Uganda Hotel Guide 2013

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UGAndA HOTeL GUide 2013

Contents 3

CHAirmAn’s FOreWOrd




nATiOnAL pArks


AdrenALin spOrTs

Drive to make ‘top’ destination even better A must-visit destination of wonder and beauty Huge diversity of national parks is major bonus Jinja water sports: a new definition of fun

11 GeTTinG ArOUnd

Air is ideal, but safari bus option works well

14 LOCATiOn UGAndA UHOA memBer LisTinGs 15 memBer LisTinGs index 16 CenTrAL UGAndA - kAmpALA

Better-than-ever choice in booming capital

35 CenTrAL UGAndA - enTeBBe

Former capital is a quiet and delightful venue

40 CenTrAL UGAndA - JinJA

New lease of life for elegant lakeside town

43 CenTrAL UGAndA - OTHer 47 nOrTHern UGAndA

‘Overlooked’ region has plenty of tourism potential

51 WesTern UGAndA

Gorillas provide ultimate draw in region of splendid parks

61 eAsTern UGAndA

New properties in land of mighty Mount Elgon

This Uganda Hotel Guide is published by: Hotel Africana Conference Complex PO Box 33772, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 (0)414 345 601 Fax: +256 (0)414 232 675 Email: Email:

land&MARINE Land & Marine Publications Ltd. 1 Kings Court, Newcomen Way, Severalls Business Park, Colchester, Essex, CO4 9RA, UK Tel: +44 (0)1206 752902 Fax: +44 (0)1206 842958 Email:

The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor nor of any other organisation associated with this publication. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions. ISSN 1759-1465 © 2012 Land & Marine Publications Ltd


Chairman’s Foreword

Drive to make ‘top’ destination even better Welcome to the latest edition of the UHOA Uganda Hotel Guide as Uganda celebrates 50 years of independence. The Uganda Hotel Owners’ Association (UHOA) is a trade and lobbying organisation that includes almost all of the nation’s hotels, lodges and camps among its members. UHOA sets high standards for its members and those included within this publication can all be recommended by our Association, from Kampala’s finest five-star property to a more modest guesthouse far away from the capital.

We still need to do more in regard to promoting Uganda and to giving visitors more reasons than ever to come and enjoy our country, the Pearl of Africa; but rest assured that UHOA, along with the Uganda Tourist Board (UTB), will be at the forefront of this drive.

B.M. Kibirige

Chairman, Uganda Hotel Owners’ Association (UHOA)

expansion Uganda has witnessed a vast expansion of its hotel sector and this growth continues – at a slower rate in Kampala than in the recent past, but just as energetically outside the city as capacity grows to meet demand. Lonely Planet has rated Uganda the world’s top mustsee destination for 2012. I am sure this assessment is correct and we, as an industry association, are working hard to live up to Lonely Planet’s star billing. It’s easy to see why Uganda is so highly thought of. We have some of Africa’s best and most varied wildlife parks and certain strengths in terms of our attractions and activities – especially our range of primates, our incredible bird species and the continued popularity of adrenalin sports centred on the town of Jinja.



A must-visit destination of wonder and beauty

Lonely Planet has rated Uganda the world’s must-visit destination. Those already familiar with Uganda will no doubt concur with the wisdom of this rating, while those who have not yet been to the ‘Pearl of Africa’ may well be persuaded by the Lonely Planet’s description. What they will find is an increasingly self-confident nation that is celebrating its 50th anniversary of independence. It is also a nation with a buoyant economy, an improving infrastructure and a tourism sector that continues to go from strength to strength as Uganda’s national parks, spectacular waterfalls and unbeatable biodiversity become better known and more imaginatively packaged. Uganda has not always been at the top of everyone’s visit list as neighbouring countries with much bigger tourism marketing budgets have stolen the show. This is changing, however, as the uniqueness and sheer variety of the destination become more and more apparent.


Like most African cities, Kampala is no beauty spot. But it’s a pleasant enough place with an agreeable climate and the city is comparatively clean and trouble-free, if a bit congested at times. Kampala has a number of spectacularly good five-star properties at one end of the spectrum as well as a selection of smartly run business hotels and a whole bunch of reasonably priced places to stay.

success Kampala’s success is due mainly to its role as a business and conference centre. But the city is also a major base for NGOs, charities and other similar agencies working to improve the everyday life of ordinary Ugandans. These organisations all seem to run seminars and workshops for local people. Most of these events are held in the city’s hotels, providing a sizeable slice of their income. The nation’s capital has been experiencing a huge boom in hotel construction with still more new

dollar rates from well heeled visitors. Even where Uganda does score in providing a near-unique African product, such as in gorilla trekking and hill walking, the potential has yet to be fully exploited. Many will find this an attraction.

properties in the pipeline, although the pace of hotel openings has slowed in the past couple of years. Many of these properties are independently owned and run, providing a mixed bag in terms of quality and service. Kampala has an 18-hole golf course right in the middle of town and a reasonably good selection of restaurants, although there is still some room for improvement here. The nightlife of Kampala is the envy of East Africa and, what’s more, Ugandan beer is generally agreed to be the best in Africa.

So, despite the swift rise in the number of hotels and other types of accommodation, there is still much to be done – especially outside Kampala, Entebbe and Jinja – to ensure that Uganda matches the quality on offer elsewhere. But at least the country is moving in the right direction. In the past, owing to a long and unpleasant period, Uganda was held back in its development as a tourism destination. One thing is certain, however: Uganda is catching up fast.

powerhouse Beyond Kampala, and in opposite directions, there are the two lakeside towns of Jinja and Entebbe. Jinja was once Uganda’s industrial powerhouse, but today it is more of a centre for adventure tourism, while Entebbe provides most visitors with their first glimpse of Uganda after arriving at the international airport. Other towns of note include Fort Portal (close to the Rwenzoris), Mbarara and Mbale, where visitors will find accommodation of reasonable quality. But the real beauty of Uganda is to be found in its landscape and national parks, of which there are 10 in total. Out in the national parks there is still work to be done in providing more upmarket and intimate camps and high-quality lodges of the kind which are so popular elsewhere in East Africa and which command top-


National Parks

Huge diversity of national parks is major bonus Uganda has 10 national parks. But it’s the sheer variety of these parks that sets Uganda apart from other destinations across East Africa. Uganda does have ‘traditional’ open savanna parks with elephants, giraffes and big cats. More than that, however, it also has smaller wildlife areas inhabited by highly diverse, and sometimes endemic, species of flora and fauna; enjoying highly varied climates and at different altitudes. For example, Uganda is home to 13 of the world’s primates, including half of all mountain gorillas and large populations of chimpanzees.


On the debit side – and this is something that needs to be pointed out – Uganda came through two decades or more of civil war and unrest that left many of its national parks badly affected by conflict. Thankfully, those days are now in the past and Uganda’s national parks are thriving once again. Some may not have returned fully to their past glory, but

they are well on their way to recovery and the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) must be commended on its good work in this regard. UWA has also been supported by external agencies that have recognised the significance of Uganda’s wildlife areas and the unique role many of them play in world biodiversity. As a birdwatching destination, Uganda is probably unrivalled anywhere, with an astonishing 1,000 or so bird species, some of which are endemic. In fact, many visitors come to Uganda just for the birdwatching. It really is that good.

forest that stretches across the Congo Basin and is famed as the home of the Batwa people.

Apart from the primate-dominated parks in the west of the country, there has been little in the way of sustained tourism development in the parks owing to past events. This has resulted in some major parks having, perhaps, just one lodge inside the gates and relatively few visitors compared with Uganda’s near neighbours.

The pick of Uganda’s open savanna areas are the 3,840 sq km Murchison Falls (Uganda’s largest) and the 1,978 sq km Queen Elizabeth National Park as well as the much smaller Lake Mburo National Park. Both of the bigger parks provide a wide choice of accommodation and growing numbers of plains game and are within easy reach of Kampala.

heritage site

Offering a complete change of landscape and environment and located in the extreme east is Mount Elgon Nation Park. Dominated by Mount Elgon, which has the largest volcanic base in the world, the park has its own collection of animals at lower levels, while at higher altitudes there are exotic flora and an opportunity for visitors to climb to the caldera, 3,000 metres above sea level.

One of the best known of Uganda’s national parks, and certainly the most memorably named, is Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, a Unesco World Heritage Site. Covering only 331 sq km, Bwindi is the best place to see the critically endangered mountain gorilla. Gorillas can also be viewed in Mgahinga National Park. Kibale National Park is a forested area for higher primates, with 13 available to see including chimpanzees. Uganda’s other natural Unesco World Heritage Site, the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, offers an altogether different experience, with high mountain passes and unique examples of flora. The Rwenzoris also provide one of Africa’s truly great hiking experiences. While Semuliki National Park, in the remote west beyond the Rwenzoris is the furthest extent of the

Perhaps the least visited and most inaccessible is the 1,442 sq km Kidepo Valley National Park in the far north, close to Kenya’s Turkana District and straddling the border with South Sudan. The remoteness and untamed wilderness of Kidepo has been its salvation and the park emerged largely unscathed from Uganda’s troubles. For many, the 700 km trip from Kampala is worth the journey as there are 77 different mammals and about 475 birds to see. With 10 very different parks from which to choose, Uganda presents a truly varied destination – one that keeps visitors coming back time after time.


Adrenalin sports

Uganda is without doubt East Africa’s top destination for fun-filled adrenalin sports. And Jinja is the base for those seeking to add thrills and spills to their otherwise leisurely trip to Uganda. The top sport is white water rafting, which has been around since the mid 1990s, and today there are several companies offering trips on the fast-flowing stretches of the River Nile below Jinja. There is rafting and then, for the really adventurous, there is extreme rafting, offering a chance to shoot the truly ferocious Grade Five rapids using smaller-than-usual rafts and with passengers certain to spend time in the water. This activity can be combined with river surfing.


Pictures credit: Nile River Explorers

Jinja water sports: a new definition of fun

A less dangerous but no less exhilarating means of seeing the Nile is by 450 hp, 12-seater jet boat. Again, these boats operate from bases in the Jinja area. This particular wind-inthe-hair fun ride is open to passengers of all ages (well, from five upwards) and costs about $75.

PARAGLIDING Newly added to these daredevil sports is tandem paragliding from Mount Wanale in Eastern Province. Paragliding as a commercial activity began in mid 2012, providing a fresh challenge for those looking to enjoy as many of these white-knuckle sports as can be crammed into a visit to Uganda.

The submerging of the Bujagali Falls, as a new dam project takes shape, has had some impact on rafting, but just means that trips now start from a location further downstream from the centre of Jinja. The fun and excitement remain just as intense and the dangers are undiminished. Bungee jumping is equally popular, but instead of leaping from a high bridge across a river, the jumpers use a specially built platform 44 metres above and out into the River Nile. This platform is located next to the Jinja Nile Resort.



Air is ideal, but safari bus option works well Getting to Uganda’s game parks from Entebbe or Kampala can sometimes be a long and arduous road journey. On the plus side, it is a great way to view the always-green countryside and to see something of everyday local life.

charter only For those flying in to Entebbe and wishing to make just one short trip – for example, to Bwindi – a tour vehicle may not be the most suitable option. And that is where Uganda’s air charter sector comes into its own.

Credit: Pichugin Dmitry,

Most tour operators will prearrange overland transport and, for guests intending to visit more than one park, this option makes a lot of sense. Tourists can stick with one vehicle and one driver for the duration of their visit. Some hotels in places such as Mbarara even specialise in providing stopover accommodation for visitors on their way to the national parks.

As Uganda has become an ever more sophisticated destination in terms of tourism services, flying has become a better – if more expensive – choice. Unfortunately, some improvements are still needed if Uganda is to match the level of domestic air services offered by its neighbours. For example, there are almost no connecting domestic flights from Entebbe International Airport.

Credit: Oleg Znamenskiy,



In fact, and for such a large country, scheduled domestic air services are relatively few and far between. Eagle Air, for example, operates a regular flight from Entebbe to Arua on most days, but all its other destinations are ‘daily on request’, with Pakuba airstrip being offered only as a diversion stop on the Arua service.

Bus services

From Kajjansi Airfield, between Kampala and Entebbe, and from the International Airport, it is possible to fly to Murchison Falls National Park (Pakuba airstrip) and to Queen Elizabeth National National Park (Mweya airstrip) as well as to more difficult-to-reach spots such as Bwindi (Ishasha), Mgahinga (Kisoro), Rwenzori (Kasese), Semliki and Kidepo Valley (Apoka). But flights to these destinations are generally on a charter-only basis and are not available as scheduled services.

For the more adventurous, there are buses, 14-seat matatus (for longer journeys) and boda bodas (for short trips in and around town). Good bus services operate from Kampala to many of Uganda’s main towns and also to international destinations such as Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. All three modes are not without their dangers as their safety record leaves something to be desired. Sadly, and despite the splendid railway station in Kampala and a reported 1,266 km of track, there are no passenger train services in Uganda.





Kabarega National Park

Kidepo Valley National Park










50 Kilometers





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National Parks Game and Nature Reserves 0



International Border



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50 Miles





Pakwatch Vic to ri a


Murchison Falls National Park

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Lake Kwania

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Kiboga Kyenjojo

Kibale Mubende

Kibale Forest National Park Rwenzori National Park

Katonga Game Reserve



Queen Elizabeth National Park






Kapchorwa Mt Elgon National Park


EASTERN Busembatia


Kasese Lake George


Pian Upe Game Reserve



Luwero Namasagali Kamuli

Toro Game Reserve

Fort Portal

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Lake Bisina


Lake Kyoga





Lake Albert

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Bokora Corridor Nature Reserve

Bugungu Game Reserve


Lake Edward



Karuma Game Reserve










Bushenyi Mbarara

Lake Mbuno National Park

Lake Victoria

Rakai Rukungiri


Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Kabale Kisoro





Central Uganda - Kampala


Central Uganda - Entebbe


Central Uganda - Jinja


Central Uganda - Other


Northern Uganda


Western Uganda


Eastern Uganda



Central Uganda - Kampala

Better-than-ever choice in booming capital Rarely has a city been transformed so quickly. Just a few years ago, the choice of where to stay in Kampala was rather limited. Maybe this was a hangover from Uganda’s dark days of the 1970s and 1980s and the fact that it took a while for the Ugandan economy to make a full recovery. But a full recovery is exactly what happened, as previously exiled business people returned to Kampala with money to invest. A changing point came with the 2007 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. This acted as the catalyst for an unprecedented boom in hotel construction, fuelled by generous subsidies, that has


only just begun to slow. That meeting also gave an emphatic signal that Uganda had fully returned to the Commonwealth fold and informed the world that Uganda was open for business.

Yet, despite the additional bed capacity brought by the construction boom, there are still times when finding a room in Kampala can be difficult. The city is now regarded as a major venue for regional, continental and even global conferences and it can be a problem if your visit to Kampala coincides with one of these events. From the point of view of the city and its hoteliers, of course, it’s a nice problem to have.

growing economy In addition, the Ugandan economy continues to grow at a rate that most developed nations would envy as business visitors flock to the nation’s capital. And, with the discovery of oil, rooms have become a little harder to find and hotel rates have also reflected this situation. More hotels are due to be opened, with each hotel company hoping to carve a niche and eager to differentiate itself in a crowded market. This applies especially to locally owned, mid-market properties built by wealthy investors entering the sector for the first time. Kampala has an impressive range of properties, from internationally recognised five-star brands at the top

end of the scale to homely, price-conscious, family-run guesthouses at the other. In between, there is a range of properties including good quality business hotels, secret hideaways, classy boutique establishments and those run by organisations such as churches.

springboard At the same time, some well known brands that started life in Kampala have used the city as a springboard to set up similar, but mostly smaller, hotels in other towns such as Entebbe and Mbale. Hotel construction has not been focused on any one particular area – although there is clearly a concentration of good quality properties close to the Uganda Golf Club and around Kololo. Therefore, visitors can pick the location that exactly suits their needs – and will probably have a choice of two or three hotels once they have done so. So Kampala has come of age at a time when prospects for Uganda as a nation have rarely been brighter.


Central Uganda - Kampala 888 Hotel

Nabugabo Road, opp. The New Park PO Box 12185, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 346 888 Cell: +256 (0)776 728 888 Fax: +256 (0)414 234 888 Email:

Conveniently located next to the taxi station, 888 Hotel is a small but friendly hotel. The central location makes it ideal to stay for those either with early departures or late arrivals into Kampala. The property is Chinese-owned and has a relaxed atmosphere. The staff are always available to assist and help wherever possible and guests benefit from great views over the park. There is an on-site Chinese restaurant and bar area as well as comfortable lounge. The hotel comprises 40 rooms, all with bathrooms and showers. Guest rooms are small but good value for money

Acacia Valley Apartment

23b Acacia Avenue, Kololo PO Box 24555, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)413 44 329 Cell: +256 (0)772 501 538; 772 436 551 Email:

Located in the pleasant residential area of Kololo and ideal for company executives and families, Acacia Apartments are comfortable and affordable. Guests have the option of either one or two bedroom apartments, executive suites or honeymoon suites. All suites are self-contained, spacious and fresh. Furnished with stylish fittings and modern decor, the apartments are complete with numerous amenities. Large sliding windows lead onto private balconies. There is ample parking for all guests and many local attractions, shops and restaurants are easy to get to.


Plot 95, Circular Road, Mutungo Hill PO Box 16290, Kampala Tel: + 256 (0)414 223 386 Fax: +256 (0)414 223 486 Cell: +256 (0)772 469 880 Email:

rooms for 12 to 16 people to a VIP Conference Centre able to accommodate up to 120 people. Other amenities include restaurants and lounges, a well kept garden and wedding reception facilities.

Afrique Suites Hotel is a newly built fourstar property. It consists of two blocks, of which Block E is already in operation and Block F will be completed by December 2012. The hotel is located in Mutungo, a fast developing suburb in the east of Kampala towards Port Bell, the gateway port to other East African ports on Lake Victoria, and about 6 km from the centre of Kampala. FUSION Accommodation consists of 25 rooms in Block E and 36 rooms in Block F. All rooms are elegantly presented in a fusion of international and Ugandan styles. There is a wide choice of conference facilities, ranging from private meeting

Aponye Hotel

Arch apartments



Apollo House, Plot 17b, William Street PO Box 24765, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 349 239 Fax: +256 (0)414 349 240 Email:

220 Sebowa Road, Kiwatule, Ntinda Kinawataka Zone PO Box 70159, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)31 274 306 Fax: +256 (0)414 287 729 Email:

SB Plaza, Burton Street PO Box 24536, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 236 541; 253 741 Cell: +256 (0)772 429 520 Email:

Plot 1024, Ndeeba-Masaka Road PO Box 6404, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 274 065 Cell: +256 (0)752 303 848 Email:

The Astoria is conveniently located above a shopping precinct and across the road from the taxi ‘station’, with views over the city of Kampala.

Beston Hotel is located in Ndeeba just 3 km from Kampala city centre and only 30-minute drive from Entebbe International Airport.

The rooms are spacious and clean with comfortable beds. There is large closet space, a TV, fan, refrigerator and modern toilet and shower.

Accommodation is at very affordable rates and offers self-contained rooms (singles, doubles & twins) all equipped with DSTV, and a balcony with magnificent views of the Kampala city skyline.

Aponye Hotel is a new hotel located in Kampala’s central business district. The hotel overlooks cultural sites like the Kabaka’s Palace, Kasubi Tombs, religious sites like Rubaga, Namirembe and Old Kampala and Makerere University. The hotel features 52 clean and comfortable rooms (comprising executive, deluxe double, deluxe single and standard singles). There are DSTV services in all rooms. The restaurant offers diners a choice of dishes, from contemporary traditional to Continental menus. Guests have access to high speed wireless internet and Continental breakfast. There is also a business centre with forex services. Credit cards accepted and airport pick-ups can be arranged.

Arch Apartments, in the quiet Kampala suburb of Ntinda, comprises 40 rooms – single, double and self-catering apartments, which are on a bed and breakfast basis. All rooms are en-suite, fitted with direct-dial telephone and equipped with DSTV. The apartments come complete with lounge, dining area, kitchen, one or two bedrooms and toilet plus microwave cooker and a refrigerator. The property’s peaceful location makes it ideal for workshops, conferences, board meetings and weddings. Special facilities exist for disabled guests and visitors.

The friendly staff are happy to assist wherever possible. There is a roof-top bar playing live music and serving cold beer where guests can relax and enjoy views across the city.

Guests can enjoy the bar and restaurant as an on-site gym, sauna and massage room. Beston Hotel is the ideal place for weddings, meetings and parties or to enjoy a meal at the on-site restaurant that offers both snacks and full course/buffet meals all prepared by experienced and qualified chefs.


Central Uganda - Kampala Brimax Hotel


Caravan Hotel


Plot No 858/859 PO Box 35479, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)772 399 669; 772 632 819 Email:;

Bukoto Cell: +256 (0)772 509 698; (0)712 805 188

Plot 1141, Kireka-Namugongo Road 100 km off Jinja Highway, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)41 287 474; +256 (0)772 897 718 Email:

Plot 137/139 Ntinda-Nakawa Road PO Box 35756, Kampala Tel: +256-414-288 706; 392 943 285 Email:;

There are 15 rooms – all beautifully presented with modern furnishings.

Caravan Hotel and the nearby Caravan Guest House offer quality accommodation at economical rates in Kampala.

The Casa Miltu Hotel is situated on 10 minutes drive from the city centre.

Although the accommodation is selfcatered, there is a supermarket in close proximity.

All rooms have en-suite bathrooms and DSTV. Intercom facilities are available in each room.

The guesthouse has a contemporary feel to it and is bright, airy and homely. The property is also well situated in Bukoto and is a good choice for guests staying for long periods of time who want to make themselves feel ‘at home’.

The à la carte restaurant serves both African and Continental cuisine. There is also a well stocked bar. There is spacious and secure parking area. Laundry and dry cleaning services are available for guests on request.

Brimax Hotel is a luxury hotel on the outskirts of Kampala, only 10 minutes’ drive from the city centre. Accommodation consists of 40 tastefully designed rooms with a choice of suites, deluxe, twin and single rooms. All rooms are self-contained with balcony, DSTV, fridge, telephone and a study area. In-house laundry and room services are available. The restaurant offers a variety of local and international dishes. An outside catering service is also available.

Bukoto Guest House offers luxury accommodation in a relaxed atmosphere.

The hotel has function rooms for conferences, workshops, seminars, weddings and parties. There is ample parking space.

There is a restaurant and bar. Safe deposits are available at the front desk. Other services include laundry, dry cleaning, printing and photocopying.

Caravan Hotel is an ideal place for social and business functions such as conferences and seminars. There is a well equipped business centre. Airport shuttle services and excursions can be arranged.

Cassia Lodge

City Royal Resort Hotel


Buziga Hill, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)755 777 002 Email:

Plot 8-10 Kataza Close 1 PO Box 70214, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 258 037; 258 046 Fax: +256 (0)414 258 091 Email:

Opposite Post Office Building Clement Hill Road, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)41 345 408; 348 576 Cell: +256 (0)772 414 347 Email:

Located in a spectacular position amid the cool air of Buziga Hill, the Cassia Lodge enjoys commanding views of both Kampala and Lake Victoria. The lodge comprises 20 cosy, safaristyle rooms, all equipped with satellite TV, minibar, fan, balcony with lake view and in-room safe. The restaurant can accommodate up to 100 diners. It has both an indoor section with air conditioning and an outdoor terrace. The adjacent bar has a panoramic balcony. There is a large swimming pool, a business centre equipped with computers and wireless internet connection in the restaurant, bar and in all guest rooms. The hotel is also an ideal setting for workshops and small conferences. It has a conference room with 40 seats in a formal boardroom setting.


All rooms are air conditioned and offer direct-dial telephone, DSTV and wireless internet.

The City Royal Resort Hotel is located in Bugolobi, 4 km from Kampala city centre. The hotel has 40 air conditioned guest rooms, all with DSTV, direct-dial telephone, internet, in-room safe, minibar and a range of facilities that vary depending on room type. There are 22 deluxe rooms, nine executive rooms, six twins and three suites. Guests also have access to a swimming pool and a well stocked bar. RESTAURANT The hotel’s two restaurants offer both snacks and an à la carte menu with Indian and Italian specialities. The pool restaurant is open daily throughout the week for business lunch and buffet services. The hotel’s extensive grounds provide an excellent venue for weddings and garden parties for up to 1,000 guests.

Clement Hill Hotel is centrally located in Kampala and offers safe and clean accommodations for its visitors. Close to a grocery store, shopping and internet cafés. Well situated in a friendly neighbourhood, the establishment provides safehaven in an otherwise busy capital city. The restaurant at Clement Hill serves three meals a day – meals are mainly firm and tasty traditional African favourites. A great place to socialise, there is a bar, pool tables, wireless internet and international television channels. Each room is air conditioned and equipped with a mosquito net and a private bathroom.

Central Uganda - Kampala Crystal Suites

Plot 31/33 Hamu Road, off Old Port Bell Road, Wankoko-Bugolobi PO Box 24496, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)41 425 9087 Cell: +256 (0)71 262 9483 Email:

The Crystal Suites are situated about 1 km from Kampala city centre. Crystal Suites has 27 rooms, both single and double, self-contained with TV. The Crystal Restaurant offers all kinds of foods and drinks and provides a range of African food and Western dishes. The bar serves soft drinks, wines, spirits and beer. There is ample car parking space.



Plot 36, Princess Anne Drive, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)752 711 846; 752 711 708 Email:;

Bombo Road, Plot 3 Semliki Walk Bat Valley Crescent, Kampala Tel: +256 (0414 258 300; (0)312 283 778 Email:

Dolphin Suites is a cosy place to stay for business travellers as well as for tourists visiting Kampala. Ideally positioned in the leafy suburb of Bugolobi, the property is minutes from the city centre but away from the main hustle and bustle. Spacious guest rooms are designed as apartments with separate living room, bedroom and kitchen facilities. The lodgings are separated into two levels - a junior executive and a senior executive. The outdoor bar is a great spot to have a refreshing beverage and the swimming pool is ideal for cooling off in the heat of the day. For a good work out the gym allows guests to keep-fit. Staff are friendly and provide an efficient laundry service, as well as consistently excellent customer service.

The Emerald Hotel in Kampala is located 10 minutes’ walking distance from the Central Business District. The hotel is the ideal destination for guests looking for a high level of service in graceful surroundings. Guests can stay in either executive double, deluxe twins or the Emerald Suites – all rooms have colour satellite TV, private bathrooms and a work desk. The restaurant delivers creative, international culinary delights, catering for all dietary requirements as standard and complemented by a thoughtfully selected wine list. A private dining room is also available for residents and groups requiring a more exclusive setting.

Boutique luxury with outstanding cuisine

The Emin Pasha is a luxury boutique hotel located in the Kampala suburb of Nakasero.

The hotel has a number of rooms that are ideal for small meetings and seminars.

The hotel has 20 guest rooms consisting of eight garden rooms, eight superior rooms, two garden suites and two superior suites. All guest rooms are air conditioned and come with tea and coffee-making facilities, direct-dial telephone, internet and DSTV.

The Spa at Emin Pasha is the ideal spot for a relaxing massage and a range of other beauty treatments.

outstanding The Fez Brasserie and Wine Bar serves truly outstanding food and is without doubt one of Kampala’s finest places to dine.

Plot 27, Akii Bua Road, Nakasero PO Box 23825, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 236 977/8/9 Email:



Esella Country Hotel

Fang Fang Hotel


Plot 14a Sserunkuma Road Upper Mbuya Hill PO Box 7873, Kampala Tel/fax: +256 (0)414 223 179 Cell: +256 (0)772 935 572; (0)772 342 433 Email:

Plot 1452 Kira, Namugongo PO Box 22946, Kampala Tel. +256 (0)414 572 409 Cell: +256 (0)774 009 017 Email:

Plot 9, Ssezibwa Road PO Box 6323, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 235 828 Fax: +256 (0)414 233 620 Email:

Esella Country Hotel is located just 1 km from the Namugongo Martyrs shrine – a sacred place of pilgrimage.

The Fang Fang Hotel is located in central Kampala city and brings authentic and unique Chinese character to Africa.

Plot 17/18 Old Kira Road, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 287 308; (0)312 261 277/8/9 Cell: +256 (0)752 711 746 Fax: +256 (0)312 227 226 Email:

The complimentary airport transfer, express check-in service and a fully equipped business centre ensure that Esella consistently achieves a high level of customer satisfaction.

The hotel has 30 spacious rooms.

These fully furnished apartments are tucked away in the quiet hills of Mbuya in Kampala, surrounded by stunning views of Lake Victoria and the city. A mere 10 minutes from the city, Enkombe Place provides the ideal escape from the hustle and bustle while keeping guests conveniently close to the commercial centre. Enkombe Place comprises three blocks of 40 luxury apartments, with each apartment having its own separate entrance, parking space, gas supply and spectacular views of Lake Victoria. Catering to both corporate and individual needs, it offers apartments containing 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms – all self-contained and fully furnished with a warm and modern appeal to ensure comfort.

Accommodation comprises 36 air conditioned rooms, internet, minibar, satellite TVs and en-suite bathrooms. Additionally there is a four-bedroom villa, dining area, kitchen, family lounge and beautiful private gardens. The Palita restaurant serves international cuisine; Perusi is a family-friendly restaurant ideal for snacks and light lunch bites; Carnival Grill is famous for serving generous barbecue portions.

Forest Cottages is set in peaceful surroundings on Naguru Hill.

A feature of the hotel is its extensive gardens. The Garden Lawn restaurant is able to receive parties and various functions of up to 2,000 people.

Accommodation is in single or double cottages. All rooms come with internet, telephone, television and locally made furniture. Guests can look out at the numerous brilliantly coloured birds that live in the area.

The associated Fang Fang Chinese Restaurant is one of the region’s top restaurants.

The on-site restaurant offers a wide range of African, continental and oriental cuisine to suit all tastes.

Fang Fang Chinese Restaurant has also won an international gold star award for quality along with its twin subsidiary, Fang Fang Hotel.

Forest Cottages caters for business travellers with meeting facilities: a conference hall facilities that accommodates up to 250 guests. Guests can relax in the swimming pool and also enjoy the health club.


Combining great views with great food The Fairway Hotel has a serene location in spacious grounds on Nakasero, one of Kampala’s seven hills. It is conveniently located near the delightful Uganda Golf Club on Kitante Road and only a few minutes’ walk from the city centre.

The Fairway has 100 air conditioned and spacious rooms with complimentary Wi-Fi, 24-hour room service, in-room safes, satellite TV and most rooms have balconies. Guest can enjoy full access to the swimming pool, two spas, a gym and complimentary airport pick up. conference Facilities include five conference halls, a business centre with secretarial services, a large private garden for weddings and functions and a choice of three restaurants. The Treetops Restaurant enjoys views of Kololo and the golf course. The Garden Café serves Indian and Chinese cuisine. In the inner


courtyard there are hearty servings of delicious nyama choma. The two bars offer soft drinks, beers, wines and spirits and a chance for privacy or to watch the world go by. The Ice Lounge is open 24 hours a day and is one of a kind in Kampala.

Plot 1-2 Kafu Road PO Box 4595, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 259 571/2 Cell: +256 (0)772 786 888 Fax: +256 (0)414 234 160 Email:

Central Uganda - Kampala G8 Rest House

Plot 3304, Kironde Road PO Box 1457, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 268 809 Cell: +256 (0)772 401 695

This is an ideal quiet and cool environment accommodation with clean self-contained rooms. G8 Rest House has a dining area, lounge, conference room

Golf Course Apartments

Golf Course Hotel

Grand Imperial Hotel

Off Windsor Crescent, Kololo PO Box 22774, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)41 255 465; 255 465 Fax: +256 (0)41 235 674 Email:

Plot 64-88, Yusuf Lule Road PO Box 22774, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 563 500; (0)315 302 280 Fax: +256 (0)414 563 591 Email:

Plot 6/6a, Nile Avenue PO Box 7195, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 311 048 Fax: +256 (0)414 250 606 Email:

Situated just a few minutes from Kampala and overlooking the 11th fairway of Uganda Golf Club, the Golf Course Apartments provide the perfect longterm residence for visitors.

Golf Course Hotel is located alongside the Uganda Golf Club, in the heart of Kampala. The hotel extends to the Garden City Complex.

The Grand Imperial Hotel is a Kampala landmark and the only property used by every colonial governor. The centrally located hotel offers 103 air conditioned rooms including two imperial suites and two family rooms. Each room has high-speed internet connection and a safe.

Set in four acres of gardens, the apartments comprise split-level sitting and dining rooms, a bedroom, fully equipped kitchen, en-suite bathroom (shower and tub) and a balcony. All apartments, which are serviced daily, contain a TV and microwave. The apartments have access to the swimming pool and Jacuzzi, fully furnished gym, sauna and steam room, glass-backed squash court and tennis court. There is broadband wireless internet connection and a standby generator.



There are a total of 115 en-suite rooms, three executive pyramids with a shared private swimming pool, gardens and a roof-top helipad, six apartments, three business suites and a honeymoon suite. The hotel has a revolving restaurant with views of Kampala’s, a Spur Steak restaurant and the Bamboo Terrace (coffee shop). Also available are conference and banqueting facilities for exhibitions/ conferences, trade fairs, seminars and weddings. There is also an Olympic-size swimming pool.

Didi’s Dining Room is an elegant restaurant, while the Coffee Terrace is the place for a breakfast or buffet lunch. The Copper Bar is a popular meeting place for an after-work drink. There is a swimming pool, sauna, steam bath and massage room. The hotel has well equipped conference facilities, ranging from board meetings to a major conference of 450 attendees. The Grand Imperial has five function rooms available.


Ideal city-centre location with wide choice of rooms The 233-room Africana Hotel has an ideal location just a few minutes from Kampala city centre.

PO Box 21426, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 266 464, (0)312 281 257 Cell: +256 (0)772 508 599 Fax: +256 (0)414 266 907 Email: Email:

Plot 16/18/20, Luwum Street PO Box 9923, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)312 262 858; 262 859; 253 455 Fax: +256 (0)414 252 665 Email: Email:

Green Valley Hotel is a well preserved establishment with a unique ambience overlooking Lake Victoria. It is strategically located in a high-class residential area, 5 km from the city centre on Ggaba road.

Centrally located in the heart of Kampala city, Holiday Express Hotel is a hot-spot for those travellers basing themselves in Uganda’s capital.

The rooms range from single to double deluxe, twin or suites all complete with DSTV and local channels, telephone and adjoining bathroom. The majority of rooms offer magnificent views of Lake Victoria as well as the beautiful surrounding area. The hotel is situated in well maintained gardens – ideal for outdoor functions including weddings, birthdays and parties.

Holiday Express Hotel has 100 deluxe twin and double rooms which are spacious and fitted with all the latest features. All rooms feature great views of Kampala’s historic attractions including Namirembe and Lubaga Cathedrals and the Kasubi Royal Tombs. Guests can unwind and relax in either of the hotel’s two well stocked bars or enjoy a delicious meal in the restaurant. The hotel features a recently renovated multimedia business centre complete with full internet access, secretarial and fax services.

Accommodation consists of five suites, 103 deluxe rooms, 117 twins, eight three-bedroom apartments, eight two-bedroom apartments and 12 one-bedroom apartments. All guest rooms are air conditioned with private bathroom, balcony, DSTV, radio, fridge and internet access. functions The hotel has two eating places. The more formal Ngeye Restaurant is ideal for functions, while Plot 2-4, Wampewo Avenue PO Box 10218, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 77 500 Cell: +256 (0)755 999 333 Fax: +256 (0)414 348 090/1 Email:

Kibs is a coffee shop selling snacks and pastries. There are 14 air conditioned conference halls are available for hire with seating capacities ranging from 20 to 3,000 people. The health club has a sauna, a massage area, a steam bath, a gym and aerobics facilities with free access for hotel guests. 23

Central Uganda - Kampala HOTEL DIPLOMATE

Hotel Equatoria

Tank Hill, Muyenga Tel: +256 (0)414 266 040; 267 655 Cell: +256 (0)772 482 348 Email:

PO Box 7503, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 311 400 Fax: +256 (0)414 250 146 Email:

Hotel Diplomate is located on Muyenga Hill with incredibly breathtaking views overlooking the city of Kampala and Lake Victoria.

The Hotel Equatoria is located close to Kampala city centre and comprises 89 rooms.

Reasonably priced accommodation is a range of executive cottages; standard single and twin and a honeymoon suite. All rooms are comfortable, well decorated with telephones, TVs and a small separate sitting area. Some rooms also benefit from spectacular views.

Each room has air conditioning, while suites offer attached baths, work desks, direct-dial telephones and multichannel DSTV.

There are conference facilities available, as well as a restaurant and terrace bar.

The hotel boasts a fully equipped health club, massage room, squash court and swimming pool.

Outside the hotel there is ample parking for visitors and a laundry service is also available on request.

The hotel has three speciality restaurants serving Chinese, Indian and African cuisine and there is a choice of three bars.

Air conditioned conference and banqueting rooms are available.



Tank Hill Road, Muyenga PO Box 4037, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)41 510 200 Fax: +256 (0)41 510 203 Email:

Nansana-Hoima Road PO Box 16132, Wandegeya, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)312 282 100 Fax: +254 (0)41 541 844 Email:

Hotel International 2000 is located on top of Tank Hill Road in Muyenga with panoramic views of the city and Lake Victoria. Hotel International boasts giant-size rooms and standard rooms to make any stay as comfortable as possible. All the 31 rooms are self-contained and offer mineral water daily. There is a host of amenities included with each room.

Hotel Ivory offers warm and friendly service in a secure and spacious location. All the self-contained rooms have DSTV and telephones. The on-site restaurant serves mouthwatering snacks, as well as a range of continental and local dishes. There is also a bar offering a selection of spirits, wine and beers.

With its array of restaurants and bars, all with a range of different settings and styles, guests are ensured a wide selection of cuisine that can be enjoyed in different surroundings.

Hotel Ivory has large well equipped, air conditioned conference rooms suitable for big or small functions. There is also spacious out-door facilities ideal for weddings and parties.

In addition, there are conference and banquet facilities for 5 to 500 people with venues ranging from halls to exotic gardens and poolside.

There is ample parking with 24-hour secure parking for all guests and visitors.


Hotel Spacious

Key location with first-rate choice of rooms Hotel Sojavalo, in the Kampala suburb of Rubaga, is conveniently located for both the city and the airport.

Mutebbi II Road, off Namugongo Rd PO Box 22930, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 577 227 Cell: +256 (0)772 558 533; 702-558533 Fax: +256 (0)414 577 227

Hotel Migra is a peaceful retreat located just outside Kampala. The hotel is popular with locals and tourists alike. The property offers an ideal mix of comfortable accommodation, quality cuisine and superb conference facilities. Guest rooms are large with lots of natural light and spacious private balconies. There are 49 rooms in total, each uniquely decorated, tastefully furnished and with en-suite bathrooms. The restaurant serves nyama choma, kachumbari and ugali. The hotel bar is fully stocked with local and imported spirits and beer. Additionally there is a sports bar showing all the local sports coverage on wide screen TVs. Parking facilities for residents and 24-hour security service ensure convenience and safety. 24

PO Box 27492, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)312 100 562 Email:;

Located in the quiet suburb of Kyengera, Hotel Spacious offers services for both business and leisure travellers. Rooms are equipped with a TV, suite shower facilities and a private balcony with views across the surrounding area. Serving international and local meals, the hotel has two restaurants; both have a Nile-facing terrace. The hotel offers 24-hour room service. Additionally there is a separate dining area for conference delegates, which is conveniently located next to the conference hall. The well equipped conference and business centre can accommodate up to 150 people. There is gym equipment, sauna, steam bath and massage room. The hotel also plans to open a swimming pool.

The hotel offers a choice of four room types: suite, deluxe, single deluxe and standard deluxe. Each air conditioned room comes with TV and en-suite bathroom. There is a fully equipped business centre and conference facilities for meetings, seminars and workshops. buffet The restaurant serves local and international dishes, either Ă la carte or as a buffet. The hotel provides shuttle services in and around the city. There is am-

ple parking with 24-hour security. There is a boutique selling designer clothes, handbags and shoes as well as a unisex salon catering for most beauty treatment requests. Plot 854/ 856, Rubaga Road PO Box 5832, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 271 879 Fax: +256 (0)414 271 877 Email:

Central Uganda - Kampala HOTEL TRIANGLE KAMPALA

Plot 16, Buganda Road PO Box 8632, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 231 747; 233 410; 662 722 Email:

Completed in 2008, this hotel offers four-star luxury right in the heart of Kampala. The convenient location makes Hotel Triangle perfect for tourists wishing to visit places of interest for example the popular ‘Arts and Craft Market’ which is situated directly opposite. It’s also good for business travellers, being only a short walk from the main commercial district. Accommodation is in 60 guest rooms with laundry and room service offered. Guests can relax while enjoying the health club (with sauna and steam room) and the swimming pool. Hotel Triangle also benefits from offering reserved secure parking for guests as well as having a taxi rank outside the reception.

Humura Resort



Plot 3, Kitante Close, Kololo PO Box 35521, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 700 400; 700 402 Fax: +256 (0)414 235 275 Email:

PO Box 4326, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)417 111 000 Fax: +256 (0)414 250 146

Tel: +256 (0)414 268 570 Cell +256 (0)712 473 274; (0)772 473 274 Email:

Humura means ‘a state of relaxation and calm’ and this small ‘boutique’ hotel of just 18 rooms has brought a new level of sophistication to Kampala and is just five minutes’ walk from the golf course. There is a strong emphasis on business visitors, with wireless internet, a business centre and conference facilities; but Humura also caters for tourists and others. There is a guest lounge for reading, TV viewing and other entertainment, plus a gym and swimming pool. An annexe provides large grounds for reflection and private entertainment. The adjoining building offers fine dining and can be used for private meetings.

The Imperial Royale Hotel is centrally located in Kampala providing trafficfree access to government offices, banks, diplomatic missions, airline offices and shopping malls. The property has 275 guest rooms, including suites all with free internet connection. The hotel has guaranteed parking for over 500 cars and attracts big international conferences with 20 conference halls to suit different needs, ranging from 50 to up to 2,000 seats. An Olympic-size swimming pool is situated on the fifth floor.

Situated in the heart of downtown Kampala the International Landmark Hotel has fast become one of the most sought after hotels in the capital. The hotel has deluxe guest rooms and lavish guest suites available. All rooms have full-length windows that offer breathtaking views of the surrounding area or Lake Victoria. Standard facilities include daily maid service, TV, laundry services, direct-dial telephone and 24 hours full security. Scheduled transport to and from Kampala and Entebbe International Airport is provided by the hotel at subsidised costs to guests. International Landmark Hotel also arranges parties including; weddings, graduations and corporate functions.

The Humura Shiima Restaurant serves a wide variety of international cuisine.

Kabira Country Club Ivys Hotel


Ultimate venue for lovers of fitness and well-being Kabira Country Club combines residential accommodation and conference facilities with a prestigious health, fitness and leisure complex.

90/91 Sir Albert Cook Road, Rubaga Wakaliga, PO Box 14047, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 273 664; (0)31 226 5482 Fax: +256 (0)41 427 0061 Email:;

Ivys Hotel is located in Wakaliga, on the lower part of Rubaga Hill, just 4 km from central Kampala. It lies within easy reach of the historical Kasubi tombs, the Kabaka’s palace and the Rubaga and Namirembe cathedrals. The hotel has 72 air conditioned ensuite rooms including 10 suites (all with DSTV, intercom, minibar and safe), two bars, two restaurants and five conference halls catering for up to 300 people. There is a health club with a well equipped gym, sauna, steam bath and massage room, a swimming pool and poolside bar, large gardens, ample and secure parking, plus a fully fledged business centre with internet café. A hotel shuttle is available.

Bombo Road, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 232 249 Email:

The Jeliza Hotel has 19 standard rooms with a total sleeping capacity of 24. This well established accommodation is popular and has facilities for both leisure and business travellers and provides well priced lodgings in a central and convenient location.

The club has one of the biggest gyms in the region, with modern equipment and professional fitness trainers. Other facilities include squash courts, swimming pools, tennis courts, a basketball court, Jacuzzis and saunas as well as fitness and holistic classes and a range of beauty and relaxation treatments.

The property is in close proximity to the many cafes and restaurants Kampala has to offer.

play area

Several of the guest rooms have terrific views of nearby hills. Rooms are pleasantly furnished and come with TV, hot water, refrigerator, mosquito net and air conditioning. Staff are approachable and each morning serve up a good breakfast (that is included in the room rate). Other facilities include: a bar, all-day dining restaurant, outdoor courtyard and on-site parking.

There are pools and a play area for children and a Youth Centre for social and recreational activities. Plot 63, Old Kira Road, Bukoto PO Box. 3673, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)31 222 7222/3/4/5 Fax: +256 (0)31 222 7226 Email:

Accommodation is in rooms, suites and cottages, all furnished in a contemporary English style. Well equipped meeting rooms are available for conferences, seminars and business meetings.


Central Uganda - Kampala Kampala Kolping House

Kampala Serena Hotel


Khalifa Executive Suites

Plot 132 Bombo Road, Makerere, Kavule PO Box 9841, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)41 543 990 Cell: +256 (0)782 538 586 Fax: +256 (0)415 43 982 Email:

PO Box 7814, Kintu Road, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 309 000 Fax: +256 (0)414 259 130 Email:

8 km, Kampala-Gayaza Road PO Box 9957, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)777 912 659; (0)772 466 840; (0)777 912 650 Email:

14 Binayomba Road off Luthuli Avenue, Bugolobi PO Box 37623, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 222 575;581 Cell: +256 (0)701 333 333 Fax: +256 (0)312 266 560 Email:

Kampala Kolping House is a guesthouse offering comfortable accommodation in a tranquil environment on the outskirts of Kampala and close to Makerere University. The property has 20 spacious, self-contained single and double rooms each fully equipped with telephone facilities, a television and private balcony. There are conference facilities for up to 200 guests and a large garden for outdoor functions, parties and wedding receptions. The restaurant offers buffet and à la carte meals and there is a well stocked bar. Transport to any destination can be arranged. For international travellers, airport drops and pick-ups can be scheduled.

lake heights hotel

Plot 13, Church Road, Entebbe

Lake Heights Hotel is planned as a modern corporate hotel in Bugonga, on the Entebbe peninsula, 3 km from Entebbe International Airport. Offering superb views of Lake Victoria and the State House, the hotel is aimed at short-stay visitors, including travellers and air crew, and longer stay, corporate guests. There will be 33 air conditioned, ensuite rooms including two business suites and a room for disabled guests. Other facilities will include conference facilities for up to 40 delegates, restaurants, a roof-top bar, a health club and a swimming pool set in a private garden.

Set in 17 acres, the Kampala Serena Hotel has brought five-star opulence to Uganda’s capital city. The hotel has 152 rooms and suites. The central feature is a 7 metre waterfall into a plunge pool with a surrounding pool terrace offering a magnificent swimming pool, a water park, a children’s pool, a pool bar, a bandstand and a multitude of poolside cocktail options. For fine dining there is the Italian Explorer restaurant with its Raiders of the Lost Ark theme. The Lakes and the Pearl of Africa are internationally styled restaurants offering world-class cuisine. The hotel has its own conference centre for the hosting of major international meetings.

Situated 8 km off the Kampala-Gayaza Road, the Kasangati Resort Centre is the ideal place for relaxation away from the city. There are 26 self-contained guest rooms in the hotel, plus a further 14 in the annexe. All rooms are equipped with DSTV. The hotel has a restaurant and bar. Set in eight acres, the resort provides a venue for weddings and parties as well as a well equipped conference hall ideal for workshops and meetings.

With a prime location, Khalifa Executive Suites is a contemporary Ugandan hotel, where guests relax in elegant apartment-style suites. Each of the 30 suites is superbly maintained with fully equipped kitchens, en-suite bathrooms, modern walk-in cupboards, laundry facilities and private garden area. The large all-weather swimming pool is solar heated and is surrounded by a pleasant patio area.

There is secure and ample parking available.

Ideal for families who want the convenience of larger relaxed accommodation, as well as business visitors staying for extended periods of time – the suites have a ‘home from home’ atmosphere.

Le Petit Village Hotel



Plot 1273, Ggaba Road PO Box 12721, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)312 265 530/4 Cell: +256 (0)772 500 501 Fax: +256 (0)414 510 465 Email:

Plot 30, Lubowa Estate PO Box 33566, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 200 587 Cell: +256 (0)782 535 696 Fax: +256 (0)414 200 475 Email:

Plot 36, Old Kampala Road PO Box 16248, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 345 267 Cell: +256 (0)772 440 037 Email:

The boutique Le Petit Village Hotel is located on Ggaba Road next to the US Embassy and just 10 minutes from Kampala city centre.

Lindsay Cottages is a boutique hotel located on Lubowa Hill, 2 km off Kampala-Entebbe road with views of Lake Victoria.

All 12 rooms are self-contained, air conditioned and equipped with LCD TVs, DVD player, Wi-Fi internet, directdial telephone and complimentary minibars.

The hotel features 10 spacious rooms all richly furnished. In addition there are also deluxe rooms, executive suites and a honeymoon suite.

The hotel is a member of Leading Hotels of the World.

The junior suites come complete with lounge, kitchen and bathtub. Guests can go for a relaxing swim or enjoy a view of Kampala from their own private terrace. Le Petit Village is famed for its gourmet dining at Le Château, where the restaurant’s Belgian chef serves mouth-watering dishes in an enchanting surroundings.

The modern conference room accommodates 80 people and is equipped with wireless internet, an LCD projector (on hire) and is fully air conditioned.

Lumas Inn is located at the heart of Kampala City overlooking Makerere University and Kasubi cultural sites. There are 14 single and double rooms available at very affordable rates. All rooms come complete with satellite televisions and intercoms. Facilities include a conference hall that seats up to 100 persons and a large restaurant with a selection of dishes. Ample and secure parking with 24 hour security guards is available to all guests.

The health club boasts a gym, steam bath, sauna and swimming pool. Massage services are also available. The restaurant serves a wide variety of local and international delicacies complemented by a well stocked bar serving all varieties of drinks. 27

Central Uganda - Kampala Mamba Point Guesthouse

Metropole Hotel Kampala

Mosa Court Apartments


22 Akii Bua Road, Nakasero PO Box 7815, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)31 256 3000 Fax: +256 (0)31 256 3219 Email:

Plot 51-53, Windsor Crescent PO Box 22774, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 391 000/1/2 Fax: +256 (0)414 391 015 Email:

Plot 27, Nakivubo Place PO Box 70819, Kampala Tel: +256 (041 232 248 Cell: +256 (0)772 434 939 Email:

The Mamba Point Guesthouse, Restaurant and Pizzeria are owned and run by Guido and Fiona Notari. Located in Nakasero, within easy distance of the city centre, Mamba Point, with its three distinct elements, is one of the city’s best-known establishments.

The Metropole Hotel Kampala overlooks the 12th fairway of Uganda Golf Club and is located close to the central business district. It consists of 36 modern standard deluxe rooms, eight business deluxe rooms and 16 club deluxe rooms.

Plot 12, Shimon Road PO Box 2186, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)41 230 321, 230 292, 347 770/1/2 Fax: +256 (0)41 230 310 Email:

The six-room guesthouse provides high quality accommodation and shares its location with the four-star Mamba Point Italian restaurant.

Irrespective of type, each room receives a free morning paper and turndown service and is equipped with satellite TV, tea/coffee maker, minibar, wireless internet connection and work desk.

Each en-suite room is fitted with large twin beds, air conditioning, DSTV, internet (both wired and wireless), minibar and wall safe. A swimming pool, gym and sauna are provided. Set in a Mediterranean-style garden, the popular al fresco Mamba Point pizzeria is a short distance away and serves authentic thin-crust pizza.

There are two meeting rooms totalling 2,422 sq ft for conferences and seminars.

muyenga Club

Namirembe Guest House

Plot 1792, Kisugu, PO Box 2255, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 266 319 Cell: +256 (0)752 627 033; (0)772 483 156 Fax: +256 (0)414 267 411 Email:

Plot 1085, Willis Road PO Box 14127, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 273 778 Fax: +256 (0)414 273 904 Email:

A warm welcome awaits guests when they get to Muyenga Club, which as its name suggests is set in the quiet affluent suburb of Muyenga and is just 15 minutes from Kampala city centre.

Namirembe Guest House is operated by the Church Commissioners. In fact, it began life as a monastery and a retreat. The property is just five minutes by car from the city centre and commands truly magnificent views of Kampala.

Tailored to the budget-conscious traveller, the club is equipped with 16 tastefully furnished guest rooms, meeting venues for up to 70 delegates and boasts the latest audio visual equipment. Muyenga Club is also a favourite wedding venue hosting over 400 guests. Dining options include an à la carte restaurant and a grill bar by the pool. Recreational facilities include, swimming pool, sauna and steam baths, gym and squash courts. Whether its on business or pleasure, the Muyenga Club guarantees a memorable and productive stay. 28

The hotel features a 24-hour coffee shop, Olives; the Oriental restaurant, for Chinese, Vietnamese and Thai dishes; and the Acacia Grill, serving barbecued meats.

Rooms, which all have TV, are inexpensive and come complete with breakfast. The guest house has meeting rooms ranging from 50 to 100 seats capacity, fully equipped with the latest conferencing facilities. The Kaije coffee and fruit bar can also be used for conferences. A business centre provides internet access as well as other services such as faxing, copying, printing and scanning. A beauty salon offers hair-styling, massages and manicures.

Mosa Court Apartments is set in one of Kampala’s best locations and just a short walk from the central business district. All 119 apartments are air conditioned with fully equipped kitchen, DSTV, telephone and free internet connection. The property features its own health club equipped with a gym, swimming pool, sauna and steam baths and a beauty parlour. The Mosa Grill is the place for exotic cuisine. The Mosa Garden serves charcoal grilled dishes and the Terrace Bar is perfect for that relaxing drink. Mosa Court is also the place for meetings, conferences and banquets with seating capacity for up to 50 attendees and the latest in audio-visual equipment.

This centrally located guesthouse is ideal for people looking for a comfortable place to stay in the heart of the city. The guesthouse is well suited to those on a budget and provides all necessary amenities. Bed and breakfast facilities are clean and convenient. The 30 guest rooms are comfortable and self-contained - both double and single rooms are available depending on preference. In close proximity there are public markets and transport services. The guesthouse is also a short walk to several bars and clubs.



Nakulabye PO Box 16248, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 532 268 Cell: +256 (0)772 440 037 Email:

Plot 90, William Street PO Box 9006, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)41 257 797; 257 790 Fax: +256 (0)41 234 265 Email:

Nasma Inn is located at the heart of Kampala city overlooking Makerere University and Kasubi cultural sites. There are single and double rooms available at affordable rates. All rooms are complete with satellite televisions and intercoms. There is a large conference hall that can seat up to 100 people and a restaurant serving a selection of dishes including an African buffet menu. Guests are entertained while they dine with local African music. In terms of leisure facilities, the property has a swimming pool and a new health club. Ample parking is available with 24hour security.

The New Gloria Hotel is located in Kampala city centre with easy accessibility to all the tourist areas and commercial centres making it an ideal choice for leisure or business travellers. The hotel is intimate, consisting of just 21 self-contained rooms – all with televisions and telephones. The restaurant serves a selection of International and local cuisine depending on preference. There is also a large bar area where guests can enjoy a sociable atmosphere. New Gloria Hotel is expert at organising functions and parties in the large on-site conference facilities.

Central Uganda - Kampala Nob View Hotel

Pal Suites

Palais Dacha HOTEL

Plot 6, Commercial Road, off NtindaBukoto Road, PO Box 4339, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)412 86 366 Fax: +256 (0)412 86 367 Email:

PO Box 70786, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)412 001 65; 755 24 Email: or

Engineers’ Close, Mutungo, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)782 879 490; (0)772 583 600

The Nob View Hotel is located in the quiet Kampala suburb of Ntinda, about 20 minutes’ drive from the city centre. The hotel has 64 rooms, all with work desk, telephone and DSTV. The hotel has extensive conference and banqueting facilities. The hotel’s peaceful location makes it an attractive venue for seminars, workshops and conferences. In terms of relaxation, there is a sauna, steam bath and massage room. A swimming pool is under construction. The restaurant serves mouth-watering dishes with Continental, African, English and Chinese influences as well as tasty nyama choma (roasted meat). Beers, cocktails, wines and spirits are served in the sports bar, with its giant TV screens, which doubles as a venue for receptions, kasiki (pre-wedding parties), graduations, etc.

Pal Suites located in Zana, a short drive from Entebbe International Airport. The atmosphere is quiet and serene away from the hustle and noise of the city. This luxury hotel has 14 double and deluxe rooms. All rooms are individually furnished and stylishly decorated and equipped with satellite, television, intercom, and refrigerator and supplied with complimentary bottled water as well as room service on arrival. The hotel’s restaurant offers traditional cuisine and a range of tempting dishes. The bar features two big TV screens and is a great place to watch TV and has cooling beverages. The hotel also offers catering services for small and large scale events.

Located just outside Kampala, this family-run property offers a homely atmosphere in the quiet Mutungo Hill area just 200 metres off the Port Bell Road. The flexible layout of Palais Dacha allows guests to book accommodation in a variety of configurations including two-bedroom and three-bedroom apartments. All rooms are light and airy with en-suite shower, mosquito netting, internet connection and DSTV. Sports activities and adventure trips can be arranged by Palais Tours, including trekking in the Rwenzoris and trips to Bwindi to view the gorillas. Palais Tours organises a wide range of tour packages in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, eastern DRC and South Sudan.


Top quality cuisine at popular conference hotel The four-star Protea Hotel Kampala is located in the upmarket suburb of Kololo and is ideally situated for the city’s central business district and within walking distance of the Uganda Golf Club. furnishings The hotel has 59 comfortable and spacious guest rooms, all fitted with high quality soft furnishings. All rooms are air conditioned with luxurious walk-in showers and flat-screen TVs. In addition, there are 11 impressive suites. All rooms have free Wi-Fi. The hotel is a leading conference

venue with two conference halls seating from 75 to 300 delegates. There are also smaller meeting rooms and boardrooms. lavish A highlight of any stay at the Protea Hotel Kampala is the quality of food, ranging from lavish and hearty breakfast and dinner buffets to the very best in à la carte cuisine. The popular bar is where locals and guests gather each evening for a relaxing sundowner.

PO Box 9421, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)312 550 000; +256 (0)414 550 000 Email:


Central Uganda - Kampala Pope Paul VI Memorial Hotel

Nabunya Road, Mengo PO Box 14329, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)412 72 456 Email:

The inspiring Pope Paul VI Memorial Hotel is spread across eight acres of land with views across Kabaka Lake. This Catholic-founded hotel ensures their main objective is to offer outstanding service to esteemed customers. Located five minutes from the city centre and 45 minutes from Entebbe International Airport, the hotel is ideal for both business and leisure guests. Each of the 128 well furnished guest rooms has a large comfy bed, en-suite bathroom, DSTV connection and intercom. The property has three light and airy venue halls – ideal for conferences, group workshops and meetings. Complete with all the latest equipment, there is high-speed internet, a business centre and secretarial services available.


Primrose Suites

royal impala hotel

royal suites

Plot 19 Luthuli Drive, Bugolobi PO Box 72015, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 220 271 Fax: +256 (0)414 220 270 Email:

Plot 2, Walugembe Close, Munyonyo PO Box 27530, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 577 413 Email:

14 Binayomba Road, off Luthuli Avenue Bugolobi, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)41 505 818 Email:

Royal Impala Hotel is strategically situated close to Lake Victoria, in the suburb of Munyonyo, offering a serene natural environment surrounded by the hills of Munyonyo, Buziga, Makindye and Masajja.

Kampala’s Royal Suites is set in the upmarket suburb of Bugolobi.

Primrose Suites offers a modern and comfortable accommodation in the suburban Kampala setting of Bugolobi. There are 25 rooms comprising single, double and interconnected family rooms. Rooms are air conditioned with telephone, internet connection and satellite TV. Primrose Suites caters for conferences for about 50 people and has three meeting rooms providing modern conference amenities. They also have a cosmopolitan restaurant, a gym and swimming pool. An aerobics centre is currently under construction as is a new state-of-theart gym and health club.

The hotel offers 38 self-contained apartments and cottages which are well kept and spacious. The Royal Impala Hotel Business Centre is open 24 hours every day of the year. Friendly staff are on hand to assist with conferences and to help with faxing, photocopying and scanning. There is also high-speed wireless internet access. Guests can dine at one of two onsite restaurants – Green Adonia Terrace or Thom Tree Corner – both of which serve delicious local and international dishes.

There are 90 individually designed suites with a choice of single, double or triple-room units. Each is equipped with kitchen and sitting and dining rooms as well as DSTV. The bedrooms have personal safes, large wardrobes and treated mosquito nets. Bathtubs are all fitted with Jacuzzis. Junior suites have a choice of king-sized or two double-size beds. Studio suites also offer a choice of king-sized or two double-sized beds. One-bedroom suites sleep two people. Two-bedroom suites sleep between two and four people and three-bedroom suites sleep up to six. Royal Suites is ideal for both long-stay and short-stay guests and is popular with multinational companies.

Silver Springs Hotel Sam Sam Hotel

Smart new hotel offers range of top facilities Located in Bugolobi, the Silver Springs Hotel is one of Kampala’s smartest new hotels.

Plot 48, Kiwafu Road Kansanga, Kampala Tel +256 (0)414 501 081 Cell: +256 (0)782 915 164; (0)772 684 839

Kampala’s Royal Suites complex is set The Rwizi Arch Hotel is located in the Kansanga suburb of Kampala. Five room types are available: standard, deluxe, penthouse, standard twin and apartments – both single and double. All rooms are decorated with African designs and each is unique. The hotel offers a range of services including conference facilities, a restaurant and internet access. The gardens feature an underground bar where meals are available à la carte. Visitors can drop by any time for dinner or drinks in the garden, which is also ideal for weddings and parties.

Namirembe Road, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 274 211 Email:

The Sam Sam Hotel has an excellent level of service and accommodation. Smart and well maintained, the property is exceptionally good value and has a prime location on Namirembe Hill. All rooms are fitted with contemporary equipment and furniture. Some have air conditioning and some have pleasant verandas. In terms of leisure facilities there is a swimming pool and sauna. The hotel is also located close to the shops in Mengo.

There are 92 air conditioned rooms comprising two standard single rooms, 32 deluxe rooms, 52 executive deluxe rooms and six executive suites. All come with ensuite bathroom, fridge, desk, DSTV and free wireless internet. For food and beverages, the hotel offers The Pavilion, Pebbles Bar, The Voyager and Bella Casa. CONFERENCE HALLS There are four conference halls able to host events for up to 900 guests and offering a variety of seating layouts.

The hotel has a swimming pool, and a gym, casino and shopping centre are under construction. Port Bell Road, Bugolobi PO Box 2301, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 505 978 Cell: +256 (0)755 553 505 Fax: +256 (0)414 220 030 Email:

There are both laundry services and facilities for disabled guests.


Central Uganda - Kampala Seb Hotel

Shangri-La Hotel

Sports View Hotel

Kampala Cell: +256 (0)772 530 820 Email:

Plot 8/10 Ternan Avenue, PO Box 11726, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 250 366; 425 0372 Cell: +256 (0)712 619 755 Fax: +256 (0)414 236 212 Email:

PO Box 7, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)410 286 013 Cell: +256 (0)752 309 527 Fax: +256 (0)414 286 195 Email:;

Located in a busy and bustling area, Seb Hotel is a newly opened hotel offering accommodation to both business and leisure travellers. There are 13 large rooms – each with a lounge area, separate bedroom and bathroom. The restaurant and bar area is a great place to relax and enjoy some of Uganda’s mouth-watering traditional dishes and great beers.

Shangri-la Hotel (formerly Shanghai Hotel) is centrally located opposite the Kampala Club. Complimentary services, include Continental buffet breakfast, laundry, shoe polishing, high-speed internet in all rooms. The hotel is ideal for both business and leisure travellers. All rooms are tastefully furnished with en-suite facilities, satellite television, cooling, refreshment facilities and laptop-sized safes. The popular Shanghai Restaurant & Bar serves original authentic Chinese cuisine. A business centre includes internet access plus fax and photocopier. Newly renovated air conditioned meeting rooms are available for up to 60 people, including break-out rooms, a reception and bar area.

Speke Hotel

Historic venue offers elegance and luxury


Named after the British explorer, John Hannington Speke, who established the source of the River Nile, the Speke Hotel is the oldest hotel in Uganda. Built in the 1920s, it has maintained its colonial ambience but has been extensively renovated.

Located in the heart of Kampala, close to banks, shopping centres and the business district, the hotel has 50 air conditioned en-suite rooms with private balconies and modern luxury facilities as well as several themed restaurants, including Indian and Italian, and one of the best cocktail bars in Uganda.

Plot 7-9 Nile Avenue, Kampala PO Box 7036, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 259 221/4; (0)414 235 332/5 Fax: +256 (0)414 235 345 Email:

equestrian The hotel also has conference facilities and a business centre. Horse riding is available at the Speke Equestrian Centre.

Sports View Hotel is a 120-room establishment on the Jinja road near Mandela National Stadium in Kireka Township. The accommodation is ideal for holidaymakers and business trips. In addition, the hotel has conference facilities and a beautiful venue for wedding receptions on the rooftop pool terrace. CUISINE AND LEISURE The hotel offers continental buffets and Ă la carte menu on a daily basis with exciting live music during weekends and public holidays. The health club has a standard gym with a stand-by fitness instructor, steam and sauna, herbal or conventional massage and aerobic classes for patrons.

Sky Hotel International

Taj Mahal Hotel & Casino

Plot 1423, Ntinda-Kiwatule PO Box 34044, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)782 838 967; +256 (0)701 838 967 Fax: +256 (0)414 240 300 Email:

Plot 75, 1st Street Gath Complex, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)41 771 6600

Opened in late 2003, the Sky Hotel International is located in a quiet residential area 10 km from Kampala city centre and just 100 metres from the northern bypass. The hotel has 30 rooms with free internet service, all self-contained with telephones and TV. It is ideal for both business visitors and tourists. The fully stocked bar and Copa Cabana restaurant offer a wide range of both local and imported beverages plus snacks, barbecue and a buffet. The Garden has a large TV screen with satellite channels and can host private lunches and dinners, business meetings, wedding receptions and other events. The hotel also offers conference services for between 20 and 100 people.

Opened in 2011, the Taj Mahal Hotel & Casino is located in a prime entertainment area offering deluxe accommodation and about 20 minutes from the city centre. All 28 rooms are air conditioned with DSTV, free Wi-Fi, kitchenette, direct-dial telephone, daily newspaper and free entry to the casino.

Central Uganda - Kampala SPEKE RESORT MUNYONYO

Luxury resort is ultimate venue
 Speke Resort has an attractive setting on the shores of Lake Victoria in Munyono, about 10 km from Kampala, with a new marina and impressive water gardens.

There is a choice of venues for wedding receptions and parties, ranging from banqueting halls to a marquee in the landscaped gardens.

There is a wide choice of luxury cottages and apartments, plus restaurants, bars, an Olympic-sized pool and the only equestrian centre in Uganda.

Bar and restaurant facilities include the Royal Club, the Nyanja Restaurant, the Marina Seafood Restau-

rant, the Lakeside Grill, the Stables Restaurant and a range of bars. day trips Leisure activities include day trips to Bulago Island, fishing trips, birdwatching by boat, speedboat trips, horse riding, swimming,

sailing, gymnasium, visits to Chimp Island, sundowner boat trips and helicopter trips. Munyonyo, PO Box 7036, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 227 111; (0)414 227 434 Fax: +256 (0)31 222 7110 Email:

Business facilities, including world-class conference centres, are available. Accommodation consists of 55 executive suites, 55 executive rooms and four presidential suites. All rooms are en-suite with lake views.

tal cottages The College Inn

The Pacific Hotel

Budget hotel in a beautiful location Tal Cottages is a budget hotel located in the suburbs of Kampala overlooking Africa’s largest manmade lake and set in beautiful gardens.

Wandegeya, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)312 283 161, (0)41 453 3835 Cell: +256 (0)772 897 710, (0)782 674 771 Email:

Plot 28, William Street PO Box 31115, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 340 920 Email:

Established in 1974 The College Inn has grown into a 46-room city budget hotel with a reputation for excellence in the provision of accommodation, bar and restaurant services. The hotel consists of 20 executive and 26 standard rooms located on four floors.

The Pacific Hotel Uganda enjoys one of the finest locations in the city centre of Kampala and commands panoramic views over the city. The hotel’s interior decor reflects modern style.

The College Inn is located on Bombo Road, the high street of Kampala’s famous university town of Wandegeya.

The Pacific Hotel prides itself in offering fantastic accommodation in Uganda. There are a variety of rooms from single to double rooms, each decorated with total relaxation in mind.

The ‘Teachers Grill’ Restaurant serves a variety of mouth-watering food and has a good reputation. The modern Star Bar offers soft drinks, beers, wines and spirits and the large TV shows all the current sporting events.

The bustling restaurant and polite waiting staff combine to create a wonderful dining experience with authentic menu items based on traditional recipes. The chefs impressive cooking methods creates all meals form scratch.

There is also the Flora Hall, which hosts all sorts of functions ranging from conferences and prayer meetings to parties.

The hotel provides a superb meeting/ conference hall. The friendly, efficient catering staff and the hotels ideal location makes any event a success.

The property has grown from just one room 10 years ago to more than 50 individually named rooms, all with DSTV, direct-dial telephone and unlimited internet access.

The three spacious conference halls have capacities ranging from 30 to 300 people and there are swimming pools for both adults and children. The pool area is ideal for barbecues and cocktail parties. A gym, sauna and steam bath will open shortly. The open-air restaurant serves Continental and African cuisine. There is secure parking and inside parking exclusively for guests. Transport is offered to and from Entebbe Airport. Rubaga, Kabusu Road PO Box 345, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 273 330; (0)772 609 999; (0)782 162 885 Email:;;


Central Uganda - Kampala THE GRAND GLOBAL HOTEL

PO Box 28951, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)312 526 620 Cell: +256 (0)704 138 832 Email:

The Grand Global Hotel is 45 minutes by car from Entebbe Airport, 10 minutes from the city centre and a five-minute walk from Makerere University. Placed outside the city centre, guests can experience a relaxing atmosphere but close proximity makes visiting the city centre accessible. The location also

allows for ease of access to key facilities such as the Mandela National Stadium as well as Jinja and Western Uganda. The Grand Global Hotel offers practical solutions to diverse accommodation needs in Kampala together with luxury facilities, personalised service and experienced staff. There is a range of fairly priced options for both executive and budget accommodation. It is ideal for budget travellers; long-term stay with self-catering options; conferences; and parties. Generous discounts are available depending on duration of stay and number of guests. ANNEXE The hotel has opened a budget annexe wing, with good facilities, to cater for budget travellers such as backpackers. Other services include a bar and lounge, a fitness centre, free internet, free parking, children’s activities, kitchenette, restaurant, room service, shuttle service and suites.

Tourist Hotel

unik hotel

Plot 9, Market Street (opposite Nakasero Market) PO Box 7036, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 251 471/2 Fax: +256 (0)414 251 473 Cell: +256 (0)752 711 719 Email:

Plot 143, Kireka Namugongo PO Box 33110, Kampala Tel:- +256 (0)312 516 518 Email:;

The Tourist Hotel is part of the Speke Group and offers good quality accommodation at budget rates in a downtown location. All 70 en-suite rooms are tastefully decorated and offer a study area and DSTV. There is a choice of twin, double and single rooms. The hotel is the ideal place for meetings, conferences, private parties and wedding receptions. There are two fully renovated air conditioned conference halls and offer a capacity of up to 100 participants. The business centre offers internet, email and fax facilities, together with photocopying and secretarial services.


The Unik Hotel comprises 30 selfcontained and air conditioned rooms with balconies offering a choice of single, double, twin and executive accommodation. All rooms have free wireless internet, DSTV, direct-dial telephone, spacious study/working areas. In addition, the hotel has a restaurant, conference facilities and provides airport pick-ups and honeymoon packages.

the seventeen apartment hotel

17 Kololo Lane, PO Box 1127, Kampala Tel: + 256 (0)79 217 2017 Email:

The Seventeen Apartment Hotel is a smart new establishment in Kampala. Showcasing state-of-the-art facilities, the property comprises 17 fully furnished and serviced apartments, 10 of which have two bedrooms and the remaining, three bedrooms (including three penthouses). A range of flexible lodgings are available - from daily, weekly and monthly stays to yearly rentals. All the guests have use of the four multipurpose rooftop terraces - with panoramic views. In terms of leisure facilities there is an infinity pool, gym, sauna and massage room. Other necessary amenities include a laundry service, DSTV, internet, a conference room, business centre and parking for over 50 cars. For guest safety and security there is 24-hour CCTV security.

Victoria Travel Hotel

Ggaba Road, PO Box 3236, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)415 01 084 Cell: +256 (0)772 406 065 Email:

Whether booking a conference or planning a romantic getaway, Victoria Travel Hotel is a scenic and relaxed place to stay. The rooms are specially designed for ultimate comfort. The bar has a great range of drinks to choose from, including lagers, whiskies, brandies and wines. The restaurant offers great food which can be enjoyed in a great atmosphere, looking out into the serene manicured gardens. With Lake Victoria being just 200 metres away, the hotel is ideally located for all the fun activities this area has to offer.

tick hotel

Kawempe PO Box 30593, Kampala Tel: +256 414 566 583 Fax +256 414 567 923 Email:

Tick Hotel is located close to Makerere University and the Kawanda Agri research centre. The hotel has 124 guest rooms with free Wi-Fi, direct-dial telephone, DSTV and fridges. There is a well equipped fitness centre and an indoor pool. The Tick Hotel can accommodate up to 1,200 guests for functions in a variety of styles and is popular for meetings, banquets, weddings and events and a perfect choice for seminars and conventions.

Central Uganda - Entebbe

Former capital is a quiet and delightful venue For a comparatively small town of some 80,000 people, Entebbe is amazingly well served in terms of accommodation, with over 20 hotels and guest houses from which to choose. There are two main reasons for this apparent overabundance: the proximity of Uganda’s only international airport; and Entebbe’s delightful surroundings, which make the town an ideal weekend retreat and a popular conference venue. The airport brings one-night guests arriving late or leaving early in the morning as well as regular cabin crew lay-over business for the hotels. Some visitors, preferring to stay outside Kampala, also use Entebbe as a base to see other parts of Uganda.

AIRPORT As the former seat of government until independence in 1962, Entebbe is still the location of the official residence of the president; and the magnificent State House, with its impressive gated entrance, dominates the town.

Next to the main airport road, is Entebbe’s original high street. Now somewhat overlooked and easily passed by, the street does give visitors a glimpse of past architectural styles and an impression of local life before the switch of capital to Kampala. Entebbe is home to one of Africa’s oldest 18-hole golf courses, dating from 1901, and the original clubhouse is still in use. The course is in remarkably good condition, presenting a stiff but enjoyable test for golfers of all handicaps. It’s also remarkably inexpensive to play and, apart from weekends, the course is largely deserted. Today, Entebbe is easily missed as visitors move quickly through the town to and from the airport. This is a pity, because this is a truly delightful and quiet spot with splendid views over Lake Victoria. It’s easy to see why Entebbe was originally chosen as the colonial capital.


Central Uganda - Entebbe AIRPORT VIEW HOTEL




34 Kiwafu Close, PO Box 247, Entebbe Tel: +256 (0)312 261 755; 312 261 751/ 55 Cell: +256 (0)772 221 881; 772 507 975; 772 200 391 Email:

Plot 5, Mugula Road, Entebbe Tel: +256 (0)772 729 837 Email:

Plot 45/47, Church Road PO Box 212, Entebbe Tel +256 (0)414 322 386 Cell +256 (0)772 367 004 Email:

Off Entebbe-Kampala Highway PO Box 10909, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)392 834 747 Cell: +256 (0)756 834 747; (0)755 834 747 Email:

Airport View Hotel is perfect for travellers arriving or departing Uganda, situated just 10 minutes from Entebbe International Airport and 45 minutes from Kampala. Airport View Hotel commands a magnificent view of Lake Victoria and other important historical sites such as State House and Nsamizi Hill. Rooms are spacious and nicely decorated with a choice of single, double, twin or family rooms. The gardens are spacious and well maintained and the hotel has a homely environment for relaxation; they are also ideal for parties, picnics, camping and other similar activities.

Located just five minutes from Entebbe International Airport, Askay Hotel is ideal for experiencing the savannah beauty and Africa’s finest weather. The hotel has 17 rooms (three suites, two twins and 12 double deluxe) and offers ultimate comfort with plush beds, high-speed Internet and laundry service. Good organic African food is always on the menu and it is renowned for its good service and friendly staff. The hotel also offers a 24-hour shuttle that transports guests to the airport or Kampala as well as organising visits to the National Parks and other tourist attractions.

Bar, restaurant and conference facilities are also available.

There is a golf course close by. Also in close proximity is a gym, massage saloon and the beach.



Plot 20, Queens Road PO Box 259, Entebbe Tel +256 (0)41 432 0812 Fax +256 (0)41 432 0241 Email:

Plot 18a, Portal Road PO Box 888, Entebbe Tel: +256 (0)414 321 946/7 Fax: +256 (0)414 321 949 Email:

Entebbe Flight Motel offers accommodation to clients who are on budget or those wishing to be close to the airport.

Entebbe Travellers Inn is an oasis of serenity close to the fresh water beaches and the local golf course. With elegant surroundings and oldfashioned hospitality this intimate and cosy property allows guests to enjoy excellent service in a magical location.

The motel is well positioned along airport road and has a selection of self-contained air conditioned rooms equipped with, telephones, television and Internet facilities. The on-site restaurant serves a daily buffet lunch as well as an à la carte menu comprising local and international cuisine. Meeting and conference facilities are available and make this a perfect choice for business travellers. In contrast there is a health and gym centre where guests can relax with a massage or a rejuvenating sauna. Entebbe Flight Motel also has facilities for parties and wedding receptions.

Guests can enjoy some of the best of African and Continental cuisine. The menu also includes a selection of the most delicious local Ugandan dishes. Each room is individually decorated with contemporary decor and antique furniture. All rooms include a balcony with views of Lake Victoria or Entebbe. The hotel benefits from high-level from dining, well stocked bar and business facilities as well as excellent service from friendly staff.

Central Inn offers accommodation to suit all budgets and is especially well placed for visitors planning visits to The Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary, The Botanical Gardens and The Uganda Wildlife Education Centre. The inn also conveniently offers a free shuttle service to and from the airport on arrival and departure to all guests. The central guest area has a charming restaurant providing delicious nutritious meals, a well stocked bar where guests can enjoy a drink on the terrace or in the garden.

Located in a serene, tranquil environment close to Entebbe’s Nkumba University, Comfort Hotel is conveniently only 10 minutes from Entebbe International Airport. Formerly Comfort Guest House, in recent years the hotel has grown and developed its services and now provides guests with more than just accommodation. Comfort Hotel now has a business centre with two conference halls seating 200 people, internet facilities, car hire services and ample parking. Guests can enjoy a range of dishes at either of the hotel’s two restaurants or relax with a drink at the bar.

Garuga Resort Beach Hotel

Garuga Road, Entebbe Tel: +256 (0)392 700 734 Cell: +256 (0)776 700 734 Email:

Garuga Resort Beach Hotel is a different destination in a special country. Its fine location on the shore of Lake Victoria makes this resort a real ‘paradise on the lake’ and a unique holiday destination. SWEEPING VIEWS The resort is situated at the edge of a peninsula, on 15 acres of land inspired by the African bush. Its indigenous setting, with sweeping views of Lake Victoria and the wonderful scenery, is what makes Garuga Resort Beach Hotel so special. The resort features an array of on-site activities guaranteed to enhance the holiday experience for everyone who stays at this hidden gem by the lakeside. Guests will find the setting and location of the resort as peaceful as it is stimulating.


Central Uganda - Entebbe Golf View Inn

Plot 7, Station Road PO Box 380, Entebbe Tel: +256 (0)414 322 439 Fax: +256 (0)414 322 899 Email:

The Golf View Inn is located In the heart of Entebbe, on the north-east edge of Entebbe International Airport, opposite the Entebbe Golf Club and 10 minutes’ drive from the airport. The inn has a total of 16 rooms equipped with DSTV. There are superb views over Lake Victoria, plus 45 self-contained rooms with air conditioning. Continental and local Ugandan dishes can be enjoyed in the restaurant, which has an à la carte menu. Next to the Entebbe Government Hospital, the Golf View Inn has two meeting rooms for between 10 and 200 people and two gardens for parties and receptions. It also has internet access in all the guest rooms, meeting rooms and business centre.

Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel

Imperial Resort Beach Hotel


PO Box 90, Entebbe Tel: +256 (0)414 320 800 Fax: +256 (0)414 320 832 Email:

PO Box 895, Entebbe Tel: +256 (0)414 303 000 Fax: +256 (0)414 303 333 Email:

Off Entebbe Road, Garuga, Entebbe 5871 Tel: +256 (0)392 222 678 Fax: +256 (0)392 222 678 Email:

The Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel in Entebbe overlooks Lake Victoria. The hotel has 122 rooms, of which 99 are deluxe. There are four executive rooms, three executive suites and one Clinton suite.

Situated in 27 acres of landscaped gardens, the hotel overlooks Lake Victoria and is close to Entebbe International Airport. The hotel comprises 181 rooms, of which 32 are deluxe rooms, 89 club rooms, 54 executive rooms, five junior suites and one presidential suite. Each room is equipped with bath tubs/showers, Wi-Fi, satellite TV, electronic safe, minibar and air conditioning.

Located 7 km off Entebbe road in Garuga, Katomi Kingdom resort is one of Uganda’s most elegant luxury lakeside hotels.

All rooms are air conditioned and equipped with long baths, work desks, direct-dial telephones, in-house video and cable satellite programmes on large screens and 24-hour dedicated internet access. There are high-speed data links in guest rooms and the conference halls. The Mount Elgon Dining room is a grand restaurant serving a variety of cuisines, from local to Oriental. In terms of conferences, the hotel can accommodate 300 or up to 1,000 for a reception. The hotel has health and recreational facilities including a swimming pool, saunas, Jacuzzis, steam and spa baths and a gym.

Laico Lake Victoria Hotel

The finest address in Entebbe

The hotel’s Victoria restaurant features theme lunches, while the pizzeria is open seven days a week. There is also an Indian/Chinese restaurant, called Breezers, on the shores of Lake Victoria. The Residents Pub is open until midnight. The Mango Bar offers a range of drinks and enjoys spectacular views. Barbecues are served in the Carnivore restaurant. The hotel has several banquet and conference halls to host events for up to 1,000 guests.

Lake Victoria Resort Hotel

Just 10 minutes drive from Entebbe International airport and 20 minutes from Kampala city, the hotel extends over many acres on the shores of Lake Victoria. The elegant decor and the idyllic setting beautifully bring alive the opulence of African charm. Spaciously presented, room choices range from executive suites, twin deluxe to deluxe all with an African touch. The Lake Breeze and Sunset wings have 25 rooms respectively each with satellite TV, internet access, direct dial telephone and air conditioning. The health spa offers sauna and massage.

Sophie’s Motel

views. The property is also well located for State House and the Botanical Gardens. air conditioned The hotel has 144 air conditioned guest rooms comprising 12 suites and 132 single/double deluxe rooms. All rooms are equipped with telephone, hair dryer, a mini fridge, safe, interactive LCD televisions with DSTV, internet (LAN and Wi-Fi). The colonial-style Laico Lake Victoria Hotel is located just 5 km from Entebbe International Airport and is set in spacious manicured grounds with an impressive swimming pool area and delightful

African and continental dishes are on offer as well as à la carte menus from the hotel’s three newly refurbished outlets as well as themed evenings. Meeting facilities accommodate up to 150 people with four board room style rooms with free broadband internet access and the latest in visual equipment. Plot 23/31, Circular Road PO Box 15, Entebbe Tel: +256 (0)312 310 100 Fax: +256 (0)312 310 404 Email:


Entebbe Cell: +256 (0)772 587 402; 700 900

Lake Victoria Resort Hotel is located very close to Entebbe International Airport. The hotel has a European ambience and offers very scenic views over Lake Victoria. In terms of accommodation, the 30 guest rooms are light and spacious.

Plot 3, Alice Reef Close PO Box 730, Entebbe Tel: +256 (0)414 321 370; 320 885 Fax: +256 (0)414 320 897 Email:

Situated in Entebbe’s Bugonga residential area, overlooking Lake Victoria and close to the international airport, Sophie’s Motel is a perfect overnight stop for travellers flying into and out of Uganda. When booked in advance, there is a free shuttle service to and from the airport on arrival and departure for all guests. All rooms are spacious and selfcontained, with telephones and TVs connected to DSTV. Deluxe rooms are fitted with TV and a minibar. There are also cottages with similar facilities. The Motel’s Breeze restaurant and bar is open until 23.00 and offers a snacks menu with a selection of delicacies. There are conference facilities for up to 30 people. Internet facilities are available.

Central Uganda - Entebbe Protea Hotel Entebbe

Lakeside conference hotel offers deluxe rooms and superb views The 73-room Protea Hotel Entebbe is located on the shores of Lake Victoria just 1 km from Entebbe International Airport. All rooms are air conditioned and spacious with en-suite bathroom, DSTV, free Wi-Fi, digital safe, direct-dial telephone, hairdryer and tea/coffee-making facilities. All suites have king-sized beds and a balcony overlooking the lake.

The Tides restaurant offers an exciting and truly inviting à la carte menu seven days a week and for up to 250 diners. lake views The Terrace features a pool deck and offers a superb view of the lake. This is the perfect place to begin a

pleasant evening out or simply to relax and enjoy the sunset with an aperitif. The conference centre can accommodate up to 350 delegates and is equipped with the latest technology. The centre can accommodate a maximum of 350 delegates in a choice of configurations – boardroom, cinema or banquet.

36-40 Sebugwawo Drive Entebbe Road PO Box 3535, Entebbe Tel: +256 (0)312 207 500 Fax: +256 (0)414 323 139 Email:

the boma

Plot 20a, Julia Ssebutinde Road Entebbe Tel: +256 (0)312 264 810 Cell: +256 (0)772 467 929

The Boma is set in tropical gardens in a leafy suburb, 
just a few minutes drive from Entebbe International Airport. The rooms combine modern comforts with the charm and character of a 1940s home. 
The Boma Guesthouse is an ideal stopover for airline passengers and will also arrange airport transfers. All rooms are individually decorated in a mixture of African and European style and designed to reflect the original colonial architecture. The rooms vary but most include four-poster beds with mosquito nets, private veranda, en-suite bathroom, satellite TV, safes and Wi-Fi connection. Rooms are available with either twin beds or king-sized double beds. Family rooms and triples are available, as are cots for babies. 39

Central Uganda - Jinja

New lease of life for elegant lakeside town Life has sometimes been tough for Jinja, which has seen its fortunes ebb and flow since the arrival of Indian traders at the start of the 20th century. These traders helped to develop a rather beautiful lakeside town that was once the heartland of Uganda’s industrial sector. By the late 1950s Jinja was at the peak of its powers and, today, a walk around the town will reveal that many of its finest buildings date from the early post-war period. Low-cost hydroelectricity from the new Nalubaale Power Station only accelerated Jinja’s post-war development, as did the establishment of a major textile operation employing up to 3,000 people.

companies and organisations. The city’s peaceful atmosphere and a reputation for high attendance from delegates often give Jinja the edge over the nation’s capital, only 80 km or so away by road.

During the 1970s and 1980s, however, Jinja went into a sharp decline with the expulsion of the town’s Asian community. Now the town is back to its best as business thrives once more and many of the people who left have returned to reclaim their properties and launch new commercial ventures.

In terms of accommodation, hotels in Jinja are mostly small and family run, with one or two notable exceptions. Most have views over Lake Victoria or the River Nile. This is a great venue for a weekend getaway, with lots to see and do, especially for the young at heart.

investment These returnees have brought investment with them, even if it is only to restore their family house. Jinja city centre, so carefully laid out during colonial times with broad, treelined avenues and art deco-style architecture, is now full of activity again. With Jinja’s economic resurgence has come the development of niche tourism. Jinja is East Africa’s top destination for thrillseekers, with white water rafting, bungee jumping, jet-boating and river surfing all on offer for those who like to live life on the wild side. At the same time, Jinja has become a popular awayfrom-it-all conference venue for Kampala-based


Central Uganda - Jinja COOL BREEZE HOTEL

gately on nile

Plot 6a, Nalufenya Road PO Box 222, Jinja Tel: +256 (0)712 897 766 Fax: +256 (0)43 120 944 Email:

34b Kisinja Road, PO Box 1300, Jinja Tel: +256 (0)434 122 400 Cell: +256 (0)772 469 638 Email:

Cool Breeze Hotel is a great place to stay while enjoying the many tourist attractions of Jinja. Guests can visit the source of the Nile and see the roaring Bujagali Falls where visitors can experience breathtaking white water rafting on the Nile. Rooms are all self-contained and rates are very reasonable. Connection to DSTV ensures that guests are kept informed of what is happening around the world and a Garden Bar is available for those who want to relax with a cool drink in the African sunshine. The staff at Cool Breeze Hotel are dedicated to making your stay feel like ‘a home away from home’.

Gately on Nile is a renovated grand colonial guest house situated on the shores of Lake Victoria in Jinja. The property is set in four acres and offers stunning views over the lake. Gately on Nile is a tranquil retreat where excellent personal service and good food are combined with elegant and comfortable accommodation. The guest house comprises just eight en-suite bedrooms plus four recently added private garden cottages with open-air shower areas. An à la carte restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. The property is also a conference venue for up 25 people, an ideal weekend away for families, a convenient stopover for those travelling to and from Kenya and a cosy hotel for both tourists and business travellers.


Sunset Hotel Annex, Plot 25 Kiira Lane PO Box 1139, Jinja Tel. +256 (0)434 121 912; 121 162 Fax: +256 (0)434 120 741; 121 110 Cell: +256 (0)772 426 707 Email:

Hotel Paradise on the Nile is located in Jinja with great views over the River Nile. The hotel has 71 spacious rooms that include all the features that will make any stay comfortable and convenient, with sofas, TV and private balconies. The rooms range from singles to deluxe suites and are priced accordingly. It is the ultimate venue for meetings, private parties, banquets and corporate functions, catering for up to 80 guests. The large garden can seat up to 500 guests and is great for outdoor events. The hotel has a superb restaurant with a strategically located terrace commanding a panoramic view of the river Nile and the Owen Falls dam.

Jinja Nile Resort

PO Box 1553, Jinja Tel: +256 (0)434 122 190/2 Fax: +256 (0)434 122 581 Email:

Jinja Nile Resort is set on the banks of River Nile and is midway between Bujagali Falls and the source of the Nile. The 140 guest rooms, comprising four suites and 136 deluxe self-contained rooms, have private river-facing balconies with views of the River Nile. The resort is ideal for vacations with white water rafting, bungee jumping, kayaking, speedboat riding and birdwatching. The resort has four river-facing dining rooms offering local and international cuisine. Guests can relax in one of the five riverfacing bars and listen to the evening entertainment. The hotel also has a health club with a well equipped gym, sauna, steam bath, a massage room and a swimming pool with a children’s section. It also provides an ideal environment for events and conferences.


Comfort, good food and great river views Located on the banks of the River Nile, only a few minutes’ walk from its source in the serene waters of Lake Victoria, the Source of the Nile Hotel offers some of the best accommodation in Jinja. The hotel is 2 km from Jinja town centre and 114 km from Entebbe International Airport. Accommodation consists of tastefully furnished deluxe rooms, executive single rooms, twin rooms and a suite. All rooms are en-suite with private bathroom and shower. The restaurant features à la carte, table d’hôte and buffet menus featuring both local and international cuisine.

The hotel’s spacious gardens are ideal for wedding receptions, parties, launches and exhibitions. meeting rooms In addition, there are multiple meeting rooms catering for workshops, seminars, training sessions and board meetings. The Source of the Nile Hotel and its well trained staff are dedicated to ensuring that guests have an enjoyable and memorable stay. Plot 31-37, Bridge Street PO Box 1429, Jinja Tel: +256 (0)790 911 318 Cell: +256 (0)718 660 202 Fax: +256 (0)434 122 230 Email:


Central Uganda - Jinja NILE guest house


13/15 Nanso Road, Njeru PO Box 556, Jinja Tel: +256 (0)43 122 226 Email:

5/7 Lubogo Lane PO Box, 446, Jinja Tel: +256 (0)434 120 837; (0)772 575 351 Fax: +256 (0)434 123 819

Nile Guest House has 24 guest rooms and eight modern apartments.

The Travel Hotel in Jinja guarantees comfort, relaxation and value for money with its location offering a prime view of the Victoria Nile.

Located in Jinja, Nile Guest House is the perfect accommodation for guests looking to enjoy all that the town has to offer. The property provides costeffective services for both international and local guests on holiday or business trips. Nile Guest House is a five-minute walk from Nile Breweries or from the JinjaKampala Highway in the proximity to the central business district. The quiet setting of the guest house provides all guests with a relaxed atmosphere and top class service. All rooms come fitted with DSTV, fans and are decorated with the finest arts collected from Africa.

The hotel has 132 rooms, all with DSTV, video, 24-hour room service and en-suite showers facilities. The hotel has bars and restaurants serving both traditional and international delicacy. The hotel has three conference halls with different capacities. The main conference hall accommodates up to 150 participants. There is also a business centre with secretarial and other services. The Travel Hotel is located along D-K Crescent with its lush gardens and is within walking distance of Jinja town centre.

Victoria Panorama Inn

Tank Hill, Masese Tel: +256 (0)434 121 114 Cell: +256 (0)752 357 224; (0)772 496 986 Email: or Email:

Located on Tank Hill, Masese in Jinja, overlooking Lake Victoria, the Victoria Panorama Hotel is the ideal place to stay while enjoying the thrills of tourist attractions in the Eastern Region. The hotel has a homely atmosphere with a conducive environment for research, meetings and peaceful weekends. There are spacious en-suite bathrooms fitted with both showers and wash basins and other amenities. Victoria Panorama Hotel is a perfect venue for exclusive dinners or private function. Meals are served either at as buffet or Ă la carte.

Central Uganda - Other


Colline Hotel


Hotel Victory Bijja

PO Box 516, Bunyonyi Road, Kibale Tel: +256 (0)414 286 262 Cell: +256 (0)782 764 728 Email:

PO Box 7, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 290 533 Fax: +256 (0)414 290 533 Email:

Busega Tel: +256 (0)414 273 539 Cell: +256 (0)772 507 305 Email:

Ntuha Road, PO Box 231, Masindi Tel: +256 (0)46 520 291 Cell: +256 (0)772 978 438 Email: reservations@hotelvictorybijja

Arcadia Cottages is an ideal destination for those that want to commune with nature in comfort in Lake Mburo National Park.

Located in the heart of Mukono town, only 21 km from the bustle of Kampala, the Colline Hotel offers a serene atmosphere and spacious facilities for corporate and private events.

Haven of Rest is located in Busega, just 7 km from Kampala city.

Hotel Victory Bijja is located in a prime area of Masindi, next to Masindi District Administration Headquarters. The hotel stands impressively amid beautiful, lush tropical gardens and has great views of the evergreen hills that surround Masindi.

The cottages are built on stilts and have a clear view of the surrounding national park. This allows warthogs to burrow beneath and get warm at night. The lake can be viewed while guests dine at the restaurant. Hippos that live in the lake walk up to the restaurant at night and graze right outside the cottages. Lake Mburo National Park is home to zebra, impala, waterbuck and other antelope. A leopard is occasionally spotted outside the last two cottages on a moonlit night making Arcadia Cottages even more magical. The cottages are all self-contained, comfortable and well decorated.

The 202-room hotel provides a definitive choice of restaurants with a variety of tropical cuisine, conference halls with a capacity of up to 1,000 people and ample parking space. When it comes to unwinding, the gym, steam bath, sauna, aerobics and swimming pool are the perfect answer. Better still, guests can lose themselves to nature in the gardens, built on lush green lawns paved with wild flowers that enrich the breeze with the finest scent. The Colline Hotel is truly a tropical paradise.

The ambience of the guest house is warm and friendly and managed by a team of dedicated staff. It is ideal for conferences, retreats and for holiday makers who want to be close to Kampala city but also far enough away to relax in peace and quiet. It is surrounded by pleasant gardens and also has a car park with guaranteed security. The rooms are spacious and professionally maintained with TV, bathroom and intercom. The guest house will also arrange travel and tours for guests to local tourist sites and game parks within East Africa and handle any airport transport at a reasonable cost.

Equipped with TV, mosquito nets, reading tables and telephones, guest accommodation comprises 40 spacious and comfortable rooms. In terms of leisure facilities there is a sauna, steam bath and a sociable bar serving a range of beers and spirits. Hotel Victory Bijja is a perfect choice for those wanting to visit the Murchison Falls National Park and Budongo Forest. With smart facilities and a professional atmosphere, the property is also popular with business guests looking for a venue to hold workshops, conferences, parties and meetings. 43

Central Uganda - Other Islands Club

Kabalega Resort

Bugala Island, Kalangala District PO Box 31031 Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 250 257 Cell +256 (0)772 504 027, 772 641 376 Email:

Kampala Road PO Box 516, Masindi Tel: +256 (0)392 900 900 Cell: +256 (0)712 252 622 Email:

Plot 406, Lukuli Nanganda Road, Kampala Islands Club is situated on a 40 acre forested estate commonly known as Lutoboka Bay Centre Piece, north west of Lake Victoria. The club offers 12 double rooms in wooden chalets and concrete structures. Each visitor has equal share of the snow-white beach and vast waters of Lake victoria from one’s sitting room or balcony. Lutoboka Bay is a million-dollar viewing site for birds, monkeys, insect life and incredible sport fishing opportunities. Bars and restaurant daily open from 6 am to midnight.


Guests will find a refreshingly personal charm at Kabalega Resort. Located in Masindi, en route to Murchison Falls National Park, the property is a great place to stay for all those looking to experience all this area has to offer. The resort appeals to a wide variety of travellers, from honeymooners and business people to backpackers and transit tourists. In order to meet different budgets, rooms range from singles to large double suites. The lively restaurant delivers a pleasant dining experience – all meals are created from locally sourced produce. After dinner the bar area serves a wide selection of drinks, including wines, whisky, beers, brandy and soft drinks.


Lake Victoria Serena Resort

Budo & Canadian Recreation Centre Kampala Tel: +256 (0)782 914 552 Email:

Lweza-Kigo Road, off Entebbe Road PO Box 37761, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)41 712 1000 Fax: +256 (0)41 712 1550 Email:

Perfectly located only 12 km from Kampala and 45 minutes from Entebbe Airport, Kings Country Resort is situated in a quiet, beautiful and historical village, overlooking the capital. The resort is perfect for those who wish to escape the noise and congestion of Kampala and relax in tranquil gardens. All the fully self-contained rooms feature satellite and LCD TVs, comfortable mattresses, mosquito nets, hot water and access to the DVD video library. There are also fitness facilities, book library, sports lounge with pool table, restaurant, fully stocked bar, conference facilities, swimming pool, business centre with internet and private lounges. As the Canadian Recreation Centre, Kings Resort hosts many functions throughout the year, such as Canada Day Celebrations.

Located on the shores of Africa’s largest lake, the Lake Victoria Serena Resort is styled to replicate the lines of a classically rustic Roman villa. The resort will have a total of 124 rooms widely spaced around the terraced rose gardens and will offer a wide range of dining choices. The Citadel all-day restaurant offers extensive buffet breakfast and lunch choices while the à la carte evening menu features both an international and local cuisine. Relaxation spots include the extensive Lake View Pool Deck, the Courtyard Lounge and the Piano Bar Terrace. The resort is 30 km from Entebbe International Airport and 15 km from Kampala. Future developments on the property include a golf course, marina and luxury residential complex.

Central Uganda - Other MIREMBE RESORT BEACH


Ssese Islands c/o 2nd floor, Ganesh Plaza Entebbe Road, Kampala Cell: +256 (0)782 528 651 Email:

PO Box 743, Mukono Tel: +256 (0)392 834 775 Cell: +256 (0)712 348 300; 772 411 627; 772 406 961 Email:

It is little wonder that Mirembe translates as ‘peace’. This charming beach resort is the epitome of relaxation.

Mukono Resort Hotel has 26 classic rooms which are self-contained, connected to DSTV with intercom facilities. It also has conference facilities, restaurant and bar services, gardens and shuttle services for airport pick-ups, transfers and tour packages.

Mirembe Resort Beach is located at Lutoboka Bay on Bulaggala Island which is the largest of the 84 Ssese Islands. The beaches are clean and white, the water calm and the surrounding area is tranquil. The only way to reach the resort is by boat – guests are met by staff at the pier on landing. All the accommodation has en-suite bathrooms and there is range of single, double or shared rooms. Although seemly cut-off from the rest of the world this beach paradise does have high-speed internet and DSTV.

The hotel is very accessible both from Entebbe airport and Kampala city. It is also a few kilometres from the source of the River Nile, Sezibwa Falls and the Namugongo Martyrs’ shrine. The resort runs a weekly entertainment programme such as musical performances, cultural dances and comedy shows.

The restaurant serves an all-day à la carte menu which can be enjoyed while overlooking the lake.

Nabisere Hotel

Ddimo Road, Kalisizo Tel: +256 (0)392 916 106 Email:

Nabisere Hotel is located in Kalisizo and offers a unique mix of relaxation, business and a work environment. The spacious guest rooms are laid out well and tastefully decorated, with pleasant bathrooms and connection to DSTV. The hotel’s serene gardens with access to ample and secure parking space are suitable for ceremonies or functions. The restaurant is open seven days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner serving continental, local cuisine as well as charcoal grilled delicacies. In-house and outside catering is also available. The bar serves a wide range of drinks including wines, spirits, champagnes and cocktails. There is also a health club with sauna, steam bath and massage.

pineapple bay resort

c/o Wildplaces Uganda 40b Windsor Crescent PO Box 23825, Kampala Cell: +256 (0)414 231 182 Email:

Pineapple Bay Resort is located on Bulago Island on Lake Victoria. The resort consists of six chalets and four family units at different points along the beach. The chalets consist of one large bedroom, a large bath and a veranda facing the lake. The family units sleep up to four people in two bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms The island offers a wide variety of landscapes ranging from a small rainforest at the north-eastern tip of the island and savannah-like grassland in the interior. The resort is reached by boat from Entebbe. Facilities include airport shuttle service, babysitting, a swimming pool and a restaurant. Activities include sailing on the lake,
Nile perch and tilapia Fishing, sundowner cruises, nature walks and birdwatching.


c/o Room 27, 2nd floor Shri-Ganesh Plaza, Entebbe Road PO Box 1046, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 349 107 Cell: +256 (0)77 237 2164; 77 490 9494 Email:;

Pearl Gardens Beach is a six-acre beach resort located on Buggala Island in Lake Victoria. This resort offers peaceful and attractive accommodation with elements of nature and modern amenities throughout. The property is situated in a tropical forest in the middle of the world’s second largest fresh water lake. Activities on the island include birdwatching, swimming, forest treks, nature walks and biking. Alternatively guests can simply enjoy the serenity within Pearl Beach Gardens and its stunning environs. The resort staff ensure that each guest has a memorable stay. At the weekend entertainment in provided by local traditional dancers and during the week guests enjoy a campfire at the shoreline.

Ridar Hotel

Ssese Islands Beach Hotel

Kampala-Jinja Road PO Box 7627, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 290 697 Fax: +256 (0)41 290 299 Email: Email:

Buggala Island c/o PO Box 11609, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)41 422 0065 Cell: +256 (0)772 408 244; 845 905 Fax: +256 (0)41 4220242 Email:

Ridar Hotel is a three-star hotel conveniently situated along KampalaJinja highway within the village of Seeta.

Located on a white sand beach on Bugala Island, the hotel is set under a canopy of natural tropical forest.

The hotel rooms range from standard doubles, twins, singles and executives. All rooms are equipped with phones, refrigerators and TVs complete with international news and sports coverage. Alternatively, guests can stay in the large and spacious African Cottages. The location offers an opportunity to enjoy comfort away from the hustle and bustle of the city while its quiet and friendly surrounding help guests to relax. The philosophy of the hotel is the four C’s motto: care, courtesy, comfort and convenience.

Accommodation comprises a row of self-contained cottages located just 30 metres from the beach. There is also a campsite with toilets and showers. All rooms are self-contained with a balcony. A sumptuous buffet breakfast is served each morning. The hotel is famed for its barbecues, served around a campfire on the beach. The hotel can accommodate up to 120 attendees for conferences, workshops and seminars. Recreational activities comprise lake swimming and water sports, canoeing, beach volleyball, fishing and guided forest walks.


Central Uganda - Other Ssese Palm Beach Resort

sSezibwa falls resort

The Ankrah Foundation, Resort & Conference Complex

c/o Room 29b, Colline House Shopping Arcade, Pilkington Road PO Box 3487, Kampala Cell: +256 (0)772 503 315; 368 742; 750 331 Email:

c/o Parliament Avenue, Jumbo Plaza Shop 1 PO Box 3874, Kampala Fax: +256 (0)414 348 755 Tel: +256 (0)414 230 168 Cell: +256 (0)772 424 315 Email:

Located at Lutoboka point on Bugala Island, the Ssese Palm Beach Resort is a small, scenic family resort. It is made up of thatched self-contained bandas, overlooking a long beach and with the rich forest surrounding them.

The Ssezibwa Falls Resort is located on the Jinja Highway, about 45 minutes from Kampala, and offers 40 rooms in an ideal location close to the famous Mbibwa Falls. The falls are a Buganda Heritage site.

Besania Hill, PO Box 472, Mukono Tel: +256 (0)312 313 030; 414 290 057 Cell: +256 (0)785 655 194; 772 431 926; 712 815 015 Fax: +256 (0)414 290 954 Email:,

The cottages range from the ‘Millennium’ cottage complete with a kitchenette to the Royal cottages and the smaller executive cottages. The resort also has camping facilities.

Visitors can see the spectacular falls over an outcrop of sharp-edged rocks, with a magnificent sound of cascading waters.

Nature walks, monkey and birdwatching, swimming and beach volleyball are some of the activities that guests at the Ssese Palm Beach Resort can enjoy. Evening camp fires are regularly arranged on the resort’s private beach. Meetings, conferences and wedding receptions can be organised and held in the seminar hall.


Thick green shrubbery hides a variety of nature’s wonders, such as songbirds, croaking frogs and wonderful trees. The property offers a choice of accommodation, including a large campsite. There is a range of activities including birdwatching, canoeing, rock climbing, mountain biking and hiking.

The Ankrah Foundation, Resort & Conference Complex is situated at the very heart of Mukono, standing 1,300 metres above sea level and 13 km from Kampala. It offers panoramic views in a tranquil setting. The hotel grounds are expansive, spreading over 15 acres and home to a variety of monkeys, birds and flora. It is equipped to hold conferences, workshops and other activities, with eight conference units, for up to 1000 people. The three star accommodation is contained in 73 rooms and two fourroomed suites. All rooms and suites are self-contained with contemporary furnishings, satellite TV and Wi-Fi. The majority of rooms have spectacular views of Lake Victoria and Kampala.

The Sanctum

Plot 343, Entebbe Road, Kitala Tel: +256 (0)312 282 597 Cell: +256 (0)772 430 424 Email:

The Sanctum Apartment Hotel is a boutique property that is located in a typical Ugandan village setting and offers accommodation in the form of 11 self-contained apartments, all with 24hour satellite TV, fridge and telephone. Food and beverages are served in a delightful outdoor restaurant looking out onto spacious gardens. The state-of-the-art conference facility is perfect for ballroom banquets, corporate meetings, seminars/workshops and other functions. There is ample parking available and the hotel also operates a 24-hour shuttle service to the airport. The highly rated restaurant serves an all day à la carte menu which can be enjoyed with beautiful views.

Northern Uganda

‘Overlooked’ region has plenty of tourism potential Northern Uganda is the least developed and least visited part of the country – a region that has been overlooked and felt overlooked ever since colonial times. Today there are few hotels and good accommodation remains difficult to find. There are one or two properties of a high standard in the regional economic capital, Gulu, and a couple more in Lira, and that is more or less it.

off limits The reason for this lack of tourism is easy to understand. Northern Uganda and northern parts of Western Uganda were off limits for many years as the Ugandan government battled with the so-called Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) – a low-level war that was to continue well into this century. Linguistic and cultural differences between the Acholispeaking and mostly pastoral people of the north and

the largely agricultural Bantu in the south have caused friction in Uganda for many years. Exploiting these differences and Northern Uganda’s perceived lack of development, the LRA was able to use the region as a base for its very unpleasant activities. Thankfully, those hostilities are now history and Northern Uganda is peaceful and ripe for tourism development. The potential is certainly here. Gulu Airport has the second-longest runway in Uganda but at the present there are few if any regular flights. But the situation will change as Gulu becomes more popular and as Uganda’s own domestic air sector grows to meet demand.



Bomah Hotel Gulu

The sophisticated place to be in Arua Guests can expect to enjoy a modern level of sophistication at Desert Breeze Hotel Ltd in Arua.

4/6 Elizabeth Road, Gulu Tel: +256 235 915 Cell: +256 (0)772 404 228 Email:

Considered one of the best hotels in Gulu, Acholi Inn is one of the hotels in Uganda that has stood the test of time. Originally commissioned by the British in 1936, it was privatised in 1995 with the aim of refurbishing and improving this historical hotel that today has 80 deluxe rooms with 12 VIP suites. The four-star hotel is well equipped with conference facilities for up to 1,000, an internet café, swimming pool and a fully fledged health club with well equipped gym, sauna, steam bath and massage parlour.

Plot 8 Eden Road PO Box 931, Gulu Tel: +256 (0)779 945 063; 772 445 647 Email:; www.bomahotelgulu

The Bomah Hotel Gulu is the biggest in north-eastern Uganda and is set in gardens of six acres. All rooms are equipped with telephones, refrigerator, DSTV, air conditioning and in-room safes. The hotel offers spacious conference rooms with seating capacity of around 150 to 200. There is also a well equipped health club. A swimming pool and gym are to open in the future.

The restaurant serves a variety of intercontinental dishes at affordable prices.

Golden Peace Hotel

PO Box 84, Nebbi Tel: +256 (0)772 775 000 Email:

Plot 1, Lakana Odongkara Road Kirombe, PO Box 680, Gulu Tel: +256 (0)471 432 204 Cell: +256 (0)702 729 696 Email: info@

Located in the heart of Nebbi town, along Arua Road, amid mature and well tended gardens, these apartments are popular with both tourists and business visitors. Extremely pleasant and very comfortable there are 16 apartments in total, each self-contained with contemporary decor.

The Golden Peace Hotel is located just outside Gulu, off the main road to Juba (in South Sudan). The hotel has 28 guest rooms, each elegantly furnished with en-suite bathroom and solar water-heater. Rooms are fitted with both bath and showers, TVs with local and satellite channels and each has a study area with a reading desk and light. The bar and restaurant has a 200-seat capacity and serves both Continental and local cuisine. The property is set among lush gardens that make the ideal venue for functions such as weddings, graduations or parties. There is also an indoor conference hall for more formal occasions. Golden Peace is a family-friendly hotel with many facilities to keep children entertained.


environment The hotel has conference halls that provide an ideal environment for meetings and workshops. For banquets, the hotel has beautiful and well kept gardens that can accommodate up to 1,000 guests. The restaurant offers a wide choice of meals and there is a well stocked bar serving cold drinks. Plot 20, Odaa Close PO Box 1390, Arua Tel: +256 (0)781 620 905; (0)754 900 343 Cell: +256 (0)774 900 343 Email:

Gaf Apartments

GAF Apartments and Entertainment Centre is superbly equipped.

Located 500 metres from the post office and described as Arua’s premier hotel, the Desert Breeze is a luxury hotel offering superior accommodation in 40 self-contained spacious rooms with balconies and tower coolers.

Gracious Palace Hotel

Plot 5a, Akalo Road PO Box 560, Lira Tel: +256 (0)392 941 392 Cell: +256 (0)775 329 338; 783 191 505 Email:;

Gracious Palace Hotel is located in Lira District, adjacent to Lira Town College football pitch. The hotel comprises 32 rooms all with free Wi-Fi, hot and cold running water and private balconies with views over the gardens. At the 24-hour restaurant, a variety of African and traditional local dishes are available at the buffet. There is also an à la carte menu. All food is locally sourced. The two conference halls are fully equipped and can accommodate 250 and 100 attendees respectively. The hotel gardens are ideal for hosting outdoor events such as parties or receptions. Additional facilities include a car hire service, ample overnight parking space of over 30 vehicles and 24-hour CCTV surveillance monitors and security.

hotel roma

Plot 16, Coronation Road PO Box 779, Gulu Tel: +245 (0)47 1224

The Hotel Roma provides budget-style accommodation in Gulu. The quality of accommodation and service is good with those in the new section being of higher quality, but are more expensive. Rooms come complete with en-suite facilities, good size beds, mosquito net, desk, fan and chair. Breakfast is served each morning. An internet café is next door and the (paid-for) wireless signal is available in the lobby of the hotel

Northern Uganda

hotel zawadi




2-7 Magni Road, Adjumani Tel: +256 (0)41 425 0840; (0)772 401 466

Kumi Tel: +256 (0)772 434 380 Cell: +256 (0)772 490 659 Fax: +256 (0)454 471 012 Email:

PO Box 245, Inomo Road, Lira Tel. +256 (0)473 20 954/5 Email:

8-10 Erute Road, Lira Tel: +256 (0)473 20 024 Cell: +256 (0)772 594 184 Email:

The Hotel Zawadi is located in Adjumani District in Northern Uganda.

Kumi Hotel is strategically located in the heart of the charming Iteso region, 240 km east of Kampala.

Lilian Towers Hotel is a popular, charming 20 room hotel located on Inomo Road.

Accommodation is in spacious, well furnished, self-contained rooms. All rooms have DSTV.

Breakfast is included in room rates with made-to-order omelettes and hot coffee. Some rooms have air conditioning and all have beds are large, mosquito nets and bathrooms with hot water.

The environment is quiet and relaxed with privacy and security guaranteed.

The restaurant serves food throughout the day.

Whether dining in the restaurant or enjoying a drink in the bar, the service is personalised and efficient.

The hotel offers a hotel shuttle bus for pick-ups as far away as Kampala/ Entebbe.

The hotel is great value and the staff are friendly and helpful.

On-site internet services are also available in the lobby area.

Located in downtown Lira, Lira Hotel provides peaceful accommodation and a refreshingly personal charm. The Hotel is ideally located for those en-route to Kidepo Valley National Park. The hotel gardens can be used at a cost for campers with their own camping equipment. Alternatively singles, doubles, twins and suites rooms will soon be available. Towels and sheets are clean and fresh daily. The restaurant has good food and serves throughout the day.


Northern Uganda North East Villas Country Resort

Pacific Grand Hotel

Palema Crown Hotel

Tel: +256 (0)454 471 923 Cell: +256 (0)753 198 847 Email:

Plot 5a, Kyoga Road, Lira Tel: +256 (0)473 427 770 Cell: +256 (0)782 289 101; 772 586421

North East Villas Country Resort in located in the north of Uganda and offers 10 rooms.

Located in the safe northern town of Lira, Pacific Grand offers comfortable accommodation in a central location. The property is situated on Kyoga Road, behind the post office building.

Plot 48, Andrea Olal Road PO Box 1372, Gulu Tel: +256 (0)784 596 519 Bookings: PO Box 24205, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)702 226 831; 701 048 112 Email:

The 24 guest rooms are located in the central block. All room rates are reasonably priced and include breakfast.

A short drive from Gulu airstrip, Palema Crown Hotel is a modern property with a reputation for class and comfort. Services include a 24-hour concierge, Wi-Fi access in public areas, currency exchange, a limousine service and a designated business area. Guest accommodation is complete with in-room entertainment systems, radio alarm clocks and high-speed internet access. There is a choice of rooms from standard deluxe to generously-sized suites. Aleng’s Restaurant serves Continental cuisine while guests can enjoy a refreshing beverage at the Garden Bar. The Lakers Conference Hall makes an ideal venue for a wide range of events such as seminars, meetings and parties.


Western Uganda

Gorillas provide ultimate draw in region of splendid parks

Western Uganda is gorilla territory and as such it is the most visited tourist area of Uganda. But there is more to this area than just primates. It is a region of national parks that are returning to their former splendour thanks to the good work of the Uganda Wildlife Authority and other agencies. This tourist trail is dominated by the evocativesounding Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. This 330 sq km park is now a Unesco World Heritage Site but, more importantly, it is home to roughly half of the world’s population of mountain gorillas. Viewing permits cost $500 per person.

primates Gorillas can also be viewed in the much smaller Mgahinga National Park, close to Kisoro. In addition to gorillas, Western Uganda is an ideal place in which to view other primates. Fort Portal is regarded as the gateway to the Rwenzoris. It attracts walkers who wish to spend a comfortable night in a hotel before tackling a tough hike. Some of these last several days and reach altitudes of over 4,200 metres through the mountains. Fort Portal

is also within easy reach of Kibale Forest, the best place in Uganda to see chimpanzees, and Queen Elizabeth National Park. Also within easy reach is the 220 sq km Semuliki National Park. This hidden gem is the only low-level tropical rainforest in East Africa and its fauna include an astonishing 11 mammal species that are endemic to the park. In terms of lakes, Western Uganda contains both Lake Albert and Lake Edward. Both are much visited by tourists and boat trips are especially popular, with opportunities to view impressive hippo pods and crocodile populations. Bilharzia-free Lake Bunyonyi is a further attraction. Thankfully, the lake is also free of hippo and crocodiles, so it is ideal for swimming. In fact, this small lake is the second deepest in Africa and its unusual topography, with a scattering of small islands, makes it an attractive weekend destination. The area contains a handful of properties catering for visitors, while some of the islands are home to Batwa communities.



Birdnest@Bunyonyi Resort

Mbarara-Masaka Highway PO Box 1191, Mbarara Tel: +256 (0)485 421 615 Fax: +256 (0)485 420 575 Cell: +256 (0)711 216 155 Email:

Plot 89/91, Kabale Road, Mbarara Tel: +256 (0)485 421 074 Cell: +256 (0)772 686 679

Kabale Email: Tel: +256 (0)776 252 560; 758 402 585

The Agip Motel Mbarara is an ideal base or stopover for visitors to Western Uganda.

It is 10 minutes’ drive from Mbarara town and has been recently modified and decorated with the beautifully designed three-star facilities, including Intercom and DSTV from rooms.

Agip Motel

The motel has a choice of individually decorated executive suites with ensuite bathrooms and DSTV. The mature gardens are ideal for camping, cocktail parties, banquets, live music, weddings and other large outdoor events. There are conference facilities for up to 50 people.

Ankole Riverline Hotel is located adjacent to Mbarara bridge on Kabale Road.

Executive suites comprise modern architectural finishes. Deluxe and twin rooms are cost effective and selfcontained

Birdnest @ Bunyonyi Resort is a resort on the shores of Lake Bunyonyi, a breathtaking oasis of beauty and serenity. All 14 guest rooms have their own unique style and have views of the lake. The lodge has a restaurant of high standard international dishes that it describes as ‘Best in the West.’ The crayfish and grilled tilapia dishes are highly recommended. The spacious terrace with views across the lake has a cosy fireplace and is the perfect setting for parties or a romantic candlelight dinner.

The restaurant serves international dishes and there is a well stocked bar and an extensive wine list.

The natural ecological swimming pool is irresistible after an exciting boat trip to the Batwa or birdwatching on one of the islands.


c/o Uganda Lodges Plot 1001 block 243, Biina Road Mutungo Hill, PO Box 33024, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 267 153 Cell: +256 (0)772 426 368 Fax: +256 (0)414 267 153 Email:

Nestled in Budongo Central Forest Reserve, within Murchison Falls National Park, Budongo Eco Lodge is one of Uganda’s undiscovered gems. Home to more than 600 chimpanzees and eight other primate species, Budongo Reserve (East Africa’s last mahogany forest) has one of the largest communities of chimps in the country. It is also home to rare and endemic forest bird species, such as the Puvel’s Illadopses. The Lodge consists of comfortable cabins with private veranda, four spacious dorm rooms, a visitor’s centre and restaurant.

Bunyonyi Overland Resort

bunyonyi safaris resort

Capricon executive hotel

Cepha’s Inn

PO Box 710, Kabale Tel +256 (0)793 930 006 Tel: +256 (0)772 409 510 Fax +256 (0)486 423 072 Email:

c/o Bunyonyi Safaris Ltd Ground Floor, Crusader House Plot 3, Portal Avenue PO Box 26905, Kampala Tel +256 (0)414 347 460; (0)312 261 001/2 Fax: +256 (0)414 345 605 Email:;

Plot 72, Kabale-Kisoro Road PO Box 272, Kabale Tel: +256 (0)200 902 965 Cell: +256 (0)392 944 996 Email:

Plot 7-9 Archer Road PO Box 121, Kabale Tel: +256 (0)486 422 097 Cell: +256 (0)773 240 946 (manager) Email:;

Bunyonyi Overland Resort is located on the shores of Lake Bunyonyi, famous for otters and crayfish. Ecologically built using local materials, this valuefor-money resort offers breathtaking views including, on a clear day, Mount Muhavura. Accommodation is in self-contained cottages and furnished tents with showers and clean toilets. Conference facilities are available. The menu includes fresh crayfish from the lake. Opportunities for swimming, canoeing, jet ski, volleyball, birdwatching, mountain biking, fishing and indoor games.

Bunyonyi Safaris Resort offers six uniquely designed cottages with magnificent views of Lake Bunyonyi and the surrounding scenery. The self-contained cottages can accommodate up to 12 people per night. Facilities include warm water and TV. Located next to the cottages is a 92bed hotel complex offering 42 modern spacious self-contained rooms, with two luxury suites and deluxe single and double rooms designed for maximum comfort.

Capricon Executive Hotel is located at the centre of Kabale and the perfect base to explore the Kigezi region of south west Uganda. There are 12 fully appointed rooms each with private verandah, DSTV, fully stocked kitchenette and fridge. The restaurant provides everything from buffet breakfast and lunches to snacks as well as a varied à la carte menu with Ugandan and European dishes. There is also a well stocked bar.

Cepha’s Inn is located in Kabale district in south-western Uganda. All rooms come with digital multichannel TV, free internet connection, direct-dial telephones, work desks and 24 hour room service. There are plans to turn the restaurant into a speciality eatery serving the very best of Ugandan produce. There is a well stocked bar. Halls cans handle meetings, seminars and conferences with up to 200 guests. Cepha’s Inn is a perfect place for relaxing and pampering at the property’s health club with swimming pool, sauna, steam bath and gym and experienced trainers.


Western Uganda chobe safari lodge

Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge

Murchison Falls National Park c/o Marasa Central Reservations Plot 96-98, 5th Street Industrial Area Kampala Tel: +256 (0)312 260 260/1 Fax: +256 (0)312 260 262 Email:

c/o Plot 15, Binayomba Road Bugolobi, off Lithuli Avenue Opp. Ambrosoli International School Kampala Tel +256 (0)414 251 182 Cell: +256 (0)772 489 497 Email:

Chobe Safari Lodge features 36 elegantly appointed guest rooms, 21 spacious tents, four suites and a presidential cottage. All rooms offer airy outdoor balconies fronting the River Nile’s magnificent sweeping views. The intricate four-tier swimming pool has also been positioned to showcase the river’s magnificent panoramic views.

High on Nteko Ridge, on the edge of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge enjoys breathtaking views in the shadow of three volcanoes.

Located in the Murchison Falls National Park and only three and half hours’ drive from Kampala, the Chobe Safari Lodge has recently undergone major rebuilding and refurbishment programme. The state-of-the-art conference block for up to 100 guests and is fully equipped for all business requirements.

fort motel

Setting New Standards in Fort Portal


This lodge, a first in Uganda, has been built as a partnership between the Nkuringo Community Development Fund, USAID the International Gorilla Conservation Programme and UWA. Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge was built to cater to those who track the Nkuringo group of gorillas, situated on the southern side of Bwindi. The lodge opened in 2008.

Green Hills Hotel

house. All rooms come with internet access, DSTV, electronic safe and minibar. Many complimentary facilities are provided for guests including a swimming pool, sauna and steam room as well as activities such as hiking, biking, guided tours and mountain climbing. Fort Motel is located adjacent to the Toro Golf Club and enjoys a serene atmosphere. With impressive views of the Mountains of the Moon it is the perfect place to stay in Fort Portal.

The motel offers a range of cuisine. African, Continental or Indian dishes – or a blend of all three – can be enjoyed by the pool or in the lush gardens.

The motel has 17 cosy and well furnished bedrooms plus four self-contained rooms in a separate

c/o Crystal Safaris Ltd Tel: +256 (0)414 345 742 Fax: +256 (0)414 235 798 Cell: +256 (0)772 470 260; 759 470 260 Email:

Gorilla Safari Lodge is an upmarket property tucked away on the boundary of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. It is an ideal base for treks to see the critically endangered mountain gorilla. Accommodation is in 13 spacious en-suite luxury units with individual verandas and views of the rainforest. All bathrooms have hot and cold running water and flush toilets. The camp has a main lodge with a restaurant, bar and lounge plus a campfire and a spa.

Plot 2, Lugard Road PO Box 321, Fort Portal Tel: +256(0)772 501 731; 792 220 259 Fax: +256 (0)483 422 052 Email:


Kabale Tel:+256 (0)72 605 925 Cell: +256 (0)312 275 369 Email:

Situated in Makanga in the Kigezi Hills, just 1 km from Kabale town centre, the Green Hills Hotel enjoys panoramic views and cool breezes in a quiet location. There is a variety of room options, with twin, executive and deluxe. These can be booked on either a half-board or a full-board basis. The Green Hills has two restaurants and two bars plus a swimming pool. There is also a health club with massage facilities. Conference and banqueting facilities and a business centre are also available, as well as in-house laundry and DSTV.

Western Uganda Hippo Hill Safari Lodge


Comfort hotel with choice of restaurants As its name suggests, the Hoima Resort Hotel is located in the oil town of Hoima in Western Uganda.

Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kasese Tel: +256 (0)312 277 304 Cell: +256 (0)782 399 235; (0)772 504 621; (0)775 887 258 Email:

Plot 6, Circular Road PO Box 556, Masaka Cell: +256 (0)772 425 666 Fax: +256 (0)481 20 997 Email:

With its spectacular location on a hill in the Queen Elizabeth National Park, this luxury lodge offers wonderful views of the park and cooling breezes from the crater lakes that surround the property.

Hotel Brovad in Masaka has 125 comfortable rooms, all with en-suite bathrooms, DSTV, video and 24-hour room service. There is a well equipped conference and business centre with secretarial and fax services.

Accommodation consists of 10 woodbuilt cottages and four brick-built cottages with private toilets and hot showers. Large, well furnished safari tents have en-suite facilities including hot and cold water. Guests can watch the local wildlife from the seclusion of their veranda.

Each guest room has DSTV and internet connectivity. choice There is a choice of three restaurants serving a wide selection of local and international dishes as well three bars – Sky, Garden and Safari.

The rooms offer a perfect blend of elegance and comfort. There is a choice of single, double, twin or triplebed room as well as the Graça Mandela Suite.

The hotel has a 250-seat conference hall as well as associated meeting rooms for seminars and workshops. Other key features include a swimming pool, a sauna, a massage area and a gym.

The ground-floor bar and restaurant serve local and international cuisine and offer a wide selection of drinks. Modern conference facilities provide an excellent alternative to Kampala. The main conference hall accommodates from 10 to 200 participants in a comfortable environment.

Plot 2a, Circular Road PO Box 378, Hoima Tel: +256 (0)782 929 092; 465 440 734 Email:

Hotel Cornerstone




Plot 24, Ruhandika Street PO Box 901, Fort Portal Tel: +256 (0)483 422 222 Fax: +256 (0)483 422 222 Email:

Plot 5, Bananuka Drive PO Box 1228, Mbarara Tel: +256 (0)382 271 584 Email:

Plot 3-5 Baines Terrace PO Box 1066, Masaka Tel: +256 (0)481 20 936 Cell: +256 (0)782 863 725 Email:

Ruharo-Mbarara Road PO Box 1737, Mbarara Tel: +256 (0)772 502 978 Email:

The well located and appointed Hotel Cornerstone in Fort Portal is popular with both tourists and business visitors. The hotel offers 24 comfortable self-contained rooms equipped with excellent facilities. All rooms have a mini bar, high quality furniture and a private balcony with a panoramic view of the Rwenzori Mountains. The hotel has a guest lounge its own restaurant and a busy sports bar. Double and twin bedded rooms. The hotel is also the perfect location for large or small conferences.

Hotel Kash is truly a ‘home away from home’. A great choice for those wanting to escape the hustle and bustle – this peaceful establishment has a relaxing ambience and warm hospitality.

Hotel Zebra has been in operation for nearly a decade, during that time it has established itself as one of the top hotels in Masaka.

The hotel offers 20 pleasant deluxe single, double and twin bedded rooms, a restaurant, a spacious bar, a conference hall and a business centre.

The resort has a reputation for providing comfort and relaxation away from the mayhem of Masaka Central Business Area.

The hotel has a large balcony at the front where guests can simply sit and watch the world go by with a refreshing beverage.

The hotel offers modern facilities and accommodation – a restaurant that serves excellent cuisine, fully stocked bar with a variety of drinks, spacious parking and nice gardens. Hotel Zebra provides excellent conferencing facilities capable of handling a capacity of over 400 guests. Some of the recreational facilities within the area include Lake Mburu National Park and Lake Nabugabo.

Guests experience affordable, luxury and comfortable accommodation at the charming Karos Country Club. Located close to Mbarara town in a quiet, peaceful and natural environment, Karos Country Club is the ideal get-away for anyone seeking a relaxing, stress free atmosphere. Homely accommodation, delicious locally prepared meals and friendly professional service – Karos Country Club is a haven of peace in a rural setting. Guests can either choose to stay in one of the spacious cottages, rent an apartment or make use of the hotel’s camping facilities. Cottages are self-contained with private bathrooms, a mini-lounge and digital TVs. This sprawling establishment has two restaurants that serve up an array of locally prepared meals and refreshments. 55


KonTiki Hotel

Kibale Forest National Park, Fort Portal Tel: +256 (0)312 277 304 Cell: +256 (0)782 399 235; 772 504 621; 775 887 258 Email:

PO Box 447, Hoima Tel: +256 (0)772 775 005, 773 304 752; 465 442 890 Email:

Located in Kanyanchu, on the way to Bigondi Village, the lodge commands a view of the national park and the Rwenzori Mountains, yet blends into its surroundings, allowing guests to feel part of the natural wildness. Accommodation consists of two rooms in the main building and 10 well furnished luxury cottages with private toilets and hot showers. Guests can relax and watch the local wildlife from the seclusion of their veranda.

The KonTiki Hotel in Hoima is ideally situated to explore Murchison Falls National Park, the Budango Forest and Lake Albert’s Kabwoya Game Reserve. KonTiki has 18 fully furnished cottages with 25 rooms in total. Each room has a TV and piped music. For those with their own camping equipment, the hotel provides a perfect spot for pitching a tent. Enjoy the greenery of the hotel’s Victoria gardens, great food in Gabbie’s restaurant, the ambience of Amooti’s bar.


lake view resort hotel

Buhoma Gate, Bwindi National Park Tel: +256 (0)312 277 304 Cell: +256 (0)782 399 235; 772 504 6 21; 775 887 258 Email:

Mbarara Tel +256 (0)485 422112 Email:

Located next to Bwindi Forest Impenetrable National Park, this upmarket tented camp, originally opened in 1994, has been modernised in an African style. The camp has 20 self-contained luxury tents, all named after Ugandan bird species, with comfortable beds and furniture and bathrooms with hot and cold showers and bathtubs.

As its name suggests, the hotel overlooks a small lake. The hotel has two wings – Main and Executive. There are conference and banquet facilities for weddings.

Fitted with 24-hour solar power, the camp offers luxury hospitality with views of the forest and opportunities for gorilla tracking, birdwatching and nature walks.

Mountains of the Moon Hotel

Plot 4, Nyaika Avenue, Fort Portal Tel: +256 (0)483 423 200; 483 422 632 Fax: +256 (0)483 422 631 Email:

The Mountains of the Moon Hotel is one of Uganda’s most elegant properties. The hotel is located just 10 minutes’ walk from Fort Portal, the gateway town for the Rwenzori mountains. The hotel’s 33 fully appointed rooms all have sleek hand-carved furniture in natural woods. All rooms have free internet access. The hotel’s restaurants look out over lush gardens and feature fusion cuisine, blending local Ugandan, European and African flavours and an exclusive bar offering world-class wines and awardwinning beers. The focal point is an open fireplace featuring a traditional tiled brick chimney and hearth with a wood fire. Amenities include a health club and swimming pool, while the local golf course is close by.


The Lake View Hotel is located 2 km from Mbarara and is the ideal spot to stop between Queen Elizabeth National Park and Entebbe International Airport and close to Lake Mburo National Park.

Mweya Safari Lodge

Queen Elizabeth National Park c/o Marasa Central Reservations Plot 96-98, 5th Street Industrial Area Kampala Tel: +256 (0)312 260 260/1 Fax: +256 (0)312 260 262 Email:

One of East Africa’s most luxurious lodges, Mweya Safari Lodge is located in Queen Elizabeth National Park and overlooks the 36 km Kazinga Channel that links Lake Edward and Lake George. Accommodation comprises the Queen’s Cottage, Presidential Cottage, Royal Cottage, suites and deluxe rooms. The lodge is famed for its fine dining and the Kazinga restaurant serves global cuisine, either indoors or al fresco. Special barbecues and traditional dancers are highlights of each Saturday evening. An infinity pool provides fabulous views of the Channel. The lodge has a health club, a business centre and gift shop.

Western Uganda oxford inn

paraa safari lodge

prImate lodge

Plot 12, Bananuka Drive PO Box 303, Mbarara Tel: +256 (0)382 271 737 Cell: +256 (0)702 026 679 Email:

Murchison Falls National Park c/o Marasa Central Reservations Plot 96-98, 5th Street Industrial Area Kampala Tel: +256 (0)312 260 260/1 Fax: +256 (0)312 260 262 Email:

c/o Great Lakes Safaris Ltd 1st floor, Susie House, Ggaba Road PO Box 33024, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 267 153 Cell: +256 (0)772 426 368 Email:

The Oxford Inn is located behind the main post office in the centre of Mbarara, a large university town in western Uganda. Close to the action, the property is situated on Bananuka Drive, which also houses the two major nightclubs in Mbarara. The hotel has a total of 40 spacious rooms, all of which are self-contained. Modern furniture, warm colours and comfortable beds ensure a relaxed atmosphere and a good nights sleep. Rooms consist of singles, doubles, deluxe standard, deluxe executive and suite. All rates include breakfast. The restaurant offers excellent service and has a cosy, intimate ambience. All food is freshly prepared using the best quality ingredients.

Set in a small area of landscaped gardens, the Paraa Safari Lodge is located in the Murchison Falls National Park, the largest national park in Uganda, and 325 km from Kampala. Elevated above the falls on its north side, the 54-room lodge enjoys breathtaking views. In the past, the lodge has played host to major international dignitaries and celebrities – and that heritage can still be found at the now fully restored property. There is a lounge, bar and restaurant and the lodge is renowned for its good food, tempting guests with a range of cooking styles including Continental and Asian. Guests can take a boat trip to the foot of the falls or trek to the top. There are also fishing and game drives to undertake.

Primate Lodge Kibale comprises eight safari tents on wooden platforms and recently renovated cottages. Each tent or cottage is decorated in African style, with twin beds, large windows and ensuite bathroom. For the adventurous, there is the Sky Tree House, 10 to 15 minute’s walk from the main lodge and overlooking an elephant wallow. The Tree House contains a simple bedroom and basic washing/toilet facilities at the foot of the tree. There is also a well maintained campsite with shared washing facilities available for backpackers who want to bring their own tent.


Plot 4, Malibo-Nyakabwa Road Fort Portal Tel: +256 (0)483 422 562 Fax: +256 (0)483 422 562 Email:

The Raja Excelsior Hotel is situated in the central part of Fort Portal. It has 18 guest rooms located on two floors. All rooms come with private bathroom, telephone, TV and balcony. The hotel has a dining room and a well stocked bar. Continental breakfast is available. Other facilities include room service, ironing and laundry services and a wake-up call service.

The dining room serves local and international meals. A well stocked bar provides fresh coffee, cold beers and other drinks.


Western Uganda ruhija gorilla lodge

rwenzori international hotel

rwenzori travellers inn

Ruhija Community Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Kabale 00256 Tel: +256414503065 Fax: +256414503064 Email:

Plot 1/3, Mbogo Road PO Box 280, Kasese Tel: +256 (0)483 444 148 Cell: +256 (0)782 282 008 Fax: +256 483 444 147 Email:

Plot 16, Kyebambe Rd PO Box 736, Fort Portal Tel +256 (0)483 422 075 Cell: +256 (0)712 400 570, 774 504 020 Email:

Ruhija Gorilla Lodge is set amid breathtaking forest scenery and provides an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity.

The 36-room Rwenzori International Hotel is located in the Kasese suburb of Kamaiba, just three minutes’ drive from Kasese Airstrip and from the town centre. It lies in the foothills of the Mountains of the Moon range, only 15 km north of the equator.

Rwenzori Travellers Inn is popular with visitors to Fort Portal providing both comfort and a quality service.

The lodge has been designed rooms to blend with the natural environment and offer real Ugandan luxury and hospitality. All cottages are well equipped with comfortable beds and furniture to maximize your comfort. The bathrooms are fitted with hot and cold water. The restaurant places an emphasis on fine cuisine and uses the very best fresh local produce. The bar is the perfect place to relax after a day of gorilla tracking.

sambiya river lodge

Reservations office at Afri Tours & Travel Ltd. 1 Kafu Road, Poolside Fairway Hotel, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 233 596 Cell: +256 (0)776 233 596; 716 233 596 Email:

Sambiya River Lodge is located in the southern sector of Murchison Falls National Park. The ecolodge is just 20 minutes from the top of Murchison Falls, one of Uganda’s leading visitor attractions. THATCHED The ecolodge is made up of 20 thatched cottages with either one or two bedrooms. Each of the 26 bedrooms has its own bathroom facilities and a veranda with views over the National Park. There is also thatched banda accommodation with a shared ablutions block. A swimming pool is available for guests to relax alongside or enjoy a cooling swim after a hot and dusty game drive.

There is a spacious and well laid out, air conditioned lounge with a residents’ bar. Two of the lounge’s three balconies overlook Queen Elizabeth National Park. A seminar hall is well equipped with tables, chairs and flip charts and can accommodate between 20 and 150 people. Recreational facilities include a concrete tennis court, grass badminton court, sauna and gym. For campers, there is a large grassed area at the rear of the hotel with adjacent ablution block.

The property is centrally located in Fort Portal close to transport services and tourist shopping facilities. The hotel provides secure parking for visitors with the inn’s own vehicles and our trained staff are welcoming and helpful. Rwenzori Travellers Inn has its own walk-through mall where Internet facilities are available and several tourist shops are to be found selling locally made souvenirs and curios.

rwizi arch hotel

PO Box 91, Mbarara Tel : +256 (0)485 20 821 Cell: +256 (0)752 648 980 Fax: +256 (0)485 20821 Email: or

Rwizi Arch Hotel is a private luxury hotel situated at the outskirts of Mbarara town, an ideal stop point for adventurous travellers who would like to explore some of Uganda’s national parks. It is located at the junction of Fort Portal and Kabale Road, about 6 km from Mbarara. The hotel offers a variety of services with a touch of class and elegance ranging from accommodation to conference halls. There is a bar and pleasant gardens.

The inn also has conference facilities.

There is a choice of single, double, twin and executive rooms, suites and bridal suites, all of which are individually decorated in a unique mix of Oriental, African and French styles. All rooms are equipped with telephone, DSTV and refrigerators.

sanctuary Gorilla forest camp

silverback lodge

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park PO Box 7799, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)414 340 290; 414 253 619 Cell: +256 (0)776 340 290 Email:

c/o Marasa Central Reservations Plot 96-98, 5th Street, Industrial Area PO Box 22827, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)312 259 390; 313 259 390 +256 (0)414 259 390/4/5

Sanctuary Gorilla Forest Camp is located in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – a Unesco World Heritage Site – and the natural habitat for just over half the world’s population of mountain gorillas.

Silverback Lodge is perched overlooking Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The view is absolutely stunning and the best place to enjoy après-tracking cocktails.

The only camp in the National Park and the perfect base for tracking and meeting gorillas. It’s not unusual for the gorillas to actually come into the camp. Guests can dine out under the stars, or shelter in the warm central cottage. The eight large en-suite ‘tents’ have wooden floors, two comfortable queensized beds and a bathtub looking out onto the forest.

Birdwatching and sometimes primate viewing is possible right from guest accommodation. The lodge is currently being completely re-furbished to ensure that each guest receives the highest level of comfort and service.

Gorilla Forest Camp has a complete commitment to conservation, meaning guests can visit the area knowing they are leaving no lasting footprint. 59

Western Uganda simba safari camp

skyblue hotel

trisek Hotel

c/o Plot 1001 block 243, Biina Road Mutungo Hill, PO Box 33024, Kampala Tel: +256 (0) 414-267153 Cell: +256 (0) 772-426368 Fax: +256 (0)414-267153 Email:

PO Box 741, Kabale Tel: +256 (0)486 22 134 Email:

PO Box 489, Hoima Tel: +256 (0)772 501 683 Email:

Located in Kabale, the Sky Blue Hotel has 19 rooms and is popular with backpackers.

Simba Safari Camp is situated at the edge of Queen Elizabeth National Park and offers spectacular views of Lake George, Lake Kikoronko and the savannah plains stretching till the far horizon. It is the nearest camp for game drives in the Kasenyi plains.

Offering budget accommodation with warm and friendly service – the hotel is impeccably clean and serves a range of tasty local meals in the restaurant.

This is a new hotel that opened in August 2011 with just 10 guest rooms and 14 villas in Uganda’s oil town of Hoima.

The camp features eight twin rooms and one triple room. All rooms are ensuite and have private verandahs. In addition, the camp has a family cottage which can accommodate five guests. For the budget-conscious there are four mixed dormitory room and a campsite, while three tents are available to hire on site.


It is an ideal base from which to visit the nearby Mgahinga National Park, which is Uganda’s smallest park, covering just 38 sq km and one of only two locations in which to view the critically endangered mountain gorilla. The Sky Blue Hotel is associated with the Kisoro Tourist Hotel Group.

western meridien hotel

Bushenyi Tel: +256 (0)392 944 896 Cell: +256 (0)772 472 019 Email:

The Western Meridian Hotel is located in central Bushenyi. Facilities will include a new health club with swimming pool and sauna, 24 rooms spacious guest rooms and 24 hour secure parking.

Eastern Uganda

New properties in land of mighty Mount Elgon Eastern Uganda remains underdeveloped in terms of tourism. It has very few good quality hotels and only two, perhaps, in Mbale that could be considered of international standard. As many tourists head west after arriving at Entebbe International Airport, this has left the east of Uganda little visited and largely overlooked by foreigners. This is a pity, but there are signs now that this situation is changing, with an upmarket lodge in Mount Elgon National Park and other indications that investment in being channelled into the region.

straddling In fact, Eastern Province’s principal attraction is Mount Elgon, straddling the Uganda-Kenya border, the oldest and largest solitary volcano in East Africa. The extinct volcano covers an area of about 3,500 sq km and is 4,321 metres high at its highest point. A feature of Mount Elgon is its series of spectacular waterfalls, of which the three Sipi Falls are the most notable.

Mount Elgon is an enjoyable climb and is surrounded by national parks on both sides of the border. Mountain biking is popular, but there are no places to hire equipment, so enthusiasts must bring their own bikes. There are tracks to follow and it can be a tough climb on the uphill sections. Day hiking, abseiling, archery and fly-fishing (for trout) are also on the menu.

volcano Close to Mount Elgon is Mount Wanale, a little-known sister volcano rising to 2,320 metres. It’s a three-hour walk to the summit. In mid 2012 Mount Wanale became the base for a new paragliding operation that is bringing tourism to the area for the first time. Up in the extreme north but still in Eastern Uganda is the hidden gem of Kidepo Valley National Park. Difficult to reach but this is probably Uganda’s best wildlife park.


Eastern Uganda bekasa hotel

geolodges uganda

Hotel Busia

hotel restville

Mbale Tel: +256 (0)454 660 068 Fax: +256 (0)712 555 404 Cell: +256 (0)712 257 237 Email:

PO Box 2288, Kampala Tel: +256 (0)41 425 8273; (0)31 226 0758, Fax: +256 (0)41 423 3992 Email:

Plot 92, Jinja Road PO Box 36560, Busia Tel: +256 (0)751 087 203 Cell: +256 (0)772 434 709; 703 499 505 Email:

Plot 43, Bumboi Road Busamaga, Wanale Division PO Box 557, Mbale Tel: +256 (0)774 870 559 Email:

Bekasa Hotel has 56 rooms and lies in the Mbale district of Uganda, about 190 km north-east of Kampala. The main town in the district is Mbale, which has a limited nightlife and is home to the Islamic University in Uganda. The local population of about 54,000 includes members of the Gishu ethnic group, mainly the Bamasaaba and Bagisu.

GeoLodges owns a portfolio of four properties. Nile Safari Lodge is nestled peacefully among the rich papyrus forest on the southern banks of the River Nile, the Lodge offers some of the most luxurious accommodation in Uganda’s largest national park. Jacana Safari Lodge is set on the edge of Uganda’s largest crater lake, this tree house lodge has 10 independent luxury chalets and a family cottage. The RainForest Lodge is an upmarket, small ecolodge built using local, onsite materials to create a stunningly unique atmosphere for visitors to truly appreciate the beauty and magnificence of the Mabira Forest Reserve.

Hotel Busia is located only 1 km from the Uganda-Kenya border. The hotel prides itself on offering comfort and relaxed accommodation for business and leisure travellers. Facilities include a restaurant and bar, 20 self-contained rooms, conference facilities, internet and shuttle bus. The staff are incredibly friendly and always ready to help wherever possible. The Busitema Forest is perfect for wildlife viewing and is conveniently only 10 km from the hotel. More adventurous trips to Mount Elgon National Park can be arranged on request.

The hotel is set in a homely environment with spacious, comfortable, clean rooms flooded with natural light. Guests can access Wi-Fi and watch their favourite entertainment channels. Room amenities include telephones, DSTV and GTV, oversized towels and soft duvets. The conference hall conforms with ICT standards and is fully equipped with an LCD projector with a giant screen, TV, flip chart, VCR and VCD/DVD player to enable users to make presentations with ease.

Kayira Complex Hotel

Masaba Hilltop Hotel

PO Box 329, Mbale Tel: +256 (0)392 941 652 Cell: +256 (0)782 316 729

Mbale Cell: +256 (0)772 681 447 Email:

Kayira Complex Hotel (KCH) is a land mark in the north west of Mbale main town with a well earned reputation for friendliness, informality and hospitality.

Masaba Hilltop Hotel is situated right in the city centre of Mbale and offers a daily lunch-time African buffet.

As well as comfortable accommodation, the hotel offers a range of dining facilities serving an extensive à la carte menu as well as an upmarket carvery buffet and the best of African cuisine. The hotel has its own distinct atmosphere with charming and friendly staff at hand. The 42 guest rooms range from studio rooms through to one-bedroomed or two-bedroomed units. Kayira Complex is complete with a well equipped conference centre with seating for up to 40 delegates.


Hotel RestVille is located in Mbale District in a cool green pastured environment on the edge of the Wanale Mountain Ranges, which can be viewed from the hotel’s gardens.

The property has 26 smart and well equipped guest rooms.

Eastern Uganda Mbale Resort Hotel

Mount Elgon Hotel

PO Box 1621, Mbale Tel: +256 782 787 333; (0)454 433 920 Fax: +256 (0)454 433 922 Email:

30 Masaba Road, Mbale Tel: +256 (0)454 433 454 Fax: +256 (0)454 433 717 Email:

The Mbale Resort Hotel is located on the outskirts of Mbale, 190 km northeast of Kampala. The resort is one of eastern Uganda’s most stylish hotels and a lively venue at weekends.

The Mount Elgon Hotel dates from the 1950s and is located just 1.5 km from Mbale town centre. With its peace and tranquillity, the hotel is a luxurious choice for travellers.

The resort offers tastefully decorated and newly refurbished en-suite bedrooms, each with direct-dial telephone and DSTV. There is a choice of standard, deluxe and superior rooms.

The hotel offers 30 well appointed rooms designed with simplicity in mind. All rooms have a sitting area, writing desk, DSTV and telephone. Executive, Superior and Plus rooms also have air conditioning and some have a private balcony.

There are two modern conference rooms, catering for board meetings, workshops and conferences of up to 80 people. There are plans to expand the facilities. Kobs restaurant has a light, contemporary yet friendly ambience where breakfast, lunch and dinner are served. A speciality is flambée dishes cooked next to your table. An à la carte snack menu and a high tea menu have been created for almost all tastes.

From local dishes to pizzas and pastas, food is prepared with market-fresh ingredients and served in the MEH Restaurant. For banquets and parties, the hotel can cater for up to 300 guests. With seven meeting rooms, the hotel is also ideal as a company retreat, a workshop or a general assembly.

mwana highway hotel

PO Box 569, Iganga Tel: +256 (0)772 454 252 Cell: +256 (0)712 214 895

The Mwana Highway Hotel is located in Iganga. The hotel comprises 20 beautifully appointed and individually designed rooms with air conditioning, DSTV, desk, free internet, direct-dial telephone, top-quality soft furnishings, minibar and veranda. The hotel’s restaurant provides a chance to taste a variety of Asian and Continental dishes. After a full day of working or sightseeing, there is a fitness centre, outdoor pool, jogging track, or massage. For conference or wedding, there are 10 multipurpose function rooms and a grand ballroom.

Rock Classic Hotel

Plot 70, Osukuru Road PO Box 293, Tororo Tel: +256 (0)392 768 536 Cell: +256 (0)772 768 535; 702 768 536/7

Located in Tororo, about 250 km from Kampala, the Rock Classic Hotel is a three-star property on the Uganda/ Kenya border. Each of the 100 guest rooms are self-contained. There are four types of rooms: standard twin, executive double, mini-suites/family rooms and deluxe suites. All rooms have air conditioning, intercom and DSTV with over 40 channels and internet facilities. The restaurant offers buffet-style meals featuring both Continental and local dishes. The hotel has two swimming pools, one of which is a children’s pool. There are five conference halls (with a capacity of 50 to 300 guests). Other services include a sauna, steam bath, health club and a gym. There is a hotel annexe in Kampala.


Luxury, good food and wonderful mountain views Protea Hotel Mbale is located in a quiet residential area just a short distance from Mount Elgon and offers fine views of Mount Wanale. The hotel has 74 air conditioned guest rooms, with 29 executive doubles, 38 executive twins, six spacious suites and the Osprey suite complete with kitchen, lounge and Jacuzzi. Each room comes with DSTV, minibar and

wi-fi. Many rooms have private balconies and some have kingsized beds. exotic The Pigeons & Doves Restaurant offers state-of-the-art cuisine and a wide range of both local and exotic dishes. The extensive menu is both inventive and generous, providing a showcase for the very best of local cuisine alongside sophisticated European flavours. The bar is well stocked with wine, champagne, beer and spirits.

The landscaped gardens feature a swimming pool with a pool bar – the perfect place from which to enjoy the hotel’s exceptional vistas. Plot 50, Bungokho Road/Plot 64 Bumboi Road, Mbale Tel:+256 (0)454 433 920 Fax: +256 (0)454 433 922 Email:


Eastern Uganda SOROTI HOTEL

Sunset Hotel

The Sunrise Inn


Plot 14-16, Serere Road, Soroti Tel: +256 (0)4 561 269 Cell: +256 (0)772 408 304 Email:

Plot 17 Kiira Road, PO Box 156, Jinja Tel: +256 (0)43 120 115 Fax: +256 (0)43 120 741 Email:

Plot M45, Nakhupa Road PO Box 2607, Mbale Tel +256 (0)352 276 063, 454 433 090 Cell: +256 (0)772 494 968 Email:

Plot 37, Mbiro Road PO Box 1327, Mbale Tel: +256 (0)772 518675 Fax: +256 (0)4 534 173

Soroti Hotel is strategically located in the town of Soroti. It covers very sparse land with magnificent views and gardens which offer a calm and relaxing atmosphere. The hotel caters for corporate and private functions and has spacious facilities in which to do this. There are 70 executive air conditioned rooms, three of which are presidential suites. All rooms guarantee comfortable accommodation complete with DSTV and telephone and internet facilities. The hotel restaurant offers a variety of meals to suit different tastes.

Located just 2 km from Jinja Town, Sunset Hotel is a reputable three star establishment which has been in operation since 1985. Since then, it has been growing and has become one of the most outstanding establishments in the industry. The hotel is by the riverside, just minutes from the famous source of the River Nile and overlooking the Owen Falls dam. The hotel has 80 rooms designed and furnished to pamper guests with comfort. The standard, deluxe and executive rooms are supremely comfortable, with multi-channel satellite TV and fridge. All rooms are fully air conditioned. Other facilities include air conditioned conference halls with a capacity for 150 people and a business centre.

Wildwaters Lodge

Kalagala Island, River Nile Off Kayunga Road, Kangulamira Tel: +256 (0)414 252 720 Cell: +256 (0)772 237 400/500 Skype: Wildwaterslodge Email:

Nestled in luxuriant rainforest on its own private island, mid-stream in the River Nile, Wildwaters Lodge is truly breathtaking. Thick riverside forest naturally covers the island and each of the ten timber-floor rooms is located amid the forest with private, breathtaking views over the River Nile and the rapids. Each of the expansive, thatched and canvas walled rooms boasts a private deck with elegant freestanding baths and washbasins carved from the local pink granite. The lodge is at the heart of the Wildwaters Reserve. In addition to rafting, there is a range of adrenalin-fuelled sports and the chance to travel on the 60-year old, original African Queen from the film of the same name.


The Sunrise Inn is a warm and friendly hotel located on the border of Uganda and Kenya in the densely populated district of Mbale. Just 2 km from Mbale town centre in the executive Senior Quarters, Sunrise Inn attracts businessmen and tourists. All rooms are fully furnished and include en-suite bath/shower facilities. Satellite television, telephone and a fan. Room rates are inclusive of a satisfying breakfast, whilst regular/long stay guests are given incentive discounts. Conference facilities are available and the quiet atmosphere is ideal for holding seminars and meetings. Meals are served in the restaurant, on the terrace or in fine weather in the landscaped garden.

The budget-priced Wash & Wills Hotel is conveniently located on Mbiro Road in Mbale, the gateway to Mount Elgon National Park. The hotel offers 30 self-contained rooms, all with DSTV. There is a restaurant and bar and all room rates include breakfast. Safe and secure parking is available and the hotel’s gardens provide a pleasant place in which to relax.

The official publication of

Hotel Africana Conference Complex PO Box 33772, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 (0)414 345 601 Fax: +256 (0)414 232 675 Email: Email:

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