Dear Valued Passengers, Welcome onboard and thank you for choosing Lao Skyway. From all of us at Lao Skyway, we want to wish you a happy and safe 2022.
We are deeply committed to our high standard of service and take pride that we fy to more routes in Laos than any other airline. Lao Skyway works tirelessly to ensure that all of our fights are safe, comfortable, and hygienic for every passenger.
Please download the Lao Skyway mobile app and try our customer service hotline at 1441 for all of your future reservations. We also have many sales offces throughout the country ready to make your journey a reality.
With the highest respect and warm regards,
Col. Siviengthong Konnyvong President & CEO of Lao SkywayCOVER IMAGE
Mosaic Dancers at Wat Xieng Thong by Anita Preston / Evensong Film
Siviengthong Konnyvong
Chief Executive Offcer
Bouachanh Sounnalath Administration Director
Panthavy Sisongkham Commercial Director
Onta Phompanya
Lao Skyway Industry Director
Khamla Phomsichanh
Lao Skyway Director
Head offce: Asean Road, Ban Akard, Sikhottabong District, Vientiane Capital, Lao P.D.R, P.O Box 6618
(856)21 512 027
(856)21 513 022 info@laoskyway.com, service@laoskyway.com
Welcome to the latest issue of Lao Sky, the infight magazine of Lao Skyway. This is the beginning of a new year and a great time to explore Laos.
In this issue, get a deeper look at some of the ancient temples of Luang Prabang and see why this city really is timeless.
Want some fresh air? Go camping in some of our recommended spots around the country.
Take a ride around the Khammouan Loop and get a real feel for the diversity of things to do on such a convenient routing.
Thanks for being aboard, The Lao Sky team
Note: In light of the current Covid-19 situation throughout the world, please be aware that certain activities, festivals, sites, businesses, and events mentioned in this magazine may not be open and operating as planned. Do exercise good judgment, maintain safety precautions, and follow the directions of Lao authorities at all times.
Group Editor-in-Chief Editor
Creative Director
Contributing Writers
Jason Rolan
Muanghai Saechao
Thanouphet Maniseng
Contributing Photographers
Sales & Marketing Manager RDK GROUP
Anita Preston Phoonsab Thevongsa
Anita Preston Evensong Film
Prae Phongpipatkul
(856-20) 95646578
134 Samsenthai Road, Xiengyeun Village, Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital, Laos (856-20) 55731717 | info@rdkgroup.la
Images Phoonsab Thevongsa
Enjoy the beautiful starry skies over Nakai in Khammouane Province.
Laos is blessed with a diverse range of natural locations from unique rivers to placid lakes to soaring mountains, and verdant plains. Try getting the most of your exploration in these beautiful landscapes with a tent!
Imagine going to sleep under an amazing tapestry of stars and then waking up to a cool foggy morning, perfect for a homemade cup of coffee. Explore and get closer to this wonderful land through our curated list of excellent camping spots.
Enjoy sunsets while camping with friends in Paksong, Champasak Province.
Known for its bald grassy mountains, Phou Houa Xang in Xaysomboun Province is a photographer's delight.
Brew a delicious cup of your own coffee with a million dollar view at Phou Khao Khouay National Park in Vientiane Province.
Rugged mountains make a fantastic campsite backdrop at Phou Ya Kha in Oudomxay Province.
Images Phoonsab Thevongsa
The Khammouan Loop is one of Laos' most gorgeous routes, complete with stunning mountains, fantastic caverns, lovely swimming areas, and intriguing cultural sites to explore. A drive around the loop by motorbike or car is a fantastic way to explore the area's history and natural beauty.
Set among spectacular limestone karsts, this adventure complex features an easy zipline, spider net bridge, and via ferrata course. To appreciate the vista, there is also a breezy new branch of the famed Khop Chai Deu restaurant, as well as cozy accommodation.
This lovely hotel, nestled in a gorgeous bend of the Nam Hinboun River, has its own protected lagoon to explore and is a beautiful location to unwind for a few days while you explore Konglor Cave.
Konglor Cave is a 7.5-kilometer cave formed by the Hinboun River. It is one of the most popular caverns in Laos. Travel through the tunnel by boat to see beautiful cave formations and explore villages on the other side that rely on it for access to the outside world.
Thalang, on the banks of the Nakai reservoir, is an excellent starting place for exploring Laos' natural landscapes and seeing some of the country's most elusive animals. Camping, kayaking, and guesthouses are all available to assist you in discovering this undiscovered part of Laos.
A steep metal staircase and walkway leads to the rugged limestone summit and a spectacular view over the Nakai Plateau.
Located near the Vietnamese border, Khoun Xe is one of the most remote caverns. In the rainy season, the road there is nearly impassable. Kayaks can be used to explore the cave and visit some massive chambers.
With so many limestone mountains, there are also many caves. Tham Xang (Elephant Cave) is the cave closest to Thakhek, with a formation that looks like an elephant’s head. For locals, this cave is also a popular shrine.
Shifts in the earth's crust created this geological anomaly, but locals believed it was erected by giants in ancient times. The wall appears strong enough to keep intruders out. The area is even used as an outdoor chapel by local Christians.
Rainwater is absorbed and fltered by the limestone mountains of the Phou Hin Boun National Protected Area, which then springs up in clear blue lagoons nearby. Khoun Kong Leng is a stunning example of this phenomenon, with the innermost area unavailable to outsiders since locals regard it as a sacred area.
This holiest temple and the center of the former Sikhottabong kingdom, has long been a destination of religious worship and has undergone various renovations over the years. During the full moon in February, the stupa hosts the province's largest festival as worshippers gather to pay respects to the bones of the Buddha contained inside.
a b o gn
The Khammouan Loop is located in Khammouan Province, about 4-5 hours drive south of Vientiane. Learn about other sites and plan your journey at laosloop.info.
Words and Images foodpanda
On January 5th, 2022, foodpanda Laos introduced a fresh face for the brand - Pau-Pau, joining the celebration of foodpanda’s 10th anniversary as the pioneering food and grocery delivery platform in Asia. A fun-loving and free-spirited panda that is the frst of its kind brand ambassador, championing empowerment and sustainability across the region, bringing a fresh and vibrant user experience to the platform. foodpanda has launched “Pandaverse” as a grand campaign to welcome 2022 by having Pau-Pau to travel all over the country, spreading the panda love to customers and to become one of Laos number one food and beverage delivery brands that is convenient, trusted and enjoyed by customers nationwide.
The introduction of “Pau-Pau”, our latest Brand Ambassador, is to shake the food and beverage delivery industry in
Laos and the Asia-Pacifc region. "PauPau" is a happy panda with a loving, bright and friendly personality, who loves food and is an expert in choosing and recommending the best local dishes to his best friends.
3 fun facts about Pau-Pau. He’s (Likeable) and wants to be friends with everyone, Pau-Pau wants everyone to enjoy and have fun with their own way of living. He’s (Easy going), comfortable with any lifestyle and an environment lover. He’s (Witty & Mischievous) his pocket is flled with his coolness and ready to entertain everyone.
Although Pau-Pau speaks "Pandanese" as his main language, he is able to say some of his favorite words such as Pizzaaaa…, Pastaaaa…, Bubble teaaa…, and Shampoooo…..
Everyone can also follow Pau-Pau’s movement on foodpanda application and on their social media platforms. Pau-Pau fans can enjoy his stickers on the LINE app and virtually engage with Pau-Pau AR flter on Instagram. Lastly, enjoy Pau-Pau’s cute series that gives us a glimpse of panda’s paradise, www.facebook.com/foodpanda.la/ posts/641309460628896 and follow for upcoming episodes on foodpanda Lao.
Mr. Alounsone Vixay
PR & Infuencer executive
Email: alounsone.vixay@foodpanda.la
Mobile: +85620 2248 9494
foodpanda is a leading delivery platform in Asia dedicated to bringing consumers a wide range of food, groceries and more, quickly and conveniently. Powered by technology and operational excellence, foodpanda is spearheading the growth of quick-commerce (q-commerce) across the region with its network of retail partners, as well as pandamart cloud stores to provide more on-demand options beyond the millions of food delivery options. foodpanda operates in more than 400 cities across 12 markets in Asia - Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan, Taiwan, Philippines, Bangladesh, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Japan. foodpanda is a subsidiary of Delivery Hero, a global leader of the food delivery industry. For more information, visit www.foodpanda.com
Words Anita Preston
Images Anita Preston / Evensong Film
One of the most frequent and appealing sights in Luang Prabang has to be the many orange-clad monks wandering the quaint streets and alleyways adding to its charm and providing material for some beautiful ethereal photographs. The temples themselves are gems of architecture and something totally unique to Laos. Typically constructed in wood and plaster and decorated with elements from Buddhist mythology, elegant gently draping roofs, and subtle decorations, they are much less gaudy than their Thai counterparts. Temple architecture refects their historical and spiritual signifcance in the social hierarchy.
Common elements are the curved rooftop representing an unfolding lotus, gold stenciling on a red or black background, sumptuously decorated doors, and dragon-shaped roof fnials to catch evil spirits. There are at least 35 temples in town, with 18 in the historic peninsula alone. Before phones and clocks, people followed the beat of the temple drum
subtly announcing when it was time to wake up, to gather, and to eat. The basics of temple compounds including a hall, a drum tower, monks living quarters, and stupa were laid out by the 16th-century kings of Laos, Visounarat, Photisarath, and Setthatirat who all embarked on constructing new temples in the Lane Xang kingdom’s northern capital.
Wat Xieng Thong is a classic example of Luang Prabang-style temple architecture and the symbol of Luang Prabang tourism. Constructed in 1560 with a foor draping gently curved roof and golden accents, it is the most photographed spot in Luang Prabang. A showstopper of the temple is the colored mosaic tiles on the back wall depicting the tree of life on a red background, making a striking display. Within the temple are small chapel halls housing statues and covered in mosaics charting the legend of local mythical hero Sieo Savat completed in 1960. It is the most popular venue for wedding photos and if you want to join the locals you can take a selfe from one of the chapel windows.
Wat Senesoukharam is probably the second most photographed temple in Luang Prabang due to its location on the almsgiving route. At sunrise, the street outside is lined with locals and tourists offering alms to a seemingly endless fow of monks and novices, which also makes for some striking images, and it’s a stone’s throw to several other charming temples. This temple is especially evocative at twilight when the chanting and tinkling bells of the evening
sermon can be heard outside. The impressive red 5-tiered roof located on the main street marks the site of Wat Mai. Erected in 1821 to replace an earlier 18th-century version and former home to the Sangharat, the supreme patriarch of Lao Buddhism, this temple is an important participant in new year celebrations. The temple doors are particularly breathtaking, gilded, and richly embellished, they contain scenes from the Jakata Tales and Buddhist mythology.
Above: Wat Sene was rebuilt in the Luang Prabang style in the mid-1900s.
Right: Novices whitewash the large Watermelon Stupa at Wat Visoun.
Originally built by King Visounarat in 1513, Wat Visoun is subtle on the outside yet contains probably the best collection of Buddhist artifacts in town including imposing lines of 17th and 18th-century statues salvaged from other temples. The altar contains a massive gilded Buddha. The precious Prabang statue was housed here for a few centuries adding to the temple’s importance. On the temple grounds sits the Mak
Mo, or watermelon, stupa surrounded by large palm trees and a visual icon of the town.
Wherever you wander in Luang Prabang, chances are you will be within a few steps of a small yet charming temple. Go inside, look around, and enjoy the ambiance. There aren’t many places like this left in Asia nowadays. It is easy to see how the city rightly deserves the slogan “Luang Prabang Timeless“.
Tel: 071 260 777
Facebook: Softel
Luang Prabang
Tel: 030 990 4780
Facebook: Asia One Resort Supply
Tel: 071 255 588
Facebook: Maison Dalabua
Tel: 071 252 247
Facebook: Gaspard
Ock Pop Tok
Tel: 020 5498 3939
Facebook: Ock Pop Tok
Tel: 071 260 733
Facebook: The Belle Rive Hotel
Luang Prabang
Souphattra Hotel
Tel: 071 211 222
Facebook: Souphattra Hotel
Luang Prabang
View Hotel
Tel: 071 260 560
Facebook: Luang Prabang
View Hotel
Victoria Xiengthong Palace
Tel: 020 5927 9997
Facebook: Victoria
Xiengthong Palace
Maison Souvannaphoum
Hotel by Angsana
Tel: 071 254 609
Facebook: Maison Souvannaphoum
Hotel by Angsana
Le Bistro Ban Vat Sene
Tel: 071 212 517
Facebook: Le Bistro Ban Vat Sene
525 Cocktails & Tapas
Tel: 020 5666 5046
Facebook: 525 Cocktails & Tapas
Luang Prabang Hotel
Tel: 020 5286 9826
Facebook: Sanctuary
Luang Prabang Hotel
Laos Buffalo Dairy
Tel: 030 969 0487
Facebook: Laos Buffalo Dairy
Le Calao Restaurant
Tel: 071 212 100
Facebook: Le Calao Restaurant
Luang Prabang View Hotel Victoria Xiengthong Palace The Belle Rive Terrace Restaurant Le Bistro Ban Vat Sene Maison Souvannaphoum Hotel by Angsana Souphattra Hotel1 Sanctuary
Le Grand Pakbeng
Tel: 020 5550 6791
Facebook: Le Grand Pakbeng
Pakbeng Lodge
Tel: 081 212 304
Facebook: Sanctuary Pakbeng Lodge
Mekong Elephant Park
Tel: 020 5532 0069
Facebook: Mekong Elephant Park
Oudomxay Car Rental and Guide Service
Tel: 020 9247 8700
Facebook: Oudomxay
Charming Lao Hotel
Tel: 020 2396 8111
Facebook: Charming Lao Hotel
Namkat Yorla Pa Resort
Tel: 020 5556 4359
Facebook: Nam Kat Yorla Pa
7 Harlem
Bermar Restaurant
Tel: 020 9944 6111
Facebook: Bermar Restaurant
Bar & Restaurant
Tel: 020 2284 4222
Facebook: Harlem
Bar & Restaurant
9 11
Pink Cafe
Tel: 020 5477 3888
Facebook: Pink Cafe
Mittaphap Club
Tel: 020 5852 0046
Facebook: Mittaphap Club
Cafe & Restaurant
Tel: 020 2262 6261
Facebook: Puipui cafe&restaurant
Gold Home Restaurant
Tel: 030 222 2369
Gold Home Restaurant
13 14
Tel: 081 312 200
Facebook: SL Cafe Station
SL Cafe Station Amphon Hotel
Tel: 020 5535 5353
Facebook: Amphon Hotel ໂຮງແຮມອຳພົນ
Green Restaurant
Tel: 020 9999 9225
Facebook: Green Restaurant
The Boat Landing
Guest House
Tel: 020 5878 3777
Facebook: The Boat Landing
Guest House
Pou Villa
Tel: 020 2929 2626
Facebook: Pou Villa
Zuela Guesthouse and Restaurant
Tel: 020 9182 3489
Facebook: Zuela Gueshouse and Restaurant
Thoulasith Guesthouse
Louang Namtha Laos
Tel: 086 212 166
Facebook: Thoulasith
Guesthouse Louang Namtha
Luang Namtha Trek
Tel: 020 2881 9198
Facebook: Luang Namtha
The Boat Landing GuestHouse Pou Villa Louangnamtha Zuela Guesthouse and RestaurantTel: 020 2234 9765
Nam Et-Phou Louey National Park
Tel: 020 2860 0038
Nam Et-Phou Louey National Park
Xayphasouk Hotel & Restaurant
Tel: 064 312 033
Keochinda Hotel
Tel: 020 9966 6999
Sam Neua Hotel
Tel: 020 9933 0346
Tel: 088 212 999
Facebook: Mittaphap Hotel 3 Bounua
Tel: 088 210 999
Facebook: Viphaphone Hotel
Tel: 020 5679 0326
Tel: 020 5577 4354
Facebook: Amazing Lao Travel co.,
Tel: 020 2293 5519
Sa La Gang Kong
Restaurant & Bar
Tel: 031 255 111–8
Facebook: Sa La Gang Kong
Restaurant & Bar
The River Resort
Tel: 031 511 055
Facebook: The River Resort
The Riviera Champasak
Tel: 031 210 022
Facebook: The Riviera Champasak
Pakse Hotel
Tel: 031 212 131
Facebook: Pakse Hotel
Athena Hotel
Tel: 031 214 888
Facebook: Athena Hotel
Cloud 9 Cafe Hostel
Tel: 020 9847 9244
Facebook: Cloud 9 Cafe Hostel
Caffeine Pakse
Tel: 020 5875 5888
Facebook: Caffeine pakse
Lao Go Car Rental
Tel: 020 5563 3777
Facebook: Laogo Carrental
L'Ancient Café
Tel: 020 9526 9666
Facebook: L'Ancient Café
10 12
Paksong Danngarm Hotel
Tel: 031 211 345
Facebook: Paksong Danngarm Hotel
Mystic Mountain Homestay
Tel: 020 9966 1333
Facebook: Mystic Mountain Homestay
LAK 40 - Coffee & tea
Tel: 020 2274 8822
Facebook: LAK 40 - Coffee & tea
13 14 15
La Folie Lodge
Tel: 020 5553 2004
Facebook: La Folie Lodge
Tel: 020 5650 1579
Facebook: Jhaicoffee
Jhai Coffee Wopakok
Hotel & Restaurant
Tel: 020 9718 1269
Facebook: Wopakok Hotel
Tonhom House
Tel: 020 2859 9995
Facebook: Tonhom House
Asa Hot Spring
Resort & Spa
Tel: 030 537 5710
Facebook: Asa Hot Spring
Resort & Spa
JL Yakiniku
Tel: 020 5515 1928
Facebook: JL
Tel: 020 2803 7471
Phouluang Hotel
Tel: 020 5545 3854
Facebook: Phouluang Hotel
Tel: 020 2344 3333
Ton Paek Pub & Restaurant
Tel: 020 9983 3312
Maly Hotel
Xieng Khouang
Tel: 061 312 031
Facebook: Maly Hotel
Xieng khouang
9 11
10 12
Vansana Plain of Jars Hotel
Tel: 061 312 170
Facebook: Vansana Plain of Jars Hotel
Bungalow & Restaurant
Yod Nam Mut
Tel: 020 9527 3816
Facebook: Bungalow & Restaurant
Yod Nam Mut
Hotel - Auberge de la Plaine des Jarres
Tel: 020 2353 3333
Facebook: Phouphadeng
Hotel - Auberge de la Plaine des Jarres
Cranky-T Café and Bar
Tel: 030 538 8003
Facebook: Cranky-T Café and Bar
13 14 15
Tel: 020 2859 0001
Facebook: Jennida Guesthouse
Jennida Guesthouse Xiengloei Cafe
Tel: 020 2855 5512
Facebook: Xiengloei Cafe -
Sipanya Guesthouse
Tel: 020 2993 1354
Facebook: Sipanya Guesthouse
Crowne Plaza
Tel: 021 908 888
Facebook: Crowne Plaza
Laotel Vientiane
Tel: 021 213 570
Facebook: Laotel Vientiane
Le Thatluang
D’or Boutique Hotel
Tel: 021 417 959
Facebook: Le Thatluang D’or
Boutique Hotel
Landmark Mekong Riverside Hotel
Tel: 021 266 888
Facebook: Landmark Mekong
Riverside Hotel
Barn1920s Hostel
Tel: 020 5449 3355
Facebook: Barn1920s
Espécial Café & Bar
Tel: 020 5866 4073
Facebook: Espécial Café & Bar
Suntara Lounge
Tel: 020 2878 7779
Facebook: Suntara Lounge
La Seine by Burasari
Tel: 021 253 800
Facebook: La Seine by Burasari
VKS Vongkhamsene Hotel
Tel: 021 219 922
Facebook: VKS
Vongkhamsene Hotel
7th Heaven by Burasari
Tel: 021 253 800
Facebook: 7th Heaven by Burasari
Grand Hotel Vientiane
Tel: 021 410 275
Facebook: Grand Hotel Vientiane
River Moon - Camping
Tel: 020 5599 3737
Facebook: River Moon - Camping
13 14 15
Tel: 020 5768 6868
Facebook: The Galleria Coffee & Bar
The Galleria Coffee & Bar Hom Sa
Tel: 020 9111 6938
Facebook: ຮ້ານຮົ່ມສາ - Hom sa
Jupdard Buffet
Tel: 020 5444 4487
Facebook: ຈັບດາດ Buffet
Lao Skyway Route
Future Route