Horticulture Review - April 2010

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Chapter events

For more chapter event listings, visit www.horttrades.com. April 16 Spring Thaw 2010 Flamboro Downs, Dundas Join Waterloo Chapter members for their annual Landscape Ontario Spring Thaw. Enjoy the horse races, starting at 5 p.m. at the Top of the Turn Dining Lounge at Flamboro Downs. Tickets, including a buffet dinner, races, lots of fun and prizes, are priced at only $30, or $45 if you ride the bus available from various locations. Purchase tickets at www.locc.ca. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact Linda Tester at lowaterloochapter@hotmail.com, or Stephanie Smith at 800-265-5656, ext. 354. May 12 Career Exploration Day Agriplex, Western Fairgrounds, London Skills London, Oxford, Middlesex, Elgin (SLOME) is holding a Career Exploration Day on May 12. SLOME is an independent not-for-profit project of the Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford Local Training Board. The annual hands-on career exploration day involves over 4,300 local students. Contact Kathryn Tull, Projects Officer, Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford (EMO) Local Training Board at 519-672-3499, or via email at kt@localboard.on.ca. The website is www.slome.org/index.htm. July 16 Upper Canada Chapter Golf Tournament

Briar Fox Golf Club and Country Club, Marysville

Shotgun start at 10 a.m., followed by a delicious steak dinner. Cost is $100 per golfer. For more information, or to register, contact Stephanie at 1-800-265-5656, ext. 354. July 22 Toronto Chapter’s Dick Sale Memorial Golf Tournament Glen Eagle Golf Course, Bolton Shotgun start is 8:30 a.m., $199 per golfer, or $899 for foursome. For details, or to register, call Stephanie at 1-800-265-5656, ext. 354. August 18 Golden Horseshoe Chapter Golf Tournament Willow Valley Golf Course, Mount Hope This tournament sells out every year, so book early to avoid disappointment! For details, or to register, call Stephanie at 1-800-265-5656, ext. 354.

Landscape Ontario and industry events For more Landscape Ontario and industry event listings, visit www.horttrades.com. April 24 - May 9 Arbor Week While other holidays commemorate the past, Arbor Day celebrates the future. Due to the climatic and geographic diversity of Ontario, Arbor Day has been stretched into Arbor Week, so all areas of the province can benefit. There are a number of ways to participate in Arbor Week, for more information, go to www.arborweek.com. April 30 Health and Safety Compliance Niagara College Canada, Niagara-on-the-Lake, 135 Taylor Rd. A free safety workshop presented through the Farm Safety Association, entitled Health and Safety Compliance, is scheduled from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. For more information, contact Kristin Hoffman of the Farm Safety Association at 519823-5600, or 1-800-361-8855. July 15 Growers’ Research Auction Landscape Ontario, 7856 Fifth Line South, Milton Join the Growers Group for its annual fundraiser. All landscape trades welcome — bring your trailer! The LO Growers Awards of Excellence entries will also be judged, and put on the auction block. More information will follow as it becomes available. August 20 Annual trial open house for industry Landscape Ontario, 7856 Fifth Line South, Milton Visit the University of Guelph annual trials at the LO office in the morning, and see for yourself how next year’s new plants perform in the landscape. Trial garden manager Rodger Tschanz will present his findings. In the afternoon, follow Rodger to the University of Guelph trial gardens at the Guelph Turfgrass Institute to learn how the new plants fared in another zone. August 21 Trial garden open house for the general public Landscape Ontario, 7856 Fifth Line South, Milton Members of the public are invited to the LO Milton site to get a peek at next year’s crop of new plants.

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Landscape Ontario staff LO staff members are committed to member service. Please call with your questions or concerns. Tel: (905) 875-1805 or 1-800-265-5656 Fax: (905) 875-3942 Web: www.horttrades.com

Landscape Ontario’s mandate is to be the leader in representing, promoting and fostering a favourable environment for the advancement of the horticultural industry in Ontario. Suffix for all e-mail addresses below: @landscapeontario.com

Executive Board

Windsor Chapter


President: Mark Williams Board rep: Garry Moore

Past president

Garden Centre

Tom Intven, tintven@ Robert Adams, robertadams@ First vice-president

Tim Kearney CLP, tkearney@

Chair and board rep: Bob McCannell, bmccannell@

Grounds Management

E-mail suffix for all staff members: @landscapeontario.com Executive director Tony DiGiovanni CHT, ext. 304, tonydigiovanni@ Executive assistant Kathleen Pugliese, ext. 309, kpugliese@ Controller Joe Sabatino, ext. 310, jsabatino@ Manager, education, and labour development, Sally Harvey CLT, CLP, ext. 315, sharvey@ Membership and chapter coordinator Stephanie Smith, ext. 354, ssmith@

Second vice-president

Chair: Mike DeBoer, CHT Board rep: Brian Marsh



Provincial Board

Interior Plantscapes

Administrative assistant Jane Leworthy, ext. 301, jleworthy@ Education, labour, and certification project coordinator Rachel Burt, ext. 326, rachelb@ Seminar and safety group coordinator Kathy McLean, ext. 306, kathym@


Chapter coordinator, Georgian Lakelands Chapter Heather Williams, ext. 370, hwilliams@

Phil Charal, pcharal@ Jacki Hart CLP

Durham Chapter

President: Greg Scarlett Board rep: Mark Humphries, mhumphries@

Georgian Lakelands Chapter

Chairs: Mark Ostrowski Board rep: Dave Braun Chair and board rep: Stephen Schell CHT Chair: Chris Le Conte Board rep: Steve Macartney CIT, smacartney@

Chapter coordinator, London Chapter Wendy Harry, 519-488-0818, wharry@

President: Michael LaPorte CHT Board rep: Mark Goodman

Landscape Contractors Chair: Peter Guinane

Golden Horseshoe Chapter

Manager, information technology Ian Service, 416-848-7555, iservice@

Lawn Care

Manager, Pesticide Industry Council Tom Somerville, tsomerville@

President: Tim Cruickshanks, tcruickshanks@ Board rep: Walter Hasselman

London Chapter

President: Tim Cradduck, tcradduck@ Board rep: Peter Vanderley CLP

Ottawa Chapter

President: Sarah Johnston Board rep: Bruce Morton CLP, CIT

Toronto Chapter

President: Fiona Penn Zieba Board rep: Ryan Heath CLP

Upper Canada Chapter

President: Diana Cassidy-Bush CLP Board rep: Paul Doornbos CHT, CLP, pdoornbos@

Waterloo Chapter President: David Wright Board rep: Mike Hayes

Chair: Steve Tschanz Board rep: Alan White, awhite@

Landscape Design

Chair: Tony Lombardi CLD Board rep: Beth Edney CLD, bedney@


Chair and Board rep: John Higo

Trade show sales Lorraine Ivanoff, ext. 366, lpi@

Snow and Ice Management

Trade show coordinator Linda Nodello, ext. 353, lnodello@

Chair: Ed Hewis Board rep: Gerald Boot CLP, geraldboot@

Members at Large Gregg Salivan Bruce Warren

CNLA Board Rep

Gerald Boot CLP, geraldboot@

Views expressed in Horticulture Review are those of the writer concerned. Horticulture Review and Landscape Ontario assume no responsibility for the validity or correctness of any opinions or references made by the author. Copyright 2010, reproduction or the use of whole or any part of the contents without written permission is prohibited. Published 12x per year. Rates and deadlines are available on request. Subscription price: $40.43 per year (GST included).


Director of public relations Denis Flanagan CLD, ext. 303, dflanagan@ Publisher Lee Ann Knudsen CLP, ext. 314, lak@ Editorial director Sarah Willis, ext. 313, sarahw@ Editor Allan Dennis, ext. 320, aldennis@

Art director Melissa Steep, 647-723-5447, msteep@

The Voice of Landscape Ontario

April 15, 2010 • Volume 28, No. 4

Sales and business development manager Gilles Bouchard, ext. 323, gbouchard@

Web editor Robert Ellidge, ext. 312, rob@

Horticulture Review

For subscription and address changes, please e-mail subscriptions@landscapeontario.com

Nursery technical analyst Francesco Pacelli, ext. 377, fpacelli@ Executive director Ontario Parks Association Paul Ronan, ext. 349, pronan@ Trade show manager Paul Day CDE, ext. 339, paulday@

ISSN 0823-8472 Publications Mail Agreement No. PM40013519 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses To: Circulation Department Horticulture Review 7856 Fifth Line South Milton, ON L9T 2X8

Graphic designer Mike Wasilewski, ext. 343, mikew@ Sales manager, publications Steve Moyer, ext. 316, stevemoyer@ Communications assistant Angela Lindsay, ext. 305, alindsay@


Time to reflect to get respect By Tom Intven LO president


any of you will remember comedian Rodney Dangerfield, who was popular in the 1970s and ’80s for his jokes about his life-long quest for respect. His classic line, “I don’t get no respect,” preceded most of his one-liners. For the younger crowd, here’s an example or two of his humour: “When I was a kid, I got no respect. The time I was kidnapped, and the kidnappers sent my parents Tom Intven a note that said, ‘We want $5,000 or you’ll see your kid again.” Or, “With my dog, I don’t get no respect. He keeps barking at the front door. He don’t want to go out. He wants me to leave.” Or, “Last week I told my psychiatrist, ‘I keep thinking about suicide.’ He told me from now on I have to pay in advance.” On occasion, I wonder if some of our members are feeling like ‘we don’t get no respect,’ or that we don’t get the respect that we deserve from their clients and from the general public. Throughout my career in the green industry, there have been times when I feel that the general public either doesn’t understand what I do, or doesn’t pay me the same respect that they do to other professions. What does the public think about us? If you were to poll 1,000 average Canadians, how would they rate the respect they hold for the green industry, compared to other professions like doctors, lawyers, engineers, bankers, politi-

cians, plumbers, carpenters, etc.? It is interesting that in Israel, the green industry is held in the highest regard, right up there with the most respected doctors and engineers. This stems from the fact that Israelis must carve their lives out of the desert. If Rodney was alive today, and he worked as a landscaper, I might tell him to go see Mike Holmes, the home renovation specialist. Tony DiGiovanni told me about an interview he heard with Mike Holmes. Mike was asked what home owners are looking for when they hire a contractor. Mike answered that it was simple: “Home owners are looking for someone good at what they do and someone who they can trust.” These two simple key core values say it all: Do good work and be trusted. These core values should resonate with your own company’s vision. These values are also the main focus of our association’s priorities. In our own businesses, we need to reflect the two core values that Mike Holmes referred to, professionalism and trustworthiness, in order to gain respect – Reflect to Get Respect. Professionalism is projected to our clients and the general public in several ways: our neatness and cleanliness, language, best practices, general demeanor, professional and pleasant conduct, providing top-notch work. We gain trust by delivering what we promise on time, by going beyond customer expectations, and by building value into all our goods and services. We must communicate that value proposition effectively and honestly to our clients at every step along the way. As an association of green industry professionals, we continually work on the respect issue from all angles. We encourage you, our members, to become fully engaged in all the educational offerings which LO provides to raise your

own business acumen and ability to run your business and maintain profitability. Profitability is good for you and your employees. When you are better at running the business aspect of your operations, you will be more successful, more productive and better able to deal with the new economy. You will feel more professional. When you reflect this competently, you will immediately gain your customers’ respect. Second, LO offers you hundreds of opportunities throughout the year to network with likeminded individuals. This network is your club of mutual self-improvement that will provide you with the insights into how to fine-tune your business to new levels of professionalism and profitability. You are missing out if you don’t tap into this network at every opportunity. Third, in the big picture, LO is working extremely hard to gain the public’s respect. We are raising public awareness and appreciation for our goods and services in many ways. The focus of our promotion agenda is centered on Canada Blooms and Green for Life. As well, we are promoting our industry at every opportunity. The Awards of Excellence program is a major building block that is helping build respect for your business. LO staff members work hard to promote our industry to the public. In summary, Landscape Ontario is creating a professional, ethical, recognized, trusted and valued industry. We are working on your behalf to reflect the core values that will gain you welldeserved respect. For your part, make sure that you and your company reflect these core values, and respect will follow. We’ve come a long way, but we still have more work to do in this area. Tom Intven may be reached at 519-631-1008, or tintven@landscapeontario.com.



Passion Tony DiGiovanni CHT LO executive director


assion” was the theme of this year’s Canada Blooms. The dictionary defines passion as an intense, driving feeling or conviction; a strong liking to some activity, object or concept; an object of desire of deep interest. The many members who contributed their time, resources, emotions, goodwill and enthusiasm to build the Landscape Ontario Tony DiGiovanni Green for Life garden at Canada Blooms are bursting with passion for their industry, peers, excellence, contribution and community. Their passion benefited all members. Their passion made us all look good. Their passion reflected the story of a professional and ethical industry. Their pas-

sion infected visitors to the garden. Their passion infected many of us. The real story of the Landscape Ontario garden is the members’ passion, care, enthusiasm, contribution and leadership. It started with Tim Kearney of Garden Creations of Ottawa and Landscape Ontario’s first vice president. He was the driving force behind last year’s amazing garden. Only a passionate and caring person would “step up to the plate” again. The central problem of Canada Blooms is that it costs way too much (in time and resources) to create gardens that showcase the potential of our industry. Tim realized that the future of Canada Blooms depends on a team approach. The Landscape Ontario garden was an experiment to test this new concept. Instead of one company building a garden, many companies showcased their talent. More than 40 companies were involved from across the Province. Every chapter was represented. They came because they wanted the public to understand the value of our industry, the ser-


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vices we provide, the benefit we confer and the legacy we leave. A wonderful quote from an email Tim sent me describes it best: “Members agreed to come together as one, check their egos at the door and build one garden, one vision and one dream for all to enjoy. A quick calculation indicates at least 160 hours of build time (pre-build included). This is at cost, with an average of ten on site at all times, which works out to $50,000 of donated labour. This does not include any time for students. There is much more to celebrate than the garden. This is the hidden message. Money comes in different forms. Our pay comes from an appreciation of what a garden actually does for you, but also an understanding that our profession is special and that our industry has many individuals worthy of superstar status. This project oozes this. Our pay is the public’s and media’s recognition of this.” Many superstars There were many superstars involved in the garden. The organizing team members, Tim Kearney, Beth Edney, Tony Lombardi, Jason Smalley and Denis Flanagan, were a pleasure to watch in action. They met by conference call twice a week for over two months to go over the hundreds of details. People needed to be recruited, materials had to be sourced, quantities had to be estimated, construction details had to be figured out, budgets had to be calculated and concepts had to become reality. At times the emotional rollercoaster became overwhelming, as weight restrictions, budget limitations or complex logistics required hundreds of changes. Throughout the stress, the coordinating team complemented each other. They were like a choir singing in harmony. Tim Kearney played the role of coach. He is the most passionate person I know. Beth Edney and Tony Lombardi made up the design team. Beth brought high energy and creativity to the team. Tony complemented Beth by his quiet efficiency and balancing nature. Jason Smalley contributed his organizational skills. Denis followed up on hundreds of details and asked the hard questions. For the list of the other superstars, see pages 12 and 13 in this issue. Tony DiGiovanni may be reached at tonydigiovanni@landscapeontario.com.



We are obligated to operate a safe business By Sally Harvey CLT, CLP Education and labour development department


s we embark on a great season, we must not forget our obligation to operate safe businesses. You should also know that the landscape industry has been identified by the Ministry of Labour (MOL) to be in need of improvement when it comes to safety. We have been notifying you of MOL bulletins and blitzes in the enewsletter over the last few months. Sally Harvey Stay tuned for more of those. To be put on the enews distribution list, please contact Angela Lindsay at alindsay@ landscapeontario.com. In 2009, the landscape industry improved its record over 2008, in regards to frequency and the number of days lost due to injury. This is good news! However, we still have injuries that often could have been prevented with the appropriate policy and training in place. The most common incidences and injuries for 2009, as noted on the Safety Group Report Card, are as follows: Injuries: sprains, strains, unspecified tears; cuts, lacerations; animal or insect, venomous bites; bruises, contusions and fractures. Causes: fall to the floor, walkway, or other surface; bee, wasp, hornet sting; bending, climbing, crawling, reaching, twisting, overexertion in pulling or pushing objects. Body parts injured: lower back, unspecified location multiple body parts, ankle, fingers (except thumb), lumbar region. Occupational diseases: nervous system (including sense organs). We are a target because we do tend to have more lost time injuries than other industries, and then upon further investigation, the MOL discovers that many of us are without the obligatory safety program. (See March 2010 Horticulture Review article for the foundation of a solid safety program.) New safety regulation Bill 168, or the Workplace Violence and Harassment Act, is expected to come in to effect on June 15, 2010. Under Bill 168, employers must develop workplace violence and harass-

ment policies and training programs to implement such policies, and engage in evaluation to measure the risk of workplace violence. Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA new amendments specify: • Employers with more than five full-time workers are required to prepare policies on workplace violence and harassment and develop and maintain programs to implement them. • Employers must assess the risks of workplace violence based on the nature of the workplace and type or conditions of work, and develop measures and procedures to control them. The employer’s risk assessment is required to take into account circumstances that would be common to similar workplaces and specific to the workplace. Once complete, the employer must advise the joint health and safety committee, health and safety representative, or workers directly (if there is no committee, or representative) of the results of the assessment and provide a copy of the assessment in writing. Workplaces must be reassessed for risks of workplace violence to ensure that the policy continues to protect workers from workplace violence. • A right for workers to refuse work if they believe they are at risk of physical injury due to possible workplace violence. • Employers aware of the potential for domestic violence in a workplace are to take reasonable precautions to protect the workers considered at risk of physical injury. • Employers and supervisors are to alert certain workers of the risk of workplace violence from persons with a history of violent behaviour. Employers and supervisors must provide workers who may encounter such persons at work with as much information, including personal information, as needed to protect the workers from physical injury. • The workplace’s Joint Health and Safety Committee and others must be notified if a worker is disabled, or needs medical attention due to workplace violence.

to register as an excavator. You will find it much faster to get locates completed. Apprenticeship tax credit I have had several calls from members, who employ and train apprentices, about how to access the employer training tax credit. Please see the following information from the website below: Corporations may claim the tax credit on Schedule 114 of their CT-23, or CT-8 tax return. Eligible employers operating unincorporated businesses may claim the credit on Form ON479, Ontario Credits, included in the personal income tax return. Members of partnerships claim their share of the credit on their own corporate or personal tax returns. Visit the Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit page, or contact the Ministry of Revenue, Tax Advisory services Branch at (905) 837-3814. Sally Harvey may be reached at sharvey@landscapeontario.com.

Call before you dig Finally, please remember to call before you dig! Landscapers and fence installers continue to have a bad record of forgetting this step when excavating, planting trees and installing landscape structures. Ontario One Call is 1-800-400-2255. Go to: www.on1call.com/ExInfo.html#Register HORTICULTURE REVIEW - APRIL 15, 2010  7


Co-operative marketing of Green for Life By Denis Flanagan CLD Director of public relations


arketing our Green for Life brand to the public may occur in many ways. One of the most effective methods is when staff and LO members combine their expertise and enthusiasm. A perfect example of this was at the March London Lifestyle Home Show. The London Chapter worked in partnership with the local Home Builders Association as an integral part of the show, which meant Denis Flanagan that the LO branding message came across loud and clear. Wendy Harry, London membership coordinator, did a great job working with the Chapter to ensure LO had a very visible display at an entranceway to the seminar area.

The London Chapter had great success attracting attention at the annual home show.

Local suppliers were featured in the display and members manned the booth all weekend. I travelled down for the March event to give a couple of seminars, which were very well attended. Overall, a fabulous team effort resulted in once again in the Green for Life message being seen and heard by

thousands of consumers. Way to go, London Chapter! Over 17,000 visitors attended the show. This is the fourth year LO has had a booth and garden display at this show. The postcard for the July 10 Garden tour, a list of London members and other promotional materials were handed out to help the public learn more about the association. Member companies who supplied materials for the booth or volunteered to help with the build included, suppliers: Baseline Nursery, Decorative Landscape Stone, Van Horik’s Greenhouse; volunteers included: Escapes Outdoor Living Designs, LO London Student Chapter ( Fanshawe College), Patrick Callon Landscape Designer, Pete Vanderley’s Lawn Maintenance and Landscape Services, Rural Roots, and Sifton Properties. The contribution of time and resources illustrates how our trusted professionals work generously within the LO family dynamics for the benefit of everyone. Eight LO member companies had booths in the show: Decorative Landscape Stone, Grand River Brick and Stone, Lobo Landscaping, Permacon Group, TLC Professional Landscaping, Triple H Landscape Supplies, Try Recyling, and Van Horik’s Greenhouses. The London Chapter will also feature a garden and booth at the London spring Home and Garden Show, from April 23 to 25. Denis Flanagan may be reached by email at dflanagan@landscapeontario.com.



Working on an equipment budget By Mark Bradley


n our previous article, Dan and Bill discussed Dan’s field labour budget and planning realistic wage expenses to achieve his sales targets, dividing billable and non-billable time between his field labour and overhead budgets, and calculating labour burden percentage. In this month’s article, Dan and Bill discuss the next key component of his operating budget: the equipment budget. “If you don’t have Mark Bradley an equipment budget, I guarantee you’re not pricing your work accurately,” said Bill. “But my rates are good,” replied Dan. “For example, my excavator rates are the exact same as Dig Bros., and they’re the biggest excavation contractor within 50 miles of here!” “And how much profit did they make last year, Dan?” “I don’t know.” “And how many excavators do they have? What’s the average size of their excavator? What’s their average job size?” continued Bill. “How should I know?” “Pricing your work the same as Dig Bros. doesn’t mean much because Dig Bros. and Danscaping have completely different costs. I don’t know what your definition of accurate pricing is Dan, but my definition is that your prices recover Danscaping’s costs along with some profit left over for Dan,” said Bill. “Sure but...” said Dan. “You cannot possibly price anything accurately until you understand all of your expenses. Now I need you to fax me your equipment financing contracts. If you own vehicles and equipment, include those as well, and send the purchase agreements. Separate all the equipment you own into two categories: Billable and Overhead. The former should include all the equipment specified on bids and the latter should include all the equipment not specified on bids. I also need you to give me a good estimate on how much you spend each year on small tools and equipment. I already have your Profit and Loss statement, so I’ll review your fuel, insurance, and repair/maintenance costs in the meantime,” said Bill. Dan faxed everything to Bill early in the

evening, and Bill called him back shortly after. “I have a few questions for you Dan. To start, it looks like you’re missing a few trucks.” “Yeah, I own those ones outright. Bought and paid for,” said Dan. Buying new equipment “But they need to be included!” said Bill. “Even if they are paid for, you’re wearing them out. One day, you’re going to need to replace them. If your customers aren’t paying for it, then your profits are. Why would you give your equipment away for free, just because it’s paid for? How are going to afford to replace it? I see you’ve listed your financed crew trucks in your Equipment budget. Do you bid your trucks in your work prices? How about your trailers and small equipment on the trailers?” “Well,” said Dan “I have an hourly rate for my crews, and it includes the trucks and trailers. I just don’t really know how much I’m allowing.” “If you don’t know how much, chances are it’s not enough. Truck and equipment costs are a big reason many contractors’ profits don’t meet expectations. Do you also bill your personal truck to your projects?” asked Bill. “I add project management hours to most of my design, plus build work. I charge $50 an hour, which covers my time and my truck.” “You told me earlier that you spend way more time managing projects and solving site problems than you bid. Is it fair to say you spend about double the time that you bid managing projects and solving problems?” asked Bill. “Probably more,” said Dan. “I only add a few hours of my own time to each bid, so as not to jack my prices too high.” Bidding management hours “How many management hours did you bid on the last project you completed, and how many did you actually spend?” asked Bill. “I bid five hours, but I spent at least three half-days on site and some more time managing work from my truck, home and office,” said Dan. “Let’s keep this figure at 15 hours to be conservative. Is that reasonable?” asked Bill. “I want to show where your profits are going.” “That’s definitely conservative,” muttered Dan. “Now let’s assume you pay yourself $35 per hour. Add 18 per cent labour burden ($6.30) and the cost of your labour is $41.30 per hour, but you still need to recover some overhead costs

and add some profit. Right now you have $8.70 left to cover those two ($41.30 subtracted from $50). Worse, you’ve bid five hours and you actually spent 15 hours: “As you can see, you’re way off the mark, and you haven’t recovered any overhead costs and your profit was consumed by your extra hours! But let’s not forget where we started— your truck.” “It gets worse?” asked Dan. “You don’t bill your truck specifically, so it does. A typical crew truck costs about $13 per hour to operate. That includes fuel and maintenance, but not overhead and profit,” said Bill. “So your total cost of managing that project was closer to $814.50 ($619.50 + $195), you didn’t recover any overhead, and you worked at least 10 hours for free.” “That was a bad project,” grumbled Dan. “It’s not just the project that was bad, Dan—it’s your system,” said Bill. “Dan, with your rates you’re not even covering the cost of your wages and the truck, much less your overhead expenses or your profit— even on bids where your hours are accurate. If you ever want Danscaping to be profitable, you need to start budgeting for such expenses. For example, begin to budget a Return on Investment for your personal truck and for any other equipment you personally own. The point is that if you budget it, as if you were paying for that equipment like you do for the rest of your company’s equipment, your prices will make sure you’re recovering those costs and your forecast profits will reflect the costs of that truck as if you were paying for it. This ensures all your costs are covered in your equipment budget, so that you can make more accurate and realistic bids. This is how I disciplined myself to save for, and now own my entire fleet, and you can do the same Dan,” said Bill. Wish you knew a Bill to help steer your company in the right direction? Join LMN and Landscape Ontario for their Seize Control: Your Operating Budget workshop series. Bring your company’s numbers, and leave with an operating budget and pricing system built specifically for your company. For more information go to www.landscapemanagementnetwork.com, email workshop@landscapemanagementnetwork.com, or call 1-888-347-9864. Mark Bradley is president of The Beach Gardener and the Landscape Management Network (LMN). HORTICULTURE REVIEW - APRIL 15, 2010  9

Canada Blooms 14th edition results in many great memories materials, tens of thousands of bulbs and nine-million-dollars-worth of labour, plant materials, design expertise and plants to pull off this year’s Canada Blooms. I’d say it was worth it. The new venue (the Direct Energy Centre) is fantastic and the gardens really are spectacular.” Martha Stewart was a main attraction on Saturday at this year’s show. In her blog, she wrote, “This past weekend, I traveled to Toronto, to attend Canada Blooms, the fabulous and prestigious flower and garden festival. It was truly spectacular with six acres of amazing gardens in full bloom and plenty of vendors selling all of the finest plant materials and products for the garden.”

Green for Life garden.

This 2010 version of Canada Blooms created some of the best memories ever in the 14-year history of the spring festival. It was the year Canada’s largest garden and flower festival changed homes, moving from the Metro Toronto Convention Centre to the Direct Energy Centre. It was the year that media icon Martha Stewart brought her divaness to Canada Blooms. And, it was a first when over 40 companies came together to build the Landscape Ontario garden, creating a super team of volunteers. A team that set the bar at an extremely high level for those who take on the task to design and build future display gardens at Canada Blooms. The LO Green for Life garden had the Wow Factor covered, from top to bottom. Garden features waterfalls The garden featured a spectacular waterfall, fronted by an amazing dry stone wall that carried steel letters reading landscapeontario. com. Two silos were covered in sedum which grabbed the attention of most visitors. Inside were spectacular plants, unique hardscaping materials and a reflection pool. Beth Edney, one of the main driving forces behind the Green for Life garden, said, “I am thrilled that Landscape Ontario was recognized for The Most Imaginative Garden Design and the Garden Club of Toronto’s Award for The Best Overall Use of Colour and the Certified Landscape Designer’s Award for The Most Outstanding Garden Design. The 46 companies that participated in the design and

build of this feature garden at Canada Blooms exemplified the skill and knowledge that our members possess. Pride was taken during every process, from planning to execution and even during the dismantling of the garden. I am truly honoured to have been the lead designer on such a wonderful accomplishment.” It is estimated that it took 160 hours and $50,000 worth of materials donated by industry and LO members to create the garden. For a complete list of volunteers and sponsors, see page 13. Read project manager Tim Kearney’s words about the garden on page 11. The booth was the first garden to greet visitors at the event. And, those visitors were many. This year’s attendance is estimated at 90,000, up 20 per cent over last year, according to Gerry Ginsberg, the show’s general manager. “We are extremely pleased with the success of Canada Blooms this year.” Many of the visitors, when asked their opinion about The Direct Energy Centre, praised the new facility. Most commented on of easy access to the show. Great media coverage The 14th annual event attracted a huge amount of media attention in both print and electronic news outlets. A story in the Globe & Mail stated, “You won’t be rattled by Canada Blooms 2010, but you just might be inspired. The boffo $350,000 garden sponsored by Landscape Ontario represents money well spent.” Canadian Gardening’s Tara Nolan wrote, “It took 700 tonnes of sand, 500 cubic yards of mulch, 40 trailers-worth of stone and pre-cast


Visitors voted for favourite garden Each year visitors and industry contributors to Canada Blooms are invited to participate in voting for their favourite display and gardens. This year, the People’s Choice Garden Award winner was The Disney Garden, created by the team of Beth Edney CLD of Designs by The Yard, Frank Ferragine, a.k.a. Frankie Flowers of CityTV, and Jordan Murfin BLA of Vast Exteriors. The finalists for the People’s Choice Garden Award were Green for Life and The Cellar, created by D.A. Gracey. Gerry Ginsberg stated that many people continued to enjoy the gardens that were on display, since all of the plant and building materials used to create the spectacular gardens were reused and recycled. “The plants and flowers left over have been, once again, donated to the City of Toronto,” said Ginsberg. Over 500 spring blooms and shrubs were given to seniors living at Fudger House, one of the City of Toronto’s long-term care homes. Flowers have also been made available to seniors’ facilities and programs including Belmont House, Fellowship Towers, Rekai Centre, Seniors Pride Network, Dixon Hall, Toronto Tamil Seniors Association, True Davidson Acres Meals on Wheels, Winchester Square and Home Makers and Nurses Services clients. A total of 40 trees from the show will be planted in Toronto parks this spring. But lasting even longer will be the many great memories that made the 2010 version of Canada Blooms one for the history books.

Tim Kearney reveals the journey that created LO’s “amazing” garden After some convincing by Horticulture Review, Tim Kearney, president of Garden Creations of Ottawa, LO’s second vice president, and the driving force behind the creation of the association’s Green for Life garden at Canada Blooms, agreed to put his feelings into words. Tim’s letter provides some real insight into not just what goes on during the frantic stages to create an amazing garden, but also the passion and care that make LO one Tim Kearney of the strongest industry associations. We’ll let Tim Kearney explain: The 2010 version of the journey starts a short time after the completion of Blooms 2009. That is what happens when you have staff talk to Tony. “We want to be back next year,” they said. So, like every good fiscally responsible business owner, I said yes…let’s offer to do it again. This is despite knowing full well that the flow of money goes out way much more than comes in. But in the big picture, how do you put value on what your staff can learn and see and share with their colleagues? It truly is priceless. The core values that make up my company’s acronym are TEAM: Talent, Excellence, Adaptability, Mentoring. I was convinced that this is what we needed to build this type of a garden that would ooze pride in our industry, our profession, and our association. To achieve this, egos needed to be checked at the door. So, as all good gardens go…they begin with a dream. It soon becomes a vision and a plan. It is important to understand the deep passion and vision possessed by many of your colleagues. I started this journey with Beth Edney at Blooms last year, when she brought me into her little trailer, and offered me a hot meal complete with all the fixings. “What are you doing?” I asked. Beth’s heartfelt response was that people work so hard, care so much; want to do so well for the industry, that it was her way of saying thanks with a home-cooked meal! So when I suggested the model I would try, Beth jumped onboard and said, “I’m in.” Followed by, “What’s your vision?”

“A kick-ass, jaw-dropping garden that we will be all proud of,” was my silly response. “Let’s do it,” she responded. Now remember, this is on top of countless hours Beth volunteers at Garden Expo, Congress, provincial board meetings, designers sector group meetings, seminars, and more importantly, family. Certifiable? Very defective? It was absolutely a mind-boggling commitment. Very early in the process, Beth said, “We need Tony Lombardi on this team. All I ever knew of Tony Lombardi was that he is a good looking, emotional Italian, has his stuff together, and is good, real good, at what he does. So I talked to Tony L., and he asked to let him think about it. And I said, “Good. Glad to have you on board.” And from that day forth, key pieces of the puzzle were added: Barry Hordyk from Shademaster Landscaping agreed in James Thompson, left, and Tony Lombardi go over a most silly way to be part of our team. the plans to create the waterfalls. “He said, “Tell me what you want.” So we gave him the silos. It was the most challenging myself into?” aspect of our garden, and his guys stuck it. And Denis Flanagan, saying, “You guys Once I was able to use Barry’s name… are vampires. I figured it out!” “Shademaster is in!!!!” the others followed: So people, that is what Canada Blooms The Beach Gardener, Environmental Design, is all about: it’s people. And, that is what LO Bellaire Landscape, Cypress Hill, Ryan Heath, is all about. Our association is a community Yorkshire Garden Services, James Garfield dedicated to the improvement of our industry Thompson, Water Arts, the Dry Stone Guild, and its people. Moonstruck Landscape Lighting, Thornbusch In five short days, 45 companies, 200 Landscaping, Waters Edge, and Gerald Boot, individuals, and hundreds of thousands of dolwho stepped up with equipment and helped lars of value created our garden. Every chapBarry, and was task leader for tear-down. All ter in our province was represented. This is a the pieces were falling into place. first. On top of that, our overly generous supMore importantly, in five short days, pliers, who I will patronize until the day I relationships were formed that will be insepadie — Connons NVK, Gro-Bark, Permacon, rable. Global Arch, Camilla House — stepped up and I am sure I speak on behalf of Beth Edney said, “Tell us what you want?” and Tony Lombardi in saying that we have perSo task leaders were formed, meetings sonally benefitted way more than we deserve, held and visions happened. and we are honoured to be part of this group, Soon it was 7 a.m. conference calls twice this Team. a week, with 2 a.m. emails from Beth, saying, I close by giving you an example of team“What about this?” work: When told of my need to get back to I would respond, by writing, “What are Ottawa, to deal with some personal stuff, Paul you doing up at this ungodly hour?” And she Doornbos, from the Upper Canada Chapter, would ask, “What are you doing up?” said, “Good. Don’t worry, I’ve got your back, It was hilarious, defective, but uplift- and we will finally get ahead of the game withing. One of the funniest emails I received was out you here.” from the emotional Italian, saying (at 3 in the We can accomplish so much if we work morning), “You guys are sick. What have I got together. HORTICULTURE REVIEW - APRIL 15, 2010  11

LO at Blooms: More visible than ever LO’s impressive feature garden was only part of the association’s successful Canada Blooms profile. Events on the Thursday of the show were also successful and well-received. The Contractors Sector Group continued its dual-perspective lecture series tradition, featuring a landscape architect paired with a contractor. Landscape architect Ron Koudys, landscape design program manager at Fanshawe College in London, spoke about technical and design challenges from his private practice. His client Loblaws enjoyed a huge sales increase at

a test grocery store after extensive landscaping was installed. In today’s regulatory environment, a landscape architect provides a significant advantage by knowing who to ask, and where to go, for permits, according to Koudys. Contractor Adam Gracey of D.A. Gracey and Associates, Vaughan, profiled two dream projects. Both his Niagara formal estate and his Mulmur weekend retreat projects reflect a desire to encourage his clients to live outside. Through his slide story, the audience got a feeling for Gracey’s commitment to unified design,

his staffing structure that respects talent and efficiency and a business style that turns clients into friends. Arthur Skolnik of Shibui Landscaping won the door prize, a wheelbarrow donated by sponsor Beaver Valley Stone. Other sponsors included Unilock, Dufferin Aggregates and Eloquip. The Contractors group thanks the speakers, sponsors and attendees for a successful event. Industry Night, following the lecture, recognizes the essential contributions the green industry makes to Canada Blooms. LO executive director Tony DiGiovanni thanked companies and volunteers for their work on the Green for Life garden, as dozens of photos flashed on the screen. Fiona Penn Zieba presented a cheque for $45,000 to the Toronto Botanical Garden, a gift from the Toronto Chapter. Funds are dedicated to the TBG Children’s Garden. The evening concluded with the Canada Blooms garden awards, showing overwhelmingly strong representation by LO members. Thanks to Industry Night sponsor Sinclair-Cockburn Canada Blooms received a great deal of media attention this year. In photo, lead designer Beth Edney is interviewed by Insurance. CP24’s Stephen LeDrew.

Garden-award winners Sheridan Nurseries Award for outstanding garden, small size, Aden Earthworks S.G. Ulbright Award for outstanding garden, medium size, Oriole Landscaping Gordon A. MacEachern Award for outstanding garden, large size, D.A. Gracey & Associates Outstanding Interpretation of the Show Theme, Scott Torrance LA, contractor, Coivic Contracting, garden sponsor Canadian Cancer Society Outstanding Use of Innovative Elements in a Garden, presented by Vineland Research and Innovation Centre, Miyabi Inc.

Outstanding Use of Artistic Elements in a Garden, contractor, Vast Exteriors, designer Jordan Murfin

Outstanding Use of Trees, presented by Kobes Nurseries, Landscapes By Lucin, designed by Sean Anderson

Outstanding Representation of Sponsor Message, presented by Sinclair-Cockburn, Allweather Landscape Co., sponsor, The Home Depot

Outstanding Use of Interior Plants, Royalty Landscaping, design by Colomba Fuller, in collaboration with Ronald Holbrook

Most Imaginative Garden Design, Landscape Ontario’s Green for Life

Outstanding Use of Annuals and/or Perennials, City of Toronto

Best Use of Bulbs, presented by TradeWinds, Evergreen Environments Outstanding Educational Garden (for students), Humber College Landscape technician program


Outstanding Use of Water, So-Green Canada Outstanding Use of Natural Stone, presented by Beaver Valley Stone, Elite Environments Outstanding Use of Pre-Cast Pavers, Stone-Link

Many help build Landscape Ontario Green for Life garden This year saw a record number of companies work together to create an amazing garden at Canada Blooms. Long hours, valuable material, wonderful creativity and much sweat went into the generous donations that were impossible to tally in building and dismantling the wow-factor garden. The following are offered a great deal of appreciation for their work to make Canada Blooms an astounding success. If we have missed any names, contact the magazine. Adele Pierre Landscape Design: Adele Pierre CLD; Bellaire Landscape: Chris Power, Bob Bellaire, Robbie Musson; Boot’s Landscaping & Maintenance: Gerald Boot CLP, John Boot CIT, CHTC, Steve Boot, Gregory Bouwman, Marcos Chipre, Christiaan Dannrath, Ryan Haluska CIT, CHTM, Collin Brasz, Kirby Brock CIT, Carlos Orana, Art Salomons, Brian Streight, Vic Velastegni; Brookdale Treeland Nurseries: Bruce Warren; Connon Nurseries/NVK Holdings: Rick Vanderkruk, Paul DeGroot, plus 15 employees; Creative Gardens and Waterscapes: Ross Allin; Cypress Hill Design and Build: Margaret Abernethy, Richard Portelance; Designs by the Yard: Beth Edney CLD; Dr. Landscape: Tony Lombardi CLD; Dry Stone Guild of Canada: Sean Donnelly, Dean McLellan, Reid Snow; Dutchman’s Landscaping: Walter Hassleman; Earth Art Landscapes: Louise Bedford, Pat Elo CHT, Jeremy Graham, Brian Marsh;

Environmental Design Group: Glen Bridge, Frank Oppermann, Koos Torenvliet, Nick Torenvliet, Nick Torenvliet Jr., Mark Torenvliet, Nate Torenvliet, Tony Torenvliet, Shannon Vanderkruk; Garden Creations of Ottawa: Ryan Kearney CHTC, CHTM, Tim Kearney CLP, Tim O’Brien, Grace Poljanec, Diana Dawson, Jason Robinson CHTC, Ryan Kelly CIT, Kent Merkley CHTM, Nathan Armstrong, JC Peacock, Jason Smalley CLD, Lynda Blackburn CHTC, CHTM; Garden Retreats: Connie Cadotte CLD; Jan Gelderman Landscaping: Harry Gelderman; Ground Control Contracting: Edward Hewis; Heritage Green Landscape Contractors: Jeff Lowartz CHTM; Hirsig Landscapes: Sonja Hirsig; J. Garfield Thompson Landscaping: James Thompson; Landscape Gate and Garden: Colin Holwell; Landscape Ontario staff; MapleRidge Landscapes: Tim Sieders, Kurt Sieders; Moonstruck Landscape Lighting: Lee Franchino, Carl Hastings, Stefan Keochlin, Adam Lutes, Murray Macken, Conrad Montiero, Blake Tubby, Bob Tubby CLP, Geneva Tubby, Mauro Vesia; Noldus of Durham: Don Voorhees; Picture Perfect Landscaping Quinte: Neil Bouma, Elaine Bouma; Ryan Heath Professional Landscaping: Ryan Heath CLP; Shademaster Landscaping: Barry Hordyk, plus ten employees; Sheridan Nurseries: Brenda Luckhardt;

Outstanding Use of Structures, presented by Enbridge Gas Distribution, Parklane

W.E. Bridgeman Award for best overall use of hard landscape elements, Oriole Landscaping

Outstanding Use of Walkways, b sq. landscape design studio

Humber Nurseries Award for best overall use of plant material, City of Toronto


Outstanding Outdoor Living Space, Toronto Botanical Garden Outstanding Outdoor Entertainment Area, OCAD Frogpond/Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief Universal Access Award, City of Toronto Honourable mentions, Parklane, Jordan Murfin and Vast Exteriors, The Garden Club of Toronto Award for Best Overall Use of Colour, Landscape Ontario’s Green for Life

Leslie L. Solty Memorial Award for best overall creativity in garden design, Parklane Nurseries Landscape Ontario Award for best overall quality of workmanship, Coivic Contracting, designer Scott Torrance LA Inc., sponsor Canadian Cancer Society Certified Landscape Designer Award, Beth Edney CLD

The Beach Gardener: Mark Bradley; The Cutting Garden: Sian Pritchard; The Gardening Guy: Norm Mills; Thornbusch Landscaping: Kim Borthwick, Paul Doornbos CHTM, CLP; Treefrog Designs: Judy Bell; Turf Management Systems: Steve Tschanz; University of Guelph Trial Gardens: Rodger Tschanz; University of Windsor: Garry Moore; Water’s Edge Landscaping: Heather Chavusen, Jacki Hart CLP, Sherri Hornsey; Wildrose Gardening: James Irwin, Rob Reid; Yorkshire Garden Services: Zita Anuscenko, Lindsay Drake Nightingale, Frank Ferragine, Nicola Kamp, Laurie Leek, Martha Walsh


Evergreen Brick Works SEED Award (Society, Environment, Education, Design), Finalists, D.A. Gracey & Associates, OCAD Frogpond/ Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief, Toronto Botanical Garden, Parklane, Oriole Landscaping, City of Toronto. Feature garden judges Sonia Day, The Toronto Star Real Eguchi, bReal Alistair Johnson, Strybos Baron King Jeff McMann, Town of Markham Michael Pascoe, Fanshawe College Tom Sparling, landscape architect Randy Tumber, Tumber and Associates

Go to www.landscapeontario.com/cbtour to see a photo tour of Canada Blooms HORTICULTURE REVIEW - APRIL 15, 2010 13

Martha Stewart at Blooms

Clause allows HST savings on pre-payment of service LO members may want to take advantage of the pre-payment clause in the HST system that allows for an eight per cent tax saving if payment is made before May 1. Where payment for a service to be performed on or after July 1, 2010 becomes

due, or is paid before May 1, then it is not the responsibility for the service provider to charge HST. Where payment for a service to be performed on or after July 1, 2010 is paid on or after May 1, then HST is charged.

Hot and dry weather expected this summer

Martha Stewart was a main attraction on Saturday at this year’s show.

According to Environment Canada, Ontario will see a warmer and drier summer. According to climatologist David Phillips, temperatures should see more days this summer hover above 30 C, resulting in more hours of sunshine and less rain than the last two years. The weather service defines the time period as the months of June, July and August. Officially, Environment Canada doesn’t release its summer forecast until June 1, but models are developed early with the help of

the weather service’s supercomputer. “Initially it looks like it will be drier than normal and warmer than normal,” says Phillips. The past two summers were the wettest on record. In 2008 — the summer with the record rainfall — Toronto received close to 400 millimetres of rain. In the summer of 2009, the region received 300 millimetres. The normal amount is 228 millimetres.

Congress 2010 saves 139 trees Statistics show that Landscape Ontario made a huge difference to the environment by saving the equivalent of 139 trees (up from 40 in 2009), 635 cubic yards of landfill space (61 cubic metres in 2009) and offset 3.69 tons of greenhouse gases (no direct comparison in 2009) during Congress 2010, held from Jan. 11 to 14. U-Pak Recycling, which monitors the waste generated from the trade show, presented the Zero Waste Certificate to LO for its efforts to be Green for Life. This is the second year that Congress has been involved in the Zero Waste Certificate program.

In memoriam Congratulations to Becky Kellar, wife of Nolan Duke, president of G.C. Duke Equipment in Burlington, and member of the 2010 Olympic gold medal winning Canadian Women’s Hockey Team. A member of the Canadian National hockey team for 14 years, Becky has participated in four Olympics, bringing home three gold medals and one silver. She has also represented team Canada in seven world hockey championships. Describing the gold medal win at home as “the best one,” Becky will step back from her hockey career at the national level and focus her energy on her two sons, Owen and Zachary.


Mark Smith, a dedicated employee of Scott’s Landscaping of Jerseyville, passed away suddenly at home on Mar. 10, 2010, at the age of 38. He had great respect for his family, his friends and life. A funeral service was held at Bay Gardens Funeral Home in Burlington.

Chapter News Can you believe it’s golf season already? Everyone’s favourite season is back. Once again LO Chapters are stepping up to run their annual golf tournaments. Lots of exciting prizes are being offered this year, and the courses are some of the best in the area. Upper Canada Chapter is having its golf tournament on July 16, at Briar Fox Golf and Country Club. This is always a fun-filled day off and on the golf course, with great food and prizes, plus a lot of laughs. The Toronto Chapter is running its tournament at Glen Eagle Golf Club, near Bolton on July 22. There are lots of surprises this year! Last year’s tournament was a sell-out, so book early to avoid disappointment! Golden Horseshoe Chapter is having its tournament on Aug. 18, at Willow Valley Golf Course in Mount Hope. This tournament sells out every year, so book early to reserve your spot!

Georgian Lakelands Chapter is having its golf tournament on Aug. 26, at the Innisbrook Golf Course in Barrie. The tournament is reasonably priced and promises to be another fun day on the course. All the pricing is the same as last year, $125 per golfer, and includes a round of golf, cart, lunch, and barbecue steak dinner. The Tilbury Golf Course is the site for the Windsor Chapter tournament on Sept. 11. There is an early bird discount of $350 for a foursome if booked by July 31. The cost per golfer is $100, which includes 18 holes of golf, a cart, steak dinner and a hot dog and pop at the turn. Registration time is 10:30 a.m., with the first tee-time at 11 a.m. Dinner is at 5 p.m. Watch www.horttrades.com for more updates on LO’s golf tournaments.

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Hillen Nursery Inc Botanical Name

Qty. 1 Gal Qty. 2 Gal Qty. 3 Gal Botanical Name Avail. Price Avail. Price Avail. Price

VINES Ampelopsis glandulosa ‘Elegans’ 392 8.00 Campsis radicans ‘Balboa Sunset’ 245 8.00 Hydrangea anomala petiolaris 421 6.00 Lonicera per. ‘Belgica Select’ 151 8.00 Lonicera X ‘Mandarin’ 90 8.00 Parthenocissus quinquefolia 241 6.00 Polygonum aubertii 515 6.00 EVERGREENS Azalea `Golden Lights’ 315 Azalea `Orchid Lights’ 439 Buxus `Faulkner` 975 Buxus microphylla 335 5.00 375 Buxus X `Green Gem’ 740 5.20 Buxus X `Green Mound’ 220 5.00 1,000 Buxus X `Green Mountain’ 1,000 5.00 Buxus X `Green Velvet’ 1,000 5.20 1,000 Chamaecyparis pisifera `Filifera’ 150 5.00 222 Chamaecyparis pisifera `Filifera Aurea’ 210 5.00 52 Cotoneaster dammeri `Coral Beauty’ 1,000 5.00 141 7.00 Cotoneaster dammeri ‘Major’ 1,000 7.00 Cotoneaster microphyllus 224 5.00 40 Cotoneaster salicifolius `Repens’ 965 7.00 Euonymus fortunei `Canadale Gold` 45 5.00 1,000 7.00 Euonymus fortunei `Coloratus` 382 5.00 Euonymus fortunei `E.T.` 465 7.00 Euonymus fortunei `Emerald Gaiety` 120 5.00 1,000 7.00 Euonymus fortunei `Emerald ‘n Gold` 215 5.00 213 7.00 Euonymus fortunei `Goldtip` 498 7.00 Euonymus fortunei `Sarcoxie` 1,000 7.00 Euonymus fortunei `Sunrise` 140 5.00 280 7.00 Euonymus fortunei `Surespot` 1,000 7.00 Euonymus fortunei `Vegetus` 290 7.00 Ilex X meserveae `Blue Prince’ 109 5.00 201 Ilex X meserveae `Blue Princess’ 79 5.00 402 Juniperus chinensis `Gold Star’ 369 Juniperus chinensis `Mint Julep’ 260 5.00 521 Juniperus chinensis `Pfitz. Compacta’ 350 5.00 524 Juniperus chinensis ‘San Jose’ 290 5.00 168 Juniperus chinensis`Gold Coast’ 513 Juniperus communis `Repanda` 200 5.00 296 Juniperus conferta `Blue Pacific’ 205 5.00 327 Juniperus hor. `Andorra Compacta’ 940 5.00 1,000 Juniperus hor. `Prince of Wales’ 230 5.00 31 Juniperus horizontalis `Bar Harbor’ 390 5.00 785 Juniperus horizontalis `Blue Prince’ 247 Juniperus horizontalis `Icee Blue` 380 6.00 222 Juniperus horizontalis `Wiltonii’ 579 5.00 221 Juniperus horizontalis `Yukon Belle` 300 5.00 568 Juniperus horizontalis ‘Turquoise Spreader’ 595 Juniperus media `Armstrongii` 300 5.00 230 Juniperus procumbens nana 381 Juniperus sabina 290 5.00 595 Juniperus sabina `Skandia` 247 5.00 Juniperus squamata `Blue Carpet` 130 5.00 93 Juniperus virginiana `Grey Owl` 290 5.00 264 Larix laricina 1,000 7.00 Metasequoia glyptostroboides 925 7.00 Microbiota decussata 455 5.00 407 Picea abies ‘Nidiformis 627 Picea glauca `Conica’ 346 Picea pungens ‘Globosa’ 257 Picea pungens kiabob 100 5.00 770 7.00 Pinus mugo var. mugo 1,000 Rhodondendron ‘Northern Starburst’ 191 Taxus X media `Hicksii’ 144 5.00 566 Taxus X media `Wardii’ 490 5.00 314


13.50 13.50 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.20 11.00 11.00 11.00

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Qty. 1 Gal Qty. 2 Gal Qty. 3 Gal Avail. Price Avail. Price Avail. Price

Taxus X media ‘Hillii’ 700 5.00 1,000 Thuja occidentalis 80 5.00 1,000 Thuja occidentalis `Brandon’ 490 5.00 866 Thuja occidentalis `Danica` 100 5.00 593 Thuja occidentalis `Little Giant’ 890 5.00 574 Thuja occidentalis `Nigra’ 1,000 5.00 1,000 Thuja occidentalis `Smaragd` 1,000 5.00 1,000 Thuja occidentalis `Wintergreen’ 990 5.00 501 Thuja plicata ‘Spring Grove’ 140 5.00 300 Tsuga canadensis 1,000 5.00 250 7.00 1,000 Tsuga canadensis ‘Jeddeloh’ 405 Tsuga canadensis ‘Pendula’ 285 Abeliophyllum distichum 232 7.00 Acanthopanax sieboldianus 967 7.00 Acer ginnala 840 7.00 45 Acer rubrum 562 7.00 Alnus rugosa 689 7.00 Aronia melanocarpa 174 7.00 Aronia melanocarpa `Autumn Magic’ 527 7.00 Betula papyrifera 929 7.00 Betula populifolia 270 7.00 Buddleia davidii `Dartmoor’ 250 7.00 Buddleia davidii `Ellen’s Blue` 500 7.00 Buddleia davidii `Ile de France’ 490 7.00 Buddleia davidii `Nanho Purple’ 390 7.00 Buddleia davidii `Petite Plum` 440 7.00 Buddleia davidii `Pink Delight’ 345 7.00 Buddleia davidii `Royal Red’ 344 7.00 Buddleia davidii `White Profusion’ 230 7.00 Callicarpa japonica `Issai’ 140 7.00 147 Caryopteris cland. `Dark Knight` 326 7.00 Caryopteris cland. `Grand Blue` 287 7.35 Celtis occidentalis 450 7.00 Cephalanthus occidentalis 1,000 7.00 Cercidiphyllum japonicum 230 7.00 Cercis canadensis 975 7.00 Chaenomeles spec.`Texas Scarlet’ 662 7.00 Clethra alnifolia `Paniculatum` 490 7.00 Clethra alnifolia `Pink Spire` 292 7.00 Clethra alnifolia `Sixteen Candles` 295 7.00 Cornus alba `Elegantissima’ 1,000 7.00 Cornus alba `Gouchaultii’ 444 7.00 Cornus alba `Ivory Halo` 1,000 7.45 Cornus alba `Sibirica` 231 7.00 Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’ 231 Cornus amomum 1,000 7.00 Cornus kousa chinensis 329 7.00 Cornus racemosa 1,000 7.00 Cornus stolonifera (sericea) 1,000 7.00 Cornus stolonifera `Bud’s Yellow` 459 7.00 Cornus stolonifera `Kelseyi’ 1,000 7.00 Corylus avellana `Contorta’ 360 15.00 Cotinus coggygria 200 7.00 Cotoneaster horizontalis 545 7.00 Cotoneaster preacox `Boer` 500 7.00 Deutzia crenata `Nikko’ 90 5.00 752 7.00 Deutzia gracilis 860 7.00 Deutzia gracilis ‘Aurea’ 230 7.00 Deutzia X `Strawberry Field` 285 7.00 Diervilla lonicera 1,000 7.00 Euonymus alatus `Compactus` 804 5.00 1,000 8.00 1,000 Fagus sylvatica `Purpurea ` 530 7.00 115 Forsythia ‘Kumson’ 490 7.00 Forsythia ovata `Ottawa` 939 7.00 Forsythia X inter. `Northern Gold` 1,000 7.00 Forsythia X intermedia `Lynwood’ 679 7.00 Hamamelis virginiana 149 7.00 904 Hibiscus syriacus `Diana’ 80 5.00 260 Hydrangea arborescens `Annabelle’ 1,000 7.00

11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 13.50 13.50 8.00



9.00 8.00

8.00 8.00

c. Botanical Name

Many More Cultivars and sizes available Qty. 1 Gal Qty. 2 Gal Qty. 3 Gal Botanical Name Avail. Price Avail. Price Avail. Price

Hydrangea arborescens `Dardom` 334 7.60 Hydrangea macr. `Bouquet Rose` 305 7.00 Hydrangea macr. `Glowing Embers` 200 7.00 Hydrangea macr.`Princess Beatrix` 327 7.00 Hydrangea pan. ‘Limelight’ 351 7.60 Hydrangea pan. ‘Little Lamb’ 830 7.60 Hydrangea pan. ‘Pinky Winky’ 688 7.60 Hydrangea paniculata `Kyushu’ 500 7.00 Hydrangea paniculata `Tardiva’ 392 7.00 Hydrangea serrata `Bluebird` 560 7.00 Hydrangea serrata ‘Little Geisha’ 245 7.60 Ilex vert. ‘Winterred’ 285 7.00 Ilex verticillata 1,000 7.00 Ilex verticillata `Afterglow` 1,000 7.00 Ilex verticillata `Southern Gentleman` 393 7.00 Kerria japonica `Pleniflora’ 784 7.00 Kolkwitzia amabilis `Pink Cloud` 787 7.00 Ligustrum vicary 390 7.00 Ligustrum vulgaris 470 7.00 Lonicera xylosteum `Clavey’s Dwarf’ 686 7.00 Lonicera xylosteum `Emerald Mound` 595 7.00 Magnolia X loebneri `Merrill’ 345 Philadelphus `Innocence` 679 7.00 Philadelphus `Minnesota Snowflake’ 312 7.00 Philadelphus `Natchez` 280 7.00 Philadelphus coronarius `Aureus’ 243 7.00 Physocarpus opul. ‘Coppertina’ 315 7.85 Physocarpus opul. ‘Seward’ 385 7.85 Physocarpus opulifolus 1,000 7.00 Physocarpus opulifolus `Diabolo’ 1,000 7.60 1,000 Populus tremuloides 475 7.00 Potentilla frut. `Coronation Triumph’ 1,000 7.00 Potentilla fruticosa `Abbottswood’ 1,000 7.00 Potentilla fruticosa `Dakota Sunrise` 760 7.00 Potentilla fruticosa `Gold Drop’ 1,000 7.00 Potentilla fruticosa `Goldfinger’ 621 7.00 Potentilla fruticosa `McKay’s White’ 400 7.00 Potentilla fruticosa `Tangerine` 645 7.00 Potentilla fruticosa `Yellow Gem` 395 7.00 Prunus cistena 1,000 7.00 Quercus alba 365 7.00 Quercus bicolor 275 7.00 Quercus palustris 400 7.00 Quercus robur ‘Fastigiata’ 924 9.00 Rhus aromatica `Low Grow` 1,000 7.00 Rhus typhina 740 7.00 Rhus typhina ‘Tiger’s Eye’ 546 Rosa ‘Henry Kelsey’ 345 7.00 Rosa `Bonica` 577 7.00 Rosa `J P Connell` 195 7.00 Rosa rugosa 1,000 7.00 Rosa rugosa `Alba’ 1,000 7.00 Rosa rugosa `Hansa` 138 7.00 Rosa rugosa `Morden Blush’ 170 7.00 Rosa X `Champlain` 206 7.00 Rosa X `The Fairy’ 221 7.00 Rosa x ‘Morden Amorette’ 240 7.00 Rubus occidentalis 760 7.00 Rubus odoratus 283 7.00 Salix bebbiana 38 7.00 Salix beblonia ‘Crispa’ 100 7.00 Salix discolor 961 7.00 Salix eriocephala 1,000 7.00 Salix exigua 1,000 7.00 Salix gracilis `Purpurea Nana` 431 7.00 Salix integra `Hakura Nishiki’ 150 7.00 Salix integra ‘Flamingo’ 117 7.00 Salix matsudana ‘Tortuosa Aurea’ 170 7.00 Salix nigra 360 7.00




Qty. 1 Gal Qty. 2 Gal Qty. 3 Gal Avail. Price Avail. Price Avail. Price

Salix repens 50 7.00 Sambucus canadensis 1,000 7.00 Sambucus canadensis `Aurea’ 531 7.00 Sambucus nigra `Guincho Purple’ 210 7.00 Sambucus nigra ‘Black Lace’ 45 9.50 317 Sambucus nigra ‘Thundercloud’ 185 7.00 Sorbaria aitchisonii 300 7.00 Sorbaria sorbifolia 1,000 7.00 Sorbaria sorbifolia ‘Sem’ 558 7.00 150 Spiraea `Pink Parasol` 120 7.45 Spiraea alba 1,000 7.00 Spiraea arguta 265 7.00 Spiraea betulifolia `Tor’ 150 7.00 Spiraea bumalda `Gold Mound’ 1,000 7.00 Spiraea bumalda `Gumball` 30 7.00 Spiraea jap. ‘Dakota Goldcharm’ 315 7.00 Spiraea japonica `Alpina’ 997 7.00 Spiraea japonica `Anthony Waterer’ 1,000 7.00 Spiraea japonica `Crispa’ 1,000 7.00 Spiraea japonica `Flaming Mound’ 772 7.00 Spiraea japonica `Froebelii’ 1,000 7.00 Spiraea japonica `Golden Princess’ 125 7.00 Spiraea japonica `Goldflame’ Spiraea japonica `Little Princess’ 1,000 7.00 Spiraea japonica `Magic Carpet’ 1,000 7.25 Spiraea japonica `Manon` 1,000 7.00 Spiraea japonica `Neon Flash’ 1,000 7.00 Spiraea japonica `Shirobana’ 163 7.00 Spiraea japonica ‘Genpei’ 200 7.00 150 Spiraea japonica ‘White Gold’ 580 7.00 Spiraea tomentosa 418 7.00 Spiraea vanhouttei 1,000 7.00 Spriaea vanhouttei ‘Golden Fountain’ 30 Stephanandra incisa `Crispa’ 1,000 7.00 Symphoricarpos albus 1,000 7.00 Symphoricarpos chenaultii `Hancock` 377 7.00 Syringa patula `Miss Kim’ 30 Syringa vulgaris `Beauty of Moscow` 77 7.00 199 Syringa vulgaris `Primrose` 327 7.00 Syringa vulgaris `Sensation’ 65 7.00 287 Syringa vulgaris ‘Dappled Dawn’ 45 7.00 Syringa vulgaris ‘Monge’ 15 7.00 210 Syringa X hyac. `Pocahontas’ 107 7.00 Tamarix pentandra 337 7.00 Tilia cordata 400 7.00 Viburnum `Emerald Triumph` 90 7.00 Viburnum dentatum/recognitum 287 7.00 Viburnum dentatum`Chicago Lustre` 130 7.00 Viburnum lantana 196 7.00 Viburnum nudum `Winterthur’ 150 7.00 Viburnum opulus `Nanum’ 90 7.00 Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’ 24 7.00 160 Viburnum rhytidophyllum `Alleghany` 91 7.00 Viburnum trilobum 570 7.00 Viburnum trilobum `Bailey Compact` 253 7.00 Weigela florida `Alexandra’ 250 7.60 Weigela florida `Bristol Ruby’ 546 7.00 Weigela florida `Elvira` 275 7.60 Weigela florida `Java Red’ 90 7.00 Weigela florida `Minuet’ 1,000 7.00 Weigela florida `Nana Variegata’ 690 7.00 Weigela florida `Polka’ 790 7.00 Weigela florida `Purpurea Nana` 980 7.00 Weigela florida `Red Prince’ 345 7.00 Weigela florida `Rumba’ 580 7.00 Weigela florida `Tango’ 515 7.00 Weigela florida `Variegata’ 382 7.00 Weigela florida `Victoria` 200 7.00 Weigela florida ‘Minor Black’ 105 7.00





8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00


RR 2, Mount Brydges, ON N0L 1W0 Tel: 519-264-9057 • Fax: 519-264-1337 HORTICULTURE REVIEW - APRIL 15, 2010  17


Response to Legal Issues column The following letter to the editor is a comment on Rob Kennaley’s Legal Issues column from the February 2010 Horticulture Review. I enjoyed your article (When you and your client are on different pages) about natural products. A number of years ago, I did a project involving natural stone. A sample was shown to the client, and when the job was done he complained that the colour of the stone was lighter than the sample. I tried to explain the variation was due to the fact that it was a natural product, and the colour is determined from where and how deep in the quarry the stone is taken. I also pointed out that the stone was delivered a week prior to installing, and that no comments were made until after all of the stone was put into place, which took several days for installation. I agreed to a discount, but realized that all along they did not want to pay the contract price. Since this time, I have changed the way I do business. First, we always tell customers that material will vary from samples, and we show them the product when it arrives on site.

Personal face-to-face communication is the best way to avoid problems – unfortunately we usually have to learn from a past problem. But the most important thing is that we choose the customers who we work for. It is a relationship unlike any other. The bigger the job, the more time is spent dealing with them and the more important the relationship becomes. If you have a hard time getting to the contract stage, due to changes and other difficulties, just imagine 12 weeks or more dealing with this same client. It is a sure way to lose money. Many years ago, I read an excellent article in the Journal of Light Construction, which touched on this philosophy. One contractor even went so far as to get prospective clients checked as to past court actions. One potential job, for which he had received a large deposit, had 10 such past red flags. He returned the deposit cheque the next day, stating that a current job was extended which would not allow him to meet the client’s timeline. We need to learn to use judgment to evaluate a potential client. Do they seem to

complain about all of the past contractors that they have dealt with? Do they have unfinished projects? Who did the front yard landscaping just the previous year, and why are they calling you? Are their timelines reasonable for the work to be started and/or completed? Do they seem to listen to what you say, or do they know everything and how it should be done? Homeowners and the press always complain about bad contractors, and there are lots of them out there, but there are many homeowners who we should leave to someone else maybe the bad contractors. The skill to determine with whom to do business is as important, and maybe more important, to success than the skill required to complete the work. We continue to learn from past clients and apply lessons to new potential leads. Once in a while, and it seems this is coming more frequently, we are invited to the client’s big party to be shown off with pride. That truly makes all the hard work, worth the effort. Marc Arnold Rockcliffe Landscaping, Ottawa

Show us your logo

Hey LO members, show the industry how you display the Green for Life logo on your equipment, vehicles or office. We will post them on the horttrades.com website and possibly the magazine. Send photos to: adennis@landscapeontario.com


Harmonized Sales Tax and landscape contractors By Richard Rizzo, Senior tax manager SB Partners


n July 1, 2010 the Ontario Retail Sales Tax (RST) will be combined with the federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) to create a federally administered Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). The HST will have a combined rate of 13 per cent, eight per cent of which will be the provincial portion and five per cent of which will be the federal portion. The HST, with some exceptions, will generally use the same rules and tax base as the GST. What does this mean to landscape contractors? Contractor services are currently not subject to RST in Ontario. Under the HST system contractor fees will be subject to HST resulting in an eight per cent increase in the total charge for such services. This increase should not be an issue for business customers entitled to claim input tax credits for the HST. However, it will result in an increase in costs for consumers and businesses not entitled to claim input tax credits. Although RST does not apply directly to landscaping projects, the RST on the landscaping materials is a cost to the contractor and is incorporated into the contractor’s price. With the removal of RST and the introduction of HST, the contractor will be able to recover the full HST by claiming an input tax credit in the GST/HST return, thus reducing overall costs to the contractor. The HST will mirror the GST system with some differences. During the first eight years of the tax, businesses with taxable sales in excess of $10 million will need to modify their systems to deal with the temporary restrictions in claiming input tax credits for certain categories of expenditures. Included among these are energy (other than for producing goods for sale), telecommunications, food, beverage and entertainment, and road vehicles weighing under 3,000 kg. Transitional rules General rules: HST will not apply to consideration that became due on or before Oct. 14, 2009 Consideration due or paid on or after July 1, 2010: The HST will apply to consideration that becomes due, or is paid prior to becoming due, on or after July 1, 2010 for any part of a service that is to be performed on or after July 1, 2010. Consideration due or paid on or after May

1, 2010 and before July 2010: The HST will apply to consideration that becomes due, or is paid prior to becoming due, on or after May 1, 2010 and before July 1, 2010 for any part of a service that is to be performed on or after July 1, 2010. Under these circumstances, the service provider will be required to account for the Ontario component of the HST in the GST/HST reporting period that includes July 1, 2010. The recipient of the supplies will be able to claim any available input tax credits applicable to the Ontario component of the HST in the GST/HST reporting period that includes July 1, 2010. Consideration due or paid after Oct. 14, 2009 and before May 2010 Individuals who are not consumers — such as businesses and public service organizations — may be required to self-assess the Ontario component of the HST on consideration that becomes due, or is paid prior to becoming due, after Oct. 14, 2009 and before May 2010, for any part of a service to be performed on or after July 1, 2010. The requirement to self-assess in these circumstances would generally apply only to: 1. non-consumers acquiring the service exclusively in the course of their commercial activities (e.g., a business that is acquiring the goods to make GST/HSTexempt supplies) 2. non-consumers acquiring the service exclusively in the course of their commercial activities, but in circumstances where the goods would be subject to an input tax credit restriction or recapture 3. non-consumers who use simplified procedures available under the ETA for calculating their net tax 4. selected listed financial institutions, which use a special attribution method in determining their net tax.

HST will not apply to services that straddle into July 2010 but are substantially completed (90 per cent) before July 1, 2010. Other considerations Landscape contractors should also consider the following: • Review the impact of HST on costs and review pricing to ensure that the savings from the removal of the RST on costs is passed on to customers. This will provide a competitive advantage. • Consider postponing certain major purchases until after the implementation of HST. This may result in cost savings. • Systems currently used to comply with the GST will need to be modified to handle the HST. Modifications will include billing systems, accounts receivable as well as accounts payable. • Plan and modify systems to deal with the removal of RST from costs. • Review contracts with customers to ensure they can contractually add on the provincial component of the HST to their prices. • Consider the impact on the budgeting process and cash flows. HST filing requirements Landscape contractor businesses with taxable revenues exceeding $1.5 million will be required to file GST/HST return electronically for periods ending on or after July 1, 2010. Penalties will apply for paper filings made after this date. Richard Rizzo is a member of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario, and the Malta Institute of Accountants. He may be contacted at rrizzo@sbpartners.ca. The website is www.sbpartners.ca.


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Paul Day

Trade show manager What is your basic job description at LO? Trade Show Manager for Congress and Expo 2010 and Department Manager for the trade show team. I also sell exhibit space for

Canada Blooms. What was your background before coming to LO, and when did you begin work at LO? I started at LO in March of 1995, and before that I owned my own trade show management company, producing on average eight shows a year. When not at work, where can you be found? On the golf course!!! When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A sport statistician, but I soon found out it is a very narrow and competitive field. Then I wanted to be a golf pro. What inspires you during your time at LO? As Gilles Bouchard said in his staff profile (Horticulture Review, February 2010) the strength of our department is it has over 89 years of show experience and we know that we are the best in the business. There is also the willingness of our show committee volunteers to all work diligently to ensure that we produce the most professional and hassle-free events. Name your all-time favourite movie, musical group and TV show. Christmas Vacation, the Rolling Stones and Two and a Half Men. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Probably to play St. Andrews in Scotland, or Pebble Beach in California. Tell us one thing about you that few of

your colleagues know. My company won the Outstanding Business Achievement Award for the City of Mississauga in 1990. Also, I had three holes-in-one in 2008 and was written up in Ontario Golf Magazine (Spring 2009).


Horticulture Review


www.horttrades.com/ horticulturereview

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Agency clarifies unlabelled tank mixes By Denise Beaton, OMAFRA crop protection lead


here are a few benefits to tank mixing pest control products, such as saving time and fuel by making fewer trips over the crop with the sprayer. It could also result in managing more pests. Also, tank mixing may be a good resistance management or integrated pest management strategy. Many pest control product labels have directions for tank mixing two or more products together. These labelled tank mixes were reviewed by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) and determined as acceptable and to have value. But what about unlabelled tank mixes? Some growers want to apply tank mixes that do not appear on the product labels. Previously, it wasn’t clear whether growers were allowed to apply these unlabelled tank mixes. In October 2009, the PMRA provided clarification on its position regarding the use of unlabelled tank

Minimum wage hike to $10.25 As of Mar. 31, the minimum wage in Ontario has increased 75 cents an hour. The provincial government announced that the new hourly rate will be $10.25, up from $9.50. The rate for students under the age of 18, working no more than 28 hours per week, or during a school holiday, has gone from $8.90 per hour to $9.60 per hour. The rate hike moves Ontario to the top of the minimum rate scale in Canada. This is the seventh increase in Ontario since 2004.The province of Ontario started implementing annual increases early in 2003, raising the general minimum wage from $6.85 in 2004 to $9.50 in 2009. “Phasing in these increases balances the needs of hard working families with the needs of small businesses that create jobs,” states a press release from the province. The province lists the major industries employing minimum wage earners as agriculture, accommodation, food and retail. Last year, business leaders representing small enterprises urged Premier Dalton McGuinty to reconsider scheduled increases in the minimum wage. They said the increases could result in reduced hiring.

mixes of commercial class pest control products used for crop production and vegetation management. According to the PMRA, growers can apply unlabelled tank mixes, subject to the following conditions: 1. Each tank mix partner is registered for use in Canada on the crop being sprayed, including genetically modified crops. 2. Use an adjuvant only when required by one of the tank mix partner labels. 3. The application timings of all tank mix partners are compatible with regards to crop and pest staging. 4. Follow the directions on the label (for example, directions for use, precautions, buffer zones, etc.). In cases where information on the tank mix partner labels differs between them, the most restrictive directions must be followed. 5. Do not mix products if one of the tank mix partner’s label says you should not mix these products together. 6. The use of the tank mix provides additional

value to the user (example, increased scope of pests controlled, contributes to resistance management or integrated pest management, cost- or time-savings). Be aware that any person who recommends, or applies an unlabelled tank mix is responsible for what happens. They are doing this at their own risk and are liable, since this tank mix has not been reviewed by PMRA. Some negative results that could result from using unlabelled tank mixes are reduced control of the targeted pest(s) and crop injury. Ensure that tank mix partners are compatible (mix well together). Do not use products together if you see separation, coagulation, gelling or curdling when they are mixed. You may direct any questions on unlabelled tank mixes of commercial class pest control products used in agriculture to the PMRA’s Pest Management Information Service. By phone, 1-800-267-6315, or email, pmra_infoserv@ hc-sc.gc.ca.

Flowers Canada names new director Andrew Kuyvenhoven, president of the Flowers Canada Board of Directors, has announced that Dean Shoemaker is the organization’s new executive director. Dr. Irwin Smith, who had served the association since February of 1999, will retire midApril. “We are all deeply grateful to Irwin for his role in advancing the profile of the greenhouse floriculture industry. Irwin has accomplished many strategic partnerships, bringing in millions of dollars in project and research funding. I invite everyone to join me in congratulating him on his retirement from a very successful career.”

Shoemaker worked closely with Flowers Canada over the past five years. He has a business and agricultural background. He became the marketing director in charge of the pickOntario project in September of last year. Prior to that, he was responsible for communications, website, and online marketing for pickOntario. He worked in the industry for Thiessen’s Greenhouses as president of GrowerFlowers. com. From 2002-2006, he volunteered as treasurer on the Flowers Canada Board. Shoemaker said, “I am very excited to serve our community of floriculture growers and I look forward to building on Irwin’s many successes!”


Oriole and Bienenstock named Green Toronto Awards finalists Two LO member companies were among the list of finalists announced by The City of Toronto and Green Living for the 2010 Green Toronto Awards. The judges selected Oriole Landscaping and Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds among the 27 finalists. There are three finalists named in each of the nine award categories. The finalists are all Toronto-based and considered as helping to lead the way to a greener Toronto. Mayor David Miller, deputy mayor Joe Pantalone and CityNews meteorologist Michael Kuss will announce the nine winners at an awards show on Fri., Apr. 23 at the Direct Energy Centre. Each of the winners will receive a $5,000 donation to a registered charity of their choice. The public is invited to attend the 7 p.m. show, which takes place on opening day of the Green Living Show.

“What’s common to all of the Green Toronto Award finalists is their extraordinary leadership, creativity and passion for a cleaner, greener Toronto. In big ways and small, they are greening our neighbourhoods, communities and businesses and helping us create a more liveable city,” said mayor Miller. Bienstock received recognition for the Green Design Award, which acknowledges the efforts of a company, project or group working with infrastructure, architecture or industrial design. Oriole Landscaping was recognized for its efforts to reduce and sustainably manage water use and promote water conservation in its nomination for the water efficiency award. For more information about the Green Toronto Awards, visit http://www.toronto.ca/ greentorontoawards.

Self-employed may qualify for EI benefits Self-employed individuals may register for Employment Insurance (EI) special benefits as of Jan. 31, 2010. Four types of special benefits are available; maternity, parental, sickness and compassionate care. The Service Canada Centre web site ETEL07_BA Hort.Review.qx


is www.servicecanada.gc.ca for more information. There is also a EI telephone information service at 1-800-206-7218. There is a 12-month wait after registering following Apr. 1, before applying for benefits. 7:43 AM

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Fund of $300,000 for greening streets A total of $300,000 in funding is available immediately for municipalities as part of the Greening of Main Street project. TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (TD FEF) announced a new partnership with Tree Canada that includes title sponsorship of its flagship Green Streets program over the next three years. “Green Streets is the only national tree program that works with communities, and it fits perfectly with our goal to preserve and enhance the environment at a grassroots level,” said Mary Desjardins, executive director, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation. The TD Green Streets program will award 20 communities with grants for planting and maintaining trees this year. Since 1994, the Green Streets program has provided funding to more than 370 Canadian municipalities to plant and maintain trees. The TD Green Streets program is open to all municipalities and First Nations communities who apply for funding to plant and maintain trees (as part of the launch, the program will be expanded to include Business Improvement Associations in Toronto and Vancouver). Based on the community size and need, grants of up to $15,000 are given with a maximum of 50 per cent of the grant allocated towards the cost of tree planting. The remainder can be used for inventory, maintenance and educational activities. For more information, visit www. tdgreenstreets.ca.

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Smart about Salt Council is now official The Smart about Salt Council announced its official formation in midMarch, with the intention to spearhead efficient use of winter salt on private roads, parking lots and sidewalks. “Excessive salt use has been shown to be a threat to the environment and well-being of people, vegetation, fish and wildlife habitats near lakes and aquifers,” read a press release from the council. The Smart about Salt program was originally founded by the Region of Waterloo in response to concerns over rising levels of sodium and chlorides in the municipal drinking water supply. In September 2009, the regional council approved a recommendation to create the not-for-profit organization to expand the reach of the program. The Smart about Salt program is aimed at teaching contractors and property managers the best practices of salt management, while still ensuring that public safety is not compromised.

“The Region of Waterloo has taken a leadership role in promoting responsible use of salt in the winter,” said Regional Chair Ken Seiling. “In working with our partners in the Smart about Salt Council, the Region can more effectively promote proper training and salt application to a wider area to protect our drinking water.” The Smart about Salt Council is supported by its partners, the Region of Waterloo, Landscape Ontario and Building Owners and Managers Association of Ottawa. Building owners, snow removal contractors and the general public all have an important stake in working to protect the environment through winter salt best management practices. The Council will be hosting information and training sessions across Ontario. To learn more, go to www.smartaboutsalt.com.

CFIA working on citrus longhorned beetle regs The Canadian Food Inspection Agency have asked for the industry’s help to be on the look-out for the possible presence of citrus longhorned beetle (Anoplophora chinensis) a close relative of the Asian longhorned beetle (A. glabripennis). Although the citrus longhorned beetle has not yet been found in Canada, there have been recent finds in Europe, where it has believed to have been spread through movement of nursery stock. In its native range in Asia, the beetle, is a major pest of citrus species, but it also attacks and damages many other deciduous trees. Host plants include over 68 species belonging to 19 families, including several economically important fruit, forest and ornamental plant species. The citrus longhorned beetle is related to and closely resembles the Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis). It has been introduced on more than one occasion into Europe (France, Netherlands, Lithuania, Italy, Croatia, and Germany) and once into the U.S., in nurs-

ery stock. In all cases, it is undergoing, or has undergone, eradication. The genus Anoplophora spp. are currently on the list of pests regulated by Canada. To date, there have been no finds of the citrus longhorned beetle in Canada. Young adults emerge from infested trees beginning in May through to August, and are capable of flying several hundred metres to search for a host. Contact Francesco Pacelli at fpacelli@landscapeontario.com.

Palace Perennials

Nathan Helder honoured by chamber of commerce Nathan Helder, president of Jan Gelderman Landscaping, was presented with the Flamborough Chamber of Commerce (FCC) Green Award, for providing outstanding – and courageous – leadership to the industry. Helder is chair of LO’s environmental stewardship committee. The FCC award committee noted that following in the tradition of company founder Jan Gelderman and his son Hank – a recipient of the FCC Lifetime Achievement Award – Nathan Helder embraces a value system that dictates the responsible stewardship of this great creation. Helder has written several articles for trade and industry magazines, addressing environmental issues in a thoughtful – but also provocative – way, challenging his colleagues to join him in his stewardship crusade. The award was presented at the Outstanding Business Achievement Awards gala, organized annually by the FCC to recognize, honour and celebrate the very best in corporate excellence and community service. The sold-out gala was hosted by the African Lion Safari.

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Robert Schuijt (on the road sales): 519-827-0853 Catalogue at www.sipkensnurseries.com HORTICULTURE REVIEW - APRIL 15, 2010 23

NEW MEMBERS DURHAM CHAPTER Boshkung Lake Tree Service (1213803 Ontario Ltd.) John Fedeski 1024 Two Dogs Lane, RR 2 Minden, ON K0M 2K0 Tel: 705-489-2580 Membership Type: Active Earth Impressions Andrew Anderson 19 Ware St Peterborough, ON K9J 2B5 Tel: 705-748-9195 Membership Type: Active GEORGIAN LAKELANDS CHAPTER Natural Elements Ron Bowler 151 Line 5 North, RR 1 Oro Station, ON L0L 2E0 Tel: 705-487-1559 Membership Type: Active Glen O’Brien Innisfil, ON Membership Type: Horticultural GOLDEN HORSESHOE CHAPTER Rumen Conev Vineland Station, ON Membership Type: Horticultural

m Custoing g dig able avail

Beckie Fox Niagara on the Lake, ON Membership Type: Horticultural Sandi James Binbrook, ON Membership Type: Horticultural Jo Ann Smith-Gibson Ancaster, ON Membership Type: Horticultural LONDON CHAPTER Chris Kern Woodstock , ON Membership Type: Horticultural OTTAWA CHAPTER Bradley’s Landscaping Bradley Quinn 1222 John Quinn Rd Greely, ON K4P 1J8 Tel: 613-821-9410 Membership Type: Active J.A. Williams Sales & Service Glenda Curtis 1490 Dunning Road Cumberland, ON K4C 1P9 Tel: 613-833-2504 Membership Type: Chapter Associate

Stam Nurseries your source of quality shade trees and evergreens Stam Nurseries Inc. BURGESSVILLE, ON

Phone: (519) 424-3350 Fax (519) 456-1659 E-mail: info@stamnurseries.com

www.stamnurseries.com 24 HORTICULTURE REVIEW - APRIL 15, 2010

Northland Laura Scully 110 Chemin de la Sabliere Mont-Tremblant, QC J8E 1N6 Tel: 819-425-9592 Membership Type: Chapter Associate Overall Landscape & Maintenance David Fougere 2809 9th Line Metcalfe, ON K0A 2P0 Tel: 613-913-8656 Membership Type: Active TORONTO CHAPTER Colour Landscaping - Design + Build Stephen Kertesz 19 Thorny Brae Dr Thornhill, ON L3T 3G3 Tel: 905-370-0280 Membership Type: Active Garden City Inc Sam Guido 304 - 8555 Jane Street Vaughan, ON L4K 5N9 Tel: 705-436-4557 Membership Type: Interim Markstone Landscaping Mark Zammit 1457 Bough Beeches Blvd Mississauga, ON L4W 4G4 Tel: 416-806-2714 Membership Type: Interim Paysagiste Roche Inc/Rock Landscaping Inc Frank Mazzarelli 102 - 3897 Bannantyne Verdun, QC H4G 1B7 Tel: 514-769-6685 Membership Type: Active V & F Landscape Ltd Vince Basso 92 North Carson St Etobicoke, ON M8W 4C5 Tel: 416-688-6075 Membership Type: Active Mark Broome Mississauga, ON Membership Type: Horticultural UPPER CANADA CHAPTER Ron Dubyk Picton, ON Membership Type: Horticultural Troy Gilmour Trenton, ON Membership Type: Horticultural WATERLOO CHAPTER Verbeeks Farm & Garden Centre Inc Mark Falconer Box 70 - 22 Isaac Clinton, ON N0M 1L0 Tel: 519-482-9333 Membership Type: Active


Don’t let sprayers lie to you By Dr. Jason S.T. Deveau, OMAFRA application technology specialist


id you know that your sprayer can lie to you? Even when you think you’ve done everything right, faulty pressure gauges and nozzles can result in run-off and drift, resulting in the need for more frequent applications to compensate for reduced protection. Nothing beats a solid routine of cleaning, calibrating and adjusting your sprayer to achieve the best results. But in a pinch, there are two things you can do to make a big difference.

Replace pressure gauge Replacing old or suspect pressure gauges will considerably improve spray quality. In a recent survey of airblast sprayers in Ohio, some were out by more than 140 kilopascals (20 pounds per square inch). When you consider that airblast sprayers can operate anywhere from 40 to 120 psi, that means some of those sprayers were out by as much as 50 per cent! Here’s how you can prevent this from happening to you: 1. Check your pressure gauge by connecting a new oil-filled gauge in parallel to compare readings. If they are appreciably different, swap to the new gauge and discard the old one. 2. Now check the lines and boom pressure by temporarily installing reliable pressure gauges behind the last nozzle on each end of the boom. This works for airblast as well as boom sprayers. If the readings are appreciably different, release the in-line pressure and check for blockage throughout the lines. Clean and flush the lines, replace any suspect parts and check the pressure again to confirm all pressure gauges correspond. Replace the nozzles Gauges are available as either liquid-filled or dry. A liquid-filled gauge is best, because it dampens pressure pulsations and vibration. This results in a steadier reading, but it is slower to respond to changes in pressure. The maximum pressure indicated on the gauge should be approximately twice the intended operating pressure to enable an accurate pressure reading. A new gauge costs less than $20. An often neglected area is monitoring

nozzle performance. Tip damage has a direct impact on product effectiveness and cost. This arises from plugged nozzles that limit the volume being sprayed, or gaps in the spray pattern, creating unsprayed areas, or even over-spraying from worn nozzles.

could consider buying the slightly cheaper stainless steel or polyacetal tips and habitually replace them each year. The cost of renewing an entire set of nozzles is generally a fraction of the potential cost of time, product wastage and potential crop damage.

“Replacing old or suspect pressure gauges will considerably improve spray quality.”

Calibrate often So, to prolong the life of your spray equipment and improve results, maintain and clean it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Calibrate frequently and consider the relatively minor investment of replacing your pressure gauges and regularly renewing your nozzles. Note: It is important that all necessary protective safety clothing is used for calibrating, maintaining, adjusting and cleaning spray equipment.

Don’t rely on your tank being empty to indicate if your nozzles are worn – one plugged nozzle cancels out a worn one. You must check them individually. Inevitably, all nozzles wear out, even ceramics. Nozzle performance should be at minimum, tested before and mid-way through the season. Testing is simple, and depending on the size of the boom, does not take long: 1. Temporarily install a pressure gauge on the boom behind the nozzle being tested. 2. If the pressure at the nozzle is different from the intended operating pressure, adjust the regulator to compensate and accurately set nozzle pressure. 3. Use a length of hose to direct nozzle output into a graduated container and measure the discharge of clean water over a one minute interval. 4. Compare the rate to the manufacturer’s rate, and the flow rate from the used tip to the flow rate of a new tip of the same size and shape. 5. Repeat the sequence on each nozzle.

Readers may contact Dr. Jason S.T. Deveau at jason.deveau@ontario.ca.

If a nozzle’s flow rate is five per cent or less than the ideal rate, remove, clean and retest the nozzle. If the rate is still five per cent or less, replace the nozzle. If two or more nozzles have a flow rate five per cent or more than the ideal rate, replace all the nozzles, not just the ones that appear damaged. We use five per cent because it is just outside the nozzle manufacturer’s margin of error, and because you can clearly see five per cent when you test nozzle output. Some specialists recommend ten per cent, but would you rather lose five per cent of your annual spray bill or ten per cent? You could follow all these steps, or you HORTICULTURE REVIEW - APRIL 15, 2010  25

company listings A A guideline for Ontario drivers and fleet operators HORT PROTECT

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By Darren Rodrigues

Airain Art & Sculpture Sinclair-Cockburn Financial Group George Tadros 3657 Revelstoke Dr Ottawa,heONGovernment K1V 7C2 of Ontario has made Phone: (954) 438-1568 amendments Fax: (954) 499-8582to the Highway Traffic Act that(800) bans445-9840 the use of hand-held devices Toll Free: info@airaincorp.com while operating a motor vehicle. This new law www.airaincorp.com


came into effect on Oct. 26, 2009. The penalties

for a violationCanada can be fines of up to $500 against Akro-mills Jim Morrison drivers who use hand-held wireless communica8030 Torbram Rd tion or electronic entertainment devices while Brampton, ON L6T 3T2 driving.(905) Prohibited activities include texting, Phone: 791-1937 Fax: (905) dialling or 791-4084 chatting while using a wireless comToll Free: (877) 877-9680 munications device. The law also covers entersales@akro-millscanada.com tainment devices such as mp3 players, laptop www.akro-mills.com computers and DVD players.

Alamo Industrial Steve Lock What can you 1502 East Walnut St use? Sequin, 78155 USA There areTXacceptable ways to use wireless comPhone: (800) 882-5762 munication and electronic entertainment devices Fax: (210) 379-0864 while operating motor vehicles, including: slock@alamo-industrial.com www.alamo-industrial.com • A hands-free wireless communication

device, such as an earpiece headset with voice-dialling, or device connected through

the vehicle’s sound system. • A Global Positioning System (GPS) device that is properly secured to the dashboard, or another accessible location within the vehicle. • A portable audio player used in hands-free mode, and connected through the vehicle’s sound system. • 9-1-1 in an emergency situation. • Viewing a display screen used for collision avoidance systems. • Viewing a display screen of an instrument, gauge or system that provides information to the driver about the status of the systems associated with the motor vehicle. Risk management practices Good risk management practices dictate that industry members comply with the law and develop sound guidelines for the use of wireless devices while driving. The use of cellular phones, even when using a hands-free device, can be a major source of distraction to drivers. Therefore, organizations should include a policy

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in their own fleet safety program, on the use of wireless communication devices while operating a motor vehicle or contractor’s equipment. The policy should specify employees only use cellular phones when lawfully parked. If the cellular phone rings while you are driving, allow your voicemail to take the call. Listen to the message later, when parked. There may be occasions when it is necessary to have hands-free cellular phone conversations while driving. During these unavoidable occasions, you should have a plan in place. Your plan should not just consider compliance with the provincial law, but also reducing driver distractions. Remember, your primary task is to drive your vehicle in a safe manner. The following should be considered in a communications plan: • Use a hands-free device such as a wireless earpiece or headset with your cellular phone. • Use a cellular phone that has a voice-dialling feature to eliminate distraction. • Cellular phone conversations while driving should be restricted to an absolute minimum. While driving with a hands-free cellular phone, the following activities should be avoided: • Do not use when driving conditions become hazardous due to weather or other factors, especially when you are not familiar with the travel area. • Do not use any texting method while driving (email, SMS, MMS, instant messaging, etc.). • Do not read text messages sent to you while driving. Most cellular phones and smart phones have the ability to mute received text message notifications. • Do not use a cellular phone while operating a moving and/or in-gear motorized construction (contractor) type equipment, • Do not take any handwritten notes while driving and talking on your cellular phone. There are certain operations and personnel that are the exception from the prohibition against hand-held wireless communication devices, while discharging regular duties. For more details, see the Ontario Regulation 366/09 Display Screens and Hand-Held Devices by visiting www.e-laws.gov.on.ca. Darren Rodrigues may be reached at 416-494-9883, ext. 361, or darren.rodrigues@scfg.ca.




Due diligence and the Occupational Health and Safety Act By Robert Kennaley McLauchlin & Associates


n previous articles, we discussed the obligations imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act on construction industry participants in Ontario. It is worth revisiting, and focusing in more detail on the “due diligence defence.” Generally speaking, an employer or constructor who is charged with an offence in relation to the conduct of an employee, or worker beneath him, Rob Kennaley will have to establish due diligence in all of the circumstances to avoid a conviction. Importantly, employers and constructors are responsible to take every precaution within their control, and otherwise reasonable in the circumstances, to ensure that the Act is followed by those they are responsible for. The courts have made it clear that it is no defence to say that someone else involved in a management position in the overall structure of the project had a greater or more direct degree of control over a worker who fails to comply. In R. v. Wholesale Travel Group Inc., [1991] 3 S.C.R. 154, the Supreme Court of Canada held that the Crown need only prove that the prohibited act occurred and that the onus then shifts to the defendant to establish reasonable care on a balance of probabilities. With respect to the due diligence defence, the court has confirmed that an “accused may absolve himself on proof that he took all the care which a reasonable man might have been expected to take in all the circumstances or, in other words, that he was in no way negligent.” (R. v. Chapin (1979), 45 C.C.C. (2d) 333). As another court has stated, the defence is required to show that you “exercised all reasonable care by establishing a proper system to prevent commission of the offence and by taking reasonable steps to ensure the effective operation of the system.” (R. v. Bata Industries Ltd. (1992), 9 O.R. (3d) 329 (Ont. Prov. Div.). In essence, while establishing due diligence does not require super-human or unreasonably expensive efforts, it does require you do everything reasonably possible to ensure the Act is not breached. London Excavators &

Trucking Limited (1998), 125 C.C.C. (3d) 83 (O.C.A.) is a case which helps us understand this. In this case, an excavation subcontractor was told by the general contractor that locates had already been obtained. Although the subcontractor believed, and relied on this advice, locates had not been obtained. The subcontractor struck a hydro-line and was charged under the Act. The subcontractor argued that it was reasonable to rely on the contractor’s advice. The Ontario Court of Appeal, however, focused on what the subcontractor could have done to ensure that the prescribed measures and procedures had been carried out in the workplace and the subcontractor was convicted. The court stated that the subcontractor could have insisted on seeing the site plan, on which (as turned out to be the case) the hydro duct was shown; he could have insisted on seeing a locate certificate issued by the utility; if (as turned out to be the case) there was no such certificate, he could have halted work until the utility’s representative had attended at the site and done the locates; or he could have ordered hydro locates for the area in which it was expected to excavate. Accordingly, towards establishing due diligence, contractors and subcontractors should consider whether or not what they are doing is enough, in the circumstances. If a court can find that something else reasonably could have been done, a conviction might result. Have a policy in place It is also important to understand that due diligence requires the employer and constructor to have a policy in place to address the risk in question, a system in place to implement that policy, and to have a system in place to make sure the system is being followed. Towards determining whether or not the defence would apply in Ontario (Ministry of Labour) v. Modern Niagara Toronto Inc. [2006] O.J. No. 3684 (Ont. Prov. Ct.), for example, the court expressly examined whether or not the “defendant exercised all reasonable care by establishing a proper system to prevent commission of the offence and by taking all reasonable steps to ensure effective operation of the system.” Further, it should be understood that a strong record of compliance with the regulations under the OHSA and a strong record of health and safety in general will not in and of itself suffice to prove due diligence. Also, a

general policy that a certain procedure will be followed does not satisfy the requirements. The court in R. v. Abra Building Movers Ltd. (1989), 2 C.O.H.S.C. 165 (Ont. Prov. Ct.), for example, held that “vague policies” and “common-sense requirements” did not constitute all reasonable precautions. Procedures in writing Similarly, verbally telling employees to follow safety procedures, holding meetings and sending out materials have been found to be insufficient for the employer to discharge its duty to exercise due diligence. This was the finding in St. Lawrence Cement Inc., [1993] O.J. No. 1442 (Ont. Prov. Ct.), where the Court stated at para. 32: “It is not enough for the accused to orally order the workers to conform to certain safety procedures and send them pamphlets that repeat and reinforce that order. If that were so, the accused could fulfil their obligation under the Act by holding meetings and distributing pamphlets.” What is required over and above these steps, the courts have suggested, is a system which is put in place towards ensuring that the policies and procedures are followed. This means a system of checks and balances to follow up on workers and to impose strict consequences whenever it is determined that policies are not being followed. The courts do recognize that the standards they set are high. Nonetheless, it is clear that employers must be proactive in ensuring compliance with the Act. Generally, then, establishing the due diligence defence will require a written policy which addresses the particular issue in accordance with the Act’s requirements, along with documented evidence that the policy was reviewed regularly, was reasonable, was stressed in discussions with workers and was being followed. Robert Kennaley practices construction law in Toronto. He speaks and writes regularly on construction law issues and can be reached for comment at 416-368-2522, or at kennaley@ mclauchlin.ca. This material is for information purposes and is not intended to provide legal advice in relation to any particular fact situation. Readers who have concerns about any particular circumstance are encouraged to seek independent legal advice in that regard.





Attention All Landscapers/ Horticulturists! The season is near to maximize your earning revenue and secure new clients! Have a competitive edge over other companies and get professional photos of your landscaping and horticultural projects taken by Julie Inkster - Freelance Photographer. Time to show off your hard work and talent to prospective clients with high quality resolution professional images that can be displayed in your portfolio and on your company website. Photos that capture the beauty and elegance of each of your completed projects. Professional photos translate into more new clients and profitability for your business! Contact: Julie Inkster - Freelance Photographer Call: (905) 702-8720 Please leave details for call back. Servicing: Halton and Peel Regions

PERENNIALS Large assortment of perennials, ground covers and native plants. Price - Variety list available. FRANK SCHENK PERENNIALS 663 River Road (Belfountain), Caledon, ON L7K 0E5 Tel: (519) 927-5415 Fax: (519) 927-9084

THE ULTIMATE KNEE PADS Suitable for all professions, this kneeprotector completely protects the knee and keeps sand and gravel out. Knee will not slip out when crawling forward, and other work can be done without interruption since the protector does not have to be removed. Walking is not hindered due to the well designed concertine cap. Stands up to the toughest jobs, and gives you ultimate most important KNEE protection. The Concertina model with 4 folds is the star amongst the kneeprotectors. Comes with replaceable padding in cellular polyester material. $40.00 per pair + cost of shipping, no tax. Contact Jim Mellegers J&K Enterprises Tel: (905) 354-9679

TREE TRANSPLANTING Transplanting trees up to 9” truck diameter with 10,000 lb. rootball. 44”, 80” & 90” spades to move trees with and can basket up to 90” 100 acres of trees to choose from. BOTANIX OXFORD INSTA-SHADE RR # 2, Burgessville ON N0J 1C0 Tel: (519) 424-2180 • Fax: (519) 424-2420 Toll Free: 1-800-387-0246 Contact Jan Veldhuizen E-mail: jan@oxfordinstashade.com www.oxfordinstashade.com

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION All classified ads must be pre-paid by VISA or Mastercard. Rates: $42.00 (GST included) per column inch Min. order $42.00. 15% discount on ads run for entire calendar year. Box Numbers: Additional $10. Confidentiality ensured. Deadlines: 20th day of the month prior to issue date. (eg: June issue deadline is May 20th). January deadline is Dec. 1. Space is limited to a first come, first served basis. To advertise: E-mail your ad to Robert at classifieds@ landscapeontario.com or fax to (905) 875-0183. Online advertising: Website only ads are available for $42.00 (GST included). Website ads are posted for 30 days and are limited to 325 words. View these ads and more online at:

FIRST NATURE NURSERY LTD. Wholesale supplier of native evergreens White Pine.............80-200 cm........ 500+ White Spruce.........80-150 cm...... 2500+ White Cedar..........80-250 cm...... 4000+ Blue Spruce.........125-175 cm...... 1500+ Hemlock..............125-175 cm........ 150+ Potted, B&B and wirebaskets available. Call (905) 973-3605 or wayne@firstnaturenursery.com Hofland Gardens Ornamental Grasses, Perennials, Groundcovers Tel: 905-355-3392 E-mail: hoflandgardens@phc.igs.net FIRST NATURE NURSERY LTD. Wholesale supplier of ornamental branches Looking for Willow stems? We supply Willow from 1ft. to 10ft. Live stakes, wattlings and fencing. Native and ornamental species available. Call (905) 973-3605 or wayne@firstnaturenursery.com GROUND COVERS UNLIMITED Your Ontario source for ornamental and native ground covers. Call, fax, or write for the 2010 Catalogue and planting guide. GROUND COVERS UNLIMITED 1045 Porter Road, P.O. Box 190 Bethany, ON L0A 1A0 Tel: (705) 277-3005 Fax: (705) 277-9213


FINN Hydroseeders & Bark Blowers New and Used • Flex Guard FRM • Soil Guard BFM • Erosion Control Blanket Seed & Fertilizer Toll free: (888) 298-9911 Fax: (905) 761-7959 www.fibramulch.com



BOWIE HYDROMULCHERS (New and Used) FLEXTERRA FGM HYDROBLANKETS BFM F4 NETTLESS ECB MULCH IT P.O. Box 100, Putnam, ON N0L 2B0 Tel: (519) 425-0342 • Fax: (519) 425-4195 www.mulchit.on.ca

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES IMMEDIATE Landscape Design POSITION AVAILABLE Position: Junior Landscape Designer Primary abilities to include: • Able to produce detailed drawings using DynaSCAPE. • Site measuring including understanding and taking grades. • Basic knowledge in horticulture and plant material. • Natural talent in visual arts. • Google SketchUp and hand rendering abilities would be considered an asset. Candidates with a high level of aptitude and a great attitude will be considered above candidates with experience. Please forward your cover letter, resume and portfolio to: Darren Bosch Design Manager E-mail: darren@thelandmarkgroup.ca INSIDE AND OUT GARDEN DESIGN is a small, awarding winning design/build company based in Toronto. We are looking for a designer who is able to work both independently and under direction. Own vehicle and experience with client contact an asset. Please send resume to sheree@insideandoutgardens.ca or call (416) 534-3691 BOLLIGER LANDSCAPES LTD. Bolliger Landscapes is a design/build Landscape Company specializing in high end residential construction and maintenance. We are located in Caledon and work in the Etobicoke, Caledon and Mississauga areas. Employment opportunities with excellent wages are available for: 1. Landscape foreman with a minimum of 3 years experience 2. Landscape labourers with some experience and reliable transportation Please contact Urs Bolliger at: urs@bolligerlandscapes.com or fax your resume to (905) 584-5411

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES LANDSCAPE COMPANY REQUIRES EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPERS Candidates must have at least 5 years experience in all aspects of landscaping including interlock, flagstone and retaining wall work. The candidates must also possess bobcat and mini excavator experience and be at least 25 years of age. Please forward your resume via e-mail to mario@homelandgardening.ca or call Mario at (905) 565-2410 INTERNATIONAL LANDSCAPING INC. Multiple award winning industry leader has the following opportunities: HORTICULTURE FOREPERSON (SEASONAL PLANTING) A high degree of horticultural skill and knowledge. Horticulture related Certification an asset; Demonstrated supervisory and communication skills; The ability to physically participate in day-to-day planting and maintenance; A demonstrated knowledge of trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals; The ability to arrange and maintain all plant material according to best cultural practices; The ability to identify insects, diseases and weeds, and to recommend the most effective manner of treatment; A positive, friendly manner to ensure excellence in customer service and employee morale; A valid driver’s licence (D Class an asset) HORTICULTURE FOREPERSON Strong horticultural background; A high degree of horticultural skill and knowledge. Horticulture related Certification an asset; Demonstrated supervisory and communication skills; The ability to physically participate in day-to-day planting and maintenance; A demonstrated knowledge of trees, shrubs perennials and annuals; The ability to arrange and maintain all plant material according to best cultural practices; The ability to identify insects, diseases and weeds, and to recommend the most effective manner oftreatment; A positive, friendly manner to ensure excellence in customer service and employee morale; A valid driver’s licence (D Class an asset); Year-round employment. SEASONAL PLANTING HELP Various openings for seasonal planting help. Requirements: Physical fitness; Excellent work ethic; Willingness to work on Saturdays; Ability to follow instructions; Love of the outdoors and seasonal planting. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Job requirements: Strong horticultural skills; Experience with lawn care equipment; Must have valid driver’s licence (Class D an asset); Minimum 1-3 years experience required; Year round employment LANDCAPE CONSTRUCTION TECHNICIAN Required skills and education: 3-4 years hands-on experience; Some college/CEGEP/ vocational and technical training; Construction

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Continued from previous column or landscape company experience; Construction skills: Rock gardens, decks, fieldstone paths, stone garden walls, fences, ornamental ponds and waterfalls, interlocking brick, poured concrete, retaining walls, natural flagstone paving and walls, pre-cast concrete paving and walls, grading and planting experience; Valid driver’s license (D-class) machine operator and carpentry skills a definite asset; Excellent communication and time management skills. Work With an Industry Leader! Please send your resume to: Human Resources Ph: (905) 876-3000 Fax: (905) 876-0400 E-mail: admin@intland.ca www.internationallandscaping.com Thank you for your interest. Please note: candidates under consideration will be contacted. ONTARIO LANDSCAPING LIMITED Experienced landscape labourers required to perform manual work. To assist in cultivating, digging and planting of trees. Labourer hourly rate $15.00. Also required driver – class A licence, Z certificate and mobile crane operator 0-8. Driver hourly rate $17.50. Seasonal employment starting April 1/10 to Nov 30/10. Job Site Keswick, Ont. Fax resume to (905) 898-0360 or call (905) 898-6856





Growers Auction July 15, 2010 at Landscape Ontario Milton

Further details in next month’s

Horticulture Review



ACO Systems Ltd...............................................21 ......... 877-226-4255.....................................www.acocan.ca Agrium..................................................................2 .......... 800-461-6471.....................................www.prohort.ca Braun Nursery Ltd ..............................................25 ......... 800-246-6984.......................... www.braungroup.com Caledon Hills Perennials .....................................3 .......... 905-473-1145........ www.caledonhillsperennials.com Dutchmaster Nurseries Ltd ................................32 ......... 905-683-8211........ www.dutchmasternurseries.com Estate Lighting Supply Ltd .................................26 ......... 905-874-1022.......................... www.estatelighting.ca G & L Group (Brock Aggregates) ......................22 ......... 416-798-7050................. www.brockaggregates.com Gro-Bark (Ont) Ltd..............................................20 ......... 888-416-2275...................................www.gro-bark.ca Hillen Nursery Inc ............................................16-17 ......519-264-9057 Landscape Safety .............................................20 ......... 877-482-2323...................www.landscapesafety.com Legends Landscape Supply Inc ........................18 ......... 905-336-3369....................... www.landscapestore.ca Limestone Trail Company Ltd.............................3 .......... 905-563-8133........................www.limestonetrail.com Mankar Ontario Inc (Div. of Stam Nurseries) .....6 .......... 647-309-7826.................................... www.mankar.ca Newroads National Leasing................................7 .......... 416-587-1021................. www.newroadsleasing.com Performance Hino ..............................................31 ......... 519-716-9844................. www.performancehino.com Sipkens Nurseries Ltd ........................................23 ......... 866-843-0438................. www.sipkensnurseries.com Stam Nurseries...................................................24 ......... 519-424-3350.................... www.stamsnurseries.com Stonemen’s Valley Inc .........................................5 .......... 905-841-8400..................www.stonemensvalley.com Uxbridge Nurseries Ltd ......................................19 ......... 905-655-3379................www.uxbridgenurseries.com V. Kraus Nurseries Ltd .......................................15 ......... 905-689-4022.....................www.krausnurseries.com Winkelmolen Nursery Ltd....................................8 .......... 519-647-3912.........................www.winkelmolen.com Zander Sod Co Ltd.............................................15 ......... 877-727-2100............................www.zandersod.com



Ready? Set? GO! By Jacki Hart CLP Prosperity Partners program manager


t’s April! And for an industry of plant lovers and outdoor space creators, we’re off to the races. We are launching into crisp spring mornings with enthusiasm, passion, and hopefully an improved plan and systems created from this month last year. For us all, the professional development season is officially over for the next six months. Did you manage to learn the stuff you Jacki Hart planned to this winter? Have you put it in place? If you joined the Prosperity Partners program, or continued your prosperity journey this past winter, you have a great business kit to use to improve all areas of your business. It’s one step at a time. That’s how we developed the Prosperity Partners program, one step at a time. We asked, you told us, and here it is – a program designed to demystify the frustrations of business, and get you on the right track; your track. What we figured out, is that members know they must learn to run their businesses better. It is far easier to request training on a particular skill than it is to actually learn it. When seminar participants fill out feedback forms at Congress conference seminars, or any LO-organized training venue, we listen, and we build courses and lectures around your requests. Build it and they will come? Only in a perfect world that would be true. In the Prosperity Partners seminars, we talk quite a bit about this phenomenon. It’s the same reason why you might have lots of unread books and pristine study guides among the well thumbed plant, landscape and technical books on your shelves. As adults, we will unconsciously choose to improve our skills in preferred tasks, rather than start to learn beginner skills in something we don’t like doing. This happen over and over again. It is why most landscape owners tend to lean away from the office work, and instead, stay outside most of the time. Most green industry businesses will see the owner(s) on a regular basis in the yard and on the job. He/she is passionately tending to the operations and production of the business. And, they studiously avoid ‘the numbers’ found in billing,

collecting, training, paperwork and difficult conversations. It’s a true that many of our members know what they ‘should’ learn. It’s obvious in the information found in various feedback forms. Most requests revolve around improving profit, worklife balance and people management – all of which is baked into the Prosperity seminar offerings. And then many do not sign up, or if they do, don’t show up. The technical skills courses are full. Hmmmm. Imagine that. An industry passionate about producing beautiful plants and landscapes, and yet the technical skills courses are full of professionals who already hold technical skills. They already are great at at the very thing for which they study in the course. Meet homo sapiens habitformensis. It’s human nature to lean into the stuff we like and lean away from that which we don’t. We regularly throw the cover on that cage into which we’ve shoved that ‘little bird’ that usually tweets around the subconscious with advice from the gut – the stuff which quietly nags at us now and again. It’s the, ‘ya I know I should but...’ stuff. We avoid change In the same way that we avoid learning new stuff (as adults), we avoid changing stuff. Status quo, please. Change is uncertain. Uncertainty is uncomfortable. We innately avoid being uncomfortable. We stay in our comfort zone by nature. And this limits our capacity to learn new opportunities, technologies and trends if we don’t leap out of the comfort zone into the deep abyss of uncomfortable, unfamiliar and the potentially unsafe. Let that word linger for a moment. Unsafe. It is the biggest paradigm shift I’ve seen business owners take – to realize that when people are fearful, they contract and stop exploring. Alternatively, when people feel safe, they can expand and explore. Creating the atmosphere in your workplace, which supports the impression that this is a safe place to learn, is paramount to making sustainable changes in business finances, team dynamics, levels of team engagement, and positive productivity. When people feel threatened by change, they resist. When change is clearly explained and measured, they will accept it and allow you to assess and improve. The Prosperity Partners program has created a safe, peer-supported way to learn how to improve all of these things in your business. The single-most common issue I hear business owners discuss is rooted somewhere in the


behaviour of their staff. Yet, most admittedly continue learning about technical skills, and keep complaining about their people. In the Prosperity Partners program, we have theSign answersup to many of the people management to receive your own issues that are as perennial in most businesses as copy of LO’s weekly the plants we install. We know how important it e-mail updatethe things that is for you to be able to recognize you will naturally lean away from in your business – and we know how to make it relatively painless to navigate your way through to a better team, better company and better results. So, as spring unfolds, the wheelbarrow tires are pumped back up and you race off in all directions doing what you do best, keep a notebook in the glovebox, and at end of every day, write down what you did best, and what frustrated you the most. When you look back at it later in the season, my guess is that you might surprise yourself with your broad scope of ‘bests’ – and LO biggest This frustrations Week gives that your can be you drastically notice prevented foradvance next year (or the fall) by taking of association events the Prosperity Partners Building Your and Prosperity seminar, Best Practices or Round Table chapter activities. Solutions seminars. Bookmark www.horttrades.com/ prosperity for updated information. Contact Improving yourSusan businessTherrien is a journey. Being anstherrien@landscapeontario.com, owner is a lonely place – and we know that. ext. So,orifcall you 1-800-265-5656, are feeling overwhelmed this305. spring, because your business seems to be running you, come and take advantage of the Prosperity journey. You won’t regret it, and it might just make your life a whole lot easier.

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Contact Angela Lindsay alindsay@landscapeontario.com, or call 1-800-265-5656, ext. 305.



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