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7 Out of 10 People Live Paycheck to Paycheck, How to Get Out of Debt?
Many economists look at the state of the economy with cautious optimism. Certain macroeconomic indicators such as unemployment or inflation have improved in 2023. The problem lies in the microeconomic indicators, with a decrease in consumer savings and an increase in credit card debt.
According to a recent study, in cities, seven out of ten people live paycheck to paycheck. Can we put a stop to this mounting indebtedness?
Paycheck to paycheck
Although inflation has decreased, the prices of certain products remain high. This, combined with low wages, makes it more difficult to cover monthly expenses such as rent and basic utilities. Many families are using their savings to make ends meet.
By May of this year, 69% of consumers in urban areas were living paycheck to paycheck, which is 25% more than their suburban counterparts, of whom 55% live this way, according to a new report by LendingClub.
The alluring credit cards
Carrying cash is becoming less common, and obtaining a credit card is relatively straightforward, which is convenient for consumers, but it comes at a price.
In an attempt to curb inflation at the macroeconomic level, the Federal Reserve (FED) has raised benchmark interest rates, which makes money more expensive, i.e., loan and credit card rates increase.
By July, the average credit card interest rate was 22.5% for new customers and 20.7% for existing accounts, according to WalletHub. These are extremely high rates, and they can multiply if the customer falls behind on payments. Last year, these figures were 18.9% and 14.6%, respectively.
Alvaro Gurdián
Hilda H. Gurdián
Vice Presidente
Alvaro Gurdián Jr.
Editor Diego Barahona A. dbarahona@lanoticia.com
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What’s the problem? Many households, in order to maintain their lifestyle, have resorted to depleting their savings or increasing their credit card debt, leaving them in a vulnerable economic situation. Living paycheck to paycheck puts families at risk of bankruptcy if an unexpected event occurs.
The idea of continuing to spend as usual and paying “later” is tempting but dangerous for a family’s financial health.
How much do you know about saving, investing, and finance? A problem associated with excessive or unnecessary spending is the lack of a family budget. Having a clear understanding of available funds and spending limits is crucial, but why do many households neglect to create a budget? Perhaps the key lies in our limited financial education.
According to the 2021 Financial Education Survey by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, almost half (44%) of adults in the country rated their personal finance knowledge as poor, a 5% increase compared to the results of the same survey in 2009.
What to do?
There are many websites on the internet where we can learn about personal finance for free, one of them being www.mymoney. gov/es, which provides valuable information in English and Spanish.
Organize your debts, know how much interest you are being charged, and with this information, create a plan to pay off highinterest debts as soon as possible.
Let’s resist the temptation to use credit cards excessively or make purchases that we cannot afford in a single payment. Proper financial education is essential to avoid being caught in an unforgiving financial system, which often prioritizes profits over people.
Director de Informática
Alvaro Gurdián Jr.
Alejandrina Rosales
Director de Circulación
Alvaro Gurdián
Leopoldo Rodríguez
La Noticia
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Jeralí Giménez
La reintroducción de un proyecto de ley ante el Senado, es una puerta que ayudaría a que miles de inmigrantes indocumentados, con mucho tiempo viviendo en el país, por fin obtengan una residencia permanente.
El viernes 28 de julio, el Senador Alex Padilla (D-CA) le dio vida nuevamente al proyecto conocido como “Renovación de las Disposiciones de Inmigración de la Ley de Inmigración de 1929” o S-2606.
Se trata de una propuesta de renovación de las disposiciones que arropan a los inmigrantes que han estado contribuyendo al país, al brindarles la oportunidad de obtener una tarjeta verde y emprender el camino hacia la ciudadanía.
En colaboración con otros senadores, como Dick Durbin, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker y Ben Ray Luján, Padilla busca ac- tualizar las antiguas leyes de registro de inmigrantes.
¿En qué consiste el proyecto de ley?
El proyecto de ley S-2606 tiene como objetivo actualizar el proceso de ajuste de estatus establecido por la Ley de Inmigración y Nacionalidad (INA), que se conoce como registro. Esta disposición, implementada el 2 de marzo de 1929, ha sido clave en el camino hacia la residencia permanente para inmigrantes en Estados Unidos, pero ya se considera obsoleta.
La última actualización importante del registro ocurrió en 1986 con la Ley de Control y Reforma de la Inmigración (IRCA), que estableció el 1ro de enero de 1972 como la fecha límite para la elegibilidad. Esto significa que han pasado más de 37 años desde la última modificación significativa de esta disposición crucial de inmigración.
El Proyecto de Ley S.2606 propone la actualización de la fecha límite de registro, lo que permitiría a más inmigrantes indocumentados que han estado viviendo, trabajando y contribuyendo al país durante décadas, solicitar el estatus de residente permanente.