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Concept: Reconnection to the sea at human and town scale

Connections to the sea through history


Before the industry was built at Marstal harbour (left) the connections from town to the sea were much more present than today (right) where big buildings blur these connnections. (Old map (left): https://www.kristeligt-dagblad.dk/kultur/ sandheden-bag-søfartsbyen-marstal, visited 12.03.20

Interactions between ecologies

Mapping the four intervention sites

Waterdrains to reconnect to the sea in town scale

The Process

Stage I By Motorfabrikken

With help from the active entrepreneuers at Motorfabrikken, this will be the first area to develop.

Stage II - The Ferry Terminal

Since this is an important meeting spot in Marstal, it will be second to develop.

Stage III The Green Pocket

A place aimed mainly towards the residents’ use.This will be the third spot to be developed.

Stage IIII The Water Tower

To bring together all of the interventions, the fourth spot to be developed is the water tower. From here one can explore the improvement at the harbour and mentally understand the town’s connection to the sea.

Stage V - The Waterdrains

Development of waterdrains in streets within the next 10 years from now. The waterdrains connect the inner town down to the new sites by the sea.

Expected further development

This project aims to create a framework that will encourage a bottom-up process where the residents of Marstal can continue developing the sites fitted to their own needs and values.

Concept diagram: Reconnection to the sea at human and town scale

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