LangleyAdvance Your community newspaper since 1931
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 Breaking news, sports, and entertainment:
Audited circulation: 40,026 – 28 pages
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Annual fundraiser
Sun shines on Cruise-In Phil Weicker relaxed in a 1969 Car Pool De Ville, a Cadillac that was converted into a mobile hot tub. The unique car was on display Saturday at the Langley Good Times Cruise-in.
Troy Landreville/Langley Advance
(Behind the Baseline Pub)
Looking for a
Slice of Pizza? Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday: 11am - 10pm Friday: 11am - 11pm Saturday: 4pm - 11pm Sunday & Holidays: 4pm - 10pm Call 30 mins before closing time. 1120555 56TH AVE., LANGLEY • 604-534-4545 3-2582 MT LEHMAN ROAD, ABBOTSFORD • 604-776-3333
20369 56 Ave., Langley
Langley City was the place to be for car, truck, and hot rod enthusiasts this weekend.
Langley Boys & Girls Club, Douglas Park Elementary Association, and the Legacy Water Search and Recovery Society. There were 1,100 official entries in the show and shine, which by Troy Landreville had roughly 120 volunteers helping out during the weekend, said and Matthew Claxton Cruise-In president Eric Taylor. “We feel it was a very successful show,” Taylor said. “We had There’s something about the Langley Good Times Cruise-In that fewer vendors and sponsors than in the past, but we had brings out the best in Mother really good ones show up, View Nature. which really helped us The 17th edition of Western Video & out. Some of the things Photos Canada’s best attended charwith we did went better than ity event was held under a ever. Our souvenir prodome of blue sky. gram was fantastic this The sun warmed the annual year.” celebration of classic cars, The feedback he trucks, souped up motorreceived was “overwhelmcycles, and hot rods to above ingly positive,” Taylor normal values for this time of Layar or said. the year. online “It has been glowing, Along with tens of thoupositive, and the City [of sands of visitors who filled Langley] was very happy with the streets that were closed to traffic, way it went,” he added. there was a sensory explosion of music, food, and motorized entries of all shapes and sizes. The night before the Cruise-In, All proceeds from the Cruisedrivers of classic cars, hot rods, In go back into the community, and custom vehicles began gatherbenefiting the show and shine’s ing for an unofficial car show. charities including the Langley Most of the cars gathered at the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, parking lot of the Tim Hortons Langley Community Support and ICBC offices on Logan Avenue Groups, Valley Therapeutic and 203rd Street. Equestrian Association, PuCKS,
Friday night fun
Troy Landreville/Langley Advance
Tens of thousands of visitors, owners of classic cars and trucks and hot rods, volunteers, and entertainers filled the streets of downtown Langley on Saturday, to take in the sights and sounds of the Langley Good Times Cruise-in. Around the downtown area, people put out lawn chairs on the sidewalk as the cars headed out to cruise up and down Fraser Highway, 200th Street, Logan and Industrial Avenues, and 203rd Street.
“The RCMP was ecstatic about how things went Friday night,” Taylor said. “They were very pleased with the conduct of the guys who were cruising, and there were a lot of people cruising up and down Fraser Highway.”
604-532-9445 5957 - 206A St., Langley
Sweet swap
Heather Colpitts/Langley Advance
The Langley Good Times Cruise-In Swap Meet and Car Corral attracted about 5,000 people, 120 vendors and 80 vehicles for sale. Among the crowd was Randy Zach who brought his hot rod, a 1930 Model A Roadster, to Saturday’s event and travelled around Sunday on his Cruzin Cooler, a battery operated motorized cooler that can go up to 20 km/hr. “It fits in the trunk of my hot rod which is ideal,” Zach said.