Zambia Airports Handbook 2017-18

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The leading provider of world class airport and air navigation services in Zambia

ZAMBIA AIRPORTS CORPORATION LIMITED Kenneth Kaunda International Airport PO Box 30175, Lusaka, Zambia Agness Chaila Director Airport Services Tel: +260 211 271 292 Fax: +260 211 271 292 Cell: +260 977 799778 Email: Frank Chinambu Director Air Navigation Services Tel: +260 211 271 118 Cell: +260 966 726 893 Fax: +260 211 271 118 Email: Josiah Mvula Planning and Business Development Manager Tel: +260 211 271007 Cell: +260 973 597 999 Fax: +260 211 271007 Email: Joseph Musonda Commercial Manager Tel: +260 211 271212 Cell: +260 977 753925 / 0968 003860 Fax: +260 211 271212 Email: This Zambia Airports Corporation Limited Handbook is published by:

Land & Marine Publications Ltd 1 Kings Court, Newcomen Way, Severalls Business Park Colchester CO4 9RA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1206 752902 Fax: +44 (0)1206 842958 E-mail:


Managing Director’s message


New airlines, more destinations, greater frequency


A mission to provide world-class services


Major new airport for Copperbelt


Kenneth Kaunda International Airport


Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport


Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport


Mfuwe International Airport


ZACL invests in first-rate ground handling


Integrated approach to winning new business


Airport services for 2017


Passenger growth in 2016


Air traffic management gets major upgrade


Airport locations and routes

Pictures supplied by: Zambia Airports Corporation Limited The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor nor of any other organisation associated with this publication. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions ISSN 2046-9667 Š 2017 Land & Marine Publications Ltd View this publication online:



Soaring to new levels Welcome to the new edition of the Zambia Airports Corporation Limited (ZACL) Handbook. Since our first edition a lot of great progress has been made in key areas relating to our five-year 2012-2017 Strategic Plan. Much of the ground work has commenced on turning Zambia into the next regional hub in aviation through the upgrade of our four international airports and other business entities. The Corporation has undertaken several developmental projects at an investment of over US$ 1 billion. As communicated in the last edition, ZACL identified five critical elements that we believed would help us to achieve our vision as well as to meet the ever-changing needs of our stakeholders. The first was to provide high-quality


airport services to satisfy the expectations of the travelling public, staff and the agencies that support our operations. Several advanced software applications have been implemented at our airports including the baggage handling system, the common user terminal equipment (CUTE) for checking in passengers, the common user self service (CUSS) kiosks for self check-in, the flight information display system (FIDS) and the public address system. These have given us greater control of our operations. The second element was to provide safe, efficient, reliable and expeditious air navigation services for airlines and aircraft flying within Zambian airspace.

I am pleased to say we have implemented positive radar control in Zambian airspace. Our controllers have been validated and are now providing radar air traffic control at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in Lusaka and Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport in Livingstone.

SAFETY ZACL has also embarked on the aerodrome certification process. The International Civil Aviation Organization has developed a strategy for Southern and Central Africa to ensure that airports are certified in the correct manner so as to ensure continued safety as well


as regularity and efficiency of aircraft operations. The third element was to provide the appropriate infrastructure to support the delivery of quality services. Significant strides have already been made by the Corporation with the completion of Terminal 2 at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport in Livingstone, which has been operational since 2013. The country’s flagship airport will be Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in Lusaka, where construction of Terminal 2 and other facilities is making steady progress. This project is expected to be completed in 2019. Another eagerly awaited project on which we are working very hard is the new Copperbelt International Airport. This greenfield airport will be located 13 km west of Ndola, making it more accessible to surrounding towns such as Kitwe, Mufulira, Luanshya and Chingola. Our current airport in Ndola – Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International – will no longer be run by the Corporation and will be handed back to the government.

Plans to upgrade Mfuwe International Airport have reached advanced stages. Although our smallest will be the last to be completed, passengers should expect a marvel on top of better efficiency and service. The fourth element was to produce sound financial returns that help promote the Corporation as a commercially viable entity. In 2016 we were able to declare a dividend of ZMW 3.5 million to the government for the period ending December 2015. This is a major milestone for the Corporation as well as a testimony to all the hard work, perseverance and commitment put in by the board, management and staff on a daily basis.

PROFITS The Corporation has seen profits increase steadily over the past few years after a turbulent period that saw passenger numbers decline as a result of the economic downturn and the outbreak of the ebola virus, among other reasons. These negative factors were cushioned, however, by the opening of new routes into Zambia as well as the arrival of global brands such as Emirates Airlines and the

expansion of routes by operators such as South African Airlines, Kenya Airways, Ethiopian Airlines and Proflight Zambia. The Corporation expects to continue on this path as we anticipate the introduction of yet another global brand, Qatar Airways, scheduled to commence flights in 2018. The fifth element was to contribute positively to sustainable national economic and social development. I am pleased to say that Zambia Airports Corporation Limited is well positioned to develop air transport in Zambia with higher than average growth in both passenger and freight traffic. The major infrastructure developments that we are undertaking have also employed thousands of Zambians all over the country. Furthermore, we have taken a keen interest in the welfare of the Zambia Air Services Training Institute (ZASTI), which trains young men and women in aviation. It is important not only to sustain our sector but to develop the next generation of Zambian aviators, air traffic controller, meteorologists and all other aviation-related crafts. Our corporate social responsibility involves a range of causes around the country, but our main focus is on health, education and the environment. As we embark on the next five year 20172021 Strategic Plan, we are confident in our resolve to become an aviation powerhouse on the African continent.

Robinson Misitala Managing Director Zambia Airports Corporation Limited


NEW AIRLINES, MORE DESTINATIONS, GREATER FREQUENCY The organisation responsible for supervising and maintaining Zambia’s air services and navigational safety has been enjoying notable success in its bid to position Zambia as a regional hub. Zambia Airports Corporation Limited (ZACL) has been working hard to expand and improve its facilities and services to deal with the continuing growth in passenger and cargo throughput at the nation’s four main airports. Its efforts have borne fruit as new airlines have been persuaded to operate services to and from Zambia, while existing carriers have stepped up their frequencies and added new destinations. In recent years ZACL has shown a continued growth in the number of passengers and flights at the nation’s four main airports – Kenneth Kaunda (Lusaka), Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula (Livingstone), Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe (Ndola) and Mfuwe. The outbreak of the ebola virus in March 2014 led to a stunted growth figure of just 0.8 per cent in passenger numbers between 2014 and 2015 even though the outbreak was thousands of miles away in West Africa. The key drivers of passenger growth have been an increase in the number of airlines operating in Zambia – providing more capacity and connectivity – along with increased frequencies from existing airlines and a general rise in activities that stimulate air travel, notably business and tourism.


Zambia has seen new foreign carriers offering flights to and from Zambia; and there has been a marginal growth – despite the setbacks of ebola in West Africa – thanks to the increase in flight frequency, the demand from business travellers and the growth in the conference hosting sector. Among the new airlines which commenced operations in 2015 is RwandAir, which began operating direct services between Kigali and Lusaka and later also introduced flights between Lusaka and Johannesburg. The RwandAir direct service to Lusaka came about as a result of the growing demand created by foreign investment and trade opportunities between the two countries.

CAPACITY Due to the expansion of business opportunities regionally and internationally, Kenya Airways, South African Airways and Ethiopian Airlines continue to step up their frequencies while providing flights into more than one airport in the country. One of the most recent developments came in July 2016 when Kenya Airways introduced flights between Nairobi, Livingstone and Cape Town.

Zambia’s only domestic operator, Proflight Zambia, also continues to grow. It has introduced new destinations such as its Lusaka to Durban service, launched in September 2015. Martin Air began weekly cargo flights into Lusaka in January 2015 with a routeing from Amsterdam, Johannesburg, Lusaka, Nairobi and back to Amsterdam. This has boosted the already growing cargo activity at Lusaka. Some airlines have also increased capacity on their routes, with Ethiopian Airlines recently introducing an Airbus 350 on services between Addis Ababa and Lusaka. The outlook is bright for future passenger business. Projects include the ongoing rehabilitation and construction of a new terminal at Kenneth Kaunda International and a new greenfield airport serving the Copperbelt reigion. Additionally, a new terminal building in Livingstone was commissioned in December 2016. If all things remain equal, passenger figures are expected to continue growing. A contributing factor to this growth was the hosting of the African Development Bank (AfDB) and Inter-Parliamentary Union conference in early 2016.



Zambia Airports Corporation Limited (ZACL) is responsible for the development, maintenance and management of the nation’s four international airports – Kenneth Kaunda (Lusaka), Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula (Livingstone), Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe (Ndola) and Mfuwe – as well as the provision of air navigation services throughout Zambia. ZACL is mandated to enhance safety and improve standards of service provision at these airports and in Zambian airspace.

facilities and services for passenger and cargo traffic. This includes plans for a new greenfield airport for Ndola in the Copperbelt Province.

For several years now, ZACL has been engaged in major infrastructure projects to upgrade the four main airports with a view to enhancing and expanding its

ZACL is well positioned to develop air transport in Zambia with higher than average growth in both passenger and freight traffic. The four airports

managed by the Corporation are served by 24 airlines, of which 14 are international, six domestic and four cargo. In response to the growth in passenger numbers, ZACL has embarked on a programme to transform Zambia’s airports. In line with its vision of being a world-class provider of airport and air navigation services, it aims to create the

Self-service check-in at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport



next regional hub through developments at its four international airports. Zambia has common borders with eight countries and is centrally located for access to the rest of southern Africa as well as to East Africa, West Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Europe. Significant progress has been made with the upgrading of Zambia’s airports. The new terminal building at Livingstone has been completed, while construction work is continuing at the other airports.

Core values The core values of ZACL underline its commitment to customer service excellence in its day-to-day operations and in all its activities. These values are integrity, reliability, excellence, safety and security, quality and commitment. Vision: To be the leading provider of world-class airport and air navigation services. Mission: To develop and manage airport and air navigation infrastructure and services to international standards, meeting our stakeholders’ values while profitably contributing to the national economic development.

State-owned company Zambia Airports Corporation Limited is a public limited company, wholly owned by the government. It was established in 1989 through an Act of Parliament and is incorporated as an amendment to the Aviation Act of the Laws of Zambia.




General passenger movement: For all airports this was 1,622,263 in 2016, of which 83 per cent (1,347,919) was made up of international passengers and 17 per cent (274,344) domestic.

Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International (Livingstone) • 1 million passenger terminal building • Fire and rescue station • Complete and operational • Air traffic control tower

Aircraft movements: Total aircraft movement in 2016 was 58,425, of which 53.1 per cent (31,042) was domestic flights and 46.9 per cent (27,383) was international. Aircraft handling: ZACL handles international and domestic scheduled airlines, cargo airlines and six Zambia-based charter operators at its airports. Lusaka handles 12 international scheduled airlines, one domestic scheduled airline and five cargo airlines. Ndola and Livingstone individually handle four international scheduled airlines and one domestic scheduled airline. Mfuwe handles one domestic scheduled airline.

ZACL is investing in fire and rescue stations

Kenneth Kaunda International (Lusaka) • 4 million passenger terminal building • Air traffic control tower • Fire and rescue station • Two hotels • Office complex and shopping mall • Under construction Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe (Ndola) • 1 million passenger terminal building • 3.5 km runway • Air traffic control tower • Fire and rescue station • Hotel • Office complex.



An artist’s impression of the new Copperbelt International Airport

One of the most exciting projects to be undertaken by ZACL is the plan for a brandnew international airport on a greenfield site to serve the country’s mineral-rich Copperbelt Province. The new Copperbelt International Airport is intended to be Zambia’s second-largest regional international airport, behind Kenneth Kaunda International. Located 13 km west of Ndola city, it will operate as an aviation hub and an import and export gateway for the mining industry as well as for the country’s burgeoning agricultural and manufacturing sectors.

years. This project follows on the recent success of SMKIA, which has been the fastest growing of Zambia’s four main airports.

Copperbelt International Airport will replace the existing Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport (formerly Ndola Airport), which has seen a significant increase in traffic in recent

Plans to begin construction of the new airport have reached an advanced stage. The airport is expected to enter service three years after commencement of the construction work on the project.

Various key factors have led to a major new airport development in the vicinity of Ndola city. The new airport will be ideally positioned to handle traffic overflying Zambian airspace for technical stops. And the Copperbelt has been attracting major corporations and processing zones such as the Chambishi Multi-Facility Economic Zone, which are expected to boost exports from the region.

A 50-room hotel will be part of the new airport complex



Artist’s impression of the redesigned control tower at Copperbelt International Airport

These factors, coupled with Zambia’s overall situation of socio-economic stability, have made the district around Ndola an attractive location with good potential for growth. The greenfield site is strategically located between the Copperbelt’s four main towns – Ndola, Mufulira, Kitwe and Luanshya – so the new airport will be easily accessible from every direction. Copperbelt International Airport is designed to handle an annual total of 1 million passengers, 8,000 tonnes of cargo and over 20,000 aircraft take-offs and landings.

The planned airport complex will include offices, shops and housing


Design and construction of the new airport was entrusted to AVIC International Holding Corporation with a completion period of 36 months. The contract is worth US$ 397 million. During the construction phase about 1,000 people are expected to be employed directly and others indirectly. The project involves the construction of a two-storey international terminal building with three aerobridges. The new airport will have a 3.5 km runway and an air traffic control tower with a height of 28 metres as well as an apron, taxiway and runway, a cargo warehouse, a general aviation hangar, a fuel farm, a water and

power network, a fire and rescue station and landside and airside driveways.

AIRPORT CITY The new airport complex will also include car parks, a 50-room hotel, offices, a shopping complex and housing for staff. The aim is to create an airport city or ‘aerotropolis’ in line with ZACL’s five-year strategic plan to build airport cities at its four international airports in order to make Zambia a hub. On completion, the new facility is expected to have a positive impact on the national economy.



The main aircraft apron at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport


Gateway airport gets major upgrade Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (KKIA) is the airport of the nation’s capital, Lusaka, and the main gateway to Zambia. It is Zambia’s busiest airport, with an annual handling capacity of 2 million passengers. It is the primary airport for domestic, regional and international flights and is well situated to serve as a hub airport for southern Africa. Work began in April 2015 on a US$ 360 million project to transform KKIA into one of the most modern and efficient airports in Africa. The foundation works have been carried out and the superstructure will be ready in 2017. The KKIA upgrade project is expected to be completed in 2019.

The scope of the work at KKIA includes the construction of a new international terminal with an annual capacity of 4 million passengers – twice the present day capacity. The international terminal will have six aerobridges. Other new developments are expected to include new taxiways, aprons, landside and

airside driveways and an expanded car park as well as fire and rescue stations and an air traffic control tower. There are plans, too, for a modern fuel farm that will allow aircraft to refuel from hydrants rather than bowsers.





There will also be a new commercial complex with conference facilities, a shopping mall and two hotels – a 30-room hotel for transit passengers and a 70-room hotel open to the general public. Transiting passengers who may not have visas allowing them to leave the airport premises will be able rest or stay overnight at the transit hotel.

KKIA is situated in the Chongwe district of Lusaka Province. The airport is 27 km from the main business district of Lusaka.

The work is being carried out by China Jiangxi Corporation for International Economic and Technical Cooperation (CJIC).

DOMESTIC TERMINAL Part of the scope of the project is to rehabilitate and refurbish the existing terminal building, which will be turned into a domestic terminal once the new international terminal is finished. CJIC has subcontracted a Zambian company, Zulu Development Consultancy, to advise on the design of the refurbished terminal, which will feature executive lounges, cafés, restaurants, banks and other passenger amenities as well as facilities for charters, low-cost carriers and general aviation. The new-look KKIA will cover a much larger area. Additional land was obtained from a nearby commercial farm to accommodate the new facilities. These include a stand-alone cargo handling facility to cope with the projected growth in air cargo business. Artist’s impressions show that the new airport complex has a futuristic design.

KKIA has direct flights to the Middle East (Dubai International). Other flights are regional and local. With its central location, KKIA is an ideal hub airport for the SADC region. The Zambian capital has a stable economic and social environment. This, along with its friendly people, makes Lusaka an ideal destination for trade and investment as well as tourism and conferencing. Opened in 1967 and formerly known as Lusaka International, the airport was renamed in September 2010 in honour of Zambia’s first president.

AIRPORT INFORMATION Position: 15°19’36’’S and 28°27’21’’E. Elevation: 3,779 ft (1,151.8 metres) above mean sea level. Average temperature: 32˚C. Because the air is relatively thin, some aircraft

Who’s doing the work? A contract between the Zambian government and China Jiangxi Corporation for International Economic and Technical Co-operation (CJIC) was signed on 7 June 2013 at the Fourth International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum in Macau. CJIC is a state-owned, export-oriented construction company. It is involved in many building projects in Zambia and other African countries.


Construction of the new complex is well under way

The redevelopment of KKIA is based on a master plan drawn up by the aviation consultancy group Leigh Fischer Associates. The study was funded by the United States Trade and Development Agency. The upgrading of KKIA is part of a five-year strategic plan to modernise all four airports managed by ZACL and position Zambia for the expected growth in both passenger and cargo traffic.


must reduce weight by loading less fuel than normal. The thinner air is also the reason for the longer runway.

RUNWAYS The airport has a 3.9 km main runway with one parallel taxiway and a number of taxiway links. The main runway can land aircraft up to B747 size. Main runway: 10/28, length 3,962 metres, width 46 metres, concrete. Secondary runway: 15/33, length 823 metres, width 30 metres, grass.


Air Botswana:


Air Namibia:



Johannesburg O.R. Tambo


Dubai International, Harare

Ethiopian Airlines:

Addis Ababa, Harare


Dar es Salaam

Kenya Airways:

Harare, Lilongwe and Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta

Malawian Airlines:

Blantyre and Lilongwe

Proflight Zambia:

Chipata, Durban, Jeki (Lower Zambezi), Kasama, Kasanka, Lilongwe, Livingstone, Mansa, Mfuwe, Mongu, Ndola, Solwezi

Qatar Airways:



Kigali, Johannesburg, **Harare

South African Airways: Johannesburg O.R. Tambo

The main runway is one of the longest in Zambia. The surface is flexible pavement. Fully laden aircraft require a much longer runway to achieve take-off velocity at this altitude. The main runway is equipped with an instrument landing system and a CAT II high intensity white Calvert approach lighting system of 914 metres length. Runway 28 is equipped with an NDB (LE) and a CAT II high intensity two bar approach lighting system of 612 metres length. The secondary runway is used mostly for local training flights and emergency helicopters. Wind factors may cause variations, but on most days flights will take off to the east and land from the west (Runway 10). The apron has 12 parking bays for various types of aircraft. Operating hours: 24 hours (GMT +2).

South African Express: Durban TAAG Angola Airlines: Luanda Commencing in *2018 **2017



The new 1 million passenger terminal building

Major upgrade for tourism gateway Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport (HMNIA), serving Livingstone, is a source of national pride for Zambia and ZACL thanks to its rehabilitated facilities, which include a new terminal building, runway, apron and apron lights. The new facilities were officially commissioned on 23 December 2016. Located in the Southern Province only 15 km from Victoria Falls and less than 5 km from the central business district of Livingstone – the nation’s tourism capital – the airport has seen a major upgrade of its infrastructure as a result of major development programmes undertaken by ZACL.


The airport’s handling capacity has been increased to serve the growing number of people wanting to visit the area. The new terminal building has an annual capacity of about 1 million passengers. Facilities at the new terminal include two boarding gates, five club lounges, 30 retail spaces and viewing terraces. There is complimentary Wi-Fi throughout the building. Visas can now be paid for by credit card.

There is also a new tarmacked road, providing a second access route from the airport to Livingstone and the outlying Zambezi lodges. Work began on 16 August 2010 to rehabilitate the airport in a phased project. The concourse and international departure lounge were built in Phase I, while Phase II saw the construction of a new arrivals hall.


DESTINATION OF CHOICE The airport formerly known as Livingstone International is the second-oldest in Zambia, built in 1952 for a predominantly domestic market. Now it has been transformed into a modern facility, in line with Livingstone’s present-day role as a destination of choice for visitors. Phase III is now under way. The old terminal building will be renovated in this final phase of the project. ZACL has invested US$ 60 million in this project. The Ministry of Tourism also provided ZMK 12 million of funding in connection with a major event at the new terminal which helped to underline Livingstone’s status as a preferred tourist destination. This was the general assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation, in which the new terminal building played host to over 4,000 delegates. Phases I and II were partially handed over on 16 August 2013 to facilitate this event.

As the nation’s tourism capital, Livingstone has hosted many national and international conferences as well as regional and international business and

sports activities, with the majority of participants using the airport facilities. Livingstone is also a popular destination for incentive groups, in which companies bring their staff together for motivational meetings in an informal environment. Among the leading companies that have used the facilities at Livingstone Airport are the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Coca-Cola International, Motorola, Nokia and Southern Sun.


What’s in a name? The town of Livingstone derives its name from the Scottish missionary and explorer Dr David Livingstone, who is credited with the discovery of the falls that he subsequently named after the then reigning British monarch. The airport was renamed in September 2011 in honour of the late Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula, a Zambian freedom fighter.

Position: 17˚49’18”S and 25˚49’22”E. Elevation: 3,255 ft (992 metres) above mean sea level. Average temperature: 34.5˚C.

RUNWAYS Main runway: 10/28, length 3,000 metres, width 46 metres, bitumen. Secondary runway: 15/33, length 1,372 metres, width 30 metres, grass.


Airlink: British Airways (operated by Comair): Ethiopian Airlines: Kenya Airways: Proflight Zambia: South African Airways:

Nelspruit Johannesburg Addis Ababa Nairobi and Cape Town Lusaka and Lower Zambezi NP Johannesburg

The main runway can accommodate aircraft up to B767 size and is the second-longest runway in Zambia. It is equipped with VHF omnidirectional range (VOR) and non-directional beacon (NDB) instrument approach systems, an ultra efficient lighting (UEL) high intensity approach lighting system and global navigation satellite system (GNSS) approach for both arrivals and departure.



Sunset song for oldest airport Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport (SMKIA) is currently the air gateway to Zambia’s mineral-rich Copperbelt Province as well as to neighbouring Katanga Province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Located 3 km south of Ndola city, the airport is strategically located to serve the surrounding region. SMKIA has seen a significant increase in traffic in recent years. In fact, it has been the fastest-growing of Zambia’s four main airports.

Formerly Ndola Airport, it is the country’s oldest airport, originally built in 1938 as a Royal Air Force base in what was then Northern Rhodesia and used by British forces during the Second World War. It was converted into a civilian airport in the 1950s.

In a way, SMKIA is a victim of its own success. Owing to the demand for a large modern international airport in this strategic location, ZACL has taken the decision to replace SMKIA with a totally new airport on a greenfield site west of Ndola (see article about Copperbelt International Airport on Page 7). The new airport is expected to enter service three years after the commencement of construction work on the project.

Ndola Airport was predominantly a domestic airport with only two regional operators until 2009, when three new regional airlines were introduced. The name was changed in 2011 in honour of Simon Kapwepwe, the nation’s former vice-president.

Meanwhile, however, SMKIA continues to fulfil its role as the regional international airport for Copperbelt Province.


TERMINAL The airport is located about 3 km south of Ndola’s central business district. The terminal building has been left intact with a few ancillary buildings added.

The communications tower at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport


ZACL will cease to operate the present-day SMKIA once the new Copperbelt International Airport is ready to enter service. The old airport will be handed back to the government.

AIRPORT INFORMATION Position: 12˚59’58”S and 28˚39’56”E. Elevation: 4,167 ft (1,270 metres) above mean sea level. Average temperature: 32˚C.

RUNWAYS Main runway: 10L/28R, length 2,515 metres, width 46 metres, concrete. Secondary runway: 10R/28L, length 1,219 metres, width 23 metres, bitumen.


Airlink: Ethiopian Airlines: Kenya Airways: Proflight Zambia: South African Airways:

Johannesburg Addis Ababa Nairobi and Lubumbashi Kasama, Lusaka, Mansa, Solwezi Johannesburg

There are two parallel east-west runways both equipped with VOR and NDB instrument approaches. There is also a parallel taxiway on the north side of the main runway. The main runway can land aircraft of up to DC-10 size. It is equipped with a high intensity white two cross bar approach lighting system with a length of 640 metres. It is also equipped with a high intensity semi Calvert instrument lighting system, 305 metres in length. The apron has six large parking bays which can accommodate various types of aircraft. Operating hours: 06.00 to 20.00 local time (GMT +2).



Mfuwe International Airport was opened in the mid 1970s as a domestic airport to serve the South Luangwa National Park, one of the largest game parks in Zambia. The airport is located in the middle of the national park and serves over 20 lodges and campsites. The runway is 2.2 km long and the terminal building has an annual handling capacity of 100,000 passengers. The airport gained its international status in 1995 when it was gazetted as a port of entry and exit. Its location makes it convenient for flight connections to most tourist destinations in Zambia and in the region. There are daily flights from Lusaka to Mfuwe and direct flights from Mfuwe to Lilongwe.


Landside view of Mfuwe International Airport

There are plans to provide additional connections between Mfuwe and other key destinations such as Mombasa, Victoria Falls, Kariba, Kruger Mpumalanga and Johannesburg.

AIRPORT INFORMATION Elevation: 1,853 ft (565 metres) above mean sea level. Runway: 09/27, length 2,200 metres, width 30 metres, asphalt (7,218 ft, 98 ft).

Contact address: The Airport Manager Mfuwe Airport Zambia Airports Corporation Limited PO Box 2 Mfuwe, Zambia



ZACL has continued to improve and upgrade its ground handling services in order to keep pace with modern levels of air traffic. The Corporation is well aware that airport operations have become increasingly complex as a result of the growth in air traffic. Such factors as more and larger aircraft, an increase in ground support equipment and faster turnround times all contribute to the challenge of improving operational safety. In response to this complex ground operations environment, ZACL has invested in modern equipment and ICT (information and communications technology) in order to improve the efficiency and quality of its service delivery. In order to keep pace with modern technological trends, the Corporation has, for example, installed self-check-in facilities, common use terminal equipment (CUTE) and common use self-service (CUSS) systems. These innovations have led to greater efficiency and higher-quality services at Zambia’s four main airports. ZACL is the country’s main provider of ground handling services for scheduled airlines, with a market share of over 80 per cent. There is a wide range of services involved in ground handling. They include:

• Aircraft cleaning • Check-in • Meet and greet • Gate services • Passenger screening. All these activities have continued to grow as more airlines have begun to provide services to and from Zambian airports. ZACL has continued to improve its services by investing in new equipment and providing a high standard of training for its staff. ZACL has gained a lot of experience in this specialised area since its Ground Handling Unit was formed in 1994. Over the past two decades and more the Corporation has continued to invest in equipment such as passenger steps, belt loaders, high loaders, tractors, tugmasters, ambulance lifts and ground power units. This focus on good training and reliable equipment has helped to inspire confidence in Zambia’s ground handling services on the part of ZACL’s clients, the airlines – which, of course, is why more carriers have been persuaded to use the four airports.

• Passenger and ramp handling, which involves loading and offloading • Provision of ground support equipment

Security checks, too, have been much improved, both before check-in and all

through the passenger and baggage handling process. In order to achieve this, the Corporation has invested in up-todate equipment such as closed circuit television surveillance, patrol vehicles, X-ray machines, archway metal detectors and hand-held metal detectors. It has also put in place a high level of security training. With the financial assistance of the Zambian government, ZACL has acquired new modern Amdac Carmichael fire tenders in order to comply with international standards relating to airport fire and rescue services. The Lusaka radar approach control went live on 1 June 2016 on a trial basis, with the transition from procedural control to radar control commencing. ATNS South Africa has been engaged to assist ZACL’s air traffic controllers with the transition. The aviation community is excited about this development as it will lead to improvements in safety, capacity, efficiency, the environment and access. Finally, ZACL has embarked on a programme of quality improvement. The Corporation has ISO 9001:2015 certification for its quality management system, thus strengthening client confidence in its provision of services.


INTEGRATED APPROACH TO WINNING NEW BUSINESS Zambia Airports Corporation Limited (ZACL) has chosen a strategy of low cost leadership and differentiation in executing its Marketing Plan. Its aim is to modernise the infrastructure and equipment and to improve services at the country’s four main airports and to streamline operations in order to remain cost-effective. ZACL also offers flexible ground handling rates, allowing its clients to receive tailor-made services. Over the years ZACL has worked closely with the Zambia Tourism Agency, co-attending events such as World Travel Market, ITB Berlin and Routes Conferences. ZACL also encourages the development of new routes by providing incentives to airlines which are looking to open up brand-new destinations.

SEAMLESS In its quest to improve services and offer a seamless passenger experience, ZACL has embarked on a coordinated and integrated campaign with its relevant stakeholders and with tour operators. The aim is to get everyone focusing their efforts on the same goal and to raise the level of operational efficiency through regular stakeholder meetings. These meetings are attended by key players such as airlines, tour operators, travel agents, the immigration department and the government. ZACL also makes a point of attending exhibitions and conferences where it can


obtain access to network planners, clients, tour operators and the general public. This has given the Corporation an opportunity to provide detailed information about its roles and responsibilities and to attain more innovative business ventures. Furthermore, ZACL has established a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programme of enhancing its relations with clients through regular and consistent visitations with a view to maintaining a good rapport. This is done through face-to-face meetings twice a year with business partners as well as cocktail receptions, networking dinners and so forth. The CRM programme also provides an effective procedure for dealing with customer complaints. By identifying the needs of its customers,

Marketing Plan The ZACL Marketing Plan is a road map for the Corporation on how to achieve its objectives in line with the Five Year Strategic Plan. The Marketing Plan covers all four main airports – Kenneth Kaunda, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula and Mfuwe International –

ZACL is able to provide solutions. As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility programme, ZACL seeks to give something back to the community in the form of pledges and donations. In 2016 it assisted the people of Chongwe by setting up the Mukosa Relatives Shelter at Chongwe General Hospital so that hospital visitors from distant places have somewhere to shelter as they wait for their relatives. ZACL also donates resources to orphanages, homes for the elderly, traditional ceremonies and learning institutions such as the Zambia Air Services Training Institute, which trains most of its operational staff including control tower officers, firemen, ground handling staff and security personnel.

and acts as a guide in developing annual marketing plans for each airport. The plan is based on the ‘cost leadership’ and ‘product differentiation’ strategies laid out in the Strategic Plan. This entails using the lowest cost of operation to achieve the objectives in the Marketing Plan and is driven by exploiting the efficiency, size, scale, scope and cumulative experience of ZACL.



Scanning baggage at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport

PASSENGER SERVICES ZACL offers its clients seamless services that include self check-in kiosks, flight check-in services, baggage drop and general inquiries and information. Both Kenneth Kaunda (Lusaka) and Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula (Livingstone) International Airports offer free Wi-Fi services that are accessible throughout the terminal buildings. Passengers are free to indulge in sumptuous meals from restaurants located within the terminals.

RAMP SERVICES ZACL’s ramp services, directed at its airline partners, include aircraft marshalling, cabin cleaning, passenger steps, high-loaders and aircraft auxiliary support such as ground power and air starter units. The Corporation also offers passenger ambulift services for physically challenged passengers.

LOAD CONTROL AND COMMUNICATION To ensure the safety of all airlines and passengers, ZACL has a highly trained team on the ground that ensures all safety requirements for aircraft weight and balance are fully observed and adhered to.

SUPPORT SERVICES ZACL’s team coordinates and liaises with all support service providers to ensure optimum on-time performance. Although it is not the Corporation’s core business, it is happy to coordinate refuelling of aircraft on behalf of airlines as well as in-flight catering. Part of ZACL’s care includes transport for cabin crews to and from their hotel as well as support services for charter and VIP movements.

SECURITY SERVICES To ensure safety on board, ZACL operates a robust and stringent security system. This is supported by CCTV cameras, baggage scanners, archway metal detectors and hand-held metal detectors.

AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES ZACL guides aircraft throughout Zambian airspace to ensure the safety of all aircraft flying into Zambia or overflying in Zambian airspace. The Corporation has installed state-of-the-art radar systems and equipment at a cost of over US$ 20 million to enhance the safety of all within Zambian airspace. ZACL complies with ISO 9001-2008 international quality standards.



PASSENGER MOVEMENT A total of 413,200 passengers passed through the four main airports in the fourth quarter of 2016. There was a 4.1 per cent growth in passenger movements compared with the same period in 2015, which saw 397,105 passengers. Domestic passenger movements grew by six per cent from 63,570 in fourth quarter 2015 to 67,354 in fourth quarter 2016. Similarly, international passenger movements were up 3.7 per cent from 333,535 in fourth quarter 2015 to 345,846 in fourth quarter 2016.

quarter of 2016 compared with 2015. This was attributable to the Nairobi, Livingstone and Cape Town route, which is performing well. Likewise, Mfuwe and Kenneth Kaunda (Lusaka) recorded positive growths in passenger movements of 9.7 per cent and 2.2 per cent respectively due to a general improvement in the number of travellers. On the other hand, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe (Ndola) was down 5.4 per cent owing partly to a drop in expatriates working in the mines.

cent of total general passenger movements in fourth quarter 2016.



Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula and Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe performed second, with each carrying 14 per cent of total passengers.

Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula (Livingstone) witnessed a growth of 28.6 per cent in passenger movements in the fourth

Kenneth Kaunda, as the country’s main gateway, handled the largest number of passengers. The airport handled 71 per

The smallest airport, Mfuwe, carried two per cent of total traffic.

Consolidated passenger growth between 2006 and 2016






















Across the world, air navigation service providers and regulators are switching to more adaptable and flexible airspace and flight operations with a view to improving traffic flow, capacity, efficiency and safety. This involves moving away from the older technology, which relies on radio-based navigation aids that require aircraft to fly indirect paths over ground-based radio beacons. In order to stay in line with global trends and to cope with growing levels of traffic, ZACL has embarked on a US$ 40 million modernisation programme, with government support, to upgrade the nation’s air traffic management system to world-class standards. The modernisation programme was initiated under the 2012-2017 strategic plan and now continues under the 2017-2021 strategic plan. It covers the following:

AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICES Aeronautical information services (AIS) are used to receive and transmit the aviation information needed for safe and efficient aircraft operations. There has been a paradigm shift in the role of aeronautical information. It is used by air traffic management (ATM) to achieve positive benefits through greater use of data communication between

aircraft and various ground systems linked into a single global network, with less human intervention. The growing use of globally interconnected networks has opened the way to a fast exchange of information across the world. ZACL has begun the process of transition from aeronautical information services (AIS) to aeronautical information management (AIM), which will improve its aeronautical services in terms of quality, timeliness and exchange of aeronautical information. These improvements will lead to cost-efficient provision of services to aeronautical information users. In 2012 the Corporation began the first phase of the AIM Implementation Plan by establishing an air traffic services message handling system (AMHS) and an AIM system. This allowed it to offer the following benefits: • Realisation of AMHS with ICAO FLP 2012 compliance for seamless interoperability with existing and future ATM systems • Full AIS management for NOTAM, MET, FPL and PIB • Establishment of a central database in accordance with the latest aeronautical information exchange model

(AIXM) 5.1 conceptual model that is fully intergraded for current and future AIM applications such as AIP, charting, procedure design, eTOD and airspace management. The systems deployed were essential to the Corporation’s AIS and air traffic services; but most importantly they established an AIM platform that would allow ZACL to continue the transition from AIS to AIM. After the implementation of the AIM and AMHS project, the following steps of the ICAO plan for the transition from AIS to AIM were satisfied: • AI conceptual model (AICM/AIXM) • Unique identifiers • Integrated database • Communications networks • Aeronautical information briefing • MET/AIM interoperability



WIDE AREA NETWORK In order to achieve an efficient exchange of information across the organisation, it is vital for all the airports to be linked so they can share information. A nationwide private network is being established to link all airports and equipment sites. The necessary licences have been acquired and site surveys concluded. This will boost operational efficiency and improve equipment performance through reliable information exchange right across the organisation.

• Aeronautical data exchange • Training. ZACL is continuing with the next crucial phase of the AIS-to-AIM strategic plan by building on the last AMHS and AIM project. This project will expand on the Corporation’s current AIM infrastructure and allow it to achieve the following: • Database-driven electronic aeronautical information publication (eAIP) • Database-driven aeronautical chart production • Database-driven electronic terrain obstacle data (eTOD) • AIM process, workflow and task management following ICAO steps • Flight procedure design services and system. As a direct result of this project and the realisation of the above requirements, ZACL will extend its AIM platform and satisfy the following steps of the ICAO plan for the transition from AIS to AIM: • Electronic aeronautical charts • Electronic aeronautical information publication (AIP)


• Aerodrome mapping • Obstacles • Terrain • Agreements with data originators • Data integrity monitoring • Data quality monitoring • Quality management system • Training.

PBN IMPLEMENTATION ZACL is also committed to improving its performance-based navigation (PBN) capabilities to meet the growing demand from aeronautical stakeholders for Zambia to improve route and airspace efficiency. A critical part of PBN implementation is the need for accurate and reliable data for the implementation of PBN procedures in accordance with ICAO PBN Manual and ICAO 9881. This project will allow ZACL to acquire the necessary aeronautical data; to establish a terrain and obstacle data management process; and finally to be able to handle both conventional and non-conventional instrument flight procedures.

VHF COMMUNICATION Voice communication between controller and pilot is necessary for ATM to ensure safe aircraft operations and to avoid collisions. The provision of air traffic voice communication is divided into the lower and upper airspace. There have been upgrades over the past 10 years to improve coverage in the upper airspace communication segment from 20 to 80 per cent of Zambian airspace. However, there is still a need to improve to 100 per cent coverage. ZACL has upgraded the associated tower and approach control equipment to improve communication in the lower airspace at Kenneth Kaunda and Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International. The upgrade of the upper airspace has been factored into the 2017-2021 strategic plan and will take into account the recommendations of the airspace study.


RURAL AERODROME COMMUNICATIONS Zambia’s rural aerodromes – Chipata, Kasama, Mansa, Mongu, Solwezi and Kasaba Bay – provide basic aerodrome control through ground-to-air radio communication and other ancillaries. The current equipment is obsolete and needs to be replaced in order to provide better ATM services. There are plans to upgrade the frequencies and ancillaries of the rural aerodrome communications system. This will lead to an improvement in safety as well as attracting more local airlines to serve those provinces.

RADAR SURVEILLANCE Radar is a basic surveillance tool for the controller to monitor and maintain safe separation between aircraft and to help pilots navigate safely. A new radar has now been installed at Kenneth Kaunda and Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airports.

AUTOMATIC DEPENDENCE SURVEILLANCE The two radars installed at Lusaka and Livingstone are unable to cover the

whole country, so new technologies such as automatic dependence surveillance (ADS-B) will be considered – depending on the airspace study recommendations – in order to achieve total coverage of Zambian airspace in the new strategic plan.

GROUND-BASED NAVIGATION AIDS Navigation equipment is used to guide aircraft moving from one point to another. The ZACL strategic plan in the medium to long term is to move from conventional navigation, which relies on ground-based equipment, to performance-based navigation (PBN), whose operations rely primarily on the global navigation satellite system (GNSS). Taking into account the fact that most of the general aviation fleet of aircraft operating in Zambia are not equipped for GNSS procedures, some groundbased navigation aids will be retained, while ground-based navigation aids will be added or changed in selected areas depending on the outcome of the airspace study recommendations. Ground-based navigation aids will coexist with GNSS for a time, thus allowing nonPBN-equipped aircraft to maintain safe and reliable flight operations.

AIRSPACE MANAGEMENT STUDY A lot of changes have since taken place since the last airspace study in the early 1990s and ZACL has launched a fresh study in order to realign the new strategic plan, matching its requirements for a

safe and efficient ATM system and thus optimising its investment strategy for both the near and long term. The study will determine the organisation’s ATM performance requirements, taking into account the global changes in air traffic management and new concepts such as the aviation system block upgrade (ASBU) framework. The scope of the project, which is now in progress, will cover an assessment of the current situation, analysis of the initial baseline Master Plan study in the 1990s, traffic structure and characteristics, preliminary identification of existing safety issues, required technical and operational environment including current communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS) infrastructure and applied separations, civil/military issues, flexibility and predictability, coordination issues within Zambia and with neighbouring countries and training issues.

EXPECTED BENEFITS By considering all these aspects together, ZACL will achieve a cost-efficient, environmentally sustainable and world-harmonised airspace and ATM procedures in Zambian airspace.

HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT A key component of this programme is the development of human resources to ensure that staff have the skills to operate in the new environment.



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Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport Mweru Wantipa National Park

Nsumbu National Park




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Mfuwe International Airport

Kawambwa Kasama Lusenga Plain National Park

Isangano National Park

Nyika Plateau National Park

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Lavushi Manda National Park North Luangwa National Park


Kasanka National Park

Solwezi West Lunga National Park

Zambezi Liuwa Plain National Park




Luambe National Park

South Luangwa National Park

Lukusuzi National Park


Kapiri Mposhi

Kafue National Park

Mumbwa Mongu

Lower Zambezi National Park

Blue Lagoon National Park


Lochinvar National Park

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Siavonga & Kariba Dam

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Sioma Ngwezi National Park


Ngonye Falls


NAMIBIA Kazungula

Victoria Falls

LIVINGSTONE Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park









Dubai UAE

Addis Ababa


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Nairobi RWAN NDA




Mansa Solwezi

Kasama Kasanka

Chipata Lilongwe













Johannesburg Durban SOUTH AFRICA

For further details visit our flight information page at: 25

Kenneth Kaunda International Airport PO Box 30175, Lusaka, Zambia Agness Chaila Director Airport Services Tel: +260 211 271 292 Cell: +260 977 799778 Fax: +260 211 271 292 Email:

Frank Chinambu Director Air Navigation Services Tel: +260 211 271 118 Cell: +260 966 726 893 Fax: +260 211 271 118 Email:

Josiah Mvula Planning and Business Development Manager Tel: +260 211 271007 Cell: +260 973 597 999 Fax: +260 211 271007 Email:

Joseph Musonda Commercial Manager Tel: +260 211 271212 Cell: +260 977 753925 Cell: +260 968 003860 Fax: +260 211 271212 Email:

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