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Tuesday, May 20, 2014
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Marc Anthony Academy of Cosmetology instructor Judie Falcsik visited with make-over recipient Pat Tapper Wednesday afternoon, May 14. Tapper’s home, meanwhile, was also undergoing a makeover, as an AOK Extreme Home Repair project.
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Makeover for homeowner, home
Pat Tapper received a full make-over at Marc Anthony Academy of Cosmetology on May 14. by Troy Landreville
Up until Wednesday, May 14, a make-over was new concept to Pat Tapper. But thanks to the generosity of realtor Diane Sparks-Cassidy, Prudential Power Play Realty, and Lonnie Morgan, manager of Marc Anthony Academy of Cosmetology, the single grandmother received a royal treatment. “It’s different,” she said, adding with a laugh, “It’s hard to be humble!” While Pat received some pampering, her home in Aldergrove was undergoing a similar treatment through the Act of Kindness (AOK) Extreme Home Repair project. Each year, volunteers transform the home of a local person or family facing difficult circumstances related to their housing and resources. This marks the 11th year that the Aldergrove Seventh-day Adventist Church has been refurbishing and restoring the homes of well-deserved recipients. This year’s recipient is Pat, who through the years has struggled with a number of health issues and limited funds. These factors have hampered her ability to maintain her house, which she moved into in 1981, when it was a year old. Despite this, she has managed to raise her grandson Chase since he was an infant. Pat has also provided shelter, when needed, for her teenaged granddaughter Crystal.
Pat Tapper (right), after her make-over courtesy of Marc Anthony Academy of Cosmetology. At 5 p.m. on Victoria Day Monday, May 19, Pat and Chase will have seen their newly refurbished home for the first time in 18 days. Pat and Chase have been staying about two blocks away from their house since May 2, and Pat said it “feels like a long while.” Pat promised she wouldn’t look at the home, in person or online, while it’s being renovated, and she’s kept her word. “I’m anxious, a little nervous,” she said, about the reveal. Pat said she is “more than thankful” for the generosity of the Aldergrove Seventh-day Adventist Church and sponsors, and for the efforts of all the volunteers. As of May 15, the AOK team’s wish list has dwindled.
Still needed are: • A new, small, white counter microwave; • a small garden shed; and • cash donations to cover sod, a couch, and kitchen appliances. Donors can receive tax-deductible receipts for amounts donated. Call the Aldergrove Seventh-day Adventist Church at 604-8565830 to donate. Volunteers have done a mountain of work already, and while there’s still plenty to do, a tour of the premises on Thursday revealed a vastly changed interior for the Aldergrove split-level. The team has been working tirelessly over the last two weeks, culminating in a reveal on May 19, Victoria Day. Things have been going well for the team as they approached the last few days, said Tim Gertz, one of the organizing volunteers. When asked if they will be finished everything on time, Gertz was upbeat. “Of course!” he said. “We’ve got the Big Guy on our side.” Volunteers have consistently turned up as they were needed for specific tasks to happen in the right order, he said, sometimes by planning, and other times by chance. On Thursday, an enormous amount of work was being done both inside and outside. As for the personal make-over, this is the fourth year that Sparks-Cassidy has funded this treatment for a recipient of the annual AOK Extreme Home Repair project. The makeover included a massage, pedicure, manicure, and make-up. “When I first found out about AOK I thought, ‘Hey, the house gets a makeover, why doesn’t the owner get a makeover?’” Sparks-Cassidy explained.