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LGL Reading Edge

Assessment-Driven, Differentiated Instruction

What Is It?

What Makes It Unique:

LGL Reading Edge is one online differentiated instructional product within the LGL Edge Series. LGL Reading Edge is a powerful web-based learning system designed to give older students the extra edge they need for reading success. Combining powerful online reading assessment with supplemental reading instruction, LGL Reading Edge offers secondary and adult students up to 50 levels of instruction in letter sounds, word decoding, sentence reading, and basic comprehension.

LGL Reading Edge uses high–interest, age-appropriate learning aids such as songs, videos, and games to engage secondary and adult students and keep them on task. LGL Reading Edge features a scoring system designed to encourage intrinsic motivation in students, rewarding them frequently with positive feedback as they move ahead. Teachers can monitor each student’s progress and repeat assessments to clearly show advances in learning.

How It Works Let’s Go Learn’s Diagnostic Online Reading Assessment (DORA) serves as the foundation for LGL Reading Edge. DORA diagnostically assesses students in seven subskills of reading, adapting to students as they respond to each question in the online program. Immediately after the assessment, students who qualify for instruction are automatically transitioned into powerful online reading lessons addressing only the skills that each student requires.

The LGL Edge Series doesn’t offer bland instruction and drill-and-kill practice, but instead provides exciting, interactive lessons, detailed step-by-step feedback on student practice, and a motivation system that encourages students to turn failure into success!

With the LGL Edge Series, students complete only the lessons they need without wasting time on materials they have already mastered. This is very important for secondary and adult students who are already struggling. Engaging passages and the fast pace of LGL Reading Edge keep students motivated and on track during lessons. Explicit instruction proceeds each reinforced activity.

Explicit instruction with integrated songs and melodies keeps students engaged and motivated. The gaming interface also keeps students on track to attain more points as they participate in lessons.

Real-time scoring allows students to get immediate feedback and encouragement. Students are motivated to reach “silver” and “gold” levels across 50 lessons. Sections can be reviewed in order to focus on areas of difficulty.

© 2010 Let’s Go Learn, Inc. All rights reserved. Let’s Go Learn, LGL, OAASIS, DORA Diagnostic Online Reading Assessment, DOMA Diagnostic Online Math Assessment, Unique Reader, Unique Reader Secondary, and LGL Edge are all registered trademarks of Let’s Go Learn, Inc.

Who Is It Useful For? LGL Reading Edge closely follows national and state content standards for the teaching of reading. The lessons in LGL Reading Edge have been tailored to help secondary and adult students overcome specific special needs such as dyslexia, auditory processing difficulties, learning disabilities, attention deficits, and behavioral issues. The step-by-step teaching of word decoding and phonological skills is designed to help students overcome deficiencies in the processing of text. LGL Reading Edge was designed to keep each student engaged and motivated throughout the course. Through the game format, pop music, a rapid pace, and competitive activities, the course takes hold of difficult-toteach students and keeps them on task through a rigorous course in reading.

Why LGL Reading Edge? • 50 focused lessons, targeting decoding, vocabulary and comprehension strategies development for middle and high school students as well as adult learners. • Targets a specific group of at-risk secondary students who have the profile of non-proficient decoding combined with low comprehension strategy abilities. • Highly engaging lessons that motivate students to succeed. • DORA assessment data ensures that teachers can individually plan for each student’s needs beyond LGL Reading Edge or any other Let’s Go Learn supplemental instruction. • Easy to use for teachers and students and 100% web accessible.

Choosing the Right Edge? LGL Reading Edge and LGL Comprehension Edge work together to target the two most common reading profiles of secondary to adult remedial readers. After students complete a DORA assessment, teachers or parents would place students into either LGL Reading Edge or LGL Comprehension Edge. DORA data will automatically be pulled at the commencement of the selected instruction to ensure that students are only given the lessons needed within either of the LGL Edge products.

An OAASISTM from Traditional Assessment

Engaging passages and the fast pace of LGL Reading Edge keep students motivated and on track during lessons. Explicit instruction proceeds each reinforced activity.

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Administrators and teachers who need relief from time and labor-intensive assessments now have a solution. OAASISTM, Let’s Go Learn’s Online Adaptive Assessment System for Individual Students, is a proprietary technology-based platform that simultaneously tests and reports on multiple skills while adapting to each learner’s individual ability in real time as a human would. OAASIS serves as the foundation for all Let’s Go Learn’s assessment and instructional solutions.

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