Russian Icons

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R ussian I cons November 2012

1. THE STORY OF CHRIST’S NATIVITY Russian, Circa 1700 A detailed, visual narrative of Christ’s Nativity and its subsequent happenings; the rocky cave on the upper part of the composition includes the oversized, reclining figure of the Mother of God, the swaddled Christ lying in a coffin-like manger next to her, attended by three angels in adoration; to the opposite side, two servants bath the newborn baby; further to the left, the Three Magi on horses follow the guiding star carried by an angel in the skies; then, as if they travelled behind the hill, portrayed again to the right; a second angel approaches a group of sleeping shepherds in order to deliver the good news; in the center another shepherd converses with St. Joseph; the middle register defined by two constructions, the first one housing the Adoration of the Magi, the second representing the walls of the city and the Flight of the Holy Family to Egypt; the lower left corner shows King Herod enthroned instructing a Roman soldier, the Massacre of the Innocents is depicted in the foreground, above to the right, St. Elizabeth and her son John hide in a cave beyond the cliff; the complex image finely rendered in the traditional manner on gold ground, the structure of the image defined by the hills and the buildings 35.5 x 29 cm 2


2. A LARGE ICON OF THE DEISISยง Russian, 19th century Christ seated on a sumptuous throne with elaborate decoration emulating carvings of baroque style, flanked by His Mother and St. John the Baptist, both holding scrolls inscribed with prayers. The names are written in cartouches against a luminous background 45 x 53 cm 4


3. THE MOTHER OF GOD OF TIKHVIN Russian, 19th century 30.5 x 35 cm

4. CHRIST PANTOKRATOR Russian, 19th century 26.5 x 31 cm 6

5. A MENOLIGION FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER Russian, 19th century The Saints and Feasts celebrated in December are depicted over four registers, beginning from the upper left corner. More prominent among them are, on the first row, the slightly oversized figure of St. Nicholas and the announcement by an angel of the Birth of the Mother of God to St. Anna; on the third row the Nativity of Christ and, on the last register the Flight to Egypt and the Massacre of the Innocents. The borders include ten portraits of the Mother of God. 35.5 x 30.8 cm 7

6. MOTHER OF GOD OF SMOLENSK Moscow, 1860 Executed in the realistic style, with a silver oklad and applied silver-gilt haloes, fully hallmarked, with a gilt frame, presented in a wooden and glazed kyot Icon size: 15 x 18 cm; Including the kyot: 29.5 x 33 cm

7. MOTHER OF GOD OF KAZAN Russian, 19th century Portrayed naturalistically with soft shades, covered by a silver-gilt oklad with tooled background and stylized recurring scrolls on the border. The rims of the raised haloes are decorated with the Greek key pattern. 8

8. PRAISES TO THE MOTHER OF GOD ACCORDING TO THE AKATHISTOS HYMN (or “THE PROPHETS FROM ABOVE�) Russian, 19th century The Mother of God is seated on a backless throne, against a rayed glory framed by leafy branches, flanked by prophets who hold objects that symbolically allude to the nature and role of the Mother of God in the Incarnation, and scrolls inscribed with praises to Her. Above there is an image of the blessing Christ and at the lower left corner a representation of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesos. The borders show four family patrons; to the left are Archangel Raphael and the Prophet Elijah and to the right are the Gurdian Angel and St. Anna the Prophetess. 30 x 35 cm 9

9. ST GEORGE KILLING THE DRAGON Russian, 18th century On the upper left corner, Christ emerges from the open skies to bless the saint, whereas the rescued princess Elisaba attends the event in amazement. Four patron saints are portrayed on the borders 26 x 33 cm 10

10. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST SURROUNDED BY FOUR MAJOR EVENTS FROM HIS LIFE Russian, circa 1800 Above there is an image of Lord Sabaoth in blessing, whereas the borders show the Guardian Angel and the female martyr, St. Agapia 35 x 31 cm 11

11. A VITA ICON OF ST. NICHOLAS Russian, the icon dates to circa 1650, the silver oklad dates to circa 1700 Twelve scenes surround the central portrait of the Saint; the latter and the border are covered by silver oklads. 31 x 27 cm

12. AN EXTENDED DEISIS Russian, Circa 1850 Including beyond the Mother of God and St. John the Baptist, the Archangel Michael and Gabriel, St. John the Theologian, the Apostles Peter and Paul and St. Nicholas, and in the foreground, Sts. George and Paraskeva, as well as, the monastic saints Zosima and Savatii prostrated in the foreground. 31.3 x 26.7 cm 12


14. THE NEW TESTAMENT TRINITY Russian, 19th century In a circular glory, Christ and His Father “the Ancient of the Days” flank a cross-bearing orb, while the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove hovers above; flanked by two monastic saints in supplication. 86 x 54 cm

13. A MONUMENTAL ICON OF CHRIST THE SAVIOUR Russian, 19th century The icon focuses on the imposing figure of Christ, extending His right hand in blessing and displaying the open Book of Gospels. 52 x 94 cm 14


15. A LARGE ICON OF THE ENTRY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD TO THE TEMPLE Russian, 19th century The High Priest receives the Mother of God; the scene attended by Her kneeling parents and candlebearing girls. 60 x 68.7 cm


16. A MONUMENTAL PANEL SHOWING THE MOTHER OF GOD OF KAZAN BELOW AND ABOVE, AN ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD OF THE SIGN CARRIED BY TWO ANGELS Russian, 19th century The inscription at the bottom of the panel is a quote from the troparion of the Kazanskaya: 0 fervent intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High, you pray for all to your Son, Christ our God, and you contrive to save all who have recourse to your powerful protection. Protect all of us, o, Our Sovereign Lady and Queen. 83 x 144 cm 17

17. THE ANNUNCIATION Central Russian, second half of the 17th century Executed in the traditional style influenced by the trends of Byzantine icon painting, the border covered by a basma 31.6 x 26.5 cm



18. THE STORY OF CHRIST’S NATIVITY Russian, 18th century 32 x 28 cm



19. THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST IN RIVER JORDAN Central Russian, 1600-1625 Lord Sabaoth appears amidst the clouds in order to bless the event, whereas the Holy Spirit in a fiery red mandorla descends from the Heaven. 32 x 27 cm 22

20. AN ICON DEPICTING AN ICONOSTASIS Russian, Circa 1800 Depicted over five registers are the major feasts of the Orthodox calendar, the saints, prophets and angels. The upper part bears five domed, arched images with scenes from the martyrdom of Christ. 32 x 26.3 cm 23

21. A LARGE ICON OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TRINITY Russian, 19th century 62 x 89 cm



22. A MONUMENTAL ICON OF THE ASSEMBLY OF ALL SAINTS Russian, Circa 1700 80 x 105 cm



24. A LARGE ICON OF THE DEISIS Russian, 19th century Christ the “King of Kings” flanked by the Mother of God and St. John the Baptist in supplication 68 x 53 cm


25. AN ICON REPRESENTING THE LITURGICAL WEEK Russian, Circa 1800 On this rare representation, each day of the week is represented by a feast day image. Beginning at top left the ‘Resurrection’ (Sunday); then the ‘Assembly of the Archangels’ (Monday); the ‘Beheading of John the Forerunner’ (Tuesday); the ‘Annunciation’ (Wednesday); the ‘Foot Washing’ (Thursday); and the ‘Crucifixion’ (Friday). Saturday is depicted as a gathering of ‘All Saints’ and occupies most of the lower part of the icon.) 31 x 35 cm 29

26. THE HOLY MANDYLION Russian, Circa 1700 With a silver halo and tsata 31 x 26.5 cm

27. ST. JOHN THE FORERUNNER “ANGEL OF THE DESERT” Russian, Circa 1700 Holding a Eucharistic chalice that contains the sacrificial body of Christ 32.5 x 29 cm 30

28. A MONUMENTAL ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD “PATRON OF AGRICULTURE” Russian, 18th century Inscribed at the bottom ”Rejoice, O Blessed One, the Lord is with You! Grant and reveal to us, the unworthy slaves, your Mercy. The Feast of Our Lady is celebrated on 15th October”. 89.5 x 65 cm 31

29. THE MOTHER OF GOD OF FYODOR AND SELECTED SAINTS Russian, Early 19th century A brass and enamel icon of the Mother of God of Feodor inserted in a finely painted panel, which depicts selected saints portrayed over four registers. The inscription on the lower border records that this is a “Prayer against drunkenness and a prayer to St. Bonifatii� 35.5 x 30.5 cm 32

30. KURSKAYA MOTHER OF GOD With five family patrons on the border and an image of the Nursing Mother of God North-West Russian, Circa 1800 44.8 x 37.5 cm


32. ST. NICHOLAS SURROUNDED BY SIXTEEN SCENES WHICH NARRATE THE STORY OF HIS LIFE Russian, Middle of the 19th century 35.5 x 30.2 cm

31. A PRIVATELY COMMISSIONED TRIPTYCH Russian, 19th century Including an icon of St. Nicholas in the centre, flanked by Sts. Myron and Barbara 51.2 x 40.7 cm 34

33. A LARGE ICON OF ST. NICHOLAS WITH A SILVER-PLATED OKLAD AND GILT HALO Russian, Late 18th century 48 x 40 cm 35

34. THE DORMITION OF THE MOTHER OF GOD Russian, Middle of the 19th century 31 x 27 cm

35. THE APPEARANCE OF THE MOTHER OF GOD TO ST. SERGEY Russian, 18th century With an image of the Old Testament Trinity above and two family patrons on the border, on the left the Guardian Angel and on the right St. Fyodor 26.5 x 31 cm


36. THE APPEARANCE OF THE MOTHER OF GOD TO ST. SERGEY RADONEZH Russian, Dated 23 June 1804 The inscription on the lower border of the icon provides the following information: “This icon was written in the year 1804 from the Nativity of Christ, in the month of June on the 23rd day. The Moscow icon–painter Mikhailo Kozmin”. 31 x 26 cm 37

37. STS. ANNA AND NADEZHDA Russian, 19th century 31 x 26.7 cm

38. A RARE AND LARGE ICON OF ST. CHARALAMBOS Russian, Late 18th century 41 x 34 cm 38

39. THE BLESSED PRINCE ST. ALEXANDER NEVSKY Russian, 19th century 27 x 22 cm

40. ST. SERGEY Russian, Late 19th century 31.3 x 26.5 cm 39

41. A VITA ICON OF ST. PANTELEIMON Russian, 18th century 44 x 36 cm

42. STS. PETER AND PAUL IS SUPPLICATION TO CHRIST Russian (Mstera School), 19th century 26 x 31 cm 40



44. A SELECTION OF FAMILY PATRONS Russian, 19th century Showing Sts. Nicholas and Sergey in the centre, surrounded by the female martyrs Maria, Natalia, Claudia and Alexandra and an image of the blessing Christ in the open skies above 35.5 x 30.7 cm 42



46. THE NEW TESTAMENT TRINITY Greek, 18th century 22 x 16 cm

48. ST. GEORGE KILLING THE DRAGON Russian, 19th century 40 x 50 cm 44


49. A porcelain and gilt hand-painted egg showing St. Seraphim of Sarov 19th century 10 cm high

54. A large porcelain and gilt Easter egg illustrating the Resurrection of Christ from the Tomb 19th century 9.5 cm high

52. A porcelain Easter egg with the Resurrection of Christ from the Tomb 19th century 7.8 cm high

50. A porcelain and gilt hand-painted egg depicting St. Mary Magdalen 19th century 9 cm high

53. A porcelain and gilt Easter egg with the Resurrection of Christ from the Tomb 19th century 8 cm high

51. A porcelain and gilt hand-painted egg portraying the Mother of God from the scene of the Annunciation 19th century 12 cm high 46


56. A PORCELAIN PLATE SHOWING A MAID ACCOMPANIED BY TWO OLDER LADIES IN THE MARKET Russian, Late 19th century A market scene focused on a youthful lady dressed in beautiful garments and an assorted kokoshnik, with buildings in faded colours in the background. The plate is numbered on the back. Diameter: 19 cm

55. A PORCELAIN PLATE WITH PIERCED RIM REPRESENTING A MARKET SCENE AND DECORATED IN GOLD Russian, made by Gardner, Late 19th century Showing an elderly boyar and his wife walking through the market. The walls of the Kremlin are depicted in the background. The plate is adorned with gold decoration along the circumference of the central scene and on the pierced rim. The back of the plate is marked with the Imperial double-headed eagle and the seal of Gardner porcelain manufacturers. Diameter: 21 cm 48

57. A PORCELAIN PLATE SHOWING A BOYAR IN THE MARKET SQUARE Russian, Late 19th century A young boyar with rich garments standing in the square, with a sly expression twisting his moustache, three ladies like those portrayed on the previous plate depicted in the background. The edge of the green rim decorated with gold palmettes. The plate is numbered on the back. Diameter: 19 cm 49

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