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Concept: Reconnection to the sea at human and town scale

People of Marstal - Relations of the Harbour and the Sea

Meetings with the sea at the edge


1. The Green Pocket

The edge to the sea in the green pocket will be processed into a soft edge with stones where sea-animals can shelter and humans enjoy the view over the horizon.

The waters many different functions

2. By the Ferry Terminal

The new construction at the ferry harbour will both faciliate a viewpoint up in height and shelter down in close relation to the water.

3. By Motorfabrikken of ‘Vorderup cliff’. (Photo: https://strand-und-steine.de/landschaft/ostseeraum/aeroe/aeroe.htm, visited

The edge at Motorfabrikken will be modified with different plateaus, which will create a gradually change from land into the water.

When the sea level rise it changes the landscapes

A general rise in sea level by 2100 of 0.15-0,75 m is anticipated on the west coast and in Danish coastal waters. In exstreme storm surge situations an increase in the maximum water level is expected to be between 0,45-1,05 m on the west coast (https://www.climatechangepost. com/denmark/coastal-floods, visited 18.03.20).

In the green pocket temporary and permanent sea level rise will effect the vegeta tion in a constant dynamic process which people will be able to follow. The vegetation will change depending on the different plants’ tolerance to the salty seawater.

Some inhabitants of Marstal, some of other parts of Ærø and finally tourists from all over the world come to visit the maritime heritage - Usergroups of Marstal.

Development in Usergroups

By the plateaus temporary rise of the waterlevel will facilitate different experiences and uses of the construction. Furthermore algae are expected to effect the surface of the plateaus.

The long term change of the landscape will be possible to follow in a bigger scale from the water towers new viewpoint plateau at the upper flor. Especially the low wetland landscape of Eriks Hale outside of Marstal are expected to change a lot during the next hundred years. (Map: kortforsyningen.dk, visited 18.03.20)

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