Langley Advance July 8 2014

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They survived by chance pg A3, A6

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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

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Beauty butterfly


Aliia Fearnley, six, admired one of the butterflies that was set free Saturday afternoon at Krause Berry Farms & Estate Winery. For a $20 donation per butterfly, visitors released the monarchs, with proceeds going to the Langley Hospice Society and Langley Lodge. More than $5,000 was raised at this year’s release, with money going towards therapeutic recreation programming at Langley Lodge to provide residents ongoing positive activity, and to assist the Langley Hospice Society in expanding palliative care and grief support programs free of charge within the community. See story at



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RCMP hangs up on dial-a-dope ring 604-530-4141

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Four people have been arrested and a new dial-adope operation broken up, Langley RCMP say.

for the Langley RCMP. A dial-a-dope operation works like a delivery service, taking orders over a phone line and meeting customers to deliver drugs. Police say the volume of calls coming in to this ring was so by Matthew Claxton high that a second line was lished for Langley City. The drugs were Langley RCMP say allegedly kept in rented they have busted a “stash houses” around busy dial-a-dope ring the Lower Mainland. that was selling drugs There the group would throughout Langley for cook crack cocaine, more than a year. package the drugs, Police seized almost and count and process 600 grams of crack, money, police allege. almost 100 grams of The group allegedly powder cocaine, and moved to five differ230 grams of heroin, ent stash houses over Holly Marks along with more than the course of one year, $8,000 in cash and RCMP corporal Marks said. four vehicles. The total Over almost a year, value of drugs and cash is estiLangley RCMP Drug Section offimated at more than $140,000. cers were monitoring the group, Four people were arrested for a and trying to determine which number of drug-related offences, members were managers and and two have been held pending bosses in the group. a bail hearing later this month. On June 26, four people were The organized crime ring was arrested: Mikhail Marinov, a 30allegedly selling crack cocaine, year-old Burnaby resident, Ruslan powder cocaine, and heroin, said Makhmudov, 28, a possible Cpl. Holly Marks, spokesperson Richmond resident, and Tyson

Tull, 29, and Ashley Smits, 20, completely committed to ensurboth of Langley. ing those responsible are held Marinov and Makhmudov accountable.” have both been charged with Insp. Murray Power, the one count each of instructing an Langley RCMP Operations offence: to traffic in cocaine and Support Officer, called the effort a heroin, and with conspiracy to success in the fight against organtraffic in cocaine and heroin. ized crime. Tull and Smits are each charged “The goal is to continually tarwith trafficking and conspiracy, get groups before they become and Tull faces two serious public counts of possessafety issues,” “We are committed sion of cocaine Power said. to targeting those for the purpose of Despite their trafficking, while relatively high responsible for Smits is charged profile, dial-a-dope running these with possession of operations crop both cocaine and up fairly reguoperations heroin for the purin the Lower – the ‘bosses’ and the larly pose of trafficking. Mainland. The ‘managers’.” Marinov and murders of Laura Makhmudov are Lynn Lamoureux Sgt. Jason Wilde both being held in and Marc Bontkes custody and have in 2009 were a bail hearing scheduled for July linked to members of a dial10 in Surrey Provincial Court. a-dope operation, and in 2008 Tull and Smits have already police busted a ring with two been released on bail and are due higher-level members and about back in court on July 22. 10 street dealers. “We are committed to targetA Langley man was also the ing those responsible for runleader of a group dubbed Dark ning these operations – the Alley, which was so blatant it ‘bosses’ and ‘managers’,” said handed out business cards with Sgt. Jason Wilde of the Langley its number. The Dark Alley group Drug Section. “Langley RCMP is was busted in 2004.

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