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Tuesday, June11, 2013
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Hot dog, what a cause!
Troy Landreville/Langley Advance
Marke Peterse (left) and Keith Rogers helped promote, and raise funds for, the upcoming Canadian Cancer Society Cops for Cancer Tour de Valley cycling trip during the Brookswood Village Summerfest on Saturday, June 8. The Tour de Valley 800-kilometre journey from Delta to Boston Bar and back starts Sept. 26 and ends Oct. 4. Funds raised go to childhood cancer research and Camp Goodtimes, a summer camp for children living with cancer. Peterse and Rogers are taking part in the year’s ride and to donate to either of them, email keith. or
Provincial politics
Kathleen Christensen #1 in Enthusiasm
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Clayton Lindberg, B.Sc
Happy Father’s Day!
Helping you is what we do!
MLAs take up key cabinet spots All four MLAs with strong Langley connections are sitting at Victoria’s cabinet table. by Matthew Claxton
Both of Langley’s MLAs, plus two more with Langley connections, will be at the cabinet table in Victoria. Premier Christy Clark announced the new cabinet Friday afternoon in Vancouver. Rich Coleman, longtime MLA for Fort Langley-Aldergrove, is back in his post as deputy premier. He will also be responsible for housing, and is Minister for Natural Gas Development. The promise of jobs and revenues from liquified natural gas from B.C.’s north was one of the Liberals’ main campaign planks. Coleman himself has been a major spokesperson for the project, talking it up as far back as June of last year in a speech to the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce. Coleman was deputy premier before the election, and has
been nicknamed “Minister of Fassbender has been named Minister Everything,” having held posts in of Education. forestry, as solicitor general, and Fassbender had been working has been in charge of housing, internally for the Liberals for some gaming, energy and mines, and time before volunteering to run various other ministries since 2001. against incumbent NDP MLA Jagrup Mary Polak, the MLA Brar in Surrey-Fleetwood. for Langley, has been Given the polls that showed moved from transthe Liberals well behind, it was portation to become thought that he was likely to lose, the Minister of the but not only were the polls wrong, Environment. Fassbender himself eked out a narAmrik Virk One of her major row victory. Surrey-Tynehead responsibilities will be Clark said Fassbender will have developing the five conto achieve long-term labour stability ditions for building heavy with teachers. During the election, oil pipelines in B.C. she was promoting a 10-year conThat issue will be key tract. Mary Polak to local environmentalFassbender has announced that he Langley ists. The Kinder Morgan will be stepping down as mayor of pipeline that runs Langley City. through Langley could He started his political career in be twinned in the near Langley as a school trustee before future, and a review moving on to City council and the by the government will mayor’s chair. Peter Fassbender determine whether the Amrik Virk, the MLA for SurreySurrey-Fleetwood pipeline gets the green Tynehead, is a Surrey resident but light. worked for seven years as one of the Polak has served previously as the second-in-command officers for the Langley Minister for Transportation and has RCMP. headed up the Aboriginal Relations He has been named Minister of Advanced Education, in charge of colleges, universities, ministry. Rich Coleman and other post-secondary institutions. Langley City Mayor Peter Fort Langley-Aldergrove