La Papillote 9-9-11

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Volume 33, No.18






Townhouses: Something to Dwell On BY: JARED VALBURG, AOS Culinary, Graphic Designer There are three hundred and forty-two students currently living on campus in triple occupancy rooms. Created to accommodate the seasonal bulge in admissions that came with the previously overlapping block schedule, these three-person rooms are basically double rooms with a third bed and additional amenities jammed in. They are built for two people but are housing three. Nowhere else on campus are there more complaints about lack of space and privacy higher than in these triples. Alternate housing methods have allowed the school to cut down from the original two hundred and five triple rooms to the current one hundred and thirty-four rooms. With any luck, that number will plummet significantly by next June with the addition of twenty new residential townhouses. 0“The idea is to offer an alternative to the old, ‘hey, let’s find an apartment in town.’ It’s a way to offer that same experience on campus and strengthen the residential lifestyle,” Associate Dean of Residence Life Ken Turow explained. Turow agreed to meet and go over some of the more intricate details of the upcoming new buildings. “Basically, once we get these townhouses built, we’ll have a means to continue with an ongoing and aggressive de-tripling campaign and finally be rid of all these triple rooms that seem to be causing so much grief for everyone.” Construction permitting, next June dozens of junior and senior students will turn a school-issued key and open the front door to their new three-level townhouse, where they’ll immediately step in to a fully furnished living room, located in the middle level. A kitchen with all the necessary amenities will attach to a central dining area for the house. Each occupant will have a private bedroom. There will be four bedrooms on the top floor, two on the middle floor and two on the bottom floor. Students will enter the middle floor from the street level. Each floor will share a full bathroom. Geothermal heating, much like the systems present in the Lodges, and a private washer and dryer will be available in every house. In order to provide a smoother transition for the new residents, the application process requires that all

eight prospective housemates know each other prior to move-in. For those with less extended groups of friends, groups of four will also be considered to be housed with a second group of four under the same roof. All buildings are co-ed and offer an excellent view of the surrounding woods. Because the townhouses are being presented as a means to resolve the overcrowding issue in the current residence halls, Ken Turow has stated that the cost of living will be specifically designed to be accessible. “When the townhouses first open we’re expecting to charge a bit more than we do now for the Lodges. The fee structure for all on-campus housing will be re-evaluated next spring, providing very competitive pricing versus the cost of living offcampus. The goal is to get students out of these hastily assembled triple rooms and get them some more space.” While the townhouses promise to offer a reprieve from the packed residence halls, the construction project does come with its own set of issues. Due to complex financing standards, the fifteen million dollar project is being prioritized above the new culinary wing planned to be included in Roth Hall for the time being. Additionally, the north edge of the student parking lot will be short fifty parking spaces during construction and twenty spaces upon completion. Depending on the access to funding and the reception that the townhouses receive, there may be plans to implement a phase two in the project that would add additional townhouses to the area. The way that the townhouses will be managed

adds another layer of complexity. Due to another issue of funding, the townhouses will technically be owned and leased by Collegiate Housing, a third party non-profit entity that operates residence halls at many colleges and universities. Building maintenance will be handled by a representative of Kirchhoff Property Management, an offshoot company of the group responsible for building the townhouses, Kirchhoff Construction. The school will provide their own services in order to better facilitate cooperation between the

Photo Provided By: Ken Turow two services. “The integration of all provided services and management processes will be seamless and fully integrated with CIA’s management practices and procedures,” states Turow. The college will take ownership of the townhouses from Collegiate Housing after the mortgage is paid off in approximately twenty years. 0Applications for the townhouses are expected to be available around March 15, 2012 and will be open to juniors and seniors going into their 7th, 8th, or 9th semester. Additional information will be available soon on the school website. So whether you’re looking for some relief from the crowded residence halls or just a new approach to on-campus living, a townhouse might be the way to go.

“SOL: Sustain or Lose” - The CIA’s First Sustainability Conference

BY: VIVIAN JAGO, AOS Baking & Pastry A project two years in the making is about to bear fruit. The CIA will be hosting its first Sustainability Conference September 12th through September 19th. This project, first begun by students involved with CSA (Community Supporting Agriculture) was originally planned for October of 2010. Although the conference never took place, the desire to educate the student body about the importance of sustainability and the great bounty of the Hudson Valley lived on. CSA, which is now reorganized as a chapter of the world renowned Slow Food International organization, has taken the lead in organizing this chef-driven, student-oriented event. This conference, now being led by Chef Anita Eisenhauer and Professor Brent Wasser, will last for one week. The main exhibit will be a Saturday's Farmer's CULINARY CULTURE

President Ryan’s elBulli Recap

Showcase and Student Mixer Café taking place in St. Andrews Circle and Heintz Plaza behind Roth Hall. For just $5, students will have the opportunity to eat all day as well as learn more about what produce the Hudson Valley has to offer. Breakfast burritos will be provided by SACE (Students for Advanced Career Experience). Multiple cooking demonstrations will be led by BCS (Black Culinarian Society) and Expedition Thailand. Stone soup will fill you up by Chef McCue during lunchtime as well. Professor Doug Miller and his Beverage Management class will provide a cash beverage bar of refreshing carbonated drinks. The day will finish with a buffet at the Student Mixer, hosted by Chef Roe, Chef Kowalski and Chef Nogales. The mixer will feature tastings of charcuterie, whole animal


Ferran Adrià has lived by his mantra ‘creativity means not copying’ since 1987, when Chef Jaque Maximin answered Ferran’s question, ‘what is creativity?’ ON CAMPUS P 4-5

Maintaining Your Mental Health Segment All About BPS Dean’s Council and Faculty Comments

utilization, produce from the Farmer's Showcase and a cash beer bar hosted by the Brew Club. Students will have the opportunity to learn about many different aspects of what it means to be sustainable through the presentations, both in and out of class, which will be held throughout the week. Joan Gussow, the author of Growing Older: A Chronicle of Death, Life, and Vegetables, will be the host for most of these talks and the school will welcome our first poet, Gina Rae Foster. Even if you cannot make one event, there will be many others in which to participate. *Look at center spread to view the schedule of events for the Sustainability Conference. FOOD & BEVERAGE

P 8-9

Albie Manzo Markets BLK Water

“The night before, I wasn’t feeling too well. This water had such a fresh taste.” As he chugged down a bottle at the booth, he suddenly felt better...” CENTER SPREAD

P 6-7

Picture Recap of RibFest and Dutchess County Fair!

All About Hudson Valley Food & Wine Festival


alphabet of flavor: “j”

New Contest! “Photo of The Block”


P 12






September 9, 2011


The Student Affairs Division


Giulianna L. Galiano


Shaza Banna


Sue Haug

CONTRIBUTORS Robert Braman Chef Freddy Brash Dan Castro Irena Chalmers Naomi Elze-Harris Jerry Fischetti Laura Ganssle Gonzalo Gout

Richard Horvath Eric Jenkins Rob Mandanas Robert McGee Blayre Miller Daria Papalia Jared Valburg Josh Venne Renata Zalles


La Papillote, the Newspaper of the Culinary Institute of America since 1979, is dedicated to respecting the mission, history and values of the college. Our primary purpose is to report the news of the institution to the students and other members of the campus community. We examine contemporary issues of the food service and hospitality industries to inform, challenge and develop the minds of students as they aspire to leadership roles in their chosen profession. We reflect the diverse views of the student body and provide a forum for civil discussion. Above all else, in our reporting and features, we strive to be accurate, fair, unbiased and free from distortion. Whenever we portray someone in a negative light or accuse a party of wrongdoing, we will make a real effort to obtain and print a response from that subject in the same issue. We will not plagiarize. Articles and features are expected to be independent assessments on a topic by an individual author. The views expressed are those of the author’s alone. They do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of La Papillote or its staff, nor do they represent the views or opinions of The Culinary Institute of America, or any entity of, or affiliated with the college.

Buon Septembre, my favorite month of the year! Why? Well, it’s the perfect mix between summer and fall. Think about it, the ocean is still warm but the air isn’t too humid. This is by far the most convenient time to go to the beach, but hey that’s the Jersey in me. Speaking of New Jersey natives, I’d like to thank Albie Manzo from the Real Housewives of NJ for his beverage interview found in this edition of La Papillote. What really stood out to me in our discussion was the connection between “success” and “happiness”. Albie believes that if you are happy, you are also successful. After all, isn’t that what life is about? I firmly believe that in order to have a successful career, you need to keep your eyes open. Recently, I went to the CIA career fair and dropped off a few resumes to some booths. Even though I graduate next year, I want an idea of where I’ll be after college. The Dinex Group told me that each year there are students looking to line up jobs for when they graduate, and the faces get more and more familiar every few months. Eventually, students approach their booth and exclaim, “I finally graduated!” Time goes by fast, and I encourage all of you to start thinking about your careers and what will make you happy in order to achieve success. Other than the weather, September is always associated with new beginnings and school. It’s that time of year we think, “What will this academic year bring?” and “Where will I be this time next fall?” Finally, I’d like to take this time to apologize on my behalf for the error in the August 19th issue of La Papillote. Unfortunately, the wrong file was sent to print which explains why there were mistakes and errors in the printed copies. If you are interested in seeing the correct version of the August 19th newspaper, I’m pleased to say that it is now on our student web portal to view. I appreciate the support and understanding of this incident, and I can assure all of you that it will not happen again. Wishing you all a successful end of summer and a fantastic beginning of fall!



La Papillote welcomes submissions of work from students, chefs and outside professionals. The decision to print is based on the following criteria: quality of content, value of content to our readers, quality of writing, originality, objectivity, layout, and verifiability. Please direct all submissions to: Giulianna Galiano, Editor-In-Chief

Giulianna L. Galiano

Contact our new staff!


Letters to the Editor may not exceed 250 words and they should be exclusive to La Papillote. In selecting letters, the editors try to present a balance of views. We reserve the right to edit for space, clarity, civility and accuracy, and will send you the edited version before publication. If your letter is selected, we will try to reach you in necessary cases to verify the letter’s authenticity, to clarify your motivation, to clarify your relation to the subject for our readers or to verify facts or sources. Letters to the Editor may be sent to LaPapillote@mycia. net with “Letter to the Editor - For Publication” in the subject line. Please include your phone number.

Shaza Banna (Layout Editor) SB850303@

Sarah Mundt (Copy Editor) SM903170@

Dana Weisbrodt (Copy Editor)


Robert Braman (Photographer)


Jared Valburg (Graphic Designer) jv855331@

September 9, 2011

Culinary Culture

Chapter Six: K-12 Practical To Be or Not To Be?

BY: FRED BRASH, CIA INSTRUCTOR Being scheduled in the Practical Kitchen this block led me to share with you fellow chefs what my practical test was in order to become an Instructor at The Culinary Institute of America. I was working as an Executive Chef in Greenwich, CT. It was a great club with wonderful people, but I turned forty years old and was wondering what other avenues there were in the business. I started teaching continuing education in our town and found out that people were really inquisitive about food and had a lot of knowledge about cuisine. Being social, I did love interacting with the students so I taught classes a couple times a year. One day, I received a flyer in the mail that the CIA was hosting a Chef Practical Test. I got out a map and measured the distance between Greenwich and Hyde Park. It was around seventy miles. There was no way that Freddy boy would commute that far. 0Yet, I decided to apply and see if I could manage an interview. The CIA is very smart. They have you cook before you get an interview. Since I did a couple of stages in France (or so I thought), I was invited to take the cooking practical. Don’t tell anyone, but I decided to take the cooking practical to see if I could pass more so than teach (ego is a funny thing especially with chefs, which I’m sure you all understand). 0One autumn day, I showed up in front of the main building at 7:00am where I met the Team Leader of the faculty development. I was then escorted to the Escoffier restaurant kitchen. In front of me was a mystery basket that contained a fillet of halibut, one pound of mussels, ground beef for consommé and one whole chicken. With these ingredients, I was to plan a four-course meal for six people and have a menu ready in ten minutes. It would start with the consommé at 11:00 am with five minutes between courses. 0I really don’t remember how nervous I was. There was another applicant in the kitchen as well. I made the consommé first. I had not made this soup in a while, but if the raft came up like a buoy in the ocean, I knew I was golden along with seasoning and degreasing. Next, I started on the salad. At the club, we would cook red potatoes soft, peel them and sort of make a potato salad with fresh lemon mayonnaise and lots of tarragon. I put this mixture into a ring mold and topped it off with some nice chevre. I guess it looked like a timbale of potatoes with chevre on top. This was baked and then browned under the salamander, served with baby greens and balsamic vinaigrette. For the seafood portion, I made a ragout of mussels infused with saffron and seared the halibut to serve with the sauce, garnished with an aioli crostini. As

you can see, the menu so far was a lot of preparation. Meanwhile, this whole chicken was staring at me saying, “Hey Freddy B! What are you going to do for a main course?” 0Without hesitation, I stuffed the chicken with rosemary, thyme, salt, pepper, and olive oil. I trussed it and placed the meat into an oven of 400 degrees. I took some butternut squash and roasted it with cinnamon sticks and herbs while whipping up some potatoes. 11:00 am came fast and I had to start with my consommé quick so I julienned leeks and carrots to showcase my knife skills. The potato goat cheese timbale looked good and tasted great. I seared the halibut, assembled the ragout and garnished it with the crostini. Simply, I carved the chicken and plated it with pan jus, glazed butternut squash, sauteed spinach with toasted garlic and piped whipped potatoes. 0The CIA does something very clever after a practical meal is served. They have the applicant come out and explain why they put such flavors together. Being honest, I told the Deans that I had put too much saffron in the ragout, in which they smiled. I thought to myself, “Freddy, be honest and maybe say the soup should’ve been more clear.” The salad went as planned and before I could apologize for the simple roasted chicken dish that I had cooked, one of the Deans said that they absolutely loved the main course. Inside my head, voices were going wild. How can such a simple dish get raves? Well, simple cuisine is certainly profound. 0Now, if that was not enough for one day, the cooking practical was only the first step. The next procedure was to lecture in the kitchen about a cooking technique. I talked about braise and I had to demo braising a lamb shank while the Deans asked questions. It was a long day and I am proud to say that I did indeed pass and was very grateful when CIA offered me a position here to teach. It has changed my cooking and my life. 0So chefs of the future, what does this have to do with your cooking practical? Well, in a way you are cooking a mystery basket. Yours is sitting on a tray in the refrigerator and you have your recipes, but you have no idea which menu you will be tested on. It’s simple; know your menu- beef consommé goes with a brunoise garnish, roasted chicken equals pan gravy, glazed beets, sautéed green beans and whipped potatoes are classics. 0I feel that if you go into the practical and have really studied your recipes, you will know enough to cook based off of the knowledge from your time here at CIA. Good luck to all!



Country Club/Lodge Chef

BY: IRENA CHALMERS, CIA INSTRUCTOR There are more than fourteen thousand private clubs employing 256,000 people in the United States. They encompass city clubs, country clubs, golf clubs, sailing clubs, fraternal, college, and military clubs, fishing lodges, religious and special interest retreats, and resorts. The club chef customarily works ten-hour days, five to six days a week, though there is no such thing as regular hours for most club managers and chefs. You schedule your time according to the activites of the club and leave when it is quiet. 0 Things have changed in many clubs in recent


Photo By:

years. In order to attract and maintain an exclusive membership, many have raised the bar on food quality. No more squishy white bread, over cooked chicken, canned asparagus, and prepared-from-a-box mashed potatoes and gravy. No more commercially prepared, sweetened iced tea. The top country clubs are attracting top chefs from the best restaurants in the nation. Ditto for waitstaff, bartenders, dining room managers, and other kitchen jobs. 0 Lovely environments and facilities abound. Club management can offer you a professional income and health benefits. You might find an ideal location anywhere in the world. 0 Many Executive Chefs receive some form of performance bonus ranging from five to fifteen percent of their base salary, and they may be rewarded with a holiday bonus, too. Other perks can include use of the golf, tennis, swimming, and other facilities, staff meals, and fees paid for continuing professional development such as the opportunity to attend the annual Club Managers Association of America conference. For More Information: Hospitality Guild Private Club Management

elBulli, End of a Culinary Era?

BY: ROBBIE BRAMAN, BPS Culinary, Photographer Ferran Adrià has lived by his mantra ‘creativity means not copying’ since 1987, when Chef Jaque Maximin answered Ferran’s question, ‘what is creativity?’ This is the question that drove young Chef Adrià to become obsessed with never stealing one idea away from somebody else. Such a thought eventually lead to what is known as “the best restaurant in the world,” according to Ferran himself and many of his followers, guests and accolades. 0More recently, Ferran has decided to close his three Michelin Star restaurant, elBulli. The Culinary Institute of America’s very own President Tim Ryan was privileged enough to eat one of the last meals served at elBulli with several leading people in today’s modern culinary world. These people were: Dr. Nathan Myhrvold, author of Modernist Cuisine, Chef Thierry Rautureau “the Chef in a Hat,” Steven Shaw, the blogger of eGullet and Chefs Max Billet and Johnny Iuzzini of Bravo’s Top Chef: Just Desserts. President Ryan had never been to Chef Adrià’s elBulli before and was eager to visit. President Ryan commented at a packed presentation for students at Eco-Lab Theatre on August 31, 2011 that the restaurant experience was fascinating, cutting edge, and mind bending, rather than being known for just well executed food. 0The restaurant itself is located in Roses, Spain just north of Barcelona where President Tim Ryan’s group stayed. Everything about the restaurant was comfortable, not what one would expect to find at “the best restaurant in the world”. For example, as soon as guests are welcomed into the restaurant, they walk into the lounge area, which looks like a wealthy living room full of old expensive furniture and paintings

that aren’t even hung on the walls. Also, the dining into each dish that made it such ‘perfect’ food. Much room presents itself as an old world restaurant by the of the menu had ingredients uncommonly used and Spanish deco, wall plaster and vaulted ceilings. Ferran seemed to have an obsession with rare produce The meal itself consisted of snacks, cocktails, and from South America. Take for example, “lulo”, a sweet fifty courses. This took four hours, and sour like fruit found in which is calculated to one course Ecuador and Columbia. Ferran every 4.8 minutes. First, the meal also served up some mind started with Ferran’s interpretation bending concoctions like “Hare of snacks and cocktails including Ravioli with Bolonesa and an alcoholic Cotton Candy Piña ‘blood’” which is a ravioli with Colada and a Nori Seaweed hare stew served up with a glass Ravioli with Lemon and Black of beet juice made to showcase Sesame Stuffing. President Ryan the consistency and appearance had noted that the kitchen team of blood. Also, in homage to was “unbelievably efficient” and elBulli, Ferran used truffles for didn’t move from their stations the first time on his menu as a Photo By: because the organization was pain stakingly last HORA! detailed. Several dishes would fly out at once from the As we prepare to say good-bye to elBulli as a kitchen and quietly be set on the table for all to share restaurant, elBulli will be the new “think-tank” for and eat. gastronomy and cuisine monitored by a private 0After snacks and cocktails were enjoyed on the foundation. Also, do not forget, as Chef Adrià may be patio overlooking the ocean, the group was ushered ending his adventure at the restaurant, he still plans into elBulli’s dining room, where they were surprised on staying at the head of our industry planning the by a table within the kitchen. “Often the guests who next gastronomical trends and paving the roads for eat [at the chef’s table in the kitchen] are old friends new chefs of our generation like Grant Achatz, David of elBulli,” said Ferran himself in his 2008 cookbook A Chang, and René Redzepi. All leaders of greatness, Day at elBulli. as President Ryan explains, are “masters of the craft, Each part of the meal was themed and wildly ground breaking innovators, have popular acclaim, creative. The themes enjoyed by President Tim Ryan and find themselves with disciples and followers.” As and his colleagues were “Japan”, “Nuts”, “Truffles”, cooks and foodies, these are the people who inspire “Seafood”, “Spanish/ Mexican”, “Game”, “Cheese” us and keep us captivated and motivated to move and “Sweets”. Each course was simple, but it was the forward in our careers and our passion/desire for level of flavor, presentation and knowledge that went great food.


On Campus


BY: ROB MANDANAS, SRC RECREATION & ATHLETICS INTERN MEN’S SOCCER: Action for the Men’s Soccer squad is underway. The CIA played against Purchase College on Saturday, September 3rd edging out the opponents by a margin of 2-1. The competition was stiff and the Steels were down 1-0 at half, but with a majority of victories for 50-50 balls bouncing their way, they created ten, second half scoring opportunities. Pablo Noriega notched a goal for the Steels midway through the second half and Rob Chambers scored the game winner with less than fifteen minutes left to go. The go-ahead goal was assisted by #21 Anthony Attanasio. The squad is poised to compete in an experienced league, headlined by last year’s champions, Berkeley College. 0Entering his 6th season as head coach, Mike Murphy is determined to lead the team back to the conference championship with the tough senior leadership of Chris Parise and Dereck Surges. “As we go into this 2011 season, I am optimistic that we can exhibit the form that brought us to the championship in 2007,” says Coach Murphy. “Team chemistry is improving from one game to the next, and all of our hard work is going to pay off throughout the season.” The next upcoming home game for the Men’s Soccer team is on Saturday, September 10th at 1PM when Albany College of Pharmacy visits. WOMAN’S VOLLEYBALL: Entering their first season in the Hudson Valley Women’s Athletic Conference, the Women’s Volleyball team has set their goals high and has their work cut out for them. Last season at the club level, the Women Steels obtained a record of 4-1 on the year including a few victories from teams already within the HVWAC. 0Coach Jamie Floryan has taken to the reins in her first year coaching the Women’s Volleyball team. She is a dedicated collegiate volleyball player and hopes to instill her players with the same diligent practice methods she was taught. 0The women begin their quest for a conference championship on Monday September 12th at Yeshiva University. Their first home match will come on Saturday, September 17th versus Medgar Evers College.


Club Spotlight: The Black Culinarian Society BY: ERIC JENKINS, BPS CULINARY

“We have the ability to achieve. If we master the necessary goodwill, a common global society will be blessed with a shared culture of peace that is nourished by the ethnic, national and local diversities that enrich our lives.” -- Mahnaz Afkhami Are you looking for a unique club? Do you want to serve your community and perhaps interact with a culturally diverse group of people? Do you wish to plan fun activities on campus? Well this month’s club spotlight focuses on The Black Culinarian Society, which is also known as “BCS.” The Black Culinarian Society’s mission is: To promote diversity and experience different cultures through food. We accomplish this by networking with other student organizations and the local community to support exposure to the different cultures represented at The Culinary Institute of America and surrounding community. We seek to represent our culture by serving the student body and local community with professionalism and integrity by hosting on-campus activities and volunteering in the local community. 0Some of the events hosted by the Black Culinarian Society have been: The Black Culinarian Alliance’s 18th Annual Cultural Awareness Salute Dinner honoring the achievements of colored people in the hospitality and culinary industry, A Black History Month Dinner, Black History Month Movie Series, Three on Three Basketball Tournament, Java Expressions (An evening of coffee, jazz and Spoken Word) and just recently, Late Night Street Food which featured Chicken and Waffles and a signature Watermelon Cooler. 0The Black Culinarian Society’s President is Dionne Reid. In an interview, she stated what being in the BCS has meant to her; “The membership in the Black Culinarian Society has been remarkably fulfilling; there is a sense of togetherness and direction about this club, and my association with this club surpasses race. It is really about community and culture. The Black Culinarian Society has filled a void I never even knew I had. The true fulfillment comes from offering service to my

fellow members and the student body by extension.” 0BCS will be involved in many upcoming events on campus including: The Culinary Institute of America’s Sustainability Conference (the first on-campus Sustainability Conference, highlighting some of the Hudson Valley's greatest produce, meats, cheeses, and beverages. Conference events include cooking demonstrations, guest speakers, tastings, tours of the campus gardens, and The School Lunch Challenge), Culture Explosion (a dynamic event celebrating the various cultures on campus) and Java Expressions Two. For more information on these upcoming events, keep your eye on “The Scoop” in your student email. Meetings for the Black Culinarian Society are held every first and third Tuesday of each block at 9:15pm in the Student Recreation Center Multi-Purpose Room. Come on by and see what you are missing! For more information send an email to: blackculinariansociety@ See you next issue!

Members of The Black Culinarian Society. Photo Provided By: Eric Jenkins


Students who are feeling “stressed” can take some small comfort in knowing that they are not alone. Approximately 85% of college students nationwide reported that, at sometime within the past twelve months, they felt “overwhelmed;” approximately half reported experiencing greater than average stress. This is according to the spring 2010 survey of 95,712 students, conducted by The American College Health Association (ACHA). Increasing levels of stress reported by students is not new, but has been receiving more attention for the past decade. For the most part, the stress is part of the painful but common transition of student development, leaving home and taking on a new identity, having new responsibilities, and encountering challenging situations. When I speak with students who are in their early twenties and have managed to navigate through four years of college, it is not unusual to hear them reflect on the changes they see in themselves since the age of eighteen. But it is not an easy journey. What are the most common stressors? The ACHA survey also asked students about which issues they found difficult to handle. While academic and financial concerns topped the list, they were closely followed by problems with intimate relationships (32.6% of students), family problems (27.7%), sleep difficulty (24.5%), career-related issues (24.6%), and other social relationships (24.4%). Does this sound familiar to you? An incredible number of students, 48.4%, reported experiencing “overwhelming anxiety” or being too depressed to function (30.7%) sometime during the last twelve months. This is not to say that they all suffer from a mental illness. Driven by a medical model of illness, our culture has come to view negative moods immediately as a chemical imbalance. Certainly, some students find that symptoms of a clinical depression will appear or intensify during college, and this needs to be taken very seriously. However, for most students, the problem is about a life that is out of balance. It’s the struggle to have

a thriving social network, good grades, great career prospects, a significant relationship, and to manage all of it in a day of only fifteen to eighteen waking hours. Add to this, expectations of “success” (your own or others), and the pressure “to fit in” with peers, and one can see that stressors abound for the average college student. Other complications may exist due to emotional or physical abuse in a relationship, prior experiences with trauma, significant losses, or family

different perspective on a problem. 2. Focus on at least one thing that gives you hope about the future. 3. Know that you are not alone in having setbacks. How you handle them makes all of the difference. 4. Seek input and support from those you trust. 5. Take care of yourself with exercise, sleep, and good nutrition. Using alcohol or drugs to avoid a problem often creates an additional problem, while the first one remains untouched. If you need a break, consider a movie, music, or creating an interesting recipe as an alternative. 6. Learn more about yourself so you can understand your reactions to stress. “Talk therapy” or counseling can be helpful in learning to cope with life transitions, understanding yourself, and building your resiliency. More than half of the students we see at CAPS (Counseling And Psychological Services) come to talk about the life stressors listed above. Knowing the difference between normal stressors and clinical symptoms is important, and we can help. When there are clinical symptoms, most anxiety and depression should be treated with talk therapy, even when medication is prescribed. For Photo By: those students who use medication, the addition of conflicts at home. talk therapy can help reduce the risk of relapse in the When family relationships are strained, being away can future. In addition to providing you with an objective be helpful but can still leave unresolved experiences perspective on your concerns, counseling is designed to dwell on. Any of the above can contribute to feeling to help you to identify thoughts or behaviors that are overwhelmed. making the problem worse instead of better, and to What do you do about all of this? Resilience is a empower you to change them. When you come to key ingredient that, if not already present, should be see us, in addition to asking about symptoms, we are learned during the college years. To have resilience going to ask you about your life – your daily stressors, means being able to cope and adapt when there is relationships, family, and future aspirations. a setback, loss, tragedy, or disappointment. We all On October 5th and 6th, the CAPS Office will experience these, but strategies to build resilience offer our annual Depression and Anxiety Awareness include: Days, which includes a self-assessment and meeting 1. When you feel most overwhelmed, don’t make a with a counselor. quick, life-changing decision. Take a breath and write down your options. Writing something gives you a

September 9, 2011


ALL ABOUT BPS New BPS Class: The First Year Seminar

…it takes the whole college to educate our students.

BY: JERRY FISCHETTI ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT The First Year Seminar is a research-based, 1.5 credit course designed to support academic success and personal development of all students whether you are transitioning directly from high school, work, living off campus, or have prior college experiences. Some students have difficulties adjusting to the demands of college; sometimes arriving with opportunities to enhance their academic and/or social skills. These transitional issues and their after-effects are not uncommon at other colleges and universities. Many schools have included a student success program in their curriculum to help students navigate this often difficult first year. The course has been designed as a collaborative cross-campus initiative addressing knowledge, skill and attitude issues that students struggle with as they transition into college life and academic rigor. The course’s major goal is to help students practice one of the most powerful principles of human learning and personal success: mindfullness. “When you are mindful, you remain aware of what you’re doing while you’re doing it; at a highly effective level and at the best of your ability.” (Cuseo, 2010) Such a class is structured to address the elements of student success: utilizing campus resources- capitalizing on surrounding resources; interpersonal interactioncollaborating and interacting positively with others; active involvement- investing time and effort in the college experience; and personal reflection/self awareness- becoming selfaware learners who monitor their own performance. In essence, this course subscribes to the theory of holistic student development; where the intellectual, emotional, social, Photo By: ethical, physical, spiritual, vocational and personal aspects of a student are enhanced. 0Additionally, this course serves as an introduction to a Liberal Arts education and it underscores the value of the BPS Program here at school. The message is strong and clear; excellence in leadership is complex and it is attained through an educational program that spans not only the technical skills of cooking, baking and pastry, but folds in a variety of liberal arts, management, service, beverage and interpersonal classes as well. The class is quite rigorous. It lasts fifteen weeks, meeting for one hour and twenty minutes per week. This limited classroom time requires self-discipline to complete the weekly readings and writing assignments. Students study a 330 page textbook, write twelve papers and complete five self evaluations. These include assessments of learning style, emotional intelligence, personality pattern and attitudes toward learning. The course has two exams, a reflection paper and public speaking presentation that requires students to produce a tangible and useful career portfolio. 0I believe this course will be engaging and a comprehensive learning experience for the students. Along with the academic requirements, students will be making visits to Career Services, the library for a Research Literacy Workshop, a visit with Counseling and Psychological Services and a fun, interactive visit to the Student Recreation Center for a Wellness and Fitness assignment. 0The First Year Seminar is a result of the tireless efforts of the Subcommittee members Sharon Zraly, Jen Wrage, Daria Papalia, Chet Koulik, Regina Ardini, Anthony Ligouri and Dieter Schorner. Thanks are also in order for the willingness and enthusiasm of the departments and individuals supporting this course with their expertise and participation; Mike Murphy and David Whalen at the Student Recreation Center, Elizabeth Bolton at The Conrad Hilton Library, Denise Zanchelli at Career Services, Daria Papalia, et al. at Counseling and Psychological Services, Steve Wilson at The Writing Center, and Jen Wrage, et al. at The Learning Strategies Center. Finally thanks to Dr. Kathy Merget for coordinating, championing and supporting all of our efforts to make this possible. 0Like I said…it takes the whole college to educate our students. *Resource Used: Cuseo, Joseph B., Viki Sox. Fecas, and Aaron Thompson. Thriving in College and Beyond: Research-based Strategies for Academic Success and Personal Development. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Pub., 2010. Print.

The BPS “Paradigm Shift” …it takes the whole college to educate our students.


BY: RICHARD HORVATH PROFESSOR OF LIBERAL ARTS Faculty teaching in the CIA’s BPS (Bachelor of Professional Studies) program recognizes the significant transition students experience in moving from the AOS program to the BPS curriculum. The change represents a “paradigm” shift — a shift in the philosophical and theoretical framework or structure through which courses are taught and students learn. We believe that students will be better prepared to navigate this fundamental change in educational philosophy (which is due in part to the nature of the CIA’s programs but is also a natural evolution in learning method) if they understand the educational assumptions and expectations that inform the BPS curriculum. So my purpose here is to outline briefly how faculty view that underlying educational philosophy. 0Probably the most basic difference between the framework of the AOS and BPS programs is a distinction between learning and refining skills on the one hand (AOS) and applying knowledge on the other (BPS). In the AOS curriculum, longer class periods in a “lab” or kitchen setting create a relatively closed, controlled learning environment that allows instructors to help students build up a foundation of knowledge, acquire technical skills and refine those techniques through repetition. The BPS curriculum, in contrast, is designed to afford students a more open learning space and — a key word — independence, so that they can learn to apply the skills and knowledge they continue to acquire. In the words of one of my faculty colleagues (who teach in both programs), “we expect the students to take charge of their education by the time they reach the BPS program. In the AOS we tend to lead them along in the learning process, giving them the tools they need to explore on their own. In the BPS program, we expect them to use these tools for more self-directed learning.” Through shorter class periods and a greater reliance on lecture, papers, and projects that require time outside the classroom, exploration and inquiry come to replace skills mastery as the primary educational objective of the BPS curriculum. This isn’t to say that BPS courses don’t focus on skills, but that the skills are more open-ended: the critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and management skills shown in most BPS courses exercise the mind to perceive

and resolve problems that are typically not tidy or well-defined — real problems, in other words. The AOS kitchens and bakeshops present real problems, of course, as do all kitchens. But the BPS curriculum aims to help students develop the flexibility of mind to define problems for themselves, independently, and to work toward creative solutions. In the BPS “Food Service Management” course, for instance (a capstone course), students learn to “apply culinary, baking, managerial, and liberal arts concepts to a real-world setting in the form of an event designed and executed by students.” Other Business Management courses illustrate the dramatic change in depth of learning in the BPS program: the “Menus” course asks students to apply what they learn about demographics to their own menu project, whereas “Business Planning” allows them to extend a concept through extensive research into customer profiles and purchase patterns. The Liberal Arts “Literature and Composition” course requires students to define and explore their own essay problems rooted in complex literary texts (instead of responding to an instructor’s topic choices). “Advanced Cooking” challenges BPS students to devise an original dish from a personal food memory. Electives and independent study opportunities allow students to follow even more unbounded paths, and generous faculty office hours offer students chances to discuss academic and professional interests in greater depth. As such examples demonstrate, students in the BPS program learn outside the classroom as much as — perhaps more than — inside it. This openness is a feature of the program framework itself, which requires students to choose courses, plan semester schedules, and begin to shape their career objectives in ways that the more rigidly programmed AOS curriculum is not intended to. I hope that this overview helps those students moving into the BPS program, or AOS students contemplating it, to prepare for the wonderful learning opportunities that await them there, and beyond. On behalf of the BPS faculty, I offer the exhortation that you will become more fulfilled contributors to your fields and more responsible, effectual citizens of your communities to the extent that you embrace the chance to take charge of how you learn.

...FROM YOUR DEAN’S COUNCIL 0 Class Turf BY: RENATA ZALLES, BPS CULINARY At the end of last term, we were all informed of some major changes occurring at CIA. The Advanced Delivery System is going to change the way new students go through the program, starting from the very first AOS class to the Bachelor’s program. We were informed of how the new system would work, and what it meant for the Bachelor’s students already enrolled in the old system. What we didn’t see coming however, were all the new faces that popped up in the classes that up to this point, belonged to our individual terms. 0For students from 7th to 9th term, the classes you take are a stepping stone. You see all the people from your term moving progressively through the classes the previous students were assigned to. That’s just the way it works. You do not mess with the scheduling and you do as you’re told. So what’s going on with this new breed of students who can choose to take History and Culture of Asia or Human Resource Management with 8th and 9th term students? Don’t they know they have to take History and Culture of Europe and of the Americas before earning the right to explore the East? Although some of us hate to admit it, this thought is common and recurring among students still in the old-school system. We don’t expect or want the newer students in our classes because to us, they are simply not supposed to be there. This feeling of cognitive dissonance (for those of us in Professor Brady’s Psychology class) is just one of those things that happens in our brains. 0Why don’t we try to make some sense out of it? Instead of looking at it as your turf being taken, look at it as an opportunity. New people are always good for the creation of new ideas. The new students might

have a fresher perspective and less biased viewpoint, hopefully making class a bit more interesting. As hard as it is for the senior students to see, we have all gone through the same Associate’s program, we all went on extern and all heard President Ryan’s “pyromaniac” speech at graduation. If that’s not enough to convince you, think of the opportunities that these mixed groups present for networking. By now we are all aware of how vital it is to know as many people as you can in this industry. The ADS is making that possible for us, allowing us to interact with students we had maybe never even seen on Photo By: campus before. Change is hard to adapt to. We all know this to be a fact and while we like to think we’re above it, in reality it can be harder than we expect. As strange as it may seem to have to welcome less experienced students onto our turf, it is necessary for us all to contribute to the effort that our school is making towards a more varied education. The new system allows for the creation of various electives, by permitting students to specialize in a particular field if they so desire. As senior students we might not benefit from this transition, but it’s important to keep focus on the greater scheme of things, and realize how these changes can affect our industry for the better.




Center Hudson Valley Food & Wine BY: ERIC JENKINS, BPS CULINARY Hello my fellow students! Once again, it is time for demonstrations and wine seminars throughout the my Tasty Travels segment, which notifies you about weekend while enjoying the rare opportunity to meet all the wonderful places that you can travel to and and speak to some of the wine makers from New enjoy in your leisure time while attending The York’s best wineries. Culinary Institute of America. While having lunch 0This year, the event will include the Hudson in Farquharson Hall, I overheard some new students Valley Wine Competition sponsored by the Hudson talking about how there is nothing to do in the area Valley Wine & Grape Association. This competition will on the weekends. After hearing these comments and take place the morning of Saturday, September 10th pointing them to a few upcoming festivals, I decided and will highlight the quality wines produced in the that in this Tasty Travels piece, I would spotlight one Hudson Valley Wine Region. of the biggest yearly events in the area. 0The people behind the festival announced 0Celebrating its 10th year, The Hudson Valley Wine & that Abigail Johnson Dodge (cookbook author Food Festival is a showcase of what we came to the CIA and Fine Cooking contributer) and Daniel Leader for: the “gourmet lifestyle” of the Hudson Valley. It (founder of Bread Alone) will be conducting cooking will be held on September 10th & 11th at the Dutchess demonstrations throughout the event weekend on the County Fairgrounds in Rhinebeck, NY. The hours of main cooking stage. They will join other presenters that the event are Saturday from 11am to 6pm and Sunday include Chefs Vincent Tropepe and Maria Liberati. from 11am to 5pm. 0 “We’re delighted that Abby Dodge and Dan 0This year, the presenting sponsor is Fine Cooking Leader accepted our invitation to participate with us Magazine. The festival features hundreds of wines from at the event to share their cooking skills and culinary all over New York and the world, more than one- knowledge in an environment that draws more than hundred gourmet specialty foods, fine art and lifestyle 10,000 passionate foodies each year”, says Maria vendors, food sampling from some of the region’s Taylor (Vice President and Editorial Director for Fine best restaurants and live entertainment. Visitors can Cooking Magazine). learn about wine and food from the many cooking

Food and Wine Festival Cooking Demonstrations:

*Schedule is subject to change without notice. Seating is limited; arrive 15 minutes prior to demonstration for best seating. 9/10: 12:00-12:45pm: “4-Ingredient Desserts”, by Abby Dodge (Main Stage) 1:15-2:00pm: “Food & Wine Pairings”, by Patrick Watson (Main Stage) 2:30-3:15pm: “Cook the Cover: Tacos with Denise”, by Fine Cooking (Main Stage) 3:45-4:30pm: Chef Vincent Tropepe (Main Stage) 9/11: 12-12:45pm: “Baking Bread Demo”, by Dan Leader (Main Stage) 1:15-2:00pm: “Cook the Cover: Tacos with Juli”, by Fine Cooking (Main Stage) 2:30-3:15pm: Chef Vincent Tropepe (Main Stage) 3:30-4:00pm: “Local Cheeses” by Debbie Decker Adams Fairacre Farms

Rhinebeck Farmer’s Market

BY: LAURA GANSSLE, AOS CULINARY Moving to the Hudson Valley has given me an fruity olive oil from their sister farm in Tuscany. In appreciation for food on a whole new level. The the past months, and in the future as the weather gets region is so robust with farm-to-table goodness that cooler, they will be selling recently cured batches of it’s impossible to ignore the summer and fall’s bounty. salami and sopressata. If you’re feeling adventurous, Hailing from Orlando, Florida, I always found it stop by Buckwheat Bridge Angoras who offer a wide difficult to live the “locavore” lifestyle, even though variety of cuts from goat and lamb. They normally I joined and volunteered for my local co-op. While have lamb hearts on hand, priced at only a dollar Florida certainly offers a wide variety of produce, a piece! Buckwheat Bridge Angoras also sells fleece, prices were high, almost outrageously so, making wool, mohair yarn and socks from the fleece of their eating locally somewhat difficult. I also frequented the Angoras. Bread and baked goods are readily available farmer’s markets and, with the exception of a couple but my favorite always comes from Wild Hive Farm, vendors, I usually left disappointed. It was mostly just a local micro mill and bakery. They sell their milled a collection of people attempting to make money off whole wheat flour and grains which have been locally various crafts or a few garden pickings. The Hudson grown along with their breads and pastries. In the Valley is on another level when it comes to eating current months, produce is prevalent but my favorite local. Produce abounds, local meat of every kind is stands are Migliorelli Farm, which always boasts a large available, and specialty products like local honey, variety of the season’s best, and Brittany Hollow Farm, pickles and baked goods are readily available. which is run by our own Professor Mosher. View 0The Rhinebeck farmer’s market is one of the best the Rhinebeck Farmer’s Market website at www. in Dutchess County and is a great representation of for a full list of what’s available in the Hudson Valley. Some of the vendors. finest vendors frequent this market and do so every 0The season’s bounty is plentiful, but it won’t be single week. It has been voted the best market in for long. The last weekend of summer recently passed the Hudson Valley Magazine three years in a row. As which means fall is upon us and a hard winter is right a Rhinebeck local, I attend the market nearly every around the corner. Because of the recent battering Sunday and do grocery shopping for the week. from Irene, farmer’s markets all over the Hudson 0Rhinebeck is about twenty-five minutes north of Valley are suffering and need your support more than campus but is a very worthwhile trip. Vendors are ever. The best way to support your local farmers is numerous. Quattro’s poultry has an incredible selection to head out to the markets! The Rhinebeck farmer’s including duck, chicken, pheasants and even foie gras outdoor market runs until Thanksgiving. It takes from Hudson Valley Foie Gras. They have chicken, turkey place in the municipal parking lot off of Market Street and geese eggs, all of which are fresh. Their poultry every Sunday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Following is raised without hormones, antibiotics or chemicals. Thanksgiving, the winter market heads indoors and Dancing Ewe Farm produces some incredible Tuscan- takes place at the Town Hall every other weekend style cheeses. They are more than happy to share a through April. sample if you stop by their stand. This farm also sells


Below is a list of some wineries currently participating in the 10th Annual Hudson Valley Wine & Food Festival. • Americana Vineyards - Booth 99 - Interlaken, NY • Ashley Lynn Winery - Booth 69 - Mexico, NY • Atwater Estate Vineyards - Booth 58 - Hector, NY • Brooklyn Winery - Booth 84 - Brooklyn, NY • Cascade Mountain Winery - Booth 133 - Amenia, NY • Cascata Winery - Booth 20 - Watkins Glen, NY • Coffee Pot Cellars - Booth 82 - Mattituck, NY • Crooked Lake Winery - Booth 109 - Dundee, NY • Eagle Crest Vineyards - Booth 98 - Conesas, NY • El Paso Winery - Booth 39 - Ulster Park, NY • Fulkerson Winery - Booth 19 - Dundee, NY • Glenora Wine Cellars - Booth 104 - Dundee, NY • Goose Watch Winery - Booth 101 - Romulus, NY • Happy Bitch Wine - Booth 45 - Beacon, NY • Hazlitt 1852 Vineyards - Booth 95-96 - Hector, NY • Heron Hill Winery - Booth 55 - Hammondsport, NY • Hudson-Chatham Winery - Booth 36 - Ghent, NY • Hunt Country Vineyards - Booth 43 - Branchport, NY • Inspire Moore Winery - Booth 67 - Naples, NY • Johnson Estate Winery - Booth 4 - Westfield, NY • Keuka Overlook Wine Cellars - Booth 56 - Dundee, NY • Keuka Springs Winery - Booth 63 - Penn Yan, NY • Knapp Vineyards - Booth 103 - Romulus, NY • Lakeland Winery - Booth 49 - Syracuse, NY • Lime Berry Winery - Booth 12 - Hammondsport, NY • McGregor Vineyard Winery - Booth 51 - Dundee, NY • Miles Wine Cellars - Booth 6 - Himrod, NY • Millbrook Vineyards & Winery - Booth 50 - Millbrook, NY • Montezuma Winery - Booth 100 - Seneca Falls, NY • Pazdar Winery - Booth 89-90 - Scotchtown, NY Travel packages through the Metro North Railroad and Amtrak are also available. For more information on the event and to buy tickets in advance, visit

Photo By:

Coming up in September at the

Rhinebeck Farmer’s Market:

9/11: Music by Todd Young 9/18: Music by Kyle Esposito along with 0 community booth for Breast Cancer 9/25: Muic by Cleoma’s Ghost along with a full demonstration featuring Hudson Valley Fruit

For more information, log-on to:

September 9, 2011


Spread Pictures from 8/20-8/21 “RibFest” in Highland, NY

CIA Sustainability Conference Schedule: Wednesday, 9/14: 10:00am & 4:30pm: Showing of “Black Gold,” hosted by Fair Trade at CIA (Ecolab) Thursday, 9/15: “Sustainable for Whom? Social Justice and the Locavore Movement”, hosted by Dr. Maggie Gray, Assistant Professor at Adelphi University Saturday, 9/17: 9:00am: Breakfast served by SACE 10:00am-2:00pm: Farmer’s Showcase & Cooking Demos (Circle behind Roth Hall) 11:00am-1:00pm: Edible Campus Tours by SlowFood on Campus (Circle) 11:00am: “Eating Right Here”, Joan Gussow (Circle) 11:00am: School Lunch Challenge (Heintz Plaza) 12:00pm-2:00pm: Stone Soup Lunch, Chef McCue (Heintz Plaza) 12:30pm: Sustainable Cheese, John Fischer (Wine Spectator Room) 2:30pm: Sustainable Meat, Tom Schneller and Corey Fair (AB Theater) 4:30pm: Miracle Tomato Performance (Ecolab) 6:00pm-8:00pm: Student Cafe Mixer (St. Andrew’s Cafe and Heintz Plaza)

Hudson Valley RibFest Mugs. Photo By: Robert Braman

Chef Elia’s Rib Parfait. Photo By: Robert Braman

Monday, 9/19: 9:30am: Sustainable Wine, Steven Kolpan (Wine Spectator Room) 1:00pm-2:00pm: Darra Goldstein, Editor of Gastronomica (DKT) 2:30pm-4:30pm: Panel Discussion, hosted by Julie Widdowson and Joan Gussow (DKT) 4:30pm: Book Signing of Growing Older 7:00pm: Showing of Truck Farm (DKT)

A Letter from SGA...

BBQ Ribs on the Grill. Photo By: Robert Braman

RibFest Enthusiasts Line Up for BBQ. Photo By: Robert Braman

Dutchess county fair picture recap 9/23-9/28

Mama Pig and Her Kids. Photo By: Giulianna Galiano Traditional Horse Pulling Contest. Photo By: Giulianna Galiano

Roasted Peanuts. Photo By: Giulianna Galiano

Fair Lights Up at Night. Photo By: Giulianna Galiano

Hello Y'all, In this, my first address to the student body as your chosen Student Government Association President, I would like to first start off by saying thank you. Thank you for your votes and for allowing me to serve as your representative for the past two years, on several capacities of the SGA board, most recently of those serving as the President for the past 45 weeks. 0I am writing to you today to keep you updated on the changes that have taken place recently within the CIA in regards to the ADS or Academic Delivery System. The new system is designed to allow the students to enter the kitchens on their second week of classes as opposed to when we had to wait up to nine weeks to get our hands dirty. There have also been some changes in the dress code for the new students. You will see students walking around in the halls with temporary chef jackets as well as in their orientation T-shirt's. 0Speaking of the shirts, I know y'all remember your first days here on campus and how you were scared, nervous, excited, and overwhelmed. Those are all good feelings and bad feelings that we all have in common. Therefore, when I heard about some of the new students being harassed by other more "senior" students because they were wearing their orientation T-shirt's into the kitchens to get food and into Farq hall to dine, I was a little upset by the news. As a nice little reminder, the orientation shirt is an acceptable part of the dress code for the first day as it is a necessary part of the team building exercises. I know that I have a busy schedule and I am sure you do as well, so just remember that these new students have a long week of orientation that will require them to enter Roth Hall wearing these T-shirt's. So please help me by welcoming all new students with open arms, hearts, and minds. Just remember, you were also once new to school. Thank you again and have a great day!

Robert McGehee 0M.Ed., President SGA -




Ever since the domestication of animals, civilizations have been reaping the fruit of their labor in as many ways as possible. With little to no technology, ancient cultures used animals for labor, transportation, food and even combat. Although the dog is agreed by many historians to be the first animal ever domesticated, today most of our milk consumption is derived from cows, goats and sheep. Along with milk came cheese and butter. The Norsemen, or Vikings, were known for having a diet high in animal fat and it is presumed that Frances’ butter laden cuisine is due in part to the Norsemen’s influence. After all, it is called Normandy, France for a reason. One cannot bring up the subject of butter and French cuisine without thinking about the beloved concept of “sauce”. Just as it is today, sauces were used to coat roasted and boiled meats , making them palatable and pleasurable to eat. In medieval times, sauce was used as a cooking medium with lots of spices, usually had a sweet and sour aspect and was often thickened with flour, crumbled bread, or eggs. Although there was much fasting against animal protein and products such as milk and eggs due to religion, animal products have been crucial to the development of many early cultures, especially with regards to bartering. Once the idea of sauce gained a solid foothold in cuisine, it was only a matter of time before dairy and sauce crossed paths. There is always some sort of argument as to who invented what. For example, some say that the French invented Aioli, some say it was the Spaniards. What would Bouillabaisse be without Rouille? How could you possibly talk about Spanish sauces without the mention of Romesco? Béchamel also remains equally important to French and Spanish cuisine. A lot of barbecue connoisseurs are very vocal about how they stand on the issue of sauce. Some say none is needed with quality ribs and brisket while some say that just a small amount should be used. One thing is for sure; sauces are essential to almost every cuisine. Sure, shaking in that knob of butter can be annoying while working on a busy line, but it is clearly worth the trouble. I can’t imagine a world where a

demi-glace based sauce isn’t finished with a touch of butter. It rounds out the edges and melds the flavor. Adversely, if the average guest knew that Hollandaise and Béarnaise were made of almost 100% butter, we might not be as apt to sell those twenty orders of Eggs Benny with extra Hollandaise every Sunday. I think as cooks, we also sometimes forget that we can make anything from scratch if we want. Sometimes it makes sense and sometimes it does not. Ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, and hot sauce are often outsourced, but what is stopping us from making them in-house? We seem to take them for granted. They can be made in large batches and stored for weeks. Making butter is as simple as getting some high quality cream (we have Hudson Valley Fresh at our disposal), whipping it, and washing it in ice water. Having beurre monté available during service can also be paramount Photo By: for poaching fish and shellfish. As long as it is brought up to temperature and cooled properly, beurre monté has an indefinite shelf life. Lobster poaching butter can even be used to mount pasta sauces and risotto, giving the guest a virtually free hit of flavor and the perception of higher value. French sauces seem to get all the love but what about chermoula, char sui, and ssam jang? Lots of delicious sauces seem to go under the fine dining radar. In the recent years, it has become unacceptable to have global cuisine “blinders” on. Sauces like chimichurri and sriracha have become common staples in many American homes and restaurants. As the years progress, food knowledge has and will continue to expand. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with classics such as sauce Charon, it is apparent that as our industry evolves and grows, more global cuisine will influence our everyday life and dining options. As cooks and chefs, we have to be open to the unknown and willing to educate our guests in a comfortable manner. *SOURCES:



The Valley poppy burger 184 main st. , beacon, ny

It was a sunny Friday afternoon, perfect for enjoying the soon-to-be weekend and to explore some VECS (Valley Eats, City Seeks) food. I must say that I’ve been pleased with what the Hudson Valley has to offer. Most of the time I discover more than I thought I would. On this particular day, I invited some hungry friends along with me. With empty stomachs, we crammed into my small car and got ready for an adventure. One thing that I’ve noticed about the Hudson Valley is that aside from the obvious towns (such as Poughkeepsie, Rhinebeck, and Redhook) that are located directly off of Route 9, there are a plethora of hidden gems that lie on the offshoots of 9 (think 9G and 9D). Our destination was in the town of Beacon. Upon our arrival, I heard murmurings of ,“Wow, this place is so cool. I will definitely be coming back here!” and “Dude, this place is pretty hipster, how did we not know it was here?” My thoughts echoed theirs. Beacon is like a less-collegey version of New Paltz, (coffee shops and art galleries lining the streets) and a lessexpensive version of Rhinebeck (we came across tons of eclectic stores, unique cafes, and yoga studios). The real reason why we went to Beacon was for the food. Poppy Burger is located in the middle of Main Street and is hard to miss with its polkadotted storefront and giant Christmas-light-adorned hamburger, that almost resembles a wedding cake in the front window. This eatery is probably the coolest, and most environmentally friendly burger joint I’ve ever been to. The décor is simple and very “city”, from the bright orange and silver color scheme, to the skateboards and comics adorning the walls. If you felt super cool just by stepping into this place, you will feel even cooler once you’ve placed your order. All of the beef used at Poppy Burger is 100% grass fed. They get their produce locally from Kiernan Farms in Garner, NY, and they even have raw milk cheese (it was delicious!). Besides their perfectly juicy, not too greasy Classic Little or Big Burger, you can order a burger with a fried egg on it, as my friend Gina did, a BBQ bacon burger with housemade BBQ sauce, as my friend Ryan did, or a slightly spicy veggie burger (…with bacon, as my friends Ally and Eric did). Your burgers will arrive wrapped in foil, alongside wax paper-wrapped fries, if you choose, or sweet potato chips which, according to Eric, are so good that, “If you ever make a birthday cake, these should be the sprinkles.”

The City Mary ann’s four locations in nyc (chelsea, port chester, tribecca, stamford)

If you’re looking for fresh, homemade Mexican food for a great price, Mary Ann’s in New York City is a place you might want to check out. It was recommended to me by one of my good friends, Ally Fortin, who lived in the Big Apple during her externship last summer. Whenever I head to the city I make sure to give her a call to see if she has any tips on where I should eat. When I asked her this time, she named this place with no hesitations. 0So, what separates Mary Ann’s from the other Mexican places in the city? Ally raved about three things. The first was the prices. Dishes range from $10-$13 and only cost a little bit more if you want seafood. Mary Ann’s also prides itself on the freshness of the food, and makes all of their salsa and tortillas in house. The menu will literally make your mouth water and includes a wide variety of choices, such as Mole, Yucatan Chicken, Mango BBQ Pork, and Tequila Lime Shrimp with mushrooms and artichokes. If you prefer a vegetarian option, there is an entire section on the menu devoted to you! The second best thing that Ally mentioned were the beverages. For those of us who enjoy traditional Mexican alcoholic drinks, Mary Ann’s has a huge tequila selection, as well as $4 margaritas (which, according to the website, have been “duplicated by none, […] come in every conceivable fruit flavor, […] and kick-butt”. And lastly, “It’s so super cute and adorable!” Ally’s statement is correct: this restaurant definitely doesn’t lack in the color department with its Mexican-style décor, tiling, and star lanterns hanging everywhere. 0So, if you find yourself in the city with a strange craving for a margarita and some fresh salsa, make sure to check out Mary Ann’s!


September 9, 2011



Real Housewives of New Jersey’s Albie Manzo Markets BLK Water BY: GIULIANNA GALIANO, BPS CULINARY, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Once you try BLK water, you’ll never want to go back to your regular aqua. Yes, BLK = BLACK water. What makes this water black and why are Americans starting to drink it? I went right to the source to find out! 0For those Bravo TV fans out there (myself included), Albie Manzo, son of Real Housewives of NJ Caroline Manzo, took the time to discuss the “Dark Side of Water” with me over the phone. BLK Water is basically filtered spring water that has a natural ingredient, fulvic acid, which makes it so unique. 0The BLK website describes the process, “Our proprietary blend of Fulvic Acid (a derivative of plant matter) is mined from a seventy million year old source deep within the earth. Naturally black in color, the formula binds to the molecules of our pure Canadian Spring Water turning it naturally black, with no artificial dyes, coloring, or additives. Fulvic Acid is critical in growth of plant life, helping the transportation and absorption of nutrients. Fulvic Acid’s small molecular structure allows for the fast absorption of over seventyseven different trace minerals and elements, powerful electrolytes, antioxidants, and free radical scavengers.” ( 0Before he helped market BLK Water, Manzo was

BLK Water “has a function for everybody”. Photo By: in the process of searching for a career that would make him happy. Aside from his interest in Law, Albie was brought up around food in his family. His father, Albert Manzo, operates The Brownstone, a major banquet hall in northern NJ. Albie was interested in culinary school at one point and just like us foodies, he started from the bottom - sweeping floors in the basement of his father’s facility and working his way up. Fully aware that the food industry wasn’t so glamorous, Manzo never gave up his passion for food. 0Albie became involved with BLK because of the Fancy Food Show in New York City this past year. He recalled, “The night before, I wasn’t feeling too well. This water had such a fresh taste.” As he chugged down a bottle at the booth, he suddenly felt better or in his own words “amazing.” Albie wanted to know more about this product and needed to get involved right away. 0Three weeks passed and he found himself in Vancouver with his uncle talking to the two women that promoted BLK. Apparently; the women would give this black water to their mother when she was feeling ill. Overall, Albie was impressed and ultimately found his niche. His uncle made an investment in the product and Albie now works for his uncle’s company New Star (Sales Marketing for Clients) in managing total sales for BLK Water. 0“It gets interesting and hectic,” says Manzo. He claims that he is on the road seven days a week and that these fortunate coincidences make for a “crazy ride”. 0As a former addict to Red Bull, high strung Albie Manzo points out that BLK has a function

for everybody. The elderly look to drink it for trace ironically. My professor said that you don’t need to minerals, college students use it after the gym and be successful to be happy. But if you’re happy, you’ve long nights, kids like the color and think it’s “cool” reached success.” As the son of a major food icon, while women can benefit from its’ positive effects on Manzo wants to let culinary students know that it is healthy skin, nails and hair. so easy these days for chefs to market themselves. 0When questioned about if this product would Albie declares, “This generation is cutting edge and ever reach highend dining, Albie responded that glass bottles will soon appear at white tablecloth restaurants. He comments, “This product makes you want to grab it off the shelf.” And good news, Whole Foods, Wegmans, and even Facebook are launching this product if you want to purchase some black water! Soon, it’ll be available nationwide. 0Albie advises, “Don’t be afraid to fail.” As a 25 year old, he relates to how (From Left-Right): Chris, Caroline, Lauren and Albie Manzo with BLK Water easily one can lose their identity, Photo By: sit at home and have nothing to do. He admits that he wakes up some days scared that things may go wrong. What talent goes a long way.” To learn more about BLK keeps him going? Motivation. Water, go to or check your local 0Manzo remarks, “The world will calibrate itself. supermarket! The best advice I got was on my last day of law school,


Pot Luck


AOS Graduating Class of September 9, 2011

Welcome Back Returning Externs

Aubrey King William Tuggle Jon Michael Alexander Sheets Kristin Stinavage Kelli Bildstein

Baking and Pastry Group #2 Hannah Scheer Tiffany Youngman Keelin Knepple Nicholas Maresh Asten Branecky Brittany Duffy Liz Latanyshyn Shianne Rich Jessica Callahan

Lindsay Harlow Ilona Peysakhova Brittany Watson Suzanne Mulherin Stephanie Totty Alaxandra Marullo Amelia Cochrane Michelle Light Juniper Abraham

Culinary Arts Group #3 Waldy Torres Heidi Finney Katie Fosse Nahum Silverstein Kyle Mayberry

Ramon Navoa Randall Matthews Robert Bullek Jeremy Spesard John Tandy III

Culinary Arts Group #4 Vince Falcon Rebecca Unland Rhonda Woodson Alisa Peysakhova

Alita Seda Becky Shea Ivan O’Farrill Casey Losee

AOS Graduation Speaker A true visionary, Anthony J. Terlato has led the evolution of the fine wine industry for more than half a century. As chairman of Terlato Wine Group (TWG), his passion for quality is evident in every bottle of wine the company markets and produces. Anthony Terlato began his career in 1955 at Leading Anthony J. Terlato Liquor Marts, his father’s retail wine and spirits store in Chicago, IL. The following year, he joined his father-in-law’s wine-bottling firm, Pacific Wine Company. In a short time, he transformed the company into a respected distributor of fine wines and, at the age of 29, was named its president. In the late 1960s, Mr. Terlato chose the family’s Paterno Imports to build his wine import business and, by the mid-1980s, it was considered the premier importer of Italian wines in the United States. During this period, he introduced Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio to the U.S., earning him the title “Father of Pinot Grigio,” and in 1984, Mr. Terlato was conferred the decoration of Cavaliere Ufficiale, Motu Proprio by the president of Italy. In the late 1980s, along with sons Bill and John, he expanded Paterno’s portfolio. Now called Terlato Wines International (TWI), the company is the leading marketer of luxury wines, with one of every eight bottles of wine over $14 sold in the U.S. coming from its portfolio. TWI also represents and distributes Greystone Cellars wines exclusively for The Culinary Institute of America. In 1996, the Terlatos purchased Rutherford

Hill Winery. The journey was the first of many to follow; TWG now includes the family’s investments in vineyards, wine production joint ventures, and wineries in some of the world’s most esteemed wine regions, including the Napa Valley, Sonoma County, and Santa Barbara in California; the Rhône Valley in France; and Australia. In 2008, Mr. Terlato published TASTE: A Life in Wine, and in 2009, he appeared on Top Chef. For his contributions to the advancement of fine wine, Anthony Terlato has received many industry honors, including being named “Man of the Year” by Wine Enthusiast and being awarded the “Norman M. Lipman Award for Innovation and Determination” at l’Ete du Vin, one of the top five wine auctions in America. In 2004, he received the “Distinguished Service Award” from Wine Spectator, and was later named a lifetime member of the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans. In 2009, Mr. Terlato was inducted into The Wines of Italy Hall of Fame by the Italian Trade Commission. Active in wine organizations and his community, Mr. Terlato in 1995 founded The Renaissance Club, which celebrates the food and wine of Italy. He is a member of the Commanderie de Bordeaux and the Confrérie du Tastevin, and served on the board of trustees of COPIA, the American Center for Wine, Food, and the Arts. Mr. Terlato is a longtime board member for Chicago’s Lyric Opera and a governing member of the Orchestral Association of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. In 1980, he was named “Man of the Year” by City of Hope, a National Cancer Institutedesignated Comprehensive Cancer Center.



David Zito Ilana Pulda Adam Gianelloni Sue J Cho Kari Woods Molly Alpern


Culinary Arts Group #1


Culinary Arts Group STUDENT SITE NAME

Marco Ahwahnee Hotel, The Thomas American Club Daniel Beekman Arms Holly Biltmore Estate Benjamin Bistro Bis Michael Boca Raton Resort & Club Jennifer Boca Raton Resort & Club Fernanda Boca Roton Resort & Club Natalie Bolele Restaurant Jovany Bouley Marc Cavalier Golf & Yacht Club Jamie Lee CIA Publishing Estella Citi Field Jeffrey Crew Restaurant Santiago DBGB Kitchen & Bar Kwangchul Del Posto Michael Del Posto Stefan Devonshire @ PGA Jennifer Dirt Candy Gregory Domenica Steven Eleven Madison Park Stephanie Esalen Institute Brian Fifty-Six Union Alex Forpaugh’s Restaurant Skyler Frontera Grill, Topolobampo Amanda Gigi Trattoria Holly Google Joshua Gramercy Tavern Donald Greenbriar, The Nicholas Haliimaile General Store Tiffany Hawks Restaurant Brian HMS Host Robert HMS Host, Sea Tac Intl Airport Leah Inn @ Little Washington Silvia Jaleo, DC Jieun Jean Georges Juan John’s Island Club Daniel Kiawah Island Golf Resort Adam Loews Miami Beach Hotel Peter Mandatin Oriental Asana Dmitri Michael Mina Christian Modern Charlotte No. 9 Park Matan Ocean Prime, Aventura Elizabeth Oceana Restaurant Tory Pier W Matthew Providence Restaurant James Ritz Carlton Kapalua Ritz Carlton Orlando Grandlakes Maxim Raymond Rosemary and Sage Lisa San Francisco Chronicle SD26 Restaurant & Wine Bar Savannah Kevin Soho House Joshua The Would Andrew Top of The Hub Fred Turning Stone Resort Craig Turning Stone Resort Nicholas Union Square Café Nailah Vidalia Restaurant Edward Vista Verde Guest Ranch Ryan Volt Restaurant Barry WDW, Wave Contemporary Resort Joshua Would, The

Juehne Mochel Villa Jones Grant Carpenter Parker Leal Suits Chanying Kantrowitz Hall Lopez Scott Villaveces Park Scarpa Pankow Brooks Wilson Hejnas Hsu Murtagh Kegley Hanka Beame Smith Abrams Dussard Fitzgerald Winter Adamo Dickensheets Pfeiffer Prudencio Chung Garrido Solustri West Cleary Tishlias Bellicci Smith Yehudai Hunt Reggio Keen McCune Pettersen Ortiz Appleton Stromberg Wadzuk Bauer Werblin Esposito Thompson Wasicek Ellis Work Stutzbach Terkin Bauer

Baking and Pastry Group SITE NAME


Abigail Kirsch; Pier Sixty Nicole Atheneaum Hotel Ashley Bouchon Bakery Min Kyung Celebrity Cruises, Solstice Mark Gaylord National Hotel Matthew Gramercy Tavern Georgia Horse Shoe Bay Resort Jennifer JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa Seung Eun Jean Georges Christine La Pattisserie Stephanie Le Pain Quoitidien Rachel Pebble Beach Resorts Jedidiah Pebble Beach Resorts Kyle Per Se Gi Ye Ritz Calton Dove Mountain Brent Something Natural Laurel Sweetish Hill Bakery Sarah

Ross Betts Park Henning Cerone Curley Sosa Hong Wong Bastanza Deluca Boyer Buttram Kim Rust Zmoda Borries

September 9, 2011





I could only prepare so much before heading to Chef Jim Maraldo’s Cuisines of The Mediterranean kitchen. I printed out tracking schedules and conjured images of how our class would be on the flawless first day. At the time, it really seemed unfair to have such expectations. Before taking this class, we had gone through three weeks of summer break, finished a myriad of academic classes in L-Block and took Baking Fundamentals with Chef Levy. I perceived that we were a bit rusty since we had been out of the kitchen.

down on paper, stating that it is how people kept their jobs in the industry. More or less, “Job Survival”. 0There comes a point in time where all the pieces become truly one. In this case, an ice machine did the trick. At the beginning of the Spain Menu, someone made a venture to the ice machine and lost the keys. Not the prettiest scene by any means. An apology email was sent out by the culprit and the keys were in the possession of the rightful owner. I feel as if some of us could not enjoy the weekend as we only wanted Tuesday to come so that we could prove to ourselves that we were better than the people who became complacent on a Friday. The days after that became more enjoyable: The group did a marvelous job from top to bottom on Spain day putting out magnificent plates. The Italian menu was around the corner – Chef Maraldo’s specialty. The first day of Italy had more demos than Spain, Middle East and France combined as we were introduced to multiple balsamic vinegars, olive oils, cheeses, the method of making an Italian recipe (twelve ingredients, remove six) and Chef’s personal experiences in Italy from his house. He discussed his friends who made Photo Provided By: Dan Castro artisanal mozzarella cheese and talked about 0Day 1 started at six in the morning. recipes that he brought back from Umbria after We picked up our food, passed around greetings his vacation there. Chef wanted to present something and proceeded with our day by cooking our assigned more modern and attractive for the students to try dish. Our group made Soulvaki, which I could best such as a Trio of Crudo, Beet Salad and Squid Ink describe as a Greek Sandwich. This consists of Lamb Tagliatelli. stuffed inside Pita with mixed greens and served 0By the twilight of this experience, the class found with sides such as Msoura (Moroccan Carrot Salad), itself humming “Under Pressure” by Queen and Cacik (Cucumber Yogurt Salad) and Harissa sauce. catching up on last night’s events. The atmosphere was My partner and I were sailing smoothly: We had our similar to a professional kitchen outside of school: a lamb marinated, vinaigrette made and sides on the time for goofing around, and a time for getting down verge of completion. We got one specific instruction to business, executing techniques the proper way when for the day and that was to roast the meat at 9:30 AM. it truly mattered. 10:30 AM came along and I forget to put the meat 0After we cleaned up the last of our dishes and in the oven. There were notes scribbled on Chef’s mopped the last tile in K-3, the group gathered around clipboard, and just like that, the day turned sour. with smiles on our faces. Chef Maraldo’s parting 0If there is any advice that I can give a student went as, “I hope you learned something in this class… if they are in Chef Maraldo’s kitchen, it is: Follow following instructions and good work habits. You have instructions. As a former Marine, Chef is thankful for been one of the best classes that I have had in a long his training as it made him the man that he is today: A time.” This was music to our ears, and it accompanied stickler for the rules who wants his instructions followed well with the fact that it was the weekend where the to a tee. He encourages students to write directions sun shined brightly outside.


I am really enjoying this time of year because tomatoes are in season and they’re all over the market. You can find cherry tomatoes in all sorts of colors and shapes, plum tomatoes that are great for making sauce and gorgeous heirloom varieties. Eggplant is also in season which is a fantastic pairing with tomatoes. They find harmony in the dish Pasta alla Norma, a fresh light tomato sauce tossed with eggplant. While there are many varieties of the dish, I love to fry small cubes until they’re browned and crispy and use them as a garnish on top of the dish. If I have mozzarella in house, I’ll add chunks of it as I toss the pasta with the hot tomato sauce and top the finished dish with fresh basil. I like to sprinkle Pecorino Stagionato, available at Dancing Ewe’s stand on top, but it can be substituted with Pecorino Romano. It is best to use fresh pasta!




Method In a large saucepan, heat one tbsp. olive oil. Sweat the onions until translucent and add the garlic and red pepper, until fragrant. Add the fresh tomatoes and season with salt and pepper, to taste. Simmer until tomatoes soften and sauce thickens, about thirty minutes. While the sauce is cooking heat two tbsp. of olive oil in a frying pan. When the oil is hot, add the eggplant in small batches, turning often to brown on all sides. When the eggplant is golden brown and crispy, scoop onto a paper towel lined plate and keep warm. Meanwhile, cook spaghetti in salted, boiling water. Add the spaghetti to the sauce and coat. With the heat turned off, add the mozzarella and toss. Plate the pasta and garnish with eggplant cubes and fresh basil. Sprinkle with fresh Parmesan. Enjoy!

Laura’s Homemade Pasta Alla Norma. Photo Provided By: Laura Ganssle


WRITTEN BY: JARED VALBURG CONDUCTED BY: NAOMI ELZE-HARRIS BOTH BPS CULINARY Jeffery Michaud is not only an Executive Chef but also the co-owner of several restaurants and recipient of the James Beard “Best Chef Mid-Atlantic 2010”. He recently spoke at the August 19th graduation to CIA students. A CIA graduate himself, Chef Michaud took the time to sit down with Naomi Elze-Harris for an interview, where he discussed his views on food, history in the industry and advice to the next generation of chefs. LA PAPILLOTE: What’s it like to be back on campus? Were you excited? JEFFREY A. MICHAUD: Is it exciting to be back like this? Yes. I did not expect to be asked to do this speech, but yeah it was an honor. LP: So after working under the critically acclaimed Marc Vetri and discovering a passion for Italian cooking, you went to work at Mangilli, a small butcher shop. What was that transition like for you? JM: That was the first time that I went to Italy to work, and I didn’t speak any Italian. I didn’t even know what “ciao” meant when I arrived. It was a butcher shop so I had some butchering skills with smaller animals. I mean they had people coming in

with half sides of cow… it was an unbelievable life changing experience. We have a salami program at my restaurant so it taught me how to cure meats, make sausages and salami. It was definitely life changing. It got me out of cooking, I mean I like cooking and I like pastry but I think butchering is the part I like the most. LP: What were the conditions leading up to you being named “Best Chef Mid-Atlantic in 2010” by the James Beard Foundation? JM: I have no idea, I was on the long list for a couple of years and I wasn’t expecting to make the short list. There were a lot of good chefs who had been nominated for five or six years in a row and I was not expecting to get nominated (muchless, to get the award). It was definitely a shock. LP: What can you tell us about your new Italian gastropub? JM: It’s going to be awesome! It’s basically in an old garage so it has almost a warehouse-atmosphere; most of our restaurants have an old, industrial kind of feel to them, with some rustic Italian thrown in. We’ll have twenty beers on tap and we’re going to do our version of what Italians would do if they provided gastropub food. The restaurant will have a fish and meat bar as well as oysters. We’re going to do a whole roasted

pig head for two, whole roasted pork shoulders and whole roasted chickens. There will be a fried section, which will be our whimsical twist on Italian food keeping rustic and traditional to a certain extent. The restaurant will also have a lounge inside. LP: Do you have a name for it yet? JM: Yeah, it’s going to be called “Alla Spina” which means “from the tap” in Italian. LP: You work with the Vetri Foundation for Children to support healthy living habits for young people. What advice would you give to the students of the CIA regarding food activism? JM: Give back. You know, in the culinary world it is easy to give back, for us to donate our time, donate a dinner, or go to a charity event. I think chefs have the biggest movement… you know it’s not hard for us to pack up our bags and go to a charity event for one night. We chose what we wanted to give back tochildren. We raise money for childhood cancer, and we’ve been doing that for about six years now. For me, giving back is the best thing you can do. This last year we raised $850,000 for children. Thank you to Jeffery Michaud for an in-depth interview. His donations and talents are certainly recognized by the CIA and culinary industry.


An Exploration of Random Culinary Trends, Facts, Ingredients, and Information.


J is for... Jackfruit

Photo By:


Jalousie A small cake made with flaky pastry, filled with a layer of almond paste topped with jam. A latticed pastry topping allows the colorful jam filling to peek through.

Jumble (Jumbal) Photo By: A relative of Breadfruit and Durian, this tropical fruit can weigh up to one-hundred pounds. It is believed to have originated in Southern India but has now become very popular throughout Southeast Asia and in some parts of Brazil and Africa.When it is green, it is used in savory applications such as curries. When it is fully ripe, the individual “sacks” of pulp that make up this fruit are normally used in sweet applications such as desserts. In the US, it is only available canned.

Jinhua Ham

Photo By: This dark, coarse, unrefined sugar (sometimes referred to as palm sugar ) can be made either from the sap of various palm trees or from sugar-cane juice. It is primarily used in India. It comes in several forms, the two most popular being a soft, honeybutter texture and a solid cake-like form. The buttery one is used to spread on breads and confections, while the solid version serves to make candies. When crushed, it is used to sweeten dishes. By many, jaggery is a healthier alternative to refined sugar.


Photo By:http://www.goldenpineappleblog Dating back to early America, this delicate cookie was very popular in the 1800’s. It is like a sugar cookie made with sour cream and scented with rose water. They can also be made with other flavorings such as orange peel or coconut.

Photo By: This is a type of dry-cured ham named after the city of Jinhua, where it is produced, in the Zhejiang province of Eastern China. The ham is used in Chinese cuisines to flavor stewed and braised foods as well as for making the stocks and broths of many Chinese soups. The first historical mentions of this ham and its production method date back to the Tang Dynasty, more than 1000 years ago.

New Contest:

“Photo of The Block” La Papillote presents a new contest! In conjunction with the Culinary Institute of America’s very own Photography Club, we are offering a contest, “Photo of the Block”. Each block we present a new theme to take photographs of. For the next issue, our theme will be Summer Happenings. Because we are in our last few weeks of summer, we want you to capture the essence of summer with pictures that show some of the season’s most fun, attractive and lively sights. Take pictures of flowers, people, activities and events that exhibit what summer is really about. The contest will be judged by the Photography Club’s own members at their meetings. Photography Club will look at how well the photograph follows the theme, that the photograph demonstrates skill and knowledge of using the camera, and how well the story is told. The only real rules to the contest, for now, is that Photoshop may not be used and that the image is a .jpg file! To enter the contest, please send your photographs to CULINARYPHOTOCLUB@ GMAIL.COM. To find out who wins, look out for next block’s La Papillote newspaper. The winner will receive a $25 gift certificate to the CIA bookstore! Happy shooting!

Photo By:


Photo By: One of the sizes used in bottles of wine. Like many others, this comes from a biblical name, named after the first king of the northern Israelite Kingdom of Israel. There are two sizes of Jeroboams: the sparkling wine Jeroboam holds four bottles, or 3.0 litres: the still wine Jeroboam holds six regular bottles, or 4.5 litres.

The UPS Store

A Mexican, yogurt-like product produced from thinkening and acidifying cows milk with live enzymes. It is normally the consistency of hummus or thick cream and it is usually consumed cold. This product dates back to colonial times, when the Spaniards introduced dairy to the Americas. Its name comes from Nahuatl (the Aztec language) “xococ”, which means acid.

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