Levi's "It's In Your Genes" Campaign

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GRiLL Agency Landyn Pan Gabby Nasrah Ryan Rodriguez Luke Gibbs



Executive Summary




SWOT Analysis




Creative Strategy


Big Idea


Digital Commercial


360 VR Experience


Social Influencers


Tove Lo Partnership


March Women’s History Month


Digital Ads


Social Media Plan Recap


Media Plan & Objectives


Media Strategy










Executive Summary Trends come and go on a daily basis. That is why they are called trends. But, out of the many trends and fads we go through, there are some things that never go out of style such as gathering around the TV for the Super Bowl, grilling hamburgers and hot dogs for summer barbeques, eating homemade apple pie, and living in denim jeans. Levi’s Strauss & Co. hit a gold mine when they invented denim jeans back in 1873. Withstanding two centuries, Levi’s has become not only a timeless brand, but also a staple of denim jeans. It’s no wonder why the brand wants its consumers to “Live in Levi’s” because if one simply went through an average day, they would see many people from different backgrounds going about their day in jeans. However, not all of those jeans are made by Levi’s. Many brands have copied this timeless article and have developed different cuts and styles from skinny to tapered. Because of this development, Levi’s has created different series of clothing with the 500 series being the original series. Since Levi’s has been around for many decades, the brand has become a well-known

name; but, with all of these different brands of jeans and their different styles, colors, and cuts, it is easy for the brand to not be top-of-mind. Within today’s consumer communication, especially for millennials, messages come and go, and can easily be missed without even realizing. So, how does a brand that was established back in the last 1800’s communicate in world that continues to advance in technology every day? This was our mission. To raise the sales of female jeans, we had knew we had to create meaningful digital content to generate top-ofmind awareness and develop an experience of the brand. To accomplish this goal, we came together as a team and researched anything and everything we could to help us. Overall, after the research we conducted and the $15 million budget we were given, we were able to create a four month digital advertising campaign that not only brings the brand into the modern day but also maintains the brand as unique and timeless. With our creative expertise and strategic thinking, we plan to highlight these areas in this campaign to keep the brand in style.


Research Competitors

Survey Findings Based on responses from 84 millennial women ages 18 - 30.

65% Like Levi’s, these competitors have strong brand recognition, especially towards earlier generations. These competitors also focus on price, comfort and reliability to facilitate sales. Levi’s is not, nor does it tend to be, a high end denim. With a campaign change towards a millennial audience and a shift to digital platforms, Levi’s potential competitors include Rag & Bone., J Brand, Topshop, Acne Studio and Blank NYC. These brands offer apparel with a unique image that millennials covet. Levi’s will continue to target their same demographic with added focus on the consumer’s age, gender, and lifestyle as the market continues to evolve.


1) Jeans 2) Denim 3) Quality and Classic (tied)


don’t own any Levi’s products.

Top factors that deterred consumers from buying Levi’s products: 4

saw a Levi’s ad in the past 6 months. 5% saw one in the past year, 19% saw one over a year ago, and 11% have never seen a Levi’s ad.

Top words that come to mind when you hear “Levi’s”:

1) Not cute/not a good fit 2) Price 3) Prefer more trendy brands

own at least one Levi’s product.

SWOT Analysis Strengths


Strong brand recognition and rich brand history

Inconsistent advertising campaigns and messages

Plenty of advertising

Inconsistent social media prescence and weak engagement on posts

Large variety of jean styles, cuts, colors, and rises Strong overall social media following

Opportunities Capitalize on millennials’ habits of looking on social media for fashion advice and DIY tutorials Focus in on advertising messages and taglines Update celebrity endorsements/ partnerships and center them Highlight Levi’s long brand history

Brand seen as old, not trendy, and as “your mom or dad’s jean company”

Threats Competitors with lower prices Virtually endless number of competitors

Like most apparel brands, Levi’s current messaging surrounds the theme of lifestyle. #LiveInLevis aims to show a variety of diverse lifestyles led by people who wear Levi’s jeans. However, their campaigns are too broad and have too many different taglines. Levi’s has had the problem of overly-broad, generic, and inconsistent advertising for several years. By trying to appeal to everyone, Levi’s currently isn’t successful at appealing to anyone. 5

Targets Iconic Independents, 19-25 Always looking at fashion trends through social media, this group of women want to keep up with the hottest looks while also maintaining their own individual style. They’re working on furthering their education or moving along their career path. In their free time, they’re finding inspiration for something new to add to their wardrobe. However, this doesn’t mean they aren’t still brand-loyal. They have their go-to places, but they don’t mind going thrifting and checking out new stores. Though they love when items are sale, they will splurge the extra dollars to get exactly what they want, especially if their favorite style bloggers on Instagram say to get it. In the end, they are trying to find the balance between trendy, quality, and an affordable price. Moving Mavens, 16-18 Just like their favorite social media platform, Snapchat, this group of young women look at today’s trends, but also look further to the future to be first to the next trend. These women are getting bored with the same old clothes that their go-to store sells, which is why they’re looking forward to other places to shop. The cost for these trends is a low priority as their desire to be the next trendsetter is stronger than that of our other target audiences because social status is everything to these teens. Online shopping is their main form of purchasing new products. In addition to keeping up with today’s pop culture, they look for fashion advice through bloggers and other social media influencers to help lead them in the right direction for the next big thing. Discount Divas, 26-35 For this group of women, keeping up with the style is not as important as the quality of the actual product. They understand that paying over $200 for a pair of jeans isn’t practical, but a $20 pair that won’t last long isn’t worth it either. The goal is to find a product that meets these two criteria in a balanced way. As opposed to the other two targets, this group will check trends every once in awhile on their own, but they generally get their current news and trends from their friends. In addition, being a top-of-mind brand is important to this group. They have many things on their mind such as jobs, bills, families, and other errands. They don’t have time to explore other options so they need a well-known and reliable go-to brand to stay loyal to. 6

Creative Strategy Brand Character


Jeans are generic and with the jeans category being so saturated, it’s hard to stand out. Levi’s long 143-year-old history and timelessness is what sets it apart from its endless amounts of competitors. Though certain fits go in and out of style, Levi’s has crafted timeless designs that have stuck for generations while continuing to look for ways to satisfy customers in the future. Levi’s offers more than just quality clothing, it’s also a lifestyle and a legacy filled with rich history and endless stories.

To remain timeless and continue success, Levi’s must look at millennials consumers (age 16 35) who will continue to wear our jeans throughout the decades. Our campaign featuring the 500-series initiates a strategy that aims to: Enhance female millennial awareness of 500-series jeans Increase social media on all platforms following by 10% Drive female millennials to the Levi’s clothing website to boost digital sales by 10%


Audience Takeaway

With a target of digitally active individuals, Levi’s will reach the female millennial market through a comprehensive digitally focused plan based in the US. Running from Jan. 1, 2017 - April 30, 2017, we will utilize direct social media posts, pre-roll advertisements, partnerships and endorsements, and sponsored advertisements on popular social media platforms. Included in partnerships will be endorsements by fashion influencers who engage with the millennial age group.

Women want a brand of jeans that are comfortable, durable, versatile, and also effortlessly fashionable. Levi’s offers exactly that as well as a rich history. This campaign will drastically enhance the perception of Levi’s for female millennials from “your mom’s old jeans” to a hip, trendy, empowering, top-of-mind brand by portraying the 500-series jeans’ timelessness through creative executions that showcase girl-power throughout the different decades of the US feminist movement.


It’s In Your Jeans Women in past generations have made history wearing Levi’s 500-series jeans to their first full-time jobs in the 40s, to march for Civil and Women’s Rights from the 50s through 70s, to perform with their all-girl bands in the 80s and onward. Throughout time, they’ve made their Levi’s their own - hippies of the 60s put patched their denim and grunge girls of the 80s tore them up. Today women continue to customize their Levi’s and break glass ceilings by running for office, starting their own businesses, pushing for equality, and more. We want millennial women to see what their mothers and grandmother did and encourage them to finish the movements that were started. This campaign is about the past, present, and the future. By using popular and trendy vintage-inspired imagery, “It’s In Your Jeans” shows women today that Levi’s 500-series jeans are as timeless as girl power itself and that they too can be part of this empowering legacy.


Many consumers do not realize that Levi’s is a staple brand since 1873. By taking this attribute in the brand’s differentiation, Levi’s will show that it doesn’t just sell jeans, it’s part of history.

Hashtags #ItsInYourJeans #YourMomsJeans

Through our research, many female consumers find Levi’s to be for older people - like their parents - and is therefore unhip. “It’s In Your Jeans” shows that these women have been looking at the brand in the wrong light. Women also falsely viewed Levi’s as more male-skewing. By showing that Levi’s is just as much a women’s brand as it is for men, our target audience will feel motivated to buy more of Levi’s trendy jeans.


Digital Commercial 30-Second Spots To drive the Big Idea, Levi’s will launch the new campaign by producing a series of 30-second television spot commercials. Each commercial will focus on a different iconic historical movements that diverse women were heavily involved in from the 1950’s to 1990’s. These commercials begin in the historical time period. It will follow one main character as she and her friends join into the scene of the peaceful march, concert, or other event that was prominent to the movement in that year. Inside the setting, a woman will stand strong and passionate as she fights for what she wants changed in the country. This is paired with motivating and empowering voiceover about what the character was able to achieve. As the women are victorious, we cut back to a present day.

Example Movements To Represent

Civil Rights (50’s - 60’s)

Women’s Movement (60’s - 70’s)

Anti-War/Peace Rallies (70’s)

Grunge/Riot Grrrl Punk (80’s - 90’s)

15-Second Pre-Rolls The 30-second spots will be trimmed to 15 seconds to be used as shorter, unskippable Hulu and YouTube pre-roll ads. In addition, Hulu users will have the option on which ad they can watch. With the multiple commercials, there’s bound to be one that interests each user. 10

The commercials will only show peaceful, non-violent moments in these movements. They will not depict any specific, potentially polarizing signage. Instead of “End the War in Vietnam”, signs shown in the scene re-creations will say “Peace” or “For Life” with the peece symbols. Positive signs about equality, peace, love, and empowerment will be shown.

Storyboard: 80’s Punk Rock Movement

Starts with one main character putting on pair of Levi’s jeans that are ripped and studded.

With instruments, she joins her fellow all-girl punk bandmates near an underground concert venue.

As they enter the venue, an allmale band teases and taunts them.

The girl band starts playing. They are nervous at first, but then start rocking hard.

Everyone in the all-male audience loves it.

Members of the all-male band look shocked and blown-away in the audience.

Present day, a millennial in her late teens/early 20’s puts on the same style of Levi’s jeans.

She grabs her guitar and walks into her mom’s car. Audience will recognize Mom as the punk girl in the flashback.

Fade to Levi’s logo and “It’s In Your Jeans” typed in time/movement appropriate font style. 11

360 Degree VR Experiences Levi’s will allow audiences to experience the various social movements featured in the commercials through a series of 360 degree virtual reality videos of these fully-colored scene re-creations. Viewers will be placed in the middle of the movement as if they were right there. They will be able to look around their surroundings as they walk along a march, listen to a speech, and overhear various conversations from everyday people of the time. The videos will be uploaded to Levi’s Facebook, YouTube, and website.


Social Influencers Millennials look to blogs and influencers for style inspiration and to keep up with changing fashion trends. Seven women who publicly embrace feminism, have a large social following of female millennials, and are recognized as social media influencers in terms of fashion and lifestyle, will be chosen to represent Levi’s. They will be supplied with 500-series jeans to wear publicly and post pictures with on social media. Our main focus on Instagram, but they will share about Levi’s on Twitter, YouTube, and additional platforms they are on. Each post made during the campaign will feature them in the jeans with the hashtag #LiveInLevis, #YourMomsJeans, and/or #ItsInYourJeans. Posts by the influencers will reach their millions of followers in order to push purchasing desire and drive online sales.

Fashion, makeup, and lifestyle YouTube personality Ingrid Nilsen is a perfect Levi’s influencer example. She has 1.7 M followers on Instagram and 4 M YouTube subscribers. She talks publicly about feminism, body image, voting, taxation of feminine hygiene products, discrimination again LGBTQ people, and more. She’s even interviewed President Obama at the White House. Ingrid and other influencers will also participate in Levi’s Snapchat takeovers to show fans a day in their life in Levi’s.


Tove Lo Partnership Levi’s is a brand that enjoys using a musician as its spokespeople. To stay true to the brand, we researched different musicians to see who would perfectly match the tone of the campaign as well as appeal to our female millennial audience. Tove Lo is fun and edgy, but not completely out there. She’s mainstream, but not overly publicized. She’s empowering, but not inspirational. Tove Lo is also a feminist advocate herself and has made this publically known both in her music and in interviews. During this partnership, Tove Lo will be supplied with Levi’s 500-series jeans. When she wears them, she will post on social media using #LiveInLevis and #YourMomsJeans. Her promotion of Levi’s jeans will be subtle, as millennials do not like feeling like they are being advertised to and will be deterred from both the artist and Levi’s if they believe the artist is only promoting the brand for money.


Lady Wood Tour Sponsorship

Pop-Up Concerts

Breaking out of the scene with two Billboard Top 10 hits, “Habits (Stay High)” and “Talking Body”, she has just released a new album, Lady Wood. Tove Lo’s early 2017 tour schedule matches our campaign timeline. Levi’s logos will be seen on stage and around the concert venues. Levi’s will also provide a branded photobooth, which will give concert-goers the option to share their photos immediately on their social media with one of the campaign hashtags.

In breaks between concerts, Levi’s will sponsor three pop up concerts. Starting on January 19 and continuing until February 2, Levi’s will host concerts at The Beat Kitchen in Chicago, the UC Theater in Berkeley, and PhilaMOCA in Philadelphia. These venues hold less than 200 people and the three cities have been the homes of multiple female empowered movements that will be emphasized by Tove Lo during the show. Before the concert, exclusive Levi’s denim patches will be passed out for free to concert-goers. These colorful patches include phrases for female empowerment such as “Girl Power,” “Your Mom’s Jeans,” “No Boys Allowed” and more. During the concert, Tove Lo will wear Levi’s jeans and a Levi’s denim jacket with patches to model the brand in front of fans. Fans will learn about the concerts through social media. Both Levi’s and Tove Lo will post from their accounts and tag each other.

The Beat Kitchen, Chicago

UC Theater, Berkeley

PhilaMOCA, Philadelphia

Tove Lo and her crew will also take over Levi’s Snapchat to take audiences behind the scenes at her concerts. Levi’s and Tove Lo will both post on other social media to promote each others’ Snapchat accounts. 15

March: Women’s History Month Feminist Icons Photo Series Women’s History Month in March will bring a photo series of daily posts featuring Levi’s models recreating iconic feminist photos. Each photo will recreate a look from the past using the same pose, expression, and overall decade aesthetic, with a little twist of wearing Levi’s 500-series jeans. The 500-series is called “the Icon series” afterall. On Facebook, every weekday in March will include a new feminist icon re-creation photo, a short blurb about the original icon, and #YourMomsJeans or #ItsInYourJeans.


Feminist Icon-Inspired Fashion Boards Levi’s Pinterest account will release brand-new feministicon and decade inspired outfit inspiration boards featuring 500-series jeans and other brand products. Millennials today love vintage-inspired fashion and the images will include buyable pins so Pinterest users can purchase the looks they like online right away.

Influencers Interview Their Icons March 8 is International Women’s Day. Each of the seven social influencers will select and interview one of their living feminist icons. This could be a living celebrity, a favorite influential teacher, or their mom or sister! Influencers will also get to style themselves and their icon in a Levi’s photoshoot. The influencers will post a photo from that shoot on Instagram and Twitter to drive their followers to Levi’s website or YouTube to see the full interviews. 17

Limited-Time Vintage Jeans Currently, Levi’s already sells a vintage collection online, but the choices are slim. There are only nine product options for women, just three of which are jeans, compared to 46 items for men. The men’s vintage jeans page, which offers reproductions of jean styles dating back to 1890, is hidden and difficult to find. Over and over again, Levi’s loves to tell the origin story of its first pair of jeans for men who worked as miners. There is little emphasis both internally and externally about the history of their women’s jeans. For the month of March only, Levi’s will bring back several of its previous 500-series women’s jeans from the different decades. Levi’s will offer an exclusive amount of each pair on its website. These different styles of the 500-series will show how fashion comes and goes, but Levi’s always stays in style throughout time. Levi’s homepage will show the vintage jeans, dating back to the first pair in 1934, front and center using photos from past Levi’s campaigns and catalogs. Additionally, there will be a discount code for the limited-time vintage items. This will a fun, visually stimulating Women’s History Month takeover and will give women a chance to look like their favorite feminist icons while wearing Levi’s most iconic jeans.


Digital Ads To keep the brand topof-mind, Levi’s will place digital ads on websites that our target audience’s most frequently visit, such as style-inspiration website Lookbook.nu. The ads will also target users who have decently searched jeans online. Ads feature Levi’s feminist icon recreation photos.


Social Media Plan Recap Facebook Function: Central/main social media platform Posts: Shared links of the brand’s videos and other old, vintage fashion photos of Levi’s clothing Photos of fans in Levi’s driving to website Feminist icons photo series Frequency: 4-6 times per week

YouTube Function: Central platform for all commercials and video content Videos will be shared across all platforms to engage as many users as possible Posts: Commercials 360 VR videos Influencer’s feminist icon interviews Frequency: 2-4 times per month depending on budget 20

Instagram Function: Brand’s most visually appealing platform Help users understand what it means to live in Levi’s in “your mom’s jeans” Posts: Photos and Boomerangs of Levi’s models Tagged and shared fan/influencer photos Video previews Frequency: 3-5 times per week

Twitter Function: Update followers on upcoming online deals and promotions Easy access to website without URL Customer service Posts: Posts including video or photo Retweets from fans Each influencer and Tove Lo will have an AMA through the account to engage audiences of different styles Frequency: At least once a day

Pinterest Function: Showcase and inspire endless fashion possibilities using Levi’s apparel Allow users to shop online from pins Boards: Feminist-icon/decade inspired fashion Occasion inspired fashion DIY denim ideas for how to distress, stud, patch your denim and more Frequency: Update buyable pins weekly as the inventory and products change

Snapchat Function: Provide real-life peak into Levi’s Story Content: Account take-overs by influencers and Tove Lo Use Snap Spectacles to give POV Frequency: Once per week

Media Plan & Objectives

Media Objectives

1. Our first objective is to increase female millennial awareness of Levi’s 500-series jeans by endorsing the artist Tove Lo, as well as social media influencers and fashion bloggers who will bring top-ofmind awareness to the brand and product. 2. Our second objective is to increase Levi’s social media following by 10%, by engaging consumers in interactive and entice ways on the various social media platforms. 3. Our final objective is to increase digital sales by 10% by driving female millennials to the Levi’s clothing website and encouraging purchase desire through our social media advertisements.

Media & Budget Plan Details Target

Females ages 16 - 35


Winter/Spring (January - April)







Media Strategy


Over the course of the campaign, we will be utilizing online tactics to ensure that all three objectives are met throughout the four month period. The campaign will focus heavily on social media, as it is the most effective vehicle in reaching female millennials in order to increase awareness, increase social media following, and drive website traffic in order to ultimately boost sales. The utilization of digital advertisements on social media and as vertical advertisements will allow targets to click and instantaneously shop desired styles on the Levi’s website. This media plan will utilize a pulsing model with a mixture of continuity and fighting schedules. Initiating a bursting method in the first month for endorsement posts will spark intrigue and draw immediate attention to the brand and 500-series jeans. Sponsored, pre-roll, and vertical website advertisements will follow a continuity schedule to engage the targeted female audience through the use of lifestyle imagery and entice targets to further explore the brand on Levi’s social media. During the first month and month of March, the online and banner advertisements will utilize a bursting method. Utilizing Tove Lo to host pop up shows in three major US cities will put the Levi’s brand in front of our target audience and portray the brand in a way that appeals to millennials.

The endorsement posts will allow the brand to reach a market of consumers that they were previously unable to reach, and increase social media following for Levi’s. The seven social media influencers, along with Tove Lo, have been strategically chosen based off their previous appeal to female millennials. The utilization for Hulu and Youtube as pre-roll advertising were chosen as a platform for our advertisements as they have been proven more affordable and effective among millennials than traditional television advertising. Utilizing Hulu and Youtube will place the brand in front of the millennial audience and allow for digital targeting of those who are searching for jeans, which will ultimately increase top-of-the mind awareness and create purchase intent with the accessibility to immediately travel to the website. The social media platforms for which the sponsored advertisements will be featured have been carefully selected to target our desired female millennial audience. In selecting Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube, we have ultimately chosen platforms that are most visited by millennial audiences. Each platform has been carefully chosen based off extensive research proving its ability to reach the target and drive website traffic. Together Facebook and Instagram have the daily potential reach of 3,900,000 individuals from our target market and drive them to the Levi’s website. Leaving a $400,000 portion of the budget for emergency allocations will ensure that we are covered in the instance that something goes wrong. The $15 million budget will ultimately attract enough visitors to the website, ensuring that Levi’s will generate enough sales over the four month period and throughout the rest of the fiscal year to achieve the 10% profit increase and reach the lift goal of $8,800,000. This campaign will receive a return on investment, along with a return on impressions while only using 5% of Levi’s total advertising budget for the year.


Budget Breakdown Agency Compensation $2,250,000 (15%)

Digital Vertical Web Ads $50,000 (0.33%)

Endorsements Pop-Up Shows With a 15 million dollar budget, we will utilize 5% of Levi’s advertising $1,400,000 (9.33%) $500,000 (3.33%) budget in order to significantly maximize ROI and utilize the total Sponsored Advertising Production Costs expenditure to ensure that our target market of female millennials are being $5,000,000 (33.33%) $5,000,000 (33.33%) reached. Pre-Roll Advertising Emergency Allocations A total of 33.33% of the budget will be used for sponsored $400,000 (2.67%) $400,000 (2.67%) advertisements on Facebook and Instagram. In calculating the CPC in Total Budget: $15,000,000 advance, allocating this portion will prove effective in exposing the target audience to our advertisements. Another 33.33% will be utilized for our digital commercial and photoshoot production costs. Spending money on media placements would presumably be useless without the creative content. The third largest expenditure for this campaign, 9.33%, will go toward endorsement deals with the seven social media influencers and Tove Lo. Levi’s will successfully reach the targeted female audience and expose them to the 500-series jeans. 3.33% of our budget will cover the cost of pop-up shows. This includes the cost of our endorsement of Tove Lo, as well as all costs associated with hosting three pop-up show events such as venue rental, venue staff, and the free denim patches. 2.67% of the budget will be distributed to the cost for pre-roll advertising on Youtube and Hulu. In looking at CPM ahead of time, we are able to ensure that even the minimum amount of potential views will substantially enhance brand awareness and drive action to the Levi’s website. 0.33% of the budget will be allocated to the cost of digital vertical advertisements which will be placed on key websites frequently visited by our target female audience, allowing us to attain 5,000,000 impressions over the course of four months. Additionally, GRiLL will charge the standard 15% agency fee to complete the total budget. Finally, the budget will include $400,000 for additional spending if needed throughout the campaign in the instance something goes wrong. This budget has been allocated specifically with the campaign objective of increasing female awareness, increasing digital sales by 10%, and improving social media following by 10% in mind. Based off extensive research, the total spending on social media and online advertisements have the potential potential reach of 60,640,000 individuals, leaving us certain that these mediums along with our other expenditures will lead to a profit increase of $15,400,000 over the course of a year and a significant ROI.



Return on Investment (ROI) Current Sales Profit Created

$88,000,000.00 $56,000,000.00

The evaluation of our campaign will be contingent upon how effectively we were able to reach the objectives GOAL 10% Increase set forth by our agency. Lift Wanted $8,800,000.00 In order to measure effectiveness of our marketing Pairs of Jeans 440,00 strategies, we will look at return on investment and return on impressions. To measure the increase in female millennial awareness of Levi’s 500-series jeans, the 10% Amount of Incremental Profit $15,400,000.00 increase social media following, and 10% increase in digital sales, we will measure social media reach, paid advertising impressions, as well as the ROI. In measuring ROI, we will look to see if website traffic brought in through paid advertisements is generating sales of the 500-series jeans. If we see that we are not on track to achieving the incremental profit of $15,400,000 for the year, then we can conclude that the paid digital advertisements are not generating enough buying desire. To measure the effectiveness of the Facebook and Instagram advertisements, we will look at the data presenting the cost per clicks (CPC) after each week. With a fixed cost set in place for exposure to the target audience, the success of the advertisement is contingent on whether or not it is capturing the attention of these individuals and encouraging them to proceed to the website. By analyzing all of these factors, along with an increase in top-of-mind awareness, we will be able to measure the effectiveness of the sponsored advertisements and be able to alter our strategy based on its effectiveness of creating awareness and bringing female millennials to the Levi’s website. To measure the effectiveness of the pre-roll Youtube and Hulu advertisements, we will be utilizing the cost per thousand (CPM) data. With this, we will be looking at the click through rates, along with the impressions to see how many people viewed the advertisements and proceeded to visit the website. This will be checked each month to determine a new strategy for the following month. In measuring the effectiveness of the pop up shows and our endorsement with Tove Lo, we will look to see if the cost of the shows are outweighed by the profit in 500-series jeans sold in the period following the events. We will look at website traffic, as well as social media traffic, and compare it to the increase in the amount of jeans sold. Finally, to measure the effectiveness of our endorsements, we will look at the website traffic, social media statistics, and impressions following posts by each individual at the end of each month of the campaign. We will be able to measure the effectiveness each influencer based off how much exposure they are bringing to the Levi’s brand on social media through discussion, as well as through website purchases. If we see that the 500-series jeans are failing to generating enough profit increase, or that our social media following has not increased the full 10%, will we determine that the strategy has be ineffective in achieving the campaign goals. 24

Conclusion Currently, Levi’s is one of a handful of brands that is still around after over a century of being in business. It has proved to be a staple in people’s lives throughout history. We’ve seen through our research that everyone recognizes the brand and knows what it sells. The only problem is: how does a brand that has been around since the 1800’s maintain being fresh to an industry that’s always changing? By staying true to the brand’s roots of being timeless, Levi’s will show its target audience that it is a brand that never goes out of style, and has been around for some of the country’s biggest moments in history from Civil Rights to the Riot Grrrl punk movement. “It’s In Your Jeans” will empower our target audience of millennial women that they too have the ability to make a difference because their mother, grandmothers, and great grandmothers have all been a part of life changing, historical moments. Our target audience will be motivated by the message to keep pushing for

what they believe in, while seeing how Levi’s, and the 500-series jeans in particular, has been present in those historical moments. We plan to use both organic social media and $15 million in paid advertising and production costs to boost social media engagement across all of Levi’s platforms. With this increased social media engagement, we will lead the target audience to Levi’s website so they will see everything that the brand has to offer. In the end, this will lead to fan growth and generate revenue for the company. Through this digital advertising campaign filled with vintage and feminist-icon inspiration, powerful and passionate commercial spots, strategically planned music and social influencer partnerships, promoted posts, and branded content, we plan to maintain Levi’s position as a timeless brand that will never go out of style and prove that there’s nothing more iconic than wearing a pair of our 500-series jeans.


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