Langley Advance April 22 2014

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

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Audited circulation: 40,026 – 28 pages

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Time of reflection


James Weiler raised his hands to the sky while singing Hosanna during the Stations of the Cross outdoor service in Fort Langley this past Friday, April 18. The annual Good Friday walk started at the Fort Langley Community Hall.


20369 56 Ave., Langley (Behind the Baseline Pub)



Troy Landreville/Langley Advance


Sewer upgrade will close 200th Street The area along 200th Street from 53rd to 57th Avenues will be a traffic nightmare starting this summer. SHOP ONLINE

by Heather Colpitts


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Metro Vancouver is replacing a section of sewer, and 200th Street from 53rd Avenue to Fraser Highway will be off limits for up to a year starting this summer. The Carvolth Trunk Sewer No. 2 project is slated to start in the summer and take eight to 12 months as Metro Vancouver and Langley City do work on the stretch of 200th Street, meaning major traffic headaches. “We’re hoping that people will start to make plans,” said North Vancouver Mayor Darrell Mussatto, chair of the Metro Van Utilities Committee, about the need to detour for several months. The joint project is worth almost $10 million, including $2.1 million for planning and engineering, $5 million for construction of Metro Vancouver’s work, and $1.8 million for the City portion. The infrastructure upgrade project involves building a new sanitary sewer pipe from Fraser Highway near 201st Street, across

Heather Colpitts/Langley Advance

Traffic will be rerouted off 200th Street starting this summer for sewer and watermain work. 57A Avenue and down 200th Street to Michaud Crescent where the line heads southwest to 53rd Avenue. The project involves installing 1.4 kilometres of PVC pipe ranging from 900 millimetres to 1.2 metres as well as concrete sewer pipe. The current pipe is 36 inch PVC. “The line that’s currently there was built in the ’70s,” Mussatto said. “It’s approaching its capacity.” A second larger line will parallel the existing sewer line which will remain in service. And since the area will be torn up, Langley City will do some upgrades of some of its underground servicing in the area from

200th Street to 57A Avenue, including the installation of two new water mains, a new storm sewer and a sanitary sewer. That work will be followed by repaving of 200th Street in the work area. “Metro Vancouver currently does not have plans for any additional construction work beyond the ends of this sewer,” Mussatto said. “The Township of Langley has just completed construction of a forcemain at the north end and at the south end we will be connecting to the newly constructed Nicomekl Trunk Sewer.” It all adds up to major traffic disruptions on a key arterial roadway for eight to 12 months.

There will be lane closures and flaggers. Metro Vancouver said that to reduce the disruption, the closures will be one block at a time but the intersections along 200th Street will be impacted. Metro Van held a public session in December 2013 about the project where affected residents had a chance to make comments or ask questions. Metro Vancouver, which oversees water and sewer for most of the Lower Mainland, has provided residents in the area with information and contact numbers if they have questions or concerns during the project. The work is supposed to provide enough City and Township capacity for the next five decades. A secondary treatment plant in Walnut Grove near the Fraser River treats some of North Langley’s wastewater. The sewer in the 200th Street area eventually connects to the South Surrey Interceptor system and the sewage is treated at Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment Plant. That plant is in the early stages of a $500 million upgrade. By the time the work starts this summer, the 196th Street overpass is supposed to be open in May, depending on weather, so it and streets around 200th will have to carry the extra traffic during construction.

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