Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

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Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020 The essential A-Z guide to product and service suppliers specialising in active travel



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Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Learning Intelligence Networking & Knowledge Sharing A specialist communications agency working in the UK and internationally. Transport, infrastructure, urban realm and technology are our specialisms. For further information visit:


2020 has been a landmark year for active travel. The restrictions brought about by COVID-19 have created a once in a lifetime opportunity for towns and cities to reimagine their places and spaces, and how we move around them. The government’s own Gear Change document, “A bold vision for cycling and walking” sets a very clear ambition to prioritise active travel and the enormous benefits that a more active nation will bring – increasing physical activity, clean growth, air quality and climate change, addressing inequalities and reducing the congestion that’s clogging up the places we live, work and play. Additionally, the Government announced that £2bn of funding would be made available to create a ‘new era’ for cycling and walking. An Emergency Active Travel Fund of £250m, the first phase of this funding, is being allocated now to councils throughout England to help reallocate roadspace and improve conditions for walking and cycling. The second tranche is due to be released imminently. In response, we’re pleased to publish the first directory of products and services for the active travel sector. Over the following 98 pages you will find key suppliers of products and services who are specialising in supporting local government to make towns, cities and rural areas less dependent on cars and promote healthier lifestyles through walking and cycling. At the time of writing, much of the UK is still in lockdown, and opportunities for networking and sharing ideas have significantly diminished, making it increasingly difficult for councils to find suitable suppliers, partners and experts to assist with mobilising projects. For the first time, a comprehensive and essential guide to products and services suppliers working in the active travel sector is now available in print and online to help councils find suitable partners. We hope that this directory is useful and that information will be shared across departments. If you require additional print copies or digital PDF copies, please contact me for more information. Daniel Simpson Commercial Director, Landor LINKS 0774 246 1883 Published by: Landor LINKS © Landor LINKS 2020

Printed by: Printed Easy, 1 Meredews, Works Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 1WH

Details correct at time of going to press. While every effort has been taken to check contact details, the publisher cannot be held responsible for errors.







Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Welcome to the first edition of the Active Travel Suppliers Directory



























Cyclemaster™ Bollard

Sustainable Solutions for Active Travel Schemes

Vergemaster RX™ Marker Post

Echelon™ Cycle Shelter

Glenwood™ Post


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Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

A leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance road safety products and solutions for active travel, Glasdon offers an extensive range of passively safe bollards, verge marker posts, cycle lane delineators and cycle parking facilities. Established in 1959 and working directly with highways professionals over 6 decades, we have a team of experts on hand to offer advice and guidance across the wide spectrum of schemes. We strive for quality and compliance, designing all Glasdon products with high-quality materials and rigorously testing to ensure they meet the highest standards in quality and safety. Our passively safe bollards, chevron systems and verge marker posts are manufactured with specially formulated polymer materials including Impactapol® material and Reflexapol® material. For cycle lane schemes, the Cyclemaster™ Bollard is ideal for creating highly visible and safe delineation at junctions, crossing points and on contraflow cycle lanes. We designed this self-righting bollard with large sign faces on the front and rear for up to 6 signs, to assist cyclists and pedestrians. Alternatively, the wood effect Glenwood™ Post is perfect for cycle routes in rural settings. We also offer a wide range of quality cycle shelters, compounds and bike stands. Contact: John Cookson


Easy to install, durable and maintenance free the CLS range has been designed and manufactured for highly visible separation between cycle lanes and traffic lanes. Also, a major supplier of internal and external litter bins and recycling bins designed for single or multiple waste collections, with the option to segregate at source. Both our highway and waste ranges have been approved and praised by local authorities for over 25 years. We manufacture using advanced rotational moulding techniques that enable us to produce consistent, high quality, extremely durable products that meet or exceed customer expectations. These products can be produced in up to 100% recycled material* or corporate colours* to enhance the overall street scene and reinforce the visual branding experience. *Restrictions apply

Manufactured from 100% recycled materials and offers an alternative to traditional materials. Products are permanent and offer temporary solutions, with quick and easy installation. Contact: Jeanette Holder


A leading manufacturer of high-quality road bollards helping increase road awareness and safety, Leafield Environmental launched a brand-new bollard range in 2020; The CLS (Cycle Lane Separator) range.

Rediweld is a leading UK manufacturer of an extensive range of traffic calming, cycle separation and site Safety Products, which has been the result of extensive research and development.

Contact: Philip Maddox 01225 816 522


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Solid Soul Design is a family business, run by Brendan and Kieron McSherry. We design and handcraft high quality Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) furniture for streets, parks and gardens. Established in 2001 with a simple goal; to create functional, beautiful and efficient objects that improve the life of the user and society. We understand the impact every object we make has on our planet and our twin objective is to minimise this impact. We have developed a range of exterior furniture and a set of manufacturing techniques that allow us to create carbon efficient furniture that will last a lifetime. Our newest range has been developed to meet the increased demand for cycling infrastructure, helping to provide a space for urban gardens and increase the amount of secure cycle storage. We handcraft all our products in Birkenhead using our very own GRC mix, ensuring a lifetime of use. Projects include seating and planters at London’s Centre Point, Dan Pearson’s garden at Evelina’s Childrens Hospital and Jamie Oliver’s head office. Contact:


Trueform offer a range of bollards, poles and delineation street furniture products that provide protection for members of the public in town, city and high street locations. We also have a range of products that facilitate safe social distancing. Based on our comprehensive range of proven and adopted designs, our products can be used individually or in multiples, allowing for adaptable configurations that can be easily deployed and repositioned during peak times. With robust construction, designed for high footfall environments, they feature hygienic wipe free surfaces and configurable graphics to suit a variety of corporate graphics and branding. We also offer a range of innovative street furniture incorporating Hostile Vehicle Mitigation measures. This street furniture infrastructure allows security measures to be hidden within the street furniture / signage structure, meaning your development can be made safe without having a detrimental effect on the aesthetic qualities of the space. Contact: Amanda O’Connor 020 8561 4959


Solareye have spent over 10 years developing solar lighting technologies, perfect for cycle paths or walk-ways in off-grid areas. By listening to feedback from our customers we innovate and develop product designs to reduce safety and environmental concerns, whether that’s ground lighting, bollard lighting or lighting for bike storage facilities. Contact: Will Clarke 0845 293 8062 Meristem Design Habib Khan 020 3137 6971 Possible Leo Murray 07834 768 743

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:


Aiming to get more people riding bikes? What people say about Love to Ride Love to Ride make it easy and fun to get more people on bikes. We’re Love to Ride, a specialist team that works with UK councils, combined authorities and city regions to get people cycling. With behaviour change at the core of all that we do and a solid track record spanning thirteen years, our work gets results.

Having Love to Ride on board for our West Midlands “ Emergency Active Travel Fund programme has brought a critically important element of activation to our new and planned infrastructure.” Deborah Fox, Head of TDM, West Midlands CA Cycling and walking infrastructure will deliver environmental “ benefits, but it isn’t enough on its own to elicit genuine behaviour change. We've invested in a Love to Ride programme with the aim of generating lasting change. Adam Baker, Public Health Strategic Lead, Suffolk CC

UK clients include:

When coronavirus arrived, I started cycling to work “ instead of using public transport. Six months later, I've used the Cycle to Work scheme to upgrade my bike and my son even rides his bike to school each day. We're changing our habits together. Laura S, New Rider

Love to Ride team provide important support for “ The people who access the cycling infrastructure we build. Their specialist approach to cycling has been key, along with the unique behaviour change model behind their online platform, helping generate real-world results. Neil Tuck, Sustainable City Team Leader, Southampton CC

to take the plunge and cycle to work and back. “ II decided had not cycled for ten years and was quite unfit and underconfident. Love to Ride helped spur me on! I am now a very confident cyclist and in my late fifties, I have never been fitter!" Stephen T, New Rider

Contact us to get things rolling:

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Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

The virtual way to inspire novice riders Sam Robinson of Love to Ride explains why now is a great time to run programmes to encourage and support more cycling allows us to get around while physically distancing. l We want to challenge people who drive their cars more instead of using public transport and offer a real alternative. If people still aren’t keen or able to use public transport, cycling for transport is often a very real and hugely beneficial alternative. Understanding and helping people overcome their barriers, and leveraging their motivations to give cycling a go, makes really good sense at this time of rapid change and new challenges.

Love to Ride participants benefit from a led ride

Back in March 2020, I remember talking with a friend about the onset of COVID19 and the lockdowns that were starting to take shape. He said: “It’ll probably be over by July.” A few months later, many of us hoped the worst might be over by Christmas once a vaccine was made available. As I write this, there remains much uncertainty over when and how things are going to change. As we plan our transport demand management (TDM) programmes for 2021 and beyond, we need to take into account the uncertainty that still exists. To support us in this task, we have provided some key points to consider as you plan for 2021:


1. Physical, in-person events are risky to plan. Any events that are face-to-face, even ones scheduled next year, could be cancelled or postponed. Putting time and energy into planning these events has to be weighed against the potential for them not to go ahead. Love to Ride’s online

urban cycle skills training shares some useful know-how at a critical time, to keep people riding whilst they source local in-person training. 2. Online programming is a safer bet because it can go ahead no matter what. Tried and tested online programming can also be highly effective, measurable and scalable in its ability to reach a large number of people. Remote teams, furloughed staff, and people working from home or living in lockdown can still benefit from participating in an online programme, keeping active, engaging with others, being supported and encouraged as they go. 3. Biking for active travel is a great mode to focus on in 2021: l Riding a bike is great for our physical and mental health and it

l Ride the wave of cycling’s popularity: We’ve all seen bike shops selling out of bikes and more people than ever cycling since Coronavirus shook the world. Now is the time to capitalise on this renewed interest and popularity for cycling and put these gains in the bank! l Prevent bikes from going back in the shed. When people return to riding or take it up for the first time, there’s a very real chance that after a negative experience or faced with barriers seemingly too big to overcome, the bike is put back in the shed. We need to support these people to overcome the barriers they face and keep them riding. l There’s a wealth of users’ cycling stories that we can share to inspire others to ride too. Sharing stories is a powerful peer-support mechanism for fostering new social norms, demonstrating what is possible and stimulating positive behaviour (see pane right).

5. Physical and mental ‘infrastructure’ development is key. As well as building cycling and active travel infrastructure in our cities and communities, we also need to run programmes that build ‘infrastructure’ in people’s minds. This ‘infrastructure of the mind’ enables people to ride comfortably and confidently in their communities. In places where good examples of physical cycling infrastructure are more common, it’s easier to get more people riding bikes because there are fewer barriers to overcome to reach a level of confidence and comfort that enables frequent cycling. A cycling behaviour change initiative is a cost-effective approach to building ‘infrastructure of the mind’ and increasing mode-share for cycling. Getting more people on bikes also helps to build more public support and political will for building more cycling infrastructure, as the two work in tandem. Whatever 2021 brings, one of the ways that you can be prepared is to run virtual programmes that encourage more people to ride bikes. They’re a safe and effective option and fit for purpose in these uncertain times. After all, riding a bike brings a smile to people’s faces and we all know the world could use more happiness and good vibes! n

Bike love stories “I’ve been encouraged to do my bit to reduce our family’s carbon emissions. One easy change for us is cycling the nursery/work commute instead of using our family car. My toddler is seated quite happily on the crossbar on a wee ride seat and he loves pointing out all the things we see along our ride each morning. The best part is when we cruise by all the traffic jams and get home in half the time!” Katie, Exeter

Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

4. With levels and timing of revenue funding in our sector also uncertain, now could be the right time to partner with colleagues in public health. People working in sustainable transport and public health can achieve individual and shared objectives by working together to support and encourage more people to ride bikes. By collaborating and pooling funding and other resources (such as local contacts, skills and experience) public health and sustainable transport departments can fund and benefit from projects.

“My friend hasn’t cycled in 30 years. She was given a bike but it was in need of repair so I booked her into a local Dr Bike session and she was able to ride home. I’ve been taking her out on rides and leaving her to cycle a little way by herself, building it up every time. Today’s ride was the first full commute to work for her. This is her in the picture feeling pleased with herself (below). A regular cycle to work together means that we can both cut our carbon output and our commuting time.” Karen, South Yorkshire

Funded in the UK with Transport and Public Health budgets, Love to Ride work with communities, cities and regions, to encourage, grow and monitor cycling. Their unique approach has behaviour change at its core and their specialist team have delivered quality projects since 2007. Their best-in-class technology platform successfully supports people to progress along a personal journey of change. Sam Robinson is Director at Love to Ride For more information contact:


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Love to Ride are a global cycling behaviour change social business based in Bristol. They believe life is better when more people ride bikes and their specialist online platforms, year-round programmes and innovative approach have been supporting and monitoring cycling throughout the UK and globally since 2007.By understanding barriers and motivators at the individual level, Love to Ride can better target participants with support, guidance, encouragement and incentives that are most likely to have the biggest impact on changes in behaviour, increasing cycling frequencies and replacing car journeys by bike. Coupled with monitoring and research to evidence outcomes and measure progress, the Love to Ride approach, programming and achievements are unique and unrivalled. New for 2021 is an automated triplogging app. This will automatically capture everyday riding and other movement data and overlay it with user demographics, creating exciting new opportunities to create change and give an improved understanding of behaviours and real-time data. Love to Ride are already working with EATF funding in their city and regional UK projects and are also supported by Public Health, Climate Change and Air Quality and Innovation funding in their public-sector behaviour change programmes. Contact: Sam Robinson 07734 833 451


Intelligent Health are experts in behaviour change. We provide consultancy and behaviour change at scale through our awardwinning programme called Beat the Street. In Autumn 2020 we began our COVID-19 safe programmes with 33,000 residents taking part in seven towns in England and Scotland. Beat the Street is an evidence-based intervention that helps people make small changes to daily behaviour by walking and cycling. Beat the Street increases active travel and reduces health inequalities. Beat the Street uses contactless technology and gamification to reinforce the fact that walking or cycling outdoors is a low-risk activity and helps boost physical and mental health. Behaviour change is long-lasting with strong evidence 12 months on. Beat the Street Eastbourne Participant: “Beat the Street is a huge motivation. It makes me walk when I would normally have driven… and it makes me go further than I normally would just to get an extra box (or two).” Contact:

The RidePod® counters are environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, low maintenance and perfectly adapted for remote work. These systems are very reliable, performing to max capacity under various weather conditions (eg. rain, snow, heatwave), temperatures (-10°C to 60°C) and off-grid. Unlike competitor products, RidePod counters accurately detect non-magnetic vehicles (e.g. carbon fibre bikes) and differentiate e-scooters or bicycles travelling in clusters. Both permanent and temporary systems timestamp every vehicle axle, resulting in detailed statistics such as volume, speed, true direction, vehicle class and traffic gap. While retaining dataset ownership, RidePod users can analyse data manually using the complimentary MTE software, or automatically through the ATLYST web app.


MetroCount® is the world leader in manufacturing accurate and reliable solutions for monitoring and analysing bicycles, pedestrians and e-scooter traffic.

Either way, users can quickly compare commuter and leisure ride behaviours, pinpoint peak times, identify hazards and generate comprehensive reports for funding applications. Contact:

Katherine Knight

Daryl Ellison

020 8782 8999


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Operating throughout the UK and Ireland our network of operational bases allow us to deliver the largest and most complex Active Travel data collection projects alongside individual local surveys. We utilise the innovation and skills Tracsis are known for including AI Video Analytics, Bluetooth, WiFi, Radar and Pneumatic Tube ATC and our inhouse data analytics and reporting skills. Contact: Nick Mather 01937 833 933

Westcotec thrive on innovation, relishing the challenge of bringing new approaches to old problems. Alongside traditional speed warning signs the company produces very specialist devices including, Road Flood Warning and Bridge Height Warning systems and Collision Avoidance System. Westcotec manufacture in their own factory utilising high quality, rigorously tested components. The single site for Manufacture, Technical Support, Research, Development, Sales and Marketing provides an ability to react swiftly to customer’s requirements particularly in the more specialist areas, this flexibility has led to custom in not only in the UK but also across the world. They are one of only a few to have obtained the required CE mark for their VAS products. Westcotec has pioneered alternative energy with wind and solar options, available throughout it’s product range. Westcotec are determined to reduce their carbon footprint so for every sign sold a tree is planted in the company owned woodland. Contact: Will Spinks 01362 853124


BetterPoints Limited 07836 235 000 Cycling UK Jenny Box Pelation Liz Yu Pro Bike Service C.I.C. Lawrence Mohammed 07722 258 587 Videalert Tim Daniels


Richard Kirk

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:


Influencing Behaviour Researching RE


The attitudes that underlie travel decisions to identify target audiences and market segments.



Behaviour change programmes, interventions and awareness raising campaigns.




Behaviour change programmes, campaigns and engagement with a range of audiences.

Evaluating E




The impact of travel behaviour change programmes and capturing lessons learned.

Our in-house team of behaviour change experts, transport planners, graphic designers and marketing professionals has all the skills needed to support your work to influence the travel choices people make.


For further information please contact: Jim Bradley t: +44 (0) 7970 775 481 e: Improving the way the world moves

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Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Opening minds to a new way of travel With EATF Tranche 2 set to deliver permanent infrastructure measures, councils should introduce programmes that encourage and inspire people to travel sustainably, says Jim Bradley When the Government announced a £2bn fund earlier this year in a bid to create a ‘new era’ for cycling and walking, many sustainable transport planners in the UK rejoiced. Dedicated funding, paired with an unprecedented rise in cycling and walking during lockdown, presented a huge opportunity to create a longer-term shift to sustainable travel choices post-COVID. Over the summer, Tranche 1 of the Emergency Active Travel Fund (EATF) aided the rapid roll-out of new and experimental infrastructure. As we progress towards Tranche 2, this is a good time to consider how effective behavioural change programmes can help maximise the impact of recent capital investments. By encouraging more people to use the new infrastructure we can help to ‘lock in’ sustainable travel outcomes and associated benefits for longer.

Habitual behaviours


Research evidence has shown that people are more likely to change their travel behaviours when experiencing a major life event, for example, moving home or starting a new job. It is at these key moments that people are more willing to re-consider habitual behaviours such as commuting. While the majority of life changes occur on an individual scale, COVID-19 has impacted at a societal level, forcing many people to drastically change how they travel, how often they travel and where they travel. When the national lockdown was introduced in March, many cities reported a rise in the number of people walking and cycling. In response to this, central and local government in the UK introduced temporary active travel infrastructure to facilitate and support this new trend.

EATF temporary active travel measures - Castle Street in Liverpool

Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

As restrictions eased, some cities observed rapid rises in the numbers of vehicle movements. With EATF Tranche 2 set to deliver more permanent infrastructure measures by March 2021, councils should take steps now to introduce programmes that encourage and inspire people to travel sustainably. Campaigns of this nature require planning, research and design to be effective if they are to deliver genuine value.

The route to behaviour change

Step 1: Research Public consultations have been limited recently, due to the speed with which actions were taken. However, the next three to six months offer opportunities to consult with residents and businesses on permanent infrastructure. This will enhance the likelihood of successful outcomes. Engaging with the public will allow a clearer insight into their perceptions of existing transport networks and the new infrastructure. This, in turn, will help shape the design of behaviour change campaigns that aim to encourage people to use new walking and cycling routes. In the London Boroughs of Lambeth and Enfield, ITP has seen how valuable public consultation can be and is in the process of conducting consultation relating to a Low Traffic Neighbourhood. Step 2: Design Messaging about sustainable travel options has changed significantly in the past 12 months due to the nuances around COVID-19. This means it is more important than ever to convey the right message to the target audience. It should also be clear who is promoting the programme. ITP has been working with Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) on a

Behavioural change campaign design - Get on Board Milton Keynes

marketing and communications campaign aimed at businesses during the pandemic. TfWM recognises its role as “one source of truth” across the West Midlands in order to maintain public trust, therefore ensuring a greater impact when trying to encourage behaviour change and maintain it. Step 3: Delivery More people are using technology to communicate as a result of the pandemic. However, we are yet to see the full potential of virtual or remote behaviour change delivery methods. ITP is working to evolve our traditional face-to-face approach in some settings to virtual options such as offering video calls for Personalised Travel Plan sessions. This change has also increased the need for effective marketing and communications

Behavioural change delivery - business engagement in Lowestoft

– ensuring sustainable travel messages stand out. Getting the timing right is one of the most important aspects of delivery, and as we head into the winter now is an opportune moment to start campaign planning - ready for delivery in the spring when EATF infrastructure schemes are on the ground and more people are getting out on their bikes. Step 4: Evaluation At ITP, the fourth prong in our approach is ‘evaluation’. You’ve done the research, designed your behaviour change campaign and completed delivery, but it’s important not to stop there. Evaluation allows an assessment of the impact of your campaign - has it produced the increase in active travel you desired? Are there any lessons you can take from this campaign into the next? The world we live in and the way we move has changed, but the climate emergency, a serious public health crisis, and the need to remind people to travel sustainably have not gone away. ITP’s team has all the skills in-house behavioural change experts, graphic designers, marketeers and transport planners - to deliver behaviour change programmes from start to finish. n If you would like to find out more about how our team can help you achieve your goals, please contact ITP’s Influencing Behaviour Team Director Jim Bradley:


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Love to Ride are a global cycling behaviour change social business based in Bristol. They believe life is better when more people ride bikes and their specialist online platforms, year-round programmes and innovative approach have been supporting and monitoring cycling throughout the UK and globally since 2007.By understanding barriers and motivators at the individual level, Love to Ride can better target participants with support, guidance, encouragement and incentives that are most likely to have the biggest impact on changes in behaviour, increasing cycling frequencies and replacing car journeys by bike. Coupled with monitoring and research to evidence outcomes and measure progress, the Love to Ride approach, programming and achievements are unique and unrivalled. New for 2021 is an automated triplogging app. This will automatically capture everyday riding and other movement data and overlay it with user demographics, creating exciting new opportunities to create change and give an improved understanding of behaviours and real-time data. Love to Ride are already working with EATF funding in their city and regional UK projects and are also supported by Public Health, Climate Change and Air Quality and Innovation funding in their public-sector behaviour change programmes. Contact: Sam Robinson 07734 833 451


Arcadis is a Dutch owned global business. Our 27,000 employees collaborate through 80 countries sharing contemporary insight and a commitment to the delivery of sustainable transport. We have a strong UK team who understand what works, and combine digital innovation and lessons learned to help our clients ‘Go Dutch’. Contact: Keri Stewart

Intelligent Health are experts in behaviour change. We provide consultancy and behaviour change at scale through our awardwinning programme called Beat the Street. In Autumn 2020 we began our COVID-19 safe programmes with 33,000 residents taking part in seven towns in England and Scotland. Beat the Street is an evidence-based intervention that helps people make small changes to daily behaviour by walking and cycling.


Arcadis is committed to improving quality of life by accelerating transport decarbonisation, improving the air we breathe, enhancing health and creating more accessible communities. We help create liveable places, sustain travel behaviour change, and increase uptake of active travel.

Beat the Street increases active travel and reduces health inequalities. Beat the Street uses contactless technology and gamification to reinforce the fact that walking or cycling outdoors is a low-risk activity and helps boost physical and mental health. Behaviour change is long-lasting with strong evidence 12 months on. Beat the Street Eastbourne Participant: “Beat the Street is a huge motivation. It makes me walk when I would normally have driven… and it makes me go further than I normally would just to get an extra box (or two).” Contact: Katherine Knight


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Our knowledgeable and experienced team have been at the heart of sustainable transport planning for 20+ years. We work with organisations, to plan and deliver initiatives to create a demonstrable change in travel behaviour towards more active and sustainable travel. During the Covid-19 pandemic, we have supported several local authorities to maximise the impact of their EATF allocations, supporting with, bid writing, cycle network prioritisation and design, business engagement., marketing and communications.; and public consultation. In everything we do, we place considerable emphasis on partnership working, capacity building, equality and environmental sustainability. These principles underpin our commitment to delivering high quality work that ‘improves the way the world moves’. Contact: Jim Bradley 07970 775 481


Living Streets is the UK charity for everyday walking. Our mission is to improve the walking environment and inspire people to walk more. Our street infrastructure work involves consultancy on how streets can be improved for walking and our staff help implement schemes, consulting with members of the public to achieve successful integration. Contact: Tanya Braun 020 7377 4900

Contact: David Alderson 020 3882 1615

Contact: Alison Holland 01536 526 461 Atkins Simon Jay


SYSTRA keeps the world moving through connecting people and places. By enabling mobility, our work strengthens communities, fosters economic prosperity and supports environmental improvement. With over 800 UK and Ireland based technical staff, we deliver engineering, consultancy and development services that enable the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. Our teams have been on the frontline of the response to COVID-19, supporting clients across the UK and Ireland with the implementation of successful social distancing and active travel based schemes, including a number of Streetspace schemes in London. We have a range of experience delivering low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs), school streets, cycle/healthy routes, walking related design and public realm improvements. Our support services include: Area identification and scheme prioritisation, Scheme design (concept, prelim and detailed), Consultation and engagement, Implementation support and behaviour change, Monitoring and Evaluation. Contact the team to find out more

Brightwayz supports safe, active, sustainable travel campaigns. Walk and cycle engagement products, high vis, event resources, design and print. 16 years experience working with local authorities, police and schools across the UK under our Brightkidz name. Accredited social enterprise - all profits ploughed back to support active travel campaigns with schools. 020 7121 2114 Scoot Fit James Rodger 07960 885 083 TRL (Transport Research Laboratory) Asiya Jelani

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:


Photo: The Royal Borough of Kingston’s award winning Go Cycle scheme, designed by Atkins

We’re reimagining infrastructure, shaping the future of transport and supporting the delivery of healthy and active communities and cities.

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Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Spreading the word on school journeys Atkins has been working with Slough Borough Council to communicate the importance of active travel to schools, parents and students, writes Mala Bhardwa


The COVID-19 pandemic has seen significant changes to all aspects of our lives. Lockdown restrictions and social distancing requirements have meant a rethink over how we do everything, including travel. With English schools reopening in September 2020 after six months off, councils, transport operators and schools have faced new challenges in getting pupils to school safely and sustainably given the changing and uncertain landscape. All of this has led to constraints on public transport capacity because of the need to comply with social distancing requirements and other COVID-19 related measures. These measures have also had impacts on how children travel to school. At a national level, at least 50% of journeys to school comprise trips of two miles or less, and of these, many pupils use the public bus system. By encouraging pupils to cycle, scoot and walk to school, it can create additional

bus capacity available for those with longer and essential journeys. To support this transition, and enable a smooth return to education, local authorities, transport operators and schools have had to plan, implement and communicate a series of alternative, active and safe transport options to schools, parents and children. Atkins has been working in partnership with Slough Borough Council (SBC) to encourage parents, staff and pupils to adopt active travel to schools where it is safe and appropriate to do so because of reduced public transport capacity.

Slough’s action plan

Following the framework set out in the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Travel Demand Management Toolkit, Return of Trips for Education Toolkit (July 2020), Atkins and SBC officers collated information from multiple data sources to identify

opportunities to introduce active travel measures at schools. For example, after thorough analysis of data from SBC’s Access Fund programme, TDM consultants from Atkins found that primary school children in Slough walk and cycle far more to school compared with the national average. In response to data trends and observations, Atkins developed a comprehensive TDM Action Plan that would enable SBC officers to support schools to develop and implement a series of active travel measures. In recent years, SBC’s Access Fund programme has been the primary delivery vehicle for promoting and implementing sustainable transport measures for schools, workplaces, jobseekers and the wider community. Using existing delivery frameworks and communication channels, Atkins reviewed and appraised current

Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Access Fund measures to identify those which schools could implement as part of this initiative. These included promoting Bikeability training for pupils, creating bespoke active travel maps, assessing the provision of onsite cycle/scooter parking to ensure that there was an adequate provision of facilities for those wishing to use them, providing guidance in setting up walking buses, and personalised travel planning. Atkins highlighted these measures in a refreshed school pack. Setting out the solutions in this way enabled schools to implement the measures that best suited their resources and circumstances. Atkins tapped into SBC’s Access Fund ‘Better By’ branding to create a suite of marketing materials that schools could use to promote the core message of travelling actively to school. Posters and an outside banner carried the message “Getting to and from school safely and sustainably”, accompanied by a series of pavement stickers that schools could use at entry/exit points to enforce social distancing.

Local knowledge

Atkins adopted SBC’s established marketing brand to ensure that messaging on school travel used a well-known and instantly recognisable platform. It was also the best way of ensuring that key messages were consistent, easy to understand and an extension of the Access Fund programme. Misha Byrne, a Senior Transport Planner at SBC, said: “Using their design and communications expertise and in-depth TDM knowledge, and complemented by extensive and comprehensive local knowledge provided by SBC officers, the Atkins team has provided us with an evidence-based approach to help our schools communicate the importance of active travel as pupils have returned to schools across Slough.” Atkins will continue to support the monitoring, adaptation and evaluation of the initiative to understand what measures have worked well, in addition to identifying areas of potential improvement. Atkins is working with SBC officers to identify and collect a wide range of data in the evaluation phase. This will include engaging with head teachers from both primary and secondary schools, conducting online pupil travel surveys, regular meetings with local bus operators, gathering data from Home to School Transport, data from the council’s automatic traffic counter network and reviewing the effectiveness of social media coverage. n Mala Bhardwa is a Senior Transport Planner in the transportation business in Atkins

Primary and secondary school posters using the ‘Better By’ branding


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

The transport sector is dealing with a period of significant change, with the need to address the impacts of Covid-19, a focus on the climate emergency and a growing realisation that active travel modes are an integral component of our transport systems. Communities and transport authorities have realised the potential for unlocking opportunities to improve local environments, support economic growth and improve the wellbeing of communities by promoting safer, greener and healthier transport choices. Taking a user-centric approach to mobility choices enables authorities to deliver multiple benefits and promote active travel as part of a multi-modal, integrated transport system. Atkins understands that creating efficient, reliable, low carbon local transport networks with easy, and safe access are essential to building sustainable, healthy communities and local economies capable of capitalising on growth. From delivering award-winning solutions, such as RB Kingston’s Go Cycle scheme, part of the TfL Mini-Holland initiative, to providing consultancy and advisory services, supporting public consultations and transforming mapping and wayfinding; Atkins is the provider of choice. We foster long-term, collaborative relationships with our clients and partners, through gaining a deep understanding of their local needs and priorities. We’re reimagining infrastructure, shaping the future of transport and supporting the delivery of healthy and active communities and cities.

Contact: Simon Jay - Practice Manager +44 (0)20 7121 2114


Rapid Assessment of infrastructure distributors ; quietways ; greenways Route Alignment optimisation network design for walkers and cyclists Reliable Advice at all project stages strategy ; feasibility ; design ; build ; review Real ‘best practice’ that Actually works cycle safe junctions ; pedestrian crossings 20 years Relevant Active travel expertise gyratory redesign ; town centre regeneration Robust Action plans with quick wins safe routes to schools, stations, hospitals Route finding Assistance maps ; guides ; online journey planners Rest Assured when you employ Rik Andrew

Arcadis is committed to improving quality of life by accelerating transport decarbonisation, improving the air we breathe, enhancing health and creating more accessible communities. We help create liveable places, sustain travel behaviour change, and increase uptake of active travel. Arcadis is a Dutch owned global business. Our 27,000 employees collaborate through 80 countries sharing contemporary insight and a commitment to the delivery of sustainable transport. We have a strong UK team who understand what works, and combine digital innovation and lessons learned to help our clients ‘Go Dutch’.

Contact: Rik Andrew 07720 285 247



Right first time – Avoid costly mistakes

Keri Stewart


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Commonplace is an online engagement platform, designed to create better places together with the support of the community. Transport planners can use our tools to crowdsource knowledge from their community about ways to improve transport infrastructure and achieve planning approval. Contact: Fred Gulliford 020 3553 1990

Living Streets is the UK charity for everyday walking. Our mission is to improve the walking environment and inspire people to walk more. Our street infrastructure work involves consultancy on how streets can be improved for walking and our staff help implement schemes, consulting with members of the public to achieve successful integration. Contact: Tanya Braun 020 7377 4900


Project Centre, part of Marston Holdings, is a multi-disciplinary design and engineering consultancy passionate about creating places that are attractive, innovative, sustainable and safe for the people that use them, from feasibility studies, concept design and stakeholder engagement through to detailed design and site supervision. Active travel is high on everyone’s agenda with solutions such as low traffic neighbourhoods, school streets and cycle schemes at the forefront across the country. Many local authorities are implementing changes and we have worked on several Liveable Neighbourhood schemes including the award-winning Waltham Forest Mini-Holland programme, West Ealing and Tower Hamlets as well as similar schemes in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, Liverpool and Kent. By redesigning roads, we have enabled walking and cycling with small, efficient and effective measures, such as modal filters, protected cycle space, footway widening, school streets and temporary crossings.

SYSTRA keeps the world moving through connecting people and places. By enabling mobility, our work strengthens communities, fosters economic prosperity and supports environmental improvement. With over 800 UK and Ireland based technical staff, we deliver engineering, consultancy and development services that enable the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. Our teams have been on the frontline of the response to COVID-19, supporting clients across the UK and Ireland with the implementation of successful social distancing and active travel based schemes, including a number of Streetspace schemes in London. We have a range of experience delivering low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs), school streets, cycle/healthy routes, walking related design and public realm improvements. Our support services include: Area identification and scheme prioritisation, Scheme design (concept, prelim and detailed), Consultation and engagement, Implementation support and behaviour change, Monitoring and Evaluation. Contact the team to find out more



Nichola Mansfield

David Alderson

03301 358 950

020 3882 1615


part of Marston Holdings


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

We believe in the power of better streets to make towns and cities more successful, healthy, and enjoyable for everyone; and we live and work to make this happen. We’re transport planners, landscape architects, traffic engineers and urban designers who thrive on the inherent complexity of urban environments. Driven by environmental, public health, placemaking and economic priorities, we make towns and cities better for walking, cycling, and public transport. We maximise the value of the public realm in meeting the challenges of climate change, urban growth, inactive lifestyles, and social exclusion. We are experienced advisers to towns and cities across the UK, and work with city leaders to turn policies into action, win hearts and minds, and make change possible. We help public agencies, communities, developers and estates improve their streets and spaces, creating great places in which to live, work, relax, and play. Contact:

The single site for Manufacture, Technical Support, Research, Development, Sales and Marketing provides an ability to react swiftly to customer’s requirements particularly in the more specialist areas, this flexibility has led to custom in not only in the UK but also across the world. They are one of only a few to have obtained the required CE mark for their VAS products. Westcotec has pioneered alternative energy with wind and solar options, available throughout it’s product range. Westcotec are determined to reduce their carbon footprint so for every sign sold a tree is planted in the company owned woodland. Contact: Will Spinks

Christopher Martin

01362 853124

020 3567 0710


Westcotec thrive on innovation, relishing the challenge of bringing new approaches to old problems. Alongside traditional speed warning signs the company produces very specialist devices including, Road Flood Warning and Bridge Height Warning systems and Collision Avoidance System. Westcotec manufacture in their own factory utilising high quality, rigorously tested components.

Contact: Chris Spong

Space Syntax provides expertise in data-driven architecture & urban planning. Combining global design experience with powerful digital technologies, we help shape policies, planning strategies & design proposals that benefit people, property & the environment. Contact: Ed Parham 020 7400 1320

Streets Systems use of Machine Vision to automatically extract movement data from video footage is a powerful design tool offering added value over and above other methodologies. We have extensive experience supporting trials of temporary street interventions, including both school zones and high-profile city centre locations. Contact: Tom Bailey 0191 603 0877


Hyperion are a small independent consultancy specialising in providing advice to highway authorities on asset management and maintenance. We can advise you on appropriate materials, maintenance and inspection regimes for active travel infrastructure to encourage walking and cycling, and can help with assessing need and making the case for funding.

Transport Initiatives is an independent transport planning consultancy. Since 2005 our team of experienced professionals have delivered many sustainable transport studies, with a focus on cycling and walking. We specialise in innovative ways of working, including developing the CSNA process, and recently have worked on many LCWIPs and EATF schemes. Contact: Mark Strong 07725 466 840

Steer is delivering a full suite of services to several local authorities to progress their Emergency Active Travel Fund and London Streetspace Plan proposals. These include developing funding bids; delivering stakeholder engagement; analysing evidence to inform scheme prioritisation and monitoring; assessing equalities implications; preparing business cases; and developing scheme designs.

Contact: David Sutanto 020 7910 5000


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Esoterix Systems Liz Davidson 0117 428 5755 Transport planning at a human scale. Over 15 years of innovation in planning for walking and cycling: policy and research, demand forecasting and modelling, people-friendly design and traffic management solutions, business case development, pedestrian movement analysis, independent expertise in monitoring and evaluation. Contact: Martin Wedderburn ActivePlanning Richard Lewis

Lewisham Pedestrians Advice and Engagement Michael Diamond 07903 141 237 Mobycon Lennart Nout 3115 214 7899 Mott MacDonald Nigel Wilkinson

07771 454 947 AECOM Richard White

Positive Focus Ltd Nick Bromley 07970 956 576

07795 916 900 Arup Susan Claris

Smart Transport HUB Christian Constantinides Street Spirit Design Beate Kubitz Beate Kubitz

David McKenna 07974 209 161

07974 369 240 Stuart Michael Associates Limited CKG Engineering Limited Chris Gildea

Martin Ohrland 07590 011 065

Sustainable Street Design Paola Spivach

Colab & Consult Rachel Hughes


07989 668 265

Thanks For Cycling


Pete Ashworth WSP Ralph Hitchman

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:


Active travel Intelligent monitoring for local authorities, transport bodies and consultancies Local authorities are expected to make significant changes to their road layouts to give more space to cyclists and pedestrians. Tracsis can offer the complete package to monitor, report and add insights into active travel movements.

Live data technology

Automated analytics

Path tracing

Social distancing insights

Trascis have the tools to assist you with the data collection for planning, design, and reallocation of road space and implementation of active travel schemes. Contact us to discuss your requirements

+44 (0)1937 833 933

Technology makes it possible, people make it happen

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Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Operating throughout the UK and Ireland our network of operational bases allow us to deliver the largest and most complex Active Travel data collection projects alongside individual local surveys. We utilise the innovation and skills Tracsis are known for including AI Video Analytics, Bluetooth, WiFi, Radar and Pneumatic Tube ATC and our in-house data analytics and reporting skills. Contact: Nick Mather 01937 833933


Contact: Antoine Laporte Weywada 003367438516

The RidePod® counters are environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, low maintenance and perfectly adapted for remote work. These systems are very reliable, performing to max capacity under various weather conditions (eg. rain, snow, heatwave), temperatures (-10°C to 60°C) and off-grid. Unlike competitor products, RidePod counters accurately detect non-magnetic vehicles (e.g. carbon fibre bikes) and differentiate e-scooters or bicycles travelling in clusters.


Geovelo develops a free app which helps cyclists find safer and more adapted routes. It is already being used by more than 350k users, and has received an Innovation Prize from the Road Safety Authority. In addition, Geovelo provides an array of digital tools to assist communities in the adoption of cycling locally: 1/data analysis tools (heatmpas, average speed, origin/destination, etc.) to better understand cyclists needs, and justify the work being done, 2/open data mapping of bicycle facilities, in order to give them a digital visibility, and enhance the performance of route planners, 3/promotion of cycle tourist routes and contents, to give them more visibility and attract cycle tourists, and 4/activities and challenges to encourage cycling.

MetroCount® is the world leader in manufacturing accurate and reliable solutions for monitoring and analysing bicycles, pedestrians and e-scooter traffic.

Both permanent and temporary systems timestamp every vehicle axle, resulting in detailed statistics such as volume, speed, true direction, vehicle class and traffic gap. While retaining dataset ownership, RidePod users can analyse data manually using the complimentary MTE software, or automatically through the ATLYST web app. Either way, users can quickly compare commuter and leisure ride behaviours, pinpoint peak times, identify hazards and generate comprehensive reports for funding applications. Contact: Daryl Ellison 020 8782 8999


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Trueform’s pioneering technology division, have developed a range of smart Cycle & Pedestrian Counters. The smart information kiosks provide realtime updates of cycling and walking usage, in the form of daily and cumulative counts of cyclists and pedestrians, a smart way to promote sustainable travel and to encourage a healthier lifestyle. Each kiosk can be fitted with a range of smart sensors to collect data from the surrounding environment, from air quality monitoring, traffic congestion, all of which can be displayed on the digital interactive screen or remotely. The HD interactive digital display screen is the perfect platform for advertising, information & assistance and wayfinding. Marking an exciting coalition between traditional transport systems and our ultratechnology and communication products and services that can exploit vast amounts of available multi-layered data. Offering unprecedented opportunities to make much more efficient use of networks and to revolutionise public transport with sustainable travel choices. Contact:

The single site for Manufacture, Technical Support, Research, Development, Sales and Marketing provides an ability to react swiftly to customer’s requirements particularly in the more specialist areas, this flexibility has led to custom in not only in the UK but also across the world. They are one of only a few to have obtained the required CE mark for their VAS products. Westcotec has pioneered alternative energy with wind and solar options, available throughout it’s product range. Westcotec are determined to reduce their carbon footprint so for every sign sold a tree is planted in the company owned woodland. Contact: Will Spinks

Amanda O’Connor

01362 853124

020 8561 4959


Westcotec thrive on innovation, relishing the challenge of bringing new approaches to old problems. Alongside traditional speed warning signs the company produces very specialist devices including, Road Flood Warning and Bridge Height Warning systems and Collision Avoidance System. Westcotec manufacture in their own factory utilising high quality, rigorously tested components.

Contact: Thomas Greene 01934 644 299

Contact: Tom Bailey 0191 603 0877

See.Sense offers one of the most comprehensive cycling data sources available. Our award-winning bike lights, GPS trackers and fleet solutions unlock granular sensor data insights on the cyclists’ experience, including road surface conditions, braking, swerving, and collisions. With user friendly data-dashboards, we’re helping cities transform for more cycling. Contact:


Q-Free UK manufacture, supply and install classleading Traffic Monitoring & Data Solutions in the ITS market. With 20+ years in the industry we have continually developed our portfolio for Cycle & Pedestrian Monitoring; Cycle Safety Schemes, Cycle Active Displays, Cycle/Ped Junction Priority and AI Technologies.

Streets Systems supplies and maintains permanent counting equipment, collecting and storing real time data on the movement of people. Our deployments include data for Newcastle Urban Observatory, Europe’s largest deployment of real time urban sensors. Equipment is suitable for both urban and rural use, covering pedestrians, cyclists and motor traffic.

The Floow present MobilityIn, a statistical view of traffic behaviour to support local and national infrastructure and transport programmes. MobilityIn provides the ideal evidence base to support public consultation for low traffic neighbourhoods and active travel schemes. This service includes unprecedented identification of rat-runs and demand over a typical week. Contact: Sam Chapman

Irene McAleese

0114 270 1114

+44 (0) 289 107 8353


Plant 10 trees with every counter purchase.

Across the UK and beyond, MetroCount’s RidePod® counters are used by traffic surveyors and local authorities to record active travel. Designed with sustainability and reliability in mind, the RidePod range offers both short-term and permanent solutions, the latest a winner of the Traffex Innovation Trail in 2017.

Street Behaviour Ltd 020 3627 3699 At Vivacity Labs, we provide AI systems for road infrastructure management. We use computer vision approaches to gather continuous and anonymous data on how road space is being used by all forms of urban mobility – from pedestrian to cyclist, car to HGV, and everything in-between. This data is an important tool in strategic and realtime management of the road network.

Tracsis Traffic Data Nick Mather 07702 201 639

Contact: James Hill Active Streets Assessment Tool


Shaun Adam

Steve Ferris 01295 731811 Arcadis Keri Stewart Intelligent Data Collection 0845 003 8747 Pelation Liz Yu Podaris Rajinder Sharma 07852 295 057 If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:


The UK’s Leading Street Furniture Supplier & Manufacturer The Single Source Supplier for Emergency Active Travel Broxap is a family owned business, founded 1946, specialising in the design and manufacture of high specification street furniture, cycle parking, shelters, design & build projects plus sports and playground equipment.

New Parklets

Street Furniture

Seating & Benches

Cycle Shelters

Two-Tier Racks

Covered Walkways


Litter & Recycling Bins On-Street Cycle Stands Storage Shelters


Access Control

Security Stands

Playground Equipment

Signage & Wayfinding

Secure Cycle Compounds/Hubs Outdoor Gym & Fitness Equipment

T: 01782 564411 E: design | manufacture | installa on


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Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Founded in 1946, Broxap is a UK-based, family owned and operated business, specialising in the design, manufacture and installation of external furniture and secure cycle parking. For nearly 75 years’ we have built a reputation a leading supplier to local authorities, industry and education, and carry the accreditation expected of a responsible and quality-assured business. Broxap provides environmentally responsible products that are designed to UK standards for UK locales, so as to endure a long, safe and practical life. The Emergency Active Travel Fund has been allocated by the Government to create safe-to-use environments that encourage cycling and walking as an alternative mode of transport to road journeys. Healthier lifestyles are complemented by environmental benefits and reduced traffic congestion in the community. Our product specialists provide advice and support on how to implement our products into these public settings, offering technical support, site visits (to spec-up requirements), CGI illustrations, as well as CAD drawings to document the products supplied and installed. After sale O&M manuals provide technical information on how to upkeep these products. It is our mission to see our safe and durable products in every town, city, village and rural area of the Great Britain, allowing outdoor spaces to reach their full potential. Broxap‌your single source supplier. Contact: 01782 564 411


Established in 1959 and working directly with highways professionals over 6 decades, we have a team of experts on hand to offer advice and guidance across the wide spectrum of schemes. We strive for quality and compliance, designing all Glasdon products with high-quality materials and rigorously testing to ensure they meet the highest standards in quality and safety. Our passively safe bollards, chevron systems and verge marker posts are manufactured with specially formulated polymer materials including Impactapol® material and Reflexapol® material.


A leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance road safety products and solutions for active travel, Glasdon offers an extensive range of passively safe bollards, verge marker posts, cycle lane delineators and cycle parking facilities.

For cycle lane schemes, the Cyclemaster™ Bollard is ideal for creating highly visible and safe delineation at junctions, crossing points and on contraflow cycle lanes. We designed this self-righting bollard with large sign faces on the front and rear for up to 6 signs, to assist cyclists and pedestrians. Alternatively, the wood effect Glenwood™ Post is perfect for cycle routes in rural settings. We also offer a wide range of quality cycle shelters, compounds and bike stands. Contact: John Cookson


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Falco is the UK’s leading designer, manufacturer and installer of cycle hubs, cycle shelters, cycle lockers and all types of cycle parking infrastructure. Falco has completed the three largest cycle parking projects ever seen in the UK including: the UK’s largest cycle hub at Cambridge Station, incorporating 3,000 cycle parking spaces; as well as the UK’s first series of community cycle hubs as part of the London Borough of Waltham Forest’s Mini Holland Programme; and the UK’s first ever cycle hub at Leeds City Station. Falco has supplied and installed the UK’s first series of interlinked cycle counters on behalf of Sustrans and the Scottish Government. For more information about how Falco can assist your cycle hub or cycle parking scheme or to view a range of advanced cycle parking systems. Contact: Jeremy Green 01538 380 080

Solid Soul Design is a family business, run by Brendan and Kieron McSherry. We design and handcraft high quality Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) furniture for streets, parks and gardens. Established in 2001 with a simple goal; to create functional, beautiful and efficient objects that improve the life of the user and society. We understand the impact every object we make has on our planet and our twin objective is to minimise this impact. We have developed a range of exterior furniture and a set of manufacturing techniques that allow us to create carbon efficient furniture that will last a lifetime. Our newest range has been developed to meet the increased demand for cycling infrastructure, helping to provide a space for urban gardens and increase the amount of secure cycle storage. We handcraft all our products in Birkenhead using our very own GRC mix, ensuring a lifetime of use. Projects include seating and planters at London’s Centre Point, Dan Pearson’s garden at Evelina’s Childrens Hospital and Jamie Oliver’s head office. Contact:


Our range of cycle hubs, canopies and shelters have been proven to promote model shift, reduce pollution, healthy living and a healthy lifestyle by providing attractive infrastructure. In addition to cycle parking solutions, Trueform also offer a range of signage solutions for cycle routes and smart information kiosks with detailed mapping, interactive cycle route guides and cycle docking systems.

Cyclehoop specialise in innovative cycle parking solutions and infrastructure. We are proud to have helped hundreds of councils and businesses respond to Covid-19 with temporary & permanent cycle parking equipment and in doing so have developed new and innovative solutions, please get in touch to see how we can also help you. Contact: Olivia Lambert 020 8699 1338


Trueform are a leading supplier of cycle shelters, storage and cycle lane signage.

Our signage can also be fitted with a range of smart sensors to collect data from the surrounding environment, from air quality monitoring, traffic congestion, all of which can be displayed on the digital interactive screen or accessed remotely. Contact: Amanda O’Connor 020 8561 4959

Cycle-Works have been specialist suppliers and installers of secure, innovative and stylish cycle parking solutions for nearly 20 years. Our products range from Secured by Design approved bike lockers, innovative multi-bike units, high capacity 2-tier racks, shelters and custom compounds and simple, but effective, Rounded A stands. Contact: 02392 815 555


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Cyclepods Dean Foord part of Marston Holdings

Project Centre is a multi-disciplinary design and engineering consultancy passionate about creating places that are attractive, innovative, sustainable and safe. Utilising the latest data and surveys we design innovative cycle schemes to address the needs of cyclists and improve cycling for all users. Contact:

01959 546 046 Grease Monkey Cycles 07563 570 452 Hup Initiatives Peter Mattinson

03301 358 950

020 8690 9942 Meristem Design 020 3137 6971

Clamp-IT is a smart, solar-powered commercial bicycle lock that attaches to existing street furniture (Sheffield stands). Free to use and operated via an app, Clamp-IT provides a SmartCity, secure solution to the age-old problem of bike theft. Available 2021. Contact: MotoParking UK 01245 392 105

Patrick Darlington

Stack Rack Bicycles

01794 884 787

Charles Carey 07914 131 843

Active Commuting Ltd Andrew Rechten 01708 474 164 Bellsure Bliss Christopher-Brearley 01730 719 292


If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Beryl Bikes Georgia Yexley Bolt Matthew Barrie 07944 721 348 Brompton Bike Hire Limited Julian Scriven Donkey Republic Fernando Gramaglia +44 (0) 808 178 5353 Everyday Bikes Pete Ashworth 07921 188 996 Freebike Ltd 020 3633 7083 Nextbike UK Krysia Solheim 07557 901 440

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:



Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

A leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance road safety products and solutions for active travel, Glasdon offers an extensive range of passively safe bollards, verge marker posts, cycle lane delineators and cycle parking facilities. Established in 1959 and working directly with highways professionals over 6 decades, we have a team of experts on hand to offer advice and guidance across the wide spectrum of schemes. We strive for quality and compliance, designing all Glasdon products with high-quality materials and rigorously testing to ensure they meet the highest standards in quality and safety. Our passively safe bollards, chevron systems and verge marker posts are manufactured with specially formulated polymer materials including Impactapol® material and Reflexapol® material. For cycle lane schemes, the Cyclemaster™ Bollard is ideal for creating highly visible and safe delineation at junctions, crossing points and on contraflow cycle lanes. We designed this self-righting bollard with large sign faces on the front and rear for up to 6 signs, to assist cyclists and pedestrians. Alternatively, the wood effect Glenwood™ Post is perfect for cycle routes in rural settings. We also offer a wide range of quality cycle shelters, compounds and bike stands. Contact: John Cookson


Rapid Assessment of infrastructure distributors ; quietways ; greenways Route Alignment optimisation network design for walkers and cyclists Reliable Advice at all project stages strategy ; feasibility ; design ; build ; review Real ‘best practice’ that Actually works cycle safe junctions ; pedestrian crossings 20 years Relevant Active travel expertise gyratory redesign ; town centre regeneration Robust Action plans with quick wins safe routes to schools, stations, hospitals Route finding Assistance maps ; guides ; online journey planners Rest Assured when you employ Rik Andrew Contact: Rik Andrew 07720 285 247

Solid Soul Design is a family business, run by Brendan and Kieron McSherry. We design and handcraft high quality Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) furniture for streets, parks and gardens. Established in 2001 with a simple goal; to create functional, beautiful and efficient objects that improve the life of the user and society. We understand the impact every object we make has on our planet and our twin objective is to minimise this impact. We have developed a range of exterior furniture and a set of manufacturing techniques that allow us to create carbon efficient furniture that will last a lifetime.


Right first time – Avoid costly mistakes

Our newest range has been developed to meet the increased demand for cycling infrastructure, helping to provide a space for urban gardens and increase the amount of secure cycle storage. We handcraft all our products in Birkenhead using our very own GRC mix, ensuring a lifetime of use. Projects include seating and planters at London’s Centre Point, Dan Pearson’s garden at Evelina’s Childrens Hospital and Jamie Oliver’s head office. Contact:


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Towns and cities throughout the world are using Trueform’s range of green infrastructure to help transform their cities. Trueform’s products facilitate and encourage low carbon mobility and active travel, whilst improving public health, air quality and quality of life. With significant health and environmental benefits, Trueform’s Smart Mobility, and Active Travel products encourage walking, cycling and public transport usage, reducing congestion, greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, creating cleaner towns and cities, and cleaner air! Our green infrastructure is created using smart energy solutions, recycled materials and advanced manufacturing techniques. Products include: l Eco bus & cycle shelters: incorporating green roofs, planters, air filtration systems, and a range of smart sensors for ultra-low and zero carbon mobility. l Pedestrian Wayfinding Signage Totems l Smart Street Digital Totems & Sensors l Cycle Lane Signage

l Cycle Storage Solutions l Digital Cycle Counting

l Solar & Wind Power Lighting and Infrastructure Solutions Contact: Amanda O’Connor 020 8561 4959


We believe in the power of better streets to make towns and cities more successful, healthy, and enjoyable for everyone; and we live and work to make this happen. We’re transport planners, landscape architects, traffic engineers and urban designers who thrive on the inherent complexity of urban environments. Driven by environmental, public health, placemaking and economic priorities, we make towns and cities better for walking, cycling, and public transport. We maximise the value of the public realm in meeting the challenges of climate change, urban growth, inactive lifestyles, and social exclusion. We are experienced advisers to towns and cities across the UK, and work with city leaders to turn policies into action, win hearts and minds, and make change possible. We help public agencies, communities, developers and estates improve their streets and spaces, creating great places in which to live, work, relax, and play. Contact: Christopher Martin 020 3567 0710

Meristem Design


Habib Khan 020 3137 6971 Swobbee - we share batteries Anja Lamprecht 491741826426

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:



2016 ı 2017 ı 2019

The world’s leading way nding providers

Encouraging active travel by walking and cycling FULLY ACCESSIBLE TO ALL









Contact our sales office on 020 8561 4959, email us at or visit for more information on any of our products


Trueform have manufactured city

wide wayfinding products for:

London • New York • Toronto Hong Kong • Birmingham Manchester • York • Mansfield Aberdeen • Leeds • Ipswich Southampton • Portsmouth Surrey • Peterborough • Luton Cheltenham • Aylesbury • Dundee Heathrow & Gatwick Airports Basingstoke • Winchester Leicester • Ireland

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Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Pindar Creative specialise in producing publicity to promote active travel across a wide range of media, including both printed and online solutions. Our service provides the complete solution including design, cartography, typesetting, artwork creation and fulfilling your print and distribution requirements. Products include cycle and walking maps showing permanent or temporary infrastructure, active travel maps for schools and workplaces highlighting school streets, consultation mapping to support schemes, timetable and leaflet publications including network and route maps, and roadside publicity. We also develop innovative solutions to provide the end-user of your services with the information they need. From responsive, intuitive websites to easy-to-implement digital bus stops, we offer smart solutions using your data. Contact: Maria Heaman (South) Jill Tinsley (North) 01296 390100


Rapid Assessment of infrastructure distributors ; quietways ; greenways Route Alignment optimisation network design for walkers and cyclists Reliable Advice at all project stages strategy ; feasibility ; design ; build ; review Real ‘best practice’ that Actually works cycle safe junctions ; pedestrian crossings 20 years Relevant Active travel expertise gyratory redesign ; town centre regeneration Robust Action plans with quick wins safe routes to schools, stations, hospitals Route finding Assistance maps ; guides ; online journey planners Rest Assured when you employ Rik Andrew Contact: Rik Andrew 07720 285 247

Geovelo develops a free app which helps cyclists find safer and more adapted routes. It is already being used by more than 350k users, and has received an Innovation Prize from the Road Safety Authority. In addition, Geovelo provides an array of digital tools to assist communities in the adoption of cycling locally: 1/data analysis tools (heatmpas, average speed, origin/destination, etc.) to better understand cyclists needs, and justify the work being done, 2/open data mapping of bicycle facilities, in order to give them a digital visibility, and enhance the performance of route planners, 3/promotion of cycle tourist routes and contents, to give them more visibility and attract cycle tourists, and 4/activities and challenges to encourage cycling.


Right first time – Avoid costly mistakes

Contact: Antoine Laporte Weywada 003367438516


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

The Green TLC John Grantham Accessibility mapping solutions by Bentley can help identify gaps in accessibility wayfinding by all types of mobility but especially active modes. Bentley's CUBE Access provides metrics on people’s accessibility to valued destinations, such as employment, transportation hubs and entertainment. Bentley solutions provide a robust methodology for benchmarking and transport analysis.

07886 888 480

CUBE is modeling software used by planners and engineers to analyze the effects of new projects and policies on a transportation network, landuse, and population. It is used to develop and apply predictive multi-modal transportation models to simulate how changes will impact movement and accessibility of a given area. Contact: Marios Ntaflos 07443 317 054

CycleStreets creates bicycle routing and advocacy tools. Our routing is used in apps like Citymapper and tools such as the Propensity to Cycle Tool and CyIPT. We’re OpenStreetMap experts. We also create sites like StreetFocus (UK-wide planning application data, matched to S106 project proposals), and WidenMyPath for capturing citizen ideas. Contact: Martin Lucas-Smith 01223 701901 If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:


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Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020 66

Mapping out healthy & safe school routes Pindar Creative reveals how online maps can encourage parents and children to cycle, walk and scoot to school With fewer places available on public transport for the foreseeable future, there is a risk that more parents will choose to use the car for the whole of the school journey, which will exacerbate congestion, parking problems and air pollution. Staffordshire County Council’s Active School Travel Team has worked with schools across the county to encourage children to think about walking or cycling to school when they return to the classroom in September. The team worked with headteachers and transport operators during the summer, developing travel plans for the autumn term by using Pindar Creative’s intuitive mapping portal SALI. The portal enabled the team to create site-specific maps for 365 schools, delivering active travel advice to over 120,000 pupils. The maps were emailed to parents before the start of term, encouraging them to consider whether their child could walk, scoot or cycle to school. Where this was not possible, ideas such as ‘park-and-stride’ explored ways of safely dropping off and picking up a little distance from the school rather than at the gates. Users chose between a primary or secondary school template before adding up to two isochrones – a line on a map connecting two places – to indicate walking times from the site. Drag-and-drop icons were placed onto the map to show the position of walking bus stops, parkand-stride locations and crossings. The team then added lines to the map to indicate park-and-stride routes, walking bus routes and suggested cycle routes. Leaflets (see right) highlighted the benefits of active travel and encouraged parents and students to plan and practice their route in advance of the start of term. More than 30 local authorities are now using Pindar Creative’s online portal, SALI, as a cost-effective way of promoting active and sustainable travel to schools, workplaces and residential developments.

Pindar worked with Staffordshire County Council to design leaflets that offered parents and students at primary schools guidance on developing active travel routes

Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Basingstoke & Deane’s detailed mapping with onand off-road cycle routes. The council’s interactive site offers users mapping with clickable hotspots

New cycle map for Basingstoke & Deane Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council recognises the significant benefits that cycling provides, including improvements in health and wellbeing and helping to cut the number of car journeys. National Cycle Network (NCN) Route 23 runs through the borough. This is a largely traffic-free route between Basingstoke town centre and Chineham, with a new additional stretch now linking Basingstoke with Alton and New Alresford. As part of its cycling strategy, the council wanted to refresh and update its current cycle map to help users access an on-line version of the map. Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council selected Pindar Creative to refresh its existing cycle map and create an interactive on-line version of the map.

The refreshed map design highlights designated on- and off-road cycle routes within the borough, quiet or trafficcalmed roads, cycle parking, key public transport interchanges and points of interest. The interactive map is device independent allowing access via browsers, tablets and smartphones. The user can pan around the map, zoom in and out, and click on key features on the map to view additional information. They can also report any related maintenance issues, using a link to the ‘report it’ facility on the BBDC website. Peter Smith, Senior Transport Officer, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, said: “Feedback from residents indicated that our current cycle map required significant updating. We also needed to respond to the changing

requirements of cyclists in the borough and move away from paper-based maps using technology which could operate across a number of platforms. Additionally, we needed to ensure that we could make updates more easily in order to provide the most up to date information.” Pindar was able to supply a package that best suited our requirements at a reasonable price. The deadlines for this project became extended by circumstances beyond our control and Pindar were happy to be flexible and were helpful in their approach in bringing the project to a very satisfactory conclusion.” The website is live at n For more information on the services offered by Pindar Creative visit


SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL SOLUTIONS Pindar Creative is a leading expert in promoting active travel; we work with our clients to encourage more people to walk, cycle and use public transport for their everyday activities. Our solutions include design, mapping, at stop publicity, timetables and smart solutions. If you are looking to promote school streets, create active travel maps or wayfinding signage, these are just some of the solutions we can provide:

Travel to


Get Involved

Planning your journey

Throughout the school year, your school will be encouraged to take part in travel campaigns

e.g. walk to school, be bright be seen, bike Plan your school journey using the map week, scooter competitions and many provided. If you have a School Crossing more activities. We will also ask for Patrol on your route, use these for information on how children safe crossing points along with Active travel on your journey to and from school, travel to and from your other safe areas to cross. either walking, scooting or cycling, will provide your child school to help set with half of their recommended daily exercise. They are the easiest initiatives. ways to get moving and active and suitable for all ages.

Active Travel

Active travel: • • • •

Modeshift STARS Travel Plan

Please use this bespoke travel map to plan your active travel journey to school.

helps children develop road safety skills. keeps the local air clean and streets traffic free. gets children arriving at school more alert. is free! Think of how much money you can save by leaving the car at home.

Modeshift STARS is a national schools’ award scheme. It recognises schools who demonstrate excellence in supporting walking, cycling and other forms of sustainable travel.

Cycle & Scoot to School Cycling and scooting is quick and easy. Here are some top tips to help you plan your journey to school: • Plan and practice your route, using cycle paths where they are available. • Be safe and be seen by wearing visible clothing and looking always when sharing roads or paths with other users. • Check your bike or scooter and secure it safely. • Bikeability training is available in schools, ask your school for more information and check out for more top tips.

Park and Stride Even if parents must drive some of the journey to school, it is possible to finish the last part of the school journey by foot, or even scooter enjoying the benefits of active travel. Over a third of parents say that their walk to school is where they find out most about their children. Don’t miss out on this by parking too close to the school, do your bit for you, the school and your child. Don’t park close to the school or leave the engine running – idling is dangerous for other road users and pedestrians. An engine running for 1 minute can fill 150 balloons with pollution. Be Air Aware and school site friendly.

@Ac veTravelSta s

@Ac veSta s

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More than 30 local authorities are already using SALI - our online mapping portal that allows establishments (schools, workplaces, communities) to create their own active travel map using pre-defined templates.

www.sta veschooltravel Designed by Pindar Crea ve www.pindarcrea

It only takes around 20 minutes to walk a mile

Users can tailor the maps with their site name, draw line feature to highlight school streets and walk routes, walk and cycle isochrones, drag-and-drop icons to show permanent or pop-up infrastructure, such as cycle lanes and cycle parking.



Interactive, online maps have a huge potential for promoting active travel and can be built to do almost anything you like. For example, we can include layers which can be switched on and off to promote different routes, clickable hotspots which link to real-time information, locate me pin, multiple scales of mapping - all with a responsive design to ensure they work over the full range of devices.

Pindar Creative is an official reseller of Papercast e-paper displays. With the leading design principle of exceptionally low energy consumption they offer complete, future-proof replacements for legacy electronic systems and traditional paper timetables, while providing the ideal technology platform for smart city public transport information solutions.

G-CLOUD DIGITAL MARKETPLACE We are also delighted to announce that Pindar Creative has been accepted on to the Crown Commercial Service G-Cloud 12 framework agreement. This means that public sector bodies can now buy SALI, interactive mapping, and other software services from Pindar Creative via the Digital Marketplace.

Sustainable Travel . Cycling & Walking Maps . Wayfinding . Public Transport Maps Bus & Rail Timetables . Bus Stop Displays . Onward Travel Information . Interactive Solutions

Coupled with monitoring and research to evidence outcomes and measure progress, the Love to Ride approach, programming and achievements are unique and unrivalled. New for 2021 is an automated triplogging app. This will automatically capture everyday riding and other movement data and overlay it with user demographics, creating exciting new opportunities to create change and give an improved understanding of behaviours and real-time data. Love to Ride are already working with EATF funding in their city and regional UK projects and are also supported by Public Health, Climate Change and Air Quality and Innovation funding in their public-sector behaviour change programmes.


Love to Ride are a global cycling behaviour change social business based in Bristol. They believe life is better when more people ride bikes and their specialist online platforms, year-round programmes and innovative approach have been supporting and monitoring cycling throughout the UK and globally since 2007.By understanding barriers and motivators at the individual level, Love to Ride can better target participants with support, guidance, encouragement and incentives that are most likely to have the biggest impact on changes in behaviour, increasing cycling frequencies and replacing car journeys by bike.

Contact: Sam Robinson 07734 833 451


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Pindar Creative specialise in producing publicity to promote active travel across a wide range of media, including both printed and online solutions. Our service provides the complete solution including design, cartography, typesetting, artwork creation and fulfilling your print and distribution requirements. Products include cycle and walking maps showing permanent or temporary infrastructure, active travel maps for schools and workplaces highlighting school streets, consultation mapping to support schemes, timetable and leaflet publications including network and route maps, and roadside publicity. We also develop innovative solutions to provide the end-user of your services with the information they need. From responsive, intuitive websites to easy-to-implement digital bus stops, we offer smart solutions using your data. Contact: Maria Heaman (South) Jill Tinsley (North) 01296 390100


Contact: Fred Gulliford 020 3553 1990

Geovelo develops a free app which helps cyclists find safer and more adapted routes. It is already being used by more than 350k users, and has received an Innovation Prize from the Road Safety Authority. In addition, Geovelo provides an array of digital tools to assist communities in the adoption of cycling locally: 1/data analysis tools (heatmpas, average speed, origin/destination, etc.) to better understand cyclists needs, and justify the work being done, 2/open data mapping of bicycle facilities, in order to give them a digital visibility, and enhance the performance of route planners, 3/promotion of cycle tourist routes and contents, to give them more visibility and attract cycle tourists, and 4/activities and challenges to encourage cycling.


Commonplace is an online engagement platform, designed to create better places together with the support of the community. Transport planners can use our tools to crowdsource knowledge from their community about ways to improve transport infrastructure and achieve planning approval.

Contact: Antoine Laporte Weywada 003367438516


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Intelligent Health are experts in behaviour change. We provide consultancy and behaviour change at scale through our awardwinning programme called Beat the Street. In Autumn 2020 we began our COVID-19 safe programmes with 33,000 residents taking part in seven towns in England and Scotland. Beat the Street is an evidence-based intervention that helps people make small changes to daily behaviour by walking and cycling. Beat the Street increases active travel and reduces health inequalities. Beat the Street uses contactless technology and gamification to reinforce the fact that walking or cycling outdoors is a low-risk activity and helps boost physical and mental health. Behaviour change is long-lasting with strong evidence 12 months on. Beat the Street Eastbourne Participant: “Beat the Street is a huge motivation. It makes me walk when I would normally have driven… and it makes me go further than I normally would just to get an extra box (or two).” Contact: Katherine Knight


Our knowledgeable and experienced team have been at the heart of sustainable transport planning for 20+ years. We work with organisations, to plan and deliver initiatives to create a demonstrable change in travel behaviour towards more active and sustainable travel. During the Covid-19 pandemic, we have supported several local authorities to maximise the impact of their EATF allocations, supporting with, bid writing, cycle network prioritisation and design, business engagement., marketing and communications.; and public consultation. In everything we do, we place considerable emphasis on partnership working, capacity building, equality and environmental sustainability. These principles underpin our commitment to delivering high quality work that ‘improves the way the world moves’. Contact: Jim Bradley 07970 775 481


Brightwayz supports safe, active, sustainable travel campaigns. Walk and cycle engagement products, high vis, event resources, design and print. 16 years experience working with local authorities, police and schools across the UK under our Brightkidz name. Accredited social enterprise - all profits ploughed back to support active travel campaigns with schools. Contact: Alison Holland 01536 526 461 Cycling UK - Cycle Friendly Employer Accreditation James Palser 07834 895 745 Diva Creative Ltd Amanda Pearce 0114 221 0378 Go Travel Solutions Robin Pointon 0330 024 5665 Soigneur Agency Frank Kwanten 31655785086 The Merchants House of Glasgow Nancy Braid If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:


Socially Distanced Dining

Turning the grey greenÂŽ Meristem Design is an award winning design company creating bespoke green solutions for commercial, public realm and residential spaces. We are a team of designers and horticulturalists who are driven by a passion for plants. We are on a mission to bring more green into your world, whether at home, in the of ce or on your commute, we are committed to turning the grey green. Meristem offers a comprehensive service of design, installation and maintenance to cater for any green infrastructure needs. This range includes, but is not limited to parklets, planters, living walls, green screens, interior greening, green roofs, trellis systems, as well as horticultural services and green infrastructure audits.

Green Covid-19 Infrastructure

Modal Filters

+44 (0) 20 31376971


PARKLETS Sponsored by:

Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Parklets for the people As well as enhancing urban areas and giving people a place to sit and relax, parklets could attract potential customers and help revive declining high streets, writes Habib Khan The Department for Transport’s Emergency Active Travel Fund (EATF) has enabled councils to reallocate road space and public spaces for significantly increased numbers of cyclists and pedestrians. Side streets are being closed to through traffic to create Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and reduce rat-running, while maintaining access. In towns and cities, some parking and pavement space has been dedicated to pedestrian and social uses, and selected streets could become bike and bus-only. Government guidance also requires councils to enable physical distancing around shops, bars and cafés.

Pavement licences


The Business and Planning Bill received Royal Assent on 22 July 2020, and introduced a series of urgent, mostly temporary measures intended to help the hard-hit hospitality sectors to get back to

work safely and quickly. The Act supports cafés, pubs and restaurants by introducing a temporary fast-track process for obtaining pavement licences from the local authority, enabling stalls, tables and chairs to be placed on the pavement outside their premises so as to maximise capacity whilst adhering to social distancing guidelines. Parklets are the latest trend to hit our streets, and are popping up across the world. In the US there are over 3,000 of them, with Canada and Australia not far behind. Until recently, the UK’s adoption of parklets has been painfully slow. However, in the past year more than 50 on-street parklets have been installed in London alone, with hundreds more in the pipeline. Parklets provide space for people to sit, relax and enjoy the city around them, providing aesthetic enhancement to the overall streetscape. Because they create

space for people to pause and socialise, parklets could give a much needed boost to declining high streets.

What is a parklet?

Parklets are, typically, an extended platform over a parking space or pavement extension measuring one or two car parking bays. A parklet generally combines elements such as, but not limited to, benches, tables, chairs, landscaping, bike parking or lighting that reflect the character and needs of the location. They offer an interesting public space for people to sit, relax and enjoy the city around them, while providing an aesthetic enhancement to the overall streetscape. Parklets are an efficient way to provide an instant ‘pocket park’ and are classed as temporary measures as they can be moved very easily. Most parklets have a decked area that takes into account the camber of

Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020 Clockwise from top left: Parklet on Hammersmith Grove in Hammersmith & Fulham; seating and planters outside the Wanstead Tap, Waltham Forest; planters create a Low Traffic Neighbourhood in Southwark; planters with screens provide additional outdoor seating in Southampton

the road and are level with the kerb so as to avoid a trip-hazard. Many customers of bars and coffee shops enjoy the alfresco experience. Often pavements are very narrow, so extending the seating onto the carriageway seems perfectly sensible.

Who pays for parklets?

Presently, most funding comes from public sources. Parklets are typically sponsored by private partners, but are free and open for any member of the public. Private sector funding is being made available from corporate sponsorship that can pay for building the parklet as well as the on-going maintenance. An example is the four parklets in Hammersmith, which were introduced by Hammersmith Business Improvement District (via the Mayor’s Fund) while one of the parklets was fully paid for by Medidata. The National Licensing Authority is also working with businesses that wish to install a parklet outside their premises. They work with the local authority to provide an annual licence, which is renewable each year (as is the case in the US, Canada and Australia). Parklets can be designed to have charging points and Wi-Fi incorporated into them, which makes sponsoring the

parklet more attractive as users register to use the Wi-Fi. All the evidence from UK and US shows that businesses with parklets located outside have experienced a 20% to 30% uplift in revenue within the first 12 months. They help make local businesses look vibrant and provide seating that could attract potential customers. Individual planting schemes are agreed upon a client’s requirements, which could include different trees, plants and herbs, in relation to low maintenance, air pollution or drought resistance. A comprehensive maintenance package is available from the suppliers to keep the plants healthy. Parklets are commonly located outside businesses, providing facilities for their customers and local residents. Some parklets contain a variety of games for children, making them family-friendly spots.

The right location

If parklets are on the carriageway, they require a Traffic Management Order and change of use permission. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, a new Pavement Licence regime is in place, which is administered by local authorities and is designed to make it easier for bars, restaurants and pubs to seat and serve

customers outdoors on streets, pavements and in parking spaces through temporary changes. You may expect parklets to attract antisocial behaviour, but they tend to be relatively trouble-free. The trick is to find a good location and involve the local business. It is a good idea to install notices about litter and smoking, and to have bins located next to the parklets. The word about parklets needs to be spread through marketing, council websites and through associations such as the National Licensing Association, which is connected to pubs, restaurants and clubs throughout London. A toolkit or parklet manual would help provide information on the application process, fees, responsibilities, design guidelines, and technical requirements, making it easier for clients to understand the full system. Additionally, a portal with location requests would also be beneficial, so people, businesses and local authority are able to recommend a location that needs a parklet. Lastly, clear engagement needs to take place through something like a Twitter parklet page that could contain feedback on the parklets installed. n Habib Khan is Director at Meristem Design


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Meristem Design is an award winning design company creating bespoke green solutions for commercial, public realm and residential spaces. We are a team of designers and horticulturalists who are driven by a passion for plants. We are on a mission to bring more green into your world, whether at home, in the office or on your commute, we are committed to turning the grey green. Meristem offers a comprehensive service of design, installation and maintenance to cater for any green infrastructure needs. This range includes, but is not limited to parklets, planters, living walls, green screens, interior greening, green roofs, trellis systems, as well as horticultural services and green infrastructure audits. Contact: Habib Khan 020 3137 6971



Founded in 1946, Broxap is a UK-based, family owned and operated business, specialising in the design, manufacture and installation of external furniture and secure cycle parking. For nearly 75 years’ we have built a reputation a leading supplier to local authorities, industry and education, and carry the accreditation expected of a responsible and quality-assured business. Broxap provides environmentally responsible products that are designed to UK standards for UK locales, so as to endure a long, safe and practical life. The Emergency Active Travel Fund has been allocated by the Government to create safe-to-use environments that encourage cycling and walking as an alternative mode of transport to road journeys. Healthier lifestyles are complemented by environmental benefits and reduced traffic congestion in the community. Our product specialists provide advice and support on how to implement our products into these public settings, offering technical support, site visits (to spec-up requirements), CGI illustrations, as well as CAD drawings to document the products supplied and installed. After sale O&M manuals provide technical information on how to upkeep these products. It is our mission to see our safe and durable products in every town, city, village and rural area of the Great Britain, allowing outdoor spaces to reach their full potential. Broxap‌your single source supplier. Contact: 01782 564 411



This bike path could be a little wider, as it gets busy

Have your say

Active Travel Planning

Identify the priorities of transport users in your community

Listen to the transport users in your community Crowdsource ideas from your community about ways to improve transport infrastructure and achieve planning approval. Users can share their ideas by simply dropping a pin on a map, answering a few questions, and give targeted local knowledge to help plan better active travel projects.

Community Heatmap

Design Feedback

Geo-targeted Ads

Data Analytics Visit for more info

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Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Working together to promote active travel Using a digital platform to gather the views of a broad crosssection of local people ensures emergency active travel projects are built on solid foundations, writes Peter Mason At Commonplace we’ve been working with local authorities during the pandemic to ensure that transparency, openness and trust are at the core of emergency active travel projects. By enabling communities to have a meaningful input on proposals, we have gathered consent for change from the people most impacted. Our digital platform has been used to


Commonplace COVID-19 active travel customers

collect ideas, make improvements and test community support for short and long term changes. We’ve built a real-time dialogue between the people impacted by changes and the decision makers and transport planners. Since March, we’ve supported 64 local authorities with their active travel consultations. By helping them to rapidly

move online, share their ideas and collect community data, they have been able to coordinate their proposals for Tranche 1 & 2 EATF bids. Overall, we’ve collected 300,000 contributions from nearly 50,000 residents in consultations across the UK. See a full list of local governments we’ve worked with below:

Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Connecting Leeds

One of the most successful projects during this time has been with Leeds City Council. We’ve been working closely with them and consultant WSP over the years on the Connecting Leeds campaign – a long-term transport strategy, asking the community how to improve road networks and transport connections across the city. Over the past few months, however, there has been an urgent need to understand what temporary interventions can be put in place to help residents travel safely to work throughout the pandemic and recovery period by maintaining social distancing. Using our online community engagement platform, Leeds City Council asked individuals, representatives from schools, businesses and community groups to share recommendations for making streets safer for walking and cycling and social distancing. These could be related to anything from a dangerous pinch point that needs addressing, a new cycle route, or inspiration for creating quieter residential streets. The consultation generated more than 26,000 comments on how to improve social distancing and active travel measures on main roads, in local neighbourhoods and around schools in Leeds. The outreach has been supported by significant previous engagement by Commonplace over the past two years on the Connecting Leeds campaign. Most comments related to cycling, with many respondents suggesting schemes to the council. For example, 71% of respondents supported measures for reducing traffic speed or volume to keep those cycling, walking and social distancing safe. The scale of engagement alone was unprecedented, which has contributed to the council’s decision to make some of the temporary interventions permanent, including:

The community heatmap ‘suggest a scheme’ in Leeds

l An additional 100km of segregated cycle lanes. l Temporary widened footways l Active Travel neighbourhoods This has been a significant outcome both for the community and Leeds City Council, and we look forward to working closely with both to continue this wide-reaching conversation, resulting in further benefits to their neighbourhoods.

Digital engagement

Transparency, openness and trust are central to the way we operate at Commonplace and the values that underpin our platform. At a time of rapid change in the built environment, when we are less physically connected than at any time in living memory those

Above: Connecting Leeds COVID-19 response. Right: Lambeth Transport COVID-19 response

principles are as important as ever. By working with local authorities to engage digitally with communities during a very difficult time, we hope we can continue to ensure people remain connected to the places they love. We want to empower people to shape their streets for the better and feel in control of their future. To learn more about our online engagement platform, visit: n Peter Mason is the Local Government Lead at Commonplace


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Commonplace is an online engagement platform, designed to create better places together with the support of the community. Transport planners can use our tools to crowdsource knowledge from their community about ways to improve transport infrastructure and achieve planning approval. Contact: Fred Gulliford 020 3553 1990

Our knowledgeable and experienced team have been at the heart of sustainable transport planning for 20+ years. We work with organisations, to plan and deliver initiatives to create a demonstrable change in travel behaviour towards more active and sustainable travel. During the Covid-19 pandemic, we have supported several local authorities to maximise the impact of their EATF allocations, supporting with, bid writing, cycle network prioritisation and design, business engagement., marketing and communications.; and public consultation. In everything we do, we place considerable emphasis on partnership working, capacity building, equality and environmental sustainability. These principles underpin our commitment to delivering high quality work that ‘improves the way the world moves’. Contact: Jim Bradley 07970 775 481


We have already worked with a number of city authorities to deliver public consultation / engagement events. This included; Creation of a virtual venue / advice on the most appropriate platform to use, Virtual breakout rooms for debate and discussion, Full on the day tech support plus opportunities for training, Networking areas, Polls, Analysis and post-event reports, Branding, marketing & promotion. Derek Dunsire, Group Manager, Liveable Neighbourhoods, Glasgow City Council, commented: “Many thanks to Landor LINKS for organising and managing the launch of the public conversation around Glasgow City Council’s Connecting Communities programme, and the associated People & Place webinars and workshop sessions. There were fantastic presentations across the board, with some insightful thinking and commentary. The virtual platform worked really well as a means to engage with stakeholders, delegates and communities from across and beyond Glasgow, and the incoming questions and comments were really helpful.” Contact: Daniel Simpson

MetroCount® is the world leader in manufacturing accurate and reliable solutions for monitoring and analysing bicycles, pedestrians and e-scooter traffic. The RidePod® counters are environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, low maintenance and perfectly adapted for remote work. These systems are very reliable, performing to max capacity under various weather conditions (eg. rain, snow, heatwave), temperatures (-10°C to 60°C) and off-grid. Unlike competitor products, RidePod counters accurately detect non-magnetic vehicles (e.g. carbon fibre bikes) and differentiate e-scooters or bicycles travelling in clusters.


If your council needs feedback on transport or planning strategies, but is finding it difficult to engage with key stakeholders – as well as the silent majority – speak to Landor LINKS about our online meeting, networking and conference tools.

Both permanent and temporary systems timestamp every vehicle axle, resulting in detailed statistics such as volume, speed, true direction, vehicle class and traffic gap. While retaining dataset ownership, RidePod users can analyse data manually using the complimentary MTE software, or automatically through the ATLYST web app. Either way, users can quickly compare commuter and leisure ride behaviours, pinpoint peak times, identify hazards and generate comprehensive reports for funding applications. Contact: Daryl Ellison 020 8782 8999

0774 246 1883


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Arcadis Keri Stewart London Forum of Amenity & Civic Societies Andrew Bosi 020 7354 8514 Project Centre Nichola Mansfield 03301 358 950 RideWise Gina Law 0115 955 2288

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:


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With a range of experience delivering school streets, low tra c neighbourhoods (LTNs), cycle/ healthy routes, walking related design and public realm improvements; SYSTRA has successfully delivered social distancing & ac ve travel schemes across the UK and Ireland, including various Streetspace schemes in London, we can help you at all stages of the process across your local area. We can help you to create safer, healthier and pleasant environments, improving air quality and road safety, thereby encouraging people to travel by sustainable and ac ve travel modes, contribu ng to overall be er health. Our support services include: • • • • •

Area iden ca on and scheme priori sa on Scheme design (concept, prelim and detailed) Consulta on and engagement Implementa on support and behaviour change Monitoring and Evalua on

Crédit : Istockphoto


Promoting safe and sustainable travel choices, SYSTRA is a market leader in travel behavioural change

David Alderson +44(0) 2038 821 615 | +44(0) 7870 401 581


SYSTRA keeps the world moving through connecting people and places. By enabling mobility, our work strengthens communities, fosters economic prosperity and supports environmental improvement. With over 800 UK and Ireland based technical staff, we deliver engineering, consultancy and development services that enable the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. Our teams have been on the frontline of the response to COVID-19, supporting clients across the UK and Ireland with the implementation of successful social distancing and active travel based schemes, including a number of Streetspace schemes in London. We have a range of experience delivering low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs), school streets, cycle/healthy routes, walking related design and public realm improvements. Our support services include: l Area identification and scheme prioritisation

l Scheme design (concept, prelim and detailed) l Consultation and engagement

l Implementation support and behaviour change l Monitoring and Evaluation Contact: David Alderson 020 3882 1615


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Pindar Creative specialise in producing publicity to promote active travel across a wide range of media, including both printed and online solutions. Our service provides the complete solution including design, cartography, typesetting, artwork creation and fulfilling your print and distribution requirements. Products include cycle and walking maps showing permanent or temporary infrastructure, active travel maps for schools and workplaces highlighting school streets, consultation mapping to support schemes, timetable and leaflet publications including network and route maps, and roadside publicity. We also develop innovative solutions to provide the end-user of your services with the information they need. From responsive, intuitive websites to easy-to-implement digital bus stops, we offer smart solutions using your data. Contact: Maria Heaman (South) Jill Tinsley (North) 01296 390100


Living Streets is the UK charity for everyday walking. Our mission is to improve the walking environment and inspire people to walk more. Our street infrastructure work involves consultancy on how streets can be improved for walking and our staff help implement schemes, consulting with members of the public to achieve successful integration. Contact: Tanya Braun 020 7377 4900

Project Centre, part of Marston Holdings, is a multi-disciplinary design and engineering consultancy passionate about creating places that are attractive, innovative, sustainable and safe for the people that use them, from feasibility studies, concept design and stakeholder engagement through to detailed design and site supervision. Active travel is high on everyone’s agenda with solutions such as low traffic neighbourhoods, school streets and cycle schemes at the forefront across the country. Many local authorities are implementing changes and we have worked on several Liveable Neighbourhood schemes including the award-winning Waltham Forest Mini-Holland programme, West Ealing and Tower Hamlets as well as similar schemes in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, Liverpool and Kent. By redesigning roads, we have enabled walking and cycling with small, efficient and effective measures, such as modal filters, protected cycle space, footway widening, school streets and temporary crossings.


part of Marston Holdings

Contact: Nichola Mansfield 03301 358 950


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Westcotec thrive on innovation, relishing the challenge of bringing new approaches to old problems. Alongside traditional speed warning signs the company produces very specialist devices including, Road Flood Warning and Bridge Height Warning systems and Collision Avoidance System. Westcotec manufacture in their own factory utilising high quality, rigorously tested components. The single site for Manufacture, Technical Support, Research, Development, Sales and Marketing provides an ability to react swiftly to customer’s requirements particularly in the more specialist areas, this flexibility has led to custom in not only in the UK but also across the world. They are one of only a few to have obtained the required CE mark for their VAS products. Westcotec has pioneered alternative energy with wind and solar options, available throughout it’s product range. Westcotec are determined to reduce their carbon footprint so for every sign sold a tree is planted in the company owned woodland. Contact: Will Spinks

Brightkidz helps promote safe, active, sustainable travel campaigns for children. Products and info resources for: Walking, Cycling, School Streets, Play Streets, Walking Bubble. 16 years experience working with local authorities, police and schools across the UK. Accredited social enterprise - all profits ploughed back to support active travel campaigns with schools. Contact: Alison Holland 01536 526461

Streets Systems have supported school street projects across the UK including work with Sustrans in England and Wales. We provide the data you need to make informed decisions about design and enforcement. Good data allows you to ensure compliance with new street management techniques and evaluate the impact of change. Contact:

Tom Bailey

01362 853124

0191 603 0877 PWLC Projects LLP Nick Butler QRoutes Liz Davidson 0117 428 5780



The leading transport recruitment website, established, proven and most trusted since 2007 The site comprehensively lists jobs in the fields of: l Transportation Planning

l Transport Modelling

l Transport Engineering

l Passenger Transport

l Parking l Rail

l Road Safety

l Highways & TraďŹƒc For all your recruitment needs contact Jason Conboy on: 020 7091 7895 or email:

Trueform are also the world’s leading supplier of pedestrian wayfinding signage and signage totems. Trueform signs are built with elegant, robust materials for easy maintenance, optimum durability and long-lasting appearance and functionality. You’ll find Trueform’s signage across major cities worldwide Trueform are also leaders in the design and manufacture of digital advertising displays, electronic public information displays and interactive information kiosks for both outdoor and indoor applications. Contact: Amanda O’Connor

Westcotec thrive on innovation, relishing the challenge of bringing new approaches to old problems. Alongside traditional speed warning signs the company produces very specialist devices including, Road Flood Warning and Bridge Height Warning systems and Collision Avoidance System. Westcotec manufacture in their own factory utilising high quality, rigorously tested components. The single site for Manufacture, Technical Support, Research, Development, Sales and Marketing provides an ability to react swiftly to customer’s requirements particularly in the more specialist areas, this flexibility has led to custom in not only in the UK but also across the world. They are one of only a few to have obtained the required CE mark for their VAS products. Westcotec has pioneered alternative energy with wind and solar options, available throughout it’s product range.

020 8561 4959

Westcotec are determined to reduce their carbon footprint so for every sign sold a tree is planted in the company owned woodland.



Trueform have over 40 years of experience in the design, manufacture and installation of signage for city and public transport applications.

Will Spinks 01362 853124


Sculptural GRC Solutions Handcrafted in Birkenhead Creating beautiful furniture since 2001

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Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Soulful solutions for better streets 98

Solid Soul Design has developed a range of products to meet rising demand for road and street infrastructure that puts people first, says Brendan McSherry

Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020 Left: Large scale planting and seating at Centre Point. Above: Hex-Block Modular seating and planter system. Below: The Classic Bench

The story of Solid Soul Design can best be told through the journey of its oldest and most popular product, the Classic Bench. In 19 years of developing and manufacturing, the Classic Bench has changed completely, yet in some fundamental ways it remains the same. It is as eye catching and comfortable as ever but is now more sustainable, lighter and has a longer life span. Brothers Brendan and Kieron McSherry set up Solid Soul Design in 2001. Their goal was simple; to create functional, beautiful and efficient products that improve the life of the user and the public environment. They set about exploring and experimenting with the fluid shapes that concrete can create and, slowly, the first edition of the Classic Bench took shape. After 10 years of small-scale production of the Classic Bench, made using only a rusty old cement mixer and a handmade timber former, the brothers had a full order book and sales all around the UK and Europe. During the summer of 2012, after more than a decade of using traditional concrete, Solid Soul Design wanted to change the way they made furniture. They wanted to develop a more socially and environmentally responsible manufacturing process. They set about an ambitious R&D project to find a new way of manufacturing their products. This exploration led the brothers to GRC (Glass Reinforced Concrete) as an alternative material. It gives significant environmental and structural benefits when compared with traditional concrete, but still offers the

opportunity to create unique and durable products. The environmental benefits of using GRC over traditional concrete are: l GRC is 80% lighter l GRC uses 50% less cement l GRC uses 80% less sand and aggregate l Reduced weight means lower transport costs After choosing this material, the company set themselves the target of becoming the UK’s premier producer and manufacturer of sculptural GRC furniture for parks and street across the UK.

A three-year project then followed where the company set about understanding, experimenting and finally perfecting a way of manufacturing at scale with this versatile composite material. The first product Solid Soul Design made out of GRC was the Classic Chair; a piece of art that had once weighed 350kg now weighed only 70kg. The first fully GRC Classic Bench was exhibited at 100% Design in London in 2015 to great critical acclaim. It continues to be one of the company’s most popular products for both private and commercial clients. This journey has allowed Solid Soul Design to create and develop a design and manufacturing base in the UK, which can react quickly and build to the highest standard. They manufacture their own designs and work with architects and designers to take ideas on the page and turn them into a 3D reality. Solid Soul Design has spent the summer developing a range of products to meet the increased demand for cycling infrastructure. Their ambition is to create a range of street furniture that can provide a space for both urban gardens and increase the amount of secure cycle storage. As usual, the firm has designed all these to be crafted out of GRC. It handcrafts all its products in Birkenhead, Merseyside, using a unique GRC mix to ensure a lifetime of use. With a four-week lead time on all their products and six to eight week lead on client-led commissions they can offer the perfect solution to all you exterior furniture needs. n Brendan McSherry is Creative Director at Solid Soul Design


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Founded in 1946, Broxap is a UK-based, family owned and operated business, specialising in the design, manufacture and installation of external furniture and secure cycle parking. For nearly 75 years’ we have built a reputation a leading supplier to local authorities, industry and education, and carry the accreditation expected of a responsible and quality-assured business. Broxap provides environmentally responsible products that are designed to UK standards for UK locales, so as to endure a long, safe and practical life. The Emergency Active Travel Fund has been allocated by the Government to create safe-to-use environments that encourage cycling and walking as an alternative mode of transport to road journeys. Healthier lifestyles are complemented by environmental benefits and reduced traffic congestion in the community. Our product specialists provide advice and support on how to implement our products into these public settings, offering technical support, site visits (to spec-up requirements), CGI illustrations, as well as CAD drawings to document the products supplied and installed. After sale O&M manuals provide technical information on how to upkeep these products. It is our mission to see our safe and durable products in every town, city, village and rural area of the Great Britain, allowing outdoor spaces to reach their full potential. Broxap‌your single source supplier.

A leading manufacturer of high-quality road bollards helping increase road awareness and safety, Leafield Environmental launched a brand-new bollard range in 2020; The CLS (Cycle Lane Separator) range. Easy to install, durable and maintenance free the CLS range has been designed and manufactured for highly visible separation between cycle lanes and traffic lanes. Also, a major supplier of internal and external litter bins and recycling bins designed for single or multiple waste collections, with the option to segregate at source. Both our highway and waste ranges have been approved and praised by local authorities for over 25 years. We manufacture using advanced rotational moulding techniques that enable us to produce consistent, high quality, extremely durable products that meet or exceed customer expectations. These products can be produced in up to 100% recycled material* or corporate colours* to enhance the overall street scene and reinforce the visual branding experience. *Restrictions apply Contact: Philip Maddox 01225 816 522

Contact: 01782 564 411


Metric Group Ltd 01793 647 800

Solid Soul Design is a family business, run by Brendan and Kieron McSherry. We design and handcraft high quality Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) furniture for streets, parks and gardens. Established in 2001 with a simple goal; to create functional, beautiful and efficient objects that improve the life of the user and society. We understand the impact every object we make has on our planet and our twin objective is to minimise this impact.


Louise Fothergill

We have developed a range of exterior furniture and a set of manufacturing techniques that allow us to create carbon efficient furniture that will last a lifetime. Our newest range has been developed to meet the increased demand for cycling infrastructure, helping to provide a space for urban gardens and increase the amount of secure cycle storage. We handcraft all our products in Birkenhead using our very own GRC mix, ensuring a lifetime of use. Projects include seating and planters at London’s Centre Point, Dan Pearson’s garden at Evelina’s Childrens Hospital and Jamie Oliver’s head office. Contact:

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:



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Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

Walk with us to create streets for all Living Streets explains how it is playing a pivotal role in shaping programmes designed to improve the walking environment As we navigate a world changed by COVID-19, it is clear that having enough space for movement in our neighbourhoods is more vital than ever. Here at Living Streets - the UK charity for everyday walking - our mission is to create a better walking environment and inspire people to walk more. A better walking environment tackles big societal issues such as exclusion, obesity and loneliness. It helps to create places with cleaner air and lower carbon emissions, and it makes economic sense too. Living Streets provides a range of consultancy services that help decision makers transform busy roads into safe streets. These fall into two main categories: community engagement and technical support.

Community engagement

We work with schools, workplaces and residents to better understand the needs of local street users and advise those who manage streets on how to overcome the barriers to walking. Our work with members of the community instils positive change for the long-term. We help with direct in-person community engagement; production of relevant materials; communications and campaign support; and much more. From crossings outside schools, 20mph speed limits, and benches installed – we have a history of success in influencing the provision of the infrastructure the community really needs.


Engaging the community in Ilford: The London Borough of Redbridge is making changes to the road network in Ilford town centre. The council

Living Streets empowers communities to ask councils to design truly inclusive streetscapes

commissioned us to engage with the community to carry out Community Street Audits and produce recommendations to inform scheme design. We asked those who travel on foot or by bike how the streets served them. The main issue raised were traffic, noise, pollution, dangerous crossings, inconvenient routes and poor signage, a lack of greenery, poor lighting, litter and street clutter. Residents provided ideas and suggestions, and many expressed a willingness to play their part in making changes. The information we collected

highlighted resident concerns and priorities, which helped the council to redirect resources to where they are needed. Our work will be a key-step in making Ilford a place that supports those walking, living in and visiting the town. Walking Connects: We have empowered communities to ask their councils for improved infrastructure for walking. In the more rural towns and villages in Scotland and those with more elderly populations, there have been mobility problems for many due to uneven pavements, lack of benches and railings and inadequate

Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

crossings. By working with the community to find out what they need, and providing them with helpful guides and resources, we have seen local communities campaign for better streets. These better streets have enabled more people to walk more and left a legacy of knowing what their local communities should look like and deserve. Behaviour change: We are experts in behaviour change programmes that inspire people of all ages to walk more. Our WOW - year-round walk to school challenge for primary school children results in an average of 23% more children walking to school and a 30% drop in car use. Other Living Streets behaviour change programmes include Walking Works for employees, Next Steps for University students, Little Feet for pre-schoolers and Next Steps to Secondary School, supporting the transition from primary school. Our walking experts use a range of initiatives to motivate people to walk more, including walking challenges and walking pledges. We offer personalised travel advice and bespoke maps to increase walking in daily life.

Technical expertise

Built Environment: Living Streets fills a technical gap in the Built Environment sector helping to improve the walkability of streets to make towns and cities more successful, healthy and enjoyable for everyone. Our partnerships aim to improve the pedestrian environment and wider public realm, encourage and enable more people to walk everyday journeys and supports our charitable activities and objectives. We have developed a range of strategic partnerships with the leading organisations across this sector including: l Multi-year strategic support provided to Local Transport Authorities (LTA) to develop Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIP) as part of a consortium funded by DfT l Strategic partnership bids with the built environment sector l One-off support such as a walkability workshop for a London-based master planning consultancy. Low Traffic Neighbourhoods: We are experts on design and delivery of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs), which have been shown to reduce rat- running and improve road safety in residential areas. We’ve produced several guides on

Schemes that stop through-traffic improve road safety and air quality

how policy makers, local authority officers and campaigners can introduce LTNs to their area. Read our guides here: ods Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans: Our work on Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) has resulted in positive changes across England. Clear signage, wider pavements and accessible walking journeys are key to our advisory approach, which has been informed from years of working with people from all walks of life. School Streets: School Streets schemes open places up to people walking or cycling - closing the road off to motorvehicles and encouraging more active travel to school. They have been successfully implemented across the UK and Living Streets has taken an active role in ensuring several important School

Streets projects have been delivered successfully. Our expertise in supporting better walking environments means we can help with the entire cycle of a School Streets project. From setting up the Policy context, to Project Planning, to using our technical know-how, we can also provide school support, residential and political buy-in and finally finish with monitoring, evaluation and promotion. In Birmingham, we supported the implementation of six School Streets, helping to patrol the streets and encouraging Park & Stride. Of those who experienced the impact of School Streets, 58% said the schemes made them feel safer while 53% said it felt like a healthier environment. Six more School Streets are now being rolled out with our help in the Birmingham City Council area. n Find out more at:


Active Travel Suppliers Directory 2020

part of Marston Holdings

Arcadis is committed to improving quality of life by accelerating transport decarbonisation, improving the air we breathe, enhancing health and creating more accessible communities. We help create liveable places, sustain travel behaviour change, and increase uptake of active travel. Arcadis is a Dutch owned global business. Our 27,000 employees collaborate through 80 countries sharing contemporary insight and a commitment to the delivery of sustainable transport. We have a strong UK team who understand what works, and combine digital innovation and lessons learned to help our clients ‘Go Dutch’. Contact: Keri Stewart

Project Centre, part of Marston Holdings, is a multi-disciplinary design and engineering consultancy passionate about creating places that are attractive, innovative, sustainable and safe for the people that use them, from feasibility studies, concept design and stakeholder engagement through to detailed design and site supervision. Active travel is high on everyone’s agenda with solutions such as low traffic neighbourhoods, school streets and cycle schemes at the forefront across the country. Many local authorities are implementing changes and we have worked on several Liveable Neighbourhood schemes including the award-winning Waltham Forest Mini-Holland programme, West Ealing and Tower Hamlets as well as similar schemes in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, Liverpool and Kent. By redesigning roads, we have enabled walking and cycling with small, efficient and effective measures, such as modal filters, protected cycle space, footway widening, school streets and temporary crossings. Contact: Nichola Mansfield 03301 358 950



Transport planning at a human scale. Over 15 years of innovation in planning for walking and cycling: policy and research, demand forecasting and modelling, people-friendly design and traffic management solutions, business case development, pedestrian movement analysis, independent expertise in monitoring and evaluation. Contact: Martin Wedderburn Becki Cox (Walking infrastructure consultant / researcher) Becki Cox

If you would like to list your company please contact Daniel Simpson on: 020 7091 7861 or email:



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ITS (UK) is the UK's independent association for all who work in transport technology / intelligent transport systems. Our Members range from Government Departments via academia, equipment manufacturers, systems integrators, consultants, local highways authorities, to independent experts and university students. Our Membership contains leading experts on using technology to support active travel. 020 7348 1979

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