A-JIS Summer School 2011 Booklet

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Aoba – Japan International School “Learning in itself is a way of life”

A-JIS SUMMER SCHOOL JUNE 13TH - JULY 7TH 8:45am - 2:45pm

Suginami Campus 10-7 Miyamae 2 Chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-0081 Tel: 03-3335-6620 Fax: 03-3332-6935 www.aobaonline.jp

Contents 1. Introduction Letter 2. Elementary/Middle School Welcome Letter 3. Course Description 4. Course Form 5. Enrollment Form

Dear A-JIS Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to another wonderful summer at A-JIS! This year our 2011 Summer School Program will commence from Monday, June 13th and conclude Thursday, July 7th. Generally Summer School courses are smaller than the usual class sizes during the school year. The maximum number of students per

class is 10. However some courses may require additional participants to make the course more enjoyable. Students are not required to wear uniforms, however please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for school and their summer school activities. In continuing to uphold our school’s philosophy “Learning in itself is a way of life”, we are offering a variety of courses for students to learn through discovery. At A-JIS students are life-long learners who have a responsibility to contribute in their own individual way to the emerging global society. We instill essential concepts and skills that prepare our students not only for success, but life. We highly encourage your child's participation in this year’s summer school, as there will be many opportunities for growth.

Intensive Program: Students who have joined Mainstream in Term 3 are required to attend Summer School. Their Summer School enrollment fee is already paid as it is part of the regular school year tuition fees. Enclosed in this booklet you will find all the documents you need to enroll your child in this Summer School Program. We look forward to a fun and rewarding summer. Sincerely, Aoba—Japan International School

A-JISの の保護者の 保護者の皆様

A-JISの の素晴らしい 素晴らしいサマースクール らしいサマースクールへようこそ サマースクールへようこそ! へようこそ! 今年の2011年サマースクールプログラムは6月13日(月)から7月7日(木)まで 行なわれます。全般的にサマースクールは通常のクラスより少人数で、1ク

ラス最大10人までとなっています。しかしながらコースをより楽しいもの とする為に、コースによってはそれ以上の参加者が必要なものもありま す。サマースクール期間は制服を着用する必要はありませんが、学校での 勉強、アクティビティーに相応しい格好をして下さい。 “学ぶということは人生そのものなのです”という私達の学校の理念を継続 し、私達は多様な国際社会にそれぞれのやり方で貢献していく責任を持っ た生涯学習者であります。教育者として、私達は生徒が成功するのに不可 欠なコンセプトや力を教え続けております。お子さんにとって多くの成長 の機会があるサマースクールに参加されることを強くお勧め致します。

英語集中クラスの生徒: 第3学期にメインストリームに異動した生徒は サマースクールへの参加が義務となっております。サマースクール参加費 は既に通常の年間授業料の1部として納めて頂いております。 この冊子の中に、サマースクールのプログラムの詳細、そして申込書が含 まれております。教員一同、楽しいそして有意義なサマースクールになる ことを楽しみにしております。 アオバ‐ アオバ‐ジャパン インターナショナル スクール

A-JIS Summer School Dear Parents, Welcome to another fun and exciting summer school at A-JIS. The summer school program allows for a continuation of the education that was taught during the past school year. Elementary and Middle School teachers will offer courses that will allow our students to learn through discovery and have fun in the process. In addition there will be courses that provide students of various grade levels the opportunity to learn and participate together. Elementary and Middle School students are required to choose 6 courses ( 1 Language Arts, 1 Math, and 4 free choice) for summer school. Each course will meet on a daily basis. This booklet is divided into three sections: Elementary, Elementary and Middle School, and Middle School. Each section is divided into sub-sections: Language Arts, Math, Japanese, Elective, and Music Courses. Summer School will run from Monday, June 13 until Thursday, July 7. The school day will be slightly shorter than in the regular school year: 8:45am - 2:45pm. We look forward to working with your child. Don’t let the deadline pass you by. Sincerely,

Mr. Eugene Sim Summer School Coordinator

Mr. John Liss Jr. Summer School Coordinator

A-JIS サマースクール 保護者の皆様 今年もA-JISの楽しく、有意義なサマースクールにようこそ。サ マースクールは今学年中に学んだことを継続できるものです。 初等部と中等部の教師が発見と楽しさを通して生徒が学ぶこと ができるコースを用意しています。更に、他の学年の生徒と一 緒に一緒に参加し、学ぶことができるコースもあります。 初等部と中等部の生徒はサマースクールで6コース(ランゲージアーツを1 つ、算数/数学を1つ、他を自由選択で4つ)を選ぶ必要があります。どの コースも毎日授業があります。 この冊子は3つのセクションに分かれています。初等部、初等部と中等部、そ して中等部です。各セクションはランゲージアーツ、算数/数学、日本語、 選択科目、音楽のコースに分かれています。 サマースクールは6月13日月曜日から7月7日木曜日まで行なわれます。授業時 間は通常の授業よりも少し短く、午前8時45分から午後2時45分までです。 お子様と一緒に楽しく勉強できることを楽しみにしております。申し込み締 切日をお見逃しになりませんようにお願いします。 ユージーン・スイム




ELEMENTARY COURSES: Language Arts E101 Phonics in Spelling & Writing This course is for students in Grades 1 & 2

Ms. de Silva

This course focuses on helping students apply their knowledge of phonics to spelling. Learn about spelling rules in an interesting and fun way. We will also be applying what we learn to become better writers.

E102: Writing Folktales and Fables

Ms. de Silva

This course is for students in Grades 1 & 2

Folktales and fables capture the imagination and fantasy world of children. In this course folktales and fables from all over the world will be studied, along with their common elements and characteristics. Students will further enrich their appreciation of these stories through role playing, art and creative writing.

E103 Reading

Ms. Le

This course is for students in Grades 1 & 2

For this course, students will get to practice reading several ways. Students will practice silent reading and then get to practice reading aloud to a partner to work on fluency. At the beginning of each class, students will listen to the teacher read aloud a chapter book to have a model of reading with expression.

E104 Writing

Ms. Buguis

This course is for students in Grades 1 — 2

This course aims to enhance students' writing skills. Every session students will be provided with a list of original, fun, and thoughtprovoking writing prompts. The prompts are based on holiday, seasonal, and general topics so an appropriate selection is always available to match students' needs and interest. They will use a variety of prewriting tools to help them organize ideas and information.

E105: Guided Reading

Ms. Buguis

This course is for students in Grades 1 — 2

This course aims to improve students' decoding and comprehension skills. Students will be assigned to read books in accordance to their reading level. They will understand how prediction will help with comprehension of texts. They will identify story elements, describe important events in a book, and retell stories with clear beginning, middle and ending. They will connect information from personal experiences to information from stories they have read.

E106 Readers Theatre

Ms. Buguis

This course is for students in Grades 1 — 2

This course aims to improve students' listening skills, comprehension skills, and reading fluency. Reader's Theater promotes better reading comprehension because children who have learned to read a passage expressively also come to better understand its meaning. It also addresses standards in listening while providing a fun environment for everyone involved.

E140 Researching Countries & Cultures

Ms. Le

This course is for students in Grades 2 — 3

Did you like learning about countries for UN Day? In this class, students will develop their researching skills by studying and finding out information about countries and cultures around the world. Students will work collaboratively to read and write about the countries of their choice.

E108 Reading Fluency - Making Audiobooks

Ms. Fuller

This course is for students in Grades 2 — 3

Learn new techniques to improve reading fluency and make stories exciting. Then we will record stories to the computer using garage band. By the end of the class, we will have many books recorded to computer which students will be able to take home AND can then be used in classrooms next year! Requirements - USB drive

E109 Comprehension Games

Ms. Fuller

This course is for students in Grade 2—3

Combining fun and learning by having students create comprehension questions for books they have read. Then we will trade books and students will play games with the comprehension questions written by other students! We will add game boards, different level questions and some "special" tasks for students to play with!

E110 Integrated Cursive Writing

Mr. Gomez

This course is for students in Grade 2—3

At the conclusion of the course the students (using cursive D'Nealian style) will write legibly with considerable speed. The learners will have richer language arts skills as they understand the origin of words, pronounce phonetic spelling correctly, use antonyms and synonyms in sentences, and write with greatly improved level as they apply the rules of spelling in their daily composition. This course is guaranteed to be both enriching and fun.

E111 Reading/Writing Adventure for Kids

Mr. Currie

This course is for students in Grades 2 — 4

Students will not grow and develop into successful readers until they enjoy reading and choose to read because they want to and are interested. Taking this class is a step in that direction. Students will be introduced to various genres helping them find and learn what kind of books they would love to read.

E112 Building Skills in Language Arts

Mrs. Lara

This course is for students in Grade 3

Students will develop academic skills in Language Arts essential to learning success. The course will take students step by step through a variety of engaging and challenging activities in: Reading, Reading Comprehension, English, Spelling, and Vocabulary. Lessons are structured to teach basic Language Arts skills sequentially to enhance mastery and retention of each skill. Review lessons that measure progress and further reinforce skills will be provided. E113 Literature Response Activities That Develop Good Mrs. Lara Readers and Writers This course is for students in Grade 3

Students will have a choice of books to read and then write their unique response to the literature. The course will develop students' critical thinking and boost their understanding with creative activities. Lessons and activities are intended to promote thoughtful analysis of what was read and enhance students' experience through open-ended questions. Students will share their ideas through projects and literature groups. E114 Readers Theatre

Mr. Fearon

This course is for students in Grades 4 & 5

Students will work in a group (or small groups) to work on reading aloud skills while working through the medium of poetry and plays. They will be able to adapt short novels to a play format and put on a production of their finished product. There will be equal opportunity for all members to share in the creation of a play and in the acting/speaking parts.

ELEMENTARY COURSES: Math E115: Math Through Play

Ms. de Silva

This course is for students in Grades 1 - 2

Math skills and concepts will be explored and enhanced using manipulatives, and through solving word problems, riddles and play. Make your own math games! Students will also learn to apply their math skills to their everyday lives.

E116 Math Problem Solving

Ms. Buguis

This course is for students in Grade 1

Students will review mathematical skills using word problems that challenge them to think critically. They will follow problem solving strategies which include reading the problem carefully, marking the important information found in the problem, and thinking and implementing what is needed to solve the problem. The use of manipulatives will be provided as needed and to make learning more fun and meaningful.

E117 Problem Solving & Math Games

Ms. Le

This course is for students in Grade 2

Half this class will be devoted to practicing writing and solving math problems. The other half will allow students the chance to do math mad libs, Quizmo, card games, and other math games!

E118 Math Bazaar

Ms. Fuller

This course is for students in Grades 2—3

Students will earn Math Money by completing math work, then they will use that money to buy goods and services from other students as well as offer a good or service for others to buy (All items will be made by students in class). Students will manage their own money and have the opportunity to spend their money or save for larger purchases. Requirements - zipper pouch large enough to hold paper money.

E119 Math 2 & 3 Enrichment

Ms. Hsu

This course is for students in Grades 2—3

The objective of this course is to provide students with a high level thinking and problem solving in math. Topics include additional, subtraction, multiplication, division and problem solving. E120: Math Skill Builders

Mrs. Lara

This course is for students in Grade 3

Students will engage in activities that practice and reinforce math skills through guided instruction, independent work, and Math Learning Centers. These activities will provide students with practice problems requiring logical thinking as well as computational application. E121: Math - Hands, Heart and Mind

Mr. Currie

This course is for students in Grades 3 — 4

Students will do well in Math if they love it, touch it and learn it with their hands, while putting these concepts into their minds. Join this class to learn math the fun way with manipulatives, games, drills and hard work. E122 Grades 4 & 5 Math

Mr. Fox

This course is for students in Grades 4 — 5

This course will meet the individual needs of grade 4 and grade 5 students to prepare them for the next academic year. The focus will be on problem solving, and students will review necessary grade level skills as they need them.

E123 Mathletics

Mr. Fearon

This course is for students in Grades 4 - 5

Students will develop speed and skill with four basic computations (add, subtract, multiply, and divide) in an exciting environment of competition with others worldwide. Students will review skills learned this past year while being engaged in contests with other students.

ELEMENTARY COURSES: Japanese E125: Grades 1 & 2 Japanese Language Enrichment

Mr. Yoshida

This course is for students in Grades 1 - 2

This course is designed as Japanese language class to meet students’ enrichment purposes up to Grade 2 level Japanese. Students will work on reading, writing, and kanji practice. E126: Shodo and Japanese Culture

Ms. Endo

This course is for students in Grades 1 – 3

Students will learn how to use a brush to write Japanese and will understand why Kanji has a definite shape. They will experience other cultural activities in a calm atmosphere.

E128: Japanese Library

Ms. Seo

This course is for students in Grades 1 — 5

The emphasis of this course will be placed on developing a feeling of familiarity and enjoyment of the library. Students will engage in many activities, such as library games, book binding, paper making, Braille (点字)and so on. E129 AJIS Challengers

Ms. Seo

This course is for students in Grades 1 — 6

Students will be able to gain confidence and improve their Japanese computer skills while having fun. Also, they will be provided with an opportunity to participate in an official contest of keyboarding skills. E130 Grade 2 Kokugo - Syntactic Learning of Japanese Language

Ms. Kawahata

This course is for students in Grade 2

This course is designed for the overall review and development of Japanese at Grade 2 level Kokugo. Students will work on reading comprehension, writing ( poem, composition, picture book ), kanji and projects for presentation. They will also expand vocabulary skills through guided reading and advance their knowledge about Japanese culture through various experiences.

E132 Grade 3 Kokugo

Ms. Sato

This course is for students in Grade 3

This course is designed for the overall review of Japanese at Grade 3 level Kokugo. In this course, students will work on comprehension, Kanji, and writing assignments for presentations. Also students will have a chance to establish their reading habits and build their vocabulary through learning activities by using dictionaries. E133 Grades 3 & 4 Kokugo

Mr. Yoshida

This course is for students in Grades 3—4

This course is designed for overall review at Grade 3 and 4 level Kokugo. Students will work on comprehension, Kanji, and writing assignments. E134 Grade 4 Kokugo—Syntactic Learning of Japanese Language Ms. Kawahata This course is for students in Grade 4

This course is designed for the overall review and development of Japanese at Grade 4 level Kokugo. Students will work on reading comprehension, writing ( poem, composition, picture book ), kanji and projects for presentation. They will also expand vocabulary skills through guided reading and advance their knowledge about Japanese culture through various experiences. Also, they will gain basic knowledge of Japanese geography and history.

E135 Kokugo - Japanese Language Enrichment

Ms. Kawahata

This course is for students in Grades 4 — 5

This course is designed to enrich the Japanese skills of students up to Grade 4 level Kokugo. Students will work on reading comprehension, writing ( poem, composition, picture book ), kanji and projects for presentation. They will also expand vocabulary skills through guided reading and advance their knowledge about Japanese culture through various experience. Also, they will gain basic knowledge of Japanese geography and history. E136 Grade 5 Kokugo/Social Studies

Ms. Sato

This course is for students in Grade 5

This course is designed for overall review at Grade 5 level Kokugo. Students will have a chance to enrich their Japanese language through comprehension, Kanji, and writing assignments. Students will gain basic knowledge of social studies. E137 Grade 5 Kokugo

Mr. Yoshida

This course is for students in Grade 5

This course is designed for overall review at Grade 5 level Kokugo. Students will work on comprehension, Kanji, and writing assignments.


Ms. de Silva

This course is for students in Grades 1 & 2

Children are naturally interested in science because it is a way to develop their understanding of how the world works. This course will tap into the children's natural curiosity and through investigation and hands on experimentation, explore our common everyday world as well as the world within and beyond our earth. We will, in particular study the properties of liquids, focusing on surface tension, what makes up the structure of the earth and about our solar system. E139 Grades 1-2 Sports Club

Mr. Galles

This course is for students in Grades 1 & 2

This course is offered for students in grades 1-2 with an emphasis on playing a variety of team sports and games: kick baseball, basketball, and soccer as well as other games. Lead up skills and developmental strategies will be incorporated into the daily lessons along with games and tournament play. E107 American Sign Language

Ms. Le

This course is for students in Grades 1 — 4

American Sign Language is a recognized language in the world. After successfully teaching my daughter how to communicate using sign language, I would like the opportunity to teach your child how to communicate via this fun and interactive language!

E141 Web-based Multimedia Projects

Mrs. Lara

This course is for students in Grade 3

Students will use multimedia web-based software to create their own original work. They will be introduced to broad concepts about computers, internet, and technical fluency, while meeting educational standards that build and enrich literacy skills. By the end, students will make pictures, artwork, animated movies, drawings, and stories. E142 Grades 3-5 Sports Club

Mr. Galles

This course is for students in Grades 3 — 5.

This course is offered for students in grades 3-5 with an emphasis on playing a variety of team sports: baseball, basketball, and soccer. Lead up skills and developmental strategies will be incorporated into the daily lessons along with games and tournament play. E143 iMovie Video Production & Editing

Mr. Currie

This course is for students in Grades 3 — 5.

Students will learn the basics of video editing using prerecorded and student created video clips. Students will learn many basic and advanced skills: importing, sound editing, voiceover, etc. After completing various projects a final product will be a self-contained movie to be uploaded to YouTube, saved to USB clipdrive, and burned to a DVD.

E144 Sideway Stories - The Movie

Mr. Currie

This course is for students in Grades 3 — 5

In this class, students will write, edit, act, and direct a movie from stories they have read from the book "Sideways Stories from Wayside School". Students will use MacBook computers and the iMovie application. Prerequisite: Students must have read this book. If they attended a 3rd grade class at Aoba, they have read it and know the stories well.

E145 Movie Making

Mr. Remaly

This course is for students in Grades 3 — 5

Students will choose a popular children's book and write a screenplay adaptation, design a storyboard, cast and act the roles, develop sets and props, film the needed scenes, and edit their work. The resulting movie will be shared with the rest of the school on the last day of summer school. In addition, students can receive a DVD copy of their work.

E146 Chess Club

Mr. Fearon

This course is for students in Grades 4 — 5

Students will learn strategies for winning at Chess and develop critical thinking skills in a fun filled class. We may also include Checkers and some other board games if so desired.

E147 Selected Technology Applications for Upper Elementary Student Assignments and Projects Mr. Lara This course is for students in Grades 4 — 5 Students taking this course will develop basic skills on how to use OSX iWorks Pages (word processing), Keynote (slide show presentation), zoho.com (an online suite of word processing, slide show presentation, and spreadsheet/charting applications that will help students start work on their computer in school, save their work online, and continue working at home with another student, or group). Students will also learn how to do audio recording and simple editing using Audacity, and use selected Web 2.0 applications (accessible through a Nicenet.org account) such as typing skills practice, leveled dictionaries, thesaurus, online research and reference tools, and Tokbox web conferencing. Items needed for this course: one 4 or 8 GB USB flash drive, a USB headset with microphone, a Windows PC or Macintosh computer at home with an internet connection, and a webcam.

ELEMENTARY COURSES: Music E149 Summer Music Enrichment

Mr. Koike

This course is for students in Grades 1 — 3

This elective class is designed to provide a fun and instructional music experience for students at the lower elementary school level. Students can learn about fundamentals of music, as well as select and area of concentration among the following: Hand Bells, Choral Singing, Recorder and Piano. Students who took Music Enrichment Gr.1-3 last summer school are asked to take Elementary Handbell Course. E150 Intensive Piano

Ms. Finch

This course is for students in Grades 1 — 5

This course is open to piano students of all ability levels, including beginners. Students will be divided into ability levels and taught piano techniques in a group setting by a classically trained pianist. Students are sure to improve both their technical ability and musicianship in this concentrated piano elective. E151 Elementary Handbell

Mr. Koike

This course is for students in Grade 2 — 5

This course is designed to provide a fun and instructional music experience through Handbells. Students will use the real Handbells to learn ensembles. Students, who wish to apply for this course, are required to finish "Music Summer Enrichment Gr.1-3" in previous summer schools, or they need to have experience in music. (Please talk to Mr. Koike if you have any questions.)

E152 Enrichment Band (Elementary School)

Mr. Remaly

This course is for students in Grades 4 — 5

This ensemble class will continue to develop musical skills on the band instruments. It is open to any member who has already played in the band for at least one year. The songs we perform will depend on the number and instrument types of the students enrolled in the class.


Mr. Gomez

This course is for students in Grades 4 — 6

At the conclusion of the course the students (using cursive D'Nealian style) will write legibly with considerable speed. The learners will have richer language arts skills as they understand the origin of words, pronounce phonetic spelling correctly, use antonyms and synonyms in sentences, and write with greatly improved level as they apply the rules of spelling in their daily composition. This course is guaranteed to be both "enriching and fun".

EM201 Improving Oral Reading Fluency, Expression & Comprehension Skills Through Readers Theatre Mr. Lara This course is for students in Grades 4 — 9

Students taking this course will work on improving their word recognition, fluency and comprehension. Using no props, costumes or scenery, each student will take the part of one of the characters, or as the narrator, in a script or story. Students will practice reading with expression by focusing on rhythm, stress and intonation of speech. Students will be taught how to use the Audacity application for recording and practicing their scripts at school and at home. Their audio recordings will be available (through a Nicenet.org class account) for student pre and post listening/critiquing using a Reader's Theatre/Oral Communication rubric. Opportunities to practice reading and rereading for meaning will help students to improve their overall reading and oral communication skills in a lively and fun way. Items needed for this course: one 4 or 8 GB USB flash drive, a USB headset with microphone, and a Windows PC or Macintosh computer at home with an internet connection.

EM202 Reading & Note-taking Strategies for Social Studies Mr. Lara This course is for students in Grades 5 — 9

Students taking this course will develop strategies to understand social studies material. They will learn to use expository text features that promote understanding and learning such as chapter titles, overviews, and headings to determine main ideas. Students will also learn how to take notes and write summaries without plagiarizing materials. Appropriate Social Studies readings and online/ CD based interactive resources will be provided. Items needed for this course: one 4 or 8 GB USB flash drive, a notebook, a Windows PC or Macintosh computer at home with an internet connection. EM203 Creative Writing

Mr. Fearon

This course is for students in Grades 5 — 9

Students will be exposed to various genres of writing, including poetry, narrative - descriptive story writing, and expository writing, and song writing, if desired. They will adopt strategies to improve and expand skills learned throughout the year while exploring their creativity. This is not a remedial course. Students should enjoy writing and have an earnest desire to improve their skills. EM204 Shodo & Japanese Culture

Ms. Endo

This course is for students in Grades 4 — 9

Students will learn how to use a brush to write Japanese and will understand why Kanji has a definite shape. They will experience other cultural activities in a calm atmosphere.

EM205 Hair Braiding

Ms. Fuller

This course is for students in Grades 2 — 9

Come and learn how to braid, French braid, Herringbone braid, under braid and many more! It's fun, easy and you will learn how to braid other people's hair and even your own! Requirements- Your hair must be as long as your shoulders. You must bring your own brush, comb, a hand mirror or standing mirror and supply round hair bands, small and large.

EM206 Craft

Ms. Asano

This course is for students in Grades 3 — 6

Students will make little purses using an appliqué, crochet and they will also make small jewelry trays with paper clay. The maximum class size is 15 students .

EM207 Tennis for Beginners and Intermediate Players

Ms. Endo

This course is for students in Grades 5 — 9

This course focuses on tennis lesson for beginner and intermediate students. They will learn strokes, volley, footwork, smash, rules of the game and enjoy playing tennis.

EM208 Architectural Design

Ms. Asano

This course is for students in Grades 5 — 9

Students experiment with what architects do. They also plan to make models of buildings. This class can accommodate a maximum of 12 students.

EM209 Percussion Methods

Mr. Remaly

This course is for students in Grades 4 – 9

Students will learn to play percussion instruments. This class will focus on the drum set, at a beginning level. Students will learn to play the following basic drum beats: ROCK, HALF-TIME ROCK, SWING, LATIN.

MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSES: Language Arts M100 Basic Writing

Mr. Meyer

This course is for students in Grades 6 — 7

Students will learn basic skills that are needed in writing paragraphs and, depending on the student, 5 paragraph essays. M101 Basic Reading Skills

Mr. Meyer

This course is for students in Grades 6 — 7

Students will work on basic skills needed for reading. We will cover inference, character analysis, themes, basic facts, and as many other skills as we can cover during our 18 days together. M102 Nature Reading & Writing

Mr. Meyer

This course is for students in Grades 6 — 9

We will study and write about the nature around us and in the world. We will both read articles and visit local parks to get a sense of what nature is and why it is important to us. We will use the computer lab to write essays and poetry about what we see, hear, smell, and feel. M103 Language Arts Skills

Ms. Stanley

This course is for students in Grades 7 — 9

This Language Arts course is designed to focus on the more technical aspects of English, like grammar, sentence structure, spelling, organizational skills, etc. It is important that the material be learned in an enjoyable way, which is possible through different activities, games, writing assignments, and many more.

M104 Language Arts Literature & Poetry Appreciation

Ms. Stanley

This course is for students in Grades 7 — 9

In this course, students will learn to appreciate English literature and poetry. They will have a chance to read and write different forms of poems and literature in a stimulating and rewarding setting.

MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSES: Math M105 Math Course 2

Ms. Hsu

This course is for students in Grades 6 — 7

The objective of this course is to provide students with a smooth transition from arithmetic concepts to algebraic, geometric and higher level math concepts. Topics include number application problems involving integers, fractions, decimals and percent, number patterns and sequences, and estimation skills. M106 Math Tactics on SSAT

Mr. Gaco

This course is for students in Grades 6 — 9

This course will cover many different math tactics to ensure good results in SSAT. This will also cover the key principles of mathematics from the most basic concepts up to high school level formulas that they will need to achieve success on the SSAT. Areas include: Coordinated Geometry, Logical Reasoning, Polynomials, Ratios and Proportions, solving Equations and Inequalities, Number Theory and Plane Geometry.

M107 Remedial Math

Mr. Gaco

This course is for students in Grades 6 — 8

Learners are guided towards mastery of essential math concepts, using the four operations of numbers as well as fractions, decimals and percents. The course will include practice and review as well as the use of real-world problems and problem solving techniques. M108 Problem Solving

Mr. Fox

This course is for students in Grades 6 — 9

Students will use a variety of problem solving strategies to work on word problems, puzzles and investigations. This is an excellent way to review math skills already studied and to pick up new skills as necessary.

MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSES: Japanese M109 Grades 6-9 Kokugo/Social Studies

Ms. Sato

This course is for students in Grades 6 — 9

This course is designed for overall review at Grades 6 and 7 level Kokugo. Students will have a chance to enrich their Japanese language (from classical to modern) through comprehension, Kanji, and writing assignments. Students will gain basic knowledge in social studies.

MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSES: Electives M110 Baseball

Mr. Liss and Mr. Meyer

This course is for students in Grades 6 — 9

Students will learn the basics of throwing and hitting a baseball. Further development of coordination skills will be taught. Other games related to baseball will be played. M111 Science Enrichment

Mr. Liss

This course is for students in Grades 6 — 9

Students will explore areas of science in which they are interested in enriching their knowledge. Students will research their topic and complete a presentation on it. Students will also demonstrate an experiment on how their topic relates to the earth.

M112 Selected Technology Applications for Middle School Student Assignments and Projects Mr. Lara This course is for students in Grades 6 – 9

Students taking this course will develop basic skills on how to use OSX iWorks Pages (word processing), Keynote (slide show presentation), and Numbers (spreadsheet/charting) for their school work. In addition, students will learn how to use Tokbox and Skype (video conferencing apps for group work at home). Students will get an overview of zoho.com, (online word processing, slide show presentation, and spreadsheet/charting) that will help them start work on their computer in school, save their work online, and continue working at home with another student, or group). Students will also learn how to do audio recording and simple editing using Audacity. They will learn how to use selected Web 2.0 applications (accessible through a Nicenet.org account) such as typing skills practice, photo editing, music creation, drawing/sketching, leveled dictionaries and thesaurus, interactive collage/poster making, and online independent-study research tools. Items needed for this course: one 4 or 8 GB USB flash drive, a USB headset with microphone, a Windows PC or Macintosh computer at home with an internet connection, and a webcam. M114 Sculpture/Print Making

Ms. Asano

This course is for students in Grades 6 – 9

Students will use relief sculpture and carving print to make cards and carving plaster models. They will also try new materials. Class size is up to 12 students.

M115 French is Fun!

Ms. Stanley

This course is for students in Grades 7 – 9

Whether or not you have learned French before, this class will be a great start or a great refresher. Starting with basic verbs, we will be learning how to communicate with each other in certain contexts, like travelling, in a restaurant, or on the phone. Learning a language should be fun, and that is what we will make this class: French is Fun! M116 Drama

Ms. Stanley

This course is for students in Grades 7 – 9

Do you like acting? Ever been called a ‘drama queen’? This is your chance to practice acting in a controlled setting, and having fun with it. Don’t be afraid to get on the floor and fry like bacon, or act like your favorite television character. Speaking loudly, memorizing lines, making eye contact, and good posture: these are all parts of drama, but also all things that will help you in your life forever! M117 Girl’s Team Sports

Mr. Galles

This course is for female students in Grades 6 – 9

This course is offered for female students in grades 6-9 with an emphasis on playing a variety of team sports and games: volleyball, basketball, and soccer. Lead up skills and developmental strategies will be incorporated into the daily lessons along with games and tournament play.

MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSES: Music M118 Introduction to Band

Mr. Koike

This course is for students in Grades 6 – 9

This is a course for students who have not previously learned a musical instrument. We will learn the basics of playing one of following: Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba or Percussion. Students who wish to start playing different instruments may apply for this course. M120 Enrichment Band (Middle School)

Mr. Remaly

This course is for students in Grades 6 – 9

This ensemble class will continue to develop musical skills on the band instruments. It is open to any member who has already played in the band for at least one year. The songs we perform will depend on the number and instrument types of the students enrolled in the class.

M121 Composition With Garage Band

Ms. Finch

This course is for students in Grades 6 – 9

Use the software Garage Band and create music. Students learn the styles of the music and choose one which they want to mix. Students will also learn basic theory of music including chords, chord progression, beat patterns, transposing etc. If students want, they can write the lyrics for their own music, sing it, record it and make CDs! It will be very fun and students can learn a lot! M122 Summer Chorus Session

Ms. Finch

This course is for students in Grades 6 – 9

This course is for students in Grades 6 — 9 who were members of the Middle School Chorus during the 2010-2011 school year. Students who are currently enrolled in Middle School Chorus music class will have the opportunity to continue their studies over the summer session.

Aoba-Japan International School

2011 Summer School Fees and Forms

Dear Parents, Please find the courses you and your child are interested in and circle your choices on the appropriate form for your child's grade level. You will need to fill out the following forms: 1. Course Form 2. Enrollment Form Double check to see if you have the correct courses desired before submitting to your child’s Homeroom Teacher. Send all payments to the following: Mitsui Sumitomo, Nishiogikubo Branch, Futsu Yokin, #1225141, Aoba-Japan International School The deadline for summer school application and course forms will be Wednesday, May 4, 2011. Don’t let the deadline pass you by!

保護者の皆様 お子様と保護者の方が興味のあるコースをお選び頂き、ご希望の コースをお子様の学年用の所定の用紙にご記入下さい。下記の用紙 にご記入頂きますようお願いします: 1.




お子様の担任へご提出頂く前に、再度、ご希望のコースをお書き頂 いたかどうかをご確認下さい。 サマースクールに サマースクールに関する費用 する費用は 費用は次の講座にお 講座にお支払 にお支払い 支払い下さい: さい: 三井住友銀行 西荻窪支店 普通預金 1225141 口座名 アオバ‐ アオバ‐ジャパン インターナショナル スクール サマースクールの申込書とコース用紙の提出期限は2011年5月4日 水曜日です。 提出期限日をお見逃しなく!


Period Two

Period Three

Period Four

Period Five

Period Six

E138: Scientists in Action

Ms. de Silva

E116: Math Problem Solving

Ms. Buguis

E103: Reading

Ms. Le

E101: Phonics in Spelling and Writing

Ms. De Silva

E129: AJIS Challengers

Ms. Seo

E150: Intensive Piano Class

Ms. Finch

E125: Grades 1 & 2 Japanese Language Enrichment

Mr. Yoshida

E105: Guided Reading

Ms. Buguis

E106: Reader’s Theatre

Ms. Buguis

E139: Grades 1-2 Sports Club

Mr. Galles

E149: Summer Music Enrichment

Mr. Koike

E102: Folktales and Fables From All Over The World

Ms. De Silva

E104: Writing

Ms. Buguis

E126: Shodo and Japanese Culture

Ms. Endo

E115: Math Through Play

Ms. de Silva

E128: Japanese Library

Ms. Seo

E107: American Sign Langauge

Ms. Le

(Homeroom Teachers: Please return this Form to Mr. Sim)

----- -------------- ------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------

Period One


----- -------------- ------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------

1st Grade Course Name

SUMMER SCHOOL 2011 COURSE FORM CLASS: NAME: ----- -------------- ------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------

2nd Grade Course Name Period One

Period Two

E119: Math 2 & 3 Enrichment

Ms. Hsu

E138: Scientists in Action

Ms. De Silva

E103: Reading

Ms. Le

E110: Integrated Cursive Writing

Mr. Gomez

E101: Phonics in Spelling and Writing

Ms. De Silva

E118: Math Bazaar

Ms. Fuller

E150: Intensive Piano Class

Ms. Finch

E117: Problem Solving and Math Games

Ms. Le

E129: AJIS Challengers

Ms. Seo

E109: Comprehension Games

Ms. Fuller

E105: Guided Reading

Ms. Buguis

Period Three E151: Elementary Handbell

Period Four

Period Five

Period Six


Mr. Koike

E130: Grade 2 Kokugo: Syntactic Learning of Japanese Language

Ms. Kawahata

E125: Grades1 & 2 Japanese Language Enrichment

Mr. Yoshida

E108: Reading Fluency-Making Audiobooks

Ms. Fuller

E139: Grades 1-2 Sports Club

Mr. Galles

E106: Reader’s Theatre

Ms. Buguis

E149: Summer Music Enrichment

Mr. Koike

E102: Folktales and Fables From All Over The World

Ms. De Silva

E126: Shodo and Japanese Culture

Ms. Endo

E111: Reading/Writing Adventure for Kids

Mr. Currie

E104: Writing

Ms. Buguis

E140: Researching Countries and Cultures

Ms. Le

E115: Math Through Play

Ms. de Silva

E128: Japanese Library

Ms. Seo

E107: American Sign Language

Ms. Le

EM205: Hair Braiding

Ms. Fuller

(Homeroom Teachers: Please return this Form to Mr. Sim)


Period One

E120: Math Skill Builders

Ms. Lara

E110: Integrated Cursive Writing

Mr. Gomez

E119: Math 2 & 3 Enrichment

Ms. Hsu

E144: Sideway Stories-The Movie

Mr. Currie

E150: Intensive Piano Class

Ms. Finch

E132: Grade 3 Kokugo

Ms. Sato

Period Two E118: Math Bazaar

Period Three

Period Four

Period Five

Period Six


Ms. Fuller

E129: AJIS Challengers

Ms. Seo

E143: iMovie Video Production & Editing

Mr. Currie

E112: Building Skills in Language Arts

Ms. Lara

E109: Comprehension Games

Ms. Fuller

E151: Elementary Handbell

Mr. Koike

E121: Math—Hands, Heart and Mind

Mr. Currie

E108: Reading Fluency-Making Audiobooks

Ms. Fuller

E133: Grades 3&4 Kokugo

Mr. Yoshida

E149: Summer Music Enrichment

Mr. Koike

E142: Grades 3-5 Sports Club

Mr. Galles

EM206: Craft

Ms. Asano

E111: Reading/Writing Adventure for Kids

Mr. Currie

E126: Shodo and Japanese Culture

Ms. Endo

E140: Researching Countries and Cultures

Ms. Le

E141: Web-Based Multimedia Projects

Ms. Lara

E113: Literature Response Activities That Develop Good Readers and Writers

Ms. Lara

E128: Japanese Library

Ms. Seo

E107: American Sign Language

Ms. Le

EM205: Hair Braiding

Ms. Fuller

E145: Movie Making

Mr. Remaly

(Homeroom Teachers: Please return this Form to Mr. Sim)

----- -------------- ------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------

3rd Grade Course Name

SUMMER SCHOOL 2011 COURSE FORM CLASS: NAME: 4th Grade Course Name ----- -------------- ------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------

Period One

Period Two

Period Three

Period Four

Period Five

Period Six


E114: Readers Theatre

Mr. Fearon

E152: Enrichment Band (Elementary School)

Mr. Remaly

E144: Sideway Stories-The Movie

Mr. Currie

E134: Grade 4 Kokugo: Syntactic Learning of Japanese Language

Ms. Kawahata

E150: Intensive Piano Class

Ms. Finch

E129: AJIS Challengers

Ms. Seo

E147: Selected Technology Applications for Upper Elementary Student Assignments and Projects

Mr. Lara

E122: Grade 4 & 5 Math

Mr. Fox

E143: iMovie Video Production & Editing

Mr. Currie

EM209: Percussion Methods

Mr. Remaly

E151: Elementary Handbell

Mr. Koike

EM204: Shodo & Japanese Culture

Ms. Endo

E135: Kokugo - Japanese Language Enrichment

Ms. Kawahata

E133: Grades 3&4 Kokugo

Mr. Yoshida

E121: Math—Hands, Heart and Mind

Mr. Currie

E146: Chess Club

Mr. Fearon

E111: Reading/Writing Adventure for Kids

Mr. Currie

EM206: Craft

Ms. Asano

EM201: Improving Oral Reading Fluency, Expression & Comprehension Skills Through Readers Theatre

Mr. Lara

E134: Grade 4 Kokugo - Syntactic Learning of Japanese Language

Ms. Kawahata

E142: Grades 3-5 Sports Club

Mr. Galles

E107: American Sign Language

Ms. Le

E123: Mathletics

Mr. Fearon

E128: Japanese Library

Ms. Seo

EM200: Integrated Cursive Writing

Mr. Gomez

EM205: Hair Braiding

Ms. Fuller

E145: Movie Making

Mr. Remaly

(Homeroom Teachers: Please return this Form to Mr. Sim)


Mr. Fearon

E152: Enrichment Band (Elementary School)

Mr. Remaly

Period One E144: Sideway Stories-The Movie

Period Two

Period Three

Period Four

Mr. Currie

EM202: Reading & Note-taking Strategies for Social Studies

Mr. Lara

EM208: Architectural Design

Ms. Asano

E150: Intensive Piano Class

Ms. Finch

EM203: Creative Writing

Mr. Fearon

E129: AJIS Challengers

Ms. Seo

E122: Grade 4 & 5 Math

Mr. Fox

E147: Selected Technology Applications for Upper Elementary Student Assignments and Projects

Mr. Lara

E143: iMovie Video Production & Editing

Mr. Currie

EM209: Percussion Methods

Mr. Remaly

E151: Elementary Handbell

Mr. Koike

EM204: Shodo & Japanese Culture

Ms. Endo

E146: Chess Club

Mr. Fearon

E135: Kokugo - Japanese Language Enrichment

Ms. Kawahata

EM206: Craft

Ms. Asano

E142: Grades 3-5 Sports Club

Mr. Galles

Period Five E136: Grade 5 Kokugo/Social Studies E137: Grade 5 Kokugo

Period Six


Ms. Sato Mr. Yoshida

EM201: Improving Oral Reading Fluency, Expression & Comprehension Skills Through Readers Theatre

Mr. Lara

EM205: Hair Braiding

Ms. Fuller

E128: Japanese Library

Ms. Seo

EM200: Integrated Cursive Writing

Mr. Gomez

EM207: Tennis for Beginners & Intermediate

Ms. Endo

E145: Movie Making

Mr. Remaly

E123: Mathletics

Mr. Fearon

(Homeroom Teachers: Please return this Form to Mr. Sim)

----- -------------- ------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------

5th Grade Course Name

SUMMER SCHOOL 2011 COURSE FORM CLASS: NAME: ----- -------------- ------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------

6th Grade Course Name Period One


M101: Basic Reading Skills

Mr. Meyer

M121: Composition With Garage Band

Ms. Finch

EM208: Architectural Design

Ms. Asano

EM202: Reading & Note-taking Strategies for Social Studies Mr. Lara

Period Two

Period Three

Period Four

Period Five

Period Six

M105: Math Course 2

Ms. Hsu

E129: AJIS Challengers

Ms. Seo

EM203: Creative Writing

Mr. Fearon

M117: Girl’s Team Sports

Mr. Galles

M106: Math Tactics on SSAT

Mr. Gaco

M112: Selected Technology Applications for Middle School Student Assignments and Projects

Mr. Lara

EM204: Shodo & Japanese Culture

Ms. Endo

EM209: Percussion Methods

Mr. Remaly

M110: Baseball

Mr. Meyer/Liss

M114: Sculpture/Print Making

Ms. Asano

M109: Grades 6-9 Kokugo/Social Studies

Ms. Sato

M102: Nature Reading & Writing

Mr. Meyer

M108: Problem Solving

Mr. Fox

M122: Summer Chorus Session

Ms. Finch

M118: Introduction to Band

Mr. Koike

M100: Basic Writing

Mr. Meyer

EM206: Craft

Ms. Asano

EM201: Improving Oral Reading Fluency, Expression & Comprehension Skills Through Readers Theatre

Mr. Lara

M120: Enrichment Band

Mr. Remaly

M107: Remedial Math

Mr. Gaco

M111: Science Enrichment

Mr. Liss

EM205: Hair Braiding

Ms. Fuller

EM207: Tennis for Beginners & Intermediate

Ms. Endo

EM200: Integrated Cursive Writing

Mr. Gomez

(Homeroom Teachers: Please return this Form to Mr. Sim)


Period One

Period Two

Period Three


M101: Basic Reading Skills

Mr. Meyer

M104: Language Arts Literature & Poetry Appreciation

Ms. Stanley

EM208: Architectural Design

Ms. Asano

M121: Composition With Garage Band

Ms. Finch

EM202: Reading & Note-taking Strategies for Social Studies

Mr. Lara

M106: Math Tactics on SSAT

Mr. Gaco

EM203: Creative Writing

Mr. Fearon

M117: Girl’s Team Sports

Mr. Galles

M103: Language Arts Skills

Ms. Stanley

M105: Math Course 2

Ms. Hsu

EM209: Percussion Methods

Mr. Remaly

EM204: Shodo & Japanese Culture

Ms. Endo

M112: Selected Technology Applications for Middle School Student Assignments and Projects

Mr. Lara

M110: Baseball

Mr. Meyer/Liss

M114: Sculpture/Print Making

Ms. Asano

M109: Grades 6-9 Kokugo/Social Studies

Ms. Sato

M102: Nature Reading & Writing

Mr. Meyer

M108: Problem Solving

Mr. Fox

M122: Summer Chorus Session

Ms. Finch

EM201: Improving Oral Reading Fluency, Expression & Comprehension Skills Through Readers Theatre

Mr. Lara

M100: Basic Writing

Mr. Meyer

M118: Introduction to Band

Mr. Koike

M116: Drama

Ms. Stanley

M107: Remedial Math

Mr. Gaco

M120: Enrichment Band

Mr. Remaly

EM207: Tennis for Beginners & Intermediate

Ms. Endo

EM205: Hair Braiding

Ms. Fuller

M111: Science Enrichment

Mr. Liss

M115: French is Fun!

Ms. Stanley

Period Four

Period Five

Period Six

(Homeroom Teachers: Please return this Form to Mr.Sim)

----- -------------- ------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------

7th Grade Course Name

SUMMER SCHOOL 2011 COURSE FORM NAME: CLASS: ----- -------------- ------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------

8th Grade Course Name

Period One

Period Two

Period Three

Period Four

Period Five

Period Six


EM202: Reading & Note-taking Strategies for Social Studies

Mr. Lara

M104: Language Arts Literature & Poetry Appreciation

Ms. Stanley

EM208: Architectural Design

Ms. Asano

M121: Composition With Garage Band

Ms. Finch

M106: Math Tactics on SSAT

Mr. Gaco

M103: Language Arts Skills

Ms. Stanley

M117: Girl’s Team Sports

Mr. Galles

EM203: Creative Writing

Mr. Fearon

EM204: Shodo & Japanese Culture

Ms. Endo

EM209: Percussion Methods

Mr. Remaly

M112: Selected Technology Applications for Middle School Student Assignments and Projects

Mr. Lara

M110: Baseball

Mr. Meyer/Liss

M114: Sculpture/Print Making

Ms. Asano

M102: Nature Reading & Writing

Mr. Meyer

M108: Problem Solving

Mr. Fox

M109: Grades 6-9 Kokugo/Social Studies

Ms. Sato

M122: Summer Chorus Session

Ms. Finch

EM201: Improving Oral Reading Fluency, Expression & Comprehension Skills Through Readers Theatre

Mr. Lara

M107: Remedial Math

Mr. Gaco

M118: Introduction to Band

Mr. Koike

M116: Drama

Ms. Stanley

M120: Enrichment Band

Mr. Remaly

EM207: Tennis for Beginners & Intermediate

Ms. Endo

M111: Science Enrichment

Mr. Liss

M115: French is Fun!

Ms. Stanley

EM205: Hair Braiding

Ms. Fuller

(Homeroom Teachers: Please return this Form to Mr. Sim)


Period One

Period Two

Period Three

Period Four

Period Five

Period Six


M104: Language Arts Literature & Poetry Appreciation

Ms. Stanley

EM208: Architectural Design

Ms. Asano

M121: Composition With Garage Band

Ms. Finch

EM202: Reading & Note-taking Strategies for Social Studies

Mr. Lara

M106: Math Tactics on SSAT

Mr. Gaco

EM203: Creative Writing

Mr. Fearon

M117: Girl’s Team Sports

Mr. Galles

M103: Language Arts Skills

Ms. Stanley

EM204: Shodo & Japanese Culture

Ms. Endo

M112: Selected Technology Applications for Middle School Student Assignments and Projects

Mr. Lara

M114: Sculpture/Print Making

Ms. Asano

M110: Baseball

Mr. Meyer/Liss

EM209: Percussion Methods

Mr. Remaly

M102: Nature Reading & Writing

Mr. Meyer

M109: Grades 6-9 Kokugo/Social Studies

Ms. Sato

M108: Problem Solving

Mr. Fox

M122: Summer Chorus Session

Ms. Finch

M116: Drama

Ms. Stanley

M120: Enrichment Band

Mr. Remaly

EM201: Improving Oral Reading Fluency, Expression & Comprehension Skills Through Readers Theatre

Mr. Lara

M118: Introduction to Band

Mr. Koike

EM207: Tennis for Beginners & Intermediate

Ms. Endo

M111: Science Enrichment

Mr. Liss

M115: French is Fun!

Ms. Stanley

EM205: Hair Braiding

Ms. Fuller

(Homeroom Teachers: Please return this Form to Mr. Sim)

----- -------------- ------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------

9th Grade Course Name

----- -------------- ------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------

SUMMER SCHOOL 2011 ENROLLMENT FORM (Please return this form to your child's Homeroom Teacher by Wednesday, May 4, 2011) Name of Student ______________________________________Class _______ PLEASE CHECK AS APPROPRIATE _____My child will be participating in the 2011 A-JIS Summer School Program If your child is participating in Summer School and riding the school bus and/ or participating in the Lunch Program, please check as appropriate. School Bus Yes ______ No _________ P.M. One-way ______(A.M. Both ways ______ School Lunch Yes ______


No _____

_____My child will NOT participate in the 2011 A-JIS Summer School Program FEE INFORMATION: Summer School Enrollment Fee School Bus Riders (New Riders) School Bus Riders (Regular Riders) Lunch

¥ 195,000 ¥20,000 (One way) ¥32,000 (Both ways) ¥10,000 (One Way) ¥16,000 (Both ways) ¥11,700

Payment due date: May 27, 2011

Parent's / Guardian's Signature _____________________________Date:__________ (Homeroom Teachers: Please return this form to Mr. Sim)

2011年度 2011年度 サマースクール 申込書 (2011年 年5月 月4日水曜日 日水曜日までに 日水曜日までに担任 までに担任にご 担任にご提出下 にご提出下さい 提出下さい。 さい。)

クラス ________ 該当する 該当する箇所 する箇所に 箇所にチェック( チェック(✔)下さい ____今年度のサマースクールに参加します。 今年度のサマースクールに参加します。 お子様がサマースクールの期間、スクールバスの利用や スクールランチの利用について、下記に印をお付け下さい。 スクールバスを スクールバスを利用します 利用します はい______いいえ


片道のみ ______ (午前______ 午後_____)往復 _______ ランチプログラムに ランチプログラムに参加します 参加します

はい______ いいえ


_____今年度のサマースクールに参加しません。 今年度のサマースクールに参加しません。 参加費: 参加費: サマースクール参加費 サマースクール参加費

195,000円 円

バス代 サマースクールのみ 円 (片) バス代 (サマースクール サマースクールのみ利用 のみ利用の 利用の生徒) 生徒 20,000円 32,000円 円 (往復) 往復) バス代 年間利用している バス代 (年間利用 年間利用している生徒 している生徒) 生徒

10,000円 円 (片道) 片道 16,000円 円(往復) 往復)

ランチ代 ランチ代

11,700円 円

_____雇用主へ提出する請求書をリクエストします。 支払い 年5月27日 日 支払い締切日: 締切日:2011年 保護者の 保護者の署名: 署名: _______________________日付 日付: 日付: ____________ (Homeroom Teachers: Please return this form to Mr. Sim)

----- -------------- ------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------

生徒氏名( 生徒氏名(ローマ字 ローマ字) _________________________

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