________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015
Introduction Faith is not exempt of reasoning and the construction that is respectfully intruduced, aims to congr茅gate harmonically diverse groups of people with the same belief being priority, the perception and individual and integral sensitivity of everyone. Conclusions of contemporary proposal The development of architectural design as well mentioned, has the iconography and symbolism applied to not only functional and aesthetic concept, we represent the superiority of God as a parishioners learning for the people, in which was sought and achieved creating a space for meditation and emotional and spiritual healing for the needer ones, and relaxation and peace to the believers in the divine faith of God Father and God Son. At the same time, seeks to be defined in front of the society as a whole that provides shelter on its solidity, before the attainable faith by the protector.
Background The present cathedral was not originally planned to make the functions cathedral, this coupled with the increase in population and urban development, makes it necessary to count on new enclosure for the worthy host this important religious building.
This project aims to make a proposal for architectural design that has a symbolism to religion and to the innovation of a contemporary space preserving the eclectic identity. The building chosen for this project is the New the Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Diocese of Celaya.
Mapa de los municipios que componen de la Di贸cesis de Celaya
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015
General description It has an area of 16,231.29 m², located at Axis Park Road Extension Street Bajio SN, corner Xochipilli Street, Colonia Del Parque in Celaya, Guanajuato.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015
Top view
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015
Objective: Design and development of an architectural and contemporary urban space that has an eclectic symbolism and identity, to the development of the cult of the Diocese of Celaya and other parishioners; with this the challenge for this project is the integration of architectural concepts that seek the simplicity of the way to reach the focus on God as king of all Heaven, keeping the ornaments and fundamental details of Catholicism.
Liturgic art: Keeping the simplicity of the spaces in terms of supersaturated ornamentation, it was achieved introducing the iconography in the different architectural spaces. The same as the shape the materials have sobriety and serenity to highlight project milestones. Below this symbolic element that is the cross of Christ, there is the altarpiece in simple and clean shapes of images, which represent the people in front of the faith of the cross, as an articulated reality of God's people. The window reports that Jesus went up to the mountain to meditate with Peter, John and James, where after meditate Moses and Elijah appeared under a bright light, getting Jesus this way his supreme power. The project consists of a main building solved from 10 structural areas which delimit interior spaces, and the same floor is repeated at a lower level as a basement, having direct communication between areas. The project is divided in two blocks, one of them bound to be a veneration enclosure, and the other block was chosen to be a sidewalk level parking. The parking spaces for older adults and people with disabilities vehicles are located at the main entrance of the distributer esplanade. The community service areas are located around the main building separated by walkways and garden
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015
It was decided to give importance and privacy to each space leaving a special enclosure to each one but causing a flow throughout the project through pedestrian walkways.
Private Zone At the bottom of the field, finishing the longitudinal axis of worship, service area with indoor and outdoor composed by download area, Cafeteria, staff parking area and funeral caroches area were projected; while inside specific areas were generated that allow the priests move between chapels, offices and viewing romos. The cross: made with wood profiles, expresses and symbolizes in its way the Calvary, symbolizing the resurrection of Jesus showing through this illumination divinity and supernatural power that owns the congregation. From the center of this facade can be appreciated the birth of a radiant light on the crystals, which is the center of life, dedication and love for Jesus, known as the Sacred Heart.
The Altar: It is the leading and it was consciously designed of the importance of the acoustic and the harmonic synchronization of the light and the sound. The Cross is the coordinator Guideline and for this purpose are installed specific lights to shine directly focusing the Beauty which is the splendor of divine truth.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015
Holy Chapel: Space for 100 people where there is a retable dedicated to the Holy Spirit, where can be appreciated a conceptual scene of Jesus represented on the cross receiving the Divinity and the supreme power of the Holy Spirit to share with believers. No edges in this space more than a wall that makes circumference to this place, represents the infinity of the union of faith with the worship space, so the light entering through these small holes, creates an atmosphere of holiness.
Chapel of St. John Paul II: This space has a capacity for 200 people where the retable frames a cross for the symbolical presence of Jesus in the space, made of wood which breaks its scheme to accommodate the San Juan Paul II iconography.
Stained Glass Window: takes shape in the central section of the temple where can be appreciated the portrayal of Jesus in the light of God's holiness in which was wrapped, to his sides are Moses and Elijah, who recognized him as the prophet, and God Father is at the highest point of Stained Glass; therefore at the bottom of them there are represented Peter, John and James who witnessed this fact and shared with other believers, located on the following windows.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015
Materials: They were defined according to specifications of each space, opting for cost-benefit, and integrating a symbolic space not only on its clean ornaments, but in the spiritual manifestation of sensations and perception of God and faith. Each material is analyzed to integrate not only the architectural beauty, but also to wrap a sacred space, for the proclamation of the word and the liturgic action, expressed in the spiritual aura that this site generates to approach God. Mainly clean, solid and emblematic materials of the region were used. One of the main materials surrounding the enclosure is the quarry, used from years ago as the main decoration material in the region for its strength and natural beauty. Mainly involves the walls of the central chapel and the Holy Chapel. The cleanness of ceramic floors for integration of the divine aura inside the enclosure is fundamental key. Green areas: The design of green areas is present in walkways, parking by means of garden plots that demarcate circulation as well as offer spaces for rest. To visually define service areas will be done by planting medium sized plants to improve the city's image. This project considers bioclimatic principles. The architectural volume is directed in consideration to the optimum use of natural light and ventilation.
Conclusions of contemporary proposal The development of architectural design as well mentioned, has the iconography and symbolism applied to a not only functional and aesthetic concept, but emotional for believers of the Catholic religion, as the churches entering represent fear for their neoclassical styles retables are over, we represent the superiority of God as a parishioners learning for the people, in which was sought and achieved create a space of meditation and emotional and spiritual healing for the needer ones and relaxation and peace for the people who believes in the divine faith of God the Father and God the Son. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015
Construction system It was sought emphasizing the structure by means of sequential angles from a harmonic and sequential game, which respects the symmetry to generate visual balance. The first two staples of the structure are put back marking leading of the porch. The structure is symmetrically distributed achieving a simple balance. Each material integrates architectural beauty, for the proclamation of the word expressed in the spiritual aura that this site generates to God’s approach.
Sustainable techniques The project allows the entry of air through hidden pipes that provide both levels, also having the ability to play with natural light in case it is pretended to avoid it or emphasize it in both spaces: inside and outside. Through the structure it is allowed a Venturi effect inside to exhaust stale air.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015
Furniture We start from the psychology as a functional necessity for the occupants, which represents inadvertently through its furniture, decoration and materials, the right atmosphere for religious activity achieving a spiritual connection between space and the supreme being. Based on the ideal Formation of the plant between the divine and the earthly, we get that spaces dedicated to worship and religious activity were integrated as the center of our plant. As the main inspiration for the design proposal of furniture, simplicity and solid line for an entertaining perception with the rest of the building was resumed, which promote simplicity that reflects the truth and authenticity, returning the principal role God.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Celaya, Guanajuato. Mexico. August / 2015