Active Travel Directory 2023

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The essential A-Z guide to product and service suppliers specialising in active travel Active Travel Directory 2023
We can run your event: Daniel Simpson Commercial Director +44 (0)20 7091 7861 We are your communications delivery partner for virtual, hybrid or live events.

Over the next 126 pages you’ll find details of organisations that can support your active travel projects. These range from modellers to marketers, data analysts, public consultation experts, micromobility operators and designers and consultants. We hope that you find the directory useful and encourage you to share it with colleagues across local authority departments to supercharge your projects.

Extra copies can be ordered, in print and digital formats, so please get in touch and let us know your requirements.

Lots has happened since we published the first edition of the Active Travel Directory in 2020. Government continues its commitment to cycling, wheeling and walking, and an updated Cycling & Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS 2) reinforces ambitions to see 50% of all journeys in towns and cities walked, wheeled or cycled as the natural and convenient choice by 2030, supported with £2 billion of funding.

The publication of Gear Change in 2020 set out a vision to make England a great walking, wheeling and cycling nation, putting policy emphasis on better and safer streets for active modes. It stated that walking and cycling should be prioritised at the heart of decisionmaking, so empowering local authorities to embed active travel options in all transport policies.

The creation of Active Travel England will ensure that the highest design and planning standards are set and delivered, and will help local authorities to achieve the vision set out in Gear Change.

Despite all this, recent figures published by the Department for Transport have seen a drop in cycling levels since record peaks in 2020. Numerous projects have been rolled back or watered down in the face of controversy led by a small, but highly vocal, minority. The challenges ahead are clear and often complicated, but support is available. This directory is a comprehensive reference that will help local authorities, and all those tasked with taking forward active travel schemes, to identify the resources they need for successful delivery.

Simpson Commercial Director, Landor LINKS | | 0774 246 1883



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SYSTRA has created two active travel tools – both were successfully given R&D funding though its companywide intrapreneur programme SPARK Challenge, which encourages specialist teams to create innovative solutions for industry problems

Alternative tools: active travel modelling & appraisal

Effective cycling infrastructure must be high priority if we are to meet our commitment to net zero. A lack of cycling demand data, poor representation of network performance and a limited ability to monetise scheme benefits makes it difficult for planners to assess options, justify investment and engage stakeholders, says SYSTRA’s David Alderson

A spectrum of tools is available ‘off the shelf’ for assessing cycling infrastructure. These range from 2D spreadsheets such as the Department for Transport’s Active Modes Appraisal Toolkit (AMAT), to exciting 3D multimodal models with cycling representations such as Transportfor London’s Cynemon.

AMAT is the standard tool for assessing the economic benefits of active travel schemes and, whilst quick and familiar, tends to significantly understate the full range of benefits delivered from a scheme.

For cycling, the derived benefits in AMAT are largely driven by an assumed change in the number of cyclists from a particular scheme. More moderate benefits are then delivered to existing users where there has been a change in the quality of cycling infrastructure. However, there are simply too few benefits related to mode shift and the associated emissions, noise and safety outcomes.

AMAT assesses stand-alone cycle schemes, but does not pick up competing modes, routes or the size of any untapped cycle demand. This disconnect between the quality of interventions and the assumed cycle shift encourages lower build quality and low priority measures. Conversely, while multimodal models like

Cynemon accommodate these considerations, they can be very expensive, time-consuming and ultimately rely on an AMAT-like ‘benefit calculation’ means for appraisal.

The number of existing and potential future users of cycle schemes are generally derived from the Propensity to Cycle Tool (PCT), which categorises census-derived commute cycle trips according to hilliness and trip distance and subsequently provides a range of uplift scenarios, but does not directly relate these back to the quality of scheme in question.

Realising the above, SYSTRA has created two alternative tools. Both were successfully given R&D funding though its companywide intrapreneur programme SPARK Challenge, which encourages specialist teams to create innovative solutions for industry problems.

The team members who have developed these tools are David Alderson, Ian Burden and Chris Donaldson. We want to know what you think, so get in touch today!

David Alderson is Director, SYSTRA

Active Travel Directory 2023 6

The ‘Business Case’ Sandbox

At SYSTRA we have developed the Business Case Sandbox, which aims to approximate the base level of cycling in line with the methodology used in multi-modal models, and a cycling uplift rate which considers the perceived benefit (in time) of improved infrastructure or re-routeing. We think this provides much more accurate and specific cycling uplifts than the broad-base PCT method.

The Sandbox will pick up a far wider range of other benefits including road safety, mental health, journey ambiance and local economic benefits.

Accurate, trusted and reliable assumptions are necessary for any business case, so it’s a challenge to describe benefits around ambiance, health and mode shift when in reality these are hyper-local and often changeable. To this end, and given the fact that investment in active travel schemes tends to deliver significant benefits regardless of which assumptions are used, the Sandbox has been built to run a ‘Monte Carlo’ simulation of randomly assigned assumptions (within a reasonable range), rather than using a few carefully chosen cases.

To run a scenario, the Sandbox simply requires a set of inputs that calculate a set of outputs. The illustrated Monte Carlo approach utilised Excel VBA to quickly run through up to 1,000 iterations with a range of assumption inputs.

This approach allows other varied inputs to be added, for example pessimistic to optimistic cost estimates and more intensive versus less intensive levels of intervention.

The Sandbox can also analyse the level of cycling uplift that would be needed to produce a good Cost-Benefit Ratio for the scheme, which can then be used as a benchmark for success.

Evaluation of Cycle Scheme impacts

Watch this space! We are developing a brand new tool using Open Street Map (OSM) and elevation data yielding a network on which infrastructure schemes can be overlaid and evaluated. It will use cycle demand data derived from several different sources including census and existing travel survey data, combined with an estimation of the existing cycling mode share compared to all journeys that could feasibly be done by bike.

Our tool uses the type of road crossings on the OSM to determine the perceived cycle travel time for each link. This is affected by the type of road, levels of cycle segregation and assumptions applied using adaptable parameters accounting for influences such as road surface, speed limit and gradients.

A GIS component makes it incredibly flexible; it can be adapted to different demand zoning systems and linked to other available data sources.

The tool does not require a direct link between the zone and networks, this allows several nearby network nodes to form the start or end of a journey.

We have been busy testing the tool in different cities and districts to check how it adapts to different local scenarios and network definitions.

By applying the impact of various scheme interventions, our new tool will predict the change in perceived travel time, changes in expected cycling demand along with the re-routing of existing cycling journeys. These outputs will then feed in to the business case Sandbox to allow all benefits to be calculated.

7 Active Travel Directory 2023
Ashfield District: Cycling Routes for Sandbox Appraisal

SYSTRA keeps the world moving through connecting people and places. By enabling mobility, our work strengthens communities, increases social inclusion, fosters economic prosperity and supports environmental improvement. We deliver consultancy, engineering, development and specialist technical services that enable the safe and efficient movement of people and goods.

At SYSTRA we are passionate about developing transport solutions that enhance places and the quality of people’s lives. Our transport planners, engineers and urban designers work on a diverse portfolio of transport planning and engineering projects that have active travel, decarbonisation, and place-making at their heart.

Our approach is to understand the ‘place’ as well as all the issues around ‘movement’ and to think imaginatively about how the two can work together, enabling transport investment to contribute positively to the broader experience and quality of life for all.

SYSTRA is an innovative market leader in the delivery of active travel and decarbonisation schemes, services include:

l Strategy development inc. LCWIPs

l Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)

l School Streets

l Active Travel Modelling and Appraisal

l PERS (Pedestrian Environment Review System) audits

l Network Design Criteria Specification

l Preliminary & Detailed Design

l Public Realm Design & Implementation

l Behaviour Change

l Travel Demand Management

l Stakeholder Engagement, Monitoring & Research

Contact us for more information.

Contact: David Alderson

+44 (0)20 3882 1615

Active Travel Directory 2023 8

Tackling the climate emergency is at the forefront of people’s minds. At Atkins, we know that walking, cycling, and micro-mobility offer fast, cost-effective, deliverable, and sustainable ways of enabling reductions in car use. They contribute to fairer, healthier, and greener societies by improving access to employment, education, shopping, and leisure opportunities. They can maximise choices for all citizens by meeting personal mobility demands to deliver equality, health and wellbeing for everyone through creating better places. At Atkins, our dedicated Active Travel team covers the entire project lifecycle.

Our services span policy and strategy, developing design guidance, scheme planning, business case and funding, appraisal, and design and construction. Our collaborative approach to active travel ensures we share best practice and are at the forefront of emerging trends. We bring deep expertise in inclusive design and road user safety by ensuring we design our schemes for the full range of users, including those with protected characteristics, by embedding safety for all.

We also lead ‘Activation’ programmes of behavioural change that maximise demand for new walking and cycling infrastructure from the outset. Our teams support our clients in achieving higher levels of modal shift through effective active travel network development aligned to their vision. Together, we are shaping the future of transport.

Contact: Simon Jay +44 (0)20 7121 2114


Rosehill Highways

Rosehill Highways is a market leading manufacturer of surface mounted rubber cycle scheme solutions and traffic calming products.

Rosehill’s innovative cycle delineation products have been specifically designed to provide a clearly visible, physical method of separation that is quick and easy to fix directly to the road surface. By eliminating expensive excavation, customers can achieve significant cost savings while minimising disruption to traffic flow. Cycle lane segregation ensures that cyclists of all abilities feel safe and protected from motor vehicles, allowing them to maintain a good level of continuous and confident riding. Used in a range of cycle schemes across the UK, Rosehill Highways’ cycle lane delineators provide the design flexibility to achieve your objectives while minimising disruption and cost.

Using innovative products and schemes to encourage Active Travel can transform and revitalise neighbourhoods beyond recognition, reducing motor vehicle use and inspiring residents to adopt healthier modes of transport.

Contact: Clare Riley +44 (0)1422 839456

Active Travel Directory 2023 10

Tracsis are the largest and longest established transport data collection specialists in the UK and are part of an award-winning transport systems and software business undertaking projects throughout the UK and internationally. We utilise the best and most appropriate technology, techniques, skills and experience available to help deliver data solutions for our customers.

Tracsis provide data for the largest and most complex transport modelling projects in the UK ranging from data derived from standard collection methods such as digital video and pneumatic tube, to AI video analytics, advanced ANPR and area-wide mobile phone network data. Please visit our website for more information and for our national and regional contact details.

Contact: Nick Mather +44 (0)1937 833933


Idaso Innovative Data Solutions Operating across the UK, Ireland and the Benelux region, Idaso provides Active Travel data capture solutions alongside traffic and transport surveys.

We work with local authorities and consulting engineers, providing empirical data for informed decision making. The company leverages its core technologies in the areas of AI video detection, radar, inductive loop and pneumatic tube detection.

Idaso also develops dashboards for both realtime data management and post analysis. Our dashboards are hardware agnostic and serve as a central hub for all your active travel data storage and visualisation needs.

Idaso works closely with our sister company GeoMobility to also provide a wide range of probe and floating car data through analysis of big data sources.

Contact: Ian Kerr +44 (0)20 3883 7753

Sweco is committed to promoting more sustainable and active modes of transport and travel. Sweco have a dedicated active travel team with a wide experience of delivering active travel projects across the UK and Ireland.

From designing new cycle routes in urban and rural areas for local authorities, to undertaking travel behavior change campaigns that promote walking and cycling to universities, we carry out stand alone projects or work as part of a wider masterplan.

Within our dedicated active travel team we have specific design skills that allow us to develop bespoke processes to deliver new active travel infrastructure that also considers carbon, sustainability and accessibility.

Contact: Christopher Fallen

+44 (0)1315 506314

Active Travel Directory 20222023 12

At Starling Technologies we design revolutionary AI- driven traffic management systems which make our streets and cities safer for pedestrians, cyclists and street users of all kinds, while keeping vehicle traffic flowing efficiently. Starling Technologies street safe solutions are already in operation around the world. Our future-proof technologies enable today’s active travel and make tomorrow’s smart cities greener, safer, sustainable and attractive for all.

Contact: Andrew Caleya Chetty 07507 723012

Citi Logik Chris Bax +44 (0)113 4266695



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As a leading UK manufacturer with 30 years of experience and knowledge we have been able to offer an extensive range of Traffic Calming, Cycle Separation and Site Safety Products, which has been the result of extensive research and development.

With the encouragement of LTN/120 cycling and walking, low traffic neighbourhoods and liveable neighbourhood schemes our Innovative recycled rubber products have been able to offer various solutions, such as Islands for school streets and road closures, surface kerbing for pavement widening, bus stop seating areas, planters and children’s play areas and the light segregation products for cycle lanes which as the number one manufacturer have already proved to be successful on many locations throughout the UK. We know that the appearance and aesthetics of our products are important to our customers. This is enhanced by the way we manufacture our products by moulds that give a soft, organic surface finish and with the introduction of a granite colour these are most suited to sensitive or heritage locations.

As a ISO9001 company we take pride in the compliance of our products, making sure that they offer the highest standards in quality and safety. Our range includes our Traficop Speed Cushions, RediPave Island & splitters, Orca cycle Lane products, Site Safety Products, Passive Safe Jislon Pole Cones, Surface Kerbing and Tactile Surfaces.

Contact: Jeanette Holder +44 (0)7967 969957

Active Travel Directory 2023 16

Extend the reach of active travel journeys with Broxap Street Furniture’s range of products designed to guide and protect cyclists, passengers and pedestrians.

Offering the largest selection of bollards on the UK street furniture market, Broxap is the ideal partner to create a network of safe, accessible walking and cycling routes.

And because we design and manufacture our bollards at our North Staffordshire base, we can deliver products which bring even the most ambitious active travel infrastructure schemes to life.

From removable bollards for access control to posts in bold colours to instil confidence and support behaviour change, we can help integrate an active travel culture through infrastructure.

As a single source supplier, our clients also have the benefit of direct access to our extensive street furniture collections.

This includes post and rail fencing, guardrails, barriers and planters. Incorporating features such as greenery and planting all helps to encourage a better active travel take-up rate.

So for easy access to destinations, public engagement and user safety, talk to our team about the products which will enable more people to make walking, cycling and public transport their first choice.

Contact: Rachel Lee-Jones +44 (0)1782 564411


Rosehill Highways

Rosehill Highways is a market leading manufacturer of surface mounted rubber cycle scheme solutions and traffic calming products.

Rosehill’s innovative cycle delineation products have been specifically designed to provide a clearly visible, physical method of separation that is quick and easy to fix directly to the road surface. By eliminating expensive excavation, customers can achieve significant cost savings while minimising disruption to traffic flow. Cycle lane segregation ensures that cyclists of all abilities feel safe and protected from motor vehicles, allowing them to maintain a good level of continuous and confident riding. Used in a range of cycle schemes across the UK, Rosehill Highways’ cycle lane delineators provide the design flexibility to achieve your objectives while minimising disruption and cost.

Using innovative products and schemes to encourage Active Travel can transform and revitalise neighbourhoods beyond recognition, reducing motor vehicle use and inspiring residents to adopt healthier modes of transport.

Contact: Clare Riley +44 (0)1422 839456

Active Travel Directory 2023 18

Meristem Design is an award-winning design company creating bespoke green solutions for commercial, public realm and residential spaces through green screens, living walls, parklets, custom planters, rain gardens, SuDS and biophilic design.

Our team of designers and horticulturists, driven by a passion for plants, are on a mission to bring more green into our world, whether it’s at home, in the office or on our commute. We are committed to making the grey green.

Parklets can serve as an important focal point when transforming streets from car dominated environments to community hubs, says Habib Khan – Founder and Director at Meristem Design. This shift towards outdoor spaces has paved the way for more parklets, with hundreds being installed in London alone over the past year.

We were delighted that two of our installations were awarded the UK's 1st Accredited Mobility Hubs by COMO. We need to adapt the space for low carbon Mobility Hubs containing seating, planting, electric charge points for cars and e-bikes and cycle parking. We are working with several organisations to roll out more Hubs across the UK.

We believe the future of sustainable transport is the Mobility Hubs and Meristem Design is on a mission to lead the way.

Contact: Habib Khan +44 (0)20 3137 6971


Trueform, a pioneering technology and manufacturing company, provide leading products, manufacturing and specialist engineering solutions for all modes of passenger transport. We develop and harness leading technology and advanced manufacturing techniques to create innovative, market leading products for public spaces.

Operating internationally, Trueform hold contracts with major cities for the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of premium quality, intelligent, on-street infrastructure for Active Travel, Public Transportation, Intelligent Mobility, Smart City, low, ultra-low and Zero Emission, E-Mobility, Clean-Tech, Digital Display and Digital Advertising.

Our product and hardware solutions are supported by comprehensive field support services, including installation, logistics, commissioning, project management, maintenance and remote monitoring.

Trueform offer a range of bollards, poles and delineation street furniture products that provide protection and facilitate safe social distancing for members of the public in town, city and high street locations. Based on our comprehensive range of proven and adopted designs, our products can be used individually or in multiples, allowing for adaptable configurations that can be easily deployed and repositioned during periods of high traffic.

We also offer a range of innovative street furniture incorporating tested Hostile Vehicle Mitigation measures. This allows security cores to be hidden within the street furniture / signage structure, meaning your development can be made safe without having a detrimental effect on the aesthetics

Contact: +44 (0)20 8561 4959

Active Travel Directory 2023 20

Leafield Highways, a leading UK manufacturer and designer of active travel products have a robust range of Cycle Lane Separator Bollards featuring in cities including Bristol, Liverpool, St Helens, Ealing, North Tyneside, Bradford and Birmingham. Easy to install, durable and maintenance free the CLS range has been designed and manufactured for highly visible separation between cycle lanes and traffic lanes. Also, a major supplier of internal and external litter bins and recycling bins designed for single or multiple waste collections, with the option to segregate at source. Both our highway and waste ranges have been approved and praised by local authorities for over 25 years.

We manufacture using advanced rotational moulding techniques that enable us to produce consistent, high quality, extremely durable products that meet or exceed customer expectations. These products can be produced in up to 100% recycled material* or corporate colours* to enhance the overall street scene and reinforce the visual branding experience. *Restrictions apply Contact: Steven Parker +44 (0)1225 816522


Leo Murray 07834 768 743


Will Clarke +44 (0)845 293 8062

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:



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Specialising in cycling behaviour change, Love to Ride are a Bristol-based global team who believe that life is better when more people ride bikes. Their popular online platforms, year-round local programmes and engaging seasonal campaigns have successfully encouraged, supported and monitored cycling since 2007.

The Love to Ride approach is successful because:

l Behaviour change sits at its core and is woven throughout - successfully engaging new, occasional and regular riders alike

l It is laser-focussed on the single active travel mode of cycling, eliciting the best possible results and longest-term change

l It offers excellent value for money by delivering rich, ongoing, year-round programmes that are inclusive and accessible

By understanding real & perceived barriers and motivators at the individual level, Love to Ride engages participants with targeted support, guidance, encouragement and incentives. This broad approach positively impacts changes in behaviour, increasing cycling frequencies and ultimately replacing car journeys.

Coupled with monitoring and research to measure progress and evidence outcomes, Love to Ride’s programming and achievements are unique and unrivalled.

The new Love to Ride app, already available on iOS, with an Android launch planned for 2023, is an exciting development for the sector. Its automated trip-logging technology automatically captures all journeys by bike (as well as other movement data), overlaying it with participant demographics. This information improves understanding of behaviours within project areas and provides valuable opportunities to create positive and lasting behaviour change.

Love to Ride has worked successfully with Councils, Combined Authorities and Transport Authority partners from Gloucestershire to Glasgow, Shetland to Southampton and London to Lancashire. Since 2007, Love to Ride have successfully accessed funding from Central Government Departments such as DfT, DoH and Active Travel England, as well as Public Health, Clean Air Zones, Climate Change and Innovations grants.

To find out more about how Love to Ride will complement your existing active travel and cycling initiatives, bringing cycling infrastructure planning and development to life with behavioural change and rich data, please get in touch for an informal chat and exploratory session.


Sam Robinson

+44 (0)7734 833451

Active Travel Directory 2023 24

Rosehill Highways

Rosehill Highways is a market leading manufacturer of surface mounted rubber cycle scheme solutions and traffic calming products.

Rosehill’s innovative cycle delineation products have been specifically designed to provide a clearly visible, physical method of separation that is quick and easy to fix directly to the road surface. By eliminating expensive excavation, customers can achieve significant cost savings while minimising disruption to traffic flow. Cycle lane segregation ensures that cyclists of all abilities feel safe and protected from motor vehicles, allowing them to maintain a good level of continuous and confident riding. Used in a range of cycle schemes across the UK, Rosehill Highways’ cycle lane delineators provide the design flexibility to achieve your objectives while minimising disruption and cost.

Using innovative products and schemes to encourage Active Travel can transform and revitalise neighbourhoods beyond recognition, reducing motor vehicle use and inspiring residents to adopt healthier modes of transport.

Contact: Clare Riley +44 (0)1422 839456


Intelligent Health delivers evidence-based programmes and insight consultancy to enable individuals and communities to make small daily behaviour changes through walking and cycling.

Ways we can help:

1. Our flagship Beat the Street programme, delivered through national partnerships with Sport England and Paths for All. Over 1.5 million people have taken part with strong evidence of sustained mode shift to walking and cycling. The programme develops shared priorities for sectors including transport, health, and environment. Programme data is then utilised to provide actionable insight to inform local transport strategies.

2. Insight consultancy based on engagement, data, and insight to support the planning and commissioning of active travel. Understanding the barriers and opportunities to help people live more sustainable, healthier lives.

3. Eco-travel programme developed with Wokingham Borough Council which combines education and behaviour change for schools and the wider community. We turn air quality measurements into education and action plans.

Contact: Katherine Knight

Peter Davenport +44 (0)2392 815555

BetterPoints Limited Richard Kirk 07836 235 000

Cycling UK Jenny Box

Go Jauntly Hana Sutch Pelation Liz Yu

Pro Bike Service C.I.C. Lawrence Mohammed 07722 258 587

TravelAi Ltd Andreas Zachariah +44 (0)7976 717909

Videalert Tim Daniels

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:

Travel Directory 2023 26


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Cycling for everyone across the West Midlands

The Transport for West Midlands Cycling for Everyone programme is community-led, and is being delivered in some of the most deprived areas across the region. This gives communities the chance to try cycling as an everyday form of transport, says Laura Marshall

In April 2022, ITP was appointed to support Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) with the Cycling for Everyone programme, assisting with project management. I was seconded to TfWM during the mobilisation phase and has worked with colleagues in the Cycling and Walking team to ensure the programme evolves and is progressing towards meeting its targets.

TfWM has a vision to realise the full potential of cycling’s contribution to the health and wealth of the West Midlands, and to raise levels of cycling across the West Midlands Metropolitan area to 5% of all trips by 2023.

The Commonwealth Games presented a unique opportunity to help deliver on this vision by encouraging people to be more physically active and to enjoy cycling as a way to get around whilst staying active. This led to the development of the Cycling for Everyone programme.

Evidence from the 2021 Walking and Cycling Index shows that there are disparities in the spread of people cycling. The Cycling for Everyone programme is being delivered in some of the most deprived areas across the region to give communities the chance to try cycling as an everyday form of transport. The programme aims to support those on lower incomes, the BAME community, women, and people with disabilities.

The Cycling for Everyone programme is community-led, meaning that communities essentially pick and choose which services they want implemented in their area. We provide the options, and they decide what they want delivered based on local knowledge and levels of demand.

The suite of services available include:

l Adult and child cycle training

l Bike maintenance training

l Ride leader and volunteer training

l A free bike giveaway, subsidised cycle hire minutes, and adapted cycle loans

l Led rides

l School and workplace travel challenges

Since the programme engages with some of the most deprived areas in the region, delivery is targeted at very particular communities and forms a crucial part of the eligibility criteria for those taking part in the programme.

Collaboration is key

Throughout the process, we have worked with the seven local authorities across the West Midlands to understand what is already being delivered in their respective areas, and where there may be gaps in provision.

It was also important to gather insight into local contacts and community groups that could be approached to offer the range of services.

With this knowledge, potential sites for delivery were also identified, and it was possible to see how the Cycling for Everyone programme could complement other ongoing behaviour change work, such as that being promoted through the Local Authority Capability Fund.

Collaboration was key to ensure messaging was clear and to avoid any confusion from individuals and organisations involved.

What does the Cycling for Everyone programme look like today?

With Cycling for Everyone drawing to a close at the end of November 2023, delivery is well underway. TfWM, along with the two suppliers appointed to deliver cycling services, have worked with a range of local groups to build relationships and to understand what it is they want implemented. These include youth groups, women-only groups, community centres, leisure centres, schools and workplaces.

The community-led focus has meant that there needs to be greater flexibility in the services provided and brings insight into what people want delivered on the ground.

Active Travel Directory 2023 28

This knowledge can be used to help shape future funding programmes as it provides a stronger understanding of what communities want implemented – from the bottom up – and how they envisage it making a positive difference to local people. Survey data is being collected before and/or during every activity, and follow-up surveys will be conducted in the future to establish any changes in travel behaviour and attitudes towards cycling.

Looking ahead

There will be a number of lessons to be learnt from the implementation of the Cycling for Everyone programme. Its unique design, involving a bottom-up approach, presents a real opportunity to apply lessons learnt in the delivery of successful behaviour change programmes in the future.

As new funding is set to be released in the coming months, for example the Local Authority Capability and Ambition Fund, there will be a continued push to meet local and national strategic

objectives for walking and cycling. ITP has a specialist team of experts in the design, delivery, and evaluation of behaviour change programmes across a range of contexts and locations.

Our focus is on promoting cycling and walking for different trips to those people most amenable to change their travel behaviours based on market segmentation principles, with a keen focus on carbon reduction benefits.

This includes co-designing approaches that stimulate a change in travel behaviour, and the delivery of bespoke programmes that effectively engage each target audience identified with an agreed programme of interventions and campaigns. n

ITP is a sustainable transport planning consultancy, supporting clients to research, design, deliver and evaluate behaviour change programmes. Contact Laura Marshall ( or visit to find out more.

29 Active Travel Directory 2023 Jim Bradley +44 (0)7970 775481 ● Feasability Studies ● Detailed Design ● Consensus Building ● Stakeholder Engagement ● Output Evaluation ● Impact Evaluation ● Process Evaluation ● Data Collection & Analysis ● Walk/Cycle Audits ● Network planning ● Unlocking Funding ● Route Identification ● Community Consultation ● Site Supervision ● Traffic Management ● Programme Management ● Behaviour Change Campaign Delivery Creating your Active Travel Networks Plan Design Implement Evaluate

ITP is a sustainable transport planning consultancy seeking to overcome the ever-growing mobility challenges of the 21st century to help improve the way the world moves.

In collaboration with our Dutch parent company, Royal HaskoningDHV, we provide end-to-end support for clients looking to create a citywide active travel network. We develop strategies, consult with stakeholders, design infrastructure, and deliver behaviour change programmes to make sustainable and active travel a realistic option for the many, not the few.

For more information on how we could help you to plan, design, implement and evaluate your future network, visit our website, or get in touch with Jim Bradley,

Contact: Jim Bradley +44 (0)1158 248250


Tackling the climate emergency is at the forefront of people’s minds. At Atkins, we know that walking, cycling, and micro-mobility offer fast, cost-effective, deliverable, and sustainable ways of enabling reductions in car use. They contribute to fairer, healthier, and greener societies by improving access to employment, education, shopping, and leisure opportunities. They can maximise choices for all citizens by meeting personal mobility demands to deliver equality, health and wellbeing for everyone through creating better places. At Atkins, our dedicated Active Travel team covers the entire project lifecycle.

Our services span policy and strategy, developing design guidance, scheme planning, business case and funding, appraisal, and design and construction. Our collaborative approach to active travel ensures we share best practice and are at the forefront of emerging trends. We bring deep expertise in inclusive design and road user safety by ensuring we design our schemes for the full range of users, including those with protected characteristics, by embedding safety for all.

We also lead ‘Activation’ programmes of behavioural change that maximise demand for new walking and cycling infrastructure from the outset. Our teams support our clients in achieving higher levels of modal shift through effective active travel network development aligned to their vision. Together, we are shaping the future of transport.

Contact: Simon Jay +44 (0)20 7121 2114

Active Travel Directory 2023 32

Space Syntax provides creative expertise in architecture & urban planning. Operating worldwide, we combine global design experience with advanced digital technologies. Our modelling tools forecast the social, economic & environmental impacts of development on mobility, land value, resilience & health.

We help shape policies, planning strategies & design proposals that benefit people, property & the environment.

Our advanced spatial analysis explains how and where the built environment makes active travel possible, and can be linked with socio-economic and demographic datasets. This helps departments and disciplines collaborate to produce coordinated active travel strategies which integrate behaviour change campaigns with physical interventions.

Contact: Ed Parham +44 (0)20 7400 1320


SYSTRA keeps the world moving through connecting people and places. By enabling mobility, our work strengthens communities, increases social inclusion, fosters economic prosperity and supports environmental improvement. We deliver consultancy, engineering, development and specialist technical services that enable the safe and efficient movement of people and goods.

At SYSTRA we are passionate about developing transport solutions that enhance places and the quality of people’s lives. Our transport planners, engineers and urban designers work on a diverse portfolio of transport planning and engineering projects that have active travel, decarbonisation, and place-making at their heart.

Our approach is to understand the ‘place’ as well as all the issues around ‘movement’ and to think imaginatively about how the two can work together, enabling transport investment to contribute positively to the broader experience and quality of life for all.

SYSTRA is an innovative market leader in the delivery of active travel and decarbonisation schemes, services include:

l Strategy development inc. LCWIPs

l Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)

l School Streets

l Active Travel Modelling and Appraisal

l PERS (Pedestrian Environment Review System) audits

l Network Design Criteria Specification

l Preliminary & Detailed Design

l Public Realm Design & Implementation

l Behaviour Change

l Travel Demand Management

l Stakeholder Engagement, Monitoring & Research

Contact us for more information.

Contact: David Alderson

+44 (0)20 3882 1615

Active Travel Directory 2023 34

Arcadis is committed to improving quality of life by accelerating transport decarbonisation, enhancing health and creating more accessible communities.

We help create liveable places, sustain travel behaviour change, and increase uptake of active travel. Arcadis is global business headquartered in Amsterdam. Our 29,000 people collaborate across more than 70 countries worldwide, sharing contemporary insight and a commitment to the delivery of sustainable transport.

We have a strong UK based Active Travel team who understand what works, and combine digital innovation and lessons learned, particularly from best practice examples in the Netherlands to help our clients ‘Go Dutch’. Our team is experienced in delivering a full spectrum of active moderelated projects, from high-level strategies, to detailed design of cycle and pedestrian routes, post-implementation evaluation and monitoring, and targeted incentivisation and behaviour change campaigns.

We offer our clients one-stop-shop solutions and confidence that the projects we deliver are fully compliant with national and local policy and guidance.

Contact: Aleksei Lugovoi +44 (0)20 7812 2000

Intelligent Health delivers evidence-based programmes and insight consultancy to enable individuals and communities to make small daily behaviour changes through walking and cycling.

Ways we can help:

1. Our flagship Beat the Street programme, delivered through national partnerships with Sport England and Paths for All. Over 1.5 million people have taken part with strong evidence of sustained mode shift to walking and cycling. The programme develops shared priorities for sectors including transport, health, and environment. Programme data is then utilised to provide actionable insight to inform local transport strategies.

2. Insight consultancy based on engagement, data, and insight to support the planning and commissioning of active travel. Understanding the barriers and opportunities to help people live more sustainable, healthier lives.

3. Eco-travel programme developed with Wokingham Borough Council which combines education and behaviour change for schools and the wider community. We turn air quality measurements into education and action plans.

Contact: Katherine Knight


Everybody’s Cycling

Jessica Shay +44 (0)1904 951900

Go Travel Solutions

Robin Pointon +44 (0)3300 245665

MP Smarter Travel

Oli Ivens +44 (0)20 7960 2553

Mved Ltd Dr B Hill +44 (0)7458 349831

Scoot Fit

James Rodger +44 (0)7960 885 083

The Green TLC

John Grantham +44 (0)7886 888480

TRL (Transport Research Laboratory)

Asiya Jelani

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:

2023 36
Active Travel Directory


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How do we deliver on Active Travel?

At Atkins, that’s the question many of our clients are asking us. First, let’s break down the devolved strategies.

England: Five years ago, the first ever Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS) set the framework. It outlined ambitious plans to make walking and cycling the natural choice for short journeys and a key part of longer journeys by 2040, backed up by a promised £1bn of investment. A lot has happened since then…

There remains an unabated enthusiasm for making active travel the common thread across multiple aspects of government policy. Two years ago, the Prime Minister announced £5bn funding for Active Travel alongside public transport. Soon after, the Active Travel Fund kicked into gear to preserve the longer-term ambitions for policy and enable social distancing during the Covid pandemic. Subsequently, Gear Change

and LTN1/20 seek to reinvigorate the ambition.

Whilst Active Travel has dedicated ring-fenced funding, it’s also a fundamental part of funding opportunities, made available through the Future High Streets, Levelling Up, the Towns Fund and, more recently, the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements. The Government estimates it has invested £3.2bn in Active Travel over the first CWIS period from 2017 to 2021, across all funds.

The second CWIS, issued this summer, sets out ambitions until 2025, alongside the formation of Active Travel England, and its role is to drive higher standards and establish stakeholder accountability.

The next 12 months will set the basis for what it can achieve in the longer term. The application of Gear Change and LTN1/20 will test the public and political appetite, due to the inevitable

Active Travel Directory 2023 38
Faced with a complex series of devolved strategies and policies, multiple stakeholders, pressure on budgets and competing priorities, how do we deliver on Active Travel, asks Simon Jay

compromises that will need to be made to provide a step change in the quality of walking and cycling infrastructure.

Wales: Wales took a bold step in introducing the Active Travel (Wales) Act in 2013, placing a duty on local authorities to improve facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.

Since then, the publication of the Active Travel Act Guidance, alongside the Welsh Transport Strategy 2021, has delivered a seismic shift in funding to support the aims and objectives of the Act. For Wales, it’s clear that Active Travel is at the top of the sustainable transport hierarchy.

Scotland: The Scottish Government wants to enable walking, cycling and wheeling to be the default choices for everyday journeys by placing active travel at the heart of transport spending commitments.

The National Transport Strategy sets a bold 20-year direction, backed by traffic reduction and active travel delivery commitments in the emerging Strategic Transport Projects Review 2. Together with the requirements contained in guidance such as Cycling by Design, these initiatives provide transport and planning bodies with the impetus to deliver. They will help make Scottish towns and cities more liveable and safer and improve accessibility for people of all ages and abilities.

The golden threads

So, given this context, what are the golden threads that will enable making a real difference with Active Travel? Based on the pointers from the policy and guidance documents, we would suggest there needs to be a proper focus on five critical areas:

l A multi-disciplinary approach to make the best case for investment, release funding and ultimately deliver the greatest impact.

l Embedding truly inclusive design to provide a step change in Active Travel infrastructure for those ‘8 to 80 years old and beyond’ and comply with the 2010 Equality Act.

l Embedding conservation, heritage, biodiversity net gain and climate resilience into solutions to create the most welcoming environment for all users, irrespective of the spatial context.

l Creating a compelling evidence base to develop a robust case for reallocating space to active travel from other uses; one capable of withstanding the inevitable pressures that will come to water down or remove key components from schemes.

l Developing a comprehensive stakeholder engagement strategy to ‘lock in’ consensus and approvals at every stage and continually target conversations on the things that matter most. This will help to mitigate the passionate opposition from some local voices to more cycle infrastructure, lowtraffic neighbourhoods and school streets.

Putting Active Travel at the heart of placemaking

Developing a comprehensive approach that delivers the policy and strategic outcomes desired will require local authorities to put Active Travel at the ‘heart of transport, placemaking, the race to net zero carbon and health planning’.

At Atkins, we understand that managing the various competing priorities of communities and enabling the transformation of spaces for active travel is vital to success. We bring a multi-disciplinary skillset that embeds inclusivity in design, attracts funding and establishes robust business cases through a collaborative approach. Collaboration that brings local communities and stakeholders together around a common aim.

We help our clients ‘lock in’ consensus and approvals at every stage and target conversations on the things that matter… creating happier, healthier, greener and safer streets for their citizens and the communities they serve. n

Simon Jay is Technical Director, Active Travel, Atkins

39 39 Active Travel Directory 2023

Inspiring the next generation to shape the future of active travel

At Atkins, we don’t just work with local authorities and transport bodies. We believe that you need to encourage the next generation of walkers, cyclists and micromobility users to want to change their behaviours. By inspiring them to understand the benefits using active travel solutions can deliver. Those benefits start with nurturing a mindset that appreciates the positive impact that active travel has on the climate, well-being and individual health. That’s why our active travel STEM programme engages with schools and children, educating them on the benefits and inspiring the next generation to embrace active travel as a part of their future.

Tackling the climate emergency is at the forefront of people’s minds. At Atkins, we know that walking, cycling, and micro-mobility offer fast, cost-effective, deliverable, and sustainable ways of enabling reductions in car use. They contribute to fairer, healthier, and greener societies by improving access to employment, education, shopping, and leisure opportunities. They can maximise choices for all citizens by meeting personal mobility demands to deliver equality, health and wellbeing for everyone through creating better places. At Atkins, our dedicated Active Travel team covers the entire project lifecycle.

Our services span policy and strategy, developing design guidance, scheme planning, business case and funding, appraisal, and design and construction. Our collaborative approach to active travel ensures we share best practice and are at the forefront of emerging trends. We bring deep expertise in inclusive design and road user safety by ensuring we design our schemes for the full range of users, including those with protected characteristics, by embedding safety for all.

We also lead ‘Activation’ programmes of behavioural change that maximise demand for new walking and cycling infrastructure from the outset. Our teams support our clients in achieving higher levels of modal shift through effective active travel network development aligned to their vision. Together, we are shaping the future of transport.

Contact: Simon Jay +44 (0)20 7121 2114


ITP is a sustainable transport planning consultancy seeking to overcome the ever-growing mobility challenges of the 21st century to help improve the way the world moves.

In collaboration with our Dutch parent company, Royal HaskoningDHV, we provide end-to-end support for clients looking to create a citywide active travel network. We develop strategies, consult with stakeholders, design infrastructure, and deliver behaviour change programmes to make sustainable and active travel a realistic option for the many, not the few.

For more information on how we could help you to plan, design, implement and evaluate your future network, visit our website, or get in touch with Jim Bradley,

Contact: Jim Bradley +44 (0)1158 248250

Travel Directory 2023 42

Meristem Design is an award-winning design company creating bespoke green solutions for commercial, public realm and residential spaces through green screens, living walls, parklets, custom planters, rain gardens, SuDS and biophilic design.

Our team of designers and horticulturists, driven by a passion for plants, are on a mission to bring more green into our world, whether it’s at home, in the office or on our commute. We are committed to making the grey green.

Parklets can serve as an important focal point when transforming streets from car dominated environments to community hubs, says Habib Khan – Founder and Director at Meristem Design. This shift towards outdoor spaces has paved the way for more parklets, with hundreds being installed in London alone over the past year.

We were delighted that two of our installations were awarded the UK's 1st Accredited Mobility Hubs by COMO. We need to adapt the space for low carbon Mobility Hubs containing seating, planting, electric charge points for cars and e-bikes and cycle parking. We are working with several organisations to roll out more Hubs across the UK.

We believe the future of sustainable transport is the Mobility Hubs and Meristem Design is on a mission to lead the way.

Contact: Habib Khan +44 (0)20 3137 6971


Space Syntax provides creative expertise in architecture & urban planning. Operating worldwide, we combine global design experience with advanced digital technologies. Our modelling tools forecast the social, economic & environmental impacts of development on mobility, land value, resilience & health.

We help shape policies, planning strategies & design proposals that benefit people, property & the environment.

We deliver expert urban planning & design advice at all stages of the project lifecycle: from site assessment & policy review to design evaluation & in-use appraisal.

Our focus on people & place adds value to planning & design strategies. We support projects with evidence rich insights that guide decision-takers.

Our LINE/IUM tool and Walkability Index dataset enables the insights required to deliver integrated active travel strategies

Contact: Ed Parham +44 (0)20 7400 1320

Active Travel Directory 2023 44

SYSTRA keeps the world moving through connecting people and places. By enabling mobility, our work strengthens communities, increases social inclusion, fosters economic prosperity and supports environmental improvement. We deliver consultancy, engineering, development and specialist technical services that enable the safe and efficient movement of people and goods.

At SYSTRA we are passionate about developing transport solutions that enhance places and the quality of people’s lives. Our transport planners, engineers and urban designers work on a diverse portfolio of transport planning and engineering projects that have active travel, decarbonisation, and place-making at their heart.

Our approach is to understand the ‘place’ as well as all the issues around ‘movement’ and to think imaginatively about how the two can work together, enabling transport investment to contribute positively to the broader experience and quality of life for all.

SYSTRA is an innovative market leader in the delivery of active travel and decarbonisation schemes, services include:

l Strategy development inc. LCWIPs

l Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)

l School Streets

l Active Travel Modelling and Appraisal

l PERS (Pedestrian Environment Review System) audits

l Network Design Criteria Specification

l Preliminary & Detailed Design

l Public Realm Design & Implementation

l Behaviour Change

l Travel Demand Management

l Stakeholder Engagement, Monitoring & Research

Contact us for more information.

Contact: David Alderson

+44 (0)20 3882 1615


Arcadis is committed to improving quality of life by accelerating transport decarbonisation, enhancing health and creating more accessible communities.

We help create liveable places, sustain travel behaviour change, and increase uptake of active travel.

Arcadis is global business headquartered in Amsterdam. Our 29,000 people collaborate across more than 70 countries worldwide, sharing contemporary insight and a commitment to the delivery of sustainable transport.

We have a strong UK based Active Travel team who understand what works, and combine digital innovation and lessons learned, particularly from best practice examples in the Netherlands to help our clients ‘Go Dutch’. Our team is experienced in delivering a full spectrum of active moderelated projects, from high-level strategies, to detailed design of cycle and pedestrian routes, post-implementation evaluation and monitoring, and targeted incentivisation and behaviour change campaigns.

We offer our clients one-stop-shop solutions and confidence that the projects we deliver are fully compliant with national and local policy and guidance.

Contact: Aleksei Lugovoi +44 (0)20 7812 2000

Stantec is a global consultancy made up of designers, engineers, scientists, and project managers, innovating together at the intersection of community, creativity, and client relationships.

Balancing these priorities results in projects that advance the quality of life for people around the world.

We have been working with clients and communities in the UK for over 150 years. Collaborating in integrated regional teams across the UK, we plan, deliver and manage the development and infrastructure needed to support the creation of sustainable, healthy and prosperous communities.

We are passionate about helping places become more liveable, with reduced carbon emissions to ensure health benefits and safe travel for all.

Stantec has a proven track record of designing, implementing and unlocking funding for Active Travel schemes that reduce inequality, benefit the environment, and support the wellbeing of communities.

Contact: Wesley Wroe +44 (0)1925 845000

Active Travel Directory 2023 46

Sweco is committed to promoting more sustainable and active modes of transport and travel.

Sweco have a dedicated active travel team with a wide experience of delivering active travel projects across the UK and Ireland. From designing new cycle routes in urban and rural areas for local authorities, to undertaking travel behavior change campaigns that promote walking and cycling to universities, we carry out stand alone projects or work as part of a wider masterplan.

Within our dedicated active travel team we have specific design skills that allow us to develop bespoke processes to deliver new active travel infrastructure that also considers carbon, sustainability and accessibility.

Contact: Christopher Fallen +44 (0)131 550 6314

Hyperion helps highway authorities create practical strategies for managing and maintaining active travel infrastructure to meet the needs of users and provide quality of service over the long term. This includes developing hierarchies, inspection strategies, lifecycle plans and advising on maintenance standards that reflect best practice, tailored to local needs.

Contact: Chris Spong +44 (0)7780 858199

PJA is a specialist design practice integrating active travel, transport, placemaking and engineering. Our holistic approach delivers innovative and buildable design solutions supporting our vision to create better places through great design. We are involved in all stages of the planning and design process from guidance writing to scheme implementation.

Contact: Chris Sibthorpe +44 (0)161 696 4863


Active Travel

TI is an independent transport planning consultancy, with a small but highly experienced team. We have strong in-depth knowledge of active travel and many years’ experience of delivery. TI specialises in innovative ways of developing and promoting active and sustainable transport projects, covering every step from strategies to detailed design.

Contact: Mark Strong +44 (0)1273 695785

Transport planning at a human scale. Wedderburn Transport Planning provides independent consultancy in sustainable transport policy and research, demand forecasting and modelling, and business case development and people-friendly design. We develop specialist pedestrian analytics tools to provide evidence-based advice to walking network infrastructure studies, urban regeneration and masterplanning projects.

Contact: Martin Wedderburn


Richard Lewis +44 (0)7771 454947

Amey Consulting

Dr Emily Gould +44 (0)7729 601806

Arup Susan Claris

Beate Kubitz Beate Kubitz +44 (0)7974 369240

Bike-minded Design Consulting B.V. Maurits Lopes Cardozo +31 6 2950 7735

Civic Engineers

Leah Stuart +44 (0)161 228 6757

CKG Engineering Limited Chris Gildea 07590 011 065

Colab & Consult

Rachel Hughes 07989 668 265

Esoterix Systems

Liz Davidson 0117 428 5755

Freelance - cycling policies evaluation

Esther Anaya-Boig, PhD +44 (0)7951 478999

Go Travel Solutions

Robin Pointon +44 (0)3300 245665

Directory 2023 48

Hatat Solutions Consulting

Charlie Ford +44 (0)7868 084121

Lewisham Pedestrians Advice and Engagement

Michael Diamond 07903 141 237

MicroMobility Partners

Steve Pyer +44 (0)7801 134279

Mobycon Lennart Nout 3115 214 7899

Mott MacDonald

Nigel Wilkinson

Positive Focus Ltd

Nick Bromley 07970 956 576

Project Centre +44 (0)330 135895

Smart Transport HUB

Christian Constantinides

Street Spirit Design

David McKenna 07974 209 161

Stuart Michael Associates Limited

Martin Ohrland Sustainable Street Design Paola Spivach

Thanks For Cycling Pete Ashworth

Urban Street Lab 95603 45999 WSP Phil Freestone +44 (0)191 226 2634

Active Travel Data Contact us to discuss your requirements Trascis have the tools to assist you with the data collection for planning, design, and reallocation of road space and implementation of active travel schemes. Funding worth £200 million announced for new walking and cycling schemes across England. Tracsis can offer the complete package to monitor, report and add insights into active travel movements. Intelligent monitoring for local authorities, transport bodies and consultancies Live data technology Automated analytics Path tracing Social distancing insights +44 (0)1937 833 933


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Tracsis are the largest and longest established transport data collection specialists in the UK and are part of an award-winning transport systems and software business undertaking projects throughout the UK and internationally. We utilise the best and most appropriate technology, techniques, skills and experience available to help deliver data solutions for our customers.

Tracsis provide data for the largest and most complex transport modelling projects in the UK ranging from data derived from standard collection methods such as digital video and pneumatic tube, to AI video analytics, advanced ANPR and area-wide mobile phone network data. Please visit our website for more information and for our national and regional contact details.

Contact: Nick Mather +44 (0)1937 833933

Active Travel Directory 2023 52

Specialising in cycling behaviour change, Love to Ride are a Bristol-based global team who believe that life is better when more people ride bikes. Their popular online platforms, year-round local programmes and engaging seasonal campaigns have successfully encouraged, supported and monitored cycling since 2007.

The Love to Ride approach is successful because:

l Behaviour change sits at its core and is woven throughout - successfully engaging new, occasional and regular riders alike

l It is laser-focussed on the single active travel mode of cycling, eliciting the best possible results and longest-term change

l It offers excellent value for money by delivering rich, ongoing, year-round programmes that are inclusive and accessible

By understanding real & perceived barriers and motivators at the individual level, Love to Ride engages participants with targeted support, guidance, encouragement and incentives. This broad approach positively impacts changes in behaviour, increasing cycling frequencies and ultimately replacing car journeys.

Coupled with monitoring and research to measure progress and evidence outcomes, Love to Ride’s programming and achievements are unique and unrivalled.

The new Love to Ride app, already available on iOS, with an Android launch planned for 2023, is an exciting development for the sector. Its automated trip-logging technology automatically captures all journeys by bike (as well as other movement data), overlaying it with participant demographics. This information improves understanding of behaviours within project areas and provides valuable opportunities to create positive and lasting behaviour change.

Love to Ride has worked successfully with Councils, Combined Authorities and Transport Authority partners from Gloucestershire to Glasgow, Shetland to Southampton and London to Lancashire. Since 2007, Love to Ride have successfully accessed funding from Central Government Departments such as DfT, DoH and Active Travel England, as well as Public Health, Clean Air Zones, Climate Change and Innovations grants.

To find out more about how Love to Ride will complement your existing active travel and cycling initiatives, bringing cycling infrastructure planning and development to life with behavioural change and rich data, please get in touch for an informal chat and exploratory session.


Sam Robinson

+44 (0)7734 833451


Trueform, a pioneering technology and manufacturing company, provide leading products, manufacturing and specialist engineering solutions for all modes of passenger transport. We develop and harness leading technology and advanced manufacturing techniques to create innovative, market leading products for public spaces.

Operating internationally, Trueform hold contracts with major cities for the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of premium quality, intelligent, on-street infrastructure for Active Travel, Public Transportation, Intelligent Mobility, Smart City, low, ultra-low and Zero Emission, E-Mobility, Clean-Tech, Digital Display and Digital Advertising.

Our product and hardware solutions are supported by comprehensive field support services, including installation, logistics, commissioning, project management, maintenance and remote monitoring. Trueform have developed a range of SMART Cycle & Pedestrian Counters. The smart information kiosks provide real-time updates of cycling and walking usage, in the form of daily and cumulative counts of cyclists and pedestrians, a smart way to promote sustainable travel and to encourage a healthier lifestyle. Each kiosk can be fitted with a range of smart sensors to collect data from the surrounding environment, from air quality monitoring, traffic congestion, all of which can be displayed on the digital interactive screen or remotely. This marks an exciting coalition between traditional transport systems and our ultra-smart technology and communication products and services that can exploit vast amounts of available multilayered data. Offering unprecedented opportunities to make much more efficient use of networks and to revolutionise public transport with sustainable travel choices.

Contact: +44 (0)20 8561 4959

Active Travel Directory 2023 54

Idaso Innovative Data Solutions Operating across the UK, Ireland and the Benelux region, Idaso provides Active Travel data capture solutions alongside traffic and transport surveys.

We work with local authorities and consulting engineers, providing empirical data for informed decision making. The company leverages its core technologies in the areas of AI video detection, radar, inductive loop and pneumatic tube detection.

Idaso also develops dashboards for both realtime data management and post analysis. Our dashboards are hardware agnostic and serve as a central hub for all your active travel data storage and visualisation needs.

Idaso works closely with our sister company GeoMobility to also provide a wide range of probe and floating car data through analysis of big data sources.

Contact: Ian Kerr +44 (0)20 3883 7753

PDS are leading UK transportation systems integration specialists with 34 years of experience in providing innovative turnkey solutions for both refurbishment and new build projects. Our solutions include a variety of detection and monitoring A/I technologies for Active Travel applications providing classification, journey time and valuable insights for all modalities.

Contact: Lewis Sutton +44 (0)1332 280195

Q-Free UK manufacture, supply and install classleading Traffic Monitoring & Data Solutions in the ITS Market. With over 24 years in the industry, we have continually developed our portfolio for Cycle & Pedestrian Monitoring. Specifically in Cycle Safety Schemes, Cycle Active Displays, Cycle & Pedestrian Junction Priority and other technologies.

Contact: Thomas Greene +44 (0)1934 644 299

See.Sense utilises patented AI sensor technology to make micro-mobility better. Our award-winning bike lights and GPS trackers generate granular sensor data on bikes and e-scooters, providing a powerful insight into the rider’s experience. By working with cities, fleet operators and employers, we’re helping to transform cities for active travel.

Contact: Irene McAleese +44 (0)2891 078353


At Starling Technologies we design revolutionary AI- driven traffic management systems which make our streets and cities safer for pedestrians, cyclists and street users of all kinds, while keeping vehicle traffic flowing efficiently. Starling Technologies street safe solutions are already in operation around the world. Our future-proof technologies enable today’s active travel and make tomorrow’s smart cities greener, safer, sustainable and attractive for all.

Contact: Andrew Caleya Chetty 07507 723012

Active Streets Assessment Tool

Steve Ferris 01295 731811

Arcadis Keri Stewart

Citi Logik Chris Bax +44 (0)113 4266695

Intelligent Data Collection 0845 003 8747


Liz Yu

Podaris Rajinder Sharma 07852 295 057

Strava Metro

Thomas Knights Street Behaviour Ltd Shaun Adam 020 3627 3699

Streets Systems

Tom Bailey +44 (0)191 603 0877

The Floow Limited Dr Sam Chapman +44 (0)114 2701114

VivaCity Mariana Barrios

Directory 2023 56
Active Travel



Raleigh is one of the best-known bike brands in the world. Established in Nottingham, England in 1887, we offer reliability and trust from a brand with over 130 years of heritage. We’re now part of European-based, Accell Group, which owns a collection of bicycle and accessory brands throughout Europe. This partnership allows us to share knowledge, technology and innovations to deliver the best possible products for our customers.

As well as providing quality bicycles to the public, we work with local authorities, businesses and the third sector throughout the UK helping provide bicycle equipment for both large-scale projects and single product orders.

Our dedicated B2B team are here to help all purchases go through smoothly while sharing both their product knowledge and offering extensive after care support.

Currently, Raleigh is offering trials of its ecargo product range to businesses around the UK. Please get in touch if you would like to find out more.

Contact: Daniel Ainsworth +44 (0)1271 500194

Hatat Solutions

Charlie Ford +44 (0)7868 084121

Manchester Bikes

Chris Leakey (Managing Director)

The Green TLC

John Grantham +44 (0)7886 888480



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We create, deliver and manage innovative cycle parking and infrastructure.

The Cyclehoop team is dedicated to making places more cycle-friendly. Our award-winning products are designed by cyclists, to encourage people to make the switch and experience the benefits of riding a bike.

Since launching in 2008 we have worked with public and commercial organisations across all sectors in the UK and internationally, providing a range of high-quality products.

Our Cycle Parking Rentals network – where we install and manage our iconic on-street Bikehangars in partnership with local authorities – is the largest in the world. The Bikehangar® 4.0, is the only Sold Secure Diamond accredited Bikehangar on the market. Taking up half a car space, it provides six secure, insurable bike parking spaces, with the option of digital access.

The newly developed Cargo Bikehangar offers the same great security and access features, with space for two cargo bikes. Our Mobility Corrals provide parking for all micro-mobility vehicles including e-scooters and cargo bikes. With modular configurations, robust construction, integrated signage and attractive planter options, they are a fast and cost-effective option.

Cyclehoop’s knowledgeable team works in a consultative manner to ensure you get the right solution for your location and requirements.

Contact: Aaron Matthews +44 (0)20 8699 1338

Active Travel Directory 2023 62

The range of cycle parking solutions from Broxap Street Furniture suits all budgets, needs and environments. Thanks to our friendly, reliable service there’s no easier way to support active travel programmes whether it’s in the workplace, at schools, for residential complexes, transport hubs or providing public parking facilities.

At Broxap we help to connect people to places and have been providing safe, easy-to-use secure cycle parking infrastructure for more than five decades.

From cost-effective, on-street cycle parking stands, to access-controlled secure compounds, our products are built to meet the requirements of a growing active travel community.

Our cycle shelters offer robust security features as well as weather protection and inclusive storage access. We also offer high-density, large capacity cycle parking systems, ideal for busy commuter spots, as well as space-saving racks for pinch-points like basements.

Our experience of designing, manufacturing and installing cycle parking infrastructure across a wide range of locations has resulted in a catalogue of attractive, practical products to integrate with all surroundings and accommodate a range of cycles.

And our design and build service opens up bespoke cycle storage and parking options for a user-friendly and welcoming active travel experience.

Contact: Rachel Lee-Jones +44 (0)1782 564411


We are a team of active people who love the outdoors and care about the environment. We are passionate about creating the best solutions and products we can for low-carbon and active travel, enabling a major modal shift towards healthier and more sustainable choices as we all journey towards net zero. We design and manufacture products in the UK to be durable, reliable and adaptable for future requirements so they last longer.

Our team of experts are always available to provide advice and guidance on your active travel needs.

Find out more at

We design, manufacture, operate and maintain active travel infrastructure.

Born over a decade ago from the needs of hardy British cyclists, we focus on delivering the highest quality, sustainable products and services to clients worldwide. All of our solutions are designed for maximum safety, security and usability for the wider community. Built to last in the UK using the highest quality components and skill, our solutions are tested to ensure the longest possible lifespan therefore reducing waste. All individual components are designed to be repaired, refurbished, reused or eventually recycled.

Secure cycle parking solutions are fully adaptable on-site to meet a wide range of future needs including:

l parking of children’s buggies and mobility scooters

l cargo bike parking

l ebike charging

l planters and benches to create parklets

Veloboxes have been designed to maximise efficiency of space by comfortably accommodating 12 bikes in a single car parking bay.

Other products and services include:

l parking rental management at

l bike repair stations

l cycle kit drying cabinets

l cycle hubs along with bespoke design and build services

l Sheffield stands and other types of bike racks

l bike fleets and accessories

l care plans and maintenance

Our team of certified professional technicians provide excellent service to all our clients, conducting professional in-person consultations to ensure our products are perfectly paired for the location and requirements.

Contact: David Wray

+44 (0)131 260 9739


Trueform, a pioneering technology and manufacturing company, provide leading products, manufacturing and specialist engineering solutions for all modes of passenger transport. We develop and harness leading technology and advanced manufacturing techniques to create innovative, market leading products for public spaces.

Operating internationally, Trueform hold contracts with major cities for the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of premium quality, intelligent, on-street infrastructure for Active Travel, Public Transportation, Intelligent Mobility, Smart City, low, ultra-low and Zero Emission, E-Mobility, Clean-Tech, Digital Display and Digital Advertising.

Our product and hardware solutions are supported by comprehensive field support services, including installation, logistics, commissioning, project management, maintenance and remote monitoring. Trueform are the UK's and world's leading supplier of cycle hubs, shelters and canopies. Established for over 44 years, we have provided over 150,000 products to towns and cities throughout the world. Offering a comprehensive 'off the shelf' range of innovative cycle solutions along with a custom design & build service. Our cycling products are available in many different materials and finishes to suit individual architectural requirements and to exacting customer specifications.

The cycle hubs, canopies and shelters have been proven to promote model shift, reduce pollution, healthy living and a healthy lifestyle by providing attractive infrastructure.

In addition to cycle parking solutions, Trueform also offer a range of signage solutions for cycle routes and smart information kiosks with detailed mapping, interactive cycle route guides and cycle docking systems. Our signage can be integrated with a range of smart sensors to collect data from the surrounding environment, from air quality monitoring, traffic congestion, all of which can be displayed on the digital interactive screen or accessed remotely Contact: +44 (0)20 8561 4959 /

Active Travel Directory 2023 66

Active Commuting Ltd

Andrew Rechten 01708 474 164


Bliss Christopher-Brearley 01730 719 292


Harri Aro

Cyclepods +44 (0)1959 546 046

Hup Initiatives

Peter Mattinson 020 8690 9942

Leopard Technology - Smart Bike Security

James Robertson +44 (0)7914 101240

MotoParking UK 01245 392 105

Stack Rack Bicycles

Charles Carey 07914 131 843

Strategy Expert urban planning & design advice throughout planning and design stages. Training Programmes for individuals & organisations in the use of evidence-based and data-driven techniques to support place making. Digital tools LINE/IUM and Walkability Index datasets enable the insights to deliver integrated active travel strategies. ISO 9001:2015 Employee owned Supporting communities since 1989 Increasing walking & cycling Understanding how place enables change Active travel strategies Mode share forecasts LCWIPs Local Plans Carbon Net Zero Behaviour change Masterplans


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Place-based tools to make 10,000 steps a day possible

The health benefits of walking as a preventative activity are well publicised, with research identifying 10,000 steps a day as the ideal number. Integrating exercise in daily lifestyles and routines through active commuting would seem to make 10,000 steps an achievable goal. It is estimated by Transport for London that if all Londoners were to walk (or cycle) 20 minutes a day it could save the NHS £1.7b in treatment costs over 25 years, according to the 2017 Healthy Streets for London plan. There is potential however for even greater benefits, since 20 minutes per day is on average just under 2,500 steps a day, significantly less than 10,000!

In 2022, the UK government tasked local authorities with increasing levels of walking to work as an environmentally friendly, health-conscious, preferred mode of travel. The postCOVID period offered the perfect opportunity to try to change people’s behaviour as they transitioned to a ‘new normal’.

To succeed in getting more people to walk to work, local authorities need to ensure that the factors which hinder an individual’s decision to walk to work are removed or mitigated. This involves making sure that people live within walking distance of work, that their town or city is convenient to walk around, that they have the time to undertake the walk, and that they are in good enough health to walk comfortably.

So how can a local authority influence someone’s decision to walk to work, when this is affected by so many changeable variables which, like the weather, they obviously cannot control?

Space Syntax modelling and analysis, developed over the last 30 years, demonstrates how the built environment – the street, pedestrian and public transport networks, land uses and densities –can make certain activities possible or impossible.

These techniques have been used to develop a Walkability Index across Great Britain which shows, at the level of the individual building, how the surrounding environment makes walking possible (see image opposite page, top left).

Space Syntax’s Walkability Index has been validated against walk to work mode share across England’s 330 Local Authorities and almost 7,000 Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs). It can be combined with census or other datasets held at different geographies. This enables areas of higher risk to be revealed, for example less walkable parts of a city with populations who may be older and less able to walk, or places with high levels of economic deprivation but fewer jobs accessible via active modes or public transport.

Places with higher potential for walking

So, why aren’t people walking more when the conditions seem right for them to do so? Space Syntax analysis can tell local authorities which places are less likely to need large-scale, costly infrastructure projects to encourage people to walk to work – and, importantly, those that will.

Active Travel Directory 2023 70
Aside from generating benefits to the individual, increasing walking creates wider benefits to society, helping to address climate change, stimulating local economies and reducing public health spend, says Ed Parham

Public sector decision makers can determine the best type of intervention in an area, be it a ‘nudge’-style public health campaign to encourage active travel, or a service improvement such as enhanced public transport or a physical change to hard infrastructure, such as a new bike lane.

Recently, Space Syntax revealed the places in England with the highest potential to increase levels of walking to work. By combining the Walkability Index with socio-economic and demographic datasets, places that already have the conditions in place to enable more walking were identified – these are shown in the map (above right).

Points from blue to red show areas that score from low to high on the Walkability Index, red areas have the physical conditions in place to support higher levels of walking and may be suitable for behaviour-change campaigns, while blue areas require improvement to the built environment.

Evidence-based quick wins

LINE/IUM can support the development of coordinated interventions for each of the disciplines involved in shaping or responding to the impacts of the built environment.

Public health practitioners: The value of this spatial analysis is that, while it describes the built environment consistently, it can also be combined with additional datasets including demographic/socio-economic characteristics or actual activity data. This makes it possible to identify mismatches where there may be highly walkable areas, but low numbers of people walking. In these areas, interventions need to be shaped by local teams but a consistent dataset, validated against actual walking behaviour, means that multiple, different areas can be compared on a like-for-

like basis, and that behaviour change campaigns can be targeted and coordinated alongside plans for physical change.

Transport planners: Planners can use the tools developed by Space Syntax to better identify where the built environment already supports higher active mode shares, then to ensure that transport networks serve these areas. When developing or improving active travel networks, the tools can be used to quickly identify the specific routes most likely to be used by people walking or cycling. For masterplanners, urban designers and architects working within local planning policy, key design parameters for walkability can be defined using the Space Syntax tools. The tools can be used to quickly assess the spatial structure of development proposals.

Town planners: For town planners developing policy, insight from these tools can be used to consider the suitability of sites when allocating housing growth. Identifying that a site is located in an unwalkable area and is poorly connected to wider settlements means it is likely to rely more on private car use.

Access to Space Syntax’s Walkability Index and LINE/IUM tool, as well as the learnings generated by them, can enable multiple professional disciplines and local authority departments to develop coordinated strategies which combine soft and hard interventions around shared, validated, data.

Supporting collaboration between public health, transport, urban design, landscape design and town planning practitioners not only increases the chances of successfully delivering multiple policy objectives and positive outcomes, but can also make better use of public funding. n

Ed Parham is Director & Employee-Owner, Space Syntax

Read more about the Walkability Index:

71 71 Active Travel Directory 2023

Space Syntax provides creative expertise in architecture & urban planning. Operating worldwide, we combine global design experience with advanced digital technologies. Our modelling tools forecast the social, economic & environmental impacts of development on mobility, land value, resilience & health.

We help shape policies, planning strategies & design proposals that benefit people, property & the environment.

We develop digital modelling tools to forecast the social, economic & environmental performance of buildings & urban places.

Our LINE/IUM tool and Walkability Index dataset enables the insights required to deliver coordinated active travel strategies.

We train individuals & organisations: from one-off executive training events to multi-session courses.

Our training packages cover the principles, methodologies & software tools we employ in urban planning & building design practice. We offer beginner, intermediate and advanced options for practitioners, students and researchers.

Contact: Ed Parham +44 (0)20 7400 1320

Active Travel Directory 2023 72

Tracsis are the largest and longest established transport data collection specialists in the UK and are part of an award-winning transport systems and software business undertaking projects throughout the UK and internationally. We utilise the best and most appropriate technology, techniques, skills and experience available to help deliver data solutions for our customers.

Tracsis provide data for the largest and most complex transport modelling projects in the UK ranging from data derived from standard collection methods such as digital video and pneumatic tube, to AI video analytics, advanced ANPR and area-wide mobile phone network data. Please visit our website for more information and for our national and regional contact details.

Contact: Nick Mather +44 (0)1937 833933


Trueform, a pioneering technology and manufacturing company, provide leading products, manufacturing and specialist engineering solutions for all modes of passenger transport. We develop and harness leading technology and advanced manufacturing techniques to create innovative, market leading products for public spaces.

Operating internationally, Trueform hold contracts with major cities for the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of premium quality, intelligent, on-street infrastructure for Active Travel, Public Transportation, Intelligent Mobility, Smart City, low, ultra-low and Zero Emission, E-Mobility, Clean-Tech, Digital Display and Digital Advertising.

Our product and hardware solutions are supported by comprehensive field support services, including installation, logistics, commissioning, project management, maintenance and remote monitoring.

With over 150,000 installations in major Cities Worldwide. Trueform are a global leader in the provision of digital, intelligent indoor and outdoor digital displays for media, retail, on-street, smart city, transport and outdoor media applications.

Trueform Digital is taking a very different approach to the challenges that have traditionally beset our towns and cities, whether it be media communications, advertising, congestion, pollution or the lack of joined up interface between different modes of transport. This marks an exciting coalition between traditional transport systems and our ultra-smart technology and communication products and services that can exploit vast amounts of available multi-layered data.

We design, manufacture and deploy digital kiosks, which incorporate pioneering digital display, communication and technology solutions, to provide a network of premium quality digital media.

In addition to an award-winning range of leading digital display products, Trueform provide a range of support services for the design and engineering of bespoke product variations. This includes the creation of digital content which maximises the impact of the display technology. Contact:

Active Travel Directory 2023 74 +44 (0)20 8561 4959 /

Idaso Innovative Data Solutions Operating across the UK, Ireland and the Benelux region, Idaso provides Active Travel data capture solutions alongside traffic and transport surveys.

We work with local authorities and consulting engineers, providing empirical data for informed decision making. The company leverages its core technologies in the areas of AI video detection, radar, inductive loop and pneumatic tube detection.

Idaso also develops dashboards for both realtime data management and post analysis. Our dashboards are hardware agnostic and serve as a central hub for all your active travel data storage and visualisation needs.

Idaso works closely with our sister company GeoMobility to also provide a wide range of probe and floating car data through analysis of big data sources.

Contact: Ian Kerr +44 (0)20 3883 7753

Agilysis blends expertise research, policy and practice, drawing on the latest in international research. Our Active Streets Assessment Tool embraces detailed network infrastructure data from Ordnance Survey Master Map, enhanced with additional datasets for individual road sections including network flow, average speeds, 85th percentile speeds, modelled congestion, and collision history.

Contact: Martin Taylor +44 (0)1295 731811

Papaya is the platform to source, run and manage electric vehicles, especially within the last mile. Our first product is a vehicle management system that connects with a network of vehicle suppliers and service providers to more efficiently manage operations – and purchase vehicles and services –all on one platform.

Contact: Charlie Crawley

Quick, accurate responses on distance-based eligibility for home-to-school transport. Find the shortest, safe walking route to the nearest school gate using QPaths in seconds. Instant, automatic responses via API or batch process. Also search catchment polygons and nearest suitable school and other eligibility criteria.

Contact: Liz Davidson


Camcycle - Cambridge Cycling Campaign

Rosamund Humphrey +44 (0)1223 690718

Compass Informatics

Phil Baldacchino-Steward +44 (0)1937 833933

CycleStreets Ltd - journey planning and data for advocacy/planning

Martin Lucas-Smith +44 (0)1223 701901

TravelAi Ltd

Andreas Zachariah +44 (0)7976 717909

2023 76
Active Travel Directory
Sponsored by:
Contact our sales office on 020 8561 4959, email us at or visit for more information on any of our products ACTIVE TRAVEL WAYFINDING SIGNAGE The world’s leading wayfinding providers Trueform have manufactured city wide wayfinding products for: London • New York • Toronto Hong Kong • Birmingham Manchester • York • Mansfield Aberdeen • Leeds • Ipswich Southampton • Portsmouth Surrey • Peterborough • Luton Cheltenham • Aylesbury • Dundee Heathrow & Gatwick Airports Basingstoke • Winchester Leicester • Ireland BOOSTS BUSINESS & THE ECONOMY FULLY ACCESSIBLE TO ALL PROMOTES YOUR TOWN OR CITY SOLAR POWERED OPTIONS CREATES SAFER STREETS ENCOURAGES WALKING & CYCLING DIGITAL MAPPING OPTIONS GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT REDUCED CONGESTION & AIR POLLUTION Encouraging active travel by walking and cycling MEMBERS OF

Trueform, a pioneering technology and manufacturing company, provide leading products, manufacturing and specialist engineering solutions for all modes of passenger transport. We develop and harness leading technology and advanced manufacturing techniques to create innovative, market leading products for public spaces.

Operating internationally, Trueform hold contracts with major cities for the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of premium quality, intelligent, on-street infrastructure for Active Travel, Public Transportation, Intelligent Mobility, Smart City, low, ultra-low and Zero Emission, E-Mobility, Clean-Tech, Digital Display and Digital Advertising.

Our product and hardware solutions are supported by comprehensive field support services, including installation, logistics, commissioning, project management, maintenance and remote monitoring.

Trueform are also the world’s leading supplier of pedestrian wayfinding signage and signage totems.

Working in collaboration with architects, scheme designers, main contractors and transport authorities, Trueform has over 40 years of experience, with over 150,000 structures installed worldwide.

Trueform have provided award winning products and structures for a wide range of applications. All of Trueform’s structures are fully engineered to the highest standards and can be supplied in a range of elegant, robust materials and finishes to suit individual architectural requirements and to exacting customer requirements.

Our many years of experience enables us to provide high quality bespoke products that are easy and cost effective to install, erect and maintain.

Trueform are also leaders in the design and manufacture of digital advertising displays, electronic public information displays and interactive information kiosks for both outdoor and indoor applications.

You’ll find Trueform’s signage across most major cities worldwide! Contact: +44

(0)20 8561 4959

Tackling the climate emergency is at the forefront of people’s minds. At Atkins, we know that walking, cycling, and micro-mobility offer fast, cost-effective, deliverable, and sustainable ways of enabling reductions in car use. They contribute to fairer, healthier, and greener societies by improving access to employment, education, shopping, and leisure opportunities. They can maximise choices for all citizens by meeting personal mobility demands to deliver equality, health and wellbeing for everyone through creating better places. At Atkins, our dedicated Active Travel team covers the entire project lifecycle.

Our services span policy and strategy, developing design guidance, scheme planning, business case and funding, appraisal, and design and construction. Our collaborative approach to active travel ensures we share best practice and are at the forefront of emerging trends. We bring deep expertise in inclusive design and road user safety by ensuring we design our schemes for the full range of users, including those with protected characteristics, by embedding safety for all.

We also lead ‘Activation’ programmes of behavioural change that maximise demand for new walking and cycling infrastructure from the outset. Our teams support our clients in achieving higher levels of modal shift through effective active travel network development aligned to their vision. Together, we are shaping the future of transport.

Contact: Simon Jay +44 (0)20 7121 2114

Active Travel Directory 2023 80

The range of cycle parking solutions from Broxap Street Furniture suits all budgets, needs and environments. Thanks to our friendly, reliable service there’s no easier way to support active travel programmes whether it’s in the workplace, at schools, for residential complexes, transport hubs or providing public parking facilities.

At Broxap we help to connect people to places and have been providing safe, easy-to-use secure cycle parking infrastructure for more than five decades.

From cost-effective, on-street cycle parking stands, to access-controlled secure compounds, our products are built to meet the requirements of a growing active travel community.

Our cycle shelters offer robust security features as well as weather protection and inclusive storage access. We also offer high-density, large capacity cycle parking systems, ideal for busy commuter spots, as well as space-saving racks for pinch-points like basements.

Our experience of designing, manufacturing and installing cycle parking infrastructure across a wide range of locations has resulted in a catalogue of attractive, practical products to integrate with all surroundings and accommodate a range of cycles.

And our design and build service opens up bespoke cycle storage and parking options for a user-friendly and welcoming active travel experience.

Contact: Rachel Lee-Jones +44 (0)1782 564411


Leafield Highways, a leading UK manufacturer and designer of active travel products have a robust range of Cycle Lane Separator Bollards featuring in cities including Bristol, Liverpool, St Helens, Ealing, North Tyneside, Bradford and Birmingham.

Easy to install, durable and maintenance free the CLS range has been designed and manufactured for highly visible separation between cycle lanes and traffic lanes. Also, a major supplier of internal and external litter bins and recycling bins designed for single or multiple waste collections, with the option to segregate at source. Both our highway and waste ranges have been approved and praised by local authorities for over 25 years.

We manufacture using advanced rotational moulding techniques that enable us to produce consistent, high quality, extremely durable products that meet or exceed customer expectations. These products can be produced in up to 100% recycled material* or corporate colours* to enhance the overall street scene and reinforce the visual branding experience. *Restrictions apply

Contact: Steven Parker +44 (0)1225 816522

Pindar Creative is a leading expert in promoting active and sustainable travel; we aim to encourage more people to walk, cycle and use public transport for their everyday activities.

Our solutions include design, cartography, data, wayfinding and interactive mapping websites.

Products include walking and cycle maps, active travel maps for schools, school streets schemes and workplaces, maps for residential developments, consultation mapping, public transport timetables, network maps and route diagrams, and roadside publicity.

We also develop innovative solutions to provide the end-user of your services with the information they need - from responsive, intuitive websites to easy-to-implement digital signage.

Prefer to create your own maps? Our online mapping portal allows users to create active travel maps using templates that include their own branding. Each map takes just minutes to make, and more than 30 local authorities are already using the portal to create maps for schools, workplaces and communities.

Contact: Jill Tinsley (North); Maria Heaman (South) +44 (0)1296 390100

Active Travel Directory 2023 82


Learning Intelligence Networking & Knowledge Sharing

A specialist communications agency working in the UK and internationally. Transport, infrastructure, urban realm and technology are our specialisms. For further information visit:

ITP is a sustainable transport planning consultancy seeking to overcome the ever-growing mobility challenges of the 21st century to help improve the way the world moves.

In collaboration with our Dutch parent company, Royal HaskoningDHV, we provide end-to-end support for clients looking to create a citywide active travel network. We develop strategies, consult with stakeholders, design infrastructure, and deliver behaviour change programmes to make sustainable and active travel a realistic option for the many, not the few.

For more information on how we could help you to plan, design, implement and evaluate your future network, visit our website, or get in touch with Jim Bradley,

Contact: Jim Bradley +44 (0)1158 248250


Specialising in cycling behaviour change, Love to Ride are a Bristol-based global team who believe that life is better when more people ride bikes. Their popular online platforms, year-round local programmes and engaging seasonal campaigns have successfully encouraged, supported and monitored cycling since 2007.

The Love to Ride approach is successful because:

l Behaviour change sits at its core and is woven throughout - successfully engaging new, occasional and regular riders alike

l It is laser-focussed on the single active travel mode of cycling, eliciting the best possible results and longest-term change

l It offers excellent value for money by delivering rich, ongoing, year-round programmes that are inclusive and accessible

By understanding real & perceived barriers and motivators at the individual level, Love to Ride engages participants with targeted support, guidance, encouragement and incentives. This broad approach positively impacts changes in behaviour, increasing cycling frequencies and ultimately replacing car journeys.

Coupled with monitoring and research to measure progress and evidence outcomes, Love to Ride’s programming and achievements are unique and unrivalled.

The new Love to Ride app, already available on iOS, with an Android launch planned for 2023, is an exciting development for the sector. Its automated trip-logging technology automatically captures all journeys by bike (as well as other movement data), overlaying it with participant demographics. This information improves understanding of behaviours within project areas and provides valuable opportunities to create positive and lasting behaviour change.

Love to Ride has worked successfully with Councils, Combined Authorities and Transport Authority partners from Gloucestershire to Glasgow, Shetland to Southampton and London to Lancashire. Since 2007, Love to Ride have successfully accessed funding from Central Government Departments such as DfT, DoH and Active Travel England, as well as Public Health, Clean Air Zones, Climate Change and Innovations grants.

To find out more about how Love to Ride will complement your existing active travel and cycling initiatives, bringing cycling infrastructure planning and development to life with behavioural change and rich data, please get in touch for an informal chat and exploratory session.


Sam Robinson

+44 (0)7734 833451

Active Travel Directory 2023 86

Intelligent Health delivers evidence-based programmes and insight consultancy to enable individuals and communities to make small daily behaviour changes through walking and cycling.

Ways we can help:

1. Our flagship Beat the Street programme, delivered through national partnerships with Sport England and Paths for All. Over 1.5 million people have taken part with strong evidence of sustained mode shift to walking and cycling. The programme develops shared priorities for sectors including transport, health, and environment. Programme data is then utilised to provide actionable insight to inform local transport strategies.

2. Insight consultancy based on engagement, data, and insight to support the planning and commissioning of active travel. Understanding the barriers and opportunities to help people live more sustainable, healthier lives.

3. Eco-travel programme developed with Wokingham Borough Council which combines education and behaviour change for schools and the wider community. We turn air quality measurements into education and action plans.

Contact: Katherine Knight

Pindar Creative is a leading expert in promoting active and sustainable travel; we aim to encourage more people to walk, cycle and use public transport for their everyday activities.

Our solutions include design, cartography, data, wayfinding and interactive mapping websites.

Products include walking and cycle maps, active travel maps for schools, school streets schemes and workplaces, maps for residential developments, consultation mapping, public transport timetables, network maps and route diagrams, and roadside publicity.

We also develop innovative solutions to provide the end-user of your services with the information they need - from responsive, intuitive websites to easy-to-implement digital signage.

Prefer to create your own maps? Our online mapping portal allows users to create active travel maps using templates that include their own branding. Each map takes just minutes to make, and more than 30 local authorities are already using the portal to create maps for schools, workplaces and communities.

Contact: Jill Tinsley (North); Maria Heaman (South) +44 (0)1296 390100



Alison Holland +44 (0)1536 903400

Cycling UK - Cycle Friendly Employer Accreditation

James Palser 07834 895 745

Diva Creative Ltd

Amanda Pearce 0114 221 0378

Everybody’s Cycling Jessica Shay +44 (0)1904 951900

Go Travel Solutions

Robin Pointon 0330 024 5665

Green Parking

Neil Edwards +44 (0)7710 520333

Just Ride the Bike Ltd

Andrew Brown +44 (0)7795 547069

Soigneur Agency

Frank Kwanten 31655785086

The Green TLC

John Grantham +44 (0)7886 888480

The Merchants House of Glasgow

Nancy Braid

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Active Travel Directory


Beryl is the UK's leading micromobility company, championing sustainable travel options to help reduce road congestion and improve air quality and public health. We have delivered affordable bike, cargo bike and scooter schemes in locations around the country; including Norwich, Watford, Hereford, Bournemouth, the Isle of Wight, Hackney and, most recently, Greater Manchester. Currently the only B-Corp certified micromobility operator, we deliver schemes in partnership with cities and communities, placing people, social responsibility and environmental sustainability at the same level as financial sustainability. We also provide technology for the London Santander Bikes and the West Midlands Cycle Hire scheme. A developer of innovative technology solutions, we also manufacture products such as the Laserlight, which was created to tackle city cyclists’ biggest problem: being caught in the blind spot. The core laser technology is integrated into all Beryl schemes as well as the bikes of London, Montreal, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Contact: Ben Lee +44 (0)20 3196 5244

Brompton Bike Hire Limited

Julian Scriven

Donkey Republic

Fernando Gramaglia +44 (0) 808 178 5353

Electric England Ltd

Gordon J Riley +44 (0)20 3889 8459

MicroMobility Partners

Steve Pyer +44 (0)7801 134279

Yorkshire Electric Scooters Luke Riley +44 (0)1143 222640

Active Travel Directory 2023 90


Sponsored by:

Meristem Design is an award-winning design company creating bespoke green solutions for commercial, public realm and residential spaces.

We offer a 360 degree service to cater for all stages and all sizes of projects. From design conception to regular maintenance visits.

Parklets are intended to provide space for people to sit, relax and enjoy the city around them, providing aesthetic enhancement to the overall streetscape. By not requiring a permanent concrete base, Parklets are a much faster and less expensive way for the City to bring improvements to a neighbourhood.

We design, fabricate, and install a wide range of planters in different shapes, sizes and materials. They bring vibrancy and life to dull spaces.

Designed to manage rainwater run-off by allowing trees and plants to absorb and clean the water. They reduce the risk of flooding in the sewer network and improves water quality to our streams and rivers.

Instant privacy greening that improves our day to day air quality and contributes to the local biodiversity.


Meristem Design is an award-winning design company creating bespoke green solutions for commercial, public realm and residential spaces through green screens, living walls, parklets, custom planters, rain gardens, SuDS and biophilic design.

Our team of designers and horticulturists, driven by a passion for plants, are on a mission to bring more green into our world, whether it’s at home, in the office or on our commute. We are committed to making the grey green.

Parklets can serve as an important focal point when transforming streets from car dominated environments to community hubs, says Habib Khan – Founder and Director at Meristem Design. This shift towards outdoor spaces has paved the way for more parklets, with hundreds being installed in London alone over the past year.

We were delighted that two of our installations were awarded the UK's 1st Accredited Mobility Hubs by COMO. We need to adapt the space for low carbon Mobility Hubs containing seating, planting, electric charge points for cars and e-bikes and cycle parking. We are working with several organisations to roll out more Hubs across the UK.

We believe the future of sustainable transport is the Mobility Hubs and Meristem Design is on a mission to lead the way.

Contact: Habib Khan +44 (0)20 3137 6971


The range of cycle parking solutions from Broxap Street Furniture suits all budgets, needs and environments. Thanks to our friendly, reliable service there’s no easier way to support active travel programmes whether it’s in the workplace, at schools, for residential complexes, transport hubs or providing public parking facilities.

At Broxap we help to connect people to places and have been providing safe, easy-to-use secure cycle parking infrastructure for more than five decades.

From cost-effective, on-street cycle parking stands, to access-controlled secure compounds, our products are built to meet the requirements of a growing active travel community.

Our cycle shelters offer robust security features as well as weather protection and inclusive storage access. We also offer high-density, large capacity cycle parking systems, ideal for busy commuter spots, as well as space-saving racks for pinch-points like basements.

Our experience of designing, manufacturing and installing cycle parking infrastructure across a wide range of locations has resulted in a catalogue of attractive, practical products to integrate with all surroundings and accommodate a range of cycles.

And our design and build service opens up bespoke cycle storage and parking options for a user-friendly and welcoming active travel experience.

Contact: Rachel Lee-Jones +44 (0)1782 564411

Directory 2023 94
Active Travel

We create, deliver and manage innovative cycle parking and infrastructure.

The Cyclehoop team is dedicated to making places more cycle-friendly. Our award-winning products are designed by cyclists, to encourage people to make the switch and experience the benefits of riding a bike.

Since launching in 2008 we have worked with public and commercial organisations across all sectors in the UK and internationally, providing a range of high-quality products.

Our Cycle Parking Rentals network – where we install and manage our iconic on-street Bikehangars in partnership with local authorities – is the largest in the world. The Bikehangar® 4.0, is the only Sold Secure Diamond accredited Bikehangar on the market. Taking up half a car space, it provides six secure, insurable bike parking spaces, with the option of digital access.

The newly developed Cargo Bikehangar offers the same great security and access features, with space for two cargo bikes. Our Mobility Corrals provide parking for all micro-mobility vehicles including e-scooters and cargo bikes. With modular configurations, robust construction, integrated signage and attractive planter options, they are a fast and cost-effective option.

Cyclehoop’s knowledgeable team works in a consultative manner to ensure you get the right solution for your location and requirements.

Contact: Aaron Matthews +44 (0)20 8699 1338


We design, manufacture, operate and maintain active travel infrastructure.

Born over a decade ago from the needs of hardy British cyclists, we focus on delivering the highest quality, sustainable products and services to clients worldwide. All of our solutions are designed for maximum safety, security and usability for the wider community. Built to last in the UK using the highest quality components and skill, our solutions are tested to ensure the longest possible lifespan therefore reducing waste. All individual components are designed to be repaired, refurbished, reused or eventually recycled.

Secure cycle parking solutions are fully adaptable on-site to meet a wide range of future needs including:

l parking of children’s buggies and mobility scooters

l cargo bike parking

l ebike charging

l planters and benches to create parklets

Veloboxes have been designed to maximise efficiency of space by comfortably accommodating 12 bikes in a single car parking bay.

Other products and services include:

l parking rental management at

l bike repair stations

l cycle kit drying cabinets

l cycle hubs along with bespoke design and build services

l Sheffield stands and other types of bike racks

l bike fleets and accessories

l care plans and maintenance

Our team of certified professional technicians provide excellent service to all our clients, conducting professional in-person consultations to ensure our products are perfectly paired for the location and requirements.

Contact: David Wray

+44 (0)131 260 9739

Active Travel Directory 2023 96

As a leading UK manufacturer with 30 years of experience and knowledge we have been able to offer an extensive range of Traffic Calming, Cycle Separation and Site Safety Products, which has been the result of extensive research and development.

With the encouragement of LTN/120 cycling and walking, low traffic neighbourhoods and liveable neighbourhood schemes our Innovative recycled rubber products have been able to offer various solutions, such as Islands for school streets and road closures, surface kerbing for pavement widening, bus stop seating areas, planters and children’s play areas and the light segregation products for cycle lanes which as the number one manufacturer have already proved to be successful on many locations throughout the UK. We know that the appearance and aesthetics of our products are important to our customers. This is enhanced by the way we manufacture our products by moulds that give a soft, organic surface finish and with the introduction of a granite colour these are most suited to sensitive or heritage locations.

As a ISO9001 company we take pride in the compliance of our products, making sure that they offer the highest standards in quality and safety.

Our range includes our Traficop Speed Cushions, RediPave Island & splitters, Orca cycle Lane products, Site Safety Products, Passive Safe Jislon Pole Cones, Surface Kerbing and Tactile Surfaces.

Contact: Jeanette Holder +44 (0)7967 969957


Trueform, a pioneering technology and manufacturing company, provide leading products, manufacturing and specialist engineering solutions for all modes of passenger transport. We develop and harness leading technology and advanced manufacturing techniques to create innovative, market leading products for public spaces.

Operating internationally, Trueform hold contracts with major cities for the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of premium quality, intelligent, on-street infrastructure for Active Travel, Public Transportation, Intelligent Mobility, Smart City, low, ultra-low and Zero Emission, E-Mobility, Clean-Tech, Digital Display and Digital Advertising.

Our product and hardware solutions are supported by comprehensive field support services, including installation, logistics, commissioning, project management, maintenance and remote monitoring.

Trueform are also the world’s leading supplier of pedestrian wayfinding signage and signage totems.

Working in collaboration with architects, scheme designers, main contractors and transport authorities, Trueform has over 40 years of experience, with over 150,000 structures installed worldwide.

Trueform have provided award winning products and structures for a wide range of applications. All of Trueform’s structures are fully engineered to the highest standards and can be supplied in a range of elegant, robust materials and finishes to suit individual architectural requirements and to exacting customer requirements.

Our many years of experience enables us to provide high quality bespoke products that are easy and cost effective to install, erect and maintain.

Trueform are also leaders in the design and manufacture of digital advertising displays, electronic public information displays and interactive information kiosks for both outdoor and indoor applications. You’ll find Trueform’s signage across most major cities worldwide! Contact: +44 (0)20 8561 4959

Active Travel Directory 2023 98

Stantec is a global consultancy made up of designers, engineers, scientists, and project managers, innovating together at the intersection of community, creativity, and client relationships.

Balancing these priorities results in projects that advance the quality of life for people around the world.

We have been working with clients and communities in the UK for over 150 years. Collaborating in integrated regional teams across the UK, we plan, deliver and manage the development and infrastructure needed to support the creation of sustainable, healthy and prosperous communities.

We are passionate about helping places become more liveable, with reduced carbon emissions to ensure health benefits and safe travel for all.

Stantec has a proven track record of designing, implementing and unlocking funding for Active Travel schemes that reduce inequality, benefit the environment, and support the wellbeing of communities.

Contact: Wesley Wroe +44 (0)1925 845000

WorkfromHub is a sharing economy business, building a network of distraction-free workspaces. WorkfromHub is the only place where busy people can escape the chaos and consistently find the time and space they need to find focus. We are part of the mobility hub solution and are reimagining underused spaces.

Contact: Neal Byers +44 (0)7779 016059

LJMU Smart Green Things

Professor Trung Nguyen


Towns and cities throughout the world are using Trueform’s range of urban infrastructure to help transform their cities. Trueform’s products facilitate and encourage low carbon mobility and active travel, whilst improving public health, air quality and quality of life. With significant health and environmental benefits, Trueform’s Smart Mobility, and Active Travel products encourage walking, cycling and public transport usage, reducing congestion, greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, creating cleaner towns and cities, and cleaner air!

Trueform has equipped many of the world’s largest and most progressive towns and cities with pedestrian wayfinding, cycling, e-mobility, autonomous vehicle, bus, rail, bus rapid transit and air passenger transport infrastructure.



ITP is a sustainable transport planning consultancy seeking to overcome the ever-growing mobility challenges of the 21st century to help improve the way the world moves.

In collaboration with our Dutch parent company, Royal HaskoningDHV, we provide end-to-end support for clients looking to create a citywide active travel network. We develop strategies, consult with stakeholders, design infrastructure, and deliver behaviour change programmes to make sustainable and active travel a realistic option for the many, not the few.

For more information on how we could help you to plan, design, implement and evaluate your future network, visit our website, or get in touch with Jim Bradley,

Contact: Jim Bradley +44 (0)1158 248250

Active Travel Directory 2023 102

If your council needs feedback on transport or planning strategies, but is finding it difficult to engage with key stakeholders – as well as the silent majority – speak to Landor LINKS about our online meeting, networking and conference tools.

We have already worked with a number of city authorities to deliver public consultation / engagement events. This included; Creation of a virtual venue / advice on the most appropriate platform to use, Virtual breakout rooms for debate and discussion, Full on the day tech support plus opportunities for training, Networking areas, Polls, Analysis and post-event reports, Branding, marketing & promotion.

Derek Dunsire, Group Manager, Liveable Neighbourhoods, Glasgow City Council, commented:

“Many thanks to Landor LINKS for organising and managing the launch of the public conversation around Glasgow City Council’s Connecting Communities programme, and the associated People & Place webinars and workshop sessions. There were fantastic presentations across the board, with some insightful thinking and commentary. The virtual platform worked really well as a means to engage with stakeholders, delegates and communities from across and beyond Glasgow, and the incoming questions and comments were really helpful.”

Contact: Daniel Simpson 0774 246 1883


Keri Stewart

London Forum of Amenity & Civic Societies

Andrew Bosi 020 7354 8514

Project Centre Nichola Mansfield 03301 358 950 RideWise Gina Law 0115 955 2288

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:

Sustainably and efficiently manufactured in the UK from recycled tyre rubber and bonded with our unique polyurethane chemistry. Rosehill Highways Surface-mounted with no excavation required Substantial recycled rubber units Quick and easy installation Configuration options for design flexibility SUSTAINABLE TRAFFIC PRODUCTS ACTIVE TRAVEL • CYCLE LANE SEGREGATION • ISLANDS & REFUGES • SPEED CALMING +44 (0)1422 839 456 |


Sponsored by: Rosehill Highways

Rosehill Highways

Rosehill Highways is a market leading manufacturer of surface mounted rubber cycle scheme solutions and traffic calming products.

Rosehill’s innovative cycle delineation products have been specifically designed to provide a clearly visible, physical method of separation that is quick and easy to fix directly to the road surface. By eliminating expensive excavation, customers can achieve significant cost savings while minimising disruption to traffic flow. Cycle lane segregation ensures that cyclists of all abilities feel safe and protected from motor vehicles, allowing them to maintain a good level of continuous and confident riding. Used in a range of cycle schemes across the UK, Rosehill Highways’ cycle lane delineators provide the design flexibility to achieve your objectives while minimising disruption and cost.

Using innovative products and schemes to encourage Active Travel can transform and revitalise neighbourhoods beyond recognition, reducing motor vehicle use and inspiring residents to adopt healthier modes of transport.

Contact: Clare Riley +44 (0)1422 839456

Active Travel Directory 2023 106

As a leading UK manufacturer with 30 years of experience and knowledge we have been able to offer an extensive range of Traffic Calming, Cycle Separation and Site Safety Products, which has been the result of extensive research and development.

With the encouragement of LTN/120 cycling and walking, low traffic neighbourhoods and liveable neighbourhood schemes our Innovative recycled rubber products have been able to offer various solutions, such as Islands for school streets and road closures, surface kerbing for pavement widening, bus stop seating areas, planters and children’s play areas and the light segregation products for cycle lanes which as the number one manufacturer have already proved to be successful on many locations throughout the UK. We know that the appearance and aesthetics of our products are important to our customers. This is enhanced by the way we manufacture our products by moulds that give a soft, organic surface finish and with the introduction of a granite colour these are most suited to sensitive or heritage locations.

As a ISO9001 company we take pride in the compliance of our products, making sure that they offer the highest standards in quality and safety.

Our range includes our Traficop Speed Cushions, RediPave Island & splitters, Orca cycle Lane products, Site Safety Products, Passive Safe Jislon Pole Cones, Surface Kerbing and Tactile Surfaces.

Contact: Jeanette Holder +44 (0)7967 969957


SYSTRA keeps the world moving through connecting people and places. By enabling mobility, our work strengthens communities, increases social inclusion, fosters economic prosperity and supports environmental improvement. We deliver consultancy, engineering, development and specialist technical services that enable the safe and efficient movement of people and goods.

At SYSTRA we are passionate about developing transport solutions that enhance places and the quality of people’s lives. Our transport planners, engineers and urban designers work on a diverse portfolio of transport planning and engineering projects that have active travel, decarbonisation, and place-making at their heart.

Our approach is to understand the ‘place’ as well as all the issues around ‘movement’ and to think imaginatively about how the two can work together, enabling transport investment to contribute positively to the broader experience and quality of life for all.

SYSTRA is an innovative market leader in the delivery of active travel and decarbonisation schemes, services include:

l Strategy development inc. LCWIPs

l Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)

l School Streets

l Active Travel Modelling and Appraisal

l PERS (Pedestrian Environment Review System) audits

l Network Design Criteria Specification

l Preliminary & Detailed Design

l Public Realm Design & Implementation

l Behaviour Change

l Travel Demand Management

l Stakeholder Engagement, Monitoring & Research

Contact us for more information.

Contact: David Alderson

+44 (0)20 3882 1615

Active Travel Directory 2023 108

Intelligent Health delivers evidence-based programmes and insight consultancy to enable individuals and communities to make small daily behaviour changes through walking and cycling.

Ways we can help:

1. Our flagship Beat the Street programme, delivered through national partnerships with Sport England and Paths for All. Over 1.5 million people have taken part with strong evidence of sustained mode shift to walking and cycling. The programme develops shared priorities for sectors including transport, health, and environment. Programme data is then utilised to provide actionable insight to inform local transport strategies.

2. Insight consultancy based on engagement, data, and insight to support the planning and commissioning of active travel. Understanding the barriers and opportunities to help people live more sustainable, healthier lives.

3. Eco-travel programme developed with Wokingham Borough Council which combines education and behaviour change for schools and the wider community. We turn air quality measurements into education and action plans.

Contact: Katherine Knight

Pindar Creative is a leading expert in promoting active and sustainable travel; we aim to encourage more people to walk, cycle and use public transport for their everyday activities.

Our solutions include design, cartography, data, wayfinding and interactive mapping websites.

Products include walking and cycle maps, active travel maps for schools, school streets schemes and workplaces, maps for residential developments, consultation mapping, public transport timetables, network maps and route diagrams, and roadside publicity.

We also develop innovative solutions to provide the end-user of your services with the information they need - from responsive, intuitive websites to easy-to-implement digital signage.

Prefer to create your own maps? Our online mapping portal allows users to create active travel maps using templates that include their own branding. Each map takes just minutes to make, and more than 30 local authorities are already using the portal to create maps for schools, workplaces and communities.

Contact: Jill Tinsley (North); Maria Heaman (South) +44 (0)1296 390100


Stantec is a global consultancy made up of designers, engineers, scientists, and project managers, innovating together at the intersection of community, creativity, and client relationships.

Balancing these priorities results in projects that advance the quality of life for people around the world.

We have been working with clients and communities in the UK for over 150 years. Collaborating in integrated regional teams across the UK, we plan, deliver and manage the development and infrastructure needed to support the creation of sustainable, healthy and prosperous communities.

We are passionate about helping places become more liveable, with reduced carbon emissions to ensure health benefits and safe travel for all.

Stantec has a proven track record of designing, implementing and unlocking funding for Active Travel schemes that reduce inequality, benefit the environment, and support the wellbeing of communities.

Contact: Wesley Wroe +44 (0)1925 845000

Quick, accurate responses on distance-based eligibility for home-to-school transport. Find the shortest, safe walking route to the nearest school gate using QPaths in seconds. Instant, automatic responses via API or batch process. Also search catchment polygons and nearest suitable school and other eligibility criteria.

Contact: Liz Davidson

Oxfordshire Liveable Streets Scott Urban

Sustainable Street Design Paola Spivach

PWLC Projects LLP Nick Butler

Active Travel Directory 2023 110


Sponsored by:
street furniture design • manufacture • installation
The UK’s Leading Street Furniture Supplier & Manufacturer The Single Source Supplier for Active Travel Broxap Street Furniture is a specialist in the design, manufacture and installation of street furniture. With more than 75 years’ experience in the industry, Broxap is recognised for delivering high quality products across the street furniture range including external seating, bollards, litter bins, outdoor recycling bins, planters, signage, canopies, shelters, covered walkways and cycle parking infrastructure. T: 01782 564411 E: W:
Photo: The Strand, Liverpool City Centre Photo: Caerphilly Town CentrePhoto: Oldham Mumps, ManchesterPhoto: York House, Windsor

The range of cycle parking solutions from Broxap Street Furniture suits all budgets, needs and environments. Thanks to our friendly, reliable service there’s no easier way to support active travel programmes whether it’s in the workplace, at schools, for residential complexes, transport hubs or providing public parking facilities.

At Broxap we help to connect people to places and have been providing safe, easy-to-use secure cycle parking infrastructure for more than five decades.

From cost-effective, on-street cycle parking stands, to access-controlled secure compounds, our products are built to meet the requirements of a growing active travel community.

Our cycle shelters offer robust security features as well as weather protection and inclusive storage access. We also offer high-density, large capacity cycle parking systems, ideal for busy commuter spots, as well as space-saving racks for pinch-points like basements.

Our experience of designing, manufacturing and installing cycle parking infrastructure across a wide range of locations has resulted in a catalogue of attractive, practical products to integrate with all surroundings and accommodate a range of cycles.

And our design and build service opens up bespoke cycle storage and parking options for a user-friendly and welcoming active travel experience.

Contact: Rachel Lee-Jones +44 (0)1782 564411


Meristem Design is an award-winning design company creating bespoke green solutions for commercial, public realm and residential spaces through green screens, living walls, parklets, custom planters, rain gardens, SuDS and biophilic design.

Our team of designers and horticulturists, driven by a passion for plants, are on a mission to bring more green into our world, whether it’s at home, in the office or on our commute. We are committed to making the grey green.

Parklets can serve as an important focal point when transforming streets from car dominated environments to community hubs, says Habib Khan – Founder and Director at Meristem Design. This shift towards outdoor spaces has paved the way for more parklets, with hundreds being installed in London alone over the past year.

We were delighted that two of our installations were awarded the UK's 1st Accredited Mobility Hubs by COMO. We need to adapt the space for low carbon Mobility Hubs containing seating, planting, electric charge points for cars and e-bikes and cycle parking. We are working with several organisations to roll out more Hubs across the UK.

We believe the future of sustainable transport is the Mobility Hubs and Meristem Design is on a mission to lead the way.

Contact: Habib Khan +44 (0)20 3137 6971

Active Travel Directory 2023 114

As a leading UK manufacturer with 30 years of experience and knowledge we have been able to offer an extensive range of Traffic Calming, Cycle Separation and Site Safety Products, which has been the result of extensive research and development.

With the encouragement of LTN/120 cycling and walking, low traffic neighbourhoods and liveable neighbourhood schemes our Innovative recycled rubber products have been able to offer various solutions, such as Islands for school streets and road closures, surface kerbing for pavement widening, bus stop seating areas, planters and children’s play areas and the light segregation products for cycle lanes which as the number one manufacturer have already proved to be successful on many locations throughout the UK. We know that the appearance and aesthetics of our products are important to our customers. This is enhanced by the way we manufacture our products by moulds that give a soft, organic surface finish and with the introduction of a granite colour these are most suited to sensitive or heritage locations.

As a ISO9001 company we take pride in the compliance of our products, making sure that they offer the highest standards in quality and safety. Our range includes our Traficop Speed Cushions, RediPave Island & splitters, Orca cycle Lane products, Site Safety Products, Passive Safe Jislon Pole Cones, Surface Kerbing and Tactile Surfaces.

Contact: Jeanette Holder +44 (0)7967 969957


Trueform, a pioneering technology and manufacturing company, provide leading products, manufacturing and specialist engineering solutions for all modes of passenger transport. We develop and harness leading technology and advanced manufacturing techniques to create innovative, market leading products for public spaces.

Operating internationally, Trueform hold contracts with major cities for the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of premium quality, intelligent, on-street infrastructure for Active Travel, Public Transportation, Intelligent Mobility, Smart City, low, ultra-low and Zero Emission, E-Mobility, Clean-Tech, Digital Display and Digital Advertising.

Our product and hardware solutions are supported by comprehensive field support services, including installation, logistics, commissioning, project management, maintenance and remote monitoring.

Trueform are also the world’s leading supplier of pedestrian wayfinding signage and signage totems.

Working in collaboration with architects, scheme designers, main contractors and transport authorities, Trueform has over 40 years of experience, with over 150,000 structures installed worldwide.

Trueform have provided award winning products and structures for a wide range of applications. All of Trueform’s structures are fully engineered to the highest standards and can be supplied in a range of elegant, robust materials and finishes to suit individual architectural requirements and to exacting customer requirements.

Our many years of experience enables us to provide high quality bespoke products that are easy and cost effective to install, erect and maintain.

Trueform are also leaders in the design and manufacture of digital advertising displays, electronic public information displays and interactive information kiosks for both outdoor and indoor applications. You’ll find Trueform’s signage across most major cities worldwide! Contact: +44 (0)20 8561

Active Travel Directory 2023 116

Metric Group Ltd Louise Fothergill 01793 647 800

Leafield Highways, a leading UK manufacturer and designer of active travel products have a robust range of Cycle Lane Separator Bollards featuring in cities including Bristol, Liverpool, St Helens, Ealing, North Tyneside, Bradford and Birmingham.

Easy to install, durable and maintenance free the CLS range has been designed and manufactured for highly visible separation between cycle lanes and traffic lanes. Also, a major supplier of internal and external litter bins and recycling bins designed for single or multiple waste collections, with the option to segregate at source. Both our highway and waste ranges have been approved and praised by local authorities for over 25 years. We manufacture using advanced rotational moulding techniques that enable us to produce consistent, high quality, extremely durable products that meet or exceed customer expectations. These products can be produced in up to 100% recycled material* or corporate colours* to enhance the overall street scene and reinforce the visual branding experience. *Restrictions apply

Contact: Steven Parker +44 (0)1225 816522

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:

Leaders in Mobility Hub Signage & Infrastructure Shared mobility infrastructure suitable for Bike Racks & Canopies Digital Signage & Totems Wayfinding Displays Interchange Shelters Station Identifiers & Signage Waiting Rooms Architectural Metal & Glass Micro Mobility Docking Parklets Charging Canopies Real Time Information Displays Advertising Displays Contact our sales office on 020 8561 4959, email us at or visit or for more information MEMBERS OF


Tackling the climate emergency is at the forefront of people’s minds. At Atkins, we know that walking, cycling, and micro-mobility offer fast, cost-effective, deliverable, and sustainable ways of enabling reductions in car use. They contribute to fairer, healthier, and greener societies by improving access to employment, education, shopping, and leisure opportunities. They can maximise choices for all citizens by meeting personal mobility demands to deliver equality, health and wellbeing for everyone through creating better places. At Atkins, our dedicated Active Travel team covers the entire project lifecycle.

Our services span policy and strategy, developing design guidance, scheme planning, business case and funding, appraisal, and design and construction. Our collaborative approach to active travel ensures we share best practice and are at the forefront of emerging trends. We bring deep expertise in inclusive design and road user safety by ensuring we design our schemes for the full range of users, including those with protected characteristics, by embedding safety for all.

We also lead ‘Activation’ programmes of behavioural change that maximise demand for new walking and cycling infrastructure from the outset. Our teams support our clients in achieving higher levels of modal shift through effective active travel network development aligned to their vision. Together, we are shaping the future of transport.

Contact: Simon Jay +44 (0)20 7121 2114

Active Travel Directory 2023 120

Space Syntax provides creative expertise in architecture & urban planning. Operating worldwide, we combine global design experience with advanced digital technologies. Our modelling tools forecast the social, economic & environmental impacts of development on mobility, land value, resilience & health.

We help shape policies, planning strategies & design proposals that benefit people, property & the environment.

We deliver expert urban planning & design advice at all stages of the project lifecycle: from site assessment & policy review to design evaluation & in-use appraisal.

Our focus on people & place adds value to planning & design strategies. We support projects with evidence rich insights that guide decision-takers.

Our LINE/IUM tool and Walkability Index dataset enables the insights required to deliver integrated active travel strategies.

Contact: Ed Parham +44 (0)20 7400 1320


SYSTRA keeps the world moving through connecting people and places. By enabling mobility, our work strengthens communities, increases social inclusion, fosters economic prosperity and supports environmental improvement. We deliver consultancy, engineering, development and specialist technical services that enable the safe and efficient movement of people and goods.

At SYSTRA we are passionate about developing transport solutions that enhance places and the quality of people’s lives. Our transport planners, engineers and urban designers work on a diverse portfolio of transport planning and engineering projects that have active travel, decarbonisation, and place-making at their heart.

Our approach is to understand the ‘place’ as well as all the issues around ‘movement’ and to think imaginatively about how the two can work together, enabling transport investment to contribute positively to the broader experience and quality of life for all.

SYSTRA is an innovative market leader in the delivery of active travel and decarbonisation schemes, services include:

l Strategy development inc. LCWIPs

l Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)

l School Streets

l Active Travel Modelling and Appraisal

l PERS (Pedestrian Environment Review System) audits

l Network Design Criteria Specification

l Preliminary & Detailed Design

l Public Realm Design & Implementation

l Behaviour Change

l Travel Demand Management

l Stakeholder Engagement, Monitoring & Research

Contact us for more information.

Contact: David Alderson

+44 (0)20 3882 1615

Active Travel Directory 2023 122

Arcadis is committed to improving quality of life by accelerating transport decarbonisation, enhancing health and creating more accessible communities.

We help create liveable places, sustain travel behaviour change, and increase uptake of active travel.

Arcadis is global business headquartered in Amsterdam. Our 29,000 people collaborate across more than 70 countries worldwide, sharing contemporary insight and a commitment to the delivery of sustainable transport.

We have a strong UK based Active Travel team who understand what works, and combine digital innovation and lessons learned, particularly from best practice examples in the Netherlands to help our clients ‘Go Dutch’. Our team is experienced in delivering a full spectrum of active moderelated projects, from high-level strategies, to detailed design of cycle and pedestrian routes, post-implementation evaluation and monitoring, and targeted incentivisation and behaviour change campaigns.

We offer our clients one-stop-shop solutions and confidence that the projects we deliver are fully compliant with national and local policy and guidance.

Contact: Aleksei Lugovoi +44 (0)20 7812 2000

Sweco is committed to promoting more sustainable and active modes of transport and travel.

Sweco have a dedicated active travel team with a wide experience of delivering active travel projects across the UK and Ireland. From designing new cycle routes in urban and rural areas for local authorities, to undertaking travel behavior change campaigns that promote walking and cycling to universities, we carry out stand alone projects or work as part of a wider masterplan.

Within our dedicated active travel team we have specific design skills that allow us to develop bespoke processes to deliver new active travel infrastructure that also considers carbon, sustainability and accessibility.

Contact: Christopher Fallen

+44 (0)131 550 6314


We are Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking. Our mission is to improve the walking environment and inspire people to walk more. We provide technical expertise on how streets can be improved for walking and our behaviour change initiatives inspire schools, workplaces and communities to walk everyday local journeys.

Contact: Tanya Braun +44 (0)20 7377 4900

Becki Cox (Walking infrastructure consultant / researcher) Becki Cox

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:

Active Travel Directory 2023 124


The leading transport recruitment website, established, proven and most trusted since 2007 The site comprehensively lists jobs in the fields of: l Transportation Planning l Transport Modelling l Transport Engineering l Passenger Transport l Parking l Rail l Road Safety l Highways & Traffic For all your recruitment needs contact Jason Conboy on: 020 7091 7895 or email:, launched 2005, provides the most comprehensive list of jobs from across the transport sector.

We are the transport recruitment site of choice for leading transport organisations and have a jobs seeker database of over 18,000 transport professionals.

l The best selection of jobs at all levels from senior management to graduate trainees and in all areas including overseas

l All the major employers in transport advertise on our site

l Receive personalised job alerts by email

l Find out about the latest vacancies before they are advertised in the press

l Track your application from start to finish

l Use our employer profiles to research each company’s background

l Post your CV and let employers head hunt you

l Communicate with employers and build relationships

Contact: Jason Conboy 020 7091 7895

ITS (UK), the independent association for the promotion of Intelligent Transport Systems, a notfor-profit public/private sector association financed by members’ subscriptions. We provide a forum for all organisations concerned with ITS. 150 members, ranging from the UK Department for Transport, through highways authorities, to large and small consultancies and suppliers.

Contact: Rukshan Soysa +44 (0)20 7709 3003

Camcycle - Cambridge Cycling Campaign Rosamund Humphrey +44 (0)1223 690718

PTRC Education and Research Services Ltd Brogan McPherson 020 7348 1979

Sheffield Cycling 4 All, An Inclusive Cycling Project

Rosemary Hill +44 (0)7565 695296

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