms, standard rooms and chalets. All rooms are comfortably furnished and have a wide range of satellite TV channels. Each room is air conditioned and comes with tea and coffee facilities, Wi-Fi and en-suite bathroom.


Hotel Sector Motheo Apartments

Oasis Motel

PO Box 301294, Tlokweng Tel/Fax: +267 318 1587 Email:

Lot 171, Tlokweng Road, PO Box 30331, Tlokweng Tel: +267 393 8396 • Fax: +267 392 8568 Email:

Opened in 1999, Motheo Apartments is a range of luxury self-contained apartments situated in the heart of Gaborone near the Main Mall and accessible from two major roads: Independence and the Broadhurst Road passing in front of the Gaborone Sun. There are 54 rooms, comprising studio, one and two bedrooms and town houses. All rooms are fully furnished with satellite TV, laundry facilities, internet, telephone line and air conditioning. These affordable self-catering holiday apartments have a peaceful and central location, making them an ideal choice for holiday and business visitors who wish to experience everything that Gaborone has to offer. The apartments are all situated in one compound with a beautiful garden and a swimming pool.

For those on a budget looking for good-value accommodation in Gaborone, the Oasis Motel is the ideal place to stay. This landmark motel has been a foremost provider of accommodation in Gaborone since 1979. Over the years, it has hosted many guests from all over the world. Today the motel, with its serene and tranquil ambience, continues to live up to its name, providing guests with a welcome oasis from the bustle of Gaborone. Located just 5 km from the city centre, the Oasis Motel is the first accommodation of note on the main Tlokweng-Zeerust road for travellers entering the country from South Africa.

Peermont Metcourt Inn

Peermont Metcourt Lodge

Private Bag BR 105, Gaborone Tel: +267 363 7907 • Fax: +267 391 0402 Email:

PO Box 30703, Francistown Tel: +267 244 1100 • Fax: +267 244 0775 Email: •

Peermont Metcourt Inn at the Grand Palm Resort is a modern, affordable three-star select services hotel where guests decide what they need and pay for nothing extra. The 149 modern rooms are comfortable and relaxing. After a good night’s rest, a delicious breakfast can be enjoyed at the restaurant. Guests can unwind in the bar and lounge area or catch up on some work in the business centre. Guests of the Peermont Metcourt Inn have access to the Grand Palm Hotel Casino & Convention Resort’s magnificent variety of facilities as well as a free airport shuttle service in Gaborone.

Situated in the heart of Francistown’s central business district, the Peermont Metcourt offers modern quality, efficiency and excellent value for money. Over the past few years Francistown has seen a growth in demand for quality establishments at affordable rates. The Peermont Metcourt meets these needs completely for every kind of traveller, from stop-off tourists to overnight business guests. This cosy three-star select services hotel has 53 well appointed rooms and a fully enclosed landscape atrium. The Golden Hills Spur, located on the premises, offers guests a convenient, friendly and efficient dining alternative for a quick breakfast, business lunch or dinner, children’s party or special event catering.

Peermont Mondior

Peermont Walmont Hotel

Plot 21117, Corner Mobuto and Maratadiba Road The Village, Private Bag 00324, Gaborone Tel: +267 319 0600 • Fax: +267 319 0660 Email: •

Private Bag BR 105, Gaborone Tel: +267 363 7777 • Fax: +267 391 2989 Email: •

For those who prefer quiet, understated elegance, the charm of the Peermont Mondior lies in its unique ‘African chic’ style that combines timelessness with a warm and earthy atmosphere. This elegant hotel, with 67 large rooms, offers first-class service while maintaining international standards at attractive rates. Facilities include a boardroom, conference room and a tranquil splash pool. The News Café next to the hotel blends the tempting delights of its original menu with the latest culinary trends. The Peermont Mondior is ideally located in Gaborone, 20 minutes from Sir Seretse Khama International Airport. For guest convenience, a complimentary airport shuttle service in Gaborone is available.

Phakalane Golf Estate Hotel Resort PO Box 132, Gaborone Tel: +267 393 0000 • Fax: +267 315 9663 Email: •

Peermont Walmont Hotel, at the Grand Palm Resort, is proud to be Botswana’s first five-star hotel. This beautiful 188-room hotel offers comfortable bedrooms and suites with an access-controlled fifth floor featuring the Executive Club Lounge and business services. It is located just 4 km from the city centre and 12 km from Sir Seretse Khama International Airport. Guests can enjoy all the exciting facilities of the Grand Palm Resort, located on 15 hectares of land. The resort facilities include the casino, a swimming pool, gym, tennis, volleyball and a children’s playground, a jogging trail set around a picturesque lake and several restaurants to cater for connoisseurs of fine food. A free airport shuttle service in Gaborone is available to all guests.

Regent Select Hotel Plot 74344, EXT 10 Gaborone Tel: +267 318 2572 • Fax: +267 318 2573 Email:

The Phakalane Golf Estate Hotel Resort is 15 km from central Gaborone. It features a multi-million-pula clubhouse and an 18-hole championship golf course. The estate has 12 self-catering villas that consist of four-bedroom and three-bedroom units. All villas are equipped with en-suite bathrooms, satellite TV, air con, double garage, lounge, fully equipped kitchen and patio. In addition, the estate has eight ‘three and a quarter bedroom’ fully furnished self-catering chalets. The Office Bar is the place for a quiet drink or post-match thirst quencher, while Drotsky’s Restaurant offers fine dining. Various golf, conference and private function packages, as well as function venues, are available to suit all requirements.

Regent Select Hotel is one of Gaborone’s top business hotels, with 30 en-suite executive rooms, a large boardroom, a 24-hour front desk, free unlimited Wi-Fi, a bar and ample free parking. The hotel has air con throughout, a refreshing pool and deck, a restaurant with a garden seating area and easy access to Fairgrounds, Commerce Park and Main Mall. Ideally located in the heart of Gaborone, just 15 minutes from the airport, the hotel has every luxury a guest could wish for. This, coupled with friendly service and excellent staff, makes the Regent Select Hotel a ‘must’ when choosing a hotel in Gaborone.

Sedia Riverside Hotel

Sunbeam Hotel

Private Bag, 058, Maun Tel: +267 686 0177 • Fax: +267 686 0177 Email: •

PO Box 502850, Gaborone Tel: +267 350 0146 • Fax: +267 316 0907 Email: •

The Sedia Riverside Hotel is a unique hotel in harmony with nature. This small hotel comprises just 24 rooms and 10 cottages. The Sedia Riverside Hotel is characterised by competent service provided by welcoming staff who create a warm ambience. Spacious grounds stretch down to the Thalamakane River, offering a sanctuary for total relaxation and privacy in which guests may find themselves carried away from stress and routine. The environmentally friendly facilities integrated into this attractive natural setting ensure an enjoyable stay, whether travelling for business or pleasure.

Sunbeam Hotel is an image of elegance, class and exclusivity. Stylishly furnished and decorated with marble, Sunbeam Hotel is the choice for guests seeking the highest level of service, comfort and luxury and affordable accommodation. It has 23 guest rooms, a conference facility and a cocktail bar with access to the balcony. All bedrooms are air conditioned and en-suite and come with TV, wireless broadband, minibar and direct-dial telephone. This makes the Sunbeam Hotel exceptionally different from other places within the district and convenient for business. Just 10 minutes’ drive from Sir Seretse Khama Airport, the hotel is situated in the heart of the commercial area with a fine selection of restaurants and pubs all within a few minutes’ walk.


Hotel Sector Town Lodge Gaborone


Airport Junction Shopping Centre Cnr Airport and A1 Roads, PO Box 1676 ABG, Gaborone Tel: +267 316 0490 • Fax: +267 316 1390 Email:

Plot 28295, Block 3, PO Box 339 ABDF, Gaborone Tel: +267 310 5000 • Fax: +267 392 4082 Email: •

This 104-room hotel is ideally situated next to the Airport Junction shopping complex and is also within easy reach of Gaborone’s central business district and its international airport. Spread across three storeys, the hotel offers wireless internet throughout, ample secure parking, a boardroom and a swimming pool. A delicious breakfast is available and there is an evening bar service. This is an ideal accommodation venue for business and leisure travellers visiting Gaborone.

Standing proudly against the Gaborone skyline, Travelodge Hotel is well located in the heart of the city close to the new central business district, 10 minutes from the airport and with easy access to the western bypass and other main roads. Travelodge brings to the market a fresh, energetic and vibrant look underlined by its modern green-and-grey colour scheme and its spacious, clean and contemporary interior. All the right amenities are in place for leisure travellers, business guests and groups. Business travellers will find all the necessary facilities to carry out their work. The Travelodge has been tailored to the needs of its guests after a careful scrutiny of market trends that identified areas that are a common source of discomfort to travellers.

Conservation & Wildlife Management Botswana Wildlife Management Association Private Bag 098, Maun Tel: +267 686 2671 • Fax: +267 686 2673 Email:

Destination South Private Bag 351, Maun Tel: +267 686 1875 Fax: +267 686 1875 Email:

The Botswana Wildlife Management Association (BWMA) promotes the welfare of the wildlife industry in Botswana and has established a platform for the industry to facilitate contact with the government, its ministries and departments concerned with wildlife. BWMA provides statistics and information on the activities of the wildlife industry to government, local councils, land boards and other interested parties. As well as promoting and safeguarding the interests of the wildlife industry, it works with the Department of Wildlife & National Parks and other governmental organisations and interested entities.

Destination South was founded by Alan Michael Schmidt, who has more than 25 years of professional hunting experience. Tonuga Camp, in the central hunting area, CT1, is in the central district of Botswana, and is one of the largest hunting concessions in the country. The major trophy in this area is elephant. Owing to the remoteness and inaccessibility of the concession, the serious trophy hunter has an excellent choice of big ivory. Other species found in the area include lion, leopard, buffalo, eland, gemsbok, kudu, impala, zebra, duiker, steenbok and giraffe.

Mokolodi Wildlife Foundation

Somarelang Tikologo

Private Bag 0457, Gaborone Tel: +267 316 1955 Fax: +267 316 5488 Email:

Private Bag 00376, Gaborone Tel: +267 391 3709 Email:

The Mokolodi Wildlife Foundation was formed in 1991 to promote wildlife conservation and environmental education for the children of Botswana. The first project of the foundation was the creation of the Mokolodi Nature Reserve. In addition to naturally occurring animal species such as warthog, steenbok, kudu and snakes, several species have been reintroduced, including zebra, giraffe, eland, ostrich, hippo and rhino. The philosophy behind Mokolodi Nature Reserve is that income from tourism is used to subsidise the conservation projects and the environmental education programme.

Somarelang Tikologo (Environment Watch Botswana) is a member-based environmental non-government organisation in Gaborone. Its aim is to raise awareness of environmental issues through events and demonstration projects. ST consists of dedicated staff and committed volunteer members who undertake numerous environmental awareness-raising activities throughout each year. ST operates through four subcommittees – environmental planning, resource conservation, waste management and PR and fund-raising. Somarelang Tikologo has a collection of hand-made green crafts from local producers. The organisation has nearly 100 members and donors. They include government agencies, banks, private companies and multinationals.

The Botswana Society PO Box 71, Gaborone Tel: +267 391 9745 Email:

The Botswana Society is a non-governmental body, founded in 1969, that advances knowledge of Botswana in all disciplines and on all aspects of the nation’s cultural, scientific and environmental heritage. The Botswana Society reports, debates, collates and disseminates the findings of recent research on Botswana. The society publishes an annual journal (Botswana Notes and Records, Volume 40 in 2008) and other publications and holds lectures, workshops and symposiums on vital questions of national development.


Mobile Sector &Beyond Explorer Botswana Expeditions Private Bag BO 34, Maun Tel: +267 686 1979 • Fax: +267 686 1972 Email: •

Africa Under Canvas c/o Didibakwe Enterprises, PO Box 1135, Kasane Tel: +267 625 0139 • Fax: +267 625 0149 Email: •

Combining the untamed wilderness of Botswana’s most iconic destinations with comfortable mobile camping accommodation and an exclusive game viewing adventure, &Beyond Expeditions is privately guided throughout and offer the avid explorer the opportunity to engage in a comprehensive Botswana safari experience. &Beyond Expeditions offers six all-inclusive tours that range from six to eight nights and cover the best destinations of Botswana, including the renowned Chobe National Park, Savute, the Okavango Delta and the Nxai Pans. They are perfect for small groups, adventure-seekers, photographic and wildlife enthusiasts and even individual travellers.

Africa Under Canvas is a small and vibrant mobile safari operator strategically located in Kasane, a stone’s throw from three border posts: Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia. The company has operated in Botswana, under French management, since 2005 and specialises in tailor-made tours. Africa Under Canvas provides self-drive tours and guided lodge and camping tours throughout Botswana. Africa Under Canvas has added to its collection an exclusive mobile tented camp on the Chobe River, set up and managed by a professional and friendly team. The exclusive camp brings guests up close to the untouched beauty of Botswana, adding an adventurous and educational aspect to their vacation. Join Africa Under Canvas and awake your senses.

Africa Voyages

African Bush Camps

PO Box HA 59 HAK, Maun Tel/Fax: +267 686 5117 • Cell: +267 7270 2711 Email: •

Private Bag 33, Maun Tel: +267 686 2336 • Cell: +267 7182 3169 Email: •

Africa Voyages specialise in French-speaking travellers. The company’s tailormade itineraries are designed to suit guests’ needs while on safaris in the most pristine area of Botswana. The classification of Africa Voyages safaris covers a broad range, including but not limited to family safaris, private safaris and photographic safaris. Africa Voyages also caters for a wide range of budgets, ranging from small budget mobile safaris under the stars to charming bush lodges to the most luxurious accommodation in Botswana.

African Bush Camps is a private, owner-run safari company that offers authentic safari experiences in the untamed African wilderness. With their focus on the client experience, the professional guides and naturalist enthusiasts will be at hand to ensure that each guest’s journey with African Bush Camps is the best safari experience available. Those in search of unique wildlife encounters, thirsting for adventure and wanting a safari rich with African wildlife and culture will find the ideal safari partner here. African Bush Camps offers a variety of exclusive safari camps to fit today’s modern traveller. Whether it be on the mighty Zambezi River, in the Okavango Delta or soaring over the Linyanti Marsh, African Bush Camps can provide a wonderful and memorable journey.

African Excursions

African Horseback Safaris

PO Box 20788, Maun Tel: +267 680 1000 Email:

PO Box 20671, Maun Tel: +267 686 1523 • Fax: +267 686 4063 Email:

African Excursions is based in Maun, the tourism capital of Botswana and gateway to the Okavango Delta. African Excursions was founded by Seolebale Sammy Mokgadi, who has a track record of participating within the tourism and hospitality industry in Botswana. The company has over 10 years of successful experience as a travel agency that specialises in photographic adventure safaris. Botswana is known as one of the most politically stable countries in the world and its diverse wildlife has made it one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa.

African Horseback Safaris was one of the early pioneers of horse riding safaris in Africa; and two decades later the company prides itself on offering one of the most unique and exciting horseback adventures in the world. Led by talented guides, guests have 450,000 acres of pristine wilderness of the Okavango Delta to explore on calm, experienced horses, offering exhilarating rides alongside big game such as giraffe, zebra and elephant.


Mobile Sector Afro Trek

Belmond Safaris

Private Bag 058, Maun Tel/Fax: +267 686 2574 Email: •

Address here Tel: +27 21 483 1600 Email:

Venture out and explore untouched wilderness with Afro Trek Safaris on a luxury safari in a style that best suits available budgets. Afro Trek Safaris offers personalised safaris throughout the Okavango Delta region and the wilderness areas of Botswana. Mokoro trail safaris of variable duration are also undertaken in a private concession, owned and operated by Botswana, on the Boro River system in the Okavango Delta. For over 15 years Afro Trek Safaris has been working closely with and supporting the local communities organising Mokoro trail safaris. Afro Trek Safaris is based at Sedia Riverside Hotel, just 3 km from Maun Airport. With comfortable rooms and family oriented cottages nestled among soothing lawns, it offers a delightful idyll after an exciting day.

Belmond Safaris is a true African specialist and has been operating in northern Botswana for more than 20 years. Its staff and guides offer an unsurpassed wealth of experience to ensure that guests enjoy an unforgettable stay. A Belmond Safari includes luxury air conditioned accommodation with wireless internet, return light aircraft flights from Maun to the guests’ chosen lodge, all meals and selected drinks during their stay, daily game viewing activities and national park fees and emergency medical evacuation insurance.

Bush Ridge

Bush Ways Safaris

PO Box 21931, Maun Tel/Fax: +267 686 4688 Email: •

Private Bag 342, Maun • Tel: +267 686 3685 • Fax: +267 680 0937 Email: •

Bush Ridge safari excursions offer excellent value, from a day trip to a mobile tented safari anywhere throughout Botswana’s wilderness. The company has its own motor boat, perfect for cruising the Thamalakane River, birdwatching or watching beautiful sunsets. Nothing is more relaxing than a traditional mokoro (dugout), the most peaceful way to get on the rivers in Maun. Relaxation is the company’s policy and there are tranquil gardens under shady leadwood trees and palms surrounding the pool.

Established in 1996, Bush Ways offers scheduled mobile safaris and tailor-made trips for small groups. Travellers have the choice between three types of safari. During the Semi-Participation camping safaris, guests only have to set-up and pack their tents during the trip but all other chores are carried out by the safari team. For the Fully Serviced camping safaris, everything is done by your safari team, tents are more spacious with en-suite ablutions, camp bed with bedding is provided and drinks are included. On both camping safari styles, guests travel in custom-built safari vehicles specially designed to improve travel comfort and maximize viewing and photographic opportunities. The Accommodated safari goes from lodge to lodge in a comfortable air-conditioned minibus. Scheduled safaris range from 7 to 17 days and cover Chobe, Moremi, Nxai Pan, Makgadikgadi & the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, as well as Victoria Falls & Namibia’s Caprivi Strip. French & German translators are provided on selected safaris.

Bushlife Safaris

Bushtracks Safaris

c/o Safari 24, PO Box 3662, Swakopmund, Namibia Tel: +264 6440 4511 • Fax: +264 6440 3526 Email •

PO Box 747 Kasane Tel: +267 6250 840 • Fax: +267 6250 440 Email: •

Bushlife Safaris, registered in Namibia and Botswana, specialises in guided safaris of a different kind away from the beaten track. Using its fleet of Land Rovers, its experienced guides are experts in these adventures and completely familiar and at ease with their surroundings, thus ensuring magnificent excursions. For example, guests can travel in a fully equipped 4x4 vehicle through dried-up riverbeds and rocky mountain passes and follow barely visible tracks. Bushlife is equipped with comprehensive camping gear. Holidays can be adapted to meet individual needs using a combination of comfortable lodges, camping in remote and romantic locations or with a guided safari with accommodation in luxury lodges.

Bushtracks Safaris is operated by Phil and Jonah Aaron, who both have over 25 years of experience as guides and luxury lodge managers in the Okavango Delta, Kwando / Linyanti area. Bushtracks Safaris Botswana is operated from Kasane. It is in the furthest northern point of Botswana, bordering three other countries – Zambia, Namibia (Caprivi Strip) and Zimbabwe – making it a unique location, a place where the four countries meet at the confluence of the rivers Chobe and Zambezi. Kasane-based Bushtracks Safaris offers trips into and throughout Chobe National Park. At the same time, Bushtracks Safaris offers tourist transfers and return trips between Kasane, Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe) and Livingstone (Zambia) as well as wildlife excursions of two or more nights into other game parks in Botswana.

Capricorn Safaris

Capture Africa

Private Bag 021, Maun Tel: +267 686 1165 • Fax: +267 686 2991 Email: •

Matlapana Ward, Private Bag BO 28, Maun Tel: +267 686 1200 • Fax: +267 680 0260 Email: •

Capricorn Safaris is a Botswana-based safari company founded in 1972 that operates scheduled departures or specific tailor-made safaris. There are two scheduled departure safaris exploring the various regions of Botswana. The Botswana Overland Safari is an 11-day tented safari from Maun that combines the best of the Kalahari with northern Botswana. The Okavango Wildlife Explorer is an eight-day tented safari that explores the Okavango Delta. Guests can create their own safaris to include the Kalahari, the Okavango, a flying safari and multiple country safaris. Capricorn Safaris has experience in providing camping with all the comforts of a luxury tented camp, yet still a true African wilderness experience.

A family owned and run company, Capture Africa prides itself on attention to detail, from the planning stage to each minute of the safari experience. Capture Africa specialises in tailor-made private safaris throughout Botswana. Each mobile camping adventure takes guests through pristine wilderness areas while they enjoy all the creature comforts of home. Employing only the most knowledgeable and professional guides, Capture Africa ensures that guests have a fully enriched experience and learn about the wilderness around them. Children are welcome and safaris can be tailored to suit their needs. Other services and activities include game walks with armed professional guides, night drives and helicopter flights.

Crombic Safaris

Delta Rain

PO Box 94, Kasane Tel: +267 76 108 624

Sitatunga Camp, PO Box 66, Maun Tel: +267 680 0380 • Fax. +267 680 0381 Email: •

Crombic Safaris is a mobile safari company specialising in safaris in Botswana. The company is situated in Chobe, Kasane, and is solely owned by the adventure guide Nicodemus Monomana. He has been in the safari industry for 10 years and has grown fond of nature during his travels. Crombic Safaris offers tailor-made safaris to clients, taking them on breathtaking adventures in Botswana and Zimbabwe. Most of the activities available take place in Kasane and include mobile safaris in the national parks, game drives, boat cruises on the Chobe and Victoria Falls day trips in Zimbabwe.

Delta Rain provides quality, affordable mobile and mokoro safaris in the Okavango, throughout Botswana and further through southern Africa. Established in 1997 and based at Sitatunga Camp on the outskirts of Maun, Delta Rain is ideally situated to provide itineraries to suit all tastes, levels of comfort and budget. Alongside standard departures, the company offers bespoke tours created for individuals or groups. Some of the itineraries are specifically for families, including Mokoro excursions into the beautiful Okavango Delta and tented mobile safaris throughout Botswana, Namibia and Zambia. Whether your interests are wildlife or culture, birdlife or photographic, contact Delta Rain to design your mobile safari.


Mobile Sector Delta Sure Safaris

Desert & Delta Safaris

Private Bag 234, Maun Tel: +267 686 0968 Email:

PO Box 310, Maun Tel: +267 686 1243 • Fax: +267 686 1791 Email: •

Delta Sure Safaris is a diverse service provider for external tour operators and the local safari industry. With a fleet of high quality, fully rigged safari vehicles and a team of well qualified, experienced staff and professional guides, Delta Sure Safaris offers an affordable safari experience beyond expectation. With many years of hands-on experience, Delta Sure Safaris offer the industry a tried and tested product. For external operators, Delta Sure can serve their groups with vehicles and guides. For all safari needs, please contact Delta Sure Safaris.

Eight luxury safari lodges offer spectacular game viewing opportunities that allow clients to get up close to some of nature’s biggest personalities. Desert & Delta Safaris owns and operates lodges in both Botswana and Namibia. These properties, located predominantly within Botswana’s famous game reserves and national parks, offer an unrivalled safari experience. Established in 1982, Desert & Delta Safaris has a portfolio that brings together some of Botswana’s most historical and iconic lodges: Chobe Game Lodge, Chobe Savanna Lodge, Savute Safari Lodge, Camp Moremi, Camp Xakanaxa, Camp Okavango, Xugana Island Lodge and Leroo La Tau. Thanks to their location, these lodges offer a diverse safari experience while providing the personalised service for which Desert & Delta Safaris is renowned.

Dreams Safaris

Drifters Adventure Tours

PO Box 877, Kasane Tel: +267 625 0332 • Fax: +267 625 0332 Email:

Private Bag 205, Maun Tel: +27 11 888 1160 Email:

Dreams Safaris is a family-owned business founded by a father and a son. The company’s dream is to fly higher in terms of service. Its operations manager, Mist Setaung, is the field guide, with experience from as far back as 1996. After obtaining his professional licence, he explored various places and acquired experience and constant training, making him one of the most popular field guides in the country. His specialities are birdwatching and stargazing. Dreams Safaris offers Victoria Falls day trips, boat trips, game drives and fishing trips. It aims to make your dreams come true and offer an experience you will never forget.

Established in 1983, Drifters is a specialist adventure tour operator that offers a selection of safari tours. Its regularly scheduled tours cater for those wishing to go beyond the normal tourist routes in order to see the parts of Africa that few visit. Drifters takes its visitors camping to remote destinations, using its custom-built safari vehicles, and where no other facilities exist. Tours include a 16-day Botswana tour featuring the country’s highlights, from the national parks to the paradise of the Okavango Delta. Drifters also offers private tours for small groups; while the Drifters Maun Lodge offers guests comfortable accommodation with beautiful river views.

Drumbeat Safaris

Earth Ark Safaris

PO Box 20228, Maun Tel: +267 686 3096 • Fax: +267 686 3096 Email:

PO Box 2097, Maun Tel: +267 7142 1374, +267 7502 3425 Email: •

Drumbeat Safaris is a small mobile safari operator owned by Annelies Zonjee, who began her African experience in 1990. The company organises private safaris for families or groups, making use of exclusive campsites, which allows them to take younger children out in the bush as well. This is often not possible in lodges or with other organised tours. Drumbeat Safaris believes that this is your safari and therefore you can set the pace. Tours are guided by professional guides and cooks provide delicious three-course meals in a dinner tent or under the stars. The big tents have proper beds and en-suite facilities, making your experience in the African bush very comfortable.

Earth Ark Safaris offers an experience into the wild places and spaces of northern Botswana. Its guides are knowledgeable on the flora and fauna of the country as well as photography. Specialist safaris under canvas are tailormade to enhance true wildlife photographic experiences. Vehicles are specially modified to create greater visibility when viewing and photographing wildlife and also have specially designed, custommade photographic arms and beanbags for stabilisation. Safaris are fully supported by a dedicated crew who take care of remote mobile camps in prime areas and chefs who prepare wholesome meals and picnic lunches. Earth Ark Safaris also specialises in hosting international film crews, providing project management, logistical support and arranging the various permits required for conducting filming projects in the country.

Elephant Trails Safari

Endeavour Safaris

PO Box 989, Maun Tel: +267 686 4845 • Fax: +267 6864 657 Email: •

Private Bag 206, Maun Tel/Fax: +267 686 0887 Email: •

Elephant Trails brings decades of combined guiding experience to its specialised wildlife expeditions that are led in Botswana. The company uses only private camp sites throughout the wilderness areas and its dedicated crew ensure a level of comfort and service to create an unforgettable stay for all guests. Elephant Trails can also caters to most special dietary requirements. Most of the expeditions are conducted using specially designed 4x4 vehicles to optimise the wildlife experience and photography possibilities, so that visitors can return home with great memories and a better understanding of nature.

Endeavour Safaris is a tour operator providing travel in southern Africa, particularly Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Victoria Falls and Mozambique. In addition, Endeavour Safaris has a division that specialises in accessible travel for guests with disabilities, including mobility, visual and hearing impairment as well as those requiring oxygen or kidney dialysis. The experiences on offer include: luxury lodge safaris; semi-luxury camping safaris; semi-participation, mobile, budget camping safaris; photographic safaris; family safaris; honeymoon packages; beach and dive packages; disabled tours and safaris; lodge and camping combinations; country combinations and circuits; self-drive tours; boating safaris in the Okavango; and many more. Scheduled departure tours are also available.

Game Trails

Get Up & Go Safaris

Private Bag 206, Maun Tel/Fax: +267 680 0369 • Cell: +267 72 110 493 Email: •

PO Box 124, Gweta Tel: +267 621 2220 • Fax: +267 621 2458 Email:

Game Trails is run by a unique team that enables it to offer a professional and personalised safari experience. All operations use luxurious mobile tented camps in the traditional safari style with all accommodation in en-suite facilities. Game Trails has expertly designed a comprehensive selection of safari packages of varying duration. The seven-day Miracle Rivers takes in Moremi Game Reserve, Okavango Delta and the Khwai Community wilderness area. The 10-day Northern Highlights takes in Moremi Game Reserve, Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park. Game Trails also offers private departures, tailor-made to the individual’s requirements. It uses spacious and comfortable safari vehicles for the exclusivity of its guests.

Get Up & Go Safaris is an incoming tour and mobile safari operator based in Maun specialising in small-group, scheduled lodge and camping safaris throughout Botswana as well as private, guided, tailor-made travel. Scheduled safaris offer travellers a well planned holiday combining land and water-based game viewing activities. Clients can chose between adventure safaris that incorporate camping and mid-range lodge safaris. Get Up & Go Safaris understands that a dream holiday may be very specific; therefore it tailors holidays to suit clients’ needs, wants and budget. Its 4x4 safari vehicles are custom-built, reliable and equipped with the latest safety features and GPS system. Experience the wonders of Botswana with Get Up & Go Safaris.


Mobile Sector Island Mobile Safaris

John Chase Safaris


PO Box 25004, Maun Tel: +267 6801 066 Fax: +267 680 1066

Island Mobile Safaris, established as the activity centre for the Island Group’s Maun-based operations, offers a wide range of options and opportunities for travellers to enjoy. Focused on establishing a one-stop shop for activities, the company aims to offer as many opportunities as possible from a single activity desk. Island Mobile Safaris activities include: mokoro trips, day trips, overnighters, guided walks, cultural excursions and boat cruises. Based in Maun, Island Mobile Safaris has been operating since 1973.

John Chase Safaris is owner-managed and run by John and Tina Chase. Both have many years of safari experience. All itineraries are tailor-made and include many areas of Botswana such as Chobe National Park, Okavango Delta (Moremi Game Reserve), Nxai Pan and the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. Special interest safaris are also offered in association with Deception Valley Lodge to introduce guests to the San of Botswana and their traditional way of life. Activities on a tailor-made trip include walking, flights over the delta, fishing, hot air balloons and biking. Accommodation includes twin-bedded luxury in Meru-style tents, with bathroom and toilet en-suite. Bathrooms are permanently attached to the tents, roofed and completely insect-proof.

Kalahari Tours

Kalahari Skies

Plot 721, President Avenue, Private Bag K 15, Kasane Tel: +267 625 0880 • Fax: +267 625 0821 Email: •

PO Box 20012, Maun Tel: +267 686 2898 Cell: +267 722 995 23 Email:,

Kalahari Holiday Tours is Kasane-based, on the doorstep of Chobe National Park, and specialises in tented overnight safaris, game drives, boat cruises and transfers in the area across borders. The company offers professional service and experienced guides and staff. Camping trips run within the Chobe National Park with various overnight options. On daily game drives, guests can enjoy optimum wildlife viewing from the comfort of specially adapted 4x4 vehicles. Boat cruises into the Chobe National Park offer some first-rate game viewing from a variety of vessels including doubledeck and aluminium speedboats. Day trips can be arranged to and from Livingstone or Victoria Falls, offering good value and service in Chobe.

Organising safaris since 1994, Kalahari Skies is run by real African bush lovers with over 20 years of experience in guiding. Guests can meet the last bushmen/San in their habitat, search for the famous black-mane Kalahari lions, enjoy playful suricates, follow descending vultures to a kill, find themselves in a herd of elephants and marvel at the unforgettable sundowners. A better ‘Out of Africa’ feeling is hard to find.

Karibu Safaris

Kazuma Trails

Private Bag 39, Maun Tel: +267 686 1225 • Fax: +267 680 0390 Email: •

PO Box 838, Kasane Tel: +267 7136 3653 Email:

Karibu is a reputable, well established safari company that has been organising safari vacations in southern Africa since 1983. Over the past quarter of a century its dedication to well planned, authentic safari experiences for the discerning traveller has secured it the reputation of leading mobile safari operator in southern Africa. Its experience in Botswana, with its unique range of comfort mobile safaris, authentic mobile safaris, scheduled, private and tailor-made safaris, creates the perfect balance between a true African safari and a superior level of comfort. All safaris are served by a tour guide, chef and camp crew, thus allowing guests time to relax and unwind.

Guests are invited to join Kazuma Trails on an African safari holiday of a lifetime. The company is owned and run by Antonette and David Carson and operates luxury and semi-luxury level mobile safaris into Botswana and Zimbabwe national parks including Chobe, Moremi, Savuti and Nxai Pan areas in Botswana and Hwange, Mana Pools and Kazuma Pan in Zimbabwe. The company has a base in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, and also in Kasane. All its trips are tailor-made and it has the added advantage of being able to run safaris in both countries.

Kgori Safaris

Kitso Safaris

Tel: +267 686 5787 Email:

PO Box 215, Maun Tel: +267 686 2604 • Fax: +267 686 5111 Email: •

Situated between the Moremi Game Reserve and Chobe National Park, Mankwe is an ideal gateway to exploring this area. Moremi is undoubtedly one of the most famous parks in Africa and a protected area of the Okavango Delta. Moremi is situated in the central and eastern areas of the Okavango and includes the Moremi Tongue and Chief’s Island, with one of the richest and most diverse ecosystems on the continent. This makes for spectacular game viewing and birdwatching, including all major naturally occurring herbivore and carnivore species in the region and over 400 species of birds, many migratory and some endangered. Both black and white rhino have recently been reintroduced, now making the reserve a Big Five destination.

Kitso Safaris specialises in outfitting camping safaris in and around the Okavango Delta, Moremi Game Reserve, Chobe National Park, Nxai Pan National Park and the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. Kitso Safaris has been offering safaris since 1979. All luxury camping safaris are strictly private and general bookings are not added. Experience old-style camping with its luxury camping safaris. Camps consists of spacious twin-bedded, insect-proof, walk-in tents with sewn-in ground sheets. Each tent has its own shower and toilet attached. Sumptuous meals including imported wines are served in the large, comfortable dining tent. The whole camp is transported from place to place in specially equipped trucks fitted with extra fuel and water capacity.

Letaka Safaris

Lewis Safaris

Private Bag 206, Maun Tel: +267 680 0363 Fax: +267 680 0955 Email:

Private Bag BO13, Maun Tel: +267 686 1211 • Cell: +267 7231 1132 Email:

Letaka Safaris is a citizen-owned mobile safari company offering scheduled and private tailor-made itineraries throughout the year. They include specialised birding and photographic safaris as well as a variety of itineraries created for spectacular game viewing. Letaka Safaris has some of Botswana’s most experienced guides, supported by a professional back-up team, to give guests a fully serviced experience in comfortable en-suite tented accommodation.

Lewis Safaris offers great value mobile safaris throughout Botswana. The company provides tailor-made departures as well as scheduled safaris that operate throughout the year to major parks and reserves in northern Botswana. The safaris vary from serviced safaris to the budget Botswana adventurer option. But all are guaranteed to offer the best wilderness experience. Depending on the chosen safari itinerary, activities include: game drives, boat cruises, mekoros and night drives in certain areas.


Mobile Sector Masson Safaris

Okavango Horse Safaris

Private Bag 257, Maun Tel: +267 686 2442 • Fax: +267 686 244 Email:

Private Bag 23, Maun Tel: +267 686 1671 • Fax: +267 686 1672 Email:

Masson Safaris runs safaris dedicated to wildlife viewing and birdwatching. Its ecologically friendly approach ensures that its presence has minimal environmental impact. The company’s senior guide, Ewan Masson, has lived and guided in Botswana for over 20 years. Masson Safaris operates fully mobile camps consisting of large frame tents, en-suite toilet, camp beds, linen and towels. It offers tailor-made safaris as well as themed safaris such as Discover Northern Botswana, Saltpans and Waterways, Rivers Past and Present and Desert and Delta. Safaris are available to the Transfrontier Park, hiking safaris at Tsodilo Hills, fishing on the Okavango River and excursions to Victoria Falls and Namibia.

Founded in 1986, Okavango Horse Safaris is the first riding safari company in southern Africa. The focus is a journey through the diverse landscape of the Okavango Delta. The company uses two camps: Kujwana, luxury en-suite tents raised on deckings under a natural canopy; Mokolwane, two metre high tree houses along the edge of the Matsibe River. Rides are limited to six guests and non-riders can be accommodated. The remote camps are accessed by helicopter, based in private concession areas of over 2,500 sq km bordering Moremi National Park. Guests will also experience the delta from mokoro, on foot and game drives with night drives.

Penduka Safaris

Planet Okavango

PO Box 66, Maun Tel: +267 686 4539 • Cell: +267 7130 0215 Email: •

Private Bag 114, Suite 49, Maun Tel: +267 686 0273 • Fax: +267 686 0273 Email:

Established in the 1960s, Penduka Safaris is a leader in the mobile safari industry. Involved in wildlife since the 19th century, the family that runs the company has a long heritage in the industry. Based in Maun, Penduka is one of the few mobile safari outfitters to operate throughout Botswana, including Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, as well as the adjacent countries of Zambia, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Penduka offers pre-scheduled safaris and specialises in tailor-made cultural, special interest and flying safaris. Penduka’s guides take pride in sharing their knowledge. All safaris are fully serviced with comfortable accommodation. Delicious meals prepared by bush chef are served in the dining tent. All vehicles offer unrivalled rooftop viewing on game drives.

Planet Okavango is based in Maun and specialises in wildlife and culture oriented safaris throughout Botswana and southern Africa aimed at the adventure traveller. Options include: scheduled mobile safaris with sell-in ‘seat on safari’ available on specific departure dates (with maximum group size of 12 people); family safaris tailored to client requirements and quoted on each private group; and private small group special interest safaris designed to client’s requirements and quoted to the client’s budget. With 15 years of experience, Planet Okavango operates each safari to a high standard, with a substantial operations back-up office.

Planet Wilderness Safaris

Pride of Africa Safaris

PO Box HA76HAK, Maun Tel/Fax: +267 686 4886 Email:

Private Bag B059, Maun Tel/Fax: +267 7401 6121 Email: •

Planet Wilderness Safaris, based in Maun, takes visitors to some of the most breathtaking destinations Botswana has to offer, including the Okavango Delta; the Kalahari, Moremi Game Reserve, Chobe National Park and Victoria Falls. Guests can choose fully catered safaris, which include large dome tents with en-suite bathrooms. The tents are furnished with comfortable ‘cots’ with cotton linen, duvets, towels and battery-powered lights. The fully catered package entitles guests to hearty three-course meals, wine and soft drinks. Scheduled mobile safaris with sell-in ‘seat on safari’ available on specific departure dates (maximum group size seven people). Family safaris are tailored to client requirements and quoted on each private group.

Pride of Africa Safaris & Luxury Tented Camps offers fully serviced mobile camping and lodge safaris throughout southern Africa. The company’s founder has over a dozen years’ experience and, together with his staff, offers an experienced and professional service. Able to assist in putting together excellent packages, Pride of Africa Safaris provides tailor-made itineraries and scheduled departures. Other services include custom-designed itineraries for free independent travellers, groups, incentives, special interest, self-drives and sports groups. Pride of Africa Safaris has the advantage of being small enough to treat every client as an individual, yet big enough in infrastructure and representation throughout southern Africa to handle all client requirements.

Roger Dugmore Safaris

Safari & Guide Services

Private Bag 035, Maun Tel/Fax: +267 686 2427 Email:

Private Bag K39, Kasane Tel: +267 625 1754/0259 • Fax: +267 625 0259 Email:

Roger Dugmore Safaris offers mobile tented safaris to some of the most striking areas in Botswana: Moremi Game Reserve, Khwai, Makgadikgadi Pans Game Reserve, Nxai Pan National Park and Central Kalahari Game Reserve. These awe-inspiring destinations offer their own magnificence and abundant wildlife. All guides are creative personalities and gifted photographers and have a long history in the safari business. Itineraries are custom-designed to make every trip unique and memorable. Walk-in tents with all the amenities needed for a luxury stay in the bush as well as hearty meals and camp service add to the comfort of the adventure. As Roger Dugmore would say: ‘The luxury is the adventure.’

Safari & Guide Services (SGS) has been designing and running Tailor-Made Mobile Safaris throughout Botswana’s stunning wildlife locations for 30 years. Choose from four distinct levels of mobile safaris, from budget to deluxe including a bespoke family tent, giving you a variety of options for all budgets and tastes. All levels are fully serviced with a dedicated team of safari staff to take care of all aspects of mobile camping and can be combined with a myriad of extra activities. Safaris are led by some of Botswana’s most experienced professional guides and are ideal for Families and Small Groups. Guests can choose a full mobile safari, combine the mobile tented experience with lodges and permanent camps or enjoy a full lodge experience.

Safari Life Africa

SKL Group

PO Box 20605, Maun Tel/Fax: +267 680 0456 • Cell: +267 (0)71 676 772 Email: •

PO Box 1860, Maun Tel: +267 686 5365 • Fax: +267 686 5367 Email: •

Safari Life Africa is an owner-operated safari company that specialises in going off the beaten track. All trips are custom-designed to suit the individual and vary from bush camping to upmarket lodges. The company’s emphasis is on photography, conservation and giving guests an experience of a lifetime. All of the camping safaris are private and non-participation with some of the best specialist guides Botswana has to offer. In addition, Safari Life Africa combines camping safaris with some upgrades to permanent lodge accommodation. It operates throughout Botswana’s National Parks and in Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe. There are many safari options to suit all time frames and budgets, with expert, efficient and personal service for individuals or groups to explore the amazing continent of Africa.

SKL operates public camping grounds in Botswana’s prime national parks. Within Chobe National Park, SKL has campsites in Savuti, which is known for excellent game and offers good sightings through the year. Linyanti is nestled in the furthest corner of Chobe National Park with five beautiful campsites among tall trees overlooking the Linyanti perennial river. In Moremi Game Reserve is Khwai. It consists of 10 camping sites along the banks of the Khwai River. There are ablution blocks with hot and cold showers. Kumaga is located in Makgadikgadi National Park with 10 camping sites and two ablution blocks. Now SKL has two small intimate tented camps within Chobe National Park. Camp Savuti and Camp Linyanti offer tranquil escapes for travellers. Each has five Meru tents with private bathing en-suite and superb game viewing from the tent’s balcony.


Mobile Sector Southern Cross Safaris

Swampland Safari Trails

Cobalt Street 265, Prosperita, Namibia Tel: +264 61 235 591 • Fax: +264 61 251 883 Email:

Private Bag 350, Maun Tel: +267 686 5081 Email:

Experience the breathtaking beauty of the largest unspoilt inland delta in the world or the vastness of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve and the remoteness of the Makgadikgadi. All this and the amazing biodiversity of Chobe National Park make an unforgettable travel destination. For over 30 years Southern Cross Safaris has been a reliable partner for safari trips in Africa. Southern Cross Safaris has specialised in the oldest and most primitive type of safari trips, with routes off the paved roads and nights in tents. In addition, the company offers lodge safari holidays in Namibia, Botswana Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Swampland Safari Trails – a mobile safari operator, founded in 1998 – is situated in Maun at the gateway to the Okavango Delta. The company specialises in tailor-made safaris, mainly for smaller groups and families. Arranging memorable trips with a substantial knowledge of Botswana and its magnificent wildlife provides for a unique experience. Guests are invited to come on an adventure of a lifetime and discover the magic of Africa. For Swampland Safari Trails, adventure is naturally synonymous with quality, comfort and reliability. In addition, a high standard of professionalism in the guides, vehicles and equipment is top priority on their travels.

Thebe River Safaris

Tholo Safaris

PO Box 5, Kasane Tel/Fax: +267 625 1272 • Cell: +267 625 0995 Email:

PO Box 6, Ghanzi Tel: +267 721 240 00 Email:

Thebe River Safaris is ideally situated for visitors to Chobe National Park and the Chobe River area in northern Botswana. Thebe River Lodge is 12 km from the Kazungula border and 5 km from the Chobe National Park entrance. The lodge offers affordable accommodation featuring air conditioned rooms with en-suite bathrooms; and 220 volt power points are available in each campsite. Boat cruises on the Chobe River are available as well as game drives and overnights into Chobe National Park. Game drives, Chobe day trips and overnight safaris are genuine African experiences combining land and water game viewing. Mobile safaris into the Chobe, Savuti, Moremi and Nxai Pan areas are also available.

Tholo Safaris provides tailor-made safaris and operates on a privately owned conservancy in the Kalahari. Tholo Camp has three air conditioned stone thatched cottages with en-suite bathrooms, three large Meru tents under thatched roofs with en-suite bathrooms and an eco-friendly swimming pool and an open air lounge/ bar area that is set on the edge of the hippo pool. Tholo Safaris offers excellent service in a relaxed environment.

Ulinda Safari Trails

Uncharted Africa Safari Co. - Mobile Safari Expeditions

PO Box 156, Maun Tel: +267 7412 6667 Email: •

Ulinda Safari Trails specialises in tailor-made photographic safaris in Botswana. The company offers its guests the best opportunities to capture first-rate photographs in comfort. By keeping small, Ulinda Safari Trails can assure its guests of attention to detail and provide them with a unique safari that exceeds their expectations. Ulinda clients can experience intimate group sizes with personalised itineraries as well as the comfort of a fully backed-up safari. All guides have years of experience that enhance each safari trip.

PO Box 173, Francistown • Tel: +267 241 2277 • Fax: +267 241 3458 Email: •

Offering ‘real adventure in unreal style’, Uncharted Africa provides tailor-made safaris to suit the interests and pace of each guest. Uncharted Africa Mobile Safari Expeditions offers visitors the freedom to move to the best areas and follow game. Private camps and guides make Uncharted Africa ideal for families and small groups desiring privacy and exclusivity. The camp’s central area is equipped with day beds, a small library with books and games and a drinks cabinet. Guests’ accommodation is in traditional and comfortable Meru tents with en-suite bathrooms and flush loos. The only concession to roughing it is the bush shower. The tents exude old-world safari charm. Choose one of the following destinations, or combine them with each other and the company’s permanent camps: Okavango Delta & Moremi Game Reserve, Kalahari Bushmen Experience, Central Kalahari Game Reserve and Tsodilo Hills – Ancient Rock Art.

Unlimited Tours & Safaris

Veld Ventures Safaris

PO Box 20604, Maun Tel/Fax: +267 680 0300 Cell: +267 711 121 41 Email:

Plot 169, Lethakane, Sedie Ward, Maun Tel: +267 297 8124 Email:

Unlimited Tours & Safaris is an African owned and run safari company that offers custom, private, mobile, tented safaris in Botswana’s beautiful national parks. A private tented safari is the ultimate authentic safari experience. Guests can join one of the professional guides in their own private game vehicle and spend their nights under the canvas of comfortable tents at exclusive campsites in the wilderness. By combining extensive knowledge of the national parks and expertise on animal movements with its guests’ interests, Unlimited Tours & Safaris creates unforgettable custom safaris for every traveller.

For those looking for a well planned, adventurous trip or a perfect and unforgettable way to celebrate a special occasion with family or friends, then Veld Ventures Safaris is the perfect partner. The company’s safari trips offer special experience packaged gifts, featuring many locations across southern Africa. Veld Tours prides itself on years of experience in luxury safari adventures and touring. The activities available include: mokoro trips, boat cruises, scenic flights, camping, camel rides and wildlife watching.

Wilderness Dawning

Wilderness Safaris Explorations

PO Box 22277, Maun Tel: +267 686 2962 Email:

Private Bag 14, Maun Tel: +267 686 0086 • Fax: +267 686 0632 Email:

Wilderness Dawning is a Botswana-based safari company offering a wide variety of mobile non-participation camping expeditions. The company also owns ‘Kabbo’, a 16-bed en-suite houseboat that operates on the Okavango Delta. At Wilderness Dawning, safaris are personal. With over 30 years’ experience among the company’s directors, travellers are in capable hands. The company’s experience allows it to provide accommodation combined with the best guides in the business. Wilderness Dawning offers guiding with unspoilt wilderness. Groups are small on scheduled departures. Tailor-made safaris allow individuals or groups the freedom to choose the dynamics of the safari as well as catering for special interest groups, families and incentive groups.

Wilderness Safaris Explorations is an innovative range of fully serviced crosscountry safaris that recreate the sense of old Africa. More than a century ago, the only way to experience this extraordinary continent was on a mobile safari. Specially designed tents with pure cotton linen, stylish furnishings and refreshing amenities add to the overall atmosphere and guest comfort. Explorations are unrivalled, using mostly private concessions and wildlife areas exclusive to guests of Wilderness Safaris. The company’s guides are conservationists who lead each journey from start to finish, creating a seamless interpretive experience with travel including game drives, walking, mokoro, canoeing, boating and air.


Tour Operators Armando Travel & Tours

Botswana Footprints

Matshwane, Maun Tel: +267 684 1232 • Cell: +267 718 603 29 Email: •

PO Box HA 84 HAK, Maun Tel: +267 7510 6530 Fax: +267686 2561 Email:

Armando Travel & Tours prides itself on the quality of its friendly guides as they further enhance the mobile safari wilderness experience. Knowledgeable and passionate, the guides on mobile safaris are there because they enjoy what they do and do not see it merely as a job. Because of the remoteness of the Botswana wilderness, there is a genuine feeling of being in Africa. No other sounds but the wilderness will be heard from the camp as the private campsites are situated far apart. This is one of the prime attractions of Armando Travel and Tours mobile safaris. The company offers a wide variety of itineraries to the Okavango Delta, Moremi Game Reserve, Nxai Pan, Central Kalahari Game Reserve and Chobe National Park at attractive prices.

From a luxurious safari retreat in the wilderness, to sipping cocktails under a dreamy sunset in the bush, to a self-drive camping trip while you listen to the calls of the wild – Botswana Footprints ensures that travellers experience the trip of a lifetime. Clients simply need to tell Botswana Footprints where they would like to travel – and when – and the company will do the rest.

Centinary Travel & Tours

Dwayne Tours & Safaris

PO Box 46305, Gaborone Tel/ Fax: +267 311 2571 Email:

Pop In Mall, Office 11, PO box 503324, Rail Park, Gaborone Tel: +267 7511 4907 Email:

Centinary Travel & Tours is a locally owned travel and tour company based in Mochudi, Botswana, and providing complete transport services. Its main objective is to transport its valued clients to their respective destinations safely and on time. The company is involved in school bus services as well as leisure, corporate and religious travel in Botswana and neighbouring countries. It operates services to a range of destinations with affordable rates and first-rate hospitality. The management is committed to providing customers with a high standard of travel services at all times and the company is constantly modernising its systems to change with the times.

Excellent delivery of service and customer satisfaction can describe daily activities at Dwayne Tours and Safaris. With the motto ‘Explore the eternal beauty of SADC’, Dwayne Tours and Safaris heightens one’s passion and hunger to travel. By offering a wide range of travel options, the company encourages the need to see and experience the world. With its premises situated in Gaborone, the capital city and heart of Botswana, the organisation distinguishes itself through good results and positive reviews. Dwayne Tours and Safaris leaves its customers smiling and allows word of mouth to market and promote it.

Sam DCruz /

Easy Escape Travel & Tours PO Box 1681, Gaborone Tel: +267 398 0328 • Fax: +267 398 0394 Email:

Easy Escape is a travel agency and tour operator dedicated to providing corporate, leisure, adventure and educational travel to its clients. The company is committed to offering competitive, value-for-money products and services in order to achieve total client satisfaction. Easy Escape Travel & Tours understands the importance of hospitality and is committed to providing new and exciting opportunities. As a top tour operator, it offers a diverse range of services along with complete support in a variety of environments such as sporting events that attract passionate fans, international conferences where participants discuss the future and also serving overseas visitors who come to Botswana.

Flight Connect

Getaway Tours & Safaris

Shop 102 Riverwalk Mall, Gaborone Tel: +267 3105 896 Email:

PO Box 386 Malelane 1320, South Africa Tel: +2713 7900609 • Fax: +2713 7901506 Email:

Flight Connect offers the most comfortable and safest drive to and from Gaborone and O.R. Tambo International Airport. The luxury coach boasts Wi-Fi on the move, so customers can work or stay in touch with family and friends every step of the way. Flight Connect’s courteous and friendly staff ensure that customers get the comforts they deserve on Flight Connect, with refreshments and multimedia entertainment.

Getaway Tours & Safaris is a specialist small group safari company offering unique safari destinations in southern and East Africa for over 20 years. Its destinations include South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe (Victoria Falls) and Mozambique. It also offers East Africa destinations in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Zanzibar. The company provides scheduled departures on the safari options or it can tailor a safari for customers.

Golden Africa

Khuduga Botswana

PO Box HA 67 HAK, Maun Tel: +267 7269 1551/ 7741 8088 Email:

PO Box 350064, Maun Cell: +267 7430 7874/ 7624 1451 Email:

Golden Africa is an independent specialist safari company, based in Maun, with vast experience and knowledge of the bush and the African safari industry. All itineraries are put together by Golden Africa personally, to ensure that clients experience the ultimate and most memorable safari. The company’s motto is that every guest on safari with Golden Africa will experience a unique and life-changing journey in one of Africa’s most beautiful and varied landscapes.

Khuduga Botswana organises tailor-made adventurous self drives in a 4x4 car through the wilderness of Botswana. A GPS as guide, a roof tent, or lodge as accommodation, excursions and park fees included. Clients travel without worries, enjoying the rough nature and the great variety of wildlife and birds. Elephants walking on the campsite, roaring lions in the night… in Botswana it becomes reality!


Tour Operators Liquid Giraffe

Mambo Travel Tours

PO Box 21682, Boseja, Maun Tel: +267 6801 054 Fax: +267 792 104 77 Email:

PO Box 1559, Maun Tel: +267 686 5167 Email:

Liquid Giraffe, founded in 2006, is a registered travel agency based in Maun. The company has an extensive portfolio of lodges, camps and mobile safaris throughout the country. Liquid Giraffe also offers specialised horseback safaris in the delta and the Tuli area. The portfolio also includes scenic flights, helicopter flips and balloon safaris over the delta. In addition, Liquid Giraffe provides a booking service for self-drive guests into the national parks of Botswana.

Mambo Travel and Tours, established in 2012, is dedicated to providing personalised services of the highest calibre through meticulous attention to detail. The agency is based in Maun and operated by dedicated people with over 10 years’ experience in the safari tourism industry. Mambo specialises in selling various safaris across northern Botswana, covering areas such as the Okavango Delta, including private concessions and the Moremi Game Reserve, the Makgadikgadi Pans, Nxai Pan, Chobe National Park, Tsodilo Hills and the Savuti and Linyanti areas.

Mothernations Travel & Tours

Ngamiland Adventure Safaris

PO Box V1156, Ramotswa Tel: +267 318 1977 Fax: +267 318 1595 Email:

Private Bag 019, Maun Tel: +267 686 3777 • Fax: +267 686 4881 Email: •

Mothernations Travel and Tours Ltd is a company based in the heart of Gaborone. The company plans and organises packages for groups, business travel, leisure and individual tours. Tours available include: cultural, environmentally friendly, adventure, leisure, beach, cruises, festivals, trekking, honeymoon and anniversary. The company helps with air tickets, hotels, travel insurance, airport transport, shuttle services, car rental, holiday packages, visas and road transfers.

Ngamiland Adventure Safaris (NAS), based in Maun, manages a crucial conservation area in the Okavango Delta, the Jao Reserve. The reserve covers 60,000 hectares in the heart of the delta and varies from verdant tropical lagoons and forested islands to drier savannah woodland. Narrow water channels provide the perfect environment for the elusive sitatunga and Pel’s fishing owl. Further west, Hunda Island is the largest area of dry land in the flood season, thus supporting large populations of game. Found within the reserve are six camps – Jao, Tubu, Little Tubu, Kwetsani, Jacana and Pelo – which offer a range of accommodation, experiences, activities and landscapes. NAS aims to provide an unforgettable wildlife experience for visitors through high quality, non­-consumptive tourist operations in Botswana’s prime wilderness area.

Puku Safaris

Safari Destinations

PO Box 784, Kasane Tel: +267 625 0753/1064 Fax: +267 625 0754 Email:

Private Bag 0178, Maun Tel: +267 680 1234 • Fax: +267 686 2933 Email: •

Puku Safaris offers day trips to neighbouring Zimbabwe or Zambia, visits to Victoria Falls or village tours into Namibia or Kasane, which allow tourists to get to know a bit more about the tribes that inhabit Botswana. The company also provides the opportunity for morning and afternoon game drives into Chobe National Park and morning and sunset cruises on the Chobe River. The staff at Puku Safaris make sure travellers have a unique experience in each and every one of its services.

An independent destination management company based in Maun, Safari Destinations provides local up-to-date advice and inside tips for getting the most out of each safari, while crafting unique experiences beyond the ordinary. Aside from the major suppliers, Safari Destinations proudly supports locally owned, privately run camps, lodges and mobile safari operators. As an independent company, Safari Destinations has the freedom to be objective and keep clients’ best interests at heart. The company’s teams are on the ground, on 24-hour standby to meet and assist clients during travel.

Safari Specialists

Sunrise Travel & Tours

Tel: +267 723 113 21 Email:

PO Box 403769, Gaborone Tel: +267 318 7807 Fax: +267 318 1925 Email:

Safari Specialists will take its clients on safari before they leave home. It will fill their heads with elephant-sized sunsets over Savute’s grasslands, the smell of the bush at sunrise and the gossip from the meerkats in the Makgadikgadi. It will tell them about summer’s spectacular showers and winter’s cloudless skies. It will even help them pick a safari hat and pack their bags. Best of all, it will stick pins in the map and distract its clients from their nine to five before they board the plane. Safari Specialists is the ultimate company for trip planning.

Sunrise Travel & Tours Ltd is a 100 per cent citizen-owned Botswana tours operator based in the heart of Gaborone. The company was incorporated in October 2006 and offers tailor-made scenic and mobile safaris throughout Botswana and southern Africa. The company arranges accommodation, offers transfers to and from airports and provides city tours around Gaborone, including the No 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency Tour.

The Booking Company

Transjoe Travel & Tours

P Bag 0198, Maun Tel: +267 686 1797 • Fax:+267 686 0037 Email: •

PO Box 10395, Gaborone Tel: +267 730 30 855 Email:

The Booking Company, a small independent tour operator based in Maun, provides a range of services including lodge and hotel bookings, mobile safaris, road and air transfers. In combination with a safari package, The Booking Company also books regional air transfers on Air Botswana and South African Airlink. For more information on services available, clients should contact The Booking Company directly.

Transjoe Travel & Tours is a Botswana-owned destination management company specialising in unique travel and tour programmes in Botswana and southern Africa. The company offers single or group travel itineraries including specialised safaris experiences, overland transfer services, air charter services, incentive travel, corporate hospitality travel, team building and corporate retreats. Transjoe Travel & Tours is committed to helping its clients select the best destination by providing individual and group travellers with the best value, personalised service.


Services AON Botswana

Avis Botswana

PO Box 624, Gaborone Tel: +267 361 7300 Fax: +267 391 4608

PO Box 790, Gaborone Tel: +267 391 3093 Email: •

AON Corporation is the leading global provider of risk management services, insurance and reinsurance brokerage and human capital consulting. Through its 36,000 professionals worldwide, AON readily delivers distinctive client value via innovative and effective risk management and workforce productivity solutions.

Avis Botswana is the only car rental company represented throughout Botswana. Its head office is in the commercial centre of Gaborone, with other offices at airports in Francistown, Maun and Kasane. Avis Botswana is connected to the international Avis Wizard computer network, giving it an unbeatable technology lead on its competitors. The Avis fleet has a variety of late model passenger vehicles, from economical hatches to luxury sedans. For the leisure traveller, the range includes multi-seat minibuses as well as 4x4 vehicles. The 4x4s are equipped with long-range fuel tanks. The comprehensive Avis one-way rental means vehicles can be dropped off in South Africa or Windhoek in Namibia for an arranged fee.

Botswana Development Corporation


Private Bag 160, Gaborone Tel: +267 365 1300 • Fax: +267 390 3114 Email: •

Plot 54353, Masa Centre, 5th Floor, Office 5A, Gaborone Tel: +267 395 3638 Email:

Botswana Development Corporation (BDC) was established in 1970 to be the country’s main agency for commercial and industrial development. BDC provides financial assistance to investors with commercially viable projects and to support projects that generate sustainable employment for Botswana and add to the skills of the local workforce. BDC supports the development of viable businesses which use local resources, make products for export or to substitute imports, foster linkages with local industry or contribute to the development of Botswana’s resources and overall economy. BDC wishes to limit its involvement in new projects to a minority interest, but will bear the major burden of development where this is in the national interest.

Cloudseed offers network-independent, hassle-free communication business intelligence applications and collaboration tools in a single unified offering. Cloudseed was founded in 2006 and given effect through the implementation and delivery of a bespoke turnkey solution for the Gauteng Provincial Government. Cloudseed built, operated and leased a custom-made Educational Private Cloud implementation on behalf of the GPG for the benefit of the Gauteng Department of Education. The company built a significant network in order to provide its cloud services. The network spans over some 5,000 nodes under management across a number of base stations that connect in excess of 2 million named users to its services infrastructure.

Fairground Holdings Private Bag BO3, Gaborone Tel: +267 397 5555 • Fax: +267 390 4263 Email: •

Located in Gaborone city centre, the 50 hectare venue is versatile for conferences, fairs and exhibitions. The conference centre has a 10,000 seat chamber and another accommodating 2,000. Both can be used for gala dinners, weddings or exhibitions. In addition, there are three multipurpose conference rooms which accommodate between 250 to 500 people. Fairground Holdings organises key annual events including the Botswana Consumer Fair, CORMITEX (Communications, Research & Innovation, Media and Information Technology) and FOBEX (Food and Beverages Exhibition). The company assists in the outsourcing of specialised events suppliers and also manages events.

Gaborone Electronics

IAS Aviation Academy

Private Bag 00425, Gaborone Tel: +267 390 9003 • Fax: +267 390 5427 Email:

Tel: (+267) 391 0930 Email:

Gaborone Electronics, trading as GE Laundry & Catering, is a specialised contracting company, established in 1993, that provides various services in the field of laundry, catering, refrigeration, site solutions and dry cleaning expertise. The company is one of the leading suppliers in Botswana of industrial laundry, catering, refrigeration, site solutions and dry cleaning equipment. As the industry leader in Botswana, the company has been appointed as direct distributor, service and spares provider and warranty agent by various brands in the kitchen, refrigeration, cold and freezer room, ice machine, bakery and butchery industries both in South Africa and worldwide.

The IAS Aviation Academy is a wholly citizen-owned pilot training institution based at Sir Seretse Khama International Airport in Gaborone. The academy, which opened in late 2013, is the first (and still the only) CAAB-approved pilot training institution in Botswana to offer commercial pilot licence training with multi-engine, instrument and instructor ratings. In March 2016 it graduated the first 15 pilots to be trained in Botswana. Their tests were conducted by international flight examiners. As a sign of continued progress, IAS will produce an estimated 30 more pilots before the end of 2016.

Imperial Car Rental

Landscape Solutions

Private Bag Sk 10, Gaborone Tel: +267 390 7233 • Fax: +267 390 2366 Email:

PO Box 81216, Gaborone Tel: +267 312 1955/ 716 36703 Fax: +267 316 0052 Email:

Imperial Car Rental was started in 1979 with a fleet of nine cars in a small office in downtown Johannesburg. Its philosophy has always been to operate with an entrepreneurial spirit, thinking big, but with the attitude and commitment of a small business. Personal service and attention to detail have been the foundation of the company, with a focus on delivering ‘impressive’ customer service. Imperial Car Rental attributes its success to raising the service level bar, which is the key differentiator in a fiercely competitive industry. With its 24-hour service and willingness to go to any lengths for its customers, the company has revitalised and re-energised its 1979 slogan, ‘Yours Personally’. Imperial Car Rental has become a household name and remains one of the strongest brands in the South African car rental industry.


Landscape Solutions (Pty) Ltd was established in 2000 and over the years has evolved into one of the largest and most specialised landscaping, cleaning and waste management services providers in Botswana. Its employees are critical to the services provided and the staff of Landscape Solutions have an excellent track record, many years of experience and regular training. The company’s success lies in its ability to train and manage hundreds of staff to achieve the stringent standards demanded by customers in Botswana.

Services Letshego

Local Enterprise Authority

Tel: +267 364 3000 • Fax: +267 319 0418 Email: •

2nd Floor, Block A, Lot 50676, Fairgrounds Office Park, Gaborone Tel: +267 364 4000 • Fax: +267 364 4001 Email: •

Letshego Financial Services (Pty) Ltd Botswana is the first consumer lending company to be established in Botswana and is still the leading provider of unsecured credit to Botswana. Letshego was established to provide unsecured loans to formally employed clients. The company began trading in September 1998 after being incorporated in March of the same year. Since September 2002 the company has been dealing directly with its clients, who are mainly employees of the central and local governments, parastatals or quasi government and some private companies.

The Local Enterprise Authority (LEA) was established by the Small Business Act of 2004 to carry out on behalf of the Government of Botswana – and more specifically the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) – the mandate of entrepreneurship and enterprise development in Botswana. The Authority prides itself on having an extensive countrywide footprint of 13 branches. Through the guidance of the Quality Management System Standard, the high quality of service is standardised in all the branches and clients are thus guaranteed excellent service in the whole LEA branch network, regardless of location. The 13 branches are in Francistown, Gaborone, Ghanzi, Kanye, Kasane, Masunga, Maun, Mochudi, Molepolole, Ramotswa, Selibe-Phikwe, Serowe and Tsabong.

Motor Vehicle Accident Fund

MRI Botswana

3rd Floor, MVA Fund House, Plot 50367 Fairgrounds Office Park, Private Bag 00438, Gaborone Tel: +267 360 1000 • Fax: +267 318 8124 Email: •

Private Bag BR 256, Gaborone Tel: +267 390 3066 • Fax: +267 390 2117 Email: •

The Motor Vehicle Accident Fund reaches out to all who are affected by road crashes, compensating and supporting them in their time of pain, grief and need and helping to restore them to health and productive life. If as a result of a road crash a person is injured and needs medical treatment and special care, loses a member of his (or her) family and needs help with funeral costs, loses earnings because he cannot work as a result of his injuries, or is caring for someone who has been severely disabled in a crash, then he can make a claim for assistance from MVA Fund.

MRI Botswana Ltd (MRIB) has accumulated over 20 years’ experience in ground and air evacuation, transport and medical assistance to sick and injured patients in Botswana. The company works in cooperation with similar organisations in the southern African region and internationally. With the assistance of highly skilled personnel, MRI has a fleet of rapid response vehicles, ambulances, configured to ICU level, and a dedicated air ambulance. The company also has access to helicopters to ensure the most efficient and effective response possible. The essence of MRI is the 24-hour call centre in Gaborone, which forms the nucleus of expertise, information and care.

Pangolin Photo Safari

Pony Transport

PO Box 418, Kasane Tel: +267 625 1244 Email: •

Private Bag 093, Maun Tel: +267 686 0618 • Fax: +267 686 5572 Email:

Pangolin Photographic Safaris operates all year round in the Chobe region of Botswana, one of the most picturesque and game-filled parks on the African continent. It is a company set up by photographers for photographers. The company will provide every client, should they require it, with a state-of-the-art camera and zoom lens free of charge while they are on safari. It uses Nikon D7000 bodies with Sigma 150 to 500 mm and 120 to 400 mm lenses. Pangolin Photographic Safaris offers photographers an abundance of wildlife photo opportunities and the means by which to maximise those opportunities.

Pony Transport (Botswana) has been serving the safari industry since 1986. The company offers road transport services, distributes fuel and lubricant and provides warehousing and logistics facilities. In terms of infrastructure, Pony Transport provides fork-lift trucks, cranes, workshops, parts, mobile storage and waste oil disposal. All these services aim to support clients in the smooth running of their day-to-day operations. The company’s impressive fleet of vehicles includes 4x4 and 6x6 trucks, tractors and freight boats. By investing in staff training, environmental awareness and appropriate equipment for operating in and around the Okavango Delta, Pony Transport is becoming the transport provider of choice throughout Botswana.


Services SATIB Africa Botswana

The Fitzwilliam Partnership

PO Box AB 129 ABC, Gaborone Tel: +267 317 0574 • Fax: +267 317 0576 Email: •

Plot 831, Extension 2, PO Box 402182, Gaborone Tel: +267 395 1883 • Fax: +267 390 9356 Email: •

Acknowledged as one of Africa’s leading tourism and hospitality insurance brokers and risk consultants, SATIB Africa has a fully staffed office in Gaborone. Staffed by experienced insurance personnel and situated in Unit 8 Carramba Park, Phakalane, this office is ideally positioned to deal with the tourism and hospitality sector as well as commercial and industrial sectors. SATIB represents all the major insurers in Botswana, as well as having the capacity to work with certain Lloyd’s syndicates to provide both liability and professional indemnity cover on a wider basis. It also specialises in the placement of aviation risks and currently places the majority of the hull risks for Botswana-registered aircraft; and is confident that it can provide service and expertise to the local market.

Founded in Ireland in 1987, The Fitzwilliam Partnership is one of Botswana’s leading consultancies, specialising in construction cost management, facilities management, project management and quantity surveying. The practice has offices internationally in Botswana, Malawi, Qatar, South Africa, the UK and Zimbabwe (Harare). The Fitzwilliam Partnership has a good understanding of the components of successful development and is constantly looking to innovate in order to deliver optimum solutions. With a focus on achieving the best in class, The Fitzwilliam Partnership strives at all times to be dependable, imaginative and purposeful.

Vincent Excellent Tours

Vivo Energy

Plot 17950, Unit 007, Haile Selassie Road, Gaborone West Industrial Tel: +267 395 9003 • Fax: +267 395 9007 Email: •

2nd Floor, Tholo 2, Plot 50369, Fairgrounds, PO Box 334, Gaborone Tel: +267 395 3025 • Fax: +267 397 3155

Vincent Excellent Tours is a tour operating company that transports groups around southern Africa. The company offers luxury passenger transport operations, first-class coach charter services in southern Africa and coach inter-city services in the subcontinent. Vincent Excellent Tours also transports schoolchildren through the year. The group has been operating since 2002 and has grown in experience. It has increased its numbers of clientele and has become one of the experts in providing the best travel and tour services in Botswana. As well as Botswana, the company has transported clients to countries such as Namibia, Swaziland, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Angola, Lesotho and Swaziland.

Vivo Energy is the Shell licensee in 16 countries in Africa. The company offers customers the very best of Shell’s high quality products and services including supply reliability, technical expertise and unmatched customer service in the countries in which it operates. In doing so, Vivo Energy boasts industry-leading health and safety standards and is committed to delivering Shell’s fuels and lubricants in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. A joint venture between Vitol, Helios Investment Partners and Shell, Vivo Energy represents a unique combination of resources, experience and expertise.


Air Charter & Airline Sector Air Botswana

Air Shakawe

PO Box 92, Gaborone Tel: +267 368 8420 Fax: +267 397 4802 Email:

PO Box 1936, Maun Tel: +267 686 3620 • Fax: +267 686 3521 Email:

Air Botswana, the national carrier of Botswana, was created in 1972 and is the flagship and pride of Botswana. Today Air Botswana enjoys a reputation as a quality airline operating a fleet of three ATR42-500 and two ATR 72-500 advanced turboprop aircraft. In addition, the carrier operates regional services in full support of national development and the tourism industry. As a national carrier, the airline supports a wide range of community endeavours. Air Botswana operates a route network consisting of Gaborone-Maun; Gaborone-Kasane; Gaborone-Francistown; Maun-Kasane; Gaborone-Harare; Gaborone-Johannesburg; Maun-Johannesburg; KasaneJohannesburg; Francistown-Johannesburg; Gaborone-Nairobi; and Gaborone-Lusaka.

Air Shakawe began operating in June 2010 from the small town of Shakawe in north-western Botswana. In 2012 Air Shakawe moved its aircraft and operations from Shakawe to Maun International Airport in order to meet the high demand of tourists travelling into and desiring scenic flights over the Okavango Delta. Air Shakawe operates a fleet of Cessna 207 aircraft and also has one Cessna 210. The company also has access to a wide variety of larger aircraft for both business and pleasure purposes.

Building 3, Greenstone Hill Office Park, Emerald Boulevard, Modderfontein, South Africa Tel: +27 11 451 7300 • Fax: +27 11 451 7367 Email: •

Airlink, with more than 21 years of customer-focused experience, connects its customers to the widest network and choice of flights within southern Africa, connecting 36 destinations in nine African countries. Through Airlink’s alliance with SAA, customers can enjoy convenient connections with SAA, their star alliance partner airlines and other carriers throughout southern Africa and the world. Customers can earn Voyager Miles and book flights direct on or contact their travel agent or SAA central reservations on: +27 11 978 1111.

Anton_Ivanov /


Ethiopian Airlines

Flying Mission Services

Plot no 28562 No G16, Samora Machel Drive, Fairground Mall, Gaborone Tel: +267 762 434 67 Email:

Private Bag SK 7, Gaborone Tel: +267 390 0297 • Fax: +267 390 4181 Email: •

Ethiopian Airlines is the flag carrier of Ethiopia. For over 65 years, Ethiopian has become one of the continent’s leading carriers, unrivalled in Africa for efficiency and operational success, turning profits for almost all the years of its existence. Operating at the forefront of technology, the airline has also become one of Ethiopia’s major industries and a veritable institution in Africa. It commands the lion’s share of the pan African network, including the daily and double daily east-west flight across the continent. Ethiopian currently serves 81 international destinations, operating the newest and youngest fleets.

Flying Mission Services is a Botswana charter service of note, established in 1980 (Flying Doctor). FMS claims to be the most reliable and rapid charter, maintenance and aero medical services company in southern Africa. Services include: aero medical evacuation, aircraft maintenance, corporate and tourist charters, scenic flights, surveys and aerial work, desert and delta camp transfers and satellite aircraft tracking services. The company also has an aircraft maintenance engineering training school. The Flying Mission Services fleet comprises two King Air 200 aircraft and a King Air C90 at its Gaborone base as well as a King Air C90, two Cessna 206s and a Cessna 207 at its Maun base.

Helicopter Horizons

Kalahari Air Services

PO Box 68, Maun Tel: +267 680 1186 Fax: +267 680 1185 Email:

Sir Seretse Khama International Airport, PO Box 41278, Gaborone Tel +267 395 1804 • Fax +267 391 2015 Email:

Helicopter Horizons is a bespoke helicopter company operating throughout northern Botswana. With various options and packages, the company is in a unique position to provide travellers with unforgettable photographic flights, excursions and private luxury transfers that only a helicopter can afford. The company has more than a decade of experience flying over Botswana’s most remote landscapes, so travellers can comfortably let one of the Helicopter Horizons’ seasoned pilots take them on a remarkable helicopter experience.

Kalahari Air Services has been Botswana’s premier air charter and maintenance facility since 1968. The Gaborone-based air charter operates mid-range jets and pressurised twin-turbine aircraft. The company offers versatility to fly in luxury to secluded tourist lodges, isolated mining sites and business hubs throughout southern Africa. Kalahari Air Services provides additional bespoke services to private and corporate aircraft owners, survey and aerial photography flights as well as a dedicated 24-hour air ambulance with MRI Botswana that has been in operation for over 15 years.

Mack Air

Major Blue Air

Private Bag 329, Maun Tel: +267 686 0675 • Fax: +267 686 0036 Email: •

PO Box 2040, Maun Tel: +267 686 5671 Fax: +267 686 5672 Email:

Mack Air has been operating from its base at Maun International Airport in and around the Okavango Delta since 1994. It has become a leader in personalised, efficient and safe air charter operations. Mack Air operates a range of versatile aircraft, from the 10-seater Cessna Grand Caravan to the five-seater Gippsland Airvan and four-seater Cessna 206. The company employs a team of well trained, driven, safety-conscious flight crew. On the ground, it works tirelessly to ensure the flight schedule runs smoothly and efficiently and is coordinated with both the safari lodges and international air carriers. Mack Air offers a selection of air charter services, primarily into the Okavango Delta but also throughout Botswana and neighbouring countries. In addition to safari camp transfers, it offers scenic flights over the delta.

Major Blue Air is always ready to take its clients where they need to go. Based in Maun, right on the edge of the Okavango Delta, Major Blue Air offers awe-inspiring views that can only be seen from the air. Whether it’s a scenic flight over the vast reaches of the delta or a request to charter a top-of-the-range aircraft, Major Blue Air provides outstanding service and a flight customers will never forget. The company is constantly expanding its flight range. It can take passengers anywhere in southern Africa and further if desired.


Camps & Lodges Moremi Air Safaris

Okavango Air Rescue

Private Bag 197, Maun Tel: +267 686 3632 • Fax: +267 686 2078 Email:

Okavango Air Rescue Airport Counter, Maun International Airport, Main Entrance Hall, PO Box 1966, Maun Tel: +267 686 1616 • Fax: +267 686 1660 Email: •

Moremi Air Services is an air charter company based in Maun. Operating a fleet of seven Cessna and Islander aircraft suited to regional and international flying. The company offers services from Botswana into Zambia, South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe. Moremi Air has an aircraft continuously based in Kasane. This enables easy and cost-effective daily transfers between Livingstone, the Caprivi and Victoria Falls. Moremi Air offers short scenic flights from Maun to the Okavango Delta, from Kasane to Victoria Falls and a seven-hour day trip to the delta. With pilots passionate about flying in Africa, Moremi Air ensures that everyone’s journey is as pleasant and smooth as possible.

Okavango Air Rescue is a medical helicopter rescue organisation based in Maun. For medical emergencies it provides a fully equipped helicopter with an emergency doctor to treat and stabilise the patient on the spot and take him or her to the nearest appropriate location from where further arrangements will be made. Its current radius of operation is northern Botswana and the central Kalahari. It is financed by the annual subscriptions of patrons. It is not an insurance premium, but a contribution to help keep the helicopter airborne. It only flies for its patrons. With an annual Patronage fee of only BWP 150 for citizens & residents and BWP 175 for tourists, rescue services are secured not only for patrons but also for the people of Botswana.

Safari Air

Wilderness Air

Cnr Airport Avenue and Mathiba Road, Maun Tel: +267 686 0022 Fax: +267 686 0037 Email:

Hangar #2 at Maun Airport– Private Bag 159, Maun Tel: +267 686 0778 • Fax: +267 686 1649 Email: •

Wilderness Air (previously known as Sefofane Air Charters) has been in operation for over 20 years. Today Wilderness Air flies over 2.7 million hectares of wilderness conservation land, moving over 75,000 passengers per annum to remote bush destinations. Wilderness Air is currently operational in three countries, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe, with a fleet exceeding 50 aircraft among the regions. The Wilderness Air team has a proven record with safety and efficiency and provides a reliable service to guests. Over the years, the company has kept abreast of the latest safety standards and has tested and implemented them. This approach has put Wilderness Air at the forefront of the niche it operates – the transport by air of guests to secluded ecotourism destinations.

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Established in 1987, Safari Air provides a ‘seat in plane’ and charter service to camps and lodges throughout northern Botswana. The company operates a mixed fleet of Cessna 206 and 208 (Caravan) aircraft as well as Gippsland Airvans. These aircraft are ideally suited for operating from the remote airstrips of the Okavango Delta and Chobe. Safari Air’s operations base is in Maun, at the heart of Botswana’s safari industry.

Below is a list of HATAB members for which full details were not available at the time of going to press with this edition of ‘This is Botswana’.

Mobile Sector:


Tour Operators:

Afro Ventures Cranes Nest Ngweti Safaris

Executive Catering Makwapa Investments New Episode

Dream Safaris

Hospitality & Tourism Association of Botswana


an official publication of

Hospitality & Tourism Association of Botswana

Private Bag 00423, Gaborone, Botswana Tel: +267 395 7144 Fax: +267 390 3201 Email: Hospitality and Tourism Association of Botswana Hatab_Botswana

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