Langley Advance May 2 2013

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LangleyAdvance Your community newspaper since 1931

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Breaking news, sports, and entertainment:

Audited circulation: 40,026 – 32 pages

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Friends of nature

Troy Landreville/Langley Advance

Scott Reynolds and Gemma Smith picked up litter around a cherry blossom tree near St. Andrew’s Anglican Church on Saturday morning. They and many others volunteered their time and efforts for the Township of Langley’s second annual Clean Up Langley Day, held in celebration of Earth Day. The event was presented by the Township’s Adopt-A-Program, which encourages residents, schools, organizations, and businesses to clean up litter with supplies, safety information, and garbage removal supplied by the Township.

City and Township

Langley walks 51st time this weekend

Through all of the past 50 years, the emphasis of the Langley Walk has been on community and health.

For half a century, Langley residents have laced up their shoes, gathering their families and friends, and exploring various neighbourhoods during the annual Langley Walk. The tradition continues this year as the 51st event is held on Sunday, May 5, starting in Douglas Park at 20550 Douglas Cres. The Walk, jointly presented by Langley City and Township, gets started at 1:30 p.m., but participants can come down any time after noon to register and enjoy entertainment. A five- and a 10-kilometre route – a large portion of which will be on the Nicomekl Flood Plain trails – will be offered. People can walk, run, bike, rollerblade, or push a stroller. The event is free, and all who finish will receive a commemorative crest. Last year, a significant milestone was celebrated: the 50th annual Langley Walk. The volunteer committee of community members formed to organize the event is spearheading the Walk again this year. “We’re encouraging everyone to join us in this free, non-competitive, highly enjoyable walk that is appropriate for all ages,” said the committee’s Kari Medos. “This year walkers will enjoy the beauty of the Nicomekl Flood Plain, Sendall Gardens, and for those wanting

to complete the 10-K, their own refillable Brydon Lagoon. It’s a water bottles – will really fun and fabulous also receive a free family day, a communsnack, activities, and ity day, and a great entertainment, plus a way to celebrate living chance to win trophies in Langley.” and prizes. Awards “This is an event will be presented to that everyone can get the oldest walker, the involved in,” added most creatively dressed Township community walker, and the elerecreation programmer mentary school, secCamilo Molina. “Not ondary/middle school, Walkers get ready! Langley Walk Committee members only is it a chance organization, and (left to right) Kirsten Charlesworth, Kari Medos, and to explore a different family with the most Langley neighbourwalkers. As well, all Langley City recreation supervisor Tera Edell displayed hood each year, the walkers are eligible to commemorative crests for participants in the 51st Walk is a great way to win draw prizes. annual walk, this year based at Douglas Park. enjoy some fresh air Those who parView with ticipate will also receive a personal and exercise. We want to see everyone walking together for a healthier reward: the gift of healthy living. Langley.” “Along with eating well and not There will be a few changes for this smoking, being physically active is year’s Langley Walk. While particione of the most important things pants were encouraged to pre-register in the people of all ages can do for their health,” past, that is not necessary this time. Walkers said Fraser Health specialist and Langley simply need to come to Douglas Park and Walk Committee member Shefali Raja. “One sign up between noon and 1:30 p.m. of the easiest ways to get physically active is As well, there will be a difference in the by walking; it is free, low-impact, and can be commemorate crests awarded. Over the years, enjoyed alone or with others. Walking is good a number of shapes have been used for the for the body, mind, and the community, too!” collectible patches, but the 2013 Walk marks For more information call 604-533-6068 or a return of the traditional round crest. 604-514-2940 or visit or tol. Participants – who are encouraged to bring ca/events.

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