Langley Advance July 2 2013

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Tuesday, July 2, 2013


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Young members of the Royal Academy of Bhangra Dancers (right) walked down the stairs leading to the Fort Langley National Historic Site’s Big House. Below, the Dogwood Pacesetters Canine Sports Club put on an agility show for the visitors at McLeod Park.



20369 56 Ave., Langley

Troy Landreville/Langley Advance

(Behind the Baseline Pub)

Otibhor Egboigbe, with her infant daughter Elmira in tow, held up her right hand as she and others took the oath of citizenship during Citizenship Court at the Fort Langley National Historic Site on Canada Day Monday. Originally from Nigeria, Egboigbe has lived in Canada for about a decade and resides in Surrey.

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Matthew Claxton/Langley Advance Troy Landreville/Langley Advance

Canada Day



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A birthday bash for Canada

Citizenship Court was a lifechanging experience for 51 people who officially became new Canadians Monday. by Troy Landreville

Fort Langley-Aldergrove MLA Rich Coleman, and Langley Township Mayor Jack Froese. Minor, who took the citizenship oath himself in 1976, told the Citizenship Court participants that the ceremony represents a good opportunity to reflect on what Canadian citizenship

The recent heat wave that has sizzled Langley residents socked in on Canada Day Monday at the Fort Langley National Historic Site, which attracted Canadians of all ages to the place known as the Birthplace of B.C. One of the highlights of the Fort’s Canada Day celebration was Citizenship Court, in which 51 people of different ages and ethnic backgrounds were sworn in as new Canadians. Citizenship Court began with Kwantlen First Nation elder Lekeyten drumming in a procession of dignitaries into a tent where the ceremony was held. The elder was followed by a Mountie in red serge, presiding judge Dane Minor, Langley MP Mark Warawa, outgoing Langley City Mayor (and elected SurreyFleetwood MLA and B.C. Minister of Education) Peter Fassbender,

Troy Landreville/Langley Advance

A Mountie in Red Serge watched over Citizenship Court proceedings.

means. “It isn’t just a certificate, it isn’t just a passport,” he told them. “Citizenship means much more than that. We enjoy rights and freedoms unknown in many countries in the world. The right to live and work in any part of the country we choose; the freedom to practise our own religion; and the freedom to express our own ideas and opinions without fear of retribution.” Among the new Canadians being sworn in was Dermot Connolly, who was born in Galway, Ireland. He and his family have lived in Langley since 2007. Connolly moved to Canada to be with his wife Karm. The couple has two young children, Rian and Asher. “It took me five years to do this, and it means a lot,” Connolly said, moments before officially becoming a Canadian. “I came here for my wife, and we have two great kids. It’s really important for me to be here and be in the ceremony. The fact we’re doing it on July 1 and in Fort Langley is extra special. It means an awful lot.” Connolly said the way of life in Canada is very similar to life

back home in Ireland. “People are very friendly, a lot more laid back, and the climate is a lot better, too,” he said. “Nobody goes to Ireland for the climate – it rains a lot there. There are very friendly people and I just love being here.” A diverse group of entertainers performed inside the Fort walls including the Royal Academy of Bhangra Dancers, Kwantlen Drummers Procession, the White Spot Pipe Band and Highland Dancers, and the choir Les Échos du Pacifique, and the Compaigni V’Ni Dansi Louis Riel Metis Dancers. At noon, birthday cake was cut up and passed out to visitors and there was a flag-raising ceremony. The Fort Langley Lions Club cooked up pancakes and sausages to kick off the festivities. At McLeod Athletic Park, a massive Canada Day bash drew hundreds of families with young children. Midway events, including a climbing wall, a dozen varieties of bouncy castle and slide, mini-golf, pony rides, and dog agility displays, along with live music, provided entertainment into the evening. Fireworks were scheduled for after dark.

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