Osallistava vuorovaikutus ja oppiminen digiajan työympäristöissä

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The aim of this thesis was to map out the emotional atmosphere as part of the digital era’s work life in three different sectors in Posio municipality and to develop tools for more emotionally aware remote work. Digitalization and the following current changes in the organization cultures and the working environment have created new ways to interact and experience work. Beside technological development there is increasing interest in emotional perspectives in work organizations – for example in emotional intelligence or in psychological safety. Research questions in this study were following: how the ongoing digital work forms and changes are managed, how emotions are recognized and experienced as a part of the digital work and how interaction and emotions could be developed in remote work. Mixed method was used in the research since the data were collected with survey from three different sectors and additionally the managers interviewed separately. The three focus groups were comprehensive and upper secondary school's faculty members and the administrative personnel at the business services and at the operational environment services. The data was analysed with using qualitative research’s thematizing method. Outcomes and the justifiable developed tools were introduced in a webinar and are also attached to this thesis. The results showed that digital work is managed, and the emotional atmosphere is experienced well in Posio municipality in these three sectors, but there were some needs indicated for organizing and developing more interactive and participatory environment in remote work.

JOHDANTO Digitaalisuus muuttaa vääjäämättä toimintamalleja, työympäristöjä sekä vuorovaikutusta niiden sisällä. Kasvokkain tapahtuva vuorovaikutus ei ole enää mahdollista kaikissa tilanteissa. Tunteiden havaitseminen ja tulkinta on vaikeampaa


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