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d e pa r t m e n t o f g e o s c i e n c e s a n d n at u r a l r e s o u r c e m a n a g e m e n t university of copenhagen

ZYDHAVN Landscape architecture & planning studio 2015

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


Colofon St u d e n t s Andrews, Sophie Louise

Hesselholdt, Jesper

Møller, Frederikke Fossum Thurø

Vandendungen, Mark

Blicher, Mette

Holm, Jens Hansen

Nordow, Mia

Vehabovic, Amra

Broberg, Troels Sindballe

Hopps, Inge Borregaard Pedersen

O’Connell, Gerard William

Østergaard, Nanna Maj Stubbe

Bulath, Johanna Eszter

Husum, Hanna Grimsrud

Palmgren-Salomonsson, Jon

Burr, Maria Skytt

Jakobsen, Pernille Sidelmann

Pedersen, Hans Bruun

Bøye, Cecilie

Jensen, Cathrine Tankmar Juhl

Rasmussen, Nichlas Claus

Carstensen, Mira Theil

Jessen, Naja

Rousting, Nicolai Bülow

Dehlsen, Mie Højmose

Jolly, Leo

Sanfridsson, Karin Johanna

Drummond, Clare

Kalsi, Sheila

Schmidt-Petersen, Kit

Fallah, Muzdah

Krebs, Michala Kaja

Silvano, Leonor

Frelin, Ander Oskar

Larsen, Trine

Skajaa, Julie

Friis, Isabella Lindeschouw

Lassen, Rasmus Bundgaard

Steengaard, Annabell Wallin

Haslev, Ditte

Madsen, Troels Øgaard

Sørensen, Marianne Grønkjær

Pe rma ne n t t e a m

Peter Lundsgaard Hansen, plh@ign.ku.dk- Course responsible Torban E. Dam, toda@ign.ku.dk Jens Linnet, jl@bogl.dk Martin Lysholm Hjerl, martin@sted-cph.dk Carsten Johansen, cajo@ign.ku.dk (ModelLab)

Vi p Edit o ria l t e a m Sofie Brincker, sobr@ign.ku.dk Peter Lundsgaard Hansen

La y o u t Jette Alsing Larsen, jeal@ign.ku.dk

Sp e c ia l t h a n k s t o : Georg Boyes Fond We are greatful for the stimulating walks, talks, lectures and discussions with the our fellow colleauges from The University of Copenhagen and offices. A special thanks to Koen Hauspy and the office LAND -landschapsarchitecten in Antwerp, Belgium. By Peter Lundsgaard Hansen

university of copenhagen

landscape planning



pa g e


Table of Contents Z y d h a v n - a te rri to r y of S ydhavn page 6

T h e w a y w e w o rk 1

page 8

T h e w a y w e w o rk 2

page 9

T h e w a y w e w o rk 3

page 10

C a l e n d a r

page 11

By Peter Lundsgaard Hansen

university of copenhagen


landscape planning

The aim of the assignment is to plan, program and design for a sustainable urban connection in the south-western part of Copenhagen. This part of the assignment has similarities to e.g. the green bicycle route that connects Frederiksberg, Nørrebro and Østerbro. An additional challenge is that Sydhavn does not meet the demands for the future when it comes to access: public transportation to the greater Copenhagen is weak and local access to vast green areas such as Valbyparken and to Tippen by Kalveboderne are limited. This is, for a large part, because Sydhavn is divided into different areas by busy streets and two railway tracks. The Zydhavn project aims to address this dilemma of urban fragmentation with new visions of a greater coherence and improved access. However, Sydhavnen is also a fantastic (hidden) oasis. Therefore, one could argue that too much attention from politicians, and subsequently planners and architects is a sure way to make Sydhavnen look like all the other renovated quarters of Copenhagen. The intention of the Zydhavn project is not to give Sydhavn a whole new top-down identity. Neither is it the intention to make bottom-up

“an experimental Garden for new urban development” surveys and interviews of what people want. The intentions of the Zydhavn project is to let the landscape be the voice of urban negotiation – one that connects, opens up and gives access.

With Zydhavn the wish is to envision, plan, and to design for a future urban territory of

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a territory in Sydhavn way tracks and Tippen by the waters of Kalvebodløbet.

ZYDHAVN – a territory of Sydhavn Long-distance dedications and small-scale interventions.


Sydhavn. Zydhavn, like some strange transitional world - a very long experimental garden in Sydhavn, is an urban landscape that joins: Sjælør Boulevard (and Vestre Kirkegård), Karens Minde, the allotment gardens on both sides of the rail-

Future plans for Sydhavn Since most of the housing is from the 1930’s and were build to support a growing need for housing to support low income working families the housing units are small. If Sydhavn, amongst other, is to attract e.g. young working families to generate a more diverse popularity of the people in Sydhavn one major challenge for the future will be to meet the demands for living in the city today. The question is what makes an attractive city life? What contemporary changes and new conceptions are needed to

meet the challenges for Sydhavn in the future? One such attempt to make changes is to improve public transportation with a metro station under Mozart’s Plads. Another attempt to make Sydhavn more attractive is an initiative to construct a beach by the water edge of Valbyparken. From Sydhavn to Zydhavn The overall assignment introduces combinations of long-distance dedications and small-scale interventions as an alternative to broad strategies of social, economical and environmental improvements. The assignment is open and with few limitations – the scale and the context is debatable through the design. To support the assignment and the learning outcome the course entails fieldwork in Germany, The Nederland’s, Belgium and France. Assignment Long-distance dedication The assignment is to plan and design a combined bicycle –and pedestrian connection from the

“The program is open. The scale and the context is debatable through the design” northern end (on top of the hill) of Sjælør Boulevard to the south – through Sydhavn to Tippen by Kalveboderne. The connection should be encompassed in such a way that it connects significant local areas and at the same time it should enhance the qualities of Sydhavn. Key areas (from north to south) can be taken into consideration (depending on the visions you have): The edge/boarders/ new openings between Vestre Kirkegård and Sjælør boulevard, the Gymnasium and the landscape that defines Sjælør Station, crossings and intersections at P. Knudsens gade, Karens Minde and its surroundings and the railway tracks that divides Sydhavn from Tippen and the waters of Kalveboderne – including the two overpasses. The proposal must consider the possibility to encompass runoff rainwater to alleviate the pressure of drainage. By Peter Lundsgaard Hansen

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


Ve s t re K i r k e g å r d

Sjælør st.

K a l ve b o r d e r n e Small-scale interventions In order to anchor and to support the connection from north to south (as described before) the quality and identity of the local urban environment must be strengthened. Small-scale interventions along

and in proximity to the bicycle and pedestrian path can be identified, designed in greater detail and used for such proposes. These smaller interventions can include visions and activities such as space for sports, urban gardens,

quiet places, squares for performance, plantings (nurseries) and new places for urban experiments. The proposal must consider principles for storm water management on a local level.

The proposals shall reflect and contributes to an on-going discussion regarding sustainable urban transformation as a whole, and of our cities, their infrastructure and cultural significance in our cities today. By Peter Lundsgaard Hansen

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


The way we work 1 The way we work is by repeating the same model and the same drawings throughout the course. We do this meanwhile we talk, travel, listen, read, draw and evaluate. Model, Engagement, Movement and Observation (MEMO) are key concepts to understand how we work. The theory is; we make models because we work with space. We make them in order to engage with matter. The movement made from working with models help us observe and enable us to make new and better drawings and models. Bacause we shift from plans and models they will never exactly be alike - something changes in the process of going back and forth. This is because they (the plans, you and the models) are feeding off of each other – one always making the other adjust a little.

Presentations and discussions of design models. The way we work is through putting individual models and group models in the hole of the big model. This is our laboratory and this is where we rate and talk about the qualities of the design work.

The method

We use Google earth, maps and other representative medias to recreate the urban landscape of Zydhavn. We will build analogue model (we will build them in our Model Lab) of Z(S)ydhavn. During the building of the model we will rate qualities of the urban landscape and the possibilities for new development as qualified as possible. The big model (the context model) is where we test and develop our overall ideas. To understand small scale interventions we build models in fitting scale. During our work with the design we use the walls and floors of the school to exhibit our work in progress. The exhibition wall is where we meet our imaginary client and where we let go of our fear of showing all the mistakes we have to make before we are satisfied with the result. The floor we use like an experimental ‘campfire’ where we share ideas and have design conversations. Engagement. Think of a crime scene and of working on a murder case. Who is the murderer? In real life we try to recreate the scene of the crime through movement. We do this while we narrow in on a motive. The motive is important because it can reveal the murder. When we work in the studio we feed of models so to speak, because

Vertical projection combined with simple models during a design conversation (supervision). the movement we create makes us able to engage in our work. In planning we call the motive; issues (problem formulation) and the scene of the crime; the site. The observations we make when we work we document, evaluate and talk about. Observations that give us new knowledge and new possibilities are what we are looking for. We often call them the little mistakes - something that makes us wonder, because they often show themselves in a drawing or a model as something that just doesn’t fit

in the big picture. So look out for them! Besides working digital we work with two types of different models.

Simple models

There is a substantial advantages in building simple physical models. The investigative and inquisitive models have a central role in the process of analysis and design. They empower ideas, concepts and programming. We repeat the simple model again and again.

Abstract model. We travel with a model box and we have meetings and talks while we are on the move.

Abstract model

The first (and often the last) model we work with when we engage and try to understand our own work or other works of landscape architecture is even more simple. The model is abstract and we carry it with us in a model box. We can build this type of model anywhere. We often use this model when we travel and when we work on the floor in the studio.

Big model

In order to strengthen and qualify the way we discuss and evaluate our work in the context of a greater urban landscape we use a big model to test our arguments by putting our simple concept models in a big context model. We then repeat the process while we work on our digital plans, visualizations, sections, text and so forth. To read more about the way we work: http://www.fusion-journal.com/issue/003fusion-the-studio/the-simple-model-method-creating-steep-learning-curves-in-academic-design-studio/ By Peter Lundsgaard Hansen

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


The way we work 2





THE PAPER DESIGN PROGRAM Sofie Brincker Editor Sofie Brincker

By Peter Lundsgaard Hansen

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


The way we work 3 brickes and copplestone

chairs and tables

modelbox tables

plant The Big Model 3 stuffed birds

table on wheels


La n dsc a p e Pl a nn i ng 2 0 1 3


projection on floor

Landscape architec ture students in the city of Steel - Frederiksværk The unique historical site that deto Arresø and Roskilde Fjord, the hind the main pedestrian street and the canal has drawn attention to teachers and researchers from The University of Copenhagen. Consequently the University has organized a planning laboratory in Frederiksværk. The student projects will be a supplement to the competition that takes place later this year.

Until the end of June 60-65 students from Denmark and the world will be working intensively with a transformation of Frederiksværk. The overall design question is how Frederiksværk can be transformed within the following themes; 1. The connection between the water and the urban environment. Sustainable landscapes. 2. The urban spaces and their mutual relations. Climate and recreational space. 3. Access and identity.

tion. The aim is to work with both innovative and traditional solutions in a design for a sustainable urban process in Frederiksværk. Throughout the course at team of Landscape architects, teachers and researchers from The University of Copenhagen will follow and support their work. The studio entail travel, reshearch and work into a wide range of exemplaty sites in Barcelona, Spain. This paper will work as the stu-

dents dairy, where they each week upload their work, to share with orthers and to show the overall process of their work. One spread corresponds to one week of group work. In the end, this paper will show how the students have gone from analysing and a concept in week one, to having a com plete masterplan and design proposal in the end of their journey throgh Frederiksværk.

gaffa tape - work zone ladder


studio kitchen enter

The studios called Versailles and Skallingen are places where a ladder across a gaffa tape boarder (on the floor) marks a special work zone - this is where The Big Model is. This 3x5 m square is on the floor of Versailles, Model Lab and Skallingen and is the experimental territory of Zydhavn. In this zone we can mix and experiment with matter that normally seem non compatable - ex. fitting a stuffed bird, some bricks and a digital plan together and find new and unexpected observations in our work. From what we find we can then go back to our work outside the zone and incoorporate new ways of seeing into our design. With the gaffa tape we can take this work zone with us when we need to. Here we work with all scales, with books, digital drawings projected from the seeling down onto the models we make, paper presentations, stufed animals, 1:1 examples of pavement stone and soil types, movies, etc. This is from the course of 2014.


table on wheels ladder

The Big Model By Peter Lundsgaard Hansen

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


09.00-10.00 Lecture. The campfire design Studio/ film PLH 10.00-12.00 Studio work


WEDNESDAY 09.00-17.00 Studio work 16.00h - FIRST HAND IN (Versailles & Skallingen)



09.00-11.00 Exhibition and presentation 1 11.00-12.00 Introduction to group work and 1’st group model, studio work in groups/ PLH. Introduction to Paper. 13.00-17.00 Site visite. Program will be avaliable later.



13.00-14.00 Introduction to Paper. Sofie/PLH. 14.00-15.00 Lecture.The power the title, Tobias Røder. Studiomega. 15.00-17.00 Studio work



09.00-10.00 My Big Five. Small dobbel lecture Jens and Martin 10.00-12.00 Studio work


WEDNESDAY 09.00-15.00 Studio work 15.00h SECOND HAND IN. Upload paper and print A3 of group Paper 1. Big group model 1: 2000 (Versailles & Skallingen)



09.00-13.00 Exhibition and presentation /PLH & co. Skall./Vers. 14.00 - 15.00 Evaluation and planning meeting( First introduction to 2’nd model). Fieldtrip preparation in groups. PLH & Co. Vers.



FIELDTRIP Travelling, talking and making models



FIELDTRIP Travelling, talking and making models



FIELDTRIP Travelling, talking and making models


WEDNESDAY FIELDTRIP Travelling, talking and making models



FIELDTRIP THIRD HAND IN ‘Simple group model ‘hand in of (1) a relevant reference landscape and (2) the group idea. To be announced later.


FIELDTRIP Travelling, talking and making models


13.00-14.30 Fieldtrip talks PLH/TODA 14.30-15.30 Second introduction to 2’nd group model and draft for the master plan/paper 2. 15.30 - 17.00 Studio work and workshop ‘incoorporating refrences’ /TODA 09.00 - 10.30 Lecture MASU planning/ KBH-Camilla (to be confirmed) 10.35 - 12.00 Lecture Krag & Berglund






WEDNESDAY 09.00 -15.00 Studio work. (Model and draft/paper2)





Mission complete - drawings and model


Final work and newspaper


Poster production and exam preparations

13.00-17.00 Introduction to course and to the way we work. - Introduction to the first Model and individual work /PLH & co. HAND IN of the Landscape heroes models See dashboard on absalon






Mission impossible - Individual concept

Mission impossible - Final concept Mission complete - drawings and model


Mission impossible - Group concepts and fieldtrip


Course calendar 25/05

MONDAY 2. Pinsedag




WEDNESDAY 09.00-17.00 Exhibition and presentation of poster/paper and model in Skallingen and Versailles. PLH & Co.



Studio Work



13.00-13.30 Paper evaluation and coordination /PLH/Editors. 13.30-17.00 Studio work



09.00-12.00 Studio work


WEDNESDAY 09.00-17.00 Studio work



09.00-17.00 Studio work





12.00h FINAL PAPER SUBMISSION-Upload paper/Editors (Versailles) 13.00h Evaluation and planning meeting 13.30-17.00 Studio work and preparation. Posters.




WEDNESDAY 09.00-17.00 Studio work and preparation. Posters.



09.00-15.00 Studio work and preparation. Posters. 15.00-17.00 Examination talks, evaluation and paper hand out / PLH/Editors



09.00-16.00 - PLH & Censor: Group presentations and individual examination (Versailles/Skallingen)



09.00-16.00 - PLH & Censor: Group presentations and individual examination (Versailles/Skallingen)


WEDNESDAY 09.00-16.00 - PLH & Censor: Group presentations and individual examination (Versailles/Skallingen)



09.00-16.00 - PLH & Censor: Group presentations and individual examination (Versailles/Skallingen)



09.00-16.00 - PLH & Censor: Group presentations and individual examination (Versailles/Skallingen)

09.00h Planning and evaluation meeting. Working on the Masterplan. Status. 09.30-12.00 Studio work 15.00h FORTH HAND IN - (Print A1 with; title, masterplan, concept, visualizations and sections. Latest model for the big model)

09.00-12.00 Studio work and preparation. Posters.

14.00h THIRD HAND IN Presentations and critique in Versailles and Skallingen. PLH & Co.

09.00-09.30 Planning and evaluation meeting in Skallingen. Working towards a final draft for the master plan. PLH 09.30-10.30 Lecture BOGL 10.35-12.00 Lecture SLA


WEDNESDAY 09.00-17.00 Studio work



09.00-17.00 Studio work

The calendar shows the scheduled activities. Since the course is a full time course, it is expected that the students/groups, outside of the scheduled activities, find the necessary time for preparation. NOTE. Be aware that changes may occur. Therefore remember to check the dashboard on absalon every morning or afternoon.

Practical information

Modellab is situated on the first floor - above Skallingen and below Versailles. You can use the materials that have been thrown in the bin. Please keep Modellab clean and organized. We will use this space a lot and we are not the only ones using Modellab. You can by special materials for modelling in the Students Shop in Modellab or in Tutein & Koch, address; Farvergade 8, 1463 København

All lectures will be held in Versailles if not otherwise indicated. Supervision; the team of supervisors are available during the course (see calendar where it says Studio work). Please remember to make appointments in advance by mail. Throughout the course there will be opportunity to work with vertical projection in groups and during design talks. By Peter Lundsgaard Hansen

d e t n at u r - o g b i o v i d e n s k a b e l i g e f a k u lt e t

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