Your free in-flight magazine
Issue 04
September 2013 - November 2013
travelsmart Smart Thinking
Smart Shopping
Smart Travel
PRODUCT REVIEW Samsung Galaxy S4
SOUTH AFRICAN FASHION WEEK A fashion lovers treat
Uncrowned Queen Mexican soap star Ana Brenda Contreras
JACQUELINE KIBACHA Turning dreams into jewels
Cover pic © Cosmopolitan Magazine México
Travelsmart’s ones to watch
contents September 2013 - November 2013
14 soutH AFricAn FAsHion week
A message from fastjet’s Chief Executive
7 FAstjet news 10 propertyproFiLe Small but perfectly formed
23 product review Samsung Galaxy S4
24 LAtest reLeAses What’s new in your bookshop and cinema
32 Food For tHougHt Fine dining at Tanzania’s first revolving restaurant
52 kids’ corner USEFUL INFORMATION
43 FAstjet FLeet 43 FAstjet contActs 54 trAveL inFormAtion
travelsmart Smart thinking
Smart shopping
Smart travel
published by LAND & MARINE PUBLICATIONS LTD 1 kings court, newcomen way, severalls business park, colchester, essex co4 9rA, united kingdom tel: +44 (0)1206 752902 • email:
Pop-up shop gives fashion-lovers a treat
18 kiLimAnjAro goLF & wiLdLiFe estAte wow-factor golf
26 m-commerce
M-commerce makes flying even easier
29 buiLding boAts Revolution on the lake
34 serengeti bALLoons Trails across the Serengeti sky
37 meXicAn soAp stAr The face that launched a thousand soaps
40 AFricAn FootbALL
Cosmopolitan Magazine México
Black Coffee - Ivan Naude
Issue 04
Travelsmart’s ones to watch
44 jAcQueLine kibAcHA Jacqueline turns her dreams into jewels
48 jowett jupiter
Turning a rust heap into a rally star
on behalf of
registered office and Head office, suite 2c, First point, buckingham gate, gatwick Airport, rH6 0nt telephone: 020 3651 6355 • email: the opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor, or any other organisation associated with this publication. no liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions.
©2013 Land & marine publications (kenya) Ltd travelsmart
A message from fastjet Chief Executive Ed Winter
Welcome on board Karibu kwenye ndege yetu Welkom aan boord
would like to extend a personal
Ningependa kukukaribisha kwenye ndege yetu ya fastjet, shirika la ndege linalopendwa zaidi katika nchi za chini ya jangwa la Sahara. Toka toleo lililopita la jarida hili,tumekuwa tukifanya kazi kwa bidii sana ili kufanikisha ahadi yetu ya kuwaletea safari za ndani na nje ya nchi katika mtandao wetu. Tunafuraha kuwaarifu kwamba, kwa msaada wa mamlaka husika ndani yaTanzania, tumefanya maendeleo makubwa kuhusiana na kuruka vituo vingi zaidi ndani ya Afrika na kuwa kweli shirika la ndege litakalounganisha nchi za Afrika. Moja ya safari za nchini ambazo tunashughulikia ni Mbeyas Uwanja wa ndege umekuwa ukifanyiwa matengenezo makubwa na karibuni utakuwa tayari. Ukishamalizika, fastjet kwa kutumia ndege yake aina ya Airbus A319 itaanza kupaa kutoka Dar es Salaam kuelekea uwanja mpya wa ndege wa Songwe, Mbeya.
welcome on board fastjet, Sub-Saharan Africa’s most ‘liked’
airline. Since the last issue of this magazine, we have been working See the city Right: Visit Johannesburg with fastjet
“we have made significant progress towards our goal of flying to more destinations across Africa” Vituo vingine ambavyo tunania ya kuviongeza kwenye mtandao wetu hivi karibuni ni Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Malawi na Msumbiji. Nina tumaini ya kwamba hadi kufikia mwisho wa mwaka huu tutakuwa tukihudumia vituo hivi kutokea jiji la Dar es Salaam. Hivi karibuni tulitangaza pia mpango wetu wa kutoa huduma ndani ya Nigeria, ambapo tunatarajia kuanza shughuli zetu hivi karibuni. Hatahivyo, habari ya kusisimua na ambayo ni hatua muhimu sana kwetu ni kuanza kuuzwa kwa tiketi kwa safari zetu za nje ya nchi kutoka Dar es Salaam kwenda Johannesburg, Afrika ya Kusini. Unaweza kununua tiketi kupitia wavuti
really hard to deliver on our promise to add more domestic and international routes to our network. We are pleased to report that, with the help of the Tanzanian authorities,
and a really important milestone
we have made significant progress
for us, is that tickets for our very
towards our goal of flying to more
first international route from Dar
destinations across Africa and
es Salaam to Johannesburg, South
becoming a truly pan-African airline.
Africa, are now on sale. Tickets can
One domestic destination we
be purchased through our website
have been focusing on is Mbeya.
( and fares start from as
The airport has recently undergone
low as TSH 160,000 (excluding taxes),
a major redevelopment programme
substantially cheaper than our nearest
and the improvements are almost
complete. Once finished, fastjet will
This is a huge breakthrough for fastjet
be able to fly its signature Airbus A319
and the people of Tanzania, and we
aircraft from Dar es Salaam to the new
are delighted to have reached this
Songwe Airport in Mbeya.
significant milestone in our history.
Despite a number of challenges, fastjet is now able to respond to huge
Other exciting destinations we are keen
consumer demand and provide an
to add to our network in the near future
alternative and affordable link between
include Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe,
Dar es Salaam and Johannesburg, having
Kenya, Malawi and Mozambique. I am
secured all required permissions to do so.
confident that we will be serving a
For far too long, flights between
number of these destinations from our
these two extraordinary cities have
Dar es Salaam hub by the end of the
been limited and prohibitively
year. We have also recently announced
expensive. We expect our lower fares
our plans for Nigeria, where we expect
to stimulate a huge increase in the
to develop operations very soon.
numbers of passengers travelling on
However, our most exciting news,
this route, as has been the case on our
Welcome domestic routes in Tanzania. yetu (, nauli zinaanzia tsh 160,000 (Bila gharama ya kodi), nauli ambayo ni rahisi kuliko nauli za washindani wetu. Hili ni jambo kubwa kwa fastjet na watu wote wa Tanzania, tunafuraha sana kufika hatua hii katika historia yetu. Japo tunachangamoto kadhaa, fastjet sasa inaweza kutekeleza mahitaji mengi zaidi kutoka kwa wateja kwa kuwapa njia mbadala na nafuu kati ya Dar es Salaam na Johannesburg, baada y kupata ruhusa ya kufanya hivyo. Kwa muda mrefu safari kati ya miji hii zimekuwa ni chache na za bei ya ghali. Tunatarajia nauli zetu za chini zitachochea ongezeko kubwa la wateja watakaokuwa wakisafiri kuelekea huko, kama ilivyo kwa safari za ndani ya Tanzania.
Afrika Msaada mkubwa kutoka kwa umma umeifanya fastjet ambalo ni shirika la ndege linalotumia mfumo wa bei ya chini kuweza kuamua kuanzisha safari hii. Tunaamini kwamba kutaka kwetu kufanya mabadiliko katika mazingira haya ya ushindani kutapelekea kupewa vibali vya kufanya shughuli zetu katika vituo vingi zaidi katika nchi za Afrika, na kuwaletea wateja chaguo mbadala na nauli za bei ya chini kwenye safari nyingi zaidi za nje. Tunatumaini kwamba ni muda tu sasa kabla hatujatoa taarifa zaidi kuhusiana na safari za ndani na nje ya nchi kuzunguka Afrika kutangazwa. Hakikisha unajiiunga na ili kuwa kati ya watu wa kwanza kusikia juu ya safari zetu mpya na kupata ofa maalum. Pia tufuatilie kwenye twitter au ‘penda’ kurasa yetu kubwa ya facebook ili kuweza kupata matangazo mbalimbali na kujua jinsi wateja wetu wengine wanavyosema.
Msaada Asante sana kwa msaada wako na kwa kutupa nafasi ya kukuhudumia. Tuanshukuru kwa imani mliyoweka kwetu na tunategemea kuwakaribisha kwenye ndege zetu nyingi zaidi mbeleni. Kama unafikiri tunaweza kufanya kitu bora zaidi, tafadhali tujulishe kupitia au na kama unapenda tunachofanya, tafadhali waambie rafiki zako!
Overwhelming public support for fastjet’s low-cost model has been a significant factor in our decision to launch this route. We believe that the obvious desire for a change in the
IN THIS ISSUE From soaps to soccer.........
competitive landscape will result in
Welcome to the fourth edition of
fastjet soon being awarded licences in
Travelsmart – fastjet’s quarterly
even more African countries, bringing
in-flight magazine.
consumers the benefits of choice
Travelsmart is published at a
and lower prices on many more
time when fastjet launches its first
international routes.
international route between Dar and Jo’burg. Our cover story features
scrumptious Mexican soap star Ana
We hope it will be just a matter of
Brenda Contreras. We see many –
time before further news regarding
perhaps too many – Mexican soaps on
domestic and international routes
TV, but we rarely get a chance to read
across Africa is announced. Make
about the stars of these torrid and
sure you register at to be
seemingly endless sagas.
among the first to hear about new
As the English Premiership gets
routes and special offers. Also, follow
under way, Travelsmart names and
fastjet on Twitter or ‘like us’ on our
ranks its top 10 hot-shot African
energetic Facebook page to keep up
soccer players to watch during the
to date with announcements and to
2013-14 season.
gain insights into the experiences of our other customers. Thank you so much for your
Staying with sport, but closer to home, we visit the Kiligolf development in Usa River, look at
support and for the opportunity
boat building on Lake Victoria, eating
to serve you. We appreciate the
out at Dar’s Akemi Restaurant, hot-air
confidence you have placed in us and
ballooning and an interview with
we look forward to welcoming you on
jewellery designer Jacqueline Kibacha.
many more fastjet flights in the future. If you think we can do something
We visit South African Fashion Week. And for something a bit
better, please let us know at customer.
different, there is the story of one or customer.
sports car lover’s enthusiasm for the, and if you
venerable Jowett Jupiter.
like what we are doing, please tell your
Anyway, I hope you enjoy your on-time flight with fastjet. Please
friends! Yours sincerely / Wako mwaminifu,
feel free to write to me with any comments about Travelsmart.
Gary Gimson Publisher Ed Winter
Chief Executive Officer
Viwanja vya ndege vyapewa tuzo ya heshima
Airport partners honoured by industry
fastjet yamshangaza shabiki wake Martin
Happy surprise for fastjet fan Martin Martin Mwafongo amekuwa shabiki wa fastjet toka kuanzishwa kwake. Martin anaishi Dar es Salaam, ambako fastjet ilizinduliwa na anafanya kazi katika moja ya hoteli kubwa za nyota tano. Japokuwa Martin hakuweza kusafiri na fastjet, alikuwa akifuatilia maendelea ya fastjet kwa kufuatilia kurasa yetu ya facebook Pamoja na kusikiliza matangazo ya radio na luninga. Anaipenda sana fastjet na anaisifia kwa marafiki zake,familia na wafanyakazi wenzake na mara kwa mara amekuwa akiwashauri wageni kutumia fastjet kwa safari zao za nchini pale ambapo aliulizwa ni shirika gani la ndege ni zuri zaidi kusafiria hapa nchini. Alipomwambia mmoja wa wateja kuhusu fastjet hakujua kama mtu huyu angekuja tusema hili kwa fastjet. Shirika lilifurahishwa sana na shabiki huyu ikawazawadia tiketi mbili kwaajili yake na mke wake kwenda na kurudi Mwanza kwaajili ya kufunga Ndoa ya Kitamaduni. Martin Mwafongo has been a fan of fastjet since the beginning. Martin lives in Dar es Salaam, where fastjet launched, and works in one of the city’s five-star hotels. Although Martin was unable to fly with fastjet, he has avidly followed the company’s progress by interacting on the facebook page and listening to radio adverts. He speaks highly of fastjet to friends, family and colleagues and has often recommended fastjet to customers when they ask which airline would be best to fly with. When Martin told one of his customers about fastjet’s affordability and how everyone praised its customer service, he did not know that this particular customer would tell fastjet about his avid support. The airline was so impressed with his recommendations that they offered Martin and his wife a return ticket to Mwanza to attend a traditional family wedding.
Dedicated Below: fastjet fan flies
Viwanja viwili ambavyo ni washirika wakubwa wa fastjet vimetambuliwa kwenye African heats of the Routes Airport Marketing Awards. Uwanja wa ndege wa kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere ‘umepongezwa sana’ kwakuwa uwanja huu ulipata ushindi wa pili kwenye orodha ya ‘under 4 million passengers’ wakati Uwanja wa ndege wa Kimataifa wa Kilimanjaro ukishinda kipengele hiki ‘Na kuibuka mshindi wa jumla’. Kama matokeo ya tuzo hizi Uwanja wa ndege wa Kimataifa wa Kilimanjaro umewekwa kwenye orodha ya Word Routes Airport Marketing Awards iliyofanyika Las Vegas toka tarehe 5 hadi 8 Octoba. Two of fastjet’s key airport partners have been recognised in the African heats of the Routes Airport Marketing Awards. Dar es Salaam’s Julius Nyerere International Airport was awarded the ‘highly commended’ title, placing second in the ‘under 4 million passengers’ short-list, while Kilimanjaro International Airport won this section and has been declared ‘overall winner’. As a result of these awards, Kilimanjaro International Airport has been short-listed for the World Routes Airport Marketing Awards in Las Vegas from 5 and 8 October.
Kipindi cha Maswali na Majibu facebook chathibitisha umaarufu
Facebook Q&A proves popular Afisa biashara mkuu wa fastjet, Richard Bodin, aliendesha kipindi cha moja kwa moja cha maswali na majibu ndani ya facebook tarehe 15 Julai. Tulipata mwitiko mzuri sana na maswali haya yalienda moja kwa moja kwa Mr. Bodin, zaidi ya maoni 500 kuhusu mada mbalimbali kama viburudisho na safari mpya. Katika kipindi hiki cha maswali na majibu, Richard alitoa habari nzuri na kusema kwamba “sasa tumejikita katika uzinduzi wa safari zetu za nje kwenda Afrika ya Kusini kutoka Tanzania ambazo ziko katika hatua za mwisho.” Richard pia alisema kwamba safari za ndani ya Afrika ya Kusini na safari za nyongeza ndani ya Tanzania ni kitu Muhimu sana kwa ukuaji wa shirika.
Ndeshi abahatika na kujishindia tiketi mbili za ndege
Lucky Ndeshi wins free flights Ndeshi alifurahi sana baada ya kusikia kuwa yeye ndiye mshindi wa tiketi mbili za bure kwa safari zetu mpya kutoka Kilimanjaro kwenda Zanzibar Pamoja na kulala siku mbili Mji mkongwe baada ya kubahatika kuwa msafiri wa 200,000. Akiwa ni msafiri wa mara ya kwanza na fastjet Ndeshi alikuwa akienda kusalimia wazazi na kujikuta akiibuka na mwenye bahati. Toka tulipozindua safari zetu mwezi Novemba 2012 fastjet imebadilika kwa kiwango cha kuridhisha na kuendelea kubeba abiria wengi zaidi. fastjet imekuwa ikiendelea kutoa huduma za hali ya juu na hadi sasa shirika hili la bei ya chini tayari limeshapata ruhusa ya kurusha ndege zake kutokea Tanzania kwenda Afrika ya Kusini, Rwanda and Zambia. Ndeshi Wakwe was pleased to find herself the winner of two free flights on the new Kilimanjaro to Zanzibar route, together with two nights’ accommodation in Stone Town, when she was the lucky 200,000th passenger. A first-time traveller with fastjet, Ndeshi was on her way to visit her parents when she took the winning ticket. Since its launch in November 2012 fastjet has evolved to a considerable degree. It continues to offer a high-quality, low-cost airline option in Tanzania with permission to fly from Tanzania to South Africa, and Zambia. Passenger numbers look set to rise exponentially.
Lucky flight Left: Ndeshi Wakwe the lucky 200,000th passenger
The chief commercial officer of fastjet, Richard Bodin, held a live question-and-answer session on the fastjet facebook page on Monday 15 July. There was an overwhelming response to the opportunity to put questions directly to Mr Bodin, with over 500 comments on a range of topics including in-flight refreshments and new routes. During the Q&A session, Richard shared the good news that fastjet was focusing on the launch of new international routes over the next few months. “The preparations for our South Africa route from Tanzania are in the final stages,” he said. Richard was also keen to mention that domestic routes within South Africa, and the addition of Tanzanian routes, were key to fastjet’s growth.
Alexander’s Hotel
small but perfectly formed By Tony Shoo
estling in one of the
offers a perfect refuge from the bustle
quietest spots in Dar es
of the central business district. The
Salaam is a boutique hotel
hotel has just 14 rooms built around
that offers guests a tranquil setting
a central garden space and charming
with top quality personal service.
pool area. Its air conditioned rooms
Alexander’s, one of the city’s
are clean and tastefully decorated.
smallest hotels, has been looking
Rooms have a mix of walk-in showers
after guests from around the world
and baths. Free wireless and wired
for 12 years. It has become a popular
internet connection are provided.
destination for those conducting business in the commercial capital as
Luxury Left: A welcome dip Below: Style and comfort
well as for tourists stopping over in
One of the most popular features
Dar en route to Zanzibar or one of the
is the shady rooftop bar, where
country’s safari circuits.
guests can experience the peaceful
The secure premises are located
atmosphere of the hotel. Guests can
on a peaceful residential road in the
look out at the surrounding treetops
Msasani Peninsula, which juts out into
and spot examples of the abundant
the ocean just north of the city centre.
local birdlife, such as the brightly
With its serene location, Alexander’s
coloured malachite kingfisher, or listen for the harsh call of a paradise flycatcher. Guests can sit up at the private bar or relax in the comfortable seating areas along the length of the shady open-air bar. As well as simply enjoying the daytime breeze, guests can have a meal or use the tables for work. Crisp white linen is laid out on a small cluster of tables for an alfresco lunch or dinner.
PropertyProfile The à la carte menu offers a range of sophisticated main courses plus daily specials. There is also familiar Western ‘comfort food’ such as chicken pie and beef lasagne. Great care is taken to source the finest ingredients. Lamb chops, legs and ribs are specially ordered from the southern region of Iringa. The chef also prepares an exciting range of seafood, carefully selected from the city’s central fish market. Starters include langoustine and crab.
cuisine Diners can then enjoy specials featuring lobster, dorado, grouper, tuna or parrot fish. Mains are served with seasonal
the hotel’s much-prized collection of
vegetables and garden herb salad with
wine. Gordon Alexander, the hotel’s
potatoes or rice. Non-meat dishes
genial owner, personally selects the
include vegetarian lasagne, spicy penne
impressive range of New World wines,
all’arrabiata pasta and vegetables in
which include many award-winning
tempura batter. The dessert menu
South African offerings as well as fine
art centre; the compact Oyster Bay
features a tempting vanilla and coconut
Argentine and Chilean wines. Wine is
Shopping Centre; and Coco Beach, a
ice cream with basil and lime. There is
also available by the glass.
popular spot for young people.
also a frozen zabaglione (an Italian-style
Gordon is equally attentive to all
custard) as well as an indulgent whisky
aspects of this friendly hotel. “We try to
“If a guest wants something out of the ordinary, we try to help them out.” bread-and-butter pudding. Breakfast, served in the elegant ground-floor dining area, consists of a mini buffet with an array of tropical fruit. Guests can also order a cooked
Relax Above: Home from home Below: Space with friends
Slipway complex (the nearest), with a variety of shops, restaurants and a craft market alongside the ocean; the Sea Cliff Walk shops; the Tinga Tinga
Visitors to Dar es Salaam seeking a relaxed hotel that offers hospitality with a personal touch should certainly consider this peaceful oasis. Alexander’s combination of good service and fine food in a superb location makes
cater for our guests’ needs,” he explains.
this a genuine haven of peace within
“If they want something out of the
Tanzania’s hectic commercial capital.
ordinary, we try to help them out.”
breakfast. The wonderful coffee is from
The owner-manager has a deep
Mbeya and Arusha. This attractive space
understanding of the country where
can also be booked for private dinners
he lived as a child and is happy to pass
by arrangement with the management.
on his knowledge to visitors.
A distinctive feature of this hotel is
local amenities. They include the
Although it is tucked away in a
the remarkable coral-lined wine cellar,
side street at the northern tip of the
which is viewed through a glass floor
peninsula, Alexander’s Hotel is only
in the elegant dining area. This houses
a five-minute taxi ride from many
Loxion Kulca - Ivan Naude
Culterier by Laz Yani - Ivan Naude
Pop-Up Shop gives fashion-lovers a treat
hat special time of year for the clothing trade, South African Fashion Week, offered fashion lovers the
opportunity to catch up with the latest trends at its Pop Up Shop in Pretoria from 29 August to 1 September. The Pop Up Shop turned Pretoria’s Brooklyn Mall into a centre of high fashion with all the best designer looks on offer. This flagship event coincided with the launch of Brooklyn Mall’s new high-end image and was
Black Coffee - Ivan Naude
Culterier by Laz Yani - Ivan Naude
the perfect venue for all savvy fashionistas. >>
© South Africa Fashion Week
South African Fashion Week’s Pop Up Shop is an annual event and has been running for the last three
At the show Above: Buyers line up
August with a casting at Woolworths
Autumn/Winter Collections. Needless
Court in the Brooklyn Mall on 17
to say, this is the chance of a lifetime.
August. The competition had both
In addition to the golden
years. It is usually held at Sandton
male and female sections and the
opportunity presented by this
City in Johannesburg, but the change
prizes were impressive.
competition, the Pop Up Shop was
in venue has given a fresh face to the event. With the mention of
the perfect place for devoted followers of fashion to have the
fresh faces, the event also included
Top finalists were eligible to attend a
first choice of the Summer 2013
the Brooklyn Mall Face of Fashion
casting at which models were selected
Collections. These included 50 of
competition. Entries closed on 12
for the installations at the Pop Up
South Africa’s top designers. In
Shop at Brooklyn Mall. These finalists
addition, a wide range
were also able to attend the castings
of local products
cutting-edge coLLection
for the South African Fashion Week
was also available to
Autumn/Winter Collection 2014. If
visitors, including
selected, they will fulfil the dream of
shoe and accessory
The list of designers with ready to wear available at the South African Pop Up Shop was nothing less than impressive. The cutting-edge collection Cutterier by Laz Yani, Jean Kelly, Isabel de Villiers and Kottin & Twille kept the fashionistas flocking to the event. Lucky visitors were also given a chance to sneak a look at the latest trends.
walking the runway at South African
collections as well
Fashion Week.
as handcrafted
The winners are also eligible for possible representation with the world-renowned Ice Models. And, in
jewellery by various designers. The Pop Up
addition to all of this, they will receive
Shop was staged
tickets to attend one show per day
in Woolworths
at the South African Fashion Week
Court and the
© South Africa Fashion Week
upcoming tALent In further fashion news, organisers of the South African Fashion Week Renault New Talent Search have announced their semi-finalists. The competition is hotly contested as it gives young designers the opportunity to build brand and develop talent. This is a true signal of South Africa’s upcoming talent and a great leaping off point for any winner. The list of semi-finalists: • Anmari Honiball • Erre by Natasha Jaume & Carina Louw • Cutterier by Laz Yani • Lara Klawikowski • Lo Studio by Elzanne Louw • Mej Lues by Hanrie Lues • Missshape by Jamal Nxedlana • Take Care Clothing by Jessica Harwood. Keep an eye out: these designers are going to be creating big collections.
Queenspark Atrium – home of the Stylista Left: Camouflage meets tailored
new fashion precinct and a perfect spot for showcasing the latest trends. Installations ran daily from 11 am to 2 pm of the top designers involved in the Pop Up Shop. Keep up to date with South African Fashion Week on the web at: @safashionweek safasionweek
Loxion Kulca - Ivan Naude
wow-factor golf By Tony Shoo
he Kilimanjaro Golf & Wildlife Estate – known as Kiligolf – is one of Tanzania’s most
a haven for wildlife. Property markets from the Middle East to North America have seen a
exciting real estate developments in
significant downturn as a result of the
a truly enviable setting.
world economic situation. Golf real
Against the magnificent backdrop
estate, which had enjoyed a worldwide
of Mount Kilimanjaro, this impressive
boom in the 1990s, suffered a dramatic
development features an 18-hole
slump on many continents. In the
course and spacious villa plots, while
United States, for example, there was
the beautiful terrain around Kiligolf is
over development of high-end golf
‘Against the magnificent backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro, this impressive development features an 18-hole course and spacious villa plots’
KilimanjaroGolf &WildlifeEstate
“The result is a challenging,
been created as the primary amenity and feature attraction for selling lots in
interesting course that is fun to play.
master-planned communities. The rising
It’s caddy-based golf on a ‘walkable’
number of golfers within the expanding
course, so no need for buggies,” says
middle class across Africa has created
David Jones, who won the Kenya
the perfect market for these new
Open shortly before retiring as a
estates. This trend can be seen from the
player in 1989.
golfing heartlands of South Africa up to
master planning
East Africa. According to David Jones, a former touring professional who now
The development is the vision of
runs an accomplished course design
expatriates with long-standing roots
consultancy, Kenya now has three golf
in Arusha region in the heart of the
real estate developments. Three more
Northern Safari Circuit of Tanzania.
are under construction and a further
Careful master planning – taking into
three are on the drawing board. One
account economic, environmental
of the most successful, at Vipingo
and social considerations – has
Ridge, near Mombasa, was designed
created a golf real estate project
by David Jones.
based on detailed market analysis in
“Vipingo Ridge proved if you are
relation to buyers’ preferences and
committed and rigorous you can
comprehensive site appraisal. Work is
create an outstanding golf course
now under way to refine and extend
and set new standards for the sport in
the course, which has attracted local,
East Africa,” says David Jones, whose
Mountain views
regional and international interest.
career highlights included a spell
Left: Golf in the sunset
Several residences are now complete
as Irish national coach in addition to being made Ireland’s only PGA ‘Master’ professional. His two celebrated courses contributed to the creation of this popular estate, where over 100 families now live on the 2,500 acre development. David Jones is now applying his skills to mastermind courses linked to luxury real estate
Kiligolf’s course, which already has
communities. The onset of the global
nine holes completed. Its design and
depression then led to a serious
construction have been handled
downturn in the market.
by experienced professionals to
ensure conformity with international standards in everything from the
African property markets, however,
seeding of Tiff Dwarf Bermuda grass
have remained largely robust. In an
to a pop-up irrigation system. The
exciting move for the continent’s
clubhouse will be completed in the
property sector, golf courses have
next phase.
and occupied while others are under construction. “Kiligolf’s unique selling point has to be its location,” says Zummi Hubertus Cardoso, the development’s general manager. The 4,000 acre site in Usa River is just a 25-minute drive from Kilimanjaro International Airport and a similar distance to the safari stopover town of Arusha. Nairobi can be reached in just under five hours from the estate thanks to an upgrading of the road to the Namanga border. than the world-famous Roof of Africa,
development projects. From Arusha
which attracted 52,000 climbers last
town, you can drive to the iconic
Mount Kilimanjaro is not the only
year according to the Tanzania National
safari destinations of Lake Manyara,
tourist attraction close to Kiligolf. The
Parks authority. In Arusha town
Ngorongoro, Tarangire and Serengeti.
magnificent Mount Meru in the nearby
you can buy local craft items, visit a
Arusha National Park is an easier trek
Tanzanite museum and see community
On the Kiligolf estate, the 360 plots are surrounded by a mass of wild flora
KilimanjaroGolf &WildlifeEstate
‘The management work closely with local communities to support various projects and generate employment for young people’
projects and generate employment
the convenience of purchasing land
for young people. Kiligolf’s strong
with all title deeds, administration
corporate commitment to its
and legal requirements completed.
neighbours has been channelled
Every plot has access to water and
through the Kilimanjaro Golf &
electricity. Finally, buyers see the
Wildlife Estate (KGWE) Community
investment potential of a golf course
Development Programme. This
in driving up the price of plots within
initiative has worked in harmony with
the development.
local representatives to complete education, youth development, water and health projects.
and fauna. The former sisal estate has
Kiligolf has welcomed a range
been converted from a ‘dustbowl’ into
choice “We see our course as offering more golfing choice to players in Tanzania,
fertile greens and fairways surrounded
of clients. They include business
but tourists are also welcome to enjoy
by beautiful wilderness. “It is now home
professionals from East Africa’s
the facilities,” says Mr Cardoso, who
to zebra, dik-dik, steinbuck, wild boar,
commercial centres and expatriates
already has Chinese and Western
hyena, jackal, an abundance of birdlife
who have lived for several years in
visitors coming to the estate to enjoy
and a crocodile,” says Mr Cardoso,
Arusha. Golf enthusiasts, of course,
a ‘safari stopover’ game of golf.
whose family has played a pivotal role
are attracted by the proximity of
in wildlife conservation around Arusha
the course. Buyers enjoy full access
planning, professional course design
for several decades.
to the course through an annual
and an amazing location, Kiligolf is
maintenance charge that also covers
leading the way in offering golf real
services such as road maintenance
estate within Tanzania.
and security.
For more information about Kiligolf visit:
The development is intended to harmonise with nature, and the management also works closely with local communities to support various
Testing course Below: Out of the trap
Plot owners are also attracted by
Thanks to sound business
Samsung Galaxy S4
ONE very smart phone
he Samsung Galaxy S4 is
only scratch the surface of what this
back cover allows you to carry a spare
one of the most eagerly
gadget can do.
for long trips or power-sapping apps.
anticipated android phones
For those who enjoy watching films
The phone is rather too big for
to date, garnering rumour, two
on the move, there is the eye-tracking
comfortable use and the mono
launches and numerous mumblings
feature. It may sound like a gimmick,
speaker on the back is disappointing
before its release date. So what is the
but in practice it is exceedingly useful.
when combined with a high quality
hype and why choose the S4 over the S3 or rival smart phones? The first and most noticeable thing about the Galaxy S4 is the design. Aside from a subtle diamond pattern, some small changes to the shape and
‘Compared with rivals the design is not innovative or elegant; but where the S4 comes into its own is functionality’
a slight increase in size, it is almost
HD screen, particularly when the HTC One has front stereo speakers offering superior sound quality. Also there is no FM radio, in contrast with the Galaxy S3 and the HTC One. On balance, the Galaxy S4 is a clever gadget with an abundance of
identical to the S3. Compared with
The phone automatically detects
rivals such as the HTC One and the
when you are watching a video. When
iPhone, the design is not innovative
the screen is no longer being viewed,
or elegant; but where the Galaxy S4
the video is paused automatically.
comes into its own is functionality.
This means you never have to miss
Samsung has added features to the
a moment, even when someone
point of distraction. In fact, they
interrupts with a distracting question.
are so plentiful that most users will
The eye-tracking has been taken to
functionality. Its design is unlikely to Very smart Below: The Galaxy S4
attract envious stares; but it is solid, smart and well worth the price tag.
another level for the Galaxy S4 with the ability to scroll up and down web
pages with a tilt of the head.
The camera in the Galaxy S4 has useful features like the dual shot function, which allows you to take the picture in two directions, forward and backwards, so you can be in the picture, too. It is also possible to animate sections of a picture; to shoot a continuous burst of photos and then select your favourites, discarding the rest; and the eraser, which allows you to erase parts of a photo such as an unwanted moving object.
Knox tracking system, which lets you
In addition, the Galaxy S4 carries the find your handset if lost or stolen; the S Translator, which can translate into nine languages through text or speech; and the S Health feature, which tracks the food and exercise of the user.
bonus With the bonus of superb full HD screen quality, this phone is a winning combination of quality and functionality. The battery life is excellent, too, and the removable
latest releases Bookworm Strange Pilgrimages
We Need New Names
by Achmat Dangor
by NoViolet Bulawayo
An intriguing and haunting collection of short stories, ‘Strange Pilgrimages’ is the latest offering from the award-winning pen of Achmat Dangor. Each tale takes the reader on a journey into the complex world of characters whose association with the past explores what it means to be South African. Memory – and in particular how the effects of memory have played an integral part in the ‘struggle years’ – is the theme of a group of stories with a nostalgic yet modern sentiment. They deal with the nature of love through identity, country, place and individual perceptions. Despite their complexity, these stories are easy to read as well as absorbing.
Living in a violent and unstable Zimbabwe, 10-year-old Darling and her friends navigate a world in which homes have been destroyed, schools have closed and fathers have left; but Darling is lucky enough to have an aunt who lives in America. Making the journey with ideas of a new life, Darling’s promises of hope in a new land are called in to question. In a novel that examines ideas of immigration, displacement and place through the perspective of a child, NoViolet Bulawayo’s debut novel offers a story that is difficult to forget.
MUST READ... A Hill of Fools
by Mtutuzeli Nyoka
by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Crafted in a traditional storytelling style reminiscent of African oral history, Mtutuzeli Nyoka’s ‘A Hill of Fools’ takes a look at the complex subject of slavery completely set on the continent of Africa through its effects on the ordinary African person. In the fictional African country of Doma, corruption is prevalent under the rule of King Kutu, a dictator focused on wealth, land and women. When Queen Anuba is murdered a high-ranking police officer, Anday, is called in by the king to investigate the case. Anday finds himself a policeman-turned-leader and becomes instrumental in leading the people to rise against the oppressor.
From the pen of multi-award-winning Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, author of ‘Half of a Yellow Sun’ and ‘Purple Hibiscus’, comes her latest book, ‘Americanah.’ This is a truly international novel of relocation, migration and perceptions of race set in the varied locations of Adichie’s home country of Nigeria; England; and the USA. The novel starts in Lagos, where teenagers Ifemelu and Obinze fall in love. Because of the growing dysfunction and corruption of the country, however, Ifemelu and Obinze decide to leave, something many others were doing at that time. Obinze is refused entry to post-9/11 America and must go to England, while Ifemelu stays on the US East Coast. What follows is a story of love, home and American culture seen from the outside.
BlockBusters The Company You Keep
STAR FILMS... The Wolverine Starring: Hugh Jackman, Famke Janssen, Will Yun Lee Director: James Mangold Genre: Action, adventure Hugh Jackman has reprised his role as X-Men’s Wolverine in the sequel to 2009’s ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’. ‘The Wolverine’ takes its inspiration from the 1980s Chris Claremont and Frank Miller Marvel incarnation that saw Wolverine explore Japan; and this is the setting for the film, which sees an encounter with an enemy from Wolverine’s past that will impact on his future.
World War Z Starring: Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, Eric West Director: Marc Forster Genre: Action, horror, drama ‘World War Z’ is a film adaptation of the 2006 best-seller of the same title written by Max Brooks, son of director Mel Brooks and actress Anne Bancroft. The runaway success of the novel has led to an action-packed blockbuster with a horror twist in which a zombie pandemic sweeps the world and a United Nations employee, Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt), is in a race against time to save humanity.
Starring: Robert Redford, Shia LaBeouf, Julie Christie Director: Robert Redford Genre: Thriller Living in the suburbs, public interest lawyer and single father Jim Grant (Robert Redford) had led a peaceful and quiet life. However, when Ben Shepard (Shia LaBeouf) turns up exposing the truth about Jim’s true identity, he must go on the run from the FBI in an effort to locate the person who can clear his name.
Kick-Ass 2 Starring: Chloë Grace Moretz, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Jim Carrey Director: Jeff Wadlow Genre: Action, comedy The long-awaited sequel to the smash-hit action comedy ‘Kick-Ass’ has finally made it to the screen. The movie picks up the story of Dave/Kick-Ass (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and Mindy/Hit Girl (Chloe Moretz) as they are preparing to graduate from high school and embark on a venture as a crime-fighting team. But as Mindy’s strict parents foil her crime-fighting plans, Dave joins a group of masked vigilantes and comes face to face with a vengeful Red Mist (Christopher Mintz-Plasse).
Monsters University Starring: John Goodman, Nathan Fillion, Steve Buscemi Director: Dan Scanlon Genre: Animation, family, comedy. Twelve years after the original ‘Monsters Inc’ the team at Pixar have made ‘Monsters University’, a prequel to keep the whole family entertained. After the antics in ‘Monsters Inc’ it would be safe to think that Mike and Sully were always the best of friends; but a trip back to their days at Monsters University may show that this was not always so. How did they settle their differences to become the best of friends?
M-commerce makes flying even easier
By Tony Shoo
n recent years, mobile technology has played a pivotal role in helping to expand the
travel and tourism industry around the globe. The buying and selling of goods and services through a variety of handheld devices is called mobile commerce – or m-commerce – and this ‘next generation’ technology has taken the industry by storm.
innovations Airlines are now working to offer m-commerce innovations to assist passengers right from the point of deciding where to go all the way to the time they unpack their bags at final destination. Fastjet’s team are harnessing the ‘anywhere, anytime, at once’ capability of m-commerce devices to roll out a range of services to passengers. Already, smart phone applications are changing the way we travel. They include built-in GPS functionality, comparison of air fares and hotel rates, sharing of information about travel experiences, virtual visitor guides and audio walking tours for downloading. Transaction World Magazine, the leading publication for the payments industry, reported in May that mobile transactions were
growing at an annual compound
“Most standard phone models
rate of 43.1 per cent and said this
manufactured in China and elsewhere
also access a range of information,
technology was especially popular
enable you to reserve and pay for
from baggage charges to identity
in developing economies such as
flights providing you have sufficient
requirements for flights and how to
India. The magazine said airlines had
internet connectivity,” says Lucy
cancel a ticket. Moreover, using a
acknowledged this trend and 84 per
Mbogoro, marketing executive with
handset saves money as the cost will
cent of operators were looking to offer their customers more choice in mobile payment technology in the next two to three years. Mobile technology is being used to change the way passengers interact
Passengers using a handset can
Already, smart phone applications are changing the way we travel
probably be less than travelling to the nearest fastjet office or telephoning the call centre. M-commerce is certainly offering to take a passenger’s travel experience to another level. An
with airlines, whether you’re making
fastjet in Dar es Salaam. “Passengers
integrated travel experience through
a reservation or booking, cancelling
using this method should remember
the mobile phone is emerging to
bookings, securing refunds on
to ensure that all booking details are
include the whole flight process from
e-tickets, checking in or obtaining
accurately entered or the process may
ticket purchase to boarding.
in-flight customer service.
have to be fully repeated.”
In 2010 London’s World Travel Market identified Africa as being
So remember, whether it is a ticket booking or a general inquiry, just go to and take advantage
at the forefront in using mobile
Once your booking is made on your
of the latest features we are offering
commerce in the travel industry.
mobile phone, fastjet will send your
through your handset.
According to WTM, this is due, in
unique booking number by SMS. If
part, to the ‘mobile’ boom in Africa,
full payment has not been received,
embracing some 490 million phone
your booking may be cancelled and
users, with over 60 per cent using
your fare subject to change. Once
them to purchase goods.
full payment is received, fastjet will
Africa’s telecom companies have
confirm your booking by SMS and
been working with airlines across the
send your ticket by e-mail. Please
continent to offer greater flexibility
visit our website for details on our
in the purchase of tickets using
payment terms and conditions.
mobile payment systems – an ideal
This convenient and secure
service for customers on the move.
purchase method saves passengers
The payment methods of fastjet now
the time and trouble of going to a
include M-Pesa and Tigo Pesa.
booking office to pay for tickets.
To access fastjet’s mobile website go to:
For customer service inquiries: Tel: +255 767 007 903 Tel: +255 22 2866130/3/4/6 Email: Website:
ake Victoria’s boat-building business has been given a new lease of life through the
enterprise and skill of a Mwanza man who studied marine engineering in England. He is Major Songoro, whose father Saleh owns the Songoro Marine Transport Ltd boatyard in Mwanza. For generations, communities around the lake have relied on wooden dhows and canoes for fishing and for transporting people and cargo. Through the years, village craftsmen have met the local demand for boats and in colonial times dry docks were installed to build larger craft using riveted steel.
collaboration After independence, however, the
revolution on the lake By Tony Shoo Pictures supplied by Songoro Marine Transport
industry gradually declined until the 1980s when the Dutch government
‘I definitely planned to come back and revolutionise the boat-building industry in Tanzania’ opened a boatyard in collaboration with the government. The vessels built there were used to transport cotton around the lake. Saleh Songoro originally came as a customer to the boatyard he now
owns. In 1998 he bought the yard and combined Dutch expertise with local skilled labour. Now his son, Major, is bringing Songoro Marine Transport into an exciting new era with the capability to build vessels of up to 1,500 tons. Major Songoro, who was born in 1983, attended Lake Primary School in Mwanza, where he spent his free time sailing and fishing in a Laser dinghy.
‘One of the biggest challenges has been the cost of introducing new technology to the yard and installing new equipment such as navigation aids in vessels’
and revolutionise the boat-building industry in Tanzania and meet the growth in demand while improving marine safety,” he says. Returning to Mwanza, he introduced new technology to the boatyard and improved the design of vessels. “My father welcomed my new ideas. We combined his practical experience with my new theoretical learning.” Major introduced computer-aided design, which
After completing O-levels at secondary school in Dodoma he decided to follow
to encounter a diversity of people
enabled him to evaluate a vessel’s
in his father’s footsteps and learn the
as well as being exposed to the
strength, stability and performance.
craft of boat-building.
culture of the marine industry. Major
At the time his sister was studying
also appreciated the opportunity,
in London, where she found out about
while at university, to test designs
One of the biggest challenges has
Falmouth Marine School in Cornwall,
and simulate them to assess the
been the cost of introducing new
south-west England. Major was
performance of vessels.
technology to the yard and installing
enrolled on a BTEC National Diploma course in marine engineering and naval architecture.
practical “It was a very practical course, working in workshops with fibreglass, wood, steel and aluminium,” recalls Major, who returned for a year at the Songoro Marine boatyard after completing the two-year course. The aspiring boat-builder then enrolled in a BEng course in marine engineering and naval architecture at Portsmouth University on the south coast of England. Major says the year in Mwanza proved invaluable to his degree studies: “There was a lot of theoretical work at university, but I successfully completed this coursework based on my practical experience at the boatyard in Mwanza.” During his time in the UK he especially valued the opportunity
After graduating, he decided against pursuing a career outside Tanzania. “I definitely planned to come back
new equipment such as navigation aids in vessels. Such forward thinking enables the yard to offer custom-
designed vessels, newbuilds, major repairs and after-sales services as well as upgrading and modifications to existing vessels to a high standard. The company is able to build a range of vessels, including fishing boats, patrol vessels, passenger/ cargo ferries and cargo ships. Major has undertaken a variety of exciting commissions, including two research vessels for the European Union in 2007. “Songoro Marine Transport designed the vessels in co-operation with a Dutch company,” he explains. “We pre-cut the steel in Holland, then assembled the boats here. It was interesting to combine local experience with European knowledge and machinery.” Asked what was the biggest
make sure you have the capacity to
challenge faced by a boatyard
compete for new projects against
company in Tanzania, he says: “To
international competition. We also
Herbert Mrango, announced that Out on the lake Above: Shipyard view
the boatyard would construct Lake Victoria’s new TZS 1.8 billion Kahunda-
have the challenge of continuing to
Maisome ferry. The vessel will have
update in terms of new techniques,
a capacity of 85 tons, equivalent to
training and equipment.”
200 passengers and 10 small cars.
slipway Songoro Marine Transport’s site has an office block, a metal plate
According to IPP Media, Songoro Marine Transport beat off six rival companies to secure the project. Looking ahead, the company
processing area, overhead cranes
is now securing more work on the
in the main shed and a slipway. Its
Swahili coast and has a contract with
labour force of skilled men and
Azam Marine to build a landing barge
women undertake a range of trades
with gangway in Dar es Salaam for the
such as welding, painting, plumbing,
Zanzibar ferry service.
mechanical and electrical work.
Mwanza’s master boat-builder is
They work in steel, fibreglass and
confident the company can meet new
aluminium. The company sources
challenges beyond Lake Victoria: “The
equipment and material from South
future is to build a new shipyard in Dar es
Africa, the Netherlands, Dubai,
Salaam in order to bring business from
Ukraine, the UK, Sweden and the
Mombasa back to the Tanzanian coast.”
United States. In March the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Works, Ambassador
For more information about Songoro Marine Transport visit:
By Tony Shoo
Fine dining at Tanzania’s first revolving restaurant
he latest, most chic addition
hour to complete a full rotation and
to Dar es Salaam’s restaurant
treating diners to a remarkable bird’s-
scene is Akemi. Located 21 floors
eye experience. The adjacent area
above the central business district, this
consists of an elegant cocktail bar and
revolving restaurant offers a unique
a cosy lounge with sofas and coffee
setting for fine dining, with spectacular
tables. Prompt and efficient staff are
views of the ever-changing skyline.
on hand to take orders and advise on
Under a shimmering chandelier, the sophisticated interior is
food and drink choices. In addition, diners are entertained
dominated by a dining area that
by live music on Thursday and Friday
slowly revolves, taking about one
evenings and on Sunday afternoons.
Mains were equally diverse, with a tempting selection of pasta dishes, a great spread of grilled meats and
achievements has been to create a Classy, for sure Above: Striking décor, yummy food
by the glass enables diners to sample
roasted leg of lamb in a rich gravy
everything from refreshing whites,
was perfectly cooked and served
such as Nubiola Sauvignon Blanc from
with tasty fried artichoke and feta
the Languedoc region of southern
cheese, together with fondant
France, to robust reds, like Gran
potatoes. Akemi’s seafood platter
Malbec from Mendoza in Argentina.
caught lobster, crab, red snapper and The menu at Akemi has something described succinctly. Starters
wine list. The superb selection of wine
a varied choice of fish. The slow-
was a generous portion of freshly
for every taste and each dish is
truly exciting, accessible and diverse
more. The sides had to be served on a
For many of the dishes, a wine
separate dish.
suggestion is thoughtfully provided
by the menu. The entire wine list is well described to help any diner
range from spicy Tom Yum soup to
Stars of the dessert menu were
select a suitable bottle. Look out for
home-smoked chicken with mango
undoubtedly the two cheesecakes.
the impressive selection from South
salad. From the daily specials, the
Special of the day was a baked
Africa’s celebrated winemaker, Ken
red snapper and lobster ravioli
version with smoked apple and white
Forrester, the ‘King of Chenin Blanc’.
with a champagne sauce was truly
chocolate accompanied by a vanilla
magnificent. Equally impressive were
Riesling sauce – unusual but delicious
For stylish but relaxed dining, Akemi offers a variety of options
‘The menu at Akemi has something for every taste and each dish is described succinctly’
including a lunchtime buffet, a
plump and delicately spiced tandoori
flavours. Blueberries and cherries
means ‘bright and beautiful’. This
shrimps presented on a colourful
were served alongside the splendid
perfectly describes the restaurant.
plate of crispy leaves, mango pieces
no-bake lemon cheesecake.
Dining in Dar is certainly reaching new
and ribbons of red pepper.
One of Akemi’s great
cocktail happy hour, a Sunday afternoon buffet and corporate hospitality. The Japanese word ‘akemi’
heights with Akemi.
trails ACROSS the SERENGETI sky Already well established in Tarangire National Park and across the border in the Masai Mara National Reserve, Adventures Aloft opened its new Serengeti balloon bases in June this year.
has to start from somewhere.
of leading East African specialist
flight from Togoro with just two
Adventures Aloft.
fare-paying passengers on board.
p, up and away. Yes, that’s
Of course, every new service
the new Serengeti hot air balloon operation
Adventures Aloft launched its first
Already well established in
But if Adventures Aloft’s experience
Tarangire National Park and across
elsewhere is any guide, numbers soon
the border in the Masai Mara National
pick up.
Reserve, Adventures Aloft opened its
Getting operations off the ground
new Serengeti balloon bases in June
– both literally and metaphorically
this year.
– has not been without its share of
Run by Tinu Mhajan, who also
challenges. “You need about nine
heads up the Mada Hotels group,
months to a year if you’re starting
Adventures Aloft adds fresh capacity
from scratch,” explains Tinu. “And
to the Serengeti, which has long
it takes six months from order to
lagged behind the Mara in the
delivery of the balloon, and there is
availability of balloon flights. These
quite a bit involved in actually setting
flights add an extra dimension to any
up the bases.”
game-viewing experience. Adventures Aloft‘s two Serengeti
bases are located in the Togoro plains.
He adds: “Our bases are in remote
One is located between Mbuzi Mawe
areas and transport and logistics were
Serena Camp and Lobo Wildlife Lodge,
a factor. We went behind schedule in
just east of Four Seasons Safari Lodge;
opening our Kogatende site due to
the other is in Kogatende, on the Mara
the rains, which made is impossible
River, in the north of the reserve.
to truck in supplies. Bases have to be
equipped with pilot accommodation, crew accommodation, stores, gas and fuel tanks, etc. If there is no water supply, then bore holes also have to be put in.” Aside from the creating the physical presence, Tinu’s chief concern is safety: “You need to choose an area which allows nice landing spots; and as the Serengeti was a new area for us, we had to undertake several test flights first to see which flight path would allow for a scenic and safe flight. As there is a limited road network, a major challenge is to see how passengers
just four months in the year, clients in
in terms of value for money, many
can be retrieved quickly; and with the
the Serengeti can follow the migration
believe no game park visit is complete
for almost the entire year.
without an up-at-dawn balloon ride.
help of the park authorities we were able to find areas with suitable tracks
Reach for the sky Above: Heading up Below Game viewing
to be able to follow a balloon.”
“In my opinion, Kogatende is one
Adventure Aloft’s operation is not
of the most beautiful areas of the
the first in the Serengeti. Another
So how does ballooning in
Serengeti and flights here over the
operator flies in the western and
the Serengeti compare with, say,
kopjes and the Mara River make it
central areas. The new Adventures
Tarangire or the Mara? Again, Tinu
one of the best balloon flights in the
Aloft bases are in the north central
explains the difference: “Clearly, the
world,” says Tinu.
area and north (near the Mara River).
landscape of the Serengeti is different from Tarangire. It has more open areas
than Tarangire and the landscape has
Those who have already flown with
more shrubs as opposed to baobab
Adventures Aloft, either in the Mara
trees. Tarangire is also famous for its
or in Tarangire, will be heartened to
huge elephant population, while the
learn that the company’s legendary post-flight breakfasts are part of the
“In my opinion, Kogatende is one of the most beautiful areas of the Serengeti”
package. In comparison with some operators, which provide some rather unappetising-looking cheese and then ply their passengers with lashings of cheap sparkling wine,
Serengeti has plenty of plains game
Adventures Aloft serves a delicious
and, of course, the migration.
hot breakfast cooked on site – just
The Serengeti and Mara share many similarities as they are part of the same eco system’ but the
what you need after an early start and some hours out in the fresh air. It’s fair to say that ballooning
Serengeti is much bigger. Whereas the
does not come cheap. Expect to pay
migration in the Mara is basically for
US$499 per person per flight. But
So the two operators fly in different geographical areas and do not compete directly. Between them, they appear to have the Serengeti well and truly covered.
The face that launched a thousand soaps… Ana Brenda Contreras, the uncrowned queen of Mexican TV romance By Armando Olveira Ramos Pictures courtesy of Cosmopolitan Magazine México
er intense Latin beauty
Brenda. Like many stars born on the
and the popularity of
Mexican-United States border, she
Mexican soap operas
draws on the mythology of both
produced by Televisa Internacional
sides of the Bravo River. Ana Brenda
have made her name famous
was a beautiful pre-Christmas gift,
across five continents. The
born on 24 December 1986 in the
fictional characters she plays can
metropolitan area of Reynosa, Rio
be compared to other legends
Bravo and McAllen. For some, it is
of Mexican melodrama such as
Mexico’s Tamaulipas; for others, the
Verónica Castro, Lucía Méndez,
State of Texas.
Barbara Mori and the singer Thalía. Hers is the face of romance each
evening, admired by over 300 million
At the age of 15 Ana Brenda moved
viewers who never lose the hope of
to Mexico City to take part in the
transforming a sweet fiction into
reality TV show ‘Pop Stars’, which
their own reality.
encouraged new young singers. She
Her full name is Ana Brenda
was a finalist in the competition and
Contreras Pérez, but in the world
a member of the band t’detila, with
of showbiz she is always Ana
whom she recorded her first album.
MexicanSoapStar In 2003 she entered the Televisa Centre for Arts Education to study acting and two years later won the role of Juanita Sánzhez in the soap opera ‘Barrera de Amor’. In 2006 she was Sonia, a character in the musical ‘Grease’, produced by Mexican showbiz legend Julia Isabel de Llano (‘Julissa’). Soon afterwards she played the part of Claudia in the soap ‘Duelo de Pasiones’ produced by Juan Osorio. In 2008 she was Bibi, a central character in the film ‘Divina Confusión’ directed by Salvador
Hers is the face of romance each evening, admired by over 300 million viewers Garcini in the role of and got her first starring role in the soap opera ‘Juro Que te Amo’ (‘Oath of Love’). Her character, an innocent girl called Violeta Madrigal, inspires love in a boy her own age, José María, played by José Ron. In real life, however, Ana Brenda had a passionate affair with the story’s villain, Alexis Ayala, 20 years her senior. In 2009 she guest-starred in the film ‘Cabeza de Buda’ (‘Buddha’s Head’), while preparing her first ‘antagonistic’ role as the villainous Maura Albarran in the drama ‘Sortilegio’. In 2010 she played the beautiful Aurora, a friend of the protagonist, in the popular soap opera ‘Teresa’, and that same year she was in the muchpraised TV series ‘Tiempo Final’ (‘Final Time’) and ‘Mujeres Asesinas (‘Killer Women’).
Between 2011 and 2012 she starred
she married the Mexican bullfighter
in another successful soap, ‘La Que No
Alejandro Amaya. “Do not expect
Podía Amar’ (‘The One Who Couldn’t
me to tell if my next church wedding
Love’), as Ana Paula, alongside José
will be in Mexico City or Madrid,
Ron and was nominated for the TV y
because I want to take my own photos
Novelas Awards in the Best Actress
to publish a magazine that is very
important,” said Ana Brenda, has sold
Wild at Heart The Mexican soap opera ‘Corazón Indomable’ (‘Wild at Heart’), starring
the exclusive media rights to cover her wedding.
Sweet smell of success
Ana Brenda and the Colombian actor
“It would be a farce to say we’re best
Daniel Arenas, was first broadcast
friends, because I am a loner, but we
on 25 February this year by the Stars
get along,” said Daniel Arenas, her
Channel of Televisa. It tells the story
Colombian co-star in ‘Wild at Heart’.
of Maricruz, a poor girl who lives with
“With her I feel a beautiful energy.
her grandfather, Ramiro, and her
We connect and we have a very great
sister, Solita.
confidence, to the point that when we
Maricruz works on the ranch of the powerful Narváez family, where she is
The Colombian actor denied rumours about conflicts for body
But the proprietor’s younger brother,
odour of Ana Brenda. “We took a
Octavio Narváez (Daniel Arenas), soon
photo in which she gave me gum and
becomes captivated by this innocent
I gave her a deodorant. It was funny!
and beautiful girl.
Unfortunately, some people invent stuff, but they did us a favour because
suffers the intrigues and lies of the
people learned even more about the
villainous Lucia. The young woman is
soap opera,” said Arenas.
sent to prison for crimes she did not commit. On her release, she moves to Mexico City to work at the residence of millionaire Alejandro Mendoza Olivares, unaware that he is her biological father. There she finds again Octavio, who is still in love with her and wants to help her to regain her true identity. Maricruz and Octavio decide to start a new life together.
Beauty and the bullfighter The name of Ana Brenda has been coupled with actors Alexis Ayala and
The first Mexican soap opera was ‘Senda Prohibida’ (‘Forbidden Pathway’), which aired on 9 June 1958 on Channel 4 Televicentro. An experimental broadcast inspired by a successful radio drama, it was directed by the film-maker Rafael Banquells. The protagonists were popular actors of the time: Silvia Derbez, Francisco Jambrina, Dalia Iñiguez, Alicia Montoya and Hector Gomez.
kiss there is something flowing.”
abused by Miguel and his wife Lucia.
Along the way, the protagonist
First of the soaps
Success Far left: From singing to acting Below: A major role
‘Forbidden Pathway’ tells the story of Nora, a poor girl who comes to Mexico City to fulfil her dreams and ambitions. Young and beautiful, she gets a job as a secretary and seduces her boss. So begins a prohibited affair, because he is married and the astute girl uses this fact to her advantage. The boss leaves his wife and children to begin a life of self-indulgence that leads to personal and financial ruin. He asks his wife to give him another chance. She forgives him and helps him overcome poverty. In the end, Nora, by now an old woman, repents for the evil done, while looking in the mirror with a wedding dress she never used.
Sebastian Zurita in acres of media coverage. Earlier this year, however,
mooinblack /
Travelsmart’s ones to watch
s the August window closes and English Premier League (EPL) teams marshal their
forces for this season’s gruelling 38-game slog, what can we expect from Africa’s footballing crème de la crème in the months ahead? Well, there are some new African faces, some wily old campaigners, some switching of clubs and, sadly, some retirements; others are leaving the League to play out their final days elsewhere; and, of course, there has been the discarding of a few who have failed to make the grade.
What can we expect from Africa’s footballing crème de la crème in the months ahead? Somewhat unscientifically, here are my 10 African players to watch this season. They’re either new to the League, have changed EPL clubs in the off-season or are tipped to achieve another fine year flying the flag for African football. I’m sure others will have their own list and mine is far from exhaustive. Leaving out Everton’s Steven Pienaar was difficult; and Kolo Touré also had a strong claim. Moreover, at time of writing, there were still two weeks before the transfer window closed and I could not forecast with any certainty who might make a last-minute switch to the EPL. My number one African player has to be Kenya’s adaptable box-to-box Chelsea star Left: Victor Moses
midfielder and Harambee Stars captain Victor Wanyama. So, here goes. >>
© Stafford Ondego
New clubs for 2013-14
Abovet: Victor Wanyama Below: Arouna Kone
Victor Wanyama Southampton/Kenya
Arouna Kone Everton/Côte d’Ivoire
Brother of Parma’s McDonald Mariga, Wanyama
Kone certainly impressed last season for
stole the show on many occasions last year at
relegated Wigan and now rejoins his former
Scottish club Celtic and attracted the attention
manager Roberto Martínez at Everton on a
of several EPL clubs, including Arsenal. In a GBP
three-year deal. Price tag: GBP 6 million. Kone
12 million deal, Wanyama wisely chose the south
netted 11 times in 2012-13; but expect more goals
coast side Southampton, where he is more likely
from him this time in a better side.
Maxisport /
to find his name on the team sheet each week and where he can gain valuable Premiership experience before moving on to a bigger club. Wanyama is Kenya’s first EPL player.
Yaya Touré
Manchester City/Côte d’Ivoire It has to be said Yaya’s 2012-13 season did
Wilfried Bony Swansea City/Côte d’Ivoire
Swansea paid a club-record GBP 12 million to entice Bony away from the Dutch Eredivisie side Vitesse Arnhem. Bony scored an amazing 31 goals in just 30 league games last season in the Netherlands. Bony performed strongly in pre-season games and he looks set to work well alongside Swansea’s Spanish star Michu.
not quite match the dizzy heights of the one before. But class is permanent, as they say. And Manchester City (with new manager Manuel Pellegrini) must be hoping for a better all-round level of achievement after last season’s disappointments – especially in the Champions League. So here’s hoping for more of those trademark Yaya charges up-field.
Ba moved from Newcastle to Chelsea during last
mooinblack /
Demba Ba
season’s January transfer window. He impressed up front for the Blues, often being chosen ahead of GBP 50 million striker Fernando Torres in Chelsea’s starting line-up. This season he will have to fight for his place alongside the excellent Romelu Lukaku who returns to Stamford Bridge from a stellar on-loan season at West Brom.
Victor Moses Chelsea/Nigeria
Lagos-born Moses was in and out of the Chelsea team last season making only 23 appearances
in all competitions for the London club. He was praised for his performances and even won ‘man
Stéphane Sessègnon Sunderland/Benin
of the match’ against Manchester United in the
Sessègnon performed strongly in a generally
League Cup. Expect to see more of Mr Moses in
underwhelming Sunderland side in 2012-13.
Chelsea blue this season.
The arrival of new manager Paolo di Canio has certainly shaken up things at the Stadium of
Papisse Cissé
Light with numerous arrivals and departures. But di Canio seems to be keeping faith with the
Beninese striker. He will be wise to do so.
Cissé got the season off on the wrong foot when he refused to wear the club shirt sponsored by a controversial pay day loan company. He
made a slow start last year, but showed more responsibility after the departure of Demba Ba to Newcastle new boy Loïc Remy, on loan for the season from relegated Queens Park Rangers.
Cheick Tioté
Newcastle/Côte d’Ivoire Tioté is my wild-card pick and something of a
Chelsea. He now has to dovetail with impressive West African stars
gamble. Combative midfielder Tioté is almost as famous for his yellow cards as he is for
Above: Demba Ba Below: Yaya Touré
performances for the Magpies. Last season, Tioté averaged a yellow card every two games and was sent off once. He’s on a six-and-a-halfyear contract at Newcastle, so manager Alan Pardew must really rate the 27-year-old Ivorian. Let’s hope Tioté picks up fewer yellows this term.
Frimpong 10 Emmanuel Arsenal/Ghana Midfielder and my outside bet, Frimpong was born in Ghana but grew up in London. He has been on the fringes of the Arsenal first team and has been out on loan several times. Despite Jaggat Rashidi /
strong competition for places in the middle of the park, Frimpong now has a chance to really make the grade at the Emirates.
How Jacqueline turned her dreams into jewels 44
By Tony Shoo
he Tanzanian designer and entrepreneur Jacqueline Kibacha has every reason to
celebrate the first year of trading for Heart 365 Emporium. Her couture label has quickly won accolades for jewellery that have appeared at prestigious shows and in fashion media. “I used to make and sell beaded jewellery on the school bus and in the playground,” says Jacqueline, who has spent a lifetime exploring her various creative passions – poetry, music, art and design.
degree After completing a degree in fine art in the UK, she began a career in the
with an inspirational thought or
public sector but continued to pursue
message that I’d like to share. I then
her creative interests.
consider the materials, how and where it will be made. I also consider
Her decision to design jewellery
trends, colours and seasons.”
came through an unconventional
Her approach to ‘design’ combines
route in 2010. “I had a dream about
both words and images. These are
a string of Heart 365 Emporium crystals,” she says. “It triggered a
Dream jewellery
made into sketches and a ‘prototype’
realisation that I could transfer my
Top: A perfect display Above: Jacqueline Kibacha
or sample piece. Her next collection
creativity into something people could wear.” This experience inspired her to take a course in jewellery design and the bold decision to open a new business in the middle of a global economic crisis. “I am a hard worker,” explains Jacqueline. “And, with the luxury end of things, the impact has not been so severe. Sales of accessories in the high fashion market have been robust.” The process from concept to
has been inspired by landscapes. In addition to being a creative director, she has mobilised a range of
‘My dream triggered a realisation that I could transfer my creativity into something people could wear’ business skills to launch her start-up
production of her jewellery is an
company: “I have learned that I’m
intensely personal journey. “I am
actually very business-minded. Starting
inspired by messages, stories and
on my creative journey has brought out
journeys,” says Jacqueline. “It starts
my entrepreneurial skills.”
Jacqueline’s advice to aspiring jewellery designers is to do their research before launching a business so as to have a clear vision about what they intend to produce. She also has a special word of advice for all novice design enterprises during their critical first year of trading: “Don’t front-load your business by pouring all resources into a huge media launch when time and effort would be better spent building a solid foundation and understanding your customers.”
creations A woman who wears creations by Heart 365 Emporium is described by Jacqueline as “someone who wants a piece with meaning, that carries a story, a lady who wants to be
‘I have learned that I’m actually very businessminded. Starting on my creative journey has brought out my entrepreneurial skills’
flamboyant,” adding: “My pieces are statement jewellery.”
Earlier this year, Heart 365
The industrious mother-of-two is
imagination into fashion.” She also
Emporium was selected, along with
admires British designers Matthew
always looking for new knowledge about
two other labels, to represent Tanzania
Williamson and Henry Holland. “I get
her craft and new ways of articulating her
at the International Fashion Showcase
a sense of their personality from their
vision. Although she loves gemstones,
for London Fashion Week, where it
labels. I really enjoy the things they
Jacqueline chose to work in gold plate for
showed alongside Chichia London and
send down the catwalk. I love how they
her second collection.
Anna Luks. The exhibition was held at
operate their brands. I aspire to that.”
the Tanzanian High Commission and curated by stylist and creative director
Glamour Left: Uhuru Wings
Samson Soboye. Further accolades
In the future, the founder of Heart
for Heart 365 Emporium include
365 Emporium is looking to create
nominations for design awards and
an international fashion house
having one of its creations included in
with accessories, bags, shoes and
a feature on London Fashion Week by
jewellery. However, Jacqueline insists
‘Vogue Italia’ magazine.
she will stay loyal to her roots: “I want
people to see that quality comes from Tanzania. Heart 365 Emporium is
Jacqueline is a devoted fan of the
inspired by Tanzania. I want to create
legendary British fashion designer
a successful business, built on firm
Vivienne Westwood. “You get a sense
foundations and a reputation for
of her personality in everything
good quality that will make my
she does,” she says. “She injects
country proud.”
turning a rust heap into a rally star Pictures courtesy of David Kennedy
othing drives the true aficionado like an impossible challenge,
and when Jowett Jupiter enthusiast David Kennedy found a no-hope example in a dried-up riverbed on a farm in South Africa, he was determined to give it new life. David, who had previously owned a Jupiter back in England, was desperately keen to own another sports car – preferably a Jupiter. His job had taken him to Johannesburg in the 1960s. Sports cars were rare enough in South Africa at that time; the discovery of a Jupiter for sale, even in that condition, must have
“Restoration was a major project which took me 14 years to complete,” recalls David. “There was virtually a complete lack of spares locally,
authenticated by the South African Peak condition Above: Table Mountain backdrop
Veteran and Vintage Association and then, accompanied by his wife Jennifer, he took part in the World
which was why the car had been
FIVA International Rally, a two-week
dumped in the first place. I did all of
event in South Africa covering 1,750
the restoration myself, including all
miles and involving over 150 cars from the all over the world.
day in 1972 when he bought the badly
‘There was virtually a The restored Jupiter was more than equal to the challenge of this complete lack of spares ‘regularity rally’, in which the cars had locally, which was why the car had been dumped in Track and the first place’ rally success
mauled example that he had decided
the welding, the mechanical overhaul,
to restore.
a new hood and all the upholstery. I
seemed like a miracle. Only a handful of Jupiters had been exported new to South Africa in the early 1950s and David says he never saw one until that
relied on the Jowett Car Club to assist with most of the required spares.” He was helped by the fact that the main body of the car was aluminium and therefore still intact.
restoration In 1986 the restoration was complete and David was able to enjoy the
Both on the race track and on the rally circuit, the Jupiter did remarkably well in the early 1950s before it was literally overtaken by newer and faster cars. The Jupiter achieved class wins at Le Mans in 1950, 1951 and 1952 as well as a class 1-2 in the 1951 Monte Carlo International Rally and an outright win at the 1951 Lisbon International Rally.
fruits of his labour. He had the car
By Jove, it’s an English classic… Among the names of classic English sports car makers, Jowett is an unsung hero. Better known for its Javelin saloon, Jowett also produced a rare but remarkable sports car, the Jupiter. It was made in such small numbers (only about 900 in all) that most people have never seen one in the flesh. Yet, in its understated way, the Jupiter was a classic. A two-seater drop-head coupé with a stubby aluminium body, the car had quirky but attractive lines, from its purposeful grill and oversized headlamps, through its curvaceous bonnet and wings, to its long, sweeping tail.
to be driven very consistently at set speeds with the instruments blanked out. “Despite our inexperience, we
A work of auto art Above: In the UK
managed to come somewhere in the mid fifties,” recalls David.
rallies After that, David and Jennifer took part in many more regulatory rallies all over South Africa, and when the couple returned to England in 1992
tour High point David and Jennifer Kennedy with the Jupiter in Cape Town in 1988. They had driven the 900 miles from Johannesburg, with one overnight stop, as part of a ‘regularity’ rally for cars made after 1945. The rally included a visit to the Killarney race circuit, where they drove several laps at high speed.
The restored Jupiter took part in the World FIVA International Rally, a twoweek event in South Africa covering 1,750 miles and involving over 150 cars from all over the world
when they joined nearly 50 other Jupiters
they brought the Jupiter back with
at Le Mans to mark the anniversary of
them and continued to enjoy putting
the 24 Hours event of 1950 at which a
the car through its paces at club rallies
Jupiter had brought off the first of three
and hill climbs.
consecutive class wins.
A special moment came in June 2000
Launched at the London Motor Show in October 1949, the Jupiter was manufactured from 1950 to 1954. A novel feature of the Jupiter was its tubular chassis, using a light alloy steel derived from the aircraft industry, which greatly enhanced the car’s handling and ride qualities, opening the way to success in rallies and track events. Among the new car’s admirers was the American detective story writer Raymond Chandler. The Jupiter made a guest appearance in his 1953 novel ‘The Long Goodbye’ as a rich man’s runabout.
Kids Corner Q. Why was the maths book sad? A. Because it had too many problems Q. Why do seagulls live by the sea? A. Because if they lived by the bay they would be bagels Q. Have you ever seen a catfish? A. No. How would they hold the rod and reel? Q. Why don’t blind people like to sky dive? A. Because it scares the dog!
riddle Me This... Q: What has one head, one foot and four legs? Q: Which weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks?
QUESTION... Q: There is a couple that have a baby. One is a doctor and the other a nurse. The baby’s mother is not a nurse and the baby’s father is not a doctor. How is this possible? Answer: The mother is a doctor and the father is a nurse
Q. Why were the early days of history called the dark ages? A. Because there were so many knights
Follow these step-by-step instructions below:
Answer: Neither, they both weigh a ton
Q. What did the ground say to the earthquake? A. You crack me up!
Answer: A bed.
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Most nationals require visas to enter East Africa. Citizens from the five East African states require no visas while those from the Common Market of East and Southern Africa (COMESA) member states have relaxed entry requirements into East Africa. However, East African member states have their own visa requirements for various nationals.
TANZANIAN VISAS HEALTH Vaccination requirements for international travellers • No cholera vaccination certificates are required of travellers coming from all over the world. • Only valid yellow fever vaccination certificates are required of all travellers over one year old, arriving from yellow fever infected countries mainly in central and West Africa, South and Central America South East Asia, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh. • Vaccination for international travellers are obtainable from all international air and sea ports, city and major municipal councils NB: Make sure you get your yellow fever shot in good time since the yellow fever certificate is valid for travel use 10 days after vaccination.
All foreigners from non-Commonwealth countries are required to have a valid visa unless their countries have agreements with Tanzania under which the visa requirement is waived. Exemptions: Citizens of Commonwealth countries are not required to obtain visas unless they are citizens of the United Kingdom, Canada, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, South Africa, New Zealand or Australia. Tanzanian visas are issued by the following: • The office of the Director of Immigration Services, Dar es Salaam, and the office of the Principal Immigration Officer, Zanzibar. •
Entry points to the United Republic of Tanzania: principally Namanga, Tunduma, Sirari, Horohoro, Kigoma Port, Dar es Salaam International Airport, Kilimanjaro International Airport, Zanzibar Harbour and Zanzibar Airport.
• Any other gazetted entry point. • From Tanzania High Commissions or embassies abroad. For more information on Tanzanian diplomatic missions visit:
Baggage Savvy Airlines have varying baggage rules that can often be confusing and can lead to unforeseen costs at the airport. An outline of the fastjet baggage guidelines will help make your flight smooth and enjoyable.
SOUTH AFRICAN VISAS Visitors’ visas are a requirement for many travellers entering South Africa on a temporary basis. The purpose of visit can be for either business or leisure but is restricted to 90 days or less when using a visitors’ visa. For longer trips a different type of visa is required and information regarding this can be obtained from the Department of Home Affairs. The visa application must be produced on arrival and visitors are restricted to the activities given as the reason for travel during the visa application process. For a smooth trip, ensure that visas are applied for before departure as they are not issued on arrival in South Africa. Moreover, the visa must be fixed to a passport and shown to immigration upon landing. Visa applications do not need to be submitted in person but can be submitted on behalf of the traveller, for example, by a travel agent. There are other visa requirements that must be adhered to for entry into South Africa: • A valid passport needs to be produced which must not expire for at least 30 days after the duration of the intended visit • At least one full, unused page left in the passport • Travellers also require a completed application for visa form • A yellow fever vaccination certificate if over one year of age and travelling from a yellow fever belt country • Documentation confirming the purpose of stay • Two colour passport photographs • A return or onward ticket is also a necessity There is a fee associated with obtaining a visa, this fee can change often but can be checked by contacting the Department of Home Affairs in South Africa. For this and further information on visa requirements for entering South Africa visit
If booked prior to departure each passenger is entitled to one bag that can be checked in and placed in the hold at the cost of R60 or Tsh 10,000. If hold baggage is not booked in advance it is still possible to check one bag per passenger into the hold while at the airport on the day of departure, this is at the cost of R100 or Tsh 15,000. All baggage being checked into the hold must weigh less than 20 kg but if baggage weighs more than 20 kg arrangements can be made to carry it at an additional cost of R50 per kilo. However, maximum weight for any single piece of hold baggage is 32 kg due to health and safety restrictions and no passenger can check in more than 50 kg of baggage. Each passenger is entitled to carry only one item of hand luggage, which could be one brief case, one handbag, a rucksack or a suit or dress carrier. Hand baggage can measure a maximum of 56 x 45 x 25 cm and anything measuring larger than this must be checked and placed in the hold. However, hand baggage must be able to be placed in and retrieved from the overhead lockers safely but there is no weight restriction on hand luggage. If hand baggage is larger than the specified dimensions it will be necessary to check this into the hold at the specified fees and charges. Infants travelling without a seat do not have hand baggage allowance. For further rules on fastjet’s baggage allowances please visit travelsmart
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