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Margarita and Edgar Vasquez know cancer will kill him, and while Edgar is no longer able to enjoy the outdoor activities they enjoyed in the past (below), they are hoping they can have a child before his death.
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Battling cancer
Couple seeks help for final dream
A Langley man’s dying wish is to be a father – to hold his baby in his arms. by Heather Colpitts Treeland Realty
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Clayton Lindberg, B.Sc
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Heather Colpitts/Langley Advance
Margarita wasn’t looking for love, but the young man with the pudgy cheeks, originally from El Salvador, treated her with consideration and caring. And Edgar, recovering from the rebuke of a fiancee back in El Salvador, whom he had repeatedly gone back to court, wasn’t expecting to find new love. Meanwhile, Margarita, the young woman with girl next door good looks who was born in Belarus, was making plans to live and work Down Under. But the pair, introduced through mutual friends, fell in love. And so far, in “for better, for worse,” the “for worse” side is dominating life for Edgar and Margarita Vasquez. Edgar, now 32, has been battling terminal stomach cancer for a few years. “We don’t know how long I’m going to last,” he said bluntly. He’s found comfort in his Catholic faith, and believes that God is keeping him alive to fulfill his last wish of having a child. “We want to see him become a father and hold his baby,” Margarita said. Before he began treatment, which included the surgical removal of his stomach, he had his sperm frozen, but the young couple can’t afford the $10,000 needed for the in vitro fertilization procedure. They moved out to a new development in Willoughby last October, where Edgar can watch the birds and rabbits in the greenspace outside their window. Margarita, who has
lived in Canada since childhood, said their the career or the car to be the main point of home is much quieter than where they were my life,” Edgar said. in New Westminister, which helps his health. Some days are better than others, and Edgar They specifically chose a two-bedroom continues chemotherapy every few weeks. condo so there would be space for a nursery. There’s a port in his chest for medication, Their problem now is affording the procedand a stent in his side, due to liver problems. ure before he dies. In addition to traditional Margarita works in a medmedicine, they have a ical office and Edgar, despite team to help with holistic a degree from his homeland, care, such as a naturohas for about seven years pathic oncologist, palliaworking in a mattress factive care staff, and a nutritory after jobs in various tionist who helps Edgar retail and service industries. get down as much food as They recently renewed possible. their wedding vows in a Without a stomach, eatVasquez family photo Catholic ceremony. They ing is a challenge. His diet Family has rallied around the young couple, is mostly liquids, with few were first married in her mom’s Burnaby living room solids, and probiotics and helping however they can. in early 2010, shortly after enzymes. An active young the diagnosis. man who carried 215 lbs. on his 5’7” frame is “That was two weeks after they told him, now down to 115 lbs. ‘Get your affairs in order,’” Margarita said. One unexpected side effect of his cancer has Edgar even tried to dissuade his bride. been a living lesson on the value of family. “He gave me an out,” she noted. “He said, Family members come out to provide meals, ‘I understand if you want to leave.’” do household tasks, massage Edgar’s frail Stomach aches were the first sign of body, provide nursing care and more. It’s trouble. Unable to get a family doctor, Edgar made them all much closer, and convinced would be seen by any doctor available at a Margarita and Edgar that this is the right walk-in clinic. He saw three different doctors environment in which to bring a child. by the time he was diagnosed, and that delay Relatives have already said that Margarita of a year meant his cancer was late Stage 3. and a child will always have family support His condition has had its ups and downs. after Edgar is gone. Treatment seemed to be working, but then Family and friends have contributed what in 2012, the cancer came back. they can for IVF but the couple is hoping He was been told on a few occasions that there might be people who could help finanhe only had hours to live, or that he would cially. They investigated possible fundraisers, never leave hospital. But he rallies. such as setting up a trust fund to provide tax They are taking life one day at a time, receipts, but it’s not possible. and say the cancer has a way of changing For more information, check out the webpeople’s priorities: “I don’t want this home, site set up by the family,