INTRODUCTION The responsibility to observe nature and fateful disasters show that world population was not aware of the deadly reaches of earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, avalanches, floods. In Mexico in the earthquakes of 1932, 1957 and 1985 it was observed that many buildings were destroyed. Emblematic buildings the same than housing. No one could imagine that the consequences of not providing protection and safety in buildings will cause so much pain. It is ethical and professional obligation to thank architects and engineers who preceded us their teachings and provide to this and future generation’s responsibility and analysis of the social and economic environment to forecast. HOW THE IDEA WAS BORN: We constantly seek improvements in society both in quality of life and in everyday situations, usually the most famous proposals are those that are related to a natural disaster. Disasters have no borders; this idea was born from the research and compilation of various natural disasters, and implementations that are being taken in addition to more common rescue tactics and processes around the world. THE WHY Average age young people who work in places with stringent security measures may be safe, but what happens with their families at home, older people or properties without evacuation rules as it is 70% of the buildings, which only have a simple emergency stair leaded to the outside street which in certain magnitudes of disasters are unfavorable. Some larger cabins are installed now in schools, industrial zones, kindergartens and nursing homes. But what happens with your loved ones at home? A large percentage of the population ensures their families and properties with annual and costly policies, which are only useful in the case of survival, backed by a ridiculous compensation out of our interest.
But‌ How to achieve a real security? Similar ideas exist in the market focused to a single region. The difference of this project is the easy adaptability to every environment in addition to the analysis of each specific circumstance in the world and its different form of rescue, in which improvements were observed and can be implemented both in security and anthropometry. INSPIRATION:
It is due to the frustration and inability of people who lost relatives by some catastrophe. Be responsible and ethical commits myself to offer options that allow people live calmer and better prepared to solve at the moment.
TEMPORARY RESCUE UNIT Cabin in case of tremors, earthquakes, floods, natural disasters, tsunami, fire or avalanches; safeguarding its occupier against mass of water, debris, flashes of electricity. Location GPS connected to a seismic alert in addition to backup system alert. Able to adapt to two positions depending on the strength of the outside sinister, padded to avoid injuries. The shape resembles to a capsule which in addition to distribute the impacts, it is anthropometrically suitable, has a found reinforcement, similar to an assembly that will prevent the concentration of the impact on a single point.
, Fire-resist Investigating the processes of rescue we facilitate the task of being found with different implementations regardless of weather situations, places and distances. The same capsule will register the conditions of what had happened and which actions to take depending on the type of disaster to opt for a continuous or intermittent use of the system It has food supplies, air purifier and an independent oxygen container, audible and optical alarm system,Backup batteries, Fire-resistant film
CHALLENGE The Government can accept and release the possibility of construction due to the history and consequences in the health sector. A Government spends more healing than protecting. The world is changing and changes force to propose possibilities for protection. The assembly of the capsule would be on a massive form and at affordable costs. The result is accepted if with this population is educated to its use. The disorderly construction where we see buildings of different ages and varied levels in earthquakes propitiate crisis. Protecting it is an individual right but also a general proposal. Advanced countries also develop medicinal research, appropriate technology. Also we must advance in the construction of protective measures. RESEARCH History books, periodicals, hospital records, news, testimonial videos, physical observation of the landslides, deficiency in regulations, observation of occupied materials